Pearls of Homeopathy
Pearls of Homeopathy
Pearls of Homeopathy
Associate Professor of Materia Medica ; Lecturer on Dermatology,
and Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases, in the Southern
Homoeopathic Medical College of Baltimore, MeL ; Chairman
of Bureau of Materia Medica of Maryland Homoeopathic
Medical Association; Author of uCharacteristics of
Materia MedicauRepertory of Tongue Symptoms/'
tlDiseases of the Skin,” etc>
Sensation of an undigested hard-boiled egg in the
Pain in the stomach, always comes after eating.
Expectoration in the morning of pure blood ; in
evening, of dark lumps of clotted blood.
Patient has a played-out feeling in the morning,
and gains strength as the day advances.
Passing large quantities of pale urine, accompanied
by intense thirst, and dry, hot skin.
Diarrhoea of children ; the discharge is copious,
watery, clear-colored, very foetid ; the urine at the
same time is uncommonly deep red, and the urinous
odor very strong.
Foetid, watery, white stools, very copious and ex¬
hausting, in infants, the urine being of very deep red
Urine highly colored ; the urinous odor exceed¬
ingly strong.
actala racemosa.
Great melancholy, with sleeplessness. Declares she
12 Pearls of Homoeopathy .
will go crazy. Sensation as if a heavy black cloud
had settled all over her and enveloped her head.
Imagines strange objects in her room, and on her
Aching pain in head, particularly in occiput, in¬
doors. Feels as if the top of the head would fly off.
Great tenderness on pressure over the uterine
Hysterical or epileptical spasms at time of menses.
Rheumatic pain in the muscles of the neck and
back ; a feeling of stiffness and retraction. Excessive
muscular soreness.
Rheumatism affecting the belly of the muscles.
Nervous shuddering ; tremor all over the body.
Rheumatic pains in the small joints.
Swelling of the joints after slight fatigue.
Obstinate constipation.
Great lameness and weakness of the back.
Dry, uncomfortable feeling in rectum, as if it were
filled with small sticks.
Soreness, burning, itching, and fulness at anus.
Haemorrhoids like ground nuts, purple ; painful
sensation of burning ; generally blind ; aching and
lameness or shooting in the back.
Stool hard, dry and passed with difficulty.
Rectum feels full of small sticks.
Pearls of Homoeopathy . 15 -
Violent vomiting, with ice-cold sweat of face.
Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as
far as the root of the nose.
Redness, itching, and burning on any part of the
body, as if frost-bitten, or burning, and itching of
internal parts.
Twitching of the facial muscles.
Passage of much inodorous flatus.
Peculiar painfulness along the spinal cord when
Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine.
Aching along the spine and limbs.
Spinal column sensitive to the touch.
Tremor of the hands.
Awful bearing-down pains in female pelvis, almost
Paralysis of upper and lower limbs.
Violent muscular twitchings.
Involuntary movements while awake; cease during
Suppression of urine.
Extreme absence of mind ; unable to recollect
Sexual desire lessened, almost lost.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 15
Headache in the room, evenings, with coryza.
Excessive non-excoriating lachrymation of the
eyes, left eye worse, with redness of the eyeball,
after frequent sneezing.
Copious watery discharge from the nose, and
watering of eyes.
Acrid discharge from the left nostril.
Profuse sneezing when coming into a warm room.
On inspiring cold air, hacking cough.
Violent catarrhal laryngitis ; the hoarse cough
seems to split and tear the larynx.
Very copious flow of sweetish saliva into the
mouth in the forenoon, after meals ; more especially
after supper and during the night.
Great disinclination to mental labor*
Dull headache across and above the forehead,,
with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea.
Dull, pressive pain in the supraorbital region.
One is compelled to make the eyes small, with
pain in the forehead.
Distention of the bowels.
A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if
diarrhoea would result.
Very offensive burning flatus.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 17
Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum*
Urgency to stool, with passage of urine.
Sensation as of a plug wedged in between the
symphysis pubis and the os coccygis*
Every time, on passing urine, the feeling as if
some thin stool would escape with it.
With the stool there is always a feeling as if still
more were at hand.
Fear lest a stool should escape with the flatus.
The stool passes without his needing to make any
exertion ; it falls, as it were, out of the intestines.
Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus.
Faeces and urine will pass together, they escape
He must go to stool soon after a meal.
Gurgling in the abdomen as of water running
from a bottle.
Usually awakes in the morning with severe
urging to stool, etc.; before 5 o’clock, aroused and
excited in the head ; has to hurry to the closet.
Cough from tickling in larynx, caused by talking.
In the evening, dryness of the throat, which
induces frequent clearing of the throat.
Evacuation of a small quantity of hard faeces, with
pressure and a sensation of excoriation in the rectum.
Urine can only be passed with the stool, or must
stand up to urinate, and then sit down so defecate.
18 Pearls of Homoeopathy .
Great dryness of all the mucous membranes.
Dryness and harshness of skin, with absence of
Inactivity of the rectum ; even the soft stool
requires great straining.
No desire for and no ability to pass stool, until
there is a large accumulation.
Stools hard and knotty, like sheep dung; with
cutting in the anus, followed by blood.
Copious discharge of mucus from the vagina,
before the menses.
Acrid leucorrhoea.
Abundant discharge of transparent mucus, flowing
only in the day-time.
Profuse, transparent, acrid leucorrhoea running
down to the feet, during day.
Discharge of flesh-colored liquid after the menses.
Leucorrhcea, relieved by cold washes.
Continued dry, hacking cough, with vomiting and
arrest of breathing.
Pain in the back, as though a hot iron were thrust
through the lower vertebrae.
Constriction of the oesophagus ; can swallow but
small morsels at a time.
Great heaviness in the lower limbs ; can scarcely
drag them ; when walking, staggers, and has to sit
down ; in the evening.
Great weariness of the legs when sitting.
Excessively faint and tired, must sit down.
Pearls of Homoeopathy* 19
Copious evacuation of pale, clear urine.
Excessive dyspnoea in cases of emphysema.
Child is fretful and peevish ; does not wish to be
touched or looked at.
Sulky ; does not wish to speak with any one.
Redness and inflammation of eyelids.
Sore, cracked, and crusty nostrils.
Suppurating and long-lasting eruptions on cheeks.
Tongue coated thick white.
Belching, with taste of what has been eaten ;
vomiting of mucus and bile.
Stool watery, with little hard lumps, or contain¬
ing undigested food.
Alternate constipation and diarrhoea of old people.
Loss of voice.
Arthritic pains in the fingers.
Young people disposed to obesity.
Gastric complaints from overeating; stomach
weak ; digestion easily disturbed.
Anxious, lachrymose mood ; the slightest thing
affects her.
24 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in pharynx, easily
hawked up ; early in the morning.
Throat feels raw and sore during expiration or
Crushed pain in the testicles.
Pains in left ovary and loins.
Laughing produces mucus in the larynx, and ex¬
cites cough.
Rawness and soreness in the upper part of the
larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing.
Easy expectoration of white, thick mucus, like
boiled starch.
Great prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital
forces. Fainting.
The disposition is : Depressed, melancholic, des*
pairing, indifferent; fearful, restless, anxious, full of
anguish ; irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily vexed.
Very violent delirium, especially at night, with
great restlessness.
Her desire exceeds her need.
He despairs and weeps, and imagines no one can
help him ; that he must die ; he is cold and chilly, ■
and afterwards generally weak.
Anguish and despair drive him from one place to ■
another for relief.
With great anguish he turns and tosses to and fro
in his bed.
Violent anxiety at 3 a. m. ; he now felt hot, now
as if he would vomit.
Dread of death coming on suddenly when left
The slightest paroxysm of pain is accompanied
with an excessive sinking of strength.
She is faint, anxious, and weary early in the morning*
Burning pains ; the parts burn like fire.
Great heaviness in the head, with humming in the
ears ; it goes off in the open air, but returns again
as soon as he enters the room.
Burning in the eyes.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 33
Darting pain in region of left ovary.
Nose obstructed; compelled to breathe through
the mouth.
Nostrils sore and chapped.
Nose, lips, and face feel chapped, as if he walked
in cold wind.
Great heat in face and head ; afternoons, with
fluent coryza.
Picks the lips until they bleed.
Corners of the mouth sore, cracked, and bleeding.
Root of tongue and palate feel raw.
Buccal cavity raw, sore, and bleeding.
Swelling of submaxillary glands.
Voice hoarse ; from overuse in speaking^or singing.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 37
40 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Suitable to the rheumatic diatheses ; persons with
bilious tendency, exceedingly irritable, inclined to be
angry ; black hair, dark complexion and firm mus¬
cular tissue.
Hering says : “Indicated in light complexions, but
more in dark.”
The pains are stitching, tearing, worse at night,
greatly aggravated by motion, relieved by heat.
The parts which are the seat of subjective pain
become subsequently sensitive to external pressure,
and then swollen and red.
After anger : chilly ; or head hot and face red.
In delirium : talks constantly about his business ;
desire to get out of bed and go home.
Headache : when stooping, as if brain would burst
50 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Sanguineous congestions in persons of a plethoric
Haemorrhage : from nose, lungs, stomach, rectum,
Headache : pressing, like a heavy weight on
vertex ; climacteric.
Headache and neuralgia : congestive, periodic,
right sided, severe throbbing pulsative pain.
Whole body feels as caged, each wire being twisted
tighter and tighter.
Constriction : of throat, chest, heart, bladder,
rectum, uterus, vagina ; often caused or brought on
by the slightest contact.
Pains everywhere ; darting, springing, like chain¬
lightning, and ending with a sharp, vise-like grip,
only to be again renewed.
Menstrual flow ceases when lying down#
Vertigo from sanguineous congestions to the head;
Heavy pressing in the head, as if a great weight
lay on the vertex.
Face bloated and red, with pulsating pain in the
Painful sensation of constriction in the lower part
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 53
Adapted to the leucophlegmatic; blonde hair,
light complexion, fair skin and blue eyes.
Scrofulous constitutions ; pale, weak, timid, easily
tired when walking ; vertigo on ascending a height,
going up-stairs, is out of breath, has to sit down ;
disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldly.
Children with red face, flabby muscles, who sweat
easily and take cold readily in consequence ; large
heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures open ;
head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow
54 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Varicose or enlarged veins.
Swelling or indurated enlargements having their
seat in the fasciae and capsular ligaments of joints, or
in the tendons.
Indurated glands of stony hardness.
A state simulating the development of the pul¬
monary inflammation unhappily so frequent and
fatal among consumptives.
Habitual coldness of the extremities.
Itching in various parts of the body, disappearing
and reappearing in other parts, only relieved after
much scratching.
Sensation as if ice were lying on upper part of
A slight draught of air is followed by rheumatic
pain in neck, stiffness, and dulness of head. Great
emaciation, child looks old and wrinkled.
Desire for salted and smoked meats, ham, bacon,
Pains where bones unite and form a symphysis or
Pearls of Homoeopathy* - 57
The presence of pus with a vent is the general
Blondes most affected ; persons very irritable and
mentally weak.
Catarrhal and choleraic diseases.
Exceedingly sensitive to cold air.
Surface cold to the touch, yet cannot bear to be
.Covered ; throws off all the covering.
Skin of the whole body painfully sensitive, slight¬
est touch hurts.
Sudden attacks of diarrhoea and vomiting ; nose
cold and pointed; sweating, vomiting, purging;
anxiety and restlessness ; skin and breath cold.
Long lasting chill, great coldness of skin, and sud¬
den and complete prostration.
Excessively sensitive to cold air.
Pain extending from the orifice of the urethra
backward, burning-biting, posteriorly more sticking
while urinating.
The urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch along
its whole length ; during erections, tensive pain.
Burning while urinating, but especially just after
Pain ; raw, sore, burning, in every part of body,
both internally and externally, with excessive weak¬
Over"sensitivenes3 of all parts.
Disgust for everything ; drink, fdod, tobacco.
Drinking; even small quantities of water increases
pain in bladder.
'60 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Adapted to the phlegmatic diathesis : person with
light hair, blue eyes, nervous, but plethoric habit;
lax fibre and weak muscles, awkward, indolent,
easily offended.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 61
Children dread the open air, are always chilly
refractory, clumsy, fat, unclean, and disinclined
to work or think*
Home'sickness (of the indolent, melancholic), with,
red cheeks and sleeplessness ; hot sensation in fauces*
Lack of reactive force, especially with fat, indolent
persons, who are constitutionally opposed to phy»
sical exertion*
Desires to be let alone; wants to lie down and
Every stool is followed by thirst and every drink
by shuddering.
Every chill is attended with thirst, and every drink
with shuddering.
Chill with great'thirst; worse after drinking.
Heat and sweat without thirst*
Chill begins in the back between the scapulae ; re¬
lieved by hot irons or jugs of hot water, and lessened
by motion.
Headache on coughing, as if the skull would burst*
A swelling on the bone behind the ear, painful to
Burning pain in the anus.
Stool: small frequent passages, consisting of mu¬
cus, at times mingled with blood, and causing
The cough expels an offensive breath from the
Adapted to scrofulous subjects, especially the
young; or the venous plethora of elderly persons, with
62 Pearls of Homoeopathy•
Best adapted to persons, young or old, who have
suffered from exhausting diseases.
Ailments: from quinine, especially .suppressed in-
termittents; abuse of mercury, salt, salt meats, or
spoiled fish, meats, fats; getting overheated.
Pearls of Homoeopathy* 63
Frequent attacks of vertigo*
Great dulness of the head.
Violent stitches and contractive pain in the left
In the mornings, after shaving, a red eruption.
Increase of sulphates and carbonates in the urine.
Constrictive, stitching, pressing pains in the chest.
Continual backache and pain in the loins.
Jerking, stitching, tearing, flying pains, returning
at regular intervals, for a long time*
Painful uneasiness in the middle of the thighs,
afterward extending all over the limbs.
Lacerating pain in the forehead.
Bad smell from the mouth.
Toothache, aggravated by cold drinks, relieved by
warm ones.
Unquenchable thirst.
Feeling of fulness in the chest and stomach.
Pinching and lacerating in the abdomen.
Violent drawings in the tendons of the nape of
the neck.
Languor of the lower limbs.
Sensation as if the uterus were congested, with
fulness and tension in the hypogastric region.
66 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Adapted to persons with dark hair, rigid fibre ;
weakly scrofulous persons, with excessively sallow
complexion, subject to affections of respiratory and
urinary tracts.
Children with dark hair and eyes, delicate sensi¬
tive skin, prone to intertrigo during dentition.
Ailments : from long-lasting grief and sorrow ;
from night-watching.
Melancholy, sad, hopeless; looks on the dark side
of everything.
Constipation ; frequent, ineffectual efforts* ; stool
passes better when standing.
Urination involuntary, when coughing, sneering,
blowing the nose.
Cough with inability to raise the sputa ; must be
swallowed ; relieved by a swallow of cold wafer.
At night, cannot get an easy position, nor lie still
a moment.
Cannot cover too warmly, but warmth does not
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 67
Especially adapted to women; persons of nervous,
excitable, nervous temperament.
Nervous depression, and choreic attacks after
coitus, more pronounced in women (debility more
marked in male )*
Sick headache every other day at 11a* m.
Pains: tearing and twitching in limbs*
Menses : during, mouth and tongue very dry;
great thirst; epilepsy, premonitory symptoms appear
precisely same day that flow begins*
Before : leucorrhoea every month regularly, five or
six days previously to catamenia ; leucorrhoea instead
of the menses.
After: profuse ptyalism*
Removes roaring in ears, produced by Quinine.
Periodicity which is often clocklike in its-
Severe shooting pain over left eye.
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 69
Adapted to thin, spare, irritable persons ; light
complexion, blondes; subject to hepatic, gastric,
and abdominal complaints.
Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of
right scapula.
Ailments renewed on change of weather.
Periodic orbital neuralgia (right side ) with excess¬
ive lachrymation ; tears fairly gush out*
Constipation : stool hard ; round balls.
Diarrhoea : at night; slimy, grayish, yellowish,
watery, pasty.
Debility and lassitude after eating, wants to lie
Face, forehead, nose, cheeks remarkably yellow*
Chill begins in hands and feet.
Shaking chill, with shivering, chattering of the
teeth, as if dashed with ice-cold water*
Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead.
Whites of the eyes dirty yellow.
Flickering and dazzling and brilliant specks before
the eyes*
Tongue thickly coated yellow.
Pains transversely across the umbilicus, as if the
abdomen were constricted by a string.
Urine dark-yellow.
72 Pearls of Homoeopathy♦
Adapted to stout, ‘‘swarthy” persons ; to systems
once robust, which have become debilitated, “broken
down/’ from exhausting discharges ; ailments from
loss of vital fluids, especially haemorrhages or ex¬
cessive lactation.
After climacteric with profuse haemorrhages;
acute diseases result in dropsy.
Pains are darting or drawing-tearing ; in every
joint, all the bones, periosteum, as if strained, sore
all over; obliged to move limbs frequently, as
motion gives relief ; renewed by contact, and then
gradually increased to a great height.
Great debility, trembling, aversion to exercise ;
nervous ; sensitive to touch, to pain, to draughts of
air ; unrefreshing sleep.
Excessive flatulence of stomach and bowels;
belching gives no relief.
Colic : at a certain hour each day ; from gall¬
stone, worse night, after eating ; better bending
Labonpains cease from haemorrhage ; cannot bear
to be touched, not even her hands-
Haemorrhages from mouth, nose, or bowels;
longing for sour things.
Haemorrhages : blood dark, or dark and clotted,
Pearls of Homoeopathy* 73
Adapted to persons of dark complexion, bilioua
Feeling of impending evil.
Whirling in the head like a windmill.
Ringing in the ears, especially the left.
Great weakness, especially of lower extremities.
Great heaviness of the head ; he cannot lift it.
Burning in the eye and eyelids.
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 75
Eyeballs feel too large.
Night-terrors, especially in teething children.
Inspiration unimpeded, and effected in the natural
manner, but expiration is absolutely impossible.
Comparatively free, but crowing inspiration and
absolutely obstructed expiration.
Sudden and extreme dyspnoea, from spasm of the
vocal chords.
Adapted to children with dark hair ; very cross,
irritable, ill-humored ; wants to be carried, but carry¬
ing gives no relief ; does not want to be touched ;
cannot bear you to come near it; averse to caresses;
desires many things but rejects everything offered ;
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 77
Loss of sleep, with restlessness*
Swelling of inguinal glands.
Swelling of the right half of the scrotum.
Swelling of the testicles.
Painful sensitiveness in the testicles.
Sensitiveness of the right spermatic cord, with
-drawing up of the right testicle.
Emissions without erections.
Violent ringing and roaring in the ears.
Menses come in gushes, awakening from sound
For women and children with light hair and
eyes; nausea from riding in a carriage, railroad
car, or boat, or even looking at a boat in
Diseases peculiar to drunkards.
Pearls oj Homoeopathy* 79
Very frequent, copious discharges of pale, watery
urine, day and night.
Urine thick like oil.
The odor of the urine is alkaline, ammoniacal,
Tickling in the larynx, very violent, waking him at
ii : 30 t?. M-, causing cough, with expectoration of
much tenacious mucus, for ten minutes.
Cough, with expectoration of a large quantity of
viscid albuminous mucus.
Over-sensitiveness; all the senses more acuter
sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.
Ailments, the bad effects of pleasurable surprises.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 81
Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis; per¬
sons of a robust, vigorous constitution. Old
External impressions, such as bright light, strong
odors, contact, misdeeds of others, make him quite
beside himself.
Pains are drawing, tearing, pressing ; superficial
during warm weather ; affect the bones and deeper
tissues when air is cold. From left to right.
Smell painfully acute ; the odor of cooking food
causes nausea,
82 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Stools : green, watery; yellow ; profuse ; sour¬
smelling ; in nursing infants ; dentition.
The whole body smells sour.
84 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Right eye very painful, feeling much larger and’
more protruded than the left.
Especially suitable for diseases of old men, old
maids ; women with rigid muscles ; persons with
light hair who are easily excited.
Glandular indurations of stony hardness; of
mammae and testicles in persons of cancerous
tendency ; after contusions and bruises.
Breasts sore, hard, and painful during menstrual
period ; hysterical symptoms and vertigo increased*
Vertigo, particularly when lying down or turning
in bed.
Cough : in spasmodic paroxysms, caused by dry
spot in larynx ; itching in chest and throat ; worse
at night; when lying down ; during pregnancy.
Frequent urination ; flow intermits.
Dreads being alone, but avoids society.
Bad effects of celibacy and excessive indulgence.
Inability to sustain any mental effort.
Weakness and dazzling of the eyes, together with
a giddiness and debility of the whole body, especially
of the arms and legs, so that when he attempted
to walk he was apt to stagger like a drunken
Stool: liquid, fecal, mingled with hard lumps ;
watery ; undigested ; sour.
Sexual desire, without erections.
Emission even while frolicking with a woman.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 85
Stool: dark, bilious, greenish, slimy; very offensive.
Yellow color of the face.
Face hollow, with an expression of weakness and
86 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes,
on rising in the morning.
Dimness of vision and spots before the eyes, espe¬
cially on waking.
The saliva has a salty taste, which is communi¬
cated to all the food eaten.
No thirst.
Menses four days too early ; flow profuse, black,
■and clotted.
Profound indifference to everything.
Violent yawning and stretching.
Profuse uterine haemorrhage.
General dulness and drowsiness.
General weakness of limbs.
Exhausted, tired feeling.
Fruits and cold drinks lie on the stomach like
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 93'
Headache relieved by going out in the open air.
All the sympoms are worse every other day at
precisely the same hour.
Urine : discharge of small brown particles resem¬
bling fine sand.
Sexual desire suppressed, then excited, with lewd
dreams and pollutions.
Discharge of prostatic fluid from slight causes.
Adapted to diseases of old people ; worn-out
constitutions, especially from inebriety.
Pains : osteocopic, affecting the back, limbs, head,
chest, particularly the wrists as if dislocated, the eye¬
balls ; the more general and severe the better adapted.
Like Bryonia, they are accompanied by headache,
constipation, and pain in hepatic region, but here
the similitude ends.
In Eupatorium the sweat is scanty or wanting, the
pains cause restlessness without any relief from
motion, and there is entire inability to lie on left
Pains as if broken ; come quickly and go away as
Vertigo ; sensation as if falling to the left.
Soreness of the eyeballs.
Retching and vomiting of bile.
Vomiting preceded by thirst.
Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been
beaten, in the arms.
Soreness and aching of the lower limbs.
Calves of the legs feel as if they had been beaten.
Insatiable thirst, but drinking causes nausea and
vomiting, and hastens the chill.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 95
Erysipelatous inflamed swelling of the cheek, with
vesicles as large as peas filled with yellow liquid.
Biting water runs from the eyes.
Redness and swelling of the margins of the lids.
Frequent inclination to blink.
Feeling as though the cornea were covered with
much mucus *, it obscures his vision and obliges him
to frequently close and press the lids together.
The lids were swollen and red.
Profuse fluent coryza, in the morning, with much
cough and expectoration.
Profuse expectoration by voluntary hawking.
Severe cramps in the calves.
Pearls of Homoeopathy* 97
On sitting down, feeling as if something pressed
upward in the vagina*
Adapted to persons of sanguine temperament
pettish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited,
least contradiction angers ; women who are weak,
delicate, chlorotic, yet have a very red face*
General haemorrhagic diathesis*
Extreme paleness of the face, which becomes
red and flushed on the least pain, motion, or
Erethic chlorosis, worse in winter*
Red parts become white.
Menses : too soon, too profuse, too long-lasting,
with fiery red face ; ringing in the ears ; intermit two
or three days, and then return ; flow pale, watery,
Vertigo: with balancing sensation as if on the
water; on seeing flowing water ; when walking
over water, like when crossing a bridge; when
Headache : for two, three, or four days, every two
or three weeks; hammering, beating, pulsating pains,
must lie down in bed ; with aversion to eating or
Vomiting of food immediately after midnight.
Stools watery, but always with much flatulence,
and more frequent after talcing food or water ;
98 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Difficult breathing and oppression of the chest, as
if some one pressed with the hand upon. it.
Great weakness.
Chill: with thirst; during the chill the face got
glowing hot ; hands and feet cold and numb ; feet
very cold, toes cold as ice, fingers stiff.
Heat, without thirst*
Sweat from early morn till noon every other day,
preceded by headache.
Strong-smelling, clammy, debilitating night-sweat;
stains yellow.
Adapted to children ; young people, women of a
nervous, hysterical temperament; irritable, sensitive,
excitable ; onanists, both sexes.
Desire to be quiet, to be let alone ; does not wish
to speak, nor have anyone near her for company,
even if the person be silent.
Complaints : from exciting or bad news ; sudden
emotions ; the anticipation of any unusual ordeal ;
general depression from heat of sun or summer.
Vertigo : spreading from the occiput; with diplo¬
pia, dim vision, loss of sight; seems intoxicated when
trying to move.
Children, fear of falling, seize the nurse.
Lack of muscular co-ordination; giddy, confused ;
muscles refuse to obey the will.
Headache : beginning in cervical spine ; pains ex¬
tend over the head, causing a bursting sensation in
forehead and eyeballs ; worse from smoking.
Sensation of a band around the head above the
ears ; scalp sore.
100 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Urgent desire for stool.
Constant desire to go to stool, with inability to
pass the least fecal matter.
' Distinct feeling of the pulse in the head.
Immediately, a sensation as if the head were too
large.' '
Head felt enormously large.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 101
Adapted to women inclined to obesity, who suffer
from habitual constipation, and whose history
reveals a tendency to delaying menstruation.
What Pulsatilla is at puberty, Graphites is at the
Morning sickness during menstruation ; very weak
and prostrated.
Leucorrhoea : acrid, excoriating, occurs in gushes
day and night ; before and after menses.
Hard cicatrices remaining after mammary abscess,
retarding flow of milk.
Unhealthy skin ; every injury suppurates ; erup*
tions behind the ears and on various parts, from
which ooze a watery, transparent, sticky fluid ; nails
brittle, crumbling, deformed ; painful and sore, as if
Cracks or fissures of ends of fingers and nipples,
102 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Constrictive pam'j^'abdomen.
C3*reat distention of wiping it.
Smarting, sore pain in the anus on
XtcVring in the anus. with „ndlgested sub-
Stools*, brown An , i pasty, like mud*
Active haemorrhage, blood bright, fresh, and not
coagulated (metrorrhagia).
Profuse menstruation; blood bright and fresh,
and not coagulable.
Bleeding from the nose, which clears her head
and affords her great relief.
Tight feeling over the bridge of the nose*
General lassitude and feeling of weariness.
Pearls of Homoeopathy, 105
Stool consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless
Burning, smarting at the anus*
Urine scanty and dark, with floating black specks,
or containing a deposit looking like coffee grounds.
Sudden dropsical swelling of the skin*
Loss of sexual desire and power, with or without
Menses : too frequent, too profuse, and very ex¬
Leucorrhoea, with prolapsus uteri and ulceration
of the cervix ; discharge dark, and foul’ smelling.
Profuse serous leucorrhoea.
Suitable for torpid, lymphatic constitutions;
persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act,
muscles soft and flabby. Like Sulphur, Hepar is
adapted to the psoric, scrofulous diathesis.
In Sulphur the skin affections are dry, itching and
not sensitive to touch—-in fact, relieved by scratching
and rubbing. In Hepar the skin is unhealthy, sup¬
purating, even slight injuries suppurate and maturate,
and are extremely sensitive to touch, the pain often
causing fainting.
106 Pearls of Homoeopathy .
Diseases when suppuration seems inevitable.
Diseases where the system has been injured by the
abuse of Mercury.
Patient is peevish ; angry at the least trifle ; hypo¬
chondriacal ; unreasonably anxious ; hurried speak¬
ing and drinking.
Extremely sensitive to cold air ; must be wrapped
up to the face even in hot weather ; cannot bear to
be uncovered ; coughs when any part of the body is
uncovered ; croup or cough from exposure to dry
west wind.
Eyeballs: sore to touch ; pain as if they would be
drawn back into head.
Sensation of a splinter, fish-bone, or plug in the
Constant pressive pain in one-half of the brain,
as from a plug or nail
Great swelling of the upper lip.
Great desire for vinegar.
Abdomen distended, tense.
Stools: light yellow, fecal; thin or papesent ;
green ; watery ; undigested ; whitish, sour smelling ;
green, slimy, fetid ; smelling like rotten cheese ; clay-
colored ; soft, yet passed with great exertion.
Urging to stool, but the large intestines are want¬
ing in peristaltic action, and cannot expel the feces,
which are not hard ; only a portion of the feces can
be forced out by the aid of the abdominal muscles.
Very difficult passage of scanty, not hard, feces,
with much urging.
Micturition impeded ; he is obliged to wait awhile
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 107
Sensation as if the head suddenly became elonga¬
Fuzzy feeling of feet.
Crawling in the hands and feet, they felt fuzzy.
Constant hawking up of thick, stringy mucus,
until after a meal.
Palpitation of the heart on slight exertion.
Palpitation, with vertigo and choking in the
Sensation of weight and pressure in the region of
the heart, with occasional sharp, stinging pains in
that region.
Pearls of Homoeopathy* 111
* Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, with dark hair
and eyes ; a low cachectic condition, with profound
debility and great emaciation.
Great weakness and loss of breath on going up*
Adapted to cases where th.6 gastric symptoms
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 115
Redness of one cheek and paleness of the other.
Sweat becomes profuse only after abuse of
If intermittents have been suppressed by Quinine*
Ipecacuanha is all the more indicated.
Mouth and tongue feel as though they had beer*
Profuse flow of saliva.
Burning from the mouth to the anus-
Vomiting of an extremely sour fluid, which ex¬
coriates the throat.
Burning of the anus, as though on fire.
Stools : frequent, profuse ; corrosive ; fetid or
Vomiting of ingesta ; of acid matters ; of bile ; of
soured milk in children.
Autumnal bilious diarrhoea and cholera morbus.
Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams.
Free salivation, with profuse sweating.
Stools : gushing ; painless.
Face flushed.
Intense thirst.
Urine dark, scanty.
Child good all day ; screaming, restless, and very
troublesome at night.
Pearls of Homoeopathy, 117
Most acute ulcerative and follicular stomatitis.
The whole mucous surface was red and tumid:
122 Pearls of Homoeopathy*
Strong garlicky odor in the mouth, very offensive.
Sensation of stiffness in the muscles around the
eyes, and of the eyelids.
Suppression of the menses, with severe neuralgic
pains through the whole body#
Palpitation of the heart.
- Pressure in the left arm.
Weakness of memory.
Very painful dentition.
Gums hot, swollen, tender, and look as if infil¬
trated with a dark, watery fluid*
Teeth show dark specks and begin to decay as
soon as they appear.
Craving for smoked meats.
Continuous vomiting and straining to vomit.
Vomiting in the evening of all food eaten during
the day.
Stools : greenish or chopped ; greenish, watery ;
dark brown, watery ; fetid ; cadaverous smelling.
Will only sleep when caressed and fondled.
Urinates copiously, and always in great haste.
Leucorrhoea white, and smells like green corn.
Leucorrhoea of a yellow color, also staining the
126 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Menses : bright red blood, forms into long strings
when put in water*
Discharge of small pieces of thin, white, transparent
substance, having distinctly organized structure, but
extremely delicate.
Discharge grass-green while wet, and dark-green
when dry, and smells most horribly.
Suitable to persons of a choleric, melancholy tem¬
perament, dark eyes and a disposition to low spirits
and indolence.
Women of choleric temperament, with freckles
*and red hair.
Better adapted to thin and emaciated than to fat
persons; or adapted to those who have been changed
both mentally and physically by their illness.
Climacteric ailments ; haemorrhoids, haemorrhages,
hot flushes, burning vertex headaches ; especially
after the cessation of the flow.
Drunkards; with headaches, haemorrhoids ; prone
to erysipelatoid inflammations.
Left side principally affected ; diseases begin on
the left and go to the right.
Great sensitiveness to touch; throat, stomach,
128 Pearls of Homoeopathy .
abdomen ; can bear nothing tight around the waist *
cannot bear bedclothes or night-dress to touch throat
or abdomen, not because sore or tender as in Apis
or Belladonna, but the clothes cause an uneasiness.
Extremes of heat and cold cause great debility.
All symptoms, especially the mental worse after
sleep, or the aggravation wakes him from sleep ; un¬
happy ; distressed.
Mental excitability; ecstasy, with almost prophetic
perceptions ; great loquacity.
Catamenia at regular time, but too short, too
feeble ; pains all relieved by the flow ; always better
during menses.
Great physical and mental exhaustion, would con¬
stantly sink down from weakness, worse in the
Epilepsy ; comes on during sleep, from loss of
fluids, onanism, jealousy.
Haemorrhagic tendency ; small wounds bleed
much ; blood dark, non-coagulable*
Boils, carbuncles, ulcers ; dark bluish-purple ap¬
pearance ; tend to malignancy.
Complementary to Lycopodium.
Religious mania*
Vertigo in the morning on waking; on closing
the eyes.
Headache extending into the nose.
Dimness of vision ; much black flickering before
the eyes, that seem very hear.
Pains in the ears, with a sore throat.
Tearing extending from the zygoma into the ear.
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 129
Stiffness of the neck ; head drawn to one side.
During the cold sensation, the skin is moist and
Sensation as if food lodged under upper end of
Increased secretion of urine.
Incessant spasmodic cough, which threatens to
burst the chest.
Burning, stinging pains in the cardia and pyloris
in the female breast and uterus.
An exceedingly sore, bruised feeling in the uterus,,
with great relaxation of the vaginal tissues ; ap-
parently entire lack of tonicity of pelvic contents.
These symptoms all aggravated by standing, walking,,
a misstep or sudden jar.
Tearing pains in the vertex at night.
Headache accompanied with drowsiness.
Pain in every part of the external thorax on mov¬
ing it.
Pupils dilated.
Drinks roll audibly through the oesophagus and
Stools: green, liquid, mucous.
In cholera : absence of vomiting and stools ; as¬
phyxia ; coldness of the body.
Severe and constant distress between the umbili¬
cus and epigastrium.
Black fecal fluid, running from the bowels in a
•strea m.
134 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Depression of spirits.
Constant hurried feeling, as of imperative duties,*
and utter inabilty to perform them; during the
sexual excitement^
Severe pressure in the rectum and at the anus*
and a constant desire to go to stool.
Dark colored and very offensive stools in the
morning on rising, followed by smarting and
burning sensation, extending from the rectum high
up into the abdomen, continuing for several
Continual presssure on the bladder, wants to
urinate all the time.
Frequent desire to urinate, with smarting or burn'
ing in the urethra after every discharge.
Pressure downward through the pelvis, as if every-*
thing would push out, with desire to press upward
on the perineum and vulva.
Dragging down sensation extending to the hypo-
gastrium, thorax, and shoulders, with aching and
dragging in the back.
Prolapsus uteri; anteversion ; retroversion ;•
uterine inflammation, sub-acute ; endo-cervicitis.
Menses: flow only when the patient is moving
about; scanty, thick, dark, and offensive.
Bright-yellow leucorrhoea; acrid, staining the-
linen brown.
Pearls of Homoeopathy, 135
Sharp pain in the ovarian region.
Dull, pressive pain in the left side, apparently
about the heart.
Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with
fluttering of the heart.
Sensation as if the heart were squeezed in a vise*
as if the blood had all gone to the heart, produ¬
cing a feeling as if the prover must bend double ;
inability to walk straight.
A full, distended feeling of all parts of the body.
Heat, burning, and constriction in the abdomen.
Rumbling in the abdomen, and emission of much
offensive flatus.
Passage of large quantities of blood with the
Constipation ; stool hard, difficult,
Entire vanishing of the right half of whatever she
looked at; or if two short words occurred in succes¬
sion, that on the right hand was invisible.
Gnawing pain in the stomach, relieved by eating.
A pressing in the region of the heart.
Diarrhoea ; after fruit; after chocolate-
For asthmatic affections, with deranged digestion;
weakness and oppression at epigastrium and simuh
taneous oppression at heart and chest.
136 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
While attempting to write the hand refused its
Violent pain in calves of legs, as if bound with
cords. y
Best suited to persons intellectually keen, but of
weak muscular power ; upper part of body wasted,
lower part semi-dropsical ; lean and predisposed to
lung and hepatic affections.
Deap-seated, progressing chronic diseases.
Pains, chiefly aching-pressure, drawing, right-sided.
Dread of men,; of solitude ; fear of being left
Red sand in urine ; on child’s diaper ; child cries
before urinating ; pain in back relieved by urinating#
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 137
Constricting pain and tenderness around the-
Adapted to persons, especially children, of
irritable disposition, nervous temperament.
The whole body feels tired and painful, especially
the legs and feet.
Pains : neuralgic, lightning-like, worse left side ;
insupportable during repose, must get up and walk
Pain on vertex as if the hair were pulled.
All the symptoms are aggravated every third
Menses, preceded by sore throat, labor-like pains,
cutting colic, backache, weakness, chilliness ; flow
only at night and in absence of uterine pains.
Diarrhoea : preceded by cutting colic; occurs regu¬
larly every three weeks; stools green, frothy ; green
scum like that of a frog-pond ; white, tallow-like
masses are found floating in stool; sour-smelling.
Menses too frequent and too profuse; dark, thick,
The menses flow more profusely during the night
than in the day.
142 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Neuralgic headaches, always relieved by the appli¬
cation of warmth ; aggravated by washing face and
neck in cold water.
Toothache, better by heat and hot liquids.
Severe pains in decayed or filled teeth.
Complaints of teething children.
Spasms without febrile symptoms.
Flatulent colic forcing patient to bend double*
relieved by rubbipg, warmth, pressure, accompanied
with belching of gas which gives no relief.
Flatulent colic of children and the new-born.
Bloated, full sensation in abdomen; must
loosen clothing, walk about, and constantly pass
Menstrual colic.
Membranous dysmenorrhoea.
144 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Menses too early and of too short duration.
Great heaviness in the head.
Thick leucorrhoea.
Sense of great uneasiness about his chest.
A strong tendency to fainting.
Low-spirited and reflective.
Tension and stinging in the head, worse in the
open air.
Pains extend to, and concentrate in, the ear from*
other parts.
Face pale and sunken.
Menses too early and too scanty.
Dry cough, ceasing on lying down.
A sensation in the right nostril as if it were partly*
stopped ; he was obliged to blow the nose and sneeze,
but could not thereby remove the obstruction.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 345
Headache so intense as to cause a purple redness
of the face and blood-shot eyes ; culminating in
epistaxis, which affords relief*
Menses: scanty, intermittent; nausea, pain in
back and bearing-down pains in pelvis.
Headache through the temples, extending to the
occipital region.
Tongue much swollen.
Excessive discharge of saliva.
Tenesmus, but stool natural*
Stretching and yawning, with intense headache.
Affects the right side chiefly.
Adapted to complaints from abuse of Cinchona
and Quinine.
Fevers in which the cold stage predominates ; cold¬
ness felt most acutely in abdomen and extremities.
Anxiety about the heart, as if something evil were
going to happen ; precedes or attends many attacks-
of disease.
Headache ; a pressing in the head from above
downwards, as of a heavy weight, worse ascending,
better during hard pressure with the hand, and ac¬
companied by icy coldness of hands and feet.
Chilliness, especially of the fingers and toes*
146 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Attacked with vertigo on going down stairs.
Chilliness over the whole body, commencing in
the right arm and right side of chest.
Cutis anserxna on the cold right arm, which ex**
tends over the whole body.
Offensive perspiration on both sides, worse on
Veins of hands distended.
Burning in the urethra when urinating and when
Excessive coryza.
Lips black.
Lips excessively swollen and tender.
Gums swollen and spongy.
The gums bleed easily.
Taste bitter.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 147
Hurried and rapid talking.
The whole external head is painful to touch.
If she attempts to look at anything she cannot
distinctly recognize it, and then the eyes are almost
always involuntarily drawn together ; the more she
tries to restrain the contraction the less able is she*
to prevent it; she is obliged to lie down and close
the eyes.
A fog before one or both eyes.
The eyes cannot tolerate the firelight or daylight.
The ear was inflamed internally and externally,,
with pain partly cramp-like, partly sticking, and a
feeling as if stopped by swelling.
Bloody and offensive matter flows from the right
ear, with tearing pain.
An offensive odor from the nose as in violent
Pcarls of Homoeopathy. 149
Urine scanty and scalding, but clear*
Indicated in bone diseases, pains worse at night ;
glandular swellings, with or without suppuration,
but especially if suppuration be too profuse.
Profuse perspiration attends nearly every com¬
plaint, but does not relieve and may even increase
the suffering.
Ptyalism ; profuse, fetid, metallic-tasting saliva.
Dysentery ; stools slimy, bloody, colic, fainting ;
great tenesmus during and after, followed by chilli¬
ness, and a “cannot finish sensation.” The more
blood and pain the better indicated.
Morning sickness ; profuse salivation wets the
pillow in sleep.
Mammse painful, as if they would ulcerate, at
every menstrual period ; milk in breasts instead of
the menses.
Cough : dry, fatiguing, racking; in two paroxyms;
worse nights ; with utter impossibility of lying on
right side.
Leucorrhoea : acrid, burning, itching, with raw¬
ness ; always worse at night.
Ulcers appear on the gums, tongue, throat, inside
the cheek, with salivation ; irregular in shape ; unde¬
fined edges ; have a dirty, unhealthy look ; larda-
ceous base surrounded with a dark halo ; apt to run
together. The syphilitic ulcers are circular, attack
the posterior parts of the mouth, have well defined
■152 t Pearls of Homoeopathy,
For the irresolute, of a phlegmetic temperament.
Hypochondriacal and despondent ; indifferent to
everything and everybody ; angry at trifles and per¬
fectly harmless things, but is soon sorry for it.
Violent headache, after slight vexation ; it was
painful on the slightest touch*
The head is covered with a thick, leather-like
crust, under which thick and white pus collects
here and there ; hair is glued together ; pus after a
time is ichorous, becomes offensive, breeds vermin.
Ulcers covered with thick, whitish-yellow scabs,
under which thick yellow pus collects.
Linen or char pie sticks to the ulcers ; when it is
torn away they bleed.
Vesicles appear around the ulcers, itch violently.
154 Pearls of Homoeopathy*
It causes nosebleed. It causes haematuria.
Swelling of the left ankle, with redness, tension,*
and lancination.
The look becomes unsteady.
Paresis of the recti interni.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 155’
Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart.
Menses too early and too profuse.
Before menses : violent drawing and downward
pressing pains in the genitals.
During menses: at the beginning, violent draw¬
ing pains, pulling and pressing on the parts like
Violent sexual desire.
Weak, gone feeling in the stomach.
Violent sexual excitement.
Violent pain in the right side of the uterus, ex>
tending through the abdomen to the chest.
Violent stitching pain from the uterus upward
into the thorax and across chest to the left mammae
leaving a severe pain in the gland.
Lancinating in the cervix uteri.
Cough, with purulent expectoration.
Sad and despondent.
Aversion to men and society.
Weak minded.
Anguish, tremor, and sweat during her pains.
Much nasal mucus passes through the mouth.
Violent hawking up of thick mucus that cons¬
tantly collects again.
Sour eructations.
.Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Vertigo caduca ; with an aching across the
Both hands are swollen every morning.
Great emaciation ; losing flesh even while living
well; throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly
^during summer complaint.
Great liability to take cold.
Headache : of schoolgirls; from sunrise to sunset;
with left'Sided clavus ; as if bursting ; with red face,
nausea and vomiting before, during, and after cata¬
menia ; as if beaten with little hammers, during
fever, better after sweat begins.
Squirming in the nostril as of a small worm, in
hay asthma.
Lachrymation ; tears stream down the face when¬
ever he coughs.
Constipation : sensation as of contraction of anus;
anus torn, bleeding, smarting afterwards; stool hard,
difficult, crumbling; stitches in rectum ; involuntary,
knows not whether flatus or feces escape.
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 157
Thin, moist coating on the tongue.
Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the
-roof of the mouth.
160 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Painless morning diarrhoea*
Sensation of weakness and loos of power in the
limbs. General exhaustion.
Adapted especially to women and children of a
nervous, hysterical temperament; to people with a
dry skin who rarely perspire.
All the ailments are accompanied by drowsiness*
sleepiness, or an inclination to faint; complaints
cause sleepiness.
Absence of mind, cannot think; great indifference
to everything.
Changeable humor; one moment laughing, the
next crying.
Sudden change from grave to gay, from lively to
Great dryness of the mouth ; tongue so dry it
adheres to mouth; saliva seemed like cotton ;
throat dry, stiffened, no thirst.
Sensation of great dryness % without dryness of
the tongue and without real thirst.
Abdomen enormously distended after every meal.
Diarrhoea : from cold drinks ; boiled milk ; den¬
tition ; during pregnancy; with sleepiness and
At every menstrual nisus, mouth, throat, and
162 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Adapted to thin, irritable, choleric persons,
with dark hair and bilious and sanguine tenv
Pearls of Homoeopathy. jgj
Epileptiform convulsions.
Sudden convulsions, trismus, biting of the tongue,
followed by unconsciousness and oblivion of the
Summer diarrhoea of children.
Exhausting, watery diarrhoea.
Chronic diarrhoea, in thin, emaciated people.
Desquamation of the epidermis of the scalp.
Violent gnawing itching on the scalp, as from lice ;
after scratching, a smarting as if scratched raw.
Humid, scaly, biting, itching eruption, especially
on back part of the head.
Ravenous hunger.
Stools : undigested ( food of the previous day );
involuntary ( when emitting flatus )#
Burning in anus.
Great hoarseness.
Soreness in chest and stomach, with cough.
Suitable especially to children and old people.
Diseases : of first and second childhood ; from
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 171-
Increased sexual desire.
Lascivious ideas and dreams.
The orifice of the anus seems somewhat
A small ulcer on the perineum, near the anus,
that constantly oozes moisture of a very offensive
odor ; it is painful.
Sharp, knife-like pains in the uterus.
It seemed as though a thread were tightly drawn-
through the eye to the middle of the head which
was very painful.
Sensation as if a great weight were lying upon the
Sick headaches.
Stools : green, odorless, mucous ; profuse.
Adapted to persons of light hair and skin;
174 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Cutting, biting pain in the navicular fossa after
A violent stitch through the right mamma near
the sternum, extending to the back between the
• shoulders*
Adapted to tall, slender persons of sanguine tem¬
perament, fair skin, blonde or red hair, quick, lively
perceptions and sensitive nature.
Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined
to stoop ; chlorosis ; anaemia.
Apathetic ; unwilling to talk ; answers slowly ;
, moves sluggishly.
Weary of life ; full of gloomy forebodings.
Great nervous debility ; trembling.
Weakness and prostration of whole body ; weari-
-ness, from loss of vital fluids.
Sensation of weakness and emptiness in stomach
and abdomen.
As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is
* thrown up.
Constipation ; feces slender, long, dry, tough, and
hard like a dog’s ; voided with difficulty.
Diarrhoea : as soon as anything enters the rectum;
profuse, pouring away as from a hydrant ; watery
with sagodike particles ; the anus remaining open ;
176 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Illusion, as if everything about her were very small,
and all persons physically and mentally inferior, but
she herself physically large and superior*
Great fear of death, which she believed near |at
Sensation of numbness in the brain.
Sensation of coldness, creeping, and numbness in.
the whole right side of the face*
Face pale and sunken.
Greedy, hasty eating, with ravenous hunger.
Pressure in the lower abdomen.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 181
Painful pressing downward toward the genitals,
as during menstruation.
Constipation while travelling.
Nymphomania, with voluptuous tingling in the
external and internal genital organs.
Induration of the uterus.
Emission of much clotted blood during the first
day of the menses.
Menses too early, too profuse, and of too long
Menses too early and too profuse, and lasting but
a short time.
Menses suppressed in emigrants.
Excruciating pains in the uterus.
Excessive sensitiveness of the genital organs.
Metrorrhagia, with a sensation as if the whole
body were growing larger in every way.
Albuminous leucorrhoea only in the daytime.
'Weakness in the nape of the neck.
Pain in the small of the back.
Numbness in the sacrum and coccyx, while sitting,
■as from a blow.
The pains begin gradually, increase in severity,
and decrease in the same slow gradual manner.
Slow of perception.
Loss of memory, so that while talking he was
often unable to find the proper word.
Complexion sallow.
Distinct blue line along the,margins of the gums.
182 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Sweetish taste*
Constriction of the throat*
Loss of appetite*
Vomiting of food.
Extremely violent pains in the umbilical region*,
that shoot to other portions of the abdomen*
somewhat relieved by pressure*
The navel seems to adhere to the spine.
Excessive pain in abdomen, radiating thence to
all parts of the body.
Stools : watery, dark, offensive* Constipation.
Difficult micturition*
Urine dark-colored and scanty, evacuated by-
Violent pains in the extremities, especially during,
the evening and night, particularly in the muscular
part of the thighs.
Neuralgic pains in the limbs.
The pains in the limbs are worse by paroxysms,
which are so severe that he cries out; aggravated'
at night.
Lightning-like pains in the lower limbs.
General paralysis.
Yellow skin.
Adapted to persons of bilious temperament, who
suffer from gastrointestinal derangement, especially
after abuse of Mercury.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 183
A sharp pain beginning in the right side of the
forehead, shooting like lightning through the brain
and coming out at* the occiput.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 185
Especially adapted to psoric constitutions; lack of
reaction after severe acute diseases; appetite will
not return.
Extremely scrofulous patients i nervous, restless?
easily startled ; sleepless from intolerable itching or
frightful dreams of robbers, danger, etc.
In chronic cases, when welbselected remedies fail
to permanently improve ; when Sulphur is indicated
and fails to act.
Children are pale, delicate, sickly ; sick babies will
not sleep day or night, but worry, fret, cry ; child
good, plays all day ; restless, troublesome, screaming
.all night.
Great weakness and debility ; from loss of fluids,
remaning after, acute diseases ; without any organic
Despairs of recovery; hopeless, thinks he will die,
especially after fevers.
Religious melancholy.
Body has a filthy smell, even after bathing.
Headache, chronic ; at every change in the
weather; awakened from sleep with pain ; hungry
186 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Great mental confusion.
Performed his duties in a perfunctory manner.
Constant dull headache.
Persistent nausea.
Pain in the hypogastrium.
Retraction of the abdomen*
Small, hard stool.
Adapted to persons of slow, indecisive, phlegmatic
temperament; sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily
moved to laughter or tears; affectionate, mild,
gentle, timid, yielding disposition.
Weeps easily ; almost impossible to detail her ail¬
ments without weeping.
Pains : drawing, tearing, erratic, rapidly shifting
from one part to another ; accompanied with cons¬
tant chilliness, and the more severe the pain the
harder the chill; appear suddenly, leave gradually,
or tension, which increases until very acute, and
then ‘lets up with a snap” (toothache, neuralgia).
Symptoms ever changing ; no two chills, no two
188 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Desire for various kinds of food, which become
repugnant as soon as a little is eaten.
Twitchings of the muscles of the face and hands.
Sour^smell of the whole body.
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 193
General rheumatic pains, brought on by damp,
cold weather, worse during wet.
Diarrhoea : in cold, damp weather ; after fruit.
The testes are intensely painful to the touch.
Contusive pain in the testes.
Pain in the head and nape of the neck.
Yellow coat on the tongue*
Burning in the tongue.
Redness of the tip of the tongue.
Tongue feels sore at the tip.
Pain in the chest, worse on inspiration*
The legs feel weak.
Pain in the calf of the leg when walking*
Itching of the skin in various parts.
The pains are often semi-lateral
Pains in various parts often remote and successive.
Pains in the muscles during the early part of the
time in which they are excited, disappearing after
long continued action.
Adapted to persons of a rheumatic diathesis.
Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being
Ailments from spraining or straining a single part,
194 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Scanty, or suppressed secretion of milk, in nursing
Vomiting of an intensely sour fluid.
Watery discharge from the nostrils.
Stool: brownish, watery; thin, brownish, fecaL
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 197
Headache, suddenly appearing and slowly dis¬
Sensation of swelling in the throat.
Severe stitching pain in the vagina.
Increased sexual desire ; an almost insatiable-
desire for an embrace.
Menses too early and too profuse*
^Discharge may be either bright red, or dark and’
Flows mostly in paroxysms.
During menses: indescribable drawing pains in
the last lumbar vertebrae, extending through to the
Discharge aggravated by the least motion and1
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 199
Adapted to diseases of scrofulous children, espe¬
cially of their air'passages.
Persons formerly robust and fleshy suddenly be¬
come emaciated.
Bad effects of violent mental emotions ; anxiety,
grief, or excessive sexual indulgence.
(Edematous swellings in various parts of the body,
especially in legs, instep, and feet.
Dry coryza of infants ; nose dry and com¬
pletely obstructed ; breathing much impeded;
Dyspnoea : child awakens suddenly, nearly suffo¬
cated, face livid, blue, sits up in bed, turns blue,
gasps for breath, which it finally gets ; spell passes
off, but is again repeated ; child inspires, but cannot
200 Pearls of Homoeopathy*
Small-pox, in its worst form.
202 Pearls of Homoeopathy .
Aphthae on tongue and roof of mouth.
Colic and backache at the same time.
Child screams when urinating.
Urine deposits white sand.
Neck emaciated and shrunken.
Great emaciation, the skin shrivelled and lying in¬
Best adapted to women of thin, scrawny, feeble,
cachectic appearance, and irritable, nervous tempera¬
Women of very lax muscular fibre ; everything
seems loose and open ; no action, vessels flabby ; pas¬
sive haemorhages, copious flow of thin, black, watery
blood ; the corpuscles are destroyed.
Haemorrhagic diathesis; the slightest wound'
causes bleeding for weeks; discharge of sanious liquid
blood, with a strong tendency to putrescence ; ting¬
ling in the limbs and great debility, particularly when
the weakness is not caused by previousJoss of fluids..
Leucorrhoea : green, brown, offensive.
Boils : small, painful with green contents ; mature
very slowly and heal in the same manner ; very
Unnatural appetite; even with exhausting
diarrhoea he is hungry.
Diarrhoea : involuntary, profuse, watery, brown,
putrid ; discharged with great force ; very exhaus¬
ting, urine suppressed.
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 203
^ghii ” P”M “ “ “d
Pearls of Homoeopathy* 211
A violent sudden cough, in the morning, with
stitches in the side on every cough, with expecto¬
Cough, in the morning, with profuse slimy expect
Constant expectoration of mucus.
Dyspnoea and stitches in the chest, which are
most distressing on inspiration.
Recurrent stitch in the side.
Stitches in the left and right true ribs, at the same
Stools : dark brown or black, slimy, fluid, in
frothy bubbles ; very offensive ; painless ; involun¬
tary (when coughing, sneezing or passing urine).
Headache slowly increasing and decreasing.
Want of disposition to talk.
Ulceration of the ring-hole in the lobe of the ear.
Talking or reading aloud causes a weak feeling in
the throat and chest.
212 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Dull, heavy pressure in the forehead and root of
the nose, increasing in intensity during the day.
Feeling of fulness and heavy pressure at the root
of the nose.
214 Pearls of Homoeopathy .
Pain in the bowels relieved by stool.
Desire for stool almost immediately after eating.
Tongue, inside of mouth and fauces, covered with
a white, slimy coating, peeling off in patches, leaving
dark red, sensitive places.
Mapped tongue,
Fluent coryza, with hoarseness and watering of
the eyes.
The spine, from the last cervical to about the
fifth dorsal vertebra, very sensitive, and the seat of
a peculiar sense of irritation, which makes the
prover dread having the part touched or even
Skin itches, burns, and swells.
Copious watery discharge from the ear, smelling
like fish-pickle, causing a vesicular eruption
wherever it touches the skin.
Tongue very red, sore, and glassy.
Excessive tympanitis.
Burning during urination.
Violent strangury.
220 Pearls of Homoeopathy *
Urine fetid, albuminous, scanty, dark, cloudy, and
Stools : watery ; greenish; profuse ; fetid*
The urine has the peculiar odor of violets.
Pain permanent on the right side-
Haemorrhage after abortion.
Haemorrhage, from cancer of the neck of the
Thuja bears the same relation to the sycosis of
Hahnemann—figwarts, condylomata, and wart-like
excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous subs¬
tances—that Sulphur does to psora or Mercury to
Acts well in lymphatic temperament, not very
fleshy, dark complexion, black hair, unhealthy slum
Bad effects of vaccination, (Silicea.)
Vertigo, when closing the eyes.
Music causes weeping.
Headache: as if a nail had been driven into
parietal bone (Coffea, Ignatia); as if a convex button
were pressed on the part; from sexual excesses ;
from tea (Selenium).
Teeth decay at the roots, the crowns remaining
Pearls of Homoeopathy . 221
Menses premature and profuse*
Adapted to diseases with rapid sinking of the
vital forces.
Cold sweat on forehead, with nearly all com¬
Mania, with desire to cut and tear everything,
especially clothes.
Cannot bear to be left alone, yet persistently
refuses to talk.
Attacks of fainting from least exertion.
Sensation of lump of ice on vertex.
Face : pale, blue, collapsed ; features sunken ; red
while in bed, becomes pale on getting up.
Constipation : stools large, hard ; from inactivity
of rectum ; in children when Nux vomica, though
indicated, fails to relieve.
Cholera ; vomiting and purging ; stool profuse,
watery, gushing, prostrating, after fright.
Dysmenorrhoea, with vomiting and purging.
Bad effects of opium eating or tobacco chewing.
Headache, with nausea and vomiting.
Cold perspiration on the forehead.
Violent, unquenchable thirst, especially for cold
Wants everything cold; desire for fruits; for
224 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Contracted pupils*
Vomiting aggravated by drinking, or by the least
Great weakness after motion.
Vomiting and purging at the same time.
Excessive weakness ; sudden sinking of strength ;
Violent cramps of the extremities.
Wrinkling of the skin of the hands and fingers.
Skin cold, blue, remaining in folds when
During stool, paleness of the face, pinching colic*,
nausea, vomiting, cold sweat on the forehead and
great weakness.
After stool: great sinking and empty felling in the
Menses : too early and too profuse ; suppressed,
with despair of salvation.
Before menses : mania for kissing people ; head¬
ache, vertigo.
During menses ; morning headache ; buzzing or
roaring in the eats; violent thirst for ice-cold
water; vomiting, or diarrhoea, or both; great-
After menses : unbearable backache ; colic with
Severe chill, with coldness and thirst.
Internal chilliness running from the head to the
toes of both feet, with thirst.
Predominant external coldness.
Sweat always with deathly pale face.
Pearls of Homoeopathy. 225
Quarrelsome and delirious.
Headache, proceeding from the nape of the neck.
Dilated pupils.
Face flushed.
Dry mouth and lips all day.
Tongue feels as if it had been scalded.
Violent nausea and vomiting.
Smallest quantity of food or drink is rejected im¬
Constant burning distress in the cardiac region.
Chilliness with nausea.
All fevers with full, frequent, hard pulse.
Sensation as if the temples were pinched together
with pincers.
Severe pain in left parietal region ; every cough
hurts the head.
Constant nausea, relieved by eating.
Deathly sickness at the stomach at night.
Cramps and colic pains come on suddenly and
with terrible severity just preceding menstrual flow,
' Spasmodic and membranous dysmenorrhoea.
A preventive in cases of habitual miscarriage.
Renders the pains of confinement milder and
more bearable.
After-pains, of a severe character.
126 Pearls of Homoeopathy.
Ovarian and sacral pains during pregnancy*
Soporous condition of mind*
The eyes are most painful in the evening and
night, as from sand, with frequent lachrymation.
During the menses inflammation of the eyes.
Constant burning in the eyes, in the afternoon*
Strong aggravation of the nausea and headache
from taking even a small sip of wine.
Stool hard, small, and rather dry*
Wearness in the nape of the neck, in the evening
while writing.
Lancinating pains above the joints, always trans-
verse, not lengthwise the limb.
Burning pain on the tibiae*
Feet constantly in motion.
Menses too early and too profuse.
Before menses : distention of the abdomen.
During menses: she feels perfectly well while the
flow continues ; heaviness of the limbs ; sudden op¬
pression at the stomach, obliging her to loosen her
Amenorrhoea ; when alternate paleness and red¬
ness of the face is a prominent symptom.
Sexual mania, from pruritus vulvae..
Nausea and vomiting after eating ; as soon as the
first spoonful reaches the stomach it comes up
Pains in the small of the back*
Pearls of Homoeopathy♦ 227
Severe neuralgia of face and head.
Evacuations bloody, accompanied by sticking and
cutting pains in both sides of the abdomen and
along the colon.
Uncontrollable sleeplessness from pain in the
head, in children with meningitis.
Facial neuralgia, of a very obstinate character.
Neuralgia of the ovaries.
Smarting sensation below the larynx, followed by
a cough, with expectoration of mucus.
Worse from drinking impure water.
Menses too early and too profuse.