How To Get Data Into DropDown List From Database in JSP
How To Get Data Into DropDown List From Database in JSP
How To Get Data Into DropDown List From Database in JSP
Java Programming Examples on Servlet, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript & much more
We will learn how to get Data into DropDown List from Database table in JSP.we will create a drop-down list in
which we will not set the drop down values.we will get all the drop-down values from the database table
data. rst, we will create a connection between JSP page and Database and then Fetch the column data that we
will use in the drop-down as a value.All the Database column data will show as a dropdown value.all the column
data will be in DropDown List.Let’s see the Example and understand the logic.
Database Query– 1/3
27/12/2017 How to get Data into DropDown List from Database in JSP %
9 );
Here we are retrieving all the employees’id from employee table and showing it to the DropDown List of JSP le. 3/3