MARSHALL 3RD BOOK - Tragics Mistakes
MARSHALL 3RD BOOK - Tragics Mistakes
MARSHALL 3RD BOOK - Tragics Mistakes
Like so many people, we didn't recognize the importance of having credit
until we needed it. After paying countless people and companies and
seeing little to no results we came to the conclusion that we needed to
learn this credit repair game for ourselves. The old saying once the
student is ready, the teacher will appear was so true. Once my brother
and I started to look for more information on credit repair, we
immediately jumped on YouTube to study about credit repair, and bought
all the top credit guru's books and courses. Looking back on it all now it
reminds me of the Matrix when Morpheus gave Neo a choice between
taking the Red or Blue Pill. Needless to say we took the red pill and that
was the start down this long rabbit hole. If we told you there was no such
thing as debt, what would you say? If we told you every American citizen,
even the homeless people sleeping under the bridges, all are multi-
millionaires, you would think that maybe we are crazy right? What if I told
you that the IRS was nothing more than an organized crime syndication
that has fooled the American citizens into believing that they are a
Federal Entity that has unlimited power, but they are not.....
Are you a Citizen or Corporation?
The majority of us will answer yes to the question and that's not the wrong
answer, but my next question would be why would you classify yourself as
a citizen of a corporation? So allow me to elaborate more about what you
are saying when you classify yourself as a citizen of a corporation.
Amazon is a corporation, correct? So if we can be citizens of the United
States, which is a corporation according to 28 USC 3002, why can't we be a
citizen of Amazon? Believe it or not , we can all be citizens of Amazon, but
when I say this, what am I really saying?
Truly what we would be saying is that we belong to Amazon. Did you know
that when you belong to something, you have no rights. The only rights you
have are the rights that are given. I know you are a bit confused right now,
but stick with me it will all start to make sense. So I know some of you are
thinking, if we are not citizens, then what are we? My brother and I always
answer the same. We cannot tell you what you are, or what to classify
yourself as, but The Marshall Twins are consumers. What's a consumer you
may ask, well if the United States defines itself as a corporation then that
means there is business that is involved, and if there is business involved
that means that it is a bottom line. Let's think back to Amazon, who is the
most powerful person at Amazon? Is it Jeff Bezos? The President? Maybe
the Board members?.....The true answer is none of the above. Every
position or person mentioned above is completely expendable. All of those
positions and people can easily be replaced. The most powerful person at
Amazon is YOU, the consumer, the ones who spend the money. If you take
the consumer out of the equation, there would be no need for Jeff Bezon,
President, or any Board members. You all don't recognize your power
because the corporations have brainwashed you to believe that you need
them. Peep this, it's the corporations that need you and the same holds
true when it comes to the federal corporation called the United States of
America. Always remember this, debt collectors are governed by FDCPA 15
USC 1692, so I will only draw my proof from the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act (FDCPA) and Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C) Law That is
known as "Colorable'' law which is used in all the courts in this nation. If
you ever want to have any success with any consumer law, you first need
to classify yourself as a consumer. The information that we will share in
this book the Elites of society don't want you all to have this information.
They have kept it hidden in plain sight for generations. These are their
secrets of getting in and out of so called “Debt”.
Uniform Commercial Code
Contract or Agreement
So the plan is to get everybody exercising a benefit, and they don't even
have to tell the People what the benefits are. A lot of people think it's your
driver license, your marriage license, or birth certificate, etc but we believe
it is none of these.
The Compelled Benefit
My brother and I believe the benefit being used is that we have been given
the right and privilege to be able to "discharge debt" with limited liability.
Instead of paying debt with substance. When we pay a debt, we give
substance for substance: equal value for equal value. Here is an example
to help you understand. If I go and buy a Gallon of milk with a silver dollar,
that silver dollar paid for the milk, and the Gallon of Milk paid for the
dollar- so it's substance for substance: pound for pound. So if we use a
Federal Reserve Note to buy the milk, I have not paid for it. There is no
substance when dealing with the Federal Reserve Note. It's a worthless
paper given in exchange for something of substantive value. Congress
offers us this Remedy in the form of a benefit. Debt money, fake money,
authorized by the federal United States, that the fake money could be spent
all over the United States and the world. It has been declared a legal tender
for all debts, public and private, and the limited liability is that you cannot
be sued for not paying your debts when you "discharged" the charge by
using this colorable money that you were given. What they don't tell us is
that when we use this colorable money to discharge our debt, we forfeit
our right to use Common Law courts. So we can only use colorable law
courts. We are under the jurisdiction of the UCC. we are using non-
redeemable negotiable instruments and we are discharging debt rather
than paying debts.
Remedy and Recourse
Every system of civilized law that you can think of has to have two
characteristics , Remedy and Recourse. Remedy is the method you use to
get out from under the law. Recourse is used only if you have been
damaged under the law, so that you can recover your loss. The Common
Law, the Law of Merchants, and even the UCC, all have Remedy and
Recourse, but sadly for a long time we just could not find it. I challenge
you to go to a law library and ask to see the UCC. Watch the librarian show
you a shelf of books completely filled with UCC Law. Like any other law
book when you pick it up to read it's almost impossible to understand, it
seems like it was intentionally done to confuse everyone. I kid you not it
took my brother and I a long time to find the section talking about Remedy
and Recourse that were found in the UCC Law. Surprisingly they are found
right in the first volume: UCC 1-207 and 1-103.
The making of a valid Reservation of Rights preserves whatever rights you
possess at that time, and prevents the loss of such right by application of
the concepts of waiver or estoppel (UCC 1-207.7). Always remember when
you go into court that we are in a Commercial International Jurisdiction. If
we go into court and tell the judge, "I DEMAND MY CONSTITUTIONAL
RIGHTS," the judge will most likely say, If you mention the Constitution
again and I'll find you in contempt of court! At that moment we all would be
thinking how can he deny us our constitutional rights? I mean the judge
has been sworn to uphold the constitution right? The rule in court is this,
you cannot be charged under one jurisdiction and defend under another.
For example, if the Chinese government came to you and asked where you
filed your Chinese income tax for a certain year? Would you go to the
Chinese government and say, "I demand my Constitutional Rights? I would
say the answer would be NO.
The correct answer is "THE LAW DOESN'T APPLY TO ME, I'M NOT
CHINESE". You must make your reservation of rights under the jurisdiction
in which you are charged....not under no other jurisdiction. So in a UCC
court you must claim your reservation of rights under UCC 1-207 (now it
has been changed to UCC 1-308).
When it comes the subject of Debt, many people think that my brother
and I are crazy when we say there is no such thing as Debt. Many
sovereign brothers and sisters will preach to those who listen, that our
so called debts are obligations to the corporation called the United
States of America. So after 1933, the government agreed to assume all
liabilities that arise under transactions using your credit card(social
security card) according to 18 USC 8. Let me back up a bit, in law you
must understand words and their meanings. When you think of a credit
card, what come to your mind? Amex, Capital One, Discover? I want you
to google 15 USC 1602 aka T.I.L.A(TRUTH IN LENDING ACT) - defines a
"credit card" means ANY Card, Plate, Coupon book or other credit
devices existing for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor,
SERVICES on credit. Notice 15 USC 1602 did not mention any credit card
companies but question, on your car what's a plate that has numbers on
In your wallet or purse your Driver License and
ID both have numbers on it right? What about
BY your social security card on the front and back
THE of it, they both have what? Number on it,
MARSHALL exactly so let me tie it all in together. When
TWINS you’re driving your car and go through the toll
roads, they use you license plate to charge your
account right? When you get a ticket from the
police the first thing they ask you for is your
Driver License or ID? Why, so they can charge it
for any alleged violation. Any time you put in a
credit application you always have to put your
signature and what else? Your social security
number, so they can what? Finance/Charge you,
ok so we can see that through our day today
lives cards and plates that we all poses are
being presented as payment methods and we
never knew that? So somebody is thinking in
each of the examples after I gave my card or
plate they still charged my account linked to
it..ding ding ding so when you pay them the
money, now the so called debt collector is
getting paid twice. Ask yourself this question:
have you ever seen a bill come in a negative?
Don't they always come in a positive balance?
Example Sprint Amount Due: $187. Shouldn't it
say Sprint Amount Due: -$187? Go look at any
of the bills you are paying and see if you find
any bill that is not being reported as a positive
balance, but they are still asking you to pay the
amount due. Look at any collection company
sending you a bill to pay mortgage companies,
student loans and even the IRS. Please tell me
did you find any alleged debt being reported
negatively? So if there is no such thing as debt
and all my bills are already paid, where is this
money coming from? Have you ever heard of
your StrawMan Account?
StrawMan Account
So what if my brother and I told you that every American Citizen, even
the homeless people sleeping under the freeways are all multi-
millionaires. Would you think we are crazy? Allow me to start from a
time from all of our lives that none of us remember. The day we were
born as babies. When our parents registered us as babies, unknowingly
they passed the ownership of the babies over to the local authorities. If
you think we're crazy listen to this, how is it that a local authority like
Child Protective Series can snatch a child away from their parents, and
take full custody? Can the parents stop them? This authority applies all
the way until that baby reaches the age of maturity as adult. I know
this is not right, not "lawful" and it happens all the time but after the
birth certificate of the baby has been registered, it is now "legal" and
those two meanings are like night and day. Those terms I challenge all
of you to learn the difference.
"Legalese" is a secret language that was invented to trick you. It uses
English words, but attaches secret meanings to those words with the
main intention of stopping you from believing that what they are saying
to you has nothing to do with the normal meaning in the English
The purpose is to cheat and rob you. For example, they will ask you,"Do
you understand?" In English that means Do you comprehend what I am
saying to you? And your automatic response would be YES, mean" I do
comprehend what you are saying to me. Well these sneaky
underhanded people have changed the meaning in Legalese to mean,
"Do you stand under me?" meaning "Do you grant me authority over
you, so that you have to obey whatever I tell you to do?" What's so bad
about it is that they will never tell you that they have switched from
English over to Legalese, and if that is not dishonest, underhand and
treacherous, then I don't know what is! If you answer the question
believing that English is being spoken, then they pretend that you are
contracting with them to become subordinate to them. Whether or not
that is actually true is debatable because that is effectively a verbal
contract between you and them, and for any contract to be valid, there
has to be full and open disclosure of all of the terms of the contract.
Then unreserved acceptance by both parties, and in most cases that
never happens. So what is the point of coming up with a secret
language to trick the average person to be under someone without
evening knowing it? It's simply a trick to fool you into agreeing to
represent your Strawman. Why? That's a great question and to answer
that it takes a bit more explaining and you need a better overall view of
the situation: All humans are born equal, with the complete freedom of
choice and action. If you live in a city with a lot of people then
naturally there will be a few restrictions you get used to but over time
you learn to live with them. These restrictions are for your own
protection and others living near you. These restrictions are called the
Law, but to be exact it's called Common Law.
Common Law is not a bunch of law codes but very simple easy Laws to
You must not injure or kill anyone
You must not steal or damage things owned by someone else
You must be honest in your dealings and not swindle anyone
These laws have been in place for hundreds of years, from disputes
which had been dealt with the use of common sense and the opinions
of ordinary people. These laws only come into play when you're around
a lot of people. If you don't want to deal with them, move somewhere
that's isolated and just stay away from other people. When my brother
and I tell people this, they think that there may be hundreds of other
laws that they need to learn and follow, but that is not the case. These
other laws are called "statutes' ' and keeping them is optional for
everyone, us humans, BUT they are NOT optional for your fictitious
Strawman, and that is why the people who know how to capitalize on
your Strawman Account want to trick you into representing you as a
Strawman. By doing that you become subject to all of the invented
restrictions and charges. Ask yourself if you knew the things below
were optional, would you agree to pay them?
UCC Laws To Fight The Irs
Anyone who has ever owed the IRS knows how they send letters in the
mail and you wonder what will happen if you don't pay them this money
they say you owe them. You start to wonder if they will garnish your
wages and a feeling of anxiety for some people. So let us start at step
1 of the IRS play book, when they send you a Notice of Deficiency this
is called "presentment" in the UCC. It's important that we get you all to
understand the presentment in the world of the UCC and common law.
Suppose I decide to grab a phone book and pick just any random name
from it. I don't know this person, it's a total stranger. So I decide to
send this random person a bill or invoice, on a nicely typed letterhead,
and it would say, "For services rendered $30,000.00 and I send it to the
person, certified mail with return receipt requested to the address I got
from the phone book. So as you may or may not know, the person has
to sign for the letter, before he can open it. So I got a green card
receipt back confirming that he received the letter. When the guy opens
the letter, he finds the invoice for $30,000.00 and the following
statement." If you have any questions or concerns about this bill and
the services rendered, you have 30 days to make your questions or
objections known.
Ok so any logical person would think that the $30k invoice was not real
and somebody was just trying to make them pay for something that
they knew nothing about and just would throw the invoice in the trash.
Big mistake, at the end of that 30 days I now can go down to the
courthouse and get a default judgment against him. Remember, he
received a bill for $30,000.00 and was given thirty days to respond. He
messed up because he failed to object to the bill, or ask any questions
about it. Now he has defaulted on the bill and I can lawfully collect the
$30,000. This is common law and what the IRS does to everyone who
doesn't know the rules of the game.
The UCC game is played with the same rules. The minute you get a
Notice of Deficiency from the IRS, return it immediately with a letter
saying:"The presentment above is dishonored.(Your Name) has
reserved all of his or her rights under the Uniform Commercial Code
pursuant to UCC 1-308. This should be all you need to do, seeing there
is nothing more the IRS can do. We recently helped out a friend in Tx
who received a Notice of Deficiency from the IRS.
For you to understand how and why these letters will help get all the
negative items off of your credit report, you would have to know a little
bit about different laws like the Privacy Law, U.C.C and U.S.C. As many
of you already know the three main Credit Reporting Agencies are
Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, but did you ever ask yourself where
the credit reporting agencies get their information from? Well they are
also secondary credit reporting agencies that supply the main three
credit reporting agencies their information to so call verify your
account. lol we will go over how no account is properly verified later in
the book. These main secondary companies are called LexisNexis,
Sage Stream, Core Logic, Innovis, ARS & Chex System are who the big
three credit bureaus check with to gather their information while
validating your disputes.
When you study Federal Law and study the case law established in
various court cases pertaining to various sections of the FCRA, you will
see that the FCRA requires that all Credit Reporting Agencies are
supposed to VERIFY ALL INFORMATION received from creditors
BEFORE this information is added to a consumer credit profile.
In order for the CRA's to be able to Properly verify, according to case
law, it involves the credit bureaus having copies of the ORIGINAL
SIGNED CREDIT APPLICATION ON FILE. They are required to have a
copy of the credit application that you signed when you opened the
credit account with the creditor in their files. They are supposed to
have it in their files to show that they verified the information and
accounts that belong to you and to show that they verified the
information before they placed the information on your credit report.
Just to be real the credit bureaus don't review any documents , let
alone keep a copy of your credit application in their files. They NEVER
see any documents. They don't want to see any documents. Another
reason is the Privacy Laws when it comes to sharing your personal
information. What this means is that when you open an account with
Capital One Bank they must get your permission to sell or share your
personal information with any company outside of their brand. That
makes it difficult for the credit bureaus to get any physical information
such as a signed contract or credit agreement from a creditor, if you
did not give that creditor permission to share your information with
companies outside of their brand.
NOTE: For those of you who tried to reference the FCRA(Fair Credit
Reporting Act) to see where it states that the credit bureaus are
supposed to have documents on file to verify the accuracy of every
account reported in your credit profile. I don't have to tell you that this
is federal law, like most laws coming out of the United States Congress
is never in plain English. They have gifted attorneys writing these laws
that are paid by lobbyists working on behalf of the big banks and the
credit reporting agencies. Obviously the Congress men and women do
not go back and read these laws after they have been drafted to see if
the laws are written like they wanted it. The FCRA law is about as easy
to read as the IRS Tax Code. To help save you all some time of
researching we will give you the exact page of the FCRA. This is a 86
page document, but we have broken it down to 4 paragraphs(along with
our paraphrasing these pages) to help you understand where it says in
the law that the credit bureaus are supposed to have written
documents in their files that verify the accuracy of the accounts that's
reported in your credit profiles. Also just so you all know, there are
important case laws(Court Decisions) that we are basing these
paragraphs on. These 4 paragraphs noted below(along with my
paraphrasing reveal why these letters work)
Account Number
Date Opened
Date of Last Activity
High Credit
Payment Term
Status (borrower, co borrower, joint)
Historical Status(as agreed, 30 days delinquent)
Amount Past Due
Payment Amount
Customer information secured from the credit application
The problem is... even though the law requires the credit reporting
agency to verify every account it reports on before reporting on it, the
fact is the lender never, ever, ever sends the credit application to the
three credit bureaus!!! No lenders ever send the credit application;
therefore, the credit bureau NEVER verifies any of this information.
Instead of sending the CRA a copy of the credit application to be
verified, the creditor pulls the credit file of the consumer and the
creditor verifies the information that the consumer puts on the credit
application themselves. The verification process was done backwards.
The law requires the credit reporting agencies to verify the credit
information, not the creditor. This being the case, anything that is
included in your credit report can be removed if you request the credit
reporting agencies right to report the items by forcing them to show
you the proof of verification that is supposed to be in their files. You
can effectively remove both valid negative items, as well as invalid
items this way.
The Credit Reporting Agencies simply have chosen NOT to verify the
accounts in the manner that the law was written. They have never
complied with the law and have gotten away with it and their attitude is
that we have managed to get the law written using confusing legalese
and we have lobbyists who keep the FTC from having to provide
consumers with interpretation of various loopholes in the FCRA, so we
are good. Their attitude is; if there are a few people who file disputes
and request proof of verification and who continue to challenge us
after we use our scare tactics and delay tactics, we will eventually
comply with their requests.
How do we know that this is the way they deal with disputes? We know
this because we have read the transcripts where employees from
various credit bureaus have admitted under oath that this is how it is
done when they testified under oath in various lawsuits pertaining to
the FCRA.
If you was not aware of this, don't feel bad. Most consumers HAVE NO
IDEA that this is how credit items are verified. The Credit Reporting
Agencies are in violation of Federal Law's when they do this, and they
know they are, but since 99.9% of consumers do not know their rights
they don't do anything about it. Why should they go to all that expense
when they don't have to? To add insult to injury, the FTC(Federal Trade
Commission), which is supposed to regulate the Credit Bureaus and
enforce the Fair Credit Reporting Act, refuses to step in when you file a
complaint with them or complain that the credit bureaus are refusing
to send you copies of the verification that you are requesting.
Today, if you file a complaint with the FTC, they will send you a "form
letter" that states, "We cannot act as your lawyer or intervene in a
dispute between a consumer and a credit bureau or between a
consumer and a creditor, or furnisher of information. The private
enforcement provisions of the FCRA permits the consumer to bring a
civil lawsuit for willful noncompliance with the Act." They will go on to
inform you that if you choose to sue a credit bureau, the FCRA allows,
you may receive actual damages and/or punitive damages up to $1,000
per violation for the credit bureaus willful noncompliance with the Act
(Section 616) as well as for negligent noncompliance and you will be
able to recover actual damages sustained by you(Section 617) and that
attorney fees will be allowed for both forms of your civil action, if you
win the lawsuit. Even though the FTC is supposed to exist to protect
the consumer and to enforce the FCRA they will tell you that they can
not force the credit bureaus to comply with the law, but instead they
will suggest that you consult with a private attorney if you feel the
credit bureaus are not complying with the law.
On the surface, this is very disturbing and discouraging. Well, it is and
it isn't, let me explain why. The truth of the matter is that the credit
bureaus are a BIG FOR PROFIT CORPORATION that have set up their
own way of doing business and have indoctrinated the masses and
lobbied the various government officials into believing that they are
doing everything correct above and beyond, what the law requires them
to do.
"Why do they get away with it?" They get away with it because hardly
anyone challenges them, but guess what? The credit bureaus back off
when somebody challenges them the "right way". They don't want to
get sued and have to go to trial; therefore, they very seldom force you
to sue them before taking the negative items off. Not because it will
cost a lot of money. They have the money and resources to drag a
lawsuit through the court system for years. We believe that they don't
want to risk the publicity and have the masses find out about this,
especially during the current economic crisis we are going through
right now. The credit bureaus know that if they get sued and the case
goes to trial, they will lose and then there will be case law on the
record that could get the attention of hordes of attorneys across the
country and then their entire business model would be in jeopardy. The
good news is, if you challenge the credit bureaus"right to report" an
account and show them that you know your rights, they will comply
with your requests assuming you can get your letters through to a real
human being.(More on that later) After all, the number of people who
know how to do a proper dispute based on section 609 the right right is
far between. So when they receive a valid dispute based on Section
609 they quietly comply.
It's really not a big deal to them considering we are like a grain of sand
on the beaches of the world. As long as you serve them with a valid
dispute in writing and you don't give up after receiving their "standard
delay or intimidation reply" that they have verified the items as being
valid, you will be one in a million. See in their eyes you are not a threat
to their business model so they will quietly remove the items that you
request them to.
Valid Negative Credit Items vs
Invalid Items
The credit bureaus propaganda machine has tricked the masses into
believing that it is impossible to get accurate credit items removed
from your credit profile . Stop, the truth of the matter is, that is FALSE.
As we discussed, before the law is not written in plain English and
almost impossible to understand, but "Page 37(2),(E), a statement that
a consumer reporting agency is not required to remove accurate
derogatory information from the file of a consumer, unless the
information is outdated under section 605, or cannot be verified." This
clause in the FCRA clearly states that they are required to remove
accurate information if it cannot be verified. Most people falsely
believe there is NO HOPE in removing "valid" derogatory"information
from their credit report and eventually give up. Nothing could be
further from the truth.
Remember the time it takes to get the credit bureaus to remove all of
the negative items off of your credit profiles that you dispute will vary
from person to person. Some of you may send letter #1 and get
virtually all of the negative items removed in less than 30 days.
Another person may send letter #2 and only get a few accounts
removed. Or a third person may send out letter #1 and get the credit
bureaus standard denial form letter or their intimidation denial letter.
Regardless of the results you get, it is important to be persistent and
diligent. If after he first round of letter #1 disputes there is still
derogatory information remaining on your credit report then you simply
send the next letter that we give you in this book and make sure you
emphasize that this is your "second " written request for them to send
you copies of their verifiable proof the amount in question or have the
items deleted as per Section 609.
Without getting into all the details of the duties and restrictions put on
credit bureau employees, and to help make a long story short, it
suffices to say that these employees have to deal with thousands of
files each day, which means they can only spend a few minutes on
each file, if they want to meet their quota for each day. So even though
you got your dispute letter rejected by the computer and into the hands
of a real live human, these people may still ignore your letter. Then
they would automatically get the computer to send you another type of
"form letter" we call the "Intimidation Rejection Letter Form".
TransUnion, Equifax & Experian may send you a form letter saying
something like this:
Or you may receive a letter back from them that asks you, if you are
doing business with a credit repair company or whether or not you paid
a company to help you draft your dispute letter and they may ask you
to fill out a questionnaire and return it to them before they will review
your dispute. DO NOT FILL OUT ANYTHING and return it to them. ONLY
use the letters in this book.
Also if you can't find your social security card, the way around that is
to make a copy of a pay stub or W-2 form that shows your name and
SSN on it.
Before you start the dispute process, you should go down to the FedEx
store, or your local copy center and get about 12-15 copies made with
both your driver license and SS Card so that you have them available
when it is time to start mailing dispute letters off and responding to
the credit bureaus intimidation or delay letters. IMPORTANT: If you get
some resistance from the Credit Bureaus , do not be alarmed and DO
NOT GIVE UP! They don't play fair and very seldom do they comply
after only receiving your first letter. If they send you a intimidation or
rejection letter like we discussed earlier, just send the next round of
dispute letters and remind them that this is your 2nd written request!
If they send you a form to fill out and return to them DO NOT fill out
any forms and return it to them. Only use the letters that are in this
book. Keep sending the letters DEMANDING the Credit Bureau either
provide the verifiable proof or DELETE the Unverified item. It may a
take a few rounds of disputes and determined persistence, but all
"Unverified" items must and will be deleted from your credit profile.
In the extreme cases when the Credit Bureaus are ignoring your
multiple written request, you can file a lawsuit and sue the Credit
Bureaus for damages under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
and/or file a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
( for violations of the FCRA. Also let's not forget about
the CFPB who is a government agency put in place to regulate the
Credit Bureaus ( You can file complaints
with all of these government agencies and last once for FCRA
Violations is (www.ftc complaint assistant.govz)
If you are currently in debt and are unable to make all of your monthly
payment obligations to any or all of your creditors, then you need to
know how to deal with these creditors. This is critical not only to the
credit dispute process, but it is critical that you not speak to any debt
collector over the phone. You must only communicate with them in
writing. If you only communicate with them in writing and you do it
properly, then there is an excellent chance that you will be able to walk
away from any outstanding debt, without getting sued and without
having to pay any money back. If you are in this situation, then you
need to deny all debt.
Under the Federal Law, once per year, you can receive a FREE credit
report. Nowadays the Credit Bureaus all offer FREE credit monitoring
through their websites individually. If you want all three scores, then it
will cost you.
Step 1: Pull a Credit Report from Experian, Equifax & TransUnion
Go to to get copies of your FREE credit
reports: If you are lucky, you will be able to access all the three credit
reports online immediately. But beware, your online request might get
denied because they may say they cannot verify that you are who you
say you are. If that is the case, don't give up. All you have to do is print
out the forms that come up on your screen and fill it out and mail it to
the address that is on the form and include a copy of your driver
license and SS card as proof of identification. It will only take a few
days and you will either receive a copy of your credit report in the mail
and/or, they will mail you a link to go to that will enable you to
download a copy of your report.
(Note: If you have already used your FREE Report for the year, you
may have to purchase a new report.)
Step 2: Review Each Credit Report & Identify All of The NEGATIVE
Items that you want to be REMOVED. Make a list:
(See Sample Below) Name of Account:
1. Chase Bank
2. B of A
3. Palisades Collection
4. Midland
Account Number:
533376304023... 424492101261... PAL3CHSARB8275...
NOTE #1:
The negative accounts that you want to have deleted are easy to find.
Usually there will be a section on your credit report titled: The
Following Accounts that may be considered negative:
NOTE #2:
The account numbers listed for each account shown on your credit
report are always partial account numbers. Don't worry, that is all you
need to write onto your dispute letters. All you need to do is write in
the same partial account number beside the Name of Account as see in
the above examples After you complete your list, you will be "Hand
Writing" both the Name of Account and the Account Number onto the
letter. Remember, that is important if you want to get your dispute
letter seen and read by a real live person, which increases the chances
of getting the negative item removed with the first letter or the 2nd
After you have compiled your list of negatives for each credit report,
you will need to open the Section 609 Affidavit Credit Dispute Letter #1
for the first credit bureau. Do this one credit bureau at a time.
NOTE #3:
Before you start, I recommend that you create 3 separate folders:
Then copy each of the letters #1, #2, #3 and #4 for each of the folders.
Then, let's start with Experian. Plug in your name, address, etc then
Print out the letter and then hand write in the accounts and the partial
account numbers for each account that you want deleted and also add
the word "Unverified Account".
NOTE #5: If you have more than 22 negative accounts on your credit
report, make sure that you Only dispute a maximum of 22 accounts at
one time. Attempting to dispute more than 22 accounts at one time
could cause the Credit Bureaus to classify your dispute as frivolous
and do nothing. they have the right to do that.
STEP 3: Attach a copy of your Social Security Card & Driver's License
to each letter that you send them including letter #2 etc.
Once you complete each letter, simply get the letter notarized, include
a photocopy of your Social Security Card and ID card (Driver's License
or Passport) as proof of your identity and mail the letter to the credit
bureaus CERTIFIED MAIL(This will enable you to track delivery of your
letter and provide proof that it was received by the Credit Bureau) if
they end up doing nothing. That would be nice considering they would
have to delete all of the items you requested once you showed them or
the court your proof of delivery.
STEP 4: Hand write the envelopes, don't type. Handwrite your return
address and the Credit Bureau address on the envelope, so the credit
bureau treats the dispute letter as if it is from an individual which
means that they are more than likely to take longer to open your letter,
which means they will take longer to deal with it and with that being
said, there is a better chance that they'll remove the items quicker. The
3rd world workers who handle the dispute letters have strict quota
rules to abide by if they want to keep their jobs. So, when they get
behind they have two options:
1)Send out the "we have verified form letter"to the stack of letters that
they are behind on.
2)Or delete all of the disputed items on the stack of letters that they
are behind on.
This letter is my formal written request for you to investigate the
following "Unverified" accounts listed below: According to the Fair
Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C 1681 your company is required by
federal law to verify-through physical verification of the original signed
consumer contract- any and all accounts you post on a credit report to
assure maximum accuracy. Without proper verification by your
company, anyone paying for your reporting services could fax, mail or
email in a fraudulent account.
As I am sure that you are well aware, current case law states that
Consumer Reporting Agencies bear grave responsibilities to ensure the
accuracy of the accounts they report on and their responsibility must
consist of something more than merely parroting information received
from other sources. The Courts have ordered that a "Reinvestigation"
that merely shifts the burden back to the consumer and the credit
grantor cannot full fill the obligations imposed by U.S.C 1681(a)(4)
John Doe
1235 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90017
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of April, 2022.
______________________ (signature of Notary)
______________________ (print name of Notary)
MY commission expires: __________,20___.
Attached: Copy of my Social Security Card & Driver License is attached
Sent: USPS certified Mail
Your Full Name Address
City, State Zip code SSN: 000-00-0000
P.O Box 740256 Atlanta, GA 30374
DOB: 1/1/1989
August 6, 2022
Please be advised that this is my THIRD WRITTEN REQUEST and FINAL
WARNING that I fully intend to pursue litigation in accordance with the
FCRA to enforce my rights and seek relief and recover all monetary
damages that I may be entitled to under Section 616 and Section 617
regarding your continued willful and negligent noncompliance.
Despite two written requests, the unverified items listed below still
remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are required
under the FCRA to have properly verified that an account listed on my
credit profile is mine by having a copy of the original credit application
on file. In the results of your first investigation and subsequent
reinvestigation you stated in writing that you "verified" that these items
are being "reported correctly". Who in your company verified these
accounts are mine? How did they verify them? You still have not
provided me with the name of the individual, business address, and
telephone number of the person or business contacted during your
reinvestigation. You have NOT provided me with a copy of ANY original
documentation(a credit application with my signature on it) as required
under Section 609 & Section 611(a)(1)(A). Furthermore, you have failed
to provide the method of verification as required under Section 611(a)
(7). Please be advised that under Section 611(5) (A)of the FCRA- you
are required to "...promptly DELETE all information which cannot be
This law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I am
a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this
matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.
I Demand that you send me copies of the documents you used to verify
the following accounts listed below or you delete them immediately.
Please provide me with a copy of an updated and corrected credit
report showing that these items have been deleted.
This law is very clear as to the Civil Liability and the remedy available
to (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I am a
litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this matter
to enforce my rights under the FCRA
Thank you,
Your Signature Here
Your Name Here ____________________________
(signature of affiant)
John Doe
1235 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90017
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of September, 2022
_______________________________ (signature of Notary)
_______________________________ (print name of Notary)
My commission expires: ___________,20___.
Over time, if you have to file a complaint with the CFPB, FTC and/ or
your State Attorney General, you will have a strong supported case
against the Credit Bureaus and this evidence will be invaluable should
you ever have to go to go to the unusual extreme of filing a lawsuit to
seek damage. In this book you have learned the proper way to dispute
your credit profile. Trust the process, it truly works, you will be
amazed at the results.
IMPORTANT: Every time you send one of the letters to the credit
bureaus , make sure you remember to include a copy of your Driver
License and Social Security Card. Letter One make sure you send a
utility bill or a front page of a bill to prove your residency. Remember in
the beginning we said make 12 or 15 copies of your docs so when you
need them, they are already available to mail out. If you forget to
attach a copy of your Identification documents to each letter you will
probably get a reply after waiting 21-30 days that saying that they are
unable to respond to your request because they do not have any proof
of who you are attached to the dispute letter. That is another delay
tactic the credit bureaus like to pull to discourage you and to buy time.
After they receive your first dispute letter the Credit Bureaus have 30
days to investigate your dispute and send you a reply. In most cases,
they will send you an "acknowledgment letter" that appears to state
that they will not investigate your dispute and/or they will tell you that
you are illegally trying to dispute legitimate items on your credit report
and they may ask you to fill out a form or questionnaire and return it to
them. DO NOT FILL OUT ANY FORMS and return it to them. All you need
to do is respond to them with the next round of dispute letters that we
have provided for you in this book.
We invite you to look up all the cases we cited above on your own time
to further see the power of the Affidavit of Truth, but I highly suggest
you save these cases because you will more than likely have to cite
these cases against these debt collectors when you use your Affidavit
of Truth. One thing that you all should remember about an Affidavit is,
an Affidavit can only be rebutted with an affidavit, and that counter
affidavit must rebut your affidavit line by line. So do debt collectors
respond to our affidavits with affidavits? My brother and I have been
dealing with these zombie debt collectors. From debt collectors,
Student loans, cars, credit cards, etc. None of them have ever
responded to our Affidavit of Truth with an affidavit. Yes they respond
back with long statements and contracts which they claim bare our
signatures. One thing that never happens is that they respond back
with an Affidavit of Truth rebutting our facts. Why is that? Simply
because they can not. A corporation is not living, and because of that,
they can never truly defend themselves like a natural person. If you
want proof, call any debt collector and ask to speak to that debt
collector. Not a representative, or an employee, but the actual debt
collector! It will never happen because a corporation can not speak. So
they will never rebut your Affidavit of Truth because they can not. Once
your Affidavit is sent and they respond with a long statement and a
bunch of old mail with your address and maybe a contract, remember,
this is not a valid response to an Affidavit of Truth, and at this point
they have defaulted. The Affidavit of Truth is simply used to make
these collection companies default and give you the consumer even
more power. Next we will show you all how to draft your own Affidavit
of Truth. We will show you what it consists of. We will show you below
and give you an Affidavit of Truth template you can copy and edit and
draft your own for yourself.
6 Steps to Writing an Affidavit of Truth
1. Title the Affidavit
2. Draft a statement of identity
3. Write a statement of Truth
4. State the facts
5. Certify under the penalty of perjury/reiterate statement of truth
6. Sign and notarize
7. The most important part of this six part process is to get your
Affidavit of Truth NOTARIZED. Any Affidavit of Truth that is not
notarized is just hearsay, and hearsay is not admissible in court
We know what you're thinking, "why are they talking about court if I'm
not physically in court? Always remember, court starts in the mail, and
you should always handle your affairs against these zombie debt
collectors as if you're in the middle of a full blown court proceeding.
Below is a template of an Affidavit of Truth, I will number the six parts
so it makes sense. You will be able to reference each part. We will not
use the name of the natural person, so we will just call him "Consumer
1. Affidavit of Trust
2. Notice to all, I , am that I am, the consumer in fact, natural person,
original creditor, lender, executor, administrator, holder in due
course for any and all derivatives thereof for surname/given name
LEE, CONSUMER, and I have been appointed and accept being the
executor both public and private for all matters proceeding, and I
hereby claim that I will d/b/a CONSUMER,LEE and autograph as the
agent, attorney in fact, so be it;
3. Whereas, I of age, of majority, give this herein notice to all, I make
solemn oath to the one and only most high of creation only,
whoever that may be, and I depose the following facts, so be it, now
1. Fact, I am sure the removal of my information from your website,
company records, or any and all derivatives therefore, of, and/or
with any affiliates will ensure my privacy rights won't be violated
again due to my lack of consent and this herein unrebutted
Affidavit of Truth being serviced to you today and therefore,
standing as truth in commerce, so be it, and;
2. Fact, please show good faith in this matter by expediting the
securing of the alleged information listed on your site in order to
avoid me receiving further injury, damages, mental anguish, and
losses due to me being a victim of identity theft, so be it, and;
3. Fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as
Exhibit A and Exhibit B that Zombie Debt Collector Inc is in
violation of 15 USC 1692b(2)
4. Fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as
Exhibit A and Exhibit B that Zombie Debt Collector Inc is in
violation of 15 USC 1692b(5)
Fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as
Exhibit A and Exhibit B that Zombie Debt Collector Inc is in violation
of 15 USC 1692d(1)
Fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as
Exhibit A and Exhibit B that Zombie Debt Collector Inc is in violation
of 15 USC 1692b(2)
Fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as
Exhibit A and Exhibit B that Zombie Debt Collector Inc is in violation
of 15 USC 1692b(5)
1. Thank you,
LemarMarshall_Twin1 PaulMarshall_Twin2