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Mayumi Abé1, Satoshi Maruyama2, Manabu Yamazaki1, Takanori Kobayashi2, Kamal Al-Eryani1,
Ahsan M. Shahidul1, Masayuki Tsuneki1, Mei Syafriadi1, Takashi Saku1, 2, Jun Cheng1
Division of Oral Pathology, Department of Tissue Regeneration and Reconstruction, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and
Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan
Oral Pathology Section, Department of Surgical Pathology, Niigata University Hospital, Niigata, Japan
Key words: atomic bomb, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, p53, salivary gland, Warthin
murine skin tumors (35-36). sections were incubated in 0.002% hydrogen peroxide in
However, it is unknown whether radiation-related methanol to block endogenous peroxidase activities. Then,
salivary gland tumors have p53 mutations. The aim of this the sections were further incubated with 5% skim milk/PBS
study was to investigate mutational conditions of the p53 for 1 hr at 37℃ to block non-specific protein binding.
gene in mucoepidermoid carcinomas and Warthin tumors,
which have been closely related to radiation, in order to Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
elucidate whether or not the developments of these two Total DNA was isolated from paraffin sections of
salivary tumors are dependent on the mutation of the p53 mucoepidermoid carcinomas, Warthin tumors and normal
gene. submandibular gland tissues using the phenol-chloroform
system. PCR was carried out in an Astec thermal cycler
PC-800 (Astec Co., Ltd., Fukuoka, Japan) as follows:
Materials and methods
reaction products of the reverse transcription were diluted
Surgical materials with 1× PCR buffer [50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5),
Thirty-seven surgical specimens of mucoepidermoid 0.01% Triton X-100] to a final volume of 50 μl, which
carcinoma were collected from the surgical pathology files contained 100 ng each of forward oligonucleotide primers
of the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, and reverse primers for exons 5-7 of p53, additional dNTPs
Niigata University (21 cases) and Nagasaki University (final concentration of 0.2 mM), and 2.5 units of Taq DNA
Hospital (16 cases) during a 34-year period from 1965 to polymerase (Takara Bio Inc., Otsu, Japan). The PCR primers
1998 without any selection procedures. The specimens from for human p53 exon 5 were designed as follows: the sense
Nagasaki included those of atomic bomb survivors, although primer was 5̓-GTTTC TTTGC TGCCG TGTTC-3̓
individual information about the bombing victims was not (12972-12991), and the antisense primer was 3̓-ACGGG
available due to personal information protection regulations. TCCCA GGGGT CCGGA-5̓ (13275-13294). Those for
Thirty-three specimens of Warthin tumor were collected exon 6 were 5̓-TGGTT GCCCA GGGTC CCCAG-3̓
from only the Niigata University files during the same (13271-13290, forward) and 3̓-ACCAA CAGTCA CCGGG
period. Surgical materials were fixed in 10% formalin and AGG-5̓ (13475-13493, reverse). Those for exon 7 were
routinely processed for embedding in paraffin. Serial 5̓-CTTGC CACAG GTCTC CCCAA-3̓ (13941-13960,
sections cut at 4 μm were stained with hematoxylin-eosin forward) and 3̓-CGGTG AACGG TGGGA CGTGT-5̓
(HE), and stained immunohistochemically with the antibody (14117-14136, reverse). The thermocycling protocol during
described below. The paraffin sections were also used for 35 amplification cycles after denaturation at 94℃ for 4 min
DNA extraction. For control studies, 5 surgical specimens of was as follows: denaturation at 94℃ for 1 min; annealing at
normal submandibular gland obtained in radical neck 60℃ (62℃, exon 5) for 1 min; extension at 72℃ for 1 min;
dissections were used in the same manner as described and termination with a final cycle which involved annealing
above. The experimental protocol for isolation and analyses (60℃ or 62℃, exon 5, for 1 min) and extension (72℃ for 7
of tumor cells was reviewed and approved by the Niigata min). An exponential amplification for p53 was confirmed in
University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences the 35 cycles. The amplified DNA fragments were analyzed
Ethical Board. by electrophoresis on 3% agarose gels (26).
and then the mixture was concentrated with vacuum directions of differentiation to mucous cells and squamous
desiccators. Then, 3 μl of samples for each lane were loaded epithelial cells. Their carcinoma cell nests also varied from
on a gel (7% Long Ranger (Nuseive FMC Bioproducts, solid to glandular or large-cystic with mucous contents.
Rocland, ME, USA)/6.1 M urea/1.2 × TBE buffer (10 mM Bizarre and hyperchromatic nuclei tended to be more often
Tris, 10 mM boric acid, and 2 mM EDTA)). The observed among squamous epithelial cells or mucous cells
electrophoresis was performed in a fluorescent DNA around cystic structures but not so frequently in regularly
sequencer (SQ-5500-S, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), and the aligned glandular cells and so-called intermediate cells with
sequencing data were analyzed by using the SQ-5500 clear cytoplasm. The stroma was partially hyaline, while
analysis software, ver. 3.03 (Hitachi) (2, 38). most of it was fibrous with a recognizable amount of
fibroblastic stromal cells (Fig. 1a). Immunohistochemically,
Statistical analysis positive staining for P53 was obtained in most of the cases
Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher̓s exact examined. The reaction products were restricted to tumor
test for the incidental difference of p53 mutational events in cell nuclei. In particular, atypical nuclei showed stronger
mucoepidermoid carcinomas between Nagasaki and Niigata staining intensities. However, extremely bizarre nuclei did
patients. A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered not show positive reactions for P53 (Fig.1b). All of the
statistically significant. examined cases showed the same tendency.
The histology of Warthin tumors was characterized by
glandular structures composed of a two-cell layer of
eosinophilic ductal cells with oncocytic appearances and a
Immunohistochemistry dense lymphocytic stroma scattering lymphoid follicles. The
In mucoepidermoid carcinomas, differentiation of glandular structures were often distended with serous
carcinoma cells varied among cases, showing two major contents with lines of tumor cells infolded in a complicated
a b
311 323 Fig. 2. PCR-products for p53 gene,
249 exons 5, 6 and 7 in mucoepidermoid
223 carcinoma. (left) Exon 5, 323-bp,
200 196
200 (middle) exon 6, 223-bp, (right)
151 exon 7, 196-bp. Left lanes in each
column, molecular weight stan
dards. PCR products of three exons
were successfully obtained from
DNA samples extracted from
paraffin sections of formalin-fixed
surgical materials.
manner, resulting in their papillary appearance (Fig. 1c). were applied for sequenase reactions and sequencing
Immunohistochemically, tumor cells did not show any procedures. The results from mucoepidermoid carcinoma
discernible staining for P53. Stromal lymphoid cells were samples are summarized in Table 1. In exon 5, two point
not positive, either (Fig. 1d). mutations were found. They were CAA CTG → CAG GTG
The results indicated that p53 gene products were over- at codons 136-137 and CAG → TAG at codon 144. These
expressed in mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells but not in mutations led to changes in the amino acid sequence from
Warthin tumor cells. This demonstrated that there seemed to Gln-Leu to Gln-Val and Gln to a stop codon, respectively.
be a significant difference in P53 turnover between benign The replacement of C with T at codon 144 was not always
and malignant tumors. caused by complete deletion of C but by double small peaks
of C and T, indicating a heterogeneous mutation at this point.
PCR and sequencing The incidence of the former was 2.7% among 37 cases and
Based on the histological evidence that over-expression that of the latter was 10.8%. There were no mutational
of p53 gene products took place in mucoepidermoid events in exon 6. In exon 7, three point mutations were
carcinomas, we carried out PCR amplification of the p53 revealed from mucoepidermoid carcinoma samples. They
gene fragments from genomic DNA extracts of paraffin were ATC → AGC at codon 232, TAC → TGC or CAC at
sections which were serial to those used for immuno codon 234, and TCC TGC → CC TGC AGT at codon
histochemistry. Five to twenty sections, depending on the 241-242. When translated into amino acids, they should
size, were dewaxed and extracted in a plastic tube. Total have altered from Ile to Ser (3.2%), from Tyr to Cys or His
DNA yields averaged about 16 μg per tube. Under the PCR (6.5%), and from Ser-Cys to nonsense sequences starting
condition described in Materials and Methods, exons 5 to 7 with Pro-Ala (3.2%). The replacement of A with G at codon
were successfully amplified as shown in electrophoresis 234 was not always caused by complete deletion of A,
images of Fig. 2. Single clear bands with molecular masses indicating a heterogeneous mutation at this point. All of
of 323 bp, 223 bp, and 196 bp were obtained for exons 5, 6, these mutations were severe enough to affect their translation
and 7, respectively (Fig. 2). into amino acids. However, their incidence among mucoepi
For direct sequencing of the PCR products, they were dermoid carcinomas was not conspicuous. In addition, these
further purified with GFX PCR DNA and Gel Band mutations were not always C → T and CC → TT transitions,
Purification Kits. The purified DNA samples of exons 5 to 7 which were considered to be UV radiation specific (34, 36).
In Warthin tumors, two point mutations were found from between the two areas.
exon 5. They were located in codons 143 and 151. In the
latter, CCC was changed to CCT or CCA. In the former,
GTG was altered to GTC or GTA, and their incidences were
equally 87% of 33 cases. The replacement of G with C at In the present study, the over-expression of p53 gene
codon 143 was not always caused by complete deletion of G products was only obvious in tumor cells of mucoepidermoid
but by the presence of a small G peak, indicating that the carcinoma but not in those of Warthin tumor. This result was
mutation was heterogeneous. Similar to mucoepidermoid not surprising, because the over-expression of p53 has been
carcinomas, there was no exon 6 mutation in Warthin reported to be specific to lesions with cellular proliferation
tumors. In exon 7, there was a highly coincidental (80%) or malignancy (18-25). The over-expression of P53 in
mutation at codon 229, in which TGT (Cys) was replaced mucoepidermoid carcinomas has been well documented
with AGT (Ser) or GGT (Gly). Since the replacement of T with its frequencies ranging from 53% to 67% (25, 28,
with G at codon 229 was associated with incomplete deletion 30-31), while the sequencing data of the p53 gene have been
of T, the mutations were regarded as heterogeneous. rather limited, showing some sporadic point mutations (27,
Although the coincidence of these point mutations was quite 29, 32-33). In physiological conditions, p53 gene products
high, two of the three did not lead to any change in the amino are degraded soon after they are targeted to nuclei (39),
acid sequence. The results from Warthin tumor samples are hence, it is usually hard to detect P53 within a cell by
summarized in Table 2. conventional immunohistochemical methods. The intensive
Mutational events of p53 gene in mucoepidermoid staining for P53 within nuclei of mucoepidermoid carcinoma
carcinoma cases revealed as above were compared between cells thus indicates that the cells produced too much protein
patients from Niigata and Nagasaki, because the cases from in comparison to those degraded by its lyases, which were
Nagasaki should have included those from atomic bomb within normal levels of expression. Another possible
survivors. Since personal information about atomic bomb explanation is that the over-expressed P53 are mutant forms
radiation doses was unfortunately not obtained, the which are resistant to proteolytic cleavages. Thus, it was
comparison itself was not always worth performing. expected that we would analyze the p53 gene for mutations
However, as shown in Table 3, all of the mutations in exon 5 in mucoepidermoid carcinoma specimens with enhanced
were found in 4 patients from Nagasaki only. The mutations expression of its gene products, although it was uncertain
in exon 7 were found in 2 patients from Nagasaki and 1 from whether the over-expressed p53 was functional in G1 arrest
Niigata. The incidence of these point mutations was only of the cell cycling as well as apoptotic pathways (40).
8-10% of the cases, so it was unlikely that p53 mutations There have been no documents in the literature describing
played key roles in the pathogenesis of mucoepidermoid mutational events of the p53 gene in Warthin tumor. In the
carcinoma. However, when patients from Nagasaki and present study, however, we found p53 mutational points in
Niigata were compared, the incidence of mutational events Warthin tumor cases which were highly shared among the
in exon 5 of the p53 gene was significantly higher (P<0.05) sample group, although those point mutations did not affect
in patients from Nagasaki compared to those from Niigata. the amino acid translation so much, indicating that they were
In regard to exon 7, no significant difference was demonstrated just genetic polymorphisms. As shown in the sequencing
profiles, the mutations were not always homogenous but paid attention to the translocation t(11;19)(q21;p13), which
were heterogeneous in many of the instances. The clinical had been found in mucoepidermoid carcinoma and rarely in
features of Warthin tumors are quite different from those of Warthin tumor, as well (50). However, recently, Fehr et al
other types of salivary gland tumor. They often show have demonstrated that this translocation was not significant
bilaterally synchronous as well as metachronous development in the pathogenesis of Warthin tumors (51). Further
or unilateral multiple developments (41). These develop investigations on the detailed molecular basis for genetic
mental characteristics indicate some background of reactive instability are necessary for a better understanding of the
histogenesis, including delayed hypersensitivity or inflam molecular basis of radiation-induced tumorigenesis shared
mation in Warthin tumors (14, 42). The present data indicate by mucoepidermoid carcinoma and Warthin tumor.
a possibility that immunological or inflammatory stimuli The frequency and the severity of the p53 mutations in
tend to be associated with some intrinsic background such as mucoepidermoid carcinomas were not so high, although
p53 gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of Warthin they were greater than those in Warthin tumor. However,
tumor. their incidence in mucoepidermoid carcinoma among the
Together with Warthin tumors, mucoepidermoid patients from Nagasaki, which contained atomic bomb
carcinomas have been shown to be related to radiation in survivors, was higher than that of the patients from Niigata.
their pathogenesis (14-15). Therefore, these two tumors Unfortunately, it was not possible to collate those mutations
were simply expected to share certain common gene with the radiation doses among the patients from Nagasaki
mutational backgrounds caused by radiation. However, in in the present study. However, the present data suggest that a
contrast to the Warthin tumor data of silent mutations, all of history of irradiation predisposes p53 gene mutations. A
the point mutations in mucoepidermoid carcinoma cases number of studies have dealt with the relationship between
were missense, leading to changes in the amino acid p53 mutations and ultraviolet radiation-induced tumorigenesis
sequence of P53, but each of their frequencies was much of experimental murine skin tumors (35-36, 52) and human
lower than those found in Warthin tumors. The present cancers (34, 53). Although the p53 gene mutations in exons
results clearly showed that there was neither a common 5-7 did not seem to be important in the pathogeneses of
feature of genetic mutation between the two tumors nor mucoepidermoid carcinoma and Warthin tumor in the
UV-radiation specific mutations such as C → T and CC → present study, the definite enhancement of P53 expression in
TT transitions (34, 35), as far as exons 5-7 were concerned. mucoepidermoid carcinoma indicates at least a metabolic
In addition, the result that obviously atypical mucoepidermoid disturbance of p53 gene products in mucoepidermoid
carcinoma cells were not always immunopositive for P53 carcinoma cells. It is therefore suggested that some delayed
was noted. This may have been due to the mutated amino gene mutations caused by radiation took place somewhere in
acid sequences of the P53 NH2-terminal region, which could the upstream of p53 cascades, which stimulates over-
not be recognized by the antibody, Bp53-11 (43). expression of P53, although it still remains unknown
Different from the myelogenous or thyroid neoplasms whether the over-expressed P53 participate in the carcino
that atomic bomb survivors suffered from soon after the genesis of mucoepidermoid carcinomas.
Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings (5) or the Chernobyl accident
(44), direct and severe gene mutations after high dose
radiation exposure have not been considered to be causative
of salivary mucoepidermoid carcinomas and Warthin tumors. The authors are grateful to Dr. Hideo Miyazaki, Niigata
Our previous studies showed that these tumors developed University, for his valuable suggestion to our statistical
after long intervals since irradiation by the atomic bombs, study. They also thank Dr. Nobuo Tsuda, Nagasaki University
although their occurrences were highly dependent on the Hospital, for supplying the paraffin blocks of mucoepider
radiation doses of the patients (14-15). These two tumors are moid carcinoma. This work was supported in part by
hence typical but rare examples of human diseases caused Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society
by delayed gene alterations due to radiation-induced genetic for the Promotion of Science and from the Ministry of
instability (45-46). It is unknown whether the molecular Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
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