A Computational and Experimental Study of The Cyclic
A Computational and Experimental Study of The Cyclic
A Computational and Experimental Study of The Cyclic
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, South Parks Road, Grande-Bretagne, Oxford OX1 3QZ, UK
Received 16 September 2003; received in revised form 5 November 2003; accepted 7 November 2003
The cyclic voltammetric response of electrodes modified with catalytically reactive microdroplets is modelled using finite dif-
ference simulations and a method is presented for the determination of kinetic parameters for the coupled heterogeneous reaction.
The method is first applied to investigate the liquid–liquid reaction between pure trans-1,2-dibromocyclohexane (DBCH) micro-
droplets, deposited on the surface of a basal plane pyrolytic graphite electrode, and vitamin B12s in aqueous solution. Second, cyclic
voltammetry on electrodes modified with microdroplets of DBCH diluted in dodecane is employed to determine the apparent bi-
molecular interfacial rate constant for the initial step in the DBCH(oil)jB12s (aq) reaction. The results are compared and contrasted
with a previous SECM/ITIES study of a similar reaction.
Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Partially blocked electrodes; Finite difference methods; Modified electrodes; Microdroplets; Randomly arranged ensembles; Vitamin B12
0022-0728/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
194 T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216
[3]. Indeed, Part II concluded with an electrochemical cantly different from that for previous methods of
method for determining the average radius of inert mi- ITIES investigation by the fact that both electron
crodroplets deposited on an electrode surface. transfer and the coupled interfacial heterogeneous re-
A rather interesting situation arises when the block- action occur at the electrode surface.
ing material is not inactive. Such systems are created The contrasts between coupled homogeneous and
when electrodes are intentionally blocked with reactive heterogeneous reactions are interesting. In the latter,
material that can lead to coupled heterogeneous chemical electron transfer and the coupled heterogeneous chemi-
reactions. In the case of reactive microdroplets, e.g., oil cal reaction(s) occur exclusively at the electrode and
droplets on an electrode surface submerged in aqueous droplet surface, respectively. This contrasts the homo-
media, the accompanying chemical reaction(s) takes geneous analogues, where the coupled chemical reactions
place at the liquidjliquid (oiljwater) interface. Such re- occur within the diffusion layer. Mathematically, the
actions are important to study due to their wide rele- difference is even more apparent. For coupled homoge-
vance in a number of different research fields. For neous reactions, the kinetic terms are contained in the
example, catalytic electrochemical reactions in emulsi- diffusion equations whereas the corresponding hetero-
fied media, where the key reaction takes place at the geneous kinetic terms appear only in the boundary
liquidjliquid interface, 1 have proved to be a viable al- conditions. Thus, modifying a numerical method for
ternative to similar reactions in organic solvents [6,7]. different mechanisms is relatively simple for the hetero-
This is important industrially – as well as providing a geneous case when compared to the task involved in
cheaper alternative in which to carry out syntheses, modifying a coupled homogeneous simulation.
emulsions (especially sono-emulsions) are much The electrocatalytic reaction of vitamin B12r (the
‘‘greener’’ media. Furthermore, liquid–liquid systems Co(II) form of vitamin B12 ) with trans-1,2-dibromocy-
are important in our understanding of some funda- clohexane (DBCH) in certain organic solvents is a well-
mental biological problems. For example, Senda and co- documented example of a coupled homogeneous
workers [8] have used the nitrobenzenejwater interface chemical reaction which regenerates the electroactive
to model proton transfer across the biological mem- material [13]. The reaction pathway is thought to pro-
branejsolution interface. ceed via one of two mechanisms where the rate deter-
Previous studies of the rates of liquid–liquid reac- mining step is either an SN 2-type nucleophilic attack (A)
tions have involved both ‘‘direct’’ and ‘‘indirect’’ ap- or an E2-type elimination (B) [18]:
proaches. The ‘‘classical’’ electrochemical experiment is
that of Samec and Maracek [9], where a four-electrode CoðIIÞL þ e ¢ CoðIÞL Electrode
configuration is used to measure interfacial charge
CoðIÞL þ RBr2 ! RBr–CoðIIIÞL þ Br Solution
transfer. In the last decade, Bard and co-workers [10]
have developed a method based on scanning electro- RBr–CoðIIIÞL ! RBr þ CoðIIÞL Solution
chemical microscopy (SECM), where an UME is used CoðIÞL þ RBr ! CoðIIÞL þ R þ Br
to probe charge transfer reactions directly at the in-
terface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions ðAÞ
(ITIES) [11]. A novel approach was that of Banks et al.
CoðIIÞL þ e ¢ CoðIÞL Electrode
[12], who, when working with particular sono-emul-
sions were able to relate bulk measurements to the CoðIÞL þ RBr2 ! Br–CoðIIIÞL þ Br þ R0 Solution
heterogeneous rate constant for their specific liquid–
Br–CoðIIIÞL þ CoðIÞL ! Br þ 2CoðIIÞL Solution
liquid reaction. In the following work we develop a
new approach based on the transient response of ðBÞ
electrodes modified with water-insoluble oil microdro-
plets in aqueous solutions. In particular we study the In the above pathways, RBr2 represents DBCH, R is
case where the droplet surface reacts with an electro- cyclohexene, Co(II)L is vitamin B12r and Co(I)L vi-
generated mediator in a catalytic pathway that leads to tamin B12s . Recently, we developed a heterogeneous
the regeneration of the original electroactive species. analogue of this system where microdroplets of
Using cyclic voltammetry we are able to probe such DBCH were deposited onto an electrode surface and
systems and obtain kinetic data on the coupled liquid– then immersed into an aqueous solution of vitamin
liquid reactions. The theoretical treatment is signifi- B12 [7]. The coupled chemical reaction between DBCH
and vitamin B12s occurs exclusively at the surface of
the microdroplet, and the reaction is heterogeneous.
1 In this paper we simulate the transient response at a
Although true for sono-emulsions, in bicontinuous microemul-
sions, for example, the reaction occurs between the liquid-adsorbed
partially blocked electrode where the block regenerates
surfactantjliquid interface. The liquidjliquid interface is, therefore, a electroactive material via a separate heterogeneous
model experimental system for surfactant based emulsions. reaction:
T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216 195
block Z ¼ 0; 0 6 R < Rb ; Da ¼ khet b0 ;
Fig. 1. Illustration of a single diffusion domain and the cylindrical ob
Db ¼ khet b0 ;
polar coordinate system employed in the modelling. oZ
196 T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216
where Aelec is the area of the electrode (or single diffusion in the reactive block voltammograms is similar to that
domain) and the number of electrons transferred is observed for coupled catalytic homogeneous reactions
equal to 1. and is essentially due to the same factors [13]. In the
Optimum values for the grid expansion factors and homogeneous analogue, any B species formed at the
initial grid spacing, determined via convergence testing electrode surface is oxidized back to A by the homoge-
over a range of khet , h; mdl and kdl , were identical to those neous mediator. Thus, upon scan reversal, there is no B
used in Part I for the case of an inert, rather than a present in the vicinity of the electrode surface and no
reactive, block [2]. reverse peak is seen. Our heterogeneous analogue is
slightly different in that the re-oxidation of B to A oc-
2.3. Simulation results curs only at the block surface. This implies that mass
transport of B from the uncovered electrode to the block
Initial simulations were carried out using parameters must be rapid or else we would see a reverse peak.
relevant to the experimental problem discussed below. The voltammograms for the reactive blocks appear to
In most simulated voltammograms, the dimensionless have a limiting current suggesting a constant flux of A is
current, w, is preferred over the true current, I, due to its being delivered to the uncovered electrode surface. On
wider relevance. For example, when dealing with linear closer inspection, there are actually gentle peaks at
sweep or cyclic voltammetry of a simple redox couple at E ¼ 0:32 V for khet ¼ 0:01 cm s1 and E ¼ 0:61 V for
macro electrodes, it is well known that the largest di- khet ¼ 10 cm s1 . However, the fact that the peak cur-
mensionless current is 0.4463 (where the mass transport rents are almost maintained suggests that block regen-
is linear diffusion only) [15]. In all simulations the tem- eration causes some kind of quasi-steady state to be
perature was 293 K, although slight variations made a achieved where solution depletion due to the one-elec-
negligible difference. tron reduction in the vicinity of the electrode surface is
compensated by the coupled heterogeneous reaction.
2.3.1. Inert vs. reactive Finally, the ‘‘peak’’ potential, Ep , appears to increase
Fig. 3 illustrates the simulated cyclic voltammograms with khet . Comparison with the homogeneous analogue
for three different heterogeneous rate constants, khet ¼ 0 is complicated because of mediator depletion.
(no reaction), 0.01 and 10 cm s1 , at a diffusion domain A similar situation would arise for a simple one-
with block radius Rb ¼ 2:5 lm and coverage h ¼ 0:5 electron redox couple and an array of collector–gener-
where the scan rate is 50 mV s1 . The other parameters ator electrodes with infinitely thin insulating layers. In
are listed in the figure legend. The effect of the catalytic this case the unit cell could be described as that in Fig. 1,
regeneration of species A is immediately obvious by the the only difference being that the block is now electrode
increased currents which increase with khet (for suitably material held at a constant potential, Ec . Varying the
low values of khet where the heterogeneous reaction is value of Ec would then be equivalent to varying khet and
not diffusion controlled). The absence of a reverse peak we would expect to see the same voltammetric trends.
Fig. 4. Dimensionless concentration profiles for the diffusion domains in Fig. 3, taken at E ¼ (i) )0.05 V, (ii) )0.32 V and (iii) )0.61 V, where
khet ¼ (a) 0 cm s1 , (b) 0.01 cm s1 and (c) 10 cm s1 .
tration of A over the block surface is less than the bulk from the uncovered electrode to the reactive block as
concentration and the gradients around the singularity implied by the absence of a reverse peak.
are much gentler. As observed in the differences between Fig. 4(i) and
In the case of inert blocks (khet ¼ 0 cm s1 ), mass (ii) for the ‘‘reactive’’ domains, the flux of A from the
transport to the electrode surface is supplied by diffusion region of the block to the uncovered electrode is not
arising from concentration gradients caused by the in- independent of potential. For example, it is not until the
creasing voltage. When the block is reactive we have a concentration of A across the uncovered electrode sur-
situation where the regeneration of A also leads to (quite face is zero that we observe a peak current. The reason
steep) concentration gradients. The concentration pro- for this can be attributed to two factors. First, looking at
file for khet ¼ 10 cm s1 might lead one to believe that the profiles for the khet ¼ 10 cm s1 domain, the large
transport due to block regeneration dominates and gradient at the singularity results in a massive flux of A
generally this is true for domains of high coverage and to the uncovered electrode surface which has a major
not too excessive scan rates, vide infra. The sharp drop influence on the overall current. This is illustrated in
in a at r ¼ ro results in a flux of A that greatly exceeds Fig. 5 where we have plotted ðoa=ozÞz¼0 (a variable that
that caused by the voltage increase and we observe a is proportional to the current density) taken at the peak
greatly enhanced current. For slower heterogeneous re- potential across the uncovered electrode surface for the
actions, the profiles are less abrupt and we observe a far (a) khet ¼ 0 cm s1 and (b) khet ¼ 10 cm s1 domains. In
lesser increase in current. Note also that the concen- the case of the inert block, the current density varies
tration profiles for species B are the inverse of those in little across the electrode surface. This contrasts the re-
Fig. 3 (u ¼ a ¼ 1 b). Thus, there is a large flux of B active block where we see a large decrease in ðoa=ozÞz¼0
T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216 199
‘‘kink’’ just above the surface of the electrode is visible according to the reasons discussed above we would ex-
in the concentration profiles for the reactive blocks. pect Ep to be independent of scan rate. The corre-
Fig. 6 illustrates a close-up of this region for Fig. 4(a)(iii) sponding concentration profiles (taken at E ¼ 0:61 V)
(khet ¼ 0 cm s1 , E ¼ 0:61 V) and (c)(iii) (khet ¼ 10 are displayed in Fig. 8. As expected, the diffusion layer
cm s1 , E ¼ 0:61 V). The magnitude of the concen- thickness decreases with increasing scan rates, but this is
tration gradient in Fig. 6(a) is approximately equal to the only useful information we can obtain from the
that of the section labelled ‘‘X ’’ in Fig. 6(b) and we can
associate this with the depletion of A at the electrode
surface leading to diffusion from the bulk solution. The
section labelled ‘‘Y ’’ in Fig. 6(b) is clearly steeper and
must arise from block regeneration. Thus, we have an
idea of the dominance of block regeneration over scan
rate in contributing to mass transport for this particular
domain. Also, it is clear to see that the effect of the block
is confined to a region close to the electrode surface. The
depth of region Y gives us an idea of how far regener-
ated reactant has diffused in the time taken to reach the
stated potential, which in this case is about 1.5 lm.
Fig. 7. Dimensionless current linear sweep voltammograms for a dif- Fig. 8. Dimensionless concentration profiles, taken at E ¼ Ep ¼ 0:61
fusion domain, where Rb ¼ 2:5 lm, h ¼ 0:5, k 0 ¼ 0:005 cm s1 , V, for the simulated voltammograms in Fig. 7, where m ¼ (a) 0.1 V s1 ,
D ¼ 2:0 106 cm2 s1 , khet ¼ 10 cm s1 and m ¼ 0:1, 0.5 and 2.0 V s1 . (b) 0.5 V s1 and (c) 2.0 V s1 .
T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216 201
Fig. 13. Plot of Ip =2pR0 ½Abulk FD against h for diffusion domains where
Rb ¼ 2:5 lm, D ¼ 2:0 106 cm2 s1 , k 0 ¼ 0:005 cm s1 , and m ¼ 0:05,
0.1, 0.5 and 2.0 V s1 . The solid curves correspond to khet ¼ 0:01
cm s1 and the dashed lines correspond to khet ¼ 0 cm s1 .
Fig. 15. Simulated voltammograms for a diffusion domain, where Rb ¼ 3:0 mm, h ¼ 0:02, D ¼ 2:0 106 cm2 s1 and m ¼ 0:02 V s1 . In each part the
two voltammograms are for a reactive (khet ¼ 10 cm s1 ) and inert (khet ¼ 0 cm s1 ) block. Parts (a)–(d) correspond to different electron transfer rate
constants: k 0 ¼ (a) 101 , (b) 101 , (c) 103 and (d) 105 cm s1 .
dominated by block regeneration we observe a peak electrode surface. By comparison with the homogeneous
current when ½Az¼0 ¼ 0. Faster coupled reactions sup- pathway for this reaction (pathway (A)), we can write
ply more A to the electrode surface meaning we need to the heterogeneous analogue as:
reach higher potentials where the electron transfer re- kf
action is fast enough to reduce all of the regenerated A. CoðIIÞLðaqÞ þ e ¢ CoðIÞLðaqÞ Unblocked electrode
D ¼ 2k1 ½CoðIÞLZ¼0 : ð20Þ
dZ Z¼0
Fig. 16. Dimensionless current linear sweep voltammograms for a 2.5. Accounting for the random distribution of microdro-
domain, where Rb ¼ 3:0 lm, h ¼ 0:5, k 0 ¼ 0:005 cm s1 , D ¼ plets
2:0 106 cm2 s1 , m ¼ 0:02 V s1 , and the heterogeneous rate con-
stant for the reactive block, khet , varies between 100 and 105 cm s1 .
The voltammetric response of a modified electrode is
the sum response of all the diffusion domains present (in
the experimental systems involved in this work there are
over 100,000 domains on the electrode surface). Because
since the two reaction pathways (A) and (B) are kinet-
microdroplet distribution is random, we require a pro-
ically indistinguishable [18], the results in this section are
tocol that allows us to predict the voltammetric re-
also applicable to the liquidjliquid equivalent of path-
sponse of an ensemble of randomly distributed diffusion
way (B). The overall flux of Co(I)L at the droplet sur-
face can be written as:
When working with inert microdroplets in a previous
d½CoðIÞL paper [3], we used the peak dimensionless current, wmax ,
D ¼ flux due to first step
dZ Z¼0 as a variable for characterising the modified electrode.
þ flux due to second step ð17Þ In the work presented here we will use a similar method
to determine a value of k1 for the reaction in pathway
where we could write the flux due to the two individual (E). That is, for given values of D, khet ; k 0 and m, we will
steps as: focus primarily on the relationship between the volume
first step of blocking material (DBCH microdroplets) and the
D ¼ k1 ½CoðIÞLZ¼0 ð18Þ peak dimensionless current, wmax .
The following method is a modification of Model B1
second step described in [3]. We assume that all droplets on the
D ¼ k2 ½CoðIÞLZ¼0 ð19Þ electrode surface are hemispherical with a constant ra-
Z¼0 dius, Rb . The validity of these two assumptions, partic-
However, the rate of the second step depends entirely on ularly the monodisperse distribution, is discussed in Part
the rate of the first and because it is the first step which is II [3]. The number of droplets on the electrode surface,
rate determining we express Eq. (17) as: Nblock , can be calculated using
Table 1
Categorization of catalytically reactive partially blocked electrodes
Block regeneration dominates Both block regeneration and scan rate influence mass Mass transport dominated by the
mass transport transport to the electrode surface increasing voltage
Observe greatly enhanced Ip increases with m and k 0 Small increase in Ip and no ‘‘limiting’’
‘‘limiting’’ currents current observed
‘‘Ip ’’ (almost) independent A pre-peak is observed at low h and m Voltammetry (almost) identical to
of m and k 0 khet ¼ 0 domains
Ep depends on when [Az¼0 ¼ 0 Back peak observed in CV
No back peak observed in CV
T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216 207
3.2. Instrumentation
Fig. 22. Simulated variation of (a) wmax with scan rate and (b) Ip with scan rate for the modified electrodes in Fig. 21 where khet ¼ 101 , 102 and 103
cm s1 . Part (i) corresponds to the electrode modified with 300 nmol of DBCH and (ii) corresponds to the 600 nmol modification. The experimental
results are plotted as circles.
heavily blocked and the catalytic currents are greatly at low scan rates we observe a lower Ip than expected
enhanced, we can approximate the current as being en- due to the currents being limited by DBCH diffusion
tirely due to the reduction of regenerated B12r . In within the droplet, a factor unaccounted for in our
pathway (A), the reaction of one DBCH molecule re- modelling. Upon increasing the scan rate, the depletion
sults in the generation of two B12r species, so the moles is less and the DBCH diffusion layer has a shorter time
of DBCH involved in the reaction is equal to half the in which to grow. Therefore, the effect of DBCH de-
moles of electrons transferred. This allows us to calcu- pletion becomes negligible and we observe the predicted
late the loss of DBCH (we know how much is deposited Ip –m independence. At higher blocking volumes the area
before the scan) which leads to a percentage depletion. of uncovered electrode is smaller, leading to lower cur-
The numbers in Table 2 suggest that the percentage rents, and the total microdroplet surface area is in-
depletion is not significantly high. However, we need to creased. Both of these factors lessen the effect of DBCH
remember that the reaction occurs only at the droplet depletion and we obtain results that show better agree-
surface (the liquidjliquid interface) – it is heterogeneous. ment with theory over a larger range of scan rates.
Therefore, a diffusion layer, similar to that produced in In the light of these findings, further experiments
a simple potential step experiment, will be formed as the were conducted at scan rates in the range 0:5 6 m 6 4:0
scan progresses – the longer the scan (i.e., the lower the V s1 with similar blocking amounts. Analysis of these
scan rate) the larger this diffusion layer becomes. Hence, results also suggested a value of khet to be 150 < khet <
212 T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216
Table 2
Approximate percentage depletion of DBCH (up to )1.1 V vs. SCE on the forward scans) on the modified electrodes in Fig. 21
m/V s1 300 nmol 600 nmol
DBCH depletion/nmol Depletion/% DBCH depletion/nmol Depletion/%
0.05 11 3.7 8.1 1.3
0.1 6.1 2.0 4.0 0.67
0.5 1.4 0.47 0.83 0.14
1.0 0.73 0.24 0.41 0.07
T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216 213
Ip –m independence we could be certain our currents were Appendix A. Can we compare values of khet and k0
not limited by diffusion within the microdroplets. corresponding to diffusion limitation?
However, the SECM/ITIES technique used by Bard and
co-workers [11] and Rusling and co-workers [18] is Consider the following coupled heterogeneous elec-
based on steady-state measurements. Currents are re- trode reaction where electron transfer at a planar macro
corded at times when there will be well-established dif- electrode is preceded by an irreversible heterogeneous
fusion layers on both sides of the ITIES. Indeed, Unwin reaction:
and co-workers [21,22] have investigated the conse- khet
quence of reactant depletion in the second phase on such A!B
steady state measurements at the ITIES. Their work [22] kf ðFÞ
B þ e ¢ C:
suggests that the concentrations used by Rusling and co- kb
workers [18] falls into the region where the constant
After t ¼ 0, the potential is such that the reduction of B
composition assumption is invalid, leading to an un-
to C is rapid and limited by the irreversible heteroge-
derestimate of the actual bimolecular rate constant. In-
neous reaction. Therefore, the flux of B to the electrode
terestingly, the concentrations of DBCH required for
surface will be equal to the flux of A and we can write:
the constant composition assumption to be valid would
result in SECM currents limited by diffusion of B12r I o½B
¼ DB ¼ khet ½Ax¼0 ðA:1Þ
rather than the rate of the liquid–liquid reaction [18,22]. FAelec ox x¼0
where DB is the diffusion coefficient of B and the other
symbols have already been defined. With B and C ini-
5. Conclusions tially absent, the equations that describe such a system
In this paper we have seen how the principles devel-
oped in Parts I and II for the simulation of uncompli- diffusion equation:
cated electron transfer reactions at an electrode partially o½A o ½A
covered with inert blocking material can be extended ¼D ðA:2Þ
ot ox2
further to model irreversible liquid–liquid reactions at
the surface of microdroplets dispersed over an electrode boundary conditions:
surface. The transient technique developed in this work t¼0 x ½A ¼ ½Abulk ðA:3Þ
has a number of advantages over current probes for
reactions occurring at the interface between two im- t>0 x!1 ½A ¼ ½Abulk ðA:4Þ
miscible electrolyte solutions (ITIES). Not only are the
experimental requirements relatively simple, compared o½ A
t>0 x¼0 D ¼ khet ½Ax¼0 ðA:5Þ
to scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) for ox x¼0
example, but in theory we can measure very fast liquid– where D is the diffusion coefficient of species A, [Abulk is
liquid reactions before being limited by diffusion. Fur- the bulk concentration of A, and [Ax¼0 is the concen-
thermore, when studying fast liquid–liquid reactions tration of A at the electrode surface. A Laplace trans-
(khet > 1 cm s1 ) at high block volumes, we can easily formation of Eq. (A.2) and the first two boundary
identify results where the current is limited by diffusion conditions leads to:
in the second phase, a factor unaccounted for in our
½Abulk 1=2
modelling. When determining heterogeneous (bimolec- ½A ¼ þ f ðsÞeðs=DÞ x ðA:6Þ
ular) rate constants, this enables us to use the constant s
composition assumption with some degree of confi- where f ðsÞ is a factor to be determined and we have
dence, unlike in the SECM/ITIES method where reac- transformed from t to s space. The Laplace transform of
tant depletion in the second phase can often be the final boundary condition (Eq. (A.5)) allows the de-
problematic [21,22]. termination of f ðsÞ:
Hi ½Abulk
f ðsÞ ¼ ðA:7Þ
sðHi þ s1=2 Þ
where Hi ¼ khet =D1=2 . Substituting for f ðsÞ in Eq. (A.6)
The authors thank the EPSRC for studentships for gives:
T.J.D. and B.A.B. We further thank Russell Evans, Jay ½Abulk Hi ½Abulk eðs=DÞ
Wadhawan, Michael Hyde, Robert Jacobs and Phillip ½A ¼ ðA:8Þ
s sðHi þ s1=2 Þ
Greene for their assistance regarding experimental pro-
cedures, and Prof. J.F. Rusling for initiating our interest Now, we evaluate the Laplace transform of Eq. (A.1) to
in vitamin B12s chemistry. obtain an expression for the transformed current:
T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216 215
! kf
o½A FAelec khet ½Abulk A þ e ¢ B: ðGÞ
I ¼ FAelec D ¼ ðA:9Þ kb
ox s1=2 ðHi þ s1=2 Þ
The current for this arrangement is given by
and the current is given by the inverse transform:
I ¼ FAelec kf ½Ax¼0 kb ½Bx¼0 ðA:12Þ
I ¼ FAelec khet ½Abulk eHi t erfc Hi t1=2 : ðA:10Þ
where kf and kb are defined in Eqs. (2) and (3), respec-
The diffusion limited current for this system, Id;i , is given tively. Following a similar procedure to that described
by the Cottrell equation [15]: above, we can express the current as [15]:
FAelec D1=2 ½Abulk I ¼ FAelec kf ½Abulk eHr t erfc Hr t1=2 ; ðA:13Þ
Id;i ¼ : ðA:11Þ
p1=2 t1=2 where Hr ¼ ðkf þ kb Þ=D, assuming the diffusion coeffi-
cients of the two species are equal. The diffusion con-
We can compare the above irreversible heterogeneous
trolled current for the potential step experiment, Id;r is
kinetics with electron transfer kinetics by considering a
given by [15]:
simple potential step experiment on a one-electron redox
couple, where the potential applied is not high enough FAelec D1=2 ½Abulk
Id;r ¼ ðA:14Þ
to cause rapid reduction and B is initially absent: p1=2 t1=2 ð1 þ hÞ
Fig. 27. Simulated voltammetric response for the ‘‘potential step’’ experiments described in the text over (a) 10 ls and (b) 1 s, where the kinetic rate
constants vary between 103 and 101 cm s1 . Plots labelled (i) correspond to the irreversible heterogeneous reaction. Plots labelled (ii) correspond to
the electron transfer reaction where E ¼ 0:005 V vs. E00 . In both simulations T ¼ 298 K and D ¼ 1:0 105 cm2 s1 . The diffusion limited response
for each situation is plotted as a dashed line.
216 T.J. Davies et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 566 (2004) 193–216