5 +PLCC+for+400kV
5 +PLCC+for+400kV
5 +PLCC+for+400kV
1.1 All the PLCC equipment covered under the package shall conform to the
requirements of the latest edition of the relevant IEC/IS Specifications or
equivalent National Standards,
3. Location of Equipment
3.1 The PLCC Equipment and Line traps as specified shall be installed at the respec-
tive ends of the transmission lines. The Contractor shall be responsible for
coordinating the equipment supplied by him with the already existing carrier
equipment at the respective sub-stations. Contractor shall also be responsible for
collecting all the necessary information/data from the respective sub-
stations/concerned State Electricity Boards for the installation of the equipment.
4. Frequency Planning
4.1 For planning frequency and output power of carrier terminals Bidders may plan
for a minimum receive signal to noise ratio of 25 dB for the speech channels
without companders. The noise power in 2.1 kHz band (300-2400 Hz) may be
taken as -13 dBm referred to the coupling point of the H.T. line. An additional
minus two and a half dB may be assumed for psophometric factor. As far as
coupling loss (phase to phase) is concerned the Bidders may assume the same as
6dB at one coupling end for evaluating SNR. For protection channels the
minimum SNR shall not be less than 15 dB under adverse weather. A safety
margin of 9 dB shall be taken over and above these SNR values in order to cater
for variations in line attenuation from the computed value as inhand reserve.
Frequency and output power of PLC terminals for protection shall be planned
such that the protection signal is received with full reliability even when one of
the phase is earthed or is on open circuit on the line side causing an additional
minimum loss of 6 dB.
The Bidder shall indicate the noise power in the bandwidth used for protection
signaling and shall submit the SNR calculations for speech as well as protection
channels on all the line section given in at the proposed frequencies. Sample
calculations for SNR requirement and power allocation over different channels
Page 1 of 23
must be furnished along with the bid. Maximum permissible line attenuation shall be
clearly brought out in these calculations. Further, Bidder shall submit details of
frequency planning done (including computer studies carried out and facilities
available) for PLCC links on EHV lines in the past in the relevant schedule of
DRS. Bidder must enclose one copy of computer study result done in the past
along with the Bid.
4.2 Successful Bidder shall be fully responsible for the coordination required with
concerned State Electricity Boards for finalising the frequency plan.
4.3 The frequency plan will be referred to wireless Adviser/DOP Department for
clearance and in case any change in the Contractor’s recommended carrier
frequency and power output is proposed by these authorities, the Contractor shall
have to modify his proposal accordingly. Change of power output shall, however,
not involve repeater stations.
5. Proposed Arrangement
5.1 The power line carrier communication equipment required by the HVPN is to
provide primarily efficient, secure and reliable information link for carrier aided
distance protection and direct tripping of remote-end breaker and also for speech
communication between 400/220 kV sub-stations. It shall include separate carrier
terminals of multipurpose type for speech and protection purposes. All carrier
terminals including those for protection shall be suitable for point to point speech
communication also.
5.2 For security reasons each 400/220kV transmission line shall be protected by
Main-I and Main-II protections as given below :
132kV transmission lines shall have Main I protection same as above along with
backup overcurrent and earth fault protections.
5.3 The requirement of carrier information on each link covered under this
specification is as below :
a) One protection channel for Main-I and another for Main-II distance
protection schemes. In case of 220 KV/132 KV lines ,speech and data
channel can also be used for protection wherever possible.
b) One speech channel with a facility to superimpose telex and data signals.
Page 2 of 23
c) One main and one back-up protection channel for direct circuit breaker
inter-tripping for 400kV lines.
5.4 The equipment for protection signals shall have high degree of reliability and
speed. It shall be guaranteed to function reliably in the presence of noise impulse
caused by isolator or breaker operation. The equipment shall be suitable for direct
tripping of remote end breaker for fault in unswitched 400 kV Shunt Reactor &
Operation of Buchholz relays of reactor etc. It shall also be possible to effect
direct tripping of breaker at one end when the other end breaker opens out either
manually or by relays such as Bus fault relay etc.
5.5 The time intervals between receipt of a trip command on the transmit side, its
transmission over the carrier link, reception at the far end and giving command to
the trip relays at the distant end shall not exceed 20 mS. for permissive
intertripping and 30 m sec. for direct inter-tripping even for the longest line
section. The above timings are inclusive of operating time for auxiliary relays
and interposing relays, if any, included in the PLCC equipment.
5.6 The requirement of protection signaling channel is such that security against
incorrect signals being received shall be at least two to three orders higher than
reliability against a signal not being received.
5.7 For reasons of security and reliability, phase to phase coupling for 400 kV S/C ,
D/C & 220kV S/C lines. Inter-circuit coupling shall be used for 220/132kV D/C
lines and phase to ground coupling shall be used for 132 KV S/C lines . Double
differential coupling shall also be considered for double circuit lines. Bidders
must furnish detailed write-up on methods of coupling and recommend suitable
coupling mode for double-circuit lines along-with the bids. Coupling mode shall,
however, be fully confirmed by Contractor after conducting detailed computer
study taking into account the transpositions of 400 kV lines for optimum coupling
mode over these line sections. The coupling arrangement shall be fully optimised
by the Contractor after conducting detailed study of every line section
individually, taking into account the temperature variations, transpositions, earth
resistivity, conductor configuration, carrier channels requirements, security and
reliability criteria and other relevant details. The line attenuation shall be calcu-
lated for complete range of frequencies. The earth resistivity data, existing
frequency networks and other relevant details of each line will be furnished to the
Contractor for carrying out the computer studies and frequency planning. The
Contractor shall complete the computer studies wherever required and submit the
frequency plan and optimum coupling details within a period of one month from
the date of receipt of above data.
Page 3 of 23
The transmission tower configuration and conductor details shall be forwarded
after the award to enable the contractor to make his own computer study
assessment of the carrier path based on wave propagation over transposed lines
with each transposition point acting as “Modal Converter”.
5.9 The parameters of the equipment quoted shall be such that the mode of wave
propagation on 400 kV power line (with transpositions indicated) shall not impose
any limitation on the efficient and reliable performance of information link from
protection or communication point of view.
5.10 The Contractor shall have to check and prove through the results of his computer
studies that attenuation due to transpositions in the EHV lines is within limits and
the offered equipment will perform satisfactorily.
5.11 The Bidder shall submit curves illustrating ‘incorrect tripping’ and “Failure to
trip” probability plotted against corona noise level, in the presence of impulse
noise due to switching of isolator and circuit breaker etc. Details of field tests and
laboratory tests for successful operation of his equipment, under such adverse
conditions shall be furnished by the Bidder. These are to be related to end-to-end
signaling and shall take into account the type of communication link e.g. account
shall be taken of transpositions in the phase to phase coupled H.T. line. Details of
field tests and laboratory tests for successful operation of the equipment under the
above circumstances shall be submitted by the Bidder illustrating the above
6.1 Line trap shall be broad band tuned for its entire carrier frequency range.
Resistive component of impedance of the line trap within its carrier frequency
blocking range shall not be less than 450 ohms for 400 kV system and 570 ohms for
220kV and 132 kV systems..
6.2 Line trap shall be provided with a protective device in the form of surge arrestors
which shall be designed and arranged such that neither significant alteration in its
protective function nor physical damage shall result from either temperature rise or
the magnetic field of the main coil at continuous rated current or rated short time
current. The protective device shall neither enter into operation nor remain in
operation, following transient actuation by the power frequency voltage
developed across the line trap by the rated short time current.
The lightning arrestor shall be station class current limiting active gap type. Its
rated discharge current shall be 10 kA. Coordination, however, shall be done by
taking 20 kA at 8/20 micro-sec. discharge current into account. Bidder has to
furnish full justification in case the use of gap-less metal oxide arrestor is
recommended by them.
Page 4 of 23
6.3 The lightning arrestor provided with the line trap of each rating shall fully comply
with the requirements of IS:3070 Part-I/IEC-99-I Part-I. It shall conform to type
tests as applicable and type test certificate for the same shall be submitted by the
6.4 The lightning arrestor provided with the line trap shall be subject to routine and
acceptance tests as per IEC-99-1 (Part-I).
6.5 The line trap on 400 kV lines shall show no visual corona discharge at a voltage
of 320 KV (rms) power frequency falling voltage. Suitable corona rings may be
incorporated in the line trap. Radio interference voltage for 420/245/132 kV shall
not exceed 500 micro volts at 280/163/97 kV (rms) respectively.
6.7 Line trap shall conform to IEC 353 (latest) fulfilling all the technical
requirements. The rated short time current for 1 Second shall be 40 kA and mH.
rating shall be 0.5 or 1.0 mH depending on frequency plan.
6.8 The Bidder shall indicate continuous current rating of the line trap at 65 deg. C
6.9 Reports for the following type tests on each type of shall be submitted as per
Annexure-’A’ .
6.10 The Bidder must enclose with his bid the reports of type and routine tests
conducted on similar equipment earlier as per IEC-353.
6.11 Welding
Page 5 of 23
All the welding included in the manufacture of line traps shall be performed by
personnel and procedure qualified in accordance with ASME-IX and all the
critical welds shall be subject to NDT as applicable.
6.12.1 The Line Trap shall be suitable for outdoor pedestal mounting and shall be
mechanically strong enough to withstand the stresses due to maximum wind
pressure of 260 kg/square meter.
6.12.2 For pedestal mounting, each line trap shall be mounted on a tripod structure
formed by three insulator stacks arranged in a triangular form. All the accessories
and hardware, mounting stool including bolts for fixing the line trap on insulators
shall be of non-magnetic material and shall be supplied by the Contractor.
6.13.1 The line traps shall be suitable for connecting to 4" IPS Aluminium tube or 3"
IPS Al. tube or ACSR single/twin bundle conductor with horizontal or vertical
take off. Necessary connector shall be supplied by the Contractor.
6.13.4 Clamps and connectors shall be designed corona controlled. Visual Corona
extinction voltage shall not be less than 320 kV (rms) for 420 kV and all nuts and
bolts shall be suitably shrouded.
6.13.5 Radio interference Voltage for 420/245/132 kV shall not exceed 500 microvolts
at 280/163/97 kV (rms) respectively.
6.13.6 Clamps/connectors shall be designed for the same current ratings as line trap and
temperature rise shall not exceed 35 deg. C over 50 deg. C ambient. No current
carrying part shall be less than 10 mm thick.
6.13.7 Clamps/connectors shall conform to type test as per IS:5561. Type Test reports
shall also be submitted for following additional type tests :
Page 6 of 23
a) Visual Corona Extinction Test
6.13.8 Bidders are required to submit alongwith their bid typical drawings clearly
indicating the above mentioned features of the line traps, line trap mounting
arrangement and terminal connectors. For suspension mounted line traps, Bidder
shall submit drawings showing single point as well as multipoint (normally 3
point) suspension arrangements.
7.1 The coupling devices shall be interposed between the capacitor voltage
transformer and coaxial line to the PLC transmitter/receiver, and in conjunction
with the capacitor voltage transformer shall ensure :
7.2 The coupling device, in conjunction with the CVT shall from an electric filter of
band pass type :
c) Power frequency currents derived by the CVT may be drained to the earth
by a separate inductance termed drain coil of suitable rating.
d) Voltage surges coming from the power line at the terminals of the
coupling device shall be limited by a non-linear surge arrestor of suitable
rating in the primary side. Requirement of a gas type voltage arrestor in
secondary side of the coupling device shall have to be fully justified, but
in any case the input circuit of PLC. equipment shall have protective
devices in the form of zener diodes and surge suppressers.
The surge arrester shall have power frequency spark over voltage
coordinated with the equipment ahead of it.
Page 7 of 23
e) For direct and efficient earthing of its primary terminals, the coupling
device shall be equipped with an earthing switch. The Earth Switch shall be
available for earthing of CVT-HT terminals, when the coupling filter units
are removed from circuit for maintenance/ replacement. The design shall
take due regard of requirements for safety in accordance with the Indian
Electricity Rules.
7.3 Two numbers ‘phase to earth’ type coupling filters shall be used to achieve
‘phase to phase’/ ‘inter-circuit coupling’. Connection between secondaries of the
two phase to earth type coupling device shall be through a balancing
transformer/hybrid such that reliable communication shall be ensured even when
one of the coupled phase is earthed or open circuited on the line side.
7.4 Coupling device shall conform to IEC-481 and shall have the following carrier
frequency characteristics as applicable to a phase to earth type coupling device:
7.5 The coupling device shall be suitable for outdoor mounting. Temperature of
metallic equipment mounted outdoor is expected to rise upto 65 deg. C during the
maximum ambient temperature of 50 deg. C specified. The equipment offered by
the Bidder shall operate satis- factorily under these conditions.
7.6 The H.T. Terminal of coupling device shall be connected to H.F. Terminal of the
CVT by means of 6 mm sq. copper wire with suitable lugs & taped with 11 kV
insulation by the contractor.
7.7 Coupling device shall have at least two terminals for carrier equipment
connection. Bidder shall confirm that such a parallel connection to coupling
device directly will not result in any additional attenuation.
Page 8 of 23
7.8 The coupling device including the drainage coil, surge arrester and earthing
switch shall conform to type tests and shall be subject to routine tests as per IEC-
ii) Turns ratio test and insulation tests on the balancing transformer.
iii) Milli volt drop test, power frequency voltage test and mechanical
operation test on earthing switch.
iv) Power frequency spark over test for lightning arrester as per relevant
7.9 Reports for the following type tests on coupling device shall be submitted as per
Annexure-’A’ .
5)Tests on Arrestors
Bidder shall furnish, alongwith his bid copies of all type and routine test
conducted earlier on similar coupling device in accordance with relevant
8.1 High frequency cable shall connect the coupling device installed in the switchyard
to the PLC terminal installed indoor.
8.2 The cable shall be steel armoured and its outer covering shall be protected against
attack by termites. Bidder shall offer his comments on method employed by him for
earthing of screen and submit full justification for the same with due regard to safety
Page 9 of 23
Bidder must enclose in his bid a detailed construction drawing of the cable being
offered, with mechanical and electrical parameters.
8.3 Impedance of the cable shall be such as to match the impedance of the PLC
terminal on one side and to that of the coupling device on the other side over the
entire carrier frequency range of 40-500 kHz.
8.4 Conductor resistance of cable shall not exceed 16 ohms per Km at 20°C.
8.5 The cable shall be designed to withstand test voltage of 4 kV between conductor
and outer sheath for one minute.
8.6 Bidder shall specify attenuation per Km of the cable at various carrier frequencies
in the range of 40 to 500 kHz. The typical attenuation figures for H.F. cable shall be
in the range of 1 to 5 dB/km in the frequency range of 40-500 kHz.
8.7 The H.F. cable shall conform to type tests and be subjected to routine tests as per
IEC: 96-2/ BS: 2316/ IS: 5802.
8.8 All HF cables within the scope of this specification shall be laid and termination
shall be carried out by the Contractor.
8.9 The cables shall be supplied wound on drums containing nominal length of 500
meters each. However, exact requirement of drum lengths shall be finalised
during detailed engineering to avoid joint in HF cable and its wastage.
9.1 As already indicated the information link shall be provided for speech, protection,
telex and data services.
9.2 PLC terminal shall use Amplitude Modulation and shall have single side band
transmission mode. These shall be equipped for fixed frequency duplex working.
Characteristic input and output parameters of the SSB PLC terminals shall be as
per IEC-495, unless otherwise specified.
Page 10 of 23
c) Nominal carrier frequency 4.0 kHz
band in either direction of
9.4 All the PLC terminals shall be of multipurpose type. The Bidder shall confirm
that the total transmission time for teleprotection shall not exceed 20 ms for
permissive and 30 ms for direct tripping signals. Speech and teleprotection
channels shall independently fulfill the SNR requirements out of the power
allocated to its channel from the total power of the PLC terminals.
Detailed calculation for SNR requirement and power allocation over different
channels should be furnished alongwith the bid.
9.5 In the input circuit of the PLC terminal protective devices shall be provided in the
form of zener diodes or surge suppressers in order to eliminate any surge transfer
through the coupling device or the surge induced in the connecting path of H.F.
9.6 To improve voice transmission characteristics for the system, compressors and
expanders shall be provided. The companders shall have at least 2:1 compression
ratio with a corresponding expansion ratio of 1:2. The operating range of
compander shall be compatible with the audio power levels specified for 4 wire
Page 11 of 23
operation. The improvement gained by companders shall however not be taken
into account for power allocation and shall be in-hand reserve.
9.7 Sudden changes in input level to the receiver shall not cause false tripping. The
Bidder shall clearly indicate in his offer the methods adopted to ensure above
phenomenon. The receiver design shall also provide protection against false
tripping from random noise.
9.9 The PLC set shall be designed to give guaranteed performance from 0 deg. C to
50 deg. C ambient temperature. The thermal capability of the equipment shall be so
designed that the equipment remains operational successfully upto 60 deg. C
ambient temperature. Any ventilation fans provided for circulation of air inside the
cabinets shall conform to relevant Indian Standards.
9.10 The terminals shall be provided with built-in indicating instrument to facilitate
checking of important voltages and current values and signal levels in different
parts of the PLC Terminals. Protection fuses shall be provided in all important
circuits and fuses shall be so mounted as allow their easy inspection and
replacement. All test points shall be easily accessible.
The carrier set shall be provided with suitable supervision and alarm facilities.
Individual parts of the carrier set should be accessible from front, making it
possible to place the carrier cabinets side-by-side. All components and parts of the
carrier set shall be suitably tropicalised.
9.11 PLC terminals shall be housed in floor mounting sheet metal cabinets, suitable for
mounting on concrete plinth as well as channel frame by means of nuts and bolts or
welding. The cabinets shall be properly cleaned and spray painted with two coats
of synthetic enamel paint. Exterior of the cabinets shall be painted with smoke-
glossy finish. Interior of the cabinets shall be painted with white enamel paint with
glossy finish. All the panels shall be properly earthed to the HVPN’s earthing grid
by the Contractor. Contractor shall submit detailed drawings for earthing
9.12 All the panels shall be protected against moisture ingress and corrosion during
storage. Panels shall be properly dried before they are installed and energized.
Bidder shall indicate measures adopted to prevent ingress of moisture during
Page 12 of 23
9.13 All cabinets having PLC terminals shall be provided with lamps of sufficient
wattage for interior illumination with switch. Each panel shall be provided with
240 V AC single phase socket with switch to accept 5 & 15A standard Indian
9.14 A name plate shall be provided on the front door of each cabinet indicating
channel function, transmitter frequency and direction etc.
9.15 Reports for the following type tests for PLC Terminals shall be submitted as per
Annexure-’A’ .
Tests to determine various characteristics of PLC terminals as per IEC -495.
a)Voltage variation
c)Frequency accuracy
f)Harmonic distortion
g) Selectivity
i)Return loss,Afinputs/Outputs
j)Balance to ground
k)Limiter action
l)Spurious emission
n)Attenuation distortion
Page 13 of 23
r)Conducted noise
t)Speech levels
v)Insulation test
All solid state equipment shall be burn-in for minimum of 120 hours
continuously under operation condition. During the last 48 hours of testing, the
ambient temperature of the test chamber shall be 50°C. Each PLC panel shall be
complete with all associated sub-systems and the same shall be in operation
during the above test. During the last 48 hours of the above test, the temperature
inside the panel shall be monitored with all the doors closed. The temperature of the
panel interior shall not exceed 65°C.
10.1 PLC equipment offered shall provide telephone communication between the
stations where the transmission lines are terminating. The equipment shall be
suitable for providing the following facilities :
b) The equipment shall contain all normal facilities like ring back tone, dial
tone, engage tone & priority tone, and suitable pulses to establish and
disconnect communication between subscribers.
c) The equipment shall be provided with necessary alarm circuits and fuses
d) The equipment shall be of 4 kHz bandwidth on either direction and be
suitable for providing superimposed data and teleprinter facilities at a later
date without major modifications and high cost. The Bidder shall clearly
indicate in his bid the provision made in his proposal for future
Page 14 of 23
development and the extent to which such additional facilities can be
added at a later date.
g) All the carrier telephone conversations shall be secret and it should not be
possible for anybody to over hear the conversation going on between any
two parties excepting those provided with over-riding facilities.
h) The necessary cables for connecting all the telephone instruments ordered
for at each sub-station (including wiring and termination) shall be
provided by the Contractor. These telephone instruments shall be located
within control room building at respective sub-station.
i) The cabinets housing the equipment for EPAX, four wire E/M interface &
remote subscriber units (four wire) shall have mounting arrangement
similar to that for PLC terminals.
j) All the terminals for speech shall be supplied fully wired for addition of
VFTs and transit filters in future.
l) Terminals for protection shall be suitable for speech between two ends of
each transmission line or on tandem operation basis with back to back
connection at the intermediate stations.
Page 15 of 23
such instrument shall be equipped with a buzzer and ‘press-to-call’ key
and shall not require any additional power supply units.
10.2.1 The 24 line Electronic Private Automatic Exchange (EPAX) wherever specified
shall be connected to minimum six trunk routes thorough PLCC channels (speech
panel) with Four-wire E/M’ interface unit. This 4-wire interface unit either shall
form an integral part of the ‘EPAX’ system or be suitable for mounting/housing in
the carrier panel. The exchange will have its own ringing current and tone
generator etc. The exchange shall be suitable for working on 48 V DC Power
Supply (positive pole earthed).
The exchange shall be fully automatic, solid state, and of modular construction
and shall have multiple switching routes (minimum 4-routes).
10.2.2 ‘EPAX’ shall also be provided with two (2) additional interface units and operate
exclusively with HVPN’s leased subscriber lines, of Department of
Telecommunication (DOT) and compatible with 2 wire full duplex, voice grade
mode of operation.
The details of communication protocol, for interfacing of the ‘DOT’ leased lines,
shall be coordinated by the Contractor, with the licensing authority (DOT).
10.3 Remote End Four Wire ‘E/M’ Interface & Subscriber Unit or Equivalent
EPAX (4x4)
10.3.1 The remote end four wire ‘E/M’ interface & subscriber units, wherever specified,
shall be of electronic type and be suitable for working on fixed frequency power
line carrier systems with E & M signaling. This shall be housed in the carrier set
and be fully wired to the power line carrier terminal equipment.
10.3.2 This unit shall receive and register various signals, on PLCC Channels, from
remote end exchanges or other remote end subscriber units and associated four
wire interface unit.
10.3.3 The four wire interface unit shall be equipped for routing transit calls and shall be
supplied pre-wired to handle calls for minimum eight directions, in a form
suitable for transmission over PLCC.
10.3.4 The bidder shall also indicate the total number of trunk-line capacity, available
with each four-wire interface unit.
The unit shall be suitable for connecting two-wire telephone sets. Further, the
associated telephone cables for locating two subscriber lines, within the control
room is in the scope of this specification.
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10.4 Network Protection Equipment (Protection Coupler)
10.4.1 The Bidder shall offer voice frequency transmission equipment which shall work
on frequency shift or coded signal principle for transmission/reception of
protection signals as single purpose channel. The equipment shall be suitable for
connection to the power line carrier terminal.
10.4.2 The voice frequency transmission equipment shall not only be insensitive to
corona noise but shall also remain unaffected by impulse type noise which are
generated by electrical discharge and by the opening and closing of circuit
breakers, isolators, earthing switches etc. The equipment shall also be made
immune to a field strength of 10V/m expected to be caused by portable radio
transmitters in the range of 20-1000 MHz. In his offer, bidder shall clearly explain
as to what measures have been taken to make the equipment insensitive to corona
noise, white noise and to impulse noise of an amplitude larger than the wanted
signal and submit full field test and laboratory test reports. The guarantee on
design data shall not be acceptable.
10.4.3 The equipment shall be unaffected by spurious tripping signals. The Bidder shall
submit proof as to how this is achieved satisfactorily.
10.4.4 The equipment shall be suitable for transmission of direct and permissive trip
signal as well as blocking signals for protective gear of power system. The
equipment shall be operated in the audio frequency range in speech band or
above speech band as superimposed channel in 4 kHz band of SSB carrier. The
equipment shall operate with full duplex frequency shift mode of operation or by
switching between two frequencies in case of coded signals . The protection
signaling equipment shall be of solid state design, modular in construction and
have a proven operating record in similar application over EHV systems. Details
regarding application of the equipment over 400kV/220kV systems shall be
submitted along with the bid. Each protection signaling equipment shall provide:
10.4.5 The equipment shall be designed for remote tripping/ blocking on permissive
basis and direct tripping for reactor fault and others. The overall time of PLC,
VFT and transmission path for permissive trip/blocking shall be 20 m. Sec. or less
and for direct tripping 30 m. Sec. or less even for the longest line section.
Operating time lower than specified above may be preferred provided they fulfill
the requirements of security and reliability as mentioned below :
False - trip probability 10-5
Page 17 of 23
(Noise burst of any amplitude)
10.4.6 It may be emphasized that specified time, as mentioned above is composed of the
following :
a) Transmit side
Contact Rating:
b) Receive Side
Contact Rating:
c) Alarm
10.4.8 The Contractor shall submit drawings showing inter-connection between PLCC
and protection panels for approval by the HVPN.
10.4.9 It has to be ensured that under no circumstances protection channel should share
the power. Each protection channel shall be able to transmit power for which
system is designed. For example, a 40 W PLC terminal shall transmit 40 Watt
(max.) for protection channel alone in the event of fault. Speech and super-
imposed data channels, in the same protection terminal must get disconnected
momentarily during the operation of protection channels.
10.4.10 The equipment shall be constructed such that in permissive line protection system,
operational reliability of the protection channel may be checked over the carrier
link by means of a loop test. It shall be possible to carry out the above test from
either end of the carrier link. During healthy condition of the transmission line,
the loop test shall not initiate a tripping command. In the event of a system fault,
while loop test is in progress, protection signal shall over-ride the test signal.
10.4.11 The equipment shall be complete with built in counters for counting the number
of trip commands sent and number of trip commands received.
10.4.12 Reports for the following tests as per Annexure-’A’ shall be submitted for
approval for protection coupler and the relays associated with PLCC equipment
for network protection signaling equipment and interface unit with protective
relay units if any :
1)Protection coupler ( As per IEC 60834 -1)
Page 19 of 23
a)Power supply variation
c)Reflected noise
d)Reverse polarity
f)Transmission time
h)Alarm functiond
j)Insulation test.
2. Relays.
Page 20 of 23
11. Mandatory Testing & Maintenance Equipment
Print testing kit for PLCC terminal, E/M interface & subscriber unit, Protection
coupler & EPAX —
2. Nose pliers
3. Cutting pliers
4. Ordinary Pliers
5. Adjustable wrench
b) 35 Watts - 1 No
c) 10 watts - 1 No.
8. Print extender
9. Print puller
12. Large selection of plugs, jacks & pistol probes compatible with equipment
Page 21 of 23
15. Test oscillator/tone generator with indicating meters - either built in or
1. Composite loss and return loss on coupling device using dummy load.
5. If end to end return loss for optimum coupling mode is not satisfactory,
same shall be measured for other coupling modes also.
7. AF frequency response (end to end) for the entire 4 kHz Bandwidth for
speech and teleoperation channels.
11. Observation of Tx/Rx levels (test-tone) for each channel at both ends by
sequential switching on/off parallel channels using dummy load and also
with the transmission line.
Page 22 of 23
12. Observation of end to end and trunk dialing performance.
1. All measurements for link attenuation, composite loss and return loss shall
be carried out for the entire range of carrier frequencies with specific
attention to the frequencies.
3. Necessary test instruments required for all the above tests shall be brought
by commissioning engineers of the contractor.
Page 23 of 23
The reports for all type tests and additional type tests as per technical
specification shall be furnished by the Contractor alongwith equipment
/material drawings. The type tests conducted earlier should have
either been conducted in accredited laboratory (accredited based on
ISO / IEC Guide 25 / 17025 or EN 45001 by the national accredition
body of the country where laboratory is located ) or witnessed by the
representative(s) of HVPNL or Utility. The test reports
submitted shall be of the tests conducted within last 5 (five) years
prior to the date of bid opening. In case the test reports are of the
test conducted earlier than 5 (five) years prior to the date of bid
opening, the contractor shall repeat these test(s) at no extra cost to the
In the event of any discrepancy in the test reports i.e. any test report
not acceptable due to any design / manufacturing changes (including
substitution of components) or due to non-compliance with the
requirement stipulated in the Technical Specification or any/all
additional type tests not carried out, same shall be carried out without
any additional cost implication to the HVPN.