Cyber Security Science Dec 2008

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A Scientific

Research and Development


Cyber Security
December 2008
Submitted to
The Department of Energy
Cover Image:

Piedmont Photo
A Scientific
Research and Development
Approach to
Cyber Security
December 2008

Submitted to the
Department of Energy


The Department of Energy has the responsibility to address the energy,

environmental, and nuclear security challenges that face our nation. In support of
this mission, it operates national laboratories and scientific user facilities,
performs basic and applied research and engineering, and works to assure reliable
energy delivery and to maintain our nuclear deterrence capabilities.

Despite ubiquitous dependence on electronic information and on networked

computing infrastructure, cyber security practice and policy is largely heuristic,
reactive, and increasingly cumbersome, struggling to keep pace with rapidly
evolving threats. Advancing beyond this reactive posture will require
transformation in information system architecture and new capabilities that do
not merely solve todays security challenges!they must render them obsolete.

The need is critical not only to the Department of Energy but also to other federal
agencies and to the private sector. The Department of Energy is uniquely poised
to undertake this work, complementing efforts at other agencies and industry.

Final Report

Submitted to the Department of Energy

On behalf of the Research and Development Community

(See Acknowledgements)

8 December 2008

Comments to:

Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory

[email protected]

Table of Contents

A Scientific Approach to Cyber Security .....................................................................................1!

Program Focus Areas .....................................................................................................................5!

Mathematics: Predictive Awareness for Secure Systems............................................................6!
Information: Self-Protective Data and Software .......................................................................11!
Platforms: Trustworthy Systems from Untrusted Components.................................................15!

A Science-Based Cyber Security Research Program ................................................................19!

Technical Organization and Management.................................................................................19!
Incentivizing Innovation............................................................................................................20!
Relationship to Other Energy Programs....................................................................................21!
Relationship to Other Federal Agencies....................................................................................21!

Summary and Recommendations ...............................................................................................23!

The Challenge: Obsolete Cyber Security Approaches ..............................................................23!
The Opportunity: Computational Science and Innovative Architecture ...................................23!
The Program: Incentivizing Innovation; Leveraging Science Programs ..................................24!

Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................25!

References and Notes....................................................................................................................26!

A Scientific Approach to Cyber Security

The Department of Energy has the responsibility to address the energy, environmental, and
nuclear security challenges that face our nation. The Department relies on information and
digitally based technology for every aspect of its mission, from operating national laboratories
and scientific user facilities to performing basic and applied research and engineering, and from
assuring reliable energy delivery to maintaining our nuclear deterrence capabilities. Much of the
Departments enterprise involves distributed, collaborative teams; a significant fraction involves
open science, which depends on collaborations that must share significant amounts of
information among institutions and over networks around the world.

The Department and its contractors produce millions of lines of new application-level and
system-level software each year, while deploying substantial amounts of commercial and open
source software and hardware systems. Energy infrastructures likewise involve complex
interactions of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system [1] and other
digitally based devices. The operational and scientific work at the Departments national
laboratories, plants, and scientific user facilities also create hundreds of thousands of data sets
annually, ranging from fully open to highly classified, and varying in size from kilobytes to
petabytes. The ability of the Department to execute its responsibilities depends critically on its
ability to assure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the intellectual property
embodied in its information systems and in the scientific, engineering, and operational software
and data that support its mission.

Despite this ubiquitous dependence on information and networked computing infrastructure, the
security of the Departments systems, software, and data is based on a largely heuristic, reactive
and increasingly cumbersome methodology that struggles to keep pace with rapidly evolving
threats. This situation puts at risk the Departments ability to ensure safe and secure operation of
facilities and infrastructure, to protect and control vital information assets, and to engage in the
open science research collaborations that are so essential for Departments success.

Innovation is needed in many areasranging from better A Science-Based Approach

authentication protocols to stronger encryption to better
understanding of social and human factors. While some Significant, game-changing
basic research is being done in these and other areas across transformation requires a science-
based approach that combines
the federal complex, the Presidents Information
fundamental understanding with
Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) concluded that experimentation, theory, and
the paucity of investment in this area is a crisis of modeling. The most successful
prioritization. [2] The modest Federal investment in cyber scientific programs use peer review
security research and development is primarily focused on to maximize intellectual capital and
prioritize research needs. The
very long-range theoretical topics (such as NSFs roughly Department of Energy has applied
$100M program) or is classified (such as the Department of this approach through programs
Defense programs) and thus not accessible for application to such as SciDAC and ASCI,
unclassified programs that comprise the majority of cyber employing multidisciplinary teams,
national-scale experimental
security needs of the Department of Energy and indeed of
facilities, and careful stewardship
our society as a whole. Transformation toward sustainably to create synergy between
secure infrastructure and operation within the Department of classified and unclassified sectors.
Energy and in our nation will require bridging research and

operation, classified and unclassified contexts, and public and private sector needs. The
Department of Energy is unique in its needand demonstrated abilityto effectively bring these

The Department is not alone in facing the cyber security issue and in the need to fundamentally
reinvent current cyber security practice. As noted in August 2007 by the Presidents Council of
Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Despite intensive efforts in government and the
private sector in recent years to identify and patch vulnerabilities and to upgrade overall security,
attackers continue to find new avenues for attack [3]. PCAST concluded, The ability to design
and develop secure NIT (Networking and Information Technology) systems is a national
priority (see sidebar Presidents Council of Advisors, p. 3). More recently, the National
Science and Technology Councils September 2008 Federal Plan for Advanced Networking
Research and Development [4] emphasizes the urgency of research and development in cyber
security, stating that special focus and prioritization are needed to respond to current national
networking security concerns.

The protection and control of information within the context of the global, open, Internet are also
essential for U.S. industry, where there is need to protect data across a spectrum from financial
and strategic business data to proprietary engineering designs and processes. Recent cyber
security breaches in the international financial sector, such as in the World Bank [5] and
International Monetary Fund [6] systems further illustrate the widespread failure of todays cyber
security strategies. As with open science, the entertainment and software industries have
additional challenges with information assets that must be distributedoften internationallyin
order to be valuable. Lacking effective methods for controlling the use of data products once they
have been distributed, these industries rely on ineffective copyright laws and enforcementat a
loss of billions of dollars annuallyor on overly restrictive and complex digital rights
management schemes [7,8].

Cyber security has the objective of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of
information and information systems. These properties are balanced commensurate with the
specific requirements of the information, information systems, and associated operations. The
traditional approach focuses on a layered defense, or defense in depth, strategy in which the
crown jewels are protected by walls and moats that form air gaps between the layers.

This layered defense approach to protecting assets is a key element of most defense systems,
whether physical or cyber. However, the complexity of information systems and platforms is such
that these tactics often introduce vulnerabilities that are not easily anticipated or addressed [9].
As such, todays cyber security methods, policies, and tools have proved to be increasingly
inadequate when applied to the exponentially growing scope, scale, and complexity of
information systems and the Internet. Even in highly isolated implementations, the approach has
been shown to be vulnerable to compromise by widely available technologies such as USB
drives, increasingly powerful (and small) mobile computing devices, and wireless networks. The
Department of Energys mission requirements involving work with industry and with the open
science community drive unique new cyber security needs due to the fact that associated
information and activities cannot be completely isolated without rendering them ineffective to
support the mission.

Vulnerabilities and new exploitations of todays approach to cyber security are identified daily.
Increasingly sophisticated adversaries with significant resources, including organized crime and
nation states [10], rapidly develop exploits to take advantage of these vulnerabilities.
Concurrently, automated attack tools [11,12] have expanded the volume of malicious activities by
lowering the level of expertise required to launch an attack. Typically, as new vulnerabilities
emerge, new products, policies, and initiatives are introduced to reactively counter these exploits.
The result of this reactive approach has ultimately been an ineffective posture characterized by a
cycle of patching vulnerabilities, more often than not discovered by exploits of those
vulnerabilities. The inevitable outcome is that some vulnerabilities will exploited before they are

Rather than continuing to approach cyber security problems in a reactive fashion, using variations
of the same tools and approaches, the Department must fundamentally re-examine its approach to
cyber security by moving to a proactive posture, anticipating and eliminating vulnerabilities while
also being prepared to effectively and rapidly defend against attacks. During the past two years, a
growing community of cyber security professionals and researchers from the laboratories, private
industry, academia, and other government agencies has conducted a series of workshops to assess
the state of cyber security in general and within the Department of Energy specifically. The
conclusion reached is that the Department should
develop a long-term strategy that applies science and Presidents Council of Advisors on
mathematics to develop information system Science and Technology (PCAST)
A National Priority
architectures and protective measures that go beyond
stopping traditional threats to rendering both The current portfolio of Federal
traditional and new threats harmless. investments in CSIA R&D is too heavily
weighted toward shorter-term projects
The complexity, interconnectedness, and scale of and the development of reactive rather
than preventative technologies. CSIA
information systems suggest that important lessons can R&D should focus on developing the
be learned from similarly complex systems that require scientific and technological foundations
integrity, confidentiality, and availability. For for future-generation NIT (Networking
example, a Department-sponsored workshop in May and Information Technology) systems
that are inherently more secure than
2008 brought together academics, industry experts, current technologies. The higher-priority
national laboratory scientists, and policy makers to investments for CSIA should include
explore metaphors such as biological immune systems, R&D in:
ecosystems, and markets and risk management [13]. A Comprehensive analysis of potential
key conclusion was that any effective approach to system-level vulnerabilities to inform
the design of inherently secure NIT
cyber security must address complexity at scale, systems
necessitating the use of scientific tools and techniques Generation of the fundamental
appropriate for such complex systems. building blocks for the development of
secure NIT systems
Usability and related social sciences,
Over six decades, the Department of Energy and its because progress in improving the
predecessors have employed science, mathematics, security of NIT systems also involves
and technology to solve challenges that require altering user behavior
fundamental understanding of large-scale, complex Recommendation: The Federal NIT
systemsranging from climate and genomics to the R&D agencies should give greater
development and maintenance of our nuclear deterrent. emphasis to fundamental, longer term
To date, however, this system-level science [14] Computer Security and Information
Assurance R&D and the infrastructure for
approach has not been applied to information that R&D. The Federal NIT R&D
infrastructure and systems, their behaviors, or their agencies should accelerate development
vulnerabilities. Such work requires advanced of an R&D infrastructure for creating,
algorithms, high-performance computation, large-scale testing, and evaluating new generations
data analysis, and, most critically, the ability to of inherently more secure NIT systems.

organize and sustain multidisciplinary, multiyear research efforts that maintain the long-term
perspective required to anticipate challenges that continue to evolve over decades. These are
strengths unique to the Departments national laboratories and, in particular, to the Office of
Science, which supports basic research programs that have demonstrated significant long-term
impact on the Departments mission (see, e.g., [15]).

Through programs such as the Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI [16]) and
Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC [17]), the Department has
transformed the practice of science beyond traditional approaches, leveraging exponential
improvements in capabilities and uniquely talented multidisciplinary teams to address problems
of a complexity that was previously inaccessible. The success of these programs positions the
Department to reinvent cyber security through a similar strategy of transformational research and
development. Such reinvention is essential and timely for the achievement of the Departments
mission to protect and assure the integrity of its scientific and nuclear deterrence information
resources and the nations energy system and scientific capabilities. It will also have a profound
positive impact on the nations economic and national security.

Within a broader federal program, the Departments unique mission and capabilities create
opportunity to address the Departments needs while providing new cyber security capabilities to
other agencies and to the private sector. The program outlined below addresses three focus areas:
(1) developing realistic, at-scale models that can be used to make faithful predictions about the
security properties of complex information and infrastructure systems, (2) ensuring the integrity,
confidentiality, and accessibility of mission-critical data, and (3) devising information and
command/control platforms and systems that enable operational integrity even given the presence
of untrusted components in a hostile operating environment. Such a program will provide a firm
scientific foundation for designing and operating critical information and digitally based
command/control systems and infrastructure.

Transformational capabilities such as those outlined in this report have application well beyond
computing platforms, software, and information infrastructure. They address increasingly critical
needs in areas including command and control, supply chain management, and regional and
national electrical distribution grids. As has been a hallmark of scientific programs in the
Department, the program outlined here encompasses the needs and priorities of both open and
classified aspects of the Departments mission, emphasizing the balance of information (and
information systems) integrity, confidentiality, and access.

Presidents Information Technology
Program Focus Areas
Advisory Committee (PITAC)
Cyber Security Research Priorities
Todays national cyber security needs are broad, ranging
1. Authentication Technologies from better authentication and authorization technologies
2. Secure Fundamental Protocols and protocols to improved cryptographic techniques,
3. Secure Software Engineering and from improved understanding of the human factors that
Software Assurance underpin too-often-successful social engineering attacks
4. Holistic System Security
5. Monitoring and Detection to new protocols able to protect wireless networks. Many
6. Mitigation and Recovery federal programs and initiatives as well as multiple
Methodologies reports on information technology and cyber security
7. Cyber Forensics: Catching have outlined a broad range of research focus areas to
Criminals and Deterring Criminal
address cyber security. For example, the Presidents
8. Modeling and Testbeds for New Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC)
Technologies laid out ten priorities, shown in the sidebar at left, in
9. Metrics, Benchmarks, and Best 2005 [18], and the Presidents Council of Advisors on
Practices Science and Technology (PCAST) identified three major
10. Non-Technology Issues That Can
Compromise Cyber Security areas, shown in the sidebar on p. 3, for high-priority

A national focus on cyber security research and development has emerged with presidential
directives as well as with the multiagency National Cyber Leap-Ahead Year [19]. These
initiatives will support both operational and research programs across the federal government,
providing a broad focus across important research areas such as those listed by PITAC.

This report outlines three focus areas that that form an integrated program within this broader
context, leveraging specific, unique strengths, infrastructure, and programs within the
Department. The aim of this program is to transform the security and operational integrity of
national assets and capabilities essential to the Departments mission.

Mathematics: Predictive Awareness for Secure Systems. Provide capabilities to

examine system or network behavior to anticipate failure or attack, including real-time
detection of anomalous activity and adaptive immune system response. This work will
require deeper understanding of complex applications and systems, through data-driven
modeling, analysis, and simulation of architectures, techniques, and processes.

Information: Self-Protective Data and Software. Create active data systems and
protocols to enable self-protective, self-advocating, and self-healing digital objects. This
work will tackle the critical problem of data provenance and related research to provide
information integrity; awareness of attributes such as source, modification, traceback, and
actors; and mechanisms to enforce policy concerning data confidentiality and access.

Platforms: Trustworthy Systems from Untrusted Components. Develop techniques

for specifying and maintaining overall trust properties for operating environments and
platforms, quantifying and bounding security and protection, integrity, confidentiality,
and access in the context of a system comprising individual components for which
there are varying degrees of trust.

Mathematics: Predictive Awareness for Secure Systems

The inherent interdependence and complexity of modern cyber infrastructures suggests that
understanding and predicting behavior and performance at scale requires the application of
mathematical and computational tools and techniques. The Department has well-established
strengths in using very large scale simulation and modeling approaches across a wide range of
scientific disciplines. Leveraging these strengths will enable significant advances in
understanding the trustworthiness of complex systems, assessing the effectiveness of cyber
defenses, and understanding situational threat, vulnerability, and mission risk.

During the past several decades, the adoption of computational sciencesimulation and
modelinghas revolutionized many scientific disciplines. Ironically, computational science and
high-performance computation have played a much more modest role in the fields of computer
science and engineering, and almost no role at all in the design and management of information
and energy infrastructures. Where models exist at all in these areas, they are relatively simplistic
[20]. Where cyber security is concerned, virtually all of todays policies, techniques, and
protective systems have evolved from trial and error rather than being based on an underlying set
of models regarding individual components, systems of components, or complex and dynamic
information infrastructures. In short, cyber security today is more of a craft than a science.
Consequently, cyber security solutions often resemble prescientific approaches, where systems
are frequently inflexible, overengineered, and fraught with unanticipated failure modes, and
where it is impossible to reasonably forecast the impact of a modification or series of events.

A scientific basis for the design of trustworthy systems, proactive protection, and methods for
understanding behavior under a variety of conditions, including failure modes, is essential if we
are to move beyond defensive, ad hoc, expensive, and ultimately vulnerable cyber security
practices. Mathematics, modeling, simulation, and data analysis are the means by which we can
design trustworthy systems as well as predict behavior and anticipate attacks before they occur.
Simply put, these tools will elicit the detailed picture necessary to create game-changing solutions
to the cyber security problem [21].

Extant infrastructure models focus on critical components or representative core subsystems but
do not provide an overall view. The criticality of understanding the behavior and vulnerabilities,
at scale, of SCADA systems, electrical power distribution networks, and the distributed, network-
connected information infrastructure of the Departments complex provide clear focus areas for
application. From a strictly cyber security point of view, these techniques will be equally useful
for understanding networks, the Internet, and malware behavior. The benefits of better models
range from improved strategies underlying policy and priority decisions to forming the basis for
building predictive capabilities.

Analysis of existing networks and malware, as well as the currently intractable scale of network
sensor data that must be analyzed, will be fundamental to providing inputs to support cyber
security and modeling and simulation. Such analysis will define a new class of high-performance
computing (HPC) application problems, which the Department is well suited to address. A
diverse set of analytical capabilities will be required to extract information (large-scale data
mining and knowledge discovery from high-speed networks) from cyber observables ranging
from logins to network traffic to software behavior. A scientific approach to cyber security
requires development and application of innovative approaches to quantify, process, display, and

communicate existing, future, and potential threats. The complex cyber world poses numerous
analysis challenges that must be addressed to collect, manage, store, process, integrate, and
understand massive, heterogeneous, distributed cyber data [22].

The Department has the opportunity, expertise, and infrastructure to apply the tools and
techniques of computational science, including high-performance computing and the analysis of
petascale data, to revolutionize cyber security. As with other disciplines, the first steps involve
models for fundamental building blocksindividual programs, operating systems, and computing
platformsfollowed by composite models involving systems of such components. For example,
the medical field is pursuing a range of models concurrently, including fundamental components
(folding proteins to cells), critical systems (blood flow, nervous systems, immune systems), and
the interaction of organisms (epidemiology [23, 24], sociology). Similarly, an adequate
framework for trustworthy system design and predictive awareness will involve a range of cyber
securityrelated efforts including fundamental components (programs, malware, operating
systems, platforms), critical systems (networks, SCADA and electrical distribution systems), and
interactions (epidemiology, sociology).

Several key capabilities are absent in todays cyber security approach:

Provable methods for quantifying trustworthiness and risk within a component or system
of components.
Computational models that capture expected behavior in software, platforms, and
networks of systems such that failure, compromise, or vulnerable conditions can be
detected in real time or even predicted.
Techniques for performing and analyzing ensembles of scenarios to develop effective
responses to various events and vulnerabilities, leading to the ability to predict outcomes
to potential remedies during an event.
Techniques for understanding the necessary and sufficient conditions required to restore
trust and yet maintain functioning and usable systems.
Methods to analyze sensor data to identify and locate control systems responsible for
botnets, malware distribution, denial-of-service attacks, and other widespread disruption.
Models for optimizing placement of sensors, locating weak points, and identifying
architectural vulnerabilities in platforms, software systems, and networks

Such capabilities give rise to the potential for proactive cyber security scenarios such as:

Component and infrastructure immune systems that detect failures or attacks and
implement appropriate responses (isolation or destruction of pathogens, self-healing of
systems) [25].
Infrastructure models to predict and prevent modificationswhether to software,
platforms, or an organizations infrastructurethat would introduce vulnerabilities or
increase risk of failure [26].
Defense responses designed to render infections or attacks ineffective, such as
immediately instantiating a quarantined, virtual copy of an organizations infrastructure
to isolate and examine the nature and intentions of the intrusion, or creating a hall of
mirrors effect with thousands or tens of thousands of virtual targets, making it
impractical for the attacker to locate assets of interest.

The research areas described in the following sections provide the basis for these and other
fundamentally new approaches to cyber security. These areas also motivate the development of
useful tools for risk assessments to guide cyber security investment priorities and policies. The

proposed mathematics not only will aid in reducing todays vulnerabilities but also will provide
guidance and modeling capabilities that are essential for the development of a more secure
Internet in the future.

Modeling and Simulation Challenges

A strong mathematical foundation is essential for mathematical models that are to be used for
computational simulation of critically important infrastructure, such as computer networks.
Models must be well posed, meaning that small perturbations in input data do not result in
unbounded changes in the model state. Computability is an important issue as well. Issues such as
the required fidelity, scalability, and acceptability of various approximations must be considered
in the context of the requirements of the application as well as the capability of the computer on
which the model must execute.

For cyber security applications, large-scale modeling, simulation, and emulation approaches can
be used to understand the inherent structure and evolution of networks (information, SCADA, or
electrical distribution), software systems, or other complex infrastructure at various scales and
time resolutions. Such a capability can potentially be used to predict network behavior that is
consistent with observed data and to discover emergent behavior of such complex systems [27].
Capabilities anticipated with such models include the following:

Provide methods to support ongoing assessment and experimentation associated with

development of a new defensive posture, technologies, or opponent capabilities.
Quantify the robustness and survivability of platforms, systems, and networks to attacks,
comparing various architectures, policies, or changes.
Real-time or retrospective discovery of large-scale attack kinetics.
Evaluate the probable effectiveness and pitfalls of particular defenses, remedies and
recovery strategies in advance of deployment.
Understand the impact on cyber security of new or proposed technologies, security
measures, and network topologies.
Model the impact of human and social dynamics on the morphology and growth of
critical infrastructure, e.g. by quantifying vulnerabilities to social engineering attacks.
Provide real-time support for red-teaming activities when studying and evaluating new
cyber security measures.

Realistic-scale simulation of critical infrastructure, from the electrical power distribution grids to
distributed software systems to networks of computers, also requires precise understanding of
subsystems and components. Often the significant actors lie in the particulars of protocol stacks,
operating systems, or firmware of individual components. Work is needed to understand the
propagation of these particulars from the subscale and their contribution to the observed overall
system behavior. Mathematics and algorithms in the dynamics of large-scale graphs and
renormalization schemes must preserve the essential dynamics and illuminate the mechanisms.

Research challenges and questions in this area include the following:

Developing the multiscale mathematics techniques required to faithfully reproduce the

observed emergent cyber security behavior of the network as a whole while preserving
the essential characteristics of the fine scale (e.g., single attached node).
Developing mathematical characterizations of normal network behavior so that anomalies
can be identified (e.g., that indicate an attack or expose a vulnerability).

Leveraging the Departments strengths in HPC to create a large-scale network emulation
capability that reproduces observed Internet behavior and can inform the construction of
mathematics, algorithms, and models for cyber security [28].
Using modeling and simulation to evaluate means for turning complexity and/or scale
against the attacker such as
o obfuscation of the instruction set or architecture forcing each attack to be a
custom creation and
o architecture of deceptive networks with continually changing topologies and
addresses or using virtual machines to populate every IP address on a network,
confusing intruders as to the whereabouts of real assets.

Data Analysis and Underlying Mathematics Challenges

Observation and measurement complement modeling and simulation as tools for understanding
the behavior of complex information systems. A particular opportunity for cyber security is to use
and enhance analysis tools in order to provide an advanced cyber situational awareness capability.
The purpose of such a capability is to provide immediate detection of anomalous and potentially
dangerous activity on cyber networks and on computing platforms on the networks. In particular,
statistical modeling, machine learning, graph theory, and network analysis techniques will play
important roles in the development of such a capability.

For cyber security applications, analysis of cyber data applied research and tool development can
be used to provide the following:

Real-time ability to distinguish between harmless anomalies and malicious attacks.

Capabilities for automated detection, warning, response, prevention, and preemption.
Detection of hidden information and covert information flows.
Statistical approaches for exploration, characterization and analysis of cyber activity.
Forensic analysis, traceback, and attribution of cyber incidents.
HPC-enabled software wind tunnel test harness capabilities to perform exhaustive
software regression and usage tests for discovery of cyber security vulnerabilities.
Evaluation of risk and quantification of trust through statistical traffic analysis.

The research challenges in this area include the following:

Developing machine learning and data-mining techniques that can operate in real time on
massive amounts of highly heteroscedastic, nonstationary data to distinguish between
harmless anomalies and malicious attacks.
Developing graph-theoretical methods to accurately characterize and measure the
structure of the Internet.
Leveraging HPC to understand emergent network behavior only observable at scale.
Advancing the state of the art in graph theory, graph theoretic analysis, abstract network
theory, and large-scale simulation to understand the spread of malware or the effects of
an infrastructure attack.
Developing knowledge discovery techniques on graphs that use patterns of data flow
between nodes to characterize network behavior.
Developing extensions to graph theory to provide meaningful theoretical statements
about large, time-varying graphs and associated network information flows in order to
understand the time-varying structure and behavior of the Internet.

Developing advances in robust optimization and game theory in order to understand
emergent behavior and develop methods to control the network.
Understanding how to balance the risks of potential threats with the impact and costs of
cyber responses through the development of statistical approaches for evaluating risk and
quantifying trust.

Information: Self-Protective Data and Software

The orderly progress of both science and society depends on correct inferences and judgments
drawn from data. In contexts ranging from high-energy physics to the corporate boardroom, the
intelligence community, and each of the Departments mission areas, it is essential that these
inferences be drawn from data whose provenance is assured and whose quality is understood.
Although making the right decision based on available data is challenging an even more difficult
task is assuring that the data itself has not been compromised as it is extracted from the original
source, digitized, transformed, interpreted, filtered, and combined.

Concurrently, the protection of classified, private, and operational data and software from
disclosure, unauthorized modification, or destruction is critical to the Departments mission. Data
and software are protected by active barriers such as firewalls, authentication and authorization
schemes, and physical isolationthe crown jewels metaphor that assumes information is
passive and fundamentally subject to contamination, destruction, or theft. This approach cannot
keep up with the rapidly evolving cyber threat space. A significant transformation is required that
makes data self-protecting rather than dependent on external protections. Such an approach would
render todays cyber security threats irrelevant.

Part of the Departments mission is to engage in large science projects and to provide
infrastructure for international collaborations. For example, Open Science Grid [29] is
revolutionizing scientific collaborations by enabling internationally distributed teams to operate
as a single, coherent entity. A key feature of these collaborations is the cooperation of entities that
need to protect proprietary material while sharing essential collaboration artifacts; a second key
feature is a lower level of trust than would exist in a single institution; and a third key feature is
the fact that data is typically produced by one or more organizations, transformed by others, and
merged and filtered by yet others, before it is ultimately used to make a scientific judgment.
Today, mechanisms for tracking the provenance of such data throughout the workflow exist only
in rudimentary form and in a few large projectsno general-purpose system is available.
Moreover, despite advanced understanding of the issues in some technical communitiesfor
example, hierarchy of evidence in the medical community and standards of evidence in the
legal communitythese notions are not embodied in current approaches to digital infrastructure.
Thus, the quantification of confidence and provenance in data and the workflows that manipulate
data is left to individual scientists and projects.

The critical challenge to information or data integrity, accessibility, confidentiality, or

trustworthiness is to move from todays paradigm of passive data (that must be protected by
external means) to active data that can:

Detect and prevent unauthorized access or use.

Recover from damage or manipulation, retaining information regarding the nature of the
event and initiator.
Present verifiable credentials regarding its origins and subsequent transformations.
Execute defensive protocols to identify attackers and attack methods.
Develop immunities through learning and communicating with peers.

The concept of self-protection also involves active self-maintenance of provenance, integrity, and
chain of evidence, or self-advocacy. The applicability of such an approach extends beyond

large international collaborations and open science projects to contexts such as SCADA systems,
the intelligence community, political governance, and military systems. Similarly, software and
entertainment industries need to distribute information products while ensuring that use and
further distribution continue to comply with copyright and licensing rules.

To achieve these capabilities will require changing our conventional notion of data from passive
objects to active self-healing entities, moving from reactive to proactive approaches by deploying
automated defense mechanisms. Not only will breakthroughs of this program transform the way
we protect infrastructure, discover new sciences, and collaborate internationally, but they will
provide essential building blocks for digital rights management in digital commerce.

The Departments pursuit of exascale computing capabilities, combined with the use of petabyte-
scale data as will be produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), introduces the dimension of
scale to this challenge. The size and complexity of the data associated with such initiatives are
well beyond the capacity of existing integrity approaches. Moreover, the data is distributed or
stored at great geographical and temporal distances from the point of origin, making large-scale
data integrity a critical cyber security research issue. In some instances, such as data collected
from experiments or via sensor networks, data is difficult or even impossible to reproduce. As the
Department pursues petascale computing, scientists must be able to establish and manage
scientific integrity and provenance of exabytes of scientific data such as data generated and used
by the INCITE [30] programs and associated with the scientific user facilities.

Self-protective information capabilities must address at least three fundamental challenges:

knowledge or proofs about how data was originally constructed or gathered, and a measure of its
trustworthiness and reliability when originally produced; the ability to determine whether changes
have occurred since construction or capture of the data and whether these changes are acceptable;
and the ability to express and enforce policies concerning how both original data and derived data
products can be accessed and distributed (see sidebar Self-Protection, p. 12). To achieve these
capabilities will require movement from current ad hoc (or nonexistent) approaches to techniques
such as referencing chain of successive custody, sources and operations, incorporating notions of
pedigrees and dependencies, and tracking (including distribution and potentially source
attribution). Simply put, decisions are based on information, and thus attributes such as chain of
custody and intermediate transformations are essential.

Mathematical techniques such as encryption and digital signatures will be essential, but they are
not solutions in themselves. Indeed, their application today often exemplifies the current,
inadequate approach involving active systems manipulating passive data. Self-healing and self-
protecting capabilities must enable the data itself to maintain key properties and provenance
information over time and at scale.

The potential for self-protective, trustworthy data to transform and accelerate scientific discovery
within the Department is in part related to empowering teams, as is clearly recognized in the
medical domain, where loosely coupled virtual biotechs supported by e-commerce
infrastructure are developing treatments for rare diseases whose impact is below the threshold of
investment for large pharmaceutical companies [31]. Increased trust in data is a key enabler of
novel workflows and virtual collaborations that have the potential to increase the pace at which
virtual program teams operate in all scientific domains.

Self-protective data with the ability to maintain provenance and chain of evidence is also essential
as a basis for information assurance more generally. Transactions in the physical world usually
are more trusted than their cyberspace counterparts in large part because of accountabilitywhen

people break the law they can be held accountable. Self-Protection: From Biological Systems to
Todays Internet-based networking technology, Data Sets
which arose in a trust-based academic context, One approach to developing self-protecting data is
completely lacks accountability. By providing to imbue data sets with certain active, lifelike
mechanisms for data provenance and integrity, we propertiescontrasting sharply with todays inert
datasets. For example, one can apply the concept
will be taking a foundational step toward of DNA fingerprinting to enable data sets to
accountability in cyberspace. maintain information relating to identity,
provenance, and integrity. When data sets were
fused together, they would inherit the genetics of
Research Challenges and Objectives their parents, enabling users to determine
paternity or maternity all the way back to the
ultimate sources of their inferences. Certain data
Self-protecting data systems will have at least sets would be genetically incompatible, providing
new ways to detect and avoid the mosaic problem
three critical capabilities: attributes, access, and in which unclassified sources may be combined to
protection. Key attributes include origin and produce classified results. In the same way that
history (chain of evidence, transformations, etc.), biologists now use fluorescence to mark proteins, it
would be possible to mark and trace data as it
whereby the data set maintains information and moves through a workflow or chain of custody.
history. Access, such as is necessary to protect Given distributed storage, one should be able to
private and classified data, must be actively reconstitute a data set from a single sample of its
DNA. A living dataset is self-organizing, knows
governed by the data in contrast to externally who has a need to know and where it needs to
governed data access in todays systems. Further, be. Living data can evolve to find a physical niche
where it is protected from predators.
with the exponentially decreasing cost of data
storage, it is feasible to consider data that is A number of recent scientific advances provide the
indestructible in that it can be reconstituted basis for building such systems. Efficient,
statistically based network monitoring techniques
without loss of attributes or privacy. that detect the presence of adversaries in a
network have recently been developed at Princeton
These capabilities will require advances in [S1]; digital watermarking can be used in a stealthy
fashion on certain kinds of media [S2]; new
mathematics, protocols, and data as well as information-theoretic and cryptographic techniques
software systems, including the following: for countering Byzantine pollution attacks are being
developed in the context of network-coded systems
that potentially combine multiple streams of data
Mathematical techniques that support [S3]; peer-to-peer systems like Microsofts
deriving integrity and integrity checks at Avalanche are beginning to recognize the value of
network coding and swarming to ensure the
the exascale level, for potentially broadly ubiquity of data [S4]; and ample research arising
distributed exascale datasets, and for high- from DARPAs active networks program provide s
performance data streaming. insight into ways for data to carry code about itself.
The challenge is to bring these results together in a
Self-protecting or active datadata working system in the service of science. The
with the ability to maintain provenance Department has many opportunities in this regard,
ranging from scientific user facilities at the
and chain of evidence and to recognize laboratories to the LHC community and Open
when such data has been compromised. Science Grid.
Robust, trustworthy methods for proving
that representations of dataclaims made
by self-protecting dataare consistent with the underlying data.
Methods for measuring the trustworthiness or reliability of data when originally
Methods for specification of rules for changes or transformations applied to data, for
representation of such modifications, and for validation and verification.
Mechanisms to capture and retain information for traceability and accountability,
including as necessary identity and context (location, tools used, time, etc.)
Methods for combining data provenance from a variety of sources, that allow for
uncertainty of provenance and propagation of uncertainties (analyze data provenance
from disparate sources).

Data storage, organization, and replication techniques to support recovery and self-repair
of large-scale data sets, including cloning with reconstitution of attributes.
Schemes for enabling flexible integrity and provenance-sensitive policies for
applications, thereby ensuring that only data that meets predetermined standards is
incorporated in a computation or presented in a display.
Algorithms and techniques for real-time detection of unauthorized access or modification
(tamper-proof data), for self-repair, and for triggering defensive (or offensive) actions
such as beaconing and/or self-destruction.
Methods of protecting sensitive data provenance information during data
transformationsrecognizing and preventing the mosaic problem whereby multiple
unclassified or sensitive items combine to reveal classified or sensitive information.

Related Research

Research in the area of data integrity and data provenance for scientific computing is still in its
infancy. Bibas Integrity Model [32] is arguably the most influential paper in identifying the core
research issues. Integrity deals with improper modification of data and is an important companion
attribute to provenance, which considers how the data has been generated and handled.

The open science community has made useful strides in considering provenance architectures by
addressing challenge problems through workshops [33, 34]. Researchers have identified key
challenges of data provenance and have developed prototypes that show promise and could be
leveraged by the Department. Examples include:

The Proof Markup Language, part of a semantic web-based knowledge

provenance/justification infrastructure, supports attributes such as provenance,
interoperability, and trust as part of a documents markup [35].
The Open Provenance Model [36] and the Pedigree Management and Assessment
Framework [37] have been proposed for representing scientific data provenance.
Progress has been made in identifying the security-relevant characteristics of provenance
data, separately from that of the data associated [38]. Markings about provenance can
often be far more sensitive than the data itself, particularly in communities where sources
and methods must be protected.
Though typically implemented in a passive data context, the Tripwire approach [39]
addresses file system and configuration integrity through identifying changes in files.
Integrity violations in the file system provide a way to detect the activities of some
categories of intruders and malware. Researchers have also begun to consider proactive
approaches to maintaining integrity, such as self-securing storage [40].
Reputation systems [41] could be used to provide assurances about data integrity and
assertions about the validity of a particular chain of custody.
VXA (Virtual eXecutable Archives) is an architecture for active archives, a method
whereby decoders for compression strategies can be incorporated directly within an
archive. This is particularly useful in areas such as multimedia, since it allows for
evolution of the compression schemes themselves without losing the ability to work with
legacy archives [42].
Rather than labels or graphs, other evidence could support provenance and integrity
advances. For instance, proof-carrying authorization approaches have been successfully
extended to provide an alternative way of thinking about credentials, so that they are
proven as logical claims rather than simple identity bindings [43].

Platforms: Trustworthy Systems from Untrusted Components

Integral to effectively addressing the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information and
data is the notion of trust with respect to the platforms and systems that create, move, manipulate,
and house this information and data. The ability to identify and manage the information integrity
and provenance of a dataset is inextricably tied to understanding the trustworthiness of
manipulations performed upon data (or performed by data, in the case of actively resilient data).

Platforms comprise many components from many

Below the Waterline sources, ranging from hardware to embedded
firmware to software, and they operate within an
The importance of trusted information
platforms is illustrated by looking at the Basic untrusted or hostile environment. They are subject
Input-Output System, or BIOS, software that to malicious attacks, manipulation, policy conflicts
is used to start a computer. It is burned into and gaps, unplanned-for circumstances, mis-
a memory chip and soldered onto the configuration and accidental failures. Currently it
computers motherboard. The original BIOSes
were simple and fit in 8 kilobytes; newer
is impossible to understand precisely (within an
BIOSes are extraordinarily complex and use acceptable tolerance) the trustworthiness of a
up to 16 megabytes [S5]. BIOSes now software or hardware platform. That is, we lack a
include device drivers, file systems, and quantitative understanding of the likelihood that
network protocol stacks. Increased
the platform can provide confidentiality, integrity,
complexity makes it ever harder to verify that
the BIOS is doing only what it should be and accessibility commensurate with the mission
doing. Researchers have noted that this supported by the platform. Determining the level
enormous increase in size opens up new of trust, where a Boolean answer is insufficient
exploitation opportunities. Because the and impractical, is a challenge that extends from
software to replace the BIOS resides in the
BIOS itself, a compromise can include code computing and information platforms to any real-
that makes changes impossible, or only world system, from aircraft to supply chains, from
appear to succeed. And because the BIOS is SCADA control systems for electric power grids
below the control of the operating system, no or instruments control and management systems.
software reload or even disk replacement can
eradicate a BIOS virus. Further, the BIOS is
physically attached to the motherboard and Simply put, we no longer operate single computer
not field-replaceable. systems with simple peripherals. Todays
platforms are distributed systems in their own
Since these BIOSes are available only in right, running several proprietary operating
binary form, it is practically impossible to
assure that they have not been compromised
systems, on different types of CPUs, and with
[S6] somewhere in the supply chain. In other multiple interconnect subsystems. The challenge
words, they can arrive already compromised. encompasses not only complexity and scale but
Since most supply chains are now entirely also the reality that any such system includes
outside the U.S., there are many places
components whose internals (whether hardware or
outside our control where a BIOS can be
compromised in a manner we cannot detect. software) are opaque because of practical or legal
It is straightforward to embed a virus in the constraints, or both.
BIOS that is not detectable on the operating
systems or application levels. Indeed this The traditional focus on securing the operating
possibility was illustrated when code was
embedded in a commercial BIOS from 1999
system is thus necessary but not sufficient because
to 2001, allowing the originators to gather the operating system is only one of many sources
usage data and potentially to take control of vulnerability in a complex trust chain. Even if
transparently and undetectably of several the operating system is secured, significant
million PC desktops [S7].
vulnerabilities remain underneath.

Of particular concern today is the presence or insertion of malicious components (hardware or
software) whose aim is not to fundamentally disable or alter the operation of the platform but to
introduce modifications that are inherently difficult to detect. These include unauthorized
resource usage, subtle modifications sufficient to undermine proper operation (e.g. to produce
plausible, but incorrect, results), or the exfiltration of critical information [44].

Research in this thrust area is motivated by a number of challenging questions, in some cases
potentially leveraging capabilities and principles such as self-protection and self-advocating
as outlined in the previous section:

Can we design a composite platform such that failure or compromise of one component is
isolated, protecting the overall platform?
Can we extend software inspection and development tools to identify and correct
commonly known security programming errors?
Can we develop data-processing algorithms for parallel platforms such that a limited
number of compromised nodes will not affect the integrity of the computations?
Can we build desktop and server platforms such that an adversary connected directly to
one of our core networks cannot cause damage or have access to protected data?

Addressing these challenges and quantifying trust for individual platforms, much less networks of
platforms, will require a number of breakthroughs:

Frameworks and languages for specifying and enforcing expected (and thus preventing
aberrant) behavior and interaction among components, quantifying trust levels, and
precisely understanding the impact on trustworthiness of introducing new components or
platform modifications [45].
Architectures containing one or more trust points whereby the platform trustworthiness
can be bounded by securing a subset of software and/or hardware components.
Algorithms and techniques that enable quantification of trust in scientific or operational
(e.g., control) results derived from ensembles of platforms where a subset of platforms is
known to be untrusted. Essentially, what is needed is a computational analog to
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) or secret-splitting techniques that enable
trust despite failure of individual components below particular thresholds.
Mechanisms for isolating trust within platforms, such as protecting mission-critical
applications and data from operating systems or protecting operating systems from device
firmware [46].
Approaches to enable platforms to detect threat behavior of subsystems or components,
initiating protective platform response such as isolating or disabling the offending device
or program.
Approaches to rapid, precise, and effective incident recovery to re-establish positive
control with minimal collateral damage.

Applied Research Opportunities

A number of emerging technologies and approaches provide the basis for pursuit of these
objectives, enabling, for example:

Developing effective strategies for use of emerging new hardware protections that
partition memory and I/O access (and similar strategies to disable vulnerable components

such as DMA [47] on machines without this support). Upcoming hardware from Intel,
AMD, and IBM will all support this capability.
Compartmentalizing the operating system by exploiting virtualization technologies to
create multiple machine partitions, compartmentalizing functions such as I/O (e.g., device
drivers), and explicitly enforcing interaction limitations to eliminate the current need for
built-in trust within the operating system and among its subsystems.
Providing secure, limited-functionality operating systems and applications for the virtual
machine manager that enforces access policy to the physical resources and virtual
systems under its management. Research
in secure operating system technologies Structural Vulnerabilities: The Operating
that are applied in a well-defined System and I/O
confined context should result in higher Operating systems run within a protection
integrity guarantees for the virtual domain with greater privilege than user
machine hosting environments. programs, with access to the entire machine,
Limiting operating system functions in including user program memory. However, the
lieu of enabling user programs to interact basic assumptions made by most operating
systems today are based on trust paradigms
directly with device drivers, placing the that no longer hold for modern platforms.
operating system in the focused role
authenticating and authorizing user In traditional designs, an important role of the
applications with respect to device usage. operating system is to govern the interactions
between the CPU and I/O (e.g., peripherals,
Exploring a Mandatory Access Control
networks), where these devices are assumed
model [48] beyond device drivers and to be dumb hardware under control of the
operating systems, encompassing user CPU. In this design the operating system
applications and interfaces as well. kernel implicitly trusts the software (drivers)
Investigating trustable and verifiable operating these I/O devices, traditionally
assumed to be from the same source as the
security use of trusted hardware modules OS itself.
within individual components. These
trust anchors are to provide the basis for Today, however, I/O systems include dedicated
attestation of the integrity of any processors and are autonomous subsystems
software module layered on the actual rather than under control of the CPU. Indeed,
todays I/O devices frequently run complex,
hardware. The Trusted Platform Module dedicated operating systems themselves.
[49] specification is an example, and These autonomous I/O devices have direct
with current Multicore CPU technology a access to read or write platform memory,
potential implementation might be to outside of the control of the CPU and thus the
protection of the operating system.
dedicate a core or subset of cores for use
as trusted arbiters, monitors, or This disconnect between operating system and
enforcement agents. platform architecture means that many
Deploying virtual machine isolation contemporary platforms are inherently insecure
and can be readily compromised. An untrusted
properties and hypervisor physical access device has the capability, for instance, to carry
management for security purposes. So a back door within its operating system that,
far, the commercial deployment of upon receiving a certain sequence of packets,
virtual machine technologies has focused could scan memory, look for sensitive data,
mainly on the virtues of resource sharing. and send the data anywhere, at low bandwidth,
as email or even http requests.
Many security-related advances are
possible through the use of virtual
machines, such as compartmentalization of applications, fine-grained policy enforcement,
and monitoring of applications inside of virtual machine instances [50].

Exploring embedded software design and implementation for components whose
untrusted nature (e.g., closed proprietary and hence unverifiable) affects the overall trust
in the composite platform. One example would be an open source, verifiable or attestable
alternative that provides higher integrity guarantees of that platform.

Example Platform Challenges

Current approaches to platform design emphasize performance and economics, with fundamental
cyber security requirements either assumed to be imposed externally (e.g., via policy or access
control) or included based on principles that assume a level of platform homogeneity and
simplicity that no longer exists. Evaluating new techniques for creating trustworthy platforms
might involve challenges such as the following:

Design and implement the minimal/smallest, proven-secure open operating system that
can function in the role of a virtual machine appliance, hypervisor, or embedded software
operating system (e.g., BIOS) [51].
Given a computational problem and a known correct answer, reproduce the correct
answer given a platform of N nodes where a certain percentage is untrustworthy [52].
Demonstrate an alternative architecture to the conventional CPU that writes/burns code
directly to the FPGA to produce a useful/provable platform [53].
Create a machine code disassembler that can correctly map the functions, execution
paths, and known security holes (race conditions, buffer overflows, etc.) for a provided
executable [54].
Create a security analyzer for a compiler that can find known security problems in a
program (or operating system).

A Science-Based Cyber Security Research Program

Sustained collaborative effort between cyber experts and scientists from other disciplines must
drive the cyber security research agenda. Because of the range of sensitivities and the direct
impact on the Departments mission from the standpoint of operations in general and with respect
to computing resources, both the articulation and the execution of this agenda require active
involvement of both the DOE laboratories and academic research communities. Peer review
processes must be used to identify the best research ideas. Opportunities for dissemination of
research resultsthrough workshops, conferences, traditional publications, or online journals
will be an important consideration in engaging the open science community. Involvement of
postdoctoral researchers and students in this effort will help build the pipeline of trained cyber
professionals. Additional partnerships with forward-looking, innovative commercial hardware
and software vendors may be necessary to fully address the cyber threat.

Technical Organization and Management

Creating a cyber security R&D initiative as outlined above will require an integrated set of
programs to both address the underlying scientific challenges and foster experimentation with
new approaches to cyber security that are revolutionary rather than evolutionary in nature. The
Departments mission encompasses both unclassified and classified work, and thus there is a
significant culture with embedded processes to manage the interplay between these needs through
the national laboratories. Because cyber security is critical to both classified and unclassified
mission needs, this capability positions the Department to play a unique and important role in
cyber security research. Similarly, the interdependency between scientific research and the
operation of mission infrastructurefrom user facilities to materials handling plants to national
laboratoriesenables the Department to guide research based on operational requirements while
shepherding the deployment and adoption of new concepts and techniques.

A strong program must engage a wide range of talented researchers, from both universities and
DOE laboratories, to consider transformative approaches to cyber security. It must also ensure
that promising new approaches are developed at a scale that permits realistic evaluation. Two
organizational structures developed within the Departments SciDAC program may prove useful
here. Institutes bring together researchers from many institutions to discuss innovative approaches
to complex science and engineering challenges, and may also undertake developing and provide
targeted testbeds to enable controlled experiments. Enabling Technology Centerscomprising
scientists, applied mathematicians, application scientists, and engineersresearch, develop, and
demonstrate new approaches to complex science and engineering challenges.

A set of such centers tied with DOE programs such as the Small Business Innovation Research /
Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR, [55]) and Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR,
[56]) programs for commercialization of results would address the need to move research and
development results into practice in order to enact transformative change.

Analysis and provability of inherently secure architectures as well as predictive awareness require
complex, large-scale modeling such as is characteristic of SciDACs Scientific Challenge Teams
and of ASCI and INCITE projects. These teams research, develop, and deploy advanced

computational modeling and simulation codes and new mathematical models and computational
methods that can take advantage of petascale computers.

As with ASCI, INCITE, and SciDAC challenges, access to high-performance computational and
associated data analysis resourcesand expertisewill be critical. Indeed, many cyber security
R&D projects will be ideal INCITE project candidates. However, as with other disciplines that
currently lack an established critical mass of computational science work, the community will
require assistance in moving from present methods (using small-scale simulations on PCs or
modest clusters) to new methods capable of exploiting petascale systems.

Incentivizing Innovation

In the 21st century, innovation is no longer the exclusive domain of large organizations. Small, ad
hoc teams can now self-assemble using Internet communication and coordination capabilities that
simply did not exist a decade ago [57]. As a result, game-changing technologies and techniques
are increasingly emerging from a worldwide pool of expertise [58].

Each of the research sections of this document includes examples of capabilities underscoring the
fact that fundamental research must be done, that no obvious solution or approach exists today,
and that a solution is conceivable nonetheless. The Department has the opportunity to leverage
the innovation of todays academic, research, and commercial talent by carefully defining a set of
target, disruptive capabilities to serve as challenges whereby individuals and teams from
academia, industry, and national laboratories develop proofs-of-concept in competition for
funding to pursue developing the capability.

The X Prize Foundation [59], modeled after the Ortiez Prize [60] won by Charles Lindbergh in
1927, is an example of such a program, with four such challenges undertaken over the past two
years involving reusable manned spacecraft [61], gene sequencing devices [62], environmentally
friendly vehicles [63], and lunar vehicles [64]. The Department has annually supported a similar
project called Challenge X [65], in which university engineering teams compete to design
environmentally friendly vehicles.

A key characteristic of these various challenge competitions is the specification of clear goals that
can be objectively judged. This document outlines potential challenge areas that would lend
themselves to similar competitions, ideally combined with the strengths of the Departments
current approaches outlined below.

For example, with the goal of engaging the broadest research community to explore the greatest
solution space, a multilevel challenge competition focused on cyber security might involve:

Open competition for written descriptions of approaches.

Selection of the top 25% of entries and award of planning grants to develop detailed
designs and research objectives.
Selection of the top 10% designs for prototype development.
Award of the top 1-2 prototypes for creation of working system.

Relationship to Other Energy Programs

As noted throughout this document, cyber security research and development are increasingly
critical to all aspects of the Departments mission. The Office of Science, NNSA, and EERE for
example rely on secure operation of national laboratories. The scientific mission of the
Department involves national- and international-scale collaboration on problems ranging from
studying the human genome to climate and particle physics, and including access to and provision
of international user facilities. The Department is also focused on energy and the environment,
where a secure and reliable electric power grid represents a significant cyber security challenge.

The Departments investment in and reliance on high-performance and high-capacity computing

and information infrastructure is longstanding, including the NNSAs Advanced Simulation and
Computing (ASC) as well as the Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties (QMU) programs,
and more recently the DOE Leadership Computing centers. The cyber security requirements of
these initiatives encompass the secure operation of the facilities, the integrity and security of the
information and software, and the ability of scientists to readily access these assets.

Relationship to Other Federal Agencies

Nearly every federal agency is involved in cyber security initiatives; and without exception these
agencies require manyin some cases, mostof the advances laid out in this document. The
Departments collaboration on key multiagency coordination teams to date provides opportunity
to work to ensure complementary efforts and to avoid unplanned duplication. The diversity of
agencies suggests that, within the research thrusts outlined here, there exist opportunities for
collaboration. For example, the National Science Foundation conducts long-term research,
primarily with the university community where, relative to the national laboratories, there are
fewer natural opportunities to engage operational security experts on mission-critical
infrastructure. Conversely, a number of agencies including the Department of Defense have
national laboratories and mission-critical infrastructure, but the preponderance of classified
requirements makes it more difficult to work with the open academic research community.

The Department of Energy has a unique posture that provides opportunity for complementary
efforts with these and other agencies. The national laboratories are consistently strong in creating
and supporting sustained research collaborations with universities, while also operating mission-
critical infrastructure and supporting classified and unclassified programs. The assets also offer
potential for bridging operational environments with unclassified research programs such as at
NSF and DNS as well as classified programs at other agencies.

Each of the proposed research thrusts begins with fundamental effort that better defines the long-
term objectives and success criteria, before moving toward increasingly well-defined and applied
tasks working toward a long-term vision. Notably, none of the thrusts is intended to result in
classified projects or classified byproducts. The projects are intended to support the direct DOE
missions, but they also are intended to have broader societal applications. Each project will
require close collaborations among academia, industry, and government. And, because the
proposed program is long running, the role of the national laboratories becomes increasingly
important as the repository of organizational knowledge

These characteristics suggest a framework for analyzing the relationship between this work and
other agencies, as suggested in the table below.

Table 1: Comparison of Federal agency approaches relevant to cyber security research and
development as described in this report.
Programmatic Project Project Vision Vision and Project Project Vision
Orientation Project

Customer DOD Society DOD Society & Intelligence National Energy &
medical community infrastructure Society
National - - Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Research Mid-term Long-term Long-term Near, Near, Near, Near,
mid, and mid, and mid, and mid, and
long-term long-term long-term long-term

Typical Academia, Academia Academia, Academia, Academia, Academia, Academia,

Industry, Industry Industry, Industry Industry,
Government DOD Labs Government Government
Cyber Yes Some Some - Yes Yes Yes
Classified Mostly - Some N/A Mostly Some Flexible
approach to
cyber security

Summary and Recommendations

Every facet of the Departments mission relies on networked information technology, from the
command and control of infrastructure such as the electrical power grid to petascale
supercomputers that enable mathematical modeling at unprecedented fidelity. The challenges of
ensuring the security of infrastructure and the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of
information are illustrated by the fact that every federal agency has made cyber security a critical
mission requirement and that multiple presidential advisory committees [2, 3, 4] have declared
cyber security to be a national priority (see sidebars, p. 3 and 5).

The Challenge: Obsolete Cyber Security Approaches

Although the complexity of networks, software, and platforms has grown by many orders of
magnitude in the past several decades, todays cyber security practice and policy remain
essentially heuristic and reactive. We have few models with which to verify the effectiveness of
security policies, nor adequate methods to extract knowledge and awareness from situational data.
Current approaches to protecting and controlling digital information effectively disable its digital
nature in order to reduce the problem to one of physical access, rather than exploiting that digital
nature to create self-protection mechanisms. Platform architectures and operating systems rely on
the principles developed for stand-alone mainframes three decades ago. Today, precisely 20 years
after the Morris Worm [66], our network security architecture has not fundamentally changed.
Hardware and firmware are implicitly trusted irrespective of source, and we continue to erect
walls and insert gaps to protect passive data, with decreasing effectiveness and increasing cost.

The Opportunity: Computational Science and Innovative Architecture

This report outlines a set of opportunities for altering the very nature of cyber security. Advances
in mathematics and computational science offer the possibility to create model-based tools that
introduce anticipation and evasion capabilities to platforms and networks, data systems that
actively contribute to their control and protection, and platform architectures that operate with
integrity despite the presence of untrusted components. These motivate three research and
development thrusts with the potential to provide new, game-changing capabilities to the
Department, capabilities that are also directly applicable to other agencies, industry, and society.

Mathematics: Predictive Awareness for Secure Systems.

Goal: Provide capabilities to examine system or network behavior to anticipate failure or
attack, including real-time detection of anomalous activity and adaptive immune-system
Research: Develop mathematical modeling techniques for complex information
applications and systems, enabling data-driven modeling, analysis, and simulation of
architectures, techniques, and optimal response to threats, failures, and attacks.

Information: Self-Protective Data and Software.

Goal: Create active data systems and protocols to enable self-protective, self-advocating,
and self-healing digital objects.

Research: Develop techniques and protocols to provide data provenance; information
integrity; awareness of attributes such as source, modification, trace back, and actors; and
mechanisms to enforce policy concerning data confidentiality and access.

Platforms: Trustworthy Systems from Untrusted Components.

Goal: Develop techniques for specifying and maintaining overall trust properties for
operating environments and platforms.
Research: Develop approaches for quantifying and bounding security and protection,
integrity, confidentiality, and access in the context of a system comprising individual
components for which there are varying degrees of trust.

The Program: Incentivizing Innovation; Leveraging Science Programs

To achieve the objectives outlined above will require sustained investment in a broad range of
topics, guided by specific challenge capability objectives, on the scale of the SciDAC program
in terms of funding and diverse participation from laboratories, universities, and industry. Such an
effort must reach beyond traditional research and development programs, in which proven
approaches are scaled up or problems are constrained to fit established methods. Innovative
thinking and new architecturesinvolving risk and even failurewill be needed in order to
affect the necessary transformation of cyber security. Guiding a program of this nature will also
require flexibility to pursue disruptive ideas even in cases where they may not fall squarely into
the three focus areas within this report.

It will be essential to ensure that research and development results are deployed in operational
systems as they are proven in test and laboratory settings. Joint funding of research in highly
advanced capabilities would enable both the Department and industry to explore areas with very
high potential reward, sharing the associated risk. While joint funding works well with large
companies, particularly those with extensive research organizations, the Department also has a
number of successful programs that address commercialization (and thus operational availability
and deployment) such as the SBIR/SBTT [57] and EIR [58] programs referenced earlier.


This report captures the work of many individuals from the Department of Energy national
laboratories, other agencies, universities, and private industry. Contributors include scientists,
operational technical experts, and executives who collaborated via open workshops held at
national laboratories. Preliminary information that formed the basis for this report was also
presented and discussed in a classified, inter-agency workshop with cyber security experts and
policy-makers from 27 federal organizations.

Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory, Editor
Mine Altunay, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Robert Armstrong, Sandia National Laboratories (CA)
Kirk Bailey, University of Washington
David Brown, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Robert R. Burleson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Matt Crawford, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
John Daly, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Don Dixon, Texas A&M University
Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, University of Washington
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory
Deborah Frincke, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Irwin Gaines, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Josh Goldfarb, BBN Technologies
Christopher Griffin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yu Jiao, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Tammy Kolda, Sandia National Laboratories
Ron Minnich, Sandia National Laboratories (CA)
Carmen Pancerella, Sandia National Laboratory
Don Petravick, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
J. Christopher Ramming, DARPA
Chad Scherrer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Anne Schur, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Frank Siebenlist, Argonne National Laboratory
Dane Skow, Argonne National Laboratory
Adam Stone, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chris Strasburg, Ames Laboratory
Richard Strelitz, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Denise Sumikawa, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Craig Swietlik, Argonne National Laboratory
Edward Talbot, Sandia National Laboratories (CA)
Troy Thompson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Keith Vanderveen, Sandia National Laboratories (CA)
Von Welch, NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Joanne R. Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paul Whitney, Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Louis Wilder, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Brian Worley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Workshop Participants
John P Abbott, Sandia Natl Lab Jackson Mayo, Sandia Natl Lab
Deb Agarwal, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab John McHugh, Dalhousie Univ.
Mine Altunay, Fermilab Miles McQueen, Idaho Natl Lab
Aaron S Alva, Pacific Northwest Lab Juan Meza, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab
Robert Armstrong, Sandia Natl Lab Scott Midkiff, Natl Science Foundation
Ron Bailey, NASA Ames Research Center Ronald G Minnich, Sandia Natl Lab
Tony Bartoletti, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab Richard Mount, Stanford Linear Accelerator Lab
Jonathan Berry, Sandia Natl Lab Len Napolitano, Sandia Natl Lab
Brett Bode, Ames Lab Michael North, Argonne Natl Lab
David L. Brown, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab Christopher Oehmen, Pacific Northwest Lab
Bob Burleson, Oak Ridge Natl Lab Carmen M Pancerella, Sandia Natl Lab
Pat Burns, Colorado State Univ. Joe Pato, Hewlett-Packard
Charlie Catlett, Argonne Natl Lab Chris Poetzel, Argonne Natl Lab
David Chavarria, Pacific Northwest Lab Alex Protopopesva, Oak Ridge Natl Lab
Oliver Chevassut, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Neil D Pundit, Sandia Natl Lab
Benjamin K Cook, Sandia Natl Lab Daniel Quinlan, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Matt Crawford, Fermilab Gene Rackow, Argonne Natl Lab
Ron Cudzewicz, Fermilab J. Christopher Ramming, DARPA
Jeffery E Dagle, Pacific Northwest Lab Anne Schur, Pacific Northwest Lab
Kimberly A Deitchler, Pacific Northwest Lab Patty Schwindt, Colorado State Univ.
Don Dickson, Texas A&M Univ. Frederick Sheldon, Oak Ridge Natl Lab
Brent Draney, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Frank Siebenlist, Argonne Natl Lab
Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, Univ. of Washington Dane Skow, Argonne Natl Lab
Doug Engert, Argonne Natl Lab Mike Skwerak, Argonne Natl Lab
Susan Estrada, Aldea Robin Sommer, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab
Ian Foster, Argonne Natl Lab Joe St. Sauver, Univ. of Oregon
Deborah A Frincke, Pacific Northwest Lab John Stewart, Cisco Systems
Irwin Gaines, Fermilab Adam Stone, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab
Ann Gentile, Sandia Natl Lab Chris Strasburg, Ames Lab
Joshua Goldfarb, BBN Technologies Richard Strelitz, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Bonnie Green, Sandia Natl Lab Forest E Jr Strycker, Pacific Northwest Lab
Christopher Griffin, Oak Ridge Natl Lab Denise Sumikawa, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab
John Grosh, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab Craig Swietlik, Argonne Natl Lab
Tom Harper, Idaho Natl Lab Ed Talbot, Sandia Natl Lab
Yu Jiao, Oak Ridge Natl Lab Ricky Tam, Sandia Natl Lab
Mark Kaletka, Fermilab Troy K Thompson, Pacific Northwest Lab
Chris Kemper, Oak Ridge Natl Lab Aaron Turner, Idaho Natl Lab
Himanshu Khurana, Univ. of Illinois at U-C Scott A. Vander Wiel, Los Alamos Natl Lab
William Kramer, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Keith B Vanderveen, Sandia Natl Lab
Matt Kwiatkowski, Argonne Natl Lab John Volmer, Argonne Natl Lab
Craig Lant, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Scott VonderWiel, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Mark Leininger, Fermilab Von Welch, NCSA, Univ. of Illinois at U-C
John Lowry, BBN Technologies Joanne R. Wendelberger, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Tami Martin, Argonne Natl Lab Greg White, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Celeste Matarazzo, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab Paul Whitney, Pacific Northwest Lab
John Matthews, Galois, Inc. Louis Wilder, Oak Ridge Natl Lab
Deborah May, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab Brian Worley, Oak Ridge Natl Lab
Dave Zachman, Mesa Networks

Classified Multi-Agency Workshop Participants

Classified (TS/SCI) workshop were held in August and September 2008 to discuss and review the
thrust areas in this report and their applicability to classified requirements. The workshop
brought together 48 participants from the following 29 organizations: AFCYBER, ANL, CIA,
and Treasury.

References and Notes

Sidebar References

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[S6] Coreboot ( is an example of an open source
BIOS effort.
[S7] Phoenix Technologies operated the eBetween subsidiary, announced in 1999, which used
code in the PC BIOS to enable companies to better reach, register and retain online users
and subscribers by offering options during PC startup, before loading the operating system.


[1] Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are central to the operation of
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[22] Moitra, Soumyo D., and Suresh L. Konda, A Simulation Model for Managing
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[30] The Department of Energy Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and
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Computing Research (ASCR) program. INCITE was established in 2003 and provides
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[31] CollabRx,
[32] Biba, K. J., Integrity Considerations for Secure Systems, Technical report, 1977,
[33] Moreau, L., J. Freire, J. Futrelle, R. McGrath, J. Myers, and P. Paulson, The Open
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[34] Bose, R., Ian Foster, and Luc Moreau, Report on the International Provenance and
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[35] Pinheiro da Silva, Paulo, Deborah L. McGuinness, and Richard Fikes, A Proof Markup
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[37] Architecture Technology Corporation,
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[39] Kim, G. H., and Spafford, E. H., The Design and Implementation of Tripwire: A File
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[40] Strunk, J., Goodson, G., Scheinholtz, M., Soules, C., and Granger, G., Self-Securing
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[41] Resnick, P., K. Kuwabara, R. Zeckhauser, and E. Friedman, Reputation Systems,
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[42] Ford, B., VXA: A Virtual Architecture for Durable Compressed Archives, USENIX File
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[43] Lesniewski-Laas, C., B. Ford, J. Strauss, R. Morris, and M. F. Kaashoek, Alpaca:
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[44] See SANS analysis at

[45] He, R., Jianwei Niu, and Guangwei Zhang, CBTM: A Trust Model with Uncertainty
Quantification and Reasoning for Pervasive Computing, by
[46] Claude, Benoit, Noel De Palma, Renaud Lachaize, and Daniel Hagimont, Self-Protection
for Distributed Component-Based Applications,
[47] Direct Memory Access, or DMA, is a common I/O technique that, by virtue of implicit trust
by the operating system, creates inherent vulnerabilities in the event that the I/O device
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[50] ORourke, Patrick, Extending VMs,
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[53] For example, MicroBlaze.
[54] For example, the ROSE project:
[56] DOEs Entrepreneur in Residence program, initiated in October 2007, involves DOE
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[57] Shirky, Clay, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations,
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[59] X Prize Foundation,
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[61] Ansari X Prize,
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[66] Spafford, Eugene, The Internet Worm Program: An Analysis, Purdue Technical Report
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