Cyber Forensic HTTP Hack
Cyber Forensic HTTP Hack
Cyber Forensic HTTP Hack
Using Wireshark and Ettercap
Wireshark is a data capturing program that "understands" the structure of
different networking protocols. It can parse and display the fields, along
with their meanings as specified by different networking protocols.
Wireshark uses pcap to capture packets, so it can only capture packets on
the types of networks that pcap supports.
Data can be captured "from the wire" from a live network connection or
read from a file of already-captured packets.
Live data can be read from different types of networks, including
Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP, and loopback.
Captured network data can be browsed via a GUI, or via the terminal
(command line) version of the utility, TShark.
Captured files can be programmatically edited or converted via
command-line switches to the "edit-cap" program.
VoIP calls in the captured traffic can be detected. If encoded in a
compatible encoding, the media flow can even be played.
Raw USB traffic can be captured.
Many sites are switching from http to https and this project is aimed to
portrait the need for https. This project uses the vulnerability in http as it
transfers plain text over the internet. ARP spoofing is done prior to the
attack and all the victim packets are made to transfer through the attacking
machine. Then a packet capture tool such as Wireshark is used to read the
data sent through the network. This project mainly focuses on getting
Victims password when logging in over a http connection.
HTTP works by request and response mechanism. The client which
needs data, sends HTTP request message and the server responds with a
response message. Mainly HTTP requests are of GET and POST types
(Other types are beyond the scope of this tutorial). GET request is sent to
server to retrieve the specified object. POST request is used to send data
such as form entries(even your card details) to server.
Address resolution protocol is used by your switch to translate IP
address to MAC address. The arriving packet will have your IP address and
the switch you are connected to will have the ARP tables mapping your IP
arp commandoutput
1. Wireshark Official site:
2. Ettercap Official sie:
3. Blog post on this tutorial: