Tower Silo Foundations
Tower Silo Foundations
Tower Silo Foundations
Tower silos, tall, bullet-shaped farm structures, are used to store forage crops for
feeding cattle. The first tower silos, constructed about 40 years ago, were small,
predominantly wooden structures although a few were made of concrete. Since then
they have increased in number, size, and capacity, most made of concrete but some of
steel. In 1974 more than 3,000 tower silos were erected in Ontario and Quebec,
representing an investment of over $30 million by the agricultural industry in these
provinces alone. Some recent structures are fully automated exceed 100 ft (31 m) in
height, and have a storage capacity of more than 2500 tons.
Over the years silo builders have improved the design and construction of the above-
ground portion of silos but, in contrast, very little has been done to improve the
foundation. Towers have generally been erected on foundations prepared by the
farmer, who often lacked the necessary technology for adequate design and
construction. The practice was reasonably successful when silos were small because
the bearing pressures applied to the soils were low. As bigger silos were erected,
however, and the applied foundation pressures approached the bearing capacity of the
soils, many structures settled considerably, some tilted, and some overturned
completely. This Digest outlines the problem and indicates the need for a soil
investigation to determine the allowable bearing capacity and compressibility of the
soil and thus enable proper foundation design.
The Problem
Many tower silos constructed on clay soils have ring-shaped concrete foundations. To
reduce costs, concrete floors are seldom provided. When the silos are filled with
silage, part of the load is transmitted through the cylindrical walls to the footings and
the remainder is carried directly by the soil inside the ring foundation. The underlying
clays compress vertically under the weight of the loaded structure in such a way that
the applied loads are distributed uniformly to the soil over the whole area enclosed by
the circular foundation. This uniform pressure is distributed to the foundation soil in
the form of a pressure bulb; its size and shape, determined by elastic theory, are
related directly to the diameter of the loaded area as shown in Figure 1. Here, two
footings of different size carry the same uniform load, but the pressure bulb under the
larger foundation is much larger and deeper. In each case the maximum vertical
pressure occurs immediately below the footing and diminishes to 10 per cent of this
value at a depth equal to twice the diameter of the foundation. If the applied stresses
within the bulb do not exceed the shear strength of the soil the structure will be stable.
Figure 1. Pressure bulbs under large and small round foundations.
Non-uniform placement of silage during filling has caused many problems. When the
load from the weight of the silage is off centre the pressure bulb will be distorted, as
shown in Figure 2(a). Strong winds acting on a tall silo can produce the same effect.
The local overstressing of the foundation soil may cause tilting, and unless the
problem is remedied it may increase with time until the silo overturns.
Pressure bulbs will overlap, as shown in Figure 2(b), if two or more silos are
constructed too close to each other. Because pressures are additive, the resulting
pressure bulb will be much larger and will extend to greater depths. The soil in the
overlap zone will be subjected to higher stresses and the foundations over this region
will settle more, causing the silos to tilt towards each other (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Leaning twin silos caused by non uniform settlement in zone of overlapping
pressure bulbs.
Most foundation failures (Figure 4) in clay soils occur when a silo is quickly loaded
for the first time. As filling proceeds, the loads are applied to the soil skeleton and to
the pore water contained within the voids of the clay. Pressures generated in the pore
water tend to reduce the friction between soil particles and hence decrease the shear
strength of the soil. If, at the end of loading, the available shear strength is greater
than the applied shear stresses, the structure will be stable. With time the excess pore
water pressures will dissipate, the soils will consolidate and gain strength, and the
structure will be stable for subsequent loadings.
In silos without floors, silage juices normally seep into the underlying soil. Pore
pressures are increased even more, causing a further decrease in the shear strength of
the soil. The footings may also become undermined when the juices flow through the
soil under hydraulic pressure. Either or both of these actions can trigger a bearing
capacity failure.
Bearing Capacity of Clay
When a silo overturns the foundation soil rotates along a circular arc (Figure 5). The
direction of the applied shear stress along the slip circle changes from 0 to 90 deg
from the vertical. In rare cases the shear strength of the soil is isotropic (constant in all
directions), but generally it is anisotropic (varies with the direction of applied shear
stress). Investigations of marine clays have shown orientation dependent reduction in
shear strength of as much as 35 per cent when compared with the strength measured
in the vertical direction. It is imperative, therefore, that an adequate factor of safety
should be included to allow for strength anisotropy, non-uniform pressures applied to
the soil due to eccentric loads and overturning moments from high winds, and to
prevent excessive vertical settlements. This factor of safety is applied to the shear
strength of the soil in the following equation:
qa = Nc + P
Bearing capacity and vertical settlement are directly related to the engineering
properties of the soil at a site, so that a soil investigation is required to provide
information on soil profile, location of the groundwater table, index properties, shear
strength, and compressibility. Previous Digests (CBD 29, CBD 43) provide more
detailed information on engineering site investigations and soil testing.
To determine the bearing capacity of soil, shear strength measurements are required to
a depth below the footings equal to two thirds the diameter of the foundation. The
number of tests required as a function of depth should be sufficient to determine the
strength of the various strata within this depth.
Shear strength may be measured by several methods: in the field, in situ, by means of
a field vane or cone penetrometer pushed vertically into the soil to obtain the strength
of specific layers at different depths; in the laboratory, by unconfined compression or
triaxial strength tests performed on undisturbed samples of soil.
It cannot be emphasized too strongly that extensive soil investigations are necessary to
assure a good foundation design for silos constructed on clays. Normally, such
investigations are carried out by a soils engineering consultant.
Every owner should insist on an adequate foundation for his silo (CBD 80, CBD 81).
The following points should be considered to ensure a stable structure:
Reinforced Footings
A ring foundation is subject to bending stresses from vertical wall loads, soil
pressures, and the circumferential loads that exist in the walls at the base of the silo.
As concrete has a low tensile strength, the foundation should be reinforced with steel
to resist such bending moments and tensile stresses. If the foundation should crack
because of insufficient reinforcement, the monolithic behaviour of the ring foundation
will be destroyed and its ability to support the superstructure adequately will be
Concrete Foundation
Large foundations are required in soft, weak soils to maintain applied pressures within
the allowable bearing capacity. Large-diameter ring foundations projecting beyond the
silo walls are often used to provide maximum stability against overturning. The
interior floor is usually omitted for reasons of economy. The inner diameter of this
foundation is normally slightly less than the inner diameter of the silo wall. Because
the heavy wall loads applied to the inner edge tend to deform the ring foundation it
could easily break into individual sections unless it is properly reinforced. In this case
the footing pressures would not be uniform and local overstressing of the underlying
soil could occur. With adequate reinforcing, however, and by extending the footing
further inside the silo, the contact pressures would be redistributed more uniformly
and any tendency of the foundation to deform would be reduced. The additional
weight of the silage on the extended footing would be minimal because most of the
silage load is transferred to the silo walls through friction.
Silo Groups
Silage Juices
Large quantities of silage juices form when forage crops are stored wet, i.e., when
their moisture content is too great. In tower silos constructed without floors, the juices
can flow under high hydrostatic pressure into the foundation soil and undermine the
foundations. They can increase the pore water pressures in saturated clay soils,
reducing the shear strength. In addition, chemical reaction with the soil may further
decrease soil strength.
Concluding Remarks
The agricultural industry should be aware of the many aspects of design and
construction of tower silos on clay soils. A contractor's experience may be sufficient
for building average size structures, but for very large tower silos there should be a
thorough soil investigation carried out under professional guidance. It is not possible
to build an economical and safe foundation unless the properties of the foundation
soils are known and considered in the design. Furthermore, quality control and on-site
inspection is required during construction.
Performance requirements for tower silos also have to be established. For example,
how much vertical settlement or tilting can be allowed without the performance of the
structure being affected? Is there an optimum limit for the ratio of height to diameter
of the silo? Answers to these and other questions can be obtained by studying the
performance of existing silos and from the instrumentation of new structures on
different soils in Canada.
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