Practice Bulletin: Premature Rupture of Membranes

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(Replaces Practice Bulletin Number 1, June 1998)

Premature Rupture of
This Practice Bulletin was Membranes
developed by the ACOG Com- Preterm delivery occurs in approximately 12% of all births in the United States
mittee on Practice Bulletins and is a major factor contributing to perinatal morbidity and mortality (1, 2).
Obstetrics with the assistance
Despite extensive research in this area, the rate of preterm birth has increased
of Brian Mercer, MD. The in-
by 38% since 1981 (3). Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is a compli-
formation is designed to aid
practitioners in making deci- cation in approximately one third of preterm births. It typically is associated
sions about appropriate obste- with brief latency between membrane rupture and delivery, increased potential
tric and gynecologic care. These for perinatal infection, and in utero umbilical cord compression. Because of
guidelines should not be con- this, both PROM at and before term can lead to significant perinatal morbidity
strued as dictating an exclusive and mortality. There is some controversy over the optimal approaches to clini-
course of treatment or proce- cal assessment and treatment of women with term and preterm PROM.
dure. Variations in practice Management hinges on knowledge of gestational age and evaluation of the rel-
may be warranted based on the ative risks of preterm birth versus intrauterine infection, abruptio placentae,
needs of the individual patient, and cord accident that could occur with expectant management. The purpose of
resources, and limitations this document is to review the current understanding of this condition and to
unique to the institution or type
provide management guidelines that have been validated by appropriately con-
of practice.
ducted outcome-based research. Additional guidelines on the basis of consen-
sus and expert opinion also are presented.

The definition of PROM is rupture of membranes before the onset of labor.
Membrane rupture that occurs before 37 weeks of gestation is referred to as
preterm PROM. Although term PROM results from the normal physiologic
process of progressive membrane weakening, preterm PROM can result from a
wide array of pathologic mechanisms acting individually or in concert (4). The
gestational age and fetal status at membrane rupture have significant implica-
tions in the etiology and consequences of PROM. Management may be dictat-
ed by the presence of overt intrauterine infection, half of women with PROM who were managed expectant-
advanced labor, or fetal compromise. When such factors ly gave birth within 5 hours, and 95% gave birth within 28
are not present, especially with preterm PROM, obstetric hours of membrane rupture (25). The most significant
management may have a significant impact on maternal maternal risk of term PROM is intrauterine infection, a risk
and infant outcomes. An accurate assessment of gesta- that increases with the duration of membrane rupture
tional age and knowledge of the maternal, fetal, and (2529). Fetal risks associated with term PROM include
neonatal risks are essential to appropriate evaluation, umbilical cord compression and ascending infection.
counseling, and care of patients with PROM.

Leakage of Fluid After

Etiology Amniocentesis
Membrane rupture may occur for a variety of reasons. At When leakage of amniotic fluid occurs after amniocente-
term, weakening of the membranes may result from sis, the outcome is better than after spontaneous preterm
physiologic changes combined with shearing forces cre- PROM. In studies involving women who had second-
ated by uterine contractions (58). Intraamniotic infec- trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis of genetic
tion has been shown to be commonly associated with disorders, the risk of PROM was 11.2%, and the attrib-
preterm PROM, especially if preterm PROM occurs at utable risk of pregnancy loss was 0.06% (30). In most
earlier gestational ages (9). In addition, factors such as patients, the membranes reseal with restoration of normal
low socioeconomic status, second- and third-trimester amniotic fluid volume (31, 32).
bleeding, low body mass index (calculated as weight in
kilograms divided by the square of height in meters) less
than 19.8, nutritional deficiencies of copper and ascorbic Preterm Premature
acid, connective tissue disorders (eg, EhlersDanlos syn-
drome), maternal cigarette smoking, cervical conization Rupture of Membranes
or cerclage, pulmonary disease in pregnancy, uterine Regardless of obstetric management or clinical presenta-
overdistention, and amniocentesis have been linked to the tion, birth within 1 week is the most likely outcome for
occurrence of preterm PROM (1019). The risk of recur- any patient with preterm PROM in the absence of adjunc-
rence for preterm PROM is between 16% and 32% (20, tive treatments. The earlier in gestation that PROM
21). In addition, women with a previous preterm birth occurs, the greater is the latency period. With expectant
(especially if it is due to PROM), those with a short cer- management, 2.813% of women can anticipate cessa-
vical length (less than 25 mm) in the second trimester, tion of fluid leakage and possible restoration of normal
and women with preterm labor or symptomatic contrac- amniotic fluid volume (28, 32).
tions in the current pregnancy are at increased risk for Of women with preterm PROM, clinically evident
PROM (12, 22). Although each of these risk factors can intraamniotic infection occurs in 1360%, and postpar-
act individually or in concert to cause PROM, in many tum infection occurs in 213% (3337). The incidence of
cases PROM will occur in the absence of recognized risk infection increases with decreasing gestational age at
factors. As a result, it has been difficult to identify effec- membrane rupture (38, 39) and increases with digital
tive treatment strategies for the prevention of PROM. vaginal examination (40). Fetal malpresentation is
Recent studies have suggested progesterone therapy to increased with preterm PROM. Abruptio placentae affects
reduce the risk of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth 412% of pregnancies with preterm PROM (41, 42). How-
resulting from preterm labor or PROM (23, 24). ever, serious maternal sequelae are uncommon (35, 43).
However, because most cases of PROM occur in women The most significant risks to the fetus after preterm
without identifiable risk factors, the mainstay of care has PROM are complications of prematurity. At all gestation-
been treatment after membrane rupture occurs. al ages before term, respiratory distress has been report-
ed to be the most common complication of preterm birth
(4, 44). Other serious forms of morbidity, including
Term Premature Rupture neonatal infections, intraventricular hemorrhage, and
necrotizing enterocolitis, also are associated with prema-
of Membranes turity, but these are less common nearer to term. Preterm
At term, PROM complicates approximately 8% of preg- PROM and exposure to intrauterine inflammation have
nancies and generally is followed by the prompt onset of been associated with an increased risk of neurodevelop-
spontaneous labor and delivery. In a large randomized trial, mental impairment (9, 45). Early gestational age at mem-

2 ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80

brane rupture also has been associated with an increased pulmonary hypoplasia. Reported risks of pulmonary
risk of neonatal white matter damage (P <.001), after hypoplasia after PROM at 1626 weeks of gestation vary
controlling for corticosteroid administration, latency from less than 1% to 27% (37, 52). Lethal pulmonary
interval, gestational age at delivery, and birth weight hypoplasia rarely occurs with membrane rupture subse-
(46). However, no data exist that suggest immediate quent to 24 weeks of gestation, presumably because
delivery after presentation with PROM will avert these alveolar growth adequate to support postnatal develop-
risks. The presence of maternal infection poses the addi- ment already has occurred (53, 54). Early second-
tional risk of neonatal infection. Infection, cord accident, trimester membrane rupture, severe oligohydramnios,
and other factors contribute to the 12% risk of antena- and duration of membrane rupture longer than 14 days
tal fetal demise after preterm PROM (43). are primary determinants of the risk of pulmonary
hypoplasia (55, 56). Prolonged oligohydramnios also is
associated with in utero deformation, including abnor-
Previable Premature mal facies (ie, low-set ears and epicanthal folds) and
limb contractures and other positioning abnormalities.
Rupture of Membranes
The fetal survival rate subsequent to PROM at 2426
weeks of gestation has been reported to be approximate- Clinical Considerations and
ly 57% (47). A recent systematic review of 201 cases
from 11 studies revealed a 21% perinatal survival rate
after expectant management of PROM before viability How is premature rupture of membranes
(48). Survival data may vary by institution. Most studies diagnosed?
of second-trimester and previable PROM have been ret-
rospective and have included only those patients appro- Most cases of PROM can be diagnosed on the basis of
priate for and accepting of expectant management, the patients history and physical examination.
potentially exaggerating latency and improving apparent Examination should be performed in a manner that min-
outcomes. imizes the risk of introducing infection, particularly
A small number of patients with previable PROM before term. Because digital cervical examinations
will have an extended latency period. In a review of 12 increase the risk of infection and add little information to
studies evaluating patients with second-trimester PROM, that available with speculum examination, digital exam-
the mean latency period ranged from 10.6 to 21.5 days inations should be avoided unless the patient is in active
(47), with 57% of patients giving birth within 1 week labor or imminent delivery is planned (40, 5759).
and 22% remaining pregnant for 1 month or more. The Sterile speculum examination provides an opportunity to
incidence of stillbirth subsequent to PROM at 1628 inspect for cervicitis and umbilical cord or fetal pro-
weeks of gestation ranges from 3.8% to 22% (11, 33, 49) lapse, assess cervical dilatation and effacement, and
compared with 02% at 3036 weeks of gestation (50, obtain cultures as appropriate.
51). This increased rate of death may be explained by The diagnosis of membrane rupture is confirmed by
increased susceptibility of the umbilical cord to com- the visualization of fluid passing from the cervical canal.
pression or of the fetus to hypoxia and intrauterine infec- If the diagnosis remains in question, the pH of the vagi-
tion. Alternatively, this finding may reflect the lack of nal sidewalls or from fluid in the posterior vaginal fornix
intervention for fetal compromise before viability. can be assessed. The pH of the vaginal secretions is gen-
Significant maternal complications occurring after erally 4.56.0, whereas amniotic fluid usually has a pH
second trimester and previable PROM have been report- of 7.17.3. False-positive results may occur in the pres-
ed to include intraamniotic infection, endometritis, ence of blood or semen contamination, alkaline antisep-
abruptio placentae, retained placenta, and postpartum tics, or bacterial vaginosis. Alternatively, false-negative
hemorrhage. Maternal sepsis is a rare but serious com- results may occur with prolonged leakage and minimal
plication reported in approximately 1% of cases, and iso- residual fluid. Additional information can be obtained by
lated maternal deaths due to infection have been reported swabbing the posterior fornix (avoiding cervical mucus)
in this setting (52). Outcomes of survivors of preterm and allowing the vaginal fluid to dry on a microscope
PROM depend on the gestational age, presence of infec- slide. The presence of arborization (ferning) under micro-
tion, length of latency, and other maternal and fetal com- scopic visualization further suggests membrane rupture.
plications. Ultrasound examination of amniotic fluid volume
A variety of conditions associated with fetal lung may be a useful adjunct in documenting oligohydram-
compression or oligohydramnios or both can result in nios, but is not diagnostic. When the clinical history or

ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80 3

physical examination is unclear, membrane rupture can The largest randomized study to date found that oxy-
be diagnosed unequivocally with ultrasonographically tocin induction reduced the time interval between PROM
guided transabdominal instillation of indigo carmine dye and delivery as well as the frequencies of chorioamnioni-
(1 mL in 9 mL of sterile normal saline), followed by tis, postpartum febrile morbidity, and neonatal antibiotic
observation for passage of blue fluid from the vagina. treatments, without increasing cesarean deliveries or
neonatal infections (25). These data suggest that for
What does the initial management involve women with PROM at term, labor should be induced at
once PROM has been confirmed? the time of presentation, generally with oxytocin infu-
sion, to reduce the risk of chorioamnionitis. An adequate
In all patients with PROM, gestational age, fetal presen-
time for the latent phase of labor to progress should be
tation, and well-being should be determined. At any ges-
tational age, a patient with evident intrauterine infection,
abruptio placentae, or evidence of fetal compromise is When is delivery recommended for the
best cared for by expeditious delivery. In the absence of preterm fetus in the presence of premature
an indication for immediate delivery, swabs for diagno-
rupture of membranes?
sis of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonor-
rhoeae may be obtained from the cervix, if appropriate. The decision to deliver is based on gestational age and
The need for group B streptococcal intrapartum prophy- fetal status (Table 1), and the time considered optimal
laxis should be determined if preterm PROM occurs may vary among institutions. At 3233 completed weeks
(60). of gestation, the risk of severe complications of prema-
In patients with preterm PROM, electronic fetal turity is low if fetal pulmonary maturity is evident by
heart rate monitoring and uterine activity monitoring amniotic fluid samples collected vaginally or by amnio-
offer the opportunity to identify occult umbilical cord centesis (51). Therefore, labor induction may be consid-
compression and to evaluate for asymptomatic contrac- ered if pulmonary maturity has been documented. If
tions. In one study, variable decelerations occurred in pulmonary maturity cannot be established, expectant
32% of women with preterm PROM (61). Biophysical management may be beneficial. The efficacy of cortico-
profile test scores of 6 or less within 24 hours of delivery steroid use at 3233 completed weeks of gestation has
also have been demonstrated to correlate with positive not been specifically addressed for women with PROM
amniotic fluid cultures and perinatal infection. At least but has been recommended by some experts.
eight studies have confirmed this association (62). Most Because of the increased risk of chorioamnionitis
of these studies have included daily fetal assessment (63, 64), and because antenatal corticosteroids are not
after preterm PROM. An abnormal test result should lead recommended after 34 weeks of gestation to accelerate
to reassessment of the clinical circumstances and may fetal pulmonary maturity, delivery is recommended when
lead to a decision to proceed to delivery. It is important PROM occurs at or beyond 34 weeks of gestation. The
to remember that heart rate testing at less than 32 weeks patient who experiences PROM between 24 weeks and
of gestation may not yield a reactive result in an imma- 31 completed weeks of gestation should be cared for
ture but otherwise healthy fetus. However, once a reac- expectantly if no maternal or fetal contraindications exist
tive result has been achieved, a subsequently nonreactive until 33 completed weeks of gestation. Prophylaxis using
test should be considered suspicious. Consensus has not antibiotics to prolong latency and a single course of ante-
been reached among experts on the optimal frequency of natal corticosteroids can help reduce the risks of infec-
and modality of fetal testing in the face of PROM. tion and gestational age-dependent neonatal morbidity.

What is the optimal method of initial man- What general approaches are used in cases of
agement for a patient with PROM at term? preterm PROM managed expectantly?
Fetal heart rate monitoring should be used to assess fetal Expectant management of preterm PROM generally con-
status. Dating criteria should be reviewed to assign ges- sists of modified bed rest to enhance reaccumulation of
tational age because virtually all aspects of subsequent amniotic fluid and complete pelvic rest. Patients should
care will hinge on that information. Because optimal be assessed periodically for evidence of infection, abrup-
results are seen with 4 hours between group B strepto- tio placentae, umbilical cord compression, fetal well-
coccal prophylaxis and birth, when the decision to deliv- being, and labor. There is no consensus on the frequency
er is made, group B streptococcal prophylaxis should be of assessment that is optimal, but an acceptable strategy
given based on prior culture results or risk factors if cul- would include periodic ultrasound monitoring of amni-
tures have not been previously performed (60). otic fluid volume and fetal heart rate monitoring. In a

4 ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80

Table 1. Management of Premature Rupture of Membranes Chronologically
Gestational Age Management
Term (37 weeks or more) Proceed to delivery, usually by induction of labor
Group B streptococcal prophylaxis recommended
Near term (34 weeks to 36 completed Same as for term
Preterm (32 weeks to 33 completed Expectant management, unless fetal pulmonary
weeks) maturity is documented
Group B streptococcal prophylaxis recommended
Corticosteroidno consensus, but some experts
Antibiotics recommended to prolong latency if there
are no contraindications
Preterm (24 weeks to 31 completed Expectant management
weeks) Group B streptococcal prophylaxis recommended
Single-course corticosteroid use recommended
Tocolyticsno consensus
Antibiotics recommended to prolong latency if there
are no contraindications
Less than 24 weeks* Patient counseling
Expectant management or induction of labor
Group B streptococcal prophylaxis is not recommended
Corticosteroids are not recommended
Antibioticsthere are incomplete data on use in pro-
longing latency
*The combination of birthweight, gestational age, and sex provide the best estimate of chances of survival and should
be considered in individual cases.

patient with preterm PROM, a temperature exceeding women in these categories was small (N = 24 and 17,
38.0C (100.4F) may indicate infection, although some respectively) (67). Although the combination of clinical
investigators have suggested that fever, with additional and ultrasound markers may yield improved predictive
factors such as uterine tenderness and maternal or fetal models in the future, initial amniotic fluid volume deter-
tachycardia, is a more accurate indicator of maternal mination and cervical length generally should not be
infection (34, 65). Leukocyte counts are nonspecific used in isolation to direct management of PROM.
when there is no clinical evidence of infection, especial-
ly if antenatal corticosteroids have been administered. Should tocolytics be considered for patients
Low initial amniotic fluid volume (amniotic fluid with preterm PROM?
index less than 5 cm or maximum vertical fluid pocket
less than 2 cm) has been associated with shorter latency Use of prophylactic tocolysis after preterm PROM has
to delivery and an increased risk of neonatal morbidity, been shown to prolong latency in the short term (7072),
including respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), but not whereas the use of therapeutic tocolysis (ie, instituting
with increased maternal or neonatal infection after tocolysis only after contractions have ensued) has not
PROM (66). However, the predictive value of a low been shown to prolong latency (73). A retrospective
amniotic fluid volume for adverse outcomes is poor. study compared the use of aggressive tocolysis (84% of
Several investigators have evaluated the utility of antepartum days) with limited tocolysis as needed for
endovaginal ultrasound assessment of cervical length for contractions only during the first 48 hours (7% of
prediction of latency during expectant management of antepartum days). Aggressive therapy was found not to
PROM remote from term. Some experts have suggested be associated with significantly longer latency to deliv-
a short cervical length after PROM to be associated with ery (3.8 versus 4.5 days, P = .16) (74). However, a recent
shorter latency (6769). In the most recent study, the retrospective study compared the prolonged use of tocol-
likelihood of delivery within 7 days was 83% if the ini- ysis for longer than 48 hours plus antibiotics and steroids
tial cervical length was 110 mm (versus 18% for cervi- with gestational age-matched infants not treated for
cal length more than 30 mm); however, the number of PROM. The investigators concluded that chorioamnioni-

ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80 5

tis and a latency of greater than 1 week achieved by pro- delivery and reduce major markers of neonatal morbid-
longed use of tocolysis lessens the advantages of extend- ity, but suggested that amoxicillinclavulanic acid be
ed gestational age and decreased predischarge neonatal avoided because of the increased risk of neonatal necro-
morbidity (75). tizing enterocolitis (87).
The effect of tocolysis to permit antibiotic and ante- Two large, multicenter clinical trials have adequate
natal corticosteroid administration in the patient with power to evaluate the utility of adjunctive antibiotics in
preterm PROM who is having contractions has yet to be this setting (65, 88). The National Institutes of Child
conclusively evaluated; therefore, specific recommenda- Health and Human Development Maternal Fetal
tions for or against tocolysis administration cannot be Medicine Research Units (NICHD-MFMU) Research
made. As detailed as follows, use of both antibiotics and Network found that the combination of initial intravenous
antenatal corticosteroids improves outcome in patients therapy (48 hours) with ampicillin and erythromycin, fol-
with preterm PROM who are being treated expectantly. lowed by oral therapy of limited duration (5 days) with
amoxicillin and enteric-coated erythromycin-base at
Should antenatal corticosteroids be adminis- 2432 weeks of gestation, decreased the likelihood of
tered to patients with preterm PROM? chorioamnionitis and delivery for up to 3 weeks, as well
as the number of infants with one or more major morbidi-
The impact of antenatal corticosteroid administration ties (defined as death, RDS, early sepsis, severe intraven-
after preterm PROM on neonatal outcomes has been tricular hemorrhage, or severe necrotizing enterocolitis)
evaluated in a number of clinical trials. Multivariate (65). In addition, therapy reduced the likelihood of indi-
analysis of prospective observational trials also has sug- vidual gestational agedependent morbidities, including
gested a benefit of antenatal corticosteroid use regardless RDS, stage 34 necrotizing enterocolitis, patent ductus
of membrane rupture (76), and the National Institutes of arteriosus, and chronic lung disease. Neonatal sepsis and
Health Consensus Development Panel has recommended pneumonia were less frequent in the antibiotic group for
a single course of antenatal corticosteroids for women those who were not carriers of group B streptococci.
with PROM before 32 weeks of gestation in the absence (Group B streptococci carriers in both study arms received
of intraamniotic infection (77, 78). Several meta-analyses ampicillin for 1 week and then again during labor.)
have addressed this issue (7982). Early reviews resulted A second large multicenter trial that examined the
in conflicting conclusions regarding the impact of ante- use of oral antibiotic therapy with erythromycin, amoxi-
natal steroids on the occurrence of RDS. Two more cillinclavulanic acid, or both for up to 10 days after
recent meta-analyses suggest that steroid therapy signifi- preterm PROM before 37 weeks of gestation found that
cantly reduces the risks of RDS, intraventricular hemor- oral erythromycin therapy 1) prolonged pregnancy only
rhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis without increasing briefly (not significant at 7 days), 2) reduced the need for
the risks of maternal or neonatal infection regardless of supplemental oxygen, and 3) reduced the frequency of
gestational age (82, 83). The risk of infection from corti- positive blood cultures with no improvement in the pri-
costeroid use at 3233 completed weeks of gestation is mary outcome (one or more outcomes of death, chronic
unclear, but based on available evidence, their use has lung disease, or major cerebral abnormality on ultra-
been recommended by some experts, particularly if pul- sonography) (88). Oral amoxicillinclavulanic acid
monary immaturity is documented. Studies of the com- reduced delivery within 7 days and reduced the need for
bined use of corticosteroids and prophylactic antibiotics supplemental oxygen but was associated with an
after preterm PROM suggest significant reductions in increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (1.9% versus
RDS, perinatal mortality, and other morbidities with no 0.5%, P = .001) without preventing other neonatal mor-
evident increase in perinatal infections after steroid bidities. The finding of increased necrotizing enterocoli-
administration (84, 85). tis with oral amoxicillinclavulanic acid differs from the
NICHD-MFMU trial finding of reduced stage 2 or 3
Should antibiotics be administered to patients necrotizing enterocolitis with amoxicillinerythromycin
with preterm PROM? therapy in a higher risk population, and review of the
current literature does not reveal a consistent pattern
The issue of adjunctive antibiotic therapy to treat or pre- regarding an increased risk with broad-spectrum antibi-
vent ascending decidual infection in order to prolong otic therapy. Several recent studies have attempted to
pregnancy and reduce neonatal infections and gestational determine whether a shorter duration of antibiotic ther-
age-dependent morbidity has been widely studied (43, apy is adequate after preterm PROM, but these studies
86, 87). In the most recent meta-analysis, investigators are of inadequate size and power to demonstrate equiva-
suggested prophylactic antibiotic administration to delay lent effectiveness against infant morbidity (89, 90).

6 ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80

Based on available information, a 7-day course of How should a patient with preterm PROM
parenteral and oral therapy with ampicillin or amoxi- and a cervical cerclage be treated?
cillin and erythromycin is recommended during expec-
tant management of preterm PROM remote from term to There are no prospective studies available with which to
prolong pregnancy and to reduce infectious and gesta- guide the care of women with preterm PROM and a cer-
tional age-dependent neonatal morbidity. Use of the vical cerclage in situ. Retrospective studies have found
combination of oral erythromycin and extended-spec- that removal of cerclage after PROM is associated with
trum ampicillinclavulanic acid in women near term similar pregnancy outcomes to those with PROM but no
does not appear to be beneficial, may be harmful, and is cerclage (92, 93). Cerclage retention after preterm
not recommended. Antibiotic administration to prolong PROM has been associated with trends toward increased
latency must be distinguished from well-established pro- maternal infectious morbidity (9496), reaching statisti-
tocols directed at prevention of group B streptococcal cal significance in one evaluation (97), and with only
infection in term and preterm patients (60). The prophy- brief pregnancy prolongation. One study found increased
lactic antibiotic regimen would appropriately treat group infant mortality and sepsis-related death when the cer-
B streptococcal infections during expectant management clage was left in place after PROM (94). One study
of preterm PROM remote from term. However, women found significant pregnancy prolongation with cerclage
with PROM and a viable fetus, who are known carriers retention by comparing differing practices at two institu-
of group B streptococci and those who give birth before tions; however, this could reflect population or practice
carrier status can be delineated, should receive intra- differences at these institutions (95). Because the avail-
partum prophylaxis to prevent vertical transmission able studies are small and nonrandomized, the optimal
regardless of earlier treatments. timing of cerclage removal is unclear. However, no con-
trolled study has found cerclage retention after PROM to
Can preterm PROM be managed with home improve neonatal outcomes. The risks and benefits of
care? short-term cerclage retention pending completion of
antenatal corticosteroid therapy to enhance fetal matura-
Generally, hospitalization for bed rest and pelvic rest is tion have not been evaluated.
indicated after preterm PROM once viability is reached.
Recognizing that latency is frequently brief, that What is the optimal treatment for a patient
intrauterine and fetal infection may occur suddenly, and with preterm PROM and herpes simplex
that the fetus is at risk for umbilical cord compression, virus infection?
ongoing surveillance of both the woman and her fetus is
recommended once the limit of potential viability has Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection usually results
been reached. from maternalfetal transmission during the delivery
For a woman with preterm PROM and a viable process. Neonatal infection occurs in 3480% of infants
fetus, the safety of expectant management at home has delivered in the setting of primary maternal infection, and
not been established. One clinical trial of discharge after in 15% with secondary infections (98, 99). Based on a
preterm PROM suggested that relatively few patients small case series of women with active genital herpes
will be eligible for discharge to home care (91). Only 67 infection in 1971, totaling just 36 patients, it has been
of 349 women (18%) were eligible for antepartum home believed that latency of more than 46 hours after mem-
care after 72 hours (negative cervical cultures and no evi- brane rupture is associated with an increased risk of
dent labor, intrauterine infection, or fetal compromise). neonatal infection (100, 101). However, a more recent
There were no identifiable differences in latency or in case series of 29 women treated expectantly with active
the incidences of intraamniotic infection, variable decel- recurrent herpes simplex virus lesions and PROM before
erations, or cesarean delivery. Infant outcomes were sim- 32 weeks of gestation found none of the infants developed
ilar, but the power of this study to identify differences in neonatal herpes infection (102). Latency from membrane
these outcomes was low. Although the potential for a rupture to delivery ranged from 1 to 35 days, and cesare-
reduction in health care costs with antepartum discharge an delivery was performed if active lesions were present
is enticing, it is important to ensure that such manage- at the time of delivery. These data suggest that the risk of
ment will not be associated with increased risks and prematurity should be weighed against the potential risk
costs related to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Any of neonatal herpes simplex virus in considering expectant
cost savings from antenatal discharge may be rapidly lost management of PROM complicated by recurrent mater-
with a small increase in the stay in the neonatal intensive nal herpes simplex virus infection. Prophylactic treatment
care unit. with antiviral agents (eg, acyclovir) may be considered.

ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80 7

How does care differ for patients with PROM A 48-hour course of intravenous ampicillin and
that occurs before the threshold of potential erythromycin followed by 5 days of amoxicillin and
neonatal viability? erythromycin is recommended during expectant
management of preterm PROM remote from term to
Women presenting with PROM before potential viabili- prolong pregnancy and to reduce infectious and ges-
ty should be counseled regarding the impact of immedi- tational agedependent neonatal morbidity.
ate delivery and the potential risks and benefits of All women with PROM and a viable fetus, includ-
expectant management. Counseling should include a ing those known to be carriers of group B strepto-
realistic appraisal of neonatal outcomes, including the cocci and those who give birth before carrier status
availability of obstetric monitoring and neonatal inten- can be delineated, should receive intrapartum chemo-
sive care facilities. Because of advances in perinatal prophylaxis to prevent vertical transmission of group
care, morbidity and mortality rates continue to improve B streptococci regardless of earlier treatments.
rapidly (43, 44, 103). An attempt should be made to
A single course of antenatal corticosteroids should
provide parents with the most up-to-date information
be administered to women with PROM before 32
weeks of gestation to reduce the risks of RDS, peri-
Although no evidence or consensus of opinion
natal mortality, and other morbidities.
exists regarding the benefit of an initial period of inpa-
tient observation in these patients, this approach may The following recommendations and conclusions
include strict bed and pelvic rest to enhance the oppor- are based on limited and inconsistent scientific
tunity for resealing, as well as early identification of evidence (Level B):
infection and abruptio placentae if expectant manage-
ment is pursued. In addition to clinical follow-up, it Delivery is recommended when PROM occurs at or
may be useful to instruct patients to abstain from inter- beyond 34 weeks of gestation.
course, limit their activities, and monitor their tempera- With PROM at 3233 completed weeks of gesta-
tures. tion, labor induction may be considered if fetal pul-
Typically, women with previable PROM who have monary maturity has been documented.
been cared for as outpatients are readmitted to the hospi-
Digital cervical examinations should be avoided in
tal for bed rest and observation for infection, abruptio patients with PROM unless they are in active labor
placentae, labor, and nonreassuring fetal heart rate pat- or imminent delivery is anticipated.
terns once the pregnancy has reached the limit of viabil-
ity. Administration of antenatal corticosteroids for fetal The following recommendations and conclusions
maturation is appropriate at this time given that early are based primarily on consensus and expert opin-
delivery remains likely. ion (Level C):
A specific recommendation for or against tocolysis
Summary of administration cannot be made.
The efficacy of corticosteroid use at 3233 complet-
Recommendations and ed weeks is unclear based on available evidence, but
Conclusions treatment may be beneficial particularly if pul-
monary immaturity is documented.
The following recommendations and conclusions For a woman with preterm PROM and a viable
are based on good and consistent scientific evi- fetus, the safety of expectant management at home
dence (Level A): has not been established.
For women with PROM at term, labor should be
induced at the time of presentation, generally with
oxytocin infusion, to reduce the risk chorioamni-
Proposed Performance
onitis. Measure
Patients with PROM before 32 weeks of gestation The percentage of patients with PROM and a viable fetus
should be cared for expectantly until 33 completed who are known group B streptococci carriers or whose
weeks of gestation if no maternal or fetal con- status as a carrier is unknown who receive intrapartum
traindications exist. group B streptococcal prophylaxis

8 ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80

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Obstet 1989;28:23742. (Level II-3) III)

ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80 12

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Studies were reviewed and evaluated for quality according 2007;109:100719.
to the method outlined by the U.S. Preventive Services Task
I Evidence obtained from at least one properly de-
signed randomized controlled trial.
II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled
trials without randomization.
II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or
casecontrol analytic studies, preferably from more
than one center or research group.
II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series with or
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III Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical
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Level BRecommendations are based on limited or incon-
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Level CRecommendations are based primarily on con-
sensus and expert opinion.

13 ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 80

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