Sros Radius Attrib
Sros Radius Attrib
Sros Radius Attrib
In This Section
This document provides an overview of all supported RADIUS Authentication, Authorization and
Accounting attributes in Alcatel-Lucents 7750 SR OS R13.0 R4.
Topics include:
1 User-Name Refers to the user to be authenticated in the Access-Request. The format for
IPoE/PPPoE hosts depends on configuration parameters pppoe-access-method,
ppp-user-name or user-name-format in the CLI context configure subscriber-
mgmt authentication-policy <name>. The format for ARP-hosts is not
configurable and always the host IPv4-address.The RADIUS User-Name
specified in an Access-Accept or CoA is reflected in the corresponding
accounting messages. The attribute is omitted in authentication/accounting via
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute no user-name.
2 User-Password The password of the user to be authenticated, or the user's input following an
Access-Challenge. For PPPoE users it indirectly maps to the password provided
by a PPPoE PAP user in response to the PAP Authenticate-Request. For IPoE/
ARP hosts it indirectly maps to a pre-configured password (configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> password <password> or
configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name> password <password>).
3 CHAP-Password Provided by a PPPoE CHAP user in response to the CHAP challenge. The
CHAP challenge sent by the NAS to a PPPoE CHAP user is part of the CHAP
authentication sequence RFC 1994, PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP), (Challenge, Response, Success, Failure). The user generated
CHAP password length is equal to the defined Limits and contains a one byte
CHAP-Identifier from the user's CHAP Response followed by the CHAP
Response from the user.
5 NAS-Port The physical access-circuit on the NAS which is used for the Authentication or
Accounting of the user. The format of this attribute is configurable on the NAS
as a fixed 32 bit value or a parameterized 32 bit value. The parameters can be a
combination of outer-vlan-id(o), inner-vlan-id(i), slot number(s), MDA
number(m), port number or lag-id(p), ATM VPI(v) and ATM VCI(c), fixed bit
values zero (0) or one (1) but cannot exceed 32 bit. The format can be
configured for following applications: configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nas-port, configure router l2tp cisco-nas-
port, configure service vprn <service-id> l2tp cisco-nas-port, configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> include-radius-attribute
nas-port, configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute nas-port.
6 Service-Type The type of service the PPPoE user has requested, or the type of service to be
provided for the PPPoE user. Optional in RADIUS-Accept and CoA. Treated as
a session setup failure if different from Framed-User.
7 Framed-Protocol The framing to be used for framed access in case of PPPoE users. Optional in
RADIUS-Accept and CoA. Treated as a session setup failure if different from
8 Framed-IP- The IPv4 address to be configured for the host via DHCPv4 (radius proxy) or
Address IPCP (PPPoE). Simultaneous returned attributes [88] Framed-Pool and [8]
Framed-IP-Address (RADIUS Access-Accept) are handled as host setup
failures. Attribute is also used in CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the
ESM or AA user identification-key). Attribute is omitted in accounting via
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute no framed-ip-addr.
9 Framed-IP- The IP netmask to be configured for the user when the user is a router to a
Netmask network. For DHCPv4 users, the attribute maps to DHCPv4 option [1] Subnet
mask and is mandatory if [8] Framed-IP-Address is also returned. For PPPoE
residential access, the attribute should be set to (also the
default value if the attribute is omitted). For PPPoE business access, the
attribute maps to PPPoE IPCP option [144] Subnet-Mask only when the user
requests this option and if the node parameter configure subscriber-mgmt
ppp-policy <ppp-policy-name> ipcp-subnet-negotiation is set. Attribute is
omitted in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute no framed-ip-netmask.
18 Reply-Message Text that may be displayed to the user by a PPPoE client as a success, failure or
dialogue message. It is mapped to the message field from the PAP/CHAP
authentication replies to the user. Omitting this attribute results in standard
reply messages: login ok and login incorrect for PAP, CHAP authentication
success and CHAP authentication failure for CHAP. String length greater than
the defined Limits are accepted but truncated at this boundary.
27 Session-Timeout Sets the maximum number of seconds of service to be provided to the user
(IPoEv4/PPPoE) before termination of the session. Attribute equals to [26-
6527-160] Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout when received in Access-Accept
since current session time portion is than zero. Value zero sets the session-
timeout to infinite (no session-timeout). The attribute is CoA Nack'd if its value
is smaller than the current-session time. Simultaneous received [27] Session-
Timeout and [26-6527-160] Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout are treated as a error
condition (setup failure if received via Access-Accept and Nack'd if received
via CoA). For IPoEv4 radius proxy and CoA create-host scenarios, [27]
Session-Timeout is interpreted as lease-time instead of session-time if [26-
6527-174] Alc-Lease-Time is omitted.
28 Idle-Timeout Sets the maximum number of consecutive seconds of idle connection allowed to
the user before termination of the session (IPoE/PPPoE) or a connectivity check
is triggered (IPoE). Values outside the allowed Limits are accepted but rounded
to these boundaries. A value of zero is treated as an infinite idle-timeout. The
idle-timeout handling on the node is implemented via category-maps
(configure subscriber-mgmt category-map <category-map-name> and
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name> category-map
30 Called-Station-Id Allows the NAS to send in an Access Request and/or Accounting Request
information with respect to the user called. Attribute is omitted in
authentication/accounting via: configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute no called-
Supported applications:
LNS: the content is the string passed in the [21] Called Number AVP of the
L2TP ICRQ message.
EAP authentication on WLAN Gateway: transparently forwarded as
received in EAP authentication or accounting messages from the AP
31 Calling-Station-Id Allows the NAS to send unique information identifying the user who requested
the service. This format is driven by configuration (configure subscriber-
mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute calling-station-id <llid|mac|remote-id|sap-id|sap-string>).
The LLID (logical link identifier) is the mapping from a physical to logical
identification of a subscriber line and supplied by a RADIUS llid-server. The
sap-string maps to configure service <service-id> subscriber-interface <ip-
int-name> group-interface <ip-int-name> sap <sap-id> calling-station-id
<sap-string>. A [31] Calling-Station-Id attribute value longer than the allowed
maximum is treated as a setup failure. The attribute is omitted in authentication/
accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute no calling-station-id.
44 Acct-Session-Id A unique identifier that represents the subscriber host or session that is
authenticated. This attribute can be used as CoA or Disconnect Message key to
target the host or session and is reflected in the accounting messages for this
host or session.The attribute is included/excluded based on configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> include-radius-attribute
acct-session-id [host|session]. For PPPoE, either the host acct-session-id
(default) or the session acct-session-id is included.
60 CHAP-Challenge The CHAP challenge sent by the NAS to a PPPoE CHAP user as part of the
chap authentication sequence RFC 1994 (Challenge, Response, Success,
Failure). The generated challenge length for each new pppoe session is by
default a random value between [32..64] bytes unless configured different under
configure subscriber-mgmt ppp-policy <ppp-policy-name> ppp-chap-
challenge-length [8..64] or configure router l2tp group <tunnel-group-name>
ppp chap-challenge-length [8..64] for LNS. The CHAP challenge value is
copied into the request-authenticator field of the RADIUS Access-Request
message if the minimum and maximum value is configured at exact 16 (RFC
2865, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), section 2.2,
Interoperation with PAP and CHAP). Attribute CHAP-Password is provided by
a PPPoE CHAP user in response to the [60] CHAP-challenge.
61 NAS-Port-Type The type of the physical port of the NAS which is authenticating the user and
value automatically determined from subscriber SAP encapsulation. It can be
overruled by configuration. Included only if include-radius-attribute nas-port-
type is added per application: configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy (ESM authentication), configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-
policy (ESM accounting), configure aaa isa-radius-policy (LSN accounting,
WLAN-GW) and configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy (L2TP accounting).
Checked for correctness if returned in CoA.
The NAS-Port-Type attribute is always included when the Nas-Port-Id is also
85 Acct-Interim- Indicates the number of seconds between each interim update for this specific
Interval session. Attribute values outside the allowed Limits are accepted but are
rounded to the minimum or maximum Limit.
87 NAS-Port-Id A text string which identifies the physical/logical port of the NAS which is
authenticating the user and/or reported for accounting. Attribute is also used in
CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the user identification-key). The nas-
port-id for physical ports usually contains <slot>/<mda>/<port>/
<vlan|vpi>.<vlan|vci>. The physical port can have an optional prefix-string
(max 8 chars) and suffix-string (max 64 chars) added for Authorization and
Accounting (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy |
authentication-policy <name> include-radius-attribute nas-port-id [prefix-
string <string>] [suffix <circuit-id|remote-id>]). For logical access circuits
(LNS) the nas-port-id is a fixed concatenation (delimiter #) of routing instance,
tunnel-server-endpoint, tunnel-client-endpoint, local-tunnel-id, remote-tunnel-
id, local-session-id, remote-session-id and call sequence number.
Included only if include-radius-attribute nas-port-id is added per application:
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy (ESM authentication),
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy (ESM accounting),
configure aaa isa-radius-policy (LSN accounting, WLAN-GW) and configure
aaa l2tp-accounting-policy (L2TP accounting). For a capture-sap, the nas-
port-id attribute is always included in authentication requests.
88 Framed-Pool The name of one address pool or the name of a primary and secondary address
pool separated with a one character configurable delimiter (configure router/
service vprn <service-id> dhcp local-dhcp-server <server-name> use-pool-
from-client delimiter <delimiter>) that should be used to assign an address for
the user and maps to either:
1) dhcpv4 option [82] vendor-specific-option [9] sub-option [13] dhcpPool if
option is enabled on the node (configure service ies/vprn <service-id>
subscriber-interface <ip-int-name> group-interface <ip-int-name> dhcp
option vendor-specific-option pool-name) or
2) used directly as pool-name in the local configured dhcp server when local-
address-assignment is used and client-application is ppp-v4 (configure service
ies/vprn <service-id> subscriber-interface ip-int-name group-interface ip-
int-name local-address-assignment). Alternative to [26-2352-36] Ip-Address-
Pool-Name and [26-4874-2] ERX-Address-Pool-Name. Framed-Pool names
longer than the allowed maximum are treated as host setup failures.
Simultaneous returned attributes [88] Framed-Pool and [8] Framed-IP-Address
are also handled as host setup failures.
101 Error-Cause The Error-Cause Attribute provides more detail on the cause of the problem if
the NAS cannot honor Disconnect-Request or CoA-Request messages for some
reason. It may be included within Disconnect-ACK, Disconnect-NAK and
CoA-NAK messages. The Error-Causes are divided in 5 blocks. Range [400-
499] is used for fatal errors committed by the RADIUS server. Range [500-599]
is used for fatal errors occurring on a NAS or RADIUS proxy. Ranges [000-199
reserved], [300-399 reserved] and [200-299 used for successful completion in
disconnect-ack/coa-ack] are not implemented.
123 Delegated-IPv6- Attribute that carries the Prefix (ipv6-prefix/prefix-length) to be delegated via
Prefix DHCPv6 (IA-PD) for the LAN side of the user (IPoE, PPPoE). Maps to
DHCPv6 option IA-PD [25] sub-option IA-Prefix [26] Prefix. An exact
Delegated-prefix-Length [DPL] match with configure service <service-id>
subscriber-interface <ip-int-name> ipv6 delegated-prefix-length [48..64] is
required with the received attribute prefix-length unless a variable DPL is
configured (configure service <service-id> subscriber-interface <ip-int-
name> ipv6 delegated-prefix-length variable). In the latter case multiple hosts
for the same group-interface having different prefix-length [48..64] per host are
supported. Simultaneous returned attributes [123] Delegated-IPv6-Prefix and
[26-6527-131] Alc-Delegated-IPv6-Pool are handled as host setup failures.
Attribute is also used in CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the ESM or AA
user identification-key). Attribute is omitted in accounting via configure
subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute no delegated-ipv6-prefix.
26-2352-1 Client-DNS-Pri The IPv4 address of the primary DNS server for this subscribers connection and
maps to PPPoE IPCP option 129 Primary DNS Server address or DHCPv4
option 6 Domain Server. Is an alternative for 26-4874-4 ERX-Primary-Dns or
26-6527-9 Alc-Primary-Dns.
26-2352-2 Client-DNS-Sec A IPv4 address of the secondary DNS server for this subscribers connection and
maps to 'PPPoE IPCP option 131 Secondary DNS Server address or DHCPv4
option 6 Domain Server. Is an alternative for 26-4874-5 ERX-Secondary-Dns
or 26-6527-10 Alc-Secondary-Dns.
26-2352-36 Ip-Address-Pool- The name of an assigned address pool that should be used to assign an address
Name for the user and maps to dhcpv4 option[82] vendor-specific-option [9] sub-
option [13] dhcpPool if option is enabled on the node (configure service
<service-id> subscriber-interface <ip-int-name> group-interface <ip-int-
name> dhcp option vendor-specific-option pool-name). Alternative to [88]
Pool-Name and [26-4874-2] ERX-Address-Pool-Name. Framed-Pool names
longer than the allowed maximum are treated as host setup failures.
Simultaneous returned attributes Pool-Names [8] and Framed-IP-Address are
also handled as host setup failures.
26-2352-99 RB-Client-NBNS- The IPv4 address of the primary NetBios Name Server (NBNS) for this
Pri subscribers connection and maps to 'PPPoE IPCP option 130 Primary DNS
Server address or DHCPv4 option44 NETBIOS name server. Is an alternative
for 26-4874-6 ERX-Primary-Wins or 26-6527-29 Alc-Primary-Nbns.
26-2352-100 RB-Client-NBNS- The IPv4 address of the secondary NetBios Name Server (NBNS) for this
Sec subscribers connection and maps to 'PPPoE IPCP option 132 Primary DNS
Server address or DHCPv4 option44 NETBIOS name server. Is an alternative
for 26-4874-7 ERX-Secondary-Wins or 26-6527-30 Alc-Secondary-Nbns.
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit-Id Information describing the subscriber agent circuit identifier corresponding to
the logical access loop port of the Access Node/DSLAM from which a
subscriber's requests are initiated. Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute circuit-id.
26-3561-2 Agent-Remote-Id An operator-specific, statically configured string that uniquely identifies the
subscriber on the associated access loop of the Access Node/DSLAM. Attribute
is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute remote-
26-3561-129 Actual-Data-Rate- The actual upstream train rate (coded in bits per second) of a subscriber's
Upstream synchronized DSL link and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery
(tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-130 Actual-Data-Rate- Actual downstream train rate (coded in bits per second) of a subscriber's
Downstream synchronized DSL link and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery
(tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-131 Minimum-Data- The subscriber's operator-configured minimum upstream data rate (coded in bits
Rate-Upstream per second) and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105)
or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
7x50_PRD_Multicast_MVPN_sender_receiver_only_v0.2.doc include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-132 Minimum-Data- The subscriber's operator-configured minimum downstream data rate (coded in
Rate-Downstream bits per second) and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag
0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-133 Attainable-Data- The subscriber's attainable upstream data rate (coded in bits per second) and
Rate-Upstream maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-
82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-134 Attainable-Data- The subscriber's attainable downstream data rate (coded in bits per second) and
Rate-Downstream maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-
82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-135 Maximum-Data- The subscriber's maximum upstream data rate (coded in bits per second), as
Rate-Upstream configured by the operator and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery
(tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-136 Maximum-Data- The subscriber's maximum downstream data rate (coded in bits per second), as
Rate-Downstream configured by the operator and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery
(tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-137 Minimum-Data- The subscriber's minimum upstream data rate (coded in bits per second) in low
Rate-Upstream- power state, as configured by the operator and maps to values received during
Low-Power PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/
excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-138 Minimum-Data- The subscriber's minimum downstream data rate (coded in bits per second) in
Rate-Downstream- low power state, as configured by the operator and maps to values received
Low-Power during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/
excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-140 Actual- The subscriber's actual one-way upstream interleaving delay in milliseconds
Interleaving- and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP
Delay-Upstream (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-142 Actual- The subscriber's actual one-way downstream interleaving delay in milliseconds
Interleaving- and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP
Delay- (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
Downstream authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-144 Access-Loop- The last mile encapsulation used by the subscriber on the DSL access loop and
Encapsulation maps to values received during PPPoE discovery Tags (tag 0x0105) or DHCP
Tags (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded in RADIUS/Accounting-Request
based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
Last mile encapsulation information can be used to adjust automatically the
egress aggregate rate for this subscriber. Pre-configured encapsulation types are
used if PPP/IPoE access loop information (tags) is not available (configure
subscriber-mgmt sub-profile <subscriber-profile-name> egress encap-offset
<type> or configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db <local-user-db-name>
ppp host access-loop encap-offset <type>). [26-6527-133] Alc-Access-Loop-
Encap-Offset when returned in Access-Accept is taken into account (overrules
received tags and pre-configured encapsulation types) for ALE adjust (last mile
aware shaping) but is not reflected in access-loop-options send to RADIUS.
Alc-Access-Loop-Encap from ANCP are currently not taken into account for
ALE adjust.
26-3561-254 IWF-Session The presence of this Attribute indicates that the IWF has been performed with
respect to the subscriber's session. IWF is utilized to enable the carriage of PPP
over ATM (PPPoA) traffic over PPPoE. The Access Node inserts the PPPoE
Tag 0x0105, vendor-id 0x0de9 with sub-option code 0xFE, length field is set to
0x00 into the PPPoE Discovery packets when it is performing an IWF
functionality. Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-
mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-4874-2 ERX-Address- The name of an assigned address pool that should be used to assign an address
Pool-Name for the user and maps to dhcpv4 option[82] vendor-specific-option [9] sub-
option [13] dhcpPool if option is enabled on the node (configure service
<service-id> subscriber-interface <ip-int-name> group-interface <ip-int-
name> dhcp option vendor-specific-option pool-name). Alternative to [88]
Pool-Name and [26-2352-36] Ip-Address-Pool-Name. Framed-Pool names
longer than the allowed maximum are treated as host setup failures.
Simultaneous returned attributes Pool-Names [8] and Framed-IP-Address are
also handled as host setup failures.
26-4874-4 ERX-Primary-Dns The IPv4 address of the primary DNS server for this subscribers connection and
maps to PPPoE IPCP option 129 Primary DNS Server address or DHCPv4
option 6 Domain Server. Is an alternative for 26-2352-1 Client-DNS-Pri or 26-
6527-9 Alc-Primary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only for IPoE.
26-4874-5 ERX-Secondary- The IPv4 address of the secondary DNS server for this subscribers connection
Dns and maps to PPPoE IPCP option 131 Secondary DNS Server address or
DHCPv4 option 6 Domain Server. Is an alternative for 26-2352-2 Client-DNS-
Sec or 26-6527-10 Alc-Secondary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only for IPoE.
26-4874-6 ERX-Primary- The IPv4 address of the primary NetBios Name Server (NBNS) for this
Wins subscribers connection and maps to PPPoE IPCP option 130 Primary DNS
Server address or DHCPv4 option44 NETBIOS name server. Is an alternative
for 26-2352-99 RB-Client-NBNS-Pri or 26-6527-29 Alc-Primary-Nbns.
26-4874-7 ERX-Secondary- The IPv4 address of the secondary NetBios Name Server (NBNS) for this
Wins subscribers connection and maps to PPPoE IPCP option 132 Primary DNS
Server address or DHCPv4 option44 NETBIOS name server. Is an alternative
for 26-2352-100 RB-Client-NBNS-Sec or 26-6527-30 Alc-Secondary-Nbns.
26-4874-47 ERX-Ipv6- The IPv6 address of the primary DNSv6 server for this subscribers connection
Primary-Dns and maps to DNS Recursive Name Server option 23 (RFC 3646) in DHCPv6.Is
an alternative for 26-6527-105 Alc-Ipv6-Primary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only.
26-4874-48 ERX-Ipv6- The IPv6 address of the secondary DNSv6 server for this subscribers
Secondary-Dns connection and maps to DNS Recursive Name Server option 23 (RFC 3646) in
DHCPv6.Is an alternative for 26-6527-106 Alc-Ipv6-Secondary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only.
26-6527-9 Alc-Primary-Dns The IPv4 address of the primary DNS server for this subscribers connection and
maps to PPPoE IPCP option 129 Primary DNS Server address or DHCPv4
option 6 Domain Server. Is an alternative for 26-2352-1 Client-DNS-Pri or 26-
4874-4 ERX-Primary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only for IPoE.
26-6527-10 Alc-Secondary- The IPv4 address of the secondary DNS server for this subscribers connection
Dns and maps to PPPoE IPCP option 131 Secondary DNS Server address or
DHCPv4 option 6 Domain Server. Is an alternative for 26-2352-2 Client-DNS-
Sec or 26-4874-5 ERX-Secondary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only for IPoE.
26-6527-12 Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str The subscriber profile is a template which contains settings (accounting, igmp,
HQoS,...) which are applicable to all hosts belonging to the same subscriber
were [26-6527-12] Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str is the string that maps (configure
subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy sub-profile-map) to such an subscriber
profile (configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile <subscriber-profile-name>).
Strings longer than the allowed maximum are treated as setup failures.
Unreferenced strings (string does not map to a policy) are silently ignored and a
fallback to pre-configured defaults is done. Attribute is omitted in accounting
via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute no sub-profile.
26-6527-13 Alc-SLA-Prof-Str The SLA profile is a template which contains settings (filter, QoS, host-limit...)
which are applicable to individual hosts were [26-6527-13] Alc-SLA-Prof-Str is
the string that maps (configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy <sub-ident-
policy-name> sla-profile-map) to such a sla profile (configure subscriber-
mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name>). Strings longer than the allowed
maximum are treated as setup failures. Unreferenced strings (string does not
map to a policy) are silently ignored and a fallback to pre-configured defaults is
done. Attribute is omitted in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt
radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute no sla-profile.
26-6527-16 Alc-ANCP-Str Information describing the subscriber agent circuit identifier corresponding to
the logical access loop port of the Access Node/DSLAM from which a
subscriber's requests are initiated and used to associate the ANCP Circuit-Id
(info received via ANCP Port Up and Port Down) with the PPPoE/IPoE Circuit-
Id (info received via [26-6527-16] Alc-ANCP-Str and [26-3561-1] Agent-
Circuit-Id). An subscriber is ANCP associated when both strings are equal and
for associated subscribers the ingress/egress ANCP QoS rules apply (configure
subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy <policy-name> and configure
subscriber-mgmt sub-profile ancp ancp-policy <policy-name>.
26-6527-18 Alc-Default- Maps to dhcp offer/ack message option [3] default-router for a dhcpv4 radius
Router proxy scenario and defines the default gateway for the user. This attribute is
silently ignored if the NAS is doing dhcpv4 relay. In the latter case the default-
router is part of the dhcpv4 server configuration.
26-6527-27 Alc-Client- MAC address from a user that requests a service and included in CoA,
Hardware-Addr Authentication or Accounting (configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy include-radius-attribute mac-address).
26-6527-28 Alc-Int-Dest-Id-Str A string representing an aggregation point (for example, Access Node) and
interpreted as the intermediate destination id. Subscribers connected to the same
aggregation point should get the same int-dest-id string assigned. The int-dest-
id is used in mc-ring access redundancy to identify subscribers behind a ring
node (configure redundancy multi-chassis peer <ip-address> mc-ring ring/
l3-ring <name> ring-node <ring-node-name>). The int-dest-id can be used in
QoS to shape the egress traffic of a group of subscribers to an aggregate rate
using vports (configure port <port-id> ethernet access egress vport <name>
host-match dest <destination-string>) or secondary shapers on HS-MDAv2
(configure port <port-id> ethernet egress exp-secondary-shaper <secondary-
shaper-name>). For egress policed subscriber traffic, the inter-dest-id can be
used to select the egress queue-group for forwarding (configure port <port-id>
ethernet access egress queue-group <name> host-match dest <destination-
string>). Strings longer than the allowed maximum are treated as setup failures.
26-6527-29 Alc-Primary-Nbns The IPv4 address of the primary NetBios Name Server (NBNS) for this
subscribers connection and maps to PPPoE IPCP option 130 Primary DNS
Server address or DHCPv4 option44 NETBIOS name server. Is an alternative
for 26-2352-99 RB-Client-NBNS-Pri or 26-4874-6 ERX-Primary-Wins.
26-6527-30 Alc-Secondary- The IPv4 address of the secondary NetBios Name Server (NBNS) for this
Nbns subscribers connection and maps to PPPoE IPCP option 132 Primary DNS
Server address or DHCPv4 option44 NETBIOS name server. Is an alternative
for 26-2352-100 RB-Client-NBNS-Sec or 26-4874-7 ERX-Secondary-Wins.
26-6527-34 Alc-PPPoE- Specifies the number in deci-seconds that the PPPoE protocol stack on the NAS
PADO-Delay waits before sending a PADO packet in response to a PADI request. In dual
homed topologies, you may want to designate a primary NAS and a backup
NAS for handling a particular service request. In such a scenario, you can
configure a delay for the backup NAS to allow sufficient time for the primary
NAS to respond to the client with a PADO packet. If the primary NAS does not
send the PADO packet within this delay period, then the backup NAS sends the
PADO packet after the delay period expires. This attribute is only applicable if
RADIUS PADI authentication is used (configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy <ppp-policy-name> pppoe-access-method padi).
Values above the allowed Limits are truncated at the Limits boundary. There is
no PADO delay if the attribute is omitted or if the attribute is received with a
value of zero.
26-6527-35 Alc-PPPoE- Maps to PADI field PPPoE tags [0x0101] service-name and is sent in the
Service-Name Access-Request if enabled under configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute pppoe-service-name. A PPPoE-
Service-Name above the allowed maximum length is handled as a PPPOE
session setup failure.
26-6527-36 Alc-DHCP- Initiated by DHCP clients via option 60 [Class-id] and reflected in
Vendor-Class-Id Authentication. (configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute dhcp-vendor-class-id or configure aaa isa-radius-
policy <name> auth-include-attributes dhcp-vendor-class-id). DHCP option
[60] Class-ID can also be used as User-name in RADIUS requests. (configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> user-name-format dhcp-
26-6527-99 Alc-Ipv6-Address The ipv6 address to be configured to the WAN side of the user (IPoE,PPPoE)
via DHCPv6 (IA-NA). Maps to DHCPv6 option IA-NA[3] sub-option IA-
Address[5] address. This attribute is an alternative to [97] Framed-IPv6-Prefix
and [100] Framed-IPv6-Pool, which also assigns IPv6 addressing to the wan-
side of a host via SLAAC or DHCPv6 IA-NA. Attribute is also used in CoA and
Disconnect Message (part of the ESM or AA user identification-key). Attribute
is omitted in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute no ipv6-address.
For data-triggered authentication of an IPv6 UE in Distributed Subscriber
Management (DSM) context, this attribute contains the IPv6 address that
triggered the request. Inclusion of this attribute is configured under configure
aaa isa-radius-policy <policy-name> auth-include-attributes ipv6-address.
26-6527-102 Alc-ToServer- Send to RADIUS all DHCPv4 options received in a DHCPv4 message
Dhcp-Options triggering authentication. The dhcpv4 options are concatenated in the attribute
up to maximum length per attribute (see limits). If more space is needed, an
additional attribute is included. If the total dhcp options space requires more
than the total maximum length (see limits), then no attributes are included.
(configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute dhcp-options, configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name> auth-
include-attributes dhcp-options).
26-6527-103 Alc-ToClient- Copy the content of the attribute value in dhcpv4 options for dhcpv4 messages
Dhcp-Options towards the client. It is not required to send each option in a different VSA;
concatenation is allowed. Only the attributes within the defined limits (see
limits) are parsed and stored; the remaining attributes are silently ignored.
26-6527-105 Alc-Ipv6-Primary- The IPv6 address of the primary DNSv6 server for this subscribers connection
Dns and maps to DNS Recursive Name Server option 23 (RFC 3646) in DHCPv6.
This attribute is an alternative for [26-4874-47] ERX-Ipv6-Primary-Dns.
Applicable in proxy scenarios only.
26-6527-106 Alc-Ipv6- The IPv6 address of the secondary DNSv6 server for this subscribers
Secondary-Dns connection and maps to DNS Recursive Name Server option 23' (RFC 3646) in
DHCPv6. This attribute is an alternative for [26-4874-48] ERX-Ipv6-
Applicable in proxy scenarios only.
26-6527-126 Alc-Subscriber- Used to override queue/policer parameters (CIR, PIR, CBS, MBS) and HQoS
QoS-Override parameters (aggregate rate, scheduler rate or root arbiter rate) configured at sla-
profile and sub-profile level. Enables per subscriber/host customization. Each
set of Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override attributes in a RADIUS message replaces
the set of Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override attributes from a previous message.
Hence the sla-profile and sub-profile QoS configuration is always used as the
base config. To undo a previously enabled RADIUS QoS-override and return to
the base config, send a CoA with at least one Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override
attribute. The value part of each Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override attribute must be
empty (For example, Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override += i:q:2:). Wrong
formatted attributes or too many attributes (see limits) are treated as a setup
failure or result in a CoA NAK.
26-6527-128 Alc-ATM-Ingress- The ATM Traffic Descriptor override for a PPPoA or PPPoEoA host and refers
TD-Profile to the pre-configured traffic description QoS profile applied on the ingress
ATM Virtual Circuit (configure qos atm-td-profile <traffic-desc-profile-id>).
All subscriber hosts on a given ATM VC must have same ATM traffic
descriptors and this attribute is ignored if it specifies an ATM Traffic Descriptor
override while it has already specified another one for another host on the same
ATM Virtual Circuit. A pre-configured description profile per ATM Virtual
Circuit is used when this attribute is omitted. (configure subscriber-mgmt
msap-policy <msap-policy-name> atm egress/ingress traffic-desc or
configure service vprn <service-id> subscriber-interface <ip-int-name>
group-interface <ip-int-name> sap <sap-id> atm egress/ingress traffic-desc).
A Traffic Descriptor profile above the Limit is treated as a setup failure.
Unreferenced Traffic Descriptor profiles within the Limit, or a Traffic
Descriptor profile for a non ATM host are silently ignored.
26-6527-129 Alc-ATM-Egress- The ATM Traffic Descriptor override for a PPPoA or PPPoEoA host and refers
TD-Profile to the pre-configured traffic description QoS profile applied on the egress ATM
Virtual Circuit (configure qos atm-td-profile <traffic-desc-profile-id>). All
subscriber hosts on a given ATM VC must have same ATM traffic descriptors
and this attribute is ignored if it specifies an ATM Traffic Descriptor override
while it has already specified another one for another host on the same ATM
Virtual Circuit. A pre-configured description profile per ATM Virtual Circuit is
used when this attribute is omitted (configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy
atm egress/ingress traffic-desc or configure service vprn <service-id>
subscriber-interface <ip-int-name> group-interface <ip-int-name> sap <sap-
id> atm egress/ingress traffic-desc). A Traffic Descriptor profile above the
Limits is treated as a setup failure. Unreferenced Traffic Descriptor profiles
within the Limits, or a Traffic Descriptor profile for a non ATM host are silently
26-6527-131 Alc-Delegated- The name of an assigned pool that should be used to assign an IPv6 prefix via
IPv6-Pool DHCPv6(IA-PD) to the LAN side of the user (IPoE, PPPoE). Maps to DHCPv6
vendor-option[17],sub-option[2] pfx-pool. Alc-Delegated-ipv6-pool names
longer than the allowed maximum are treated as host setup failures. Alternative
method for [123] Delegated-IPv6-Prefix so simultaneous returned attributes
[123] Delegated-IPv6-Prefix and [26-6527-131] Alc-Delegated-IPv6-Pool are
handled as host setup failures. The length information [DPL] can be supplied
via [26-6527-161] Alc-Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Length along with the pool
name. The [26-6527-161] Alc-Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Length has priority over
other possible sources of DPL. (As a fixed or variable DPL under configure
service ies/vprn subscriber-interface ipv6 delegated-prefix-length or on the
dhcpv6 server configure router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server <server-name> pool
<pool-name> delegated-prefix-length).
26-6527-132 Alc-Access-Loop- The actual downstream rate (coded in kbits per second) of a PPPoE subscriber's
Rate-Down synchronized DSL link and competes with the value received from alternative
sources (dsl-forum tags, ludb, ancp). Values outside the Limits are treated as
setup failures. Attribute is silently ignored for None-MLPPP sessions or IPoE
26-6527-133 Alc-Access-Loop- The last mile encapsulation representing the subscribers DSL access loop
Encap-Offset encapsulation and when returned in RADIUS-Accept (PTA or LAC) is taken
into account for ALE adjust (last mile aware shaping) but not reflected in [26-
3561-144] Access-Loop-Encapsulation (access-loop-options) send to
Accounting. For LAC this attributes maps to LTP AVP [3561-144] Access-
26-6527-135 Alc-PPP-Force- Forces IPv6CP negotiation in conditions were the Access-Accept does not
IPv6CP return any ipv6 related attributes (v6 pool, v6 prefix, v6 address,
dnsv6).Without these ipv6 related attributes the NAS has no way to detect that
this is a dual-stack pppoe user and therefore it will not start IPv6CP unless this
attribute is returned in the Access-Accept. Values 1 triggers ipv6cp and value 0
is treated the same as not sending the attribute. Values different than the Limits
are treated as setup failures.
26-6527-136 Alc-Onetime-Http- The pre-configured ipv4 filter with http-redirection rules. Via this host specific
Redirection-Filter- filter only the first HTTP request from the host will be redirected to a
Id configured URL with specified parameters. There is no HTTP redirection for
subsequent HTTP requests. Useful in cases where service providers need to
push a web page of advertisement/announcements to broadband users.
26-6527-160 Alc-Relative- Sets or resets the IPoE/PPPoE session timeout to a relative value (current
Session-Timeout session time + newly received Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout). Attribute equals
to [27] Session-Timeout if received in Access-Accept since current session time
portion is than zero. Value zero sets/resets the session-timeout to infinite (no
session-timeout). Simultaneous received [27] Session-Timeout and [26-6527-
160] Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout are treated as a setup failure (setup failure if
received in Access-Accept and ignored if received in CoA).
26-6527-161 Alc-Delegated- Defines the IA-PD length information [DPL] and only applicable together with
IPv6-Prefix- [26-6527-131] Alc-Delegated-IPv6-Pool (silently ignored if received in
Length RADIUS Accept without Alc-Delegated-IPv6-Pool). Maps to DHCPv6 vendor-
option[17] ,sub-option[3] pfx-len. The [26-6527-161] Alc-Delegated-IPv6-
Prefix-Length has priority over other possible sources of DPL. (As a fixed or
variable DPL under configure service ies/vprn <service-id> subscriber-
interface <ip-int-name> ipv6 delegated-prefix-length or on the dhcpv6 server
configure router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server <server-name pool <pool-name>
delegated-prefix-length). DPL values outside the limits are treated as setup
26-6527-174 Alc-Lease-Time Defines the lease-time in seconds for RADIUS proxy and create-host-CoA
scenarios only. The [27] Session-Timeout is interpreted and used as IPoE lease-
time if [26-6527-174] Alc-lease-Time is omitted. The maximum value
4294967295 corresponds with a lease-time > 9999 days (24855d 03h). Value
zero triggers to fallback to the default lease-time of 7 days. Returning attribute
[26-6527-174] Alc-Lease-Time in other scenarios then radius-proxy and create-
host-CoA are treated as setup failures.
26-6527-175 Alc-DSL-Line- Status of the DSL line obtained via ANCP can be one of three value:
State SHOWTIME (the modem is ready to transfer data), IDLE (line is idle) or
SILENT (line is silent). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-6527-176 Alc-DSL-Type Type of the DSL line (ADSL1, ADSL2, ADSL2PLUS, VDSL1, VDSL2,
SDSL, other) obtained via ANCP.
Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-6527-177 Alc-Portal-Url The URL to which traffic matching the hosts IPv4 filter entry with http-redirect
action is redirected to. The URL overrides the configured URL in the redirect
filter. Radius overrides must explicitly be enabled: configure filter ip-filter
<filter-id> entry <entry-id> action http-redirect <rdr-url-string> allow-
26-6527-178 Alc-Ipv6-Portal- The URL to which traffic matching the hosts IPv6 filter entry with http-redirect
Url action is redirected to. The URL overrides the configured URL in the redirect
filter. RADIUS overrides must explicitly be enabled: configure filter ipv6-
filter <filter-id> entry <entry-id> action http-redirect <rdr-url-string> allow-
26-6527-180 Alc-SAP-Session- Per SAP unique PPPoE or IPoE session index that can be included in RADIUS
Index Access Request messages. The lowest free index is assigned to a new PPPoE or
IPoE session. Attribute is included or excluded based on configure subscriber-
mgmt authentication-policy <name> include-radius-attribute sap-session-
26-6527-181 Alc-SLAAC-IPv6- A pool name that can be used in local address assignment to assign an IPv6
Pool SLAAC prefix via a Router Advertisement to the WAN side of the IPoE/PPPoE
Alc-SLAAC-IPv6-Pool names longer than the allowed maximum are treated as
host setup failures. If local-address-assignment is not enabled on the group-
interface for ipv6 client-application ppp-slaac, then the PPP session will be
terminated. If local-address-assignment is not enabled on the group-interface for
ipv6 client-application ipoe-slaac, then the IPoE host will not be instantiated.
26-6527-183 Alc-WPP-Error- This attribute specifies the value of the ErrCode that the system should use in a
Code WPP ACK_AUTH packet. This attribute can only be included in a Radius
Access-Reject packet.
26-6527-185 Alc-Onetime-Http- An indication to reactivate a onetime http redirect filter for the host.
Redirect- When received in a RADIUS CoA message,
Reactivate the filter with the value indicated by [26-6527-136] Alc-Onetime-Http-
Redirection-Filter-Id is activated.
If [26-6527-136] Alc-Onetime-Http-Redirection-Filter-Id contains the
value 0, then the existing onetime http redirect filter id associated with the
host is removed.
if no [26-6527-136] Alc-Onetime-Http-Redirection-Filter-Id VSA is
provided in the RADIUS CoA message, then the existing onetime http
redirect filter id associated with the host is applied.
The value of the [26-6527-185] Alc-Onetime-Http-Redirect-Reactivate VSA is
opaque. It is the presence of the VSA in a RADIUS CoA that triggers the action.
26-6527-191 Alc-ToServer- This attribute contains DHCPv6 client options present in a DHCPv6 Solicit or
Dhcp6-Options Request message to be passed to RADIUS in an Access-Request. Up to two
attributes are included in the Access-Request message in case that the length of
the DHCPv6 options exceed the maximum length of a single attribute (see
Limits section).
When the DHCPv6 solicit or request message is encapsulated in a Relay-
Forward message, only the inner DHCPv6 client options are copied in the Alc-
ToServer-Dhcp6-Options attribute. Options inserted by a Relay Agent are
Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy <name> include-radius-attribute dhcp6-options
For DHCPv6 triggered authentication in a Distribute Subscriber Management
(DSM) context, this attribute contains the DHCPv6 client options as sent to the
WLAN-GW. Inclusion of this attribute is configured via configure aaa isa-
radius-policy <policy-name> auth-include-attributes dhcp6-options.
26-6527-192 Alc-ToClient- The value of this attribute represents DHCPv6 options encoded in a
Dhcp6-Options hexadecimal format. DHCPv6 options originated by Radius are appended to the
options already present in the DHCPv6 Advertise and Reply messages towards
the client.
Passing the RADIUS obtained DHCPv6 options to the client is supported for
both DHCPv6 proxy and relay.
Only the attributes within the defined limits (see limits) are parsed and stored;
the remaining attributes are silently ignored.
26-6527-200 Alc-v6-Preferred- IPv6 address/prefix preferred lifetime is the length of time that a valid address/
Lifetime prefix is preferred (i.e., the time until deprecation). When the preferred lifetime
expires, the address/prefix becomes deprecated (can still be used in existing
communications but should not be used as source in new communications).
This attribute is applicable only when an IPv6 address/prefix is assigned via
Radius (DHCPv6 proxy). Overrides the dhcp6 proxy-server preferred-lifetime
configuration on the group-interface.
The attribute value is expressed in seconds. Values outside the allowed range
(see limits) result in a setup failure.
If for the final determined values from the different sources (ludb, radius,
defaults), the following rule is violated:
renew timer <= rebind timer <= preferred lifetime <= valid lifetime
then the default timers are used: renew-timer = 30 min, rebind-timer = 48 min,
preferred-lifetime = 1hr, valid-lifetime = 1 day.
Note that only a single value can be specified that applies to both IA-NA
address and IA-PD prefix.
26-6527-201 Alc-v6-Valid- IPv6 address/prefix valid lifetime is the length of time an address/prefix remains
Lifetime in the valid state (i.e., the time until invalidation). When the valid lifetime
expires, the address/prefix becomes invalid and must no longer be used in
communications. Used as DHCPv6 lease time.
This attribute is applicable only when an IPv6 address/prefix is assigned via
Radius (DHCPv6 proxy). Overrides the dhcp6 proxy-server valid-lifetime
configuration on the group-interface.
The attribute value is expressed in seconds. Values outside the allowed range
(see limits) result in a setup failure.
If for the final determined values from the different sources (ludb, radius,
defaults), the following rule is violated:
renew timer <= rebind timer <= preferred lifetime <= valid lifetime
then the default timers are used: renew-timer = 30 min, rebind-timer = 48 min,
preferred-lifetime = 1hr, valid-lifetime = 1 day.
Note that only a single value can be specified that applies to both IA-NA
address and IA-PD prefix.
26-6527-202 Alc-Dhcp6- The attribute value represents the DHCPv6 lease renew time (T1). T1 is the
Renew-Time time at which the client contacts the addressing authority to extend the lifetimes
of the DHCPv6 leases (addresses/prefixes).
This attribute is applicable only when an IPv6 address/prefix is assigned via
Radius (DHCPv6 proxy). Overrides the dhcp6 proxy-server renew-timer
configuration on the group-interface.
The attribute value is expressed in seconds. Values outside the allowed range
(see limits) result in a setup failure.
If for the final determined values from the different sources (ludb, radius,
defaults), the following rule is violated:
renew timer <= rebind timer <= preferred lifetime <= valid lifetime
then the default timers are used: renew-timer = 30 min, rebind-timer = 48 min,
preferred-lifetime = 1hr, valid-lifetime = 1 day.
Note that only a single value can be specified that applies to both IA-NA
address and IA-PD prefix.
26-6527-203 Alc-Dhcp6- The attribute value represents the DHCPv6 lease rebind time (T2). T2 is the
Rebind-Time time at which the client contacts any available addressing authority to extend
the lifetimes of DHCPv6 leases.
This attribute is applicable only when an IPv6 address/prefix is assigned via
Radius (DHCPv6 proxy). Overrides the dhcp6 proxy-server rebind-timer
configuration on the group-interface
The attribute value is expressed in seconds. Values outside the allowed range
(see limits) result in a setup failure.
If for the final determined values from the different sources (ludb, radius,
defaults), the following rule is violated:
renew timer <= rebind timer <= preferred lifetime <= valid lifetime
then the default timers are used: renew-timer = 30 min, rebind-timer = 48 min,
preferred-lifetime = 1hr, valid-lifetime = 1 day.
Note that only a single value can be specified that applies to both IA-NA
address and IA-PD prefix.
26-6527-217 Alc-UPnP-Sub- Specifies the UPnP policy to use for this l2aware subscriber. The policy must be
Override-Policy configured in configure service upnp upnp-policy <policy-name>.
Overrides the configured policy in the sub-profile for the subscriber: configure
subscriber-mgmt sub-profile <name> upnp-policy <policy-name>.
The value _tmnx_no_override removes any existing override and installs the
upnp-policy configured in the sub-profile instead.
The value _tmnx_disabled creates a special override that disables UPnP for
this subscriber.
Specifying a non-existing policy results in a host/session setup failure or in a
CoA Reject.
All hosts belonging to the subscriber are affected by a UPnP policy override.
Changing the upnp-policy will clear all existing upnp-mappings.
3 CHAP- octets 16+1 Bytes Users CHAP identifier 1 followed by the Encrypted
Password password
For example: CHAP-Password
30 Called- string 64 chars # LNS: L2TP Called Number AVP21 from LAC
Station-Id For example: Called-Station-Id = 4441212
44 Acct-Session- string 22 bytes No useful information can be extracted from the string.
Id For example: # internal generated asid 22 Bytes/chars:
Acct-Session-Id = 241AFF0000003250B5F750
101 Error-Cause octets 4 Bytes Current supported causes are: Missing Attribute[402],
NAS Identification Mismatch[403], Invalid
Request[404], Unsupported Service[405], Invalid
Attribute Value[407], Administratively Prohibited
[501], Session Context Not Found [503], Resources
For example: Error-Cause = Invalid Request
26-6527- Alc-ToServer- octets 2 attributes For example: DHCPv4 Discover , option-60 [Class-
102 Dhcp-Options 247 Bytes/ identifier-option] = DHCP-VendorClassId ; Agent-
attribute Circuit-Id = circuit10;Agent-Remote-Id = remote10
494 Bytes total Alc-ToServer-Dhcp-Options =
26-6527- Alc-ToClient- octets 8 attributes For example: Insert DHCP Option 121, length=7,
103 Dhcp-Options 247 Bytes/ 16.192.168
attribute # Classless Static Route:
494 Bytes total Alc-ToClient-Dhcp-Options =
26-6527- Alc-WPP- integer 4 Bytes A non-zero unsigned integer. Valid values are 1, 2 or 4
183 Error-Code
26-6527- Alc-Onetime- string 247 chars The value of the attribute is opaque. Its presence in a
185 Http-Redirect- RADIUS CoA triggers the action.
26-6527- Alc-ToServer- octets 2 attributes For example, when the DHCPv6 solicit contains
191 Dhcp6- 247 Bytes/ following options:
Options attribute Option : ELAPSED_TIME (8), Length : 2
494 Bytes total Time : 0 seconds
Option : CLIENTID (1), Length : 10
LL : HwTyp=0001,LL=005100000002
Option : ORO (6), Length : 4
Requested Option : IA_NA (3)
Requested Option : IA_PD (25)
Option : IA_NA (3), Length : 12
IAID : 0
Time1: 0 seconds
Time2: 0 seconds
Option : IA_PD (25), Length : 12
IAID : 1
Time1: 0 seconds
Time2: 0 seconds
Alc-ToServer-Dhcp6-Options =
2 User-Password 0-1 0 0
3 CHAP-Password 0-1 0 0
4 NAS-IP-Address 0-1 0 0
5 NAS-Port 0-1 0 0
9 Framed-IP-Netmask 0 0-1 0
18 Reply-Message 0 0-1 0
22 Framed-Route 0 0+ 0
32 NAS-Identifier 0-1 0 0
60 CHAP-Challenge 0-1 0 0
88 Framed-Pool 0 0-1 0
95 NAS-IPv6-Address 0-1 0 0
99 Framed-IPv6-Route 0 0+ 0
26-6527-102 Alc-ToServer-Dhcp-Options 0+ 0 0
26-6527-103 Alc-ToClient-Dhcp-Options 0 0+ 0
26-6527-183 Alc-WPP-Error-Code 0 0 0
Reject only)
26-6527-191 Alc-ToServer-Dhcp6-Options 0+ 0 0
26-6527-192 Alc-ToClient-Dhcp6-Options 0 0+ 0
26-6527-17 Alc-Retail-Serv-Id The service ID of the retailer to which this subscriber host belongs.
(configure service ies/vprn <retail-service-id> subscriber-interface retail-
interface-id fwd-service <wholesale-service-id> fwd-subscriber-interface
wholesale-interface-name>). Returning an IES service ID for an IPoEv4 host
is treated as a session setup failure.
This attribute must be included together with NAS-Port-Id and an IP-address/
prefix attribute in a CoA targeting a subscriber host in a retail service.
26-6527-31 Alc-MSAP-Serv-Id The service-id (IES/VPRN) where Managed SAPs are created.(configure
service ies/vprn <service-id>). If this attribute is omitted, use msap defaults
created under ludb or capture VPLS.(configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-
db <local-user-db-name> ppp/dhcp host msap-defaults service <service-
id> or configure service vpls <service-id sap <sap-id> msap-defaults
service <service-id>). This omitted attribute without explicit created msap-
defaults is treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-32 Alc-MSAP-Policy Managed sap policy-name used to create Managed SAPs and refers to the CLI
context configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy <msap-policy-name>).
The policy contains similar parameters that would be configured for a regular
subscriber SAP. If this attribute is omitted we have to option to will fall back
to msap defaults created under ludb or capture VPLS. (configure subscriber-
mgmt local-user-db ppp/dhcp host msap-defaults policy <msap-policy-
name> or configure service vpls sap msap-defaults policy <msap-policy-
name>).This omitted attribute without explicit created msap-defaults is
treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-33 Alc-MSAP-Interface The group-interface-name where Managed SAPs are created and refers to
CLI context configure service ies/vprn subscriber-interface <ip-int-name>
group-interface <ip-int-name> policy <msap-policy-name>. If this attribute
is omitted we have to option to will fall back to msap defaults created under
ludb or capture VPLS. (configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db <local-
user-db-name> ppp/dhcp host msap-defaults group-interface <ip-int-
name> or configure service <service-id> vpls sap <sap-id> msap-defaults
group-interface <ip-int-name>). Strings above the Limits and an omitted
attribute without explicit created msap-defaults are treated as setup failures.
26-6527-32 Alc-MSAP- string 32 chars Policy may start with a letter or number
Policy For example: Alc-MSAP-Policy = 1-Policy-
64 Tunnel-Type The tunneling protocol(s) to be used (in the case of a tunnel initiator)
or the tunneling protocol in use (in the case of a tunnel terminator).
This attribute is mandatory on LAC Access-Accept and needs to be
L2TP. The same attribute is included on LNS in the Access-Request
and Acct-Request if the CLI RADIUS policy include-radius-attribute
tunnel-server-attrs is enabled on 7x50 LNS. For L2TP Tunnel/Link
Accounting this attribute is always included on LAC and LNS.
65 Tunnel-Medium-Type The transport medium to use when creating a tunnel for those
protocols (such as L2TP) that can operate over multiple transports.
This attribute is mandatory on LAC Access-Accept and needs to be
IP or 'IPv4.The same attribute is included on LNS in the Access-
Request and Acct-Request if the CLI RADIUS policy include-
radius-attribute tunnel-server-attrs is enabled on 7x50 LNS. For
L2TP Tunnel/Link Accounting this attribute is always included on
LAC and LNS.
66 Tunnel-Client-Endpoint The dotted-decimal IP address of the initiator end of the tunnel. Pre-
configured values are used when attribute is omitted (configure
router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp local-address). If omitted in
Access Accept on LAC and no local-address configured, then the
address is taken from the interface with name system. This attribute
is included on LNS in the Access-Request and Acct-Request only if
the CLI RADIUS policy include-radius-attribute tunnel-server-attrs
is enabled on 7x50 LNS. For L2TP Tunnel/Link Accounting this
attribute is always included on LAC and LNS as untagged.
67 Tunnel-Server-Endpoint The dotted-decimal IP address of the server end of the tunnel is also
on the LAC the dest-ip for all L2TP packets for that tunnel.
To support more than 31 tunnels in a single Radius Access-Accept
message, multiple Tunnel-Server-Endpoint attributes with the same
tag can be inserted. All tunnels specified by Tunnel-Sever-Endpoint
attributes with a given tag will use the tunnel parameters specified by
the other Tunnel attributes having the same tag value.
69 Tunnel-Password A shared, salt encrypted, secret used for tunnel authentication and
AVP-hiding. The usage of tunnel-authentication is indicated by
attribute [26-6527-97] Alc-Tunnel-Challenge and the usage of AVP-
hiding is indicated by attribute [26-6527-54] Alc-Tunnel-AVP-
Hiding. The value with tag 0 is used as default for the tunnels where
the value is not specified. Pre-configured values are used when
attribute is omitted (configure router/service vprn <service-id>
l2tp password). There is no default password. Received passwords
longer than the maximum chars limit are truncated at maximum
chars limit.
83 Tunnel-Preference Indicates the relative preference assigned to each tunnel if more than
one set of tunnelling attributes is returned by the RADIUS server to
the tunnel initiator. 0x0 (zero) being the lowest and
0x0FFFFFF(16777215) being the highest numerical value. The
tunnel having the numerically lowest value in the Value field of this
Attribute is given the highest preference. Other tunnel selection
criteria are used if preference values from different tunnels are equal.
Preference 50 is used when attribute is omitted. Values above the
Limits wrap around by Freeradius before send to the NAS (start
again from zero until the Limits).
26-4874-64 ERX-Tunnel-Group The name of the tunnel group that refers to the CLI created tunnel-
group-name context.(configure router <router-name> l2tp group
<tunnel-group-name>. Any other RADIUS returned L2TP parameter
is ignored and other required info to setup the tunnel will have to
come from the CLI created context. Strings above the Limits are
treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-46 Alc-Tunnel-Group The tunnel-group-name that refers to the CLI created tunnel-group-
name context.(configure router <router-name> l2tp group <tunnel-
group-name>. Any other RADIUS returned L2TP parameter is
ignored and other required info to setup the tunnel will have to come
from the CLI created context. Strings above the Limits are treated as
a setup failure.
26-6527-48 Alc-Tunnel-Max-Sessions The maximum number of sessions allowed per Tunnel (if tag is
1..31) or per Tunnel-Group (if tag is 0).This attribute has the same
meaning as attribute 26-2352-21 Tunnel-Max-sessions and 26-4874-
33 ERX-Tunnel-Maximum-Sessions with the only difference that
these latter attributes refers to the Tunnel-Group only (untagged
attributed). No sessions are setup above the Limits. Pre-configured
values (configure router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp session-
limit) are used when attribute is omitted.
26-6527-49 Alc-Tunnel-Idle-Timeout The period of time in seconds, that an established tunnel with no
active sessions (Established-Idle) persists before being disconnected.
The value with tag 0 is used as default for the tunnels where the value
is not specified. Pre-configured values are used when attribute is
omitted (configure router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp idle-
timeout). The tunnel is not disconnected (infinite) without local
configured idle-timeout or if the attribute has value -1 (16777215).
Values above Limits are treated as setup failures.
26-6527-50 Alc-Tunnel-Hello-Interval The time interval in seconds between two consecutive tunnel Hello
messages. A value of '-1' specifies that the keepalive function is
disabled. The value with tag 0 is used as default for the tunnels where
the value is not specified. Pre-configured values are used when
attribute is omitted (configure router/service vprn <service-id>
l2tp hello-interval). Values outside Limits are treated as a setup
26-6527-51 Alc-Tunnel-Destruct-Timeout The time in seconds that operational data of a disconnected tunnel
will persist on the node before being removed. Availability of the
data after tunnel disconnection allows better troubleshooting. The
value with tag 0 is used as default for the tunnels where the value is
not specified. Pre-configured values are used when attribute is
omitted (configure router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp destruct-
timeout). Values outside Limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-52 Alc-Tunnel-Max-Retries-Estab The number of retries allowed for established tunnels before their
control connection goes down. An exponential backoff mechanism is
used for the retransmission interval: the first retransmission occurs
after 1 second, the next after 2 seconds, then 4 seconds up to a
maximum interval of 8 seconds (1,2,4,8,8,8,8). The value with tag 0
is used as default for the tunnels where the value is not specified. Pre-
configured values are used when attribute is omitted (configure
router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp max-retries-estab). Values
outside Limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-53 Alc-Tunnel-Max-Retries-Not- The number of retries allowed for unestablished tunnels before their
Estab control connection goes down. An exponential backoff mechanism is
used for the retransmission interval: the first retransmission occurs
after 1 second, the next after 2 seconds, then 4 seconds up to a
maximum interval of 8 seconds (1,2,4,8,8,8,8). The value with tag 0
is used as default for the tunnels where the value is not specified. Pre-
configured values are used when attribute is omitted (configure
router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp max-retries-not-estab).
Values outside Limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-54 Alc-Tunnel-AVP-Hiding Identifies the hiding of data in the Attribute Value field of an L2TP
AVP. The H bit in the header of each L2TP AVP provides a
mechanism to indicate to the receiving peer whether the contents of
the AVP are hidden or present in cleartext. This feature can be used
to hide sensitive control message data such as user passwords or user
IDs. All L2TP AVP's will be passed in cleartext if attribute is omitted
and corresponds with the value 'nothing'. The value 'sensitive-only'
specifies that the H bit is only set for AVP's containing sensitive
information. The value 'all' specifies that the H bit is set for all AVP's
where it is allowed. The value with tag 0 is used as default for the
tunnels where the value is not specified. Pre-configured values are
used when attribute is omitted (configure router/service vprn
<service-id> l2tp avp-hiding). AVP hiding uses the shared LAC-
LNS secret defined in attribute [69] Tunnel-Password or in
configuration. If no password is specified, the tunnel setup will fail
for values 'sensitive-only' and 'all'. Values outside the Limits are
treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-100 Alc-Serv-Id The ies/vprn <service-id> on LNS node where the PPP sessions are
established (configure service ies/vprn <service-id> subscriber-
interface <name> group-interface <name>. Pre-configured values
are used if attribute is omitted (configure subscriber-mgmt local-
user-db ppp host interface <ip-int-name> service-id <service-id>
or configure router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp group ppp
default-group-interface <ip-int-name> service-id <service-id>).
Values above the Limits or unreferenced are treated as a setup
26-6527-101 Alc-Interface Refers to the group interface <name> on LNS node only where the
PPP sessions are established (configure service ies/vprn <service-
id> subscriber-interface <ip-int-name> group-interface <ip-int-
name>). Pre-configured values are used if the attribute is omitted
(configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db <local-user-db-name>
ppp host interface <ip-int-name> service-id <service-id> or
configure router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp group ppp
default-group-interface <ip-int-name> service-id <service-id>).
Alc-interface names longer than the maximum allowed value are
treated as session setup failures.
26-6527-104 Alc-Tunnel-Serv-Id The service-id from which the tunnel should be established, enables
the tunnel origin to be in a VPRN (VRF). The default value = Base.
Values above the Limits or unreferenced are treated as a setup
26-6527-120 Alc-Tunnel-Rx-Window-Size Initial receive window size being offered to the remote peer. This
attribute is copied in AVP 10 L2TP Receive Window Size. The
remote peer may send the specified number of control messages
before it must wait for an acknowledgment. The value with tag 0 is
used as default for the tunnels where the value is not specified. A pre-
configured value is used when attribute is omitted (configure
router/service vprn <service-id> l2tp receive-window-size).
Values outside the allowed Limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-204 Alc-Tunnel-DF-bit This attribute is used on an L2TP LAC only. By default, a LAC does
not allow L2TP packet fragmentation by sending L2TP towards the
LNS with the Do not Fragment (DF) bit set to 1. This DF bit can be
set to 0 to allow downstream routers to fragment the L2TP packets.
The LAC itself will not fragment L2TP packets. Packets sent with
MTU bigger than the allowed size on the LAC egress port are
26-6527-214 Alc-Tunnel-Recovery-Method Sets the L2TP LAC failover recovery-method to be used for this
tunnel: mcs or recovery-tunnel (RFC 4951). Pre-configured values
are used when attribute is omitted (configure router/service vprn
<service-id> l2tp failover recovery-method).
When tunnel recovery method is set to recovery-tunnel but LNS does
not support this capability, then the system automatically falls back
to mcs.
Values outside the limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-215 Alc-Tunnel-Recovery-Time Only applicable when the L2TP LAC failover recovery-method is set
to recovery-tunnel. Sets the L2TP LAC failover recovery-time to be
negotiated with LNS via L2TP failover extensions (RFC 4951). It
indicates to the LNS how long it needs to extend its protocol retry
timeout before declaring the control channel down. Pre-configured
values are used when attribute is omitted (configure router/service
vprn <service-id> l2tp failover recovery-time).
Values outside the limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-2352-21 Tunnel-Max- integer 131071 max sessions per group with default=131071
sessions default=131071
For example: Tunnel-Max-sessions:0 = 1000
26-4874-33 ERX-Tunnel- integer 131071 max sessions per group with default=131071
Maximum- For example: ERX-Tunnel-Maximum-Sessions:0
Sessions = 1000
26-6527-48 Alc-Tunnel- integer 131071 max sessions per group and/or tunnel with
Max-Sessions default=131071
For example: # 10000 for the group and individual
settings per tunnel
Alc-Tunnel-Max-Sessions:0 += 10000
Alc-Tunnel-Max-Sessions:1 += 2000
Alc-Tunnel-Max-Sessions:2 += 1000
26-6527-49 Alc-Tunnel- integer 3600 seconds infinite = -1 or [0..3600] seconds with default=
Idle-Timeout infinite
For example: # don't disconnect tunnel1
Alc-Tunnel-Idle-Timeout :1 += 16777215
# disconnect tunnel2 after 1 minute
Alc-Tunnel-Idle-Timeout :2 += 60
# disconnect tunnel3 immediately
Alc-Tunnel-Idle-Timeout :3 += 0
Access Request
Access Accept
CoA Request
Attribute ID Attribute Name
Max. Tag
64 Tunnel-Type 0-1 1 0 N Y 31
65 Tunnel-Medium-Type 0-1 1 0 N Y 31
67 Tunnel-Server-Endpoint 0-1 1 0 N Y 31
69 Tunnel-Password 0 0-1 0 Y Y 31
82 Tunnel-Assignment-ID 0 0-1 0 N Y 31
83 Tunnel-Preference 0 0-1 0 N Y 31
Access Request
Access Accept
CoA Request
Attribute ID Attribute Name
Max. Tag
26-6527-97 Alc-Tunnel-Challenge 0 0-1 0 N Y 31
22 Framed-Route Routing information (IPv4 managed route) to be configured on the NAS for a
host (dhcp, pppoe, arp) that operates as a router without NAT (so called routed
subscriber host). The route included in the Framed-Route attribute is accepted
as a managed route only if it's next-hop points to the hosts ip-address or if the
next-hop address equals or if the included route is a valid classful
network in case the subnet-mask is omitted. If neither is applicable, this
specific framed-route attribute is ignored and the host is instantiated without
this specific managed route installed. A Framed-Route attribute is also
ignored if the SAP does not have anti-spoof configured to nh-mac (the host
will be installed as a standalone host without managed route). Number of
routes above Limits are silently ignored. Optionally, a metric, tag and/or
protocol preference can be specified for the managed route. If the metrics are
not specified or specified in a wrong format or specified with out of range
values then default values are used for all metrics: metric=0, no tag and
preference=0. If an identical managed route is associated with different routed
subscriber hosts in the context of the same IES/VPRN service up to <max-
ecmp-routes> managed routes are installed in the routing table (configured as
ecmp <max-ecmp-routes> in the routing instance). Candidate ECMP Framed-
Routes have identical prefix, equal lowest preference and equal lowest metric.
lowest ip next-hop is the tie breaker if more candidate ECMP Framed-
Routes are available than the configured <max-ecmp-routes>. Other identical
managed routes are shadowed (not installed in the routing table) and an event
is logged. An alternative to RADIUS managed routes are managed routes via
host dynamic BGP peering.
Valid RADIUS learned managed routes can be included in RADIUS
accounting messages with following configuration: configure subscriber-
mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute framed-
route. Associated managed routes for an instantiated routed subscriber host
are included in RADIUS accounting messages independent of the state of the
managed route (Installed, Shadowed or HostInactive).
99 Framed-IPv6-Route Routing information (ipv6 managed route) to be configured on the NAS for a
v6 wan host (IPoE or PPPoE) that operates as a router. The functionality is
comparable with offering multiple PD prefixes for a single host. The route
included in the Framed-IPv6-Route attribute is accepted as a managed route
only if it's next-hop is a wan-host (DHCPv6 IA-NA or SLAAC) or if the next-
hop address equals ::. As a consequence, Framed-IPv6-Routes with explicit
configured gateway prefix of a pd-host (DHCPv6 IA-PD) will not be
installed. A Framed-Route attribute is also ignored if the SAP does not have
anti-spoof configured to nh-mac (the host will be installed as a standalone host
without managed route). Number of Routes above Limits are silently ignored.
Optionally, a metric, tag and/or protocol preference can be specified for the
managed route. If the metrics are not specified or specified in a wrong format
or specified with out of range values then default values are used for all
metrics: metric=0, no tag and preference=0. If an identical managed route is
associated with different routed subscriber hosts in the context of the same
IES/VPRN service up to <max-ecmp-routes> managed routes are installed in
the routing table (configured as ecmp <max-ecmp-routes> in the routing
instance). Candidate ECMP Framed-IPv6-Routes have identical prefix, equal
lowest preference and equal lowest metric. lowest ip next-hop is the tie
breaker if more candidate ECMP Framed-IPv6-Routes are available than the
configured <max-ecmp-routes>. Other identical managed routes are
shadowed (not installed in the routing table) and an event is logged. Valid
RADIUS learned managed routes can be included in RADIUS accounting
messages with following configuration: configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute framed-ipv6-route.
Associated managed routes for an instantiated routed subscriber host are
included in RADIUS accounting messages independent of the state of the
managed route (Installed, Shadowed or HostInactive).
26-6527-56 Alc-BGP-Auth- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv4 peering. Refers to the keychain
Keychain parameters (configure system security keychain <keychain-name>) used to
sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream via the TCP enhanced
authentication option (draft-bonica-tcp-auth). Host setup is successful but
without BGPv4 peering if a non existing keychain name is received. Keychain
names above the maximum length result in a host setup failure. Alternative for
[26-6527-57] Alc-BGP-Auth-Key.
26-6527-57 Alc-BGP-Auth-Key Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv4 peering. Indicates the authentication
key used between BGPv4 peers before establishing sessions. Authentication is
done using the MD5 message based digest protocol. Authentication keys are
truncated at 247 Bytes and are not encrypted.
26-6527-58 Alc-BGP-Export- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv4 peering. Refers to a pre-configured
Policy BGP export policy (configure router policy-options policy-statement
<name>). The RADIUS received policy is appended to the peer (if pre-
configured policies for peer are smaller than 15) or replaces the fifteenth
policy (if pre-configured policies for peer are exact 15). Host setup is
successful but without export policy applied if a non existing policy-name is
received. Policy names above the maximum length result in a host setup
26-6527-59 Alc-BGP-Import- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv4 peering. Refers to a pre-configured
Policy BGP import policy (configure router policy-options policy-statement
<name>). The RADIUS received policy is appended to the peer (if pre-
configured policies for peer are smaller than 15) or replaces the fifteenth
policy (if pre-configured policies for peer are exact 15). Host setup is
successful but without import policy applied if a non existing policy-name is
received. Policy names above the maximum length result in a host setup
26-6527-60 Alc-BGP-PeerAS Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv4 peering. Specifies the Autonomous
System number for the remote BGPv4 peer.
26-6527-207 Alc-RIP-Policy Refers to the pre-configured policy under configure subscriber-mgmt rip-
policy <policy-name> and enables the BNG to listen to RIPv1/v2 messages
from the host (master SRRP node only in case of a dual-homed BNG). The
referenced policy contains the authentication-type and authentication-key
used to establish a RIP neighbor with this host. Host setup is successful, but
the RIP message from the host are ignored if a non-existing policy name is
received or if the SAP anti-spoof type is different from nh-mac. Policy
names above the maximum length result in a host setup failure.
26-6527-209 Alc-BGP-IPv6-Auth- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv6 peering. Refers to the keychain
Keychain parameters (configure system security keychain <keychain-name>) used to
sign and/or authenticate the BGPv6 protocol stream via the TCP enhanced
authentication option (draft-bonica-tcp-auth). Host setup is successful but
without BGPv6 peering if a non existing keychain name is received. Keychain
names above the maximum length result in a host setup failure. Alternative for
[26-6527-201] Alc-BGP-IPv6-Auth-Key
26-6527-210 Alc-BGP-IPv6-Auth- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv6 peering. Indicates the authentication
Key key used between BGPv6 peers before establishing sessions. Authentication is
done using the MD5 message based digest protocol. Authentication keys are
truncated at 247 Bytes and are not encrypted.
26-6527-211 Alc-BGP-IPv6-Export- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv6 peering. Refers to a pre-configured
Policy BGP export policy (configure router policy-options policy-statement
<name>). The RADIUS received policy is appended to the peer (if pre-
configured policies for peer are smaller than 15) or replaces the fifteenth
policy (if pre-configured policies for peer are exact 15). Host setup is
successful but without export policy applied if a non existing policy name is
received. Policy names above the maximum length result in a host setup
26-6527-212 Alc-BGP-IPv6-Import- Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv6 peering. Refers to a pre-configured
Policy BGP import policy (configure router policy-options policy-statement
<name>). The RADIUS received policy is appended to the peer (if pre-
configured policies for peer are smaller than 15) or replaces the fifteenth
policy (if pre-configured policies for peer are exact 15). Host setup is
successful but without import policy applied if a non existing policy name is
received. Policy names above the maximum length result in a host setup
26-6527-213 Alc-BGP-IPv6-PeerAS Optional attribute for dynamic BGPv6 peering. Specifies the Autonomous
System number for the remote BGPv6 peer.
22 Framed-Route 0 0+ 0
99 Framed-IPv6-Route 0 0+ 0
26-6527-96 Alc-Credit-Control- Defines a volume and time quota per category in a pre-defined format. Either
Quota volume OR time monitoring is supported and the operational credit-type
(volume or time) is taken from the category map if both volume and time-
quota in this attribute are non-zero. The operational credit-type becomes time
if the volume-quota is zero and volume if the time-quota is zero. The Credit
Expired becomes true and the corresponding Out Of Credit Action is triggered
if both time and volume-quota are zero in the initial Authentication-Accept or
CoA. Value zero for both time and volume-quota in additional Authentication
Accepts (triggered by credit refresh or re-authentication) are interpreted as no
extra credit granted and does not influence the current available credit, were
non-zero values reset the current available credit. For CoA requests both Alc-
Credit-Control-CategoryMap and Alc-Credit-Control-Quota attributes needs
to be included. For RADIUS-Access Accepts this is not mandatory and either
both or one of the two attributes can come from pre-defined values from the
node. Volume quota values outside the defined limits are treated as an error
condition. Time quota values above the defined limits are accepted and
capped at maximum value. If more attributes are present than allowed by the
limits, it is treated as a setup failure.
92 NAS-Filter-Rule Subscriber host specific filter entry. The match criteria are automatically
extended with the subscriber host ip- or ipv6-address as source (ingress) or
destination (egress) ip. They represent a per host customization of a generic
filter policy: only traffic to/from the subscriber host will match against these
A range of entries must be reserved for subscriber host specific entries in a
filter policy: config>filter>ip-filter# sub-insert-radius
Subscriber host specific filter entries are moved if the subscriber host filter
policy is changed (new SLA profile or ip filter policy override) and if the new
filter policy contains enough free reserved entries.
When the subscriber host session terminates or is disconnected, then the
corresponding subscriber host specific filter entries are also deleted.
The function of the attribute is identical to [26-6527-159] Alc-Ascend-Data-
Filter-Host-Spec but it has a different format. The format used to specify host
specific filter entries (NAS-Filter-Rule format or Alc-Ascend-Data-Filter-
Host-Spec format) cannot change during the lifetime of the subscriber host.
Mixing formats in a single RADIUS message results in a failure.
242 Ascend-Data-Filter A local configured filter policy can be extended with shared dynamic filter
entries. A dynamic copy of the base filter (filter associated to the host via sla-
profile or host filter override) is made and extended with the set of filter rules
per type (ipv4/ipv6) and direction (ingress/egress) in the RADIUS message. If
a dynamic copy with the same set of rules already exists, no new copy is made
but the existing copy is associated with the host/session. If after host/session
disconnection, no hosts/sessions are associated with the dynamic filter copy,
then the dynamic copy is removed.
Shared filter entries are moved if the subscriber host filter policy is changed
(new SLA profile or ip filter policy override) and if the new filter policy
contains enough free reserved entries.
A range of entries must be reserved for shared entries in a filter policy:
configure filter ip-filter <filter-id> sub-insert-shared-radius
The function of the attribute is identical to [26-6527-158] Alc-Nas-Filter-
Rule-Shared but it has a different format. The format used to specify shared
filter entries (Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-Shared format or Ascend-Data-Filter
format) cannot change during the lifetime of the subscriber host.
Mixing formats in a single RADIUS message results in a failure.
Important note: Shared filter entries should only be used if many hosts share
the same set of filter rules that need to be controlled from RADIUS.
26-6527-134 Alc-Subscriber-Filter Subscriber host preconfigured ip/ipv6 ingress and egress filters to be used
instead of the filters defined in the sla-profile. Not relevant fields will be
ignored (for example, IPv4 filters for an IPv6 host). Note that the scope of the
local preconfigured filter should be set to template for correct operation. This
is not enforced. For a RADIUS CoA message, if the ingress or egress field is
missing in the VSA, there will be no change for that direction. For a RADIUS
Access-Accept message, if the ingress or egress field is missing in the VSA,
then the IP-filters as specified in the sla-profile will be active for that direction
Applicable to all dynamic host types, including L2TP LNS but excluding
26-6527-158 Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule- A local configured filter policy can be extended with shared dynamic filter
Shared entries. A dynamic copy of the base filter (filter associated to the host via sla-
profile or host filter override) is made and extended with the set of filter rules
per type (ipv4/ipv6) and direction (ingress/egress) in the RADIUS message. If
a dynamic copy with the same set of rules already exists, no new copy is made
but the existing copy is associated with the host/session. If after host/session
disconnection, no hosts/sessions are associated with the dynamic filter copy,
then the dynamic copy is removed. Shared filter entries are moved if the
subscriber host filter policy is changed (new SLA profile or ip filter policy
override) and if the new filter policy contains enough free reserved entries. A
range of entries must be reserved for shared entries in a filter policy: config
filter ip-filter <filter-id> sub-insert-shared-radius The function of the
attribute is identical to [242] Ascend-Data-Filter but it has a different format.
The format used to specify shared filter entries (Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-Shared
format or Ascend-Data-Filter format) cannot change during the lifetime of the
subscriber host. Mixing formats in a single RADIUS message results in a
failure. Important note: shared filter entries should only be used if many hosts
share the same set of filter rules that need to be controlled from RADIUS.
26-6527-159 Alc-Ascend-Data- Subscriber host specific filter entry. The match criteria is automatically
Filter-Host-Spec extended with the subscriber host ip- or ipv6-address as source (ingress) or
destination (egress) ip. They represent a per host customization of a generic
filter policy: only traffic to/from the subscriber host will match against these
entries. A range of entries must be reserved for subscriber host specific entries
in a filter policy: config>filter>ip-filter# sub-insert-radius. Subscriber host
specific filter entries are moved if the subscriber host filter policy is changed
(new SLA profile or ip filter policy override) and if the new filter policy
contains enough free reserved entries. When the subscriber host session
terminates or is disconnected, then the corresponding subscriber host specific
filter entries are also deleted. The function of the attribute is identical to [92]
Nas-Filter-Rule but it has a different format. The format used to specify host-
specific filter entries (NAS-Filer-Rule format or Alc-Ascend-Data-Filter-
Host-Spec format) cannot change during the lifetime of the subscriber host.
Mixing formats in a single RADIUS message results in a failure.
242 Ascend-Data-Filter Octets multiple attributes per A string of octets with fixed field
RADIUS message allowed. lengths (type (ipv4/ipv6), direction
min. length 22 bytes (IPv4), (ingress/egress), src-ip, dst-ip, etc.
46 bytes (IPv6) Each attribute represents a single filter
max. length: 110 bytes entry. See IP Filter Attribute Details
(IPv4), 140 bytes (IPv6) on page 90 for a description of the
For example:# permit in ip from any
Ascend-Data-Filter =
26-6527-158 Alc-Nas-Filter- string Multiple attributes per The format is identical to [92] NAS-
Rule-Shared RADIUS message allowed. Filter-Rule and is defined in RFC
3588 section-4.3. A single filter rule is
a string of format <action>
<direction> <protocol> from
<source> to <destination> <options>
Multiple rules should be separated by
a NUL (0x00). An Alc-Nas-Filter-
Rule-Shared attribute may contain a
partial rule, one rule, or more than one
rule. Filter rules may be continued
across attribute boundaries.
A RADIUS message with Alc-Nas-
Filter-Rule-Shared attribute value
equal to 0x00 or (a space) removes
the shared filter entries for that host.
See also IP Filter Attribute Details on
page 90.
For example:Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-
Shared = permit in ip from any to
26-6527-159 Alc-Ascend-Data- octets max. 10 attributes per A string of octets with fixed field
Filter-Host-Spec message or max. 10 filter length (type (ipv4/ipv6), direction
entries per message. (ingress/egress), src-ip, dst-ip,...).
min. length 22 bytes (IPv4), Each attribute represents a single filter
46 bytes (IPv6) entry. See IP Filter Attribute Details
max. length: 110 bytes on page 90 for a description of the
(IPv4), 140 bytes (IPv6) format.
For example:# permit in ip from any
Alc-Ascend-Data-Filter-Host-Spec =
92 NAS-Filter-Rule 0 0+ 0+
242 Ascend-Data-Filter 0 0+ 0+
26-6527-158 Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-Shared 0 0+ 0+
26-6527-159 Alc-Ascend-Data-Filter-Host-Spec 0 0+ 0+
<direction> in ingress
out egress
ip next-header none
ts not supported
not supported
not supported
tcp-ack false
protocol tcp
3 = IPv6
1 = accept
1 = ingress
IPv6 = 16 bytes
IPv6 = 16 bytes
1 = less than
2 = equal to
3 = greater than
1 = less than
2 = equal to
3 = greater than
8 Framed-IP-Address The IPv4 address to be configured for the host via DHCPv4 (radius proxy) or
IPCP (PPPoE). Simultaneous returned attributes [88] Framed-Pool and [8]
Framed-IP-Address (RADIUS Access-Accept) are handled as host setup
failures. Attribute is also used in CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the
ESM or AA user identification-key). Attribute is omitted in accounting via
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute no framed-ip-addr.
87 NAS-Port-Id A text string which identifies the physical/logical port of the NAS which is
authenticating the user and/or reported for accounting. Attribute is also used
in CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the user identification-key). The nas-
port-id for physical ports usually contains <slot>/<mda>/<port>/
<vlan|vpi>.<vlan|vci>. The physical port can have an optional prefix-
string(max 8 chars) and suffix-string (max 64 chars) added for Accounting
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute nas-port-id [prefix-string <string>] [suffix <circuit-
id|remote-id>]). For logical access circuits (LNS) the nas-port-id is a fixed
concatenation (delimiter #) of routing instance, tunnel-server-endpoint,
tunnel-client-endpoint, local-tunnel-id, remote-tunnel-id, local-session-id,
remote-session-id and call sequence number.
26-6527-14 Alc-Force-Renew An individual DHCPv4 session is renewed with a CoA with attribute [26-
6527-14] Alc-Force-Renew. The NAS initiates the ForceRenew procedure
with re-authentication (triggers dhcp Force Renew to client and start re-
authentication on dhcp Request received).
26-6527-15 Alc-Create-Host Used to create an IPv4 host via CoA. Additional mandatory attributes to
create such a host are [8] Framed-IP-Address, [87] NAS-Port-Id and [26-
6527-27] Alc-Client-Hardware-Addr
26-6527-27 Alc-Client-Hardware- MAC address from a user that requests a service and included in CoA,
Addr Authentication or Accounting (configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy include-radius-attribute mac-address)
26-6527-98 Alc-Force-Nak An individual DHCPv4 session is terminated with a CoA with attribute [26-
6527-98] Alc-Force-Nak. The NAS initiates the ForceRenew procedure which
will be blocked (reply on client DHCP Request with DHCP Nak and send
DHCP Release to DHCP server).
Subscriber Services
26-6527-151 Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate Activate a subscriber service. The attribute typically contains parameters as
input for the Python script that populates the subscriber service data structure
(sub_svc). The attribute is ignored if not used in Python.
The parameters can cross an attribute boundary. The concatenation of all Alc-
Sub-Serv-Activate attributes with the same tag in a single message is typically
used as a unique subscriber service instance identifier (key).
In subscriber service RADIUS accounting messages, the attribute is sent
untagged and contains the subscriber service data structure
value used at service activation. Multiple attributes may be present if the total
length does not fit a single attribute.
26-6527-152 Alc-Sub-Serv- Deactivate a subscriber service. The attribute typically contains parameters as
Deactivate input for the Python script that populates the subscriber service data structure
(sub_svc). The attribute is ignored if not used in Python.
The parameters can cross an attribute boundary. The concatenation of all Alc-
Sub-Serv-Deactivate attributes with the same tag in a single message is
typically used as the unique subscriber service instance identifier (key).
26-6527-153 Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct- Enable or disable subscriber service accounting and specify the stats type:
Stats-Type volume and time or time only. The attribute is used as input for the Python
script that populates the subscriber service data structure
(sub_svc.acct_stats_type). The attribute is ignored if not used in Python.
The subscriber service accounting statistics type cannot be changed for an
active subscriber service.
26-6527-154 Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct- integer 1 VSA per tag A value of 0 (zero) corresponds with no
Interim-Ivl per message interim update messages.
[300.. A value [1..299] seconds is rounded to 300s
15552000] (min. CLI value) and a value > 15552000
seconds (max. CLI value) is rounded to the
max. CLI value.
[300..15552000] = override local configured
update-interval for this subscriber service
For example: Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Interim-
Ivl:1 = 3600
WLAN Gateway
In this section, WLAN gateway application specific attributes are detailed, including generic
Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) attributes that have different semantics when used in
WLAN gateway scenarios.
30 Called-Station-Id If configured for inclusion in authentication and accounting policy, the called-
station-id received from EAP authentication request is transparently
forwarded in access-request. If it is contained in the accounting messages
received from the APs, it is transparently forwarded in the accounting
messages sent from the WLAN-GW. For open SSIDs, called-station-id is not
included in authentication or accounting.
Typically the string contains <AP MAC> : <SSID-name>.
31 Calling-Station-Id Calling-station-id contains the MAC address of the UE, if it is configured for
inclusion in isa-radius-policy for authentication generated from the ISA (for a
UE in migrant state), or in authentication and accounting policy for messages
generated from the CPM. For CPM generated authentication or accounting,
the inclusion of calling-station-id MUST explicitly specify the format of the
calling-station-id as MAC: configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy | radius-accounting-policy name include-radius-attribute calling-
station-id mac.
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit-Id Agent-circuit-id is transparently taken from the circuit-id in DHCP option-82.
Most WIFI access-points insert information describing the AP and SSID that
the UE is associated with. Recommended format is an ASCII string
containing APs MAC@, SSID name and SSID type (open or secure), with a
delimiter between each, as shown in example:
26-6527-145 Alc-MGW-Interface- This contains the interface type that will be used to determine the type of
Type GTP-C connection, overrides local configuration.
26-6527-146 Alc-Wlan-APN-Name Specifies the Access Point Name (APN) for which a GTP-C session will be
set up. This will be signaled in the GTP-C setup and may be used to determine
the IP address of the GGSN/P-GW by performing a DNS query if the [26-
10415-5] 3GPP-GGSN-Address attribute is not present. This overrides a
locally configured APN.
26-6527-147 Alc-MsIsdn Contains the MSISDN (telephone number) of the UE, and will be included in
GTP-C signaling. When not present the corresponding GTP-C Information
Element will not be sent.
26-6527-148 Alc-RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication. Used in conjunction with the radius-
proxy track-accounting feature. When the radius-proxy receives this attribute
in an accounting message, it will be copied into the DHCP lease state and
echoed by the SROS accounting.
26-6527-149 Alc-Num-Attached- Number of attached WIFI UEs. The attribute is forwarded by the RADIUS
Ues proxy when received in an Access-Request from the AP.
26-6527-172 Alc-Wlan-Portal- Used when authenticating migrant hosts. When an access-accept contains this
Redirect attribute, the host will stay in migrant phase, but will have limited forwarding
capabilities. All filtered (not allowed) http-traffic will be redirected to a
specified portal URL. This attribute must contain the name of a redirect policy
configured under subscriber-mgmt http-redirect-policy <policy-name>
which will specify a set of forwarding filters.
It is also allowed to just send an empty Alc- Wlan-Portal-Redirect VSA to
force a redirect with the configured policy and url.
26-6527-173 Alc-Wlan-Portal-Url If a migrant host is redirected, specifies the URL it has to be redirected to,
takes precedence over the URL configured in the redirect policy under
subscriber-mgmt http-redirect-policy <policy-name>.
26-6527-179 Alc-GTP-Local- Specifies if part of the UE traffic is allowed to be locally broken out (such as,
Breakout NATed and routed), subject to matching a filter with gtp-local-breakout
action, associated with the UE.
26-6527-184 Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation- When promoting a migrant user, this indicates if the UE should be created on
Type CPM/IOM (as an ESM host) or on ISA (as a DSM host). When this attribute is
not present during promote, creation-type CPM/IOM is assumed.
The attribute can be included in an Access-Accept message for a UE that is
auto-signed-in (it does not need web redirect to portal), or in a CoA message
triggered to remove web redirect for a UE after successful portal
If Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation-Type indicates a DSM UE then any IPv6 or GTP
related parameters in an Access-Accept or CoA message will be ignored, and
the UE will be created as a DSM host.
Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation-Type cannot be changed mid-session via CoA. A CoA
containing Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation-Type for an existing UE does not result in
any change of state, and is NAKed.
26-6527-186 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ot- If a one-time redirect is enabled for a distributed subscriber management host,
Http-Redirect-Url specifies the URL it has to be redirected to. This URL overrides the
configured URL under configure service ies/vprn <svc-id> subscriber-
interface <subscriber-interface-name> group-interface <group-interface-
name> wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range start <starting-vlan> end <ending-
vlan> distributed-sub-mgmt one-time-redirect.
26-6527-187 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ip- Specifies the name of a distributed subscriber management (DSM) ip filter
Filter configured under configure subscriber-mgmt wlan-gw distributed-sub-
mgmt dsm-ip-filter <ip-filter-name>. This filter will be applied to the DSM
UE. This overrides the value configured under configure service ies/vprn
<svc-id> subscriber-interface <subscriber-interface-name> group-
interface <group-interface-name> wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range start
<starting-vlan> end <ending-vlan> distributed-sub-mgmt dsm-ip-filter.
26-6527-188 Alc-Wlan-Dsm- Specifies the name of a distributed subscriber management (DSM) ingress
Ingress-Policer policer configured under configure subscriber-mgmt wlan-gw distributed-
sub-mgmt dsm-policer <policer-name>. This policer will be applied to the
DSM UE. This overrides the value configured under configure service ies/
vprn <svc-id> subscriber-interface <subscriber-interface-name> group-
interface <group-interface-name> wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range start
<starting-vlan> end <ending-vlan> distributed-sub-mgmt ingress-policer.
26-6527-189 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Egress- Specifies the name of a distributed subscriber management (DSM) egress
Policer policer configured under configure subscriber-mgmt wlan-gw distributed-
sub-mgmt dsm-policer <policer-name>. This policer will be applied to the
DSM UE. This overrides the value configured under configure service ies/
vprn <svc-id> subscriber-interface <subscriber-interface-name> group-
interface <group-interface-name> wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range start
<starting-vlan> end <ending-vlan> distributed-sub-mgmt egress-policer.
26-6527-205 Alc-GTP-Default- When establishing a GTP connection for a UE, this specifies the bearer id
Bearer-Id (GTPv2) or NSAPI (GTPv1) that will be used for the data path connection. If
not provided, a default value of 5 will be used.
26-6527-206 Alc-Wlan-SSID-VLAN The VLAN is transparently taken from the UEs Ethernet layer and can be
reflected in both authentication and accounting. This is typically added by the
Access Point and uniquely identifies an SSID. This is useful when the SSID is
not available in the called-station-id (e.g., datatrigger scenarios). When this
attribute is configured for inclusion but no vlan is present in the UE payload,
the attribute will not be reflected in RADIUS.
26-6527-216 Alc-Datatrig-Lease- Defines the initial lease-time used for data-triggered DHCP relay hosts. If this
Time attribute is not provided or equal to zero, the used lease-time will be 7 days.
This lease time will be overridden upon the first renew after data-triggered
26-25053-2 Ruckus-Sta-RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication. Used in conjunction with the radius-
proxy track-accounting feature. When the radius-proxy receives this attribute
in an accounting message, it will be copied into the DHCP lease state and
echoed by the SROS accounting.
26-10415-1 3GPP-IMSI This is used to identify the host in a GTP-C connection. If not present and a
gtp-c connection is requested, the subscriber-id or username in the EAP-SIM
message will be parsed as an IMSI. This should be provided for any GTP-C
26-10415-5 3GPP-GPRS- Used to signal the QOS for default bearer or primary PDP context via GTP
Negotiated-QoS-Profile QOS IE in create-PDP-context and "Bearer QOS" in create-session-request
26-10415-7 3GPP-GGSN-Address For 3G, it represents the GGSN IPv4 address that is used by the GTP control
plane for the context establishment on the Gn interface.
For 4G, it represents the P-GW IPv4 address that is used on the S2a or S2b
interface for the GTP session establishment.
If not present, the WLAN-GW will send a DNS query based on the APN
name derived from [26-6527-146] Alc-Wlan-APN-Name or local
26-10415-20 3GPP-IMEISV International Mobile Equipment Id and its Software Version, this will be
echoed in the GTP-C setup messages.
26-10415-22 3GPP-User-Location- This attribute specifies the location information for a given UE that will be
Info echoed in the ULI IE in GTP-C setup messages. The format and radius-to-
GTP mapping is specified in 3GPP specification 29.061. If not present, no
user location will be reflected in GTP. Radius servers can use the information
from e.g. called-station-id, Alc-Wlan-SSID-VLAN and/or NAS-Port-ID to
create a corresponding ULI value.
87 NAS-Port-Id string 253 chars. L2TP | GRE: <tunnel-type> rtr-<virtual router id>#lip-
<local ip address>#rip-<remote ip address>
VLAN: VLAN svc-<svc-id>[:<vlan>[.<vlan>]]
For example:
NAS-Port-Id = GRE rtr-11#lip-
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit- string 247 chars. String containing information about the AP and the SSID
Id that the UE is associated with. Recommended format is
<AP-MAC>;<SSID-Name>;<SSID-Type>. SSID-Type can
be open (o), or secure (s)
For example:
Agent-Circuit-Id = 00:00:00:00:00:01;xfinity-wifi;o
26-6527- Alc-Wlan- string 100 chars. if The APN Name attribute must be formatted as
146 APN-Name both <NI> and <NI>[.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC>.gprs]. The Operator-ID
<OI> parts are (OI) part is optional and is automatically derived from the
present. IMSI if it is not present.
63 chars. if The APN FQDN generated for DNS resolution is composed
only the <NI> of the Network-ID (<NI>) portion and the Operator-ID (OI)
part is present. portion (<MCC> and <MNC>) as per 3GPP TS 29.303 and
is reformatted as
For example: Alc-Wlan-APN-Name =
26-6527- Alc-Wlan- string 32 chars If the filter cannot be found, the RADIUS Access-Accept
187 Dsm-Ip-Filter message is dropped or the CoA NAKd.
For example: Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ip-Filter = drop_non_http
26-6527- Alc-Wlan- string 32 chars If the policer cannot be found, the RADIUS Access-Accept
188 Dsm-Ingress- message is dropped or the CoA NAKd.
Policer For example: Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ingress-Policer = 1mbps
26-6527- Alc-Wlan- string 32 chars If the policer cannot be found, the RADIUS Access-Accept
189 Dsm-Egress- message is dropped or the CoA NAKd.
Policer For example: Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Egress-Policer = 10mbps-
26-6527- Alc-GTP- integer [5..15] If outside of the specified range, 5 will be used.
205 Default-
26-6527- Alc-Wlan- string 247 chars Textual representation of the vlan. If no vlan-tag was
206 SSID-VLAN present this attribute will not be included.
For example: Alc-Wlan-SSID-VLAN = 2173
26-10415- 3GPP-IMSI string 1..15 digits 3GPP vendor specific attribute as defined in 3GPP TS
1 29.061.
For example: 3GPP-IMSI = 204047910000598
26-10415- 3GPP-GPRS- string length as Specified in TS 29.061 version 8.5.0 Release 8 section
5 Negotiated- defined in the
QoS-Profile 3GPP TS For example:
29.061 3GPP-GPRS-Negotiated-QoS-Profile = 08-
26-10415- 3GPP-GGSN- ipaddr 4 bytes 3GPP vendor specific attribute as defined in TS 29.061.
7 Address For example: 3GPP-GGSN-Address =
26-10415- 3GPP- string 4 chars Specified in TS 29.061 version 8.5.0 Release 8 section
13 Charging-
Characteristics For example:
3GPP-Charging-Characteristics = 1A2B
26-10415- 3GPP- string 14..16 digits 3GPP vendor specific attribute as defined in TS 29.061.
Access Request
Acct. Messages
Access Accept
CoA Request
Attribute ID Attribute Name
4 NAS-IP-Address 1 0 0 1
Access Request
Acct. Messages
Access Accept
CoA Request
Attribute ID Attribute Name
26-6527-164 Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id Identifies the dynamic data service SAP. Only Ethernet ports and LAGs are
valid. The Dynamic Service SAP-ID uniquely identifies a Dynamic Data
Service instance. It can be specified explicitly or relative to the control
channel SAP-ID using wildcards. If explicitly specified, the Dynamic Data
Service SAP-ID and Control Channel SAP-ID do not have to be on the same
The setup of the Dynamic Data Service fails if the SAP specified in Alc-Dyn-
Serv-SAP-Id is not created. The Dynamic Data Service SAP becomes
orphaned if the SAP is not deleted with a teardown action.
26-6527-165 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script- Parameters as input to the Dynamic Data Service Python script. The
Params parameters can cross an attribute boundary. The concatenation of all Alc-Dyn-
Serv-Script-Params attributes with the same tag in a single message must be
formatted as function-key <dictionary> where function-key specifies which
Python functions will be called and <dictionary> contains the actual
parameters in a Python dictionary structure format. In dynamic service
RADIUS accounting messages, the attribute is sent untagged and contains the
last received Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params value in an Access-Accept or CoA
message for this dynamic service. Multiple attributes may be present if the
total length does not fit a single attribute.
26-6527-166 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script- The action specifies if a dynamic data service should be created (setup),
Action changed (modify) or deleted (teardown). Together with the <function-key> in
the Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params, this attribute determines which Python
function will be called.The attribute is mandatory in a CoA message. The
attribute is optional in an Access-Accept message. If included in an Access-
Accept and the specified action is different from setup, the dynamic data
service action fails.
26-6527-167 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Policy Specifies the local configured Dynamic Data Service Policy to use for
provisioning of this dynamic service. If the attribute is not present, the
dynamic services policy with the name default is used. If the default policy
does not exist, then the dynamic data service action fails.The Alc-Dyn-Serv-
Policy attribute is optional in case of modify or teardown actions; the policy
specified for the dynamic data service setup is automatically used. If the Alc-
Dyn-Serv-Policy is specified for modify or teardown actions, it must point to
the same dynamic services policy as used during the dynamic data service
setup. If a different policy is specified, the action fails.
26-6527-168 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- The number of seconds between each dynamic data service accounting
Interim-Ivl-1 interim update for the primary accounting server. Overrides local configured
value in the Dynamic Services policy. With value = 0, the interim accounting
to the primary accounting server is switched off.The dynamic data service
accounting interim interval cannot be changed for an active service. The
attribute is rejected if the script action is different from setup
26-6527-169 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- The number of seconds between each dynamic data service accounting
Interim-Ivl-2 interim update for the duplicate accounting server. Overrides local configured
value in the Dynamic Services policy. With value = 0, the interim accounting
to the duplicate accounting server is switched off.The dynamic data service
accounting interim interval cannot be changed for an active service. The
attribute is rejected if the script action is different from setup
26-6527-170 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- Enable or disable dynamic data service accounting to the primary accounting
Stats-Type-1 server and specify the stats type: volume and time or time only. Overrides the
local configured value in the Dynamic Services Policy.The dynamic data
service accounting statistics type cannot be changed for an active service. The
attribute is rejected if the script action is different from setup
26-6527-171 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- Enable or disable dynamic data service accounting to the secondary
Stats-Type-2 accounting server and specify the stats type: volume and time or time only.
Overrides the local configured value in the Dynamic Services Policy.The
dynamic data service accounting statistics type cannot be changed for an
active service. The attribute is rejected if the script action is different from
26-6527-164 Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id string 1 VSA per tag per Any valid Ethernet SAP format (null,
message dot1q or qinq encaps), including LAGs. A
wildcard (#) can be specified for the port
field and optionally for one of the tag
fields of a qinq encap. To find the
dynamic data service SAP-ID, the
wildcard fields are replaced with the
corresponding field from the Control
Channel SAP-ID.
For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id:1 =
Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id:2 = #:#.100
26-6527-165 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script- string multiple VSA's per The script parameters may be continued
Params tag per message. across attribute boundaries. The
Max length of concatenated string must have following
concatenated format: function-key <dictionary> where
strings per tag = function-key specifies which Python
1000 bytes functions will be used and <dictionary>
contains the actual parameters in a Python
dictionary structure format.
For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-
Params:1 = data_svc_1 = { 'as_id' : '100',
'comm_id' : '200', 'if_name' : 'itf1',
'ipv4_address': '', 'egr_ip_filter' :
'100' , 'routes' : [{'to' : '',
'next-hop' : ''}, {'to' : '
24', 'next-hop' : ''}]}
26-6527-166 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script- integer 1 VSA per tag per 1=setup, 2=modify, 3=teardown
Action message For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-
Action:1 = 2
26-6527-167 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Policy string 1 VSA per tag per The name of the local configured
message; max. Dynamic Service Policy
length: 32 chars. For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Policy:1 =
26-6527-168 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- integer 1 VSA per tag per A value of 0 (zero) corresponds with no
Interim-Ivl-1 message interim update messages.
[300.. 15552000] A value [1..299] seconds is rounded to
300s (min. CLI value) and a value >
15552000 seconds (max. CLI value) is
rounded to the max. CLI value.
Range = 0 | [300.. 15552000]
For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-
Interim-Ivl-1:1 = 3600
26-6527-169 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- integer 1 VSA per tag per A value of 0 (zero) corresponds with no
Interim-Ivl-2 message interim update messages.
[300.. 15552000] A value [1..299] seconds is rounded to
300s (min. CLI value) and a value >
15552000 seconds
(max. CLI value) is rounded to the max.
CLI value.
Range = 0 | [300.. 15552000]
For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-
Interim-Ivl-2:1 = 86400
26-6527-170 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- integer 1 VSA per tag per 1=off, 2=volume-time, 3=time
Stats-Type-1 message For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-Stats-
Type-1:1 = 1
26-6527-171 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct- integer 1 VSA per tag per 1=off, 2=volume-time, 3=time
Stats-Type-2 message For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-Stats-
Type-2:1 = 2
Access Request
Access Accept
CoA Request
Max. Tag.
Attribute ID Attribute Name
26-6527-164 Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id 0 0+ 0+ Y 0-31
Table 34 lists the mandatory/optional attributes in CoA messages to the control channel.
Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script- M(*) M(*) N/A For a Modify, the Script Parameters represent the new
Params parameters required for the change.
Table 34: Dynamic Data Services Control Channel CoA Attributes (Continued)
Lawful Intercept
26-6527-122 Alc-LI-Action Defines the traffic mirroring action start-mirroring 'enable' or stop-mirroring
'disable'. The Alc-LI-Action 'no-action' specifies that the router does not
perform any traffic mirroring-related action. This setting can provide
additional security by confusing unauthorized users who attempt to access
traffic mirroring communication between the router and the RADIUS server.
The CoA-only 'clear-dest-service' Alc-LI-Action creates the ability to delete
all li-source entries from the mirror service defined via the Alc-LI-Destination
service-id. A 'clear-dest-service' action requires an additional [26-6527-137]
Alc-Authentication-Policy-Name if the CoA server is configured in the
authentication policy. Values outside the Limits are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-123 Alc-LI-Destination Specifies the <service-id> that holds the mirror details (configure mirror
mirror-dest <service-id>). Values above the Limits or unreferenced are
treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-124 Alc-LI-FC Defines which Forwarding Class(es) (FC's) have to be mirrored (example:
Alc-LI-FC=ef). Attribute needs to be repeated for each FC's that needs to be
mirrored. Values above the Limits are treated as a setup failure and all FC's
will be mirrored if attribute is omitted. Additional Attributes above the Limits
are silently ignored.
26-6527-125 Alc-LI-Direction Defines if ingress, egress or both traffic directions needs to be mirrored. Both
directions are mirrored if Attribute is omitted. Values above the Limits are
treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-137 Alc-Authentication- Used when clearing all radius li triggered sources from a mirror destination
Policy-Name via CoA ([26-6527-122 Alc-LI-Action = 'clear-dest-service'). The policy
defined in this attribute is used to authenticate the CoA and refers to
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name>. The attribute is
mandatory if the RADIUS CoA server is configured in the authentication
policy (config>subscr-mgmt>auth-plcy>radius-auth-server). The attribute
is ignored if the RADIUS CoA server is configured in the radius-server
context of the routing instance (config>router>radius-server or
config>service>vprn>radius-server). Values above the Limits or
unreferenced policies are treated as a setup failure.
26-6527-138 Alc-LI-Intercept-Id Specifies the intercept-id to be placed in the LI-Shim header and only
applicable if the mirror-dest (as specified by the Alc-LI-Destination) is
configured with routable encap that contains the LI-Shim. A zero can be
returned in CoA or RADIUS Accept or the value of 0 is used if this VSA is
not present at all. The length of the attribute changes if the CLI parameter
direction-bit (dir-bit) under the mirror-dest layer-3-encap is enabled or not
(see limits).
26-6527-139 Alc-LI-Session-Id Specifies the session-id to placed in the LI-Shim header and only applicable if
the mirror-dest (as specified by the Alc-LI-Destination) is configured with
routable encap that contains the LI-Shim. A zero can be returned in CoA or
RADIUS Accept or the value of 0 is used if this VSA is not present at all.
26-6527-124 Alc-LI-FC integer [0..7] values 0=be, 1=l2, 2=af, 3=l1, 4=h2, 5=ef, 6=h1, 7=nc
8 attributes For example: # mirror forwarding class be, af and
Alc-LI-FC += be
Alc-LI-FC += af
Alc-LI-FC += ef
26-6527-122 Alc-LI-Action 0 1 1 Y
26-6527-123 Alc-LI-Destination 0 1 1 Y
1 User-Name For IKEv1 remote-access tunnel, this represents the xauth username.
For IKEv2 remote-access tunnel, this represents the identity of the peer; the
value of User-Name is the received IDi in IKEv2 message. This attribute is
included in Access-Request and Accounting-Request
2 User-Password For IKEv1 remote-access tunnel, this represents the xauth password.
For IKEv2 remote-access tunnel with pskradius authentication method, this
represents the pre-shared-key of the ipsec-gw or ipsec-tunnel:
configure service ies/vprn <svc-id> interface <interface-name> sap <sap-
id> ipsec-gw <gw-name> pre-shared-key
configure service vprn <svc-id> interface <interface-name> sap <sap-id>
ipsec-tunnel <tnl-name> dynamic-keying pre-shared-key
For IKEv2 remote-access tunnel with authentication method other than
pskradius, this represents the password configured in IPsec radius-
configure ipsec radius-authentication-policy <policy-name> password
8 Framed-IP- Address The IPv4 address to be assigned to IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel client via
configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS. This attribute is also
reflected in RADIUS accounting request packet for IKEv2 tunnel.
9 Framed-IP-Netmask The IPv4 netmask to be assigned to IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel client via
configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK.
30 Called-Station-Id The local gateway address of IKEv2 remote-access tunnel. The attribute can
be included/excluded with configure ipsec radius-authentication-policy
<policy-name> include-radius-attribute called-station-id or configure
ipsec radius-accounting-policy <policy-name> include-radius-attribute
31 Calling-Station-Id The peers address and port of IKEv2 remote-access tunnel. The format is
address:port, for example, he attribute can be included/
excluded with configure ipsec radius-authentication-policy <policy-name>
include-radius-attribute calling-station-id or configure ipsec radius-
accounting-policy <policy-name> include-radius-attribute caling-station-
79 EAP-Message This attribute encapsulates the received IKEv2 EAP payload in access-
request. A RADIUS server can include this attribute in an access-challenge or
80 Message-Authenticator This attribute is used in EAP authentication and provides message integrity
87 Nas-Port-Id The public SAP ID of IKEv2 remote-access tunnel. The attribute can be
included/excluded with configure ipsec radius-authentication-policy
<policy-name> include-radius-attribute nas-port-id or configure ipsec
radius-accounting-policy <policy-name> include-radius-attribute nas-
97 Framed-IPv6-Prefix The IPv6 address to be assigned to IKEv2 remote-access tunnel client via
IKEv2 configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP6_ADDRESS. The prefix and
prefix-length of Framed-IPv6-Prefix are conveyed in the corresponding part
of INTERNAL_IP6_ADDRESS. The attribute is included in RADIUS
accounting request packet.
26-311-16 MS-MPPE-Send-Key This attribute along with [26-311-17] MS-MPPE-Recv-Key hold the Master
Session Key (MSK) of the EAP authentication. It is expected in access-accept
when EAP authentication succeed with certain EAP methods.
26-311-17 MS-MPPE-Recv-Key This attribute along with [26-311-16] MS-MPPE-Send-Key hold the Master
Session Key (MSK) of the EAP authentication. It is expected in access-accept
when EAP authentication succeed with certain EAP methods.
26-6527-9 Alc-Primary-Dns The IPv4 DNS server address to be assigned to an IKEv1/v2 remote-access
tunnel client via configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP4_DNS. In case of
IKEv2, up to four DNS server addresses can be returned to a client, including
Alc-Primary-Dns, Alc-Secondary-Dns, Alc-Ipv6-Primary-Dns and Alc-Ipv6-
26-6527-10 Alc-Secondary-Dns The IPv4 DNS server address to be assigned to an IKEv2 remote-access
tunnel client via IKEv2 configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP4_DNS. Up to
four DNS server addresses can be returned to a client, including Alc-Primary-
Dns, Alc-Secondary-Dns, Alc-Ipv6-Primary-Dns and Alc-Ipv6-Secondary-
26-6527-61 Alc-IPsec-Serv-Id IPSec private service id, used by IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel, referring to
the preconfigured VPRN where the IPSec tunnel terminates (configure
service vprn <service-id>). A default private service is used when this
attribute is omitted (configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-gw default-
secure-service). If the returned service id doesn't exist/out-of limits or exists
but not a VPRN service, the tunnel setup will fail.
26-6527-62 Alc-IPsec-Interface Private IPSec interface name, used by IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel, refers
to a preconfigured private ipsec interface the IPSec tunnel terminates
(config>service>vprn>interface <int-name> tunnel). A default private
interface is used when this attribute is omitted
(config>service>ies>if>sap>ipsec-gw>default-secure-service <service-id>
interface <ip-int-name>); the maximum length is 32 bytes; if the returned
interface doesn't exist/exceed the maximum length or exists but is not a
private ipsec interface, the tunnel setup will fail.
26-6527-63 Alc-IPsec-Tunnel- IPSec tunnel-template id, used by IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel, refers to a
Template-Id preconfigured ipsec tunnel-template (configure ipsec tunnel-template <ipsec
template identifier>). A default tunnel-template is used when this attribute is
omitted (configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-gw default-tunnel-
template <template-id>). If the returned template does not exist or exceeds
the limits, the tunnel setup will fail.
26-6527-64 Alc-IPsec-SA-Lifetime IPSec phase2 SA lifetime in seconds, used by IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel.
A pre-configured value is used when this attribute is omitted (configure ipsec
ike-policy ipsec-lifetime <ipsec-lifetime>). Values outside the Limits are
treated as a tunnel setup failure.
26-6527-65 Alc-IPsec-SA-PFS- IPSec PFS group id, used by IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel. The PFS group
Group in ike-policy is used when this attribute is omitted (configure ipsec ike-policy
1 pfs dh-group <grp-id>); if the returned value is not one of the allowed
value, the tunnel setup will fail.
26-6527-68 Alc-IPsec-SA-Replay- IPSec anti-replay window size, used by IKEv1/v2 remote-access tunnel. The
Window replay-window size in tunnel-template is used when this attribute is omitted
(configure ipsec tunnel-template replay-window <size>). Values different
than the Limits are treated as a tunnel setup failure
26-6527-105 Alc-Ipv6- Primary-Dns The IPv6 DNS server address to be assigned to an IKEv2 remote-access
tunnel client via IKEv2 configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP6_DNS. Up to
four DNS server addresses can be returned to a client, which could be any
combination of Alc-Primary-Dns, Alc-Secondary-Dns, Alc-Ipv6-Primary-
Dns and Alc-Ipv6-Secondary-Dns.
26-6527-106 Alc-Ipv6- Secondary- The IPv6 DNS server address to be assigned to an IKEv2 remote-access
Dns tunnel client via IKEv2 configuration payload: INTERNAL_IP6_DNS. Up to
four DNS server addresses can be returned to a client, which could be any
combination of Alc-Primary-Dns, Alc-Secondary-Dns, Alc-Ipv6-Primary-
Dns and Alc-Ipv6-Secondary-Dns.
1 User-Name 1 0-1 0 1
2 User-Password 1 0 0 0
9 Framed-IP-Netmask 0 0-1 0 0
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 0 0 1
46 Acct-Session-Time 0 0 0 0-1
79 EAP-Message 0+ 0+ 0+ 0
26-6527-9 Alc-Primary-Dns 0 0+ 0 0
26-6527-10 Alc-Secondary-Dns 0 0+ 0 0
Application Assurance
8 Framed-IP-Address Mandatory ipv4 address attribute to create (CoA), delete (Delete) or audit
(CoA) an ipv4 AA-transit subscriber. In case of a ipv4 host creation (CoA), if
the host is already configured for another AA-transit subscriber with the same
parent SAP, it will be removed for this AA-subscriber and added to AA-
subscriber, referred by the [26-6527-11] Alc-Subsc-ID-Str, in the CoA
message. If the parent SAP, referred by the [87] NAS-Port-Id), is different, the
host creation will fail. An AA-transit subscriber can have up to 32 hosts (ipv4
or ipv6). A host cannot be added to a AA-transit subscriber if it is already
configured for a static AA-transit subscriber with a different subscriber-ID. A
Disconnect message sent with the last host of an AA-transit subscriber will
delete the AA-transit subscriber.
87 NAS-Port-Id A text string identifying the physical SAP or SDP serving the AA-transit
subscriber (parent SAP or SDP). Mandatory attribute to create (CoA), delete
(Disconnect) or audit (CoA) a transit-AA subscriber.
97 Framed-IPv6-Prefix The ipv6 address for AA-Transit subscriber creation/removal (same use as [8]
26-6527-11 Alc-Subsc-ID-Str A mandatory attribute used in Access-Accept for AA subscriber creation (as
in ESM host creation) or application-profile change (CoA) and for AA-transit
subscriber creation (CoA), removal (Disconnect) or audit (CoA). Attribute
values longer than the allowed string value are treated as setup failures.
26-6527-130 Alc-AA-Transit-IP Used to create (CoA), modify (CoA), delete (disconnect) or audit (CoA) an
Application Assurance transit-ipv4/v6-subscriber for business AA
deployments and allows reporting and policy enforcement at IP address or
prefix level within the parent SAP or spoke-SDP. Mandatory attributes to
create(c), modify(m), delete(d) or audit(a) an AA-transit-ip-subscriber are: [8]
Framed-IP-Address (c/m/d/a) or [97] Framed-IPv6-Prefix(c/m/d/a), [87]
NAS-Port-Id(c/m/d/a), [26-6527-11] Alc-Subsc-ID-Str(c/m/d/a), [26-6527-
45] Alc-App-Prof-Str(c/m/a) and [26-6527-130] Alc-AA-Transit-IP(c/m/d/a).
The value of [26-6527-130] Alc-AA-Transit-IP must be an Integer, the value
1 (host) is used for host creation, 2 (audit-start) and 3 (audit-end) are used for
the audit.
26-6527-182 Alc-AA-Sub-Http-Url- Optional text string used to customize the URL used for HTTP In-Browser
Param Notification and automatically appended at the end of the notification script
URL as an argument. This text string can also be configured in the http-
redirect URL policy using maco substitution.
The VSA string typically contains one or more argument names and values;
there is no limit in the number of arguments besides the maximum length of
the VSA. Each new argument must be preceded by & so as to be understood
properly by a web server, the format for the Alc-AA-Sub-Http-Url-Param
string must be for instance: "&<arg1>=<value1>" or
This VSA string can be overwritten through CoA.
26-6527-193 Alc-AA-App-Service- Used to apply Application Service Option (ASO) overrides. These attributes
Options can only be applied if an app-profile is also or has previously been associated
with the AA-sub (explicitly or by default), or else the override is rejected. An
access accept or COA message can send one or more of these VSAs, with
each VSA containing a string with the characteristic name and the value name
pair. To provide multiple ASO attributes, the message can include multiple
ASO VSAs, in addition to an App-profile VSA.
The VSA string contains the characteristic name and the value name. The
format for the Alc-AA-App-Service-Options string must be
"<char>=<value>". An equal sign is used as the delimiter between
characteristic string and value string.
Each name can have any character including spaces, except =. Everything
before the '=' will be interpreted as the character string and everything after
the '=' will be interpreted as the value string. One ASO char=value pair is
supported per VSA, If an ASO char=value pair is not found in a VSA, the
message is rejected. If an ASO char=value does not match a provisioned ASO
for the group/partition for that subscriber, the message is rejected.
An app profile is a defined set of ASO values. App-profiles interact with
ASO overrides in this way:
a) The Alc-AA-App-Service-Options VSA is optional on sub create (with
app-profile assignment) and may be used later to modify policy.
b) On a COA if an app-prof VSA is not present all ASO VSAs will be applied
on top of the current policy of the sub.
c) On a COA if an app-prof VSA is present, even if it is the same app-profile
as currently applied, ll previous ASO override policy is removed. Any ASO
VSAs in the same COA message as the new app-profile will be applied on top
of the app-profile policy. In this way, re-sending app-profile resets all ASO
state history. On a COA, if the app-profile changes, and no ASO VSAs exist,
all current ASO overrides are removed.
d) If the app-profile changes, and ASO VSAs exist, all current ASO overrides
are removed, and the new ASO overrides are applied to this new app-profile.
e) A new aa-sub characteristic can be applied, or an existing characteristic
modified, by an ASO VSA.
f) When a ASO VSA is received any existing overrides will remain and the
new overrides are cumulative.
If there are multiple ASO VSAs for the same characteristic in the COA, the
last one will take effect.
8 Framed-IP-Address 0 0 0-1
87 NAS-Port-Id 0 0 0-1
97 Framed-IPv6-Prefix 0 0 0-1
31 Calling-Station-Id The IP address (coded in hex) from the user that requests Authentication,
Authorization, Accounting or CONSOLE when requesting access from the
serial port (Console).
44 Acct-Session-Id A unique, without meaning, generated number per authenticated user and
reported in all accounting messages and used to correlate users CLI
commands (accounting data) from the same user.
61 NAS-Port-Type Mandatory included as type Virtual (5) for telnet/ssh or Async (0) for
26-6527-1 Timetra-Access Specifies the type of access (FTP, console access or both) the user is
26-6527-2 Timetra-Home- Specifies the local home directory for the user for console and FTP access and
Directory is enforced with attribute [26-6527-3]Timetra-Restrict-To-Home. The home
directory is not enforced if [26-6527-3]Timetra-Restrict-To-Home is omitted.
The local home directory is entered from the moment when the authenticated
user enters the file CLI command.
26-6527-3 Timetra-Restrict-To- When the value is true the user is not allowed to navigate to directories above
Home his home directory for file access. The home-directory is specified in [26-
6527-2] Timetra-Home-Directory and is root if [26-6527-2] Timetra-Home-
Directory is omitted.
26-6527-4 Timetra-Profile The user profile(s) that the user has access to and refers to pre-configured
user-profile-name's (configure system security profile <user-profile-
name>). These pre-configured profiles hold a default-action, a match
command-string and a command-action. Unreferenced profiles names are
silently ignored. If the maximum number of profile strings is violated, or if a
string is too long, processing the input is stopped but authorization continues
and too long profile string (and all strings followed by that) are ignored. Each
user can have multiple profiles and the order is important. The first user
profile has highest precedence, followed by the second and so on. Note: For
each authenticated RADIUS user a temporary profile with name [1]User-
Name is always created (show system security profile) and executed as last
profile. This temporary profile is build from the mandatory attribute [26-
6527-5]Timetra-Default-Action and optional attributes [26-6527-6] Timetra-
Cmd, [26-6527-7] Timetra-Action.
26-6527-5 Timetra-Default-Action Specifies the default action (permit-all, deny-all or none) when the user has
entered a command and none of the commands-strings in [26-6527-
6]Timetra-Cmd resulted in a match condition. The attribute is mandatory and
required even if the [36-6527-6] Timetra-Cmd's are not used.
26-6527-7 Timetra-Action Action to be used in case a user's command matches the commands specified
in [26-6527-6] Timetra-Cmd attribute. Action deny is used if attribute is
omitted and the [26-6527-5] Timetra-Default-Action is used when no match is
found. Note: [26-6527-6]Timetra-Cmd, [26-6527-7]Timetra-Cmd and [26-
6527-8]Timetra-Cmd are an alternative for [26-6527-4]Timetra-Profile. Note:
For each authenticated RADIUS user a temporary profile with name [1]User-
Name is always created (show system security profile) and executed as last
profile. This temporary profile is build from the mandatory attribute [26-
6527-5]Timetra-Default-Action and optional attributes [26-6527-6] Timetra-
Cmd, [26-6527-7] Timetra-Action.
26-6527-8 Timetra-Exec-File Specifies the file that is executed whenever the user is successfully
61 NAS-Port- integer 4 Bytes Fixed set to value Virtual (5) for ssh/telnet and Async (0)
Type value 5 for console.
fixed For example: NAS-Port-Type 00000005
26-6527-1 Timetra- integer 1,2,3 1=ftp, 2=console (serial port, Telnet and SSH(SCP)),
Access 3=both
For example: Timetra-Access = console
1 User-Name 1 0 1 0
2 User-Password 1 0 1 0
18 Reply-Message 0 1+ 0 0
27 Session-Timeout 0 0-1 0 0
28 Idle-Timeout 0 0-1 0 0
31 Calling-Station-Id 1 0 1 0
44 Acct-Session-Id 0 0 0 0
61 NAS-Port-Type 1 0 1 0
26-6527-1 Timetra-Access 0 0 0 1
26-6527-2 Timetra-Home- 0 0 0 1
26-6527-3 Timetra-Restrict-To- 0 0 0 1
26-6527-4 Timetra-Profile 0 0 0 0+
26-6527-5 Timetra-Default-Action 0 0 0 1
26-6527-6 Timetra-Cmd 0 0 0 0+
1 User-Name 1 0
2 User-Password 1 0
22 Framed-Route 0 0+
99 Framed-IPv6-Route 0 0+
26-9-1 cisco-av-pair 0 0+
The Acct Reporting Level column in Table 54 shows the accounting mode messages that report
the attribute:
HSQ means the attribute is present in the accounting messages of all accounting modes
H->S->Q means the attribute is present in the accounting messages of a single accounting
If Host accounting is enabled, then the attribute is present in the accounting messages
that belong to this mode.
Else if session accounting is enabled, then the attribute is present in the accounting
messages that belong to this mode.
Else if Queue instance accounting is enabled, then the attribute is present in the
accounting messages that belong to this mode.
Each accounting mode has a dedicated accounting session id. The accounting session id (number
format) has a fixed length format of 22 bytes and is unique.
Acct-Session-Id : 241AFF000000204FE9D801
Acct-Session-Id : 241AFF000000214FE9D801
Acct-Q-Inst-Session-Id: 241AFF000000224FE9D801
The Host or Session accounting session id can be included in a RADIUS Access Request:
authentication-policy <policy-name>
include-radius-attribute acct-session-id [host|session]
The accounting session ID format that appears in RADIUS accounting messages can be
configured to a fixed 22 byte hexadecimal number format or a variable length description format:
radius-accounting-policy <policy-name>
session-id-format {description|number}
x x Not present
x Session Acct-Session-Id
The reporting of volume counters in accounting is coupled to the sending of periodic or host
triggered Accounting Interim Updates messages. Volume based accounting is therefore enabled
via the interim-update CLI parameter for all accounting modes and/or by the host-update CLI
parameter in session accounting mode as shown in Table 51.
The different sets of volume accounting attributes that can be included in the Accounting Interim
and Stop messages are controlled via include-radius-attribute CLI commands. Multiple volume
reporting types can be enabled simultaneously:
radius-accounting-policy <name>
[no] detailed-acct-attributes # 64 bit per queue/policer counters
[no] std-acct-attributes # 32 bit aggregate counters (v4+v6)
[no] v6-aggregate-stats # 32 bit aggregate counters (v6 only)
1 User-Name Refers to the user to be authenticated in the Access-Request. The format for
IPoE/PPPoE hosts depends on configuration parameters pppoe-access-
method, ppp-user-name or user-name-format in the CLI context configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name>. The format for ARP-hosts
is not configurable and always the host IPv4-address. The RADIUS User-
Name specified in an Access-Accept or CoA is reflected in the corresponding
accounting messages. The attribute is omitted in authentication/accounting via
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute no user-name.
5 NAS-Port The physical access-circuit on the NAS which is used for the Authentication
or Accounting of the user. The format of this attribute is configurable on the
NAS as a fixed 32 bit value or a parameterized 32 bit value. The parameters
can be a combination of outer-vlan-id(o), inner-vlan-id(i), slot number(s),
MDA number(m), port number or lag-id(p), ATM VPI(v) and ATM VCI(c),
fixed bit values zero (0) or one (1) but cannot exceed 32 bit. The format can be
configured for following applications: configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nas-port, configure router l2tp cisco-
nas-port, configure service vprn <service-id> l2tp cisco-nas-port,
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute nas-port, configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nas-port.
6 Service-Type The type of service the PPPoE user has requested, or the type of service to be
provided for the PPPoE user. Optional in RADIUS-Accept and CoA. Treated
as a session setup failure if different from Framed-User.
7 Framed-Protocol The framing to be used for framed access in case of PPPoE users. Optional in
RADIUS-Accept and CoA. Treated as a session setup failure if different from
8 Framed-IP-Address The IPv4 address to be configured for the host via DHCPv4 (radius proxy) or
IPCP (PPPoE). Simultaneous returned attributes [88] Framed-Pool and [8]
Framed-IP-Address (RADIUS Access-Accept) are handled as host setup
failures. Attribute is also used in CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the
ESM or AA user identification-key). Attribute is omitted in accounting via
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute no framed-ip-addr.
9 Framed-IP-Netmask The IP netmask to be configured for the user when the user is a router to a
network. For DHCPv4 users, the attribute maps to DHCPv4 option [1] Subnet
mask and is mandatory if [8] Framed-IP-Address is also returned. For PPPoE
residential access, the attribute should be set to (also the
default value if the attribute is omitted). For PPPoE business access, the
attribute maps to PPPoE IPCP option [144] Subnet-Mask only when the user
requests this option and if the node parameter configure subscriber-mgmt
ppp-policy <ppp-policy-name> ipcp-subnet-negotiation is set. Attribute is
omitted in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute no framed-ip-netmask.
22 Framed-Route The routing information (IPv4 managed route) to be configured on the NAS
for a host (dhcp, pppoe, arp) that operates as a router without NAT (so called
Routed subscriber host). Valid RADIUS learned managed routes can be
included in RADIUS accounting messages with following configuration:
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute framed-route. Associated managed routes for an
instantiated routed subscriber host are included in RADIUS accounting
messages independent of the state of the managed route (Installed, Shadowed
or HostInactive). In case of a PPP session, when a Framed-Route is available
while the corresponding routed subscriber host is not yet instantiated, the
managed route is in the state notYetInstalled and will not be included in
RADIUS accounting messages.
25 Class The attribute sent by the RADIUS server to the NAS in an Access-Accept or
CoA and is sent unmodified by the NAS to the Accounting server as part of
the Accounting-Request packet. Strings with a length longer than the defined
Limits are accepted but truncated to this boundary. Only first 64B are stored
in the CF persistency file.
30 Called-Station-Id Allows the NAS to send in an Access Request and/or Accounting Request
information with respect to the user called. Attribute is omitted in
authentication/accounting via: configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute no
Supported applications:
LNS: The content is the string passed in the [21] Called Number AVP of
the L2TP ICRQ message.
WLAN Gateway: Reflects the currently learned AP-MAC and SSID.
These can be learned via EAP, DHCP (opt82), DHCPv6 LDRA
(interface-id) or arp-over-GRE.
31 Calling-Station-Id Allows the NAS to send unique information identifying the user who
requested the service. This format is driven by configuration (configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute calling-station-id <llid|mac|remote-id|sap-id|sap-
string>). The LLID (logical link identifier) is the mapping from a physical to
logical identification of a subscriber line and supplied by a RADIUS llid-
server. The sap-string maps to configure service <service-id> subscriber-
interface <ip-int-name> group-interface <ip-int-name> sap <sap-id>
calling-station-id <sap-string>. A [31] Calling-Station-Id attribute value
longer than the allowed maximum is treated as a setup failure. The attribute is
omitted in authentication/accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute no calling-station-id.
For DSM the Calling-Station-Id is always equal to the remote-id if present and
the UE MAC address otherwise.
40 Acct-Status-Type Indicates whether this Accounting-Request marks the beginning of the user
service (Start) or the end (Stop) or reports interim updates.
41 Acct-Delay-Time Indicates how many seconds the client has been trying to send this accounting
record for. In initial accounting messages this attribute is included with value
0 for ESM and omitted for DSM. Attribute is omitted in accounting via
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute no acct-delay-time.
42 Acct-Input-Octets Indicates how many octets have been received from the user over the course
of this service being provided and included when standard accounting
attributes are configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute std-acct-attributes). [52] Acct-
Input-Gigawords indicates how many times (if greater than zero) the [42]
Acct-Input-Octets counter has wrapped around 2^32.
43 Acct-Output-Octets Indicates how many octets have been send from the user over the course of
this service being provided and included when standard accounting attributes
are configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute std-acct-attributes). [53] Acct-Output-
Gigawords indicates how many times (if greater than zero) the [43] Acct-
Output-Octets counter has wrapped around 2^32.
44 Acct-Session-Id A unique identifier that represents a subscriber host, a set of subscriber hosts
that belong to the same queue-instance or a set of hosts that belong to a PPPoE
or IPoE session. The attribute can have a fixed 22 byte hexadecimal number
format or a variable length description format (configure subscriber-mgmt
radius-accounting-policy <policy-name> session-id-format
{number|description}). For DSM the attribute has a fixed 10 byte
hexadecimal number format with each byte separated by a hyphen.
This attribute (in number format) can be used as CoA or Disconnect Message
key to target the hosts or session.
45 Acct-Authentic Indicates how the user was authenticated. Attribute is omitted in accounting
via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute no acct-authentic.
46 Acct-Session-Time Reports the elapsed time in seconds over the course of this service being
provided. When the accounting session time equals zero (for example when
the accounting start is followed immediately by an accounting interim update
or by an accounting stop within the same second), then the attribute is not
47 Acct-Input-Packets Indicates how many packets have been received from the user over the course
of this service being provided and included when standard accounting
attributes are configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute std-acct-attributes). There is no
overflow attribute when attribute wraps around 2^32.
48 Acct-Output-Packets Indicates how many packets have been send to the user over the course of this
service being provided and included when standard accounting attributes are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute std-acct-attributes). There is no overflow attribute
when attribute wraps around 2^32.
52 Acct-Input-Gigawords Indicates how many times (one or more) the [42] Acct-Input-Octets counter
has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service and send
together with [42] Acct-Input-Octets, [43] Acct-Output-Octets and [53] Acct-
Output-Gigawords when standard accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute std-acct-attributes). The attribute is not sent when its
53 Acct-Output- Indicates how many times (one or more) the [43] Acct-Output-Octets counter
Gigawords has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service and send
together with [42] Acct-Input-Octets, [43] Acct-Output-Octets and [52] Acct-
Input-Gigawords when standard accounting attributes are configured
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute std-acct-attributes). The attribute is not sent when its
55 Event-Timestamp Record the time that this event occurred on the NAS, in seconds since January
1, 1970 00:00 UTC
61 NAS-Port-Type The type of the physical port of the NAS which is authenticating the user and
value automatically determined from subscriber SAP encapsulation. It can be
overruled by configuration. Included only if include-radius-attribute nas-port-
type is added per application: configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy (ESM authentication), configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy (ESM accounting), configure aaa isa-radius-policy (LSN
accounting, WLAN-GW) and configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy (L2TP
accounting). Checked for correctness if returned in CoA.
87 NAS-Port-Id A text string which identifies the physical/logical port of the NAS which is
authenticating the user and/or reported for accounting. Attribute is also used
in CoA and Disconnect Message (part of the user identification-key). The nas-
port-id for physical ports usually contains <slot>/<mda>/<port>/
<vlan|vpi>.<vlan|vci>. The physical port can have an optional prefix-string
(max 8 chars) and suffix-string (max 64 chars) added for Accounting
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute nas-port-id [prefix-string <string>] [suffix <circuit-
id|remote-id>]). For logical access circuits (LNS) the nas-port-id is a fixed
concatenation (delimiter #) of routing instance, tunnel-server-endpoint,
tunnel-client-endpoint, local-tunnel-id, remote-tunnel-id, local-session-id,
remote-session-id and call sequence number.
For WLAN-GW, the Nas-Port-Id is a text string with format defined by the
aggregation type (see WLAN-GW section for details):
GRE or L2TPv3: <tunnel-type> rtr-<virtual router id>#lip-<local ip
address>#rip-<remote ip address>
VLAN: VLAN svc-<svc-id>[:<vlan>[.<vlan>]]
96 Framed-Interface-Id Contains the IPv6 interface ID from the user. The attribute can optionally be
included in Accounting messages (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy include-radius-attribute framed-interface-id). The
Framed-Interface-Id attribute is not sent in RADIUS Authentication and
silently ignored in RADIUS Accept.
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit-Id Information describing the subscriber agent circuit identifier corresponding to
the logical access loop port of the Access Node/DSLAM from which a
subscriber's requests are initiated. Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute circuit-id.
26-3561-2 Agent-Remote-Id An operator-specific, statically configured string that uniquely identifies the
subscriber on the associated access loop of the Access Node/DSLAM.
Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute remote-id.
26-3561-129 Actual-Data-Rate- Actual upstream train rate rate (coded in bits per second) of a subscriber's
Upstream synchronized DSL link and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery
(tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-130 Actual-Data-Rate- Actual downstream train rate (coded in bits per second) of a subscriber's
Downstream synchronized DSL link and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery
(tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-131 Minimum-Data-Rate- The subscriber's operator-configured minimum upstream data rate (coded in
Upstream bits per second) and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag
0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-132 Minimum-Data-Rate- The subscriber's operator-configured minimum downstream data rate (coded
Downstream in bits per second) and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag
0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-
policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-133 Attainable-Data-Rate- The subscriber's attainable upstream data rate (coded in bits per second) and
Upstream maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-
82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-134 Attainable-Data-Rate- The subscriber's attainable downstream data rate (coded in bits per second)
Downstream and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP
(opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-
mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-135 Maximum-Data-Rate- The subscriber's maximum upstream data rate (coded in bits per second), as
Upstream configured by the operator and maps to values received during PPPoE
discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded
based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-136 Maximum-Data-Rate- The subscriber's maximum downstream data rate (coded in bits per second),
Downstream as configured by the operator and maps to values received during PPPoE
discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded
based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-
accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-137 Minimum-Data-Rate- The subscriber's minimum upstream data rate (coded in bits per second) in
Upstream-Low-Power low power state, as configured by the operator and maps to values received
during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is
included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-
26-3561-138 Minimum-Data-Rate- The subscriber's minimum downstream data rate (coded in bits per second) in
Downstream-Low- low power state, as configured by the operator and maps to values received
Power during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP (opt-82). Attribute is
included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-
26-3561-140 Actual-Interleaving- The subscriber's actual one-way upstream interleaving delay in milliseconds
Delay-Upstream and maps to values received during PPPoE discovery (tag 0x0105) or DHCP
(opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-
mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-3561-144 Access-Loop- The last mile encapsulation used by the subscriber on the DSL access loop and
Encapsulation maps to values received during PPPoE discovery Tags (tag 0x0105) or DHCP
Tags (opt-82). Attribute is included/excluded in RADIUS/Accounting-
Request based on configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/
radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute access-loop-
options. Last mile encapsulation information can be used to adjust
automatically the egress aggregate rate for this subscriber. Pre-configured
encapsulation types are used if PPP/IPoE access loop information (tags) is not
available (configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile <subscriber-profile-
name> egress encap-offset <type> or configure subscriber-mgmt local-
user-db <local-user-db-name> ppp host access-loop encap-offset <type>).
[26-6527-133] Alc-Access-Loop-Encap-Offset when returned in Access-
Accept is taken into account (overrules received tags and pre-configured
encapsulation types) for ALE adjust (last mile aware shaping) but is not
reflected in access-loop-options send to RADIUS. Alc-Access-Loop-Encap
from ANCP are currently not taken into account for ALE adjust.
26-3561-254 IWF-Session The presence of this Attribute indicates that the IWF has been performed with
respect to the subscriber's session. IWF is utilized to enable the carriage of
PPP over ATM (PPPoA) traffic over PPPoE. The Access Node inserts the
PPPoE Tag 0x0105, vendor-id 0x0de9 with sub-option code 0xFE, length
field is set to 0x00 into the PPPoE Discovery packets when it is performing an
IWF functionality. Attribute is included/excluded based on configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute access-loop-options.
26-6527-12 Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str The subscriber profile is a template which contains settings (accounting,
igmp, HQoS, etc.) which are applicable to all hosts belonging to the same
subscriber were [26-6527-12] Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str is the string that maps
(configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy sub-profile-map) to such an
subscriber profile (configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile <subscriber-
profile-name>). Strings longer than the allowed maximum are treated as setup
failures. Unreferenced strings (string does not map to a policy) are silently
ignored and a fallback to pre-configured defaults is done. Attribute is omitted
in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute no sub-profile.
26-6527-13 Alc-SLA-Prof-Str The SLA profile is a template which contains settings (filter, QoS, host-
limit...) which are applicable to individual hosts were [26-6527-13] Alc-SLA-
Prof-Str is the string that maps (configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-
policy <sub-ident-policy-name> sla-profile-map) to such a sla profile
(configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name>). Strings longer
than the allowed maximum are treated as setup failures. Unreferenced strings
(string does not map to a policy) are silently ignored and a fallback to pre-
configured defaults is done. Attribute is omitted in accounting via configure
subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute no sla-profile.
26-6527-19 Alc-Acct-I-Inprof- Indicates how many queue|policer ingress forwarded bytes have been handled
Octets-64 for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count in-profile bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 bytes (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-20 Alc-Acct-I-Outprof- Indicates how many queue|policer ingress forwarded bytes have been handled
Octets-64 for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count out-of-profile bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 bytes (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-21 Alc-Acct-O-Inprof- Indicates how many queue|policer egress forwarded bytes have been handled
Octets-64 for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count in-profile bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 bytes (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-22 Alc-Acct-O-Outprof- Indicates how many queue|policer egress forwarded bytes have been handled
Octets-64 for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count out-of-profile bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 bytes (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-23 Alc-Acct-I-Inprof-Pkts- Indicates how many queue|policer ingress forwarded packets have been
64 handled for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count in-profile packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 packets (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-24 Alc-Acct-I-Outprof- Indicates how many queue|policer ingress forwarded packets have been
Pkts-64 handled for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count out-of-profile packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 packets (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-25 Alc-Acct-O-Inprof- Indicates how many queue|policer egress forwarded packets have been
Pkts-64 handled for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count in-profile packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 packets (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-26 Alc-Acct-O-Outprof- Indicates how many queue|policer egress forwarded packets have been
Pkts-64 handled for this user over the course of this service being provided.
queue|policer stat-mode = *:
Count out-of-profile packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA only included for policers
queue|policer stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 packets (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included for policers and
queues with value v4-v6
The attribute is included when detailed queue/policer statistics VSAs are
configured. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute detailed-acct-attributes).
26-6527-27 Alc-Client-Hardware- The MAC address from a user that requests a service and included in CoA,
Addr Authentication or Accounting (configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute mac-
26-6527-36 Alc-DHCP-Vendor- Initiated by DHCP clients via option 60 [Class-id] and reflected in
Class-Id Accounting. (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute dhcp-vendor-class-id).
26-6527-69 Alc-Acct-I-High- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Octets-Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
high-octets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are available for
queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress dropped bytes:
no queue stat-mode:
Count high-priority bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 bytes (high- and low-priority)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6
26-6527-70 Alc-Acct-I-Low- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Octets-Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
low-octets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are available for
queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress dropped bytes:
no queue stat-mode:
Count low-priority bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 bytes (high- and low-priority)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6
26-6527-71 Alc-Acct-I-High-Pack- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
high-packets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are available
for queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress dropped packets:
no queue stat-mode:
Count high-priority packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 packets (high- and low-priority)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6
26-6527-72 Alc-Acct-I-Low-Pack- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
low-packets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are available
for queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress dropped packets:
no queue stat-mode:
Count low-priority packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 packets (high- and low-priority)
[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6
26-6527-73 Alc-Acct-I-High- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Octets-Offer_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
high-octets-offered-count is enabled. Customized records are available for
queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress high priority offered bytes (IPv4 and IPv6); also when queue
stat-mode = v4-v6.
26-6527-74 Alc-Acct-I-Low- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Octets-Offer_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
low-octets-offered-count is enabled. Customized records are available for
queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress low priority offered bytes (IPv4 and IPv6); also when queue
stat-mode = v4-v6.
26-6527-75 Alc-Acct-I-High-Pack- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Offer_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
high-packets-offered-count is enabled. Customized records are available for
queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress high priority offered packets (IPv4 and IPv6); also when queue
stat-mode = v4-v6.
26-6527-76 Alc-Acct-I-Low-Pack- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Offer_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
low-packets-offered-count is enabled. Customized records are available for
queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress low priority offered packets (IPv4 and IPv6); also when queue
stat-mode = v4-v6.
26-6527-77 Alc-Acct-I-Unc-Octets- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Offer_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
uncolored-octets-offered-count is enabled.Customized records are available
for queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress uncolored offered bytes (IPv4 and IPv6); also when queue stat-
mode = v4-v6.
26-6527-78 Alc-Acct-I-Unc-Pack- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Offer_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> i-counters
uncolored-packets-offered-count is enabled. Customized records are
available for queues, not for policers.
Counts ingress uncolored offered packets (IPv4 and IPv6); also when queue
stat-mode = v4-v6
26-6527-81 Alc-Acct-O-Inprof- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Pack-Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> e-counters in-
profile-packets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are
available for queues, not for policers.
Counts egress dropped packets:
no queue stat-mode:
Count in-profile packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 packets (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6.
26-6527-82 Alc-Acct-O-Outprof- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Pack-Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> e-counters out-
profile-packets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are available
for queues, not for policers.
Counts egress dropped packets:
no queue stat-mode:
Count out-of-profile packets (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 packets (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6.
26-6527-83 Alc-Acct-O-Inprof- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Octs-Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> e-counters in-
profile-octets-forwarded-count is enabled. Customized records are available
for queues, not for policers.
Counts egress dropped bytes:
no queue stat-mode:
Count in-profile bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv4 bytes (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6.
26-6527-84 Alc-Acct-O-Outprof- A customized record and provides the flexibility to reduce the volume of data
Octs-Drop_64 generated, network operators can define the record that needs to be collected.
This attribute is generated when configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy <name> custom-record queue <queue-id> e-counters
out-profile-octets-discarded-count is enabled. Customized records are
available for queues, not for policers.
Counts egress dropped bytes:
no queue stat-mode:
Count out-of-profile bytes (IPv4 and IPv6)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA not included
queue stat-mode = v4-v6:
Count IPv6 bytes (in- and out-of-profile)
[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA included with value v4-v6.
26-6527-99 Alc-Ipv6-Address The ipv6 address to be configured to the WAN side of the user (IPoE,PPPoE)
via DHCPv6 (IA-NA). Maps to DHCPv6 option IA-NA[3] sub-option IA-
Address[5] address. This attribute is an alternative to [97] Framed-IPv6-Prefix
and [100] Framed-IPv6-Pool, which also assigns IPv6 addressing to the wan-
side of a host via SLAAC or DHCPv6 IA-NA. Attribute is omitted in
accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute no ipv6-address.
For Distributed Subscriber Management (DSM), if IA-NA is active for a UE,
the attribute contains the address assigned to this UE. Inclusion of this
attribute is enabled via configure aaa isa-radius-policy <policy-name> acct-
include-attributes ipv6-address.
26-6527-100 Alc-Serv-Id DSM only. The attribute contains the service ID where the Layer 3 tunnel is
terminated. The attribute is omitted in case of a Layer 2 tunnel or if the service
ID is not known.
26-6527-102 Alc-ToServer-Dhcp- DSM only. The attribute contains all dhcpv4 options received in the last
Options DHCPv4 message. Each dhcpv4 option is stored in a separate attribute (see
26-6527-107 Alc-Acct-I-statmode Identifies what ingress counters the operator wishes to maintain for the policer
and defined by configure qos sap-ingress <policy-id> policer <policer-id>
stat-mode <stat-mode>. The default stat-mode is minimal and the current
stats-modes are: no-stats, minimal, offered-profile-no-cir, offered-priority-no-
cir, offered-profile-cir, offered-priority-cir, offered-total-cir, offered-limited-
profile-cir, offered-profile-capped-cir and offered-limited-capped-cir.
For both policers and queues, the ingress stat-mode can be configured to v4-
v6 at the sla-profile or sub-profile (hsmda) CLI context. For example:
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name> ingress qos
<policy-id> queue <queue-id> stat-mode v4-v6
With ingress stat-mode v4-v6:
Ingress forwarded/dropped counters are reporting IPv4 counters in the in-
profile attributes and IPv6 counters in the out-of-profile attributes.
The Alc-Acct-I-statmode VSA is included with value v4-v6 for both
queues and/or policers.
26-6527-121 Alc-Nat-Port-Range Holds for the NAT user his public outside ipv4 address, his assigned outside
public port range(s) and the outside routing instance. For LSN accounting, the
attribute is sent when port-range-block is included under configure aaa isa-
The attribute is also sent for ESM subscriber accounting if NAT is enabled
and if configured in configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nat-port-range.
26-6527-127 Alc-Acct-O-statmode Identifies what egress counters the operator wishes to maintain for the policer
and defined by configure qos sap-egress <policy-id> policer <policer-id>
stat-mode <stat-mode>. The default stat-mode is minimal and the current
stats-modes are: no-stats, minimal, offered-profile-no-cir, offered-profile-cir,
offered-total-cir, offered-limited-capped-cir and offered-profile-capped-cir
For both policers and queues, the egress stat-mode can be configured to v4-v6
at the sla-profile or sub-profile (hsmda queues only) CLI context. For
example: configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name> egress
qos <policy-id> queue <queue-id> stat-mode v4-v6
With egress stat-mode v4-v6:
Egress forwarded/dropped counters are reporting IPv4 counters in the in-
profile attributes and IPv6 counters in the out-of-profile attributes.
The Alc-Acct-O-statmode VSA is included with value v4-v6 for both
queues and/or policers.
26-6527-140 Alc-Nat-Outside-Serv- DSM Only. For a DSM UE this attribute includes the service ID of the outside
Id VRF where IPv4 traffic will be forwarded after NAT.
26-6527-141 Alc-Nat-Outside-Ip- DSM Only. For a DSM UE this attribute contains the IPv4 address of the UE
Addr after NAT.
26-6527-148 Alc-RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication. Used in conjunction with the radius-
proxy track-accounting feature. When the radius-proxy receives this attribute
in an accounting message, it will be copied into the DHCP lease state and
echoed by the SROS accounting.
26-6527-163 Alc-Acct-Triggered- A reason attribute included in Acct-Interim messages to specify the reason for
Reason the interim update. Attribute is omitted in accounting via configure
subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute no alc-acct-triggered-reason.
26-6527-175 Alc-DSL-Line-State Status of the DSL line obtained via ANCP can be one of three value:
SHOWTIME (the modem is ready to transfer data), IDLE (line is idle) or
SILENT (line is silent). Attribute is included/excluded based on "configure
subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name>
include-radius-attribute access-loop-options".
26-6527-176 Alc-DSL-Type Type of the DSL line (ADSL1, ADSL2, ADSL2PLUS, VDSL1, VDSL2,
SDSL, other) obtained via ANCP.
Attribute is included/excluded based on configure subscriber-mgmt
authentication-policy/radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute access-loop-options.
26-6527-184 Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation- DSM Only. Indicates if the UE is either an ESM host (IOM) or DSM host
Type (ISA). Fixed to ISA in case of DSM.
26-6527-191 Alc-ToServer-Dhcp6- DSM Only. If IA-NA is active, the attribute contains the options sent by the
Options client in the last DHCPv6 transaction. Inclusion of this attribute is enabled via
configure aaa isa-radius-policy <policy-name> acct-include-attributes
26-6527-194 Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input- Aggregate of all ingress forwarded IPv6 packet counters for policers and
Packets queues that have stat-mode v4-v6 enabled (for example: configure
subscriber-mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name> ingress qos <policy-id>
queue|policer <id> stat-mode v4-v6).
Included when IPv6 aggregated accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute v6-aggregate-stats). There is no overflow attribute when
counter wraps around 2^32.
26-6527-195 Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input- Aggregate of all ingress forwarded IPv6 octet counters for policers and queues
Octets that have stat-mode v4-v6 enabled (for example: configure subscriber-mgmt
sla-profile <sla-profile-name> ingress qos <policy-id> queue|policer <id>
stat-mode v4-v6).
Included when IPv6 aggregated accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute v6-aggregate-stats).
[26-6527-196] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input-Gigawords indicates how many times (if
greater than zero) this counter has wrapped around 2^32.
26-6527-196 Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input- Indicates how many times (one or more) the [26-6527-195] Alc-IPv6-Acct-
GigaWords Input-Octets counter has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this
service. The attribute is not sent when its value equals zero.
Included when IPv6 aggregated accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute v6-aggregate-stats).
26-6527-197 Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output- Aggregate of all egress forwarded IPv6 packet counters for policers and
Packets queues that have stat-mode v4-v6 enabled (for example: configure
subscriber-mgmt sla-profile <sla-profile-name> egress qos <policy-id>
queue|policer <id> stat-mode v4-v6).
Included when IPv6 aggregated accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute v6-aggregate-stats). There is no overflow attribute when
counter wraps around 2^32.
26-6527-198 Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output- Aggregate of all egress forwarded IPv6 octet counters for policers and queues
Octets that have stat-mode v4-v6 enabled (for example: configure subscriber-mgmt
sla-profile <sla-profile-name> egress qos <policy-id> queue|policer <id>
stat-mode v4-v6).
Included when IPv6 aggregated accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute v6-aggregate-stats).
[26-6527-199] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output-Gigawords indicates how many times
(if greater than zero) this counter has wrapped around 2^32.
26-6527-199 Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output- Indicates how many times (one or more) the [26-6527-198] Alc-IPv6-Acct-
Gigawords Output-Octets counter has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering
this service. The attribute is not sent when its value equals zero.
Included when IPv6 aggregated accounting attributes are configured.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute v6-aggregate-stats).
26-6527-206 Alc-Wlan-SSID-VLAN On a WLAN-GW group interface this attribute indicates the UE VLAN tag
inside of the tunnel. This VLAN is usually used to differentiate between
SSIDs. If no VLAN is present or the host is not active on a wlan-gw-group
interface this attribute is not sent.
(configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> include-
radius-attribute wifi-ssid-vlan).
26-25053-2 Ruckus-Sta-RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication. Used in conjunction with the radius-
proxy track-accounting feature. When the radius-proxy receives this attribute
in an accounting message, it will be copied into the DHCP lease state and
echoed by the SROS accounting.
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit-Id string 247 chars format see also RFC4679 # ATM/DSL
<Access-Node-Identifier><atm slot/
port:vpi.vci> # Ethernet/DSL <Access-Node-
Identifier><eth slot/port[:vlan-id]>
For example: ethernet dslam1 slot 2 port 1
vlan 100 Agent-Circuit-Id = dslam1 eth 2/
26-6527-184 Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation- integer values [0..1] DSM Only. Value in case of DSM is fixed to
Type isa (1)
For example:
Alc-Wlan-Ue-Creation-Type = isa
Acct Stop
1 User-Name 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 H->S->Q
6 Service-Type 1 1 1 0 0 H->S->Q
7 Framed-Protocol 1 1 1 0 0 H->S->Q
22 Framed-Route 0+ 0+ 0+ 0 0 H->S->Q
40 Acct-Status-Type 1 1 1 1 1 HSQ
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1 1 1 HSQ
49 Acct-Terminate-Cause 0 1 0 0 1 HSQ
Acct Stop
52 Acct-Input-Gigawords 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 HSQ
55 Event-Timestamp 1 1 1 1 1 HSQ
99 Framed-IPv6-Route 0+ 0+ 0+ 0 0 H->S->Q
Acct Stop
26-3561-139 Maximum-Interleaving-Delay-Upstream 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 H->S->Q
Acct Stop
26-6527-44 Alc-Acct-OC-O-Outprof-Pkts-64 0 0+ 0+ 0 0 HSQ
Acct Stop
26-6527-110 Alc-Acct-O-Hiprio-Octets_64 0 0+ 0+ 0 0 HSQ
Acct Stop
26-25053-2 Ruckus-Sta-RSSI 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 HSQ
(*) Note on acct-on/off: The table represents the acct-on-off attributes for an accounting server
configured via a radius-server-policy (configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> radius-server-policy <radius-server-policy-name> and with acct-on-off enabled. If the
accounting server is configured direct under the radius-accounting-server (configure subscriber-
mgmt radius-accounting-policy <name> radius-accounting-server server <server-index>,
then the following attributes are not sent in acct-on/off messages: [44] Acct-Session-Id, [45] Acct-
Authentic and [49] Acct-Terminate-Cause; and attribute [26-6527-12] Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str is sent.
Acct-Status-Type and Acct-Session-Id are always included by default. The presence of all other
attributes is dictated by configuration (configure>aaa>isa-radius-policy <name>>acct-include-
attributes). The attribute description and limits are the same as for Enhanced Subscriber
Management (ESM) Accounting (Table 52 and Table 53), Table 55 below provides an overview of
the applicability of the attributes in DSM accounting messages.
Accounting On and Accounting Off messages are generated when a server is enabled or disabled
in an isa-radius-policy (configure>aaa>isa-radius-policy <name> servers <id>>[no]
shutdown). An accounting-On will also be generated every 5 minutes for a RADIUS server that is
40 Acct-Status-Type 1 1 1 1 1
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1 1 1
26-6527-102 Alc-ToServer-Dhcp-Options 0+ 0+ 0+ 0 0
26-6527-121 Alc-Nat-Port-Range 0+ 0+ 0+ 0 0
This section specifies the attributes for RADIUS accounting on subscriber service instances. The
attributes included in the subscriber service accounting messages are identical to the attributes that
are included in the associated parent subscriber host accounting session (Host accounting mode
for IPoE and Session accounting mode for PPPoE). Volume counters are always reported in
standard attributes. Differences for attribute content and additional attributes are detailed in
Table 56.
42 Acct-Input-Octets octets received for this subscriber service instance. Only included if stats-type
is set to volume and time.
43 Acct-Output-Octets octets send for this subscriber service instance. Only included if stats-type is
set to volume and time.
44 Acct-Session-Id Unique generated hexadecimal number that represents the accounting session
for this Subscriber Service instance.
47 Acct-Input-Packets packets received for this subscriber service instance. Only included if stats-
type is set to volume and time.
48 Acct-Output-Packets packets send for this subscriber service instance. Only included if stats-type is
set to volume and time.
52 Acct-Input-Gigawords indicates how many times (one or more) the [42] Acct-Input-Octets counter
has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service. Only
included if its value is different from zero and stats-type is set to volume and
53 Acct-Output- indicates how many times (one or more) the [42] Acct-Input-Octets counter
Gigawords has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service. Only
included if its value is different from zero and stats-type is set to volume and
26-6527-151 Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate Activate a subscriber service. The attribute typically contains parameters as
input for the Python script that populates the subscriber service data structure
(sub_svc). The attribute is ignored if not used in Python. The parameters can
cross an attribute boundary. The concatenation of all Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate
attributes with the same tag in a single message is typically used as a unique
subscriber service instance identifier (key). In subscriber service RADIUS
accounting messages, the attribute is sent untagged and contains the
subscriber service data structure value used at service
activation. Multiple attributes may be present if the total length does not fit a
single attribute.
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1
50 Acct-Multi-Session-Id 1 1 1
26-6527-151 Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate 1 1 1
5 NAS-Port Unique 32 bit encoded number [31..0] that holds the MS-ISA MDA used for
LSN accounting. The following formatting is used [3 bits 31..29 value 000],
[4 bits 28..25 value slot-ms-isa], [4 bits 24..21 value mda-nbr-ms-isa], [6 bits
20..15 000010], [15 bits 14..0 0000 0000 0000 0000].
8 Framed-IP-Address Refers to the inside private IP address of the user (LSN44) and send when
framed-ip-addr is included in configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>.
30 Called-Station-Id Holds information to which nat-group and nat-member the NAT user belongs.
The format of this attribute is a string 00-00-00-00-<NatGroup>-
<NatMember>. The command show isa nat-group holds the link between
ms-isa mda, NatGroup and NatMember. Optionally sent when called-station-
id is included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>.
42 Acct-Input-Octets Indicates how many Layer 3 octets have been sent to this nat user over the
course of this service being provided and send together with [43] Acct-
Output-Octets, [52] Acct-Input-Gigawords and [53] Acct-Output-Gigawords
when octet-counters is included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy
43 Acct-Output-Octets Indicates how many L3 octets have been received from this nat user over the
course of this service being provided and send together with [42] Acct-Input-
Octets, [52] Acct-Input-Gigawords and [53] Acct-Output-Gigawords when
octet-counters is included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>.
44 Acct-Session-Id This unique 16 bytes attribute has two different behaviors. If multi-session-id
is not included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name> then multiple
port-ranges for the same user are all reported with a common 16 bytes [44]
Acct-Session-id for the different port-ranges and reported via start, interim
and stop accounting messages and without attribute [50] Acct-Multi-Session-
Id. If multi-session-id is configured under configure aaa isa-radius-policy
<name> then multiple port-ranges for the same user are reported with
different 16 bytes [44] Acct-Session-id via start and stop accounting messages
with an additional common 16 bytes attribute [50] Acct-Multi-Session-Id. For
an accounting-on and accounting-off the first 8 bytes from the 16 bytes are put
to zero.
46 Acct-Session-Time Reports the elapsed time in seconds the user has allocated an unique port-
range in accounting start, interim or stop. For accounting-off it reports the
elapsed time in second since the last accounting-on.
47 Acct-Input-Packets Indicates how many packets have been send for this nat user over the course
of this service being provided and send together with [48] Acct-Output-
Packets when frame-counters is included under configure aaa isa-radius-
policy <name>.
48 Acct-Output-Packets Indicates how many packets have been received for this nat user over the
course of this service being provided and send together with [47] Acct-Input-
Packets when frame-counters is included under configure aaa isa-radius-
policy <name>.
50 Acct-Multi-Session-Id This unique 16 bytes attribute has two different behaviors. If multi-session-id
is not included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name> then multiple
port-ranges for the same user are all reported with a common 16 bytes [44]
Acct-Session-id for the different port-ranges and reported via start, interim
and stop accounting messages and without attribute [50] Acct-Multi-Session-
Id. If multi-session-id is yes included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy
<name> then multiple port-ranges for the same user are reported with
different 16 bytes [44] Acct-Session-id via start and stop accounting messages
with an additional common 16 bytes attribute [50] Acct-Multi-Session-Id.
52 Acct-Input-Gigawords Indicates how many times (zero or more) the [42] Acct-Input-Octets counter
has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service and send
together with [42] Acct-Input-Octets, [43] Acct-Output-Octets and [53] Acct-
Output-Gigawords when octet-counters is included under configure aaa isa-
radius-policy <name.
53 Acct-Output- Indicates how many times (zero or more) the [43] Acct-Output-Octets counter
Gigawords has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service and send
together with [42] Acct-Input-Octets, [43] Acct-Output-Octets and [52] Acct-
Input-Gigawords when octet-counters is included under configure aaa isa-
radius-policy <name>.
55 Event-Timestamp Record the time that this event occurred on the NAS, in seconds since January
1, 1970 00:00 UTC and send when hardware-timestamp is included under
configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>.
97 Framed-IPv6-Prefix Inside private ipv6address of the user (NAT64,DSLITE) and send when
framed-ip-addr is included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>.
26-6527-11 Alc-Subsc-ID-Str The reported format is LSN44@, DS-lite@ and NAT64@ followed by the
users inside ipv4 or ipv6 address and send when nat-subscriber-string is
included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>. This attribute has
the same content as [1]User-Name for subscriber-unaware Large Scale NAT
26-6527-100 Alc-Serv-Id Refers in the Accounting-Request to the inside VRF used for LSN subscribers
using RADIUS LSN accounting (configure aaa isa-radius-policy nat acct-
include-attributes inside-service-id). The outside VRF is reported via [26-
6527-140] Alc-Nat-Outside-Serv-Id and both attributes are not included if
instance's are Base.
26-6527-121 Alc-Nat-Port-Range Holds for the NAT user his public outside ipv4 address, his assigned outside
public port range and the outside routing instance. For LSN accounting, the
attribute is sent when port-range-block is included under configure aaa isa-
The attribute is also sent for ESM subscriber accounting if NAT is enabled
and if configured in configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nat-port-range.
26-6527-140 Alc-Nat-Outside-Serv- Refers to the public outside service-id and send when outside-service-id is
Id included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy and the service-id is different
than the base instance.
26-6527-141 Alc-Nat-Outside-Ip- Holds for the NAT user his public outside ipv4 address and send when
Addr outside-ip is included under configure aaa isa-radius-policy <name>. The
content of this attribute is identical to the outside ipv4 address in [26-6527-
121] Alc-Nat-Port-Range.
49 Acct-Terminate- integer 4 Bytes See also table Acct Terminate Cause 10=Nas-
Cause Request, 11=Nas-Reboot, 14=Port-Suspended,
For example:Acct-Terminate-Cause = Port-
97 Framed-IPv6- ipv6prefix max. 16 Bytes private inside ipv6address of nat64 or DSlite user
Prefix for prefix + 1 For example: Framed-IPv6-Prefix = 2001::1/128
byte for length
Acct Interim-Update
Attribute ID Attribute Name Acct Start
Acct Stop
Acct Off
Acct On
1 User-Name 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0
4 NAS-IP-Address 1 1 1 1 1
5 NAS-Port 1 1 1 1 1
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1 1 1
46 Acct-Session-Time 1 1 1 1 1
Acct Interim-Update
Attribute ID Attribute Name
Acct Start
Acct Stop
Acct Off
Acct On
55 Event-Timestamp 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
5 NAS-Port The physical access-circuit on the NAS which is used for the Authentication
or Accounting of the user. The format of this attribute is configurable on the
NAS as a fixed 32 bit value or a parameterized 32 bit value. The parameters
can be a combination of outer-vlan-id(o), inner-vlan-id(i), slot number(s),
MDA number(m), port number or lag-id(p), ATM VPI(v) and ATM VCI(c),
fixed bit values zero (0) or one (1) but cannot exceed 32 bit. The format can be
configured for following applications: configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nas-port, configure router l2tp cisco-
nas-port, configure service vprn <service-id> l2tp cisco-nas-port,
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy <name> include-radius-
attribute nas-port, configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
<name> include-radius-attribute nas-port.
6 Service-Type The type of service the PPPoE user has requested, or the type of service to be
provided for the PPPoE user. Optional in RADIUS-Accept and CoA. Treated
as a session setup failure if different from Framed-User.
41 Acct-Delay-Time Indicates how many seconds the client has been trying to send this accounting
record for. This attribute is included with value 0 in all initial accounting
messages. Attribute is omitted in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt
radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute no acct-delay-
42 Acct-Input-Octets Tunnel-link and Tunnel level accounting uses the ESM accounting statistics.
For Tunnel Link Stop it reports the input bytes for this user over the course of
this service being provided. For Tunnel Stop this attribute represent an
aggregate of input bytes of all sessions that belong(ed) to this tunnel over the
course of this service being provided. Attribute [52] Acct-Output-Gigawords
indicates how many times (if greater than zero) the [42] Acct-Input-Octets
counter has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service.
43 Acct-Output-Octets Tunnel-link and Tunnel level accounting uses the ESM accounting statistics.
For Tunnel Link Stop it reports the output bytes for this user over the course
of this service being provided. For Tunnel Stop this attribute represent an
aggregate of output bytes of all sessions that belong(ed) to this tunnel over the
course of this service being provided. Attribute [53] Acct-Output-Gigawords
indicates how many times (if bigger than zero) the [43] Acct-Output-Octets
counter has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service.
44 Acct-Session-Id Is a unique generated number and maps for the Tunnel-link stop to the
accounting-session-id of the PPPoE session (show service id ppp session
detail). For Tunnel-stop accounting it is longer and a concatenation of start-
time and connection-id with delimiter .. The start-time equals to the node
uptime reported in Timeticks (nd:hh:mm:ss:ts) and value/6000 gives the
uptime in minutes. The connection-id equals {tunnel-id * 65536} and the
tunnel-id maps to L2TP AVP 9 Assigned Tunnel Id.
46 Acct-Session-Time Reports the elapsed time in seconds over the course of this service (L2TP
session or L2TP tunnel) being provided.
47 Acct-Input-Packets Tunnel-link and Tunnel level accounting uses the ESM accounting statistics.
For Tunnel Link Stop it reports the input packets for this user over the course
of this service being provided. For Tunnel Stop this attribute represent an
aggregate of input packets of all sessions that belong/belonged to this tunnel
over the course of this service being provided.
48 Acct-Output-Packets Tunnel-link and Tunnel level accounting uses the ESM accounting statistics.
For Tunnel Link Stop it reports the output packets for this user over the course
of this service being provided. For Tunnel Stop this attribute represent an
aggregate of output packets of all sessions that belong/belonged to this tunnel
over the course of this service being provided.
49 Acct-Terminate-Cause indicates how the L2TP session or L2TP tunnel was terminated
52 Acct-Input-Gigawords Indicates how many times (zero or more) the [42] Acct-Input-Octets counter
has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service.
53 Acct-Output- Indicates how many times (zero or more) the [43] Acct-Output-Octets counter
Gigawords has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this service.
55 Event-Timestamp Record the time that this event occurred on the NAS, in seconds since January
1, 1970 00:00 UTC
61 NAS-Port-Type The type of the physical port of the NAS which is authenticating the user and
value automatically determined from subscriber SAP encapsulation. It can be
overruled by configuration. Included only if include-radius-attribute nas-port-
type is added per application: configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-
policy (ESM authentication), configure subscriber-mgmt radius-
accounting-policy (ESM accounting), configure aaa isa-radius-policy (LSN
accounting, WLAN-GW) and configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy (L2TP
accounting). Checked for correctness if returned in CoA.
64 Tunnel-Type The tunneling protocol(s) to be used (in the case of a tunnel initiator) or the
tunneling protocol in use (in the case of a tunnel terminator). This attribute is
mandatory on LAC Access-Accept and needs to be L2TP. The same attribute
is included on LNS in the Access-Request and Acct-Request if the CLI
RADIUS policy include-radius-attribute tunnel-server-attrs is enabled on
7x50 LNS. For L2TP Tunnel/Link Accounting this attribute is always
included on LAC and LNS.
65 Tunnel-Medium-Type Which transport medium to use when creating a tunnel for those protocols
(such as L2TP) that can operate over multiple transports. This attribute is
mandatory on LAC Access-Accept and needs to be IP or 'IPv4.The same
attribute is included on LNS in the Access-Request and Acct-Request if the
CLI RADIUS policy include-radius-attribute tunnel-server-attrs is enabled on
7x50 LNS. For L2TP Tunnel/Link Accounting this attribute is always
included on LAC and LNS.
66 Tunnel-Client- The dotted-decimal IP address of the initiator end of the tunnel. Pre-
Endpoint configured values are used when attribute is omitted (configure router/
service vprn <service-id> l2tp local-address). If omitted in Access Accept
on LAC and no local-address configured, then the address is taken from the
interface with name system. This attribute is included on LNS in the Access-
Request and Acct-Request only if the CLI RADIUS policy include-radius-
attribute tunnel-server-attrs is enabled on 7x50 LNS. For L2TP Tunnel/Link
Accounting this attribute is always included on LAC and LNS as untagged.
67 Tunnel-Server- The dotted-decimal IP address of the server end of the tunnel and is on the
Endpoint LAC the dest-ip for all L2TP packets for that tunnel.
68 Acct-Tunnel- Indicates the identifier assigned to the tunnel session. For Tunnel start/stop it
Connection is a concatenation, without delimiter, of LAC-tunnel-id (4bytes) and LNS-
tunnel-id (4 bytes) were the LAC-tunnel-id maps to the hex value of L2TP
AVP 9 AssignedTunnelId from SCCRQ and LNS-tunnel-id maps to the hex
value L2TP AVP 9 AssignedTunnelId in SCCRP. Unknown tunnel-id's
(Tunnel Reject and Tunnel Link Reject) are reported as 0000 or ffff. For
Tunnel Link Start/Stop it maps to the integer Call Serial Number from ICRQ
L2TP AVP 15 Call Serial Number.
82 Tunnel-Assignment-ID Indicates to the tunnel initiator the particular tunnel to which a session is to be
assigned. Some tunnelling protocols, such as PPTP and L2TP, allow for
sessions between the same two tunnel endpoints to be multiplexed over the
same tunnel and also for a given session to utilize its own dedicated tunnel.
86 Acct-Tunnel-Packets- Indicates the number of packets dropped and uses the ESM accounting
Lost statistics for this. For Tunnel Link Stop it reports an aggregate of the dropped
input and output packets for this user over the course of this service being
provided. For Tunnel Stop this attribute represent an aggregate of input and
output dropped packets of all sessions that belong/belonged to this tunnel over
the course of this service being provided.
87 NAS-Port-Id LAC : a text string identifying the physical access circuit (slot/mda/port/outer-
vlan.inner-vlan) of the user that requested the Authentication and/or
Accounting. The physical port on LAC can have an optional prefix-string
(max 8 chars) and suffix-string (max 64 chars) added (configure aaa l2tp-
accounting-policy <policy-name> include-radius-attribute nas-port-id
prefix-string <string> suffix(circuit-id|remote-id )). LNS: a text string
identifying the logical access circuit of the user that requested the
Authentication and/or Accounting. This logical access circuit is a fixed
concatenation (delimiter #) of routing instance, tunnel-server-endpoint,
tunnel-client-endpoint, local-tunnel-id, remote-tunnel-id, local-session-id,
remote-session-id and call sequence number.
90 Tunnel-Client-Auth-ID Used during the authentication phase of tunnel establishment and copied by
the LAC in L2TP SCCRQ AVP 7 Host Name. Reported in L2TP Tunnel/Link
accounting when length is different from zero. The value with tag 0 is used as
default for the tunnels where the value is not specified. Pre-configured values
are used when the attribute is omitted (configure router/service vprn
<service-id> l2tp local-name). The Node system-name is copied in AVP
Host Name if this attribute is omitted and no local-name is configured.
91 Tunnel-Server-Auth-ID Used during the authentication phase of tunnel establishment and reported in
L2TP Tunnel/Link accounting when length is different from zero. For
authentication the value of this attribute is compared with the value of AVP 7
Host Name from the received LNS SCCRP. Authentication from LAC point
of view passes if both attributes are the same. This authentication check is not
performed if the RADIUS attribute is omitted.
49 Acct-Terminate- integer 4 Bytes See also table Acct Terminate Cause 1=User-
Cause Request, 2=Lost-Carrier, 9=NAS-Error,
10=NAS-Request, 11=NAS-Reboot, 15=Service-
For example:Acct-Terminate-Cause = NAS-
68 Acct-Tunnel- string [4|8] bytes tunnel-start/stop : 8 Byte value representing the lac
Connection + lns tunnel-id converted in hexadecimallink-start/
stop : maps to the AVP 15 call Serial Number from
ICRQ (32 bit)
86 Acct-Tunnel- integer 4 Bytes Sum of all dropped packets on ingress and egress
Packets-Lost For example:Acct-Tunnel-Packets-Lost = 748
Acct Tunnel-Link-Reject
Acct Tunnel-Link-Start
Acct Tunnel-Link-Stop
Acct Tunnel-Reject
Acct Tunnel-Start
Acct Tunnel-Stop
Attibute ID Attribute Name
1 User-Name 0 0 0 1 1 1
6 Service-Type 0 0 0 1 1 1
41 Acct-Delay-Time 1 1 1 1 1 1
42 Acct-Input-Octets 0 1 0 0 1 0
43 Acct-Output-Octets 0 1 0 0 1 0
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1 1 1 1
46 Acct-Session-Time 0 1 0 0 1 0
47 Acct-Input-Packets 0 1 0 0 1 0
48 Acct-Output-Packets 0 1 0 0 1 0
49 Acct-Terminate-Cause 0 1 1 0 1 1
55 Event-Timestamp 1 1 1 1 1 1
64 Tunnel-Type 1 1 1 1 1 1
65 Tunnel-Medium-Type 1 1 1 1 1 1
66 Tunnel-Client-Endpoint 1 1 1 1 1 1
67 Tunnel-Server-Endpoint 1 1 1 1 1 1
68 Acct-Tunnel-Connection 1 1 1 1 1 0
Acct Tunnel-Link-Reject
Acct Tunnel-Link-Start
Acct Tunnel-Link-Stop
Acct Tunnel-Reject
Acct Tunnel-Start
Acct Tunnel-Stop
Attibute ID Attribute Name
82 Tunnel-Assignment-ID 1 1 1 1 1 1
86 Acct-Tunnel-Packets-Lost 0 1 0 0 1 0
90 Tunnel-Client-Auth-ID 1 1 1 1 1 1
91 Tunnel-Server-Auth-ID 1 1 0 1 1 1
4 NAS-IP-Address The identifying IP Address of the NAS requesting the Accounting and maps
to the ipv4 address from the system interface (configure router interface
system address <ip-address>). Allows to monitor node redundancy activity
40 Acct-Status-Type Indicates AA Acct request type. Acct On is sent each time a RADIUS
accounting policy (configure application-assurance radius-accounting-
policy <rad-acct-plcy-name>) is enabled under a partition (configure
application-assurance group <aa-group-id:partition-id> statistics aa-sub
radius-accounting-policy <rad-acct-plcy-name>) or after a node reboot. An
Acct Start is sent for each new AA-subscriber created under a partition were
radius accounting is enabled. An Acct Interim will be sent every configured
interval time (configure application-assurance radius-accounting-policy
<rad-acct-plcy-name> interim-update-interval <minutes>) for each AA-
subscriber under a partition with the radius-accounting policy applied. An
Acct Stop is sent at AA-subscriber removal. An application-profile change or
an Application-Service-Options [ASO] override against a subscriber will not
trigger Acct Start/Stop messages and do not affect the AA RADIUS Acct
44 Acct-Session-Id Unique value per node used to identify the AA subscriber accounting session.
Reported in accounting Start, Stop and Interim Updates messages. Its value is
automatically derived from the subscriber ID string ([26-6527-11] Alc-Subsc-
ID-Str) and the AA subscriber type, that guarantees to preserve the subscriber
session ID after ISA card redundancy activity switch or after a node
redundancy activity switch (in AARP context). An activity switch will not
modify the session id, but can be detected if needed thanks to the [26-6527-
156] Alc-AA-Group-Partition-Isa-Id or the [32] NAS-Identifier. The AA
RADIUS Acct session is independent from the ESM RADIUS Acct session.
An AA Acct Off is sent when accounting stats is disabled (removing of
radius-acct policy)
55 Event-Timestamp Record the time that this event occurred on the NAS, in seconds since January
1, 1970 00:00 UTC
26-6527-11 Alc-Subsc-ID-Str AA-subscriber string name, used together with the AA-subscriber type to
construct the [44] Acct-Session-Id. Sent in all Acct Start, Interim Updates and
Stop messages. This attribute has the same content as [1] User-Name for AA
RADIUS Accounting.
26-6527-19 Alc-Acct-I-Inprof- Identify a charging group, app-group or application and its corresponding total
Octets-64 ingress in-profile bytes. Report cumulative volume of pre-configured AA-
subscriber charging group, app-group or application since the start of the
session (as described in RFC2689) in Acct Interim Update or Stop messages.
26-6527-21 Alc-Acct-O-Inprof- Identify a charging group, app-group or application and its corresponding total
Octets-64 egress in-profile bytes. Report cumulative volume of pre-configured aa-
subscriber charging group, app-group or application since the start of the
session (as described in RFC2689) in Acct Interim Update or Acct Stop.
26-6527-23 Alc-Acct-I-Inprof-Pkts- Identify a charging group, app-group or application and its corresponding total
64 ingress in-profile packets. Report cumulative volume of pre-configured aa-
subscriber charging group, app-group or application since the start of the
session (as described in RFC2689) in Acct Interim Update or Acct Stop.
26-6527-25 Alc-Acct-O-Inprof- Identify a charging group, app-group or application and its corresponding total
Pkts-64 egress in-profile packets. Report cumulative volume of pre-configured aa-
subscriber charging group, app-group or application since the start of the
session (as described in RFC2689) in Acct Interim Update or Acct Stop.
26-6527-45 Alc-App-Prof-Str Designate the AA-subscriber current application profile. Sent in all Acct Start,
Interim Update and Stop messages.
26-6527-156 Alc-AA-Group- Designate the AA Group/partition and the ISA card assigned to the AA-
Partition-Isa-Id subscriber reported in the Accounting Statistics. Sent in all Acct requests. The
ISA id allows to monitor ISA card switch over.
26-6527-157 Alc-AA-Peer-Identifier Specifies Application-Assurance RADIUS Peer Information and used by the
PCRF(DSC) to autodiscover redundant AA nodes.When AA Seen IP (Seen-IP
transit subscriber notification provides RADIUS Accounting Start notification
of the IP addresses and location of active subscribers within a parent AA
service) is used together with AARP (asymmetry removal that is required to
remove routing asymmetry when using redundant transit-aa-nodes), meaning
you have 2 redundant transit 7750 node, we expect PCRF(DSC) to push a
CoA create to both 7x50 nodes. This is achieved by adding the peer-identifier
information in the original Accounting-start sent by the primary 7x50.
55 Event-Timestamp date 4 Bytes For example:# Jul 6 2012 17:28:23 CEST is reported
as 4FF70417Event-Timestamp = 4FF70417
Acct Interim-Update
Attribute ID Attribute Name
Acct Start
Acct Stop
Acct Off
Acct On
1 User-Name 1 1 1 0 0
4 NAS-IP-Address 1 1 1 1 1
32 NAS-Identifier 1 1 1 1 1
40 Acct-Status-Type 1 1 1 1 1
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1 0 0
49 Acct-Terminate-Cause 0 0-1 0 0 0
55 Event-Timestamp 1 1 1 1 1
26-6527-11 Alc-Subsc-ID-Str 1 1 1 0 0
26-6527-45 Alc-App-Prof-Str 1 1 1 0 0
26-6527-156 Alc-AA-Group-Partition-Isa-Id 1 1 1 1 1
This section specifies the attributes for RADIUS accounting on dynamic data service SAPs. The
attributes for RADIUS accounting of the associated control channel is identical as the ESM
accounting case (see section Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) accounting.
1 User-Name The RADIUS user-name from the Dynamic Data Service Control Channel
associated with this Dynamic Data Service SAP accounting session
25 Class The Class attribute from the Dynamic Data Service Control Channel
associated with this Dynamic Data Service SAP accounting session
40 Acct-Status-Type Indicates whether this Accounting-Request marks the beginning of the user
service (Start) or the end (Stop) or reports interim updates.
41 Acct-Delay-Time Indicates how many seconds the client has been trying to send this accounting
record for. This attribute is included with value 0 in all initial accounting
messages. Attribute is omitted in accounting via configure subscriber-mgmt
radius-accounting-policy <name> include-radius-attribute no acct-delay-
44 Acct-Session-Id Unique generated hexadecimal number that represents the accounting session
for this Dynamic Data Service SAP.
46 Acct-Session-Time The acct session time is started when the corresponding dynamic data service
sap is created. The acct session time is stopped when the corresponding
dynamic data service sap is deleted. When the SAP is orphaned (not deleted in
the teardown function call), the session time stops after the teardown script is
executed. In case an accounting stop is sent as a result of a failure scenario, the
acct-session-time will be zero.
50 Acct-Multi-Session-Id Accounting session id from the associated Control Channel (session acct-
session-id for PPPoE or IPoE sessions and host acct-session-id for IPoE hosts)
55 Event-Timestamp Record the time that this event occurred on the NAS, in seconds since January
1, 1970 00:00 UTC
87 NAS-Port-Id The Dynamic Data Service SAP where this accounting session is started for
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit-Id The Agent-Circuit-Id attribute from the Dynamic Data Service Control
Channel associated with this Dynamic Data Service SAP accounting session
26-3561-2 Agent-Remote-Id The Agent-Remote-Id attribute from the Dynamic Data Service Control
Channel associated with this Dynamic Data Service SAP accounting session
26-6527-165 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script- Parameters as input to the Dynamic Data Service Python script. The
Params parameters can cross an attribute boundary. The concatenation of all Alc-Dyn-
Serv-Script-Params attributes with the same tag in a single message must be
formatted as function-key <dictionary> where function-key specifies which
Python functions will be called and <dictionary> contains the actual
parameters in a Python dictionary structure format.
In dynamic service RADIUS accounting messages, the attribute is sent
untagged and contains the last received Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params value in
an Access-Accept or CoA message for this dynamic service. Multiple
attributes may be present if the total length does not fit a single attribute.
1 User-Name string 253 chars The format depends on authentication method and
For example: User-Name [email protected]
26-3561-1 Agent-Circuit-Id string 247 chars Format, see also RFC 4679 # ATM/DSL <Access-
Node-Identifier><atm slot/port:vpi.vci># Ethernet/
DSL <Access-Node-Identifier><eth slot/
For example: ethernet dslam1 slot 2 port 1 vlan
100Agent-Circuit-Id = dslam1 eth 2/1:100
26-3561-2 Agent-Remote-Id string 247 chars format see also RFC 4679 For example: Agent-
Remote-Id = MyRemoteId
26-6527-165 Alc-Dyn-Serv- string multiple The script parameters may be continued across
Script-Params VSA's per tag attribute boundaries. The concatenated string must
per message. have following format: function-
Max length of key=<dictionary> where function-key specifies
concatenated which Python functions will be used and
strings per tag <dictionary> contains the actual parameters in a
= 1000 bytes Python dictionary structure format.
For example: Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params:1 =
data_svc_1 = { 'as_id' : '100', 'comm_id' : '200',
'if_name' : 'itf1', 'ipv4_address' : '',
'egr_ip_filter' : '100' , 'routes' : [{'to' : '
24', 'next-hop' : ''}, {'to' : '',
'next-hop' : ''}]}
32 NAS-Identifier 1 1 1
40 Acct-Status-Type 1 1 1
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1 1
46 Acct-Session-Time 0 1 1
49 Acct-Terminate-Cause 0 0-1 0
50 Acct-Multi-Session-Id 1 1 1
55 Event-Timestamp 1 1 1
87 NAS-Port-Id 1 1 1
26-6527-165 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params 1+ 1+ 1+
31 Calling-Station-Id The IP address (coded in hex) from the user that requests Authentication,
Authorization, Accounting.
44 Acct-Session-Id A unique number generated per authenticated user and reported in all
accounting messages. Used to correlate CLI commands (accounting data)
from the same user.
1 User-Name 1 1
31 Calling-Station-Id 1 1
44 Acct-Session-Id 1 1
61 NAS-Port-Type 1 1
26-6527-6 Timetra-Cmd 1 1
1 User-Request User requested termination of service, for example, with LCP yes
Terminate or by logging out.
2 Lost-Carrier Data Carrier Detect (DCD) was dropped on the port yes
3 Lost-Service Service can no longer be provided; for example, user's connection to yes
a host was interrupted.
8 Port-Error NAS detected an error on the port which required ending the session yes
9 NAS-Error NAS detected some error (other than on the port) which required yes
ending the session
10 NAS-Request NAS ended session for a non-error reason not otherwise listed here. yes
11 NAS-Reboot The NAS ended the session in order to reboot non-administratively yes
12 Port-Unneeded NAS ended session because resource usage fell below low-water no
mark (for example, if a bandwidth-on-demand algorithm decided that
the port was no longer needed).
13 Port-Preempted NAS ended session in order to allocate the port to a higher priority no
21 Port Reinitialized Termination cause indicates that the Port's MAC has been no
reinitialized (dot1x)
22 Port Indicates that the Port has been administratively disabled (dot1x) no
23 Lost Power no
For ESM, sending of Accounting Interim Updates and inclusion of the [26-6527-163] Alc-Acct-
Triggered-Reason attribute must be enabled explicitly via following configuration:
radius-accounting-policy "acct-policy-1" create
host-accounting interim-update # maximum two accounting
queue-instance-accounting interim-update # modes can be enabled
session-accounting interim-update # simultaneaously
Accounting Triggered Reason on page 230 specifies the different Accounting Triggered Reason
values generated by SR OS in [26-6527-163] Alc-Acct-Triggered-Reason attribute.
Accounting Mode
Accounting Mode
Accounting Mode
(1) IP address/prefix tracking: a triggered Accounting Interim Update message notifies the
RADIUS accounting server of the acquisition or release of an IP address or prefix during the
lifetime of a session.
Table 76: CoA and Disconnect Message: Subscriber Host Identification Attributes
(1) To target a subscriber host in a retail service it is mandatory to include the [26-6527-17] Alc-
Retail-Serv-Id attribute. Omitting this attribute results in a CoA NAK with [101] Error-Cause
attribute value 503 (Session Context Not Found).
(2) Although a single host is identified, the CoA or Disconnect Message will apply to all hosts of a
dual stack PPPoE session or IPoE session (if enabled).
(3) Maximum 32 hosts can be targeted in a single CoA or Disconnect Message. When more than 32
hosts are identified, the CoA and Disconnect Message is rejected with [101] Error-Cause attri-
bute value 501 (Administratively Prohibited).
Typically only a single (set of) attribute(s) is used to target a host or a number of hosts: NAS-
Port-Id + IP or Acct-Session-Id or Alc-Subsc-ID-Str. In case that both NAS-Port-Id + IP
and Acct-Session-Id attributes are specified to identify subscriber hosts, only the host identified
by NAS-Port-Id + IP will be targeted. If the identified host is not part of the hosts that would be
identified by the Acct-Session-Id attribute, then the CoA will be NAKed with [101] Error-Cause
attribute value 503 Session Context Not Found.
For example:
The CoA targets the host identified with the combination of [87] NAS-Port-Id and [8] Framed-IP-
Address (prio 1) only if the host is also identified by [44] Acct-Session-Id (prio 2), else the CoA is
Following attributes are accepted only if the CoA is targeted to a single host:
[26-6527-14] Alc-Force-Renew
[26-6527-15] Alc-Create-Host
[26-6527-98] Alc-Force-Nak
[26-6527-130] Alc-AA-Transit-IP
Table 77: CoA and Disconnect Message: WLAN-GW Migrant Users Identification Attributes
1 44 Acct-Session-Id
26-6527-61 Alc-IPSec-Serv-Id
8 Framed-IP-
97 Framed-IPv6-
1. Only one of the three identification methods should be used in a Disconnect Request, otherwise
the system will reject it by sending a Disconnect-NAK with [101] Error-Cause value set to 404
(Invalid Request).
2. If there are multiple tunnels having the specified IDi, then all these tunnels will be terminated.
1 User-Name
6 Service-Type
7 Framed-Protocol
8 Framed-IP-Address
25 Class
27 Session-Timeout
28 Idle-Timeout
30 Called-Station-Id
31 Calling-Station-Id
44 Acct-Session-Id
61 NAS-Port-Type
85 Acct-Interim-Interval
87 NAS-Port-Id
92 NAS-Filter-Rule
97 Framed-IPv6-Prefix
101 Error-Cause
123 Delegated-IPv6-Prefix
242 Ascend-Data-Filter
26-4874-47 ERX-Ipv6-Primary-Dns
26-4874-48 ERX-Ipv6-Secondary-Dns
26-6527-11 Alc-Subsc-ID-Str
26-6527-12 Alc-Subsc-Prof-Str
26-6527-13 Alc-SLA-Prof-Str
26-6527-14 Alc-Force-Renew
26-6527-15 Alc-Create-Host
26-6527-16 Alc-ANCP-Str
26-6527-17 Alc-Retail-Serv-Id
26-6527-27 Alc-Client-Hardware-Addr
26-6527-28 Alc-Int-Dest-Id-Str
26-6527-45 Alc-App-Prof-Str
26-6527-95 Alc-Credit-Control-CategoryMap
26-6527-96 Alc-Credit-Control-Quota
26-6527-98 Alc-Force-Nak
26-6527-99 Alc-Ipv6-Address
26-6527-105 Alc-Ipv6-Primary-Dns
26-6527-106 Alc-Ipv6-Secondary-Dns
26-6527-122 Alc-LI-Action
26-6527-123 Alc-LI-Destination
26-6527-124 Alc-LI-FC
26-6527-125 Alc-LI-Direction
26-6527-126 Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override
26-6527-130 Alc-AA-Transit-IP
26-6527-132 Alc-Access-Loop-Rate-Down
26-6527-134 Alc-Subscriber-Filter
26-6527-136 Alc-Onetime-Http-Redirection-Filter-Id
26-6527-137 Alc-Authentication-Policy-Name
26-6527-138 Alc-LI-Intercept-Id
26-6527-139 Alc-LI-Session-Id
26-6527-151 Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate
26-6527-152 Alc-Sub-Serv-Deactivate
26-6527-153 Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Stats-Type
26-6527-154 Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Interim-Ivl
26-6527-158 Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-Shared
26-6527-159 Alc-Ascend-Data-Filter-Host-Spec
26-6527-160 Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout
26-6527-164 Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id
26-6527-165 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params
26-6527-166 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action
26-6527-167 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Policy
26-6527-168 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-Interim-Ivl-1
26-6527-169 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-Interim-Ivl-2
26-6527-170 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-Stats-Type-1
26-6527-171 Alc-Dyn-Serv-Acct-Stats-Type-2
26-6527-177 Alc-Portal-Url
26-6527-178 Alc-Ipv6-Portal-Url
26-6527-179 Alc-GTP-Local-Breakout
26-6527-182 Alc-AA-Sub-Http-Url-Param
26-6527-185 Alc-Onetime-Http-Redirect-Reactivate
26-6527-186 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ot-Http-Redirect-Url
26-6527-187 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ip-Filter
26-6527-188 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Ingress-Policer
26-6527-189 Alc-Wlan-Dsm-Egress-Policer
26-6527-193 Alc-AA-App-Service-Options
26-6527-217 Alc-UPnP-Sub-Override-Policy
202 Invalid EAP Packet Invalid EAP Packet (Ignored) is a non-fatal error that MUST NOT be No
(Ignored) sent by implementations of this specification.
401 Unsupported Attribute Unsupported Attribute is a fatal error sent if a Request contains an No
attribute (such as a Vendor-Specific or EAP-Message Attribute) that
is not supported.
402 Missing Attribute Missing Attribute is a fatal error sent if critical attributes (such as Yes
NAS or session identification attributes) are missing from a Request.
403 NAS Identification NAS Identification Mismatch is a fatal error sent if one or more NAS Yes
Mismatch identification attributes (see Section 3) do not match the identity of
the NAS receiving the Request.
404 Invalid Request Invalid Request is a fatal error sent if some other aspect of the Yes
Request is invalid, such as if one or more attributes (such as EAP-
Message Attribute(s)) are not formatted properly.
405 Unsupported Service Unsupported Service is a fatal error sent if a Service-Type Attribute Yes
included with the Request is sent with an invalid or unsupported
value. This error cannot be sent in response to a Disconnect-Request.
406 Unsupported Extension Unsupported Extension is a fatal error sent due to lack of support for No
an extension such as Disconnect and/or CoA packets.
This will typically be sent by a proxy receiving an ICMP port
unreachable message after attempting to forward a CoA-Request or
Disconnect-Request to the NAS.
407 Invalid Attribute Value Invalid Attribute Value is a fatal error sent if a CoA-Request or Yes
Disconnect-Request contains an attribute with an unsupported value.
501 Administratively Administratively Prohibited is a fatal error sent if the NAS is Yes
Prohibited configured to prohibit honoring of CoA-Request or Disconnect-
Request packets for the specified session.
502 Request Not Routable Request Not Routable is a fatal error that MAY be sent by a proxy No
(Proxy) and MUST NOT be sent by a NAS. It indicates that the proxy was
unable to determine how to route a CoA-Request or Disconnect-
Request to the NAS. For example, this can occur if the required
entries are not present in the proxy's realm routing table.
503 Session Context Not Session Context Not Found is a fatal error sent if the session context Yes
Found identified in the CoA-Request or Disconnect-Request does not exist
on the NAS.
504 Session Context Not Session Context Not Removable is a fatal error sent in response to a No
Removable Disconnect-Request if the NAS was able to locate the session
context, but could not remove it for some reason. It MUST NOT be
sent within a CoA-ACK, CoA-NAK, or Disconnect-ACK, only
within a Disconnect-NAK.
505 Other Proxy Processing Other Proxy Processing Error is a fatal error sent in response to a No
Error CoA or Disconnect-Request that could not be processed by a proxy,
for reasons other than routing.
506 Resources Unavailable Resources Unavailable is a fatal error sent when a CoA or Yes
Disconnect-Request could not be honored due to lack of available
NAS resources (memory, non-volatile storage, etc.).
507 Request Initiated Request Initiated is a fatal error sent by a NAS in response to a CoA- No
Request including a Service-Type Attribute with a value of
Authorize Only. It indicates that the CoA-Request has not been
honored, but that the NAS is sending one or more RADIUS Access-
Requests including a Service-Type Attribute with value Authorize
Only to the RADIUS server.
508 Multiple Session Multiple Session Selection Unsupported is a fatal error sent by a No
Selection Unsupported NAS in response to a CoA-Request or Disconnect-Request whose
session identification attributes match multiple sessions, where the
NAS does not support Requests applying to multiple sessions.
Table 82 lists the possible [101] Error-Cause attribute values generated in SR OS in response to a
Disconnect Message targeting an IPsec tunnel.
Table 82: RADIUS Disconnect Message [101] Error-Cause Values for IPSec Tunnel
404 Invalid Request A fatal error sent if some other aspect of the Disconnect-Request is invalid,
such as multiple tunnel indentifications present in the request.
503 Session Context Not A fatal error sent if the tunnel identified in the Disconnect-Request does not
Found exist.
504 Session Context Not A fatal error sent if all identified tunnels belong to a tunnel-group in MC-
Removable IPsec standby status.