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ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Exam – Sample

ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Sample Exam
18 of 40 questions answered correctly

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1. Question
Given the following user stories:

“As a bank teller, I can easily navigate through the system menu and links,
and find the information I am looking for”

“For all users, the system must display all queries in less than 2 seconds,
90% of the time”

And the associated test cases:

TC1: Login as bank teller. Enter customer ID. Verify that the customer
transaction history is easy to find, and that navigating through the menus is

TC2: Login as bank teller: Enter customer Name. Verify that the customer
accounts are easy to find and that navigating through the menus is intuitive.

TC3: Simulate expected traffic on system and validate the time for customer
transaction history to display is less than 2 seconds.

Which TWO test quadrants would the above test cases be part of?
o Q1 unit level, technology facing & Q2 system level, business facing

o Q2 system level, business facing & Q3 system or user acceptance level,

business facing

o Q3 system or user acceptance level, business facing & Q4 system or

operation acceptance level, technology facing

o Q2 system level, business facing & Q4 system or operation acceptance

level, technology facing

2. Question
Which of the following activities would a tester do during release planning?

o Produce a list of acceptance tests for user stories

o Help break down user stories into smaller and more detailed tasks.

o Estimate testing tasks generated by new features planned for this


o Support the clarification of the user stories and ensure that they are

3. Question
Which of the following is best at showing the team’s progress against

o Burndown charts

o Automation logs

o The agile task board showing user story and task progress

o Defect tracking tools


4. Question
Match the following agile software development approaches on the top with
their corresponding descriptions on the bottom.
1) Extreme Programming

2) Scrum

3) Kanban

I. Embraces 5 values to guide development: Communication, Simplicity,

Feedback, Courage, and Respect

II. Divides the project into short iterations called sprints.

III. Optimizes the ‘flow’ of work in a value-added chain.

o 1-i, 2-iii, 3-ii

o 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii

o 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii

o 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i


5. Question
The Agile Manifesto has 4 statements of values. Match the agile value (1-4)
with its traditional counterpart (i-iv).

1) Customer collaboration over i) Processes and tools

2) Responding to change over ii) Following a plan

3) Individuals and interactions over iii) Contract negotiation

4) Working software over iv) Comprehensive documentation

o 1 – iii, 2 – iv, 3 – ii, 4 – i

o 1 – iii, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iv

o 1 – iv, 2 – ii, 3 – i, 4 – iii

o 1 – ii, 2 – iii, 3 – iv, 4 – i


6. Question
In an agile project, which of the following would best denote product quality
at the end of iteration 6 of a new system release consisting of 8 iterations?

o No severity 1 or 2 defects were detected during system testing of

iteration 6, which allowed the teams to move into iteration 7.

o The results of a customer beta test on the iteration 6 software release

indicate that the system works correctly and that it has improved

o The agile team has been successfully tracking to estimates, with limited
variance showing on the burndown charts for all iterations to date.

o All story cards in scope for each iteration, up to the current iteration,
have been marked as “Done”, but with some technical debt being incurred.

7. Question
Which TWO of the following are examples of testable acceptance criteria for
test related activities?
Select TWO options.

o Structure based testing: White box testing in addition to black box

testing is used.

o System testing: At least 80% of functional regression tests are


o Security testing: A threat risk analysis scan is completed with no faults


o Performance testing: The application is responding in a reasonable

amount of time with 5000 users.

o Compatibility testing: The application is working on all major browsers.


8. Question
Which of the following BEST describes a tester participating in a
retrospective meeting?
o As a tester participating in a retrospective meeting, I should bring in
topics that are related to testing only. All other topics will be covered by
different participants.

o As a tester, I participate in a retrospective meeting as an observer,

ensuring that the meeting follows the retrospective rules and agile values.

o As a tester participating in a retrospective meeting, I should provide

feedback and input on all activities conducted by the team during the sprint.

o As a tester, I should only attend and participate in a retrospective

meeting if I have any feedback and input related to activities conducted by
the team during the sprint.

9. Question
Which TWO of the following statements are true?

1) Early feedback gives the developers more time to develop new system
features because they spend less time reworking features expected in a
given iteration.

2) Early feedback enables agile teams to deliver features with the highest
business value first, because the customer maintains focus on features with
the highest system value.

3) Early feedback reduces costs because it decreases the amount of time

needed for system testing.

4) Early feedback makes it more likely that the system built is what the
customer wanted because they are given the opportunity to make changes
throughout the iteration.

o 1 and 4

o 2 and 3

o 2 and 4

o 1 and 3

10. Question
Which of the following statements best reflects one of the values of the Agile

o Working software allows the customer to provide rapid feedback to the


o Developers should use unit testing tools to support the testing process.

o Business representatives should provide a backlog of user stories and

their estimates to the team.

o Adopting plans to change adds no real value to an agile project.


11. Question
What is the most appropriate explanation of a ‘user story’?

o An artifact that the tester must review and sign off before testing can

o An artifact used to detail only the functional requirements of the system.

o An artifact documented by business representatives to help developers

and testers understand the system requirements.

o An artifact written collaboratively by developers, testers, and business

representatives to capture requirements.

12. Question
Which of the following is NOT a principle of continuous integration?

o Continuous integration helps to build changed software regularly,

including testing and deploying, in an automated way.

o Continuous integration allows new builds to be available frequently to

testers and stakeholders.

o Continuous integration helps to identify new integration defects early and

makes the analysis of these defects easier.

o Continuous integration ensures that testing of builds is done manually, as

this generates more reliable results than automated scripts.
13. Question
Which of the following items should NOT be raised during a retrospective

o There should be more emphasis on unit testing in the future, to improve

overall quality.

o The build process is manual and takes too long. Research and
implementation of an automated build framework should be done.

o Tester XYZ is struggling to find defects. Test design training is required

for this resource.

o Automated regression test suites are taking too long to run. A review of
the tests, to eliminate redundant or unnecessary tests, is required.

14. Question
Which TWO activities below best represent responsibilities that are
consistent with agile development’s Whole Team approach?

Select TWO options.

o Testers are responsible for developing unit tests which they pass on to
the developers for testing

o Business representatives are expected to select the tools the team will
use during the project

o Testers are expected to work with customer representatives to create

acceptance tests

o The whole team, not just testers, has responsibility for the quality of the

o Developers are expected to test non-functional requirements

(performance, usability, security, etc.)

15. Question
Which alternative is the BEST description of when to stop testing (release
criteria) in an agile project?
o All test cases have been executed.

o The probability of remaining faults has been reduced to a level that can
be accepted by the customer

o The achieved test coverage is considered enough. The coverage limit is

justified by the complexity of the included functionality, its implementation,
and the risks involved.

o The iteration/sprint is finished


16. Question
Which of the following is an advantage of having the whole team responsible
for quality?

o Companies no longer need to recruit and train software testing


o Test automation tasks are now the responsibility of the development

team instead of the test team.

o Role barriers are eliminated and team members contribute to project

success based on their unique skills and perspectives.

o Project costs are lower because the need for a specialized test team is

17. Question
In agile projects there is more need for testers to understand and develop
test automation scripts than in traditional projects. Of the following, which
are the TWO reasons why this is a necessary skill on agile projects?

i. Requirements change daily and have to be regression tested. This rapid

change requires automated tests because manual testing is too slow.

ii. The tests should generate feedback on product quality as early as

possible. So all acceptance tests should be executed in each iteration, ideally
as modifications are made. In practice that can only be realized by
automated tests.
iii. Test-First and Continuous Integration Practice require that the regression
test suite is executed whenever changed code is checked-in. In practice that
can only be realized by automated tests.

iv. Iterations or sprints are of fixed length. The team has to guarantee that
all tests can be completely executed at the last day of each iteration/sprint.
In practice, that can only be realized by automated tests.

v. Agile projects rely on unit testing rather than on systems testing. Since
unit tests cannot be executed manually, all tests have to be automated

o i & iii

o ii & v

o v&v

o ii and iii

18. Question
Which of the following is a benefit of the agile process promoting early and
frequent feedback?

o The total number of defects found during the project is much higher than
on traditional software development projects such as waterfall.

o There is less rework because customers see the product regularly.

o It is easy to determine the developer who introduces the most defects

when integrating code

o There is enough time to complete all features scheduled for the given

19. Question
During an iteration planning meeting, the team is sharing their thoughts
about a user story. The product owner advises that the customer should
have one screen to enter information.
The developer explains that there are technical limitations for the feature,
due to the amount of information needed to be captured on the screen.
Another developer says that there are risks about performance as the
information will be stored in an external offsite database.

Which of the following would best represent a tester’s contribution to this


o The tester advises that the screen for the user story needs to be a single
page to reduce test automation effort.

o The tester advises that usability is more important than performance

o The tester advises that performance acceptance criteria should standard

maximum of 1 second for data storage.

o The tester advises that the user story needs acceptance criteria to be

20. Question
Which of the following test activities is typically done during agile projects,
but is not as common on traditional projects?

o Testers write detailed test plans so all team members can understand
what will be tested during each iteration

o Testers are heavily involved in the creation of automated test cases

which are then used to verify the implementation of the requirements.

o Testers perform exploratory testing in order to find important defects


o Testers collaborate with developers to better understand what needs to

be tested.

21. Question
Consider the following activities:

i. Strict enforcement of system test level entry and exit criteria.

ii. Collaboration between tester, developer, and business stakeholders to
define acceptance criteria.

iii. Functional verification testing of user stories developed in the previous


Which of the following combination of these activities should occur in an

agile project?

o ii only

o and ii

o ii and iii

o iii only

22. Question
Given the following user story: “An online application charges customers to
ship purchased items, based on the following criteria:

• Standard shipping costs for under 6 items

• Shipping is $5 for 6-10 items.

• Shipping is free for more than 10 items.

Which of the following is the best black box test design technique for the
user story?

o State Transition testing: Test the following states – browsing, logged in,
selecting, purchasing, confirming, and exiting

o Decision tables: Test the following conditions – User logged in; At least 1
item in cart; Purchase confirmed; Funding approved; with the resulting
action of – Ship Item.

o Boundary Value Analysis: Test the following inputs – 0,5,6,10,11,max

o Use Case Testing: Actor=customer; Prerequisites=customer logs in,

selects and purchases items; Postconditions= items are shipped.

23. Question
At the beginning of the 5th iteration of a project, a new requirement was
introduced to support a new type of browser. The tester realizes that the
existing test automation framework and scripts will not support the new type
of browser. What is the best course of action for the tester on this team to

o The tester should notify the team that they are planning on working extra
hours throughout the next 2 sprints in order to update the existing test
automation framework and scripts to support the new type of browser so as
not to disturb the existing sprint plan.

o The tester will notify the team of the issue. A risk analysis is done, and
the team decides that regression testing must be performed on the new type
of browser in addition to the other supported browsers. The tester will
update the sprint plan by adding tasks to modify the framework and scripts
to support the new type of browser.

o The tester does some research and concludes that the risk is low that any
new defects would be introduced in the new type of browser that have not
already been found in other supported browsers. The tester continues with
the existing sprint plan and makes no changes to test automation framework
or scripts

o The tester will stop what they are doing, design specific tests for
compatibility testing of the new type of browser, and communicate with the
team that any other testing work for the sprint will have to be pushed to the
next iteration.

24. Question
Which TWO of the following statements are true on agile projects?

Select TWO options.

o Testers should work closely with developers while retaining an objective


o Test managers do not exist in organizations doing agile development.

o There is no difference between what testers and developers do on agile

o Developers should rely on testers to create the automated regression


o A selection of users may perform beta testing on the product after the
completion of a series of iterations.

25. Question
Which of the following is one of the purposes of an Application Lifecycle
Management (ALM) tool on an agile project?

o An ALM tool allows teams to build up a knowledge base on tools and

techniques for development and testing activities

o An ALM tool provides quick response about the build quality and details
about code changes

o An ALM tool provides visibility into the current state of the application,
especially with distributed teams

o An ALM tool generates and loads large volumes and combinations of data
to use for testing

26. Question
Which of the following statements about independent testing on agile
projects is FALSE?

o There can be a risk of losing test independence for organizations

introducing agile.

o Independent testers will find more defects than developers regardless of

test level.

o Independent testing can be introduced at the end of a sprint.

o The independent test team can be part of another team.


27. Question
The business advises during iteration 5 planning that they require changes
to the system delivered in iteration 3. Of the following activities, which
would need to be done first to minimize the introduction of regression risk
when this feature is changed?

o Review and update all manual and automated tests impacted by this
change to meet the new acceptance criteria.

o Write new manual and automated tests for the feature and add them to
the regression test suite.

o Automate all test cases from the previous iteration and add them to the
automated regression test suite.

o Increase the amount of test automation around the system to include

more detailed test conditions.

28. Question
Which TWO of the following are reasons why automation is essential within
agile projects?

i. So that teams maintain or increase their velocity

ii. To prevent the test team from becoming bored with manual, repetitive

iii. To retest all test cases from previous iterations

iv. To eliminate regression in the product due to high code churn

v. To ensure that code changes do not break the software build

o i and iv

o i and v

o iii and iv

o ii and v

29. Question
Which tasks are typically expected of a tester on an agile project?

i. decide on user acceptance

ii. design, create and execute appropriate tests
iii. schedule defect reports for analysis
iv. automate and maintain tests
v. improve program logic by pair programming

o i & iii

o ii & iii

o ii & iv

o ii & v

30. Question
Which of the following is NOT a typical task performed by the tester within
an agile team?

o To automate tests and maintain them

o To mentor and coach other team members

o To produce and update burndown charts

o To participate in code analyzing activities


31. Question
Given the following user story: “As the president, any data I upload should
not be viewable by any other user of the system”

During the first poker planning session, the following story points were given
based on risk, effort, complexity, and proper extent of testing:

Customers: 5

Developers: 5

Testers: 20
What is the best outcome following this planning session?

o Because the customer’s and developer’s size estimates match, the team
can be confident that this estimate is good and should move onto the next
user story.

o The team should hold a conversation to understand why the testers felt
this user story was significantly more work. Another round of the planning
poker session should occur following that discussion.

o Because the customer owns the system in the end, the customers’
estimates should be taken as correct when there is a conflict.

o The poker planning sessions should continue until all estimated story
points are an exact match between customers, developers, and testers.

32. Question
The term “burndown” refers to which of the following?

o A chart showing which team members are working the most, and are
likely to be under stress

o A chart showing the progress of each user story, and when they are likely
to be completed

o A chart showing the amount of work left to be done, versus the time
allocated for the iteration

o A chart showing defects that have been fixed, and when the remaining
defects are likely to be fixed

33. Question
Which of the following statements about Test Driven Development (TDD) is

o TDD is a ”test first” approach to develop reusable automated tests

o The TDD cycle is continuously used until the software product is released.

o TDD helps to document the code for future maintenance efforts.

o The result of TDD are test classes used by the developer to develop test

34. Question
What does the term ‘Test Pyramid’ refer to and illustrate situations for?

o The team’s testing workload increases from sprint to sprint

o The backlog size, and thus the number of tests, decreases

o The number of automated unit tests is higher than the number of

automated tests for higher test levels.

o The number of automated tests in place increases from sprint to sprint


35. Question
Which of the following demonstrates effective use of the testing quadrant?

o When communicating test ideas, the tester can refer to the matching test
quadrant, so that the rest of the team will better understand the purpose of
the test.

o The tester can use the types of tests described in the testing quadrants
as a coverage metric, the more tests covered from each quadrant, the
higher the test coverage.

o The team should pick a number of tests expected from each quadrant,
and the tester should design and execute those tests to ensure all levels and
types of tests have been executed

o The tester can use the testing quadrants during risk analysis; with the
lower level quadrants representing lower risk to customer.

36. Question
Given the following results from a product risk analysis that occurred at the
beginning of an iteration:

• User story 1 (Performance): likelihood: high, impact: high

• User story 2 (Security): likelihood: high, impact: high

• User story 3 (Functional): likelihood: medium, impact: high

• User story 4 (Functional): likelihood: high, impact: medium

• User story 5 (Compatibility):likelihood: low, impact: low

• User story 6 (Recoverability): likelihood: low, impact: low

Which TWO of the following describes best what the team should do with this
Select TWO options.

o Move onto planning poker session to estimate effort for user stories, and
determine what can be done in the current iteration, and what needs to be
added to backlog.

o Remove user stories 5 and 6 from the current iteration and move to a
later iteration.

o Because of the number of high likelihood, high impact risks slotted for
this iteration, the team has no choice but to extend the timeframe of the
iteration by 2 weeks.

o The team should collaborate on effective ways to mitigate the high

likelihood, high impact risks

o The team should plan to complete all items in the current sprint, but save
the lower risk items for the end of the sprint, and only test these items if
there is time.

37. Question
An agile team is assigned to a project to update an existing medical device
to newer technologies.

Since the last release of the existing medical device, a new version of the
medical device standard has been released. User access to the device is
changing and will be documented in user stories.

Based on this information, and in addition to the user stories, which of the
following would best provide relevant information to support your testing
i. Updated version of standards document for medical system.

ii. Existing defects or typical defect areas in existing system.

iii. Obsolete user access test cases and results for existing application.

iv. Performance metrics for existing application.

v. Defects logged during other similar conversion projects for medical


o i, ii, iii, iv

o ii, iv, v

o i, ii, v

o All of the above


38. Question
Given the following User Story: “As a bank teller, I would like to be able to
view all of my customer’s bank transactions on the screen, so I can answer
his/her questions”.

Which of the following can be considered as relevant acceptance test cases?

i. Login as a bank teller, get the customer’s account balance for all open

ii. Login as a bank teller, enter a customer account ID, get his transactions
history on the screen

iii. Login as a bank teller, request customer account ID by using name

abbreviations, and get his transaction history on the screen

iv. Login as a bank teller, enter a customer IBAN (international bank account
number), get his transaction history on the screen
v. Login as a Bank Teller, enter a customer Account ID, get the Transactions
history in less than 3 seconds on screen.

o i, ii, iv

o i, iii, iv

o ii, iv, v

o ii, iii, iv

39. Question
Your manager would like to introduce exploratory testing to your agile team.
He has received the following suggestions on how to proceed from previous

i. User stories are assigned to testers who are completely new to the user
story. There is allotted 120 minutes allocated to complete exploratory
testing on the user story. Testers do not need to document tests, or test
results, but do need to log defects if any are encountered.

ii. User stories are assigned to testers who have already completed risk
based testing on the same areas. There is allotted 120 minutes allocated to
complete exploratory testing for this user story. The team expects at the end
of the 120 minutes to have a list of test ideas, including data and actors,
results and issues encountered, and list of defects to be logged in the defect
management tool.

iii. A user story is assigned to business representative. The business

representative is told to use the system like the customer would on a day-
to-day basis. If issues are encountered, the
business representative is told to inform the tester, so that they can
prioritize and log the defect.

iv. A user story is assigned to a tester for exploratory testing. Tester is told
to learn the functionality of the user story, to make sure the functionality is
correct and to include negative testing. There is no set deadline for this
exploratory testing to be complete; it depends on what is found by the
tester. Documentation is not necessary, but defects need to be logged in
defect tracking tool.
Your manager presents you with his conclusions about how best to introduce
exploratory testing to an agile team.

Which one of your manager’s conclusions is correct?

o Scenario i IS NOT the best way because: In exploratory testing, test

design and test execution happen at the same time but are guided by a
documented test charter that includes actors, test conditions, test data, etc.
Test results are also documented and will guide the next test.

o Scenario ii IS the best way because: In this case, the testers have
knowledge of the user story already, which will help them come up with test
conditions and ideas. The team is using timeboxed exploratory test sessions.
The team is expected to document test conditions, data, and user
information, and to log results of the test. Issues are logged in a defect
tracking tool just like any other test technique.

o Scenario iii IS NOT the best way because: This could be describing
system acceptance testing, but not exploratory testing.

o Scenario iv IS NOT the best way because: Documentation is necessary

for exploratory testing, and testers must log test ideas and results of testing.
The results of testing are used to guide future exploratory testing.

40. Question
Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to exploratory

o Exploratory testing encompasses concurrent learning, test design, and


o Exploratory testing eliminates the need for testers to prepare test ideas
prior to test execution.

o Best results are achieved when exploratory testing is combined with

other test strategies.

o Exploratory testers need to have a solid understanding of the system

under test

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