Biome Test
Biome Test
Biome Test
7 Grade Life Science
100 pts.
Directions: Please do not write on the test. Answer all questions on the answer
sheet. Follow the directions for each section.
a. A type of water biome where salt water and fresh water mix.
b. A characteristic of any organism which helps it to survive in its environment.
c. A living organism which grows mostly underground, usually in forest biomes.
d. A type of tree which drops its leaves in winter.
e. Any physical or ecological way to prevent plants and animals from moving from
place to place.
f. A method animals use to escape from the heat in a desert biome or to retrieve food in
a tundra biome.
g. A study of where living organisms live throughout the world, their distribution.
h. The movement of living organisms from place to place.
i. A type of tree which produces its seeds in cones.
j. Algae, plant-like protists.
B. True/False: Choose the best answer for each statement. If the answer if False,
then underline the incorrect term, and write a correct term next to the sentence.
1. ____The two water biomes are the marine biome and the ocean biome.
3. ____ Musk oxen, lichens, and lemmings would be found in a grassland biome.
4. ____ Oaks, maples, dogwoods, and beeches are usually found in a deciduous forest
7. ____ Most of the plant life in a tropical rain forest can be found growing on the forest
8. ____ Yeasts grow the most in a warm, dark, wet environment.
9. ____ Desert and grasslands biomes are similar in that they both have high average
temperatures and low average rainfall.
10. ____ The best insulator in the Adapting to the Cold Lab was the sock.
C. Multiple Choice: Choose the answer which BEST fits the statement.
1. What is the average weather in a particular place over a long period of time called?
a. Habitat c. biome
b. Ecosystem d. climate
5. Which biome usually contains orchids, ferns, and other plants that live on the
branches of trees?
a. tundra c. deciduous forest
b. coniferous forest d. tropical rain forest
7. Not many trees grow in a grassland biome because of low rainfall, fires, and
a. animals c. freezing temperatures
b. high winds d. floods
2. One of the more interesting animals, because of its unusual behaviors, found in the
tundra is the ___________________.
4. Microscopic plants known as ____________ are found near the surface of marine
5. The permanently frozen ground beneath the surface of the tundra is known as
7. Fungus tentacles which invade and dissolve dead tree roots for their food are called
E. Short Answers:
1. Choose a biome and describe at least two major plant adaptations and two major
animal adaptations to that environment.
3. What effect might population growth in the area around the Chesapeake Bay have on
the ecology of the Bay? How might this affect the areas economy? What do you
think can be done to protect the Bay?