By Courtesy of Willie Martin
By Courtesy of Willie Martin
By Courtesy of Willie Martin
Respectfully !
The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the best kept secret in America.
Headquartered at 55 Water Street in New York City, this "financial
institution" is perhaps the most powerful in the world, yet the public doesn't
have a clue as to who they are or what they do.
How can a "bank" hold assets of over 9 trillion dollars and be unknown?
In dealing with the trust department of a major New Jersey bank, one of our
staff wanted to transfer his trust assets, comprising of stocks and bonds, to
a new trust he had set up in another state. The banks said it would take at
least 6 weeks to do so as none of his assets were currently held in his own
name or in the name of his trust account! In a panic, he brought this before
our entire staff and asked if we could investigate. We did, and the can of
worms we've opened should frighten every American.
He informed us that "DTC is the largest limited trust company in the world
with assets of 9.1 trillion." Can you imagine? An unknown banking company
could pay off the national debt and then some!
Jeff went on to say "DTC is a brokerage clearing firm and transfer center.
We handle the book entry transactions for ALL banks and brokers. Every
bank and brokerage firm must secure their membership with us in case they
become insolvent, so your assets are secure with DTC."
Yes, you read that correctly. DTC is a PRIVATE entity that processes EVERY
stock and bond (paper securities) for ALL U.S. banks and brokerage houses.
The big question is, "Just who gave this company such a broad range of
financial power and clout?"
The reason the public doesn't know about DTC is that they're a private
depository bank for institutional and brokerage firms ONLY. They process all
of their book entry settlement transactions. Jeff told us, "There's no need
for the public to know about's required by the Federal Reserve that
DTC handle all transactions." The Federal Reserve Corporation is a private
company; not an agency of our federal government. They mandated that
DTC process every securities transaction in the U.S. It's no wonder that the
DTC is owned by the same stockholders as the Federal Reserve Corporation.
In other words, the Depository Trust Company is really a front for the
Federal Reserve Corporation. Now, let's see how this affects the average
working American.
You go to a broker or bank and instruct them you want to purchase 100
shares of IBM stock, for example. They set up an account for you and act as
your agent with power of attorney to conduct business on your behalf, upon
your buy or sell instructions. The broker will place your stock or bond
purchase into their safekeeping(?) Under a "STREET NAME" (According to
DTC, no bank or broker can place the stock into their firm's own name due
to Federal Trade Commission and Security and Exchange Commission
The broker or bank MUST then send the transaction to the DTC for "ledger
posting" or "book entry settlement" under mandate by the Federal Reserve
Corporation. Remember, since your bank or broker can't use their name on
the certificate, they use a fictitious entity name or "street name." This
artificial entity is always related to the broker or bank. Then, the "street
name" stock or bond certificate is automatically transferred to, or credited
to, the Depository Trust Company. Since DTC is a bank, they can't hold the
certificate in their name either, so DTC transfers the certificate to their own
holding company or "nominee name." We're not quite sure of the spelling,
but the DTC's holding company is either "CD and Company" or "CeDe and
The banks and brokers are merely "custodians." By federal law, they cannot
hold any assets in YOUR name, the customer. The assets MUST be held,
eventually, in the name of DTC's holding company. That's how DTC has 9.1
trillion dollars of assets in trust...or is it really in "trust" if the private
Federal Reserve Corporation is technically holding it in their "unknown"
entity's name?
According to Mr. McNeff, the DTC was a former member of the New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE), and "Our sister company is the National Securities
Clearing Corporation." Simply put, the Depository Trust Company absolutely
controls every paper asset transaction in America, and they physically hold
the majority of stock and bond certificates in their name. If you have stock
or bonds in your name buried in your back yard or under your mattress, we
suggest you keep them there.
Now we're about to reveal to you the most shocking discovery we've ever
come across during our research into this matter.
During our telephone conversation, Mr. McNeff was trying to assure our
researcher that they have never lost a certificate or made a mistake in a
book ledger transaction. In attempting to give us an example of how
trustworthy they are, he said, "DTC's FIRST CONTROLLED TEST WAS 4 OR 5
YEARS AGO. Do you remember Black Monday? There were 535 million
transactions on Monday, and 400 million transactions on Tuesday." He was
very proud to inform us that "DTC cleared every transaction without a single
glitch!" Read these quotes again. HE STATED THAT "BLACK MONDAY" WAS A
What was the purpose of this test? Common sense tells us that you test
something before you intend to use it. It's quite obvious that the stock
markets are going to crash and burn at some future date, and for some
unknown reason, since the controlled test was so successful. The Great
Depression is about to be repeated, and it will be as deliberate and
manipulated as the first one that began with the stock market crash of
(This article was reprinted in part from North Bridge News, Vol. 1, Issue 14, November 1995,
published by The Liberty Tree; And the Gospel News Alert, Gospel Ministries, P.O. Box 9411,
Boise, Idaho 83707, April 2000) This Building Below Could Pay of The U.S. NATIONAL and still
have Change.. The Building ? The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the best kept secret in
America. Headquartered at 55 Water Street in New York City !