Math 2232 Course Outline
Math 2232 Course Outline
Math 2232 Course Outline
Calendar Description:
Math 2232 is a one semester course designed to provide a foundation in the mathematics of
linear algebra. This course often serves as an introduction to abstract mathematics and proof
techniques. Topics include solving systems of linear equations, matrices and determinants,
vector spaces, linear transformations, change of basis, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, inner
products and orthogonality, the least squares problem, and diagonalization.
Text: Lay, Lay, and McDonald, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 5th edition, Pearson, 2016
Grades and Examination Dates: Student grades will be determined by Percentage Letter
performance on weekly tutorials, term tests, and a final examination. 95 – 100 A+
The weighting of each of these categories and dates of the term tests 90 – 94 A
are as follows. 85 – 89 A-
80 – 84 B+
Tutorials Weekly 10% 75 – 79 B
Quizzes Weeks 2, 4, 8, 10, and 13 10% 70 – 74 B-
Test #1 Tuesday, October 10th 20% 65 – 69 C+
Test #2 Tuesday, November 14th 20% 60 – 64 C
Final Exam Date To Be Determined 40% 55 – 59 C-
50 – 54 P
Students overall grades will be rounded to the nearest percent and 0 – 49 F
letter grades will be assigned according to the table on the right.
Generally speaking, attendance is related to performance. Students that attend lectures on a
regular basis tend to stay on track, understand more, and perform better than students who
miss lectures. It is College policy that any student who misses more than 30% of the scheduled
lectures, or misses evaluations totaling more than 30% of the overall course grade, will be
prohibited from writing the final exam and will receive a non-attendance grade (UN).
Math Lab:
The Math Lab can be found in Room 3910. During open lab times, TA’s will be available to help
with textbook problems and concepts covered in the course. Students are encouraged to take
advantage of this resource. Please see the posted schedule.
During weekly tutorials, students will work through a selection of problems designed to clarify
the concepts covered during the previous week’s lectures. Tutorial attendance is mandatory.
Some policies:
Tests will not be re-scheduled nor will make-up exams or extra-credit exams be
available. This includes the final exam.
If you miss a test due to circumstances beyond your reasonable control, notify me as
soon as possible and be prepared to provide supporting documentation. Doctor’s notes
are particularly helpful but please be sure that the note includes a statement the effect
of “… was unable to attend due to illness,” rather than something like “… was in my
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Students should refer to the College
Academic Integrity Policy for complete details of what constitutes academic dishonesty,
and the consequences for such behaviour.
Tentative Lecture Schedule and Practice Questions