Conduit Wiring: Section I. Rigid Conduit Uses and Advantages

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FM 5-424


Conduit Wiring
Conduit wiring provides mechanical protection and electrical safety to persons
and property and provides convenient and accessible ducts for the conductor.
A well-designed electrical raceway system has adequate capacity for future
expansion and is readily adaptable to changing conditions.

Section I. Rigid Conduit


Black-enamel or galvanized rigid metal con- provides additional damage protection. Its
duit is approved for use under most condi- capacity facilitates carrying more conduc-
tions and in most locations. Metal conduit tors in one run than in any other system,
and fittings that are protected from corro- and its rigidity permits installation with
sion by enamel may only be used indoors fewer supports than the other types of wir-
and in areas that are not subject to severe ing systems. Moreover, the size of conduit
corrosion. Although rigid conduit is gener- used in the system's installation usually
ally the most expensive type of wiring provides for the addition of several more
installation, its inherent strength permits conductors in the conduit when additional
installation without running boards and circuits and outlets are required in the run.

Though the materials used in rigid conduit inches. Larger sizes (up to 6 inches) are avail-
wiring have been outlined in detail in Chap- able for special use in certain commercial
ter 2, the following discussion will review and factory installations.
the advantages of these standard materials
Though conduit is made in dimensions simi-
as well as their limitations.
lar to water pipe, it differs from water pipe in
Rigid conduit (Figure 5-1, page 5-2) has the a number of ways. It is softer than water pipe
same size designations as water pipe. Con- and thus can be bent fairly easily. In addi-
duit smaller than 1/2 inch can only be used in tion, the inner surface is smooth to prevent
finished buildings where extensions are to damage to wires being pulled through it, and
be made under plaster. In these installations, the finish is rust-resistant. Black-enamel
5/16-inch conduit or tubing is permitted. The conduit is used for dry and indoor installa-
size of conduit is determined by the inside tions, and galvanized conduit is used in out-
diameter. For example, 1/2-inch conduit has side installations to provide moisture
an inside diameter of approximately 1/2 inch. protection for the conductors. For wiring
installations in corrosive atmospheres, alu-
Standard conduit sizes used in interior wir-
minum, copper-alloy, or plastic-jacketed con-
ing are 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 2, and 2 1/2
duit is available.

Conduit Wiring 5-1

FM 5-424

CONDUCTORS locations must have threaded hubs into which

Rubber-covered, insulated Types R and RH the conduit is screwed.
wire are used with conduit in most interior
wiring installations; but thermoplastic, DEVICES
insulated Types T and TW are gaining favor The devices used to install conduit are all
because of their superior insulating charac- box-mounted units and are covered in Chap-
teristics. Underground or wet installations ter 2.
require the insertion of lead-covered cables
in galvanized conduit for permanent protec- ACCESSORIES
tion. Threaded Couplings. Threaded couplings
are furnished with each length of rigid con-
The conduit straps described in Chapter 2
are preferred for use when mounting con- Threadless Couplings. Rigid conduit may
duit in interior wiring systems. Rigid con- be installed using threadless couplings if
duit should be supported on spacings as they are installed tightly.
shown in Table B-17, page B-17. Elbows. Standard conduit elbows are man-
ufactured for use where 90-degree bends are
FITTINGS required.
The two types of fittings are the standard,
ordinary-size outlet box and the small junc-
tion or pull boxes called condulets. The stan-
dard outlet-box fittings are classified as
Type F and are normally used in exposed
installations to house receptacles or
switches where a high quality of installation Steel conduit pipe
is desired. Condulets (Figure 5-1) provide
intermediate points in long conduit runs for
the pull-through of wire or provide junctions
for several concealed installations where
they will not be accessible. They are classi-
fied by the manufacturers as follows:
• Service entrance, Type SE.
• Elbow or turn fittings, Type L.
• Through fittings, Type C.
• Through fittings with 90-degree take-off,
Outlet box
Type T. Conduit


Steel or cast-iron outlet boxes are used in
rigid-conduit installations. Boxes are nor- Bushing
mally supplied with knockouts that are Locknut
removable for inserting conduit. Bushings Bushing
and locknuts are provided for attaching the Dead-end conduit in outlet box
conduit to the boxes as shown in Figure 5-1.
Boxes that are used in wet or hazardous

Figure 5-1. Rigid conduit and fittings

5-2 Conduit Wiring

FM 5-424

Conduit Unions. Conduit unions are conduit run. By using unions, conduit may
installed to permit the opening of a conduit be started from two outlets and joined
at any point without sawing or breaking the together at any convenient place in the run.

MAKING BENDS tools are not available, you can make bends
Bends in rigid conduit must be made with- using the lever advantage between two fixed
out collapsing the conduit wall or reducing posts or building members.
the internal diameter of the conduit at the
The following procedure (illustrated in
bend. Electricians make most bends as an
Figure 5-2) is one method of making a right-
integral part of the installation procedure.
angle bend in a length of 1/2-inch conduit. If
These are called field bends. The radius of
you are making a 90-degree bend in a length
the curve on the inner edge of any field bend
of conduit at a distance of 20 inches from
must be at least six times the internal diam-
one end, you must—
eter of the conduit for rubber-, braid-, or
thermoplastic-covered conductors and at • Mark off 20 inches from the end of the
least 10 times the internal diameter of the conduit.
conduit for lead-covered conductors. Table • Place the hickey 2 inches in front of the
B-18, page B-17, shows the minimum radii 20-inch mark and bend the conduit
for field bends. A maximum of four quarter about 25 degrees.
bends can be placed in a conduit run
between two openings. Moreover, a 10-foot • Move the bender to the 20-inch mark
length of conduit should have no more than and bring the bend up to 45 degrees.
three quarter bends. • Move the bender 1 inch behind the 20-
Factory-made bends are available as an inch mark and bring the conduit up to 70
option rather than bending conduit on the degrees.
job. However, these bends are not commonly • Move the bender back 2 inches behind
used because of the increased costs inherent the 20-inch mark and bring the bend up
in the additional cutting and threading that to 90 degrees.
is required and the additional couplings
that must be used. You can make conduit bends more accu-
rately if you use chalk to draw the contour
Conduit up to and including 3/4 inch is usu- of the bend on the floor, and then match the
ally bent with a hand conduit bender called bend in the pipe with the chalk diagram as
a hickey as shown in Figure 5-2, page 5-4. you form the bend. You will usually use a
This hickey can be slipped over the conduit. hydraulic bender to bend conduit in excess
Conduit-bending forms are also available as of 1 inch.
built-in units of pipe-vise stands. If these

Conduit Wiring 5-3

FM 5-424

Factory-made Handle Bend

head for hickey


Steps in making a
90 ° bend

Offset bend

30 ° Place
6” 30 ° your


30 °
30 ° 3”

Figure 5-2. Bending rigid conduit

5-4 Conduit Wiring

FM 5-424


You can use a hacksaw or a standard pipe Conduit should be run as straight and direct
cutter to cut conduit. When using a hand as possible. When you are installing a
hacksaw, hold the conduit in a vise and keep number of conduits parallel and adjacent to
the cut at right angles to the length of the each other in exposed multiple-conduit runs,
pipe. If a large amount of conduit is being you should erect them simultaneously
cut, a power hacksaw is recommended. Even instead of installing one line and then
though you may use pipe cutters, which are another. You can use straps or hangers to
standard equipment, a hacksaw is recom- support conduit installed on building sur-
mended for electrical conduit cutting faces.
because considerable time is required to
Wood Surfaces. Use nails or wood screws to
remove the burr left in the inside of a pipe
secure the straps.
by a pipe cutter. Always use cutting oil when
cutting pipe. Brick or Concrete Surfaces. Drill holes with
a star or carbide drill, install expansion
REAMING CONDUIT anchors, and secure the straps to the surface
Regardless of the cutting method used, a with machine screws.
sharp edge always remains inside the con-
Tile or Other Hollow Material. Secure the
duit after cutting. Before installing the con-
straps with toggle bolts.
duit, remove this edge with a pipe reamer or
a file to avoid conductor damage. This pro- Metal Surfaces. Drill holes, tap into the
cess is called reaming. metal, and secure the straps with machine
Since the outside and inside diameters of Provide an adequate number of supports
rigid conduit are the same as those of gas, according to Table B-17, page B-17. Cut the
water, or steam pipes, the standard thread conduit between boxes (called a conduit run)
forms, threading tools, and dies are used. to the proper length, thread it, ream it, and
Normally, the smaller sizes of pipe are then bend it to suit the building contours.
threaded with dies that cut a thread for Attach the conduit-run ends to the boxes. In
every turn of the die. For larger sizes (1 1/2 a concealed installation, you may notch the
inches and over), you will generally use a building members sufficiently to allow plac-
ratchet-type cutter. Motor-driven, pipe- ing the conduit behind the wall surface, but
threading machines are also available for avoid undue weakening of the structure.
large installations and when threading a
considerable amount of conduit. As a good
When the boxes are of threaded-hub con-
practice, you should examine each piece of
struction, screw the conduit ends into the
threaded conduit before installation for—
box hubs and connect the conduit runs at
• Foreign matter inside the pipe. Remove midpoint with a coupling. If the boxes are of
this material to prevent conductor dam- knockout-type construction, use the follow-
age. ing installation steps:
• Thread condition. Mishandling, extrane- Step 1. Place the boxes loosely in the
ous paint, or dirt may require the con- required position on studs and joists.
duit to be rethreaded before installation.
Step 2. Screw a bowed locknut, with the
Always use cutting oil when threading
teeth of the locknut adjacent to the box, onto
the threads at the run ends of the conduit.
Step 3. Insert the conduit ends into the
knockout openings.

Conduit Wiring 5-5

FM 5-424

Step 4. Screw the bushings tightly onto the For efficient and safe operation, wire pulling
conduit ends in the boxes. (Bushings have is generally a two-man procedure. One
smooth surfaces on their inside diameter to electrician pulls the conductors through the
ensure damage-free conductor installation.) conduit, while the other feeds the conduc-
tors into the conduit. In this operation, take
Step 5. Tighten the locknuts against the
care in feeding and pulling the wires so that
boxes so that the teeth will dig into the
they maintain their same relative position
metal sides of the boxes. You can do this by
in the conduit throughout the run length,
driving a drive punch against one of the
thus avoiding insulation injury. For ease of
locknut lugs and forcing the locknut to move
operation, you may rub a wire lubricant,
on the threaded conduit against the box.
such as powdered soapstone, on the conduc-
Step 6. Fasten the box securely to the build- tors or blow the lubricant into the conduit.
ing after you have made all the box connec- In intricate runs, you may perform wire
tions. pulling in sections between boxes. This pro-
cedure requires a large amount of additional
PULLING WIRE splicing to be made in the boxes and
When installing boxes and conduit runs, pull requires that you take more time in wiring.
the conductor wires into the conduit. For The preferred practice in wire pulling is to
short runs with few wires, you can pair con- pull the conductors from the source through
ductors and push them through the conduit to the last box in the conductor run. Make
run from box to box. When the conduit run loops that extend about 8 inches from the
has several bends and more than two con- box openings for each conductor that is to be
ductors, you must use a fish tape to pull wire. tapped or connected to a device in the box. If
After baring the conductor ends of insulation, conductors are not to be tapped, pull them
connect them to the fish tape. Tape the conduc- directly through the box to their connection.
tor junction to the fish tape to preclude damag-
ing the conduit interior and existing USING SPLICES
conductors in the conduit. Taping also Wire splices in conduit installations are not
compacts and strengthens the joint to ensure under tension; therefore, you can use a
easier pulling. (See Figure 5-3.) simple pigtail splice that is carefully made
to obtain a good electrical joint. Do not make

Bare copper wire

Fish wire

Attachment of stranded conductor to fishing line

Serving of friction tape

Insulated wires
Fish wire

Attachment taped over

Figure 5-3. Attachment of fish wire

5-6 Conduit Wiring

FM 5-424

any wire splices that will be concealed in the conduit and could easily be a source of elec-
conduit runs. This requirement is necessary trical failure.
because splices reduce the pulling area in a

LAYOUT the ends of the wire insulation may be
Follow the directions and procedures in painted to obtain proper color coding when
Chapter 3 for layout and circuiting of the colored insulation is not available. They
devices in a conduit installation. The avail- may also be identified by the use of wire
ability of different sizes of conduit, along code markers.
with their varying conductor capacities,
makes the wiring installation for conduit CONDUIT CAPACITY
somewhat different from that of the open or Cable wiring, described in Chapter 4, is nor-
cable type. For example, where cable instal- mally limited to two or three standard combi-
lation requires several runs in a particular nations of wire sizes. Conduit, however, has
location, a conduit installation would use a the capacity to accommodate several conduc-
single conduit with multiple conductors. tors in one run. Table B-19, page B-18, lists
Consequently, conduit layouts and runs the maximum number of conductors of a cer-
should be planned to use the minimum tain gauge that can be inserted in the vari-
amount of conduit possible and also to keep ous sizes of conduit used in interior wiring.
the conductor runs to each outlet short For example, the table shows that six No 14
enough to maintain a low voltage drop. wires would require the installation of a 3/4-
inch conduit run. In many installations, it is
CONDUCTOR CONNECTION necessary to use more than one wire size in a
No exceptions to the standard color coding conduit run. In such cases, the conductors
of wires, as outlined in the other systems, cannot have a combined or cross-sectional
are permitted in conduit wiring. All load uti- area equal to more than the allowable per-
lization devices (fixtures and receptacles) cent of cross-sectional area of conduit as
operating at line-to-neutral voltage in a shown in Table B-20, page B-18.
grounded neutral system must be connected
Table B-21, page B-19, lists the percent of
to both a white and a black (or substitute
conduit cross-sectional area in square inches
color) wire. The white wire is always the
available for conductor use. For example, if
grounded neutral wire. Black wires are the
three No 10, Type R, and four No 8, Type R,
hot leads that are fused and connected to
conductors are to be inserted in a conduit,
the switch when controlling power to a lamp
their combined cross-sectional area obtained
holder or an outlet. Red, blue, and orange
from Table B-22, page B-19, is 0.4420 square
insulated wires can be used as substitutes
inch (3 x 0.0460 + 4 x 0.0760). The proper size
for black wire when wire combinations are
of conduit for this installation is 1 1/4 inches
combined in a conduit or a circuit. Never
per Table B-21. You can find this by first
connect the white wire to a black or substi-
looking for the total area in column 7. You
tute-color wire. You must not fuse or switch
will see that 0.4420 lies between 0.34 square
the white wire except in a multipole device
inch (for 1-inch conduit) and 0.60 square
that opens all conductors of the circuit simul-
inch (for 1 1/4-inch conduit). The 1-inch con-
taneously. A green insulated conductor
duit is too small, so you would use the 1 1/4-
denotes a wire used to provide an auxiliary
inch size.
equipment ground. As an expedient measure,

Conduit Wiring 5-7

FM 5-424

CIRCUIT WIRING be heated by the induced current. This

A fundamental law of electricity generation would result in considerable power loss. In
can be restated for wiring purposes as follows: an AC system, both wires of a circuit are
When a conductor carrying current changes encased in a single conduit, thereby causing
position or the current reverses direction in the induced current of each to balance and
the conductor, it induces a current in an iron cancel each other. To eliminate any possibil-
or steel conduit carrying the conductor. Con- ity of induced heating of iron or steel con-
sequently, if this conductor was isolated in duit, both wires of a circuit must travel in
an iron or steel conduit, the conduit would the same conduit.


A standard conduit installation has enough When adding a new load to an existing
flexibility to accommodate a normal increase building with conduit wiring and the circuit
in circuit load even if an increase in circuit analysis indicates the need for a new circuit,
amperage is required. For example, a 1/2-inch you can often use the existing conduit to
conduit in a standard conduit wiring instal- carry the new circuit most of its distance.
lation generally carries two No 14 conduc- Install the new circuit by pulling in an addi-
tors, which have a 15-ampere capacity. From tional wire (red) from the circuit-breaker
Table B-19, page B-18, you can see that the panel to the existing outlet and then adding
1/2-inch conduit can also accommodate two the required outlet box beyond this location.
No 12 conductors, which have a 20-ampere The new load is connected to the additional
capacity. Consequently, if you are increasing circuit. Use Table B-19 to determine
the load in an existing circuit, you can use whether the existing conduit can accommo-
two No 12 wires to replace the No 14 wire. date an additional wire. The installation of
When you have replaced all the wires in the the additional outlet box and conduit should
circuit, you can safely increase the amper- conform to the rules and practices outlined
age for the fuse or circuit breaker in the cen- previously. In this type of installation, use a
tral fuse panel for the circuit from 15 to 20 common grounded-neutral wire.
amperes to accommodate the additional

Section II. Thin-Wall Conduit


Electrical metallic tubing (EMT), commonly systems, it ranks behind rigid conduit but
called thin-wall conduit, is a metallic tubing ahead of the other types of wiring when con-
that can be used for exposed or concealed sidering the quality and durability of the
electrical installations. Its use should be installation. For this reason and because of
confined to dry interior locations because it the decreased cost in materials and labor, it
has a very thin plating that does not protect is most generally specified for home-build-
it from rusting when exposed to the ele- ing construction. Install it in the same man-
ments or humid conditions. It is less expen- ner as rigid conduit except use pressure-
sive than rigid conduit and much easier to type couplings and connectors instead of
install. The process of bending requires less threaded units.
effort, and the ends do not have to be
threaded. In comparison to the other wiring

5-8 Conduit Wiring

FM 5-424

CONDUIT AND FITTINGS and are secured to the conduit by an

Thin-wall conduit is more easily installed impinger tool, which pinches a circular
than rigid conduit. This conduit, as its name indentation in the fittings to hold them
implies, has a thinner wall than rigid con- firmly against the conduit. Others have
duit but has the same interior diameter and threaded bushings that are tightened to
cross-sectional area. It is available in sizes force the tapered sleeve firmly against the
from 3/8 to 2 inches. Use the 3/8-inch size tubing.
only for under-plaster extensions. The
inside surface is enameled to protect the CONDUCTORS
wire insulation and minimize friction when The same type, capacity, and maximum
pulling wire. All couplings and connections number of conductors per size of conduit
to boxes are threadless and are of clamp or previously given in Tables B-17 through B-
compression type. Figure 5-4 shows thin- 21, pages B-17 through B-19, for rigid conduit
wall conduit and the fittings commonly also apply to thin-wall installations.
used. Some fittings are similar to sleeves

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Figure 5-4. Thin-wall conduit and fittings

Conduit Wiring 5-9

FM 5-424

Use extreme care when bending metallic that you can use to check the depths of offset
tubing to avoid kinking the pipe or reducing bends.
its inside area. When using thermoplastic-
covered conductors, the radius of the curve OPERATION
of the inner edge of any field bend must be at When making a 90-degree bend, place the
least six times the internal diameter of the conduit on a level surface and hook the end
tubing. When using lead-covered conductors, of the proper-size tube bender under the
it must be at least 10 times the interior diame- conduit's stub end. Using a steady and con-
ter of the tubing. Table B-18, page B-17, tinuous force, firmly hold the conduit and
shows the minimum radii for field bends. bender (with the bending groove over the
conduit), push down on the handle, and step
CONSTRUCTION on the footstep to bend the conduit to the
The thin-wall conduit bender (Figure 5-5) desired angle. To make a 45-degree bend in
has a cast-steel head that is attached to a this manner, move the bending tool until the
steel pipe handle that is approximately 4 handle is vertical. For accurately bending
feet long. It is used in the field to form thin- conduit stubs, place the bender at a prede-
wall conduit into standard and offset bends. termined distance from the end of the con-
Benders are made for each size of conduit; duit. This distance is equal to the required
therefore, use them only on those sizes for stub dimension minus an amount commonly
which they are designed. Each size bends called a take-up height. The take-up height
the conduit to the recommended safe radius. is based on a constant allowance determined
Use the projection on the head of the bender, by the bending radii for various-size con-
sometimes called a foot step, to steady the duit. The take-up height is 5 inches for 1/2-
bender in operation and reduce the pressure inch conduit, 6 inches for 3/4-inch conduit,
required on the handle. The numbers cast and 8 inches for 1-inch conduit.
on the bender shaft are inch measurements

Lip or hook
18” stub

Bender arrow



Figure 5-5. Thin-wall conduit bender

5-10 Conduit Wiring

FM 5-424

You may cut thin-wall conduit with a hack-
saw or a special thin-wall cutter. As with DANGER
rigid conduit, you should also ream the
Avoid loosening the conduit from
sharp edge in thin-wall tubing after cutting
to prevent premature wire damage. Exposed
the fittings because it could cause
thin-wall conduit is supported in a similar a loose connection, a short circuit,
manner and with the same type of supports or an electrical fire at the point of
used with rigid conduit. Since there is no wire and conduit contact. A
positive link between the couplings, box mechan-ically loose conduit joint
connectors, and thin-wall conduit, ensure will not maintain the ground
that each conduit joint is electrically and continuity required in all electrical
mechanically secure. Insert all conduit ends wiring installation. This could also
into the fittings until they touch the inner create an operating hazard for
limiting edges. Then, firmly tighten the fit- Army personnel.
tings so that they securely grip the conduit

Section III. Flexible Conduit

Flexible metal conduit, generally called deteriorative effect on the wire insulation.
Greenfield, resembles armored cable in This metal conduit has a thermoplastic
appearance but is more adaptable than cable outer-sheath covering similar to that used
because various sizes and numbers of wires on Type T wire, the characteristics and uses
can be pulled into it after it is installed. You of which are detailed in Table B-2, pages B-2
may use plastic-covered Greenfield when the through B-4. Figure 5-6, page 5-12, shows
internal conductors are exposed to oil, gaso- flexible conduit and the various fittings
line, or other materials that have a available.

Flexible conduit installation is similar to separate grounding wire along with the cir-
that for thin-wall conduit except that Green- cuit conductors.
field must be supported more frequently. Its
prohibitive cost limits its use to connections BENDING AND SUPPORTING
between rigid wiring systems and movable Despite its flexibility, runs of flexible con-
or vibrating equipment such as motors or duit between boxes and fittings must not
fans. It may also be installed where the con- bend more than the equivalent of four quar-
struction requires a conduit bend that is dif- ter turns. This conduit must be supported
ficult or impossible to make. with a conduit strap within 12 inches of
every box or fitting and at intervals no
GROUNDING longer than 4 1/2 feet.
Because of restrictions, you must ground
most flexible conduit systems by running a

Conduit Wiring 5-11

FM 5-424

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Figure 5-6. Flexible conduit and fittings

Section IV. Nonmetallic Conduit

Many types of nonmetallic conduit are avail- try to substitute PVC irrigation pipe for
able, but schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride schedule 40 PVC conduit; look for the insig-
(PVC) is the one most electricians use. It is a nia of an electrical materials testing labora-
rigid, heavy-walled, flame-retardant, heat- tory. You can use nonmetallic conduit with
and sunlight-resistant conduit. It may be metal or nonmetallic boxes, but the
used in wet or dry locations, in walls, in ceil- nonmetallic boxes are not the same as those
ings, and above or below the ground. Do not used with Type NMC cable.

Nonmetallic conduit does not constitute a separate grounding wire with the circuit
grounded system, so you must run a conductors.

5-12 Conduit Wiring

FM 5-424

After cutting PVC, trim the ends inside and edges that might damage conductor insula-
out with a pocketknife to remove any rough tion.

Bends in PVC are made by heating the con- your runs so that no piece of conduit
duit in a special infrared heater until it is between fittings bends more than the equiv-
soft. Do not try to heat PVC with a torch alent of four quarter turns.
because you will char the conduit. Design

PVC comes in 10-foot lengths, each one with cement. Male and female adapters are avail-
a coupling. Glue the conduit together with able for transitions to other types of conduit
gray conduit cement; do not use water-pipe and for box connections.

Conduit Wiring 5-13

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