Science 8 Workbook

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The text discusses different forms of energy like heat, light, sound, motion and electricity. It also talks about how energy can be transformed but not created or destroyed, and how increasing energy efficiency is important.

Some different forms of energy discussed are heat, light, sound, motion, electricity, chemical and gravitational potential energy.

The text states that energy can be transformed from one form into another, and gives examples like kinetic energy being transformed into heat energy. It also discusses everyday energy transformations.


How do you feel when you say you have a lot of energy? How do you feel when you say you don’t
have any energy? Energy is hard to define. Even scientists struggle to define energy because it
is such a big idea and relates to so many different areas of science. Energy appears in different
forms and makes things happen. Without energy, nothing would move, nothing would change
and nothing would happen. Energy cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed. However, it can
transform (change) from one form into another.
Everyday energy 3.1
We experience energy every day in many different forms. Heat, light, sound, motion and
electricity are only a few types of energy. All types of energy can be transformed into a
different type, and some of that energy is almost always transformed into heat energy. Heat
energy can also be transferred between objects or between substances.
»» identify objects that have either kinetic or potential energy
»» investigate everyday energy transformations involving heat, light, sound and motion
»» describe the process of conduction, convection and radiation using examples

Electrical energy
Electrical energy is one of the most versatile forms of energy. It can be transformed into
almost every other type of energy, it is easily transported and it can be stored for long periods
of time. Electricity has driven huge technological developments since we learned to produce
and use it.
»» relate electricity to the transfer of energy
»» construct circuits and draw circuit diagrams with various components
»» investigate everyday energy transformations involving electrical energy
»» trace the history of the development of an electrical device (additional content)

Increasing energy efficiency 3.3

Energy efficiency measures how well a device transforms energy. All energy transformations
produce by-product energy forms different from the useful energy type required. The more
efficient the device, the less by-product energy is produced and wasted. Scientific research is
continuing to improve the efficiency of devices to reduce wasted energy. This is increasingly
important as non-renewable sources of energy begin to run out.
»» identify that most energy transformations produce heat energy
regardless of the transformation
»» research ways in which scientific knowledge and technological developments
have improved the efficiency of energy transfers or transformations
»» discuss the implications for society and the environment of increasing the efficiency of
energy transformations

3.1 Everyday energy
Energy is all around us. We use electrical energy to wash our clothes, to
keep our food cool and to watch television. We use thermal energy (heat) to
cook our food and to heat our homes and water. Light energy helps us see
when it is dark, and sound energy brings our favourite music to our ears.
These are just a few examples of different types of energy. We experience
the effects of energy every time something happens – for something to
happen, energy is required. However, what happens depends on the type
and amount of energy involved.

The energy of objects

Think about where you see energy – you energy you may not be aware of. Any time an
are probably thinking of something related object moves or something changes, energy
to electricity, but there are other forms of is involved to make that change happen.

Planes have gravitational

potential energy
Water in dams contains
gravitational potential energy PLElectrical energy
carried along wires

Solar panels capture solar energy

Burning coal provides
energy for our cities
Music makes sound energy

Moving people
BBCs produce kinetic energy
heat energy
Enzymes use chemical energy
Food contains Appliances use
Light energy chemical energy electrical energy Mobile phones detect
electromagnetic energy Stretched elastic has
elastic potential energy

Figure 3.1 Some examples of energy use in the modern world.

Activity 3.1.1: Different forms of energy

With a partner or in a small group, brainstorm as many different types of energy you
can think of. Spend some time carefully examining Figure 3.1, which shows some
different types of energy and we use them in our everyday lives.
1 Make a list of all the energy types you can think of.
2 For each energy type, think of an example of where or when it could be used. For
the energy types in Figure 3.1, try to come up with a different example from what is
already shown.
3 X, Y and Z in Figure 3.1 do not have labels. Identify what type of energy is
being used.
4 Create your own energy illustration showing either the energy you use every day or
the energy used by another imaginary other person.


Potential energy of the trampoline stretch under our weight
and hold this as stored energy. The more the
At some stage of your life you have springs stretch, the more energy they hold.
probably been told that you have ‘shown The energy is returned to our bodies when
potential’, perhaps while playing a sport the springs and mat return to normal and
or a musical instrument. This means you we are thrown into the air. Energy stored
have demonstrated you still have room for through the stretching or squashing of the
improvement – that you have got more in physical shape of an object is called elastic
you to improve your performance. Potential potential energy.
energy is a similar concept. Potential energy A bow and arrow is another example
is the energy stored in objects that is waiting of energy being stored in this way. When
to be used. This stored energy can be the the bowstring is stretched, it holds
result of a change of shape (stretching or elastic potential energy. When the string
squashing), an object’s height above the is released, the energy pushes the arrow
ground, or chemical reactions that change forward. Wind-up toys work in a similar
the chemical bonds within a substance. way. You wind up the spring inside the toy
and, when you let go, it releases its stored

Elastic potential energy energy. Springs can be both compressed
(squashed) and stretched, which
A trampoline has the ability to ‘store’ or hold
means they can work in two opposite
energy for later use. The springs and the mat

Activity 3.1.2: Rubber band boats


What you need: waxed cardboard (milk cartons work well), water bath or swimming Figure 3.2 Some items
pool, scissors, butterfly pins (also known as split pins), rubber band release potential elastic
energy to provide motion
such as (a) jumping stilts
and (b) wind-up toys.

Figure 3.3 The parts and method of assembly for a rubber band boat.

1 Cut out the waxed cardboard to match the diagram in Figure 3.3.
2 Connect the propeller blades using the slots.
3 Loop the rubber band over the propeller.
4 Attach the propeller to the boat using butterfly pins.
5 Wind the propeller towards the back of the boat a number of times, place the boat
gently on the surface of the water and release the propeller.
• What happened to the boat when the propeller was released?
• What types of energy are involved in this activity? Explain.
• How could you make the boat travel further? How are you changing the energy
when you do this?

3.1 Everyday energy 5

Gravitational potential These substances and objects all contain

energy chemical potential energy that can be

released when we need it. Some batteries
If we lift an object up, it gains gravitational can be recharged, which means the
potential energy (GPE). Any object in the chemical potential energy within them can
air has the potential to fall due to the force be replaced. Your MP3 player, laptop and
of gravity. The larger the mass and the larger mobile phone batteries can be recharged
the height, the more GPE the object gains. many times without damage because they
Have you ever noticed that falling a transform between chemical and electrical
greater distance produces a greater ‘thud’ energy.
and can hurt more? This is because of the
amount of GPE. As an object falls under the
Biomass energy
influence of gravity, the object’s GPE can
be transformed into other forms of energy. Biomass energy is potential energy
This happens when a child plays on a slide stored in plants and animals. It is a type
at the playground. As the child climbs up of chemical potential energy (CPE). The
the ladder, their GPE increases. As the child most common way of releasing biomass

Figure 3.4 This television energy, and many other types of CPE, is
comes down the slide, their GPE decreases
has gravitational potential
but they go faster. The child may also feel by burning the material, such as burning
energy when raised above
the ground. the friction of the slide as heat energy. wood to produce heat. Another common
use of biomass energy is to ferment the

Chemical potential energy PL

After we have done a lot of exercise, we
often crave foods that we believe will restore
our energy levels. These foods, usually sweet
sugar of various plants to produce ethanol
(pure alcohol). The ethanol can be used as
a biofuel – a biomass energy source that is
burned to power machines. In Australia,
we sell petrol for cars that contains 10%
things, release stored chemical energy very ethanol. Petrol of this sort is known as E10.
quickly to satisfy our cravings. All foods Most modern cars can run on E10 just as
have some energy stored in them, but the well as they run on normal unleaded fuel.
difference is how quickly the energy can be Diesel fuel can also be blended with
Figure 3.5 Energy drinks
released. other materials, usually vegetable oils,
contain a lot of chemical
potential energy, but they The energy stored within a chemical to make biodiesel. This fuel reduces the
release it too quickly for

substance is called chemical potential production of carbon monoxide, particulates

you to use properly. These
drinks contain other energy (CPE). Using chemical reactions to and hydrocarbons that are emitted when
ingredients you may want break the bonds holding the atoms together normal diesel fuel is burnt. This type
to avoid.
releases the energy. The chemical substance of biofuel is available in various blends
which we use for energy is glucose. The throughout Australia, though usually as B5
chemical reaction of respiration within our (5% oil) and B20 (20% oil). In fact, the first
cells breaks the bonds between atoms of diesel engine was invented to run on peanut
glucose and releases energy. Energy drinks and other vegetable oils.
release lots of sugars into the bloodstream,
usually much more quickly than it can be
used. The extra sugar is stored in the liver or
converted into fat.
Fuels, such as natural gas and petrol also
contain chemical energy. A Bunsen burner
uses the burning of natural gas to provide
heat in the laboratory so you can perform
your experiments. Petrol and natural gas
Figure 3.6 The chemical
have chemical energy stored in them, as do
potential energy in
dynamite can be released explosives and batteries. Figure 3.7 Ethanol is a biofuel that is already
when the fuse is lit. available as a part of E10 fuels in Australia.


Experiment 3.1.1: Bio-power!

To discover the energy content of a Cheezel.

• Cheezels • Water
• Cork • Tripod and gauze mat
• Needle or short metal wire • Boss head and clamp
• Heatproof mat • Thermometer
• 150 mL beaker • Long matches or oven lighter

• Stopwatch or clock
>> Do not eat the Cheezels. NO food or drink should be consumed in a science

1 Push the eye of the needle into one end of the cork.

2 Now carefully push a Cheezel onto the sharp end of the needle.
3 Place the boss head and clamp over the heatproof mat, then attach the cork to the

4 Pour 20 mL of water into the beaker and record the temperature.
5 Place the beaker of water on the gauze mat and tripod, and adjust the clamp so the
beaker is immediately above the Cheezel but not touching it.
6 Light the Cheezel using a long match or oven lighter. (It may take a while to catch
7 Allow the Cheezel to burn for 5 minutes or until it has gone out. During this time,
record the temperature of the water every 30 seconds.
Complete the following table for your results, using the formula below for calculating
The amount of energy generated by burning the Cheezel is:

Energy (joules) = volume of water (mL) × 4.2 × change in temperature (ºC)

Table 3.1 Water temperature and energy generated.

Time (s) Temperature (°C) Volume of water (mL) Energy generated (J)
0 20
30 20
60 20
90 20

1 How does this experiment demonstrate how biofuels can
be used to create energy?
2 What does this experiment suggest about Cheezels as an
energy source for humans?
3 What type of energy does this experiment investigate?
4 How could you improve or alter this experiment?

Conclusion Figure 3.8 Burning is a

Write a statement about the energy content of a Cheezel, common way to release
chemical potential energy.
using your results as evidence.

3.1 Everyday energy 7

Nuclear energy and the faster it is moving, the more kinetic
energy it has. A fully loaded truck travelling
Although nuclear energy is used
at 60 kilometres per hour has much more
throughout the world, it is not used in
kinetic energy than a small motorbike
Australia at the moment. Nuclear
travelling at the same speed.
energy involves the splitting or
Cars are designed with safety features
fission of the nuclei of atoms.
to absorb the kinetic energy of a collision.
When atoms react in chemical
For example, a car’s brakes are designed to
reactions, they usually release only
absorb kinetic energy and slow the car down
small amounts of energy. However,
safely. An object stopping suddenly when
if the centres or nuclei of atoms can
hitting an obstacle will receive more damage
be made to react, like uranium-235,
than an object slowing down before gently
the amount of energy released is
coming to a stop. The kinetic energy of a
much, much larger. The amount of
sudden stop is what causes damage to the
energy released is so huge that it can power
car and the people inside it.
Figure 3.9 The potential whole cities or cause massive amounts of
energy released from destruction. The Australian government is
Sound energy

a nuclear explosion is
much, much greater concerned about the risks associated with
than from other types of nuclear energy and is unlikely to use it in Have you ever been at a very loud concert
explosions. and stood near the huge speakers? If so, you
the near future.
Nuclear power can also be used in will remember that you not only heard the

explosive weapons and some countries in
the world possess such weapons (but not
Australia). Thankfully, they are not used
very often because their destructive power
is huge.
deep bass sound, but also felt it in your body.
You can feel the same vibrations in the car if
you put your hand on the dashboard when
the radio is on full blast. Sound is made
when things vibrate. Every time you make
a sound – whether it is playing a musical

Kinetic energy
instrument, speaking, singing or even
whispering – you are making vibrations.
The scientific term for the energy of Vibrations are simply tiny movements back
movement is kinetic energy (KE). You and forth. Vibrations can occur in gases,
use kinetic energy every day of your life. liquids and even in solids. If you put your ear

Whenever objects or people move, they are to the desk in front of you and a friend taps
using kinetic energy. The heavier an object is at the other end of the desk, you will hear
the vibrations.

Figure 3.10 Seatbelts and airbags in cars are designed to slow you down before you Figure 3.11 The kinetic energy a drummer uses to hit
stop in a crash, reducing the kinetic energy and hopefully preventing injury. the drum skins is transformed into sound energy.


Energy is needed to make sound. For vibrations and the louder the sound will be.
example, a drummer uses energy to hit The sound travels to your ears through the
the drums, which vibrates the drum skin air. The particles in the air also vibrate as the
to make a sound. The more energy the sound passes through.
drummer uses to hit the drum, the bigger the

Activity 3.1.3: Sound energy

What you need: tuning fork, wooden table or wooden box, acoustic guitar, electric
1 Hit a tuning fork on the sole of your shoe and then listen to the sound it makes.
2 Repeat step 1, but hold the tuning fork so it is standing on a wooden table or
wooden box. What difference did the table make to the loudness of the sound?
3 Repeat step 2, but see if you can feel the table or box vibrating this time. Why do
you think this may have happened?
4 Compare the sound of an unplugged electric

guitar to the sound of an acoustic guitar.
Which is louder? Why do you think this is so?
5 Now place your hand on the body of the

guitar? Does this help explain why the

acoustic guitar may be louder?
• How do you change the way you play
acoustic guitar as it is played. Can you feel
the vibrations? What about with the electric

a recorder so it gives out more sound

• How does a pianist manage to play some
notes softly and others very loudly?
• When you want to yell or speak louder,
how do you make the sound coming from

your mouth louder?

• How do drummers make their drums
Figure 3.12 What energy does a tuning
sound louder? fork use and produce?

3.1 Everyday energy 9

Questions 3.1.1: The energy of objects

1 List four examples of devices or situations that involve potential energy.
2 Describe four devices, other than those mentioned already, that possess elastic
potential energy.
3 Recall the scientific term for ‘movement energy’.
4 Complete the following statement: When a person plays a musical instrument,
____________ energy is transformed into ____________ energy.

5 Identify three situations where you used kinetic energy today.
6 Identify an advantage of using 10% ethanol as a fuel source instead of normal
7 In terms of the energy involved, list one benefit and one problem with using nuclear

8 Identify the features of a car that would absorb:
a the car’s kinetic energy in a collision
b the driver’s and passengers’ kinetic energy in a collision.

9 Compare the amount of energy released from the burning of brown coal with
reactive the equivalent amount of uranium-235 in a nuclear reactor.
10 Investigate the vibrations of sound further. If the size of the vibrations determines
the volume of the sound, identify the feature of the vibrations that determines the
note or the pitch of the sound.

Figure 3.13 Crash test

dummies are used to
test the safety features
of cars.


Transforming energy
We use a huge range of devices and us with hot water for our showers. A gas
equipment every day. Some electrical stove produces heat to cook our food, petrol
devices, such as earphones, produce in the car produces motion, and solar panels
sound. Some produce light or use light collect and store sunlight as electricity. All
to analyse something, such as a barcode these devices and pieces of equipment are
scanner at the supermarket. Others produce energy transformers because they convert
heat to dry and style our hair or to provide one type of energy into another.

Activity 3.1.4: Energy converters

Consider each device in the following table, the energy it uses to work (the energy
input) and the useful energy it produces (the energy output).
1 Work in groups to fill in the gaps in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Energy input and output of some devices.
Device Energy input Energy output
Drum Sound

Light bulb


Car engine

PL Sound



Elastic potential Kinetic

Gas heater Heat
Solar panel Light
Phone charger Electrical

2 Discuss any patterns you see in the table. For example, are there any energy types

that are more commonly ‘inputs’ rather than ‘outputs’?

3 Extend the list with five more devices your group comes up with.

Representing energy For example, the battery in a mobile

phone transforms chemical energy into
transformations electrical energy. The previous sentence
Flow diagrams can be used to represent describes this energy transformation, but
energy transformations. The arrow in the using a flow diagram it would simply be:
flow diagram is used to represent a number Chemical energy → Electrical energy
of things.
Sometimes there is more than one energy
1 The arrow points in the direction of the output, so we try to concentrate on the
transformation. main one. Minor energy outputs are known
2 The energy input is written at the back of as by-products. Think how you would write
the arrow. the energy transformation in a light bulb.
What is the energy input? What is the main
3 The useful energy output is written at the energy output? Is there a by-product (wasted
tip of the arrow. energy)?

3.1 Everyday energy 11

In some devices there are several energy fan is directed over the heating element,
transformations in a row, resulting in an generating warm air, which flows out of the
energy chain. For example, listening to music hairdryer. Some hairdryers have different
speed and heat settings that control the
amount of electrical energy flowing to each
part of the device.
Other heating devices, such as toasters,
Electrical energy Kinetic energy
also use heating elements to convert
electrical energy into heat energy. Heating
elements are made of certain types of wires
that heat up quickly without melting when
Chemical energy Sound energy electricity flows through them.
Electric ovens are like oversized toasters
and can have a fan in them, as does a
hairdryer. Gas ovens and stoves use the
chemical energy of the gas to produce heat
by burning the gas. All these devices are very

Figure 3.14 The energy chain involved in listening to
music from a smartphone. common – our homes would not be much
use to us without energy converters.
Chemical energy → Electrical energy → Kinetic
energy → Sound energy No doubt your house has some sort of

the following paragraph:

from a smartphone would be as described in

The chemical energy stored in the battery

of the smartphone is transformed into
heating or cooling system, depending on
where you live. Electricity can be used to
heat your home or water supply, but burning
natural gas is another option, as is utilising
solar energy. All these heating and cooling
electrical energy. The electrical energy flows devices are energy converters. If you wave
through the wires to the headphones, where a piece of cardboard in front of your face
it is transformed into kinetic energy as the to cool yourself down, you are converting
tiny speakers in the headphones vibrate. energy. The chemical energy inside your
This is then transformed into sound energy, muscles is converted into kinetic energy
which our ears detect. (the movement of your hand) to assist the
As a flow diagram, this energy chain movement of thermal energy from your face

would be: into the surrounding air.

Transformations for heat

The most important energy transformations
in our lives are those that keep us
comfortable, reduce our stress and entertain
our brains! Energy transformations involved
in our comfort usually mean using heat for
things like drying our hair, for cooking our
food and for keeping us warm.
A hairdryer has two basic components:
a fan and a heating element. When plugged
in and switched on, the fan motor spins and Figure 3.15 The heating element of an electric
the heating element heats up. So, a hairdryer stove converts electricity into thermal energy.
Some electrical energy also transformed into the
converts electrical energy into heat energy
by-product light energy, which is why the element
and kinetic energy. The air blown by the looks red.


Experiment 3.1.2: Making an electric jug

To make an electric jug.

• P
ower supply • wo connecting wires
• P encil • Alligator clips
• T hermometer • Blu-Tack
• 2 50 mL beaker • Approximately 70 cm of nichrome wire
• H eatproof mat

>> Do not allow the two alligator clips to touch while the power is on.

1 Coil the nichrome wire around the pencil, leaving a 10 cm straight section of wire at

each end. Remove the pencil from the coil and make sure both straight ends of the
wire are pointing in the same direction. Check that the coil will fit into the beaker.
2 Stand the beaker on the heatproof mat and add 50 mL water to the beaker,

ensuring the nichrome coil remains below the water level.
3 Connect the straight sections of the nichrome wire to a power supply with alligator
clips and connecting wires. Set the power supply on 12 V DC and switch on the
power. Use the Blu-Tack to hold the setup in place on the top edges of the beaker.
4 Put the thermometer near the base of
the beaker and check the temperature. power source
Check the temperature again after 2, 4,
+ _
6, 8 and 10 minutes.
Results wire
Record your results in a table, then
convert these data to a time versus
temperature line graph.

alligator clip
1 What advantage do you think a coiled beaker
heating element has over a straight heatproof mat
one? water level

2 Why must the two alligator clips not be nichrome coil

allowed to touch while the power is on? Figure 3.16 Experimental setup for an
3 Approximately how long did it take for electrical jug.
the water to get hot?
4 How could the speed of heating the water be improved?

Write two or three sentences to explain how electrical energy can be used to heat

3.1 Everyday energy 13

Transformations for
Transport is a vital part of our everyday
lives. Which form of transport did you use
to get around today? Each form uses an
energy conversion. Even walking uses energy.
We know this because, when we walk a
long way, we get very tired. Humans have
invested a lot of resources into improving
transportation to reduce the energy we
Figure 3.17 Carrying expend. Getting from one place to another
materials can be made
is much easier with a car. Trucks and trains
easier with machines. Figure 3.21 Power lines are not practical in rural
mean we can transport large quantities of areas, so diesel fuel is used.
goods in a short period of time.
When we ride a bicycle, the chemical Trains that travel to country areas or
interstate usually run on diesel fuel and

energy stored in our bodies from the food we
have eaten is transformed into kinetic energy do not need overhead electrical wires. The
and heat energy. A car engine also uses engines in these trains burn diesel fuel,
chemical energy that is stored in the petrol, transforming its chemical potential energy

converting it mainly into kinetic energy but
with the by-products of sound, heat and
electrical energy.
into kinetic energy. Ships and planes use a
similar process in their engines.
Engine design is part of an engineer’s
job. It is important to make the engines
reliable (so they don’t break down) and
efficient (so they can run for a long time
Figure 3.18 Cycling on the minimum amount of fuel). These
requires fuel from food are challenges engineers need to overcome.
and by-products of heat
and sound are produced Clever ideas are being trialled all the time
by the rider. to make more efficient engines for our
transport requirements.

Figure 3.19 Hybrid cars use both a petrol engine and

an electric motor to send power to the wheels.

Electric cars are being designed to run

on the chemical energy stored in batteries,
rather than petrol, to power an electric motor
that makes the wheels turn. This will make
electric cars less polluting and more energy
efficient. Hybrid cars have been on our roads
for many years. These cars have both a petrol
engine and an electric motor with large
banks of batteries, usually under the floor.
The Toyota Prius and the Hybrid Camry were
two of the first hybrid cars on our roads, but
many more are being designed. Figure 3.22 Aircraft use higher-quality fuels than
road transport vehicles to minimise weight and
Public transport uses energy too. waste.
Metropolitan trains (and trams in some
cities) convert electricity from overhead
Figure 3.20 Power lines
wires into kinetic energy to make them
provide electrical energy
for public transport. move.


Transformations for light
and sound
Humans are one of the few animals that
are known to do things just for fun. In
fact, humans have taken entertainment
to a whole new level. Massive amounts of
time, energy and money are dedicated to
entertaining ourselves.
These days, light is used extensively
for entertainment. Television and other Figure 3.23 The picture you see on the television
screen is made up of thousands of coloured dots
screens display pictures that are made up
called pixels.
of thousands of dots of red, green and
blue light. The dots are known as pixels A mobile phone also uses a speaker
(one megapixel is one million pixels). to produce the sound of a person’s voice
When an electrical signal reaches a pixel, or the various ringtones and beeps that

it glows. Making different combinations the phone makes. Home phones use
of pixels glow with different combinations a speaker too, as do televisions, CD
of brightness can produce any colour. To systems, radios and many other devices.
produce yellow, both the red and green They all transform electrical energy into
pixels glow. To make white, all three of
the pixel colours glow. Our eyes merge the
coloured light from the pixels together to
make the colour we see. All the coloured
pixels over the entire screen merge to form
sound energy.
The microphone in a mobile phone
transforms the sound energy from our
voice into electrical energy, which can
then be sent as a radio wave signal to Figure 3.24 Earphones
transform electrical
the picture of the television show or DVD another phone. Nowadays, smart phones
energy into kinetic sound
we are watching. have a lot of different parts inside them energy.
Both CD and DVD players use light because of the number of jobs we now
energy from a laser to read the information expect them to do.
stored on the CD or DVD. Tiny microscopic A television remote control uses light
pits on the surface of the disc make up the energy to communicate with the television
set. Most remote controls use infrared light,

digital code. The laser, which is a very pure

type of light, reads the code. The code is which is an invisible type of light usually
then transformed into sound, information associated with heat. The remote control
or pictures. CD and DVD burners also use sends a pulse of infrared light that represents
a laser but, instead of reading the code, the a particular command, such as to change
laser burns or etches the code onto the disc the channel or to increase the volume. An
as a series of pits. infrared light detector on the television
Speakers come in a range of sizes, from receives the light signal and transforms
the tiny earphones that come with smart it back into electrical energy, which then
phones or MP3 players to the huge speaker carries out the command.
systems used at concerts. Earphones are Figure 3.25 The internal
components of (a) an iPod
simply a pair of tiny speakers that connect to and (b) a mobile phone.
an audio source. The music files stored on an
MP3 player are transformed into electrical
energy using chemical energy from the
battery. The wires carry the electrical energy
and the tiny speakers vibrate to transform
Figure 3.26 A television
the electrical energy into sound energy.
remote control uses an
infrared LED to operate
the television.

3.1 Everyday energy 15

Activity 3.1.5: Investigating energy transformations

What you need: model dynamo/generator, model steam engine, radiometer

Figure 3.27 Some devices that transform energy.

1 Carefully identify the different parts of each of the devices listed above. In what
ways are they similar? How do they differ?
2 Rotate the handle of the dynamo to make a lamp work.

3 Watch the model steam engine as it runs.
4 Shine a bright light on the vanes of the radiometer.
• What energy transformations are involved in each of the devices investigated?
• Which of the devices is/are producing electrical energy? How do you know?
• Suggest an application in the real world for each device.
Questions 3.1.2: Transforming energy

1 Recall the features that make hybrid cars different from regular petrol-driven cars.

2 Recall why country trains mostly use diesel instead of overhead electrical wires.
3 Describe the importance of energy and energy transformation in transportation.
4 Describe how electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy in a toaster or
5 Suggest three examples, other than those provided, of how light energy can
be used.

6 Identify the by-product energy transformations of a car.
7 Choose three energy-converting devices mentioned in this section and draw flow
diagrams for the energy transformations they perform.
8 Draw an energy chain for how we get the energy to run a race from eating an apple.
(Hint: Start with the sun.)
9 Propose some of the advantages and disadvantages an electric car has over a
petrol car.

10 Many device use remote controls. List as many as you can think of. Investigate how
they send their different signals.


Transferring heat energy
Most energy transformations result in at Consider what happens when a saucepan
least some of the energy being converted of water is heated on a gas burner:
into heat. Heat energy is more properly
• When the gas burns, chemical potential
called thermal energy. All substances, such
energy is transformed and thermal energy
as water and air, are made of molecules.
is released.
These molecules move around at different
speeds, depending on the temperature. • The hot molecules in the gas flame move
When air or water is hot, the molecules quickly and occasionally bump into
move faster than when they are cold. atoms of the relatively cold metal of the
When substances are heated, they saucepan.
expand to occupy more space because • Energy passes to the slowly vibrating
heating gives the molecules more kinetic atoms in the bottom of the saucepan so
energy to move further and faster, spreading that they vibrate faster.
the substance out. The molecules do not get

• These quickly vibrating atoms in the
bigger, but the spaces between the molecules
saucepan then bump into other nearby
do. Heat energy travels through materials in
metal atoms, transferring energy to them.
three different ways: conduction, convection
This heats the saucepan.
and radiation.

Conduction and
• When the saucepan heats up, thermal
energy is transferred to the water inside
the saucepan that is touching the metal.

Although the energy moves through the

Thermal energy always moves from a metal of the saucepan and into the water,
hotter substance to a cooler substance. This the atoms in the metal do not change their
energy transfer can occur by conduction or positions.
convection. Radiation is a different type of
energy transfer that will be discussed later on
in this section.


radiation radiation
Figure 3.29 Only the bottom of this saucepan is being
heated, but conduction will transfer the heat through
the metal to the water inside.

Figure 3.28 Thermal energy can be transferred Conductors and insulators

in three main ways; conduction, convection and
radiation. A thermal conductor is any material that

Heating by conduction allows thermal energy to flow easily through

it. All metals are conductors although some
Heat transfer by conduction is the transfer are better conductors than others. Thermal
of thermal energy when two objects make insulators are materials that slow down the
direct contact with each other and heat transfer of thermal energy because their
transfers from the hotter object to the cooler molecules don’t allow the energy to flow
object. very easily. Insulators such as socks, jumpers

3.1 Everyday energy 17

and blankets keep us warm in cold weather. faster than the molecules in the water
They make it difficult for our ‘body heat’ above. Because they are moving faster,
to escape, insulating us against the cold. they take up more space and so are less
Insulation in the roof and walls of a house dense than the cooler water.
prevents heat gain and loss during summer
• Less dense substances float on more
and winter. So insulation can hold heat in or
dense substances. As a result, the heated
keep it out.
water molecules near the bottom of the
saucepan begin to rise, leaving room for
Heating by convection the denser, cooler water molecules to
In liquids and gases, thermal energy can also sink down and take their place.
move by convection. Tiny circular currents, • The heated water molecules take thermal
called convection currents, carry the thermal energy with them as they move.
energy. A convection current is movement
within a liquid or gas that is driven by Convection can occur in air as well as
differences in the thermal energy of the in liquids. The sun heats the ground, and
molecules. the warmed ground then heats the air

Think again about what is happening touching it by conduction. The warmed
when a saucepan of water is heated on a gas air is less dense than the cooler air above
flame: it, so it will rise, taking the energy with it.
This distributes the energy through a much

are touching the metal.

• Energy transfers by conduction from the
hot saucepan to the water molecules that

• The water molecules in contact with the

metal have more energy and are moving
deeper layer of air than could occur just by
conduction from the ground. This process
of convection in the air is what drives the
weather on the Earth.
­U n d e r s ta n di n g Living in Iceland
Iceland is just south of the Arctic Circle,
in the North Atlantic Ocean. Maximum

temperatures in the capital, Reykjavik,

range from about –3ºC in winter to about
13ºC in summer. For much-needed
heating throughout the year, Icelanders
rely on a renewable source of heat energy:
geothermal energy. Iceland is a highly
volcanic and geologically active island.
The abundant energy from the hot water
and steam just below the ground is used
to generate electricity, and used directly
as heating. Geothermal heating has been
used since the times of the Roman Empire Figure 3.30 The Blue Lagoon is a geothermal spa
to heat buildings and water. This energy near Reykjavik, Iceland.
is so inexpensive that some footpaths in
Reykjavik are heated in winter. 2 Suggest why almost 90% of Iceland’s
households use geothermal energy for
heating and hot water.
1 Explain the process of energy transfer
3 What other sources of energy are used
via heating.
to heat homes throughout the world?


Experiment 3.1.3: Investigating the transfer of heat energy by

Carefully read the experiment and write an appropriate aim. The title of the
experiment may be a hint. Remember that an aim should start with ‘To … ’.

• Bunsen burner • S
• Heatproof mat • 5 00 mL beaker
• Tripod • R etort stand
• Gauze mat • 2 boss head and clamp sets
• Matches • 2 thermometers

>> Warning: be careful when heating liquids and near naked flames, do not leave
them unattended. Handle hot glassware with a towel or tongs.

1 Add approximately 300 mL of water to the beaker.
2 Assemble the apparatus as shown in Figure 3.31. Ensure the lower thermometer is

about 2 cm under the surface of the water.

not touching the bottom of the beaker and that the bulb of the top thermometer is

3 Read the temperature of the water with both thermometers and record both values
in the results table as Time 0.

top thermometer
boss head
and clamps

beaker lower
gauze mat


Bunsen burner retort


Figure 3.31 Experimental setup.

4 Light the Bunsen burner and turn it to the blue flame.
5 Record the temperature of the water with both thermometers every 30 seconds for
3 minutes.
6 Use your table of results to draw a line graph that shows the change of
temperature over time at the two locations. See the Science Skills box for
instructions on how to draw a scientific graph. Draw both lines on the same set
of axes.

3.1 Everyday energy 19

Temperature (ºC)
Time (s) Lower thermometer Upper thermometer

1 Describe any differences between the temperatures of the water at the bottom of
the beaker compared with the water at the top of the beaker at time 0. Explain why
this might be.
2 Describe any differences between the temperatures of the water at the bottom of
the beaker compared with the water at the top of the beaker over the 3 minutes.

3 If you continued this experiment until the water was boiling, would you expect
any differences in water temperature between the bottom and top of the beaker?
Explain your answer.

4 Describe how the water was heated in the beaker using your knowledge of thermal
energy, convection and using your results as evidence.

Write two or three sentences to address your aim and explain what you know about the
convection of thermal energy.
S k ill s Drawing scientific graphs
Many scientific experiments collect lots depends on the type of data you have
of data. The easiest way to summarise collected.

this data and to see any patterns or Column graphs

trends is to use the data to draw a Column or bar graphs are used when data
graph. The most common types of graph falls into distinct groupings, for example if
used in science are line graphs, sector you were recording the colours of cars you
graphs (pie charts), column graphs and saw passing your window over a set time
histograms. The type of graph you draw period, you could produce a table such as:

Car colour Red Blue Silver Green Black White

Number 12 15 20 2 5 12

In a column graph, the discrete grouping
20 is usually displayed on the x-axis, and the
numbers are displayed on the y-axis, as
15 shown below.
12 12

Red Blue Silver Green Black White


Sector graphs
Sector graphs, also known as pie charts, are also used to display data that has discrete
groupings. In contrast to a column graph, a pie graph displays the data as proportions of
a circle. For the data above, the whole circle represents the total number of cars seen.

Car colour Red Blue Silver Green Black White Total

Number 12 15 20 2 5 12 66

Next, divide each value by the total and multiply by 100 to get a percent:

Car colour Red Blue Silver Green Black White Total

Number 12 15 20 2 5 12 66
Percentage 12/66 = 15/66 = 20/66 = 2/66 = 3% 5/66 = 7.5% 12/66 = 100%
18.2 % 22.7% 30.3% 18.2%

Next, you need to calculate how many degrees each sector will represent on the pie
graph. A full circle has 360°, so we do the following calculation:

Car colour Red Blue Silver Green Black White Total

Number 12 15 20 2 5 12 66
Percentage 12/66 = 15/66 = 20/66 = 30% 2/66 = 3% 5/66 = 8% 12/66 = 100%
18 % 23% 18%
Degrees 12/66 x 360 15/66 x 20/66 x 360 2/66 x 360 5/66 x 360 12/66 x 360°
= 66°

360 = 82°

= 109°
PL = 11°

= 27° 360 = 66°

11° Silver

Now a sector graph can be created by the title. For example, The change in
drawing a circle and using a protractor to plant height over time. In this example,
measure out the sectors that represent time will be the independent variable,
each car colour: and the height of the plant will be the
Line graphs dependent variable.
2 T
he length of your axes and the spacing
Line graphs are used to show how one
of units will depend on your data.
continuous variable changes in relation to
Identify the highest values for each
another variable. The independent variable
variable, and base your axes on those,
(the variable that you change) is always on adding a few extra unit lengths in
the horizontal x-axis. The experimental case you need to extend (extrapolate)
or dependent variable (the variable you your results to predict what would
measure for your results) is placed on the have happened if you’d continued your
vertical y-axis. experiment. For example, from the
data table below, the horizontal axis
Steps for drawing a scientific line graph needs to go up to at least 12 days,
1 G
ive your graph a title that briefly while the vertical axis should go up to
explains what the graph is showing. 250-300 mm.
Both the variables should be a part of

3.1 Everyday energy 21

Time (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Height (mm) 0 0 1 4 15 28 49 73 102 148 195

3 L
abel each axis with the variable and It also identifies any outliers, which are
the units you have used to measure it. data points a long way from the line of
Using pencil, plot each point of data best fit that may indicate a mistake in
from the table. your data recording or method.
4 J
oin the points with a line of best fit. 5 Y
ou can even draw more than one set
This does not necessarily mean you of data on the same graph axes, if
rule a straight line through the first and they are using the same variables. For
last point. You may have to hand-draw example, you might want to compare
a curve in some cases. The line may the electrical efficiency of 3 different
not pass through every single point, but brands of kettle. When you place
should be a smooth line that passes multiple lines on the same graph, you
near as many points as possible. This must label each line, or draw them in
line of best fit shows you if there is any different colours and provide a key.
trend (pattern) in your data to indicate a A graph of the above data may look like:

relationship between the two variables.

Change in plant height over time


Plant height (mm)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time (days)

Your turn
You carried out an experiment to compare the efficiency of 3 different brands of kettle
when boiling different amounts of water. The results were as follows:

Amount of water (mL)

250 500 750 1000 1500 2000
Time Kettle A 50 100 150 200 300 400
taken to
boil (sec) Kettle B 62 110 134 169 278 367
Kettle C 48 92 151 223 341 443

Draw an appropriate graph to display this data.


Heating by radiation reflected Sun’s radiation
When you go outside on a warm day by clouds
you are being exposed to radiation.
Unlike convection and conduction, when
something radiates energy, the medium
(substance) through which it travels is
not affected. Radiation is a type of energy absorbed by atmosphere
and can be in forms such as visible light, and clouds
ultraviolet light, radio waves, microwaves
and infrared radiation. Radiation is
not necessarily absorbed when it meets
a substance – it may be reflected or
transmitted. For example, radiation from the reflected
sun is transmitted through the atmosphere – from ground absorbed by
some of the radiation is reflected from the ground
tops of clouds, some is absorbed by the

ground and some is reflected by the ground. Figure 3.32 Radiation from the sun does several
things, depending on weather conditions.
Radiated energy that is absorbed gives the
molecules of the substance more energy to
vibrate, increasing their thermal energy.
Activity 3.1.6: Investigating heating by radiation

What you need: 3 cm square of black paper,

3 cm square of white paper, 3 cm square of
aluminium foil, 3 thermometers, sunlight
(alternatively, use an incandescent lamp or heat
lamp), 3 stopwatches
1 Work in groups of three.
2 Place the bulbs of the thermometers under

the different materials and then place them

in the sunlight (or under a lamp, making
sure that they are all 6 cm from the lamp).
3 Use a table to record the temperature of
each thermometer every minute for 10
4 Draw graphs of the change in temperature
for the different materials.
• Which surface was the best at absorbing
Figure 3.33 A household heater such
• Which surface was the best at reflecting as this one, radiates heat energy to its
radiation? surroundings.

• How could this understanding be applied

to choosing colours for clothing or materials for housing?

3.1 Everyday energy 23

­U n d e r s ta n di n g Solar snakes
Snakes and other reptiles rely
on thermal energy from the sun.
Reptiles are poikilothermic (pronounced
poy-kilo-thermic); their temperature takes
on the temperature of their surroundings.
‘Cold-blooded’ isn’t a very scientific
description because their blood is very
rarely cold at all. Reptiles regulate their
body temperature by moving from sunny to
cooler areas. Figure 3.34 Bearded Dragons darken their skin
Snakes and lizards lie at right angles and spread out their bodies to help absorb solar
to the direction of the sunlight to maximise radiation.

the amount of solar radiation falling on their

skin. They increase the surface area exposed matter, in this case the snake’s body and
to the sun by expanding their ribcages. Many its blood.

reptiles can also darken their skin to absorb Questions
more heat from solar radiation. 1 Why does increasing the surface area
Snakes and lizards are also often of the snake’s skin allow more energy
seen lying on hot roads or rocks that have to be absorbed into its body?

absorbed thermal energy from the sun. In
this case, they are using conduction from
the hot rocks to transfer heat.
When a reptile is too hot, it will lie
parallel to the sun’s rays, move into the
2 Does the body of the snake store
thermal energy? Explain your answer.
3 Why would opening its mouth allow the
snake to cool down?
4 Poikilothermic animals need a lot less
shade, lighten the colour of its skin, open
its mouth wide, or burrow under cool soil. energy from their food compared to
homeothermic animals, which maintain
Reptiles are much more active in warmer
temperatures and hibernate (a sleep-like a constant body temperature. Suggest
state) in colder seasons. a reason why this is, and describe
Think about the role of energy in this why this may be an advantage for
process and how it is related to the living poikilothermic animals such as snakes.

Questions 3.1.3: Transferring heat energy

1 Identify an everyday situation where thermal energy is transferred by:
a conduction
b convection
c radiation.
2 Recall the possible pathways of solar radiation from the sun, depending on the
weather conditions.
3 From your everyday experience, list some examples of where good thermal
insulators and conductors are needed. Identify the materials used in each case.
4 List some examples of common devices that work by the movement of light,
infrared radiation, microwaves or radio waves.
5 Identify what happens when a substance absorbs radiation.

Everyday energy
1 Match these terms with their correct
meanings: [6 marks]
Nuclear energy Another name for stored
4 Name a device that transforms:
a elastic energy into kinetic energy
[1 mark]
b gravitational energy into electrical
energy [1 mark]

Biomass energy The energy of an object

when lifted up c kinetic energy into electrical energy
Elastic energy Used widely throughout [1 mark]
the world to generate
electricity from atoms d light energy into electrical energy
Kinetic energy The energy stored in a [1 mark]
compressed spring
e electrical energy into sound energy.
Gravitational Possessed by all moving
energy objects [1 mark]

Potential energy Energy stored in plants and 5 Identify the type of heat transfer that
happens when you touch something
2 Identify whether the following hot. [1 mark]
statements are true or false. Rewrite
the false statements to make them
a Springs only hold stored energy
when they are stretched. [1 mark]
6 A gas flame used in cooking emits
some radiant energy. Explain how you
would be aware of this heat transfer.
[1 mark]
b Nuclear energy provides much more
energy than chemical reactions. 7 Draw labelled diagrams of the three
[1 mark] methods of transferring energy by
c When an object is thrown up in the heating. [3 marks]
air it gains gravitational potential 8 Identify the input energy source for a
energy. [1 mark] car, the main useful source of energy it
produces and some of the by-product

d Sound energy is a type of potential

energy. [1 mark] forms of energy it produces. [3 marks]

e Petrol contains nuclear energy.

[1 mark]
3 Identify the main form of energy in each
of these situations:
a water flowing over a waterfall
[1 mark]
b a boy riding his skateboard [1 mark]
c a stretched rubber band [1 mark]
d a mobile phone battery [1 mark]
e a racing car travelling around the
race track [1 mark]
f a clap of thunder [1 mark]
g a rollercoaster at the highest point
of the ride [1 mark] Figure 3.35 What are all the energy transformations
that happen in a moving car?

Everyday energy 25
9 Have you ever swum in the sea and types with arrows. Compare your
noticed that the water is warmer near scenario with a friend and see who can
the surface at the end of a hot day? come up with a scenario that involves
Explain why convection currents don’t the most forms of energy. [3 marks]
work very well to heat water when the 12 Create a story that analyses the energy
heat source is above. [3 marks] transformations in a device. There
10 Think of your day today. How many needs to be at least four steps in the
different energy forms have you story. Convert your story into an energy
possessed, used or witnessed? Identify chain, written in the correct format.
the most commonly used form of [4 marks]
energy and suggest a reason why this
might be the case. [3 marks] Research
13 The massive earthquake and tsunami
Critical and creative thinking in Japan in March 2011 caused
11 Energy types rarely exist alone. extensive damage to the Fukushima
Different types of energy often work nuclear power plant, north of Tokyo,

together to make something happen. and created an emergency situation.
Think about some of the things energy Research this disaster and present a
is responsible for. Choose one thing two-minute news report to the class
and identify the type or types of energy that highlights the issues surrounding

involved. If more than one type of
energy is involved, link the different
the use of nuclear energy. [4 marks]

[ /42]
Electrical energy
Electricity is a form of energy that most people are very familiar with,
and probably don’t know how they would live without it. Electricity is a
very versatile form of energy that can be relatively easily stored, and
transformed into almost any other form of energy. It powers your mobile
phone and laptop, runs the lights and the refrigerator in your house, and is
vital in communication over long distances. People’s reliance on electricity
continues to grow as technological advances make more and more devices
available to the general public.

Electrical circuits

You may recall from Year 7 that all matter is
made up of atoms, and that atoms contain
Electric circuits
charged particles. Negatively charged The pathway travelled by electrical energy
particles called electrons circle around the
outside of the positively charged nucleus in
the centre of the atom. When separated,
electrons and the nuclei have electrical
energy. In static electricity, the tiny electrons
is called an electric circuit. As negatively
charged electrons move around an electric
circuit, they carry electrical energy from
the energy source, such as a battery, to the
device that uses the energy, such as a torch.
Devices have ‘gaps’ in the pathway called
can be rubbed off one object and on to
another creating static charge. When this
charge is discharged, the electrons return
to the nuclei in a rush, creating a zap
and sometimes even a spark. The sound,
sensation and sight of a spark are the result
of the transformation of electrical energy

into sound, kinetic and light energy.

If the charges are contained in a
substance that is a good electrical conductor,
such as a wire, the separated charges can
easily move back together. The electrons
are able to flow through the wire from one
place to another and may pass through a
device. As they do so, the electrical energy
they had as a result of being separated from
their nuclei gets changed (or transformed)
into some other form, such as light and heat
energy in a light bulb.
The flow of electrical energy from one
place to another along a pathway made from
a conductive material is called an electrical
current. Figure 3.36 These devices and many more rely on electrical energy. How would your
life be different without them?

Electrical energy 27
switches to control the flow of electricity in a component to transfer their energy to
a circuit. If the switch is open the pathway is otherwise they transfer energy to the wires
broken and no electricity flows. which transform the energy into heat.
The essential requirements for an electric Without a load on the circuit, the wires can
circuit are a power source, the wires or get hot enough to melt or even catch fire.
pathway, and a load or a component such Many house fires can start as a result of
as a light bulb or resistor. Electrons need electrical energy.

Activity 3.2.1: Lemon batteries

What you need: copper metal (foil or uninsulated wire), galvanised nails, 4 lemons per
group, 6 alligator clip leads (short), LED (light-emitting diode), multimeter (optional)
1 Roll the lemons and squeeze gently to soften the skin and make sure they are juicy
on the inside.
2 Make a slit in the lemons and insert a strip of copper foil. Use a marker to indicate
positive + on each lemon near the copper foil. At the opposite end of each lemon

push in the galvanised nail and mark it as negative −.
3 Connect the lemons in a line with alligator leads from the + copper terminals to the
− galvanised nail terminals.
4 Connect the alligator leads to the last copper terminal and galvanised nail. Connect
the lead from the copper to the positive side of the LED (the long leg of the LED).
Connect the galvanised nail lead to the negative side of the LED (the short leg of
the LED). The LED will not glow if it is connected the wrong way around.
5 Darken the room and look carefully at the
LED. It should have a faint glow.
6 If you have time, repeat the activity using
potatoes instead.
• How do you think the lemons are able to
act like a battery?
• How is the electrical energy in the
lemons getting to the LED?

• What energy transformations are Figure 3.37 Fruits and vegetables can be
happening for the LED to light up? used as a source of electrical energy.

Connecting wire Resistor Circuit diagrams

Circuits and their components are
Lamp or light globe represented using circuit diagrams. Rather
A Ammeter
than drawing a picture of the different
Cell devices, each component of a circuit is
Voltmeter represented by a symbol (Figure 3.38).
Straight lines are used to represent the wires
that connect the components together and
Electric bell form the circuit. The connecting wires are
M Electric motor usually drawn using a ruler and form right
angles where they join.
Figure 3.38 Some common symbols used in circuit diagrams.


a b

A +

Light globe
+ +

Switch Circuit components


Figure 3.39 (a) A simple circuit. (b) A circuit diagram of the same circuit.

A cell is a power source. It could be a electrons are transferring to the components.

battery cell, a power pack or a plug point in Voltage is measured in volts (V). To use a
the wall. voltmeter, it must be connected over the
An ammeter is a device that measures top of a component so it can measure the
the current or flow of electrons through the
circuit. The ammeter counts the electrons
in packets called coulombs. The number
of electrons that pass through the circuit
is measured as coulombs per second, or
amperes (A) – commonly called amps. To
PL difference in the energy of the electrons
from just in front of the component to just
after it.
Connecting a number of components in
a loop of connecting wire is called a series
circuit. When the circuit has more than
use an ammeter, it must be connected as one pathway for the electrons to travel, it is
part of the circuit so all the electrons flowing called a parallel circuit. Electrons transfer
around the circuit also flow through the their energy differently in series and parallel
ammeter. circuits.
A voltmeter is a device that measures the
voltage, which is the amount of energy the

+ –

+ –

Figure 3.40 (a) A series circuit. (b) A parallel circuit.

3.2 Electrical energy 29

Activity 3.2.2: Drawing and connecting circuits

What you need: power supply, 2 light bulbs, 7 electrical leads, 2 resistors, a switch,
ammeter, voltmeter
1 Draw a circuit diagram for each of the following circuits and check it with your
Circuit 1: One light bulb connected to a power supply. This is a simple circuit.
Circuit 2: Two light bulbs in a row connected to a power supply. This is a series
Circuit 3: Two circuits connected to the power supply at once – one resistor and one
bulb placed on each loop of this double circuit. This is a parallel circuit.
Circuit 4: A switch inserted into circuit 3 so that it can switch off one of the light
bulbs independently of the power supply switch. (Keep this circuit connected to
answer some of the questions that follow.)
2 For each circuit, connect the components together to match your circuit diagram.
3 Turn on your circuit and check that it operates as desired.

4 Turn off the electricity before you move onto the next circuit.
• Which circuit arrangement made the light bulbs brighter: circuit 1 or circuit 2?
• Why does the switch in circuit 4 only affect one of the light bulbs?

• Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage across each light bulb in circuit 4. What
does this tell you about the transfer of energy in this type of circuit?
• Add an ammeter to each loop in circuit 4 to measure the current coming from
the power supply. What does this tell you about the flow of electrons in this type
of circuit?
Transistors and including computers. Secondly, a transistor
can act as an amplifier. When a small
integrated circuits current flows into a transistor, the transistor
The invention of a component called the amplifies it to produce a larger current.
The transistor replaced larger devices called

transistor in 1947 heralded the dawn of the

electronic age. The team who invented it vacuum tubes or valves that were used to
received the 1956 Nobel Prize. amplify radio signals. This made the new
A transistor is made from a material ‘transistor radio’ much more portable.
called silicon. The three legs of a transistor A semiconductor is a material that carries
are known as the collector, base and emitter. or conducts electricity better than an electrical
A transistor has two main functions. Firstly, insulator (which doesn’t conduct electricity at
it can act as a switch, although it has no all) but less than a pure conductor. Electrical
moving parts. In this role it can control the conductors and insulators behave the same as
functioning of many electronic circuits, thermal ones. Electrical conductors carry or
pass electricity easily and electrical insulators
block electricity.
These days, many millions of
semiconductor devices can be printed onto
wafers of silicon, called silicon chips. The
finished device is called an integrated
circuit (IC) or microchip. An IC is a
miniaturised electronic circuit. It may
contain many thousands of components yet
Figure 3.41 A 1950s transistor radio it is only 5 mm square and 1 mm thick.


Figure 3.43 When it was introduced in March 1998,
Figure 3.42 Transistors come in different shapes this operational amplifier, containing 50 transistors,
and sizes. The miniaturisation of transistors has was the world’s smallest integrated circuit. Even
revolutionised electronics and computing. smaller integrated circuits are now used in phones,
games and many other electronic devices.

Questions 3.2.1: Electrical circuits

1 Recall how energy is transferred in a simple circuit.
2 Identify the essential components of an electrical circuit.

4 Identify the role of a switch in a circuit.

3 Describe the similarities and differences between series and parallel circuits.

5 Draw a series circuit containing a cell, a switch, a light bulb and an electric bell. Is
it possible to turn the bell on while the light bulb is off? Explain your answer.
6 Draw a parallel circuit with a single light bulb and a resistor on one pathway, and
an electric motor on the other.
7 Redraw the parallel circuit in the previous question but this time insert a switch
that will turn the light bulb on and off without affecting the motor.

3.2 Electrical energy 31

Electrical energy transformations
Electrical energy is very versatile as it can Solar cells are a relatively recent
be transformed into most other forms of invention that turn light from the sun
energy. We rely on electrical energy for directly into electricity. Solar cells are now
heating and cooling, for making dark places being used to power many devices such as
light, and for recording and producing calculators, streetlights and even cars.
sound. Many of the energy transformations

Everyday electrical
already discussed in this chapter involve
electrical energy at some stage.
Electric lighting Most people living in Australia have access
to electricity and have come to depend
Humans have been using light energy for
on it. As well as for our lighting, we use
thousands of years in both simple and
electrical energy around the house every
complex gadgets, but the most obvious use

day. Electricity is generated in different types
of light is for illumination. You may be using
of power stations. Whether these power
light for this purpose right now. What types
stations are fuelled by coal, geothermal
of light bulbs are installed in the room you
energy, wind, wave or nuclear energy, they all

Figure 3.44 Compact

fluorescent lights (CFLs)
are an energy-saving form
of lighting.
are in?
Fluorescent tubes are common in
schools. These are long glass tubes filled with
mercury gas. This type of light bulb doesn’t
generate much heat, so it is more efficient
than the older-style incandescent (or
have one thing in common – a generator.
A generator moves a strong magnet inside
a dense coil of wire. The movement of the
magnetic field within a coil of wire attracts
the negatively charged electrons and starts
them moving in the wire. Moving electrons
filament) light bulbs and uses less electrical
means electrical energy.
energy to produce the same amount of light.
The Australian Government started to phase
out the sale of incandescent light bulbs
from November 2009, replacing them with
compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), which

are used as an energy-saving alternative.

Most CFLs are designed to replace existing
filament bulbs and fit in the same sockets.
The CFLs use less energy than the filament
bulbs and last much longer.
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are tiny
light bulbs. When they are grouped together
they can produce extremely bright light with
very little energy. LEDs come in a large range
of colours and are being used extensively for
illumination in torches, traffic lights and
garden lighting. They tend to last a long time
before they ‘blow’, which makes them a good
Figure 3.46 Solar-powered signs are becoming
alternative to incandescent bulbs in traffic common all across our country. These signs
lights and other signs. transform solar radiation into light energy.
Figure 3.45 (a) Light-
emitting diodes (LEDs)
are tiny bulbs that use
very little energy. (b) LEDs
are commonly used in


Activity 3.2.3: Electrical energy transformations

Imagine you are walking around your house and your neighbourhood. Try to think of
all the devices that either plug into the wall or run off batteries. With a partner, or in
a small group, try to complete the examples of energy transformations in Table 3.3.
See if you can come up with some different energy transformations involving electrical
Table 3.3 Examples of energy transformations.

Input energy Output energy Example 1 Example 2

Electrical Kinetic

Electrical Chemical potential

Chemical potential Electrical

Electrical Light

Light Electrical

Electrical Sound

Electrical Thermal

Transporting electrical
PL Your laptop, mobile phone and MP3

energy player do not need 240 V of energy, and

therefore have step-down transformers
Besides having a large range of as a part of their charger cables. The big
transformations, electrical energy has other block on the plug or on the cable itself
advantages over other types of energy. contains the transformer. As the step-down
Electrical energy can be transferred from one transformer reduces the amount of energy
place to another without having to change in the electricity, some of that energy is

form. Overhead transmission lines transport transformed into heat. You can often feel
electricity from a power station to our this heat when your device has been on for
houses, our schools and our businesses. a long time.
The voltage or the electrical energy
carried in the transmission lines between
Storing electrical energy
towns is extremely high, usually between
130 000 and 500 000 V. Before it reaches Most forms of energy cannot be stored
your suburb the voltage is dropped to around for use at a later time. You cannot collect
11 000 V, but this is still enough energy to sunlight in a box to read by at night! But
power almost the whole of your suburb! electrical energy is so easily transformed into
Devices called transformers reduce the chemical energy and back again, it is like we
amount of energy in the power lines to make are storing electricity. Batteries of all shapes
it safer to use. The electricity is your house and sizes store electrical energy in the form
is only 240 V. If the voltage of the electricity of chemical potential energy.
in your house were higher than this, devices Batteries can be single use or
using the electricity could not transform rechargeable. Single use batteries are thrown
that much energy fast enough and would away once they are ‘dead’. The chemical
end up producing heat instead. This can reactions that take place inside them to
cause sparks and fires. release electrical energy cannot be reversed,

3.2 Electrical energy 33

so once the ingredients of the reaction have run out, no
more electricity can be released.
Rechargeable batteries use different chemicals and
their reactions are reversible. When you put electrical
energy back into the rechargeable battery, the chemical
products are broken back down into the ingredients again.
These reversible chemical reactions are not perfect
though. After a while the ingredients break down or are
turned into something else. So even rechargeable batteries
fail after a while.

Figure 3.47 Batteries come in all different shapes and sizes, but
they all transform chemical potential energy into electrical energy.

Questions 3.2.2: Electrical energy transformations

1 Recall the three common types of light bulbs.

2 Identify the function of step-down transformers.
3 Recall at least two places where you would find step-down transformers.

4 Draw a labelled flow chart to explain the voltage conversions of electrical energy
from the transmission lines to the power line in your street, and then to the
electricity that comes into your house.
5 Identify an advantage of CFLs over incandescent light bulbs.
6 Explain how a battery is different to a generator in the way it produces electrical
7 Solar-powered lights use light energy to produce light energy. Explain whether or
not any energy transformations have occurred.

8 Propose why the Australian Government is phasing out incandescent light bulbs.


Electrical energy
1 Recall three advantages of LEDs over
incandescent bulbs. [3 marks]
2 Complete the following sentences:
a Identify whether the circuit above is
series or parallel. [1 mark]
b Identify all the components within
the circuit. [4 marks]

a Electrical energy is carried by c If the component labelled A were to

__________ around a circuit. break, explain what would happen
[1 mark] to components B and C in terms of
electrical energy. [3 marks]
b Electrical energy is measured in
____________. [1 mark] 9 Explain why step-down transformers
are required before electricity reaches
c The amount of electrons moving
your house. [1 mark]
in a circuit is measured in
____________. [1 mark] Research

d Every electrical circuit needs a 10 Many types of light energy exist.
____________, connecting wires Research the electromagnetic
and a load. [1 mark] spectrum and different types of
3 Recall the function of a voltmeter.
[1 mark]
4 Explain how a switch works in an
electrical circuit. [2 marks]
PL radiation it contains. List them, and
state a use for each type. [4 marks]
11 Car batteries are a vital component in a
car. Investigate what they are used for
and how they are recharged. Present
Apply your information as an annotated
5 List the different types of light bulbs poster or a short presentation.
in order from most efficient to least [4 marks]
efficient. Explain why they are so 12 Investigate the development of the light
different. [4 marks] bulb throughout history. Who invented
the first light bulb? What other types

6 Explain why electrical energy can be

used to produce sound, light, heat and of bulbs have been invented? What do
motion. [1 mark] the most modern light bulbs look like?
What is their advantage over older
7 Describe the steps you would take
versions? Present your findings on an
to determine the exact amount of
annotated timeline including diagrams.
electrical energy being used by a light
[5 marks]
bulb in a circuit. [3 marks]
8 Examine Figure 3.48 carefully and
answer the following questions:

Figure 3.49 Illumination technology has changed a lot TOTAL MARKS:

A B over the years.
[ /40]
Figure 3.48 An electrical circuit.

Electrical energy 35
3.3 Increasing energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is a phrase being used more and more often. It is also
often paired with the term sustainability. But what is energy efficiency?
How do we become more energy efficient? In what ways have scientific
knowledge and technological developments helped to increase the
efficiency of energy use and transformations? What are the benefits of
energy efficiency to society and to the environment?

Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is a measure of how search for better energy efficiency. Engineers
much energy is transformed into the desired strive to design the best devices possible
energy type, compared with the amount with the highest efficiency ratings. You have

that might be a by-product and lost as heat, probably seen that many appliances now
sound or other types of energy. Most energy come with efficiency star ratings.
conversions are inefficient and lead to the A trampoline transforms elastic potential

production of wasted energy. A light bulb
is designed to transform electrical energy
into light energy, so if heat energy is also
produced it takes energy away from the
original purpose – to produce light.
energy into gravitational potential energy so
you can bounce. If a device like a trampoline
transforms most of its input energy into the
useful output energy, then it is considered
to be a very energy-efficient device. All
The most common form of by-product energy transformations produce by-product
energy is heat, or thermal energy. Thermal energy forms. In the case of the trampoline,
energy is difficult to use, it cannot be stored, by-product energy forms include heat and
and often damages the device itself if too the sound of the springs squeaking. Both
much is produced. these by-product energy forms reduce the
Reducing the amount of by-product amount of ‘bounce’ energy and are said to
energy transformed by a device is the ultimate be ‘wasted’ energy. The less wasted energy,

goal of many scientists, which promotes the the more energy efficient the device. Energy
efficiency is calculated as the percentage
of useful energy transformed out of all the
available input energy.
Take the trampoline example in Figure
3.51. The input energy was 500 units and
the useful output energy was 400 units. This
means that the trampoline is 400 ÷ 500 =
0.8 efficient, or 80% efficient, which is not
too bad. Most energy transformations for
everyday appliances do not get this high.
Scientists are constantly trying to design the
best appliances possible with the highest
efficiency ratings. This would make the
devices better for the environment and cost
less to power. Do you and your family always
buy the most efficient appliances? Are you
Figure 3.50 More stars mean an appliance familiar with the star ratings on appliances?
is more energy efficient.


More stars mean that the appliance is more Figure 3.51 500 units of
400 units energy are stored in the
energy efficient. When you are using an gravitational potential springs of the trampoline.
appliance with a high-star rating you know energy At the highest point, the
jumper has 400 units of
that less energy is being wasted. This mean
gravitational potential
you pay less on your electricity and gas energy. Where have the 100
bills, as you are only paying for the energy ‘missing’ units gone?

being used rather than lots of energy being


500 units
elastic energy

Activity 3.3.1: Energy efficiency ratings

Many people leave their energy efficiency rating stickers on their appliances, but

if yours have been removed, a quick Internet search will find out the rating of your
Investigate the energy efficiency rating of your major household appliances, such
as the refrigerator, washing machine, clothes dryer and dishwasher.

• Identify the full name of the unit kWh.

• Is the number of stars related to the energy consumption?

• Compare your results with some classmates. Are particular appliances typically
more or less efficient than others?
Questions 3.3.1: Energy efficiency

1 Define the term ‘energy efficiency’.
2 Explain why by-product energy transformations are considered ‘wasted’ energy.

3 Explain why it is better to buy energy-efficient appliances.
4 Propose a reason why 6-star energy-rated appliances are rare.
5 A friend of yours is considering buying a 2-star energy-rated device because it is
slightly cheaper than a 4-star device. Outline the advice you would give your friend.

3.3 Increasing energy efficiency 37

Efficient energy generation and use
It is becoming more common to read and hear about how we need to be more energy
efficient in our lives. In these cases, people are usually referring switching off lights at home
when we are not using them, or changing our light bulbs at home to more economical ones.
There are other ways though to improve our energy efficiency.

Activity 3.3.2: Which is the more energy efficient?

What you need: 2 different electric kettles of the same power rating (e.g. 2000 W),
500 mL measuring cylinder, thermometer, stopwatch
1 Empty both kettles and fill each of them with exactly 500 mL of cold tap water.
2 Check that the temperature of the water in both kettles is the same.
3 Plug both kettles in and turn them on at the same time. Use the stopwatch to time
how long each one takes to boil the water.

4 Double-check at the end that the temperature of the water in both kettles is 100ºC.
5 When both kettles have cooled down, tip the water out and repeat the experiment.
• How do you know which kettle is the most energy efficient?
• Why was it important to keep the conditions exactly the same for both kettles?

test? Why?
• Was it really necessary to check the water temperature at the end of the

• Why was the experiment repeated?

Efficient lighting
Light energy is essential to our lives and people have invented lots of devices to help us see
in the dark. The humble electric light bulb revolutionised the world when it was invented.
Oil and gas lamps were popular in the past, and a torch helps us see at night when we go
camping. Have you ever used a torch with LED lights instead of a filament or incandescent
light bulb? Do you know why it is better than the older type?

Nu m e r ac y
b uild e r Cost comparison
Table 3.4 A comparison of light bulbs.
Incandescent bulb CFL bulb LED bulb
Wattage (watts) 60 14 10
Estimated life (hours) 1000 10 000 50 000
Cost per bulb $1.50 $3.50 $35.00
Bulbs needed for 50 000 hours of use 50 5 1
Comparative cost for 50 000 hours of use $375

To calculate the cost of buying and running would be needed as they last the longest.
each of the three types of light bulb listed It would require 5 CFL bulbs as they last
in Table 3.4, we need to compare them about 10 000 hours. However, 50 of the
over the same length of time, for example, older incandescent bulbs would be needed
50 000 hours. In this time only 1 LED bulb as they only last about 1000 hours each.


Example So the total cost of buying and running
Incandescent bulbs enough incandescent bulbs for 50 000
hours is:
The number of incandescent bulbs needed
for 50 000 hours of use is 50, at $1.50 75 + 300 = $375
each. So the total base cost of buying the Your turn
bulbs is:
Perform similar calculations for the CFL
50 × $1.50 = $75 bulb and the LED bulb to complete the
Now look at electricity running costs. table and see which is the most cost-
Incandescent bulbs use 60 watts or 0.06 effective alternative.
kilowatts (60 ÷ 1000) of electrical energy. Some things to consider
The number of kilowatt hours (the unit • Estimated figures are given in the table.
we use to pay for electricity) is: At the time of writing this textbook, LED
bulbs were expensive at approximately
0.06 kW × 50000 hours = 3000 kWh
$35 each. This figure may have
At an average cost of 10 cents per kWh changed since then so it might be
(or $0.10) that would cost: worth researching current prices.

3000 kWh × $0.10 = $300 • An estimated cost of electricity as
$0.10 per kWh was used for the
example. You might also like to
research more current figures.

Efficient electrical
energy generation
Just as the efficiency of electrical energy
usage can be measured, so too can the
efficiency of electricity generation. Many
different energy transformations can take
place to result in electrical energy, but not all
of them are efficient. To calculate electricity

generation efficiency as a percentage, the

electrical energy output is divided by the
energy input before being multiplied by 100: Figure 3.52 Solar panels
can convert sunlight into
energy input electricity to heat water
Efficiency = ​ ​ ___________
  energy output
 ​ ​ × 100 for your house.

Solar panels in a wide range of appliances. In many of

these appliances, the electrical energy will
When it is sunny outside, your school or
need to be changed or transformed one or
home could benefit from solar panels on the
more times for the appliance to do its job.
roof to transform the sunlight into usable
For example, a toaster changes electrical
electricity. This electricity could power the
energy into thermal (heat) energy. Another
lights, computers, cooling or heating system.
benefit of using solar panels is that you
Anything connected to a power point could
do not have to pay for the electricity the
run off the solar panels.
panels generate. You may even get a refund
A solar panel system at home could
from the electricity company if the panels
pay for itself after 4–7 years and may last
generate more electricity than the home or
approximately 25 years. The electrical energy
the school uses.
generated by the solar energy can be used

3.3 Increasing energy efficiency 39

Figure 3.53 Installing solar panels on your roof could make a big difference to your Figure 3.54 A Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS) wind
electricity bills. It is something your household should consider? turbine.

Scientists and engineers are still 15% of its energy produced by wind farms,

researching and investigating solar panel and there are plans for more wind farms in
design to improve their efficiency. The first the future.
solar panel was only around 7% efficient. In the production of wind power, there
That is, for every 100 W of sunlight that are no chemical or heat energy steps. The

hit the panel, only 7 W of electricity was
produced. Improvements are still being made
to the design of solar panels to maximise
their efficiency.
In May 2013, researchers at the
kinetic energy of the wind spins the rotor
blades, which spins the generator and
produces electricity.
Future wind turbines may take the form
of blimps that float between 100 and 300
University of New South Wales discovered metres high in the air. The Magenn Air
that hydrogen atoms could be used to Rotor System (MARS) is one such proposal.
improve the efficiency of the silicon-based Originally designed for generating electricity
solar cell to around 23%. That may not seem in remote areas, the blimp is tethered to the
like much of an improvement, but every ground and the whole structure spins as the
little bit counts. Because there is so much wind blows over and around it. Inflated with

energy in sunlight, even a 1% improvement a low density gas such as helium, the MARS
makes a dramatic difference to the amount is relatively easy to install and deploy.
of electrical energy that can be transformed.

Wind turbines
Wind power is increasing in popularity
as a non-polluting, renewable energy
source. Worldwide it is increasing at a rate
of approximately 35% every year. Some
countries, such as the United States, the
Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom
and Denmark, rely heavily on wind power.
Denmark currently uses the wind to supply Figure 3.55 The generator inside a wind turbine.
20% of its electricity, with plans to increase
this to 35% by 2015. In Australia, wind The most notable features of a wind
farms account for only 1% of our electricity turbine are the tall towers and huge rotor
production. However, South Australia has blades that spin at anything from 5 to 20
embraced wind power technology with about revolutions per minute (rpm). The actual


generator component is tiny in comparison.
Wind power is increasing in popularity
as an energy source for two main reasons.
Advances in wind power science are
increasing the cost-effectiveness of wind
power. Wind turbine design has come a
long way and wind power now rivals coal
and oil in terms of cost, as well as offering
many other advantages. The second main
reason for wind power popularity is that
wind power is non-polluting when operating.
The burning of coal and oil contribute vast
amounts of greenhouse gases to the Earth’s
atmosphere, which most scientists believe
leads to the enhanced greenhouse effect and
global warming. Whenever a wind farm feeds
electricity into the grid, it saves the equivalent

amount of energy from being generated from
coal and oil, which reduces pollution. Figure 3.56 A wind farm in South Australia.

Questions 3.3.2: Efficient energy generation and use

1 Recall at least two methods of improving electrical efficiency around your home
and school.
2 Recall how a generator transforms energy into electrical energy.
3 Identify the unit of energy used by electricity companies to determine the amount of
electrical energy you have used.
4 Identify some devices in your home that need a supply of electrical energy. Do any
of them have non-electric options? (For example, a whisk or wooden spoon could
be used instead of an electric mixer in the kitchen.)

5 Explain what it means if a device is said to be ‘cost-effective’.

6 Suggest some problems with using solar panels as a main source of electrical
7 Explain what it means if a new energy system ‘pays for itself’.
8 List some advantages of the MARS wind turbine over the wind turbines currently
in use.
9 A large group of wind turbines in the same location is called a wind farm. Suggest
a possible location for a wind farm. List as many features of a suitable location as
you can.

3.3 Increasing energy efficiency 41

Increasing energy efficiency
1 Identify the significant features
that help to determine what type of
light bulb is the most cost-effective.
[2 marks]
their electrical energy production
capabilities, how they compare to other
wind farms around the country and
what plans are in place to build more
wind farms in the state. [5 marks]

2 Describe the energy transformations 9 Prepare and carry out an audit of your
that occur in a solar panel. [3 marks] home lighting. How many of each type
of light globe do you have? Could the
Apply lighting in your home be improved?
3 Explain why most wind turbines are Research lighting costs and efficiency
mounted on towers 40–100 metres on the Internet, at a hardware store or
high. [1 mark] a lighting store. Use the information
gathered to produce a cost analysis for

4 Coal-fired power stations in New South
improving the lighting at your home.
Wales run 24 hours a day, 7 days a
Are there alternatives that would cost
week. Determine whether wind power
less? Prepare a report with a summary
or coal fired power could be considered

more reliable. Explain your answer.
[2 marks]
5 Explain energy efficiency. [2 marks]

Analyse and evaluate

of your findings and recommendations
for improvement. [5 marks]

Ethical understanding
10 Solar panels and wind turbines may
not be as efficient as coal-fired power
6 Calculate the percentage efficiency of a but there are many other advantages.
device if it transforms: Which form of energy would you
a 20 units of input energy into 12 units prefer to supply your power and why?
of useful output energy [1 mark] [3 marks]

b 600 units of input energy into 11 Propose some problems associated

with expecting people to change their

500 units of useful output energy.

[1 mark] current lighting systems or energy
usage at home. [3 marks]
7 Describe where the missing units of
energy went in the previous question. Research
[1 mark]
12 Investigate the star rating system for
Critical and creative thinking indicating the energy efficiency of
appliances. Identify what each star
8 Research and identify where the
indicates. Present your information
major wind farms in New South Wales
as an annotated poster or a short
are located. Create an annotated
presentation. [3 marks]
poster that identifies their locations,

[ /35]


1 Fill in the gaps using the words in the Word Bank below:

Energy comes in many different forms, such as thermal, light, sound, ____________,
electrical and potential energy. It cannot be created or ____________, but it can be
transferred or ____________ into a different type.

Thermal energy can be ____________ in three different ways: conduction,

____________ and radiation. Electrical energy is transferred in electrical
____________ and then transformed into almost any other form of energy by the
____________ in the circuit.

Most energy transformations also produce by-product energy, most commonly

____________, which reduces the ____________ of the device. Scientific knowledge
and technological developments have led to the improvement of energy efficiency,
such as the invention of CFLs and ____________. Increased energy efficiency means
less energy is ____________, which is ____________ for individuals and better for
the environment as fewer resources are consumed.
circuits efficiency more wasted
Word Bank

components heat economical

convection kinetic transferred

destroyed LEDs transformed

Identify objects that have either

kinetic or potential energy
2 Define the following terms and provide
PL c Identify the advantages and
disadvantages of each type of car.
[2 marks]
an example for each: d Explain how hybrid cars are
different to both petrol and electric
a gravitational potential energy
[2 marks] cars. [2 marks]

b biofuel [2 marks] 6 Explain the difference between an

energy flow diagram and an energy
c kinetic energy. [2 marks]
chain. [1 mark]

3 Explain all the ways that energy can be

7 Identify a device that performs the
stored. [2 marks]
following energy transformations and
4 Identify whether a spring or a string draw an energy flow diagram or energy
has more advantages for storing elastic chain as appropriate:
potential energy. Explain your answer.
a light energy to sound energy
[2 marks]
[2 marks]
Investigate everyday energy b kinetic energy to heat energy
transformations involving heat, [2 marks]
light, sound, electricity and motion c electrical energy to sound energy
5 Compare an electric to a petrol-driven [2 marks]
car to answer the following questions:
d chemical potential energy to light
a Identify the main energy energy. [2 marks]
transformations that occur in a
petrol-powered car. [2 marks]
b Identify the differences for an
electric car. [2 marks]

2 Increasing energy efficiency chapter review 43

CHAPTER Describe the process of Trace the history of the
conduction, convection and development of an electrical
radiation using examples device (additional content)
8 Compare and contrast conduction, 17 Briefly describe the development of
convection and radiation. [3 marks] the light bulb and explain why these
9 When a hot brick is placed into a bucket improvements have been made.
of water, the water gets hotter as [3 marks]
thermal energy spreads from the brick 18 Explain why scientists and engineers
into the water. Identify if this process continue to research the design of solar
is called conduction, convection or panels. [3 marks]
radiation? Explain your choice and why
it is not the other options. [2 marks] Investigate everyday energy
transformations involving
10 An electric kettle uses a heating
electrical energy
element to heat water. This process
19 Draw an energy flow diagram for the
involves both conduction and
following activities:
convection. Explain where each process

occurs to heat the whole jug of water. a a loudspeaker [1 mark]
[2 marks] b using a hairdryer [1 mark]

Relate electricity to the transfer of c listening to an iPod [1 mark]

Figure 3.57 Electric

kettles use both

[2 marks]
11 Define the term ‘electrical energy’.

12 Describe why circuits are needed

d a microphone. [1 mark]
20 Electrical conductors and insulators
behave the same as thermal ones.
Electrical conductors carry or pass
conduction and to transport electrical energy to electricity easily and electrical
convection to boil the
water. components and devices. [1 mark] insulators block electricity.
13 Compare conduction of thermal energy Identify that most energy
with the transfer of electrical energy. transformations produce
[2 marks] heat energy regardless of the
Construct circuits and draw circuit transformation

diagrams with various components 21 Define the term ‘by-product’. [1 mark]

14 Explain why circuits are drawn as 22 List four different energy
diagrams rather than as detailed transformations that produce heat as a
pictures. [1 mark] by-product. [4 marks]
15 Draw a circuit diagram for a circuit 23 Calculate the percentage energy
that contains a power supply and three efficiency of a device that turns 200 J of
light globes in a parallel circuit, with input energy into 150 J of useful output
a switch in series with one of the light energy. [2 marks]
globes. [2 marks] 24 What is the percentage efficiency for a
16 Explain the difference between two device that transforms 40 J of energy
light bulbs in a series circuit and two into 30 J of useful sound energy and
bulbs in a parallel circuit in terms 10 J of wasted heat? [2 marks]
of the electrical energy they use.
[3 marks]


Research ways in which scientific money in the long term’. Evaluate this
knowledge and technological statement and write a response to
developments have been used to support or disagree with it. [2 marks]
improve the efficiency of energy 28 Calculate the cost of running a 15 watt
transfers or transformations CFL light globe for 100 000 hours if it
25 Explain why LEDs are becoming more costs $4.00 for each bulb, the bulbs last
commonly used than incandescent 10 000 hours each and electricity costs
bulbs. [2 marks] $0.15 per kWh. [3 marks]
26 Compare LEDs, CFLs and incandescent 29 Is there an endless supply of energy
bulbs in terms of their energy on the Earth or do you think it will TOTAL MARKS:
efficiency. [3 marks] run out one day? Justify your answer. [ /80]
[4 marks]
Discuss the implications for
30 What are two major benefits wind
society and the environment of Key words
power offers over conventional coal-
increasing the efficiency of energy biomass energy
fired power stations? [2 marks]
transformations chemical potential

27 ‘Solar panels for my house are too energy (CPE)
expensive and will cost me too much circuit diagram
compact fluorescent
light (CFL)

PL conduction

Choose one of the following topics to anyone working on one of these machines
conduct further research. A few guiding nowadays?
elastic potential
questions have been provided for you but
you should add more questions that you
Reflect energy (EPE)
electric circuit
want to investigate. Present your findings Me electrical energy
in a format that best fits the information
1 What new science laboratory skills have energy
you have found and the understandings you
you learned in this chapter? energy efficiency
have formed.
2 What was the most surprising thing you energy
Energy-efficient housing found out about energy? transformation
In previous societies, energy efficiency generator
3 What were the most difficult aspects of

was important because people had limited

this topic?
access to the types of energy supplies potential energy
and their applications that we have today. My world (GPE)
Research how civilisations in tropical areas integrated circuit
4 Why is it important to understand
designed their homes to keep them cool (IC)
and damp free. What different types of kinetic energy (KE)
5 How important is it for scientists to light-emitting diode
energy-efficient practices have humans
understand energy transformations? (LED)
used throughout the ages?
Perpetual motion machine My future
nuclear energy
What is a perpetual motion machine? Is 6 How might energy resources change in
parallel circuit
it possible to build one? Who has tried the future?
potential energy
to do it and what were their designs? 7 Do humans need to change the way radiation
How efficient were the machines? Is they use energy? series circuit
solar cell
sound energy
thermal energy

3 chapter review 45
Design your own mousetrap car
Many devices transform energy from one
form to another. The humble mousetrap
Planning and conducting:
works on this principle. It uses the elastic ­engineering blueprints
energy stored in a spring as its input and Design
converts that to kinetic energy as the trap • Produce a detailed plan of your car
springs shut. In this activity, you will use design that shows how the elastic
the elastic potential energy of a ‘loaded’ energy stored in the spring will be
mousetrap to build a model car that can run transferred to the wheels. Detail
on its own mousetrap ‘engine’. the materials you will use for each
When engineers design new machines, component. Remember, there may
they produce very detailed plans called be some Lego parts that you can
MAK I NG blueprints. Engineers also consider the incorporate into your car design, and
C O NNECT I O NS concept of energy efficiency. For this your school may be able to supply some

challenge, you will need to work like an of the equipment for you.
engineer. Follow the engineering process
and use your understanding of energy Improve
• Reassess your design and incorporate

mousetrap car.

transformations and energy efficiency
to produce the best working model of a

Identify the problem: to build a vehicle

any modifications it needs to improve its

• Build your prototype.
powered by a household mousetrap.
Processing, analysing and
Questioning and predicting
Some questions to consider are:
• How you will get the movement from Assess it
the mousetrap to the wheels? 1 How energy efficient is your model? If
parts of your car rub too much on each
• How heavy or light will your machine

other they will create friction and the

car will not travel very far. For example,
• What materials will you use to make the
if the wheels or axles are too tight, they
will create drag and slow your car down.
• How are you going to construct it? Consider how to loosen or lubricate


parts so this does not happen. Real cars
Identify the
use oil and grease for lubrication to
problem or need
prevent this happening.
2 How far did your car run?
...Back to the Establish
3 What advantages did it have over other
begining the criteria
students’ designs?
4 Did anything go wrong with your car?
5 How could your design be improved?
6 What types of energy were involved in
Build it Design it
your mousetrap vehicle?

Imagine you had to explain to someone
how you followed the engineering process Improve it Assess it
so that they could build on your work. You
want them to learn from your mistakes and

understand why you made certain choices
Figure 3.58 The development process.
along the way. Present your thinking,
processes, data and evaluation in a clear,
interesting and appropriate way.

3 making connections

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