Calon 2014
Calon 2014
Calon 2014
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: TGF-beta signaling is one of the major pathways controlling cell and tissue behavior not only in homeo-
Received 23 July 2013 stasis but also in disease. During tumorigenesis TGF-beta orchestrated processes are key due to its dual
Received in revised form role as tumor suppressor and tumor promoter. Important functions of this pathway have been described
19 December 2013
in a context-dependent manner both in epithelial cancer cells and in the tumor microenvironment during
Accepted 30 December 2013
tumor progression. Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are one of the most abundant stromal cell
types in virtually all solid tumors. CAFs favor malignant progression by providing cancer cells with prolife-
rative, migratory, survival and invasive capacities. A complex network of signaling pathways underlying
Tumor microenvironment their tumor-promoting properties is beginning to take shape. In this review, we examine current evidence
Cancer-associated fibroblast on the emerging mechanisms involving TGF-beta in CAF-mediated cancer progression, and discuss their
Metastasis potential as therapeutic targets.
Stroma © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1044-579X/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 A. Calon et al. / Seminars in Cancer Biology 25 (2014) 15–22
normal tissue stroma. TGF-beta-mediated tumor–stroma interac- properties of cancer cells [35,36], and therefore may constitute a
tions are thought to provide factors that help accomplish the steps niche for this important cell type.
required for metastasis [10–12].
4. TGF-beta signaling in cancer
3. Fibroblasts in cancer progression TGF-beta generally restrains epithelial cells, the origin for a large
number of frequently occurring cancers. Its signaling controls the
TME-resident fibroblasts have been termed with a vari- growth within normal epithelial cell layers in e.g. the skin [37,38]
ety of names including peritumoral (myo-)fibroblasts, reactive and the intestine [39–41]. To overcome this cytostatic activity,
stromal fibroblasts, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) or tumor- many tumors bear gene alterations that inactivate critical TGF-beta
associated fibroblasts (TAFs). In general, these cells, differing from signaling components [42]. In CRC for instance, TGF-beta receptor 2
normal fibroblasts [13,14], can be identified by expression of (TGFBR2) or SMAD4 are frequently mutated or inactivated by other
smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), fibroblast surface protein (FSP1) means, indicating a tumor suppressing role for TGF-beta signaling
and fibroblast-activated protein (FAP) [15]. Several additional CAF [43–45].
markers have been discovered, including NG2 chondroitin sul- Although TGF-beta signaling inhibits epithelial proliferation,
fate proteoglycan (NG2), PDGFR-beta [16,17] or podoplanin (PDPN) this pathway is also frequently linked to tumor progression. In
[18]. The involvement of CAFs in tumor initiation was analyzed colorectal and prostate tumors, increased TGF-beta1 expression
by comparing the effect of normal fibroblasts and CAFs isolated correlates with poor prognosis [46,47]. Indeed, positive TGF-beta
from the primary tumor site. For instance, immortalized prostate immunostaining or elevated mRNA levels in breast and CRC pre-
epithelial cells gave rise to massive tumors in the presence of CAFs, dict metastases [27,48,49]. Moreover, experimental models in the
whereas tumors did not form in the presence of normal fibro- skin, colon and breast support a biphasic function of TGF-beta; i.e. it
blasts [19]. Furthermore, CAFs in non-small lung cell carcinoma inhibits the onset of tumorigenesis in these tissues yet once tumors
(NSCLC) have a greater ability to enhance tumorigenicity of lung are formed, TGF-beta signaling enhances malignant progression
cancer cells than normal fibroblasts. Accordingly, the gene expres- and metastasis [27,50–52]. This differential activation status of
sion signature derived from protumorigenic CAFs shows prognostic TGF-beta signaling during cancer progression depends on whether
value for disease relapse both in NSCLC [14] and in colorectal can- the cell retains or loses a functional pathway. In CRC, epithelial cells
cer (CRC) [20]. This effect is in large part driven by the secretion are markedly less stained for p-SMAD2/3 compared to adjacent
of cytokines and growth factors that affect proliferation, survival, stromal cells or to the epithelial compartment of pre-malignant
adhesion, and migration of cancer cells [21,22]. Mitogenic factors tissue. This indicates a shift from primarily epithelial TGF-beta
secreted by fibroblasts include hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), signaling in normal and adenoma tissues to a stromal and CAFs
EGF family members, chemokine (C-X-C) ligand 12 (CXCL12), sev- signaling in tumors [27,53].
eral fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), and stanniocalcin-1 (STC1) TGF-beta activity is controlled at many levels including the con-
[12,23–26]. In CRC, TGF-beta activated CAFs express several known version of the latent secreted form to its active state. Together
pro-metastatic factors that include angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4), with its latency-associated peptide (LAP), TGF-beta binds to the
connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and vascular endothelial latent TGF-beta-binding protein (LTBP), which is part of the
growth factor (VEGFA) [27]. ECM [54]. TGF-beta latency represents a crucial step for active
Perhaps the best-understood function of CAFs is to pro- TGF-beta release. In fact, mice deficient for LTBP/TGF-beta asso-
mote tumor cell invasion. Fibroblasts promote epithelial-to- ciation exhibits inflammation and tumorigenesis associated with
mesenchymal transition (EMT) by secreting either matrix metal- decreased levels of active TGF-beta and decreased TGF-beta
loproteases (MMPs) or cytokines including tumor necrosis factor signaling [55]. In CRC patients, total TGF-beta levels increase dur-
alpha (TNF-␣). TNF-␣ induces stabilization of the Snail protein ing the mucosa-adenoma-carcinoma transition whereas active
through nuclear factor NFkB and Akt signaling pathways which in TGF-beta release is only up regulated in carcinomas where it corre-
turn enhances migratory and invasive phenotype of cancer cells lates with increased alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression,
[28]. Also, CAFs facilitate the invasiveness of originally non-invasive desmoplastic reaction and poor prognosis [56].
cancer cells [29], possibly through a PAR1-dependent Ca2+ sig-
nals and MMP1 upregulation [30]. More recently, studies on gastric 5. TGF-beta signaling in the TME and during metastasis
cancer development suggested that CAFs could promote cancer
cell migration and invasion via transgelin (TAGLN) upregulation. A large number of breast cancers, melanomas and gliomas retain
TAGLN is an extracellular matrix protein which induces MMP2 pro- a functional pathway and display TGF-beta signaling in tumor
duction [31]. MMPs promote the degradation of ECM and cleave cell cells [2]. These tumors frequently develop genetic alterations in
adhesion molecules such as cadherins, thus potentiating cancer cell downstream tumor suppressor genes such as p15 (CDKN2B), which
motility [28]. bypass the cytostatic effects of TGF-beta signaling. Additional driver
Additional studies suggest a role for activated fibroblasts at the mutations can further abrogate TGF-beta-mediated inhibition of
metastatic site, similar to CAFs in the primary tumor, promoting proliferation. Moreover, residual epithelial TGF-beta signaling can
the survival and proliferation of cancer cells. Formation of liver be rewired to promote the expression of pro-metastatic factors
metastases is associated with the activation of local hepatic stellate such as JAGGED1, angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) and interleukin-
cells (HSC), the major cell type involved in liver fibrosis in response 11 (IL11), associated with breast to bone and lung metastasis
to liver damage [32]. In this scenario, PDGF-C promotes tumor [57–59]. In addition, TGF-beta signaling is a key driver of epithelial-
growth by stimulating the proliferation of HSCs [33]. In addition, to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which favors invasion and
tumors and metastasis derived from engrafted mouse mammary metastatic seeding of cancer cells [60–62].
carcinoma cells are significantly reduced when injected in mice A contrasting scenario involves those tumor types that evaded
deficient for the CAF marker FSP1 [34]. Co-inoculation of wild- TGF-beta-mediated growth arrest by completely abolishing the
type fibroblasts into these mice partially reverses the phenotype, pathway, such as a large proportion of colorectal and pancreatic
providing further evidence for the involvement of metastasis- cancers [42]. The apparent paradox that high levels of TGF-beta
associated fibroblasts in the metastatic process [34]. It has also are nevertheless linked to poor prognosis in these tumors can be
been suggested that CAF-produced factors enhance stem cell-like explained by the fact that the tumor microenvironment remains
A. Calon et al. / Seminars in Cancer Biology 25 (2014) 15–22 17
secreted by fibroblasts, correlated with enhanced malignancy in 9. Reconciling the paradoxical roles of TGF-beta signaling
breast cancer [91]. They demonstrated that cancer cells instruct in fibroblasts during tumor progression
stromal fibroblasts to express MMP9 via secretion of TGF-beta. In
addition to their role in degrading basement membrane compo- As discussed throughout this review, CAFs support tumor pro-
nents, MMPs also target and activate TGF-beta itself [92]. These gression in many ways through TGF-beta-dependent mechanisms.
findings support the idea that MMP9 creates a microenvironment For example, forced expression of TGF-beta in the stroma primes
favorable for invasion and metastasis both through activation of fibroblasts to promote the outgrowth of initiated human breast
TGF-beta and by local decomposition of the ECM, adding complex- epithelial cells [107]. Compared to normal fibroblasts, CAFs have a
ity to the activation of TGF-beta pathway in cancer [93,94]. greater ability to enhance tumorigenesis in NSCLC [14]. In this set-
The release of active TGF-beta from its inactive complex not ting, differentially expressed genes are regulated by the TGF-beta
only involves MMP9 but depends also on a variety of additional signaling pathway. Also, high levels of TGF-beta in CRC impose a
factors, among them MMP1, FN1 and integrin alphavbeta6 [54]. pro-metastatic program in the tumor microenvironment [27]. TGF-
Interestingly, CAFs from breast cancers display high MMP1 levels beta activated fibroblasts participate in this process by enhancing
compared with normal fibroblasts [95]; TGF-beta activated colon STAT3 dependent survival of metastatic cells through IL11 produc-
fibroblasts produce FN1 [27]; and integrin alphavbeta6 expres- tion [27]. In sharp contrast to these evidences, a number of genetic
sion correlates significantly with CAF numbers in gastric cancers studies based on conditional inactivation of Tgfbr2 demonstrated
[96]. Taken together, these data suggest that tumor-promoting that loss of TGF-beta in fibroblasts could also promote tumori-
myofibroblasts might both participate to and arise from increased genesis, suggesting a more complex effect of TGF-beta signaling
TGF-beta activation. Furthermore mechanical stress is an addi- on CAFs. Moses and colleagues used a model where Tgfbr2flox/flox
tional way to activate latent TGF-beta when produced by cultured mice are crossed with mice expressing Cre recombinase under
myofibroblasts [97], suggesting that matrix elasticity may also link the control of the FSP1 promoter, which is active in a subset of
TGF-beta activation with CAFs. stromal fibroblasts. Fsp1-driven deletion of Tgfbr2 (Tgfbr2FspKO )
Finally, during disease progression, cancer cells are exposed to resulted in intraepithelial neoplasia in prostate and invasive squa-
CAFs present in the tumor microenvironment and subsequently mous cell carcinoma of the forestomach, both associated with an
to normal fibroblasts as they invade the underlying tissue layers increased abundance of stromal cells. Activation of paracrine HGF
and metastasize. Stuelten et al. studied the transient interac- signaling was identified as one possible mechanism for stimulation
tion occurring between tumor cells and normal fibroblasts. They of epithelial proliferation in this experimental setting [108]. Using
demonstrated that cancer cells induced secretion of TGF-beta by the Tgfbr2FspKO mouse model, a subsequent study showed that the
normal fibroblasts, in turn enhancing the malignant behavior of loss of Tgfbr2 in fibroblasts enhances HGF signaling through c-Met
tumor cells in vivo. Interestingly, even a short interaction between and Ron, which promotes scattering and invasion of mammary car-
tumor cells and normal fibroblasts was sufficient to maintain these cinoma cells [109]. These studies indicate a tumor-suppressive role
TGF-beta cell-targeted effects [98]. for TGF-beta signaling in fibroblasts, in part by suppressing HGF
signaling between mammary fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Even
the loss of one Tgfbr2 allele in fibroblasts (Fsp1-driven heterozy-
8. TGF-beta-driven metabolic reprogramming in CAFs gous deletion of Tgfbr2) was sufficient to reduce tumor latency
and induce stromal cell accumulation and mammary carcinoma
Cancer cells secrete oxidative stress factors into the microen- cell invasiveness to finally promote lung metastasis [110]. Further,
vironment, which can induce autophagy, a fundamental catabolic quantitative proteomics was used to characterize the secretome
mechanism ensuring the synthesis, degradation and recycling from Tgfbr2FspKO mammary fibroblasts. This study identified over
of cellular components through the lysosomal machinery [99]. 1000 proteins amongst which CXCL10 was shown to directly stim-
Emerging data suggest that the microenvironment of some tumors ulate breast tumor cell proliferation and migration [111].
undergo an autophagy-to-senescence transition (AST), which Overall, loss-of-function studies demonstrate that genetic abro-
involves the activation of the TGF-beta pathway in fibroblasts gation of TGF-beta response in fibroblasts triggers a protumorigenic
[100,101]. Autophagic fibroblasts show mitochondrial dysfunction, effect. Thus, the question that arises is how can we conciliate
increased secretory capacity and a senescent phenotype. Further- protumorigenic effects of both activation and loss of the TGF-
more, autophagy in CAFs enhances glycolysis, resulting in elevated beta pathway in fibroblasts? One answer may come from the
production of pyruvate, ketone bodies and l-lactate. These metabo- experiments of Franco et al. They used a xenograft mouse model
lites are utilized by cancer cells for anabolic growth and metastasis where prostate cancer cells were co-injected with a mixed stromal
[102]. Additionally, oxidative stress and autophagy in the tumor population containing normal fibroblasts and fibroblasts unre-
microenvironment are linked to the loss of stromal caveolin-1 sponsive to TGF-beta through expression of a dominant negative
(Cav1), which is associated with early tumor recurrence, metas- TGFBR2 (DNTBRII). Abrogation of TGF-beta signaling in a subset
tasis, and drug resistance in breast cancer [103]. A recent study of fibroblasts enhanced TGF-beta ligand secretion, and stromal
indicates that activation of TGF-beta signaling in fibroblasts leads heterogeneity resulted in malignant transformation of prostate
to attenuation of Cav1 expression, mediated by oxidative stress epithelial cells [112]. The authors proposed that elevated produc-
[104]. The loss of Cav1 can induce autophagy, elevate aerobic tion of TGF-beta by DNTBRII fibroblasts could impact on fibroblasts
glycolysis and enhance in vivo tumorigenesis in adjacent human with intact TGFBR2 supporting their conversion to myofibrobla-
breast carcinoma cells. Capparelli et al. brought further under- sts. In this study, overexpression of TGF-beta in benign human
standing to this process by identifying the CTGF, a TGF-beta target prostate fibroblasts induced in vivo malignant transformation of
gene, as an inducer of AST and aerobic glycolysis in CAFs [105]. prostate epithelial cells. These findings link the protumorigenic
Finally, and in line with the importance of glycolysis in CAFs, over- effect driven by Tgfbr2FspKO fibroblasts to a collateral amplification
expression of migration stimulating factor (MSF), an isoform of of the stromal TGF-beta response. An alternative answer to this
fibronectin, is sufficient to confer myofibroblast differentiation via problem comes from a very recent study by Achyut and colleagues.
increased TGF-beta signaling. This mechanism induces metabolic The authors investigated the molecular mechanisms responsible
reprogramming of CAFs toward a glycolytic phenotype depend- for the development of invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in
ing on NFkB, and these MSF-expressing fibroblasts significantly Tgfbr2FspKO mice. They observed increased expression of inflam-
enhance tumor growth [106]. matory mediators, such as inducible nitrogen oxide synthetase
A. Calon et al. / Seminars in Cancer Biology 25 (2014) 15–22 19
Table 1
Therapeutic outcome of clinical trials targeting TME/TGF-beta in patients.
The table summarizes clinical studies with results on therapeutic outcome for treatment targeting TGF-beta, TGF-beta activated fibroblasts and related factors discussed in
this review, and their phases, taken from
(NOS2), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and NFkB subunit (p65), in the growth factors are currently being targeted using small molecule
epithelium and stroma of the Tgfbr2FspKO mice. In addition, these inhibitors against their receptors including PDGF-Rs and VEGFRs
SCC tumors contained higher number of CD45+ leukocytes com- [116]. Also, various MMP inhibitors reached phase III clinical trials
pared to control mice, suggesting indirect effect on inflammation for pancreatic, prostate and lung cancer [117–119], yet no single
due to loss of Tgfbr2 in fibroblasts [113]. The infiltrating CD45+ treatment has shown efficacy so far (Table 1).
population included myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) A different approach consists in targeting CAFs directly by
and TH17 cells. Both cell types are involved in the generation of means of specific surface marker genes. Elevated expression of
immunosuppressive environment that facilitates tumor initiation some of CAF markers predicts poor prognosis in patients and thus
and progression [67]. Epithelial tumor cells of the forestomach they are linked to disease progression. Examples are FAP [120];
in Tgfbr2FspKO mice showed COX2-dependent downregulation of PDPN [18] and PALLADIN: [121]. FAP was proposed as a potential
the expression of cell cycle inhibitors such as CDKN1A. Indeed, target in stromal cells present in human epithelial cancers [122] and
uncontrolled epithelial proliferation and CDKN1A repression in humanized monoclonal antibodies against this CAF surface marker
Tgfbr2FspKO mice were counteracted by COX2 inhibitors [113]. entered clinical trials. However, an early phase II trial based on an
Therefore, whereas studies based on gain of function experiments immunological approach using unconjugated mAbs failed to show
demonstrate cell-autonomous expression of a protumorigenic TGF- efficacy to treat metastatic CRC (Table 1) [123,124].
beta-driven program in CAFs, genetic ablation of TGF-beta signaling The TGF-beta pathway is increasingly considered as a therapeu-
in fibroblast induces secondary activation of TGF-beta or other tic target not only because its role in cancer cells but also because
inflammatory responses in neighboring wild-type cells that could of its capacity to instruct a protumorigenic program in tumor
indirectly promote cancer initiation. stromal cells [125,126]. A wide variety of therapeutic agents that
block TGF-beta signaling (Table 1) are currently available including
10. Therapeutic targeting of TGF-beta signaling in neutralizing antibodies, soluble receptors and antisense oligonu-
fibroblasts cleotides against TGF-beta ligands and small molecule inhibitors
targeting the function of TGFBRI or TGFBRII receptors [126]. One of
CAFs and the TME provide many key functions in cancer pro- these TGFBRI kinase inhibitors developed by Eli Lilly, LY2157299,
gression and metastasis and are therefore attractive therapeutic is used in phase II trials for treatment of glioblastoma multi-
targets. In addition, products secreted by these cells such as ECM forme, hepatocellular carcinoma and advanced pancreatic cancer.
components form rigid structures that can attenuate the diffusion Recently, we found that mice treated with this inhibitor are resilient
of anticancer agents. to metastasis formation by colon cancer cells due to an inhibition of
The most straightforward therapeutic approach is to inhibit stromal activation by TGF-beta, suggesting these inhibitors could
signals emanating from the TME required for tumor growth and benefit those patients at risk of developing metastatic disease.
progression. A prime example is the targeting of secreted stro- Importantly, CRC cells used in these experiments carry inactivat-
mal factors such as VEGFA to inhibit angiogenesis [114]. The ing mutations in TGF-beta pathway components implying that they
monoclonal antibody (mAb) bevacizumab has been approved for were not targeted by the inhibitor [27]. In contrast, inhibition of
first-line use in various cancers, including CRC, lung cancers, renal TGF-beta signaling in CRC cells with an intact pathway could exac-
cancers and glioblastoma multiforme, and has proven to slow erbate tumor growth by releasing cells from the cytostatic effect
metastatic disease progression [115]. Similarly, stroma-produced imposed by TGF-beta. This illustrates that in-depth knowledge of
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