United States Patent (19) : Evans Et Al. (11) Patent Number
United States Patent (19) : Evans Et Al. (11) Patent Number
United States Patent (19) : Evans Et Al. (11) Patent Number
[54] MONITORING AND/OR CONTROL SYSTEM and OEI ?ight operations. The indicator includes a rotatable
FOR A DUAL-ENGINE HELICOPTER FOR needle that provides an analog indication of the current
ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE FLIGHT value of the N1 parameter. For dual-engine ?ight operations,
OPERATIONS the indicator includes a ?rst DE indicia de?ning a normal
operating range for the N1 parameter, a second DE indicia
[75] Inventors: Charles W. Evans, Norfolk, Conn.; that de?nes a precautionary operating range for the N1
David L. Jenson, Stuart, Fla.; John M. parameter, and a DE indicium that de?nes a take off poWer
Kronsnoble, West Palm Beach, Fla.; limit for the N1 parameter. For OEI ?ight operations, the
Charles E. Greenberg, Jupiter, Fla. indicator further includes an expanded scale, OEI indicia
that de?nes an OEI precautionary operating range for the N1
[73] Assignee: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, parameter having a loWer limit of that de?nes a maximum
Stratford, Conn. continuous OEI poWer rating for the N1 parameter, a ?rst
OEI indicium that de?nes a 2-minute OEI poWer rating for
[21] Appl. No.: 08/879,205 the N1 parameter, a second OEI indicium that de?nes a
30-second OEI poWer rating for the N1 parameter. The ?rst
[22] Filed: Jun. 19, 1997 and second OEI indicia in combination de?ne a 30-second
[51] Int. Cl.6 ................................................. .. G06F 165/00 OEI operating range for the N1 parameter, and the ?rst OEI
[52] US. Cl. ......................... .. 701/3; 701/114; 244/17.13; indicium and the DE indicium in combination de?ne a
244/ 175; 244/194 2-minute OEI operating range for the N1 parameter. The
indicator further includes a ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp
[58] Field of Search .................. .. 701/3, 114; 244/17.13,
?xture disposed in combination With the ?rst OEI indicium
244/175, 194
that is operative in response to a ?rst activation signal to
illuminate in a ?rst color to indicate that the 2-minute OEI
[56] References Cited
poWer rating is enabled and is operative in response to a
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS second activation signal to illuminate in a second color to
indicate that the helicopter is being operated in the 2-minute
5,001,646 3/1991 Caldwell et al. ..................... .. 364/434 OEI operating range, and a second dedicated bi-colored
5,781,126 7/1998 Paterson et al. .. 340/970
lamp ?xture disposed in combination With the second OEI
5,873,546 2/1999 Evans et al. ....................... .. 244/17.13
indicium that is operative in response to a ?rst activation
OTHER PUBLICATIONS signal to illuminate in a ?rst color to indicate that the
30-second OEI poWer rating is enabled and is operative in
D. Trivier and O. Bosqui, “30—Second/2—Minute One response to a second activation signal to illuminate in a
Engine Inoperative Certi?cation for the AS 332 Super Puma second color to indicate that the helicopter is being operated
MK II”, Sep. 15—18, 1992. in the 30-second OEI operating range. Control during OEI
?ight operations is provided by a three-position OEI sWitch
(List continued on next page.) assembly integrated in combination With the grip of the
Primary Examiner—William A. Cuchlinski, Jr. cyclic control stick, the three-position OEI sWitch assembly
Assistant Examiner—Olga Hernandez including a three-position select sWitch that is manually
Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Terrance J. Radke operable to select the 30-second OEI poWer rating, the
2-minute OEI poWer rating, or the maximum continuous
[57] ABSTRACT OEI poWer rating for OEI ?ight operations by manual
manipulation of the three-position select sWitch to a ?rst
A monitoring and control system for a dual-engine helicop position, a second position, and a third position, respec
ter for OEI ?ight operations includes a parametric indicator tively.
operative in response to sensor signals for monitoring an
engine gas generator speed parameter N1 during dual-engine 5 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
W445 34
l no
Page 2
1 2
MONITORING AND/OR CONTROL SYSTEM and a maximum continuous OEI poWer rating. These OEI
FOR A DUAL-ENGINE HELICOPTER FOR poWer ratings are higher than the normal design ratings of
ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE FLIGHT the poWerplant system, and therefore, are intended for use
OPERATIONS only during an OEI condition.
The 30-second OEI poWer rating Was established to
TECHNICAL FIELD ensure that the single operative engine provides a suf?cient
The present invention relates generally to aircraft moni margin of poWer so that a dual-engine helicopter can con
toring and control systems, and more particularly, to a tinue a take off ?ight pro?le to a take off safety speed (Vms)
monitoring and/or control system for a dual-engine helicop in relative safety While avoiding obstacles such as trees, an
ter for one engine inoperative (OEI) ?ight operations. 10 elevated platform, and/or the ground. The engine computer
control system of the poWerplant system is operative, by
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION means of default logic (implemented in the form of
Many of the helicopters being operated today embody a hardWare, ?rmWare, softWare, and/or combinations thereof)
dual-engine poWerplant system. A dual-engine poWerplant to cause the single operative engine to automatically default
15 to the 30-second OEI poWer rating in the event of an OEI
system enhances the normal ?ight capabilities of a
helicopter, thereby increasing the utility of the helicopter for condition. The 30-second OEI poWer rating is of such
revenue ?ight operations. In addition, a signi?cant feature magnitude that there is a statistically-high probability that
inherent in a dual-engine helicopter is the capability of the the single operative engine may be subjected to some degree
dual-engine poWerplant system to provide suf?cient poWer of damage, e.g., burnout, during OEI ?ight operations [the
to facilitate continued ?ight operations in safety, particularly engines of a dual-engine poWerplant system are certi?ed for
take offs and landings (take offs and landings being the most up to three applications of the 30-second OEI poWer rating
critical segments of the helicopter ?ight envelope), in the in a single ?ight].
event of a one engine inoperative (OEI) condition, e.g., a The 2-minute OEI poWer rating Was established to ensure
single engine failure. that the single operative engine provides a sufficient margin
Since the OEI condition is statistically a loW-occurrence of poWer so that a dual-engine helicopter operating at Vms
event, the engines of a helicopter dual-engine poWerplant can initiate and maintain an ascending ?ight pro?le at a
system are designed primarily for dual-engine ?ight opera suf?cient vertical speed, e.g., 100 feet/minute, to reach a safe
tions. That is, each engine is designed to speci?c poWer cruising altitude Within tWo minutes after implementation of
limits or ratings for dual-engine ?ight operations, e.g., a the 2-minute OEI poWer rating Without resort to the
startup poWer rating, a take off poWer rating, a maximum 30-second OEI poWer rating. The maximum continuous OEI
continuous poWer rating (maximum poWer settings at Which poWer rating Was established to ensure that the single
the engines may be continuously operated during dual operative engine provides a continuous margin of poWer,
engine ?ight operations Without incurring damage), a nor i.e., use of the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating
mal cruise poWer rating (poWer settings slightly loWer than cannot be time limited, so that the dual-engine helicopter can
maximum continuous poWer rating that are typically estab continue OEI ?ight operations at the safe cruising altitude to
lished to comply With the engine maker’s Warranties), a reach a distant landing site. For example, in the case of an
10-second transient poWer rating, and a 20-second transient OEI take off ?ight pro?le from an elevated offshore
poWer rating. During dual-engine ?ight operations, platform, the most propitious landing site is most probably
therefore, the helicopter is operated in such a manner that the the nearest adjacent landmass. For a most ef?cacious OEI
design poWer ratings of the engines are not exceeded. In the control system, the 30-second OEI poWer rating, the
sophisticated helicopters of today, the operation of the 2-minute OEI poWer rating and the maximum continuous
poWerplant system is primarily controlled by a computer OEI poWer rating should be manually selectable by the pilot.
system (discussed in further detail hereinbeloW), and such The aviation regulatory authorities also require that an
an engine computer control system typically includes pro 45
OEI monitoring system be provided for OEI ?ight opera
tective logic routines (in the form of hardWare, ?rmWare, tions that has the functional capability to provide the pilot
softWare, and/or combinations thereof) that automatically With continual cognitive aWareness of Which OEI poWer
prevent the engine design poWer ratings from being rating, i.e., the 30-second OEI poWer rating, the 2-minute
exceeded during dual-engine ?ight operations. OEI poWer rating, or the maximum continuous OEI poWer
A dual-engine helicopter that experiences an OEI rating, the single operative engine of a dual-engine helicop
condition, especially during a take off or landing, is subject ter is being operated under, and When the alloWable time for
to a potentially haZardous ?ight condition since the normal usage of the 30-second and 2-minute OEI poWer ratings has
design poWer ratings of the single operative engine do not elapsed. The OEI monitoring system should be ergonometri
provide suf?cient poWer for the safe operation of the heli cally con?gured to optimiZe the functional task of visually
copter under such a circumstance. Aviation regulatory 55
monitoring critical OEI parametric information and the
authorities, therefore, have established general overdesign functional task of visually monitoring OEI ?ight operations.
criteria for the poWerplant system of a dual-engine helicop In addition, the OEI monitoring system should be ergono
ter to ensure that the helicopter can be safely operated metrically optimiZed for visual ef?ciency, i.e., to present a
utiliZing a single operative engine during OEI ?ight opera maximum of OEI parametric information With minimal
tions. These criteria have resulted in the overdesign of the visual scanning by the pilot. Furthermore, the OEI monitor
helicopter poWerplant system so that a single operative ing system should have the functional capability of readily
engine is capable of providing the requisite emergency or alerting the pilot to status changes With respect to displayed
OEI poWer necessary for safe helicopter ?ight operations OEI parametric information.
during an OEI condition.
The helicopter poWerplant system is overdesigned so that 65
the single operative engine has the capability to provide a Objects of the present invention include providing a
30-second OEI poWer rating, a 2-minute OEI poWer rating, monitoring and control system for a dual-engine helicopter
3 4
for one engine inoperative (OEI) ?ight operations that has assembly integrated in combination With the grip of the
the functional capability to provide continual cognitive collective control stick, the three-position OEI sWitch
aWareness of Whether the helicopter is being operated under assembly including a three-position select sWitch that is
a 30-second OEI poWer rating, a 2-minute OEI poWer rating, operable to manually select the 30-second OEI poWer rating,
or a maximum continuous OEI poWer rating during OEI the 2-minute OEI poWer rating, or the maximum continuous
?ight operations and When the alloWable time for usage of OEI poWer rating for a single operative engine during OEI
the 30-second and 2-minute OEI poWer ratings has elapsed, ?ight operations by appropriate manual manipulation of the
has an ergonometric con?guration that optimiZes the func three-position select sWitch to a ?rst position, a second
tional task of visually monitoring critical OEI parametric position, and a third position, respectively.
information and the functional task of visually monitoring 10
OEI ?ight operations, is ergonometrically optimiZed for BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
visual ef?ciency, has the functional capability of readily
alerting the pilot to status changes With respect to OEI A more complete understanding of the present invention
parametric information, and provides a manual selection and the attendant features and advantages thereof may be
capability for operation of the dual-engine helicopter under had by reference to the folloWing detailed description of the
the 30-second OEI poWer rating, the 2-minute OEI poWer invention When considered in conjunction With the accom
rating, or the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating during panying draWings Wherein:
OEI ?ight operations. FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of selected elements
These and other objects of the present invention are of an exemplary poWerplant system for a dual-engine heli
achieved by one embodiment of a monitoring and control copter and selected elements that are functionally integrated
system for a dual-engine helicopter for OEI ?ight operations in combination With the poWerplant system.
that includes a parametric indicator operative in response to FIG. 2 is a partial perspective vieW of an exemplary
sensor signals for monitoring an engine gas generator speed collective control stick having a grip that includes a three
parameter N1 during dual-engine ?ight operations and OEI position OEI sWitch assembly integrated in combination
?ight operations. The parametric indicator includes a rotat 25 thereWith that functions as an OEI control system for the
able needle that is operative to provide a analog indication exemplary poWerplant system depicted in FIG. 1.
of the current value of the N1 parameter, a ?rst DE indicia FIG. 2A is an enlarged plan vieW of the three-position
that de?nes a normal operating range for the N1 parameter select sWitch of the three-position OEI sWitch assembly of
during dual-engine ?ight operations, a second DE indicia FIG. 3.
that de?nes a precautionary operating range for the N1
parameter during dual-engine ?ight operations, and a DE FIG. 3 is a detailed plan vieW of the con?guration of an
indicium that de?nes a take off poWer limit for the N1 N1 parametric indicator (N1 tachometer) for a helicopter
parameter during dual-engine ?ight operations. cockpit instrument display system that functions as an OEI
The parametric indicator further includes an expanded
monitoring system for the exemplary poWerplant system
depicted in FIG. 1.
scale, OEI indicia that de?nes an OEI precautionary oper 35
ating range for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight opera BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
tions Wherein the loWer limit of said OEI precautionary INVENTION
operating range de?nes a maximum continuous OEI poWer
rating for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight operations, a Referring noW to the draWings Wherein like reference
?rst OEI indicium that de?nes a 2-minute OEI poWer rating numerals and characters represent corresponding or similar
for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight operations, a second elements throughout the several vieWs, FIG. 1 illustrates
OEI indicium that de?nes a 30-second OEI poWer rating for selected elements of an exemplary dual-engine poWerplant
the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight operations, and Wherein system 10 for a dual-engine helicopter and selected elements
the ?rst and second OEI indicia in combination de?ne a that are functionally integrated in combination With the
30-second OEI operating range for the N1 parameter, and 45 poWerplant system 10. The dual-engine poWerplant system
Wherein ?rst OEI indicium and the DE indicium in combi 10 is mechanically integrated in combination With the heli
nation de?ne a 2-minute OEI operating range for the N1 copter transmission system 100, Which, in turn, is mechani
parameter. cally integrated in combination With the helicopter rotor
The parametric indicator further includes a ?rst dedicated system 110. The poWerplant system 10 generates the poWer
bi-colored lamp ?xture disposed in combination With the required for helicopter ?ight operations and couples such
?rst OEI indicium that is operative in response to a ?rst poWer to the helicopter rotor system 110 by means of the
activation signal to illuminate steadily in a ?rst color to transmission system 100. The pilot’s inputs to the poWer
indicate that the 2-minute OEI poWer rating is enabled for a plant system 10 to control helicopter ?ight operations are
single operative engine and is operative in response to a effected by means of a collective system 120 and/or a
second activation signal to illuminate steadily in a second 55 manual throttle system 130.
color to indicate that the single operative engine is operating The poWerplant system 10 comprises left and right engine
in the 2-minute OEI operating range, and a second dedicated packages 12L, 12R, a set of sensors 14L, 14R associated
bi-colored lamp ?xture disposed in combination With the With each engine package 12L, 12R for monitoring the
second OEI indicium that is operative in response to a ?rst operating parameters thereof, a fuel subsystem 16L, 16R
activation signal to illuminate steadily in a ?rst color to ?uidically interconnected to each engine package 12L, 12R
indicate that the 30-second OEI poWer rating is enabled for (for the purposes of the instant disclosure, the helicopter fuel
the single operative engine and is operative in response to a subsystem is de?ned as part of the poWerplant system 10),
second activation signal to illuminate steadily in a second and a digital electronic control unit (DECU) 18L, 18R
color to indicate that the single operative engine is operating electronically interconnected to the corresponding fuel sub
in the 30-second OEI operating range. 65 systems 16L, 16R of the engine packages 12L, 12R, respec
Control of the single operative engine during OEI ?ight tively. A plurality of signal lines 20L, 20R electronically
operations is provided by a three-position OEI switch interconnect individual sensors 14L, 14R to the respective
5 6
DECUs 18L, 18R, and to a cockpit instrument display coupled to the cockpit instrument display system 22 and the
system 22 that comprises a plurality of parametric indicators corresponding DECUs 18L, 18R by means of dedicated
for, inter alia, each engine package 12L, 12R. The DECUs signal lines 20N1L, 20N1R, 20N2L, 20N2R, 20QL, 20QR,
18L, 18R are electronically interconnected to the respective 20T5L, 20T5R. The sensor signals 14N1L, 14N1R, 14N2L,
fuel subsystems 16L, 16R by means of signal lines 24L, 14N2R, 14QL, 14QR, 14T5L, 14T5R may be coupled directly
24R. The DECUs 18L, 18R are electronically intercon to the cockpit instrument display system 22; or alternatively,
nected by means of a signal line 26. the sensor signals 14N1L, 14N1R, 14N2L, 14N2R, 14QL,
A sensor 28 is integrated in combination With the heli
14QR, 14T5L, 14T5R may be ?rst coupled to the correspond
ing DECUs 18L, 18R for signal processing and then sub
copter transmission system 100 to monitor the torque output sequently coupled to the cockpit instrument display system
therefrom and signals representative of the torque output 10
22, or alternatively, selected sensor signals 14N1L, 14N1R,
(W) are transmitted to the cockpit instrument display system 14N2L, 14N2R, 14QL, 14QR, 14T5L, 14T5R may be directly
22 by means of a signal line 30. A sensor 32 is integrated in coupled directed to the cockpit instrument display system 22
combination With the helicopter rotor system 110 to monitor While other selected sensor signals 14N1L, 14N1R, 14N2L,
the rotational speed of the main rotor shaft and signals 14N2R, 14QL, 14QR, 14T5L, 14T5R may be ?rst processed
representative of the rotational speed of the main rotor shaft 15 by the corresponding DECUs 18L, 18R before being
(NR) are transmitted to the cockpit instrument display sys coupled to the cockpit instrument display system 22. For the
tem 22 by means of a signal line 34. described embodiment, the cockpit instrument display sys
To facilitate a better understanding of the functional tem 22 comprises individual indicators 22N1L, 22N1R (N1
features and characteristics of the exemplary poWerplant tachometers) for displaying the N1 parameter of each engine
system 10 described in the preceding paragraph, the func 12L, 12R, respectively, individual indicators 22N2L, 22N2R
tional features and characteristics of the poWerplant system (N2 tachometers) for displaying the N2 parameter of each
10 are further described herein in terms of the poWerplant
engine 12L, 12R, respectively(for the S-76C+ helicopter, a
single triple tachometer provides the functions of the indi
system of an S-76C+ helicopter (S-76® is a registered vidual indicators 22N2L, 22N2R, With such single triple
trademark of the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation) manufac tachometer including individual rotatable needles for dis
tured by Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. One skilled in the art playing the parameters N2 of the respective engines 12L,
Will appreciate that the ensuing disclosure is generally 12R—the triple tachometer also includes another rotatable
applicable to most, if not all, dual-engine helicopters and the needle for the parameter NR), individual indicators 22QL,
functional features and characteristics thereof that are asso
22QR (torquemeters) for displaying the torque Q generated
ciated With OEI ?ight operations (OEI ?ight operations as by each engine 12L, 12R, respectively (for the S-76C+
used herein refers to both actual OEI ?ight conditions and helicopter, a single torquemeter provides the functions of the
OEI ?ight training). individual indicators 22QL, 22QR, With such single
The engine packages 12L, 12R of the S-76C+ dual-engine torquemeter including individual rotatable needles for dis
poWerplant system 10 include Turbomeca Arriel 2S1 playing the torque Q generated the respective engines 12L,
engines (each engine comprising an accessory gearbox 35 12R), and individual indicators 22T5L, 22T5R (T5
module, an axial compressor module, a high pressure assem indicators) for displaying the T5 parameter of each engine
bly module, a poWer turbine module, and a reduction 12L, 12R, respectively. The individual parametric indicators
gearbox module) and a pair of independent shafts (one shaft comprising the cockpit instrument display system 22 may be
functioning as an input shaft that couples the torque/poWer digital, analog, or a combination of both, and are used to
generated by the engine12L/12R to the transmission system monitor the operating parameters described hereinabove
100). For dual-engine ?ight operations, each Turbomeca during both normal dual-engine ?ight operations and OEI
Arriel 2S1 engine 12L, 12R has a takeoff poWer rating of ?ight operations.
856 shaft horsepoWer (SHP), a maximum continuous poWer The sensor 28 monitors transmission torque and the
rating of 794 SHP, and a normal cruise poWer rating of 774 sensor 32 monitors the revolutions per minute of the main
SHP. For one engine inoperative (OEI) ?ight operations, 45 rotor shaft (not shoWn, but an element of the rotor system
each Turbomeca Arriel 2S1 engine 12L, 12R has a 100). Signals from these sensors 28, 32 are coupled to the
30-second OEI poWer rating of 980 SHP, a 2-minute OEI corresponding parametric indicators 2228 (W expressed as a
poWer rating of 889 SHP, and a maximum continuous OEI percentage), 2232 (NR expressed as a percentage) of the
poWer rating of 856 SHP. cockpit instrument display system 22 by means of dedicated
The sensor set 14 monitors selected operating parameters signal lines 30, 34, respectively. [In the S-76C+ helicopter,
of the Turbomeca Arriel 2S1 engines 12L, 12R and gener the N2 tachometers 22N2L, 22N2R and the NR tachometer
ates signals representative of such operating parameters for 2232 are integrated into a single indicator (triple tachometer)
both dual-engine ?ight operations and OEI ?ight operations. for each engine 12L, 12R].
Individual sensors 14N1L, 14N1R monitor engine gas gen Established numerical values of the operating parameters
erator speed (N1 expressed as a percentage) of the respective 55 N1, N2, Q, T5, W described in the preceding paragraphs
engines 12L, 12R, individual sensors 14N2L, 14N2R monitor de?ne the design poWer limits or ratings (dual-engine ?ight
engine poWer turbine speed (N2 expressed as a percentage) operations) and the OEI poWer limits or ratings (OEI ?ight
of the respective engines 12L, 12R, individual sensors 14QL, operations) for the dual-engine poWerplant system 10 of any
14QR monitor engine torque (Q expressed as a percentage) particular helicopter. The ?rst operating parameter N1, N2,
generated by the respective engines 12L, 12R, and indi Q, T5, W to meet the numerical value established for a
vidual sensors 14T5L, 14T5R monitor engine poWer turbine speci?c parameter during dual-engine ?ight operations or
inlet temperature (T5 expressed in degrees Centigrade) of OEI ?ight operations de?nes the design poWer rating or OEI
the respective engines 12L, 12R. This set of sensors 14 poWer rating of the dual-engine poWerplant system 10. For
includes redundant sensors for the N1, N2, and T5 operating the S-76C+ dual-engine poWerplant system 10, the folloW
parameters. 65 ing numerical values have been established for the operating
Signals generated by the individual sensors 14N1L, parameters N1, N2, Q, T5, W that de?ne the design and OEI
14N1R, 14N2L, 14N2R, 14QL, 14QR, 14T5L, 14T5R are poWer ratings of the S-76C+ poWerplant system 10:
7 8
Dual-Engine Flight Operations: automatic limiting of engine 12L, 12R poWer ratings to
Startup: T5=865° C. the design poWer ratings during dual-engine ?ight
10-Second Transient: W=115% (230% total torque) operations (see disclosure hereinabove).
20-Second Transient: N1=101.2%; N2=109%/115%; limiting of engine 12L, 12R poWer ratings to the OEI
poWer ratings during OEI ?ight operations—selectable
limiting at the three OEI ratings (see disclosure here
Takeoff: N1=100%; N2=108.5%; Q=104% inabove and hereinbeloW) When enabled or automatic
T5=912° C.; W=100% default (DECU default logic) to 30-second OEI poWer
Max Continuous: N1=97.8%; N2=108.5%; Q=104% rating When the OEI ?ight condition does not permit
T5=877° C.; W=100% 10 OEI limit selection.
Normal Cruise: N1=97.1%; N2=108.5%; Q=104% overspeed protection at 122% N2:1%.
T5=869° C.; W=100% normal engine 12L, 12R shutdoWn.
OEI Flight Operations: early Warning of a one engine inoperative condition.
30-Second: N1=104.6%; N2=108.5%; Q=135% 15 poWer turbine and gas generator cycle counting.
T5=1000° C.; W=136%
30-second and 2-minute usage recording.
2-Minute: N1=101.2%; N2=108.5%; Q=127% automated engine 12L, 12R health checks.
T5=941° C.; W=136% The pilot controls the ?ight operations of the helicopter by
Max Continuous: N1=100.0%; N2=108.5%; Q=116% means of the collective control system 120 and/or the
T5=912° C.; W=128% manual throttle system 130. The collective control system
5-Sec Transient: W=150% 120 includes a collective control stick 125 (see FIG. 2) that
The engine fuel subsystem 16L, 16R of the S-76C+ is pivoted by the pilot to transmit a signal 122 directly to the
helicopter is a suction-type fuel supply system Wherein the rotor system 110 to collectively control the pitch of the rotor
individual fuel subsystems 16L, 16R are directly controlled blades of the rotor system 110. Simultaneously, the collec
by the corresponding DECU 18L, 18R during dual-engine 25 tive control system 120 is operative to transmit correspond
?ight operations and OEI ?ight operations. Alternatively, the ing signals 122L, 122R directly to the DECUs 18L, 18R to
individual fuel subsystems 16L, 16R can be manually con synchroniZe or coordinate the poWer output of the engines
trolled as required by the throttle system 130. Each engine 12L, 12R With the corresponding collective pitch input to the
fuel subsystem 16L, 16R comprises a primary fuel tank, a rotor blades. The manual throttle system 130 alloWs the pilot
loW-pressure pump, a ?lter, a high-pressure pump, a meter to control dual-engine ?ight operations or OEI ?ight opera
ing valve, pressure drop regulator combination, and associ tions in the event of a failure of the DECUs 18L, 18R by
ated direct-feed and cross-feed plumbing. Each engine fuel providing mechanical control signals 132L, 132R directly to
subsystem 16L, 16R is operative, utilizing its primary fuel the engine fuel subsystems 16L, 16R.
tank, to provide fuel to the corresponding engine 12L, 12R The collective control stick 125 has a grip 126 that
of the dual-engine poWerplant system 10 under control of 35 includes, inter alia, a three-position OEI sWitch assembly
the corresponding DECU 18L, 18R. Each engine fuel sub 127 as exemplarily illustrated in FIG. 2 and as illustrated in
system 16L, 16R is further operative, under certain operat further detail in FIG. 2A. The three-position OEI sWitch
ing conditions, to provide fuel to the opposite engine or to assembly 127 functions as the OEI control system according
both engines. to the present invention for controlling OEI poWer ratings
The DECUs 18L, 18R are single channel, fail ?xed during OEI ?ight operations of a dual-engine helicopter,
computer systems that electronically control the operation of alloWing the pilot to select any of the three OEI poWer
the engine fuel subsystems 16L, 16R to regulate the ?oW of ratings available from the single operative engine 12L/12R.
fuel to the engines 12L, 12R, thereby controlling the func The sWitch assembly 127 includes a three-position, spring
tioning of the engines 12L, 12R during dual-engine ?ight loaded, centered-off select sWitch 128 that alloWs the pilot,
operations and OEI ?ight operations. The DECUs 18L, 18R 45 during OEI ?ight operations, to manually select the
are operative to control, inter alia, the folloWing functions: 30-second poWer rating, the 2-minute poWer rating, or the
automatic engine start including the acceleration of the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating by appropriate
engines 12L, 12R up to idle. manual manipulation of the select sWitch 128 to a ?rst
acceleration of the engines 12L, 12R from ground idle to position (depressed forWard for the described embodiment
?ight idle. of the select sWitch 128), a second position (depressed
rearWardly for the described embodiment of the select
automatic control of gas generator and free turbine rota
sWitch 128), or a third position (depressed in the centered-off
tion speeds (N1, N2) in order to keep the rotational position for the described embodiment of the select sWitch
speed of the main rotor shaft at 107% NR. 128), respectively. Manual manipulation of the select sWitch
automatic load sharing betWeen the engines 12L, 12R 55 128 to the ?rst, second, or third position causes an appro
using basic N1 matching except When torque limited. priate control signal to be transmitted to the DECUs 18L,
The load sharing of N1 Will mismatch as required to 18R that is indicative of selection of the 30-second poWer
achieve the pertinent torque limit (see poWer ratings rating, the 2-minute poWer rating, or the maximum continu
described hereinabove). ous OEI poWer rating, respectively.
automatic fault accommodation to enable a back-up sen The parametric indicators 22N1L, 22N1R that are opera
sor 14L/14R if a primary sensor 14L/14R fails, or tive to display the engine gas speed generator parameter N1
utiliZation of a complementary sensor 14L/14R from function as the OEI monitoring system according to the
the other engine 12L/12R (via signal line 26) if present invention for monitoring OEI ?ight operations of a
required. dual engine helicopter. An exemplary embodiment of a
fail ?xed control upon detection of a DECU major fault 65 parametric indicator 22N for monitoring the N1 parameter
and resultant manual control (by means of the throttle during OEI ?ight operations is exemplarily illustrated in
system 130). FIG. 3 (since the N1 tachometers 22N1L, 22N1R have
identical con?gurations and functional characteristics, the preclude the single operative engine 12L/12R from exceed
N1 tachometer/parametric indicator illustrated in FIG. 3 is ing the 30-second OEI poWer rating, the 2-minute OEI
identi?ed by the reference characters “22N1” for poWer rating, or the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating,
simplicity]. The parametric indicator 22N1 is con?gured and as applicable, during OEI ?ight operations.
operative to provide visual indications of the N1 parameter For OEI ?ight operations, the parametric indicator 22N1
during dual-engine ?ight operations and during OEI ?ight further comprises a ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xture
operations (OEI ?ight operations includes real OEI emer 22N1—20 disposed in combination With the ?rst OEI indi
gency ?ight conditions as Well as OEI ?ight training). The cium 22N1—14 that de?nes the 2-minute OEI poWer limit for
parametric indicator 22N1 includes a rotatable needle the N1 parameter and a second dedicated bi-colored lamp
22N1-2 that provides an analog indication of the N1 param 10 ?xture 22N1—22 disposed in combination With the second
eter and a digital readout 22N1—4 that provides a digital OEI indicium 22N1—16 that de?nes the 30-second OEI
display of the N1 parameter. The N1 parameter displays of poWer limit for the N1 parameter. For the described embodi
the parametric indicator 22N1 are provided in response to ment of the parametric indicator 22N1 for the S-76C+
sensor signals generated by the corresponding N1 sensor aircraft, the ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xture 22N1—20
14N1L/14N1R. 15 is centered on the outWard radial end of the yelloW dashed
For dual-engine (DE) ?ight operations, the parametric line segment 22N1—14 and the second dedicated bi-colored
indicator 22N1 comprises a ?rst DE indicia 22N1—6 that lamp ?xture 22N1—22 is centered on the outWard radial end
de?nes the normal operating range for the N1 parameter, a of the red dashed line segment 22N1—16.
second DE indicia 22N1—8 that de?nes the precautionary The illumination of the ?rst and second dedicated
operating range for the N1 parameter, and a DE indicium 20 bi-colored lamp ?xtures 22N1—20, 22N1—22 is regulated by
22N1—10 that de?nes the take off poWer limit for the N1 activation signals generated by the appropriate DECU 18L/
parameter. For the described embodiment of the parametric 18R in response to signals generated by the apposite sensor
indicator 22N1 of the S-76C+ helicopter, the ?rst DE indicia 14N1L/14N1R during OEI ?ight operations. These activation
22N1—6 is a colored arc segment (a green arc segment for signals cause the ?rst or second dedicated bi-colored lamp
the particular embodiment) that de?nes a normal operating 25 ?xtures 22N1—20, 22N1—22 to illuminate in a ?rst color
range from 62% N1 to 98% N1; the second DE indicia When the 30-second OEI poWer rating or the 2-minute OEI
22N1—8 is a colored arc segment (a yelloW arc segment for poWer rating, respectively, is enabled for the single operative
the particular embodiment) that de?nes a precautionary engine 12L/12R (as used herein, the “enabled” terminology
operating from 98% N1 to 100% N1; and the DE indicium indicates that the corresponding OEI poWer is “available”
22N1—10 is a colored line segment (a red colored line 30 for usage, i.e., the appropriate DECU ISL/18R has reset the
segment for the particular embodiment) that de?nes the take protective logic routine for the single operative engine
off poWer rating of 100% N1. 12R/12L to the appropriate OEI poWer rating, but further
For OEI ?ight operations, the parametric indicator 22N1 that the OEI poWer is not currently being used for OEI ?ight
further comprises an expanded scale, OEI indicia 22N1—12 operations). These activation signals further cause the ?rst or
that de?nes the OEI precautionary operating range for the 35 second dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xtures 22N1—20,
N1 parameter, With the loWer limit of the expanded scale, 22N1—22 to illuminate in a second color When the single
OEI indicia 22N1—12 coinciding With the DE indicium operative engine 12L/12R is actually operating in the
22N1—10 Wherein the loWer limit of the expanded scale, OEI 30-second OEI operating range or the 2-minute OEI oper
indicia 22N1—12 (and concomitantly the DE indicium ating range, respectively. For the described embodiment of
22N1—10) de?nes the maximum continuous OEI poWer 40 the parametric indicator 22N1 of the S-76C+ helicopter, the
limit for the N1 parameter. The parametric indicator 22N1?rst color is green to indicate enablement and the second
further includes a ?rst OEI indicium 22N1—14 that de?nes color is yelloW to indicate usage.
the 2-minute OEI poWer limit for the N1 parameter, and a In a representative OEI ?ight operation, e.g., a failure of
second OEI indicium 22N1—16 that de?nes the 30-second one engine 12L/12R during a take off ?ight operation, the
OEI poWer limit for the N1 parameter. A Zone de?ned 45 appropriate DECU 18L, 18R implements a protective logic
betWeen the ?rst OEI indicium 22N1—14 and the second OEI routine that automatically causes the single operative engine
indicium 22N1—16 de?nes the 30-second OEI operating 12R/12L to default to the 30-second poWer rating.
range for the N1 parameter and a Zone de?ned betWeen the Concomitantly, the appropriate DECU ISL/18R transmits an
DE indicium 22N1—10 and the ?rst OEI indicia 22N1—14 activation signal to the parametric indicator 22N1 of the
de?nes the 2-minute OEI operating range for the N1 param single operative engine 12L/12R to cause the second
eter. bi-colored lamp ?xture 22N1—22 to steadily illuminate in the
For the described embodiment of the parametric indicator ?rst color, thereby alerting the pilot that the 30-second OEI
22N1 of the S-76C+ helicopter, the expanded scale, OEI poWer rating is enabled for the single operative engine
indicia 22N1—12 is colored arc segment (a yelloW colored 12L/12R.
arc segment for the particular embodiment) that de?nes the 55 Once the single operative engine 12R/12L has ramped up
OEI precautionary operating range from 100% N1 to to operate Within the 30-second OEI operating range, the
104.6% N1; the ?rst OEI indicium 22N1—14 is a colored appropriate DECU ISL/18R transmits an activation signal to
dashed line segment (a yelloW dashed line segment for the the parametric indicator 22N1 of the single operative engine
particular embodiment) that de?nes the 2-minute OEI poWer 12L/12R to cause the second bi-colored lamp ?xture
limit of 101.2% N1, and the second indicium 22N1—16 is a 60 22N1—22 to steadily illuminate in the second color, thereby
colored dashed line segment (a red dashed line segment for alerting the pilot that the single operative engine 12L/12R is
the particular embodiment) that de?nes the 30-second OEI operating under the 30-second OEI poWer rating.
poWer limit of 104.6% N1. The DECU ISL/18R function Concomitantly, the appropriate DECU ISL/18R initiates a
ally associated With the single operative engine 12L/12R is 30-second timer to record operation of the single operative
operative, during OEI ?ight operations, to implement pro 65 engine 12L/12R Within 30-second OEI operating range.
tective logic routines (in the form of hardWare, ?rmWare, Apredetermined time prior to expiration of the 30-second
softWare, and/or combinations thereof) to automatically OEI poWer period, the appropriate DECU ISL/18R causes
11 12
the illuminated lamp ?xture 22N1—22 to ?ash at a prede A variety of modi?cations and variations of the present
termined rate to alert the pilot that the 30-second OEI power invention are possible in light of the above teachings. It is
period is about to expire. This visual Warning alloWs the therefore to be understood that, Within the scope of the
pilot to expeditiously manually manipulate the select sWitch appended claims, the present invention may be practiced
128 to the second position, thereby causing the appropriate otherWise than as speci?cally described herein.
DECU 18L/18R to reset the protective logic of the single We claim:
operative engine 12R/12L to the 2-minute OEI poWer rating 1. A monitoring system for a dual-engine helicopter for
at or before the expiration of the 30-second OEI poWer OEI ?ight operations, comprising:
period. a parametric indicator operative in response to sensor
Concomitantly, the appropriate DECU 18L/18R transmits 10 signals for monitoring an engine gas generator speed
an activation signal to the parametric indicator 22N1 of the
single operative engine 12L/12R to cause the ?rst bi-colored parameter N1 during dual-engine ?ight operations and
lamp ?xture 22N1—20 to steadily illuminate in the ?rst color, OEI ?ight operations, said parametric indicator includ
thereby alerting the pilot that the 2-minute OEI poWer rating ing
is enabled for the single operative engine 12L/12R. Once the a rotatable needle that is operative to provide a analog
single operative engine 12R/12L has ramped doWn to oper 15 indication of the current value of the N1 parameter,
ate Within the 2-minute OEI operating range, the appropriate a ?rst DE indicia that de?nes a normal operating range
DECU 18L/18R transmits an activation signal to the para for the N1 parameter during dual-engine ?ight
metric indicator 22N1 of the single operative engine 12L/ operations,
12R to cause the ?rst bi-colored lamp ?xture 22N1—20 to a second DE indicia that de?nes a precautionary oper
steadily illuminate in the second color, thereby alerting the ating range for the N1 parameter during dual-engine
pilot that the single operative engine 12L/12R is operating ?ight operations,
Within the 2-minute OEI operating range. Concomitantly, a DE indicium that de?nes a take off poWer limit for the
the appropriate DECU 18L/18R initiates a 2-minute timer to N1 parameter during dual-engine ?ight operations,
record operation of the single operative engine 12L/12R an expanded scale, OEI indicia that de?nes an OEI
Within the 2-minute OEI operating range. 25 precautionary operating range for the N1 parameter
Apredetermined time prior to expiration of the 2-minute during OEI ?ight operations, and Wherein the loWer
OEI poWer period, the appropriate DECU 18L/18R causes limit of said OEI precautionary operating range
the illuminated lamp ?xture 22N1—20 to ?ash at a prede de?nes a maximum continuous OEI poWer rating for
termined rate to alert the pilot that the 2-minute OEI poWer the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight operations,
period is about to expire. This visual Warning alloWs the a ?rst OEI indicium that de?nes a 2-minute OEI poWer
pilot to expeditiously manually manipulate the select sWitch rating for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight
128 to the third position, thereby causing the appropriate operations,
DECU ISL/18R to reset the protective logic of the single a second OEI indicium that de?nes a 30-second OEI
operative engine 12R/12L to the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight
poWer rating at or before the expiration of the 2-minute OEI 35 operations,
poWer period. said ?rst and second OEI indicia in combination de?n
Once the single operative engine 12R/12L has ramped ing a 30-second OEI operating range for the N1
doWn to or beloW the maximum continuous OEI operating parameter, and said ?rst OEI indicium and said DE
limit established by the DE indicium 22N1—10, the appro indicium in combination de?ning a 2-minute OEI
priate DECU 18L/18R extinguishes the bi-colored lamp operating range for the N1 parameter,
?xture 22N1—20. Neither the ?rst nor the second bi-colored a ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xture disposed in
lamp ?xture 22N1—20, 22N1—22 is illuminated during the combination With said ?rst OEI indicium, and
period When the single operative engine 12R/12L is operated Wherein said ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xture is
under the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating, the lack operative in response to a ?rst activation signal to
of illumination of either the ?rst or the second bi-colored 45 illuminate in a ?rst color to indicate that the 2-minute
lamp ?xture 22N1—20, 22N1—22 providing a visual cue to OEI poWer rating is enabled for a single operative
the pilot that the single operative engine 12L/12R is being engine and is operative in response to a second
operated under the maximum continuous OEI poWer rating. activation signal to illuminate in a second color to
For the described embodiment of the parametric indicator indicate that the single operative engine is operating
22N1 for the S-76C+ helicopter, the predetermined time in the 2-minute OEI operating range, and
When the ?rst and second bi-colored lamp ?xtures 22N1—20, a second dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xture disposed in
22 sWitch over from steady illumination to ?ashing illumi combination With said second OEI indicium, and
nation is 3 seconds prior to expiration of the applicable OEI Wherein said second dedicated bi-colored lamp ?x
operating period, and the predetermined rate of ?ashing is ture is operative in response to a ?rst activation
2.5 HZ. 55 signal to illuminate in a ?rst color to indicate that the
It Will be appreciated that the functioning of the 30-second OEI poWer rating is enabled for the single
bi-colored lamp ?xtures 22N1—20, 22 during OEI ?ight operative engine and is operative in response to a
operations, as described immediately hereinabove, provides second activation signal to illuminate in a second
visual indications regarding OEI status that are readily color to indicate that the single operative engine is
perceived and cogniZable by the pilot, and that greatly operating in the 30-second OEI operating range.
facilitate and enhance pilot performance during OEI ?ight 2. The monitoring system of claim 1 Wherein said ?rst and
operations. The use of tWo separate and distinct colors in the second bi-colored lamp ?xtures are extinguished When the
bi-colored lamp ?xtures 22N1—20, 22 signi?cantly reduces single operative engine is operating at or beloW said maxi
the need for prolonged focusing by the pilot on the para mum continuous OEI poWer rating.
metric indicator 22N1 to ascertain the precise OEI status of 65 3. The monitoring system of claim 1 Wherein said ?rst
the single operative engine 12R/12L, thereby facilitating and OEI indicium is a colored dashed line segment and said
enhancing pilot performance during OEI ?ight operations. second OEI indicium is a colored dashed line segment and
13 14
wherein said ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?xture is cen a second OEI indicium that de?nes a 30-second OEI
tered on an outward radial end of said colored line segment poWer rating for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight
de?ning said ?rst OEI indicium and said second dedicated operations,
bi-colored lamp ?xture is centered on an outWard radial end said ?rst and second OEI indicia in combination de?n
of said colored line segment de?ning said second OEI ing a 30-second OEI operating range for the N1
parameter, and said ?rst OEI indicium and said DE
4. The monitoring system of claim 1 further comprising:
indicium in combination de?ning a 2-minute OEI
a cyclic control stick having a grip; and
operating range for the N1 parameter,
a three-position OEI sWitch assembly integrated in com a ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?Xture disposed in
bination With said grip of said cyclic control stick, said
combination With said ?rst OEI indicium, and
three-position OEI sWitch assembly including a three
position select sWitch that is operable to manually Wherein said ?rst dedicated bi-colored lamp ?Xture is
select a 30-second OEI poWer rating, a 2-minute OEI operative in response to a ?rst activation signal to
poWer rating, and a maXimum continuous OEI poWer illuminate in a ?rst color to indicate that the 2-minute
15 OEI poWer rating is enabled for a single operative
rating for a single operative engine during OEI ?ight
operations by appropriate manual manipulation of said engine and is operative in response to a second
three-position select sWitch to a ?rst position, a second activation signal to illuminate in a second color to
position, and a third position, respectively. indicate that the single operative engine is operating
5. A monitoring and control system for a dual-engine in the 2-minute OEI operating range, and
helicopter for OEI ?ight operations, comprising: a second dedicated bi-colored lamp ?Xture disposed in
a parametric indicator operative in response to sensor combination With said second OEI indicium, and
signals for monitoring an engine gas generator speed Wherein said second dedicated bi-colored lamp ?X
parameter N1 during dual-engine ?ight operations and ture is operative in response to a ?rst activation
OEI ?ight operations, said parametric indicator includ 25 signal to illuminate in a ?rst color to indicate that the
a rotatable needle that is operative to provide a analog 30-second OEI poWer rating is enabled for the single
indication of the current value of the N1 parameter, operative engine and is operative in response to a
a ?rst DE indicia that de?nes a normal operating range second activation signal to illuminate in a second
for the N1 parameter during dual-engine ?ight color to indicate that the single operative engine is
operations, operating in the 30-second OEI operating range;
a second DE indicia that de?nes a precautionary oper a cyclic control stick having a grip; and
ating range for the N1 parameter during dual-engine a three-position OEI sWitch assembly integrated in com
?ight operations, bination With said grip of said cyclic control stick, said
a DE indicium that de?nes a take off poWer limit for the 35
N1 parameter during dual-engine ?ight operations, three-position OEI sWitch assembly including a three
an expanded scale, OEI indicia that de?nes an OEI position select sWitch that is operable to manually
precautionary operating range for the N1 parameter select said 30-second OEI poWer rating, said 2-minute
during OEI ?ight operations, and Wherein the loWer OEI poWer rating, and said maXimum continuous OEI
limit of said OEI precautionary operating range poWer rating for a single operative engine during OEI
de?nes a maXimum continuous OEI poWer rating for ?ight operations by appropriate manual manipulation
the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight operations, of said three-position select sWitch to a ?rst position, a
a ?rst OEI indicium that de?nes a 2-minute OEI poWer second position, and a third position, respectively.
rating for the N1 parameter during OEI ?ight