Bosch - Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra PDF
Bosch - Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra PDF
Bosch - Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra PDF
Series Editors:
Sheldon Axler
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA
Vincenzo Capasso
Universit degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Carles Casacuberta
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Angus MacIntyre
Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK
Kenneth Ribet
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
Claude Sabbah
CNRS, cole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Endre Sli
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Wojbor A. Woyczynski
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Thus as research topics trickle down into graduate-level teaching, rst textbooks
written for new, cutting-edge courses may make their way into Universitext.
Geometry and
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Bosch
Mathematisches Institut
Westflische Wilhelms-Universitt
Mnster, Germany
Mathematics Subject Classication: 13-02, 13Axx, 13Bxx, 13Cxx, 13Dxx, 13Exx, 13Hxx, 13Nxx, 14-
02, 14Axx, 14B25, 14C20, 14F05, 14F10, 14K05, 14L15
3 Integral Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.1 Integral Dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.2 Noether Normalization and Hilberts Nullstellensatz . . . . . . . 91
3.3 The CohenSeidenberg Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
1. Rings and Modules
The present chapter is devoted to discussing some basic notions and results
on rings and their modules. Except for a few preliminary considerations, all
rings will be meant to be commutative and to admit a unit element 1. Like
a eld, a ring comes equipped with two laws of composition, namely addition
+ and multiplication , which behave in the same way as is known from
the case of elds. The only dierence is that non-zero elements of a ring R do
not need to admit multiplicative inverses in R, a default that has far-reaching
consequences. A prominent example of such a ring is Z, the ring of integers. But
we can easily construct more intricate types of rings. Let k be a eld and write
R for the cartesian product of k with itself, i.e. R = k k. Dening addition
and multiplication on R componentwise by
(1 , 2 ) + (1 , 2 ) = (1 + 1 , 2 + 2 ),
(1 , 2 ) (1 , 2 ) = (1 1 , 2 2 ),
we see that R becomes a ring. The equation (1, 0) (0, 1) = (0, 0) implies that R
contains non-trivial zero divisors, whereas (1, 0)n = (1, 0) for n > 0 shows that
R contains idempotent elements that are dierent from the unit element (1, 1).
However, in this case there are no non-trivial nilpotent elements, i.e. elements
(1 , 2 ) dierent from (0, 0) such that (1 , 2 )n = (0, 0) for some exponent n.
On the other hand, non-trivial nilpotent elements will occur if we take
(1 , 2 ) (1 , 2 ) = (1 1 , 1 2 + 2 1 )
as multiplication on R.
For rings R of general type the notion of ideals is fundamental. An ideal
in R is just an additive subgroup a R that is stable under multiplication by
elements of R. Historically ideals were motivated by the aim to extend unique
factorization results from the ring of integers Z to more general rings of algebraic
numbers. However, as this did not work out well in the conventional setting,
Kummer invented his concept of ideal numbers, which was then generalized
by Dedekind, who introduced the notion of ideals as known today. A further
natural step is to pass from ideals to modules over rings, thereby arriving at a
simultaneous generalization of ideals in rings and of vector spaces over elds.
A very useful notion is the one of so-called polynomial rings. Let R0 be
a ring, viewed as a coecient ring, and (Xi )iI a family of symbols viewed
as variables. Then the polynomial ring R0 (Xi )iI consists of all nite formal
sums of formal products of type
aXin11 . . . Xinrr , a R0 , n1 , . . . , nr N,
where the indices i1 , . . . , ir I are pairwise distinct and where addition and
multiplication on this ring are dened in the conventional way. In particular,
given any polynomial f R0 (Xi )iI , the latter involves only nitely many of
the variables Xi , i.e. there are indices i1 , . . . , is I and a nite subset N Ns
such that
f= an1 ...ns Xin11 . . . Xinss , an1 ...ns R0 .
(n1 ,...,ns )N
General rings are not so far away from polynomial rings over the coecient
ring R0 = Z, since any ring R can be viewed as a quotient of a polynomial
ring of type Z(Xi )iI . To explain this fact we need to consider ring homo-
morphisms, i.e. maps between rings that respect addition and multiplication
on the source and the target, and preserve unit elements. Starting out from a
ring homomorphism : R0 - R, one can extend it to a ring homomorphism
: R0 (Xi )iI - R simply by prescribing the images of the variables Xi .
Indeed, given a family (xi )iI of elements in R, the map
substituting xi for the variable Xi is dened on a certain part of R0 (Xi )iI and
can be extended additively to yield a well-dened map : R0 (Xi )iI - R;
the latter is a ring homomorphism, due to the commutativity of the multiplica-
tion in R. It is easily seen that any ring homomorphism : R0 (Xi )iI - R
is uniquely characterized by its restriction = |R0 to the coecient ring R0
and the values xi = (Xi ) of the variables Xi , a fact that is sometimes referred
to as the universal property of polynomial rings.
Now observe that there is a unique ring homomorphism : Z - R. The
latter can be enlarged to a surjective ring homomorphism : Z(Xi )iI - R
if we take I large enough. For example, let I = R and consider the family of
variables (Xi )iR . Then the substitution Xi - i yields a ring homomorphism
: Z(Xi )iR - R, Xi - i,
that is surjective. Its kernel is an ideal in Z(Xi )iR by 1.1/4 so that induces
an isomorphism Z(Xi )iR / ker - R by the Fundamental Theorem on
Homomorphisms 1.1/5.
For a given ring R, its so-called prime spectrum Spec R, i.e. the set of prime
ideals in R, will be of particular interest. One likes to view Spec R as a point
set, on which the elements of R live as functions. Indeed, for f R and
x Spec R let f (x) be the residue class of f in R/px , where px is a second
(more ideal-friendly) notation used instead of x. For example, the set of all
functions f R vanishing identically on Spec R equals the intersection of all
1.1 Rings and Ideals 9
prime ideals in R, and this turns out to be the nilradical rad(R), namely the ideal
consisting of all nilpotent elements in R; cf. 1.3/4. In a similar way, we can look
at the maximal spectrum Spm R consisting of all maximal ideals in R. Since any
maximal ideal is prime, this is a subset of Spec R, non-empty if R = 0. The set
of functions f R vanishing identically on Spm R is, by denition, the Jacobson
radical j(R) where, of course, rad(R) j(R). In classical algebraic geometry
one considers rings where both radicals coincide; see 3.2/5. Independently of
this, the Jacobson radical j(R) is meaningful within the context of Nakayamas
Lemma 1.4/10 or 1.4/11, addressing generators of modules over R.
Just as we can pass from the ring of integers Z to its eld of fractions Q, we
can x a multiplicatively closed subset S in a ring R and pass to the associated
ring of fractions RS , where we allow denominators being taken only from S; see
Section 1.2. The process is referred to as localization by S. For example, if p
is a prime ideal in R, its complement S = R p is a multiplicatively closed
subset in R and the localization RS is a local ring, meaning that RS contains
a unique maximal ideal, which in this case is generated by the image of p in
RS ; see 1.2/7. By construction the elements of RS can be understood as local
functions on Spec R living on certain neighborhoods of the point x Spec R
that is represented by the prime ideal p. This interpretation will become more
familiar in Chapter 6 where we start discussing basic concepts of Algebraic
Geometry. Also it explains why the process of passing to rings of fractions
is referred to as localization. As we will see already during the discussion of
radicals in Section 1.3, localization is a very useful tool in the theory of rings
and modules as well.
The chapter ends with a thorough study of niteness conditions for mod-
ules, like being of nite type, of nite presentation, as well as being Noetherian,
or coherent. For this the Snake Lemma 1.5/1 serves as a convenient technical
tool. In the world of vector spaces, all these conditions specify nite dimension
or, in other words, the existence of nite generating systems. However, for more
general modules, ner distinctions are necessary. To be on the safe side for poly-
nomial rings in nitely many variables over elds, we prove that such rings are
Noetherian in the sense that all their ideals are nitely generated; see Hilberts
Basis Theorem 1.5/14. Modules over Noetherian rings enjoy the nice property
that all the above niteness conditions are equivalent; see 1.5/12 and 1.5/13.
(a b) c = a (b c) for a, b, c R.
(1) elds,
(2) Z, the ring of integers,
(3) RX, the polynomial ring in a variable X over a commutative ring R,
(4) 0, the zero ring, which consists of just one element 1 = 0; it is the only
ring with the latter property.
R = {a R ; a is a unit in R}
Furthermore, mono-, epi -, iso-, endo-, and automorphisms of rings are de-
ned in the usual way. Namely, a monomorphism is meant as an injective and
1.1 Rings and Ideals 11
Any ring R contains the so-called trivial ideals, namely the zero ideal 0
consisting only of the zero element 0, and the unit ideal, which is given by
R itself. For a family (ai )iI of elements in R, we can look at the associated
generated ideal, namely
a= Rai
= ri ai ; ri R, ri = 0 for almost2 all i I .
This is the smallest ideal in R that contains all elements ai , i I. If the index
set I is nite, say I = {1, . . . , n}, we write
a= Rai = (a1 , . . . , an ).
ai = ai ; ai ai , ai = 0 for almost all i I
iI iI
(a : b) = {r R ; r b a}.
For the special case where a = 0 we write Ann(b) = (0 : b) and call this the
annihilator of b. If b is a principal ideal, say b = (b), we use the notations (a : b)
in place of (a : (b)) and Ann(b) in place of Ann((b)).
ker = {r R ; (r) = 0}
Within this context, let us briey recall the denition of residue class rings,
sometimes also referred to as quotient rings. Given an ideal a in a ring R, we
would like to construct a surjective ring homomorphism : R - R such that
ker = a. To do this, consider the set
(r + a) + (r + a) := (r + r ) + a,
(r + a) (r + a) := (r r ) + a.
Of course, it has to be checked that these laws are well dened. This being done,
the dening properties of a ring follow for R/a from those of R and we see that
: R - R/a, r - r + a,
1.1 Rings and Ideals 13
R - R
is commutative. Furthermore:
injective a = ker
surjective surjective
For a proof, see for example [3], 2.3/4. Let us note as a consequence:
R - R
R/ ker
is commutative.
For example, the zero ideal 0 R of some ring R is prime if and only if R
is an integral domain. For a eld K, the zero ideal 0 K is prime and maximal
at the same time.
14 1. Rings and Modules
Proof. First, observe that p is a proper ideal in R if and only if the residue ring
R/p is non-zero, likewise for m. Then assertion (i) is easy to verify. If we write
a, b R/p for the residue classes of elements a, b R, then
abp = a p or b p
is equivalent to
ab=0 = a = 0 or b = 0.
Further, assertion (ii) is a consequence of the following lemmata:
R a - (a) R/m,
R 1 (b) b R/m,
dene mutually inverse bijections between the set of all ideals a R such that
m a R, and the set of all ideals b R/m. Since these maps respect
inclusions, the desired equivalence is clear.
Alternatively, the claim can be justied by explicit computation. To do
this, recall that m is a proper ideal in R if and only if the residue ring R/m
is non-zero. Now, if m is a proper ideal in R, then m is maximal if and only if
a R m implies Ra + m = R, in other words, if and only if for any such a
there are elements r R and m m such that ra + m = 1. Using the projection
: R - R/m, we see that the latter condition is satised if and only if for
any a R/m{0} we can nd an element r R/m such that r a = 1, thus, if
and only if the zero ideal in R/m is maximal.
Proof of Lemma 10. Assume that the zero ideal 0 R is maximal and consider
an element a R that is non-zero. Then we have aR = R and there is some
b R such that ab = 1. Thus, we get R = R {0} and R is a eld. Conversely,
it is clear that the zero ideal of a eld is maximal.
is maximal and, hence, also prime. Indeed, if a Z, say a = (a), is some ideal
satisfying (p) a Z, we get a | p. Since a Z, we see that a cannot be a unit
in Z. But then, as p is irreducible, a must be associated to p and we get (p) = a.
Thus, (p) Z is maximal. Furthermore, Proposition 8 says that (p) is prime as
well, and we see that Fp := Z/(p) is a eld, in fact, a eld with p elements.
To give another application of Proposition 8, let us consider the polynomial
ring KX1 , X2 over a eld K and show that the ideal generated by X2 is prime,
but not maximal. To justify this, look at the surjection
: KX1 , X2 - KX1 , aij X1i X2j - ai0 X1i ,
i,jN iN
Proof. We will apply Zorns Lemma, which says that a non-empty partially
ordered set admits a maximal element, provided every totally ordered subset
of admits an upper bound in .
In our case, we dene as the set of all proper ideals a R, using the set
inclusion as order relation. Then, R being non-zero, it contains the zero ideal as
a proper ideal and, hence, = . Now let be a totally ordered subset,
in the sense that for a, a we have a a or a a. In order to construct
an upper bound of in , we may assume non-empty. Then we claim that
b := a
is called the spectrum or, in more precise terms, the prime spectrum of R.
Likewise, the subset
f : Spec R - R/px .
xSpec R
In particular, assertions like f (x) = 0 or f (x) = 0 make sense and just mean
f px or f px . For any ideal a R we can look at the set
Proposition 14. For any ring R, there exists a unique topology on Spec R, the
so-called Zariski topology, such that the sets of type V (a) for ideals a R are
precisely the closed subsets of Spec R.
For the proof see 6.2/5. At this place, let us just point out that the map a
is well-dened. Indeed, for any ideal p R there is a commutative diagram
R - R
? ?
R /1 (p) - R/p .
Now if p is prime, we see from Proposition 8 that R/p and, hence, R /1 (p) are
integral domains. But then 1 (p) must be prime, again by Proposition 8.
1. Let : R - R be a ring homomorphism and m Spm(R ). Can we conclude
1 (m) Spm(R)?
2. Prove that an integral domain is a eld as soon as it contains only nitely many
elements. Deduce that in a nite ring every prime ideal is maximal.
3. Prove the Chinese Remainder Theorem: Let R be a ring with ideals a1 , . . . , an
satisfying ai + aj = R for i = j. Then there is a canonical isomorphism
R/ ai R/ai
i=1 i=1
where the cartesian product of the rings R/ai is viewed as a ring under compo-
nentwise addition and multiplication.
. . . , ar Rsatisfying ai + aj = R for i = j. Show
4. Consider a ring R and ideals a1 ,
that, in this case, the inclusion ni=1 ai ni=1 ai is an equality.
5. Let R be a principal ideal domain.
(a) Give a characterization of Spec R and of Spm R.
(b) Give a characterization of the ideals in R/(a) for any element a R.
6. Let R1 , . . . , Rn be rings and consider the cartesian product R1 . . . Rn as a
ring under componentwise addition and multiplication. Show:
(a) Given ideals ai Ri for i = 1, . . . , n, the cartesian product a1 . . . an is an
ideal in R1 . . . Rn .
(b) Each ideal in R1 . . . Rn is as specied in (a).
(c) There is a canonical bijection
Spec(R1 . . . Rn ) - Spec Ri
Proof. We start by showing that conditions (i) and (ii) are equivalent. If (i)
holds and a R is not a unit, we can use 1.1/13 to conclude that there is a
maximal ideal n R with a n. Necessarily, n must coincide with m. Therefore
the complement R m consists of units and we get (ii). Conversely, if (ii) holds,
every proper ideal a R will be contained in m, since proper ideals cannot
contain units. In particular, m is a unique maximal ideal in R and we get (i).
Next assume (ii) again. Then m is a maximal ideal by (i), and we see for
every m m that 1 + m cannot be contained in m, since 1 m. Thus, by our
assumption, 1 + m is a unit and we have (iii). Conversely, assume (iii) and let
x R m. Since m is a maximal ideal, x and m will generate the unit ideal in
R. Hence, there exists an equation
1 = ax m
that its complement Z(p) pZ(p) consists of units in Z(p) . Any element in Z(p)
can be written as a fraction m n
with p n, and such a fraction satises p m if it
does not belong to pZ(p) . But then ( mn
)1 = mn
Z(p) and mn
is a unit. Therefore
all elements of Z(p) pZ(p) are invertible, and it follows from Proposition 2 (ii)
that Z(p) is a local ring with maximal ideal pZ(p) . In particular, p is a prime
element in Z(p) , in fact, up to multiplication by a unit the only prime element
existing in Z(p) . Indeed, a prime element of Z(p) cannot be invertible and, hence,
must belong to pZ(p) , which means that it is divisible by p. Looking at prime
decompositions of elements in Z(p) , we see that the ideals in Z(p) are precisely
the ones occurring in the chain
for pairs (a, s), (a , s ), (a , s ) R S. Then there are t, t S such that
(as a s)s s tt = (as a s)s2 tt + (a s a s )ss tt = 0.
To justify this claim, we start by showing that these laws are well-dened. Thus,
consider two elements
a a b b
= , = (R S)/
s s t t
with dierent representatives (a, s), (a , s ) and (b, t), (b , t ) in RS. Then there
are elements u, v S such that
and it follows
(at + bs)s t (a t + b s )st uv
= (as a s)u vtt + (bt b t)v uss = 0,
as well as
This means
at + bs a t + b s ab a b
, = ,
st st st st
and we see that addition and multiplication on (R S)/ are well-dened.
Furthermore, it is easily checked that (R S)/ is a ring, with 01 serving as the
zero element and 11 as the unit element. Using a more handy notation, we will
write RS (or sometimes also S 1 R) instead of (R S)/.
- -
: R RS , a ,
is a homomorphism of rings and we will often write a instead of (a) = a1 . In
using this notation a bit of care is required, because will not be injective in
general, so that we may not be able to interpret R as a subring of RS . However,
common factors from S in numerators and denominators of fractions can be
canceled as usual; for a R and s, t S we have
a at
= ,
s st
because ast ats = 0.
a as1
s 1
shows that is surjective then.
(1) For an integral domain R set S := R {0}. Then the canonical map
R - RS is injective and we may view R as a subring of RS . Since all non-
zero elements of RS are invertible, Q(R) := RS is a eld, the so-called eld of
fractions of R. For example, we have Q(Z) = Q. For the polynomial ring KX
in one variable X over a eld K, we obtain as its eld of fractions the so-called
rational function eld in the variable X over K, which is denoted by K(X).
(2) Consider a ring R = 0 and let S = R Z where Z is the set of all zero
divisors in R. Then RS is called the total quotient ring of R. It is not necessarily
a eld, but contains R as a subring.
(3) Consider a ring R and a prime ideal p R. Then S = R p is a
multiplicative system in R, due to the prime ideal property of p, and we call
RRp the localization of R at p. By abuse of language, one mostly writes Rp
instead of using the more clumsy notation RRp .
(4) For an element f of a ring R, the set S = {1, f, f 2 , f 3 , . . .} denes a
multiplicative system in R. The localization RS is denoted by Rf or Rf 1 .
One may ask if assertion (iii) of Proposition 5 still holds for more general
ideals than prime ideals. The answer is yes for so-called primary ideals by 2.1/13,
but no in general, as can be seen using 2.1/14 or Exercise 4 below.
is commutative.
Furthermore, if : R - R satises the same universal property as
does, then : RS - R is an isomorphism.
idR = = ( ) , idRS = = ( ) ,
As an example of how to work with the above universal property, let us give
an alternative description of localizations.
? ?
Rf g (Rf )f e gd
? ?
Rp (Rf )pRf
where the lower horizontal map is an isomorphism.
Note that the same argument of proof works for any localization RS in place
of Rf if the condition f R p of Proposition 11 is replaced by p S = .
1. Let R be a non-zero ring. Show that R is local if and only if 1 + a is a unit
for every non-unit a R. In the latter case the maximal ideal of R is given by
R R .
2. For a ring R and a maximal ideal m R show that R/mn is a local ring for any
exponent n 1.
3. Show that every subring of Q is a localization of Z.
4. Consider the polynomial ring KX, Y in two variables over a eld K and its
ideal a = (X 2 , XY ), as well as its multiplicative subset S = KX, Y (X).
Show that the ideal aKX, Y S KX, Y strictly contains a, in contrast to the
assertion of Proposition 5 (iii) for prime ideals.
5. For a ring R and a prime ideal p R show that there is a canonical isomorphism
Q(R/p) - Rp /pRp where Q(R/p) is the eld of fractions of R/p.
6. Show that any localization of a factorial ring is factorial again; factorial means
that the ring satises the theorem of unique prime factor decomposition.
7. Show for any ring R and a variable X that the localization (RX)S of the
polynomial ring RX by the multiplicative system S = {1, X, X 2 , . . .} is the
26 1. Rings and Modules
1.3 Radicals
j(KX1 , . . . , Xn ) = 0.
KX1 , . . . , Xn - K, g - g(x).
As the latter is surjective onto the eld K(x1 , . . . , xn ) generated over K by the
components of x, we see that KX1 , . . . , Xn /mx is a eld. Therefore it follows
from 1.1/8 (ii) that mx is a maximal ideal in KX1 , . . . , Xn .
Now let f j(KX1 , . . . , Xn ). Then f mx and, hence, f (x) = 0 for
all x K n . From this we can conclude by induction on n that f is the zero
polynomial. Indeed, the case n = 1 is clear, since any algebraically closed eld
1.3 Radicals 27
f (x , Xn ) = fi (x )Xni KXn
vanishes at all points xn K and, as before, must have coecients fi (x ) that
are trivial. But then, varying x , the polynomials fi will vanish on all points of
K n1 so that the fi must be trivial by the induction hypothesis. In particular,
f = 0 and this shows that the Jacobson radical of KX1 , . . . , Xn is trivial, as
claimed. For a dierent method of proof see Exercise 5 below.
rad(R) = {a R ; a nilpotent}
Proof. Let us start by showing rad(R) pSpec R p. To achieve this, choose an
element a rad(R) and assume as = 0 for some s N. Then as is a member
prime ideal p R, and it follows that a itself must belong to p. Thus,
of any
a pSpec R p.
To derive the opposite inclusion, consider an element a R rad(R). We
have to show that there exists a prime ideal p R such that a p. To construct
such a prime ideal, look at the multiplicative system
S = {an ; n N} R.
Note that for the unit ideal a = R the radicals j(R) and rad(R) in the
sense of Denition 5 are not really signicant. This is why these notions are
predominantly used for the radicals of the ring R as introduced in Denitions 1
and 3.
Proof. To justify assertions (i) and (iii) observe that the map n - 1 (n)
denes a bijection between all maximal (resp. prime) ideals of R/a and the
maximal (resp. prime) ideals in R that contain a. Therefore (i) and (iii) follow
from Denition 1 and Proposition 4; just use the fact that the formation of
inverse images with respect to commutes with intersections. For (ii) use the
fact that a power bn of some b R belongs to a if and only if (b)n = 0.
namely, that the nilradical rad(a) coincides with the ideal of all functions in R
that vanish on the zero set of a.
Finally, let us add two technical lemmata on prime ideals.
aj aj p, j = 1, . . . , n,
which contradicts the inclusion j=1 aj p.
Therefore there is an index i, 1 i n, such that ai p. If nj=1 aj = p,
we get ai = p from this for trivial reasons.
aj p V aj V (p).
j=1 j=1
Thus, given an inclusion V (p) nj=1 V (aj ), Lemma 8 yields the existence of
an index i, 1 i n, such that V (p) V (ai ). This property characterizes the
so-called irreducibility of V (p) for prime ideals p.
1. Let R be a ring and set Rred = R/ rad(R). Show that Rred is reduced and that
any ring homomorphism R - R to a reduced ring R factors through a unique
ring homomorphism Rred - R .
2. Consider the polynomial ring KX, Y in two variables over a eld K and set
R = KX, Y /(X XY 2 , Y 3 ). Writing X, Y for the residue classes of X, Y , show
that rad(R) = (X, Y ) is the only prime ideal in R and that Rred K.
1.4 Modules 31
3. Let R be a ring containing only nitely many prime ideals and assume that a
certain power of the radical rad(R) is zero. Show that R is a cartesian product
of local rings. Hint: Apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem of Exercise 1.1/3 in
conjunction with Exercise 1.1/4.
4. Show rad(RX) = rad(R) RX for the polynomial ring RX in one variable
over a ring R. Furthermore, prove
d the iright-hand side is to be interpreted as the set of all polynomials of type
i=0 ai X for variable d where a0 R and ai rad(R) for i > 0. Hint: Think
of the geometric series.
5. Show rad(RX) = j(RX) for the polynomial ring in one variable over any
ring R. Hint: Use Exercise 4 above.
1.4 Modules
r (x y) = (r x) y = x (r y)
holds for all r R and x, y A where denotes both, the ring multiplication
and the scalar multiplication on A.
A morphism of R-algebras A - B is a map that is a homomorphism
with respect to the ring and the module structures on A and B.
f: R - A, r - r 1A ,
where 1A is the unit element of A, denes a ring homomorphism such that the
R-algebra structure of A coincides with the one induced from f . In fact, to
equip a ring A with the structure of an R-algebra in the sense of the denition
we just have to specify a ring homomorphism R - A, which then is called
structural. Using this point of view, a homomorphism between two R-algebras
R - A and R - B is a ring homomorphism A - B compatible with
structural homomorphisms in the sense that the diagram
A - B
is commutative.
Returning to the notion of R-modules, we need to introduce the concept of
For example, the R-submodules of any ring R consist precisely of the ideals
in R.
im := (M ),
(x + N ) + (y + N ) = (x + y) + N, x, y M,
r(x + N ) = (rx) + N, r R, x M,
: M - M/N, x - x + N,
M - M
is commutative.
In addition, let us point out that is injective if and only if N = ker , and
surjective if and only if is surjective. In particular, we can conclude that is
an isomorphism if and only if N = ker and is surjective. As consequences
of this fact, let us mention the so-called Isomorphism Theorems.
N/(N N ) - (N + N )/N .
34 1. Rings and Modules
Next, let us discuss some construction methods for modules. We start out
from a given R-module M .
(3) Let (Mi )iI be a family of R-modules. Then the cartesian product
Thereby we can dene the direct sum of any family of R-modules not necessarily
given as submodules of an ambient module M . This construction is referred to
as the
constructed or external direct sum of the Mi . For example, we write
R(I) = iI R for the direct
sum of copies
of R, extending over an index set I.
Furthermore, it follows that iI Mi = iI Mi if I is nite.
(4) Given R-modules M, N , the set HomR (M, N ) of all R-module homomor-
phisms M - N is an R-module again. Indeed, using the R-module structure
of N , the sum of arbitrary maps M - N as well as their scalar products with
constants from R are well-dened. Furthermore, any R-module homomorphism
: M - M gives rise to an R-module homomorphism
is a submodule of M .
Corollary 12. Let R be a local ring with maximal ideal m R. Then, for
any nitely generated R-module M , the quotient M/mM is canonically a vec-
tor space over the eld R/m. Furthermore, if x1 , . . . , xn M are elements
whoseresidue classes x1 , . . . , xn M/mM generate this vector space, then
M = ni=1 Rxi .
Proof. From M/mM = i=1 R/m xi we conclude
M= Rxi + mM
and, using Corollary 11, M = i=1 Rxi .
1. Consider a family (Mi )iI of submodules of an R-moduleM such that Mi Mj
or Mj Mi for any pair of indices i, j I. Show that iI Mi is a submodule
of M . On the other hand, give an example of a module M where the union of
arbitrary submodules is not necessarily a submodule again.
2. Let A be an integral domain that is an algebra over a eld K. Show that A is a
eld if, as a K-vector space, it is of nite dimension.
3. Let (Mi )iI be a family of R-modules. Establish the universal properties for the
direct sum and the direct product of the Mi . Namely, show for any R-module N
that there are canonical bijections
38 1. Rings and Modules
HomR Mi , N - HomR (Mi , N ),
iI iI
HomR N, Mi - HomR (N, Mi ).
iI iI
4. Give an example of a module M over some ring R such that Nakayamas Lemma
(Lemma 10) loses its validity.
5. Generalization of Nakayamas Lemma: Let M be an R-module and a R an
ideal satisfying M = aM . Show that there is some element a a such that
(1+a)M = 0. Hint: Choose generators x1 , . . . , xn of M and write x for the column
vector of the xi . Consider an equation of type x = A x for some (n n)-matrix
A with coecients in a. This yields (I A) x = 0 for the (n n)-unit matrix I.
Deduce det(I A) M = 0 from Cramers rule; see also the proof of 3.1/4.
6. Let : M - M be a surjective endomorphism of a nitely generated R-module
M . Show that is injective. Hint: View M , together with its endomorphism ,
as a module over the polynomial ring in one variable Rt by setting t x = (x)
for x M . Then apply Exercise 5 above.
To start with, let us recall the notion of exact sequences of modules over a ring
R. A sequence of R-modules is a chain of morphisms of R-modules
fn2 fn1 fn fn+1
... - Mn1 - Mn - Mn+1 - ...
where the indices are varying over a nite or an innite part of Z. We say
that the sequence satises the complex property at Mn (more specically, at
position n) if we have fn fn1 = 0 or, in equivalent terms, im fn1 ker fn .
Furthermore, the sequence is said to be exact at Mn if, in fact, im fn1 = ker fn .
If the sequence satises the complex property at all places Mn (of course, except
at those where the sequence might terminate), it is called a complex. Likewise,
the sequence is called exact, if it is exact at all places. For example, a morphism
of R-modules f : M - M is injective if and only if the sequence
0 - M - M
is exact; here 0 denotes the zero module and 0 - M the zero mapping, the
only possible R-homomorphism from 0 to M . On the other hand, f is surjective
if and only if the sequence
M - M - 0
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
are referred to as short exact sequences. The exactness of such a sequence means:
(1) f is injective,
(2) im f = ker g,
(3) g is surjective.
Thus, for a short exact sequence as above, we can view M as a submodule of
M via f and we see, using the Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphisms 1.4/6,
that g induces an isomorphism M/M - M . Conversely, every submodule
N M gives rise to the short exact sequence
0 - N - M - M/N - 0.
Another type of short exact sequences can be built from the direct sum of
two R-modules M and M , namely
() 0 - M - M M - M - 0,
() 0 - M - M - M - 0
For any morphism of R-modules M - M we can consider its cokernel
given by
coker f = M/ im f.
Then any morphism f as above gives rise to the canonical exact sequence
0 - ker f - M - M - coker f - 0.
Although the denitions of the kernel and cokernel look quite dierent, both
notions are nevertheless closely related. Namely, ker f is characterized by the
exact sequence
0 - ker f - M f- M,
whereas the same is true for coker f and the exact sequence
M - M - coker f - 0.
Note that the type of the latter sequence is related to the former one by reversing
arrows. It is this reverse setting, which usually is referred to by the prex co.
? f1
? f2
M1 - M2 - M3
u1 u2 u3
? g1
? g2
N1 - N2 - N3
? g1
? g2
coker u1 - coker u2 - coker u3
where the vertical sequences are just the canonical exact sequences associated to
u1 , u2 , u3 . Furthermore:
(i) f2 f1 = 0 and g 2 g 1 = 0.
(ii) If g1 is injective, the top upper row is exact.
(iii) If f2 is surjective, the bottom lower row is exact.
1.5 Finiteness Conditions and the Snake Lemma 41
Proof. For any x1 ker u1 we have u2 (f1 (x1 )) = g1 (u1 (x1 )) = 0 and, hence,
f1 (x1 ) ker u2 . Thus, f1 restricts to an R-morphism f1 : ker u1 - ker u2 .
Likewise, f2 restricts to an R-morphism f2 : ker u2 - ker u3 . Further-
more, we have g1 (u1 (M1 )) = u2 (f1 (M1 ) and, hence, g1 (im u1 ) im u2 . In
particular, the R-homomorphism N1 - N2 - coker u2 has a kernel
containing im u1 and therefore factorizes uniquely over an R-homomorphism
g 1 : coker u1 - coker u2 . In the same way, we obtain the existence and unique-
ness of the R-homomorphism g 2 .
Assertion (i) is a direct consequence of the exactness of rows ( ) and ( ),
using the relations f2 f1 = 0 and g2 g1 = 0.
In order to verify (ii), assume that g1 is injective. We only have to show that
ker f2 im f1 . To do this, let x2 ker f2 ker f2 M2 . Using the exactness
of ( ), there is some x1 M1 such that f1 (x1 ) = x2 and we claim that, in fact,
x1 ker u1 . Then f1 (x1 ) = x2 will show x2 im f1 and, thus, ker f2 im f1 .
Now x2 ker u2 implies g1 (u1 (x1 )) = u2 (f1 (x1 )) = u2 (x2 ) = 0. Since g1 is
assumed to be injective, we get u1 (x1 ) = 0 and, hence, x1 ker u1 , as desired.
For assertion (iii) it remains to show ker g 2 im g 1 . Therefore choose an
element y 2 ker g 2 , together with a representative y2 N2 . Then the image
g2 (y2 ) is a representative of g 2 (y 2 ) = 0. Thus, g2 (y2 ) im u3 and we can nd
a u3 -preimage x3 M3 of g2 (y2 ). Since f2 was assumed to be surjective, x3
admits an f2 -preimage x2 M2 so that now y2 = y2 u2 (x2 ) is a representative
of y 2 satisfying g2 (y2 ) = 0. But then, using the exactness of ( ), there is a
g1 -preimage y1 N1 of y2 . Writing y 1 coker u1 for the associated residue
class in coker u1 , we get g 1 (y 1 ) = y 2 . Therefore, y 2 im g 1 and we see that
ker g 2 im g 1 , as desired.
Now assume that g1 is injective and f2 surjective. We want to show that we
can dene an R-homomorphism d : ker u3 - coker u1 , as specied in (iv). To
do this, start out from an element x3 ker u3 and, using the surjectivity of f2 ,
If we insert the snake morphism d in the above diagram, the exact sequence takes the
shape of a snake; this is how the lemma got its name.
42 1. Rings and Modules
Let us mention a special case of the Snake Lemma, which is quite neat to
1.5 Finiteness Conditions and the Snake Lemma 43
Corollary 2. Let
f1 f2
0 - M1 - M2 - M3 - 0
u1 u2 u3
? ? ?
0 - N1 - N2 - N3 - 0
g1 g2
f1 f2
0 - ker u1 - ker u2 - ker u3
d g1 g2
- coker u1 - coker u2 - coker u3 - 0.
Proof. Apply the Snake Lemma. The injectivity of f1 follows from the injectivity
of f1 and the surjectivity of g 2 from the surjectivity of g2 .
which maps the canonical free generating system (ei )iI of R(I) onto the gener-
ating system (xi )iI of M . The morphism is surjective. On the other hand,
for any epimorphism of R-modules : R(I) - M , the image ((ei ))iI of the
canonical free generating system of R(I) is a generating system of M . Thus, for
a given index set I there exists a generating system of type (xi )iI for M if and
only if there exists an epimorphism R(I) - M.
Rn - M - 0
(a condition already mentioned in Section 1.4). Also recall that, by the Fun-
damental Theorem of Homomorphisms 1.4/6, any epimorphism of R-modules
: Rn - M induces an isomorphism Rn / ker - M . Moreover note
that a given R-module M is of nite presentation if and only if there exists an
epimorphism : Rn - M for some n N such that ker is of nite type.
Before applying the Snake Lemma to the niteness conditions just intro-
duced, let us establish a technical lemma, which will turn out to be quite useful.
Lemma 4. Let
Rm Rn
p p
? ?
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
be a diagram of R-module homomorphisms where the bottom row is exact. Then
the diagram can be enlarged to a diagram of R-module homomorphisms with
exact rows
f g
0 - Rm - Rm+n - Rn -0
p p p
? ? ?
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0.
be mapped to f (p (e1 )), . . . , f (p (em )), as well as em+1 , . . . , em+n to arbitrarily
chosen g-preimages of the elements p (g(em+1 )), . . . , p (g(em+n )). The resulting
diagram is commutative.
Proposition 5. Let
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
However, coker p and coker p are trivial, since p and p are surjective. Hence,
we must have coker p = 0, too, and it follows that p is surjective. In particular,
M is of nite type.
Of course, alternatively, we could have argued in a more conventional way
by showing that a generating system of M together with a lifting of a generating
system of M yields a generating system of M .
Proposition 6. Let
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
f g
0 - Rm - Rm+n - Rn - 0
p p p
? ? ?
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
with exact rows. Then the Snake Lemma yields an exact sequence
Since p and p are surjective, we get coker p = 0 and coker p = 0, hence, also
coker p = 0. Furthermore, the remaining short exact sequence
shows via Proposition 5 that ker p is nitely generated, since the same is true
for ker p and ker p . In particular, there exists an epimorphism of R-modules of
type R - ker p Rm+n and the resulting sequence
R - Rm+n - M - 0
Proof. We only have to show the implication from (i) to (ii). Therefore let
Rm - Rn - M - 0
f1 f2
Rm - Rn - M - 0
u1 u2
? g1
0 - ker - M - M - 0
0 - im u1 - ker - coker u1 - 0.
Since im u1 and coker u1 are of nite type, Proposition 5 (ii) shows that ker
is of nite type. Thus, we are done.
f g
Lemma 10. Let 0 - M -M - M - 0 be an exact sequence of
R-modules. Then the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) M is Noetherian.
(ii) M and M are Noetherian.
0 - f 1 (N ) - N - g(N ) - 0
0 - M1 - M1 M2 - M2 - 0,
p : M 1 M2 - M1 + M2 , m1 m 2 - m1 + m2 ,
Proof. We have only to show the implication (i) = (ii). Therefore assume
that R is Noetherian and let M be an R-module of nite type. There exists an
epimorphism p : Rn - M for some n N, and we can conclude by induction
from Corollary 11 that Rn is Noetherian, since R is Noetherian. But then, using
Lemma 10, the exact sequence
0 - ker p - Rn - M - 0,
Proof. To verify assertion (i), consider an ideal a RY , where R is a Noethe-
rian ring. Dene ai R for i N as the set of all elements a R such that a
contains a polynomial of type
belongs to a again. Its degree, however, is strictly smaller than the degree d of
g, because, by our construction, the coecient of Y d will vanish. If g1 = 0, we
can proceed in the same way with g1 in place of g and so on. This way, after
nitely many steps, we end up with a polynomial gs where gs = 0. We conclude
that g is a linear combination of the fij with coecients in RY and thereby
see that the fij generate the ideal a. This shows that RY is Noetherian.
It follows by induction that the polynomial ring RX1 , . . . , Xn in a nite set
of variables is Noetherian and the same is true for any quotient RX1 , . . . , Xn /a
by Lemma 10.
Proof. We start with assertion (i). Thus, let M be of nite type and M of nite
presentation. Then M is of nite type by Proposition 5. To show that M is
even of nite presentation, choose an epimorphism : Rn - M and look at
the commutative diagram with exact rows
0 - ker - Rn - M - 0
u1 u2
? ?
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0,
where u2 is dened by mapping the canonical generating system e1 , . . . , en of Rn
onto g-preimages of (e1 ), . . . , (en ) and u1 is induced from u2 . We may assume
that u1 is surjective. Indeed, otherwise we can consider a nite generating system
x1 , . . . , xr of M and replace Rn by Rn+r , extending the morphisms and u2
by mapping the additional generators en+1 , . . . , en+r of Rn+r as follows:
0 - M - N - N - 0.
0 - N - N - N - 0
u1 u2 u3
? ? ?
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
where u1 , u2 , u3 are the canonical inclusion maps. Now N , being the image of
the nitely generated R-module N , is of nite type itself and, thus, of nite
presentation, because it is a submodule of a coherent module. Furthermore,
Proposition 7 shows that N is of nite type and, thus, of nite presentation,
again because it is a submodule of a coherent module. But then Proposition 6
implies that N is of nite presentation and, hence, that M is coherent.
Finally, let us assume as in (iii) that M and M are coherent. Then M
is of nite type by Proposition 7. Viewing M as a submodule of the coherent
module M , we can conclude that M is coherent.
Proof. Similarly as in the proof of Corollary 11, we consider the canonical exact
0 - M1 - M1 M2 - M2 - 0.
0 - M1 M2 - M1 M2 - M1 + M2 - 0
Proof. We only have to show the implication from (i) to (ii). Therefore, let R
be coherent and let M be an R-module of nite presentation. Then there is an
epimorphism p : Rn - M for some n N such that ker p is of nite type.
Looking at the short exact sequence
0 - ker p - Rn - M - 0,
1.5 Finiteness Conditions and the Snake Lemma 53
1. Let p N be prime. Determine the (isomorphism classes of) short exact sequences
of Z-modules that are of type
0 - Z/pZ - M - Z/pZ - 0.
u1 u2 u3 u4 u5
? ? ? ? ?
N1 - N2 - N3 - N4 - N5
Hint: For the proof of (1) and (2) choose a maximal ideal m R and consider the
induced homomorphism : Rm /mRm - Rn /mRn of R/m-vector spaces. For
the proof of (3) proceed indirectly. Assume m > n, say m = n+1, and construct a
chain of R-module monomorphisms . . . - Rn+2 - Rn+1 - Rn . Just take
for Rn+1+i - Rn+i the cartesian product of : Rn+1 - Rn with the identity
map on Ri . Then the images of the unit vectors en+1 Rn+1+i , i N, form
a free family of elements in Rn and thereby can be used to construct an innite
ascending chain of submodules in Rn . In particular,
if R is Noetherian, we get a
contradiction. In the general case, write (ej ) = ni=1 aij ei for j = 1, . . . , n + 1,
using canonical unit vectors ei Rn , resp. ej Rn+1 , and suitable coecients
aij R. Then consider the smallest subring R R containing all coecients aij .
Show that R is Noetherian and reduce to the case where R is replaced by R .
6. Let R be a Noetherian ring. Show that any quotient R/a by some ideal a R as
well as any localization RS of R are Noetherian again.
7. Let R be a coherent ring and a R a nitely generated ideal. Show that R/a is
a coherent ring. Furthermore, it can be shown that any localization of a coherent
ring is coherent again; see Exercise 4.3/1.
A formal power series with coecients in a ring R is a formal expression of type
iN ai X where ai R for all i. Similarly as in the case of polynomials, X is
referred to as a variable. Show that such formal power series form a ring under
conventional addition and multiplication; the latter is denoted by RX. Prove
that RX is Noetherian if R is Noetherian.
9. Let R = C0, 1 be the ring of all continuous real valued functions on the unit
interval 0, 1 R. Show that R is not Noetherian.
10. Let R be the ring of all polynomials f QX such that f (Z) Z. Consider the
polynomials fn (X) = n!1
X(X 1) . . . (X n + 1) QX, n N, and show:
(a) The system (fn )nN is a Q-vector space basis of QX.
(b) All fn belong to R and (fn )nN is a free generating system of R as a Z-module.
(c) If n is prime, fn does not belong to (f1 , . . . , fn1 ), the ideal generated by
f1 , . . . , fn1 in R. In particular, R cannot be Noetherian.
Hint: The Q-linear map : QX - QX, f (X) - f (X + 1) f (X),
satises the formula (fn ) = fn1 for n N where f1 := 0.
2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
As we have seen in 1.5/8, a ring is called Noetherian if all its ideals are nitely
generated or, equivalently by 1.5/9, if its ideals satisfy the ascending chain con-
dition. The aim of the present chapter is to show that the Noetherian hypothesis,
as simple as it might look, nevertheless has deep impacts on the structure of
ideals and their inclusions, culminating in the theory of Krull dimension, to be
dealt with in Section 2.4.
To discuss some standard examples of Noetherian and non-Noetherian rings,
recall from Hilberts Basis Theorem 1.5/14 that all polynomial rings of type
RX1 , . . . , Xn in nitely many variables X1 , . . . , Xn over a Noetherian ring R
are Noetherian. The result extends to algebras of nite type over a Noethe-
rian ring R, i.e. R-algebras of type RX1 , . . . , Xn /a where a is an ideal in
RX1 , . . . , Xn . In particular, algebras of nite type over a eld K or over the
ring of integers Z are Noetherian. One also knows that all rings of integral alge-
braic numbers in nite extensions of Q are Noetherian (use AtiyahMacdonald
[2], 5.17), whereas the integral closure of Z in any innite algebraic extension of
Q is not; see Section 3.1 for the notion of integral dependence and in particular
3.1/8 for the one of integral closure. Also note that any polynomial ring RX
in an innite family of variables X over a non-zero ring R will not be Noethe-
rian. Other interesting examples of non-Noetherian rings belong to the class of
(general) valuation rings, as introduced in 9.5/13.
To approach the subject of Krull dimension for Noetherian rings, the tech-
nique of primary decomposition, developed in Section 2.1, is used as a key tool.
We will show in 2.1/6 that such a primary decomposition exists for all ideals a
of a Noetherian ring R. It is of type
() a = q 1 . . . qr
further. In such a situation we will show in 2.1/8 that the set of prime ideals
p1 , . . . , pr is uniquely determined by a; it is denoted by Ass(a), referring to the
members of this set as the prime ideals associated to a. There is a uniqueness
assertion for some of the primary ideals qi as well (see 2.1/15), although not all
of them will be unique in general.
Now look at the primary decomposition () and pass to nilradicals, thereby
obtaining the decomposition
rad(a) = p
for the nilradical of a. This is again a primary decomposition, but maybe not
a minimal one. Anyway, we know already from 1.3/6 that rad(a) equals the
intersection of all prime ideals in R containing a or even better, of all minimal
prime divisors of a; the latter are the prime ideals p R that are minimal with
respect to the inclusion a p. Using 1.3/8, it follows that the minimal prime
divisors of a all belong to Ass(a). Thus, their number is nite since Ass(a) is
nite; see 2.1/12. It is this niteness assertion, which is of utmost importance in
the discussion of Krull dimensions for Noetherian rings. Translated to the world
of schemes it corresponds to the fact that every Noetherian scheme consists of
only nitely many irreducible components; see 7.5/5.
To give an application of the just explained niteness of sets of associated
prime ideals, consider a Noetherian ring R where every prime ideal is maximal;
we will say that R is of Krull dimension 0. Then all prime ideals of R are
associated to the zero ideal in R and, hence, there can exist only nitely many
of them. Using this fact in conjunction with some standard arguments, we can
show in 2.2/8 that R satises the descending chain condition for ideals and,
thus, is Artinian. Conversely, it is shown that every Artinian ring is Noetherian
of Krull dimension 0.
The Krull dimension of a general ring R is dened as the supremum of all
lengths n of chains of prime ideals p0 . . . pn in R and is denoted by dim R.
Restricting to chains ending at a given prime ideal p R, the corresponding
supremum is called the height of p, denoted by ht p. As a rst major result
in dimension theory we prove Krulls Dimension Theorem 2.4/6, implying that
ht p is nite if R is Noetherian. From this we conclude that the Krull dimension
of any Noetherian local ring is nite; see 2.4/8. On the other hand, it is not too
hard to construct (non-local) Noetherian rings R where dim R = . Namely,
following Nagata [22], Appendix A1, Example 1, we consider a polynomial ring
R = KX1 , X2 , . . . over a eld K where each Xi is a nite system of variables,
say of length ni , such that limi ni = . Let pi be the prime ideal that is
generated by Xi in R and let S R be the multiplicative system given by the
complement of the union i=1 pi . Then we claim that the localization RS is a
Noetherian ring of innite dimension. Indeed, looking at residue rings of type
R/(Xr , Xr+1 , . . .) for suciently large indices r, we can use 1.3/7 in order to
show that the pi are just those ideals in R that are maximal with respect to the
property of being disjoint from S. Therefore the ideals mi = pi RS , i = 1, 2, . . .,
2.1 Primary Decomposition of Ideals 57
represent all maximal ideals of RS . Identifying each localization (RS )mi with
the localization K(Xj ; j = i)Xi (Xi ) , we see with the help of Hilberts Basis
Theorem 1.5/14 that all these rings are Noetherian. It follows, as remarked
after dening Krull dimensions in 2.4/2, that dim(RS )mi = ht(mi ) ni . Hence,
we get dim RS = . To show that RS is Noetherian, indeed, one can use the
facts that all localizations (RS )mi are Noetherian and that any non-zero element
a RS is contained in at most nitely many of the maximal ideals mi RS .
See the reference of Nagata [22] given above in conjunction with Exercise 4.3/5.
Krulls Dimension Theorem 2.4/6 reveals a very basic fact: if R is a Noethe-
rian ring and a R an ideal generated by r elements, then ht p r for every
minimal prime divisor p of a. For the proof we need the niteness of Ass(a) as
discussed in 2.1/12 and, within the context of localizations, the characterization
of Noetherian rings of dimension 0 in terms of Artinian rings. Another techni-
cal ingredient is Krulls Intersection Theorem 2.3/2, which in turn is based on
Nakayamas Lemma 1.4/10 and the ArtinRees Lemma 2.3/1. Both, Krulls
Intersection Theorem and the ArtinRees Lemma allow nice topological inter-
pretations in terms of ideal-adic topologies; see the corresponding discussion in
Section 2.3.
For Noetherian local rings there is a certain converse of Krulls Intersection
Theorem. Consider such a ring R of dimension d, and let m be its maximal
ideal so that ht m = d. Then every m-primary ideal q R satises rad(q) = m
and, thus, by Krulls Dimension Theorem, cannot be generated by less than
d elements. On the other hand, a simple argument shows in 2.4/11 that there
always exist m-primary ideals in R that are generated by a system of d elements.
Alluding to the situation of polynomial rings over elds, such systems are called
systems of parameters of the local ring R. Using parameters, the dimension
theory of Noetherian local rings can be handled quite nicely; see for example
the results 2.4/13 and 2.4/14. Furthermore, we can show that a polynomial ring
RX1 , . . . , Xn in nitely many variables X1 , . . . , Xn over a Noetherian ring R
has dimension dim R + n, which by examples of Seidenberg may fail to be true
if R is not Noetherian any more.
A very particular class of Noetherian local rings is given by the subclass of
regular local rings, where a Noetherian local ring is called regular if its maxi-
mal ideal can be generated by a system of parameters. Such rings are integral
domains, as we show in 2.4/19. They are quite close to (localizations of) poly-
nomial rings over elds and are useful to characterize the geometric notion of
smoothness in Algebraic Geometry; see for example 8.5/15.
Let R be a principal ideal domain. Then R is factorial and any non-zero element
a R admits a factorization a = pn1 1 . . . pnr r with a unit R , pairwise non-
equivalent prime elements pi R, and exponents ni > 0 where these quantities
are essentially unique. Passing to ideals, it follows that every ideal a R admits
58 2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
a decomposition
a = pn1 1 . . . pnr r
with pairwise dierent prime ideals pi that are unique up to order, and expo-
nents ni > 0 that are unique as well. The purpose of the present section is to
study similar decompositions for more general rings R where the role of the
above prime powers pni i is taken over by the so-called primary ideals. In the
following we start with a general ring R (commutative and with a unit element,
as always). Only later, when we want to show the existence of primary decom-
positions, R will be assumed to be Noetherian. For a generalization of primary
decompositions to the context of modules see Serre [24], I.B.
Proof. First, rad(q) is a proper ideal in R, since the same holds for q. Now
let ab rad(q) for some elements a, b R where a rad(q). Then there is an
exponent n N such that an bn q. Since a rad(q) implies an q, there exists
an exponent n N such that bnn q. However, the latter shows b rad(q) and
we see that rad(q) is prime. Furthermore, if p is a prime ideal in R containing
q, it must contain p = rad(q) as well. Hence, the latter is the unique smallest
prime ideal containing q.
Remark 3. Let q R be an ideal such that its radical rad(q) coincides with a
maximal ideal m R. Then q is m-primary.
a= qi
Proof. The case (i) is trivial, whereas (iii) follows directly from the denition of
primary ideals, since p = rad(q). To show (ii), assume x q and observe that
q (q : x) p = rad(q),
where the rst inclusion is trivial and the second follows fromthe fact that q
is p-primary. In particular, we can conclude that rad (q : x) = p. Now let
a, b R such that ab (q : x), and assume b p. Then abx q implies ax q
as b p and, hence, a (q : x). In particular, (q : x) is p-primary.
Next assume that R is Noetherian. Then p = rad(q) is nitely generated
and there exists an integer n N such that pn q. Assume that n is minimal
so that pn1 q, and choose x pn1 q. Then p (q : x), since p x pn q,
and we see from (ii) that (q : x) p. Hence, (q : x) = p.
This shows that any prime ideal in Ass(a) is as stated in (ii). Since prime ideals
of type (ii) are also of type (i), assertion (ii) is clear. Furthermore, (iii) follows
from Theorem 8.
Denition 11. Given any ideal a R, the subset of all prime ideals that
are minimal in Ass(a) is denoted by Ass (a) and its members are called the
isolated prime ideals associated to a. All other elements of Ass(a) are said to
be embedded prime ideals.
The notion of isolated and embedded prime ideals is inspired from geometry.
Indeed, passing to the spectrum Spec R of all prime ideals in R and looking at
zero sets of type V (E) for subsets E R as done in Section 6.1, a strict inclusion
of prime ideals p p is reected on the level of zero sets as a strict inclusion
V (p) V (p ). In particular, the zero set V (p ) is embedded in the bigger one
V (p) and, likewise, p is said to be an embedded prime ideal associated to a
if we have p, p Ass(a) with p p . Also recall from Theorem 8 that if a is
decomposable with primary decomposition a = ri=1 qi , then Ass(a) consists of
the nitely many radicals pi = rad(qi ). Since V (qi ) = V (pi ), one obtains
V (a) = V (p) = V (p),
pAss(a) pAss (a)
Proof. Let a = ri=1 qi be a minimal primary decomposition and set pi = rad(qi ).
Then Ass(a) is nite, since it consists of the prime ideals p1 , . . . , pr by Theo-
rem 8. Furthermore, we obtain a p for any p Ass(a). Conversely, consider
a prime ideal p R such that a p. Then we see from a = ri=1 qi p by
1.3/8 that there is an index i satisfying qi p and, hence, pi = rad(qi ) p.
In particular, p contains an element of Ass(a) and, thus, of Ass (a). This settles
(ii), whereas (iii) is derived from the primary decomposition of a by passing to
Looking at a primary decomposition a = ri=1 qi of some ideal a R, we
know from Theorem 8 that the associated prime ideals pi = rad(qi ) are unique;
this led us to the denition of the set Ass(a). In the remainder of this section
we want to examine the uniqueness of the primary ideals qi themselves. Not
all of them will be unique, as is demonstrated by the two dierent primary
in the polynomial ring R = KX, Y over a eld K. We start with the following
generalization of 1.2/5:
(i) aRS = qi R S as well as (ii) aRS R = qi
i=1 i=1
Proof. The equations (i) and (ii) can be deduced from Lemma 13 if we know
that the formation of extended ideals in RS commutes with nite intersections.
However, to verify this is an easy exercise. If b, c are ideals in R, then clearly
(b c)RS bRS cRS . To show the reverse inclusion, consider an element
= sc bRS cRS where b b, c c, and s, s S. Then there is some
t S such that (bs cs)t = 0 and, hence, bs t = cst b c. But then
bs t
t (b c)RS , which justies our claim.
= ss
Now we see from Lemma 13 that (i) and (ii) are primary decompositions.
The primary decomposition (ii) is minimal, since the decomposition of a we
started with was assumed to be minimal. But then it is clear that the decompo-
sition (i) is minimal as well. Indeed, the pi RS for i = 1, . . . , r are prime ideals
satisfying pi RS R = pi . So they must be pairwise dierent, since p1 , . . . , pr are
pairwise dierent. Furthermore, the decomposition (i) is unshortenable, since
the same is true for (ii) and since qi RS R = qi for i = 1, . . . , r by Lemma 13.
Proof. Consider an index j {1, . . . , r} such that pj = rad(qj ) Ass (a) and
set S = R pj . Then S pj = , while S pi = for all i = j. Therefore we
can conclude from Proposition 14 that aRS R = qj .
1. Show for a decomposable ideal a R that rad(a) = a implies Ass (a) = Ass(a).
Is the converse of this true as well?
2. Let p R be a prime ideal and assume that R is Noetherian. Show that the nth
symbolic power p(n) is the smallest p-primary ideal containing pn . Can we expect
that there is a smallest primary ideal containing pn ?
3. For a non-zero Noetherian ring R let p1 , . . . , pr be its (pairwise dierent) prime
ideals that are associated to the zero ideal 0 R. Show that there is an integer
n0 N such that ri=1 pi = 0 for all n n0 and, hence, that the latter are
(n) (n )
minimal primary decompositions of the zero ideal. Conclude that pi = pi 0 for
all n n0 if pi is an isolated prime ideal and show that the symbolic powers pi
are pairwise dierent if pi is embedded.
4. Consider a decomposable ideal a R and a multiplicative subset S R such
that S a = . Then the map p - p R from prime ideals p RS to prime
ideals in R restricts to an injective map Ass(aRS ) - Ass(a).
5. Let R = KX1 , . . . Xr be the polynomial ring in nitely many variables over
a eld K and let p R be an ideal that is generated by some of the variables
Xi . Show that p is prime and that all its powers pn , n 1, are p-primary. In
particular, p(n) = pn for n 1.
6. Let M be an R-module. A submodule N M is called primary if N = M and if
the multiplication by any element a R is either injective or nilpotent on M/N ;
in other words, if there exists an element x M N such that ax N , then
there is an exponent n 1 satisfying an M N .
(a) Let (N : M ) = {a R ; aM N } and show that p = rad(N : M ) is a prime
ideal in R if N is primary in M ; we say that N is p-primary in M .
(b) Show that an ideal q R, viewed as a submodule of R, is p-primary in the
sense of (a) for some prime ideal p R if and only if it is p-primary in the sense
of Denition 1.
(c) Generalize the theory of primary decompositions from ideals to submodules
of M ; see for example Serre [24], I.B.
f g
Lemma 2. Let 0 - M -M - M - 0 be an exact sequence of
R-modules. Then the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) M is Artinian.
(ii) M and M are Artinian.
become stationary, say at some index i0 , and we can look at the commutative
0 - f 1 (Mi ) - Mi - g(Mi ) -0
0 - f 1 (Mi0 ) - Mi0 - g(Mi0 ) - 0
for i i0 . Since the rows are exact, all inclusions i : Mi - Mi must be
bijective. Hence, the chain M M1 M2 . . . becomes stationary at i0 as
well and we see that M is Artinian.
Using the fact that Noetherian modules can be characterized by the ascend-
ing chain condition, as shown in 1.5/9, the above line of arguments yields an
68 2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
Proof. Due to Lemma 2, the proof of 1.5/11 carries over literally, just replacing
Noetherian by Artinian.
Proof. The only-if part is trivial. To prove the if part we use induction by n,
observing that the case n = 1 is trivial. Therefore let n > 1 and assume by
induction hypothesis that Mn1 is Artinian (resp. Noetherian). Then the exact
0 - Mn1 - M - M/Mn1 -0
0 = m1 . . . mn . . . m1 m2 m1 R
p1 p1 p2 p1 p2 p3 . . .
Proof. Since Artinian rings are of dimension 0, we must show that, for rings
of Krull dimension 0, Artinian is equivalent to Noetherian. To do this we use
Corollary 6 and show that in a Noetherian or Artinian ring R of dimension 0
the zero ideal is a product of maximal ideals.
Assume rst that R is a Noetherian ring of dimension 0. Then we see from
2.1/12 applied to the ideal a = 0 that there are only nitely many prime ideals
p1 , . . . , pn in R and that the intersection of these is the nilradical rad(R). The
latter is nitely generated and, hence, nilpotent, say (rad(R))r = 0 for some
integer r > 0. Then
Now consider the case, where R is Artinian. Then R contains only nitely
many prime ideals p1 , . . . , pn by Proposition 7 and all of these are maximal in
R. In particular, we get p1 . . . pn = rad(R) from 1.3/4. As exercised in the
Noetherian case, it is enough to show that the nilradical rad(R) is nilpotent.
To do this, we proceed indirectly. Writing a = rad(R), we assume that
ai = 0 for all i N. Since R is Artinian, the descending chain a1 a2 . . .
becomes stationary, say at some index i0 . Furthermore, let b ai0 be a (non-
zero) minimal ideal such that ai0 b = 0. We claim that p = (0 : ai0 b) is a prime
ideal in R. Indeed, p = R, since ai0 b = 0. Furthermore, let x, y R such that
xy p. Assuming x p, we get ai0 bxy = 0, but ai0 bx = 0. Then bx = b by
the minimality of b and therefore ai0 by = 0 so that y p. Thus, p is prime and
necessarily belongs to the set of prime ideals p1 , . . . , pn . In particular, we have
ai0 p. But then
ai0 b = ai0 ai0 b pai0 b = 0,
1. Let R be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m. Show that R/q is Artinian
for every m-primary ideal q R.
2. Let R1 , . . . , Rn be Artinian rings. Show that the cartesian product i=1 Ri is
Artinian again.
We will prove the ArtinRees Lemma in order to derive Krulls Intersection The-
orem from it. The latter in turn is a basic ingredient needed for characterizing
the Krull dimension of Noetherian rings in Section 2.4.
Postponing the proof for a while, let us give some explanations concerning
this lemma. The descending sequence of ideals a1 a2 . . . denes a topology
on R, the so-called a-adic topology; see 6.1/3 for the denition of a topology.
Indeed, a subset E R is called open if for every element x E there exists
an exponent i N such that x + ai E. Thus, the powers ai for i N are
the basic open neighborhoods of the zero element in R. In a similar way, one
denes the a-adic topology on any R-module M by taking the submodules ai M
for i N as basic open neighborhoods of 0 M . Now if M is a submodule of
M , we may restrict the a-adic topology on M to a topology on M by taking
the intersections ai M M as basic open neighborhoods of 0 M . Thus, a
subset E M is open if and only if for every x E there exists an exponent
i N such that x + (ai M M ) E.
However, on M the a-adic topology exists as well and we may try to com-
pare both topologies. Clearly, since ai M ai M M , any subset E M that
is open with respect to the restriction of the a-adic topology on M to M will be
open with respect to the a-adic topology on M . Moreover, in the situation of
the ArtinRees Lemma, both topologies coincide, as follows from the inclusions
for i k.
A topology on a set X is said to satisfy the Hausdor separation axiom
if any dierent points x, y X admit disjoint open neighborhoods. Since two
cosets with respect to ai in R, or with respect to ai M in M are disjoint as soon
as they do not coincide, it is easily seenthat the a-adic topology
on R (resp.
M ) is Hausdor if and only if we have iN ai = 0 (resp. iN ai M = 0). In
certain cases, the latter relations can be derived from the ArtinRees Lemma:
Proof. Applying the ArtinRees Lemma to the submodule M = iN ai M of
M , we obtain an index k N such that M = aik M for i k. Since M as
a nitely generated module over a Noetherian ring is Noetherian by 1.5/12, we
see that the submodule M M is nitely generated. Therefore Nakayamas
Lemma 1.4/10 yields M = 0.
Proof. Starting with the implication (i) = (ii), let k be an integer such that
Mk+i = ai M k for all i N. Then M is generated as an R -module by
the subgroup ik Mi M . Since M is a nitely generated R-module over
a Noetherian ring, it is Noetherian by 1.5/12. Hence, all its submodules Mi
are nitely generated and the same is true for the nite direct sum ik Mi .
Choosing a nite system of R-generators for the latter, it generates M as an
R -module.
Conversely, assume that M is a nitely generated R -module. Then we
can choose a nite system of homogeneous generators, namely of generators
x1 , . . . , xn , where x M() for certain integers (1), . . . , (n). It follows that
aMi = Mi+1 for i max{(1), . . . , (n)} and, hence, that the ltration (Mi )iN
of M is a-stable.
2.3 The ArtinRees Lemma 73
Now the proof of the ArtinRees Lemma is easy to achieve. Consider the
ltration (Mi )iN of M given by Mi = ai M ; it is a-stable by its denition.
Furthermore, consider the induced ltration (Mi )iN on M ; the latter is given
by Mi = Mi M . Then M is canonically an R -submodule of M . Since M
is of nite type by the Lemma 3 and R is Noetherian, we see from 1.5/12 that
M is of nite type as well. Thus, by Lemma 3 again, the ltration (Mi )iN is
a-stable, and there exists an integer k such that a(ai M M ) = ai+1 M M
for i k. Iteration yields ai (ak M M ) = ak+i M M for i N and, thus, the
assertion of the ArtinRees Lemma.
4. For a eld K and an integer n > 1 consider the homomorphism of formal power
series rings : KX - KX given by f (X) - f (X n ). Show that is
an injective homomorphism between local rings and satises (X) (X) for the
maximal ideal (X) KX. Construct a ring R as the union of the innite
chain of rings
KX - KX - KX - . . .
and show that R is a local integral domain where Krulls Intersection Theorem
is not valid any more. In particular, R cannot be Noetherian. Hint: For the
denition of formal power series rings see Exercise 1.5/8.
5. Given an ideal a R, show that gra (R) = i i+1 is canonically a ring;
iN a /a
it is called the graded ring associated to a. Show that gra (R) is Noetherian if R
is Noetherian. Furthermore, let M= M0 M1 . . . be an a-ltration on an
R-module M . Show that gr(M ) = iN Mi /Mi+1 is canonically a gra (R)-module
and that the latter is nitely generated if M is a nite R-module and the ltration
on M is a-stable.
74 2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
p 0 p1 . . . pn ,
where the pi are prime ideals in R, is denoted by dim R and called the Krull
dimension or simply the dimension of R.
Thus, for a prime ideal p R, its height ht p (resp. its coheight coht p)
equals the supremum of all lengths of chains of prime ideals in R ending at p
(resp. starting at p). In particular, we see that ht p + coht p dim R.
In order to really work with the notions of dimension and height, it is
necessary to characterize these in terms of so-called parameters. For example,
we will show that an ideal a of a Noetherian ring satises ht a r if it can be
generated by r elements; see Krulls Dimension Theorem 6 below. Furthermore,
we will prove that any Noetherian local ring R of dimension r admits a system of
2.4 Krull Dimension 75
r elements, generating an ideal whose radical coincides with the maximal ideal
m R; see Proposition 11 below. If m itself can be generated by r elements,
we face a special case, namely, where R is a so-called regular local ring.
To prepare the discussion of such results, we need a special case of Krulls
Intersection Theorem 2.3/2.
Proof. Since Rp is a local ring with maximal ideal pRp by 1.2/7 and since
we can conclude from 1.2/5 (ii) that Rpis Noetherian, Krulls Intersection
Theorem 2.3/2 is applicable and yields iN pi Rp = 0. Using the fact that
taking preimages with respect to R - Rp is compatible with intersections,
we are done.
Now we can prove a rst basic result on the height of ideals in Noetherian
rings, which is a special version of Krulls Principal Ideal Theorem to be derived
in Corollary 9 below. For any ideal a R we consider the set of minimal prime
divisors of a; thereby we mean the set of prime ideals p R that are minimal
among those satisfying a p. In the setting of 2.1/12, this is the set Ass (a)
of isolated prime ideals associated to a. Also note that, for a prime ideal p
containing a there is always a minimal prime divisor of a contained in p. This
follows from 2.1/12 (ii) or without using the theory of primary decompositions
by applying Zorns Lemma.
Proof. For a minimal prime divisor p of (a), we can pass from R to its local-
ization Rp and thereby assume that R is a Noetherian local integral domain
with maximal ideal p. Then we have to show that any prime ideal p0 R that
is strictly contained in p satises p0 = 0. To do this, look at the descending
sequence of ideals
ai = p0 + (a), i N,
where p0 is the ith symbolic power of p0 , and observe that R/(a) is Artinian by
2.2/8. Indeed, R/(a) is Noetherian and satises dim R/(a) = 0, as p is the only
prime ideal containing a. Therefore the sequence of the ai becomes stationary,
say at some index i0 . Hence,
76 2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
(i ) (i)
p0 0 p0 + (a), i i0 ,
and, in fact
(i ) (i) (i )
p0 0 = p0 + ap0 0 , i i0 ,
(i ) (i )
using the equality (p0 0 : a) = p0 0 ; the latter relation follows from 2.1/7, since
(i )
p0 0 is p0 -primary and since a p0 . Now Nakayamas Lemma in the version of
(i ) (i)
1.4/11 implies p0 0 = p0 for i i0 . Furthermore, since R is an integral domain,
Lemma 4 shows (i)
p0 = ker(R - Rp0 ) = 0.
(i )
p0 0 =
(i )
But then we conclude from pi00 p0 0 that p0 = 0 and, thus, that ht p = 1.
ani = ai + ar yi , i = 1, . . . , r 1,
for some exponent n > 0 where ai pt1 and yi R. Now consider the ideal
a = (a1 , . . . , ar1 ) R. Since a pt1 , there is a minimal prime divisor p of
a such that p pt1 . By the above equations we have
p = rad(a) rad a + (ar ) rad p + (ar ) p.
Proof. First note that dimR/m m/m2 < , since R is Noetherian and, hence, m is
nitely generated. Choosing elements a1 , . . . , ar m giving rise to an R/m-basis
of m/m2 , we conclude from Nakayamas Lemma in the version of 1.4/12 that
the ai generate m. But then dim R = ht m r = dimR/m m/m2 by Krulls
Dimension Theorem.
Proof. We have only to justify the rst statement, as the second one follows from
the rst by induction. Therefore consider elements a1 , . . . , as1 a, 1 s r,
such that ht(a1 , . . . , as1 ) = s 1, and let p1 , . . . , pn R be the minimal
prime divisors of (a1 , . . . , as1 ). Then, using Krulls Dimension Theorem, we
have ht pi s 1< r for all i. Since ht a = r, this impliesa pi for all
i and, hence, a ni=1 pi by 1.3/7. Thus, choosing as a ni=1 pi , we get
ht(a1 , . . . , as ) s and, in fact ht(a1 , . . . , as ) = s by Krulls Dimension Theorem.
For the discussion of parameters, which follows below, recall from 2.1/3 that
an ideal a of a local ring R with maximal ideal m is m-primary if and only if
rad(a) = m.
Proposition 11. Let R be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m. Then
there exists an m-primary ideal in R generated by d = dim R elements, but no
such ideal that is generated by less than d elements.
Denition 12. Let R be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m. A set
of elements x1 , . . . , xd m is called a system of parameters of R if d = dim R
and the ideal (x1 , . . . , xd ) R is m-primary.
Proposition 13. Let R be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m. Then,
for given elements x1 , . . . , xr m, the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) The system x1 , . . . , xr can be enlarged to a system of parameters of R.
(ii) dim R/(x1 , . . . , xr ) = dim R r.
Furthermore, conditions (i) and (ii) are satised if ht(x1 , . . . , xr ) = r.
Proof. First observe that condition (i) follows from ht(x1 , . . . , xr ) = r, using
Lemma 10. Next consider elements y1 , . . . , ys m. Writing R = R/(x1 , . . . , xr )
and m = m/(x1 , . . . , xr ), the residue classes y 1 , . . . , y s generate an m-primary
ideal in R if and only if x1 , . . . , xr , y1 , . . . , ys generate an m-primary ideal in R.
In particular, if x1 , . . . , xr , y1 , . . . , ys is a system of parameters of R, as we may
assume in the situation of (i), we have r + s = dim R and can conclude from
Proposition 11 that dim R dim Rr. On the other hand, if the residue classes
of y1 , . . . , ys form a system of parameters in R, we have s = dim R and see that
(x1 , . . . , xr , y1 , . . . , ys ) is an m-primary ideal in R. Therefore dim R r + dim R
by Proposition 11. Combining both estimates yields dim R dim Rr dim R
and, thus, dim R = dim R r, as needed in (ii).
Conversely, assume (ii) and consider elements y1 , . . . , ys m, whose residue
classes form a system of parameters in R so that s = dim R. Then the system
x1 , . . . , xr , y1 , . . . , ys generates an m-primary ideal in R. Since r + s = dim R by
(ii), the system is, in fact, a system of parameters and (i) follows.
Corollary 14. Let R be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m, and let
a m be an element that is not a zero divisor. Then dim R/(a) = dim R 1.
Proof. We will show dim RX = dim R + 1 for one variable X, from which
the general case follows by induction. Let p0 . . . pr be a strictly ascending
chain of prime ideals in R of length r. Then
m = pRX + f RX.
Proof. To establish (i) and (ii), we use induction on n, the case n = 0 being
trivial. So assume n 1. Let n = m KX1 , . . . , Xn1 and consider the
Then KX1 , . . . , Xn /m is a eld that is nite over K by 3.2/4 and, hence,
nite over KX1 , . . . , Xn1 /n. In particular, using 3.1/2, the latter is a eld as
well. Therefore n is a maximal ideal in KX1 , . . . , Xn1 , and we may assume
by induction hypothesis that n, as an ideal in KX1 , . . . , Xn1 , is generated
by n 1 elements.
Now look at the canonical surjection
KX1 , . . . , Xn1 /n Xn - KX1 , . . . , Xn /m
80 2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
sending Xn onto its residue class in KX1 , . . . , Xn /m. Since on the left-
hand side we are dealing with a principal ideal domain, there is a polynomial
f KX1 , . . . , Xn such that m is generated by n and f . In particular, m is
generated by n elements and assertion (i) is clear. Furthermore, we see that
ht m n by Krulls Dimension Theorem 6. On the other hand, since
KX1 , . . . , Xn /(n) KX1 , . . . , Xn1 /n Xn ,
To end this section, we briey want to touch the subject of regular local
Proposition and Denition 18. For a Noetherian local ring R with maximal
ideal m and dimension d the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) There exists a system of parameters of length d in R generating the
maximal ideal m; in other words, m is generated by d elements.
(ii) dimR/m m/m2 = d.
R is called regular if it satises the equivalent conditions (i) and (ii).
a = x1 + ci x i m m 2
for some coecients ci R such that a is not contained in any of the minimal
prime ideals p1 , . . . , pr . Clearly, any element a of this type cannot be contained
in m2 since x1 , . . . , xd give rise to an R/m-vector space basis of m/m2 .
Using a recursive construction for a, assume that a p1 , . . . , pt for some
t < r, but that a pt+1 . Applying 1.3/8, there exists an element
c pj pt+1
1. Consider the polynomial ring RX in one variable over a not necessarily Noethe-
rian ring. Show dim R + 1 dim RX 2 dim R + 1. Hint: Let p1 p2 RX
be two dierent prime ideals in RX restricting to the same prime ideal p R.
Deduce that p1 = pRX.
82 2. The Theory of Noetherian Rings
2. Let KX, Y be the polynomial ring in two variables over a eld K. Show
dim KX, Y /(f ) = 1 for any non-zero polynomial f KX, Y that is not
3. Let R be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m. Show for a1 , . . . , ar m
that dim R/(a1 , . . . , ar ) dim R r. Hint: Assume r = 1. Show for any chain of
prime ideals p0 . . . pn where a1 pn that there is a chain of prime ideals
p1 . . . pn satisfying a1 p1 and pn = pn ; use induction on n.
4. Consider the formal power series ring R = KX1 , . . . , Xn in nitely many vari-
ables over a eld K. Show that R is a regular Noetherian local ring of dimension
n. Hint: Use Exercise 1.5/8 for the fact that R is Noetherian.
5. Let R be a regular Noetherian local ring. Show that R is a eld if dim R = 0.
Show that R is a discrete valuation ring, i.e. a local principal ideal domain, if
dim R = 1.
6. Let R be a regular Noetherian local ring of dimension d with maximal ideal
m R. Show for elements a1 , . . . , ar m that the quotient R/(a1 , . . . , ar ) is
regular of dimension d r if and only if the residue classes a1 , . . . , ar m/m2 are
linearly independent over the eld R/m.
7. Let R be a regular Noetherian local ring of dimension d with maximal ideal m.
Let m = (a1 , . . . , ad ) and set k = R/m. Show for polynomial variables X1 , . . . , Xd
that the canonical k-algebra homomorphism
kX1 , . . . , Xd - grm (R) = mi /mi+1 , Xj - aj ,
xn + a1 xn1 + . . . + an = 0
f = X n + a1 X n1 + . . . + an RX
: RY - RX, Y - f.
X n + a1 X n1 + . . . + (an (Y )) = 0
shows that X is integral over RY . From this we conclude by induction that
the RY -submodule generated by X 0 , . . . , X n1 in RX contains all powers of
X and, hence, coincides with RX. In other words, is nite. Alternatively,
we could have derived this fact directly from 3.1/4 (ii). Furthermore, using
3.1/4 (iii) or 3.1/5, it follows that is integral. The latter is a non-trivial fact,
which cannot be derived by a direct ad hoc computation.
xn + a1 xn1 + . . . + an = 0.
xn + a1 xn1 + . . . + an = 0, a1 , . . . , an R.
x1 = a1
n (x
+ a1 xn2 + . . . + an1 ) R ,
hence R is a eld.
Conversely, if R is a eld, consider an element x R, x = 0. Then x1 R
satises an integral equation over R,
86 3. Integral Extensions
xn + a1 xn+1 + . . . + an = 0, a1 , . . . , an R.
x1 = a1 a2 x . . . an xn1 R,
hence R is a eld.
Proof. Assertion (i) is trivially veried using the denition of integral (resp.
nite) maps. To justify (ii), observe rst that (S) is a multiplicative system in
R and that induces a homomorphism RS - R(S)
by the universal property
of localizations 1.2/8. Now consider an element (s) x
R(S) with x R and
s S. Then, from an integral equation
xn + a1 xn1 + . . . + an = 0, a1 , . . . , an R,
Proof. Let us start with the implication (i) = (ii). So assume there is an
integral equation
xn + a1 xn1 + . . . + an = 0
3.1 Integral Dependence 87
with coecients a1 , . . . , an R. Then xn belongs to M = n1 i
i=0 Rx , and we
see by induction that x M for all i N. H ence, Rx M and, in fact,
() ad = (det ) I
Proof. The case of nite homomorphisms is dealt with in the same way as in
the proof of Corollary 6. If R - R and R - R are integral, consider an
element z R . Then z satises an integral equation over R :
z n + b1 z n1 + . . . + bn = 0, b1 , . . . , bn R .
From this we see that z R is integral over Rb1 , . . . , bn , and it follows
from Lemma 4 that the extension Rb1 , . . . , bn - Rb1 , . . . , bn , z is -
nite. Since R - Rb1 , . . . , bn is nite by Corollary 6, the composition
R - R b1 , . . . , bn , z will be nite. But then this homomorphism is inte-
gral by Corollary 5 and we see that z is integral over R. Letting z vary over R ,
we conclude that R - R is integral.
Corollary 8. Let R be a subring of a ring R and let R be the set of all elements
in R that are integral over R. Then R is a subring of R containing R. It is
called the integral closure of R in R . Furthermore, R is integrally closed in R ,
i.e. the integral closure of R in R coincides with R.
much smaller than C itself. Also note that Z is dierent from the algebraic
closure of Q in C, since its restriction Z Q will coincide with Z, due to the fact
that Z is integrally closed in Q; the latter will follow from Remark 10 below.
Remark 10. Any principal ideal domain or, more generally, any factorial ring
R is normal.
rn + sa1 rn1 + . . . + sn an = 0,
and we see that s divides rn , contradicting the fact that r and s were assumed
to be relatively prime.
In particular, it follows that Z is a normal ring. The same is true for polyno-
mial rings in a nite set of variables over Z or over a eld K, because all these
rings are factorial. Also note that due to the Theorem of AuslanderBuchsbaum
[24], Cor. 4 of Thm. IV.9, any regular Noetherian local ring (2.4/18) is factorial
and, hence, normal.
Proposition 11. For an integral domain R, the following conditions are equiv-
(i) R is normal.
(ii) Rp is normal for all prime ideals p R.
(iii) Rm is normal for all maximal ideals m R.
Proof. Concerning the implication (i) = (ii), we show more generally that, for
a multiplicative system S R {0}, the localization RS will be normal if R is
normal. To do this, note that R RS Q(R), since R is supposed to be an
integral domain, and that therefore the eld of fractions Q(RS ) coincides with
Q(R). Now let x Q(R) be integral over RS , say
a1 n1 an
xn + x + ... + = 0,
s1 sn
for elements a1 , . . . , an R and s1 , . . . , sn S. Writing s = s1 . . . sn , we see
that sx is integral over R and, hence, contained in R if R is normal. But then
x = s1 sx RS and it follows that RS is normal.
90 3. Integral Extensions
The implication (ii) = (iii) being trivial, it remains to justify (iii) = (i).
Let x Q(R) be integral over R and assume that all localizations Rm at maximal
m Spm R are normal. Then x mSpm R Rm and it is enough to show
mSpm R Rm = R.
To achieve this, x an element x mSpm R Rm and, for each m Spm R,
choose elements am R and bm R m such that x = abmm . As the set of all bm ,
for m Spm R, cannot be contained in a maximal ideal of R, it must generate
the unit ideal in R. Thus, there is an equation
cm bm = 1
mSpm R
1. Consider ring morphisms i : R - Ri , i = 1, . . . , n, starting out from a given
ring R. Show that the ring morphism
R - Ri , a - 1 (a), . . . , n (a) ,
KY1 , . . . , Yd - A
with coecients a1 ...n K where the summation extends over a nite non-
empty index set I Nn ; in particular, n 1. Then there exist elements
y1 , . . . , yn1 Kx1 , . . . , xn such that the canonical monomorphism
is nite.
where the choice of exponents s1 , . . . , sn1 N{0} still has to be made precise.
Then we have
Kx1 , . . . , xn = Ky1 , . . . , yn1 , xn .
92 3. Integral Extensions
s1 = tn1 , . . . , sn1 = t1 .
is nite.
As we will see later from 3.3/6 in conjunction with 2.4/16, the integer d
in Noethers Normalization Lemma is uniquely determined by the K-algebra
A. In fact, d coincides with the Krull dimension of A, as introduced in 2.4/2.
Alternatively, if A is an integral domain, one can show combining 3.1/3 (ii) with
3.2 Noether Normalization and Hilberts Nullstellensatz 93
3.1/2 that the eld of fractions Q(A) is nite over the transcendental function
eld K(Y1 , . . . , Yd ) and it follows that d equals the transcendence degree of Q(A)
over K.
see Sections. 1.1 and 1.3. Interpreting the nilradical rad(a) as the intersection
of all prime ideals p R containing a, as shown in 1.3/6 (iii), we have obtained
the equation
I V (a) = p = rad(a)
pSpec R
for ideals a R.
Considering an algebra A of nite type over a eld K in place of R and
an ideal a A, we know from the above corollary that the nilradical rad(a)
coincides with its Jacobson radical j(a). Therefore, in the above equation, we
may replace V (a) by its restriction Vmax (a) = V (a) Spm A, thereby obtaining
the following assertion:
x : KX1 , . . . , Xn - K, f - f (x).
In the following let K be a eld.
1. Let : A - B be a morphism of K-algebras where B is of nite type. Show
that (m) is a maximal ideal of A for every maximal ideal m B. In other
words, gives rise to a map Spm B - Spm A.
2. Give an explicit solution of Noethers Normalization Lemma for the K-algebra
KX1 , X2 /(X1 X2 ).
3. Let m be a maximal ideal of the polynomial ring KX1 , . . . , Xn in n variables
over K. Show that there exist polynomials fi KX1 , . . . , Xi1 Xi satisfying
m = (f1 , . . . , fn ) where fi is monic in Xi for i = 1, . . . , n.
4. Consider the polynomial ring KX1 , . . . , Xn in n variables over K for n 1.
Let f KX1 , . . . , Xn be a non-constant polynomial. Show that there ex-
ists a monomorphism of type KY1 , . . . , Yn1 - KX1 , . . . , Xn /(f ) dening
KX1 , . . . , Xn /(f ) as a nite free module over KY1 , . . . , Yn1 .
96 3. Integral Extensions
? ?
P R = (m R ) R = (m RS ) R = S 1 p R = p
by 1.2/5, as desired.
a chain of prime ideals in R. Then, for any prime ideal P0 R such that
P0 R = p0 , there exists a chain of prime ideals
P0 P1 . . . Pn R
R - R
? ?
R/pn1 - R /Pn1
that Pn R = pn , as desired.
the xed eld of K with respect to G. It contains K and, thus, is a eld between
K and K . One knows from Galois theory (see [3], 4.1/5) that the extension
K G K is Galois with Galois group G and that K K G is purely inseparable.
In particular, for each element y K G , there is an integer n N {0} such
that y n K.
Let us start now by giving a lemma that will settle the main part of the
proof of Theorem 4.
(iii) AutK (K ) acts transitively on the set of all prime ideals in R that lie
over p, i.e. given two prime ideals P1 , P2 R such that P1 R = p = P2 R,
there is an element g AutK (K ) such that g(P1 ) = P2 .
a K-automorphism g of E . Then
and, by the above special case, there exists some element g of the nite group
AutE (E ) such that
100 3. Integral Extensions
g g (P1 RE ) = P2 RE .
Now g g AutK (E ) is an extension of g. Thus,
The proof of Theorem 4 is now quite easy. Let K and K be the elds of
fractions of R and R . Then the extension K K is algebraic, and we can nd
a eld K extending K such that the extension K K is quasi Galois. Let
R be the integral closure of R in K . Applying Theorem 3, choose a chain of
prime ideals
R P0 P1 . . . Pn
lying over the chain R p0 . . . pn and, according to Theorem 2, a prime
ideal P0 R over P0 R (and, thus, over p R). By Lemma 5, there exists
some g AutK (K ) such that g(P0 ) = P0 . Then
Proof. We start with assertion (i), observing that (iii) is a consequence of (i).
According to the Going-up Theorem 3, each strictly ascending chain of prime
ideals in R may be extended to a (strictly) ascending chain of prime ideals in
R . Conversely, each strictly ascending chain of prime ideals in R restricts to an
ascending chain of prime ideals in R where the latter must be strictly ascending
by Proposition 1. This proves (i).
To settle (ii), consider a strictly ascending chain of prime ideals in R . Re-
stricting it to R yields an ascending chain of prime ideals in R, which is strictly
ascending by Proposition 1. This shows ht a ht a if a is a prime ideal in R . If
a is not necessarily prime, choose a minimal prime divisor p of a. Applying the
Lying-over Theorem 2 to the induced monomorphism R/a - R /a , there is
a minimal prime divisor P of a lying over p. Since ht P ht p, as we just have
seen, we get ht a ht a.
3.3 The CohenSeidenberg Theorems 101
Now assume that R and R are integral domains and that R is normal. Then
the Going-down Theorem 4 becomes applicable and we see that ht a = ht a if
a is a prime ideal in R . Furthermore, for general a we see that the minimal
prime divisors of a restrict to minimal prime divisors of a. Combining this with
the above argument, we get ht a = ht a, as desired.
Fixing a eld K, a bit more can be said about K-algebras of nite type.
Proof. First observe that (ii) is a special case of (i). To show (i) we use induction
on dim A. Applying Noethers Normalization Lemma 3.2/1, there is a nite
monomorphism of type KX1 , . . . , Xd - A where d = dim A by 2.4/16 and
Proposition 6 (i). The case of dimension d = 0 is trivial, since then A is a eld
by 3.1/2. Also the case p = 0 is trivial, since then ht p = 0 and coht p = dim A.
Therefore we can assume d 1 as well as p = 0.
Now choose a non-zero element y p KX1 , . . . , Xd , which exists since
the restriction of the non-zero prime ideal p to KX1 , . . . , Xd must be non-
zero by Proposition 1. Then we may apply 3.2/2 and thereby obtain elements
y1 , . . . , yd1 KX1 , . . . , Xd such that the canonical monomorphism
is mapped into p. Now observe that the latter morphism satises the require-
ments of the Going-down Theorem 4, since KY1 , . . . , Yd , as a factorial ring, is
normal by 3.1/10. Therefore we can nd a prime ideal p0 A that is contained
in p and restricts to the prime ideal (Yd ) KY1 , . . . , Yd . Then, looking at the
nite monomorphism
and the ideal p/p0 A/p0 , we can conclude from the induction hypothesis that
ht(p/p0 )+coht(p/p0 ) = d1. Since ht p ht(p/p0 )+1 and coht p = coht(p/p0 ),
we get ht p + coht p d and then, necessarily, ht p + coht p = d.
1. Show for rings R, R that dim(R R ) = max(dim R, dim R ). Hint: Use Exer-
cise 1.1/6.
2. Let R - R be an integral morphism of rings. Show dim R dim R .
The main theme of the present chapter is to discuss the process of coecient
extension for modules and its reverse, called descent. For example, imagine a
ring R and an R-module M whose structure seems to be dicult to access.
Then one can try to replace the coecient domain R by a bigger ring R , over
which the situation might become easier to handle. In other words, we would
select a certain extension homomorphism R - R and use it in order to
derive from M a best possible R -module M extending the R-module structure
we are given on M . In particular, M will respect all relations that are already
present in M . The technical frame for such a construction is given by the so-
called tensor product. Passing from M to the tensor product M = M R R
we say that M is obtained from M via coecient extension with respect to
R - R . Of course, the extension homomorphism R - R must be chosen
in an intelligent way so that the results obtained for M can be descended to
meaningful information on M .
Let us discuss an example from Linear Algebra. We consider a quadratic
matrix with coecients from R, say A Rnn where n > 0, and look at the
R-linear map
Rn - Rn , x - A x.
Recall that an element R is called an eigenvalue of A if there exists an
associated eigenvector, i.e. a vector z Rn {0} such that Az = z. Note that
the eigenvalues of A are precisely the zeros of the characteristic polynomial
A (X) = det(X id A). Since the eld R is not algebraically closed, it is
possible that the set of eigenvalues of A is empty.
However, if we assume A to be symmetric, then the characteristic polynomial
A (X) decomposes completely into linear factors over R and, hence, the set of
eigenvalues of A cannot be empty. We want to explain how this result can
be derived by means of coecient extension from R to C. Viewing Rn as an
R-vector space, a canonical candidate for its coecient extension via R - C
is of course the C-vector space Cn . So we look at the C-linear map
Cn - Cn , x - A x.
A x, y = (A x)t y = xt A y = x, A y
for x, y Cn . Now use the fact that the eld C is algebraically closed. There-
fore the characteristic polynomial A (X) admits a zero C and there is a
corresponding eigenvector z Cn {0}. Since z, z = 0, the equation
z, z = z, z = A z, z = z, A z = z, z = z, z
shows = . Hence, all zeros of the characteristic polynomial A (X) must
be real and we are done. In our argument we can rely on the fact that the
characteristic polynomial A (X) is the same for A as a matrix in Cnn or in
Rnn . This makes the descent from C to R particularly easy.
Having seen that the technique of extending coecients can be quite useful,
let us discuss now how to construct such extensions in more generality. Let M
be a module over a ring R and consider a ring homomorphism R - R . In
particular, the latter equips R with the structure of an R-module. To extend
the coecients of M from R to R we would like to construct an object M
where products of type x r for x M and r R make sense. Of course, this
product should be R-linear in x and R-linear in r , which requires that M must
be imagined to be at least an R-module. Moreover, if M is not exceedingly big,
namely generated over R by all products of type x r , which is enough for our
purposes, we can expect that it is automatically an R -module. Therefore we
look at R-bilinear maps M R - T into R-modules T and try to nd a
universal one among these, i.e. an R-bilinear map : M R - T such that
for every R-bilinear map : M R - E into another R-module E there is a
unique R-linear map : T - E satisfying = . Then, according to 4.1/1,
T is called a tensor product of M and R over R and is denoted by M R R ,
where the latter notation is justied, since such a tensor product is unique up
to canonical isomorphism; see 4.1/2. Furthermore, it follows from 4.1/3 that
the tensor product M R R always exists. Usually the inherent R-bilinear map
: M R - M R R is not mentioned explicitly, since for x M and
r R one writes x r in place of (x, r ), interpreting this as the product
M N - M R N, (x, y) - f (x) y.
As we will say in Section 4.5, the process of taking tensor products with N over
R is a covariant functor on the category of R-modules. Now, what happens
when we tensor a short exact sequence
Outline and Motivation 105
0 - M - M - M - 0
of R-modules with N over R? The answer we will give in 4.2/1 is that the right
part of the resulting sequence
0 - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0,
R R : M - M R R
p1 (p M ) q M p2 (p M )
is commutative.
: M N - T, : M N - T
with R-linear maps , , where the existence of satisfying = follows
from the universal property of : M N - T and, likewise, the existence of
satisfying = from the universal property of : M N - T . Then
we have
idT = = = ( ) .
Thus, considering : M N - T as an R-bilinear map and using the universal
property of , there is a unique R-linear map : T - T such that = .
Because, as we have just seen, the maps = idT as well as = solve this
problem, we get necessarily = idT . Likewise, we can conclude = idT
idT = = = ( ) .
Therefore and are mutually inverse isomorphisms between T and T , and
we see that both tensor products are canonically isomorphic.
M N - M R N, (x, y) - x y.
(ax + a x ) (by + b y )
= ab(x y) + ab (x y ) + a b(x y) + a b (x y )
Proof. The idea behind the construction of the tensor product M R N is quite
simple. We consider R(M N ) as an R-module,
being its canonical free generating system. Writing (x, y) instead of e(x,y) , we
may view R(M N ) as the free R-module generated by all pairs (x, y) M N .
Then we divide out the smallest submodule Q R(M N ) such that the residue
classes (x, y) of the elements (x, y) = e(x,y) R(M N ) acquire the property of
tensors. This means, we consider the submodule Q R(M N ) generated by all
elements of type
: M N - R(M N ) - R(M N ) /Q
Finally, observe that is uniquely determined by the relation = . Indeed,
the residue classes (x, y) for (x, y) M N generate R(M N ) /Q as an R-module
and we have
(x, y) = (x, y) = (x, y).
Therefore is unique on a set of generators of T = R(M N ) /Q and, thus, unique
on T itself.
Proof. The assertion follows directly from the explicit construction of tensor
products, as given in the proof of Proposition 3, but can also be deduced from
the universal property of tensor products as follows. Consider the submodule
T M R N generated by all tensors x y where x M and y N . Then the
canonical R-bilinear map : M N - M R N restricts to an R-bilinear map
: M N - T , which, just as , satises the universal property of a tensor
product of M and N over R. Indeed, if : M N - E is an R-bilinear map
to some R-module E, there exists an R-linear map : M R N - E such
that = . Then the restriction = |T satises = . Furthermore,
is uniquely determined by this condition, since, on tensors (x, y) for x M ,
y N , it is given by ( (x, y)) = (x, y). Therefore, T is a tensor product of
M and N over R, and the uniqueness assertion in Remark 2 implies that the
inclusion map T - M R N is bijective so that T = M R N .
Corollary 5. Let (xi )iI and (yj )jJ be generating systems of two R-modules
M and N . Then (xi yj )iI,jJ is a generating system of M R N .
F R M - M, ae x - ax,
M R N - N R M, xy - y x,
(M R N ) R P - M R (N R P ), (x y) z - x (y z).
Proof. In all three cases the construction of the required isomorphism is accom-
plished in more or less the same way. We keep the third assertion, which is a
bit more laborious than the others, for Exercise 1 below and discuss only the
rst assertion here. The map
F M - M, (ae, x) - ax,
: F R M - M where ae x - ax.
: M - F R M, x - e x.
Proof. Since (xi )iI is a free generating system of M , we have M = iI Rxi .
Therefore the rst isomorphism follows from Proposition 8 and, since Rxi R,
the second from Remark 7.
1. Associativity of tensor products: As claimed in Remark 7, show that there is a
canonical isomorphism of R-modules (M R N ) R P - M R (N R P ) for
given R-modules M, N, P .
2. n-fold tensor products: Let M1 , . . . , Mn be R-modules, n 1. Show that there
exists an R-multilinear map : M1 . . .Mn - T into some R-module T such
that the following universal property is satised: For every R-multilinear map
: M1 . . . Mn - E into some R-module E, there is a unique morphism of
R-modules : T - E such that = . We write T = M1 R . . . R Mn
and call this the tensor product of the R-modules Mi .
4.2 Flat Modules 113
7. Compatibility of tensor products with cartesian products: Let (Mi )iI be a family
of R-modules and N another R-module. Show that there is a canonical morphism
of R-modules : ( iI Mi ) R N -
iI (Mi R N ) and that the latter is an
isomorphism if I is nite. Show that does not need to be injective nor surjective
if I is innite. Hint: Take I = N, R = Z, and N = Q. Choose a prime p N
and set Mi = Z/pi Z for i N to show that will not be injective. Furthermore,
taking Mi = Z for all i N, it is seen that is not surjective.
: M R N - M R N , xy - (x) (y),
idN : M R N - M R N
Proposition 1. Let
M - M - M - 0
be an exact sequence of R-modules. Then, for any R-module N , the sequence
idN idN
M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
(M R N )/ im( idN )
and we see:
Thus, in order to nish the proof of the proposition, it remains to show that
is an isomorphism.
Looking for an inverse of , let us consider the map
This being done, it is easy to see that is R-bilinear. Indeed, consider two
elements x1 , x2 M with -preimages (x1 ), (x2 ) M . Then (x1 ) + (x2 ) is
a -preimage of x1 + x2 and we may assume (x1 + x2 ) = (x1 ) + (x2 ), thereby
Therefore is R-linear in the rst argument and, for trivial reasons, also in the
second one.
As a consequence, induces an R-linear map
4.2 Flat Modules 115
0 - hE (M R N ) - hE (M R N ) - hE (M R N )
hE ( )
0 - hE (coker( idN )) - hE (M R N ) - hE (M R N ) .
and similarly for M and M (see Exercise 4.1/3), the latter sequence may be
viewed as the sequence
hE ( ) : hE (M R N ) - hE (coker( idN ))
is an isomorphism. Now observe that this holds for every R-module E and that
then : coker( idN ) - M R N must be an isomorphism as well. Indeed,
taking E = coker( idN ), the map hE (M R N ) corresponding to the
identity map in hE (E) will satisfy = id, whereas the relation = id
follows with the help of the isomorphism hE ( ) for E = M R N .
where, as we want to point out, the tensor product map idN will not be
injective in general, even if : M - M has this property, as in our case. Thus,
in most cases, it is not permitted to view M R N as a submodule of M R N ,
since we cannot generally identify M R N with its image im(idN ). A typical
example of this kind is given by the canonical inclusion map : 2Z - Z.
Namely, applying the isomorphism 2Z Z in terms of Z-modules, the tensor
product map id : 2Z Z Z/2Z - Z Z Z/2Z corresponds to the zero map
0 : Z/2Z - Z/2Z.
Let us add that the situation can be described in more explicit terms if we
tensor the inclusion map of some ideal a - R with an R-module N :
Proof. The upper row of the diagram is obtained by tensoring the exact sequence
a - R - R/a - 0 over R with N . Hence, by Proposition 1, it is exact.
For the remaining part of the assertion, consider the isomorphism
: R R N - N, rx - rx,
For example, it follows from 4.1/7 that any ring viewed as a module over
itself is at. Furthermore, the direct sum of at modules is at by 4.1/8. In
particular, any free module is at.
0 - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
M R N - M R N - M R N
Proof. Using the denition of atness, the implication (i) = (ii) follows imme-
diately from Proposition 1.
Next, assume condition (ii). In order to derive (iii), consider an exact se-
quence M - M - M and look at the associated commutative diagram
with exact rows:
118 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
M - im
- 0
0 - ker - M - im - 0
0 - im - M
Since the rst and the third rows can be completed to form short exact se-
quences, it follows from (ii) that the diagram
M R N - R N
im - 0
0 - ker R N - M R N - im R N -0
0 - im R N - M R N
obtained by tensoring over R with N has exact rows as well. In particular, the
M R N - M R N idN- M R N
is exact.
Finally, the implication (iii) = (i) is trivial.
Proof. The claimed isomorphisms are worked out by tensoring the exact se-
4.2 Flat Modules 119
0 - ker - M - M - coker - 0,
as well as the diagram
M - im - 0
0 - im - M ,
over R with N , using the fact that exact sequences remain exact when tensoring
them with a at module.
Proposition 6. Let (Ni )iI be a family of R-modules. The direct sum iI Ni
is at if and only if Ni is at for all i I.
Proof. Use the fact (4.1/8) that the tensor product commutes with direct sums.
Proof. Starting with assertion (i), assume that a R is not a zero divisor. Then
the map R - R, r - ar, is injective and, for any at R-module N , the
R R N - R R N, r x - ar x,
obtained by tensoring over R with N has the same property. Now apply 4.1/7
and identify R R N with N via r x - rx. We thereby see that the map
N - N, x - ax, is injective, as claimed.
Next assume that R is a principal ideal domain. Then no element in R {0}
is a zero divisor and the only-if part of (ii) follows from (i). Thus, it remains to
show that N is at if an equation of type ax = 0 for some elements a R and
x N can only hold if a = 0 or x = 0; the latter corresponds to the condition
of N being torsion-free. Now if N is nitely generated, the structure theorem
for nitely generated modules over principal ideal domains (see [3], Section 2.9)
says that N is free and, hence, at.
Using the lemma below, this argument extends to the case where N is not
necessarily nitely generated. Indeed, consider
a monomorphism of R-modules
: M - M and an element z = x yi belonging to the kernel of
iI i
120 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
idN : M R N - M R N . Then iI (xi ) yi , viewed as an element in
M R N , is zero. Therefore Lemma 8 provides a nitely generated submodule
N N such that, looking at the canonical commutative diagram
M R N - M R N
? ?
M R N - M R N ,
Regarding the above proof, one may ask if it is really necessary to go back
to the explicit construction of tensor products. Indeed, it must be admitted that
this is only an ad hoc solution at this place. A more rigorous approach would
establish the compatibility of tensor products with so-called inductive limits, as
considered in Section 6.4.
Alternatively, the proof of Proposition 7 (ii) can also be settled by using
the following criterion of atness (for a proof see 5.2/8):
Proof. We will freely use the fact that, according to Corollary 5, the tensor
product with a at R-module N is compatible with the formation of kernels
and images of R-module homomorphisms. Starting with the implication from
(i) to (ii), assume that N is faithfully at and let : M - M be a morphism
of R-modules. Then = 0 is equivalent to im = 0 and, hence, using (i), to
im( idN ) = (im ) R N = 0, thus, to idN = 0.
A sequence of R-module homomorphisms M - M - M is exact if
and only if we have im( ) = 0 and the canonical map ker - ker / im
is zero. Given (ii), this is equivalent to
im ( idN ) ( idN ) = im ( ) idN = 0
and the condition that
ker R N - (ker / im ) R N = (ker R N )/(im R N )
122 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
N/mN N R R/m = 0
R - M , a - ax,
(R/a) R N M R N - M R N,
(R/a) R N - (R/m) R N - 0
N/aN - N/mN - 0
(R/a) R N N/aN = 0,
as desired.
1. Let M - M - M as well as N - N - N be morphisms of
R-modules. Show that the resulting morphisms M R N - M R N given
by ( ) ( ) and ( ) ( ) coincide.
2. Let M be an R-module such that each nitely generated submodule of M is at.
Show that M is at itself.
3. Let M, N be at R-modules. Show that M R N is a at R-module.
4. Let M be a module over an integral domain R such that the annihilator ideal
{a R ; aM = 0} R is non-zero. Show that M cannot be at.
5. Consider the polynomial ring KX, Y in two variables over a eld K. Show that
the ideals (X), (Y ), (XY ) KX, Y are faithfully at KX, Y -modules, but
that the ideal (X, Y ) KX, Y fails to be at. Hint: There is a canonical exact
sequence of KX, Y -modules 0 - (XY ) - (X) (Y ) - (X, Y ) - 0.
6. Let (Mi )iI be a family of R-modules. Show that the direct sum iI Mi is
faithfully at if and only if all Mi are at and at least one of these is faithfully
7. Let : R - R be a at ring morphism. Show that is faithfully at if and
only if the associated map Spec R - Spec R, p - p R, is surjective.
8. Let P be a projective R-module (in the sense that there exists another R-module
P such that P P is free). Show that P is at.
9. Let (Mi )iI be a family of R-modules and
N an R-module-
of nite
Show that the canonical morphism : ( iI Mi ) R N iI (M i R N ) of
Exercise 4.1/7 is an isomorphism.
10. Let 0 - M - M - M - 0 be a short exact sequence of R-modules
where M is at. Show that the resulting sequence
0 - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
M R - M R R , (x, b ) - x a b ,
M R R - M R R , x b - x a b .
R (M R N ) - M R N , (a , x y ) - x a y
as scalar multiplication.
(M R R ) R N - M R N , (x a ) y - x a y .
Proof. Starting with the second assertion, x y N and observe that the map
M R - M R N , (x, a ) - x a y ,
M R R - M R N , x a - x a y ,
which is R-linear, and even R -linear. Therefore we can consider the R -bilinear
(M R R ) N - M R N , (x a ), y - x a y ,
(M R R ) R N - M R N , (x a ) y - x a y .
M R N - (M R R ) R N , x y - (x 1) y ,
serves as an inverse.
Now, replacing N by R , viewed as an R -module via R - R , the above
argument yields an isomorphism of R -modules
As in the case of localization of rings, one shows that satises the condi-
tions of an equivalence relation. Writing xs for the equivalence class of an element
(x, s) M S and x
MS = ; x M, s S
for the set of all these equivalence classes, it is easily checked that MS is an
RS -module under the rules of fractional arithmetic. We call MS the localization
of M by S. Similarly as in the case of rings, we write Mp instead of MRp if p is
a prime ideal in R, as well as Mf for the localization of M by the multiplicative
system {1, f 1 , f 2 , . . .} generated from a single element f R.
Proof. Let us start with assertion (ii). Since we have so far skipped the details of
viewing MS as an RS -module, let us examine this structure more closely now.
The R-bilinear map
a ax
M RS - MS , x, - ,
s s
is well-dened. Indeed, any equation as = as for elements a, a R and s, s S,
where (as a s)t = 0 for some t S, implies (xas xa s)t = 0 and, thus,
= asx . Therefore the above map induces an R-linear map
126 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
a -
: M R RS MS , x ,
s s
which, clearly, is even RS -linear. In order to show that is an isomorphism, we
try to dene an RS -linear inverse by
x -
: MS M R RS , x .
s s
Obviously, is an inverse of , provided we can show that it is well-dened.
To justify the latter, assume xs = xs for elements x, x M and s, s S, say
(xs x s)t = 0 for some t S. This yields
1 1
x x ss t = (xs 1 x s 1)t = ((xs sx )t) 1 = 0.
s s
Using the fact that M R RS is an RS -module and the product ss t is a unit in
RS , we get
1 1
x x = 0.
s s
Hence, is well-dened.
It remains to justify assertion (i). To do this, let : M - M be a mono-
morphism of R-modules. We have to show that the map obtained by tensoring
with RS over R or, applying (ii), the map
x (x)
S : MS - MS , - ,
s s
is injective. To do this, consider elements x M and s S where S ( xs ) = 0
and, hence, (x)
= 0. Then there is some t S such that (tx) = t(x) = 0,
and we can conclude tx = 0 since is injective. But then we must have xs = 0
in MS , as desired.
M R Nm = M R N R Rm
M R N R Rm = M R Nm
is injective and we see that Nm is a at R-module. Thus, (i) implies (ii).
Next let us show that (ii) is equivalent to (iii). Assume rst that Nm is a
at R-module for a certain maximal ideal (resp. prime ideal) m R . Since
induces a ring morphism Rm - R for m = 1 (m ), it is clear that Nm
can be viewed as an Rm -module. Now if M - M is a monomorphism of
Rm -modules, the atness of Nm over R yields a monomorphism of R-modules
M R Nm - M R Nm .
Using the fact that M and M are already Rm -modules, the canonical mor-
phism M R Rm - M as well as the corresponding one for M in place of
M are isomorphisms. Therefore, in conjunction with Remark 2, the preceding
monomorphism can be written in the form
and we see that Nm is a at Rm -module. Conversely, if the latter is the case,
choose a monomorphism of R-modules M - M . Localizing it at m yields a
monomorphism of Rm -modules Mm - Mm and tensoring it with Nm over Rm
yields a monomorphism
if Nm is at over Rm . But then, applying Remark 2 again, the canonical mor-
phism M R Nm - M R Nm is injective and we see that Nm is at over
It remains to show that (ii) implies (i). So assume that Nm is a at R-module
for all maximal ideals m R . Choosing a monomorphism of R-modules
M - M , there is a canonical commutative diagram
128 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
M R N - M R N
? ?
(M R N )m (M R N )m
m Spm R m Spm R
(M R N )m M R N R Rm
M R Nm , m Spm R ,
and the same ones with M replaced by M , we conclude that in the above
diagram the lower horizontal map is injective. Therefore the same will be true
for the upper one and we see that N is a at R-module.
is commutative. Furthermore, the tensor product A R A of two R-algebras
A and A can be constructed in the setting of R-modules, but is also a ring
under the multiplication
(a b) (c d) = ac bd,
R - A R A , a - a 1 = 1 a,
Lemma 6. Let A and A be R-algebras. Then the canonical R-algebra homo-
: A - A R A , a -a 1,
: A - A R A , a - 1 a ,
? -
A R A - A
is commutative.
for a A , a A . To show the existence of , look at the R-bilinear map
RX R R - R X, f a - a f,
(RX/a) R R - R X/aR X, f a - a f .
: RX R R - R X, f a - a f.
R - RX R R , a - 1 a ,
R X - RX R R , X - X 1,
using the universal property of polynomial rings. It is easy to verify that
and are mutually inverse isomorphisms and, in fact, isomorphisms of R- or
R -algebras. Alternatively, we could have based our argument on the fact that
R X satises the universal property of the tensor product RX R R , in the
sense of R-algebras.
For the second isomorphism use 4.2/2.
1. If R is a coherent ring (1.5/8), show that any localization RS is coherent as well.
2. Let X = (Xi )iI be an innite family of variables. Show that the polynomial ring
KX over a eld K is coherent (1.5/8), but not Noetherian.
3. Show for ideals a, b R that R/a R R/b R/(a + b). Deduce from this that
Z/mZ Z Z/nZ Z/gcd(m, n)Z for any integers m, n Z.
4. Show that Q( 2) Q Q( 3) is a eld, whereas
Q( 2) Q Q( 2)is not, because
the latter Q-algebra is isomorphic to Q( 2)X/(X 2 2) Q( 2) Q( 2).
5. Show that a morphism of R-modules M - N is injective (resp. surjective,
resp. bijective) if and only if the induced morphism Mm - Nm is injective
(resp. surjective, resp. bijective) for all maximal ideals m R or, alternatively,
for all prime ideals m R.
6. Compatibility of tensor products with extension of coecients: Given R-modules
M, N and a ring morphism R - R , show that there is a canonical isomorphism
(M R N ) R R (M R R ) R (N R R ).
7. For nitely generated modules M, N over a local ring R, show that M R N = 0
implies M = 0 or N = 0. Hint: Use Exercise 6 above.
8. Universal property of coecient extensions: Let R - R be a ring morphism
and consider an R-module M as well as an R -module N . Write N/R for the
R-module obtained from N by restricting coecients to R and show that there
is a canonical bijection
HomR (M R R , N ) - HomR (M, N )./R
Proof. If
Rn - M - 0
Rm - Rn - M - 0
are exact sequences of R-modules, then the sequences obtained by tensoring
with R over R are exact by 4.2/1. Using the fact that the isomorphisms
Rm R R (R )m and Rn R R (R )n furnished by 4.1/9 are, in fact, iso-
morphisms of R -modules, assertions (i) and (ii) are clear.
Now let M be a at R-module. To establish (iii), we have to show for every
monomorphism of R -modules E - E that the tensorized map
E R (R R M ) - E R (R R M )
is injective as well. To do this, look at the commutative diagram
E R (R R M ) - E R (R R M )
? ?
E R M - E R M
where the vertical maps are the canonical isomorphisms from 4.3/2. Since M is
a at R-module, the lower horizontal homomorphism is injective and the same
holds for the upper horizontal one.
132 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
and it is enough to show that ker is nitely generated. Clearly, the tensorized
(R )n - M R R - 0
is exact and ker( idR ) is of nite type by 1.5/7, the same being true for
(ker ) R R , due to 4.2/5. But then the reversed version of (i) shows that
ker is of nite type, and we see that M is of nite presentation.
For the reversed version of (iii), assume that M R R is at over R , keeping
the assumption that R - R is faithfully at. To see that M is at over R,
consider a monomorphism of R-modules E - E and look at the tensorized
map E R M - E R M , which must be shown to be a monomorphism, too.
Since R is at over R, the map R R E - R R E is injective and, since
M R R is at over R , the same is true for the map
Using 4.3/2 in conjunction with 4.1/7, the latter can canonically be identied
with the map
R R (E R M ) - R R (E R M ),
obtained from E R M - E R M by tensoring with R over R. Since R is
faithfully at over R, we conclude from 4.2/11 that E R M - E R M is
injective, as desired. Consequently, M is a at R-module.
Finally, let M R R be a faithfully at R -module. If R - R is faithfully
at, we know already that M is at. To show that M is even faithfully at,
consider an R-module E such that E R M = 0. Using 4.3/2 we get
(E R R ) R (M R R ) E R (M R R ) (E R M ) R R = 0.
4.4 Faithfully Flat Descent of Module Properties 133
We just have seen that the properties for a module to be of nite type, of
nite presentation, at, or faithfully at behave well with respect to arbitrary
extension of coecients, but also with respect to the reverse process of descent,
when the coecient extension is faithfully at. One may ask if the same is true
for the property of a module to be free. Of course, for a free R-module M and
an arbitrary coecient extension R - R , the resulting R -module M R R
is free by 4.1/9. On the other hand, if M R R admits a free generating system,
for example a nite free one, it is not necessarily true that M has the same
property, even if R - R is faithfully at; see the example we give at the
end of this section. A property that is better adapted to descent is the one of
being locally free, which we want to discuss now. For the necessary details on
localizations of rings we refer to Section 1.2.
Denition 2. An R-module M is called locally free of nite rank if, for every
x Spec R, there is some f R such that f (x) = 0 and Mf = M R Rf is a
nite free 1 Rf -module.
Proof of Proposition 3. We start with the implication (i) = (ii). Therefore let
M be locally free of nite rank. Then, for any x Spec R, there is an element
fx R such that fx (x) = 0 and Mfx is a nite free Rfx -module; as usual,
Mfx and Rfx denote the localizations of M and R by the multiplicative system
A nite free module is meant as a free module admitting a nite generating system; the
latter amounts to the fact that it admits a nite free generating system.
134 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
Tensoring the latter over R with Rm and using the atness of Rm over R, we
obtain the exact sequence
0 - (ker ) R Rm - Rm
n - M R Rm - (coker ) R Rm - 0.
5. For a ring R let L(R) denote the set of isomorphism classes of locally free
R-modules of nite rank.
(a) Show that L(R) becomes a monoid, when the multiplication is dened by the
tensor product. For example, L(R) = (N, ) if R is a principal ideal domain or a
local ring.
(b) Let Pic(R) L(R) be the group of invertible elements; it is called the Picard
group of R. Show that Pic(R) consists of all locally free R-modules of rank 1, i.e.
of all M L(R) such that Mm Rm for all maximal ideals m R.
(c) Show that the inverse of any M Pic(R) is given by HomR (M, R).
Hint: For (c) use Exercise 4.3/9.
138 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
(1) All sets together with maps in the usual sense as morphisms form a
category, denoted by Set.
(2) All groups together with group homomorphisms form a category, de-
noted by Grp. Likewise, all rings together with ring homomorphisms form a
category, denoted by Ring.
(3) For a ring R, all R-modules together with R-module homomorphisms
form a category, denoted by R-Mod. Given two objects M , N in this category,
the set of morphisms M - N is denoted by HomR (M, N ), as before. This
set can be canonically interpreted as an R-module again, using the R-module
structure of N .
(4) If C is a category, we can consider the associated dual category C0 where
Ob(C0 ) = Ob(C) and HomC0 (X, Y ) = HomC (Y, X) for objects X, Y . The com-
position of two morphisms X - Y and Y - Z in C0 is done by composing
Note that a collection, like a set, groups together certain mathematical objects. However,
it is not required that a collection respects the axioms of a set, as considered in set theory.
4.5 Categories and Functors 139
is commutative. Such morphisms are generally referred to as S-morphisms in
C. Usually, S-objects are denoted by symbols like X or Y again, and the set of
S-morphisms between them by HomS (X, Y ).
(6) Switching to the dual setting and xing an object R of a category C, we
can dene the category CR of all objects under R. Then Ob(CR ) is the collection
of all morphisms of type R - X where X varies over the objects of C. For
two such objects R - X and R - Y , let Hom(R - X, R - Y ) be
the set of all morphisms X - Y in HomC (X, Y ) such that the diagram
X - Y
is commutative. Such morphisms are referred to as morphisms under R or also
as R-morphisms in C. A typical example of such a category is the category
R-Alg of R-algebras under a xed ring R.
T - W
is commutative.
If it exists, the ber product W is unique up to canonical isomorphism and
will be denoted by X S Y .
140 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
W - T
is commutative.
4.5 Categories and Functors 141
A1 - A1 R A2 , a - a 1,
A2 - A1 R A2 , b - 1 b,
is a typical example of an amalgamated sum; see 4.3/6 for the universal prop-
erty. To illustrate the interplay between amalgamated sums and ber products,
let us consider the category C = Ring of all rings and its dual category C0 . The
latter plays a central role in Algebraic Geometry. Namely, for any ring
R Ob(C), one can consider its associated ane scheme, which is a so-called
ringed space. By abuse of notation, this ringed space is denoted by Spec R and
consists indeed, as main ingredient, of the set of all prime ideals in R, viewed
as a topological space under the Zariski topology. But, in addition, it incorpo-
rates all localizations Rf of R by elements f R, where the elements of Rf
are interpreted as functions on the open set D(f ) = {x Spec R ; f (x) = 0}.
It is crucial that the ring R we started with can be reconstructed from the
ringed space Spec R and that morphisms of ane schemes Spec R - Spec R
correspond bijectively to ring homomorphisms R - R. In other words, the
category of ane schemes, together with their morphisms, can be interpreted
as the dual C0 of the category C of rings. For details see Chapter 6 and, in par-
ticular, 6.6/12. The existence of tensor products in C implies then the existence
of ber products in C0 , in the sense that for R-algebras A1 and A2 we have
Next let us address the subject of functors between categories, which play
the role of maps within this context.
M - M R R ,
(f : M - N) - (f idR : M R R - N R R ),
F (X) - G(X)
F (f ) G(f )
? ?
F (Y ) - G(Y )
is commutative. Two functors F, G : C -
D are called equivalent or isomor-
phic if there exists a functorial isomorphism : F - G; by the latter we mean
a functorial morphism such that X is an isomorphism for all X Ob(C). Fi-
nally, two categories C, D are called equivalent if there are functors F : C - D
and G : D - C such that G F is equivalent to the identity on C and F G
equivalent to the identity on D.
1. Let F : C1 - C2 and G : C2 - C3 be functors between categories. Show that
G F : C1 - C3 is again a functor. Taking into account that there exists the
identity functor idC : C - C on any category C, can we talk about the category
of all categories?
2. For two categories C1 , C2 construct (up to set-theoretical diculties) the cat-
egory Hom(C1 , C2 ) of all (covariant) functors C1 - C2 , where a morphism
: F - G between two such functors is understood as a functorial morphism.
In particular, show for functors F, G, H : C1 - C2 and functorial morphisms
: F - G and : G - H that the formula ( )X = X X for
X Ob(C1 ) can be used to dene the composition of and . Furthermore, note
that there is the identity functorial morphism idF on F given by (idF )X = idF (X)
for any object X in C1 .
As an example, x a group G and write G for the one-point category with mor-
phisms (including their compositions) given by the group G, as well as Ab for the
category of abelian groups. Show that Hom(G, Ab) is the category of G-modules,
i.e. of Z-modules that are equipped with a G-action.
3. Construct amalgamated sums in the categories of sets Set and abelian groups
4. Consider a functor F : R-Mod - R-Mod on the category of modules over a
xed ring R by setting F (M ) = HomR (HomR (M, R), R) for objects M of R-Mod
and by dening F in the obvious way on morphisms of R-Mod. Construct a
functorial morphism idR-Mod - F between the identity functor on R-Mod
and the functor F , which is an isomorphism when restricted to the subcategory
of nite free R-modules in R-Mod.
5. Dene the cartesian product of two categories. Show for rings R, R that there is
an equivalence of categories R-Mod R -Mod - (R R )-Mod.
4.6 Faithfully Flat Descent of Modules and their Morphisms 143
p M = M R R
The notations p M and p have the advantage that they spell out in an explicit
way, how to view R as an R-module in the occurring tensor products. For
questions of descent, this is of essential importance, as we will see below. Also
note that if p : R - R is decomposable into the product r s of two ring
homomorphisms r and s , there is a canonical isomorphism p M r (s M )
for R-modules M by 4.3/2. In the following such isomorphisms will occur as
identications, just writing p M = r (s M ). In the same way we will proceed
with pull-backs of morphisms.
Now let us start descent theory by discussing the descent of module mor-
p1 : R - R R R , a - a 1,
p2 : R - R R R , a - 1 a ,
144 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
q = p1 p = p2 p : R - R R R
is exact.
Proof of Lemma 2. To check the exactness of the above diagram, we can use
4.2/11 and thereby tensor it with a faithfully at R-algebra R - A. Then
the exactness of the diagram
A - R R A - R R R R A,
where we have used 4.3/2. It follows that the preceding diagram is of the same
type as the one mentioned in the assertion, namely
4.6 Faithfully Flat Descent of Modules and their Morphisms 145
A - A - A ,
: R R R - R , a b - a b .
im p ker(p1 , p2 ),
so that im p = ker(p1 , p2 ).
- p M -
M -q M
? ? ??
- p N -
N -q N
where the rows are exact by Lemma 2 and where the vertical maps have still
to be specied. We start with a morphism of R-modules : M - N and
consider the morphism of R -modules p : p M - p N obtained from by
tensoring with R . It makes the left-hand square commutative, and we see from
the injectivity of N - p N that p : HomR (M, N ) - HomR (p M, p N )
is injective. Furthermore, the relation p1 p = p2 p implies that the image
im p is contained in the kernel of
HomR (p M, p N ) - HomR (q M, q N ).
p : R-Mod - R -Mod
p1 : R - R R R , a - a 1,
p2 : R - R R R , a - 1 a ,
p23 : R R R - R R R R R , a b - 1 a b ,
p13 : R R R - R R R R R , a b - a 1 b ,
p12 : R R R - R R R R R , a b - a b 1,
where, switching to the dual category of ane schemes, the latter maps can be
interpreted as the canonical projections
: p1 M - p M
the cocycle condition requires that the dierent possible pull-backs of a descent
datum to the level of R = R R R R R , namely by coecient extension
via the pij , are compatible. To give a trivial example, start with an R-module
M and set M = p M . Then the canonical isomorphism
p1 M = p1 p M - (p p1 ) M = (p p2 ) M p2 p M = p2 M
yields a descent datum on p M , the so-called trivial descent datum. In this case,
all isomorphisms entering into the cocycle condition are canonical so that the
required commutativity holds for trivial reasons.
p1 M - p M
p1 f p2 f
? ?
p1 N - p N
is commutative.
: R-Mod - R -Mod-DD,
M - p M,
: p1 M - p M .
Spec R
- 6
(t1 ,t2 )
T - Spec R
Spec R
a well-dened morphism (t1 , t2 ) : T - Spec R , which corresponds to the
product map
R - S, a b - t a t b .
1 2
ti : T - Spec R , i = 1, 2, 3,
Proof. The relation t1 ,t3 = t2 ,t3 t1 ,t2 is immediately clear from the above
type of diagrams if satises the cocycle condition. To show the converse, apply
150 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
the relation mentioned in the lemma to T = Spec R and the possible three
projections ti : T - Spec R .
p1 f p2 f
? ?
p1 p M ===== p2 p M
is commutative. To achieve this, observe that the cocycle condition of in the
version of Lemma 6, applied to the morphisms
p1 , p2 , t3 = p p1 = p p2 : Spec R - Spec R ,
p1 ,t3 = p2 ,t3 p1 ,p2 ,
where p1 ,p2 = , since (p1 , p2 ) : Spec R - Spec R is the identity map.
Furthermore, writing (pi , t3 ) for i = 1, 2 as a composition
(pi ,t3 )
Spec R - Spec R Spec R Spec R
- (t,t)=(id,p)
Spec R
pi f = pi t,t = pi ,t3 .
Therefore the above cocycle relation reads
p1 f = p2 f
and we see that, indeed, f is compatible with descent data as claimed.
4.6 Faithfully Flat Descent of Modules and their Morphisms 151
where there is no reason for the latter to be commutative. Since tensor prod-
ucts are signicant only up to canonical isomorphism, we can view as an
identication, thereby arriving at the diagram
M - M R R ,
1 2
R - R R R
R - R
with an R -module M and an R -module M is called cocartesian if the
R -bilinear map
152 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
satises the universal property of the tensor product R R M . For a diagram
with multiple horizontal maps, as in our case, cocartesian means that this prop-
erty holds for all arrows at the same position upstairs and downstairs. Thus, in
our case, cocartesian amounts to the condition that M R R is an R -module,
which can be interpreted through both maps M - M R R as a coe-
cient extension from M , namely with respect to the maps p1 : R
- R and
p2 : R -
R . Also note that if we consider the cocartesian diagram
M - M
R - R
: M R R - M R R M .
p1 p13
R - R R R - R R R R R
p2 p12
where the morphisms of the rst row satisfy relations just as the ones in the
second row, namely
R - R
4.6 Faithfully Flat Descent of Modules and their Morphisms 153
such that the morphisms in the rst row satisfy relations just as the ones in the
second row, namely p p1 = p p2 and p1 p = p2 p .
R - R R R .
R R R - R R R R R .
which together with the previous one yields a cocartesian diagram as stated in
the assertion. The additional relations are clear from the construction.
Conversely, look at a cocartesian diagram as specied in the assertion. Then
the general explanations above show that the left part of the diagram determines
an isomorphism of (R R R )-modules : p1 M - p2 M , whereas the right
part together with the required relations implies that satises the cocycle
condition and therefore is a descent datum. Indeed, one can deduce from the
given relations that the canonical isomorphisms () are compatible with the
derived from the right part of the diagram. From this one easily deduces a
commutative diagram as required for the cocycle condition in Denition 3.
Finally, for an R-module M , a descent datum : p1 M - p2 M on
M = p M is trivial if and only if the canonical diagram
154 4. Extension of Coecients and Descent
p1 p M
p2 p M
is commutative. The latter amounts to the fact that in the cocartesian diagram
M - M - M R R
R - R - R R R
both compositions of the rst row coincide and, thus, satisfy the relation spec-
ied in the assertion.
Now we have gathered all auxiliary means in order to nish the proof of
Theorem 5. Considering a descent datum on M , given by a cocartesian diagram
- -
M - M R R -
- M R R R R
- -
R - R R R -
- R R R R R ,
remains exact, when we tensor it over R with some R-module M . Thus, if the
above descent datum is induced from an R-module M , then M is necessarily
isomorphic to the kernel K = ker(M - M R R ). On the other hand, it is
enough for the proof of Theorem 5 to show that the diagram
K - M - M R R
R - R - R R R
is cocartesian. To check the latter condition, we can use 4.2/11 and thereby
are allowed to apply a faithfully at coecient extension to the diagram. For
example, taking p : R - R as a coecient extension, we are reduced to the
case where p : R - R admits a retraction. But then, by Lemma 7, there
exists an R-module M that we might insert instead of K in the above diagram
such that the resulting diagram
4.6 Faithfully Flat Descent of Modules and their Morphisms 155
M - M - M R R
R - R - R R R
is cocartesian. It follows that M is canonically identied with K and that the
diagram involving K is cocartesian.
1. Let R - R be an extension of degree > 1 of elds. Show that the functor
R-Mod - R -Mod, M - M R R , is faithful, essentially surjective, but
not fully faithful.
2. Let p : R - R be a faithfully at morphism of rings. Assume there exists
a non-free R-module M such that M = M R R is nite free, say with free
generators x1 , . . . , xn . Show that the morphism of R -modules
: p1 M = M R R - R R M = p M ,
together with so-called gluing data (see also 7.1/1), by which we mean isomor-
phisms ij : Mi R Rfj - Mj R Rfi of Rfi fj -modules satisfying the cocycle
ik R Rfj = (jk R Rfi ) (ij R Rfk )
for all indices i, j, k; view the occurring maps as morphisms of Rfi fj fk -modules.
Furthermore, a morphism (Mi ) - (Ni ) between two objects of R -Mod-G
with gluing data (ij ) and (ij ) consists of a family of Rfi -module morphisms
i : Mi - Ni , i = 1, . . . , n, that is compatible with the gluing data in the sense
that for all indices i, j the diagram
Mi R Rfj - Mj R Rfi
i Rfj j Rfi
? ij ?
Ni R Rfj - Nj R R f
is commutative.
5. Galois descent: Let R - R be a nite Galois extension of elds, write for
the attached Galois group, and x an R -vector space M . Consider actions of
on M such that ( x) = () (x) for elements , coecients R ,
and vectors x M . Show:
(a) Actions of this type correspond bijectively to descent data on M with respect
to R - R .
(b) The xed part M = {x M ; (x) = x for all } of M is an R-vector
space such that the canonical R -linear map M R R - M is an isomorphism.
Hint: If necessary, consult [5], Example 6.2/B, and dualize the arguments.
5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
obtained by tensoring with E over R is right exact, but maybe not exact in
terms of a short exact sequence. Indeed, unless E is at over R (see 4.2/3), the
map idE might have a non-trivial kernel. For example, let us look at an
exact sequence of type
() 0 - R - R - R/(a) - 0
the latter being called the submodule of a-torsion in E. Clearly, this torsion
module can be non-trivial, as the example E = R/(a) shows.
Returning to the general case of a short exact sequence () as above, one
might ask if there is a natural way to characterize the kernel of the morphism
idE : M R E - M R E.
... - TorR
2 (M , E)
- M R E - M R E - M R E - 0.
The latter sequence behaves functorially in any reasonable way, namely for exact
sequences of type () on the level of the rst variable, but also for morphisms
on the level of the second variable. In particular, there is an isomorphism
coker TorR - TorR (M , E) ker(M R E - M R E).
1 (M, E) 1
the latter is the case if all members Mn of the resolution M satisfy certain nice
properties, such as being projective. Every free module is projective (see 5.1/7).
Therefore the existence of projective homological resolutions is a triviality. Using
such resolutions, we will explain the general construction of left derived functors
in 5.1, while the particular case of tensor products will be dealt with in 5.2.
For a given covariant additive functor F : R-Mod - R-Mod, the right
derived functors F can be constructed similarly as the left derived functors. One
only has to pass to the dual or cohomological situation where all arrows have
been reversed. So for any R-module M we consider a cohomological resolution
M of M given by an exact sequence of R-modules
f dn1 dn
0 - M - M0 - ... - M n1 - Mn - M n+1 - ...
and set
F n (M ) = ker F (dn ) / im F (dn1 ) , n N.
Again, for F n to be well-dened, we have to assume that the members of the
resolution M are suitably chosen, for example, to be injective, which is the
cohomological counterpart of projective. Although the transfer from homologi-
cal to cohomological resolutions is a purely formal procedure reversing arrows,
the existence of injective cohomological resolutions is a non-trivial result that
requires a laborious proof; see 5.3. Finally, for a contravariant additive functor
F : R-Mod - R-Mod its derived functors are constructed viewing it as a
covariant additive functor on the category opposite to the one of R-modules.
Thus, in this case, the left derived functors of F are obtained using cohomo-
logical resolutions, whereas the right derived functors of F use homological
resolutions. As an example, we study in 5.4 the right derived functors of the
Hom functor, namely the so-called Ext functors.
Hn = Zn /Bn
the nth homology or the nth homology module of the complex. We will use the
notation M for such a chain complex and write more specically Hn (M ) for
its homology. In many cases, complexes
will satisfy Mn = 0 for all n < 0.
Viewing M as a direct sum nZ Mn , we can combine the homomorphisms
d n : Mn - Mn1 , also known as boundary maps, to yield an R-module ho-
momorphism d : M - M . The latter is said to be of degree 1, since its
application lowers the index of each direct summand by 1. In most cases, we
will just write d instead of dn .
Passing to the dual notion of a chain complex, we arrive at the notion of a
cochain complex M . It is of type
dn1 dn
... - M n1 - Mn - M n+1 - ...
its n-coboundaries by
B n = im(M n1 - M n) M n,
H n (M ) = Z n /B n .
fn fn1
? d
Nn - Nn1
is commutative for all n Z. In particular, we can consider sequences of complex
homomorphisms of type
0 - M - M - M - 0,
calling such a sequence exact if, for each level n Z, the sequence
0 - Mn - Mn - Mn - 0
is exact.
5.1 Complexes, Homology, and Cohomology 161
Proof. Let us start by a preliminary remark and exemplarily consider the com-
plex M where we write in more precise terms
dn+1 dn
... - Mn+1 - Mn - Mn1 - ... .
Then, using im dn+1 ker dn and im dn ker dn1 , the sequence induces a
dn : coker dn+1 - ker dn1 Mn1
where, apparently,
? ? ?
0 - ker dn - ker dn - ker dn
? ? ?
fn gn
0 - Mn - Mn - Mn - 0
dn dn d
? ? ?
fn1 gn1
0 - Mn1 - Mn1 - Mn1 - 0
? ? ?
coker dn - coker dn - coker dn - 0
? ? ?
0 0 0
Applying the above remark to M , M , and M , induces a diagram
162 5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
0 0 0
? ? ?
Hn (M ) - Hn (M ) - Hn (M )
? ? ?
coker dn+1 - coker dn+1 - coker dn+1 - 0
dn dn d
? ? ?
0 - ker dn1 - ker dn1 - ker dn1
? ? ?
Hn1 (M ) - Hn1 (M ) - Hn1 (M )
? ? ?
0 0 0
where the columns are exact and the same is true for the second and the third
rows. But then the Snake Lemma yields the assertion of the proposition.
Corollary 2. Let
f g
0 - M - M - M - 0
be an exact sequence of chain complexes. If the homology of two of the complexes
M , M , M is trivial, the same holds for the third complex as well.
- ...
- TorR - TorR - TorR
1 (M , E) 1 (M, E) 1 (M , E)
- M R E - M R E - M R E - 0
5.1 Complexes, Homology, and Cohomology 163
which turns out to be a long exact homology sequence in the setting of Propo-
sition 1.
We have already seen in Proposition 1 and its proof that a complex ho-
momorphism f : M - N induces a family Hn (f ) : Hn (M ) - Hn (N )
of homomorphisms on the level of homology. Given two such homomorphisms
f, g : M - N , one is interested in conditions assuring Hn (f ) = Hn (g) for all
n. Sucient for this, but in general not necessary, is the existence of a so-called
homotopy between f and g.
? ? ?
Hn (f ), Hn (g) : Hn (M ) - Hn (N ), n Z,
... - M2 - M1 - M0 - 0
? ? ?
... - 0 - 0 - M - 0,
inducing an isomorphism on the level of homology.
164 5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
F (M ) - F (M ) - F (M ) - 0
F: M - M R E,
for a xed R-module E; see 4.2/1. In the following we will construct the so-
called left derived functors of F , the Tor functors in the case of the example.
The process is quite simple. Given an R-module M , resolve it by R-modules
behaving well with respect to F in a certain sense, apply the functor F to the
resolution and consider the homology modules of the resulting complex. For
this to work well, we need projective resolutions; i.e. resolutions by projective
modules which are dened as follows.
M - M - 0
0 - ker - F - P - 0
is split. Indeed, due to the projectivity of P , the identity map idP : P -P
factors through F and, thus, admits a section. Therefore F is isomorphic to the
direct sum P ker and we see that P is a direct summand of a free module.
Let us add that an R-module M is projective and of nite type if and only
if it is locally free of nite rank in the sense of 4.4/2; see Exercise 5 below. Thus,
in 4.4/3, one may add as a fourth equivalent condition M to be projective of
nite type.
Proof. Choose a generating system (xi )iI of M and let M0 = R(I) . Then the
homomorphism M0 - M mapping the canonical free generating system of
M0 onto the system (xi )iI is surjective and the construction may be repeated
for the kernel of this map. Continuing this way, we arrive at a free homological
resolution of M .
? ?
N - N
is commutative.
(ii) If f, f : M - N are complex homomorphisms as in (i), they are
... - M2 - M1 - M0 - M - 0
f2 f1 f0
? ? ? ?
... - N2 - N1 - N0 0 - N -
... - M2 - M1 - M0 - M - 0
h2 h1 h0 h1
g2 g1 g0 0
? ? ? ?
... - N2 - N1 - N0 - N - 0
d g1 d h0 d = d g1 (g0 h1 d) d = d g1 g0 d = 0.
F : R-Mod - R-Mod
on the category of R-modules that is additive. As we have seen the latter means
that, for any R-modules M and N , the map
HomR (M, N ) - HomR F (M ), F (N )
5.1 Complexes, Homology, and Cohomology 167
p i = idA , q j = idB ,
q i = 0, p j = 0,
i p + j q = idAB .
Hn F (f ) : Hn F (M ) - Hn F (N )
In general, we will assume that the functor F , besides being covariant and
additive, is right exact.
Remark 11. Let F be a covariant additive functor with left derived functors
Fn , n N, on the category of R-modules. Then:
(i) If F is right exact, F0 = F .
(ii) If M is a projective R-module, Fn (M ) = 0 for n 1.
Proof. Let F be right exact and let M be an R-module with a projective reso-
lution M - M , say, given by the exact sequence
... - M1 - M0 - M - 0.
F (M1 ) - F (M0 ) - F (M ) - 0
0 - M - M - M - 0
... - Fn (M ) - Fn (M ) - Fn (M ) - Fn1 (M ) - ...
... - F0 (M ) - F0 (M ) - F0 (M ) - 0 .
.. .. ..
. . .
? ? ?
0 - M1 - M1 M1 - M1 - 0
? ? ?
0 - M0 - M0 M0 - M0 - 0
? ? ?
0 - M - M - M - 0
? ? ?
0 0 0
with exact rows and columns where the left and right columns are given by
the resolutions M - M and M - M . The bottom row consists of the
given exact sequence involving the modules M , M, M and the rows at positions
above the bottom row are the canonical short exact sequences associated to the
direct sums Mn Mn . It remains to specify the maps of the central column.
We want to construct them in such a way that we get a projective resolution
of M . To dene , consider the composition : M0 - M - M and lift
: M0 -
M to a homomorphism : M0 - M , using the projectivity
of M0 . Then the map
induced by the row above the last one is exact. Departing from this sequence
and proceeding similarly as we have done with , we can construct a map
d1 : M1 M1 - M M with image ker , making the squares adjacent to
0 0
d1 commutative. Continuing this way, the central column becomes, indeed, a
homological resolution M of M which, in addition, is projective, due to the fact
that Mn and Mn and, hence, Mn Mn are projective. Thus, we have obtained
from the exact sequence
() 0 - M - M - M - 0
an exact sequence
0 - M - M - M - 0
() 0 - F (M ) - F (M ) - F (M ) - 0
of complexes which remains exact, since F is additive and, hence, respects direct
sums in the sense that, for all n N, it transforms the canonical exact sequence
Remark 13. In the situation of Proposition 12, the construction of the long
exact homology sequence depends functorially on the exact sequence
0 - M - M - M - 0.
0 - M - M - M - 0
? ? ?
0 - N - N - N - 0
with exact rows canonically yields a commutative diagram
. . . Fn+1 (M ) - Fn (M ) - Fn (M ) - Fn (M ) - Fn1 (M ) . . .
? ? ? ? ?
... Fn+1 (N ) - Fn (N ) - Fn (N ) - Fn (N ) - Fn1 (N ) ...
between associated long exact homology sequences such that the properties of a
functor (from the category of short exact sequences of R-modules to the category
of long exact sequences of R-modules) are satised.
Proof. It follows from Lemma 9 that the vertical maps between the two long
exact homology sequences are unique and depend canonically on the maps be-
tween the modules M , M, M and N , N, N . To show that the squares of the
diagram of the long exact homology sequences are commutative, we must know
that the maps occurring in the Snake Lemma 1.5/1 depend in a functorial way
on the involved modules and homomorphisms. However, the latter is clear, since
the formation of the kernels ker and cokernels coker of module homomorphisms
is functorial.
5.1 Complexes, Homology, and Cohomology 171
1. Give an example of two complex homomorphisms f, g : M - N that are not
homotopic although they induce the same morphisms Hn (f ) = Hn (g), n Z, on
the level of homology.
2. Show that any direct sum of projective R-modules is projective.
3. Show that every projective R-module is at. Is the converse of this true as well?
4. Let M be a projective R-module and let S R be a multiplicative subset. Show
that the localization M R RS is a projective RS -module.
5. Show that an R-module M is projective of nite type if and only if it is locally
free of nite rank.
Hints: First assume that M is projective of nite type. Deduce that M is a direct
factor of a nite free R-module and conclude that M is of nite presentation.
Now use 4.4/3 (ii) in conjunction with Exercise 3 above to see that M is locally
free of nite rank.
Conversely, consider elements f1 , . . . , fr R generating the unit ideal in R such
that M R Rfi is nite free for all i. Writing R = Rf1 . . . Rfr show that
M R R is projective. Finally, use that the canonical morphism R - R is
faithfully at (as in the proof of 4.4/3) and conclude that M is projective of nite
For further details see Bourbaki [6], II.5.2, Thm. 1 and, in particular, [6], II.3.6,
Prop. 12.
6. The projective dimension pd(M ) of any R-module M is dened as the minimum of
all integers d such that there exists a projective resolution M - M satisfying
Mn = 0 for all n > d. If no such resolution exists, we put pd(M ) = . Show for
R-modules M, N that pd(M N ) = max(pd(M ), pd(N )).
7. Let F : R-Mod - R-Mod be a covariant functor on the category of R-modules
that is additive and right exact. Show that F is exact if and only if the left derived
functors Fn , n > 0, are trivial. The latter is equivalent to the fact that F1 is trivial.
For example, consider a multiplicative subset S R and let F be the functor
that associates to any R-module M its localization MS , viewed as an R-module.
Determine the left derived functors of F .
8. Computing homology via acyclic resolutions: As before, let F be a covariant ad-
ditive and right exact functor on the category of R-modules. Let F0 , F1 , . . . be
its left derived functors. An R-module A is called F -acyclic if Fn (A) = 0 for all
n > 0. Likewise, a homological resolution A - M of some R-module M is
called F -acyclic if all R-modules An are F -acyclic. For such a resolution, show
that there are canonical isomorphisms Fn (M ) - Hn (F (A )), n N, and that
these are functorial in M . Hence, the left derived functors of F can be computed
using F -acyclic homological resolutions.
Hints: Consider a projective resolution P - M and generalize Lemma 9
by showing that there exists a complex homomorphism f : P - A , unique
up to homotopy, such that H0 (f ) equals the identity on M . Constructing the
f n : Pn - An step by step and adapting the Pn if necessary, the fn can be
assumed to be surjective. Then, dening K as the kernel of f , one gets a
172 5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
R E : R-Mod - R-Mod, M - M R E
for a xed R-module E. Note that this is a covariant additive functor which is
right exact due to 4.2/1.
0 - M - M - M - 0
... - TorR
2 (M , E)
- M R E - M R E - M R E - 0.
R E - R E.
5.2 The Tor Modules 173
n (M, E) = Hn (M R E ).
.. .. ..
. . .
? ? ?
0 M 2 R E 0 M2 R E1 M2 R E 2 ...
? d ? ?
0 M 1 R E 0 M1 R E1 M1 R E 2 ...
? ? ?
0 M 0 R E 0 M0 R E1 M0 R E 2 ...
? ? ?
0 0 0
(M R E )n = Mp R E q , n Z,
dn = d + d : (M R E )n - (M R E )n1
where d = (1)p d on the row with index p of the double complex. To show
that we really get a complex, imagine replacing d by d in the above diagram.
Then the squares become anticommutative in the sense that d d + d d = 0
and we observe that d d = 0, as claimed.
174 5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
M R E - M R E and M R E - M R E
M R E - M R E, M R E - M R E
Hn (M R E) Hn (M R E ) - Hn (M R E ), n N.
0 - N - N - N - 0
... - TorR
2 (M, N )
- M R N - M R N - M R N - 0.
.. .. ..
. . .
? ? ?
0 M 2 R E 0 M2 R E1 M2 R E 2 ...
? d ? ?
0 M 1 R E 0 M1 R E1 M1 R E 2 ...
? ? ?
0 M 0 R E 0 M0 R E1 M0 R E 2 ...
? ? ?
0 M R E 0 M R E1 M R E 2 ...
? ? ?
0 0 0
where the bottom row is the complex M R E and the upper part coincides
with the double complex associated to M and E , as discussed above. Since a
projective module, as a direct summand of a free module, is at by 4.2/6, we
get from 4.2/4 exactness properties in the diagram as follows:
(i) All rows are exact at positions with column index q > 0, except for the
bottom row.
(ii) All columns are exact.
Now look at the complex homomorphism M R E - M R E and the
induced homomorphisms
n : Hn (M R E ) - Hn (M R E ), n N.
x Zn (M R E ) M R En .
d : M0 R En - M0 R En1
is contained in
ker(M0 R En1 - M R En1 ) = im(M1 R En1 - M0 R En1 ).
and so on. The process ends with some element xn,0 Mn R E0 and we see
that, by our construction,
x0,n . . . xn,0 Zn (M R E ).
x0,n . . . xn,0 Bn (M R E ),
and we see that x1,n1 (1)1 d (y1,n ) admits a preimage y2,n1 M2 R En1 .
Repeating this construction, we nally arrive at an element
such that
d(y0,n+1 . . . yn+1,0 ) = x0,n . . . xn,0
and it follows x0,n . . . xn,0 Bn (M R E ), which justies our claim.
Let us point out that there is a more convenient way of proving Proposition 3
by using the advanced technical tool of so-called spectral sequences, namely
the spectral sequence associated to the double complex under consideration.
5.2 The Tor Modules 177
However, as we will not touch this subject, our proof of the proposition had to
be done by hand.
Next we want to give a characterization of atness in terms of Tor modules.
To begin with, observe the following fact.
Remark 6. Let M and N be R-modules and assume that one of them is pro-
n (M, N ) = 0 for n 1.
jective or, more generally, at. Then TorR
Proof. The implication (i) = (ii) is a consequence of Remark 6 and the impli-
cations (ii) = (iii) = (iv) are trivial.
Next assume condition (iv). In order to derive (iii), consider an R-module
N of nite type, say with a set of generators of length s 1. We show by
induction on s that TorR1 (M, N ) = 0. If s = 1, there is an element x N such
that N = Rx. Then the map
R - N, a - ax,
is surjective and its kernel yields an ideal a R such that N R/a. We claim
that TorR R
1 (M, N ) = Tor1 (M, R/a) = 0.
If a is nitely generated, we know TorR 1 (M, N ) = 0 from (iv). Otherwise we
look at the long exact Tor sequence
. . . TorR - TorR (M, R/a) - M R a - M R R = M -
1 (M, R) 1 ....
Since R, as an R-module, is free, we have TorR
1 (M, R) = 0 due to Remark 6,
thereby obtaining an isomorphism
TorR - ker(M R a -
1 (M, R/a) M ).
For every nitely generated ideal a a the composition of canonical maps
M R a - M R a - M
is injective, since we haveTorR
1 (M, R/a )= 0 by (iv). Now if z = ri=1 mi ai
is an element of the kernel of M R a - M , let a = (a1 , . . . , ar ) R be the
z = mi ai ,
0 - N - N - N - 0
shows TorR
1 (M, N ) = 0, as desired.
To pass from condition (iii) to (i), let N - N be an injective homomor-
phism of R-modules and look at the associated exact sequence
0 - N - N - N - 0
where N = N/N . In order to see that M is at, we must show that the
tensorized map M R N - M R N is injective. To do this, assume for a
moment that N is nitely generated. Then N is nitely generated as well and
we have TorR1 (M, N ) = 0 if condition (iii) is satised. Therefore the long Tor
... - TorR
1 (M, N )
- M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
0 - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
It is easy now to verify the criterion 4.2/9 which we had mentioned without
giving a proof.
5.2 The Tor Modules 179
0 - a - R - R/a - 0
- a R M - M - M/aM - 0.
0 - M - M - M - 0
0 - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
is exact.
0 - M - M - M - 0
0 - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
TorR - TorR (M , N ) - M R N - M R N - M R N - 0
1 (M, N ) 1
shows TorR
1 (M , N ) = 0 so that we get (i) using Proposition 7.
0 - M - M - M - 0
Proof. Given an arbitrary R-module N , we can look at the following part of the
long exact Tor sequence
- - -
2 (M , N ) TorR
1 (M , N ) TorR
1 (M, N ) TorR
1 (M , N )
where TorR R
2 (M , N ) = 0 = Tor1 (M , N ) by Remark 6, since M is at. There-
fore the sequence yields an isomorphism
1. For non-zero integers p, q Z show that TorZ1 (Z/(p), Z/(q)) Z/(gcd(p, q)).
2. Let M, N be modules over a principal ideal domain R.
n (M, N ) = 0 for n 2.
(a) Show that TorR
1 (R/(a), M ) for any element a R.
(b) Determine TorR
(c) Determine TorR
1 (Q(R)/R, M ) for the eld of fractions Q(R) of R.
3. Let R be a local ring with maximal ideal m and M an R-module of nite presen-
tation. Show that M is free if and only if TorR
1 (M, R/m) = 0.
5. Group homology: The group ring ZG of a group G is dened as the free
Z-module generated
by the elements
of G, i.e. Z
G = gG Z g, with multipli-
cation given by ( gG ag g) ( hG bh h) = g,hG ag bh gh. Every Z-module
M can trivially be viewed as a ZG-module by setting g x = x for all g G
and x M .
Given any ZG-module M , the nth homology group, n N, of G with values
in M is dened by Hn (G, M ) = Torn (Z, M ). Compute Hn (G, M ) for a cyclic
group G.
5.3 Injective Resolutions 181
Let M and N be R-modules. Then we can look at the covariant additive functor
which is easily seen to be left exact in the sense that it transforms exact se-
quences of type
0 - E -E - E
On the other hand, Hom can be viewed as a functor in the rst variable as well,
E - E - E - 0
E - E - 0
Passing to the dual diagram
E E 0
we obtain the notion of an injective R-module.
Calling an additive functor exact if it is left and right exact and, thus,
preserves short exact sequences, we see:
Also note that an additive functor preserves general exact sequences as soon
as it preserves short exact ones. This is seen just as in the proof of 4.2/4.
Clearly, the zero module over any ring R is projective, as well as injective.
Also we know that any free module is projective. Just as any direct sum of
projective modules is projective, any cartesian product of injective modules is
injective; cf. Exercise 1 below. Any vector space over a eld is projective, since
it is free. But it is injective as well, because any subspace of a vector space
admits a direct complement. Furthermore, one knows that Q is an injective
Z-module and that any Q-vector space is injective when viewed as a Z-module,
which is a little bit more laborious to prove; see Proposition 5 below. There
are further examples of injective modules; we will explain some of the possible
constructions in a moment.
For additive covariant functors, their left derived functors were dened using
projective homological resolutions. For contravariant functors we need to dualize
this concept. A cohomological resolution of a given R-module M is an exact
sequence of type
5.3 Injective Resolutions 183
0 - M - M0 - M1 - M2 - ...,
0 - M - M0 - M 1.
Proof. The assertion (i) = (ii) is trivial; just apply the dening property of
injective modules to the injection a - R.
184 5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
M Ry = ay.
a - I, r - f (ry),
g : Ry - I, ry - rx,
f: R - I, r - rx ,
Proof. We may assume M = 0, since the zero module is injective itself. Then,
for any y M {0}, consider the submodule Zy M and choose a Z-linear
Zy - Q/Z, zy - zu,
where u Q/Z is the residue class of n1 if Zy Z/nZ with n > 0 and where
u = 0 can be chosen arbitrarily if Zy Z. Then extend Zy - Q/Z to a
Z-module homomorphism y : M - Q/Z using the injectivity of Q/Z and
look at the Z-linear map
M - Q/Z, z - (y (z))yM {0} ,
yM {0}
1. Show that any cartesian product of injective R-modules is injective.
2. For a Noetherian ring R show that any direct sum of injective R-modules is
injective. Is this true as well without the Noetherian hypothesis?
3. Let M be an R-module. Show that every injective submodule of M is a direct
summand of M .
5.4 The Ext Modules 187
Notice that the above diagram coincides with the one given in 5.1/3, except
for the fact that in chain complexes passing through arrows of boundary maps
188 5. Homological Methods: Ext and Tor
decreases module indices whereas the contrary is the case in cochain complexes.
In any case, we thereby see that the Ext modules are well-dened. In particular,
we have
Ext0R (M, N ) = HomR (M, N ),
since HomR (, N ) is left exact.
Alternatively, we can take an injective cohomological resolution N - N
of N and consider the cohomology modules
Also in this case, we must check that these modules are well-dened. This can
be done similarly as for projective homological resolutions. First we need to
prove an analogue of 5.1/9 for homomorphisms of cochain complexes show-
ing that two injective cohomological resolutions N - N and N - N
of N are homotopy equivalent; this is achieved by dualizing the arguments
used in the proof of 5.1/9. Then we use the fact that the covariant additive
functor HomR (M, ) transfers such an equivalence into a homotopy equivalence
between HomR (M, N ) and HomR (M, N ). Thus, indeed, the cohomology mod-
ules Ext nR (M, N ) are well-dened.
In a next step we can compare the modules ExtnR (M, N ) and Ext nR (M, N ).
To do this, we set up the double complex induced from M - M and
N -
N as follows:
.. .. ..
. . .
6 6 6
0 - HomR (M1 , N 0 ) - HomR (M1 , N 1 ) - HomR (M1 , N 2 ) - ...
6 6 6
0 0 0
together with boundary maps dn = d + d where d diers from d by the sign
(1)p on the row with index p. Then we see:
induce isomorphisms
for all n N. In particular, ExtnR (M, N ) can be dened by any of these coho-
mology modules.
Proof. The rst assertion has already been mentioned; it follows from the left
exactness of the Hom functor. To verify the second one, we just note that M
given by 0 -M - 0 yields a projective resolution M - M if M is
projective and that, likewise, N given by 0 - N - 0 yields an injective
resolution N - N if N is injective. Then, applying Proposition 2, we are
0 - M - M - M - 0
0 - N - N - N - 0
Proof. The rst Ext sequence can be constructed as explained in the proof of
5.1/12, by setting up suitable projective resolutions for M , M , M , applying the
functor HomR (, N ), and using 5.1/1. For the second Ext sequence we proceed
in a similar way, replacing projective by injective resolutions and dualizing
the arguments given in the proof of 5.1/12.
There are two essentially dierent long exact Ext sequences. This corre-
sponds to the fact that Ext can be viewed as a contravariant functor in the rst
and as a covariant functor in the second variable of the Hom functor. In prin-
ciple, a similar situation is faced when dealing with tensor products. However,
in contrast to Hom, the tensor product functor is covariant in both variables
and, furthermore, is symmetric in the sense that the functors R E and E R
are canonically equivalent for any R-module E. This is why the long exact Tor
sequences, as mentioned in 5.2/2 and 5.2/5, are essentially the same.
Proof. The implication (i) = (ii) follows from Remark 3 whereas (ii) = (iii)
is trivial.
To verify (iii) = (i), consider an exact sequence of R-modules
0 - N - N - N - 0,
Then, using (iii), the functor HomR (P, ) is exact and we see that P is projective
according to 5.3/2 (i).
0 - M - M - M - 0
Using (iii), we see that the functor HomR (, I) is exact. Therefore I is injective,
due to 5.3/2 (ii).
1. Show
ExtnR Mi , N ExtnR (Mi , N ), ExtnR M, Nj ExtnR (M, Nj )
iI iI jJ jJ
where the lower row usually is referred to as the push-out under of the upper
one. In any case, show that associating to Ext1R (M, N ) the lower row yields
a well-dened map Ext1R (M, N ) - Ext(M, N ).
Show that both maps above are mutually inverse to each other and, thus, dene
a bijection Ext(M, N ) - Ext1R (M, N ). Does this bijection depend on the
choice of the exact sequence 0 - K - P - M - 0?
Give a construction on the level of extensions of M by N that corresponds to the
addition of elements in Ext1R (M, N ).
6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
The rst step in scheme theory is to explain the construction of ane schemes,
namely schemes of type Spec A for a ring A. Such schemes serve as the local
parts from which more general global schemes are obtained via a gluing process.
As we have pointed out already in the introductory section above, Spec A is a
ringed space, i.e. a topological space with a sheaf of rings on it. Let us rst
discuss Spec A as a topological space. The underlying point set consists of the
prime spectrum of A, the set of all prime ideals in A. Furthermore, a subset
Y Spec A is said to be closed if there exists an ideal a A such that
and open if its complement is closed in Spec A. We will show in 6.1/1 and 6.1/2
that the open (resp. closed) subsets really dene a topology on Spec A, namely
the so-called Zariski topology. For example, taking A = Z, every prime ideal
p = 0 in Z is maximal and therefore gives rise to a closed subset {p} Spec Z.
More generally, a subset Y Spec Z is closed if and only if it equals Spec Z or
consists of (at most) nitely many closed points. Hence, we can conclude that
the intersection U U of two non-empty open subsets in Spec Z will never be
empty. This shows that the Zariski topology on a prime spectrum Spec A does
not satisfy the Hausdor separation axiom, except for some more or less trivial
cases. However, it is easily seen that Spec A is a Kolmogorov space: given two
dierent points x, y Spec A, at least one of them admits an open neighborhood
not containing the other; see 6.1/8.
The topology of such a Kolmogorov space X = Spec A can be quite patho-
logical. To mention a particular phenomenon that will occur, consider an open
subset U X and a closed point x U in the sense that {x} U is a closed
subset with respect to the topology induced from X on U . So x could be called
a locally closed point of X. If X would satisfy the Hausdor separation axiom,
such a point would automatically be closed in X, since all points of a Hausdor
space are closed. However, in our case where X is just a Kolmogorov space it
can happen, indeed, that x is not closed in X. For example, consider a discrete
valuation ring in the sense of 9.3/3 such as the ring A = Zp , the localization of
Z at a non-zero prime ideal p Z. Then X = Spec Zp contains just two points,
namely the generic point given by the zero ideal 0 Zp and the special point
s given by the maximal ideal pZp Zp . Since s is closed in X, we see that
U = {} will be open in X. Furthermore, U is closed in U , but clearly not
Furthermore, it is not hard to see that this bijection is, in fact, a homeomorphism
with respect to Zariski topologies when the open set D(f ) is equipped with the
restriction of the Zariski topology on Spec A; see 6.2/8. In particular, D(f )
can canonically be identied with Spec Af and this fundamental fact makes it
possible to interpret Af as the ring of functions on D(f ), just as A is the ring
of functions on Spec A. The canonical morphism A - Af from A into its
localization Af plays the role of a restriction morphism, restricting functions on
Spec A to D(f ). More generally, using the universal property of localizations,
any inclusion D(g) D(f ) gives rise to a well-dened restriction morphism
Af - Ag , since the restriction of f A to D(g) is seen to be invertible.
Proceeding like this, a little bit of care is necessary, since a basic open set
D(f ) does not determine its dening element f uniquely. For example, we would
have D(f ) = D(ef n ) for any unit e A and any exponent n > 0. However,
on the level of localizations, the problem does not persist any more. Indeed, if
D(f ) = D(f ), we will see in 6.3, example (4), that the localizations Af and
Af are canonically isomorphic. Furthermore, we show that functions on Spec A
can be dened locally with respect to any open covering of Spec A by basic
open subsets D(fi ) Spec A, i I. More precisely, given elements hi Afi on
D(fi ) that coincide on all overlaps D(fi ) D(fj ) = D(fi fj ), there is a unique
element h A restricting to hi on D(fi ) for all i I. In other words, the
functor D(f ) - Af satises the properties of a sheaf. All this is dealt with in
Section 6.6, where we extend the functor D(f ) - Af to a sheaf with respect
to the Zariski topology on Spec A, its so-called structure sheaf, and thereby
construct Spec A as a ringed space, called the ane scheme associated to A.
For the convenience of the reader, the necessary technical tools such as inductive
and projective limits as well as the technique of sheacation are included in 6.4
and 6.5. Needless to say, the notion of ane schemes allows a straightforward
globalization: a scheme is a ringed space such that each of its points admits an
open neighborhood looking like an ane scheme.
6.1 The Spectrum of a Ring 203
Let A be a ring; as before, all rings are assumed to be commutative and to admit
a unit element 1. In Section 1.1 we have already considered the set Spec A of
all prime ideals in A; the latter is called the spectrum or, in more precise terms,
the prime spectrum of A. For the purposes of geometry, the spectrum of a ring
is viewed as a point set and, to underline this point of view, notations like
x Spec A are used for the elements of spectra. However, in situations where it
is more advisable to imagine such points as prime ideals and, thereby, as subsets
in A, it is common practice to use an ideal-like notation such as px instead of
x. Thus, given any point x Spec A, we will use px as a second notation, when
we would like to go back to the original meaning of x being an ideal in A.
For any x Spec A, the localization Ax = Apx is a local ring with maximal
ideal mx = px Ax ; see 1.2/7. It is called the local ring of A at x. Furthermore,
the eld of fractions k(x) = Q(A/px ), which coincides with Ax /mx (see Ex-
ercise 1.2/5), is called the residue eld of A at x; it is related to A via the
canonical maps A - A/px - k(x).
Recall that the elements of A can be interpreted as functions on the spec-
trum Spec A. Just dene f (x) for f A and x Spec A as the residue class of
f in A/px k(x). Thereby every f A determines a map
and call this the zero set of E; it is also referred to as the variety of E, which
explains the usage of the letter V . For f A we will apply the notations
for the zero set of f and its complement in Spec A. The latter is also known as
the domain of f , which explains the usage of the letter D. If we want to keep
track of the ambient spectrum X = Spec A, we write more specically DX (f )
instead of D(f ).
(i) The sets of type D(f ) for f A are open and satisfy the intersection
relation D(f ) D(f ) = D(f f ) for f, f A.
(ii) Every open subset of X is a union of sets of type D(f ). In particular,
the latter form a basis of the Zariski topology on X (which is the reason why
the sets of type D(f ) are referred to as the basic open subsets of X).
Before giving some indications on the proof of the corollary, let us recall the
denition of a topology.
In the situation of the denition, the elements of T are called the open
subsets of X. Furthermore, a subset V X is called closed if its complement
X V is open. Thus, passing to the complements of open sets, a topology can
alternatively be characterized by the properties of its closed subsets. Doing so,
one has to consider a set T of subsets of X such that:
(i ) X, T .
(ii ) If (V ) is a family of elements in T , then V T .
(iii ) If (V ) is a nite family of elements in T , then V T .
and, hence,
U= D(f ),
f E
which says that every open subset in X is a union of subsets of type D(f ).
Let us consider some examples. The zero ring 0 does not contain any prime
ideal. Therefore its spectrum is empty.
Next, let A be a principal ideal domain, for example A = Z or A = Kt
where K is a eld and t a variable. Then the spectrum X = Spec A consists of
206 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
the zero ideal 0 A and of all principal ideals (p) A that are generated by
prime elements p A. Furthermore, the closed subsets of X are of type V (a),
for elements a A. In particular, V (a) = X for a = 0 and V (a) = if a is a unit
in A. In all other cases a admits a non-trivial prime factorization a = p11 . . . prr
with pairwise coprime prime factors pi , exponents i > 0, and a unit A .
A prime ideal (p) A belongs to V (a) if and only if (a) (p), i.e. if and
only if the prime element p divides a. However, the latter can only be the case
if p is associated to one of the prime factors p1 , . . . , pr . In particular, all prime
ideals which are generated by prime elements or, equivalently, all non-zero prime
ideals, give rise to closed points in X = Spec A. Furthermore, the consideration
shows that a subset V Spec A is closed if and only if it coincides with X or ,
or if it consists of nitely many closed points, the latter corresponding to prime
elements in A. Therefore the zero ideal 0 A yields a dense point in X, in the
sense that its closure {0} coincides with X. In particular, if A is not a eld and,
hence, X = {0}, the point 0 X cannot be closed.
Switching to complements, we obtain and X as open sets in X, as well as
the sets of type X {x1 , . . . , xr }, for nitely many closed points x1 , . . . , xr X.
Thus, any non-empty open subset of X will contain the point given by the zero
ideal 0 A, and we thereby see that the Zariski topology on X = Spec A
cannot satisfy the Hausdor separation axiom, unless A is a eld.
Now let us work again with the spectrum X = Spec A of an arbitrary ring
A. So far we have looked at zero sets in X of type V (E) for a subset E A, or
V (a) for an ideal a A. We want to introduce another construction which, in
a certain sense, is an inverse of the mapping V (). Doing so, we associate to a
subset Y X the ideal
I(Y ) = {f A ; f (y) = 0 for all y Y } = py
Proof. The assertions follow immediately from the denition of the mapping
and, furthermore,
p = rad(a) = rad(E)
pSpec A
by 1.3/6.
To justify (ii), observe rst that Y V (I(Y )), since the ideal I(Y ) of all
functions vanishing on Y admits a zero set which must contain Y . In particular,
the closure Y of Y in Spec A will satisfy Y V (I(Y )), since Y is dened as the
smallest closed subset in Spec A containing Y , i.e. as the intersection of all sets
of type V (E) Spec A such that Y V (E). To show Y = V (I(Y )) it remains
to check that Y V (E) implies V (I(Y )) V (E). Indeed, from Y V (E) we
conclude f (y) = 0 for all y Y and all f E and, hence, E I(Y ). Then
Proposition 1 (ii) yields V (I(Y )) V (E), as desired.
Corollary 7. Let A be a ring and X = Spec A its spectrum. Then the mappings
I -
closed ideals a A
subsets in X V satisfying a = rad(a)
Y - I(Y ),
V (a) a,
for a family (Y ) of subsets in X, where for the second equation the subsets
Y are required to be closed in X.
and therefore
I Y = rad I(Y )
by Proposition 5 (i).
The Zariski topology on the spectrum Spec A of a ring A does not necessarily
satisfy the Hausdor separation axiom, as we have seen above by looking at
principal domains A. However, a weaker version of this axiom holds.
Proof. Note that x and y being dierent means px = py , and this is equivalent
to px py or py px . In the rst case we have y V (px ) = {x}. Then X {x}
is an open neighborhood of y which does not contain x.
Proposition 10. Let A be a ring and X = Spec A its spectrum. Then, for
any g A, the associated subset D(g) X is quasi-compact. In particular,
X = D(1) is quasi-compact.
Proof. We will see later in 6.2/8 that D(g) with its topology induced from X is
canonically homeomorphic to Spec Ag , the spectrum of the localization of A by
g. Therefore it would be enough to restrict ourselves to the case where g = 1.
However, as this does not really make things easier, we will not proceed like this
and work with a general g instead. Also recall that the notion of quasi-compact
means compact, but without the Hausdor separation axiom. Therefore a subset
U of a topological space X is called quasi-compact if every open covering of U
admits a nite subcover.
Keeping in mind that the sets of type D(f ) form a basis of the Zariski
topology on X, it is enough to show that every covering of D(g) by means of sets
of type D(f ) admits a nite subcover. To check this, consider a family (f )
6.1 The Spectrum of a Ring 209
of elements in A such that D(g) D(f ). Switching to complements in
X yields
V (g) V (f ) = V (a),
V (g) = V (g n ) V (f1 , . . . , fr )
and therefore
D(g) D(fi ).
: Spec A/a - Spec A, p - 1 (p),
Corollary 12. For a ring A its spectrum and the spectrum of its reduction
A/rad(A) are canonically homeomorphic.
Proof of Corollary 12. Recall that rad(A), the nilradical of A, is dened as the
nilradical of the zero ideal 0 A. Therefore V (rad(A)) = V (0) = Spec A, and
Proposition 11 applies.
Proof of Proposition 11. First observe that the map a denes a bijection be-
tween Spec A/a and the subset of Spec A consisting of all prime ideals containing
a, hence a bijection Spec A/a - V (a). Taking this map as an identication,
we obtain
Spec A D(f ) V (a) = D((f )) Spec A/a
for elements f A. Since is surjective, the sets of type D(f ) Spec A/a for
f A/a correspond bijectively to the restrictions V (a) D(f ) Spec A for
f A, and this justies the assertion.
210 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
Lemma 14. For a non-empty topological space X the following conditions are
(i) X is irreducible.
(ii) If U1 , U2 X are open and non-empty, then U1 U2 is non-empty.
(iii) If U X is open and non-empty, then U is dense in X, i.e. the closure
U of U in X coincides with X.
(iv) If U X is open, it is connected, i.e. U is not a disjoint union of two
non-empty open subsets of X.
Proof. Let us assume condition (i) and derive (ii). Consider U1 , U2 X open
and non-empty. Then, if U1 U2 were empty, we would get the decomposition
X = (X U1 ) (X U2 ) into the proper closed subsets X U1 , X U2 X.
However, this contradicts (i).
Next assume condition (ii) and let U X be open and non-empty. Then
U and X U are disjoint open subsets in X which, however, is only possible if
X U = and, hence, X = U . Therefore we get (iii).
Assuming (iii), let U X be open. If U is not connected, it is a disjoint
union of two non-empty open subsets U1 , U2 U . Then U1 U2 = implies
U 1 X U2 X , as X U2 is a closed subset in X containing U1 . However,
U1 should be dense in X by (iii). Therefore U must be connected, as claimed in
Finally, assume (iv). To derive (i), consider a decomposition X = X1 X2
into closed subsets X1 , X2 . Then we obtain the decomposition
X (X1 X2 ) = (X X1 ) (X X2 )
of the open set X (X1 X2 ) into the disjoint open sets X X1 and X X2 .
Since X (X1 X2 ) is connected according to (iv), we get X X1 = or
X X2 = , hence, X1 = X or X2 = X and, thus, (i).
Proposition 15. Let A be a ring and X = Spec A its spectrum. The following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) X is irreducible as a topological space under the Zariski topology.
(ii) A/rad(A) is an integral domain.
(iii) rad(A) is a prime ideal.
6.1 The Spectrum of a Ring 211
Proof. Using Corollary 12, we may replace A by its reduction A/rad(A) and
thereby assume rad(A) = 0. Now let X be irreducible as in (i). If there are
elements f, g A {0} such that f g = 0, this yields the decomposition
X = V (0) = V (f g) = V (f ) V (g)
Corollary 17. Let A be a ring and X = Spec A its spectrum. Then the mappings
I and V of Corollary 7 yield mutually inverse and inclusion-reversing bijections
I -
irreducible closed
prime ideals in A = Spec A,
subsets of X V
Y - I(Y ),
{y} py .
1. Show for a ring A that every non-empty closed subset V Spec A contains a
closed point. Deduce that an open subset U Spec A containing all closed points
of Spec A must coincide with Spec A.
2. For an algebraically closed eld K consider the polynomial ring Kt in one
variable t. Show that the set of closed points in Spec Kt can be identied with
K and that there is precisely one non-closed point in Spec Kt, namely the
generic point.
3. For an algebraically closed eld K consider the polynomial ring Kt1 , t2 in vari-
ables t1 , t2 and set X = Spec Kt1 , t2 . Show:
(a) The set of closed points in X can canonically be identied with K 2 .
(b) The non-closed points of X that are dierent from the generic point are given
by the ideals of type (f ) Kt1 , t2 where f Kt1 , t2 is irreducible.
(c) The closure {y} of a point y as in (b) consists of y itself as the generic point
and of the curve {x K 2 ; f (x) = 0}.
4. Let X be a topological space, which is irreducible. Show that every non-empty
open subset U X is irreducible.
5. Show that there is a canonical bijection Spec ni=1 Ai - i=1 Spec Ai for
given rings A1 , . . . , An ; see also Exercise 1.1/6.
6. Let A be an algebra of nite type over a eld and consider a closed subset
Y Spec A. Show that the closed points are dense in Y . Does this remain true
if we replace A by a localization of it?
7. Let A be an algebra of nite type over a eld. Show that Spec A is nite if and
only if A is of nite vector space dimension over K. Hint: A is Noetherian and,
hence, by 2.1/12, contains only nitely many minimal prime ideals. Use this to
reduce the assertion to the case where A is an integral domain. Then apply results
on integral dependence.
8. Let A be an algebra of nite type over a eld F . Provide the spectrum Spm A
of maximal ideals in A with the topology induced from the Zariski topology on
Spec A. Thus, a subset Y Spm A is open (resp. closed) if and only if it is of type
Y Spm A for some open (resp. closed) subset Y Spec A. Show that Spm A
satises the Hausdor separation axiom if F is a nite eld. Is the same true
without the assumption of F being nite?
domain and the same is true for A/1 (p). Therefore it follows that 1 (p) is
a prime ideal as well and we can state:
? ?
A/1 (px ) - A /px
? x
k a (x) - k(x)
Proof. Implicitly, the upper part of the diagram was used for the construction
of the map a : Spec A - Spec A in Proposition 1, whereas the lower part
is the canonical extension to residue elds, as introduced at the beginning of
Section 6.1.
Proof. We start with assertion (i). The relation x (a )1 (V (E)) for points
x Spec A is equivalent to a (x) V (E) and, hence, to f (a (x)) = 0 for all
f E. Furthermore, it follows from Lemma 2 that f (a (x)) = 0 is equivalent
to (f )(x) = 0. Thus, x (a )1 (V (E)) is equivalent to x V ((E)).
In the situation of (ii) we apply 6.1/5 (ii) and thereby get a (V (a )) = V (a)
for the ideal a = I(a (V (a ))) A. Now f a for elements f A is equivalent
to f vanishing on a (V (a )), or, by Lemma 2, to (f ) vanishing on V (a ) and,
thus, by 6.1/5 (i), to (f ) rad(a ). Therefore we have a = 1 (rad(a )),
214 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
and it is easily checked that 1 (rad(a )) = rad(1 (a )). But then we have
V (a) = V (1 (a )) and, hence, a (V (a )) = V (1 (a )).
with their Zariski topologies and im a with the subspace topology induced from
the Zariski topology on Spec A.
Proof. The assertion was already shown in 6.1/11. Using im a = V (a) it can
alternatively be derived from Proposition 6.
a a
If im is open in Spec A, we call an open immersion of spectra. For example,
the latter isthe case if S is generated by nitely many elements f1 , . . . , fr A,
since then f S D(f ) = D(f1 . . . fr ).
1. Let : X - Y be a continuous map between topological spaces. Show for any
irreducible subset V X that its image (V ) as well as the closure (V ) are
irreducible in Y .
2. For a morphism of rings : A - A consider the associated map between
spectra : Spec A - Spec A. Assume that Spec A is irreducible and let x
be its generic point. Show that a (x) is the generic point of the closure im a .
216 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
F : Opn(X) - Set
into the category of sets (resp. groups, rings, modules over a xed ring R, . . . ).
(i) UU : F(U ) - F(U ) is the identity map for all open subsets U X,
(ii) VU W
V = U for open subsets U V W X.
VU : F(V ) - F(U ), f - f |U .
However, in many cases the elements of F(U ) will not be given as functions on
U in the strict sense of the word. Consequently, we cannot argue in terms of
ordinary functions when dealing with general presheaves.
Concerning presheaves of modules, there exists a slight variant of the sit-
uation covered in Denition 1. Let O be a presheaf of rings on a topological
space X and F a presheaf of abelian groups on X. Then the cartesian product
O F is dened as the functor that associates to an open subset U X the
cartesian product O(U ) F(U ) and to an inclusion U V of open subsets
in X the cartesian product of the restriction morphisms O(V ) - O(U ) and
F(V ) - F(U ). Then a law of composition O F - F is meant as a func-
torial morphism and, thus, consists of maps O(U )F(U ) - F(U ) for U X
open that are compatible with restriction morphisms. Using such a terminology,
an O-module is dened as a presheaf of abelian groups F together with a law of
composition : O F - F such that, for any open subset U X, the map
(U ) : O(U ) F(U ) - F(U ) denes an O(U )-module structure on F(U ).
(f ) - (f |U U )(, ) ,
(f ) - (f |U U )(, ) .
where the latter set is called the kernel of (1 , 2 ). For example, if A, B, C are
abelian groups and , 1 , 2 are group homomorphisms, the above diagram is
exact if and only if the sequence of abelian groups
1 2
0 - A - B - C
is exact.
We will use the remainder of the present section in order to discuss some
examples of presheaves and sheaves.
(0) The zero or trivial sheaf (of abelian groups, rings, or modules) on a
topological space X is obtained by assigning to each open subset in X the zero
group, ring, or module.
and by taking the identity on Z as well as the zero maps as restriction mor-
phisms. Then F is not a sheaf if X consists of at least two elements.
: D (X) - Ring,
D(f ) - Af ,
D(f ) D(g) - Ag - Af ,
so to say a presheaf on the family (D(f ))f A of all basic Zariski open subsets
in X, which, in more detail, is dened as follows. Assign to an object D(f )
of D (X) the localization Af of A by the multiplicative system {1, f 1 , f 2 , . . .}.
Then any inclusion D(f ) D(g) gives rise to a well-dened ring homomorphism
Ag - Af . Indeed, D(f ) D(g) is equivalent to V (f ) V (g) and, using
6.1/5 (i), to rad(f ) rad(g), hence, to the existence of elements n N and
a A such that f n = ag. Looking at the canonical map f : A - Af , we
see that f (f )n = f (a)f (g) and, hence, f (g) are units in Af . Thus, by the
universal property of the localization map g : A - Ag , there is a unique
220 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
A - Af
g fg
h Ag f
gh fg
Ah - Af
using the universal property of the localization map h : A - Ah . Thus, OX
is a functor, indeed.
Now we want to construct a functor OX : D(X) - Ring such that its
composition with the forgetful functor F : D (X) - D(X) is isomorphic to
. Proceeding in a non-canonical way, we could select for each basic open
subset U X a describing function f A such that U = D(f ), thereby
obtaining a section G : D(X) - D (X) of F . Then OX could be dened
as the composition OX G. Since G F is isomorphic to the identity functor
Then the equation D(g g ) = D(g) D(g ) for elements g, g A (see 6.1/2)
shows that S(f ) is a multiplicative system in A containing all powers of f .
In particular, the universal property of localizations yields a canonical homo-
morphism f : Af - AS(f ) . We claim that the latter is actually an isomor-
phism. Indeed, we know from the discussion of the functor OX
above that,
for any g A, its image f (g) with respect to the canonical homomorphism
6.3 Presheaves and Sheaves 221
OX : D(X) - Ring,
D(f ) - AS(f ) ,
D(f ) D(g) - AS(g) - AS(f ) ,
1. Saturation of multiplicative systems: Let S be a multiplicative system of a ring
A. Dene the saturation of S as the set S of all elements in A that are divided
by an element of S. Show:
(a) S is a multiplicative system in A.
(b) If S is the multiplicative system consisting of all powers of some element
f A, then its saturation S coincides with the multiplicative system S(f ) as
considered above.
(c) The canonical morphism AS - AS is an isomorphism.
O : Opn(X) - Ring that is given by O(U ) =
xU Ax on any open sub-
set U X and that, to any inclusion of open sets U V X associates the
canonical inclusion morphism O(V ) - O(U ). Show that O is a sheaf and that
the above constructed presheaf OX can be interpreted as the restriction of the
functor O : Opn(X) - Ring to the subcategory D(X) of Opn(X).
To dene inductive limits, we need an index set I equipped with a preorder, i.e.
with a binary relation such that
Note that without the latter assumption the proof of Proposition 2 below
would have to be modied while the assertion of Remark 3 could not be main-
Now let (Gi )iI be a family of sets (resp. groups, rings, modules, etc.), or of
objects in any category C, together with C-morphisms fij : Gi - Gj for all
indices i j in I such that
We call (Gi )iI together with the morphisms fij an inductive system and
denote it by (Gi , fij )i,jI .
The involved morphisms can be read from the following commutative dia-
6.4 Inductive and Projective Limits 223
G - H
In particular, we see that an inductive limit G of an inductive system (Gi , fij )i,jI
is uniquely determined up to canonical isomorphism if it does exist. Without
spelling out the attached maps explicitly one often writes G = lim Gi , calling
this the inductive limit of the Gi , i I.
When dealing with inductive limits, it is often convenient to restrict the
inductive system (Gi , fij )i,jI to a so-called conal subset I of I. Thereby we
mean a subset I I such that every i I admits an index i I satisfying
i i. Then I is directed again, and it is an easy exercise to show that the
inductive system (Gi , fij )i,jI admits a limit if and only this is the case for the
full system (Gi , fij )i,jI . Furthermore, both limits will canonically coincide if
they exist.
Also let us point out that the notion of inductive systems and their limits
extends to the more general setting, where I is just a collection of indices with
a preorder. In more precise terms, we would talk about a category I, writing
i j for objects i, j if there is a morphism i - j in I. A natural example of
such a collection will occur in Sects. 6.5 and 7.6 where we introduce techniques
of Cech cohomology. Namely, consider a topological space U and take for I the
collection IU of all open coverings of U . Then IU is not a set, since arbitrary
repetitions of covering sets are allowed. However, when restricting to coverings
without repetitions, in other words, to coverings that correspond to subsets
of the power set P(U ), we get a set IU , and the latter is conal in IU with
respect to the preorder given by the renement relation. In particular, any
inductive system indexed by IU will have a limit if its restriction to IU has
a limit. Thereby we are reduced to the case of true index sets, as considered
from the beginning of this section on. Therefore, unless stated otherwise, we
will assume in the following that all inductive (or projective) systems under
consideration are indexed by index sets.
Proof. Starting with the case of an inductive system of sets (Gi , fij )i,jI , we
look at the disjoint union G = iI Gi and introduce an equivalence relation
on it as follows. Write x y for elements x, y G where x Gi and y Gj ,
if there is some k I, i, j k, such that fik (x) = fjk (y). We claim that
is an equivalence relation. Of course, is reexive and symmetric, but also
224 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
fks (x y ) = fks (x ) fks (y ) = frs (x ) frs (y ) = frs (x y )
and it follows that the products x y and x y are equivalent, thus representing
the same element x y G. Therefore the product x y is well-dened in G and
it is easily seen that all maps fi : Gi - G respect such products in the sense
that fi (x y) = fi (x) fi (y) for x, y Gi .
Next we want to show that the above dened product yields, in fact, a group
structure on G and, hence, that all maps fi : Gi - G are group morphisms.
First, there is a well-dened element e G, which is represented by the unit
element ei Gi for any i I; note that any two unit elements ei Gi and
ej Gj are equivalent in G, since group morphisms map unit elements to unit
elements. Furthermore, the group axioms for G follow immediately from those
of the Gi , relying on the fact that for nitely many elements of G there is always
an index i I such that Gi contains representatives of all these elements.
To establish the universal property of the inductive limit consider a group
H and group morphisms gi : Gi - H satisfying gi = gj fij for indices i j
in I. As we already know, there is a unique map of sets g : G - H such that
gi = g fi for all i I. To verify that g is even a group morphism consider two
elements x, y G. Since I is directed, there exists an index i I such that Gi
contains representatives x, y of both, x and y. Then the equations
The construction shows that inductive limits are compatible with forgetful
functors as follows:
Grp - Set,
which associates to a group its underlying set and to a group morphism its
underlying map of sets.
In a similar way the inductive limit is compatible with other forgetful func-
tors, like the one from the category of rings or modules to the category of groups
or sets.
subsets of M is nite again, it follows that I is directed and that (Mi , fij )i,jI
is an inductive system. We claim that M = lim Mi , more precisely, that M
- M given by the inclusions Mi M is an
together with the maps fi : Mi
inductive limit of the system (Mi , fij )i,jI . To justify this, x a set N and look
at maps gi : Mi - N , i I, where gi = gj fij for i j. Then any maps
gi , gj for arbitrary indices i, j I coincide on Mi Mj and therefore yield a
well-dened map g : M - N , taking into account that M is the union of all
Mi , i I. Of course, we have gi = g fi for all i I and it follows that, indeed,
M is an inductive limit of (Mi , fij )i,jI . In the same way one can show that a
group (resp. a ring, or a module) is the inductive limit of any directed system
of subgroups (resp. subrings, or submodules) of G that cover G. For example,
the system of all nitely generated subgroups (resp. all subrings of nite type
over Z, or all submodules of nite type) of G admits this property.
Next we discuss the concept of projective limits, which is dual to that of
inductive limits. This means that we use the same denition as for the inductive
limit, although arrow directions have to be reversed. Again we need an index set
I with a preorder which satises the conditions (i) and (ii) mentioned at the
beginning of this section. However, we will not assume that I is directed since
this is unnecessary. Now let (Gi )iI be a family of sets (resp. groups, rings,
modules, etc.), or of objects in any category C, together with C-morphisms
fij : Gj - Gi for indices i j in I such that
We call (Gi )iI together with the morphisms fij a projective system and
denote it by (Gi , fij )i,jI .
The involved morphisms can be read from the following commutative dia-
H - G
gi - ?
6.4 Inductive and Projective Limits 227
Proof. Starting
with a projective system of sets (Gi , fij )i,jI , consider the carte-
sian product jI Gj together with the projections
pi : Gj - Gi , (xj )jI - xi ,
fi : G - Gi , (xj )jI - xi ,
Just as we have done for inductive limits, let us discuss a simple example of
a projective limit. Consider a family of maps between sets (hi : Xi - S)iI
with common target S, which we want to view as a projective system of sets.
To be formally correct take I = I {0} as index set. So we let I be the disjoint
union of I with another symbol 0 not yet contained in I and set Gi = Xi for
i I as well as G0 = S. Now introduce a preorder on I by writing 0 i for
all i I (and, of course, 0 0 as well as i i for all i I). Then the maps
228 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
We have looked at inductive and projective limits since we need these con-
cepts for dealing with sheaves and presheaves. An important example of induc-
tive limits is given by the so-called stalks of sheaves and presheaves which we
want to discuss next.
Fx = lim F(U )
the stalk of F at x, where the inductive limit extends over all open neighborhoods
U X of x.
To describe the involved inductive system in more detail, use the set of all
open neighborhoods of x as index set I and dene a preorder on it by the in-
clusion relation. Then we have to consider the inductive system (F(U ), UV )U,V
where UV : F(U ) - F(V ) is the restriction morphism associated to an inclu-
sion V U of members in I.
As a typical example, consider the sheaf F of all continuous real valued
functions on a topological space X, which is a sheaf of rings. Then there are
canonical homomorphisms
F(U ) - Fx , f - fx ,
Thus, indeed, the ring Fx may be imagined as the ring of all germs of
continuous real valued functions around x. Let us point out that the example
gives a good picture of the general situation as well. Except for the interpretation
of elements in F(U ) as functions on U , the above characterization of elements
in Fx remains valid for any sheaf or presheaf F on X.
is injective.
The proof is quite simple. Let f, g F(U ) be such that fx = gx for all
x U . Then there exists for every x U an open neighborhood Ux U such
that f |Ux = g|Ux ; use the above condition (ii). Since (Ux )xU is an open covering
of U , we get f = g by condition (i) of 6.3/2.
The lemma makes it possible to describe sheaves via their stalks in a quite
instructive way. Namely, we consider the so-called etale!space of F (from the
French etale meaning spread out), which is given by xX Fx and may be
imagined as the family of all stalks Fx , x X:
Fx - Fy
? ?
{x} - X ,
Fx !
xX Fx
Given any element f F(U ) on an open subset U X, we can identify f
according to Lemma 7 with the family (fx )xU of all germs of f , hence, with
the map
sf : U - {fx ; x U } Fx , x - fx .
230 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
f p
U x
Having this in mind, the elements in F(U ) are usually referred to as sections of
F over!U . However note that, in general, there will be an abundance of sections
of p : xX Fx - X over an open subset U X, in particular, sections that
are not induced by elements of F(U ) and therefore are not related! to the sheaf
F. One can introduce a suitable topology on the etale space xX Fx such that
the elements of F(U ) correspond precisely to the continuous sections over U ,
but we will not apply this point of view in the following.
However, let us point out! that the interpretation of elements from F(U ) as
sections in the etale space xX Fx can be used to canonically associate a sheaf
F to any presheaf F . Indeed, let F be a presheaf on a topological space X.
Then the stalk ! Fx of F is dened at any point x X and we can consider the
etale space p : xX Fx - X over X. For open subsets U X we dene
F(U ) as the setof all sections s : U -
xU Fx such that there is an open
covering U = iI Ui together with a family (fi )iI of elements fi F (Ui )
s(x) = fi,x for all i I and all x Ui .
! - X that locally on U are
Thus, F(U ) consists of all sections of p : xU Fx
represented by elements in the presheaf F . Without diculties one can check
that F together with the obvious restriction morphisms is a sheaf, the so-called
sheaf associated to the presheaf F ; see 6.5/5 for a more thorough discussion of
associated sheaves.
1. Let X be a set and (Ui )iI a family of subsets in X.
(a) Interpret (Ui )iI as a projective system satisfying limiI Ui = iI Ui .
(b) Abandoning the condition on the directness of index sets for inductive
interpret (Ui )iI as an inductive system satisfying limiI Ui = iI Ui .
2. Interpret the family (Z/nZ)nN as an inductive system of groups with inductive
limit limnN Z/nZ = Q/Z.
6.4 Inductive and Projective Limits 231
3. Tensor products commute with direct limits: Let (Mi )iI be an inductive system
of modules over a ring R. Show for any R-module N that there is a canonical
isomorphism of R-modules (limiI Mi ) R N - limiI (Mi R N ).
4. Exactness of inductive limits: Dene the notion of a short exact sequence
of inductive systems of modules over a ring R in a natural way and show that
the resulting sequence 0 - limiI Mi - lim M - lim M - 0
iI i iI i
is exact.
5. Let p be a prime ideal of a ring A. Show that the localizations Af for f A p
form an inductive system and that the the localization Ap can be interpreted as
the inductive limit of this system.
6. Show that any ring A can be interpreted as the projective limit of all its local-
izations Af , f A.
7. a-adic completion: Let a be an ideal of a ring A. Call a subset U A open if for
each element f U there is an integer n N such that f + an U . This way the
powers an , n N, play the role of a fundamental system of neighborhoods of 0. A
sequence (ai )iN of elements in A is called a Cauchy sequence if for every n N
there is an index k N such that ai aj an for all i, j k. Furthermore, such
a sequence is called a zero sequence if for every n N there is an index k N
such that ai an for all i k.
(a) The open subsets dene, indeed, a topology on A; the latter is called the
a-adic topology.
(b) The set C of Cauchy sequences in A is a ring under componentwise addition
and multiplication; the zero sequences dene anideal N C. There is a canonical
ring homomorphism A - C/N with kernel nN an .
(c) There is a canonical isomorphism C/N - limnN A/an .
(d) The projective limit A = limnN A/an can be viewed as the (separated)
a-adic completion of A. Namely, using the kernels of the canonical morphisms
A - A/an as a fundamental system of neighborhoods of 0 in A, we get a
topology on A such that the image of A - A is dense and every Cauchy se-
quence converges in A. Furthermore, the topology on A induces the given one on
A in the sense that a subset in A is open if and only if it is the preimage of an
open subset in A.
8. For a ring R and a variable t consider the ring Rt of formal power series
in t with
coecients in R. Recall that Rt consists of all formal expressions nN an tn
for arbitrary coecients an R, and that addition as well as multiplication of
such sums are dened as usual. Show that Rt can be interpreted as the (t)-adic
completion (see Exercise 7 above) of the polynomial ring Rt.
9. Sheaf of holomorphic functions: For an open subset U C let OC (U ) be
the C-algebra of holomorphic functions on U . Show that the resulting functor
Opn(C) - C-Alg is a sheaf and that the stalk OC,0 at the origin 0 C can
naturally be identied with the ring of convergent power series
232 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
an tn Ct ; an z n is convergent for some z C {0} ,
nN nN
the latter being viewed as a subring of Ct. For the formal power series ring
Ct see Exercise 8 above.
10. Alternative denition of sheaves: An etale sheaf of sets on a topological space X
consists of a topological space F together with a continuous map : F - X
that is a local homeomorphism. Show that the concept of an etale sheaf of sets
is equivalent to the one of sheaf of sets as introduced in 6.3/2.
that are compatible with restriction morphisms in the sense that for open subsets
U V X the diagram
(V )
F(V ) - G(V )
? ?
(U )
F(U ) - G(U )
is commutative. We call an isomorphism if is a functorial isomorphism,
i.e. if all morphisms (U ) are isomorphisms.
? ?
F - G
? x
Fx - Gx
is commutative.
Proof. In all three cases, the only-if parts of the assertions are easily deduced
from the characterization of stalks in 6.4/6 and thereafter. To attack the if parts,
assume rst that x is injective for all x X. Fixing an open subset U X, we
have to show that (U ) : F(U ) - G(U ) is injective as well. To achieve this,
consider elements f, f F(U ) with (U )-images g, g G(U ) that coincide.
Then we have
x (fx ) = gx = gx = x (fx )
and, hence, fx = fx for all x U , since x is injective for all x X. But this
implies f = f by 6.4/7 and we see that (U ) is injective, thereby settling (i).
Next assume that x is surjective for all x X and consider an element
g G(U ) over some open subset U X. Fixing x U , there is an element
fx Fx such that x (fx ) = gx . Now let Ux U be an open neighborhood of x
such that the germ fx is induced by some element f(x) F(Ux ). Then we have
234 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
(Ux )(f(x) ) x = gx by Remark 2 and we may even assume (Ux )(f(x) ) = g|Ux
if we replace Ux by a smaller open neighborhood of x. This settles (ii).
Finally assume that x is bijective for all x X. Then is injective by
(i) and locally surjective by (ii). Thus, given a section g G(U ) on some open
subset U X, there exists for every x U an open neighborhood Ux U of
x together with a section f(x) F(Ux ) such that (Ux )(f(x) ) = g|Ux . Since the
(Ux Ux ) : F(Ux Ux ) - G(Ux Ux )
is injective for any points x, x U , we must have
f(x) |Ux Ux = f(x ) |Ux Ux
since both quantities left and right are mapped to g|Ux Ux under (Ux Ux ).
Using the fact that F is a sheaf, there is a unique element f F(U ) such that
f |Ux = f(x) for all x U . But then, by the sheaf property of G, we see that
(U ) maps f to g.
F - F
is commutative.
6.5 Morphisms of Sheaves and Sheacation 235
The most rapid way to establish the above result is to consider sections in
the etale space of F, as we have explained at the end of Section 6.4. However,
here we want to use a more rigorous method derived from Cech cohomology
(see Section 7.6), which has the advantage that it extends to the context of
generalized topologies in the sense of Grothendieck [1].
Let X be a topological space and F a presheaf on it. Furthermore, consider
an open subset U X and an open covering U = (U ) of U by open subsets
U U , hence, satisfying U = U . Then we set
H 0 (U, F) = ker F(U ) - - F(U U )
(, )
where the kernel of the maps on the right-hand side can alternatively be inter-
preted as the limit of the projective system (F(U ) - F(U U )), . By
its denition, H 0 (U, F) consists of all families (f ) F(U ) such that
f |U U = f |U U for all , . In particular, there is a canonical map
and it is easily checked that this map is independent of the map used for
declaring V to be a renement of U. Indeed, let : M - be a second map
such that V U () for all M . It follows V U () U () and, since any
element (f ) H 0 (U, F) satises
f () |U () U () = f () |U () U () ,
The latter exists by 6.4/2 and the explanations preceding this result, since we
may replace the collection IU by a conal subset. If U varies over the open
subsets of X, we may interpret F + as a presheaf on X. Indeed, for open subsets
V U X and an open covering U = (U ) of U consider the corresponding
restriction U|V = (U V ) of U to V . Then, using the universal property of
the inductive limit, the morphisms of type
F + (U ) - F + (V ),
Proof. Assertion (i) follows directly from the denition of F + . Next, turning to
assertion (ii), x an open subset U X and consider elements f, g F (U )
f |U , g |U H 0 (V|U , F).
6.5 Morphisms of Sheaves and Sheacation 237
(U ) H 0 (U,)
? ?
G(U ) - H 0 (U, G)
Also note that there is the notion of an exact sequence of sheaves of abelian
groups or modules. Namely, a sequence of morphisms
F - F - F
is called exact if im = ker (in the sense of sheaves). There is the following
criterion for exactness:
6.5 Morphisms of Sheaves and Sheacation 239
Proposition 9. A sequence
0 - F - F - F - 0
0 - Fx - Fx - Fx - 0
Proof. First check that the formation of stalks commutes with the formation
of kernels and images of morphisms. Then the assertion is easily derived from
Proposition 3.
are exact for all i I, we see that the left map of () is injective with its
image being contained in the kernel of the right double maps. In particular,
F satises the sheaf condition (i) of 6.3/2. On the other hand, any element of
the latter kernel determines a family of sections ri Fi (U ) and such a family
gives rise to an element in iI Fi (U ) only if ri = 0 for almost all i I. If I
is nite, there is no problem and the diagram () will be exact so that F is a
sheaf in this case. Similarly, if is nite, the diagram () is seen to be exact.
But we cannot exclude innite coverings in general, and this is the reason why
F will fail to satisfy the sheaf condition (ii) of 6.3/2 in typical cases where I
is innite. Therefore we are obliged to apply Proposition 5 in order to pass to
the sheacation of F; the latter is of type F + according to Lemma 6, since
F satises already the sheaf condition (i) of 6.3/2. Using Proposition 5 again,
it follows from our construction that for any O-module sheaf G the canonical
morphisms Fi -F - F + give rise to bijections
240 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
HomO (F + , G) - HomO (F, G) - HomO (Fi , G).
1. Give an example of a non-trivial presheaf of abelian groups such that its associ-
ated sheaf is the zero sheaf.
2. Two covariant functors F : D - C and G : C - D between categories C and
D are said to be adjoint if there are bijections Hom(F (Y ), X) Hom(Y, G(X))
that are functorial on objects X in C and Y in D. Interpret the sheacation
functor for presheaves on a topological space as part of a pair of adjoint functors.
3. Let : P - P be a monomorphism of presheaves, i.e. a morphism of pre-
sheaves satisfying (ker )pre = 0. Show that the associated morphism of sheaves
++ : P ++ - P ++ is a monomorphism as well. Conclude for any morphism of
sheaves : F - G that im , the image of in the sense of sheaves, can be
viewed as a subsheaf of G.
4. Inductive limit of sheaves: Let (Fi )iI be an inductive system of sheaves of sets
(resp. abelian groups, resp. rings, etc.) on a topological space X. Dene a presheaf
on X by assigning to each open subset U X the limit limiI Fi (U ). Show that
the associated sheaf, denoted by limiI Fi , satises the universal property of an
inductive limit in the corresponding category of sheaves.
5. Consider the 1-sphere X = {z C ; |z| = 1} as a topological space under the
topology induced from C. Let CX be the sheaf of continuous real valued functions
on X and RX the subsheaf of locally constant functions with values in R. Show
that G = (CX /RX )pre , the quotient in the context of presheaves, is not a sheaf.
6. Skyscraper sheaf : Consider a closed point x of a topological space X together
with an abelian group F . The skyscraper sheaf on X with stalk F at x is dened
by associating to any open subset U X the object F if x U and 0 otherwise.
Show that the resulting presheaf F is a sheaf, indeed, and that the latter is
uniquely characterized up to canonical isomorphism by the fact that Fx = F and
Fy = 0 for all y = x.
7. Sheaf Hom: Consider a topological space X together with sheaves of abelian
groups F, G on it. For any open subset U X set
where Hom(F|U , G|U ) denotes the set of sheaf morphisms from the restriction F|U
of F on U to the restriction G|U of G on U . Show that Hom(F, G) is canonically
a presheaf of abelian groups and that the latter is actually a sheaf.
6.6 Construction of Ane Schemes 241
OX : D(X) - Ring,
D(f ) - Af ,
D(f ) D(g) - Ag - Af ,
Proof. Assertion (i) was already proved in 6.2/8 while the rst part of (ii) was
established in 6.2/4. Furthermore, the second part of (ii) is clear as well, since
h = fgn Af for g A and n N yields
Df (h) = Df = Df ( (f g)) = a 1 (D(f g)),
f n+1
Af g - (Af ) (g)
Proposition 2. For a ring A and its spectrum X = Spec A, the above functor
OX : D(X) - Ring satises the sheaf properties 6.3/2 (i) and (ii) if we
restrict ourselves to basic open coverings of type D(f ) = D(f ) where
f, f A.
242 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
Proof. Consider a basic open covering D(f ) = D(f ) as mentioned in the
assertion. Then we conclude from Lemma 1 that we may assume without loss
of generality f = 1 and, hence, D(f ) = X. Since X is quasi-compact by 6.1/10,
we know that
the covering under consideration admits a nite subcover, say of
type X = ni=1 D(fi ) for functions f1 , . . . , fn A. Let us look at such a covering
rst. In order to check that the rst sheaf property holds, we have to show that
the canonical map
A - Afi
is injective.
To do this, let g A be an element of the kernel. Then for each i,
1 i n,
there is an exponent ri N such that firi g = 0. Furthermore, X = ni=1 D(fi )
is equivalent to
= V (fi ) = V (f1 , . . . , fn )
is exact. Since the injectivity of the map on the left has just been shown, look
at an element of the kernel of the two maps on the right-hand side, hence, at
an element
(gi )i Afi such that gi |D(fi fj ) = gj |D(fi fj ) for all i, j.
A Afi fj
6.6 Construction of Ane Schemes 243
and claim that g|D(fi ) = gi for all i. Indeed, using the above relations, the
following equalities hold in Afi for a xed i:
g= bj fjr hj
= bj fini +r (fjr hj ) fini r
(fir hi ) fini r
n +r
= bj f j j
hi fini
n +r
= b j fj j
= gi
Therefore g|D(fi ) = gi for all i and we see that the functor OX satises sheaf
properties as claimed, at least if the covering under consideration is nite.
Now consider an open covering U = (D(f )) of X that is not necessarily
nite. As we have already pointed out, U admits a nite subcover U , say cor-
responding to indices 1 , . . . , n . Then look at the canonical commutative
A - H 0 (U, OX )
A - H 0 (U , OX )
244 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
Note that may also be interpreted as the canonical map obtained in the setting
of Section 6.5 when viewing U as a renement of U. From the nite case, which
has been settled above, we know that is bijective and, in order nish our
proof, the same has to be shown for . The bijectivity of is clear if we know
that is injective. Therefore look at an element (g ) H 0 (U, OX ) whose
-image is trivial. Then the equations
show that each g trivializes with respect to the nite cover U |D(f ) . Because
we know already that OX satises the sheaf properties for such coverings, g
must be trivial. Hence, indeed, is injective and we are done.
for open subsets U X, where the rst projective limit runs over all open
subsets in X of type D(f ) that are contained in U , and the second one over
all f A such that D(f ) U . Then we conclude from the universal property
of projective limits that OX is a functor on the category of open subsets in X.
Furthermore, if U is a basic open subset, say U = D(g) for some g A, then
OX (U ) = limD(f )U OX (D(f )) is canonically isomorphic to OX (D(g)) = Ag
and we see that, indeed, the restriction of OX to D(X) yields a functor, which
is isomorphic to OX .
Theorem 3. Let A be a ring and X = Spec A its spectrum. The above functor
OX yields a sheaf of rings on X, extending the functor OX : D(X) - Ring
as considered in Proposition 2.
Proof. To check the sheaf conditions for OX , consider an open set U X and
an open covering of U . Rening the latter
if necessary, we will rst assume that
the covering is of the special type U = D(f ) for elements f A. Then,
6.6 Construction of Ane Schemes 245
? ? -
Ag - Agf - Agf f
where all squares are commutative if, on the right-hand side, corresponding
horizontal arrows are considered. Interpreting the projective limit as
lim Af = (af )f Af ; af |D(f ) = af for D(f ) D(f ) ,
D(f )U D(f )U
- -
im lim Af Af ker Af - Af f .
D(f )U ,
Furthermore, we know from Proposition 2 that the lower row of the diagram is
exact, since the sets D(gf ) = D(g)D(f ) form an open covering of D(g) U .
We claim that the upper row is exact as well. Indeed, the injectivity of
the maps Ag Agf where g varies over all elements in A such that
D(g) U shows that limD(f )U Af -
Af must be injective. Further-
more, if (h ) belongs to the kernel of Af - , Af f , this
induces for every g A where D(g) U an element of the kernel of
A - A and, thus, by the exactness of the lower row, a
, gf f
well-dened element hg Ag . Then (hg )g D(f )U Af represents an element
of limD(f )U Af , which is mapped to (h ) , and we see that the upper row
of the diagram is exact. Since the latter may be identied with the canonical
OX (U ) - OX (D(f )) - OX (D(f ) D(f )),
it follows that OX satises the sheaf conditions for the covering (D(f )) of
U , as claimed.
It remains to look at an open covering U = (Ui )iI of U of general type. In
order to show that OX satises sheaf conditions for U, we proceed similarly as
in the proof of Proposition 2. Namely, covering each Ui of U by basic open sets
of type D(f ) X, we obtain a renement U of U which is of the special type
considered in the rst part of our proof. Furthermore, there is a commutative
246 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
OX (U ) - H 0 (U, OX )
OX (U ) - H 0 (U , OX )
where and are the canonical maps and is the restriction morphism cor-
responding to the renement U of U. Since U is of the special type dealt
with above, we know already that is bijective, and the same has to be
checked for . To
do this, we show that is injective, looking at an element
(hi ) ker iI OX (Ui ). Then, for xed i I, the component hi is trivial
on each set of U that is contained in Ui . Since these open sets cover Ui and
since OX has already been recognized as being a sheaf with respect to such a
covering, hi must be trivial. Consequently, is injective and we see that OX
satises sheaf properties for the covering U, as claimed.
and apply the arguments given in the proof of Theorem 3 where we have used
the system of all sets of type D(f ) for f A as a basis of the topology of
X = Spec A.
F D(f ) = Mf
mapping an inclusion of basic open subsets D(f ) D(g) to the canonical map
Mg - Mf obtained via localization extends to a sheaf of OX -modules M
on X, called the OX -module sheaf associated to M . The latter is unique up to
canonical isomorphism.
f # (V ) : OY (V ) - OX (f 1 (V )), V Y open,
Proof. For a point x X and open subsets V Y such that f (x) V , the
f # (V )
OY (V ) - OX (f 1 (V )) - OX,x
are compatible with restriction morphisms of OY and, thus, induce a ring ho-
momorphism fx# : OY,f (x) - OX,x , as claimed.
A ring is called local if it contains a unique maximal ideal; see 1.2/1. For
example, the localization Ap of a ring A by a prime ideal p A is a local
ring; see 1.2/7. In particular, any eld is a local ring. A ring homomorphism
: A - B between local rings with maximal ideals m A and n B is
called local if (m) n. For example, given a ring homomorphism : A - B
and a prime ideal q B, we know that p = 1 (q) is a prime ideal in A and it
follows that the induced ring homomorphism Ap - Bq is local. However, for
any prime element p Z the canonical inclusion Z(p) - Q is not local where
Z(p) is the localization of Z by the prime ideal (p) Z generated by p.
Denition 8. A locally ringed space is a ringed space (X, OX ) such that the
stalks OX,x at all points x X are local rings.
If (X, OX ) and (Y, OY ) are locally ringed spaces, a morphism of ringed
spaces (f, f # ) : (X, OX ) - (Y, OY ) is called a morphism of locally ringed
spaces if all maps fx# : OY,f (x) - OX,x for x X are local.
Proposition 9. (i) Let A be a ring, X = Spec A its spectrum, and OX the sheaf
on X associated to A. Then (X, OX ) is a locally ringed space with OX,x = Ax
as stalk at any point x X.
(ii) Let A and B be rings with spectra X = Spec A and Y = Spec B. Then
the canonical map
6.6 Construction of Ane Schemes 249
: Hom (X, OX ), (Y, OY ) - Hom(B, A), (f, f # ) - f # (Y ),
from the set of morphisms of locally ringed spaces (X, OX ) - (Y, OY ) to the
set of ring homomorphisms B - A is bijective; see 7.1/3 for a more general
version of this fact.
(iii) For any morphism of locally ringed spaces (f, f # ) : (X, OX ) - (Y, OY )
as in (ii) and a point x X, the associated map between stalks
coincides canonically with the map Bf (x) - Ax obtained via localization from
f # (Y ) : B - A.
Proof. Let us start with assertion (i). Due to Proposition 2 and the construction
in Theorem 3 we know that OX is a sheaf of rings on X. Thus, it remains to
show that the stalk OX,x at a point x X is canonically isomorphic to the
localization Ax . To do this x a point x X. Since the system D(x) of basic
open neighborhoods D(g) of x in X is conal in the system U (x) of all open
neighborhoods of x, in the sense that given any U U (x) there is always a
D(g) D(x) such that D(g) U , we can write
Doing so, we want to show that the localization Ax at the prime ideal px A
satises the universal property of an inductive limit of the localizations Ag for
g varying over A px , where g px is another way to say g(x) = 0. First
note that there is a canonical family of ring homomorphisms Ag - Ax for
g A px , which is compatible with restriction morphisms of type Ag - Ag
for x D(g ) D(g). Now consider another family of ring homomorphisms
g : Ag - B for g A px to some ring B and assume that the g are com-
patible with restrictions of type Ag - Ag for x D(g ) D(g). Then, taking
g = 1, we obtain a homomorphism 1 : A - B, which factorizes through all
g : Ag - B for g A px . It follows that each g A px is mapped
via 1 to a unit in B and, furthermore, that all g factor uniquely through a
homomorphism : Ax - B. This shows that Ax is an inductive limit of the
Ag for g A px and that, accordingly, the canonical map OX,x - Ax is an
To verify assertion (ii) we dene a map
: Hom(B, A) - Hom (X, OX ), (Y, OY ) ,
? ?
Bf (x) A
OY,f (x) - OX,x ,
where the homomorphism fx# is local by our assumption and, thus, maps the
maximal ideal generated by pf (x) in OY,f (x) into the maximal ideal generated by
px in OX,x ; use 1.2/7 to see that these ideals are maximal. In other words, we
(fx# )1 (px OX,x ) = pf (x) OY,f (x) .
Since px OX,x and pf (x) OY,f (x) admit as preimages in A and B the ideals px and
pf (x) , we conclude that 1 (px ) = pf (x) and, hence, f (x) = a (x), as claimed. In
particular, the map f : X - Y is uniquely determined by the homomorphism
f # (Y ) : OY (Y ) - OX (X).
6.6 Construction of Ane Schemes 251
? ?
f # (V )
OY (V ) - OX (f 1 (V )) .
In the special case where V = D(g) for some g B, the preceding diagram be-
comes more concrete: we get f 1 (D(g)) = D((g)) from 6.2/4 and the diagram
is of type
=f # (Y )
B -A
? f # (V )
Bg - A(g) .
Therefore we see from the universal property of the localization Bg that f # (V )
is uniquely
determined by . If V is more general, choose a basic open covering
V = D(g ) where g B. Then, given b OY (V ), its restrictions
Denition 11. An ane scheme is a locally ringed space (X, OX ) such that
there is an isomorphism of locally ringed spaces (X, OX ) - (Spec A, OSpec A )
for some ring A.
A scheme1 is a locally ringed space (X, OX ) such that there exists an open
covering (Xi )iI of X where (Xi , OX |Xi ) is an ane scheme for all i I. Here
OX |Xi is the restriction of the sheaf OX to the open subset Xi X.
Finally, a morphism of schemes is meant as a morphism of locally ringed
In most cases, we will just write X in order to refer to a scheme (X, OX ). The
sheaf OX is called the structure sheaf of X. Likewise, for a morphism of schemes
(f, f # ) : (X, OX ) - (Y, OY ) we will use the simpler notation f : X - Y.
The original notion of Grothendieck was prescheme, while the term scheme was reserved
for a prescheme that is separated in the sense of 7.4. However, this convention is not followed
any more today.
252 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
f 1 (V ) - V
It is clear that schemes together with their morphisms form a category,
which we will denote by Sch, and that the ane schemes dene a subcategory
of Sch, in fact, a full subcategory, which means that the morphisms X -Y
between two ane schemes X and Y are the same in the category of ane
schemes and the category Sch of all schemes. As usual, the set of morphisms
between two objects X, Y of Sch is denoted by Hom(X, Y ). Furthermore, for a
xed scheme S, we can consider the category Sch/S of relative schemes over S.
As was explained in Section 4.5, the objects of Sch/S are morphisms of schemes
of type X - S where X varies over the objects of Sch and the morphisms
in Sch/S are given by commutative diagrams of type
X - Y
We usually talk about S-schemes and S-morphisms, referring to S as the base
scheme of the relative schemes. For two relative schemes X, Y in Sch/S the set
of S-morphisms X - Y is denoted by HomS (X, Y ).
According to our denition, there is a bijective correspondence between
ane schemes and rings. Furthermore, by Proposition 9, morphisms of ane
schemes correspond bijectively to ring homomorphisms. More specically, we
can state:
For schemes X, the argument given in the above proof does not look very
satisfying, since it is not constructive. Instead one might be tempted to look at
a non-empty ane open part U X. Then, by 6.1/6, there is a point x U
that is relatively closed in U . However, from this we cannot conclude that x will
be closed in X, as we have explained already in the introduction of the present
chapter. On the other hand, see 8.3/6 for a class of schemes X where every
point that is relatively closed in some open part of X is already closed in X.
1. Let X = Spec Z. Describe the structure sheaf OX of X by exhibiting all restriction
morphisms. Do the same for X = Spec Ct/(t2 t) and X = Spec Ct/(t3 t2 )
where t is a variable.
2. Consider the ane scheme X = Spec Zt and its open subschemes X1 , X2 given
by the basic open subsets D(2), D(t) X where t is a variable. Show that
X1 X2 denes an open subscheme in X that is not ane. Hint: Determine the
ring OX (X1 X2 ).
254 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
with canonical restriction morphisms. Show that OX is a sheaf and that (X, OX )
is a scheme that cannot be ane.
5. Disjoint union
! of schemes: Let (Xi )iI be a family of schemes. Dene the disjoint
union X = iI Xi as a ringed space; it is a scheme again. Assuming that all Xi
are non-empty ane, show that X is ane if and only if I is nite. Hint: Use
Exercise 1.1/6.
6. Show that there is a unique morphism of schemes X - Spec Z for any scheme
X. Conclude that the category of schemes is equivalent to the one of relative
schemes over Spec Z.
7. For a scheme X and a point x X show that there exists a canonical morphism
of schemes Spec OX,x - X. Its image consists of all points z X satisfying
x {z}, i.e. such that x is a specialization of z.
8. Given a scheme X and a global section f OX (X), write Xf for the set of all
points x X where f does not vanish; more precisely, x Xf if and only if the
germ fx OX,x is a unit. Show:
(a) Xf is open in X.
(b) Xf = D(f ) if X is ane.
(c) There is a canonical ring morphism f : (OX (X))f - OX (Xf ).
9. A criterion for ane schemes: Show that a scheme X is ane if and only if
there are global sections f1 , . . . , fr generating the unit ideal in OX (X) with the
property that the subsets Xf1 , . . . , Xfr X as in introduced in Exercise 8 above
are ane. Hint: To establish the if part set A = OX (X) and construct a mor-
phism of schemes : X - Spec A that restricted to each Xf corresponds to
the canonical morphism OX (X) - OX (Xf ). Use Exercise 8 to show that
induces isomorphisms 1 (Spec Afi ) = Xfi - Spec Afi and, hence, that is
an isomorphism itself.
6.7 The Ane n-Space 255
Let R be a ring and S = Spec R its spectrum, which we want to view as an ane
scheme, in fact, as a base scheme over which we construct the ane n-space as
a relative S-scheme. To do this, choose variables t1 , . . . , tn and consider
and we will often use the notation AnR as an abbreviation of AnSpec R . For any
R-algebra R let AnS (R ) be the set of all S-morphisms Spec R - AnS ; this is
the set of so-called R -valued points of AnR . Since the set of R-homomorphisms
Rt1 , . . . , tn - R corresponds bijectively to the set (R )n of all n-tuples
with entries in R , via the map - ((t1 ), . . . , (tn )), we see that the set of
from the set of K-valued points of AnK to the set of closed points of AnK . Indeed, a
morphism Spec K - AnK is given by a K-morphism : Kt1 , . . . , tn - K
and its image im is a subring of K that is integral over K. Then im is a eld
by 3.1/2 and we can conclude that ker is a maximal ideal in Kt1 , . . . , tn .
On the other hand, if m Kt1 , . . . , tn is an arbitrary maximal ideal,
we know from 3.2/4 that the quotient K = Kt1 , . . . , tn /m is a nite eld
extension of K. Therefore we may embed K via a K-homomorphism into K
and it follows that the composition
Kt1 , . . . , tn
- ?
Kt1 , . . . , tn / ker - K
Indeed, due to ker = ker the subelds Kt1 , . . . , tn / ker K and
Kt1 , . . . , tn / ker K are isomorphic over K and such a K-isomorphism
can be extended to a K-automorphism of K. Thus, letting the automorphism
group AutK (K) act on K n in a canonical way, we see that two points x, y K n
satisfy (x) = (y) if and only if there exists an automorphism AutK (K)
such that (x) = y. In particular, the map gives rise to a bijection
We will see later in Section 7.2 for a general base scheme S that the ane
n-space AnS , like any relative S-scheme, may be imagined as the family of its
bers over S. In our special case the latter are the ane n-spaces Ank(s) where s
varies over the points in S.
1. Let S be an ane base scheme. Show that there is a canonical bijection
HomS (T, A1S ) - OT (T ) that is functorial on S-schemes T and, thus, gives
rise to an isomorphism of functors from the category of S-schemes to the category
of sets. Later the assumption ane on S can be removed.
2. Show that the ane n-space AnS over an ane base S can be interpreted as the
n-fold cartesian product (A1S )n in the category of S-schemes. Indeed, for any
S-scheme T there is a canonical bijection HomS (T, AnS ) - HomS (T, A1S )n .
Later we will be able to remove the assumption ane on S.
3. Consider Neiles parabola X = Spec Kt1 , t2 /(t22 t31 ) over a eld K. As we can
conclude from Exercise 6.2/6, there is a morphism of schemes A1K - X that
6.8 Quasi-Coherent Modules 257
see Section 6.5 for the notion of H 0 (U, ). Also note that the structure of M (U )
as an OX (U )-module is componentwise induced from the structure of each Mf
as an Af -module. Using this point of view it becomes clear that every morphism
of A-modules : M - N gives rise to an associated morphism of OX -modules
: M - N . On a basic open subset D(f ) X, the latter is given by the
localization f : Mf - Nf of by f . Thereby we see that, in fact, M - M
denes a functor from the category of A-modules to the category of OX -modules.
Also note that A = OX , i.e. the OX -module associated to A with its canonical
A-module structure is the structure sheaf OX viewed as a module over itself.
There is a slight generalization of the construction of associated morphisms.
Consider an A-module M and an OX -module F. Then every morphism of
A-modules : M - F(X) induces a morphism of OX -modules : M - F.
Indeed, for any basic open subset D(f ) X, we know that F D(f) is an
Af -module. Hence, the composition M - F(X) - F D(f ) factors
uniquely over a morphism of Af -modules f : Mf - F D(f ) . As before,
these maps give rise to the desired morphism : M - F. In particular,
the identity map on F(X) induces a well-dened morphism of OX -modules
- F and the latter is an isomorphism if and only if F is associated to
some A-module M (which will be isomorphic to F(X)).
258 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
Proof. This is the module analogue of 6.6/1 (iii); use 1.2/10 in conjunction with
is bijective. More generally, for any A-module M and any OX -module F, the
HomA M, F(X) - HomO (M , F), - ,
is bijective.
? (D(f )) ?
Mf - F D(f ) ;
namely it shows for any f A that, as a morphism of Af -modules, D(f ) is
uniquely determined by (X).
Proof. As we have shown in Sections 1.4 (Example 4) and 6.5, direct sums of
ordinary modules and of module sheaves are characterized by the same uni-
versal mapping property. Thus, it is enough to refer to the second bijection in
Proposition 2.
Proof. It is trivial that (i) implies (ii). Therefore assume condition (ii). Since X
is quasi-compact by 6.1/10, there exists a nite family (f ) of elements in
A such that X = D(f ) and each F|D(f ) is associated to an Af -module
M . Now let f A and consider a section r F(X) such that r|D(f ) = 0.
Writing r = r|D(f ) , we get r |D(f f ) = 0 or, in other words, r1 = 0 in (M )f
for all . By the module analogue of 1.2/4 (i), there is an exponent n N
such that f n r = 0 in F(D(f )) = M . Since the index set is nite, we may
assume that n is independent of . But then f n r|D(f ) = f n r = 0 for all
and, hence, since F is a sheaf, f n r must be trivial. Thus, we see that the rst
condition in (iii) is satised.
To derive the second condition in (iii), consider a section s F(D(f )) for
some f A and look at its restriction s = s|D(f f ) F(D(f f )) (M )f on
D(f ) D(f ). Then we can nd an exponent n N such that f n s extends
to a section r F(D(f )) M , where, again, we may assume that n is
independent of . Restricting r and r to D(f ) D(f ) for indices , ,
we see that the dierence
260 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
? f
Mf - F(D(f ))
with canonical vertical morphisms is commutative. Now, if condition (1) in (iii)
holds, f is injective, and if condition (2) holds, f is surjective. From this one
concludes that F is associated to the A-module M and we are done.
M A B - F(U )
? f
M A B f - M A Af
where, on the right-hand side, OX is meant as a module over itself. Thus, OX
is the direct sum of copies OX parametrized by I; see the end of Section 6.5 for
the direct sum of module sheaves. Note that for a ring A it is common practice
to interpret A(I) as a part of the cartesian product AI , namely as
A(I) = {(ai )iI AI ; ai = 0 for almost all i I}.
This way A(I) is an A-module, which can be interpreted as the direct sum of
copies of A parametrized by I.
Proof. The construction of direct sums at the end of 6.5 in conjunction with
6.5/6 (i) shows (OX )|U (OX |U )(I) so that we can apply Corollary 3.
Let us call an OX -module F free if there exists an index set I such that F
is isomorphic to the OX -module (OX )(I) . Furthermore, an OX -module F on a
scheme X is called locally free if every point x X admits an open neighborhood
U such that F|U is free. If more specically F is locally isomorphic to OX , i.e.
if each x X admits an open neighborhood U X such that F|U OX |U ,
then F is called invertible; see 9.2 for a closer discussion of the latter property.
Proof. In a rst step we show that (i) is equivalent to (ii). For this it is enough
to consider the case where X is ane, say X = Spec A. Assume that F is
262 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
isomorphic to the cokernel of some OX -morphism (OX )(J) - (OX )(I) . Then,
by Proposition 2, the morphism must be associated to a morphism of A-modules
: A(J) - A(I) . Since the formation of associated modules respects cokernels
by Proposition 4, we see that F is associated to the A-module coker .
Conversely, assume that F is associated to some A-module M . Then, choos-
ing a presentation
A(J) - A(I) -M -0
0 - F - F - F - 0
the cohomological methods of Section 7.7 and use the long exact cohomology
() 0 - M - M - M - 0,
- - - -
0 M
0 - F - F - F - 0
with exact rows, the rst one being exact by Proposition 4. But then one can
show by some diagram chase on the level of sections of M and F that M - F
must be an isomorphism. In particular, F is quasi-coherent, since this is true
for M .
A more direct attack on the quasi-coherence of F demonstrates that, quite
naturally, cohomological methods, namely from Cech cohomology as dealt with
in Section 7.6, come into play. Indeed, a crucial step in the above proof is
to show that the sequence () is exact, and for this only the surjectivity of
F(X) - F (X) has to be checked. Therefore, consider a section f F (X).
Then, locally on X, there are preimages of f in F. In other words, there exists a
(nite) basic open covering U = (Ui )iI of X such that each f |Ui admits a preim-
age fi F(Ui ). In particular, the images of all dierences fij = (fj fi )|Ui Uj
are trivial in F (Ui Uj ) and, hence, viewing F as a subsheaf of F, these be-
long to F (Ui Uj ). Now, using the notion of Cech cochains as introduced in
Section 7.6, the sections fij dene a so-called 1-cochain
f = (fij )i,jI F (Ui Uj ) F(Ui Uj ),
i,jI i,jI
? ? ?
d0 d1
C 0 (U, F) - C 1 (U, F) - C 2 (U, F)
d0 : (gi )iI - (gj gi )|Uij ,
d : (gij )i,jI - (gjk gik + gjk )|Uijk .
d1 : C 1 (U, F ) - C 2 (U, F ).
which is at, since each localization A - Af is at by 4.3/3 (i) and since the
direct sum (here occurring as a nite cartesian product) of at modules is at
by 4.2/6. As the D(f ) cover X, we see thatthis module is, in fact, faithfully
by the criterion 4.2/11 (iv). Now, viewing n=1 Mf as a module over n=1 Af ,
this module is of nite type (resp. nite presentation) by our assumption on the
Mf . Since n=1 Mf is obtained from M via tensoring with , it follows from
4.4/1 that M is of nite type (resp. nite presentation). Hence, we get (iii).
1. Let A be a ring and X = Spec A. Show that the functor M - M from
A-modules to quasi-coherent OX -modules respects inductive limits.
2. Let A be a ring and M an A-module. Show for X = Spec A and any point
x X that (M )x , the stalk of the associated OX -module M at x, is canonically
isomorphic to the localization Mx of M at x.
3. For a scheme X and a closed point x X consider an OX,x -module F . Let F be
the associated skyscraper sheaf on X satisfying Fx = F and Fy = 0 for y = x;
see Exercise 6.5/6. Show that F is canonically an OX -module and that the latter
is quasi-coherent if and only if Fy = 0 for all y Spec OX,x X dierent from x.
Give examples where F is quasi-coherent, as well as examples where F is locally
of nite type, but not quasi-coherent.
4. Show that the direct sum of quasi-coherent modules on a scheme X is quasi-
coherent. Can we expect the same to be true for quasi-coherent modules on
arbitrary ringed spaces, adapting Denition 9 to this case?
266 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
5. Show that the kernel, image, and cokernel of any morphism between quasi-
coherent OX -modules on a scheme X are quasi-coherent.
6. Let A be a Noetherian ring and set X = Spec A. Show that an OX -module is
coherent if and only if it is associated to a nite A-module.
7. Let X be a scheme and F an OX -module that is locally of nite type. For any
point x X where Fx = 0, show that there exists an open neighborhood U of x
satisfying F|U = 0. Conclude that the set {x X ; Fx = 0}, the so-called support
of F, is closed in X.
8. Consider a morphism of quasi-coherent OX -modules f : F - G on a scheme
X and let x be a point where the morphism of stalks fx : Fx - Gx is an
isomorphism. Assume that F is locally of nite type and G locally of nite pre-
sentation and show that there exists an open neighborhood U of x such that
f |U : F|U - G|U is an isomorphism. Hint: Use 1.5/7 in conjunction with Ex-
ercise 7 above.
9. Let A be an integral domain with eld of fractions K. Dene the constant sheaf
KX on X = Spec A by setting KX (U ) = K for each non-empty open subset
U X. Show that KX is a quasi-coherent OX -module that cannot be locally of
nite type and, thus, is not coherent, unless A is a eld.
OY -module. In the rst case, the adjunction formula is considered for sheaves
F of abelian groups on X and for morphisms between such sheaves, whereas
in the second case we are dealing with OX -modules F and morphisms of OX -,
resp. OY -modules. Let us start by looking at the problem of uniqueness.
Proof. Look at the map hA : HomC (A, A) - HomC (B, A); it sends the identity
morphism id : A - A to a certain morphism : B - A, which we claim is
as stated. Indeed, for any morphism : A - E in C, the functorial morphism
h gives rise to a commutative diagram
HomC (A, A) - HomC (B, A)
? ?
HomC (A, E) - HomC (B, E) ,
where the vertical maps are given by composition with . As we have said, the
identity id HomC (A, A) is mapped horizontally to HomC (B, A) and then
to HomC (B, E), as well as vertically to id = HomC (A, E) and
then to hE () HomC (B, E). This yields
hE () =
and shows that the functorial morphism h is given by composition with .
To derive the uniqueness of , consider two morphisms , HomC (B, A)
inducing h and, hence, satisfying = for all HomC (A, E), where E
varies over all objects in C. Then, for E = A and the identity id HomC (A, E),
we see that id = id and, hence, = .
If h is a functorial isomorphism, its inverse
h1 : HomC (B, ) - HomC (A, )
is given by composition with a well-dened morphism : A - B, as we have
shown above. Using the uniqueness assertions for the compositions and
, we see that is an inverse of . Likewise, one shows for an isomorphism
that its inverse 1 gives rise to an inverse of h.
HomX f 1 (G), F - HomY G, f (F)
where the inductive limit extends over all open subsets V Y containing f (U ).
Proof. We have to establish the existence of the left adjoint functor of f , which
can be done under quite general categorical assumptions; see Milne [19], II.2.2,
or HiltonStammbach [16], IX.5.1. However, we want to be more explicit and
prefer to show that the construction specied in the assertion yields a left adjoint
of f , relying on Lemma 1 for the uniqueness assertion. In the following, we
write f 1 (G) for the sheaf associated to the presheaf U - lim G(V )
V f (U )
for U X open.
Let us introduce a map
: HomY G, f (F) - HomX f 1 (G), F
where the limit extends over all open subsets V Y such that f (U ) V .
Varying U and passing to the associated sheaf on the left-hand side yields a
f 1 (G) - F,
which we denote by (). It is immediately clear that the resulting map
: HomY (G, f (F)) - HomX (f 1 (G), F) is functorial in F.
To show that is an isomorphism, we construct an inverse map
: HomX f 1 (G), F - HomY G, f (F)
6.9 Direct and Inverse Images of Module Sheaves 269
G - f (F),
acting as adjunction formula. Now, similarly as for ordinary modules (for ex-
ample, see the argument in the proof of Corollary 4 below), the canonical map
Homf 1 (OY ) f 1 (G), F - HomO f 1 (G) 1
X f (OY ) OX , F ,
for F = f (G) and any OY -module G, we see that the identity morphism
id : f (G) - f (G) corresponds to a canonical morphism f # : G - f (f (G))
of OY -modules. Furthermore, the construction of f 1 (G) and f (G) shows that
f # is induced from the canonical maps
G(V ) - G(V ) OY (V ) OX f 1 (V ) , a - a 1,
6.9 Direct and Inverse Images of Module Sheaves 271
for G = f (F) and any OX -module F shows that the identity morphism
id : f (F) - f (F) corresponds to a canonical morphism f (f (F)) -F
of OX -modules. The latter is induced by the canonical maps
F f 1 (V ) OY (V ) OX f 1 (V ) - F(U )
F A A(g) = F A (A B Bg ) = F/B B Bg
by 1.3/2. Hence, we can deduce that f (F ) = F /B .
Next, let F be an arbitrary OX -module and consider F = (X, F) as an
A-module. Then, using 6.8/2, the adjunction formula yields
HomOX f (G), F = HomOY (G, f F) = HomB (G, F/B ).
GA - F, (g, a) - (g) a,
where we use the structure of F as A-module. Passing to the associated tensor
product yields an A-linear map
G B A - F, ga - (g) a,
showing f (G) G
B A with the help of Lemma 1.
Proof. Use Corollary 4 in conjunction with the fact 4.1/9 that free generating
systems of modules are preserved under tensor products.
that is free from ber products. For the purposes of the present section, namely
the proof of the direct image theorem in Proposition 9, it is enough to take this
characterization as a denition, thereby avoiding the use of ber products at
this place.
Proof. Assertion (i) is true, since ane open subsets in X are quasi-compact by
6.1/10 and since these sets form a basis of the topology of X.
In the situation of (ii) we start by considering the special case where
f: X - Y is a morphism of ane schemes; let f # : OY (Y ) - OX (X) be
the corresponding ring morphism. Now, if V Y is open and quasi-compact,
it is a nite union of basic open subsets of type D(g) Y for suitable elements
g OY (Y ). Since f 1 (V ) is the union of the preimages f 1 (D(g)) = D(f # (g)),
it is a nite union of ane open subsets in X and, hence, quasi-compact. In
particular, f is quasi-compact.
In a next step we assume that X is quasi-compact and Y is ane. Also in
this case f is quasi-compact, since there is a nite ane open covering (Xi )iI
of X and since every restriction fi : Xi - Y of f is quasi-compact, as we
just have seen. Therefore, if V Y is quasi-compact, the same holds for all
preimages fi1 (V ) and, hence, also for f 1 (V ) = iI fi1 (V ), since it is a nite
union of quasi-compact sets.
In the general case, we look at a quasi-compact open subset V Y and
assume that there is an ane open covering (Yi )iI of Y such that f 1 (Yi ) is
quasi-compact for all i I. Then all restrictions fi : f 1 (Yi ) - Yi of f are
quasi-compact, as we just have seen. Furthermore, there exists a nite ane
open covering (Vj )jJ of V such that for each index j J there is an index i I
satisfying Vj Yi . Then the preimages f 1 (Vj ) are quasi-compact, and f 1 (V ),
as a nite union of quasi-compact sets, is quasi-compact as well. Therefore f
is quasi-compact also in this case. This settles the if part of assertion (ii), the
reverse being trivial.
To verify (iii) we have to make use of ber products as we will construct
them in Section 7.2. Starting with the if part, let us use 7.2/5 and consider the
open covering (f 1 (Yi ) Yi f 1 (Yi ))iI of X Y X. Since we want to apply the
criterion (ii), we may replace Y by any of the Yi and thereby assume that Y
is ane. Then consider the ane open covering (Xi )iI of X consisting of all
ane open subsets in X. It follows from 7.2/4 that the ber products Xi Y Xj
274 6. Ane Schemes and Basic Constructions
are ane for all i, j I and, furthermore, from 7.2/5 that these form an open
covering of X Y X satisfying 1 X/Y (Xi Y Xj ) = Xi Xj . Since condition (iii)
implies that all these preimages are quasi-compact, X/Y is quasi-compact by
criterion (ii). To settle the only-if part, choose ane open parts U, U X
such that f (U ) f (U ) Yi for some i I. Then U Yi U is an ane open
subscheme in X Y X. Since its preimage with respect to X/Y equals the
intersection U U , the latter must be quasi-compact if X/Y is quasi-compact.
Thus, we are done.
as well as Fij for the direct image of F|Xi Xj with respect to the composition
X i Xj - X - Y, i, j I.
Then the OY -modules Fi and Fij are quasi-coherent by the special case dealt
with above, and we can look at the exact diagram
f (F) - Fi - Fij
iI i,jI
related to the sheaf condition of F with respect to the open covering (U Xi )iI
of U . In other words, we have
f (F) = ker Fi - Fij
iI i,jI
where the cartesian products can be interpreted as direct sums, since they ex-
tend over nite index sets. Now using the fact that the formation of associated
modules commutes with direct sums (6.8/3), as well as with kernels of module
homomorphisms (6.8/4), we see that f (F) is quasi-coherent.
If the intersections Xi Xj are only known to be quasi-compact, choose for
each pair of indices i, j I a nite ane open covering (Xijk )kJij of Xi Xj
and write Fijk for the direct image of F|Xijk with respect to the composition
Xijk - X - Y, i, j I, k Jij .
As before, Fijk is a quasi-coherent OY -module, and the canonical exact diagrams
F(U ) - F(U Xi ) - - F(U Xijk )
iI i,jI,kJij
1. Let f : X - Y be a morphism of ringed spaces. Show for any sheaf G of abelian
groups on Y and any point x X that there is a canonical isomorphism of stalks
(f 1 G)x Gf (x) . Conclude that the etale space of f 1 G on X may be viewed as
the ber product of the etale space of G over Y with X.
2. Let f : X - Y and g : Y - Z be morphisms of ringed spaces. Show for
sheaves of modules F on X and G on Z that there are canonical isomorphisms
of OZ -modules, resp. OX -modules
(g f ) F g (f F), (g f ) G f (g G).
0 - j! (j 1 F) - F - i (i1 F) - 0.
Note that j 1 F = F|U and that, likewise, i1 F may be considered as the re-
striction of F to Z. Hint: Use Exercises 5, 9, and 10 above.
7. Techniques of Global Schemes
Schemes have been dened as ringed spaces with certain additional proper-
ties. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that standard gluing techniques from
the theory of manifolds can be used for the construction of new schemes from
previously established ones. To glue a family of schemes (Xi )iI along certain
overlaps Xi Xj , which we assume to be open in Xi and Xj , we need to
specify these overlaps as open subschemes Xij Xi and Xji Xj for all
i, j I, together with gluing isomorphisms ij : Xij - Xji , which are used
as identications. Of course, the data must be symmetric in the sense that the
ij satisfy ij ji = id (as well as Xii = Xi and ii = id for all i I). However,
the latter is not enough. Given three indices i, j, k I, there are identications
Xij Xi Xik
ij ik
Xji Xj Xjk - Xkj Xk Xki
and these must be compatible in the sense that ik = jk ij on the part of
Xi where both sides are dened. The latter is the so-called cocycle condition
for triple overlaps. Indeed, as we will see in 7.1/1, if the cocycle condition is
satised, the Xi can be glued by using the isomorphisms ij as identications.
Furthermore, writing X = iI Xi for the resulting scheme, one can use the
sheaf property of the structure sheaf OX to dene morphisms X - Y by
gluing morphisms Xi - Y that coincide on all overlaps of the Xi ; see 7.1/2.
If the index set I consists of precisely two elements, say I = {1, 2}, the
cocycle condition is automatically fullled and therefore can be neglected. For
example, consider X1 = X2 = Spec K, the ane line A1K over a eld K,
as well as X12 = X21 = Spec K, 1 , the open subscheme of the ane line
obtained by removing its origin, the latter being given by the maximal ideal
() K. Then to construct a scheme X by gluing X1 and X2 along X12 we
can use the identity morphism 12 : X12 - X21 as the gluing isomorphism.
The resulting scheme is denoted by A1K ; it is the ane line with a double
origin. Alternatively, we can use the gluing isomorphism 12 : X12 - X21
given by the isomorphism of K-algebras
The resulting scheme is the projective line P1K ; see the construction of projective
n-spaces in 7.1 or the more general approach to Proj schemes in 9.1. Also note
that the schemes A1K and P1K are not isomorphic. This is easily seen by looking
at the separatedness condition to be discussed below. The projective line P1K is
separated over K whereas the ane line with double origin A1K is not.
The just described gluing technique is used for several basic constructions in
the setting of schemes. For example, we show in 7.1 how to dene the projective
n-space PnR over some base ring R by gluing n+1 copies of the ane n-space AnR .
Furthermore, we construct the spectrum Spec A of a quasi-coherent OS -algebra
A over some base scheme S; the latter generalizes the construction of the scheme
Spec A associated to a ring A.
Another rather interesting application of the gluing technique is the con-
struction of ber products in the category of schemes, which we deal with in
7.2. As the category of rings admits amalgamated sums in the form of tensor
products (see 4.3/6 and 4.5/3), it follows that its opposite, the category of ane
schemes, admits ber products in the sense of 4.5/2, namely
Spec A1 Spec R Spec A2 = Spec(A1 R A2 )
for algebras A1 , A2 over some ring R. Then, using the characterization 7.1/3 of
morphisms into ane schemes, we can show that ber products in the setting of
ane schemes satisfy the universal property required for ber products in the
larger category of all schemes; see 7.2/4. Thus, it follows that ber products in
the category of ane schemes are ber products in the category of all schemes
as well. It is then a technical but straightforward process to construct ber
products X S Y for arbitrary schemes X, Y over some base scheme S; see
7.2/3. Assuming S ane in a rst step we x ane open coverings (Xi )iI and
(Yj )jJ of X and Y and construct the ber product X S Y by gluing the ber
products Xi S Yj along the overlaps (Xi Xi )S (Yj Yj ) where i, i I and
j, j J; that the latter ber products exist and, in fact, are open subschemes
of Xi S Yj and Xi S Yj follows from the observation made in 7.2/5. Finally,
for general S, one works with respect to an ane open covering (Si )iI of S.
If Xi and Yi are the preimages of Si with respect to the structural morphisms
X - S and Y - S, the ber products Xi S Yi exist by the previous
step and X S Y is obtained by gluing the ber products Xi Si Yi along the
overlaps (Xi Xi ) Si Si (Yi Yi ) for i, i I.
It is important to realize that a ber product of schemes X S Y will in
general not serve as a ber product in the category of topological spaces or even
sets. Writing |X| for the point set underlying a scheme X, there is a canonical
map of sets
|X S Y | - |X| |S| |Y |
that is surjective, but not necessarily injective; see 7.2/6. For example, we show
that the ber product Spec C Spec R Spec C consists of two points, whereas
| Spec C| | Spec R| | Spec C| is a one-point set.
Nevertheless, ber products can successfully be used to dene a workable
replacement of the Hausdor separation axiom in the setting of schemes. Recall
Outline and Motivation 279
as an ane open covering of the ber product of A1K with itself. Furthermore,
we see that the preimages of X1 K X2 and X2 K X1 with respect to the
diagonal embedding : A1K - A1 K A1 coincide both with X1 X2 . Of
course, the latter intersection is the ane line X1 = Spec K1 with its origin
removed, i.e. X1 X2 = Spec K1 , 11 . In particular, we get the following
commutative diagrams
280 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
X1 K1
X1 X 2 - X1 K X2 K1 , 11
K1 , 2
- ?
X2 K2
of so-called Cech cochains on U with values in F; see 7.6 for its denition. Then
one is interested in the attached Cech cohomology groups
of the cohomology groups from the covering U. On separated schemes the latter
is possible, indeed, by taking U ane, as follows from Lerays Theorem 7.7/5
in conjunction with 7.4/6 and 7.7/7.
As an example, let us consider the ane 2-space A2K = Spec K1 , 2 over a
eld K and remove the origin from it, namely the closed point 0 given by the
maximal ideal (1 , 2 ) K1 , 2 . The resulting scheme X admits a canonical
ane open covering U, namely
X = Spec K1 , 2 , 21 Spec K1 , 11 , 2 .
To compute the Cech cohomology groups H q (U, F) we use the Cech complex
of so-called alternating cochains; see 7.6/1. The latter is particularly simple in
our case, as it is given by
0 - K1 , 2 , 21 K1 , 11 , 2 - K1 , 11 , 2 , 21 - 0
with d (f1 , f2 ) = f2 f1 . Then
H (U, OX ) = 0
for q > 1.
In particular, H (U, OX ) is a K-vector space of innite dimension and this
shows that X cannot be ane. Indeed, for ane schemes and ane open cov-
erings, all higher cohomology groups H q (U, OX ), q > 0, are trivial; use 7.7/7
in conjunction with Lerays Theorem 7.7/5. Of course, that X is not ane can
also be seen from the fact that the inclusion X - A2K , which is a proper
inclusion, nevertheless gives rise to an isomorphism on the level of associated
K-algebras K1 , 2 - OX (X). Finally, let us refer to Serres criterion
7.7/8, which states that the vanishing of rst cohomology groups with values
in quasi-coherent modules characterizes ane schemes.
Also we have included in the present chapter a brief discussion of the Noethe-
rian niteness condition for schemes (see 7.5), after having settled the necessary
prerequisites on associated ideals in 7.3. A scheme X is called locally Noetherian
(see 7.5/3) if every point in X admits an ane open neighborhood Spec A X
where A is Noetherian. The condition has geometric implications for the Zariski
topology as well as consequences on the level of rings of functions. In particular,
if Spec A is any ane open subscheme of a locally Noetherian scheme, then A
will be Noetherian by 7.5/4. For some time it was quite popular to require the
Noetherian condition for any base scheme S whenever relative schemes X/S
were considered. However, we will not proceed like this and follow the strategy
of Grothendieck instead, who preferred to work over a general base S, imposing
any necessary conditions on the structural morphism X - S. Usually this
requires a little bit of extra eort, but has the advantage that the theory re-
mains compatible with general base change. This way impacts originating from
the base and from the morphism can be kept well apart from each other.
282 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
Proposition 1. Consider
(i) a family (Xi )iI of schemes,
(ii) open subschemes Xij Xi and isomorphisms ij : Xij - Xji for all
i, j I,
subject to the following conditions:
(a) ij ji = id, Xii = Xi and ii = id for all i, j I.
(b) The isomorphisms ij : Xij - Xji restrict to isomorphisms
ij : Xij Xik - Xji Xjk
(j) (i) (k)
such that ik = jk ij for all i, j, k I (cocycle condition).
Then the schemes Xi can be glued along the intersections Xij Xji to
set up a scheme X.
More precisely, there is a scheme X together with morphisms i : Xi - X,
i I, such that:
(1) i denes for all i I an isomorphism of Xi onto an open subscheme
Xi X.
(2) X = iI Xi .
(3) i (Xij ) = Xi Xj for all i, j I.
(4) The diagram
i |Xij
ij Xi Xj
j |Xji
is commutative for all i, j I.
Moreover, X is unique up to canonical isomorphism.
Xij Xik
Xij Xik
ij ik
(k) (j)
ij ik
Xji Xki
Xji Xjk Xkj Xki
Xj Xk
Xjk Xkj
The basic idea is to identify the open subschemes Xij Xi and Xji Xj via
the isomorphisms ij : Xij - Xji for all i, j I, thereby obtaining a scheme
X, which is covered by the open subschemes Xi . For this to work properly we
need compatibility of the identication process on triple overlaps, a requirement
expressed !by the cocycle condition. Let us start by dening X as a set; namely,
let X = ( iI Xi )/ , where the relation is given as follows: For x Xi
and y Xj write x y if x Xij and ij (x) = y. Then is an equiva-
lence relation. Indeed, reexivity and symmetry of the relation follow from
condition (a). Furthermore, the transitivity is a consequence of the cocycle con-
dition (b). Indeed, let x Xi , y Xj , and z Xk such that x y and y z.
Then we have
that all maps i are continuous. Moreover, if there is an index i0 I such that
U Xi0 , then U is open in X if and only if i1 0
(U ) Xi0 is open. Indeed, if
the latter holds, we get for every i I
i1 (U ) = i1 (U Xi ) = 1
i,i0 i0 (U )
is continuous. In particular, all subsets Xi X are open in X and the maps i
induce homeomorphisms Xi - Xi .
It remains to construct the structure sheaf of X. To do this, we trans-
port for every i I the structure sheaf OXi of Xi under the homeomorphism
i : Xi - X to a structure sheaf OX = (i ) (OX ) on X . Then the isomor-
i i i i
phisms ij , now as isomorphisms of locally ringed spaces, induce isomorphisms
- OX |X X
ij : OXj |Xi Xj
# i i j
for arbitrary open subsets U X. Then it is easily seen that (X, OX ) is a scheme
as stated in the assertion. The latter is unique up to canonical isomorphism,
as can conveniently be checked by using the exact diagram of Proposition 2
is exact.
7.1 Construction of Schemes by Gluing 285
and we see that f 1 (V ) is open in X, since, due to the continuity of the maps
fi , all sets fi1 (V ) are open in Xi and, in particular, in X.
To equip f with the structure of a morphism of schemes, consider for any
open subset V Y the following diagram:
OX f 1 (V )
OY (V ) - OX f 1 (V ) Xi
- ??
OX f 1 (V ) Xi Xj
The vertical maps are the canonical ones; they constitute an exact diagram, due
to the sheaf property of OX . Furthermore, the horizontal map is derived from the
maps fi# : OY - fi OX , i I, and its composition with the two vertical maps
yields a unique map OY (V ) - i,jI OX (f 1 (V ) Xi Xj ), due to the com-
patibility fi |Xi Xj = fj |Xi Xj for i, j I. Then, using the exactness of the ver-
tical part of the diagram, we get a unique morphism OY (V ) - OX (f 1 (V ))
making the upper triangle commutative. Letting V vary over the open sets of
Y , the resulting morphisms OY (V ) - OX (f 1 (V )) can be used to dene
a morphism of schemes f : X - Y satisfying f |X = fi for all i I, the
uniqueness of f being clear from the construction.
from the set of scheme morphisms Y - Spec A to the set of ring homomor-
phisms A - OY (Y ) is bijective. In particular, gives rise to isomorphisms
of functors on schemes Y , or on rings A.
286 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
? ?
? -
Hom(A, B) - Hom(A, Bi ) - Hom(A, Bij )
iI i,jI
The upper row is the exact one occurring in Proposition 2, whereas the vertical
maps are the canonical ones, as mentioned in the assertion. Furthermore, the
lower row is obtained from the exact row
B - Bi - Bij ,
iI i,jI
given by the sheaf property of OY , via the application of Hom(A, ). Since the
latter functor is left exact, the lower row of the above diagram is exact as well.
Now the middle vertical map is bijective, due to 6.6/9 (ii) and the same is
true for the right vertical one if all intersections Yij are ane. In that case
we see by diagram chase that must be bijective as well. For example, this
argument establishes the assertion of the corollary if Y might be viewed as an
open subscheme of some ane scheme Y . In particular, we can assume then
that each Yi is basic open in Y and the same will hold for the intersections Yij .
Passing to the general case, we know from the special case just dealt with
that the right vertical map of the diagram is bijective. But then, as before, the
same is true for the left vertical map and we are done.
The latter amounts to the fact that A(U ), for every open subset U S, is
equipped with the structure of an OS (U )-algebra, in a way that is compatible
with restriction morphisms. If S is ane, say S = Spec R, then, similarly as
done in Section 6.6 for R-modules, we can construct for any R-algebra A its
associated sheaf of OS -algebras A = A, namely the sheaf extending the functor
given on basic open subsets of type D(f ) S for f R by
A D(f ) = A R Rf .
Furthermore, note that, given an OS -algebra B, any morphism of R-algebras
A - B(S) induces by the universal property of tensor products 4.3/6 a
canonical morphism of OS -algebras A - B, whose underlying morphism of
OS -modules coincides with the one considered in 6.8. In particular, we see:
Proof. The implication from (ii) to (i) is trivial. To verify the reverse, we may
assume U = S, hence, that S is ane, say S = Spec R, and that there is an
ane open covering (U ) of S where A|U , for each , is associated to
some OS (U )-algebra. Then, thinking in terms of OS -modules, we can apply
6.8/10 and thereby see that A is associated to A(S), viewed as an R-module.
Therefore the canonical morphism A(S) - A is an isomorphism in terms of
OS -modules and the same is true by Remark 4 in terms of OS -algebras.
is bijective for any OS -algebra B where HomOS , at this place, indicates the set of
OS -algebra morphisms. Furthermore, note that on every ane open subscheme
U = Spec R S the sheaf OS t is associated to the R-algebra given by the
polynomial ring Rt. In particular, we can state:
such that the Sij are basic open in Si and Sj . For example, we could consider
ane open coverings Uij , Uij of Si Sj , where the members of Uij are basic
open in Si and the ones of Uij basic open in Sj . Then we can conclude from
6.6/1 (ii) that the product covering Uij Uij is as desired, namely that its
members are basic open in both, Si and Sj . Thus, by the above interpretation,
the ane schemes p1 1
i (Sij ) and pj (Sij ) are canonically isomorphic for i, j I
and ij , namely to Spec A(Sij ). The same is true over the intersections of
type Sij Sij and we obtain from Proposition 2 canonical isomorphisms
ij : p1 - p1 (Si Sj ),
i (Si Sj ) j i, j I.
Over any ane open subset of the base S these isomorphisms are induced from
identity maps on the level of sections of the OS -algebra A. Using this fact, it
7.1 Construction of Schemes by Gluing 289
certainly for S-schemes T that are ane, but also for general S-schemes if we
apply the gluing technique of Proposition 2. This shows that AnS is the n-fold
cartesian product of the ane line A1S in the category of S-schemes.
This means, we consider on K n+1 {0} the equivalence relation given by mul-
tiplication with elements from K and write Pn (K) for the set of associated
equivalence classes. Therefore each element x Pn (K) is represented by a tuple
(x0 , . . . , xn ) K n+1 {0} where, however, the components xi are unique only
up to a common factor K . A good way to express this behavior is to write
290 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
and each of these can be viewed as an ane n-space under the bijection
Ui - K n, (x0 : . . . : xn ) - (x0 x1 1
i , . . . , 1, . . . xn xi ),
where the symbol 1 at the position with index i means that the entry at this
place has to be discarded. Thus, Pn (K) is covered by n + 1 ane n-spaces K n
and we will base the construction of the projective n-space in terms of schemes
on this fact.
Starting with an ane base scheme S = Spec R, we choose a set of variables
t = (t0 , . . . , tn ) and consider the ring of Laurent polynomials
Rt0 , t1 1
0 , . . . , tn , t n = a t ; a R, a = 0 for almost all Zn+1 ,
ij : Xij - Xji ,
ij : Xij Xik - Xji Xjk .
Then it follows easily from the above identities between the rings Aij and Aijk
that all prerequisites for the application of Proposition 1 are at hand. In partic-
ular, the Xi can be glued along the intersections Xij to yield a scheme X. All
Xi and Xij are canonically equipped with the structure of an S-scheme, and we
obtain from Proposition 2 a canonical morphism X - S exhibiting X as an
S-scheme. The latter scheme is denoted by PS or PR and is called the projective
n n
n-space over S. Also note that the ring of global sections of the structure sheaf
on X = PnR is given by the intersection
n n # $
t0 tn
OX (X) = Ai = R ,..., = R.
i=0 i=0
ti ti
From this we can conclude that the projective n-space PnR will not be ane in
general since, otherwise, it would be isomorphic to Spec R. For example, if R
is a eld K, then Spec K is a one-point space, whereas PnK for n > 0 contains
more than just one K-valued point, as we will see below.
So let us look at the special case of a eld R = K and let K be a
eld extending K. We want to show that the set of K -valued points of PnK ,
namely PnK (K ) = HomK (Spec K , PnK ), coincides with the ordinary
n-space Pn (K ). To do this, consider a K -valued point of PnK = ni=0 Xi , thus,
a K-morphism x : Spec K - PnK . Then x factors through Xi for some index
i. Therefore x corresponds to a K-homomorphism
# $
t0 tn - K ,
i : Ai = K ,...,
ti ti
and we can view t
t0 n
i : . . . : i
ti ti
as a point of the ordinary projective n-space Pn (K ). If x factors through a
second open part Xj PnK , then x factors through Xi Xj , and i and j
extend to a K-homomorphism
# $
t0 tn t i - K .
ij = ji : Aij = K ,..., ,
ti ti tj
Since tj
is a unit in Aij = Aji , we get
t0 t t t t t
n i 0 i n
j : . . . : j = ij ij : . . . : ij ij
tj tj tj ti tj ti
t0 tn
= i : . . . : i .
ti ti
Hence, every point x PnK (K ) gives rise to a well-dened point in Pn (K ),
thereby inducing a map PnK (K ) - Pn (K ). Now, covering Pn by ane
292 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
1. Point functors: For a relative scheme X over some base scheme S consider the
associated functor of points hX : Sch/S - Set, which maps an S-scheme
T to the set hX (T ) = HomS (T, X) of S-morphisms T - X, as well as an
S-morphism T - T to the canonical map Hom S (T, X) - HomS (T , X).
Quite often one writes X(T ) instead of HomS (T, X) and calls this the set of
T -valued points of X. Show:
(a) Let X = Spec OS , for a variable . Then hX is isomorphic to the func-
tor T - OT (T ) on Sch/S. This functor is often referred to as the additive
group and is denoted by Ga . In fact, addition yields a morphism of functors
Ga Ga - Ga dening a functorial group law on Ga ; for the latter term see
the explanations on group schemes in Section 9.6.
(b) Similarly as in (a), let X = Spec OS , 1 . Then hX is isomorphic to the
functor T - OT (T ) on Sch/S. This functor is referred to as the multiplica-
tive group and is denoted by Gm . Multiplication yields a morphism of functors
Gm Gm - Gm dening a functorial group law on Gm .
2. As in Exercise 1, consider point functors hX for schemes X viewing them as
relative schemes in Sch/Z. Let ha
X be the restriction of hX to the full subcategory
of ane schemes in Sch. Show:
(a) Any morphism hX - hX between point functors of schemes X, X is
induced from a scheme morphism X - X . The same is true for isomorphisms.
(b) The assertion of (a) remains true for morphisms ha - ha between point
functors on the category of ane schemes, even if X, X are not necessarily ane.
3. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with eld of fractions K. Consider the multi-
plicative group over R, namely the R-scheme Gm,R = Spec R, 1 . Show that
Gm,R can be viewed as an open subscheme of a larger R-scheme Gm,R such that
the canonical map
becomes bijective. Hint: Glue certain translates of Gm,R along the open sub-
scheme Gm,K = Spec K, 1 Gm,R . Note that Gm,R and the resulting scheme
Gm,R are R-group schemes in the sense of Section 9.6 and that Gm,R is the so-
called Neron model of Gm,K ; see [5], 10.1/5.
7.1 Construction of Schemes by Gluing 293
7. Give an example showing that, dierent from the ane n-space AnS , the projective
n-space PnS cannot be viewed as an n-fold ber product of P1S with itself. Hint:
For a prime p, set S = Spec Fp and count Fp -valued points in P2S and P1S S P1S ,
assuming that the ber product exists (which actually is the case by 7.2/3).
T - W
is commutative. If W exists, it is unique up to canonical isomorphism and we
write W = X Y . The morphisms p : W - X and q : W - Y are referred
to as the projections onto the factors X and Y of the cartesian product W .
X - Y
7.2 Fiber Products 295
T - W - S
- ?
Fibred products can also be interpreted within the context of cartesian
diagrams, which are dened as follows:
p -
W - X
? ?
Y - S
1 : A 1 - A1 R A2 , 2 : A2 - A1 R A2 .
? -
A1 R A2 - OT (T )
6 -
is commutative. Then we can apply Corollary 3 again, thereby getting the com-
mutative diagram
Spec A1
f1 6
T - Spec(A1 R A2 )
- ?
Spec A2
and it follows that Spec(A1 R A2 ) together with the projections p1 , p2 satis-
es the universal property of the ber product in the category of schemes, as
7.2 Fiber Products 297
p1 : X S Y - X, p2 : X S Y - Y
The proof is obvious. Just check the dening universal property for W by
using the one of W = X S Y .
We are now able to carry out the proof of Theorem 3 on the existence of
ber products of schemes. To explain how we will proceed, assume for a moment
that the ber product X S Y is known already:
6 1
X S Y - S
? 2
Choosing ane open coverings (Xi )iI of X and (Yj )jJ of Y , we see that
(p1 1
1 (Xi ) p2 (Yj ))iI,jJ is an open covering of X S Y . The members of this
covering can be viewed in the light of Lemma 5 as ber products of type
Xi S Yj = p1 1
1 (Xi ) p2 (Yj ), i I, j J.
can be glued along the intersections (Xi Xi ) S (Yj Yj ) to yield a scheme
X S Y . Due to 7.1/2, the latter is canonically an S-scheme equipped with
p1 : X S Y - X, p2 : X S Y -Y
Tij - Xi S Y j - X S Y, i I, j J,
that coincide on all intersections of the Tij and, thus, by 7.1/2, give rise to a
unique S-morphism g : T - X S Y such that p g = f for = 1, 2.
Finally, for an arbitrary base scheme S, choose an ane open covering
(Si )iI of S. If the ber product X S Y exists, we see using notations as above
that the ber products
serving as intersections. Keeping this in mind, we can, indeed, get the existence
of the ber product X S Y by gluing the ber products 11 (Si ) Si 21 (Si )
along the intersections 11 (Si Si ) Si Si 21 (Si Si ).
(X S Y )(T ) = X(T ) Y (T )
for S-schemes T ; recall that X(T ) = HomS (T, X) is called the set of T -valued
points of an S-scheme X. However, such a nice behavior cannot be expected
from ordinary points. Indeed, for any scheme X let |X| be the set of points
of its underlying topological space. Since any morphism of schemes X -S
induces a map |X| - |S|, it is clear that, given two S-schemes X and Y ,
there is a canonical map
|X S Y | - |X| |S| |Y |.
Proof. To show the surjectivity, consider a point (x, y) |X| |S| |Y |, hence
points x X, y Y lying over a common point s S. Furthermore, let
Spec A X and Spec B Y be ane open neighborhoods of x and y that lie
over an ane open neighborhood Spec R S of s. Then there is the following
commutative diagram
A - A/px - k(x)
6 6 6
R - R/ps - k(s) - K = k(x) k(s) k(y) /m
? ? ?
B - B/py - k(y)
for a maximal ideal m k(x) k(s) k(y). Passing to spectra, the diagram
Spec k(x) - X
? ?
Spec K - Spec k(s) - S
6 6
Spec k(y) - Y
Spec k(s) S X - X
? ?
Spec k(s) - S
attached to Spec k(s) S X as a ber product of Spec k(s) with X over S. Then
p induces a homeomorphism
p : Spec X S k(s) - Xs ,
where Xs is the ber f 1 (s) of f over s.
f g
X S Y - X S Y
? - ?
Y -Y
Remark 10. The ber product is commutative and associative. More precisely,
for S-schemes X, Y , Z there exist canonical isomorphisms
X S Y - Y S X,
(X S Y ) S Z - X S (Y S Z).
Proof. Use the fact that every ring homomorphism R - R induces canoni-
cally an isomorphism of R -algebras
302 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
Finally, we want to discuss the concept of base change for relative schemes,
which generalizes the concept of coecient extension known from rings and
modules. The base change functor given by a morphism of (base) schemes
: S - S associates to any S-scheme X an S -scheme XS , namely the
ber product XS = X S S , which is viewed as an S -scheme under the projec-
tion X S S - S . Furthermore, to any morphism of S-schemes f : X - Y
it associates the product morphism
fS = f idS : XS - YS ,
FS /S : Sch/S - Sch/S
X - XS ,
f - fS ,
(X S S ) S S - X S S ;
see 4.3/2 for a similar result on the level of rings and modules.
7.2 Fiber Products 303
(ii) Base change is compatible with ber products; i.e. for S-schemes X and
Y there is a canonical isomorphism
(X S Y )S - XS S YS
X f
X v
? ? ?
where the morphisms and exist according to the universal property of ber
products. Indeed, is a unique morphism such that
f = u, = v,
f = , = v.
f f = u, = v
(X S S ) S (Y S S ) X S (Y S S ) (X S Y ) S S
1. Let S - S be a morphism of schemes. Show for S -schemes X, Y that there is
a canonical morphism X S Y - X S Y and that the latter is an isomorphism
if S is an open subscheme of S via S - S.
2. Let X, Y be relative schemes over some base scheme S. Show for any Y -scheme
T that the canonical map HomY (T, X S Y ) - HomS (T, X) is bijective.
304 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
4. Consider the ane plane A2K = A1K Spec K A1K together with the projections
p1 , p2 : A1K Spec K A1K - A1 onto its factors. Let be the generic point
of AK and write Z = p1 () p1
1 1
2 (). Thus, Z equals the ber of the map
|A1K Spec K A1K | - |A1 | | Spec K| |A1 | over the point (, ). Show that Z is
canonically equipped with the structure of a K-scheme and that the latter is
ane containing an innity of points.
5. Consider the canonical map |A1K Spec K A1K | - |A1K | | Spec K| |A1K | as in Ex-
ercise 4 where now K is assumed to be algebraically closed. Show that the map
is bijective if we restrict ourselves to closed points in A1K Spec K A1K and A1K .
6. Let f : X - Y be a morphism of ane schemes. Show for an ane open
subscheme V Y that its preimage f 1 (V ) is ane as well. In particular, the
intersection of two ane open subschemes in an ane scheme is ane.
7. Let X - S be a surjective morphism of schemes. Show for any base change
morphism S - S that the resulting morphism X S S - S is surjective.
Thus, the surjectivity of scheme morphisms is stable under base change.
and we know from 6.2/7 that the latter constitutes a homeomorphism from
Spec A/a onto the closed subset V (a) Spec A. Equipping V (a) with the struc-
ture sheaf induced from A/a we get an ane scheme that we may call a closed
subscheme of Spec A. We will see that this construction can be extended to
arbitrary schemes X in place of Spec A if we start out from a quasi-coherent
ideal I OX replacing the ideal a A.
Finally, both notions of subschemes can be combined. If U - X is an
open subscheme of a scheme X and Z - U a closed subscheme of U , we
arrive at a so-called locally closed subscheme Z - X.
The equation h(x) = 0 might be read in the residue eld k(x) of x or can
alternatively be interpreted as h|U (x) = 0, for any ane open neighborhood
U of x in U . We call IY the vanishing ideal in OX associated to Y . Clearly,
for any ane open part U = Spec A in X, we have IY (U ) = IA (Y U ) where
IA A is the vanishing ideal in the sense of Section 6.1.
The term reduced structure alludes to the fact that the sheaf of rings OX /IY
does not contain non-trivial nilpotent elements. Also note that in general an
ideal I OX satisfying V (I) = Y is not fully characterized by this equation,
since any positive power of I has the same zero set as I itself.
0 - I - OX - f OY - 0
Then, clearly, I(Ui ) = ker f # (Ui ) for all i I. Now observe that f OY is
a quasi-coherent OX -module by 6.8/10 since f (OY )|Ui is quasi-coherent for ev-
ery i I; the latter follows from the assumption in (iii) in conjunction with
6.9/4 since f 1 (Ui ) - Ui is a morphism of ane schemes. Furthermore, we
see from 6.8/4 that I, as the kernel of a morphism between quasi-coherent
OX -modules, is quasi-coherent itself, as claimed. We could add that the mor-
phism OX - f OY is an epimorphism and, hence, the above sequence is
exact, although we do not really need this.
Proof. In view of Remark 12 below we may assume that U is the largest open
subscheme of X such that f (Y ) is closed in U . Since f is a locally closed
immersion, there is an open subscheme U X such that f restricts to a closed
immersion Y - U ; then necessarily U U . Now choose an ane open
covering (Ui )iI of U such that Ui U or Ui f (Y ) = for all i I. This is
possible, since f (Y ) is closed in U . Then f 1 (Ui ) - Ui is a closed immersion
by Proposition 9 if Ui U . On the other hand, if Ui f (Y ) = , the same is
true because f 1 (Ui ) = . Therefore it follows from Proposition 9 again that f
induces a closed immersion Y - U.
Proposition 13. Open, closed, and locally closed immersions are preserved
under composition and base change.
Proof. Using 7.2/5 it is easily seen that open immersions are preserved under
base change. The same is true for closed immersions in the ane case, due to
the right exactness of the tensor product, and in the general case by applying
Proposition 9. It follows that the case of locally closed immersions is clear as
Next, it is obvious that the composition of two open immersions yields an
open immersion again. The same is true for closed immersions of ane schemes
and, using Proposition 9, also for closed immersions of general schemes. To
show that locally closed immersions are preserved under composition, look at a
g f
composition of morphisms Z -Y - X. It is enough to consider the case
where g is an open immersion and f a closed immersion. Then g(Z) is open in
Y with respect to the topology induced from X and, hence, there is an open
subscheme X X such that g restricts to an isomorphism Z - Y X .
Thereby we get a decomposition
f g: Z - Y X - X - X
1. Characterize all subschemes of the ane line A1K over a eld K. In particular,
show that every subscheme of A1K is open or closed, a fact that does not extend
to ane n-spaces of higher dimension.
Given a relative scheme X over a base scheme S, we can consider the diagonal
morphism : X - X S X, which is characterized by the fact that the
composition pi : X - X with each projection p1 , p2 : X S X - X is
the identity morphism. The image (X) is called the diagonal in X S X.
Note that a morphism of S-schemes : T - X S X factors through
the diagonal morphism : X - X S X if and only if p1 = p2 since
then p1 = p2 coincides with , as can be checked by composing
both morphisms with the projections p1 , p2 . On the other hand, the condition
that p1 coincides with p2 on all points t T is not sucient for such a
factorization. For example, view Spec C as a relative scheme over Spec R. Then,
as we have seen in Section 7.2, the ber product Spec C Spec R Spec C consists
of two points and, hence, the diagonal morphism
will not be surjective. Therefore the identity map = id on the ber product
Spec C Spec R Spec C cannot be factored through the diagonal morphism ,
although we have (p1 id)(t) = (p2 id)(t) for all points t Spec CSpec R Spec C,
due to the fact that Spec C is a one-point space. In particular, for an arbitrary
S-scheme X, we observe that the obvious inclusion
Proposition 1. For any relative scheme X over a base scheme S, the diagonal
morphism : X - X S X is a locally closed immersion. If X and S are
ane, then is even a closed immersion.
Proof. To begin with, let X and S be ane, say X = Spec A and S = Spec R.
Then the structural morphism X - S corresponds to a ring homomorphism
R - A, which equips A with the structure of an R-Algebra. Since the diagonal
morphism corresponds to the multiplication morphism
A R A - A, ab - ab,
U - U S U
? ?
- X S X
Proof. Use the fact that is a locally closed immersion by Proposition 1 and,
thus, a closed immersion by 7.3/11.
Proof. Using 7.2/5 we see that (Xi S Xj )i,jI is an ane open covering of
X S X satisfying 1 (Xi S Xj ) = Xi Xj . Now apply 7.3/8 and 7.3/9.
314 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
Proof. It follows from condition (ii) of the above proposition that the diagonal
morphism : X - X S X restricts to a closed immersion U V - U S V .
Since U , V , and S are ane, the ber product U S V is ane by 7.2/4.
Therefore U V is ane by 7.3/8.
Kt1 , . . . , tn t1
i = Kt1 , . . . , tn
is bijective and, hence, that AnK {0}, being strictly contained in AnK , cannot
be ane.
Next, let us derive some criteria and properties for separated morphisms; see
also 9.5/17 for the valuative criterion of separatedness. First, we can conclude
from 7.3/9 that the separatedness can be tested locally on the base:
1 2
? ?
- S T S
is cartesian.
Proof. Immersions and especially closed immersions are stable under base
change; see 7.3/13.
? ?
Y - Y S Y
obtained in the situation of Lemma 11 by taking for 2 : Y - S the identity
morphism on Y = S and by replacing T by S. Then the assertion follows from
Corollary 12.
Proof. Starting with assertion (i), look at the cartesian diagram in Lemma 11 for
X = Y . Then if S - T is separated, the upper row of the diagram is a closed
immersion by Corollary 12. Now if the diagonal morphism X - X S X is
a closed immersion, the same is true for the composition
X - X S X - X T X
by 7.3/13 and we see that X -
S -
T is separated if X - S and
S - T have this property.
Assertion (ii) can be derived from (i) and (iii). To obtain (iii), look at
a separated morphism X - S and a base change morphism S - S.
Then, using 7.2/13 and applying the base change to the diagonal morphism
X - X S X yields a morphism
X S S - (X S X) S S = (X S S ) S (X S S ),
which is a diagonal morphism again. Since closed immersions are stable under
base change by 7.3/13, we are done.
To settle (iv), look at the decomposition
f p2
f: X - X Z Y - Y,
where f is the graph morphism (viewing f as a Z-morphism) and p2 the pro-
jection onto the second factor. We know from Proposition 13 that f is a locally
closed immersion. Even better, being injective it is separated by Corollary 10.
Furthermore, p2 may be viewed as a ber product of g f over Z with the
identity on Y , the latter viewed as a Z-scheme via g. Hence, p2 is separated by
(ii). But then, as a composition of two separated morphisms, f is separated by
1. Show that a scheme morphism f : X - S is a monomorphism (see Exer-
cise 7.3/4) if and only if the diagonal morphism : X - X S X is an iso-
morphism. In particular, monomorphisms are separated.
318 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
2. Show that the projective n-space PnR over any ring R is separated.
(b) is a closed immersion for all S-schemes T and all S-morphisms f, g if and
only if X is a separated S-scheme.
(c) In particular, assume that X is separated over S, that T is reduced (see
Exercise 7.3/8), and that f coincides with g on a dense open subscheme U X.
Then the morphisms f and g coincide on X.
4. Consider gluing data for schemes, namely schemes Xi for i varying over some
index set I, as well as open subschemes Xij Xi together with isomorphisms
ij : Xij - Xji for i, j I such that conditions (a), (b) of 7.1/1 are satised.
Give a necessary and sucient condition on the gluing data assuring that the
scheme X obtained from gluing the Xi via the intersections Xij is separated.
As we know from 6.1/17 for ane schemes X = Spec A, the map x - {x}
denes a bijection between X as a point set and the set of its irreducible closed
subsets. We want to generalize this fact to arbitrary schemes.
is bijective.
Proof. First, observe that for any x X its closure {x} is irreducible and,
hence, that the map is well-dened. Indeed, if {x} = Z1 Z2 for closed
subsets Z1 , Z2 {x}, we must have x Z1 or x Z2 and, therefore, {x} = Z1
or {x} = Z2 .
Now let Z be an irreducible closed subset in X and choose an ane open
subscheme U X meeting Z. Then the bijectivity of can be obtained by
applying 6.1/17 to the closed subset Z U of the ane scheme U , where Z U
is irreducible and dense in Z by Remark 1. Indeed, by 6.1/17 there exists a
point x that is dense in Z U , and we get Z = {x} since Z U is dense in Z.
On the other hand, if x, x are two points that are dense in Z, we must have
x, x Z U and therefore x = x by 6.1/17. This shows that the map is
Proof. The if part of the assertion is trivial. Therefore assume that X is Noethe-
rian. Then X admits a nite covering by ane open subschemes Ui = Spec Ai ,
i = 1, . . . , n, where each Ai is Noetherian. To show that A itself is Noetherian,
look at some ideal a A and let I be the associated ideal in OX . Then the
restriction I|Ui is associated to the ideal aAi Ai by 7.3/3, and the latter is
nitely generated since Ai is Noetherian. But then a is nitely generated by
Proof. Let us rst consider the case where X is ane, say X = Spec A. Then
A is Noetherian by Proposition 4 and we see from 6.1/17 that the irreducible
components of X correspond bijectively to the minimal prime ideals in A. It is
known that the number of such ideals is nite in a Noetherian ring; just apply
2.1/12 to the zero ideal in A.
To give a more direct argument in the case of a Noetherian ane scheme
X = Spec A, let M be the set of all non-empty closed subsets Z X that cannot
be written as a nite union of irreducible closed subsets of X. If M is non-empty,
Zorns Lemma in conjunction with the Noetherian property shows that there
exists a minimal element Z M . Indeed, any descending chain Z1 Z2 . . .
of elements in M must become stationary, as by 6.1/7 it is equivalent to an
ascending chain of reduced ideals in A, i.e. of ideals that coincide with their
radicals. Then Z cannot be irreducible and there are proper closed subsets
Z1 , Z2 Z such that Z = Z1 Z2 . Now Z1 and Z2 do not belong to M and
therefore are nite unions of irreducible closed subsets in X. Consequently, the
same is true for Z, which, however, is in contradiction with Z M . Therefore
M must be empty and we see that X itself is a nite union of irreducible closed
subsets. Furthermore, Proposition 2 shows that all irreducible components of
X occur as members of this union and, hence, that their number is nite.
Now, let us look at a general Noetherian scheme X. Then we can use its
quasi-compactness in order to nd a nite ane open covering (Ui )iI of X.
Combining Remark 1 with the ane case, there are only nitely many irre-
ducible components of X meeting each Ui . Thus, the number of irreducible
components of X must be nite.
X0 X1 . . . Xn X,
For example, we see from 6.1/17 that the dimension of an ane scheme
X = Spec A equals the dimension of its ring of global sections A. In particular,
the polynomial ring Kt1 , . . . , tn in n variables over a eld K is of dimension n
(see 2.4/16) and the same is true for the ane n-space AnK . From this one easily
concludes that the projective n-space PnK , as introduced in Section 7.1, is of
dimension n as well. Also note that by convention the supremum over an empty
family of integers is . This way the zero ring and the empty topological
space are said to have dimension .
1. A topological space X is called Noetherian if every descending sequence of closed
subsets X Z1 Z2 . . . becomes stationary. Show for a scheme X that
its underlying topological space is Noetherian if X is Noetherian, but that the
converse is not true in general.
322 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
2. Show that a topological space X is Noetherian (see Exercise 1) if and only if each
open subset in X is quasi-compact.
3. Let X be a scheme whose underlying topological space is Noetherian; see Exer-
cise 1. Show that X contains a closed point.
4. Let F be a quasi-coherent OX -module on a locally Noetherian scheme X. Show
that F is coherent if and only if it is locally of nite type.
5. Let X be a locally Noetherian scheme. Show that the set of points x X where X
is reduced (resp. integral) in the sense that the stalk OX,x satises rad(OX,x ) = 0
(resp. is an integral domain) is open in X. Hint: Use Exercise 6.8/7.
6. For any scheme X prove dim X = supxX (dim OX,x ).
7. For a discrete valuation ring R, i.e. a principal ideal domain that is a local ring,
consider the scheme S = Spec R. Determine the dimension dim S as well as the
local dimension dims S for all points s S. Do the same for the ane n-space AnS
and the projective n-space PnS . Hint: View AnS and PnS as relative schemes over S
and look at their bers.
Consider a topological space X and an open covering U = (Ui )iI of it. Further-
more, let us x a presheaf F, say of abelian groups, on X. Setting
for any indices i0 , . . . , iq I and any permutation Sq+1 (or, equivalently, for
any transposition Sq+1 ) and if, furthermore, gi0 = 0 for indices i0 , . . . , iq
that are not pairwise distinct; Sq+1 is the symmetric group of index q + 1. The
alternating q-cochains form a subgroup Caq (U, F) of C q (U, F).
There is a so-called coboundary map
given by
(dq g)i0 = (1)j gi0 ...ij |Ui0 ,
7.6 Cech Cohomology 323
d0 d1 d2 d3
0 F0 F1 F2 ...
Since 0 id0 is the zero map, we can start with h1 = 0 and h0 = 0. If hq1 is
already constructed for some q 1, a standard calculation shows that
q idq hq1 dq : Fq - Fq
maps Fq into ker dq . Furthermore, this map is simplicial. Thus, xing indices
i0 , . . . , iq I, there is an equation of type
i ,...,i
a := (q idq hq1 dq )(i0 , . . . , iq ) = cj00 ,...,jqq (j0 , . . . , jq )
j0 ,...,jq {i0 ,...,iq }
i ,...,i
with coecients cj00 ,...,jqq Z, and the relation dq a = 0 yields
i ,...,i
() cj00 ,...,jqq (1)k (j0 , . . . , jk , . . . , jq ) = 0.
j0 ,...,jq {i0 ,...,iq } k=0
Now let
7.6 Cech Cohomology 325
a =
i ,...,i
cj00 ,...,jqq (i0 , j0 , . . . , jq ).
j0 ,...,jr {i0 ,...,iq }
dq+1 a =
i ,...,i
cj00 ,...,jqq (j0 , . . . , jq )
j0 ,...,jr {i0 ,...,iq }
i ,...,i
+ cj00 ,...,jqq (1)k+1 (i0 , j0 , . . . , jk , . . . , jq )
j0 ,...,jr {i0 ,...,iq } k=0
= a.
Indeed, the rst summand is a and the second one is trivial, as follows from
the relation (), transferred from Fq1 to Fq under the Z-linear map given by
(j0 , . . . , jq1 ) - (i0 , j0 , . . . , jq1 ). Thus, dening hq : Fq - Fq+1 by associ-
ating to any tuple (i0 , . . . , iq ) the corresponding element a constructed above,
we see that hq is a simplicial homomorphism as desired.
Turning back to Cech cohomology, observe that any simplicial homomor-
phism : Fr - Fs between two modules of F induces canonically a homo-
morphism : C (U, F)
s - C r (U, F). Indeed, if : Fr - Fs is determined
by the equations
,...,js (j0 , . . . , js ),
aij00,...,i r
(i0 , . . . , ir ) =
j0 ,...,js {i0 ,...,ir }
q (g)i0 ,...,iq = 0
where Sq+1 satises i(0) < . . . < i(q) . From this we easily see that
maps C (U, F) onto Ca (U, F) and restricts to the identity on Ca (U, F). Hence,
it induces a complex homomorphism p : C (U, F) - Ca (U, F) as required for
our proof.
Now let us consider two open coverings U = (Ui )iI and V = (Vj )jJ of
a topological space X and assume that V is a renement of U. Hence, there
exists a map : J - I such that Vj U (j) for j J. Any such map induces
given by
hq (g) j0 ,...,jq1
= (1)k g (j0 ),..., (jk ), (jk ),..., (jq1 ) |Vj0 ,...,jq1
exists by 6.4/2 and the explanations preceding it. It is called the qth Cech
cohomology group on X with values in F. The above constructions can be carried
out in the same way for alternating cochains, thus, leading to the alternating
Cech cohomology groups
Proof. The exactness of the augmented Cech complex at C 0 (U, F) simply reects
the sheaf property of F. To show H q (U, F) = 0 for q 1, let X = Spec A. Then
we know from 6.8/10 that F is associated to an A-module M . Furthermore, if
Ui = D(fi ) for elements fi A, the fi generate the unit ideal in A since the Ui
cover X.
Now assume q 1 and consider a cochain g C q (U, F) such that dq g = 0.
We have to construct a cochain g C q1 (U, F) satisfying dq1 g = g. To do
this, look at the relation dq g = 0, which means
(dq g)i0 = (1)j gi0 ...ij |Ui0 = 0
328 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
for all indices i0 , . . . , iq+1 I. Since Ui0 ,...,iq = D(fi0 . . . fiq ), there exist elements
hi0 ,...,iq M and an integer r N such that gi0 ,...,iq = hi0 ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fiq )r . Then,
writing i instead of i0 and shifting i1 , . . . , iq+1 back to i0 , . . . , iq , we get
hi0 ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fiq ) r
= (1)j fir hi,i0 ,...,ij ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fij . . . fiq )r
on Ui,i0 ,...,iq , for all indices i, i0 , . . . , iq I. Since Ui,i0 ,...,iq = Ui0 ,...,iq D(fi ), there
is some integer n N such that the equation
() fin+r hi0 ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fiq ) = (1)j fin hi,i0 ,...,ij ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fij . . . fiq )r
and claim that d g = g. Indeed, using the relation (), we have
(dq1 g )i0 ,...,iq = (1)j gi0 ,...,ij ,...,iq |Ui0 ,...,iq
= (1)j bi fin hi,i0 ,...,ij ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fij . . . fiq )r
j=0 iI
= bi fin+r hi0 ,...,iq (fi0 . . . fiq )r
= gi0 ,...,iq
for any indices i0 , . . . , iq I. Thus, we are done.
1. Glue two copies of the ane line A1K = Spec K over a eld K via the
K-isomorphisms K, 1 - K, 1 given by - , resp. - 1 .
The resulting K-scheme X comes equipped with an ane open covering U con-
sisting of two ane lines and equals the ane line with a double origin A1K , resp.
the projective line P1K , as explained in the introduction to the present Chapter 7.
Compute the Cech cohomology groups H q (U, OX ), q 0, in both cases.
2. Consider the 1-sphere S 1 = {z C ; |z| = 1} as a topological space under
the topology induced from C. Compute the Cech cohomology groups H q (S 1 , Z),
q 0, with values in the constant sheaf Z on S 1 . Hint: Compute the Cech co-
homology groups H q (Un , Z) where Un , for integers n > 0, consists of the open
7.6 Cech Cohomology 329
z = e 2n 2i ; < t < + 2 S 1 , = 0, . . . , 2n 1.
Show that the coverings of this type are conal in Cov(S 1 ).
3. Let C be the sheaf of continuous real valued functions on the 1-sphere S 1 of
Exercise 2. Compute the Cech cohomology groups H q (S 1 , C), q 0.
4. Consider a topological space X with an open covering U = (Ui )iI where the
index set I is provided with a total ordering.
For any sheaf of abelian groups F
on X and integers q 0 set C q (U, F) = i0 <...<iq F(Ui0 ); the latter is a direct
summand in C q (U, F) such that the coboundary map on C q (U, F) restricts to a
coboundary map C q (U, F) - C q+1 (U, F). Show that the canonical inclusion
of complexes C (U, F) - C (U, F) induces an isomorphism on the level of
cohomology groups.
5. Flasque sheaves: Let X be a topological space. A sheaf F on X is called asque
or abby if for every inclusion of open sets U V the restriction morphism
F(V ) - F(U ) is surjective. Show for any asque sheaf of abelian groups F
on X that the Cech cohomology groups H q (U, F) are trivial for all q 1 and all
open coverings U of X. Hint: Use Exercise 4 in conjunction with the instructions
from [18], Chapter 5, Exc. 2.1.
6. Cup product: Let U = (Ui )iI be an open covering of a topological space X and
F a presheaf of rings on X. Consider C (U, F) = qN C q (U, F) as an abelian
group and dene the so-called cup product on it, via linear extension of the maps
C q (U, F) C q (U, F) - C q+q (U, F), (f, f ) - f f ,
where q, q N and
(f f )i0 ,...,iq+q = fi0 ,...,iq |Ui0 ,...,i fiq ,...,iq+q |Ui0 ,...,i
q+q q+q
for indices i0 , . . . , iq+q I. Admitting rings that are not necessarily commutative,
show that C (U, F) is a ring under the cup product and that the multiplication
induces a ring structure on the Cech cohomology H (U, F) = qN H (U, F).
which constitute a resolution of F in the sense that the sequence is exact. Hint:
To check the exactness at positions C q (U, F) for q > 0, show dq dq1 = 0 and
use 6.5/9 in conjunction with the maps q : C q (U, F)x - C q1 (U, F)x between
stalks at points x X that are dened as follows. Fixing a point x X, say
330 7. Techniques of Global Schemes
Cech cohomology is well suited for computations. However, it lacks certain gen-
eral properties one usually expects from a cohomology theory, like the existence
of long exact cohomology sequences; see 5.4/4 or Theorem 4 below. There is
another approach to cohomology theory following Grothendieck, which does not
have such disadvantages, but at the expense of more serious diculties when
it comes to explicit computations. Fortunately, there are basic situations where
both theories yield the same cohomology groups so that the advantages of both
approaches can be used.
In the present section we will present Grothendiecks approach to cohomol-
ogy for the case of module sheaves on a scheme X. Similarly as exercised for
modules over rings in Chapter 5, the cohomology of OX -modules is dened via
derived functors. The functors we want to consider are the section functor
which associates to any OX -module F the group of its global sections F(X)
and, for a morphism of schemes : X - Y , the direct image functor
: F - F
F : V - (1 (V ), F), V Y open.
Both functors are left exact, and to dene their right derived functors we need
injective resolutions as already discussed in Section 5.3. For brevity, let us write
C for the category of OX -module sheaves.
0 - E - E - E - 0
in C the sequence
is exact as well.
7.7 Grothendieck Cohomology 331
with canonical restriction morphisms. One might think that the stalk Ix of I at
any point x X will coincide with Ix . But a careful analysis shows that there
is just a canonical map Ix - Ix and that the latter will not be injective in
general. Nevertheless, we claim for every OX -module F that the canonical map
() HomOX (F, I) - HomOX,x (Fx , Ix )
shows that the upper row is surjective since the lower row is a cartesian product
of surjections.
Also note that the assertion of Proposition 2 is true for quite general cate-
gories C; cf. Grothendieck [9], Thm. 1.10.1.
Recall that, just as in Section 5.4, the above exact sequence should be viewed
as a quasi-isomorphism of complexes
0 - F - 0
0 - I0 - I1 - I2 - ...
where the lower row is referred to as an injective resolution of F.
Now let us dene right derived functors of the section functor = (X, )
and of the direct image functor , the latter for a morphism of schemes
: X - Y . To apply these functors to an OX -module F, choose an injective
0 1 2
0 - I0 - I1 - I2 - . . .
for q 0 is called the qth cohomology group of X with values in F. Using the
technique of homotopies as in 5.1/9, one shows that these groups are indepen-
dent of the chosen injective resolution of F and that H q (X, ) = Rq (X, ) is
a functor on C; it is the so-called right derived functor of the section functor
(X, ). Note that R0 (X, ) = (X, ) since the section functor is left exact
on sheaves. For F = OX the cohomology groups H q (X, F) may be viewed as
certain invariants of the scheme X.
7.7 Grothendieck Cohomology 333
In the same way one proceeds with the direct image functor , which might
be viewed as a relative version of the section functor. Applying to the above
injective resolution of F we get a complex of OY -modules
0 1 2
0 - I 0 - I 1 - I 2 - ....
Rq (F) = ker q / im q1
is called the qth direct image of F where q 0. Clearly, R0 (F) equals (F)
as F is a sheaf, and one can show that Rq (F) is the sheaf associated to the
Y V - H q (1 (V ), F|1 (V ) );
0 - F - F - F - 0
R0 () R0 ()
0 - R0 (F ) - R0 (F) - R0 (F )
R1 () R1 ()
- R1 (F ) - R1 (F) - R1 (F )
- ...
Proof. We translate the proof of 5.1/12 to the dual situation where we replace
projective resolutions by injective ones; a similar situation was faced in 5.4/4.
Thus, we start out from injective cohomological resolutions
F - I , F - I
.. .. ..
. . .
6 6 6
0 - I 1 - I 1 I 1 - I 1 - 0
6 6 6
0 - I 0 - I 0 I 0 - I 0 - 0
6 6 6
0 - F - F - F - 0
6 6 6
0 0 0
with exact rows and columns and where the left and right columns are given
by the selected resolutions of F and F . The bottom row consists of the given
exact sequence involving the modules F , F, F and the rows at positions above
the bottom row are the canonical short exact sequences associated to the direct
sums I q I q . Then the maps , d0 , d1 , . . . of the central column are constructed
to yield an injective resolution of F, relying on the injectivity of the modules
I q and I q for q 0. For this we use the argumentation given in the proof of
5.1/12 which carries over almost literally, just by passing to the dual point of
In particular, the rows of the above diagram yield an exact sequence
0 - I - I - I - 0
0 - (I ) - (I ) - (I ) - 0,
and the latter remains exact since is additive and, hence, compatible with
direct sums. Then, by 5.1/1, we arrive at the desired long exact cohomology
Let us point out that the result 5.1/1, which concerns modules over a ring,
is directly applicable if takes values in the category of abelian groups, since
then we take the long cohomology sequence associated to an exact sequence of
complexes of Z-modules. On the other hand, if is a sheaf functor, we need a
version of 5.1/1 that applies to module sheaves. To obtain such a version, we
have to reprove the Snake Lemma 1.5/1, replacing arguments given in terms of
elements and their images and preimages by those involving the formation of
7.7 Grothendieck Cohomology 335
H q (X, F) - H q (X, F)
about which one knows that it is bijective for q = 0, 1 and injective for q = 2.
However, to compute higher cohomology groups via Cech cohomology, one needs
special assumptions. We state the main results without proof; for details see
Godement [7], II, 5.4 and 5.9, or Grothendieck [9], 3.8.
H q (U, F) - H q (X, F)
H q (X, F) - H q (X, F)
For example, let us look at an ane scheme X and let S be the system of
all basic open subsets of X. Then the conditions of Theorem 6 are satised for
the structure sheaf F = OX and for any OX -module F that is associated to an
OX (X)-module; for condition (iii), see 7.6/4. Thus, we can conclude:
In order to prepare the proof of the theorem, let us introduce the notion
Xf = {x X ; f (x) = 0}
for any global section f OX (X), assuming that the relation f (x) = 0 is read in
the residue eld k(x) of x. In particular, for any ane open subscheme U X,
the intersection U Xf equals the basic open set DU (f |U ) U where f |U does
not vanish, and we thereby see that Xf is an open subscheme in X.
Lemma 9. Let X be a scheme. Then X is ane if and only if there exist global
sections fi OX (X), i I, such that the following conditions are satised :
(i) The scheme Xfi is ane for all i I.
(ii) The fi , i I, generate the unit ideal in OX (X).
Proof. The only-if part is trivial. Therefore write A = OX (X) and assume that
there exist functions fi A, i I, satisfying conditions (i) and (ii). Now let
Y = Spec A and observe that the identity map id : A - OX (X) gives rise to
a canonical morphism
: X -Y
i : Xfi - Yi , i I,
is exact.
(iii) Condition (ii) holds for all exact sequences of quasi-coherent OX -modules
0 - F - F - F - 0 where F is a submodule of a nite cartesian
product OX .
Proof. If X is ane, we know from Corollary 7 that the rst cohomology group
H 1 (X, F) is trivial for any quasi-coherent OX -module F on X. Furthermore, the
long cohomology sequence of Theorem 4 shows that the section functor (X, )
is exact on the category of quasi-coherent OX -modules. This establishes the
implication (i) = (ii).
Since the step from (ii) to (iii) is trivial, it remains to go from (iii) to (i). To
do this, we will use the criterion provided in Lemma 9. So assume condition (iii)
and consider a closed point x X; such a point exists by 6.6/13 if X is non-
empty. Furthermore, let U X be an open neighborhood of x. We claim that
there exists a global section f OX (X) such that x Xf U . To construct
such an f , look at the closed subset Z = X U in X and let I OX be the
ideal of all functions in OX vanishing on Z, as dened within the context of
7.3/5. Furthermore, let Jx OX be the ideal of all functions in OX vanishing
at x. Then I = I Jx is the ideal of all functions in OX vanishing on the
closed subset Z {x} in X. All these ideals are quasi-coherent by 7.3/5 and,
since x Z, the quotient
Now we are able to carry out the proof of Theorem 8. The implication from
(i) to (ii) follows from Corollary 7, whereas the one from (ii) to (iii) is trivial.
To derive (i) from (iii) we use the criterion given in Lemma 10 (iii). Therefore
let F be a quasi-coherent submodule of some cartesian product OX n
. Using the
canonical ltration 0 OX OX . . . OX , the intersections Fi = F OX
2 n i
i = 0, . . . , n, form a ltration of F by quasi-coherent OX -submodules; that
the intersection of two quasi-coherent submodules of some OX -module is quasi-
coherent again needs to be checked on ane open parts of X only and follows
from the criterion 6.8/6 (iii). Furthermore, using 6.8/11, the quotient Fi+1 /Fi
is isomorphic to a quasi-coherent OX -submodule of OX i+1 i
/OX OX or, in other
words, to a quasi-coherent ideal in OX . Then the long cohomology sequence of
Theorem 4 in conjunction with (iii) yields the exact sequence
H 1 (X, Fi ) -
H 1 (X, Fi+1 ) -
H 1 (X, Fi+1 /Fi ) = 0,
1. Let U be an ane open covering of a separated scheme X. Show for any quasi-
coherent OX -module F that the canonical map H q (U, F) - H q (X, F) is bi-
jective for all q 0.
2. Compute the cohomology groups H q (X, OX ), q 0, for the ane line with
a double origin X = A1K and the projective line X = P1K over a eld K, as
considered in Exercise 7.6/1.
3. Let X be a scheme and F an OX -module that is asque; see Exercise 7.6/5. Show
H q (X, F) = 0 for all q > 0.
4. Let X be a separated scheme admitting an ane open covering consisting of n
members. Show for any quasi-coherent OX -module F that H q (X, F) = 0 for all
q n.
5. Let X be the ane plane A2K over a eld K with its origin removed. Compute
H 1 (X, OX ) and conclude that X cannot be ane.
6. Compute the cohomology groups H q (P2K , OP2 ), q 0, for the projective plane
over a eld K.
7. Let S be a separated scheme and A a quasi-coherent OS -algebra. Show that
H q (Spec A, OSpec A ) = H q (S, A) for all q 0.
8. Let X be a separated scheme and 0 - F - F - F - 0 a short
exact sequence of OX -modules where F is quasi-coherent. Show that there is an
attached long exact cohomology sequence of Cech cohomology groups:
7.7 Grothendieck Cohomology 339
be unthinkable from the analytic viewpoint. However, to really prove that there
cannot exist a non-empty open subscheme U C that is isomorphic to an open
subscheme of A1C is not easy. One knows that the function eld of C, namely the
eld of fractions of the ring Cx, y/(y 2 p(x)) (which is an integral domain)
is a function eld of genus 1, whereas the corresponding eld of the ane line
is the purely transcendental extension C(x) of C; the latter is of genus 0. So
we conclude that there cannot exist any local isomorphism between C and the
ane line A1C ; see [15], Exercise I.6.2 for an elementary treatment of a special
example as well as for further information. As a result, we learn that the strict
analogue of a manifold is not a useful notion in the setting of schemes.
On the other hand, we can easily observe that dierential calculus works
quite well on schemes, since for any polynomial P Rti ; i I where R is a
base ring and (ti )iI a family of variables, the formal partial derivatives P
dened and satisfy the usual rules. Relying on this fact we dene the smoothness
of schemes via the Jacobian Condition occurring as a requisite in the Implicit
Function Theorem; see 8.5/1. To be more specic, consider a relative scheme
X over some base S. We say that X is smooth of relative dimension r if there
exists an open neighborhood U X at every point x X, together with an
S-morphism j : U - W AnS giving rise to a closed immersion of U into
some open subscheme W AnS , such that the following condition is satised:
If I OW is the sheaf of ideals corresponding to the closed immersion j,
there are n r sections gr+1 , . . . , gn in I that generate I in a neighborhood of
z = j(x) and whose Jacobian matrix satises
rg (z) =nr
ti j=r+1...n
After these preparations, the treatment of smoothness starts in 8.4 with the
study of unramied schemes, a certain pre-stage for smooth schemes, whereas
the actual theory of smoothness is explained in 8.5. The denition of smoothness
as given above suggests a natural question right away. Namely, the Jacobian
Condition being sucient for the characterization of smoothness, will it also
be necessary so that it becomes a criterion for smoothness? In other words,
consider an S-scheme X with a point x X and an open neighborhood U X
of x, on which we are given any closed immersion j : U - W Am S into some
open part W of an ane m-space Am S . Then, assuming that we know X is a
smooth S-scheme of relative dimension r, will the sheaf of ideals I dening U
as a closed subscheme in W be generated on a neighborhood of z = j(x) by
m r local sections gr+1 , . . . , gm in I satisfying the Jacobian Condition
rg (z) =mr ?
As it will turn out in 8.5/9 the answer is yes. But the proof of this fact is highly
non-trivial. As basic ingredient we need the characterization of smoothness via
the so-called Lifting Property 8.5/8, a fundamental result whose proof fully
justies the elaborate techniques of dierential modules as introduced in 8.1
and 8.2.
Once the characterization of smoothness via the Lifting Property is settled,
the property of a scheme to be smooth becomes quite accessible. For example,
we show in 8.5/13 that an S-scheme X is smooth of relative dimension r if and
only if, locally on open parts U X, its structural morphism X - S is
the composition of an etale morphism U - Ar and the canonical projection
ArS - S. Here etale means smooth of relative dimension 0. Note that the
etale morphisms are precisely those morphisms that would be locally invertible
from the viewpoint of the Invertible Function Theorem, a theorem that unfor-
tunately is not at our disposal. In any case, interpreting etale morphisms as the
scheme analogues of locally invertible morphisms, we see that smooth schemes
resemble classical manifolds, indeed, since they are etale locally isomorphic to
ane spaces.
Another useful result on smooth schemes is the Fibre Criterion 8.5/17 stat-
ing that an S-scheme X is smooth if and only if it is at and all its bers
Xs = X S k(s) over points s S are smooth. Furthermore, it is interesting
to know that the smoothness of schemes over a eld k can be characterized in
terms of geometric regularity; see 8.5/15.
= n Pn Tin1
Ti n=1
n=0 Pn Ti with coecients Pn R Tj ; j I {i}. Of
if we write P =
course, the above sums can contain only nitely many non-zero terms, since,
by its denition, a polynomial P RTi ; i I is a nite linear combination
of monomials in nitely many of the variables Ti . Furthermore, the product
n Pn Tin1 with a factor n N is meant in terms of the Z-algebra structure of
8.1 Dierential Forms 345
It can be checked in an elementary way that the map d obeys the product
rule and, hence, is a derivation. For this it is enough to show that the partial
derivative by Ti satises the product rule, namely, that
(P Q) Q P
=P +Q
Ti Ti Ti
for polynomials P, Q A. To verify this, write
P = Pm Tim , Q= Qn Tin
mN nN
= m Pm Tim1 , = n Qn Tin1
Ti m=1 Ti n=1
and therefore
P +Q
Ti Ti
= Pm Tim n Qn Tin1 + Qn Tin m Pm Tim1
m=0 n=1 n=0 m=1
= n Pm Qn Tik1 + m Pm Qn Tik1
k=1 m+n=k k=1 m+n=k
(P Q)
= k Pm Qn Tik1 = .
k=1 m+n=k
is commutative.
346 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
? d ?
- 1A/R / a 1A/R + A dA/R (a)
where dB/R is an R-derivation of B satisfying the universal property of Propo-
sition 4. In particular,
1B/R = 1A/R / a 1A/R + A dA/R (a)
and (1B/R , dB/R ) is the module of relative dierential forms of B over R.
Proof. First note that 1A/R / a 1A/R + A dA/R (a) is canonically a B-module.
- 1 - 1 / a 1
A A/R A/R A/R + A dA/R (a)
B - 1A/R / a 1A/R + A dA/R (a) .
The latter satises the required universal property, as is easily veried by relying
on the universal property of dA/R .
xi y i = (xi 1)(1 yi yi 1).
i=1 i=1
f1 (x)f1 (y) = (f0 (x) + d(x))(f0 (y) + d(y)) = f0 (xy) + f0 (x)d(y) + f0 (y)d(x),
for all x, y A, i.e. if and only if f0 (x)d(y) + f0 (y)d(x) = d(xy). However, the
latter is equivalent to the fact that d satises the product rule.
8.1 Dierential Forms 349
A - J, x - 1 x x 1,
f 0 , f1 : A - (A R A)/J2
x - x 1, x - 1 x.
(1 x x 1)(1 y y 1), x, y A.
A - J/J2
is commutative. Since J/J is generated by the elements (x) for x A, as
follows from Lemma 7 (i) again, we see that is unique as an A-linear map
350 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
One can easily see as a corollary that 1A/R must be trivial if the struc-
tural morphism : R - A is a categorical epimorphism, in the sense that
for ring morphisms 1 , 2 : A - B an equality 1 = 2 implies always
1 = 2 . For example, surjective morphisms and localization morphisms are of
this type. Due to the denition of tensor products, the two canonical morphisms
1 , 2 : A - A R A coincide, when composed with : R - A. But then, if
is a categorical epimorphism, we get 1 = 2 and therefore 1A/R = J/J2 = 0
by Lemma 7 (i).
Next we discuss some functorial properties of modules of dierential forms,
starting with the base change functor.
1A/R R R - 1 A (A R R ) = 1 A A
0 - J - A R A - A - 0,
0 - J R R - A R A R R - A R R - 0
? ? ?
0 - J - A R A - A - 0
where the lower row is the exact sequence associated to the multiplication map
A R A - A . Since the canonical vertical maps in the middle and on
8.1 Dierential Forms 351
the right are isomorphisms, the same must be true for the vertical map on the
left, and we can conclude that the canonical map J2 R R - J2 is at least
surjective. Thus, tensoring the exact sequence
0 - J2 - J - J/J2 - 0
J2 R R - J R R - J/J2 R R - 0
? ? ?
0 - J2 - J - J /J2 - 0
with exact rows where the left vertical map is surjective and the middle vertical
map is an isomorphism. But then the right vertical map J/J2 R R - J /J2
is an isomorphism as well, as follows by diagram chase or from the Snake
Lemma 1.5/1. Now it can be checked directly from its denition in Corollary 9
that the exterior dierential : A - J/J2 carries over via tensoring with R
over R to the exterior dierential : A
- J /J2 .
? ?
B - 1B/R
where is the unique A-linear map provided by the universal property of the
exterior dierential dA/R . For this to work well, note that dB/R f : A - 1B/R
is an R-derivation from A to 1B/R , the latter being viewed as an A-module via
f: A - B. Since 1
B/R is a B-module as well, we obtain from a B-linear
map A/R A B
1 - 1B/R . Furthermore, the diagram
B - 1B/R
dB/A - ?
352 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
shows the existence of a canonical B-linear map 1B/R - 1B/A so that the
canonical maps of the sequence
are clear.
To show the exactness assertion, we use the fact based on the left exactness
of the functor Hom that () is exact if and only if, for all B-modules M , the
corresponding sequence
the latter with the canonical map 1A/R A B - 1B/R from Proposition 12,
we want to show that the resulting sequence
is exact.
Indeed, f being surjective implies 1B/A = 0, as we have already pointed
out. Hence, the map 1A/R A B - 1B/R is surjective by Proposition 12. On
the other hand, this map is already known from Lemma 5. Namely, it coincides
with the canonical surjection
1A/R /a 1A/R - 1 / a 1
A/R A/R + A dA/R (a) ,
whose kernel is generated by the image of dA/R (a) in 1A/R /a1A/R . Consequently,
the sequence mentioned in the assertion is exact.
Proposition 14. Let A and B be two R-algebras. Then there exists a canonical
isomorphism of (A R B)-modules
(1A/R R B) (A R 1B/R ) - 1
AR B/R .
Furthermore, if
1 : A - 1A/R , 2 : B - 1B/R
are the exterior dierentials of A and B, the exterior dierential of A R B
corresponds to the R-linear map
: A R B - (1A/R R B) (A R 1B/R )
given by
xy - 1 (x) y x 2 (y).
1 : A - A R B, 2 : B - A R B
354 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
be the canonical morphisms and write M/A for the A-module obtained from
M by restriction of scalars via 1 . In the same way, let M/B be obtained by
restriction of scalars via 2 . Then
d1 = d 1 : A - M/A , d 2 = d 2 : B - M/B
1 : 1A/R R B - M, 2 : A R 1B/R - M
= (1 , 2 ) : (1A/R R B) (A R 1B/R ) - M
Using the product rule for d, one easily checks that = d. Furthermore,
since (1A/R R B) (A R 1B/R ), as an (A R B)-module, is generated by
(A R B), it follows that is uniquely determined by the relation = d
and we see that, indeed, is the exterior dierential of A R B.
1. For a eld K, consider the coordinate ring A = Kt1 , t2 /(t22 t31 ) of Neiles
parabola, as in Exercise 6.2/6. Show that the A-module of relative dierential
forms 1A/K can be generated by two elements, but that it is not free. Conclude
once more that the scheme Spec A cannot be isomorphic to the ane line A1K .
2. Let A be an R-algebra, S A a multiplicatively closed system, and AS the cor-
responding localization of A. Show by elementary computation that the module
of relative dierential forms 1AS /R is given by the localization (1A/R )S and that
the map
Note that the tensor product is meant as the coecient extension of J/J2
with respect to the multiplication map A R A - A and that the result-
ing A-module coincides with J/J2 , due to the isomorphism (AR A)/J - A.
Furthermore, we see from 8.1/10 that the exterior dierential dA/R : A - 1A/R
is induced from the morphism of OS -modules
dX/S : OX - 1X/S ,
Proof. Taking into account the universal property of the modules of dierential
forms 1A/R , it is clear from the above consideration that the sheaf of dieren-
tial forms 1X/S admits the stated property. The uniqueness assertion for 1X/S
follows then by means of a gluing argument.
Applying the above result to the ane n-space X = AnS and choosing a
set of global coordinate functions t1 , . . . , tn on X, we can conclude from 8.1/6
that in this case the OX -module of dierential forms 1X/S is free of rank n,
namely isomorphic to OX n
, and admits the sections dX/S (ti ), i = 1, . . . , n, as
free generators.
1Af /R 1A/R A Af
a -
f r dA/R (a) adA/R (f r )
dAf /R : Af 1A/R A Af , .
fr f 2r
? dA /R ?
- 1A/R A Af
where the horizontal maps are the exterior dierentials of A and Af . Then,
using d = dAf /R as an abbreviation, we get for a A and r N the equation
a a a
d(a) = d f r
= d(f r
) + f r
fr fr fr
and, thus,
a f r d(a) a d(f r )
d = ,
fr f 2r
as claimed.
358 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
? ?
B - 1B/R .
This way every dierential form 1A/R induces an element 1 1A/R A B
and, taking its image, a dierential form in 1B/R . The same is true for sheaves of
dierential forms. Every section of 1X/S gives rise to a section in f (1X/S )
and, taking its image under the canonical morphism f 1X/S - 1 , to a
Y /S
section of 1Y /S . It is common practice to call , just as well as , the pull-
back of , using the notion f () for both quantities. Of course, if ambiguities
are possible, one has to be careful about specifying the intended type of pull-
Now, xing a base scheme S, it is straightforward how to generalize the
results 8.1/11 up to 8.1/14 by means of gluing techniques to the scheme case:
p 1X/S - 1X /S
is an isomorphism.
of OY -modules
I/I 2 - j 1 - 1Y /S - 0
is an isomorphism.
gT id
g : G T - T T GT - GT T GT T
- GT
the pull-back of 2 with respect to the twisted diagonal morphism G - GS G.
If necessary, consult [5], 4.2, for further details.
of a ring R into its localization by some element a R is of nite type and even
of nite presentation. As a further observation note:
is surjective and we claim that it has a nitely generated kernel. Indeed, look
at the nitely generated ideal Rt1 , . . . , tm R a ker . Dividing it out and
using the right exactness of tensor products 4.2/1, we arrive at a surjection
Rt1 , . . . , tm R A = At1 , . . . , tm - A,
the left vertical map ker - a must be surjective as well. But then the
ideal a Rt1 , . . . , tm is nitely generated, since the ideal ker is nitely
generated in Rt1 , . . . , tm R Rt1 , . . . , tn .
Lemma 3. (i) Ring morphisms of nite type are stable under base change, i.e.
if R - A is a ring morphism of nite type, then for any ring morphism
R - R the induced morphism R - A R R is of nite type. The same
holds for ring morphisms of nite presentation.
(ii) The composition of ring morphisms of nite type is of nite type again.
The same holds for ring morphisms of nite presentation.
: RT R RT - A R RT = AT - B.
Now if and are of nite type, we can suppose that T and T are nite
systems of variables and we see that : R - B is of nite type. If and
are of nite presentation, we can suppose that, in addition, ker RT and
ker AT are nitely generated. As ker RT R RT is generated
by (ker ) 1 and ( id)-preimages of generators of ker , it follows that ker
is nitely generated and, hence, that is of nite presentation.
For example, any closed immersion is locally of nite type and any open
immersion is locally of nite presentation. Furthermore, Lemma 3 shows that
morphisms of locally nite type (resp. locally nite presentation) are preserved
under base change and under composition.
Let us add along the way that a morphism of schemes f is said to be of
nite type if f is locally of nite type and quasi-compact. Moreover, f is said to
be of nite presentation if f is locally of nite presentation, quasi-compact, and
quasi-separated. As usual, we would like to show:
8.3 Morphisms of Finite Type and of Finite Presentation 363
Proof. Let us write X = Spec A and Y = Spec B. We have only to show that
condition (i) implies (ii). Assume rst that f : X - Y is locally of nite type
(resp. locally of nite presentation) at a certain point x X. Then there are
ane open subschemes U X and V Y where U is a neighborhood of x, such
that f (U ) V and the corresponding morphism of rings : OY (V ) - OX (U )
is of nite type (resp. nite presentation). Choosing a section b B such that
f (x) D(b) V , we may localize by b and thereby assume using Lemma 3 (i)
that V is a basic open subset of Y . Furthermore, since the localization map
B - B b1 is of nite presentation, we see from Lemma 3 (ii) that OX (U )
is even of nite type (resp. nite presentation) over B. In particular, we may
assume V = Y . In a similar way it is possible to replace U by the basic open
subset D(g) attached to a suitable section g A.
Now, assume that f is of nite type at all points x X. Combining the
above argument with the quasi-compactness of X (see 6.1/10), there are nitely
many sections gi A, i = 1, . . . , n, such that the ring morphisms B - Agi1
are of nite type and the D(gi ) cover X or, what is equivalent to the latter,
such that there is an equation ni=1 ai gi = 1 for certain sections ai A. Then
consider a B-subalgebra A A of nite type containing all sections ai , gi and
large enough such that all morphisms i : A gi1 - A gi1 , i = 1, . . . , n,
induced from the inclusion A - A are isomorphisms. To show that the
latter is possible, observe rst that all i are injective, since the localization
morphisms A gi1 are at by 4.3/3. Moreover, Agi1 is a nitely
- A
generated B-algebra. So if h = gar Agi1 for some a A and r N is any of
the nitely many generators, we may add a to A . Thereby we can assume that
all generators h belong to A gi1 and, hence, that A gi1 = Agi1 .
By our construction, the morphism f : Spec A - Spec B admits a fac-
Spec A - Spec A - Spec B
Proof. Assuming that x is locally closed in X, there exists an ane open sub-
scheme U X such that x is closed in U . Hence, the residue extension k(x)/k
is nite by 3.2/4. Now let U be an arbitrary ane open neighborhood of x in
X, say U = Spec A, and let px A be the ideal corresponding to x. Then
A/px k(x) is nite over k and we see from 3.1/2 that A/px must be a eld.
Therefore px is a maximal ideal in A and, consequently, x is closed in U . Thus,
for every ane open part U X the intersection {x} U is closed in U and
this implies that x is a closed point in X.
1. For a ring R and a multiplicatively closed subset S R consider the localization
morphism R - RS . Show that R - RS is of nite type if and only if it is
of nite presentation.
8.4 Unramied Morphisms 365
Let us explain more closely the terms occurring in the denition. An im-
mersion j : U - W An as required for an open neighborhood U X of x
exists if and only if f is locally of nite type at x. In conjunction with condi-
tion (i) this is equivalent to the fact that f is locally of nite presentation at
x. Moreover, in condition (ii) we require that 1An /S is generated at j(x) by all
dierential forms obtained from certain local sections of I at j(x). Since 1An /S
is a quasi-coherent OAnS /S -module that is locally of nite type by 8.1/6, this
condition may be viewed as a local condition at j(x), or even as a condition on
the level of stalks at j(x), just according to the following lemma:
If the equivalent conditions of the lemma are met, we say that F is generated
at x by the local sections f1 , . . . , fr .
Proof of the lemma. The implications (i) = (ii) = (iii) are trivial. Moreover,
we have (iii) = (ii) by Nakayamas Lemma in the version of 1.4/11, since F
is assumed to be locally of nite type. Now, to go from (ii) to (i), assume (ii)
and consider an ane open neighborhood U U of x together with sections
g1 , . . . , gs F(U ) generating F on U . Then the germs g1,x , . . . , gs,x Fx
generate the stalk Fx and there are coecients aij,x OX,x such that
gj,x = aij,x fi,x , j = 1, . . . , s.
Taking U small enough, the germs aij,x OX,x extend to sections aij OX (U )
and, shrinking U even more if necessary, we may assume
gj = aij fi |U , j = 1, . . . , s.
j# : kt, t - kt, t - p, t - t,
ideal ms OS,s and the induced map between residue elds k(s) - k(x)
denes k(x) as a nite separable extension of k(s).
Before starting
! the proof, let us derive some consequences from the theorem.
We will write iI Xi for the disjoint union of a family of schemes Xi , i I,
just gluing !
these via empty intersections. This way (Xi )iI becomes an open
covering of iI Xi .
Now we turn to the proof of Theorem 3, starting with the equivalence be-
tween (i) and (ii). Since f : X - S is locally of nite presentation at x,
there is an open neighborhood U X of x together with an S-immersion
j: U - W An into an open subscheme W of some ane n-space An such
that the corresponding quasi-coherent ideal I OW is generated at j(x) by
nitely many sections of I. If f is unramied at x, we may assume that, in
addition, the module of dierential forms 1An /S is generated at j(x) by the
dierential forms dg attached to sections g in I. Thus, considering the exact
I/I 2 - j 1 - 1 -0
where ms is the maximal ideal in OS,s . Then, if mx is the maximal ideal in OX,x ,
the equation
1X/S,x /ms 1X/S,x = 0
1X/S,x /mx 1X/S,x = 0
and therefore 1X/S,x = 0 by Nakayamas Lemma 1.4/10.
Accessing condition (v), let us establish the implication (v) = (ii) rst.
Since the equivalence of conditions (i) through (iv) has already been settled, we
may assume S = Spec k(s). Then OX,x is a eld by condition (v) and we claim
that x gives rise to an open subset {x} X. To justify this, choose an ane
open neighborhood U = Spec A of x in X and let : A - k(x) = OX,x be
the canonical morphism. It follows that U = Spec A with A = A/ ker equals
k(s) - A - k(x).
Observing that the eld k(x) is nite over k(s) by our assumption, we can
conclude from 3.1/2 that A is a eld. Furthermore, since k(x) = OX,x is a
localization of A , we see A = k(x). Hence, x is a closed point in U such that
the corresponding maximal ideal mx A is minimal as well.
Now let p1 , . . . , pr be the remaining minimal prime ideals in A. Their number
is nite by 2.1/12, due to the fact that A is Noetherian; use that A is of nite
type over k(s) by 8.3/5, in conjunction with Hilberts Basis Theorem 1.5/14.
Then pi mx for all i so that x V (p1 ) . . . V (pr ). On the
other hand,
since mx ri=1 pi = rad(A) by 1.3/4, we see that U {x} = ri=1 V (pi ) and,
hence, that the set {x} is open in U , as well as in X. As a consequence, we can
conclude that the stalk 1X/S,x is given by the k(x)-module of dierential forms
1k(x)/k(s) .
By our assumption, k(x)/k(s) is a nite separable extension of elds and
we claim that this implies
1X/S,x = 1k(x)/k(s) = 0.
8.4 Unramied Morphisms 371
where ms is the maximal ideal of OS,s . Now, writing mx for the maximal ideal of
OX,x , it is clear that mx = ms OX,x is equivalent to mx /ms OX,x = 0. Furthermore
the residue extension k(x)/k(s) is the same for f : X - S and its ber
f s : Xs - Spec k(s). It follows that f satises condition (v) if and only the
ber fs does. Thus, in view of the fact that condition (iii) is stable under base
change, we may replace the S-scheme X by its ber Xs over s and thereby
assume S = Spec k for a eld k. Moreover, we can pass from X to an ane open
neighborhood of x so that we are dealing with an ane k-scheme X = Spec A
of nite type. Shrinking X even more, we can assume that, in addition, the
diagonal morphism X - X k X is an open immersion.
To derive condition (v) in this situation, it is enough to show that the
k-algebra A = OX (X) is a nite direct product of elds that are nite separable
over k. Fixing an algebraic closure k of k, we see from Lemma 6 below that A
is such a direct product if and only if the k-algebra A k k is a nite direct
product of copies of k. In other words, we may assume that k is algebraically
Doing so we claim that the Zariski topology of X = Spec A coincides with
the discrete one (where every subset of X is open). Since the closure of any
point of X contains a closed point, it is enough to show that all closed points
of X are open. Therefore consider a closed point z X. Since A is of nite
type over the algebraically closed eld k, we can read k(z) = k from 3.2/4. In
particular, we may interpret z as a k-valued point z : Spec k - X and, hence,
as a section of X over k. Then consider the morphism
h: X - X k X, y - (y, z),
X - Spec k - X
Proof. To pass from (i) to (ii), consider a nite separable eld extension k /k.
Choosing a primitive element k , we may assume
r k = k(). Let p kt
be the minimal polynomial of over k and p = j=1 (t j ) its factorization
over k, where the zeros 1 , . . . , r k are pairwise dierent, as p is separable.
Then the Chinese Remainder Theorem yields
k k k kt/(p) kt/(t j ) k,
j=1 j=1
implies rad(ki k k) = 0 for all i and we claim that therefore all ki are separable
over k. Indeed, consider an element ki for some i and let p kt be its
minimal polynomial over k. Then, if p = rj=1 (t j )nj is the factorization of
p over k, the inclusion
kt/(t j )nj kt/(p) k() k k - ki k k
shows that all multiplicities nj must be trivial and, hence, that ki /k is separable.
This nishes the step from (ii) to (i).
1. Show that unramied morphisms are stable under base change, composition, and
the formation of ber products. Hint: For compositions use the argument in the
proof of 8.3/3 (ii) showing that the composition of two morphisms of locally nite
presentation is of locally nite presentation again.
2. Consider the canonical morphism Kt1 , t2 (t1 t2 ) - Kt1 Kt2 for vari-
ables t1 , t2 over a eld K. Show that the associated morphism of K-schemes is
3. Consider Neiles parabola X = Spec Kt1 , t2 /(t22 t31 ) over a eld K and the
attached K-morphism f : A1K - X, as in Exercises 6.2/6 and 6.7/3. Determine
the unramied locus of f .
4. Let f : X - Y be a monomorphism of schemes. Show that f is unramied if
and only if it is locally of nite presentation. Hint: Exercise 7.4/1.
5. Let f : X - Y be a morphism of schemes that is locally of nite presenta-
tion. Show that f is unramied if and only if for each Y -scheme T and each
Y -morphism g : T - X the Y -morphism (g, idT ) : T - X Y T is an open
6. For two S-morphisms f, g : T - X on some base scheme S consider the co-
incidence scheme Z = T (XS X) X as in Exercise 7.4/3; it is a locally closed
subscheme of T and even a closed subscheme if X is separated over S. Show that
Z is an open subscheme of T if X is unramied over S.
374 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
In the introduction to the present Chapter 8 we have already explained that the
Jacobian Condition known from Differential Geometry provides a rather
natural device for dening smooth morphisms in Algebraic Geometry. In
the following we will discuss this approach in detail.
where mz OAnS ,z is the maximal ideal and k(z) = OAnS ,z /mz the residue eld of
z. To relate the denition of smoothness to the Jacobian Condition, let t1 , . . . , tn
be the coordinate functions on AnS and imagine the elements gr+1 , . . . , gn occur-
ring in Denition 1 as rational functions in t1 , . . . , tn with coecients living on
the base S. It follows from the construction in the proof of 8.1/4, recalled in
8.1/6, that the dierential forms dt1 , . . . , dtn give rise to a free set of generators
of 1An /S . Thus, there are equations
dgj = aij dti , j = r + 1, . . . , n,
dgj = dti , j = r + 1, . . . , n.
Hence, the linear independence of the residue classes dgr+1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) is
equivalent to the relation
rg (z) = n r
for the Jacobian matrix of gr+1 , . . . , gn at z. Thus, we can say that a morphism
f: X - S is smooth at a point x X if, locally at x, there is an immer-
sion into some ane n-space AnS such that the Jacobian Condition is satised.
However, it is highly non-trivial to show that this condition is satised for every
immersion into an ane m-space Am S as soon as it is satised in one particular
case. This is the so-called Jacobian Criterion in Algebraic Geometry, which we
will prove later in Proposition 9 using as basic ingredient the so-called Lifting
Property for smooth morphisms; see Theorem 8 below.
Note that the structural morphism AnS - S of the ane n-space over a
base scheme S is a trivial example of a smooth morphism. Also observe that a
morphism f : X - S is locally of nite presentation at a point x X if it is
smooth at x. Furthermore, if f is etale at x, it is unramied at x in the sense
of 8.4/1; see also Proposition 6 below.
For an S-scheme X with structural morphism f : X - S, the relative
dimension at a point x X is usually dened as the topological dimension
dimx f = dimx Xs at x of the ber Xs = f 1 (s) over s; for the denition of
local dimensions see 7.5/6. We will show in Proposition 4 below for smooth
morphisms that the relative dimension in this sense coincides with the one as
specied in the setting of Denition 1.
Let us start now proving some elementary facts on smooth morphisms.
Proposition 2. Smooth (resp. etale) morphisms are stable under base change,
composition, and the formation of ber products.
The proof is straightforward from the denition of smooth and etale mor-
phisms; see Exercise 1.
over k(z). Since the dierential forms dt1 , . . . , dtn attached to the coordinate
functions of AnS yield a free generating system of 1An /S , we can enlarge the
system dgr+1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) to a k(z)-basis of 1An /S k(z) by adding r residue
classes of the dti , say by adding dt1 (z), . . . , dtr (z). Then 8.4/2 shows that the
dierential forms dt1 , . . . , dtr , dgr+1 , . . . , dgn generate 1An /S at z and therefore
also on a certain neighborhood of z, for example on W W . Hence, for any
z W the n residue classes
will form a k(z )-basis of 1An /S k(z ), which is a k(z )-vector space of dimension
n, and we see that the residue classes
are linearly independent for all z W . Thereby we have shown that the
dening property of the smoothness of f at x automatically extends to a certain
neighborhood j1 (W ) of x. Consequently, the set of points in X where f is
smooth of relative dimension r, is open in X.
In particular, there is an index i0 such that dimx X = dim Ci0 , and we can nd
an ane open subscheme U X that is contained in Ci0 , but disjoint from all
other Ci . Since we have required f : X - Spec k to be smooth of relative
dimension r at all its points, we may replace X by U , forgetting about the
initial point x. This way we are reduced to the case where X is irreducible.
Next choose an algebraic closure k of k and apply the base change k/k
to f , thus obtaining a morphism f : X - Spec k that is smooth again by
Proposition 2. Furthermore, we have dim A k k = dim A by 3.3/6. Similarly as
8.5 Smooth Morphisms 377
I/I 2 - j 1 n - 1X/S - 0
from 8.2/5 shows that 1X/S is freely generated on W by the images of the
dierential forms dt1 , . . . , dtr . In particular, 1X/S is locally free at x of rank r.
Proof. Assume rst that f is etale at some point x X, and consider an open
neighborhood U X of x with a closed S-immersion j : U - W AnS where
I OW is the associated quasi-coherent ideal, as in Denition 1. Furthermore,
let g1 , . . . , gn be local sections generating I on some neighborhood of z = j(x)
and assume that the residue classes dg1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) 1An /S k(z) are linearly
independent so that they form a k(z)-basis in 1An /S k(z). Then Nakayamas
Lemma in the version of 1.4/11 shows that the dierential forms dg1 , . . . , dgn
generate the module 1An /S at z. Therefore f is unramied at x and, as an etale
morphism, smooth at x as well.
Conversely, assume that f is smooth of some relative dimension r and, in
addition, unramied. Then, xing a point x X, there exists an open neigh-
borhood U X together with a closed S-immersion j : U - W AnS and
associated quasi-coherent ideal I OW as in Denition 1, namely, such that I
is generated in a neighborhood of z = j(x) by local sections gr+1 , . . . , gn where
the residue classes dgr+1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) 1An /S k(z) are linearly independent.
Since f is unramied at x, the dierential forms dg attached to sections g in
I will generate the module 1An /S at z by 8.4/5 and therefore also the vec-
tor space 1An /S k(z), which is of dimension n over k(z). From an equation
n S
g = i=r+1 ai gi with sections ai in OW we conclude
dg(z) = ai (z)dgi (z) + gi (z)dai (z) = ai (z)dgi (z)
i=r+1 i=r+1
because of gr+1 (z) = . . . = gn (z) = 0, and we see that the residue classes
dgr+1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) are even a basis of 1An /S k(z). Therefore we must have
r = 0, and f is etale at x.
- - A A
AnS Rt1 , . . . , tn
on the level of schemes, respectively, on associated rings of global sections. As
the morphism R - A is surjective, we may modify the variables t1 , . . . , tn in
such a way that their images in A belong to the kernel of A - A and, thus,
to I. Then there are equations
t j |W = aij gi , j = 1, . . . , n,
the base change given by the zero section S - An to the open immersion
W - AS , we end up with a morphism U
n - S that, by its construction,
is an open immersion coinciding with the restriction of f to U . Since such a
consideration is possible for all x X, the closed immersion f is open.
form a set of free generators of 1A /R and, in addition, gr+1 , . . . , gn generate the
ideal I A . Then the residue classes of the latter elements generate I/I2 as a
module over A A /I and it is easily seen that the exact sequence from 8.1/13
gives rise to a short exact sequence
that is split.
Now let Y = Spec B be an ane S-scheme and Y Y a closed sub-
scheme given by some ideal b B satisfying b2 = 0. We have to show that
every R-algebra morphism : A - B/b lifts to an R-algebra morphism
: A - B. The corresponding problem for A in place of A can be solved,
using the universal properties of polynomial rings and their localizations. For
this to work well, observe that an element b B is a unit if and only if its
residue class b B/b is a unit. The latter is true because all elements of type
1 + B with b are invertible, namely, (1 + )1 = 1 due to 2 = 0.
Thus, there exists an R-algebra morphism : A - B such that the diagram
A - A = A /I
? ?
B - B/b
is commutative. Then we have necessarily (I) b and gives rise to an
A-linear map
: I/I2 - b/b2 = b.
As the above short exact sequence () is split, we see that extends to an
A-linear map : 1A /R A A - b as follows:
- ?
In particular, induces by composition with the canonical maps
dA /R
A - 1A /R - 1A /R A A
If we switch back to the previous notation where X and S are not necessarily
ane, the consideration above shows that the obstruction for gluing the mor-
phisms i : Yi - X to a lifting of : Y - X consists of a cocycle on the
basic open covering (Yi Y )iI of Y with values in the sheaf
HomOY ( 1X/S , J ),
that is locally split. Indeed, as it is locally split, the sequence remains exact when
tensoring it with the residue eld k(x) at any point x X. Therefore, choosing
local sections gnr , . . . , gn of I at x such that their images form a basis of the
k(x)-vector space I/I 2 k(x), Nakayamas Lemma in the version of 1.4/11
shows that these elements generate I at x. Furthermore, the residue classes
dgnr (x), . . . , dgn (x) are linearly independent in 1An /S k(x) by construction
so that f is smooth of relative dimension r at x.
We would like to establish the above locally split exact sequence more gen-
erally for a smooth S-scheme W in place of AnS . To do this, we assume S, X,
and W to be ane, say S = Spec R, X = Spec A, and W = Spec A where
A = A /I for some nitely generated ideal I A . Applying the surjectivity
of the map in (ii) to the identical morphism id : X - X, we see that the
identical map
= id : A /I - A /I = (A /I2 )/(I/I2 )
admits a morphism of R-algebras
: A /I - A /I2
: A /I2 - I/I2
of the inclusion . Since idA /I2 and are R-algebra morphisms on A /I2
that are congruent modulo I/I2 by construction, we conclude from 8.1/8 that ,
being the dierence of these two maps, is an R-derivation. Composing with the
projection A - A /I2 , it induces an A -module morphism 1 - I/I2
A /R
mapping any dierential form of type da for a I to the residue class a I/I2
associated to a. Therefore 1A /R - I/I2 gives rise to a retraction of the
canonical morphism I/I 2 - A A occurring in the exact sequence of
A /R
8.1/13, and we see that the latter sequence extends to a short exact sequence
384 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
that is split. This settles the implication (ii) = (i) for smooth morphisms.
Finally, the remaining equivalence between (i) and (ii) for etale morphisms
follows with the help of Proposition 6 by combining the corresponding equiva-
lences for unramied and smooth morphisms.
S-scheme Z.
0 - I/I 2 - j 1 - 1X/S - 0
Proof. The implication (i) = (ii) is a consequence of Theorem 8 and its proof.
Indeed, if X is smooth at x of relative dimension r, then the structural morphism
f: X - S satises the Lifting Property on some open neighborhood of x.
As shown in the last step of the proof of Theorem 8, the exact sequence from
8.2/5 extends locally at x to the split exact sequence of (ii) and and we see that
dimk(z) 1X/S k(z) = r using Proposition 5.
As for (ii) = (iii), use the fact that the exact sequence from (ii) remains
exact when tensoring it with the residue eld k(x) = k(z), since it is split locally
at x. Then (iii) is easily obtained with the help of 8.4/2. Furthermore, since 1Z/S
is a locally free OZ -module of rank n by Proposition 5 and since the latter is
generated at z by the dierential forms attached to local sections of OZ,z (see
8.5 Smooth Morphisms 385
8.1/6), we can read from 8.4/2 that local sections t1 , . . . , tn OZ,z as in (ii) will
always exist. Therefore the implication from (iii) to (iv) is straightforward.
Finally, the implication (iv) = (i) is clear if, for some open neighbor-
hood V Z of z, there would exist an open S-immersion V - An . As we
cannot assume this in the general case, we must rely on the smoothness of Z
at z and choose an open neighborhood V Z of z together with a closed
S-immersion j : V - W Am into an open subscheme W of some ane
m-space AS such that the dening conditions for Z to be smooth at z are sat-
Assertion (a) follows from the fact that for two surjective ring morphisms
p : A1 - A2 and q : A2 - A3 the kernel of the composition q p is generated
by ker p and arbitrarily chosen p-preimages of generators of ker q. In a similar
way one obtains (b), just tensoring the exact sequence
I /I 2 - j 1
- 1Z/S - 0
with k(z) = k(z ) and using the properties of the sections gi . Together, (a) and
(b) say that X is smooth at x.
In particular, we can read from conditions (iii) or (iv) that the characterizing
property for X to be smooth of relative dimension r at a point x X is
independent of the choice of the closed S-immersion j : U - W An where
U X is an open neighborhood of x and W an open subscheme of some ane
n-space AnS . We may even assume W = AnS for some open subscheme S S
now, as suggested from the fact that X should be locally of nite presentation
at x. However, note that this simpler version is not suitable for introducing the
notion of smoothness in Denition 1, since it does not allow shrinking of X in
a exible way.
Also let us recall from the beginning of this section that the condition on
the linear independence of the residue classes dgr+1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) 1Z/S k(z)
in (iv) can be checked via looking at the Jacobian matrix. Indeed, we know
from Proposition 5 that 1Z/S,z is free of rank n if Z is smooth at z of relative
dimension n. Thus, if dt1 , . . . , dtn are free generators of 1Z/S,z , then for any
given sections gr+1 , . . . , gn OZ,z there are equations
dgj = aij dti , j = r + 1, . . . , n,
386 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
Proof. Starting with the implication (i) = (ii), consider the exact sequence
f 1Y /S - 1X/S - 1X/Y - 0
from 8.2/4. If f is smooth at x, then all occurring OX -modules are locally free
of nite type at x, due to Proposition 5, and we have
since relative dimensions are added when composing smooth morphisms. Fur-
thermore, the exact sequence
0 - im - 1X/S - 1X/Y - 0
0 - ker - f 1Y /S - im - 0
shows in the same way that ker is locally free of nite type at x as well. Now
observe that the above rank formula yields rg(ker )x = 0. Therefore we get the
exact sequence
0 - (f 1Y /S )x - 1X/S,x - 1X/Y,x - 0,
idX f
- X S Y
- Am
S S AS = AY ,
n m
(j, f ) : X
g 1 t 1 , . . . , gn t n , hr+1 , . . . , hm
are linearly independent. To verify this, use the fact that X is smooth at x.
Thus, applying the Jacobian Criterion of Proposition 9 yields a sequence
0 - I/I 2 - j 1 m - 1X/S - 0,
which is exact and split at x. In particular, the sequence remains split exact
if we tensor it with the residue eld k(x) = k(z). Now observe that by our
assumption (iii) the images of dg1 (z), . . . , dgn (z) in 1X/S k(x) are linearly
independent. Moreover, dhr+1 (z), . . . , dhm (z) are linearly independent by con-
struction. Since the latter residue classes are induced from sections in I, the
exactness of the above sequence, tensored with k(x), shows that the whole sys-
tem is linearly independent. Thus, it follows that f : X - Y is smooth at x
of relative dimension r n.
To deal with the general case, assume X and Y to be smooth at x, resp. y,
namely, of relative dimension r, resp. s. Let h1 , . . . , hs be local sections in OY ,
whose attached dierential forms dh1 , . . . , dhs induce a basis of 1Y /S k(y).
Shrinking X and Y if necessary, we may assume that the hi are global sections
in OY . Then we see from (iii) that there exist local sections gs+1 , . . . , gr in OX
such that
g = (gs+1 , . . . , gr ) : X -Ars
S ,
h = (h1 , . . . , hs ) : Y - As
(hf,g) - ?
where p is the projection onto the rst factor. By the special case dealt with
above, we see that (h f, g) is etale at x and, likewise, that h is etale at y. Then,
by a base change argument, h id will be etale at all points in p1 (y), and it
follows from Lemma 11 below that (f, g) is etale at x. Since f = p (f, g) is a
composition of two smooth morphisms, it is smooth and we are done.
Proof. Let us rst show that f is locally of nite presentation. To do this, look
at the cartesian diagram
(id,f )
X - X Z Y
f f id
Y - Y Z Y
1 : X - S, 2 : Y - S, S - T
f: X - Y, id : Y - Y, g: Y - Z,
is injective, due to the fact that g is unramied. Thereby we can derive without
problems the desired Lifting Property for f if the corresponding one for g f is
f |U
where g is etale and p is the structural morphism.
390 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
Proof. Since the composition of smooth morphisms is smooth again, condition (i)
is a consequence of (ii). Conversely, if f is smooth at x of relative dimension
r, the module of dierential forms 1X/S is locally free at x of rank r and, as
exercised in the proof of Proposition 5, there are local sections g1 , . . . , gr in OX
such that the attached dierential forms dg1 , . . . , dgr generate 1X/S freely at x.
Then g1 , . . . , gr dene an S-morphism g : U - ArS on some open neighborhood
U X of x and Corollary 12 shows that g is etale at x. Using Proposition 3,
we may assume that g is etale on U .
The assumption in the above proposition that the ber Xs contains a closed
point x with a separable residue extension k(x)/k(s) is always fullled, provided
Xs is non-empty. Indeed, using Proposition 13 one can show for a smooth scheme
X over a eld k that the set of its closed points x X with separable residue
extension k(x)/k(s) is dense in X.
Next we want to characterize smooth schemes over elds in terms of regu-
larity. Recall from 2.4/18 that a local Noetherian ring A with maximal ideal m
is called regular if m can be generated by dim A elements. Likewise, a locally
Noetherian scheme X is called regular at a point x X if the local ring OX,x is
regular. If OX,x is regular for all points x X, the scheme X is called regular
or non-singular. Since any localization Ap of a regular Noetherian local ring A
by a prime ideal p A is regular again (see Serre [24], Prop. IV.23), it follows
that a locally Noetherian scheme X is regular if and only if it is regular at all
8.5 Smooth Morphisms 391
its locally closed points, i.e. at all points that are closed in some open part of
X. Also note that locally closed points are automatically closed if X is locally
of nite type over a eld; see 8.3/6.
Proposition 15. Let X be locally of nite type over a eld k. Then, for a point
x X, the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) X is smooth over k at x.
(ii) There is an open neighborhood U X of x such that U k k is regular
for all eld extensions k /k.
(iii) There is an open neighborhood U X of x and an extension of elds
k /k such that k is perfect and U k k is regular.
(iv) 1X/k,x is generated by dimx X elements.
from 8.1/13. Since X is regular at u, we have dimk(u) mu /m2u = dim OX,u and
(iv) follows from 8.4/2.
It remains to derive (i) from (iv). Since X is locally of nite presentation at
x, there is an open neighborhood U X of x together with a closed immersion
j : U - W Ank where the associated quasi-coherent ideal I OW is locally
of nite type. Look at the exact sequence
I/I 2 - j 1 - 1U/k - 0
of 8.2/5 and let r = dimx X. Then dimk(x) 1U/k k(x) r by (iv). Thus, using
Nakayamas Lemma in the version of 1.4/11 and observing (iv), there exist local
sections gr+1 , . . . , gn in I at x such that the corresponding dierential forms
dgr+1 , . . . , dgn generate a free direct factor in 1W/k,x of rank n r. Shrinking W
(as well as its closed subscheme U ) if necessary, we may assume that gr+1 , . . . , gn
are dened on all of W and, thus, give rise to a closed subscheme U W where
U U . We may even assume that U is smooth over k of relative dimension r
at all its points. Since r = dimx U by Proposition 4, we see that U is a closed
subscheme in U satisfying dimx U = dimx U . Now let u U be a closed point
that is a specialization of x. Since the implication (i) = (ii) has already been
established, the local ring OU ,u is regular and, hence, by 2.4/19, an integral
domain. Therefore, using 3.3/8, the local dimension dimx U must coincide with
dim OU ,u and we have
For example, one can read from conditions (iii) and (iv) in Proposition 15
that X is smooth if and only if X is geometrically regular in the sense that
X k k is regular for an algebraic closure k of k. However, note that a locally
Noetherian k-scheme that is regular or, in other terms, non-singular, may fail
to be geometrically regular and therefore might not be smooth. Just look at a
k-scheme Spec k , where k /k is a nite extension of elds that is not separable.
There is a slightly weaker notion: a k-scheme X is called geometrically reduced
if all stalks of the structure sheaf of X k k are reduced in the sense that they
do not contain (non-trivial) nilpotent elements.
Proof. To derive (ii) from (i), we have only to show that the smoothness of f at
x implies that f is at at x. For this we can assume that X and S are ane, say
X = Spec A and S = Spec R and, furthermore, that R is Noetherian. In order to
reduce to the Noetherian assumption, we consider a situation as in Denition 1,
namely a closed immersion j : U - W An from an open neighborhood
U X of x into an open subscheme W of some ane n-space AnS . Shrinking
X, we can assume U = X and, in addition, that W is basic open in AnS , say
W = D(h) where h Rt1 , . . . , tn is a global section in the structure sheaf of
AnS . Furthermore, if f is smooth of relative dimension r at x, we can assume
that there are polynomials gr+1 , . . . gn Rt1 , . . . , tn globally generating the
quasi-coherent ideal I OW associated to the closed immersion j. In addition,
we may assume that there are polynomials g1 , . . . , gr Rt1 , . . . , tn such that
the dierential forms dg1 , . . . , dgn generate 1An /S at all points of W . In partic-
394 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
f: X - Spec R is obtained via base change with R/R from a smooth mor-
phism f : X
- Spec R . If we can show that f is at on X , it will follow
from arguments of base change like 4.4/1 that f is at on X = X R R and,
in particular, at x. Thereby we are reduced to the case where the base ring R
is a Z-algebra of nite type and, hence, is Noetherian by 1.5/14.
Now assume S = Spec R with R being Noetherian. Starting out from an
auxiliary scheme Z = AnS and using induction, it is enough for the implication
(i) = (ii) to consider an ane situation where Z is a smooth S-scheme that is
already known to be at over S, and where X is a closed subscheme of Z, dened
by a single section g OZ such that the residue class dg(x) 1Z/S k(x) is
non-trivial and, hence, f : X - S is smooth at x. The multiplication by g
denes a morphism of OZ,x -modules : OZ,x - OZ,x giving rise to the short
exact sequence
0 - OZ,x / ker - OZ,x - OX,x - 0.
The latter remains exact when tensoring it over OS,s with the residue eld k(s).
Indeed, since the ber Zs is smooth over k(s) at x, we see that OZ,x k(s)
is regular by Proposition 15 and, hence, an integral domain by 2.4/19. As g
induces a non-zero element in OZ,x k(s), the multiplication by g yields a short
exact sequence
0 - OZ,x k(s) - OZ,x k(s) - OX,x k(s) - 0,
which we may interpret as being obtained from the former one by tensoring
with k(s) over OS,s . But then the long Tor sequence of 5.2/2 yields
Tor1 S,s (OX,x , k(s)) = 0,
due to the fact that Z is at over S and, hence, Tor1 S,s (OZ,x , k(s)) = 0 by
5.2/7. Therefore we can conclude from Bourbakis Criterion [6], III, 5, no. 2,
Thm. 1 (iii) with J the maximal ideal of OS,s , that OX,x is at over OS,s and,
hence, f : X - S is at at x.
To pass from (ii) to (i), we may assume that S is ane, say S = Spec R, and
that X is a closed subscheme of some ane n-space AnR , say given by a nitely
generated ideal I Rt1 , . . . , tn . Using the fact that the ber Xs is smooth at
x of some relative dimension r, the Jacobian Criterion of Proposition 9 shows
there are elements gr+1 , . . . , gn I such that, locally at x, the induced elements
g r+1 , . . . , g n dene Xs as a closed subscheme of Ank(s) and the residue classes
dg r+1 (x), . . . , dg n (x) are linearly independent in 1An /k(s) k(x) where the
Now let X be the closed subscheme in AnR that is dened by the ideal
J = (gr+1 , . . . , gn ). Then X is smooth at x of relative dimension r and J I
implies X X . Furthermore, the bers Xs and Xs coincide locally at x. Since
X is at over S at x, the short exact sequence
remains exact at x when tensoring it over R with k(s); use 5.2/9. Therefore
J/I R k(s) vanishes at x and Nakayamas Lemma 4.10 yields (J/I)x = 0.
Thus, X and X coincide locally at x and we see that X is smooth over S at x
since this is true for X .
We have already pointed out that a nite separable extension of elds gives
rise to an etale morphism between associated schemes. Thus, we conclude from
8.4/4 that a scheme morphism f : X - S with S the spectrum of a eld is
etale at a point x X if and only if it is unramied at x. Keeping this in mind,
the Fibre Criterion for smooth morphisms of Proposition 17 in conjunction with
the one for unramied morphisms of 8.4/3 shows:
Spec(At/(p))q - X
can f
Spec A - Y ,
396 8. Etale and Smooth Morphisms
where p, q At are polynomials in one variable t such that p is monic and the
derivative p of p is invertible on Spec(At/(p))q . Furthermore, is an open
immersion and can denotes the canonical morphism.
The proof is based on a famous result of Zariski (see EGA [14], IV, 18.12.13):
f - h
where g is an open immersion and h is nite.
1. Show that smooth morphisms are stable under base change, composition, and the
formation of ber products. Compute relative dimensions in these cases. Hint:
For compositions use the argument in the proof of 8.3/3 (ii) showing that the
composition of two morphisms of locally nite presentation is of locally nite
presentation again.
2. Let A be a smooth algebra over a ring R, in the sense that the associated scheme
morphism Spec A - Spec R is smooth. For a multiplicatively closed subset
S A, give a condition assuring that the localization AS is a smooth R-algebra
as well.
3. As in Exercise 8.4/2 consider the scheme morphism f : X - S associated to
the canonical K-morphism Kt1 , t2 /(t1 t2 ) - Kt1 Kt2 for variables t1 , t2
over a eld K. Show that f is not etale on all of X, although it is unramied.
Determine the etale locus of f .
4. Consider Neiles parabola X = Spec Kt1 , t2 /(t22 t31 ) over a eld K as in Exer-
cise 6.7/3. Determine the smooth locus of X over K.
5. A morphism of schemes f : X - S is called formally unramied (resp. for-
mally smooth, resp. formally etale) if f satises the corresponding lifting prop-
erty, i.e. if for every S-scheme Y where Y is ane and for every closed subscheme
Y Y given by a quasi-coherent ideal J OY of square J 2 = 0, the canonical
map HomS (Y, X) - HomS (Y , X) is injective (resp. surjective, resp. bijective).
8.5 Smooth Morphisms 397
Show that such morphisms are stable under base change, composition, and the
formation of ber products.
6. Let X be a scheme that is smooth of relative dimension 1 over a eld. Show that
all local rings OX,x at closed points x X are discrete valuation rings.
7. Let K = k(t) be the function eld in a variable t over a eld k of characteristic
p > 2. Consider the curve X given by the equation y 2 = xp t in the ane plane
A2K , i.e. X = Spec Kt1 , t2 /(t22 tp1 + t) for variables t1 , t2 and show that X is
regular, but not smooth over K. Determine its smooth locus.
8. Let f : X - S be a smooth morphism. If S is regular, show that X is regular
as well. In particular, conclude for any regular ring R, in the sense that all lo-
calizations Rp by prime ideals p R are regular Noetherian local rings, that the
polynomial ring RX1 , . . . , Xn in nitely many variables X1 , . . . , Xn is regular
as well.
9. Consider a smooth scheme X over a eld k. Show that the set of closed points
x X such that the residue extension k(x)/k is separable, is dense in X. Hint:
Reduce the assertion via Proposition 13 to the case where X = Ank . Do this either
by using that at and, hence, etale morphisms are open, or avoid this result by
a weaker direct argument.
10. Descent of smoothness: Let : S - S be a faithfully at morphism of schemes,
in the sense that is at and surjective, and f : X - S a morphism that is lo-
cally of nite presentation. Show that f is smooth if and only if the corresponding
morphism f idS : X S S - S obtained by base change with is smooth.
Hint: Use the results of Section 4.4.
11. Group schemes over a eld : Let G be a k-group scheme of locally nite type over
a eld k; see Section 9.6 for the notion of group schemes. Show that G is smooth
over k if and only if it is geometrically reduced. Give an example of a eld k and
of a k-group scheme of nite type that is reduced, but not smooth.
12. Henselization of a local ring: Fix a local ring R and set S = Spec R. A local
R-algebra is a local ring R with a structural morphism R - R that is lo-
cal. Furthermore, R is called an essentially etale R-algebra if there exists an
etale morphism S - S with a point s S lying over the closed point
s S such that R - R coincides with the inherent morphism between stalks
OS,s - OS ,s . Show for an essentially etale local R-algebra R and any local
R-algebra A that the canonical map HomR (R , A) - Homk (k , kA ) is bijec-
tive where k, k , and kA are the residue elds of R, R , and A. Conclude that
the inductive limit Rh over all essentially etale local R-algebras exists and is a
local R-algebra with residue eld k. It is called the henselization of R and is
characterized by the fact that every etale morphism X - Spec Rh is a local
isomorphism at all points x X over s where the residue extension k(x)/k is
9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
in the sense of 9.1/1 and write A+ = n>0 An for its so-called irrelevant ideal.
Then the homogeneous prime spectrum of A, denoted by Proj A, is the subset
of the whole prime spectrum Spec A consisting of all graded prime ideals that
do not contain the irrelevant ideal A+ ; see 9.1/2 for the notion of graded ideals.
The set Proj A comes equipped with a natural topology, the Zariski topology
inherited from the Zariski topology of Spec A. Furthermore, the sets of type
D+ (f ) = D(f ) Proj A
for basic open subsets D(f ) Spec A and homogeneous elements f A form a
basis of the Zariski topology on Proj A; see 9.1/12. But most importantly, the
sets D+ (f ), which are referred to as the basic open subsets of Proj A, carry a
natural structure of an ane scheme, namely D+ (f ) = Spec A(f ) where A(f ) is
the homogeneous localization of A by f ; see 9.1/13. Gluing the schemes D+ (f )
along the intersections
D+ (f ) D+ (f ) = D+ (f f ) = Spec A(f f )
we obtain a scheme, namely the scheme Proj A attached to the graded ring A.
For example, we can view the polynomial ring Rt0 , . . . , tn in a set of variables
t0 , . . . , tn over a ring R as a graded ring or, better, as a graded R-algebra by
dening the grading via the total degree function. Then the corresponding Proj
scheme ProjR Rt0 , . . . , tn is just the projective n-space PnR .
From ane schemes we know that any morphism of rings B - A gives
rise to a morphism Spec A - Spec B between associated ane schemes.
A similar fact for morphisms of graded rings and Proj schemes is true only
in some very special situations; see 9.1/20 and 9.1/21 for results of this type.
However, working over some base ring R there is an ingenious way to character-
ize R-morphisms X - Pn from an arbitrary R-scheme X to the projective
n-space PR . Recall from 7.1/3 that for any R-scheme Y there is a canonical
HomR (Y, AnR ) - HomR Rt1 , . . . , tn , OY (Y ) OY (Y )n .
for a set of variables t0 , . . . , tn , and thereby describe each of the restricted mor-
phisms fi : f 1 (Ui ) - Ui by a set of n sections in OX (f 1 (Ui )), namely
the ones obtained via pull-back from the variables tt0i , . . . , ttni (neglecting the
constant ttii = 1) on Ui . The variables ttji satisfy some obvious relations on dou-
ble and triple intersections of the Ui and these are maintained on preimages.
Indeed, a careful analysis of the situation shows that the pull-backs of the vari-
ables tt0i , . . . , ttni can conveniently be denoted as fractions ss0i , . . . , ssni , although
Outline and Motivation 401
A1K is non-singular at all its points and the same is true, of course, for X {0 },
due to the isomorphism A1K {0} - X {0 }. However, the point 0 X
is singular, since the local ring Am is not regular. Indeed, t2 denes a system of
parameters in Am , which implies that Am is of Krull dimension 1. On the other
hand, we have A/m K and dimK m/m2 = 2 and this forbids Am to be regular
by 2.4/18. Therefore X has precisely one singularity, namely 0 . The same would
follow from the Jacobian Criterion 8.5/9 in conjunction with 8.5/15, at least if
K is algebraically closed.
To demonstrate that blowing up might be useful for resolving singular-
ities, let us show that the above normalization morphism : A1K -X
is just the blow-up of the point 0 ond X, namely the canonical morphism
Proj A - Spec A where A = d=0 m . Indeed, the irrelevant ideal d=1 m
sheaves. This is quite laborious and involves a lot of details, but at the end
we get an equivalence between Weil divisors, Cartier divisors, and invertible
sheaves, provided the scheme that we work on is suciently nice; cf. 9.3/16.
To supply some idea about the nature of abelian varieties, x a eld K.
An abelian variety over K is a K-group scheme A that is proper, smooth, and
irreducible. The term K-group scheme is most conveniently characterized by
the fact that there is a K-morphism : A K A - A dening a group law
on A, in the sense that it induces for each K-scheme T a group structure on
the set of T -valued points HomK (T, A); see 9.6 for more details. The simplest
examples of abelian varieties are elliptic curves (with a rational point); these
exhaust all abelian varieties of dimension 1. Let us show how to access such
elliptic curves over the eld K = C. Consider = Z Z for C R as a
subgroup of the additive group of C, a so-called lattice, and look at the quotient
C/ . The latter is a torus (life belt) from the topological point of view and a
compact Riemann surface (complex analytic manifold of dimension 1) from the
analytic point of view. On C/ lives the so-called Weierstra -function (z)
as a meromorphic function. It satises a well-known dierential equation
(z)2 = 4(z)3 g2 (z) g3
where g2 and g3 depend on and the polynomial 4x3 g2 x g3 has only simple
roots. Furthermore, the map C/ - P2 (C) that is symbolically described
by z -
((z) : (z) : 1) gives rise to an isomorphism between C/ and the
submanifold E dened in the complex projective plain P2C (C) by the equation
y 2 z = 4x3 g2 xz 2 g3 z 3 .
Thus, E may be thought to be a subscheme of the projective plain P2C . Fur-
thermore, one can deduce from the addition theorem for (z) that the group
law transported from C/ to E corresponds to a morphism of C-schemes
E C E - E. In other words, E is an abelian variety over C of dimen-
sion 1 and one knows that all abelian varieties over C of dimension 1 are of this
type. This is the classical analytic background of the fact that abelian varieties
here of dimension 1 are projective. In higher dimensions it is still true that
an abelian variety over C, say of dimension d, comes from an analytic quotient
Cd /2d where 2d is a lattice of rank 2d of the additive group Cd . However,
a given quotient of type Cd /2d is algebraizable to become an abelian variety
only if the lattice 2d satises Riemanns period relations; see Mumford [21], I
for more details.
In Section 7.1 we have introduced the projective n-space PnS by gluing ane
n-spaces AnS over a base scheme S. Now we want to discuss a more general
construction method for schemes of similar type. Let us start with some prepa-
404 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
Denition 1. A graded ring is a ring A with a decomposition A = nZ An
into a direct sum of subgroups An A such that Am An Am+n for all
m, n Z.
Proof. The assertion follows from Remark 2 for sums and products of graded
ideals and is clear for intersections, due to the denition of graded ideals. Now
consider a graded ideal a A and a non-trivial element f rad(a) of its radical.
There is an exponent t > 0 such that f t a. Write f = f0 + f1 where f0 A
is the non-zero homogeneous component of highest degree of f and f1 the sum
of all its homogeneous components of lower degree. Then the binomial formula
t t t i ti
f = (f0 + f1 ) = ff
i 0 1
Proof. We have only to show that a graded ideal is prime as soon as it satises
the prime ideal condition for products of homogeneous elements. Therefore let
p A be a graded ideal and let f, g A such that f g p. Proceeding indirectly,
assume that neither f nor g belongs to p. Then f and g admit homogeneous
components that do not belong to p and we may assume that all homogeneous
components of f and g belonging to p are trivial. Similarly as in the proof of
Remark 3, write f = f0 + f1 and g = g0 + g1 where f0 and g0 are the non-zero
homogeneous components of f and g of highest degree. By our construction,
f0 and g0 do not belong to p. However, f0 g0 is a homogeneous component of
f g p and, thus, contained in p, since p is graded. Now if p satises the prime
ideal condition for products of homogeneous elements, we see that f0 or g0 must
belong to p, contradicting our assumption.
Next we want to look at localizations of graded rings. Let A = nZ An be a
graded ring and f A a homogeneous element, say of degree d, so that f Ad .
Passing to Af , the localization of A by the multiplicative system generated by
f , we introduce the subgroups
Af,n = Af ; k N, a An+kd Af , n Z,
and claim that these give rise to a grading on Af . Intuitively speaking, we assign
to a fraction of type fak where a A is homogeneous of some degree deg r the
homogeneous degree n = deg a kd. Note that, even if the grading on A is
of type N, the grading on the localization Af will not preserve this property,
except for trivial cases.
406 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
: Af g - (Af )f e gd
a p a A+ p.
V+ (E) = V+ (a) = V+ (a A+ )
Furthermore, using the fact that V+ (E) is the restriction of V (E) to Proj A in
the sense that V+ (E) = V (E) Proj A, we can derive the following analogue of
For any graded ring A we can view its homogeneous prime spectrum Proj A
as a subset of the ordinary spectrum Spec A. In particular, the Zariski topology
on Spec A restricts to a topology on Proj A.
Denition 11. Let A be a graded ring. The restriction of the Zariski topology
from Spec A to Proj A is called the Zariski topology of the homogeneous prime
spectrum Proj A. This way the closed subsets of Proj A are given by the sets of
type V+ (E) for arbitrary subsets E A, while the open subsets of Proj A are
just the complements of the closed ones.
D+ (f ) = Proj A V+ (f ) = {p Proj A ; f p}
of Proj A; the latter coincides with the restriction of the basic open subset
D(f ) Spec A to Proj A. In particular, the sets of type D+ (f ) form a basis of
the Zariski topology on Proj A. However, this assertion can be improved:
Proposition 12. Let A be a graded ring. Then the sets of type D+ (f ) for
homogeneous elements f A+ form a basis of the Zariski topology on Proj A.
As a variant of this we can observe:
9.1 Homogeneous Prime Spectra as Schemes 409
Proof. Let U Proj A be an open subset and a A a graded ideal such that
the complement of U in Proj A is given by the closed subset V+ (a) Proj A.
Then we have
V+ (a) = V+ (a A+ ) = V+ (f ),
f a A+ homogeneous
thus implying
U = Proj(A) V+ (a) = D+ (f ).
f a A+ homogeneous
Hence, every open subset U Proj A is a union of open sets of type D+ (f ) for
homogeneous elements f A+ .
Finally, given an integer d 1, we have D+ (f ) = D+ (f d ) for any element
f A+ that is homogeneous of a certain degree n 1. Since f d And , the
second assertion becomes clear as well.
Next, for any graded ring A, we want to cover the homogeneous prime
spectrum Proj A by ordinary prime spectra of type Spec A(f ) , for homogeneous
elements f A+ . This will enable us to canonically equip Proj A with the
structure of a scheme. As a key fact, we need:
f : D+ (f ) - Spec A(f ) ,
p - pAf A(f ) ,
() f (p) h p,
() f1 D n = D+ (f ) D+ (h) = D+ (f h).
A - Af - Af g ,
we see from 1.2/5 that pAf = pAf g Af for any prime ideal p A satisfying
f g p. If, in addition, p A is graded, we obtain
and, hence,
f g (p) = pAf g A(f g) A(f ) = pAf A(f ) = f (p).
I+ (Y ) = {f A+ ; Y V+ (f )} = I(Y ) A+
Now we have collected all necessary tools in order to equip the homo-
geneous prime spectrum Proj A of a graded ring A with the structure of a
scheme. Namely, it follows from Proposition 12 that the sets of type D+ (f )
for homogeneous elements f A+ form an open covering of Proj A and we
can view each of these covering sets as an ane scheme, just by using the
homeomorphism f : D+ (f ) - Spec A(f ) of Proposition 13 and transport-
ing the scheme structure from Spec A(f ) to D+ (f ). Then we apply the method
of 7.1/1 in order to glue the ane schemes D+ (f ) along the intersections
D+ (f ) D+ (g) = D+ (f g) to yield a global scheme. More precisely, we ap-
ply Lemma 14 and view D+ (f g) = Spec A(f g) as an open subscheme of both,
D+ (f ) = Spec A(f ) and D+ (g) = Spec A(g) , namely via the canonical maps
that are obtained from the corresponding canonical maps between ordinary lo-
calizations. For this to work well, it remains to check the cocycle condition.
The occurring triple intersections of type D+ (f ) D+ (g) D+ (h) may be inter-
preted as schemes of type Spec A(f gh) for homogeneous elements f, g, h A+ .
This way the restrictions of the involved gluing morphisms are reduced to the
identity morphism on Spec A(f gh) , as the same is true in the setting of ordinary
localizations, and we see that the cocycle condition holds for trivial reasons.
Therefore the gluing works well and Proj A becomes a scheme covered by the
open subschemes of type Spec A(f ) for f A+ homogeneous.
Let us point out that there is an alternative construction method, which
looks slightly more elementary. To explain it, we need the following auxiliary
Even if we are a bit more careful and work with localizations of type AS(f )
instead of Af as exercised in example (4) of Section 6.3, we can use the canonical
isomorphism Af - AS(f ) in order to transport the grading from Af to AS(f ) .
By Lemma 16 the graded ring AS(f ) , as well as its homogeneous part of degree 0,
denoted by (AS(f ) )0 , are well-dened and depend only on the subset D+ (f ) Y .
Then it follows from 6.6/2 and Proposition 13 in conjunction with Lemma 14
that the functor OY : D+ (f ) - (AS(f ) )0 = A(f ) is a sheaf in the setting of
6.6/4. In addition, the latter result shows that OY extends uniquely to a sheaf on
all of Y , denoted by OY again. Moreover, we see for any homogeneous element
f A+ that the locally ringed space (D+ (f ), OY |D+ (f ) ) is isomorphic to the
ane scheme Spec A(f ) . Consequently, Y = (Y, OY ) is a scheme and the ane
schemes Spec A(f ) for f A+ homogeneous form an open covering of it. Thus,
using either method, we can state:
Theorem 17. Let A be a graded ring. Then we can equip its homogeneous prime
spectrum Proj A with the structure of a scheme in such a way that for homo-
414 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
Proposition 18. For any graded ring A, the corresponding scheme Proj A is
separated (over Z). Likewise, for any ring R and a graded R-algebra A, the
corresponding R-scheme ProjR A is separated.
Proof. We check condition (iii) of 7.4/5 for the ane open covering of ProjR A
consisting of the open subschemes D+ (f ) Spec A(f ) where f varies over all
homogeneous elements in A+ . For two such elements f, g A+ , the intersection
D+ (f ) D+ (g) = D+ (f g) is isomorphic to Spec A(f g) and, hence, ane. Thus,
we have only to show that the multiplication morphism A(f ) R A(g) - A(f g)
is surjective. If f is homogeneous of degree d and g of degree e, the canonical
maps from A(f ) and A(g) to A(f g) may be seen as follows, using Lemma 7:
restricts to a map
: Proj A V+ (A+ ) - Proj A,
Proof. It only remains to work out the formula on the preimages of basic open
subsets of Proj A. To do this, recall that a 1 (D(f )) = D((f )) by 6.2/4. Thus,
it follows
a 1
D+ (f ) = a 1 D(f ) Proj A Proj A V+ ((A+ ))
= D (f ) Proj A V+ ((A+ )) = D (f ) Proj A
= D+ (f ) ,
f f
? a ?
Spec A(f ) -
(f )
Spec A(f ) ,
which is easily seen to be commutative. Transporting the structure of scheme
morphism from the lower to the upper row, we obtain a family of scheme mor-
phisms a (f ) : D+ (f ) - D+ (f ), parametrized by the homogeneous elements
416 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
coincide on D+ (f g ). However, that this is the case is deduced with the help of
Lemma 14 from the canonical commutative diagram
Af - Af
? ?
Af g - Af g
and its version for homogeneous localizations. Thus, summing up we can state:
Let us add that, unlike the ane case, a morphism : Proj A - Proj A
between Proj schemes of graded rings A, A is not necessarily induced from
a morphism of graded rings A - A , as there are examples of morphisms
that are not ane. To construct such a morphism, let R be a ring and
view the polynomial rings A = Rt0 and A = Rt0 , . . . , td as graded rings
with respect to the total degree of polynomials. Then Proj A = Spec R, as is
to be shown in Exercise 4. Therefore, viewing A as a graded R-algebra, the
structural morphism Proj A - Spec R may be interpreted as a morphism
: PR = Proj A
d - Proj A. The latter is not ane in general, since PdR is not
necessarily ane, for example if d > 0 and R is a eld; see 7.1.
1. Graded rings as polynomial rings. Consider the polynomial ring A = Zti ; i I
in a system of variables (t
i )iI . Show for a family of integers di Z, i I, that
there is a unique grading nZ An on A such that ti Adi for all i I. Conclude
that every graded ring is of type Zti ; i I/a where Zti ; i I is a graded
ring as before and a is a graded ideal.
2. Alternative characterization of homogeneous localizations. Let A = nN An be
a graded ring. Fixing an integer d > 0, construct a graded ring A(d) = nN An
as a subring of A by setting An = Adn and show for any homogeneous element
f Ad that the map fxr - x mod (f 1)A(d) denes a ring isomorphism
A(f ) - A /(f 1)A .
(d) (d)
3. Let A = nN An be a graded ring and f A+ a homogeneous element. Show
that D+ (f ) = if and only if f is nilpotent. Conclude that Proj A = is equiv-
alent to the fact that every element f A+ is nilpotent.
4. Let R be a ring and t a variable. View the polynomial ring Rt as a graded
R-algebra with the grading being induced from the degree of polynomials. Show
that there is a canonical isomorphism of schemes Proj Rt Spec R.
5. Consider the projective n-space PnR over a ring R and assume n > 1. Show that
the scheme PnR is not ane, unless R is the zero ring.
6. Show for any graded ring A = nN An that the scheme Proj A is Noetherian if
A is Noetherian. Hint: Use Exercise 2.
7. Let R be a ring and A = nN An a graded R-algebra. Show that ProjR A is an
R-scheme of nite type if A is an R-algebra of nite type. Hint: Use Exercise 2.
8. Consider the graded ring A(d) as in Exercise 2 for a graded ring A = nN An
and an integer d > 0. Show that the inclusion map A(d) - A gives rise to an
isomorphism of schemes Proj A - Proj A(d) .
9. For a graded ring A = nN An , construct in a canonical way a graded ring
A = nN An by setting A0 = Z and An = An for n > 0. Show that the natural
11. Let S be a scheme. Generalize the notion of graded algebras over rings to the
case of sheaves of OS -algebras. Let A = nN An be such a graded OS -algebra
and assume that it is quasi-coherent. Show that all homogeneous components
An are quasi-coherent OS -modules, and construct the Proj scheme ProjS A as a
generalization of Proj schemes for graded algebras.
M (f ) |D+ (f g)
M (f g)
- M
"(g) |D+ (f g)
just as we have seen in 9.1/7; the proof carries over without changes. On the level
of associated modules, these isomorphisms dene gluing morphisms, as stated
in the assertion. To see that the gluing works well, one has to check the cocycle
condition of 7.1/1. This is done in the same way as indicated in the discussion
leading to the proof of 9.1/17. One shows that the gluing morphisms restrict on
triple overlaps of type D+ (f ) D+ (g) D+ (h) = D+ (f gh) to the identity map
on M (f gh) . Alternatively, one can prove a module analogue of 9.1/16 and employ
the second method proposed for the proof of 9.1/17. Finally, the construction
of associated morphisms is done along the lines of the proof of 7.1/2.
: M Z N - M A N
induced from the inclusions of homogeneous into full localizations on the left-
hand side and from the compatibility of tensor products with localizations on
the right-hand side; use 4.3/2. Since the isomorphism on the right conserves
homogeneous degrees, we end up with a homomorphism of A(f ) -modules
given by
x y -
fr fs f r+s
for r, s Z and x Mdr , y Nds . Furthermore, it is clear that, for homogeneous
elements f, g A+ , there is a commutative diagram
(f )
M(f ) A(f ) N(f ) - (M A N )(f )
? (f g)
M(gf ) A(f g) N(f g) - (M A N )(f g)
x y
xy .
fr fs
9.2 Invertible Sheaves and Serre Twists 421
given by
xy -
x y
ft fr fs
for r, s, t Z and x Mr , y Ns . Then, restricting f to the homogeneous
localization (M A N )(f ) , we get the desired inverse of (f ) .
In particular, every free OX -module is locally free and every nitely gen-
erated OX -module is locally of nite type. Also it is clear that every free or
locally free OX -module is quasi-coherent. Moreover, every OX -module that is
locally of nite presentation is locally of nite type and quasi-coherent.
Now let us look at the projective d-space X = PdR over some base ring R and
study Serres sheaves OX (n) as introduced in Denition 3. To do this consider
the polynomial ring A = Rt0 , . . . , td over R with variables t0 , . . . , td . The
total degree of polynomials denes a grading on A such that X = ProjR A; see
Section 9.1. Since the variables t0 , . . . , td generate the irrelevant ideal A+ A,
we get V+ (t0 , . . . , td ) = and therefore
X = D+ (t0 ) . . . D+ (td )
so that the schemes D+ (ti ) = Spec A(ti ) AdR with A(ti ) = R tt0i , . . . , ttdi form
an ane open covering of X.
By the denition of Serres sheaf OX (n), its restriction to the open sub-
set D+ (ti ) X is associated to the A(ti ) -module A(n)(ti ) . Here A(ti ) is the
homogeneous localization of A by ti ; it consists of all elements of the ordinary
localization Ati that are homogeneous of degree 0. Likewise, we can interpret the
homogeneous localization A(n)(ti ) of A(n) at ti as the subgroup of all elements
in Ati that are homogeneous of degree n. Then we get
't td ( n
A(n)(ti ) = R , . . . , ti ,
ti ti
since multiplication and division by tni sets up an isomorphism of A(ti ) -modules
A(ti ) - A(n)(ti ) . In particular, A(n)(ti ) is a free A(ti ) -module of rank 1,
generated by tni , and it follows that OX (n)|D+ (ti ) is free of rank 1. Consequently,
OX (n) is locally free of rank 1.
In order to determine the group (X, OX (n)) = OX (n)(X) of global sec-
tions of the sheaf OX (n), observe that all localizations of A by monomials in
t0 , . . . , td may be viewed as subrings of Rt0 , t1 1
0 , . . . , td , td , the ring of Laurent
polynomials in t0 , . . . , td over R. Furthermore, canonical restriction morphisms
between such localizations are given by inclusions then. Therefore we get
d 't td ( n
Rt0 , . . . , td , t1
X, OX (n) = R ,..., ti i =A
t i t i i=0
and, hence, (X, OX (n)) An . The reverse inclusion An (X, OX (n)) holds
as well, since we can write
9.2 Invertible Sheaves and Serre Twists 423
t td n
f (t0 , . . . , td ) = f ,..., ti
ti ti
valid on D+ (tj ), allows to conclude more specically that tni generates OX (n) for
n > 0 precisely on D+ (ti ). The reason is that tnj is a free generator of OX (n) on
D+ (tj ). Hence, tni can be a second free generator only at points of D+ (tj ), where
does not vanish. However, the latter is the case precisely on D+ (ti ) D+ (tj );
use 9.1/7 in conjunction with 9.1/14.
We have shown above that Serres twisted sheaves OX (n) are locally free of
rank 1 on the projective d-space X = PdR . Thus, they are examples of invertible
sheaves and we will generalize this assertion in Proposition 7 below.
Proof. If L and L are invertible, they are locally on X isomorphic to the trivial
sheaf. Using the canonical isomorphisms of type OU OU OU OU on open
subsets U X, we see that L OX L is invertible again. Therefore the ten-
sor product denes, indeed, a law of composition on Pic(X), the collection of
invertible sheaves on X. Clearly, this law is associative and commutative with
OX serving as identity element.
To describe inverses in Pic(X), note that Hom(L, L ) for OX -module sheaves
L, L on X consists of the functor
HomOX (L, OX ) OX L - OX ,
Proof. To obtain (i), we proceed similarly as in the case of the projective d-space
PdR . Since A1 generates A+ , we see that V+ (A1 ) = V+ (A+ ) = . Hence, the
system (D+ (f ))f A1 yields an ane open covering of Proj A and it is enough to
show that A(n)(f ) for n Z and elements f A1 is a free A(f ) -module of rank
1. However, the latter is clear, since we may interpret A(n)(f ) as the subgroup
of homogeneous elements of degree n in the localization Af and since
A(f ) - A(n)(f ) , a - af n ,
A(m) A(m)
O A(n)
A A(n) A(m + n).
Z - Pic(X), n - OX (n),
is a group morphism where for the projective d-space X = PdK over a eld K one
can show that it is, in fact, an isomorphism; see 9.3/17. Thus, Serres twisted
sheaves are the only invertible sheaves on X in this case.
Next we want to describe invertible sheaves on a scheme X in terms of Cech
cocycles with values in OX , the sheaf of invertible functions on X. To do this, let
L be an invertible sheaf on X and let U = (Ui )iI be an open covering of X such
that L|Ui is free; the latter amounts to the fact that there is an isomorphism
of OUi -modules OUi - L|Ui , carrying the unit section 1 OX (Ui ) to a
generator fi L(Ui ) of L|Ui as OUi -module. We say that L trivializes with
respect to U, or that L is U-trivial. Then for two indices i, j I both, fi and
fj , generate L on the intersection Ui Uj and there exists an equation of type
fi |Ui Uj = ij fj |Ui Uj with a unit ij OX (Ui Uj ) . Furthermore, on triple
overlaps Ui Uj Uk for i, j, k I we have
fi = ik fk , fi = ij fj , fj = jk fk ,
and, thus,
ik = ij jk resp. jk ik ij = 1.
The equation jk ik ij = 1 is referred to as the cocycle condition.
If there is an isomorphism OX - L, the unit section 1 OX (X) gives
rise to a global generator f L(X) and there exist elements i OX (Ui ) such
that f |Ui = i fi for all i I. Thereby we obtain on intersections Ui Uj for
i, j I the relation
ij = j i1 .
The equations we have just discussed t nicely into the formalism of Cech
cohomology with values in an abelian sheaf F, as discussed in Section 7.6. For
the convenience of the reader we repeat here the relevant facts, replacing F by
the sheaf OX of invertible functions on X and writing the group law multiplica-
tively. Thus, we look at the Cech complex C (U, OX
) consisting of the groups
of q-cochains on U with values in OX , namely
C q (U, OX )= OX (Ui0 ) , q N,
i0 ,...,iq I
426 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
q ()i0 ,...,iq+1 = i0 ,...,ij ,...,iq+1 |Ui0 ,...,iq+1 ;
as usual, the notation ij means that the index ij has to be omitted. In particular,
we get for C 0 (U, OX )
H q (U, OX ) = Z q (U, OX )/B q (U, OX )
the qth Cech cohomology group on the covering U with values in OX .
Starting out from an invertible sheaf L on X that trivializes with respect
to the open covering U = (Ui )iI of X and from isomorphisms OUi - L|Ui
for i I we have constructed above a 1-cochain = (ij )i,jI that satises
the cocycle condition and, thus, as we can read from the denition of 1 , is a
1-cocycle. If we change the isomorphisms OUi - L|Ui under consideration by
units i OX (Ui ) , we nd out that changes by the 1-coboundary (j i1 |Uij ).
Therefore we can associate to each U-trivial invertible sheaf L on X a well-
dened cohomology class H 1 (U, OX ).
Conversely, starting with a cohomology class H 1 (U, OX ), we can choose
a representative = (ij )i,jI Z (U, OX ) and glue the sheaves OUi with
ij : OUi |Ui Uj - OU |U U , a - ij a,
j i j
Proof. It remains only to show that the described map respects group structures.
This is easily seen. Just observe that if L, L are two U-trivial invertible sheaves
on X and if fi L(Ui ), resp. fi L (Ui ) are sections generating L resp. L
on Ui , then the section fi fi (L OX L )(Ui ) generates the invertible sheaf
L OX L on Ui .
OX |D+ (f ) - OX (n)|D (f ) , 1 - f n.
OX (m) OX OX (n) OX (m + n)
group Pic(X) of all invertible sheaves on X as the inductive limit of the groups
PicU (X) where U varies over the open coverings of X.
A similar inductive limit can be considered on the level of Cech cohomology
groups H 1 (U, OX ), as we have seen in Section 7.6. If V = (Vj )jJ is a renement
of U = (Ui )iI , there is a map : J - I such that Vj U (j) for all j J.
- -
C q (U, OX ) C q (V, OX ), ( (j0 ),..., (jq ) |Vj0 ,...,jq )j0 ,...,jq J ,
exists; it is the qth Cech cohomology group of X with values in OX . Furthermore,
it is easy to see that for a renement V of U the canonical diagram
PicU (X) H 1 (U, OX )
? ?
PicV (X) H 1 (V, OX )
Pic(X) - H 1 (X, O )
between the Picard group of invertible sheaves on X and the rst Cech cohomol-
ogy group of X with values in OX .
Also note that in place of H 1 (X, OX ) we may use the rst Grothendieck
cohomology group H (X, OX ) as considered in the setting of Section 7.7, since
is linear, say of type (t, x) - (ij (x)t, x) for a unit ij OX (Ui Uj ). Fur-
thermore, a morphism L - L between line bundles on X is meant as an
X-morphism that, locally on X, is linear with respect to the given trivializa-
tions on L and L .
The ber of a line bundle L - X over any point x X consists, indeed,
of the ane line A1k(x) = A1Z Z Spec k(x). Moreover, the parametrization of all
these lines over the base X is locally trivial in the sense that it corresponds
locally on X to the situation encountered at the ane 1-space A1U = A1Z Z U .
This is why the term line bundle is applied. However, globally, L can be far
from being isomorphic to the ane line A1X , as the ane lines A1Ui are glued
via linear transformations on the intersections Ui Uj , the latter being given as
multiplication by the units ij OX (Ui Uj ) .
It is easily checked that the family of elements ij , i, j I, forms a 1-cocycle
with values in OX , relative to the covering U = (Ui )iI , and that the isomor-
phism classes of line bundles on X correspond bijectively to the cohomology
classes in H 1 (U, OX ). Therefore we get a bijective correspondence between iso-
morphism classes of invertible sheaves and of line bundles on X. Quite often one
does not make a strict dierence between these two types of objects, by talk-
ing about line bundles in situations where the terminology of invertible sheaves
should be applied. In such cases the line bundle L (in the strict sense) associated
to an invertible sheaf L is referred to as the total space of L.
The correspondence between invertible sheaves and line bundles, as just
described, is not restricted to locally free modules of rank 1. For locally free
modules of higher rank n, one considers on the level of total spaces so-called
vector bundles, which locally look like ane n-spaces AnU . The role of the units
ij is then taken over by invertible matrices with entries in OX (Ui Uj ).
1. Let A = nN An be a graded ring. Show that the assumption of Propositions 2
and 7, namely, that the irrelevant ideal A+ A is generated by A1 , is fullled if
and only if A is generated by A1 when viewed as an A0 -algebra.
430 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
9.3 Divisors
Proof. Assertion (ii) follows from 7.3/6 and from the injection
OX (X) - OX,x , f - (fx )xX ,
(i) (a) = a = 0,
(ii) (ab) = (a) + (b),
(iii) (a + b) min (a), (b) .
Also note that for any R, 0 < < 1, the valuation leads to a
non-Archimedean absolute value
9.3 Divisors 433
| |: K - R0 , a - (a) ,
Lemma 4. For a Noetherian local integral domain A with maximal ideal m the
following conditions are equivalent:
(i) A is normal and of dimension 1.
(ii) A is normal and there exists a non-zero element a m such that m is
associated to the ideal aA, i.e. such that m Ass(aA).
(iii) m is a non-zero principal ideal.
(iv) A is a principal ideal domain of dimension 1 and, thus, a discrete valu-
ation ring.
(v) A is regular (2.4/18) and of dimension 1.
Proof. Starting with the implication (i) = (ii), assume that A is a normal and
of dimension 1. Then there are precisely two prime ideals in A, namely 0 and m.
Choosing any non-zero element a m, we know from 1.3/4 that rad(aA) is the
intersection of all prime ideals of A containing a. Since m is the only prime ideal
containing aA, its radical rad(aA) must coincide with m. Then m Ass(Aa) by
Next let us assume (ii) and derive (iii). If a m is non-zero and m Ass(aA),
there is an element x A such that (aA : x) = m; see 2.1/9. In particular, we
get xm aA and, thus, a1 xm A so that we can view a1 xm as an ideal in
A. We claim that a1 xm m cannot be the case. Indeed, if the latter were true,
we would see from 3.1/4 (iv) that a1 x would be integral over A. However, if
A is normal, this would imply a1 x A and, thus, (aA : x) = A, contradicting
our choice of x. Therefore we conclude a1 xm m and, thus, a1 xm = A. But
then m = x1 aA, which necessarily shows x1 a m and that m is principal.
Now assume (iii) andobserve that
n=0 m
= 0. Indeed, if y
A is a gener-
ator of m, we have m n=0 m = n=1 y A =
n n n
n=0 m and, thus,
n=0 m = 0
by Nakayamas Lemma 1.4/10. Then look at an arbitrary non-zero ideal a A.
To show that it is principal, x an integer n N such that a mn , but
a mn+1 , and choose z a mn+1 . Using the fact that m is principal, there
exists an equation z = cy n for some element c A m where c must be a unit,
due to the fact that A is a local ring with maximal ideal m. This shows y n a
and, thus, mn = (y n ) a. Since a mn by construction, we have a = (y n ) and
a is principal. Taking into account that dim A = ht m = 1 by 2.4/5, the impli-
cation from (iii) to (iv) is clear. Moreover, that (iv) implies (i) is well-known;
see 3.1/10.
434 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
Finally, it follows from the denition of regularity in 2.4/18 that (iv) implies
(v). On the other hand, if A is regular and of dimension 1, its maximal ideal m
is a non-zero principal ideal and we see that (v) implies (iii).
Proof. First observe for any non-zero element a A that all its associated
prime ideals p Ass(aA) are of height 1. Indeed, passing to the localization Ap
at such a prime ideal p, we can use 2.1/14 to show pAp Ass(aAp ). Then Ap
is a discrete valuation ring by Lemma 4 (ii) and, thus, an integral domain of
dimension 1.
Next, consider an element z = ay K with y, a A such that z Ap
and, hence, y aAp for all prime ideals p A of height 1. Furthermore, let
Ass(aA) consist of the (pairwise distinct) prime ideals p1 , . . . , pr A, and let
aA = ri=1 qi be a primary decomposition of aA where qi is pi -primary for all
i; see 2.1/6. Since all prime ideals p Ass(aA) are of height 1, as shown above,
we get y aAp for all p Ass (aA) = Ass(aA). But then we conclude from
2.1/15 that
y aApi A = qi = aA
i=1 i=1
and, hence, that z = A. This shows that p Ap where p varies over all prime
ideals p A of height 1, is contained in A. The reverse inclusion is trivial.
of A and has the property that the localization map A - AS(A) is injective.
Let us
point out for a Noetherian ring A that the set of regular elements equals
A pAss(A) p where Ass(A) denotes the set of prime ideals in A that are
associated to the zero ideal 0 A; see 2.1/10.
Now let X be a scheme and consider the subsheaf SX OX given on open
subsets U X by
trivial. Writing fi = f |Ui and gi = g|Ui for i I, we have fgii = 0 in OX (Ui )SX (Ui )
and, hence, since gi SX (Ui ) S(OX (Ui )), in fact fi = 0. But then, using the
sheaf condition 6.3/2 (i) for OX , we get f = 0 and, thus, fg = 0. Therefore the
presheaf under consideration satises the sheaf condition 6.3/2 (i). Furthermore,
using the canonical monomorphism OX - MX , assertion (iii) follows from
6.5/6 (iii).
Finally, to establish (iv), assume that X is locally Noetherian. In view of
6.6/4 it is enough to consider the case where X is ane and to check the sheaf
condition (ii) of 6.3/2 for an ane open covering X = iI Ui . To do this,
consider fractions hi MX (Ui ) such that hi |Ui Uj = hj |Ui Uj for all i, j I.
Writing hi = fgii for suitable sections fi OX (Ui ) and gi SX (Ui ), we would
like to determine a common denominator g OX (X) that could be used for all
fractions hi . Therefore look at the ideals Ii = (OUi : hi ) OUi , i I, consisting
of all sections g OUi such that ghi OUi . Then Ii coincides with the ideal
(gi OUi : fi ) OUi consisting of all sections g OX such that gfi gi OUi .
Hence, Ii can be interpreted as the kernel of the morphism OUi - OUi /gi OUi
induced from multiplication by fi on OUi , and we see from 6.8/4 that Ii is
quasi-coherent for all i I.
Since the fractions hi coincide on all intersections of the Ui and the ideals
Ii do not depend on the particular representation of hi as a fraction fgii , it is
easily seen that the Ii can be glued to yield a quasi-coherent ideal I OX . It
is enough to show that there exists a global section g I(X) that is regular in
OX (X). Indeed, then the sections ghi OX (Ui ) determine a well-dened global
section f OX (X) and, if g is regular, the fraction h = fg yields an element in
MX (X) satisfying h|Ui = hi for all i I. Hence, we see that the sheaf condition
6.3/2 (ii) holds for ane coverings if I(X) contains a regular element.
Proceeding indirectly, let us assume that I(X) does not contain any regular
element of OX (X). Using the fact that OX (X) is Noetherian by 7.5/4, we know
from 2.1/6 that the zero ideal 0 OX (X) is decomposable in the sense that it
admits a primary decomposition. In particular, it follows from 2.1/10 that I(X)
is contained in the union of all prime ideals belonging to Ass(OX (X)), the set
of prime ideals of OX (X) that are associated to the zero ideal. Hence, by 1.3/7,
there is a prime ideal p Ass(OX (X)) such that I(X) p. Then p is of type
(0 : x) for some x OX (X); see 2.1/9. In particular, I(X) is annihilated by x,
and it follows that Ii (Ui ) is annihilated by x|Ui , for every i I. Since Ii (Ui )
contains gi as a regular element of OX (Ui ), we must have x|Ui = 0 and, hence,
x = 0. However, then we would have p = (0 : x) = OX (X), which is impossible.
Thus, I(X) will contain a regular element and we are done.
Weil and Cartier divisors. Recall from 7.5/3 the notion of a locally
Noetherian scheme and from 7.5/7 the notion of codimension for closed subsets
of schemes.
where PD(X) denotes the set of prime divisors in X, has at most nitely many
non-trivial coecients nD and, hence, is a divisor on X. The latter is called
the principal divisor attached to f . It is clear that the principal divisors form a
subgroup in the group of Weil divisors Div(X).
Denition 10. Let X be a Noetherian scheme that is integral and normal. Let
K = MX (X) be its eld of meromorphic functions; see Proposition 8.
(i) Consider
a meromorphic function f K . Then the above dened divi-
sor (f ) = DPD(X) nD D is called the principal divisor associated to f . The
principal divisors form a subgroup of the group Div(X) of all divisors on X.
9.3 Divisors 439
Let us look at the special case where X = PnL = ProjL Lt0 , . . . , tn and L
is a eld. Then X is integral and normal, the latter due to the fact that poly-
nomial rings over elds are factorial and, hence, normal. Furthermore, we will
use the basic fact that any prime factorization f = p1 . . . pr of a homogeneous
polynomial f Lt0 , . . . , tn is homogeneous in the sense that all prime factors
pi are homogeneous. Indeed, the product of the leading homogeneous parts of
the pi yields the leading homogeneous part of f and if f is homogeneous, the
same must be true for the pi .
Lemma 11. Let X = PnL = ProjL Lt0 , . . . , tn where n > 0 and L is a eld.
Then the set PD(X) of prime divisors on X corresponds bijectively to the set
of principal ideals in Lt0 , . . . , tn that are generated by homogeneous prime
Y - I+ (Y ), a - V+ (a),
dene mutually inverse bijections between closed subsets in X and graded ideals
a Lt0 , . . . , tn + satisfying a = rad+ (a). Furthermore, note that any graded
ideal a Lt0 , . . . , tn is automatically contained in the irrelevant ideal, un-
less it is the unit ideal. Combining this fact with the argument given in the
proof of 6.1/15, one shows that a closed subset Y X is irreducible if and
only if its associated ideal I+ (Y ) is a graded prime ideal in Lt0 , . . . , tn + .
In particular, the prime divisors on X correspond bijectively to the graded
prime ideals p Lt0 , . . . , tn of height ht(p) = 1; note that then automatically
(t0 , . . . , tn ) p, since n > 0 implies ht(t0 , . . . , tn ) 2. We claim that these
prime ideals are precisely the ones that are generated by a homogeneous prime
element p Lt0 , . . . , tn .
Indeed, if p is any non-zero graded prime ideal in Lt0 , . . . , tn , consider a
homogeneous element f = 0 in p. Using the homogeneous prime factorization
of f , we see that p must contain a homogeneous prime factor p of f and,
hence, that p contains the graded prime ideal (p). From this we conclude that
p coincides with (p) if its height is 1 and, furthermore, that any ideal generated
by a homogeneous prime element in Lt0 , . . . , tn must be of height 1. Thus, we
are done.
Proposition 12. For a eld L and X = PnL , n > 0, the degree morphism
deg : Div(X) - Z, nD D - nD deg D,
For a Noetherian scheme X that is integral and normal, one can produce
Weil divisors from Cartier divisors. Indeed, consider a Cartier divisor f in
CaDiv(X), say represented by sections fi (X, MX (Ui )) where (Ui )iI is
an open covering of X and fj1 fi OX
(Ui Uj ) for all i, j I. Now let D be a
prime divisor on X and let x be its generic point. Then we know from Lemma 4
that OX,x is a discrete valuation ring. Let D be the associated valuation on its
eld of fractions and set nD (f ) = D (fi ) for any i I such that Ui = . Then
nD (f ) is well-dened since MX is a constant sheaf by Proposition 8 and since
the dierence fj1 fi is invertible in OX (Ui Uj ). Furthermore, as discussed for
principal Weil divisors, we have nD = 0 for almost all D PD(X). Thus, associ-
ating to any f CaDiv(X) the corresponding Weil divisor DPD(X) nD (f ) D
yields a canonical group homomorphism : CaDiv(X) - Div(X), mapping
principal to principal and eective to eective divisors.
CaCl(X) - Cl(X).
Proof. First, observe that the sheaf of meromorphic functions MX equals the
constant sheaf KX for K the residue eld at the generic point of X. More
precisely, K coincides with the eld of fractions of OX (U ) for any non-empty
ane open subset U X or even of any stalk OX,x at a point x X; see
Proposition 8. To verify our assertions, consider a Cartier divisor f CaDiv(X),
given by sections fi MX (Ui ) for some open covering (Ui )iI of X. Rening it
if necessary, we may assume that the covering (Ui )iI is ane, say Ui = Spec Ai
for i I. Since X is integral, all Ai are integral domains by Remark 2 and
7.5/1. In addition, they are Noetherian by 7.5/4 and normal by Remark 2
442 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
again. Now assume that the Weil divisor (f ) = DPD(X) nD (f ) D associated
to f is eective. Then all values nD (f ) for D varying over the prime divisors
of X are non-negative, and we conclude from Proposition 5 that fi Ai for all
i I. Therefore f is eective. In the same way we get fi1 Ai and, hence,
fi Ai = OX
(Ui ) if both f and f are eective. In particular, f is trivial
if (f ) is trivial and, hence, CaDiv(X) - Div(X) is injective. Furthermore,
combining the latter with the denition of principal divisors, we can conclude
that principal Cartier divisors are mapped bijectively to principal Weil divisors.
Now assume that, in addition, X is factorial. It remains to show that the
homomorphism CaCl(X) - Cl(X) is surjective. For this it is enough to
show that any prime divisor D on X belongs to the image of this map. Indeed,
let I OX be the vanishing ideal of D; the latter is quasi-coherent by 7.3/5.
Then, for any x D, the ideal Ix OX,x is a prime ideal of height 1 and, hence,
generated by a single prime element since OX,x is factorial. On the other hand,
we have Ix = OX,x for x X D. Furthermore, for any ane open subset
U X, the ideal I|U is associated to a nitely generated ideal in OX (U ),
since this ring is Noetherian by Proposition 7.5/4. Therefore, choosing for each
x X a generator of the ideal Ix OX,x and extending it to a section fx on
a suitably small ane open neighborhood Ux X, we can use the implication
(ii) = (i) of 8.4/2 and thereby assume that I|Ux is generated by the section
fx OX (Ux ). But then the family f = (fx )xX denes a Cartier divisor on X,
whose associated Weil divisor is D. Thus, we are done.
Proof. The rst part is easy to see. Let D be a Cartier divisor on X, represented
by a family of sections fi MX (Ui ) where (Ui )iI is an open covering of X.
Then the associated invertible sheaf OX (D) is a subsheaf of MX and is trivial if
and only if it admits a global generator f MX (X). If the latter is the case, f
diers on Ui from fi1 by a unit in OX
(Ui ), and D is the principal Cartier divisor
given by f . In particular, OX (D) is trivial if and only if D is principal so
that CaDiv(X) - Pic(X) induces a monomorphism CaCl(X) - Pic(X).
Furthermore, if L is an invertible subsheaf of MX , choose a trivializing open
covering (Ui )iI of X and let fi generate L on Ui . We may assume that all Ui
are ane and, furthermore, using Lemma 7, that fi MX (Ui ) = (Ai )S(Ai ) for
Ai = OX (Ui ). Then we can write fi = s1 i ai for some regular element si S(Ai )
and some ai Ai . Since fi has the property that cfi = 0 for c Ai implies
c = 0, we see that the same is true for ai . Therefore ai S(Ai ) and, hence, fi
is invertible in (Ai )S(Ai ) . Thereby we conclude fi MX (Ui ), and it follows that
the fi1 give rise to a Cartier divisor on X, whose associated invertible sheaf
coincides with L.
Now assume that X is Noetherian and reduced and let L be an invertible
sheaf on X. We have to show that L may be viewed as a subsheaf of the sheaf
MX of meromorphic functions on X. Let x1 , . . . , xn be the generic points of X
and let Ui be an ane open neighborhood of xi such that Ui is disjoint from
all irreducible components {xj } for i = j. Choosing Ui small enough, we may
assume that L is trivial on each Ui . Then Ui {xi } for all i, and we see that
U = ni=1 Ui is a disjoint union of ane open subsets of X, containing all generic
points of X. Furthermore, L|U is trivial.
Let : U - X be the inclusion map and consider the direct image (L|U )
of the restriction of L to U . It is an OX -module and consists of the functor
U - L(U U ), for U X open.
Furthermore, the restriction morphisms L(U ) - L(U U ) dene a morphism
of OX -modules L - (L|U ), which we claim is injective. Indeed, this can be
checked locally on X and, since L is locally trivial, we may replace L by OX .
Then it is enough to show that all restriction maps OX (U ) - OX (U U )
for U X ane open are injective. However, the latter is easily seen to be
true, since a function on a reduced ane scheme U vanishes if and only if it
vanishes at the generic points of U ; this follows from 1.3/4. Now look at the
chain of inclusions
444 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
Corollary 17. Let L be a eld, and consider the projective n-space X = PnL for
n > 0. Then the degree morphism deg : Div(X) - Z gives rise to canonical
Pic(X) CaCl(X) Cl(X) Z,
such that Serres twisted sheaf OX (n) Pic(X) corresponds to n Z for all
integers n. In particular, up to isomorphism, Serres twisted sheaves are the only
invertible sheaves on X = PnL .
1. Let X be a Noetherian normal scheme or, more generally, a Noetherian scheme
such that all stalks OX,x at points x X are integral domains. Show that X is
the disjoint union of its irreducible components, the latter being open in X.
2. Show Cl(AnK ) = 0 for the ane n-space AnK over a eld K. Hint: Use the fact
that the polynomial ring Kt1 , . . . , tn is factorial and, hence, that every prime
ideal of height 1 is principal.
3. Let A be a Noetherian integral domain. As a generalization of Exercise 2 show
that A is factorial if and only if the scheme X = Spec A is normal and satises
Cl(X) = 0. Hint: For the only-if part proceed as in Exercise 2. For the if part
9.3 Divisors 445
show that every prime ideal p A of height 1 is principal and that all principal
ideals generated by irreducible elements are prime.
4. Let X be a Noetherian scheme that is integral and normal. Furthermore, consider
a non-trivial open subscheme U X and set Z = X U . Show:
(a) The map D - DU on prime divisors D PD(X) gives rise to a surjective
homomorphism Cl(X) - Cl(U ), which is an isomorphism if codimX Z 2
for every irreducible component Z of Z.
(b) If Z is irreducible and of codimension 1 in X, there is a canonical exact
sequence Z - Cl(X) - Cl(U ) - 0.
(c) Discuss the case where X is the projective n-space PnK = ProjK t0 , . . . , tn
over a eld K and where U = D+ (t0 ) = AnK .
5. Rational maps: Let X, Y be schemes. Two morphisms f : U - Y and
g: V - Y given on dense open subschemes U, V X are called equivalent
if there exists an open dense subscheme W U V such that f |W = g|W . The
associated equivalence classes are called rational maps from X to Y and are de-
noted by dashed arrows X - Y . A rational map h : X - Y is said to be
dened at a point x X if there exists a representative f : U - Y of h where
x U . Show:
(a) The intersection of two dense open subsets in X is dense open in X again.
Hence, the above dened relation is an equivalence relation, indeed.
(b) Let h : X - Y be a rational map and assume that X is Noetherian and
normal and Y ane. Then, if h is dened at all points of codimension 1, it is
represented by a unique scheme morphism X - Y.
6. Compute the group of Cartier divisor classes CaCl(X) for Neiles parabola
X = Spec Kt1 , t2 /(t22 t31 ) over a eld K. Show that it is isomorphic to the
additive group of K. Can we talk about Cl(X)? What about Pic(X)? Hint: Con-
sider the canonical morphism : A1K - X as in Exercise 6.7/3, the so-called
normalization morphism of X, and use the exact sequence of sheaves of abelian
groups 0 - OA 1 /OX - M /O
- M / O 1
- 0.
7. Show Pic(A1K ) = Z for the ane line with double origin over a eld K.
8. Canonical sheaves on projective spaces: Consider the projective n-space PnR over
some ring R and let n = nPn /R be the sheaf of relative dierential forms of
degree n; it is called the canonical sheaf on PnR and is dened as the nth exterior
power of the sheaf of relative dierential forms of degree 1 (see Section 8.2). Show
that n is an invertible sheaf on PnR and describe n in terms of Serres twisted
sheaves. Furthermore, in the case of a eld R, specify a Weil divisor D inducing
n via the correspondence of Corollary 16.
9. Algebraic varieties over elds via schemes: An algebraic variety over a eld K
is dened as a separated integral K-scheme of nite type that remains integral
when extending the base K to an algebraic closure K. This way the algebraic
varieties over K may be viewed as a full subcategory of the category of K-schemes.
Show that the ber product X K Y of two algebraic varieties over K is an
algebraic variety again and, thus, that the ber product of K-schemes gives rise
to a cartesian product in the category of algebraic varieties over K.
446 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
Xl = {x X ; OX,x l = Lx }
Proof. The rst assertion can be tested locally on X. So we may assume that
X is ane, say X = Spec A, and L = OX . Then we can write
It follows from 1.2/7 in conjunction with 1.2/5 (iii) that l induces a non-unit in
Ax if and only if l is contained in the prime ideal px A given by x. Therefore
V (l) coincides with the ordinary zero set
V (l) = {x X ; l px },
Proof. The argument is similar to the one used in the proof of 6.8/6. To begin
with, assume that X is ane, say X = Spec A, and that L is trivial. Then
L OX and tensoring with sections of L amounts to multiplying with the
corresponding sections in OX . In particular, we may view l as an element of
A. Since F is a quasi-coherent OX -module on the ane scheme Spec A, we
know from 6.8/10 that it is associated to the A-module F = F(X). Hence,
the restriction map F(X) - F(Xl ) can be identied with the canonical
localization map F - F A Al . The kernel of the latter consists of all elements
in F that are annihilated by a certain power of l and, furthermore, every element
of F A Al admits an extension to F if we multiply by a certain power of l; see
also 6.8/6. This settles assertions (i) and (ii) if X is ane.
In the general case, we choose an ane open covering (Uj )jJ of X trivial-
izing L. Taking X to be quasi-compact, we may assume that J is nite. Now
let r (X, F) such that r|Xl = 0. Then r|Xl Uj = 0 for each j J and, by
the ane special case, we can nd an exponent i > 0 such that r li |Uj = 0.
Since J is nite, we may assume that i is independent of j so that r li = 0 on
all of X. Thus, assertion (i) is clear.
On the other hand, given s (Xl , F), the ane special case shows that
each restriction s|Xl Uj can be extended to a section rj (Uj , F Li ) by
tensoring with a certain power li where we can choose i independent of j. Then
rj and rj will coincide on Xl Uj Uj for any indices j, j J. Since Uj Uj is
quasi-compact in the situation of (ii), we may apply (i) to the scheme Uj Uj in
place of X. Thus, enlarging i, we can assume that rj and rj coincide on Uj Uj .
But then the rj dene a section r (X, F Li ) such that r|Xl = s li |Xl .
This settles assertion (ii).
f# : G - f (f (G)),
Proof. Assertion (i) is clear by the denition of direct image sheaves. To check
(ii), we may work locally on Y and X and thereby assume that X and Y are
ane. Moreover, we may assume G = OY . Then f # coincides with the canonical
map f # : OY - f OX and the assertion follows from 6.2/4. In the same way
we assume for assertion (iii) that X and Y are ane, and that G = OY . If
t0 , . . . , tn OY (Y ) generate OY as OY -module, the ti generate the unit ideal
in OY (Y ). This implies that the pull-backs s0 , . . . , sn generate the unit ideal in
OX (X) and, hence, that the si form a set of generators for f (OY ) = OX .
Now xing a base ring R (or, more generally, a base scheme S), we start
looking at R-scheme morphisms of type
To simplify our notation, we will sometimes write P in place of PnR for the
projective n-space. As usual, let OP (1) be Serres twist of the structure sheaf
OP . Then we know from 9.2/7 that OP (1) is an invertible sheaf on PnR , and the
same is true for L = f (OP (1)) on X by 6.9/6. In particular, we can look at the
pull-back morphism
and apply Remark 3. Thus, the global generators t0 , . . . , tn (PnR , OP (1)) give
rise via f # to global generators s0 , . . . , sn of L such that
f 1 (PnR,ti ) = Xsi , i = 0, . . . , n,
where PnR,ti = D+ (ti ) AnR , as we have seen in Section 9.2. It follows that X
is covered by the open subsets Xsi , just as PnR is covered by the open subsets
PnR,ti . Thus, the morphism f : X - Pn can be interpreted as being obtained
by gluing the induced morphisms
f i : Xs i - AnR = PnR,ti , i = 0, . . . , n.
tj = ti , j = 0, . . . , n,
9.4 Global Sections of Invertible Sheaves 449
interpreting the fractions ti
as sections in OP (PnR,ti ). Furthermore, applying the
f # : OP (1) - f (L)
and using the compatibility with the pull-back on the level of structure sheaves
f # : OP - f (OX )
fi : X s i - PnR,ti , i = 0, . . . , n,
given by
't tn ( t0 tn s0 sn
fi# : R
,..., - (Xsi , OX ), ,..., - ,..., .
ti ti ti ti si si
450 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
This implies the uniqueness assertion. On the other hand, in order to actually
construct f from the given data, we look at the morphisms fi : Xsi - PnR,ti as
dened above and show with the help of 7.1/2 that these can be glued to yield
a morphism f : X - Pn as required. First, the open subsets Xs cover X,
R i
since the sections s0 , . . . , sn form a set of global generators of L. Next, observe
that PnR,ti PnR,tj , for any indices i and j, coincides with the basic open part
D+ (ti tj ) PnR,ti , where tji is invertible and, hence, that fi1 (PnR,ti PnR,tj ) is the
open part in Xsi where sji is invertible. However, the latter is just Xsi Xsj so
that we get fi1 (PnR,ti PnR,tj ) = Xsi Xsj . Furthermore, it is easy to see that the
restrictions of fi and fj to Xsi Xsj coincide, due to the canonical commutative
't tn ( tk s
R ,..., - Xs Xs , OX , - k ,
ti ti t itj i
ti si
't t ( tk s
R ,...,
n - Xsj Xsi , OX , - k .
tj tj tj tj sj
In particular, the global sections s0 , . . . , sn (X, L) give rise to a well-dened
R-morphism f : X - Pn satisfying f 1 (Pn ) = Xs for all i.
R R,ti i
Now consider the inverse image L = f (OP (1)). The global sections
t0 , . . . , tn of OP (1) give rise to global sections s0 , . . . , sn (X, L ), which form a
set of generators of L . Furthermore, L trivializes with respect to the open cov-
ering U = (Xsi )i=0,...,n of X, and we see that the cocycles ( si ), ( ssji ) C 1 (U, OX )
coincide. Hence, using 9.2/8, we obtain an isomorphism L L of invertible
sheaves on X, as desired.
Next we want to study so-called ample and very ample invertible sheaves,
which are convenient for constructing immersions into projective n-spaces. As
a technical tool, we need to introduce quasi-ane schemes.
(U, OU ) - Afi - Afi fj ,
i=1 i,j=1
and the latter remains exact if we tensor it over A with any localization Ag of
A by an element g A; use that Ag is at over A by 4.3/3. As we are dealing
with nite cartesian products, these can be interpreted as direct sums, which
commute with tensor products. Thus, for any g A, we arrive at the exact
(U, OU ) A Ag - Agfi - Agfi fj ,
i=1 i,j=1
of over the open set D(g) Spec A, we see that U D(g) - Spec Bg
corresponds to an isomorphism Bg - (U D(g), OU ) on the level of
global sections. This implies that U D(g) - Spec Bg is an isomorphism,
too, if U D(g) is ane. For example, the latter is the case for D(g) U , since
then U D(g) = D(g).
Using this for g = f1 , . . . , fr , we see that U is locally an open subscheme
of Spec B, and we can conclude that U - Spec B is an open immersion, as
stated in (ii).
452 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
The implication (ii) = (iii) being trivial, it remains to derive (i) from
(iii). To do so let : U - X be a locally closed immersion where U is quasi-
compact and X is ane, say X = Spec A. Then we can replace X by the so-
called schematic closure of U in X and thereby assume that the ring morphism
A - (U, OU ) corresponding to is injective. Being a bit more precise,
let a A be the kernel of A - (U, OU ). Then admits a factorization
U - Spec A/a - Spec A by 7.1/3 and we can interpret as being obtained
from by means of the base change Spec A/a - Spec A. Thus, is a locally
closed immersion again, since immersions are stable under base change (7.3/13).
Consequently, we can replace by and thereby assume that the corresponding
ring morphism A - (U, OU ) is injective.
Now let U X be an open subscheme such that decomposes into a closed
immersion U - U and the open immersion U - X. Since U is quasi-
compact, we may assume that U is quasi-compact as well, say U = ri=1 D(fi )
for elements fi A. Then consider the morphisms
i : U D(fi ) - U D(fi ) = D(fi ), i = 1, . . . , r,
induced from and write B = (U, OU ). By the same argument as applied
above, there is a canonical bijection B A Afi - (U D(fi ), OU ), which
we will use as an identication. The morphisms i are closed immersions of
ane schemes, since U - U is a closed immersion and the D(fi ) are ane.
Therefore i corresponds to a surjection # - B A Af . Since A -B
i : Afi i
See Remark 16 below for some simple examples of ample and very ample
invertible sheaves.
is dened as an R-scheme and, for any m > 0 and l (X, Lm ), we can
consider the ane open subscheme
Pl = Spec (X, Lm ) P,
l : X l - Pl , l (X, Lm ), m > 0,
where the latter are isomorphisms. Here r varies over (X, Lim ), and lri |Xl on
the right-hand side is to be interpreted as the quotient of r|Xl by li |Xl , i.e. it is
the section in OX (Xl ) that multiplied with the generator li of Lim on Xl = Xli
yields the section r|Xl (Xl , Lim ).
Proof. First, one checks that there are well-dened morphisms of R-algebras
l , as stated. Next, for any global sections l, l in powers L
# , Lm , there is a
canonical commutative diagram
(Pl , OP ) l - (Xl , OX )
res res
? # ?
(Pll , OP ) (Xll , OX ) ,
and it is easily seen from this that the morphisms l can be glued to yield
a well-dened R-morphism : X - P . Furthermore, one concludes from
# l m l m
l ( lm ) = lm |Xl in conjunction with 9.1/7 that 1 l (Pll ) = Xl Xl = Xll and
then, by a covering argument that 1 (Pl ) = Xl .
It remains to show that the morphisms # l are isomorphisms. Starting with
the injectivity, consider an element r (X, Lim ) such that # l ( li ) = li |Xl = 0.
r r
Then r|Xl = 0 and by Remark 2 (i) there is an exponent j N such that rlj = 0.
Hence, we get
r rlj
= i+j = 0
l l
as an equation in (Pl , OP ).
To show the surjectivity of the # l , consider a section t (Xl , OX ). Using
Remark 2 (ii), there is an exponent i N such that tli |Xl (Xl , OX Lmi )
9.4 Global Sections of Invertible Sheaves 455
extends to a global section r (X, Lmi ). However, then lri |Xl = t, and we are
Proof. First assume that L is ample. Then there exist global generators
s0 , . . . , sn (X, Lm ) of Lm for some integer m > 0 such that all Xsi are
quasi-ane. This implies Xm = X and, in particular, X = X. Moreover, we
conclude from Lemma 11 in conjunction with Proposition 7 that the morphisms
si : Xsi - Ps are open immersions. Using 1 (Ps ) = Xs , it follows that
i i i
is an open immersion so that conditions (i) and (ii) are satised.
Conversely, if X = X , as required in (i), we can use the quasi-compactness
of X to obtain global sections l1 , . . . , lr in certain powers Lm1 , . . . , Lmr of L
such that X = Xl1 . . . Xlr . Taking suitable powers of the li , we end up
with global sections in Lm1 , which generate this sheaf. Therefore Lm for
some exponent m > 0 admits a set of global generators s0 , . . . , sn . Moreover,
if : X - P is an open immersion, as required in (ii), all restrictions
si : (Psi ) = Xsi - Ps are open immersions. Thus, all Xs are quasi-
i i
ane by Proposition 7 and Lemma 11, provided we can show that Xsi is quasi-
compact. However, the latter is easy to achieve; the argument is the same as
the one used in the beginning of the proof of Theorem 10. Choose an ane
open subscheme U X where L is trivial and identify L|U with OX |U . Then
Xsi U coincides with the basic open subset D(si |U ) of U , showing that this
is an ane open subscheme in X. If we consider a nite ane open covering
of X trivializing L, we see that Xsi is a nite union of ane open subschemes
of X and therefore quasi-compact. Thus, conditions (i) and (ii) imply that L is
Now we come back to the proof of Theorem 10, turning to the implication
(i) = (ii). We assume that L is ample and, to simplify things a bit, we rst
consider the special case where m0 (X, L ), as a graded R-algebra, is
generated by certain global sections s0 , . . . , sn (X, L). Then these sections
must generate L as an OX -module as well. Indeed, otherwise the si would have
a common zero in X, and the same would be true for all monomials in the
si , viewing these as global sections in appropriate powers Lm of L. Since, by
our assumption, (X, Lm ) is generated as an R-module by monomials of total
degree m in the si , we see that Lm , for any exponent m > 0, could not have
a set of global generators. However, this contradicts our assumption of L being
ample. Therefore the sections s0 , . . . , sn must generate L.
456 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
is to be studied. For this to work well, A has to be big enough such that we
obtain X = X and, in addition, have isomorphisms
(Pl , OP ) - (Xl , OX )
as in Lemma 11. To put all this into eect, we have to rely in a crucial way on
the fact that X is of nite type over R.
Explaining this in more detail, assume that L is ample and choose an expo-
nent m0 > 0 such that Lm0 is generated by global sections, say by the elements
of a nite subset L (X, Lm0 ). Then we have
X= Xl
and we may assume that the open subschemes Xl X are quasi-ane for l L.
Thus, applying Proposition 7 in conjunction with Lemma 11, the canonical
morphism Xl - Spec OX (Xl ) Pl is an open immersion for every l L.
Moreover, we claim that all Xl may be assumed to be ane. Indeed, this is seen
by writing Xl as a nite union of basic open sets of type D(g) Spec OX (Xl ),
for suitable functions g OX (Xl ), and by trying to extend the elements g
to global sections of X. As shown in Remark 2 (ii), this is, as a rule, only
possible after multiplication by a certain power of l so that one obtains a global
extension lg (X, Lim0 ) of g li for some i > 0. If we set lg = llg , we see that
Xlg = Xl D(g) = D(g) is ane. Therefore, choosing i big enough such that
the powers li are sucient for treating the nitely many quasi-ane schemes
Xl , l L, as well as the nitely many ane open subschemes D(g) Xl needed
to cover the Xl , we can nd a nite subset L (X, Lm0 ) for m0 > 0 big
enough such that the elements l L generate Lm0 and such that Xl is ane
for each l L.
9.4 Global Sections of Invertible Sheaves 457
Let P = ProjR A and consider the ane open subschemes Pl = Spec A(l) for
l L. We try to compose the morphism from Lemmata 11 and 12 with
the morphism P V+ (A+ ) - P constructed
via 9.1/20 from the inclusion
- m
mN (X, L
morphism of graded R-algebras A ). Since we obtain
(X) lL Pl P V+ (A+ ) from (i), such a composition is possible, indeed,
and we thereby arrive at a morphism
: X - P V+ (A+ ) - P .
Proof. Since Xl is ane for all l L and since these schemes cover X, it is
enough to show that #
l is an isomorphism for all l L. The injectivity of
458 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
l is obtained as in the proof of Lemma 11. To verify the surjectivity x an
element in (Xl , OX ). It is a polynomial in the elements t Tl with coecients
in R. Therefore it is enough to show that each t Tl admits a preimage in
(Pl , OP ). However, this is clear from our construction, since
hl,t h /
- l,t / = t
l l /Xl
for l L and t Tl .
It is now easy to see that, for an ample invertible sheaf L in the situation
of Theorem 10, a certain power L where m0 > 0 becomes very ample. The
graded R-subalgebra A mN (X, Lm ) is generated by certain homoge-
neous elements of degree m0 , namely the elements l, hl,t considered above, which
we will denote by a0 , . . . , aN in the following. Non-trivial homogeneous elements
can only exist in degrees divisible by m0 . Therefore we can modify the degree
by dividing out m0 , a process leaving P = ProjR A untouched. Then
Proof. Choose some exponent m0 > 0 and a nite subset L (X, Lm0 )
such that Lm0 is generated by the global sections belonging to L. Then, as
shown above for the implication (i) = (ii) of Theorem 10, we may assume
that the open subschemes Xl X are ane for all l L. It follows that F|Xl
is associated to a nite OX (Xl )-module and, using Remark 2 (ii), it is possible
to extend a nite generating system of F|Xl to a system of global sections in
(X, F Lk0 m0 ) for suitable k0 > 0, just by multiplication with global sections
in Lm0 . It follows that F Lk0 m0 and, thus, also F Lkm0 for all k k0
are generated by nitely many global sections.
9.4 Global Sections of Invertible Sheaves 459
where the latter may be interpreted as the composition of the graph morphism
f : X - X R Pn with the morphism f id : X R Pn - Pn R Pn .
Note that f is an immersion by 7.4/13 and, furthermore, that f id is an
immersion by 7.3/13, since f has this property. Therefore, using 7.3/13 again,
(f, f ) is an immersion itself. Writing p, p for the projections from PnR R PnR
onto its factors, we get
(f, f ) p OP (1) f OP (1) L,
(f, f ) p OP (1) f OP (1) L ,
and, hence,
(f, f ) p OP (1) p OP (1) L L .
Now we use the so-called Segre embedding
: PnR R PnR - Pnn +n+n
where the ti , resp. tj , are (the pull-backs of) the canonical generators of the rst
Serre twists of the structure sheaves of PnR , resp. PnR . Then, if tij , i = 0, . . . , n,
j = 0, . . . , n , are the canonical generators of the rst Serre twist of PnnR ,
we can describe locally by the R-algebra morphisms
't tnn ( 't tn ( ' t t (
,..., - R
R R 0 , . . . , n ,
tij tij ti ti tj tj
t00 tnn t t t t
- 0 0 , . . . , n n .
tij tij ti tj ti tj
460 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
(f, f ) : X - Pnn
We end this section by discussing some easy examples of ample and very
ample invertible sheaves.
1. Alternative characterization of ample invertible sheaves: Let L be an invertible
sheaf on an
R-scheme Xm that is quasi-compact and quasi-separated. Furthermore,
let A = mN (X, L ) be the associated graded R-algebra. Show that the
following conditions are equivalent:
(a) L is ample.
(b) The open subsets Xf X for f A+ homogeneous constitute a basis of the
topology on X.
(c) The ane open subschemes of X that are of type Xf for f A+ homogeneous
cover X.
This shows that the notion of ample invertible sheaves as given in Denition 8 is
compatible with the one used in EGA [12], II, 4.5.3.
2. Let X be a scheme over a ring R.
(a) Show that X is separated over R as soon as there exists a very ample invertible
sheaf on it.
(b) Assume that X is of nite type and quasi-separated over R. Conclude that X
is separated over R as soon as there exists an ample invertible sheaf on it.
3. Let Pm - Pn be a non-constant morphism of projective spaces over R. Show
that m n.
4. Consider invertible sheaves L, L on an R-scheme X that is quasi-compact and
quasi-separated. Show:
(a) If L is ample, there exists an exponent m > 0 such that Lm L is ample. In
fact, we may take m = 1 if L is generated by global sections.
(b) If L and L are ample, the same is true for L L .
5. Consider the projective n-space PnK = ProjK Kt0 , . . . , tn over a eld K. Show
that every K-automorphism : PnK - Pn is linear in the sense that it is
induced from a K-automorphism of the K-vector space OP (1) = Kt0 . . . Ktn .
6. d-uple embedding: Consider the projective m-space Pm R = ProjR R t0 , . . . , tm
overR and
its invertible sheaf L = OP (d) for some d N. Let M0 , . . . , Mn be
the m+d
m monomials in t0 , . . . , tm of degree d. Show that the Mi give rise to
an R-morphism : Pm - Pn , the so-called d-uple or Veronese embedding.
Describe in terms of coordinates and show that it is a closed immersion for
d > 0. Conclude once more that OP (d) is very ample if d > 0.
7. Let A be a graded ring (of type N), whose irrelevant ideal A+ is generated by
nitely many elements in A1 . For a quasi-coherent OX -module
F on X = Proj A
consider the associated graded A-module (F) = nZ (X, F(n) where
F(n) = F OX (n); see Exercise 9.2/8. Show that there is a canonical morphism
of OX -modules
- F and that the latter is an isomorphism.
8. Consider the projective n-space PnR = ProjR Rt0 , . . . , tn over some ring R. Show:
(a) Given a graded ideal I Rt0 , . . . , tn , the residue class ring Rt0 , . . . , tn /I
is canonically a graded R-algebra and the projection map
is just the Segre embedding. Hint: Use localization arguments similar to the ones
employed in the proof of 9.2/2.
The notation Proj A for the Proj scheme of a graded ring A might suggest the
term projective for such schemes, alluding to the denition of the projective
n-space PnR = ProjR t0 , . . . , tn over some base ring R. However, in reality,
an R-scheme X is called projective only if it is of type ProjR A for a graded
R-algebra A of nite type, generated by nitely many homogeneous elements
of degree 1. The latter is equivalent to the fact that ProjR A admits a closed
immersion into some projective n-space PnR ; see Proposition 7 below. As a gen-
eralization of projective schemes, we will study proper schemes and morphisms
in the present section.
It is clear that ane morphisms are quasi-ane and that nite morphisms
are ane. For example, every closed immersion is nite and, in particular, ane.
9.5 Proper Morphisms 463
Proof. The if parts of the dierent assertions are trivial. To verify the only-if
part of (i), let f be ane. Then we see from 6.9/4 or 6.9/9 that f (OX ) is a
quasi-coherent OY -module and, hence, by 7.1/4, a quasi-coherent OY -algebra.
Recalling the construction of the spectrum of a quasi-coherent algebra in Sec-
tion 7.1, it follows that X as a Y -scheme is isomorphic to Spec f (OX ). Since
f (OX ) is associated to OX (X) as an OY (Y )-algebra by 7.1/6, X is ane.
In the situation of (ii) write A = OX (X) and B = OY (Y ) and look at the
canonical decomposition
f: X - Spec A - Spec B = Y.
For any g B we can consider the basic open subset D(g) = Spec Bg Spec B,
its preimage Spec A B Bg Spec A, and its preimage in X, which we denote
by Xg so that f , restricted to preimages over Spec Bg , decomposes into
fg : X g - Spec A B Bg - Spec Bg .
and observe that it remains exact when tensoring it with Bg over B, since I is
nite. This shows that the morphism A B Bg - OX (Xg ) is an isomorphism,
as claimed.
Now, in order to show that X is quasi-ane, we use freely the characterizing
properties of quasi-ane schemes, as mentioned in 9.4/7. It remains to show
that X - Spec A is an open immersion. For this it is enough to see that
Xg - Spec A B Bg is an open immersion for a set of elements g such that
the D(g) cover Y = Spec B. However, that the latter is true follows from the
fact that f is quasi-ane. Indeed, given a point y Spec B, there is an ane
open neighborhood V Spec B such that f 1 (V ) is quasi-ane. Choosing a
basic open subset D(g) V containing y, the preimage Xg = f 1 (D(g)) is still
quasi-ane. So the morphism Xg - Spec AB Bg will be an open immersion,
since it induces an isomorphism on the level of global sections. Therefore we are
Finally, concerning (iii), if f is nite, X is ane by (i). Furthermore, f (OX )
is a quasi-coherent OY -module that is locally of nite type in the sense of 6.8/12.
But then OX (X) = f (OX )(Y ) is a nite module over OY (Y ) by 6.8/13.
? ?
B/b - A/a ,
induced from f # , where f # , just as f # , is nite and, hence, integral. Therefore
we conclude from the Lying-over Theorem 3.3/2 that for every prime ideal
q B/b there is a prime ideal p A/a such that (f # )1 (p) = q. Consequently,
there exists for every y V (b) a preimage x Z. This shows f (Z) = V (b) so
that f is closed.
f g
Proposition 6. Let X -Y - Z be morphisms of schemes such that the
composition g f is proper. Then:
(i) If g is separated, f is proper.
(ii) If g is separated and of nite type and if f is surjective, then g is proper.
Proof. Starting with assertion (i), we see from 7.4/15 (iv) that f is separated,
since g f is separated. Furthermore, write f as a composition
f f
f : X = X Y Y - X Z Y - Z Z Y = Y
is. Thus, the assumptions in (ii) are preserved under base change and we can
show as before that g is universally closed.
Proposition and Denition 7. For a scheme X over some base ring R the
following conditions are equivalent:
(i) There exists an R-morphism X - Pn that is a closed immersion.
an R-isomorphism X - ProjR A where A is a graded
(ii) There exists
R-algebra, say A = i=0 Ai , that is generated by nitely many elements in A1 .
If the above conditions are met, the R-scheme X and its structural morphism
X - Spec R are called projective.
Proof. Assume rst that condition (ii) is given and let f0 , . . . , f1 A1 generate
A as an R-algebra. Then
Rt0 , . . . , tn - A, ti - fi ,
Proof. Let I|D+ (fi ) be associated to the ideal ai A(fi ) , and let I A be the
ideal generated by all homogeneous elements g A such that g Ar implies
ai for all i = 0, . . . , n.
We claim that I is as required. First observe that the ideal I(fi ) A(fi ) induced
from I is contained in ai for all i. On the other hand, if h belongs to aj for
some index j, it is of type h = fgr for some g Ar , and we would like to get
ai for all i = 0, . . . , n. Since the ideals ai and aj , for any i, j, restrict to the
same ideal on D+ (fi ) D+ (fj ), we see that fgr ai holds after restricting both
quantities to D+ (fi ) D+ (fj ). Since
9.5 Proper Morphisms 467
OX D+ (fi ) D+ (fj ) = A(fi fj ) = (A(fi ) ) fj
Indeed, from 9.1/15 (i) we conclude that Projk(y) (A R k(y)) = if and only
if rad+ (0) = A+ R k(y) for the zero ideal 0 A R k(y) and, hence, if and
only if all elements of A+ R k(y) are nilpotent. Since A+ is a nitely generated
ideal in A, the latter amounts to the existence of an index i0 N such that
Ai R k(y) = 0 for i i0 .
Now use the fact that A is generated by nitely many elements in A1
and, hence, that each Ai is a nitely generated R-module. Then Nakayamas
Lemma 1.4/10 implies that Ai R k(y) = 0 is equivalent to Ai R Ry = 0 and,
thus, to y suppR Ai where
suppR Ai = {x Spec R ; Ai R Rx = 0}
468 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
g h
where g is proper, surjective, and has connected bers, and where h is nite.
Moreover, f OX is a quasi-coherent OY -algebra such that Y = Spec f OX .
Spec K -X
i f
? ?
Spec R - Y .
Proof. As usual, let be the generic point and s the closed point of Spec R.
Starting with assertion (i), let h, h : Spec R - X be two Y -morphisms with
same image h = (h) = (h ) in HomY (Spec K, X) and consider the morphism
(h, h ) : Spec R - X Y X
R .
The latter shows that h coincides with h , since i# is injective.
To verify assertion (ii), consider a morphism h HomY (Spec K, X). Writing
X = X Y Spec R, we get a commutative diagram
h : Spec K - X - X
f f
? ?
Spec R - Y
and it is enough to show that f : X - Spec R admits a section extending the
morphism Spec K - X . To obtain such a section, let Z X be the closure
472 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
6 6
is an isomorphism. Using this fact, we see for any ane open neighborhood
Spec A Z of s that the localization map A - OZ,s denes a section of
Z - Spec R and it follows that X - Spec R admits a section as well.
The valuative criteria for separatedness and properness say that, under cer-
tain niteness conditions, separated and proper morphisms can be characterized
by the conditions given in Proposition 14 (i) and (ii). To prepare the proof of
this fact, we start by some auxiliary results.
Yi = f (Xi ) = f (Xi ) = f (X) = Y,
iI iI iI
Bi - Ai
? ?
Bi, - Ai Bi Bi, ,
We need an auxiliary result showing how valuation rings come into play
when dealing with local rings.
Lemma 16. Let K be a eld and R K a local ring with maximal ideal m R.
Then there exists a valuation ring R with eld of fractions K dominating R,
i.e. such that R R and m R = m for the maximal ideal m of R .
x1 = a0 + a1 x + . . . + an xn
with coecients ai R and this would lead to an integral equation for x1 over
R if we multiply with xn . Therefore x cannot be a unit in R x and there
exists a maximal ideal m R x containing x. Now look at the composition
: R - R x - R x/m .
structure. Then, similarly as shown in the proof of Proposition 14, the scheme Z
is integral. Thus, the local ring OZ,x0 is a subring of the eld K = OZ,x = k(x)
and there is a valuation ring R with eld of fractions K dominating OZ,x0 ; see
Lemma 16. Let be the generic and s the closed point of Spec R. Then the
inclusion map OZ,x0 - R together with the localization map A - OZ,x
corresponding to any ane open neighborhood Spec A Z of x0 induce a
Y -morphism
: Spec R - Z - X Y X,
- x, s - x0 ,
such that the restriction of to Spec K factors through the diagonal embedding
- X Y X. Composing with the projections X Y X -
X/Y : X -X
we get two morphisms h, h : Spec R - X restricting to one and the same
morphism h : Spec K - X and, furthermore, making the diagram
Spec K - X
i h f
? ?
Spec R - Y
commutative. Then we conclude h = h from (ii) and see that the above mor-
phism , which can also be written in the form
(h, h ) : Spec R - Z - X Y X,
Spec R - Z - Y,
- y, s - y0 ,
Let us point out that it is enough for the valuative criteria in Propositions 17
and 18 to require condition (ii) just for discrete valuation rings in place of
general valuation rings if we require some additional niteness conditions for
f: X - Y . Namely, we need that Y is locally Noetherian and, especially for
the separatedness in Proposition 17, that f is, in addition, locally of nite type;
see EGA [12], II, 7.2.3 and 7.3.8.
1. Show that the structural morphism of the ane n-space AnR over a ring R is not
universally closed, unless n = 0 or R = 0. Excluding these trivial cases, deduce
that AnR cannot be proper over R.
2. Let f : X - Y be a proper morphism between ane schemes. Show that f
is nite. Hint: Since X is of nite type over Y , there exists a closed immersion
X - AnY into some ane n-space over Y . Reduce by induction to the case
where n = 1. Then interpret A1Y as the open part D+ (t1 ) of the projective line
P1Y = ProjR Rt0 , t1 where R = OY (Y ) and show that the resulting morphism
X - P1Y is proper. Conclude that the image of X is closed in P1Y and that the
associated graded ideal I Rt0 , t1 satises (t0 , t1 ) rad(I, t1 ). Finally, derive
an integral equation for tt01 over R modulo the ideal induced from I in R tt01 .
3. Let K be a eld and X a proper K-scheme that is irreducible. Show that every
K-morphism X - Y into an ane K-scheme Y of nite type is constant in
the sense that the image of f consists of precisely one point. Hint: Use Exercise 2.
9.6 Abelian Varieties are Projective 477
As an application of the theory of ample and very ample invertible sheaves from
Section 9.4 we want to prove that any abelian variety A over a eld K admits a
closed immersion A - PnK into some projective n-space, in other words, that
abelian varieties are projective in the sense of 9.5/7. Indeed, we will show that
certain general properties of abelian varieties guarantee the existence of ample
478 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
and, hence, very ample invertible sheaves. Of course, we cannot supply a full
treatment of abelian varieties at this place. We will restrict ourselves to a few
basic facts and refer to the excellent book of Mumford [21] for more details. In
the following let K be a eld with algebraic closure K.
: A K A -A (group law),
: Spec K -A (unit section),
i: A -A (inverse)
such that the standard group axioms are satised. Using the structural mor-
phism p : A - Spec K, we thereby mean that the following diagrams are
A K A K A - A K A
id (associativity)
A K A - A
A - Spec K K A
id id (unit section)
A - A K A
p (inverse)
? e
Spec K - A
Since the occurring products are ber products in the category of schemes and
not just ordinary cartesian products of sets, we cannot claim that the group
law of a K-group scheme A denes a group structure on its underlying set.
However, induces for every K-scheme Z a true group structure on the set of
Z-valued points A(Z) = HomK (Z, A), namely by associating to a pair (x, y) of
points in A(Z) the composition
Z - A K A - A.
Furthermore, the formation of the group A(Z) is functorial in Z in the sense that
any K-morphism Z - Z gives rise to a group morphism A(Z) - A(Z ).
On the other hand, it is easily checked that a functorial group law on the point
9.6 Abelian Varieties are Projective 479
Proposition 2 ([21], II.4, Question 4 (ii)). The group law on an abelian variety
A is commutative, i.e. the diagram
A K A - A K A
? ?
A ========= A
where is the morphism interchanging factors, is commutative.
Relying on this fact, the group law on an abelian variety is usually written
additively. For any K-valued point x A(K) one can consider its associated
translation x on A, given by z - x + z. More precisely, we thereby mean the
(p,id) xid
x : A - Spec K K A - A K A - A.
In a similar way it is possible to translate with a K-valued point, although before
doing so we must apply the base change K/K, replacing A by the K-group
scheme A K K. We will derive the projectivity of abelian varieties from the
following basic result:
Theorem 3 (Theorem of the Square, [21], II.6, Cor. 4). Let A be an abelian
variety over K and L an invertible sheaf on A. Then
x+y (L) L x (L) y (L)
for K-valued points x, y A(K).
necessary premises, observe rst that A is of nite type over K and, thus,
Noetherian, by Hilberts Basis Theorem 1.5/14. Furthermore, the smoothness
of A implies that all local rings of A are regular (8.5/15) and therefore factorial
as well; see the Theorem of AuslanderBuchsbaum in [24], Cor. 4 of Thm. IV.9.
Also note that the above equivalence between classes of Weil or Cartier divisors
and invertible sheaves is compatible with translations. Indeed, for a prime divi-
sor D PD(A) and a point x A(K) the pull-back x1 (D) = x (D) under the
translation x is a prime divisor again, and we can dene the pull-back under
x of divisors in Div(A) by
x nD D = nD x1 (D).
Observe that in this section we use a bold version for the set theoretic minus sign; this
is to avoid the interference with minus signs attached to the group law on A.
9.6 Abelian Varieties are Projective 481
L2 x (L) x
(L) OA (x (D)) OA (x
for arbitrary x A(K). From what we have seen above, we know that
OA (x (D)) admits a global section s generating this sheaf precisely on the com-
Ux = A |x (D)| = A x (|D|).
Likewise, OA (x (D)) admits a global section s generating this sheaf precisely
on the complement
Ux = A
|x (D)| = A x (|D|).
and this open subset of A is quasi-ane, since Ux and Ux enjoy this property
as translates of A |D| U . Indeed, Ux Ux is contained in the intersection
x (U ) x (U ) and the latter is ane by 7.4/6, since U is ane and A is
separated over K.
482 9. Projective Schemes and Proper Morphisms
Now we read from Lemma 5 that for every K-valued point z A(K)
there is some x A(K) such that z does not belong to the support of the
divisor x (D) + x
(D). Thus, there exists for every z A(K) a global section
sz (A, L ) such that Asz is quasi-ane and L2 is generated in z by sz ,
1. Let G be an S-group scheme over some base scheme S, given by the group law
: G S G - G, a left unit : S - G, and a left inverse i : G - G, as
specied above. Show that just as in the case of abstract groups, and i enjoy
the properties of a right unit and of a right inverse as well.
2. Let G be a K-group scheme over a eld K. Show that G is a separated K-scheme.
Hint: The unit section : Spec K - G corresponds to a closed point e G, and
the diagonal G K G equals the preimage of e with respect to the morphism
G K G - G that is symbolically characterized by (x, y) - x1 y.
3. For an integer n N consider the functor Gln : Sch - Set that associates to a
scheme T the set of OT (T )-linear automorphisms of (OT (T ))n . Show that there
is a natural law of composition : Gln Gln - Gln equipping Gln with the
structure of a functor from Sch to the category of groups Grp. Show that Gln is
representable by an ane Z-group scheme, i.e. that there exists an ane Z-group
scheme G whose associated functor of points Sch - Grp is isomorphic to Gln .
The resulting group scheme G is denoted by Gln again and is called the general
linear group of index n.
4. Show that abelian varieties are commutative group schemes. Hint: Fix an abelian
variety A over a eld K and write AT for the T -group scheme derived from A via
a base change T - Spec K. Then, for a T -valued point g : T - A, consider
the T -morphism g : AT - AT that is the composition of the left translation
with g and the right translation with g 1 on AT . So g can symbolically be
described by x - gxg 1 . Observe that the unit section T : T - AT is a
closed immersion; let IT OAT be the associated quasi-coherent ideal. Show
that the quotients ITm /ITm+1 are free OT -modules for all m N. Observing that
g leaves the unit section T invariant, deduce for every m that g gives rise
to an OT -linear automorphism of ITm /ITm+1 . Based on such automorphisms, use
Exercise 3 to construct morphisms of K-group schemes A - Gln,K for suitable
integers n N. Conclude from Exercise 9.5/3 that the latter are constant and,
nally, that g will be the identical morphism on AT .
5. Elliptic curves via the Theorem of RiemannRoch: Let C be a smooth projective
curve over a eld K which, for simplicity, is supposed to be algebraically closed.
9.6 Abelian Varieties are Projective 483
In this context the term curve means an integral K-scheme of dimension 1, au-
tomatically of nite type in our situation. Then the equivalence between classes
of Weil divisors, Cartier divisors, and invertible sheaves of 9.3/16 is valid on C
and we can consider a so-called canonical divisor K, namely, a Weil divisor cor-
responding to the invertible sheaf of dierential forms 1C/K on C. Furthermore,
the famous Theorem of RiemannRoch applies to C; see for example Hartshorne
[15], IV.1.3. It states that there exists an integer g 0, the so-called genus of C,
such that for every Weil divisor D on C the following equation holds:
dimK C, OC (D) dimK C, OC (K D) = deg D g + 1
24. J.-P. Serre: Algebre Locale Multiplicites, Lect. Notes in Math. 11 (1965)
25. J. H. Silverman: The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, Springer (1986)
26. A. Weil: Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloquium
Publ. 29 (1946) (revised and enlarged edition 1962)
Glossary of Notations
empty set
N natural numbers, including zero
Z ring of integers
Q eld of rational numbers
R eld of real numbers
C eld of complex numbers
RX polynomial ring 10
0 zero ring 10
group of units of a ring 10
iI Rai ideal generated by a family of elements 11
principal ideal 11
iI ai sum of ideals 12
iI ai intersection of ideals 12
i=1 ai product of ideals 12
(a : b) ideal quotient 12
Ann(b) annihilator of an ideal 12
ker kernel of a ring morphism 12
im image of a ring morphism 12
R/a residue class ring 12
Spec R prime spectrum of a ring 16
Spm R maximal spectrum of a ring 16
px prime ideal given by a point of a spectrum 16
V (a) zero set of an ideal 16
D(f ) basic open set of a spectrum 16
a map on spectra induced from a ring morphism 17
Z(p) localization of the ring of integers at a prime 18
RS localization of a ring 20
S 1 R localization of a ring 20
Q(R) eld of fractions of an integral domain 21
K(X) rational function eld in one variable 21
Rp localization of a ring at a prime ideal 21
Rf localization of a ring by some element 21
Rf 1 localization of a ring by some element 21
aRS extension of an ideal to a localization of a ring 21
bR restriction of an ideal 21
j(R) Jacobson radical of a ring 26
mx maximal ideal attached to a point 26
nZ An graded ring 404
A(f ) homogeneous localization of a graded ring 406
A+ irrelevant ideal of a graded ring 407
Proj A homogeneous prime spectrum of a graded ring 407
V+ (E) zero set on a homogeneous prime spectrum 407
rad+ (a) restricted radical in a graded ring 408
D+ (f ) basic open subset of a homogeneous prime spectrum 408
I+ (Y ) restricted vanishing ideal 411
D + (Y ) category of basic open subsets of a homogeneous spectrum 413
Proj A Proj scheme associated to a graded ring 414
ProjR A relative Proj scheme associated to a graded ring 414
ProjS A Proj scheme of a quasi-coherent sheaf of algebras 418
M (d) graded module obtained by shifting degrees 418
M(f ) homogeneous localization of a graded module 418
M module sheaf associated to a graded module 418
OX (n) Serre twist of the structure sheaf 421
Pic(X) Picard group of a scheme 423
HomOX (L, OX ) Hom sheaf of morphisms between module sheaves 423
PicU (X) Picard group relative to an open covering 427
UV product covering 427
S(A) set of regular elements of a ring 434
S X OX subsheaf of regular elements 435
MX sheaf of meromorphic functions on a scheme 435
MX presheaf inducing the sheaf of meromorphic functions 435
KX constant sheaf 436
set of prime divisors on a scheme 437
DPD(X) nD D Weil divisor on a scheme 437
Div(X) group of Weil divisors on a scheme 438
(f ) principal divisor attached to a meromorphic function 438
Cl(X) Weil divisor class group on a scheme 439
deg D degree of a Weil divisor on a projective space 439
MX sheaf of invertible meromorphic functions 440
OX sheaf of invertible functions of a structure sheaf 440
CaDiv(X) group of Cartier divisors on a scheme 440
CaCl(X) Cartier divisor class group on a scheme 441
OX (D) subsheaf of meromorphic functions associated to a divisor 442
X - Y rational map of schemes 445
V (l) zero set of a global section of an invertible sheaf 446
Xl set where a global section generates an invertible sheaf 446
Li tensor power of an invertible sheaf 447
X set where global sections generate powers of a sheaf 453
Pl basic open subscheme of a particular Proj scheme 454
A R B cartesian product of graded R-algebras 462
suppR M support of a module 467
A= m=0 Am quasi-coherent sheaf of graded algebras 468
SymR (M ) symmetric algebra of a module 468
TR (M ) tensor algebra of a module 468
M m tensor power of a module 468
Glossary of Notations 493
of modules, 31 normal
of rings, 10 extension, 98
of sheaves, 238 integral domain, 84, 89
morphism scheme, 431
between projective spaces, 293
between Proj schemes, 416 object of a category, 138
compatible with descent data, 147 open
in a category, 138 immersion, 307
of algebras, 32, 128 of ringed spaces, 247
of complexes, 160 of spectra, 215
of graded rings, 415 set, 205
of locally ringed spaces, 248 subscheme, 252
opposite category, 139
of modules, 31
of presheaves, 232. parameters, 57, 74, 78
of ringed spaces, 247 Picard group, 137, 423
of rings, 10 point
of nite presentation, 361. of codimension 1, 434
of nite type, 361. with value, 255, 291, 292, 298
of schemes, 203, 251 polynomial ring, 7
locally of nite presentation, 362. preorder, 222
locally of nite type, 362., 452 prescheme, 251
of nite presentation, 362 presentation of a module sheaf, 261
of nite type, 362, 452. presheaf, 217.
of sheaves, 232. of constant functions, 219
multiplicative of modules, 217
group, 292 primary
as functor, 292 decomposition
system, 19 of ideals, 55, 59.
of modules, 66
Nakayamas Lemma. ideal, 22, 55, 58.
See Lemma of Nakayama module, 66
natural transformation, 142 part of an ideal, 65
Neiles parabola, 216, 256, 304, 354, 373, prime
396, 401, 445 divisor, 75, 437
Neron model, 292 ideal, 13.
nilpotent element, 7, 27 See also associated prime ideal
nilradical, 27., 204 spectrum.
Noethers Normalization Lemma, 84, 91, See spectrum
96 principal
Noetherian Cartier divisor, 441
module, 9, 47. ideal, 11
ring, 9, 47, 50, 55 domain, 11, 17, 18
scheme, 319 Weil divisor, 438
topological space, 321 product
non-Archimedean covering, 427
absolute value, 432 of functors, 217
triangle inequality, 433 of ideals, 12
non-singular scheme, 390 rule for derivations, 344
502 Index