Comparitive Study of Shear Wall

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Project Title

Comparative Study of
Shear wall in multi-
storied R.C. Building
Student Detail
1. Patel Jigar A. (100780106052)
2. Patel Minku R. (090780106038)
3. Patel Jaimin P. (090780106016)


YEAR : 2013-2014
Guides Details
NAME : Dr. Ami H. Shah
DEPARTMENT : Civil Engineering
INSTITUTE NAME : Smt. S.R.Patel Engineering
college, Dabhi, Unjha

NAME : Dr. D. P. Soni

DEPARTMENT : Civil Engineering
The main objective of this project is to check and compare the
seismic response of multi-storied building for different location
of shear wall, so that one can choose the best alternative for
construction in earthquake-prone area.

Different location of shear wall in R.C. Building will be

modelled in E-TABS software and the results in terms of
natural period, frequency, storey displacement, storey drift,
storey shear is compared.
Looking to the past records of earthquake, there is increase in the
demand of earthquake resisting building which can be fulfilled by
providing the shear wall systems in the building.
Also due to the major earthquakes in the recent pats the codal
provisions revised and implementing more weightage on
earthquake design of structure.
The decision regarding provision of shear wall to resist lateral
forces play most important role in choosing the appropriate
structural system for given project.
Generally structures are subjected to two types of loads i.e. Static and
Dynamic. Static loads are constant while dynamic loads are varying
with time.
In majority civil structures only static loads are considered while
dynamic loads are not calculated because the calculations are more
complicated. This may cause disaster particularly during Earthquake
due to seismic waves.

By providing shear wall in multi-storied building we can resist

seismic waves of earthquake. The loads are calculated by E-TABS
software by providing shear walls at various parts of building.
Procedure :
Code Provision
Review Paper Title

Static Method
Calculation Response Spectrum Method

Modelling of Multi-storey Building

ETABS software
Learning Seismic Analysis of Building
Literature Review
Kevadkar and Kodag (2013) are investigated The concept
of using steel bracing is one of the advantageous concepts which
can be used to strengthen structure. Shear wall and steel bracing
increases the level of safety since the demand curve intersect
near the elastic domain. Capacity of the steel braced structure is
more as compare to the shear wall structure. Steel bracing has
more margin of safety against collapse as compare with shear

Agrawal and Charkha (2012) are investigation reveals

that the significant effects on deflection in orthogonal
direction by the shifting the shear wall location. Placing
Shear wall away from centre of gravity resulted in increase
in most of the members forces.
Chandurkar and Pajgade (2013) are investigated Changing
the position of shear wall will affect the attraction of forces, so that
wall must be in proper position. If the dimensions of shear wall are
large then major amount of horizontal forces are taken by shear
wall. Providing shear walls at adequate locations substantially
reduces the displacements due to earthquake.
Greeshma and Jaya (2006) are investigation the proper
connection detailing of shear wall to the diaphragm. The shear wall
and diaphragm connection with hook deflects more when compared
to the other two configurations. Hence, the shear wall- diaphragm
connection with hook was more efficient under dynamic lateral
Analysis method:
As per the Indian Standard code for Earthquake IS:1893-2002, seismic
analysis can be performed by three methods.

1. Static Method
A. Equivalent Static Coefficient Method

2. Dynamic Methods
A. Time history Method
B. Response Spectrum Method
Software Implementation:
Etabs software is exclusively made for modeling, analysis
and design of buildings. Various facilities in the Etabs are listed below.

(1)Etabs has feature known as similar story. By which similar

stories can be edited and modeled simultaneously. Due to
which building is modeled very speedily.

(2)Etabs can perform various seismic coefficient , Response

Spectrum, Static Non-linear, Time History, Construction
sequence and many more analysis with good graphics.
Software Implementation(Con...)
(3) Etabs provide object based modeling. It takes slab as area
object, column, beam, brace as line object and support, mass,
loads as point objects.

(4)Etabs automates templates for typical structures like steel

deck, waffle slab, Flat slab, Ribbed Slab etc.

(5)Etabs can do optimization of steel section.

(6)Etabs has a facility to design composite beam. Also composite

deck can be modeled in Etabs.
Software validation:
For verification of software a G+6 storey building example is
taken from Nicee website. The results of which are compared with the
results of Etabs.

Data for Building:

Plan Dimension : 22.5 x 22.5 m

Typical Storey Height :5m
Bottom storey Height : 4.1 m
Slab Thickness : 100 mm
Column Size : 600 x 600 mm
Main Beam : 300 x 600 mm
Secondary Beam : 200 x 500 mm
Data for Building:

Wall : 230 mm thick

about periphery
Load : Live load 4 kN/m2
on Floor and 1
kN/m2 on roof
Floor finish :1 kN/m2
Water Proofing :2 kN/m2
Earthquake Data : Zone III, Type II
soil and Importance Factor
Comparison of Software verification result
Storey Storey Shear (kN) Storey Displacement Drift (mm)

Manual Etabs Manual Etabs Manual Etabs

7 480 459.28 79.43 80.80 7.23 7.02

6 860 845.96 72.20 73.81 12.19 12.03

5 1104 1091.95 60.01 61.78 15.68 15.69

4 1242 1231.29 44.33 46.09 17.58 17.79

3 1304 1294.04 26.75 28.30 17.26 17.87

2 1320 1310.22 9.49 10.43 9.08 10.58

1 1320 1310.90 0 0.05 0 0

Stepwise Procedure for modeling of
Building in ETABS :
Step 1: Define Storey data like storey height, no. of storey etc.
Step 2: Select Code preference from option and then define
material properties from define Menu
Step 3: Define Frame Section from Define menu like column,
Step 4: Define Slab Section
Step 5: Draw building Elements from draw menu
Step 6: Give Support Conditions

Step 7 : Define Load cases and Load

Step 8 : Assign Load
Step 9 : Define Mass Source
Step 10 : Give structure auto line constraint
Step 11 : Give renumbering to the whole structure.
Step 12 : Select analysis option and Run Analysis
Problem Statement
In present work in order to compare the response of reinforced
concrete shear wall for use in Earthquake prone area multi storey
building having plan dimension 18m x18m is modeled and analyzed in
ETABS 9.2 Non Linear Version software. Equivalent static analysis
and dynamic Response spectrum analysis is performed on the structure.

In present work total 2 models are prepared. Two models of

G+9 storey buildings, which includes shear wall in different position at
core of building and at edge of building. And for both the models
Equivalent static analysis and dynamic Response spectrum analysis is
Models of Building
1. 10 storey building with RCC shear wall at core (static analysis)
2. 10 storey building with RCC shear wall at Edges (static analysis)
3. 10 storey building with RCC shear wall at core (dynamic analysis)
4. 10 storey building with RCC shear wall at Edges(dynamic analysis)
Geometrical Data
Type of Building : Commercial building
Location of Building : Ahmedabad
Typical Storey Height :3m
Bottom Storey Height : 3.5 m

Earthquake Data
Frame : Special moment Resisting Frame
Location : Ahmedabad (Zone III)
Importance Factor : 1.5
Response Reduction Factor :5
Type of Soil : Medium ( Type 2)
Table 1 : Material Data

Material Weight Modulus of Shear Poissons Coeffi. Of

(kN/m3) Elasticity Modulus (G) Ratio Thermal
(E) (kN/m2) Expansion
Concrete 25 25x106 10416666.7 0.2 9.9x10-6
Steel (Fe-415) 78.5 2x108 76884615 0.3 11.7x10-6
plan View of Building
Loading Data
Live load : On floor 4 kN/m2
On roof 1 kN/m2
Floor Finish : 1.5 kN/m2
Earthquake load in X and Y direction

1.5 (DL + LL )
1.2 (DL + LL EQx)
1.2 (DL + LL EQy)
1.5 (DL EQx)
1.5 (DL EQy)
0.9 DL 1.5 EQx
0.9 DL 1.5 EQy
Table 2 : Element Sizes

Slab Depth : 125 mm

Element 10 Storey
Column 600 mm X 600 mm
Main Beam 350 mm X 600 mm
Shear Wall 200 mm thick (RCC)
Modeling of Building Using ETABS

The building is modeled using the Software ETABS

nonlinear v9.2. Different elements of building are modeled as below.
Beams and Columns are modeled as line element.
Slab is modeled as shell element. Shell element has both in plane
and out of plane stiffness while membrane element has only out of
plane stiffness.
Shear wall is modeled as pier object in Etabs.
Fixing Of Member Sizes

For shear wall minimum thickness required as per IS:13920 is

150 mm. So 200 mm thickness is taken. As panel size of building
for shear wall is same for all type of models, thickness of shear
wall is kept same for all.

For loading purpose Live load, Dead load are applied as area
load. Earthquake load is applied as per IS 1893-2002. For defining
load only once in dead load case self weight multiplier is taken one.
Defining Load cases in ETABS
ETABS model of 10 Storey CSW
ETABS model of 10 Storey ESW
Analysis, Result and Discussion
Storey drift, Base shear distribution, Storey displacement, time
period, frequency, stiffness are tabulated and compared. As building
symmetrical about X and Y axis, all comparison is made for X
Seismic response is checked for different location of shear wall.
Shear walls are provided at centre and at edge. Now onwards shear
wall at core is referred as CSW (Core Shear Wall) and at edge as
ESW (Edge shear Wall).
Table 3: Storey Shear Table 4: Comparison Table of
In 10 Storey Storey Shear for static and dynamic
building for CSW and analysis (%ge)
Storey Static Dynamic Storey RCC

10 247.13 204.06 10 -17.43

9 509.11 424.57 9 -16.60
8 717.04 605.25 8 -15.59
7 877.17 755.46 7 -13.88
6 995.73 880.85 6 -11.54
5 1078.96 982.95 5 -8.90
4 1133.09 1063.54 4 -6.14
3 1164.35 1123.94 3 -3.47
2 1178.99 1163.56 2 -1.31
1 1183.30 1183.30 1 0.00
Storey Displacement
Storey drift is calculated from the storey displacement. More storey
displacement indicates less stiffness of structure.
Table 5. Maximum Storey Displacement for 10 Storey (mm)
Storey Core Shear Wall(CSW) Edge Shear Wall(ESW)
10 8.2970 11.3295
9 7.3834 10.1229
8 6.4141 8.8344
7 5.4158 7.4925
6 4.4103 6.1215
5 3.4259 4.7600
4 2.4946 3.4556
3 1.6510 2.2637
2 0.9323 1.2469
1 0.3760 0.4741

Storey Displacement


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Storey no.
Storey Stiffness
Stiffness is calculated by assuming that supports are fixed and
load is applied at floor level. Horizontal displacement is measured
at floor level and lateral stiffness is calculated by dividing
horizontal deflection to lateral load. In other words stiffness is the
force needed to cause unit displacement and is given by slope of
force displacement relationship.
Strength is a maximum force that a system can take.
Table 6. Storey Stiffness for 10 Storey CSW (mm)
Storey CSW ESW

Force Displacement Force Displacement

10 247.13 5.53133 247.13 7.55297

9 261.98 4.92228 261.98 6.74858
8 207.94 4.27607 207.94 5.88961
7 160.13 3.61053 160.13 4.99499
6 118.56 2.94020 118.56 4.08098
5 83.23 2.28396 83.23 3.17334
4 54.13 1.66307 54.13 2.30376
3 31.26 1.10069 31.26 1.50914
2 14.64 0.62156 14.64 0.83124
1 4.31 0.25069 4.31 0.31605

Storey Displacement


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Storey Shear Force
Time Period, Frequency and Storey
The stiffer structures have lesser natural period and their response is
governed by the ground acceleration; most buildings fall in this
category. The flexible structures have larger natural period and their
response is governed by the ground displacement, for example, large
span bridges.
Storey drift is directly related to the stiffness of the structure. The
higher the stiffness lowers the drift and higher the lateral loads on the
Table 7 : Time Period for 10 Storey (mm)
Core Shear Wall(CSW) Edge Shear Wall(ESW)

1 0.5450 0.6397
2 0.5450 0.6397
3 0.1779 0.1775
4 0.1779 0.1775
5 0.1761 0.1702
6 0.1525 0.1545
7 0.1374 0.1545
8 0.1374 0.0754
9 0.0668 0.0754
10 0.0668 0.0700
11 0.0668 0.0666
12 0.0604 0.0556
Table 8 : Maximum Storey Drift for 10 Storey (mm)

Storey Core Shear Wall(CSW) Edge Shear Wall(ESW)

10 0.3045 0.4022
9 0.3231 0.4295
8 0.3328 0.4473
7 0.3352 0.4570
6 0.3281 0.4538
5 0.3104 0.4348
4 0.2812 0.3973
3 0.2396 0.3390
2 0.1854 0.2576
1 0.1074 0.1354
Table 9: Comparison of storey Drift when shear wall
is placed on Edge (%ge)
Storey RCC
10 32.07
9 32.92
8 34.42
7 36.35
6 38.31
5 40.05
4 41.30
3 41.49
2 38.91
1 26.07
Storey drift

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Storey no.
Concluding Remarks
The analysis of building with Core shear wall and edge shear wall
shows that Shear wall at core shows stiffer behaviour.
When shear walls are provided on edge maximum storey
displacement of buildings is increased comparing to when shear walls
are provided on center portion.
When dynamic analysis is done storey drift decreases.
When shear wall is placed on edge time period of building increases.
When shear walls are provided on edge storey drift of buildings is
increased comparing to when shear walls are provided on center
For good seismic performance a building should have adequate lateral
stiffness. Low lateral stiffness leads to large deformation and strains,
damage to non-structural component, discomfort to occupant.

Stiff structures though attracts the more seismic force but have
performed better during past earthquake (Jain S.K. and Murty C V R,

So from above results Building with shear wall at core proves to be a

better alternative for building in earthquake prone area.

Dynamic analysis reduces storey shear, storey displacement, storey

drift etc; this shows that dynamic analysis gives improved estimate of
forces and therefore analysis of building become more accurate as well
as economical.
Future Scope
Nonlinear analysis by push over.
Effect of shear wall on seismic performance of building.
Dynamic nonlinear analysis by time history method.
Parametric study of models by varying height of building, number of
bays of building etc.
Performance-based or capacity based design of structure.
Continue to innovate new systems.
FEM analysis to understand beam-column junction behavior under
earthquake for RCC, Steel and Composite building .
Agarwal P. and Shrinkhade M. Earthquake resistant design of
structures , Eastern economy edition, PHI press, New delhi,2008.
Seismic Behavior and Design of steel plate shear wall By Abolhassan
Astaneh Asl.
Experimental and Analytical Studies of a steel plate shear wall system
By Qiuhong Zhao.

Deshmukh S.N. and Sabihuddin S. Seismic Analysis of Multistorey

Building Using Composite Structure Earthquake Analysis and Design
of Structures, D-56-D-61.
Chandrasekaran A. R. and Rao Prakash D.S., (2002), A Seismic
Design of Multi-Storied RCC Buildings, Proceedings of 12th
Symposium on Earthquake Engineering held at Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, December 16-18, 2002.
Evaluation of composite shear wall behavior under cyclic loading by A
Rahai a, F hatamib.

Composite steel joist by David Samuelson.

Wind and earthquake resistance building structural analysis and
building by Bungale S. Taranath.
Deshmukh S.N. and Sabihuddin S.Dynamic Analysis of Multistorey
Building Using Composite Structure ,International Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Feb-2006,Soce,Sastra,pp-219-227.
Etabs Manual version 9, ETABS Integrated Building Design
Software, Computer and Structures, Inc., Berkeley, California, USA,
November 2005.
EUROCODE 4, 2004,Design of composite steel and concrete
structures: General rules and rules for buildings, Part 11. EN, January
IS 456: 2000, Indian Standard Code of Practice of Plain and
Reinforced concrete, BIS, New Delhi.
IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002, Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
Structures, BIS, New Delhi.
IS 1893 (part 1): 2002, commentary Criteria for Earthquake Resistant
Design of Structures. BIS, New Delhi.
IS: 11384-1985, Indian Standard Code of Practice For Composite
Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete, New Delhi, November
Jain S.K., Review of Indian Seismic Code, IS 1893
( Part-1), 2002 IITK-GSDMA-EQ02-V1.0, pp 1-9.
Thank You

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