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Aurumfoliatum (metallic gold) Mineral kingdom


The most preciousthing, which every creature likes and loves in the world, is its own life. Anything and
everything could be sacrificed for its ultimate protection. But here is an element which possesses the inherent
power to destroy the very desire to survive.

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin: aurum, "shining dawn", hence adjective,
aureate) and an atomic number of 79. It has been a highly sought-after precious metal for coinage, jewellery, and
other arts since the beginning of recorded history. The metal occurs as nuggets or grains in rocks, in veins and in
alluvial deposits. This precious metal was transformed to a wonderful healing agent by the unique Homoeopathic
method of potentization.


General properties
Name, symbol, number Gold, Au, 79
Element category transition metal
Group, period, block 11, 6, d
Standard atomic weight 196.966569(4)gmol1
Electron configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1
Electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 1
Specific gravity 19.3
Melting point 1063
Boiling point 2600

It is a bright yellow metal; most malleable and ductile; brown in powdered form. Not attacked by air,
hydrogen sulphides. Ordinary acids do not attack. Soluble in aquaregia. Gold generally occurs in the
free state and its commercial purification is commonly done electrolytically. Gold has only one stable
isotope, Au197, which is also its only naturally occurring isotope. Contains not less than 99.0% of Au
with reference to the substance dried to a constant weight at 1050.

Use and applications

Monetary exchange
Food and drink: Gold can be used in food and has the E number-175.
Electronics: Gold is highly conductive to electricity, and has been used for electrical wiring in some
high-energy applications
Other medical uses:

Some gold salts do have anti-inflammatory properties and are used as pharmaceuticals in the
treatment of arthritis and other similar conditions.
However, only salts and radioisotopes of gold are of pharmacological value, as elemental
(metallic) gold is inert to all chemicals it encounters inside the body.
In modern times, injectable gold has been proven to help to reduce the pain and swelling of
rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis.
Gold alloys are used in restorative dentistry, especially in tooth restorations, such as crowns and
permanent bridges.
The isotope gold-198, (half-life 2.7 days) is used in some cancer treatments and for treating other

Prover: Dr.Hahnemann
The first proving of Aurum.met appears in the 4th volume of Reine Arzneimittellelire (Materia
Medica Pura)

Class VII (Old method)
Triruration of 1 part of Aurum metallicum with 9 parts of sugar of milk.

Sphere of action
Glands Mind Bone affections Depression Angina pectoris
Mucous membranes Nerves
Syphillis Hydrocoele Jaundice
Sexual organs CVS
Bone and periosteum Eye Mercurial poisoning

Physiological action
Irritation and inflammation of the gastro intestinal tract, with nausea, vomiting, flatulent colic, diarrhoea, and
increased urination.
Glandular system shows congestion and induration, especially of liver and testicles.
The periosteum is inflamed, while the bones if the nose often become carious and exostosis forms.
The sexual organs are excited, resulting in preapism in male and profuse and frequent menstruation in female
Profuse sweat and sensitiveness of the whole body to cold air.
It degenerates even blood and causes haemorrhage.
Its action on mind and brain manifests a strong tendency to profound melancholy and inclination to
constantly dwelling on suicide.

Suited for sanguine, ruddy people, with black hair and eyes.Old people who are tired of life due to their
misdeeds, having no desire to live and low-spirited lifeless pinning boys.
Constitution broken down by bad effects of mecuryand syphilis.
Temperament : Melancholic and irritable A/f
Thermal state : Very chilly patient Bad effects of:
Mercury Syphilis Alcohol
Miasm : Syphilis
Fear Fright Anger
Diathesis : Scrofulous Contradiction Mortification Vexation
Dread Displeasure Disappointed love

Doctrine of Signature
Aurum is gold. Astrology places the metal gold under reign of the Sun. Through nuclear reactions the
Sun generates its own energy. The planets are born from the Sun; the Sun is in a way the father/mother
of the family of our solar system. All life on the diverse planets depends on the Sun. Now, knowing this
about the Sun, it is understandable that people who need Aurum have a very strong feeling of
responsibility and the idea that they have to solve all their problems by themselves.
In astrology the Sun symbolizes our core, our spirit, our individuality, our deepest self. Astrology
associates the Sun with these qualities: courage, self-consciousness, self-trust, self-respect, nobleness,
sense of honor, human dignity, the truth in your heart, vitality, radiance, life-force. And indeed, in
balanced Aurum-people these characteristics are clearly visible.
Aurum-personalities are correct, honest and responsible people with some sort of natural leadership
(like the central position of the Sun).

Aurum-personalities can develop complaints because of: (self) criticism, grief, loss of a love-
relationship, death of loved ones, bankruptcy, loss of money, loss of dignity, offence, heavy
emotions like anger, irritability and disappo intment.
This substance is productive of the best effects in ophthalmias and other scrofulous affections,
spots on the cornea, indurations of the glands, some mental diseases, hysteria, hypochondriasis,
the desire of destroying ones self, chronic coryza
Oversensitive to pain.
Aurum.met is the top most medicine for DEPRESSIVE INSANITY.
The veins become dilatedand the blood starts clotting within them.
Severe headache and there is feeling of air rustling over the head. The face is swollen and
shines due to the skin being taut and tense.
The hair on the scalp tends to fall leading to baldness.
The eyes are extremely sensitive to light. Sees only lower half
Deep wounds of the ears, in which the bony structure of the ear becomes rotten, resulting in
discharge of extremely putrid material.
The nasal cold of AurumMetallicum patient is of chronic type. The cause is not the
inflammation of the mucosal lining, but theinvolvement of the cartilaginous bones of the nose.
One characteristic sign of AurumMetallicum is the formation ofspider webs on the nose and
the tendency of the blood to clot in theselittle veins like varicose veins. The lips also look bluish.
The liver becomes stone hard and nodules form.
Fatty degeneration and hypertrophy of heart.
Undescended and undeveloped testes. Pining boys lacking boyish-go
From sunset to sunrise (Night)
Winter; Cold air; when getting cold
Lying down
Mental exertion
Day time
Classical or religious music
Being outdoors

Aurum follows and is followed well by Syphillinum
Similar to : Asaf, Calc, Plat, sepia
Antidote by : Coffea, Spigelia, Mercurius
Antidote to : Mercurius, Spigelia, Kali.iod

Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Fr.Muller Homoeopathic Medical College
Deralakatte, Mangalore

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