Aaa Radius PDF
Aaa Radius PDF
Aaa Radius PDF
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Related Documents
RADIUS Client Setup
Property Description
Connection Terminating from RADIUS
Property Description
Suggested RADIUS Servers
Supported RADIUS Attributes
General Information
Packages required: system
License required: level1
Home menu level: /radius
Standards and Technologies: RADIUS
Related Documents
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
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Property Description
accounting-backup (yes | no; default: no) - this entry is a backup RADIUS accounting server
accounting-port (integer; default: 1813) - RADIUS server port used for accounting
address (IP address; default: - IP address of the RADIUS server
authentication-port (integer; default: 1812) - RADIUS server port used for authentication
called-id (text; default: "") - value depends on Point-to-Point protocol:
• ISDN - phone number dialled (MSN)
• PPPoE - service name
• PPTP - server's IP address
• L2TP - server's IP address
domain (text; default: "") - Microsoft Windows domain of client passed to RADIUS servers that
require domain validation
realm (text) - explicitly stated realm (user domain), so the users do not have to provide proper ISP
domain name in user name
secret (text; default: "") - shared secret used to access the RADIUS server
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
service (multiple choice: hotspot | login | ppp | telephony | wireless | dhcp; default: "") - router
services that will use this RADIUS server
• hotspot - HotSpot authentication service
• login - router's local user authentication
• ppp - Point-to-Point clients authentication
• telephony - IP telephony accounting
• wireless - wireless client authentication (client's MAC address is sent as User-Name)
• dhcp - DHCP protocol client authentication (client's MAC address is sent as User-Name)
timeout (time; default: 100ms) - timeout after which the request should be resend
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
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Property Description
accept (yes | no; default: no) - Whether to accept the unsolicited messages
port (integer; default: 1700) - The port number to listen for the requests on
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
• Framed-IP-Address - IP address given to client. If address belongs to or networks, IP pool is used from the default profile to allocate client IP address. If
Framed-IP-Address is specified, Framed-Pool is ignored
• Framed-IP-Netmask - client netmask. PPPs - if specified, a route will be created to the
network Framed-IP-Address belongs to via the Framed-IP-Address gateway; HotSpot - ignored
by HotSpot
• Framed-Pool - IP pool name (on the router) from which to get IP address for the client. If
Framed-IP-Address is specified, this attribute is ignored
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
• Mikrotik-Recv-Limit - total receive limit in bytes for the client
• Mikrotik-Recv-Limit-Gigawords - 4G (2^32) bytes of total receive limit (bits 32..63, when
bits 0..31 are delivered in Mikrotik-Recv-Limit)
• Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit - total transmit limit in bytes for the client
• Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit-Gigawords - 4G (2^32) bytes of total transmit limit (bits 32..63, when
bits 0..31 are delivered in Mikrotik-Recv-Limit)
• Mikrotik-Wireless-Forward - not forward the client's frames back to the wireless
infrastructure if this attribute is set to "0" (Wireless only)
• Mikrotik-Wireless-Skip-Dot1x - disable 802.1x authentication for the particulat wireless
client if set to non-zero value (Wireless only)
• Mikrotik-Wireless-Enc-Algo - WEP encryption algorithm: 0 - no encryption, 1 - 40-bit WEP,
2 - 104-bit WEP (Wireless only)
• Mikrotik-Wireless-Enc-Key - WEP encruption key for the client (Wireless only)
• Mikrotik-Rate-Limit - Datarate limitation for clients. Format is: rx-rate[/tx-rate]
[rx-burst-rate[/tx-burst-rate] [rx-burst-threshold[/tx-burst-threshold]
[rx-burst-time[/tx-burst-time] [priority] [rx-rate-min[/tx-rate-min]]]] from the point of view of
the router (so "rx" is client upload, and "tx" is client download). All rates should be numbers
with optional 'k' (1,000s) or 'M' (1,000,000s). If tx-rate is not specified, rx-rate is as tx-rate too.
Same goes for tx-burst-rate and tx-burst-threshold and tx-burst-time. If both rx-burst-threshold
and tx-burst-threshold are not specified (but burst-rate is specified), rx-rate and tx-rate is used
as burst thresholds. If both rx-burst-time and tx-burst-time are not specified, 1s is used as
default. Priority takes values 1..8, where 1 implies the highest priority, but 8 - the lowest. If
rx-rate-min and tx-rate-min are not specified rx-rate and tx-rate values are used. The
rx-rate-min and tx-rate-min values can not exceed rx-rate and tx-rate values.
• Mikrotik-Group - Router local user group name (defines in /user group) for local users.
HotSpot default profile for HotSpot users.
• Mikrotik-Advertise-URL - URL of the page with advertisements that should be displayed to
clients. If this attribute is specified, advertisements are enabled automatically, including
transparent proxy, even if they were explicitly disabled in the corresponding user profile.
Multiple attribute instances may be send by RADIUS server to specify additional URLs which
are choosen in round robin fashion.
• Mikrotik-Advertise-Interval - Time interval between two adjacent advertisements. Multiple
attribute instances may be send by RADIUS server to specify additional intervals. All interval
values are threated as a list and are taken one-by-one for each successful advertisement. If end
of list is reached, the last value is continued to be used.
• WISPr-Redirection-URL - URL, which the clients will be redirected to after successfull login
• WISPr-Bandwidth-Min-Up - minimal datarate (CIR) provided for the client upload
• WISPr-Bandwidth-Min-Down - minimal datarate (CIR) provided for the client download
• WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up - maxmal datarate (MIR) provided for the client upload
• WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down - maxmal datarate (MIR) provided for the client download
• WISPr-Session-Terminate-Time - time, when the user should be disconnected; in
"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD" form, where Y - year; M - month; D - day; T - separator
symbol (must be written between date and time); h - hour (in 24 hour format); m - minute; s -
second; TZD - time zone in one of these forms: "+hh:mm", "+hhmm", "-hh:mm", "-hhmm"
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
• Acct-Status-Type - Start, Stop, or Interim-Update
• Acct-Authentic - either authenticated by the RADIUS or Local authority (PPPs only)
• Class - RADIUS server cookie, as received in Access-Accept
• Acct-Delay-Time - how long does the router try to send this Accounting-Request packet
Stop Accounting-Request
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• Acct-Terminate-Cause - session termination cause (see RFC2866 ch. 5.10)
Change of Authorization
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
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RFC where it is
Name VendorID Value
Acct-Authentic 45 RFC2866
Acct-Delay-Time 41 RFC2866
Acct-Input-Gigawords 52 RFC2869
Acct-Input-Octets 42 RFC2866
Acct-Input-Packets 47 RFC2866
Acct-Interim-Interval 85 RFC2869
Acct-Output-Gigawords 53 RFC2869
Acct-Output-Octets 43 RFC2866
Acct-Output-Packets 48 RFC2866
Acct-Session-Id 44 RFC2866
Acct-Session-Time 46 RFC2866
Acct-Status-Type 40 RFC2866
Acct-Terminate-Cause 49 RFC2866
Ascend-Client-Gateway 529 132
Ascend-Data-Rate 529 197
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
Ascend-Xmit-Rate 529 255
Called-Station-Id 30 RFC2865
Calling-Station-Id 31 RFC2865
CHAP-Challenge 60 RFC2866
CHAP-Password 3 RFC2865
Class 25 RFC2865
Filter-Id 11 RFC2865
Framed-IP-Address 8 RFC2865
Framed-IP-Netmask 9 RFC2865
Framed-Pool 88 RFC2869
Framed-Protocol 7 RFC2865
Framed-Route 22 RFC2865
Idle-Timeout 28 RFC2865
Mikrotik-Advertise-Interval 14988 13
Mikrotik-Advertise-URL 14988 12
Mikrotik-Group 14988 3
Mikrotik-Host-IP 14988 10
Mikrotik-Mark-Id 14988 11
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit 14988 8
Mikrotik-Realm 14988 9
Mikrotik-Recv-Limit 14988 1
Mikrotik-Recv-Limit-Gigawords 14988 14
Mikrotik-Wireless-Enc-Algo 14988 6
Mikrotik-Wireless-Enc-Key 14988 7
Mikrotik-Wireless-Forward 14988 4
Mikrotik-Wireless-Skip-Dot1x 14988 5
Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit 14988 2
Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit-Gigawords 14988 15
MS-CHAP-Challenge 311 11 RFC2548
MS-CHAP-Domain 311 10 RFC2548
MS-CHAP-Response 311 1 RFC2548
MS-CHAP2-Response 311 25 RFC2548
MS-CHAP2-Success 311 26 RFC2548
MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 311 7 RFC2548
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types 311 8 RFC2548
MS-MPPE-Recv-Key 311 17 RFC2548
MS-MPPE-Send-Key 311 16 RFC2548
NAS-Identifier 32 RFC2865
NAS-Port 5 RFC2865
NAS-IP-Address 4 RFC2865
NAS-Port-Id 87 RFC2869
NAS-Port-Type 61 RFC2865
Port-Limit 62 RFC2865
Service-Type 6 RFC2865
Session-Timeout 27 RFC2865
User-Name 1 RFC2865
User-Password 2 RFC2865
WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down 14122 8
WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up 14122 7
WISPr-Bandwidth-Min-Down 14122 6
WISPr-Bandwidth-Min-Up 14122 5
WISPr-Location-Id 14122 1
WISPr-Location-Name 14122 2
WISPr-Logoff-URL 14122 3
WISPr-Redirection-URL 14122 4
WISPr-Session-Terminate-Time 14122 9
• My radius server accepts authentication request from the client with "Auth: Login
OK:...", but the user cannot log on. The bad replies counter is incrementing under radius
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Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA.
Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.