Machesky 2008 FEBS Letters
Machesky 2008 FEBS Letters
Machesky 2008 FEBS Letters
Lamellipodia and lopodia in metastasis and invasion
Laura M. Machesky*
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1BD, United Kingdom
mor cells to migrate [15]. One of the key cellular processes that
Abstract Advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of
lamellipodia and lopodia assembly have led to a better concept triggers the beginning of an invasive or metastatic programme
of how cells move, including how the actin cytoskeleton might be in many cancers is the dedierentiation of epithelial cells to-
important for the motility of metastatic cancer cells. The cyto- ward a mesenchymal state. This process is referred to as epi-
skeleton is a potentially interesting target for prevention of inva- thelial to mesenchymal transition or EMT [9]. Having
sion and metastasis. As key proteins are uncovered which undergone EMT, cells become more broblast like. Changes
regulate the assembly of actin-based structures, these need to in gene expression patterns include losing expression of E-cad-
be considered in light of whether they represent potential inva- herin and breaking down the cellcell junctions. The broblas-
sion and metastasis proteins. tic morphology allows polarised assembly of the actin
2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of cytoskeleton into protrusive and invasive structures (Fig. 1A)
European Biochemical Societies.
that help the cell to navigate through the extracellular matrix
(ECM) and through/into the vasculature. It also helps invasive
Keywords: Actin; Invasion; Migration; Motility; Metastasis
cells to break away from the invasive front and thus change
from collective to individual migration/invasion programmes.
The cancer cell, having entered the blood or lymph system,
then has to survive in the circulation and is transported to dis-
tant sites in the body. During this time, the vast majority of
1. Introduction cancer cells will be torn to shreds in the circulation or will
die entrapped in a vessel, but a few will have productive inter-
Invasion and metastasis are among the last great frontiers in actions with blood cells and platelets. The actin cytoskeleton
cancer research and preventing or eliminating metastasis is one likely plays a role in protecting cancer cells from destruction
of the biggest challenges for therapeutic intervention. Very lit- and promoting junction formation with various types of blood
tle is known about how cancer cells progress through the var- cells. These heterotypic cell interactions likely have important
ious stages of metastasis and about how a few cells achieve signalling and survival roles, as well as oering physical
successful colonisation at a distant site. It is clear that metas- strength and protection from immune surveillance. The next
tasis is a collaboration between the tumor and the host and step for a few cancer cells will be extravasation, which is escape
that the tumor cells must undergo multiple changes in gene from the vasculature. This process requires adherence to the
expression and behaviour during metastatic progression. endothelium and passage through the basement membrane
Migration of both tumor cells and host cells is a key part of into the new tissue to establish growth as a metastasis. The
metastasis and relies on changes in the actin cytoskeleton. This cancer cell uses its actin cytoskeleton to orchestrate protrusive
review aims to summarise some of the most recent advances on migration and to burrow through the ECM to establish a new
our understanding of how proteins that regulate the assembly tumor site (Fig. 1A). The new tumor cells will frequently revert
of lamellipodia and lopodia contribute to invasion and from a mesenchymal phenotype back towards something that
metastasis of cancer cells. In particular, the Arp2/3 complex more closely resembles the original tumor. Colonisation de-
and Scar/WAVE proteins in lamellipodia and fascin and pends on the new tissue (the soil) being properly prepared to
Mena/VASP proteins in lopodia, seem to be major control- accept the cancer cell (the seed) (reviewed in [19,24]). The prep-
lers of cell motility that could be of key importance in metas- aration of the soil tissue appears to begin in the early stages of
tasis. establishment of the primary tumor prior to metastasis but the
Cancer cells must use their cytoskeletons to adapt to and mechanisms by which tumor cells communicate to prepare
survive in a variety of sometimes hostile environments to suc- sites for metastasis is currently not well understood. Addition-
cessfully metastasise (Fig. 1A). Firstly, they must leave the site ally, the regrowth of the metastasis may take tens of years, but
of the primary tumor and enter the blood or lymphatic system. it is not known what is happening to the pre-metastatic cancer
They are often aided by angiogenesis in and around the tumor cells during this time or where they reside in the body during
and also by stromal cells such as broblasts and macrophages this long incubation period. During this time, the cytoskeleton
that both remodel the extracellular matrix and signal to the tu- is thought to be quiet and there is no reason to think that cells
in micrometastases migrate or invade.
Fax: +44 141 942 6521. Cell motility and chemotaxis are essential during many of
E-mail address: [email protected] the steps of metastasis and cell motility genes are often upreg-
0014-5793/$34.00 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
L.M. Machesky / FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 21022111 2103
Fig. 1. (A) Schematic of tumor metastasis and some of the possible uses of the actin cytoskeleton during this process. Actin is shown in red to
illustrate times/places where tumor cells might need to assemble specialised actin structures that help in invasion, migration and metastasis. (B)
Simplied drawing of the role of Arp2/3 complex at the protruding edge of a cell. Scar/WAVE complex is recruited to the plasma membrane, possibly
via the small GTPase Rac1 (blue circle) where it activates Arp2/3 complex to form branches o the sides of actin laments near the plasma
membrane. Branches grow and push against the plasma membrane. (C) The Scar/WAVE complex shown in schematic, with each protein interacting
with partners that have been shown experimentally. The Rac1 GTPase is thought to provide a link to the plasma membrane. Abi and HSPC300
interact with the N-terminal SHD of Scar/WAVE.
ulated at certain stages during the progression (Fig. 1A). Che- factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) are secreted
mokines secreted in host tissues are thought to be main attrac- by stromal cells and used to increase the motility and the direc-
tants between the host and the cancer cells. Also, growth ted migration of the tumor cells (for recent reviews see [24,45]).
2104 L.M. Machesky / FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 21022111
Tumor cells, in turn, secrete factors that attract certain stromal has three isoforms and is is involved in multiple dierent cyto-
cells and modify their behaviour to enhance the migration and skeletal activities, including interaction with microtubules [26].
survival of the tumor cells. For example, tumor-associated However, its action in lopodia is thought to be primarily
macrophages secrete EGF to enhance cancer cell survival mediated by its ability to act as an actin lament nucleator
and motility and receive secreted CSF-1 from the cancer cells and elongation promotion factor. Mena/VASP proteins also
[13]. This paracrine loop seems to increase the mobility of have the ability to promote the elongation of long parallel bun-
the cancer cells out of the tumor and into the stroma and to dles of actin in lopodia [2,8]. All of these proteins have been
contribute to changes in the macrophages from ghting implicated in promotion of cancer metastasis and invasion, so
against the cancer cells, into benecial partners that will be less it seems that both lamellipodial and lopodial actin dynamics
cytotoxic and more promoting of motility and survival [13,23]. may be important during this process.
Moving cells assemble and turn over their actin cytoskele-
tons rapidly and in particular, they make and retract protru-
sive actin structures that lie just beneath the plasma 2. Analysis of the role of the cytoskeleton in metastasis
membrane, such as lamellipodia and lopodia. A major con-
troller of actin assembly in lamellipodia is the seven protein The study of the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cancer
complex, the Arp2/3 complex, which contains two actin-re- metastasis is complicated by the need for improved methods
lated proteins (Arp2 and Arp3) and ve structural subunits to recreate the complex environments encountered by tumor
(ArpC1, ArpC2, ArpC3 and ArpC4). The Arp2/3 complex is cells in the body and by the need for improved technology
a major initiator of new actin laments in cells, and thus is for intravital imaging and live time-lapse imaging in three
essential to the assembly of actin networks in lamellipodia. It dimensions. Furthermore, since metastasis is such a lengthy
forms branches on the sides of preexisting actin laments and complex process, cells undergo multiple changes in gene
and is itself regulated by a variety of proteins that ultimately expression during the process, making it dicult to sample
receive signals from plasma membrane receptors. The main the relevant populations of cells when trying to determine
controller of Arp2/3 complex in most cell types is the Scar/ which genes are up or downregulated. For example, comparing
WAVE complex (also known as WANP, see Fig. 1B, C and re- just the primary tumor and the distant metastasis ignores all of
viewed in [38]) which consists of ve protein subunits- Scar/ the genes transiently up- or downregulated during the initial
WAVE 1, 2 or 3; HSPC300; Abi-1, 2 or 3; Hem1, 2; CYFIP1, invasion and the trac through the blood or lymph systems,
2. The subunits have multiple isoforms in some cases and var- as tumor cells tend to revert toward the expression programme
ious names in the literature, making their study confusing (See of the original tumor when they settle down in a new site as a
Table 1). This rather large complex interacts with the small metastasis.
GTPase Rac1 via CYFIP1 and it has been proposed to be re- Perhaps the simplest in vitro system to study the role of actin
cruited to the plasma membrane at sites of lamellipodial structures in invasion involves plating cancer cells onto a
assembly by Rac1 [40,47]. All three mammalian Scar/WAVE reconstituted thin ECM on glass and imaging the holes made
proteins directly bind to and activate the Arp2/3 complex, by the cancer cells as well as the protrusions into the thin ma-
leading to increased actin nucleation to form branched actin trix (Fig. 2). This has led to the identication of structures now
structures such as are found in lamellipodia (Fig. 1B). Mem- referred to as invadopodia which are perhaps analogous to a
bers of this complex have roles other than the recruitment of focal adhesion complex in cells spread on a thin matrix on
Scar/WAVE to the plasma membrane but the Scar/WAVE glass in two dimensions. Invadopodia assays have led to the
complex appears to be a stable and ubiquitous complex [29]. identication of several actin-associated proteins as well as
Filopodia are actin-containing spikes that also aid in cell proteases and other cellular components as important for the
migration and are controlled by proteins such as fascin, diaph- formation of matrix-degrading protrusions.
anous, and Mena/VASP. Fascin is an actin bundling protein The study of invadopodia has implicated N-WASP, Arp2/3
that brings together laments in lamellipodial networks to complex, dynamin and cortactin and associated proteins as key
encourage lopodial growth [76]. Its actin bundling activity players in the actin assembly that occurs when cells break
is regulated by phosphorylation and by the small GTPases through the matrix and protrude into the holes [4,11,30].
Rac and Cdc42 [1,25,33,77,87]. Murine diaphanous, mDia, Invadopodia are sites of tyrosine phosphorylation and require
Table 1
Nomenclature for the members of the Scar/WAVE protein complex in various model organisms and in humans
Dictyostelium Human Arabidopsis C. elegans
Scar Scar/WAVE1 = WASF1 = unigene ID 75850 Scar Scar
Scar/WAVE2 = WASF2 = unigene ID 590909
Scar/WAVE3 = WASF3 = unigene ID 635221
Nap1 NckAP1 = Nap1 = KIAA0587 = Hem2 = unigene ID 603732 Nap125 Gex3
Hem1 = unigene ID 182014
PIR121 PIR121 = P140Sra = CYFIP2 = KIAA1168 = POP = unigene ID 519702 PIROGI = KLUNKER Gex2
CYFIP1 = unigene ID 26704
HSPC300 HSPC300 = unigene ID 649307 BRICK1 unknown
Abi1 Abi1 = unigene ID 508148 unknown Abi1
Abi2 = unigene ID 471156
NESH (Abi3) = unigene ID 477015
For the human protein, a human unigene ID is given to facilitate searching for information about these genes/proteins on the NCBI database online.
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Fig. 2. An SCC9 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell making invadopodia on a gelatin matrix. The merge shows gelatin in red and cortactin
in green. The gelatin image shows black holes where the cell has degraded the matrix and the cortactin image shows concentration of this cytoskeletal
and endocytosis protein at sites of matrix degradation (Photo credit John Dawson, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research).
the activity of Src kinase [5]. Like focal adhesion complexes, photon confocal microscopy allows the high resolution imag-
invadopodia contain a large number of dierent kinds of pro- ing of the cancer cells and the broblasts (or other cell types)
teins, however, there does appear to be specicity in their orga- cooperating to form an invasion front as well as visualisation
nisation and invadopodia are distinct from focal adhesions in of the extracellular matrix bres [66,69]. Culture systems where
many ways. Invadopodia do not seem to be sites for the strong multiple cell types can be mixed together in a reconstituted
concentration of adhesion proteins such as vinculin and talin, extracellular matrix oers considerable exibility and allows
but they do perhaps have specialised integrin components indi- the study of molecular details of invasion and metastasis
cating a specialised role in adhesion or interface with the ma- in vitro in a relatively physiological setting.
trix [20,5557]. Approaches to the study metastasis intravitally have also
Invadopodia also appear to contain specic actin assembly considerably advanced in recent years [66]. The Condeelis
proteins. Scar/WAVE proteins have not been found in invado- and Segall labs have developed a system for the isolation
podia, but N-WASP is concentrated within them and is essen- and imaging of tumor cells migrating into capillary tubes
tial for their assembly [52,85,86]. Dynamin, an actin and placed into tumors of live animals [1416]. This is the rst
endocytosis protein is also found in invadopodia. The role of model that allows study of the molecular mechanisms by which
dynamin in invadopodia may be as a scaold for recruitment tumor cells make their initial egress from a solid tumor into the
of N-WASP and cortactin to assemble actin comet tails [6], surrounding stroma and toward the vasculature. Migratory tu-
which could provide a driving force for protrusion of the cell mor cells were isolated and microarray analysis was performed
into holes in the matrix. There also must be a mechanism for to determine the sets of genes that are upregulated specically
the tracking of proteases to the cell surface at these sites in a more highly motile chemotactic population of cancer cells
and for the tracking of degraded and engulfed matrix into [81]. This is a huge step forward for the eld, since it is the rst
the cell, as invadopodia have been observed to be sites of isolation of the relevant population of cells for migration and
phagocytosis [17]. The correlation between invadopodia and chemotaxis away from a primary tumor. Many proteins in the
structures found when cancer cells invade in a 3D matrix is Scar/WAVE and Arp2/3 complex pathway to actin assembly
not yet well understood, but it would appear that cancer cells as well as colin and actin capping proteins are upregulated
have the facility to degrade holes in a rigid matrix and push in the more highly migratory tumor cells. This data has been
through them using a machinery based on Arp2/3 nucleated supported by extensive in vitro studies implicating the N-
actin assembly and N-WASP-cortactin-dynamin. WASP-Arp2/3 complex-cortactin machinery as well as colin
While invadopodia are a useful 2-dimensional model for and capping protein in invasion and migration (reviewed in
cancer invasion, there also exist 3-dimensional culture systems [45]). Migration of tumor cells can now be imaged in vivo
which may more closely resemble the tumor environment. For and the interactions of tumor cells with macrophages is strik-
example, tumor/normal cells grow as balls called spheroplasts ing [13,46,69,83,84]. This type of study is starting to reveal
in collagen gels or Matrigel or as stratied layers of cells on top gene expression signatures and other properties of the earliest
of collagen gels suspended over culture medium [58,67]. The metastatic cells and raises hopes for developing methods to
movement and invasion of those ball structures or stratied both predict and prevent early metastasis. However, we are
layers mimics in vivo invasion and matrix remodeling. Sahai still left with the dilemma that metastasis has likely occurred
and colleagues have recently demonstrated the importance of before a primary tumor is detected, especially for breast can-
stromal cells in cancer invasion using a squamous cell model cer.
where the cancer invades using collective nger-like protru-
sions into a layer of articial ECM containing broblasts
[28]. Fibroblasts associated with the tumor were discovered 3. Regulation of the Arp2/3 complex during metastatic
to actively carve paths into the matrix and lead strings of can- progression
cer cells into the matrix and thus allow the cancer cells to in-
vade. The broblasts utilised Rho-mediated contractility and While signicant progress is being made in developing model
specialised integrins to remodel the matrix to make pathways systems that will allow the study of metastasis and invasion in
for invasion by the cancer cells. The cancer cells did not require the lab, clinical samples from patient tumors provide direct
Rho-mediated contractility to enter the matrix behind bro- evidence that the actin cytoskeleton is modulated during can-
blasts, but rather followed behind the broblasts using cer progression. There is some evidence that expression of sub-
dierent signaling mechanisms. In this type of system, multi- units of the Arp2/3 complex is modulated during metastatic
2106 L.M. Machesky / FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 21022111
progression in human patients. Two studies from the same and protrusions in primary hippocampal neurons in culture
group demonstrate the downregulation of the seven subunits [61]. In live cell studies, Scar/WAVE3 was shown to accumu-
of the Arp2/3 complex in gastric cancer. ARPC1, also named late at puncta, which appeared to be precursors to new lopo-
p41-Arc, was found to be downregulated in a screen for dier- dia and protrusions that became dendritic spines [61]. These
entially methylated DNA fragments in gastric cancer puncta were shown to be places of accumulation of F-actin
[43,44,53]. This group went on to show that the methylation and overexpression of Scar/WAVE3 in hippocampal neurons
status was not likely a key regulatory point for Arp2/3 complex induced accumulation of F-actin [61].
gene expression, but that indeed all seven subunits of the Arp2/ Following on from their neuroblastoma work, Cowell and
3 complex were signicantly downregulated in primary gastric colleagues found that in general, Scar/WAVE3 has a positive
cancers compared with normal surrounding gastric epithelium. rather than a negative role in promoting the metastasis and
However, the expression status of Arp2/3 subunits may de- invasion of cancer cells. This was also conrmed by the work
pend on the invasive state of the cancer, as other studies have of Condeelis and colleagues who found an upregulation of
shown upregulation of subunits during progression towards Scar/WAVE3 in their microarray analysis of motile tumor cells
more aggressive and invasive status [42]. This also agrees with [15]. Scar/WAVE3 expression appears to be increased in vari-
the murine microarray studies from Condeelis and colleagues ous cancer cell lines and in human breast cancer samples
who nd Arp2/3 subunits upregulated in more migratory and [71,73,74]. In one study, Scar/WAVE3 was linked to expres-
chemotactically active tumor cells [15]. Interestingly, the sur- sion of metalloproteases MMP-1, -3 and -9 in cancer cell inva-
rounding stromal cells in some invasive tumors also showed in- sion [72]. Silencing of Scar/WAVE3 using siRNA showed a
creased Arp2/3 complex expression, indicating that stromal reduced motility and invasiveness of cells in Matrigel assays
cells might be facilitiating the mobility of the cancer cells by [73] similar to what has been previously shown for Scar/
becoming more motile themselves. It might not always be pos- WAVE-1 and -2 [75]. The loss of Scar/WAVE3 led to an in-
sible to distinguish stromal cells from mesenchymal tumor cells crease in actin stress bres and focal adhesion complexes, indi-
however and in some cases tumor cells are thought to contrib- cating the possibility that the Scar/WAVE3 or the balance of
ute to the stroma of a tumor [9]. Perhaps surprisingly, Arp2/3 Scar/WAVE proteins in the cell could regulate the mobility
complex staining was reported as absent from the normal co- or contractility of the actin cytoskeketon. Reduction of Scar/
lonic stroma and mucosa, but was observed in vascular endo- WAVE3 levels also led to a decrease in the number of lung
thelial cells and lymphocytes. However, based on tissue metastases of breast cancer in SCID mice and inhibited pri-
distribution data, [54] it seems more likely that normal cells mary tumor establishment of MDA-MB-231 cells in SCID
have a small amount of Arp2/3 complex, but they do not re- mice [73].
quire the amounts needed in more motile free-living cells such
as macrophages or broblasts. Upregulation of Arp2/3 com-
plex expression also appears to be potentially predictive of 5. Implication of Scar/WAVE2 in invasion and metastasis
poor outcome in breast cancers [41].
Although Scar/WAVE3 has had the most attention as a reg-
ulator of migration in metastasis, there is growing evidence
4. Scar/WAVE3 in invasion and metastasis that Scar/WAVE2 may also have a role. Coexpression of
Scar/WAVE2 and Arp2 in adenocarcinoma of the lung and
Although it is at present unclear if functional dierences ex- in breast and colorectal carcinoma has been linked to metasta-
ist between Scar/WAVE isoforms, Scar/WAVE3 has been sis and aggressive cancer phenotypes [41,42,68]. When high
strongly implicated in promotion of cancer metastasis by one levels of Arp2 and Scar/WAVE2 were found in lung adenocar-
group. It was originally found to be truncated and inactivated cinomas this could be correlated with poor survival. Curiously,
in a patient with ganglioneuroblastoma [74]. Inactivation of the Scar/WAVE2 and Arp2/3 positive cells appeared randomly
Scar/WAVE3 was hypothesised to lead to an accumulation scattered throughout the tumors and were very rich in Scar/
of neural crest cells that are defective in migration yet retain WAVE2 and Arp2/3 in relation to the surrounding tumor cells.
some potential for proliferation. The resulting enlarged ganglia A similar phenomenon was seen in liver metastases from colon
would contain accumulated undierentiated proliferating cells cancer and in the primary tumor sections as well. Bulk mRNA
that could potentially be dierentiated if given the right signals levels for Arp2, Arp3 and Scar/WAVE2 were all found to be
at a later time. This is a typical manifestation of ganglioneuro- higher in the samples that showed Arp2/3 and Scar/WAVE2
blastoma [74]. It was noted by Cowell and colleagues that Scar/ colocalisation. The colocalisation in primary tumors was
WAVE2 is located on chromosome 1, at 1p35-36, a region that found to be a signicant predictor of liver metastasis. The evi-
is frequently lost or deleted in advanced stages of neuroblas- dence provided by these studies suggests that, if a few cells
toma. However, they could not detect loss of Scar/WAVE2 within a primary tumor gain increased mobility via a co-upreg-
in the tumor specimens that were available to them [74]. Look- ulation of Scar/WAVE2 and Arp2/3 complex, these cells may
ing at Scar/WAVE2 status may be interesting for future studies have increased metastatic potential.
on a larger scale. Scar/WAVE2 expression has been studied in the Fidler mod-
It may not be surprising that Scar/WAVE3 is implicated in a el of melanoma, using non-metastatic parental melanoma cells,
cancer of the brain, as Scar/WAVE3 and Scar/WAVE1 are slightly metastatic B16F1 cells and highly metastatic B16F10
both important in brain development and function cells [27,48]. In this model, expression of both Scar/WAVE1
[18,70,74]. Scar/WAVE3 appears to have a function in the and Scar/WAVE2 increased as the cells became more aggres-
dynamics of dendritic processes and protrusions in hippocam- sive. Scar/WAVE3 was reported not to be expressed in these
pal neurons, similar to the role of Scar/WAVE1 in brain cell lines. Levels of active Rac1 GTPase were also increased
[18,70]. The Scar/WAVE complex localises to dendritic spines in the more highly aggressive cells, indicating that the Rac1-
L.M. Machesky / FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 21022111 2107
Scar/WAVE pathway might be upregulated overall with cells, as were the levels of phospho-PDK-1 and phospho-
increasing metastatic potential. Scar/WAVE2 was important Raf. It is not known whether total levels of PDK-1 and Raf
for invasion into Matrigel and motility in 3D gel matricies were aected. This study implicates Abi-1, as a member of
and lung metastasis of B16F10 cells [48]. Thus Scar/WAVE2 both the SOS-Eps8-Abi complex and the Scar/WAVE com-
appears to promote metastatic behaviour of melanoma cells, plex, in cancer metastasis. Clearly loss of Abi-1 has cata-
at least in the Fidler model. In an unrelated study, the expres- strophic eects on the cells, as many proteins depend on
sion of a tumor metastatic suppressor gene MRP-1/CD9, Abi-1 for stability and activity. A recent study by Politt and
which encodes a tetraspanin protein, was found to downregu- Insall also implicated Abi-1 in regulation of cytokinesis but
late the expression of Scar/WAVE2 in HT1080 human bro- found that loss of Abi-1 did not completely abolish Scar/
sarcoma cells [37]. Cells expressing CD9 appeared rounded WAVE activity [62] suggesting that the context and the cell
and showed less lamellipodial activity, but no mechanism type might be important determinants of the stability of each
was given for this downregulation. complex member.
Another Scar/WAVE complex member, Nap1 (Fig. 1C), is
essential during mouse development and its loss causes severe
6. Implication of Scar/WAVE complex members in cancer defects in cell migration in the early embryo, suggesting that
the Scar/WAVE complex is important for the regulation of cell
Scar/WAVE proteins are associated in a stable and ubiqui- migration in vivo [63]. Genes that are important for migration
tous complex containing four other subunits (Fig. 1C). In gen- during embryogenesis are good candidates for promotion of
eral, these subunits are required for the stability of the whole motility during metastasis. Nap1 knockout mice do not survive
complex, so it has been dicult to determine whether there past E9.0 and the embryos show various abnormalities indicat-
are any specic functions attributable to any particular com- ing migration defects. At E8.5 the embryos accumulate disor-
plex member [10,47]. A number of these proteins have been ganised mesenchymal cells at the primitive streak, indicating a
implicated in cancer metastasis and migration/invasion, but defect of migration of the mesoderm away from the primitive
in cases where a particular protein is lost, it is likely that the streak. Many tissues failed to fuse or close normally, including
whole Scar/WAVE complex and therefore Scar/WAVE and the heart primorida. The endoderm failed to close to form the
Arp2/3 complex are aected. Below is a summary of the recent foregut pocket and the neural ectoderm failed to close. About
literature surrounding the role of Scar/WAVE complex mem- a quarter of the embryos had dramatic duplications of struc-
bers in various cancer models or patient samples. tures along the body axis. These defects all could be attributed
The smallest member of the Scar/WAVE complex is to dierent types of abnormal cell migration. It is interesting
HSPC300, a 110 amino acid polypeptide that interacts with that in these Nap1 mutants, no Scar/WAVE1 or Scar/WAVE2
the N-terminus of Scar/WAVE (Fig. 1C) [29,40]. Loss of could be detected, so the authors propose that this mutant rep-
HSPC300 in patients with Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome resents a total loss of function of Scar/WAVE signaling to ac-
(VHL) has been found to be protective against clear renal cell tin. However, cells in the mutant still can move, they are just
carcinoma, the most common malignancy of the kidney [12]. It less ecient and have aberrant shapes (more rounded than
is not known why loss of HSPC300 in these patients can be polarised) so this implies that there are multiple pathways
protective, but it is speculated that aberrant cytoskeletal orga- important for cell motility in addition to Scar/WAVE
nisation in VHL tumors may prevent migration of the tumor in vivo. It seems possible that the type of motility seen in the
cells and thus slow metastasis. Additionally, a cytokinesis de- Nap1 mutants could be similar to the Rho-ROCK-mediated
fect, resulting in slower cell division, may lead to slower tumor amoeboid motility observed in cancer cells migrating in
cell proliferation. Patients with the double deletion of three-dimensional spaces when protease-dependent motility
HSPC300 and VHL develop mainly hemangioblastomas and has been blocked [65]. This would agree with the more
not renal cell carcinoma. rounded shapes observed for cells of the Nap1 knockout em-
Abelson interactor protein-1 (Abi-1) binds directly to the N- bryos. This also agrees with the nding that Dictyostelium
terminus of Scar/WAVE proteins and appears to be essential lacking Scar/WAVE proteins can still move but more slowly
for lamellipodia assembly triggered by the Scar/WAVE com- and with altered shape [7].
plex [40]. It also interacts with Eps8 in a separate trimolecular
complex together with SOS and regulates the activation of Rac
downstream of tyrosine kinase receptor signaling [39]. Wang 7. Regulation of the lopodial proteins fascin and Mena+11a in
and colleagues found that of several cancer cell lines tested, cancer
those that were the least invasive also expressed on average
the least Abi1 [79]. They hypothesised that Abi contributes Ena/VASP proteins are important regulators of actin assem-
to invasiveness. For the most part, low levels of Abi protein bly in lopodia as well as lamellipodia. They are found near
correlated with low expression of the whole Scar/WAVE com- the tips of lopods and promote lopod actin lament assem-
plex, so it is likely that this is not a direct eect of low Abi-1 in bly (for an excellent review see [31]). Mena is overexpressed in
each case, but perhaps destabilisation of the whole complex a subset of human benign breast lesions and its expression cor-
[10,47]. Downregulation of Abi-1 by RNA interference caused relates with increased risk of transformation [22]. The upregu-
the cells to appear rounder and inhibited lamellipodia, adhe- lation of Mena correlates with other prognostic indicators of
sion, proliferation, anchorage-dependent colony formation in human breast cancer such as proliferation index, Her-2 overex-
soft agar and passage through the cell cycle. The migration pression and hormonal receptor status [22]. The Ena/VASP
and invasion in a transwell lter assay was also reduced in cells family protein variant Mena+11a is both upregulated in
that had lower levels of Abi-1. Perhaps more surprisingly, lev- expression level and phosphorylated in breast cancer cell lines,
els of AKT protein were decreased in Abi-1 downregulated suggesting that it may be involved in the progression or en-
2108 L.M. Machesky / FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 21022111
hanced motility of cancer cells [21]. Mena+11a is nearly unde- tial in Drosophila. WASH contains a VCA sequence (refer to
tectable in a number of normal tissues, including normal hu- Fig. 1C) similar to WASP and Scar/WAVE proteins and a un-
man mammary gland, cecum and cervix, but is expressed in ique N-terminus [51]. It was reported to be overexpressed in a
many cancer cell lines. The expression is responsive to EGF breast cancer cell line SKBR3, in a study looking for potential
treatment and EGF treatment also induces phorphorylation, prognostic biomarkers [50]. This is just one example of a rela-
which may alter the activities of Mena+11a. Other studies have tively new addition to the growing set of potential targets for
shown that murine Mena is upregulated during Her-2-induced much needed improvements in both prognostic and therapeu-
breast cancer progression [3] and that the upregulation is tic strategies for cancer metastasis.
EGF-responsive [80]. Transfection of exogenous Mena+11a
into MCF7 cells induces an increase in proliferation rate and
in p42/44 MAPK activity. The mechanism for this increase is 9. Discussion
unclear and could hint at an interesting role for Mena+11a,
which has not yet been discovered [21,22]. While the sections of this review have been roughly divided
Fascin is another key protein in lopod assembly, regulating between proteins that are implicated in the assembly of lamel-
the formation of actin bundles and recruiting protein kinase C lipodia (Scar/WAVEs and Arp2/3 complex) or lopodia (Me-
during migration and lopod assembly [33]. Fascin expression na+11a and fascin), it seems likely that in vivo cells will use
is transiently upregulated during the early stages of colon can- dierent structures which may combine features of lopodia
cer invasion in response to b-catenin-TCF signalling in the and lamellipodia and invadopodia- terms like invasive pseu-
Wnt pathway when cells start to make a transition from an dopodia might be useful when trying to describe what
epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype [77,78]. Fascin upregu- researchers can see in three dimensional networks [82]. As we
lation confers a 10-fold increase in the ability of HT-29 colon try to come to grips with improved technology for viewing cells
cancer cells injected into the tail vein to colonise in the lung in three dimensional space and in vivo, we will likely more pre-
[77]. Fascin is highly expressed in the invasive fronts of high cisely dene dierent kinds of invasive pseudopods and more
grade and later stage human colon carcinoma and largely ab- clearly understand the functions of cytoskeletal proteins that
sent from distant metastases and its expression correlates with have largely been characterised in a test tube or in cells moving
poor survival [35]. This indicates that the upregulation is tran- on a at surface.
sient, during the stages of active invasion and metastasis and It is clear that there is much crosstalk between the stroma
then fascin is downregulated when the metastasis becomes and the tumor and that the contributions of stromal cells to tu-
established. Fascin upregulation has also been correlated with mor cell activities is extremely important, as is the potential for
poor survival in other cancers, such as gastric cancer [34], the tumor to contribute both signals and cells to the stroma.
esophageal cancer [32], extrahepatic bile duct cancer [59], oral How the body responds to cancer and how cancer changes
squamous cell carcinoma [49], ovarian tumors [36], lung cancer the organisms responses are extremely complex and fascinat-
[60] and breast cancer [64]. Thus fascin upregulation appears ing areas of research. The role of the cytoskeleton and migra-
to be generally predictive of increased metastatic or invasive tion is only one small part of a larger quest to understand both
potential in cancer and this may be mediated by increased normal and diseased cell behaviours.
lopodial activity and mobility of the cells. The study of the actin cytoskeleton in cancer metastasis
seems to have come of age and the time is ripe for increasing
our understanding of this fascinating aspect of biology and hu-
8. WASH, A new potential player in actin dynamics and cancer man disease. It is time for the elds of cell migration/motility
and cancer metastasis to form alliances and to uncover those
It has only come to light fairly recently that proteins of the genes important in aspects of cancer spread. While consider-
actin cytoskeleton may play an important role in metastatic able work has been done, it is hard to evaluate which aspects
progression of cancers. Normal cells in an adult epithelium will be of clinical relevance and whether the actin assembly
do not usually need to migrate extensively and so are likely machineries of lopodia and lamellipodia represents a valid
to have low levels of many migration-associated proteins and prognostic or potential therapeutic target. On the negative
relatively quiet cytoskeletons. When a metastatic programme side, metastasis of many cancers has probably already oc-
is initiated, cells which have upregulation of certain motility curred by the time a primary tumor has been discovered, so
genes may have an advantage in invasion into matrix, through unless the micrometastases can be identied and destroyed,
endothelial cell layers and into new sites for tumor formation. therapy against future metastatic spread will not be useful.
Both lamellipodial and lopodial proteins are increasingly Furthermore, once micrometastases are established, they typi-
implicated in tumor metastasis and invasion and it seems likely cally revert toward the phenotype of the original tumor or
that over the coming years new important players will continue adapt to their new environment and things such as motility
to be uncovered. The cytoskeleton is a complex nework of and invasion genes are often downregulated again. However,
multiple proteins that is also specialised in dierent cell types analysis of the regulation of the actin machinery of cells of
to carry out precise and varied functions. Just recently, a the primary tumor might give clues about whether or how
new member of the WASP-family has been discovered, likely micrometastases are and whether to use more aggressive
WASH, which in humans (but not primates or other mam- therapy (also discussed in [45]). There might also be benet in
mals) resides in subtelomeric regions and so may be actively in- prevention of metastasis and invasion for tumors that are not
volved in evolutionary processes [51]. Humans have several completely able to be removed by surgery. Furthermore, as ge-
copies of WASH genes, only one of which is thought to repre- netic tools to predict predispositions to certain types of cancers
sent an actual coding region. WASH is widely conserved, and become more accurate and more widely used, preventative
is found in amoebas, Drosophila, andC. elegans, and it is essen- therapies for metastasis might also become possible.
L.M. Machesky / FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 21022111 2109
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