Electrocoagulation Chen Lu

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Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395

Electrochemical coagulation for oily water demulsification

Chen-Lu Yang
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center,
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Fall River, MA 02723, United States

Received 20 July 2006; received in revised form 17 October 2006; accepted 19 October 2006

Motor oil and industrial surfactants were used to prepare synthetic oily water. When stabilized with surfactant, the turbidity shows a positive
correlation with the oil content in the emulsion with a correlation coefficient of 1.78 FAU/(mg/L). The oilwater emulsion was tested with gravity

separation, centrifugation, flotation, and electrochemical coagulation for the effectiveness of each process on demulsification. Electrochemical
coagulation was then selected for further study. A dc voltage was applied to the electrodes, dissolving ferrous ions (Fe(II)) at the anode and forming
hydrogen (H2 ) gas and hydroxyl (OH ) ions at the surface of the cathode. A few 100 mg/L of sodium chloride (NaCl) were added to the solution to
provide ionic conductivity and to prevent passivation of the iron electrode. The ferrous ions were oxidized into ferric ions (Fe(III)), destabilizing
the emulsion. The coalesced oil droplets were adsorbed into the highly dispersed and reactive ferric hydroxide (Fe(OH)3 ) coagulant. The oil-rich
sludge that was generated in the operation was then floated to the surface forming a blanket that was removed by skimming. This complicated
mechanism was completed in 4 min. When the reactor was operated for this amount of time, a measure of 165.8 mg/L of ferric ions was generated.
The treatment reduced the turbidity of the emulsion from 1800 to 60 FAU. Beyond the 4-min treatment period, the addition of more iron to the

system resulted in turbidity change at a much slower rate. When the operation occurred continuously with a current of 2 A and a throughput of
320 mL/min, the turbidity of the electrically treated effluent was less than 14 FAU, the detection limit of the Hach DR/4000 Spectrophotometer.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrochemical coagulation; Oily wastewater; Demulsification; Emulsion; Turbidity; Anodic dissolution

1. Introduction ily during the slaughtering, cleaning, and by-product processing

phases. The grease content in meat packinghouse wastewater
Oily wastewater has remained problematic in various indus- may run several 1000 mg/L.

tries for decades. Major industrial sources of oily wastewater Currently the treatment of oily wastewater applies a primary
include petroleum refining, metals manufacturing and machin- treatment to separate the floatable oils from the water and emul-
ing, and food processing. The American Petroleum Institute sified oils. A secondary treatment phase is then required to break
(API) has exerted a great deal of effort to develop processes the oilwater emulsion and separate the remaining oil from the

to treat oily wastewater. Based on design parameters published water. Primary treatment takes advantage of the differences in
by the American Petroleum Institute, the standard instrument in the specific gravities of the oils and grease and the water. This

refinery waste treatment is the API Separator, although effluents treatment process normally involves retaining the oily wastewa-
from this unit may still contain 400500 mg/L of oil. ter in a holding tank while allowing gravity separation of the oily
The wastewater of metal working processes contains grind- material, which is subsequently skimmed from the wastewater
ing oils, cutting oils, lubrication fluids, and coolant oilwater surface. The effectiveness of a gravity separator is dependant

emulsions with a possible soluble and emulsified oil content upon a proper hydraulic design and wastewater retention time.
that varies from 100 to 5000 mg/L. In the third major source of Short retention times of less than 20 min result in a less than
oily wastewater, the food processing industry, the processing of 50% oilwater separation. In addition to the API separator, two
meat, fish, and poultry produces oil and fatty materials primar- other gravity separators, both referred to as plate separators, can
be used in this phase. They are the corrugated plate interceptor
(CPI) and the parallel plate inceptor (PPI).
Tel.: +1 508 910 9857; fax: +1 508 999 9120. The other primary treatment process is dissolved air flotation
E-mail address: [email protected]. (DAF), which is normally considered a secondary level of

1383-5866/$ see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.-L. Yang / Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395 389

treatment technology. In order to assure maximum effective- while electrochemical coagulation is widely applied for ions,
ness, it is necessary to incorporate chemical coagulation and both cations and anions, removal and demulsification. Elec-
flocculation [1]. The chemical treatment aspects of DAF are troflotation involves the electrolytic generation of bubbles that
extremely important with respect to the removal of colloidal or can be used to attach pollutants such as sludge and fine particles
emulsified oil. and carry them to the top of the solution. As in DAF, frothers
Unlike primary treatment, which consists only of gravity sep- and collectors are needed to enhance the separation efficiency of
aration plus skimming, any of the secondary treatment processes electroflotation. In a laboratory demonstration, Ibanez and col-
are directed toward breaking the oilwater emulsion that has leagues demonstrated that the oilwater emulsion was actually
been passed through the primary separator and separating the broken down by the charge neutralization of ferric ions (Fe(III))

demulsified oil from the water phase. Emulsions may be broken generated by the anodic dissolution of the iron electrode [12].
by chemical, physical, or electrical methods. The sunflower-seed oil and water emulsion was clarified within
Chemical methods are the most widely used in the treatment minutes of electrochemical treatment. With the mechanism in
of oily wastewater. Chemical treatment of an emulsion is usually mind, a parallel-plate electrochemical reactor was designed and

directed toward the destabilization of the dispersed oil droplets constructed to provide a treatment time of 220 min with intense
or the destruction of emulsifying agents present in a first stage iron dissolution. The research presented in this paper is devoted
followed by the removal of the separated oil. Although other to better understanding the demulsification mechanism and to
coagulants are under development, ferric and aluminum salts are acquire design and operating parameters that bring the electro-
still the most widely used agents for demulsification. The process chemical process one step closer to commercialization.
usually consists of rapid mixing the coagulant chemicals with
2. Demulsication mechanism

the wastewater followed by flocculation and flotation or settling.
Physical methods include heating, centrifugation, precoat fil-
tration, ultrafiltration, and membrane process. Ultrafiltration and When direct current is applied to water through a pair of
electrodes, the energy barrier is overcome, and water molecules
membrane processes have been actively pursued [2,3] since the
Navy and Coast Guard funded development studies two decades are broken down into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The reac-
ago. These processes are based on the sieving action of poly- tion is observed through the hydrogen bubbles that evolve from
meric membranes to control the flow of molecules or particles the cathode and oxygen bubbles that originate from the anode.
However, when the anode is made of metals that have lower oxi-

larger than the membrane pores. In a study conducted to visual-

ize the filtration phenomena, Matsumoto et al. [4] found that the dation potentials than water, the anode is dissolved to produce
compressible emulsion particles broke through the microchan- metal ions instead of generating oxygen. These ions then react
nels with increasing operating pressure while a bakers yeast with hydroxyl ions, the by-products of hydrogen generation, to

deposited at the entrance of the microchannels. This makes the produce metal hydroxides.
selection of the membrane and operation of the ultrafiltration An electrochemical reactor is a holding tank with two sets
system difficult for oily wastewater applications. of iron electrodes, anodes and cathodes. The electrodes are sit-
Tedious chemical methods and troublesome filtration pro- uated a few millimeters apart from each other and submerged in
cesses provided an incentive to explore other alternatives. the wastewater that is to be treated for oil contamination. The
Electrochemical processes to treat oily wastewater were first cathodes and anodes are connected to the negative and positive
outlets of a dc power supply, respectively. During electrolysis

described in patent literature in 1903, where the process

described was operated with a voltage of about 150 V and rel- in wastewater treatment, the sacrificial iron anode is oxidized
atively high current. In the early 1980s, a team of researchers into Fe(II) (ferrous) ions that are further oxidized to Fe(III) ions
in Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, MI, was able to operate a newly [11]:
designed electrochemical reactor at voltages of about 15 V and

a current density of less than 10 mA/cm2 . Through years of Fe(s) Fe(aq) 2+ + 2e Fe(aq) 3+ + e ,
research, a pilot-scale system was constructed and tested in a

2H2 O + 2e H2(g) + 2OH(aq) ,

manufacturing plant that represented highly varied machining
operations [5]. The system was able to reduce the turbidity of Fe(aq) 3+ + 3OH(aq) Fe(OH)3(s)
the incoming oily wastewater from 2500 NTU (Nephelometer

Turbidity Unit) to less than 5 NTU with a power consumption As the operation progresses the ionic strength of the wastew-
of about 6 kW h/1000 gal. However, due to a misunderstanding ater increases. Fig. 1a shows how the oil droplets are stabilized
in the demulsification mechanism, the system was designed to by the surfactant by forming micelles in aqueous solutions.
provide a plug-flow retention time of 4 h, which was thought Fig. 1b shows that the electro-generated cations with their high
to be necessary to complete the Fenton reactions in the electro- charges effectively neutralize the surface charges on the sur-
chemical reactor used to oxidize the organic substrates. factant molecules. Simultaneously, hydrogen is formed at the
Since then, electrochemical methods for wastewater demulsi- cathode.
fication have become an active area of research and development The pH of the wastewater rises because of this electrochemi-
[610]. A thorough review on electrochemical technologies for cal process. The net result of the reactions is that the emulsion is
industrial wastewater treatment has been done by Chen [11]. In destabilized, and the colloidal oil particles begin to coalesce, as
general, electrodeposition is effective for heavy metal recovery shown in Fig. 1b. Ultimately, the destabilized oil droplets absorb
390 C.-L. Yang / Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395

3. Experimental

Synthetic oilwater emulsions were prepared by adding 1 g

of SAE 10W-40 motor oil (Mobil Oil) to 1 L of tap water. During
the mixing, 1.5 g of sodium chloride, NaCl (Aldrich Chemical)
and 10 mL of 5% Legsolve (Walter G. Legge Co.) were slowly
added to the mixture. Legsolve is a widely used industrial deter-
gent containing EDTA (ethylenediamine tetracetic acid), tail oil
fatty acid, sodium metasilicate, triethanolamine lauryl sulfate,

and diethyleneglycol monoethyl ether as the major ingredients.
While the oil was added to the mixture, samples were taken
to establish the correlation between oil content and turbidity.
Turbidity was measured with a DR/4000 Spectrophotometer

from the Hach Company. An analytical program (Hach 3750)
was developed for testing turbidity in water, wastewater, estu-
ary water, seawater, and industrial process water. Results were
given in Formazin attenuation units (FAU), and the estimated
detection limit for Program 3750 is 14 FAU.
Fig. 2 is the flow diagram of the bench-scale electrochemical

system. The system consists of a dc power supply, power regula-
tion and measurement unit, reservoir, feed pump, flow regulation
and measurement unit, and a electrochemical reactor. The reac-
tor is composed of acrylic plastic with the following dimensions:
16 cm long, 6.7 cm wide, and 9.2 cm deep. Taking into account
the space occupied by the equalizer at the bottom of the appa-
ratus and the siphon system on the top, the actual volume of
the reactor is 616 cm3 . The electrode sets (anode and cathode)

each consist of five pieces of cast iron that are situated approx-
imately 4 mm apart and submerged in the solution. Normally,
the reactor is operated in monopolar mode, which means that all

Fig. 1. The stabilization of an oilwater emulsion by a surfactant (a), and the

destabilization of emulsion by cations and the coalescence of oil droplets (b).
the electrodes are physically connected to either the positive or
the negative outlet of the dc power supply. By subtracting the
volume occupied by the two electrode sets, the active volume of
into the highly dispersed ferric hydroxide colloid formed by the reactor is 560 cm3 .
the reaction between the electro-generated Fe(III) and hydroxyl For continuous operation, a synthetic oilwater emulsion was
ions. Finally, the oil-rich sludge floats to the top where it is prepared and stored in the reservoir for a few minutes to allow
removed by skimming.

the free oil to float to the top of the solution. The emulsion was

Fig. 2. The flow diagram of the bench-scale electrochemical system.

C.-L. Yang / Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395 391

then pumped into the reactor to examine the effectiveness of the

major operating parameters (current density, treatment time, oil
content and flow rate) on demulsification. The effectiveness of
each parameter was determined by the differences in turbidity
between treated and untreated emulsions.

4. Results and discussions

The synthetic oilwater emulsion was tested by gravity

separation, centrifugation, electroflotation and electrochemical
coagulation. Among these treatment methods, electrochemical
coagulation was very effective in demulsification and was
selected for further study.

4.1. Turbidity Fig. 4. The stability of motor oil in water emulsions.

A set of experiments was conducted to establish the corre- of about 1000 mg/L. The turbidity slowly decreased from 1430
lation between the oil content in the emulsion and its turbidity. to 1315 FAU in 50 min. After that, the readings began to show
Liquid samples were taken to determine the turbidity while oil perturbations. Since the emulsion was prepared by mechanical
drops were added to the mixture. Fig. 3 shows that without sur- stirring, it seems that the oil droplets began to coalesce after

factant in the emulsion, the ratio of turbidity and oil content stagnating for 50 min in the separation funnel. An 8% decrease
decreased from 2.39 to 0.66 when oil content increased from was observed in the first 50 min while another 13% decrease
100 to 1000 mg/L. According to the BeerLambert Law, a lin-
on was detected in the following 15 min. Any meaningful experi-
ear relationship between absorbance and concentration can be ments concerning the mechanical emulsion must therefore be
expected from a real solution. It is believed that the dispersed completed within 50 min in order to avoid significant errors
oil droplets collide and form bigger droplets at high oil con- associated with the instability. Without coagulant, a gravity sep-
tent to deviate the optical behavior of the emulsion from that aration unit will not be effective for the motor oilwater emulsion

of a real solution. Fig. 3 also displays that a linear relationship generated by mechanical stirring.
can be established between oil content and turbidity when trace The stability test was repeated with 0.5 mL of Legsolve in
amount of Legsolve is added to the oilwater emulsion. When one liter of oilwater emulsion. The surfactant stabilized the

the emulsion is stabilized by Legsolve, turbidity was found to emulsion system by creating smaller micelles in the mixture.
have a positive correlation with the oil content in the emulsion The smaller micelles also contributed to a higher turbidity read-
with a correlation coefficient of 1.78 FAU/(mg/L). ing. The emulsion of 1000 mg/L of oil in water experienced a
turbidity increase from 1430 to 1780 FAU due to the addition
4.2. Gravity separation and emulsion stability of surfactant. After stagnating in a separation funnel for 1 h, the
turbidity of the mixture was still around 1800 FAU.
Immediately after mixing, the emulsion of 1000 mg/L of oil in Since ionic conductivity is crucial for electrochemical pro-

water had a turbidity of 1430 FAU. A portion of the emulsion was cesses, a trace amount of sodium chloride (NaCl) was added
transferred to a separation funnel to evaluate its stability against to increase the conductivity of the mixture. NaCl was selected
gravity. Samples were taken from the center of the separation because of the high mobility of the sodium ions and the benefit
funnel every 5 min to determine the turbidity. Fig. 4 shows that of depassivation from the chloride ions. However, since sodium

the motor oilwater emulsion is relatively stable at an oil content ions carry positive charges, they may destabilize the emulsion
and cause errors in the determination of the treatment efficiency.

One liter of oilwater emulsion was prepared by mixing 1 g of

motor oil with 0.5 g of NaCl and 0.5 mL of Legsolve in 1 L
of tap water. After vigorous stirring for 1 min, the mixture was

then transferred to a separation funnel for the stability test. As

done before, samples were taken to determine the turbidity. The
results show that NaCl increases the turbidity of the mixture
although the contribution is marginal. The results also indicate
that the 196 mg of sodium ions in the mixture do not destabilize
the surfactant-stabilized oilwater emulsion.

4.3. Centrifugation

Immiscible liquids and suspended particles are separated

Fig. 3. The correlation between oil content and turbidity. industrially in centrifugal decanters. The separating force is
392 C.-L. Yang / Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395

Fig. 5. The change of turbidity after the emulsion is subjected to centrifugation Fig. 6. The turbidity change when the emulsified solution was treated in the
for 10, 15, 30, and 60 s. electroflotator.

much larger than that of gravity and it acts in the direction oppo- in the cell. The emulsified solutions were prepared by mixing
site to the axis of rotation instead of downward. A set of exper- 1 g of motor oil and 0.6 g of NaCl in 1 l of tap water. The ini-
iments was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of centrifugal tial turbidity of the solution was 1509 FAD. When 10 mL of

force for separation of oil and water from emulsified aqueous 10% Legsolve was added to the solution, the turbidity increased
solutions. A Cole Parmer 17250-10 Fixed Speed Centrifuge was to 1871 FAU. It is believed that the change in turbidity is due
used to provide a relative centrifugal force of 1318 g. Samples
to the stabilization of the oilwater micells by the surfactant.
were prepared by mixing 1 g of motor oil in 1 L of tap water with Interestingly, it took only 8 V to draw a current of 400 mA in
0.6 g of NaCl. After mixing for 1 min, the oilwater emulsion the cell when Legsolve was added to the solution. Fig. 6 shows
had an initial turbidity of 1332 FAU. Fig. 5 shows the change the turbidity change when the emulsified solution was treated
of turbidity after the emulsion is subjected to centrifugation for in the electroflotator. In both cases, with and without surfactant,

10, 15, 30, and 60 s. Turbidity dropped about 50%, from 1332 electroflotation reduced the turbidity by about 40%. During the
to 720 FAU in the first 15 s and stabilized at 410 FAU. Instead operation, micelles were brought to the surface of the solution
of settling on the bottom of the test tube, a layer of oil floated to by electrically generated bubbles but none actually accumulated.

the surface of the liquid after the centrifugation. Low oil content Therefore, a frother is needed for electroflotation to be effective
emulsions are stable even under a strong centrifugal force. for oilwater separation.

4.4. Electroflotation 4.5. Electrochemical coagulation

Another physical separation method that is widely used in the Motor oil has a density lower than water, thus free oil will

mining industry for particle separation is flotation. In flotation, float to the surface of the solution. However, in the emulsified
small air bubbles released from the solution attach themselves oily water, the oil is stabilized by the formation of micelles with
to suspended particles. The airsolid mixture rises to the sur- surfactant. Flotation carries the micelles to the surface of the
face of the solution where it concentrates and is removed. In solution but is not able to detain the oil unless the emulsion is
electroflotation, an electric version of flotation, bubbles are gen- destabilized. Multivalent metal ions, such as ferric ions, are used

erated predominately by the electrolysis of water. Instead of widely to demulsify oilwater emulsions.
air, hydrogen and oxygen bubbles are generated to perform the One way of generating metal ions in an electrochemical reac-

binding function. tor is through anodic dissolution of sacrificial electrodes. A set

An electroflotator was constructed to study the feasibility of of experiments was conducted to study the applicability of ferric
this method for separating oil from water in an emulsified solu- ions for oily water demulsification, using a set of cast iron sheets

tion. The cell was designed to have evenly distributed bubbles as the sacrificial anode. Synthetic oilwater emulsion was pre-
evolve from the bottom of the cell so that the bubbles have max- pared by mixing motor oil with tap water, and a trace amount of
imum contact time with the sludge or fine particles suspended NaCl was added to provide conductivity. As expected, a signifi-
in the solution. In electroflotation, the gas bubbles are generated cant amount of brown sludge was generated when 1 A of current
electrically in the cell. A pair of closely spaced (2 mm apart), was passed through the cell. Samples were taken from the cell
horizontal electrodes was placed towards the base of the cell along the treatment timeline to determine the turbidity. Fig. 7
to cover the whole area. The cathode is made of stainless steel shows the change in turbidity when the oilwater emulsion is
gauze while the anode is a piece of graphite sheet from Becker subjected to electrochemical treatment. The turbidity of the syn-
Brothers Carbon Copr., Cicero, IL. A sample of 250 mL was thetic emulsion dropped from 1380 to 160 FAU in a treatment
tested in the cell each time. The cell was operated at a dc volt- time of 6 min. With a current of 2 A, the turbidity dropped further
age of 16 V. The voltage was able to draw a current of 400 mA to 43 FAU.
C.-L. Yang / Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395 393

Fig. 8. The effect of surfactant on turbidity change during the electrochemical
Fig. 7. The change in turbidity when the oilwater emulsion is subjected to
electrochemical treatment.

During the electrolysis, ferric ions were generated on the Due to the removal of surfactant molecules from the micelles,
surface of the anode at the same time hydroxyl groups and some oil droplets were released into the aqueous phase where they

hydrogen bubbles were formed at the cathode. Through mixing, coalesced into larger oil drops. The oil drops attached them-
the ferric hydroxides that formed in the solution precipitated selves to the bubbles and floated to the surface of the solution
providing a tremendous amount of surface area to absorb then where they were eventually absorbed into the ferric hydroxide
remove oil droplets from the aqueous phase. particles. Even with the presence of Legsolve, electrochemi-
Another concern with the whole process is that most of the cal coagulation consistently reduced the turbidity to less than
oily wastewaters are stabilized by surfactants. The electrochem- 50 FAU.
ical treatment has to provide a mechanism in which to break To view the effectiveness of the batch operation, a 50 L

the micelles for the coagulation to be effective in demulsifica- oilwater emulsion was prepared to test the unit in a more prac-
tion. In this study, a small amount of surfactant was used to tical, continuous mode. The solution was prepared by mixing
stabilize the oily water and was prepared by adding 10 mL of 50 g of motor oil with 25 g of NaCl and 500 mL of 5% Leg-
5% Legsolve to the synthetic oilwater emulsion. The solution solve. The mixture was then raised to a final volume of 50 L by

was then treated in the same reactor under the same condi- adding tap water. The initial turbidity was 1368 FAU, and the pH
tions. Fig. 8 shows the turbidity change during the treatment. was 8.1. At a rate of 240 mL/min, the solution was pumped into
When operated at 2 A for 4 min, the current carried 480 C of the reactor for treatment. The variations in the key parameters
electron charge into the reactor, generating 92.8 mg of ferric in the operation are depicted in Fig. 9. The pH increases with
ions in the solution, which effectively destabilized the oilwater operation time and is stabilized at 10 min. Initially, the volt-
emulsion. In a cell of 560 mL, the Fe(III) concentration was age needed to draw a current of 2 A in the reactor was 6.8 V.

165.8 mg/L. The applied voltage decreased along with the operation time

Fig. 9. The variations in the key parameters in the electrochemical operation.

394 C.-L. Yang / Separation and Purification Technology 54 (2007) 388395

14 FAU, the detection limit of the spectrophotometer. This dia-

gram demonstrates that with a flow rate of 320 mL/min, an
efficiency of more than 99% is achievable.

5. Conclusions

Oil in water can be stabilized by surfactants such as Legsolve

by forming micelles in the mixture. When stabilized with surfac-

tant, the turbidity of the emulsion shows a positive correlation
with oil content. A centrifugal force of 1318 g reduces about
50% of the turbidity in 1 min. Longer treatment time will not
further reduce the turbidity. Bubbles generated by electrolysis

carry micelles to the top of the solution but fail to detain the oil
Fig. 10. The applied voltages in a continuous electrochemical operation. droplets for further separation. Ferric ions are generated in the
electrochemical cell by anodic dissolution of consumable iron
electrodes. Providing the needed conductivity to the solution,
sodium chloride is essential to electrochemical coagulation oper-
ations. More importantly, the chloride is able to penetrate the iron
oxide formed on the surface of the iron electrode and effectively

prevents polarization from happening. The ferric ions attract sur-
factant molecules, break micelles, and release oil droplets into
the aqueous solution. The coalesced oil drops attach to bubbles
and float to the top of the solution where they are eventually
adsorbed by the coagulant. Instead of breaking down the oil,
electrochemical coagulation generates a coagulant that breaks
down the micelles and collects oil in the floating coagulant. The

treatment time is reduced from 4 h to 4 min, and the effluent

turbidity is beyond the detection limit of the spectrophotometer.
Nevertheless, the oil-rich sludge needs to be dealt with when

skimmed from the top of the solution.

Fig. 11. The pH in a continuous electrochemical operation.

and stabilized at 4.6 V. The effluent turbidity was always below
50 FAU. The author is grateful to Alison Mello of the Department of
Fig. 10 shows the applied voltages, and Fig. 11 shows the pH Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Massachusetts-
at different feeding rates. Overall, the system is stable in both Dartmouth for editing this manuscript.

chemical and electrical parameters. A flow rate of 240 mL/min

represents a treatment time or residence time of 2.3 min. In References
Fig. 12, a flow rate of 320 mL/min represents a treatment time
of 1.75 min, and the effluent turbidity was constantly below

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