Professional Goals For Practicum 2 0
Professional Goals For Practicum 2 0
Professional Goals For Practicum 2 0
GOAL 1: Develop a working knowledge of instructional strategies that are specific to a variety of
types of students and learning styles.
TQS Focus: 2(i) Know which strategies are appropriate to help different students achieve different
outcomes. 2(a) Know how to analyse many variables at one time, and how to respond by making
reasoned decisions about their teaching practice and students learning. 2(d) They have completed a
structured program of studies through which they acquired the knowledge, concepts, methodologies
and assumptions in one or more areas of specialization or subject disciplines taught in Alberta schools.
Sub-goal 1: Integrate strategies when appropriate to help different students achieve different
Strategy 1.1 Engage with each student everyday. This will Daily Personal Goal
increase level of trust, while also giving me
an idea of student interests, characteristics,
and overall needs.
Measure: I will acknowledge the interests, strengths, and challenges of each student and develop a
working knowledge of how to engage, interact, and support each individual.
Sub-goal 2: Know how to analyse many variables at one time, and how to respond.
Strategy 1.1 Observe and reflect on how teacher November Teacher Associate
associate responds to different variables.
Strategy 1.2 Understand and/or create a set of rules and November Reflection Activity
responsibilities students can be held
responsible for. (i.e. what is acceptable
during group learning and how can I respond
in a way to promote the most successful
learning environment.)
Measures: I will develop an understanding of successful responses for different variables. I will
demonstrate how I can engage with students in a positive manner, to help foster a healthy classroom
TQS Focus: 2(g) Know how to engage students in creating effective classroom routines. They know
how and when to apply a variety of management strategies that are in keeping with the situation, and
that provide for minimal disruptions to students learning. 2(p) Know the importance of guiding their
actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teaching. They are able to communicate their
vision, including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience.
Strategy 1.1 Network with other teachers and share Ongoing Peer and Colleague
classroom ideas. Coaching
Strategy 1.2 Reflect on students needs and implement Ongoing Reflection Activity
any changes necessary to support these
Strategy 1.3 Research classroom management tips, and Nov-Dec Research Activity
create a collection that can be used
throughout practicum experience.
Measures: I will contribute to a positive classroom environment, and develop a working knowledge of
successful classroom management strategies.
Strategy 1.1 Establish a personal, overall vision of the November Blog Activity
purpose of teaching, and refer to this when
adapting classroom environment.
Measures: I will reflect on my role in the classroom and how my knowledge, skills, and attitude effects
students and the classroom environment.
GOAL 3: Successfully engage students for 20-minute lessons.
TQS Focus: 2(g) Know how to engage students in creating effective classroom routines. They know
how and when to apply a variety of management strategies that are in keeping with the situation, and
that provide for minimal disruptions to students learning. 2(e) all students can learn, albeit at
different rates and in different ways. They know how (including when and how to engage others) to
identify students different learning styles and ways students learn. They understand the need to
respond to differences by creating multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups of students,
including students with special learning needs
Strategy 1.1 Research different lesson plan resources to Weekly Research Activity
help begin lesson planning.
Strategy 1.2 Develop an understanding of which students First few Teacher Associate
learn at different rates. For those who are weeks
always ahead have a fall-back activity ready
if they finish early.
Measure: Students are actively engaged during lesson. This might look differently between students.