Nov Asep Elmar Ict WL Tools Poster v3
Nov Asep Elmar Ict WL Tools Poster v3
Nov Asep Elmar Ict WL Tools Poster v3
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Bottom Line Part
Diameter O.D Connection Size Number
1.0 0.875 sUN .092 - .108 B067-048
1.25 1.187 ,UN .092 - .125 B067-016
1.5 1.375 ,UN .092 - .125 B067-022
1.875 1.75 1zUN .092 - .125 B067-054
2.125 1.75 1zUN .092 - .125 B067-055
2.5 2.313 1bUN .092 - .125 B067-056
PEAR DROP (& SLEEVE) TYPE ROPE SOCKET The Pear Drop (and Sleeve) Type Rope Socket is
Pear Drop and Sleeve Type Rope Sockets are available in various sizes and consists of a body,
used to securely attach wireline to the tool string. brass wedge (Pear Drop) and a set screw.
It utilizes a brass wedge (Pear Drop) to keep the
wireline attached within the rope socket instead of
a spring, thimble and spool as used for the more
conventional rope sockets. / ASEPElmar
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Bottom Wire Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Diameter Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN x & R B068-031
1.5 1.375 ,UN x & R B068-010
1.875 1.75 1zUN x & R B068-004
2.125 1.75 1zUN x & R B068-011
2.5 2.313 1bUN x & R B068-001
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Bottom Cable Part
Diameter O.D Connection Sizes Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN R B068-034
1.875 1.75 1zUN R B068-035
2.125 1.75 1zUN R B068-036
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Weight Length Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN 9lbs 2ft B074-011
1.25 1.187 ,UN 13.5lbs 3ft B074-012
1.25 1.187 ,UN 23lbs 5ft B074-013
1.5 1.375 ,UN 13.5lbs 2ft B074-005
1.5 1.375 ,UN 18lbs 3ft B074-006
1.5 1.375 ,UN 33lbs 5ft B074-007
1.875 1.75 1zUN 22lbs 2ft B074-008
1.875 1.75 1zUN 33lbs 3ft B074-002
1.875 1.75 1zUN 55lbs 5ft B074-014
2.125 1.75 1zUN 28lbs 2ft B074-015
2.125 1.75 1zUN 42lbs 3ft B074-016
2.125 1.75 1zUN 70lbs 5ft B074-017
2.5 2.313 1bUN 40lbs 2ft B074-018
2.5 2.313 1bUN 60lbs 3ft B074-019
2.5 2.313 1bUN 92lbs 5ft B074-020
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Weight Length Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN 10lbs 2ft B126-022
1.25 1.187 ,UN 15.5lbs 3ft B126-023
1.25 1.187 ,UN 26.5lbs 5ft B126-024
1.5 1.375 ,UN 16lbs 2ft B126-011
1.5 1.375 ,UN 22lbs 3ft B126-003
1.5 1.375 ,UN 38lbs 5ft B126-004
1.875 1.75 1zUN 25lbs 2ft B126-009
1.875 1.75 1zUN 37lbs 3ft B126-001
1.875 1.75 1zUN 62lbs 5ft B126-002
2.125 1.75 1zUN 34lbs 2ft B126-016
2.125 1.75 1zUN 50lbs 3ft B126-017
2.125 1.75 1zUN 83lbs 5ft B126-018
2.5 2.313 1bUN 48lbs 2ft B126-019
2.5 2.313 1bUN 69lbs 3ft B126-020
2.5 2.313 1bUN 115lbs 5ft B126-021
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Weight Length Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN 8lbs 2ft 00-01687
1.25 1.187 ,UN 12lbs 3ft 00-01649
1.25 1.187 ,UN 20.5lbs 5ft 00-01686
1.5 1.375 ,UN 12lbs 2ft 00-01324
1.5 1.375 ,UN 18lbs 3ft 00-01325
1.5 1.375 ,UN 30lbs 5ft 00-01326
1.875 1.75 1zUN 19lbs 2ft 00-01327
1.875 1.75 1zUN 28.5lbs 3ft 00-01328
1.875 1.75 1zUN 47.5lbs 5ft 00-01329
2.125 1.75 1zUN 24lbs 2ft 00-01690
2.125 1.75 1zUN 36lbs 3ft 00-01689
2.125 1.75 1zUN 69lbs 5ft 00-01688
2.5 2.313 1bUN 34lbs 2ft 00-01330
2.5 2.313 1bUN 50lbs 3ft 00-01331
2.5 2.313 1bUN 83lbs 5ft 00-01332
Stem/Sinker Bars
STEM/SINKER BARS Stem/Sinker Bars are available in a range of sizes
Stem/Sinker Bars are used with wireline tools to and lengths to suit any wireline operation. Top and
provide additional weight to a string of wireline bottom connections are designed to mate to other
tools. They are especially useful when used in wireline equipment.
conjunction with wireline hydraulic jars. By adding
weight to the string, the speed of the closing
operation is increased, and the jar ring blow is
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Weight Length Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN 8lbs 2ft B095-058
1.25 1.187 ,UN 15.5lbs 3ft B095-093
1.25 1.187 ,UN 26.5lbs 5ft B095-017
1.5 1.375 ,UN 12lbs 2ft B095-024
1.5 1.375 ,UN 18lbs 3ft B095-066
1.5 1.375 ,UN 30lbs 5ft B095-022
1.875 1.75 1zUN 19lbs 2ft B095-002
1.875 1.75 1zUN 28.5lbs 3ft B095-075
1.875 1.75 1zUN 47.5lbs 5ft B095-064
2.125 1.75 1zUN 24lbs 2ft B095-090
2.125 1.75 1zUN 36lbs 3ft B095-091
2.125 1.75 1zUN 60lbs 5ft B095-092
2.5 2.313 1bUN 34lbs 2ft B095-003
2.5 2.313 1bUN 50lbs 3ft B095-010
2.5 2.313 1bUN 83lbs 5ft B095-096
Roller Stems
ROLLER STEM Roller Stems are available in various diameters
Roller Stem is a tool used in the wireline and lengths. Roller diameters are to suit tubing
workstring to minimise the effect of friction sizes. Please specify required roller size when
caused by the toolstring sliding on the tubing wall ordering.
during wireline work in deviated wellbores.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Weight Length Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN 8lbs 2ft B095-058
1.25 1.187 ,UN 15.5lbs 3ft B095-093
1.25 1.187 ,UN 26.5lbs 5ft B095-017
1.5 1.375 ,UN 12lbs 2ft B095-024
1.5 1.375 ,UN 18lbs 3ft B095-066
1.5 1.375 ,UN 30lbs 5ft B095-022
1.875 1.75 1zUN 19lbs 2ft B095-002
1.875 1.75 1zUN 28.5lbs 3ft B095-075
1.875 1.75 1zUN 47.5lbs 5ft B095-064
PCE WIRELINE DOUBLE-SAFE RELEASE JOINT The shear pin is protected from shearing
The PCE Wireline Double Safe Release Joint prematurely by the hydraulic reservoir, which acts
(WDSRJ) enables the controlled disengagement as a damper to any shock loads. When tool
of the wireline from a toolstring which has release is required, a simple time delay/sit down
become stuck downhole, eliminating the need to action effects hydraulic transfer.
revert to the traditional fishing.
After a short time lapse, the release joint is jarred
The (WDSRJ) comprises of an upper section, down. This effectively shears the release pin and
which contains an hydraulic reservoir/ transfer drives down the shear sleeve, un-backing the lug
system; and a lower section, which houses a segments and releasing the bottom sub from the
shear-pinned release assembly. The lower release remainder of the tool. The released bottom sub/
assembly consists of a bottom sub with an lower part of the toolstring may then be fished
internal 'GS' fishing neck looking up. This is using a 'GS' type pulling tool, in the usual manner.
secured to the tool via lug segments, which are
locked out by a shear sleeve pinned to the body
of the tool.
Technical Specifications
Outside Diameter 1.125 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.75 2.125
Connections sUN ,UN ,UN ,UN ,UN 1zUN
Stroke Length 6.75 9.25 20 9m 10 11s
Service Kit Part Number 35105 11751 11178 11178 15997 11554
Weight 2lbs 2lbs 22lbs 22lbs 3lbs 32lbs
Mandrel Body Part Number 22709-10 22709-11 22709-15 22709-15 22709-17 22709-21
Setting Tool Weight 2lb 2lb 1lb 1lb 12lb 14lbs
Balance Part Number
Piston Setting Tool Weight 22729-11 11753 22729-16 22729-16 22729-20 22729-24
Complete Part Number 35097 11740 51227 79297 79297 11550
Assembly Weight 10lbs 10lbs 12lbs 11lbs 20lbs 30lbs
Technical Specification
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Stroke Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN 20 B157-024
1.25 1.187 ,UN 30 B157-025
1.5 1.375 ,UN 20 B157-023
1.5 1.375 ,UN 30 B157-008
1.875 1.75 1zUN 20 B157-004
1.875 1.75 1zUN 30 B157-010
2.125 2.313 1zUN 20 B157-026
2.125 2.313 1zUN 30 B157-018
2.5 2.313 1bUN 20 B157-003
2.5 2.313 1bUN 30 B157-013
Link/Spang Jars
LINK/SPANG JAR Jars are composed of two pieces linked together
Wireline Link Jars, sometimes called Spang Jars rather like long chain links which are free to be
or Mechanical Jars are of the cable tool type and extended or collapsed (stroke). Jars are available
utilize the weight of the stems connected in sizes 14, 12, 1d, and 22 O.D. and
immediately above to deliver effective jarring strokes of 20 and 30. All wireline Jars are
impacts, by manipulating the wireline upwards or supplied with standard wireline threads (pin and
downwards at the surface. box) and fishing necks.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Part
Diameter O.D. Connections Stroke Number
1 0.875 sUN 18 B056-055
1.25 1.187 ,UN 24 B056-010
1.5 1.375 ,UN 20 B056-049
1.5 1.375 ,UN 24 B056-008
1.5 1.375 ,UN 30 B056-050
1.875 1.75 1zUN 20 B056-002
1.875 1.75 1zUN 24 B056-006
1.875 1.75 1zUN 30 B056-003
2.125 1.75 1zUN 20 B056-054
2.125 1.75 1zUN 24 B056-013
2.125 1.75 1zUN 30 B056-014
2.5 2.313 1bUN 24 B056-007
2.5 2.313 1bUN 30 B056-004
Technical Specification
Outside Fishneck Connections Stroke Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 20 B056-063
PCE LOW FRICTION JAR Sliding bearings and a PTFE coated mandrel
The PCE Low Friction Jar is ideally suited for use ensure a low friction action, thereby allowing full
in deviated wells and is normally run in
conjunction with Roller Stems which are installed impact force from the Roller Stem above. The tube
immediately above. body is also slotted to minimise friction and fluid
Technical Specifications
Size 12 1d 28 22
Fishneck Diameter 1.375 1.750 1.750 2.313
Jar Stroke 12 12 12 12
PCE HEAVY DUTY MECHANICAL SPRING JAR Internally, an adjuster aligns with a slotted window
PCE has recognised that with the increasing use in the body which is calibrated with three radial
of heavier wire, operators require jars that are grooves marked 'low', 'medium' and 'high', these
compatable with the higher pulling loads now grooves serve to indicate the load setting of the jar
achievable. to the operator. All improvements have been made
without losing the jars field proven, simple
With this in mind PCE has made significant working mechanism and re-dress. It is therefore
improvements to the existing PCE Mechanical possible to retro-fit existing standard jars with the
Spring Jar design to meet and exceed the new design enhancements.
operational challenges of working within this new
By strengthening the latch keys with a second Capable of consistent heavy duty operation
load bearing shoulder and adding a stronger Field proven latch mechanism
spring stack, the jars performance has exceeded
Simple redress
all expectations. Testing has proved that the PCE
HD Mechanical Spring Jar is now truly a jar fit Can be easily adjusted on or off the
for any Heavy Duty operation. As well as toolstring
improving the performance, PCE have also added
Slick re-cocking action
a feature to simplify the operational field
adjustment of the jar. By simply winding an Dressed for H2S
integral knurled adjuster sub, situated at the lower Can be configured for standard or heavy
end of the tool. The release tension may be duty pull loads
increased or decreased. Therefore, prior to
deployment, the PCE 'HD' Mechanical Spring Jar Available with the field proven HD PCE
may be adjusted when it is part of the tool string. Breech Lock GR quick connect system
Technical Specifications
Size 12 1w 1d 28 22
Part Number B057-055 B057-046 B057-022 B057-068 B057-006
Fish Neck Diameter 1.375 1.375 1.750 1.750 2.313
Length (Closed) 35.8 35 35 35 42
Jar Stroke 12 12 12 12 12
Threaded Connection , - 10UN 1z - 10UN 1z - 10UN 1z - 10UN 1b - 10UN
Maximum Diameter 1.500 1.750 1.875 2.125 2.500
Hydraulic Calibrator Sub (Optional Extra) B057-028 B057-067 B057-029 B057-029 B057-030
Mechanical Release Tool 00-03759 00-03758 00-03758 00-03758 00-03760
Calibrated Load Adjuster Wrench 00-03761 00-03762 00-03762 00-03762 00-03763
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Connections Weight Length Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
2.5 1.75 1zUN 36kg 69 B057-091
3.0 2.313 1zUN 43kg 68 B057-113
3.5 2.313 1zUN 45kg 64 B057-126
4.0 2.125 1zUN 50kg 69 B057-114
4.5 2.313 RS 1zUN 50kg 60 B057-134
6 3.125 RS 1bUN 107kg 42 B057-138
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Connections Weight Length Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
2.5 1.75 1zUN 35kg 60 B057-148
3.0 2.313 1zUN 50kg 60 B057-149
4.5 2.313 1zUN 110kg 60 B057-131
6 3.125 1bUN 132kg 48 B057-122
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Bottom Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Connection Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN w Amerada B059-015
1.5 1.375 ,UN w Amerada B059-001
1.75 1.375 ,UN w Amerada B059-007
1.875 1.75 1zUN w Amerada B059-002
2 1.75 1zUN w Amerada B059-008
2.5 2.313 1bUN w Amerada B059-003
Alternative bottom thread connections are available on request
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Connections Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN B060-060
1.5 1.375 ,UN B060-033
1.75 1.375 ,UN B060-027
1.875 1.75 1bUN B060-031
2.5 2.313 1bUN B060-003
3 2.313 1bUN B060-001
Wireline Intensifiers
WIRELINE INTENSIFIER A combination of surface wireline tension and the
The Wireline Intensifier is a wireline stretch energy stored within the spring of the accelerator
simulator device used in conjunction with will eventually cause the hydraulic or spring jar to
hydraulic or spring jars when jarring at shallow fire, thus releasing totally the energy stored within
depths in the well bore. The wireline intensifier is the spring. The tension of the wireline can then be
available in sizes from 14 to 3 O.D., in standard relaxed and the operation repeated until the
or H2S trim. subsurface tool is jarred free.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Connections Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.25 1.187 ,UN B065-002
1.5 1.375 ,UN B065-010
1.875 1.75 1zUN B065-001
2.125 1.75 1zUN B065-005
2.5 2.313 1zUN B065-008
2.5 2.313 1bUN B065-006
WIRELINE KNUCKLE JAR The Wireline Knuckle Jar has a built in double fish
Wireline Knuckle Jars are similar in design to the neck as standard.
Knuckle Joint, however, the Knuckle Jar design
incorporates a length extension of the socket that
allows the ball to move vertically for light jarring.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Connections Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
1 0.875 sUN B064-056
1.25 1.187 ,UN B064-071
1.5 1.375 ,UN B064-062
1.875 1.75 1zUN B064-002
2.125 1.75 1zUN B064-009
2.5 2.313 1zUN B064-004
2.5 2.313 1bUN B064-003
WIRELINE KNUCKLE JOINT The Knuckle Joint has a built in double fish neck Wireline Knuckle Joints
The Knuckle Joint is a wireline accessory used to as standard. If a knuckle joint is not built into a
provide flexibility within the wireline tool string. kickover tool, one must be used just above the
kickover tool. The Knuckle Joint is often used to
Constructed with a ball and socket the Knuckle compliment knuckle-less kickover tools.
Joint is recommended for use within the make up
of the tool string.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Connections Part
Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN B091-006
1.875 1.75 Knuckle
1zUN Jar B091-004
2.5 2.313 1bUN B091-007
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.25 - 1.5 1.187 ,UN B076-003
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN B077-004
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN B077-003
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN B078-011
3.0 - 4.0 2.313 1zUN B078-010
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1zUN B079-010
5.0 - 6.0 3.125 1bUN B079-001
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Number
1.50 1.375 ,UN B080-032
1.875 1.375 1zUN B080-033
2.50 2.313 1zUN B080-034
Technical Specifications
Tubing O.D. Fishneck Part
Size Dogs Expanded O.D. Number
2a 2.010 1.375 ,UN B100-001
2d 2.441 1.375 ,UN B100-002
32 2.992 1.375 ,UN B100-003
42 3.958 1.72 1zUN B100-005
52 4.892 1.72 1zUN B100-006
The Grip Release Breech Lock Wireline Tool string Connection has been
established for many years as one of the best multi shouldered quick
release connections available on the market. This well proven connection
has now been re-engineered to provide the operator with an even greater
degree of reliability and simplicity of operation.
The Grip Release connector combines all the principle features of the
original lever type Breech Lock but now offers two additional benefits. A
simple grip pad release is now incorporated in the design to replace the
out dated lever release system. There is no longer any need for special
The positive and automatic locking system prevents the plunger moving
with inertia loads during jarring operations. This now provides the wireline
operator with an unrivaled level of connection security during all
All of the features of the original PCE Breech Lock have been
incorporated into the Grip Release. The three shouldered load bearing
faces ensure strength characteristics are maximized and the ability for
the connection to be incorporated into all wireline tools without the need
for secondary threaded connections.
Three load bearing surfaces in each To unlock the Grip Release Breech Lock
direction spreading the impact loads more connection. Simply press the two grip pads fully in
evenly than the single or double shoulder and rotate the male part of the connector
quick locks, making it suitable for heavy and one-quarter turn. This will release the spring
prolonged wireline operations. loaded plunger, which will positively unlatch the
The Grip Release Breech Lock Connection Note: All NOV Wireline tools can be supplied
consists of an upper assembly, containing the with Integral PCE Grip Release Breech Lock
female connection, and a lower male connector connections. Please contact NOV for more
sub. The upper (female) connector houses the details.
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN B069-
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN B069-
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN B069-
3.0 - 4.0 1.75 1zUN B069-
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1zUN B069-
5.0 - 6.0 3.125 1bUN B069-
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN B069-
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN B069-
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN B069-
3.0 - 4.0 1.75 1zUN B069-
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1zUN B069-
5.0 - 6.0 3.125 1bUN B069-
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN 00-25718
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN 00-30644
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN 00-30645
3.0 - 4.0 1.75 1zUN 00-30646
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1zUN 00-30647
5.0 - 6.0 3.125 1bUN 00-30648
STAR BIT CHISEL The Star Bit Chisel is available in a range of sizes
Star Bit Chisels
The Star Bit Chisel is a wireline Service tool to suit all standard tubing dimensions.
designed to help break up sand and other debris
that has bridged within the tubing.
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.25 - 1.5 1.187 ,UN 00-01763
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN 00-01717
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN 00-00934
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN 00-01764
3.0 - 4.0 1.75 1zUN 00-01718
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1zUN 00-01719
5.0 - 6.0 3.125 1bUN 00-01720
Tubing Swages are used to swage out mashed or
When ordering this product please specify part
number and the actual O.D. of tool required. Tubing Swages
lightly collapsed tubing areas and other
obstructions in the tubing string to ensure free
passage of the subsurface devices. It is
sometimes used to open 'orange peel' type bull
plugs on the lower end of the tubing.
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.25 - 1.5 1.187 ,UN 00-01745
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN 00-01529
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN 00-01525
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN 00-01526
3.0- 4.0 1.75 1zUN 00-01527
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1zUN 00-01390
5.0 - 6.0 2.313 1bUN 00-01528
Blind Boxes
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck *Max Pull Top Part
Diameter O.D. Force (kg) Connection Number
1.25 1.187 4 ,UN B022-004
1.5 1.187 4 ,UN B022-001
1.75 1.375 4 ,UN B023-004
2 1.375 15 ,UN B023-001
2.25 1.375 33 ,UN B023-005
2.5 1.375 60 ,UN B023-002
3 1.75 60 1zUN B024-002
4 1.75 130 1zUN B024-005
5 2.313 130 1zUN B025-004
6 3.125 130 1bUN B026-001
*Requires full face magnet face contact
Skirted Magnets
SKIRTED MAGNET Skirted Magnets are available in sizes from 12
The Skirted Magnet is a wireline service tool used O.D. through 6 O.D.. Non skirted magnets are
to magnetically attract and retrieve ferrous debris also available on request.
lost in the well bore.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Number
1.25 - 1.5 1.187 ,UN 00-01756
1.5 - 2.0 1.375 ,UN 00-01511
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN 00-01757
2.5 - 3.0 1.75 1zUN 00-01512
3.0 - 4.0 1.75 1zUN 00-01513
4.0 - 5.0 2.313 1bUN 00-01514
5.0 - 6.0 3.125 1bUN 00-01515
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
1.25 - 2.5 1.187 ,UN B016-059
1.5 - 3.0 1.375 ,UN B016-060
3.0 - 6.0 1.75 1zUN B016-061
TUBING GAUGE CUTTER RING SET Gauge Cutter Ring Sets are of primary benefit
The Gauge Cutter Ring Set is a wireline service where an operation requires a number of Gauge
Cutters of similar diameter to be run. This
tool designed to operate as a standard Gauge flexibility means that there is no need to keep a
Cutter, but with the added facility of being able to large inventory of different size Gauge Cutters.
interchange different size Gauge Cutters on a
standard carrier.
Technical Specifications
Tubing Fishneck Gauge Sample Top Part
Size O.D. Cutter O.D. Collector O.D. Connection Number
2a 1.325 1.73 1.62 ,UN B016-062
2d 1.375 2.20 2.08 ,UN B016-063
32 1.75 2.73 2.53 1zUN B016-064
Other sizes are available on request.
Technical Specifications
Size Fishneck Top Part
Range O.D. Connection Number
2.0 - 2.5 1.375 ,UN 00-01697
2.5 - 3.5 1.75 1zUN 00-01698
3.5 - 4.5 2.313 1bUN 00-01699
4.5 - 6.0 2.313 1bUN 00-01700
Technical Specifications
Tubing O.D. Fishneck Part
O.D. (Across Wheels) O.D. Number
2a 1.75 1.375 ,UN B082-
2d 2.25 1.75 1zUN B082-
32 2.25 1.75 1zUN B082-
42 3.40 2.313 1zUN B082-
WIRELINE ROLLER CENTRALIZER The multiple wheels help overcome the friction
The Wireline Roller Centralizer is designed to be caused by the contact of the toolstring against the
run in conjunction with low friction toolstrings into tubing wall.
deviated wells, where a degree of toolstring
centralization is desirable.
Technical Specifications
O.D. Outside Fishneck Top Part
Range Diameter O.D. Connection Number
2 - 4 1.50 1.375 ,UN B082-012
BOW SPRING CENTRALIZER The range of the standard tool enables it to pass
Bow Spring Centralizers
The Bow Spring Centralizer is designed for use through a 2 restriction and expand up to 4
with slickline toolstrings or when running diameter.
downhole gauges out through the tail pipe and
into the casing.
Technical Specifications
O.D. Toolstring Fishneck Top Part
Range Diameter O.D. Connection Number
2.13 - 5.50 1.50 1.375 ,UN B082-088
2.50 - 5.90 1.875 1.75 1zUN B082-089
2.75 - 6.13 2.125 1.75 1zUN B082-090
3.13 - 6.50 2.50 2.313 1zUN B082-091
Slip Over
Bow Spring
SLIP OVER BOW SPRING CENTRALIZER The lower portion of the centralizer is sized to slip
Slip Over Bow Spring Centralizers
The Slip Over Bow Spring Centralizer is designed over the standard toolstring O.D.
for use with wireline toolstrings where the overall
toolstring length is a consideration. This Slip Over Centralizer is also available for
Mono-Conductor toolstrings.
To minimise on length, the Slip Over Centralizer
comprises a short sub which is made up to the
toolstring. The upper sleeve of the centralizer is
then anchored to a groove in the short sub with
grub screws.
Technical Specifications
O.D. Fishneck Top Bottom Part
Range O.D. Connection Connection Number
2 - 7 1.75 1zUN 1zUN B082-002
ADJUSTABLE SPRING CENTRALIZER The range of the standard tool enables it to pass
Adjustable Spring Centralizers
The Adjustable Spring Centralizer is designed for through a 24 restriction and expand up to 7
use with slickline toolstrings or when running diameter. Also the tension of the bow spring can
downhole gauges out through the tail pipe and be adjusted to allow for the weight of the
into the casing. toolstring, it has to support.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Length Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Number
1 0.875 sUN 18 B061-044
1 1.375 ,UN 18 B061-043
1.50 1.375 ,UN 18 B061-024
1.875 1.75 1zUN 2ft B061-042
2.50 2.313 1zUN 2ft B061-031
Wireline Scratchers
WIRELINE SCRATCHER Several short runs down the tubing and back are
The Wireline Scratcher is a wireline service tool recommended for the best results.
used to loosen paraffin accumulation from the
inside wall of the tubing.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Length Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Number
1.50 1.375 ,UN 2ft B061-009
1.875 1.75 1zUN 2ft B061-007
2.50 2.313 1bUN 2ft B061-012
4.00 2.313 1zUN 2ft B061-004
Wireline Brushes
Technical Specifications
Body Tubing Fishneck Part
O.D. sizes O.D. Number
1.5 2a & 2d 1.375 ,UN B062-007
1.75 2d & 32 1.375 ,UN B062-005
2 2d & 32 1.75 1zUN B062-008
2.5 32 & 42 1.75 1zUN B062-002
3.5 52 & 7 2.313 1bUN B062-003
TUBING END LOCATOR A shear pin limits the outward travel or rotation of
The Tubing End Locator is used for depth the trigger so that, when the tool emerges from
correlation purposes. the lower end of the tubing, the trigger will swing
to a maximum reach position approximately
Tubing End Locators consist of a slotted body in
which a spring loaded trigger is retained by a pivot perpendicular to the body and will not be allowed
pin. to re-enter the tubing until the shear pin is cut.
Technical Specifications
To Suit Fishneck Part
Tubing Sizes O.D. Number
2a 2d 1.375 ,UN B062-014
2d 32 1.75 1zUN B062-018
32 42 1.75 1zUN B062-015
42 52 2.313 1zUN B062-016
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top *Sample *Standard Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Tube Length SB Tube Length DD Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 2ft 5ft B051-001
1.75 1.375 ,UN 2ft 5ft B051-004
2 1.75 1zUN 2ft 5ft B051-005
2.5 2.313 1zUN 2ft 5ft B051-013
3 2.313 1zUN 2ft 5ft B051-018
4 2.313 1bUN 2ft 5ft B051-023
*Alternative tube lengths are available on request.
The Sample/Drive Down Bailer consists of a top * All Bailer Shoe configuration options are also
sub, bailer tube and a ball or flapper mule shoe. available with mule shoe bottoms.
The ball or flapper opens when the bailer
assembly is jarred into the debris and closes
when the bailer is jarred out of the debris. The
angled mule shoe helps to cut into the debris.
Standard Drive Down Bailer tubes are 5 long.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Tube Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Length Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 5ft B050-002
1.75 1.375 ,UN 5ft B050-006
1.875 (Shoe) 1.75 1zUN 5ft B050-005
2.0 (Shoe) 1.75 1zUN 5ft B050-007
2.5 2.313 *1bUN 5ft B050-097
3.0 2.313 *1bUN 5ft B050-104
3.5 2.313 *1bUN 6ft B050-039
4.0 2.313 *1bUN 5ft B050-070
4.5 2.313 *1bUN 5ft B050-064
*1z Connection is available on request.
SAND PUMP BAILER Please specify Bailer Shoe sizes and configuration
The Sand Pump Bailer is a wireline service tool when ordering.
used to clear debris which has settled on top of
the subsurface equipment preventing recovery of Optional Bailer Shoe Configurations
the equipment by regular wireline operations. A) *Ball Type Bailer Shoe
B) *Flapper Type Bailer Shoe
The Sand Pump Bailer is a pump type tool which C) *Junk Catcher Type Bailer Shoe
operates on the conventional lift pump and piston
principle. * All Bailer Shoe configuration options are also
available with mule shoe bottoms.
A double male adapter sub and extension bailer
tube are available as optional extras in the event of
large volume bailing operations.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Barrel Vol Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Length (litre/ft) Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 5ft 0.23 B052-004
1.75 1.375 ,UN 5ft 0.30 B052-001
2.0 1.375 ,UN 5ft 0.33 B052-011
2.5 2.313 1zUN 5ft 0.70 B052-002
3.0 2.313 1zUN 5ft 0.90 B052-005
4.0 2.313 1zUN 5ft 1.70 B052-018
Dump Bailers
DUMP BAILER The outside diameter of the bailer foot required
The Dump Bailer is designed to allow Acid, should always be matched in size with the
Mercury, Ceraflow or other fluids to be dumped downhole device upon which the fluid is to be
within the wellbore on top of any subsurface dumped.
device. Dump Bailer are operated by jarring down
to first shear a pin after which a plunger ruptures Please specify actual diameter of foot when
a disc thereby allowing the fluids to escape. ordering.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Tube Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Length Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 5ft B053-002
1.75 1.375 ,UN 5ft B053-001
*1.875 1.375 ,UN 5ft B053-005
*2.0 1.375 ,UN 5ft B053-007
2.25 1.75 1zUN 5ft B053-058
2.5 2.313 1bUN 5ft B053-003
2.5 1.750 1zUN 5ft B053-006
3.0 2.313 1bUN 5ft B053-004
3.5 2.313 1zUN 5ft B053-026
3.5 2.313 1bUN 5ft B053-032
* Bottom Shoe I.D.
Hydrostatic Bailers
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Trigger Volume/ Barrel Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Release Barrel Length Number
2.5 2.313 1zUN To Suit 7 Litre 10ft B052-019
3.0 2.313 1zUN To Suit 9 Litre 10ft B052-020
3.5 2.313 1zUN To Suit 12 Litre 10ft B052-021
4.0 2.313 1bUN To Suit 17 Litre 10ft B052-022
4.5 3.125 1bUN To Suit 23 Litre 10ft B052-023
Larger diameter sizes are available on special request, as are connector subs and barrel extensions.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside To Catch *Maximum Fishneck Top Part
Size Diameter Fishnecks Reach O.D. Connection Number
14 1.285 0.875 2.00 14.6 1.187 ,UN B138-029
1s 1.625 1.00 1.85 15.6 1.1875 ,UN B138-012
1s 1.625 1.187 1.85 15.6 1.1875 ,UN B138-008
2 1.875 1.375 1.84 15.6 1.375 ,UN B138-003
2.5 2.30 1.75 1.84 15.6 1.75 1zUN B138-002
3 Slimline 2.87 2.313 2.125 18.6 2.313 1zUN B138-006
3 3.25 2.313 1.69 18.6 2.313 1zUN B138-014
4 3.80 3.125 2.73 18.6 2.313 1bUN B138-007
PCE HEAVY DUTY RELEASABLE PULLING TOOL The fishing socket can be released by jarring
The PCE Heavy Duty Releasable Pulling Tool is a downwards provided a solid footing is available
collet type Pulling Tool used to latch and retrieve for the core to be driven against.
wireline tools with badly damaged external fishing
Technical Specifications
Nominal Size 14 12 2 22 3 32 4
Part Number B118-005 B118-007 B118-001 B118-002 B118-010 B118-118 B118-011
Corresponding To JDC, SM JDC, RB, SB, JDC, RB, SB, SB, RB,RS JDC, RB, JUS,
Max O.D. 1.29 1.437 1.86 2.25 2,80 3.20 3.75
Fish Neck on Tool 1.187 1.187 1.375 1.375 1.750 2.313 2.313
Thread Connection ,-10UN ,-10UN ,-10UN ,-10UN 1z-10UN 1z-10UN 1b-10UN
To Engage Fish Neck 0.875 1.187 1.375 1.750 2.313 2.75 3.125
Weight 2kgs 2kgs 4kgs 5kgs 9kgs 12kgs 13kgs
Length (Shear-down) 16.75 17.04 22.45 23.61 23.75 21.76 24.00
Length (Shear-up)
N/A N/A 19.02 20.28 20.55 18.44 20.73
Short Reach
Length (Shear-up)
15.00 15.05 19.82 21.08 21.40 19.14 21.38
Med Reach
PCE UNIVERSAL PULLING TOOL Can be pinned in short, medium or long reach
The Universal Pulling Tool (UPT) is a field proven alternative positions without the need to purchase additional
to conventional wireline pulling tools. The UPT provides cores, as would be necessary with Otis or Camco
both cost savings coupled with the latest design principles. pulling tools i.e. eliminates the need for 5 Otis or 3
The UPT is a Shear-up, Shear- down, three reach pulling Camco cores.
tool used to set and retrieve sub surface devices with an
external fish neck from the well bore. Pawl design eliminates pawl and core damage, and
prevents the possibility of the pawls swelling the
The UPT can be adapted from a Shear-up to release to a apertures in the dog assembly and therefore
Shear-down to release tool, without the need for any dangerously increasing the pulling tool O.D.
additional parts, it has a universal core which permits the
same tool to be able to retrieve devices with fish necks of
Stainless steel shear pin retainer enables shear pin
different lengths or reach (i.e. short, medium or long
replacement without the need to disassemble the
pulling tool.
The UPT combines modern innovation with traditional
principles to enable a single tool to replace 2 if not 6 Dogs are manufactured from AISI 4140 or British
conventional tools normally associated with wireline equivalent in Rockwell hardness of 30-36 for standard
operations. service, thereby eliminating the possibility of shucking
dog tips as occurs with high heat treat dogs as used
The UPT is available in 18-22 Rockwell 'C' condition for H2S by other manufacturers.
service. All UPTs are to release manufactured with Inconel
springs as standard. Superior dog skirt engagement, thereby minimising the
possibility of dog distortion resulting in an inability to
Design Features release from the fishing neck engaged.
Can be converted from Shear-down to Shear-up
without the need for any additional parts or the need to UK Patent GB 2200674A
purchase two different types of tools, i.e. does the US Patent 149318
same job as an Otis R or S series pulling tool or a
Camco JD or JU series pulling tool.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Top To Engage Part
Reach Length Weight
O.D. Diameter O.D. Connection Fish Neck Number
14 1.29 1.187 ,UN 1.68 11.8 2.5Lbs 0.875 B118-032
14 1.29 1.187 ,UN 1.96 11.8 2.5Lbs 0.875 B118-033
12 1.437 1.187 ,UN 1.30 12.1 3Lbs 1.187 B118-034
12 1.437 1.187 ,UN 1.85 12.1 3Lbs 1.187 B118-035
2 1.86 1.375 ,UN 1.25 15.7 6Lbs 1.375 B118-036
2 1.86 1.375 ,UN 2.05 15.7 6Lbs 1.375 B118-037
2 1.86 1.375 ,UN 2.60 15.7 6Lbs 1.375 B118-038
22 2.25 1.375 ,UN 1.30 17.5 9Lbs 1.75 B118-039
22 2.25 1.375 ,UN 2.10 17.5 9Lbs 1.75 B118-040
22 2.25 1.375 ,UN 2.60 17.5 9Lbs 1.75 B118-041
3 2.80 1.75 1zUN 1.38 18 12Lbs 2.313 B118-042
3 2.80 1.75 1zUN 2.20 18 12Lbs 2.313 B118-043
3 2.80 1.75 1zUN 2.70 18 12Lbs 2.313 B118-044
4 3.75 2.313 1bUN 1.60 19.5 25Lbs 3.125 B118-045
4 3.75 2.313 1bUN 2.30 19.5 25Lbs 3.125 B118-046
4 3.75 2.313 1bUN 3.00 19.5 25Lbs 3.125 B118-047
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Top To Engage Part
Reach Length Weight
O.D. Diameter O.D. Connection Fish Neck Number
14 1.29 1.187 ,UN 1.68 11.8 2.5lbs 0.875 B118-016
14 1.29 1.187 ,UN 1.96 11.8 2.5lbs 0.875 B118-017
12 1.437 1.187 ,UN 1.30 12.1 3lbs 1.187 B118-018
12 1.437 1.187 ,UN 1.85 12.1 3lbs 1.187 B118-019
2 1.86 1.375 ,UN 1.25 15.7 6lbs 1.375 B118-020
2 1.86 1.375 ,UN 2.05 15.7 6lbs 1.375 B118-021
2 1.86 1.375 ,UN 2.60 15.7 6lbs 1.375 B118-022
22 2.25 1.375 ,UN 1.30 17.5 9lbs 1.75 B118-023
22 2.25 1.375 ,UN 2.10 17.5 9lbs 1.75 B118-024
22 2.25 1.375 ,UN 2.60 17.5 9lbs 1.75 B118-025
3 2.80 1.75 1zUN 1.38 18 12lbs 2.313 B118-026
3 2.80 1.75 1zUN 2.20 18 12lbs 2.313 B118-027
3 2.80 1.75 1zUN 2.70 18 12lbs 2.313 B118-028
4 3.75 2.313 1bUN 1.60 19.5 25lbs 3.125 B118-029
4 3.75 2.313 1bUN 2.30 19.5 25lbs 3.125 B118-030
4 3.75 2.313 1bUN 3.00 19.5 25lbs 3.125 B118-031
Inconel as standard.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Actual Fishneck Connections Engaging Part
Size O.D. O.D. Box & Pin Neck I.D. Number
14 1.17 1 sUN 0.88 B086-088
12 1.47 1.187 ,UN 1.06 B086-028
2 1.81 1.375 ,UN 1.38 B086-001
22 2.25 1.750 ,UN 1.81 B086-002
3 2.72 2.313 1zUN 2.31 B086-003
32 3.11 2.313 1zUN 2.62 B086-004
4 3.62 2.313 1zUN 3.12 B086-005
5 4.50 3.125 1zUN 4.00 B086-006
6 5.56 3.125 1zUN 4.75 B086-049
7 5.83 3.125 1zUN 5.38 B086-008
7w 6.937 3.125 1zUN 6.25 B086-080
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Connections Engaging Part
Size Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Neck I.D. Number
2 1.81 1.375 ,UN 1.38 B086-134
22 2.25 1.75 1zUN 1.81 B086-135
3 2.72 2.313 1zUN 2.31 B086-136
32 3.11 2.313 1zUN 2.62 B086-137
PCE HEAVY DUTY GS TYPE The Heavy Duty Type GS Pulling Tool is a shear
RUNNING & PULLING TOOL down to release tool. It may be converted into a
The Heavy Duty Type GS Pulling Tool is designed Heavy Duty GR Type Pulling Tool by adding the
primarily to retrieve downhole tools where Heavy Duty Shear Up Adapter. Special serrated
sustained heavy upward jarring may be required. dogs are also available to engage internal fishing
necks which have distorted or washed out.
The latching mechanism, dog/core design is more
robust than the standard GS Pulling Tool and is
capable of withstanding prolonged jarring without
incurring damage.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Connections Part
Size Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
12 1.47 1.187 ,UN B086-029
2 1.812 1.375 ,UN B086-010
22 2.250 1.750 ,UN B086-009
3, 32, 4 2.718 2.313 1zUN B086-011
5 3.600 3.125 1zUN B086-013
7 5.880 3.125 1zUN B086-014
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Connections Part
Size Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
12 1.47 1.187 ,UN B086-098
2 1.812 1.375 ,UN B086-099
22 2.250 1.750 ,UN B086-100
3, 32, 4 2.718 2.313 1zUN B086-101
5 3.600 3.125 1zUN B086-102
7 5.880 3.125 1zUN B086-031
HEAVY DUTY SHEAR UP ADAPTER The Heavy Duty Shear Up Adapter is fitted with a Heavy Duty Shear Up Adapters
The Heavy Duty Shear Up Adapter (as with the double set of shear pins capable of sustaining
GU adapter) is a device used to convert a GS heavy upward jarring before shearing in two
type Pulling Tool into a GR shear up to release stages. In order to achieve the release of the GS
type tool. pulling tool with the shear pin removed, heavy
duty jarring must be maintained in order to shear
However, the Heavy Duty Shear Up Adapter is out the double set of shear pins.
designed for applications where it is desirable for
the GR to endure some sustained heavy upward
jars prior to releasing, which is not possible with
the standard GU adapter.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Top Part
Size Diameter O.D. Connection Number
2 1.812 1.375 ,UN B086-129
22 2.25 1.75 ,UN B086-130
3, 32, 4 2.72 2.313 1zUN B086-115
5 4.50 3.125 1zUN B086-131
5.62 5.56 3.125 1zUN B086-132
7 5.83 3.125 1zUN B086-133
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Prong Top Part
Size Diameter O.D. Thread Connection Number
2 1.406 1.187 s-11UN ,UN B119-017
2a 1.718 1.375 w-16UN ,UN B119-003
2d 2.189 1.75 1-14UN ,UN B119-024
32 2.687 2.313 1-14UN 1zUN B119-018
42 3.562 3.125 1-14UN 1zUN B119-019
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Prong Connections Part
Size Diameter O.D. Thread Box & Pin Number
2 1.812 1.375 2-13UN ,UN B110-005
22 2.296 1.375 2-13UN ,UN B110-006
32 3.125 1.75 w-10UN 1zUN B110-008
4 3.50 2.313 1 LP 1bUN B110-001
52 4.375 2.313 12 LP 1bUN B110-010
6 5.687 2.313 12 LP 1bUN B110-003
PCEX & PCER RUNNING TOOLS The PCEX or PCER Running Tools are supplied
The PCEX and PCER Running Tools are wireline with Inconel springs as standard. The PCEX &
service tools used to run and set type X, PCER Check Set Tool is a wireline service tool
XN, R or RN lock mandrels in their designed to enable the wireline operator to check
corresponding downhole nipples. The PCEX or that X & R type Lock Mandrels have been
PCER Running Tools allows locking mandrels to correctly set.
be run into the well bore in either the selective or
nonselective modes i.e. selective when the lock
mandrel has to be run through upper nipples or
nonselective when the lock mandrel is to be
landed in the highest nipple profile in the tubing Note: X, XN, R, and RN
are trademarks of Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Connections Part
O.D. Diameter O.D. Box & Pin Number
32 3.0 2.313 1zUN B110-009
4 3.202 2.313 1bUN B110-002
52 4.015 2.313 1bUN B110-007
6 5.312 2.313 1bUN B110-004
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Top Part
Size Diameter O.D. Connection Number
2.313 2.12 1.75 ,UN B104-008
2.750 2.62 2.313 1zUN B104-009
3.125 3.09 2.313 1zUN B104-011
3.313 3.09 2.313 1zUN B104-002
3.688 3.62 2.313 1zUN B104-007
3.813 3.62 2.313 1zUN B104-001
4.562 4.50 3.125 1zUN B104-004
5.875 5.80 3.125 1zUN B104-005
5.963 5.81 3.125 1zUN B104-006
Technical Specifications
Actual Fishneck Top Bottom Part
O.D. O.D. Connection Connection Number
1.875 1.375 ,UN Customer Specification B125-009
2.250 1.375 ,UN Customer Specification B125-010
2.750 1.75 1zUN Customer Specification B125-011
3.675 1.75 1zUN Customer Specification B125-012
PCE SOFT SET RUNNING TOOL The PCE Soft Set Running Tool has an
PCE Soft Set Running Tools
The Soft Set Running Tool can be used to run and interchangeable bottom sub which can be
set Bottom Hole Instruments in to a well bore threaded to suit any industry standard connection.
without the need to jar to release. The tool has a Alternatively, it can also be adapted to run
simple sit down action to affect hydraulic transfer instruments using standard internal and external
and subsequent mechanical release. fishing necks.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Engaging Connections Part
Size Diameter O.D. Fishneck Box & Pin Number
1.25 1.290 1.187 2.128 0.875 ,UN B118-075
12 1.430 1.187 1.85 1.187 ,UN B118-095
1s 1.625 1.187 1.85 1.187 ,UN B118-067
2 (Slimline) 1.77 1.187 1.34 1.375 ,UN B118-119
2 1.860 1.375 2.05 1.375 ,UN B118-077
22 2.190 1.375 2.10 1.750 ,UN B118-096
3 2.690 2.313 2.20 2.313 1zUN B118-110
PCE DOUBLE JAR DOWN Light upward jarring will then shear one pin,
RUNNING/PULLING TOOL before ultimately jarring downwards to shear off
The PCE Double Jar Down Running/Pulling Tool is the tool release pin; enabling tool disengagement
designed to add greater operational flexibility to and retrieval from the well bore in the usual
the PCE SD Pulling Tool range, where downward manner.
jarring is necessary prior to pulling or releasing
from a subsurface device. The PCE Double Jar Down Running/Pulling Tool
has been used with particular success as an
The PCE Double Jar Down Running/Pulling Tool alternative tool for running and pulling gas lift
mechanism allows the tool to be jarred down valves.
indefinitely without the possibility of premature
tool release.
Technical Specifications
Fishneck Top No. of Part
O.D. Connection Prongs Number
1.5 1.187 ,UN 2 B039-016
1.75 1.375 ,UN 3 B040-026
2.25 1.75 1zUN 3 B040-014
2.62 1.75 1zUN 3 B040-031
3 1.75 1zUN 3 B040-010
3.5 2.313 1zUN 3 B040-019
4 2.313 1zUN 3 B040-011
4.5 2.313 1zUN 3 B040-018
5 3.125 1bUN 3 B040-020
5.5 3.125 1bUN 3 B040-017
6 3.125 1bUN 3 B040-021
Wireline Grabs
WIRELINE GRAB The Wireline Grab is flexible enough to bend and
The Wireline Grab is a wireline service tool can be gauged for the tubing it is to be run in. The
normally used to retrieve wire that has broken in prong ends of the grab should fit snugly against
the tubing. the walls of the tubing to help prevent line bypass.
Technical Specifications
Fishneck Top Part
Size Length
O.D. Connection Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 22 B097-001
1.875 1.75 1zUN 22 B097-002
2.5 2.313 1bUN 22 B097-003
Technical Specifications
Fishneck Top Part
O.D. Connection Number
1.5 1.187 ,UN 00-01775
1.75 1.187 ,UN 00-01775/175
2 1.375 ,UN 00-01776
2.5 1.375 ,UN 00-01777
3 1.75 1zUN 00-01778
3.5 1.75 1zUN 00-01779/350
4 2.313 1zUN 00-01779/400
4.5 2.313 1zUN 00-01780/450
5 2.313 1zUN 00-01780/500
6 3.125 1bUN 00-01781
WIREFINDER The Wirefinder can be supplied from sizes from 1
A Wirefinder (one piece) is a wireline tool through 6 O.D..
designed to locate and ball the end of the wireline
in the well bore during wireline fishing When ordering this product please specify the Part
operations. The Wirefinder is a one piece tool Number and the actual O.D. of tool required.
which has a standard wireline fishing neck and
threads uppermost and a slotted skirt (fingers)
Technical Specifications
NoGo Expanded Fishneck Top Part
O.D. O.D. O.D. Connection Number
1.87 2.49 1.375 ,-10 UN B105-027
2.30 2.99 1.375 ,-10 UN B105-028
2.75 3.50 1.75 1z-10 UN B105-020
3.80 4.67 1.75 1z-10 UN B105-015
3.80 5.90 1.75 1z-10 UN B105-010
4.31 6.18 2.313 1b-10 UN B105-006
Other options available on request
Technical Specifications
Outside Can Be Adapted Top Guide Part
To Run In Type Weight
Diameter to Run In Connection Type Number
1.5 12 Tubing 2z to 2 ,UN Slip Slotted 13 18995
1.75 12 Tubing 2s to 2d ,UN Slip Plain 13 15717
1m 2a Tubing 2d to 32 ,UN Slip Slotted 15 18995
BOWEN WIRELINE RETRIEVER Since cut or broken wire line strands into soft
Bowen Wireline Retrievers are specifically coils inside the pipe, and the upper-most portions
designed for recovering cut or broken single will typically be standing straight up, it is desirable
strand measuring lines. to grab the line just below the break in the line.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top To Catch Slips Part Number Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Diameters Reqd (Slips) Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 0.50 - 0.75 1 00-04424 B087-001
1.5 1.375 ,UN 0.75 - 1.00 1 00-04425 B087-002
1.5 1.375 ,UN 1.00 - 1.25 1 00-04426 B087-003
1.5 1.375 ,UN 1.25 - 1.50 1 00-04427 B087-004
1.75 1.375 ,UN 1.50 - 1.75 2 00-04428 B087-005
2.25 1.375 ,UN 1.75 - 2.25 2 00-04002 B087-006
2.75 1.75 1zUN 2.25 - 2.75 2 00-04005 B087-007
3.25 2.313 1zUN 2.75 - 3.25 3 00-04008 B087-008
4.5 3.125 1bUN 3.25 - 4.50 3 00-04436 B087-009
6 3.125 1bUN 4.50 - 6.00 3 00-05533 B087-013
Bulldog Spears
Bulldog Spears are designed with one slip to catch
The Bulldog Spear is a fishing tool designed to 2 through 12, 2 slips to catch 12 through
catch tubular sections lost in the well bore. The 2w and 3 slips to catch 2w through 6.
Bulldog Spear is designed specifically for
wireline operations and therefore has standard The Bulldog Spear has an optional Engagement
wireline threads and fishing necks. Stop Ring (shown) available on request.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Pulling To Catch Part
Size Diameter Neck Diameters Number
2 1.85 1.375 0.875 - 1 B087-056
2 1.85 1.375 1 - 1.125 B087-056
2 1.85 1.375 1.125 - 1.25 B087-056
2 1.85 1.375 1.25 - 1.375 B087-056
2 1.85 1.375 1.375 - 1.5 B087-056
22 2.28 1.81 1.125 - 1.25 B087-057
22 2.28 1.81 1.25 - 1.375 B087-057
22 2.28 1.81 1.5 - 1.675 B087-057
22 2.28 1.81 1.675 - 1.75 B087-057
22 2.28 1.81 1.75 - 1.875 B087-057
22 2.28 1.81 1.875 - 2 B087-057
3 2.72 2.313 1.75 - 1.875 B087-058
3 2.72 2.313 1.875 - 2 B087-058
BAITING TYPE BULLDOG SPEAR This will leave an internal fishing neck looking
The Baiting Type Bulldog Spear is used to up, to enable further fishing attempts. The fish is
retrieve (fish) wireline tools lost in the well bore then said to be baited.
that do not have a conventional fishing neck and The Baiting Type Bulldog Spear has an optional
are therefore best fished with an internal spear. Engagement Stop Ring (shown) available on
The spear is run on a GS running/pulling tool and
speared into the fish. In the event the fish cannot
be pulled the GS running/pulling tool will shear
its pin and release.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top To Catch Part Number Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Diameters (Collets) Number
1.5 1.375 ,UN 0.875 - 1 00-04854 B087-014
1.5 1.375 ,UN 1 - 1.125 00-04855 B087-014
1.5 1.375 ,UN 1.125 - 1.25 00-04856 B087-014
1.5 1.375 ,UN 1.25 - 1.375 00-04857 B087-014
1.5 1.375 ,UN 1.375 - 1.5 00-04858 B087-014
2 1.75 1zUN 1.125 - 1.25 00-04862 B087-015
2 1.75 1zUN 1.25 - 1.375 00-04863 B087-015
2 1.75 1zUN 1.375 - 1.5 00-04864 B087-015
2 1.75 1zUN 1.5 - 1.675 00-04865 B087-015
2 1.75 1zUN 1.675 - 1.75 00-04866 B087-015
2 1.75 1zUN 1.75 - 1.875 00-05582 B087-015
2 1.75 1zUN 1.875 - 2 00-05574 B087-015
2.25 1.75 1zUN 1.75 - 2 00-05583 B087-016
2.25 1.75 1zUN 2 - 2.25 00-05576 B087-016
2.25 1.75 1zUN 2.25 - 2.5 00-05577 B087-016
COLLET TYPE BULLDOG SPEAR Collet Type bulldog Spears are available in a range
The Collet Type Bulldog Spear is used to retrieve of sizes as listed below.
wireline tools (fish) lost in the well bore that do
not have a conventional fishing neck and are The Collet Type bulldog Spear includes one collet,
therefore best fished with an internal spear. please specify collet size required.
Once latched into a fish this type of spear cannot The Collet Type Bulldog Spear has an optional
be released, it should therefore always be run with Engagement Stop Ring (shown) available on
a rope socket and pulling tool to ensure release is request.
possible when necessary.
Technical Specifications
Nominal Outside Fishneck Top *To Catch Part Number Part
Size Diameter O.D. Connection Diameters (Slips) Number
2 1.810 1.375 ,UN 18 - 1d 00-21157 B087-051
2.5 2.250 1.75 1zUN 1d - 22 00-29546 B087-052
3 2.625 2.313 1zUN 24 - 2d 00-30548 B087-053
3.5 3.110 2.313 1zUN 2s - 38 00-30549 B087-054
4 3.625 2.313 1zUN 38 - 3w 00-30553 B087-055
*Larger catch sizes are available on request. Stop sleeve attachments to bottom skirt may be required.
PCE Wireline Heavy Duty Releasable Bulldog Spear (Collet Slips) Table
Spear Size 2 22 3 32 4
Spear O.D. 1.810" 2.250" 2.625" 3.110" 3.625"
Bulldog Spear
18 - 1d 1d - 22 2a - 2d 2s - 38 38 - 3w
Nominal Size Range
Catch Range Catch Range Catch Range Catch Range Catch Range
Nominal Slip Size
(Part Number) (Part Number) (Part Number) (Part Number) (Part Number)
18 to 14
18 - - - -
14 to 1a
14 - - - -
1a to 12
1a - - - -
12 to 1s
12 - - - -
1s to 1w
1s - - - -
1w to 1d 1w to 2d
1w - - -
(00-24282) (00-24187)
1d to 2
1d - - - -
2 to 28
2 - - - -
28 to 24
28 - - - -
24 to 2a 24 to 2a
24 - - -
(00-29547) (00-30548)
2a to 22 2a to 22
2a - - -
(00-21125) (00-27971)
22 to 2s
22 - - - -
2s to 2w 2s to 2w
2a - - -
(00-27973) (00-30549)
2w to 2d 2w to 2d
2w - - -
(00-27974) (00-30550)
2d to 3
2d - - - -
3 to 38
3 - - - -
38 to 34
38 - - - -
34 to 3a
34 - - - -
3a to 32
3a - - - -
32 to 3s
32 - - - -
3s to 3w
3s - - - -
Sizes highlighted in grey indicate Bulldog Spear Collet Slip standard fitment
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top To Catch Part Number Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Diameters (Slips*) Number
1.75 1.375 ,UN 0.5 - 0.75 00-01793 B090-004
1.75 1.375 ,UN 0.75 - 1 00-01794 B090-004
1.75 1.375 ,UN 1 - 1.25 00-01795 B090-004
2.25 1.375 ,UN 0.5 - 0.75 00-08004 B090-010
2.25 1.375 ,UN 0.75 - 1 00-08005 B090-010
2.25 1.375 ,UN 1 - 1.25 00-08006 B090-010
2.25 1.375 ,UN 1.25 - 1.5 00-08007 B090-010
2.25 1.375 ,UN 1.5 - 1.75 00-08008 B090-010
2.625 1.75 1zUN 0.5 - 0.75 00-01349 B090-002
2.625 1.75 1zUN 0.75 - 1 00-01350 B090-002
2.625 1.75 1zUN 1 - 1.25 00-01351 B090-002
2.625 1.75 1zUN 1.25 - 1.5 00-01352 B090-002
2.625 1.75 1zUN 1.5 - 1.75 00-01312 B090-002
2.625 1.75 1zUN 1.75 - 2 00-01313 B090-002
3.8 2.313 1bUN 0.50 - 1 00-02275 B090-001
3.8 2.313 1bUN 0.95 - 1.40 00-02274 B090-001
3.8 2.313 1bUN 1.40 - 1.85 00-02273 B090-001
Wireline Overshots
3.8 2.313 1bUN 1.85 - 2.30 00-02272 B090-001
3.8 2.313 1bUN 2.30 - 2.75 00-02271 B090-001
* One set of slips comprises of 3 slips
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top Slips Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Range Number
1.85 1.375 ,UN 0.5 - 1.50 B090-032
2.25 1.375 ,UN 0.5 - 1.75 B090-051
2.625 1.75 1zUN 0.5 - 2.00 B090-033
3.25 2.313 1zUN 0.5 - 2.31 B090-067
3.8 2.313 1bUN 0.5 - 2.75 B090-034
Technical Specifications
2.5 2.313 2ft FB B070-008 2.5 2.313 2ft FB B070-028
2.5 2.313 2ft CB B072-006 2.5 2.313 2ft CB B072-023
2.5 2.313 3ft FB B070-020 2.5 2.313 3ft FB B070-029
2.5 2.313 3ft CB B072-012 2.5 2.313 3ft CB B072-024
2.5 2.313 5ft FB B070-021 2.5 2.313 5ft FB B070-030
2.5 2.313 5ft CB B072-013 2.5 2.313 5ft CB B072-025
Roller Go-Devils
2.125 1.75 x - R 2ft / 3ft / 5ft B070
2.5 2.313 0.092 - 0.108 - 0.125 2ft / 3ft / 5ft B070
2.5 2.313 x - R 2ft / 3ft / 5ft B070
Technical Specifications
Major Fishneck Top Bellguide Part
O.D. O.D. Connection O.D.'s Number
Set 1 6 2.313 1bUN 3/ 4/ 6 B081-028
Set 2 4.5 2.313 1zUN 2.75/ 3.75/ 4.5 B081-027
Set 3 4.5 1.75 1zUN 2.70/ 3.60/ 4.5 B081-026
Set 4 5 2.313 1zUN 2.50/ 3.75/ 5 B081-023
BELL GUIDE SET The Bell Guide Set can also be used during
Bell Guide Sets
A Bell Guide Set consists of three individual Bell wireline operation in deviated wells as a running or
Guide Tools that fit one into the other, allowing pulling tool centralizer.
either overshots, spears or pulling tools to be
screwed up inside any one of the three bell guides
available. This therefore ultimately enables a 1
fishneck Neck to be fished from within 6 I.D.
casing without the need to fit either threaded or
welded bell guides onto individual overshots or
pulling tool skirts.
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Top To Catch Part
Diameter O.D. Connection Fishnecks Number
1.84 1.375 ,UN 1 B113-001
1.84 1.375 ,UN 1.375 B113-002
2.34 1.375 ,UN 1.75 B113-003
2.88 1.75 1zUN 2.313 B113-004
3.75 2.313 1bUN 3.125 B113-005
Technical Specifications
Tubing Retracted Expanded Fishneck Running Part
Size O.D. O.D. O.D. Tool Number
2a 1.78 2.00 1.375 00-27675 B129-005
2d 2.25 2.44 1.75 00-27675 B129-010
32 2.72 2.99 2.313 00-27676 B129-011
42 3.56 3.930 2.313 00-27709 B129-012
52 4.25 4.62/ 4.75 2.313 00-27709 B129-013
Sidewall Cutters
Technical Specifications
Outside Fishneck Wire Part
Diameter O.D. Size Number
1.25 1.187 0.092 / 0.125 B108-025
1.5 1.375 0.092 / 0.125 B108-001
1.875 1.75 0.092 / 0.125 B108-002
1.875 1.75 0.187 / 0.219 B108-009
2.125 1.75 0.092 / 0.125 B108-011
2.125 1.75 0.187 / 0.219 B108-012
2.5 2.313 0.092 / 0.125 B108-013
2.5 2.313 0.187 / 0.219 B108-010
Wireline Snippers
WIRELINE SNIPPER The upper end of the Snipper consists of a fishing
The Wireline Snipper is used to cut 0.092, neck while the lower end of the Snipper houses
0.108,0.125, 0.187, x, 0.219 and R the cutting and crimping assembly.
wirelines at a rope socket when the downhole
tools have become stuck and cannot be retrieved. There is a slot along the length of the body to
allow it to be placed on the wireline prior to
The Wireline Snipper comes in 14, 12, dropping into the well.
1d, 28 and 22 O.D.
Technical Specifications
SSD O.D. Fishneck Connections Part
I.D. (Keys Retracted) O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.875 1.906 1.375 ,UN B084-022
2.313 2.343 1.75 ,UN B084-023
2.813 2.843 2.313 1zUN B084-024
3.813 3.867 2.313 1zUN B084-025
Technical Specifications
SSD O.D. (Keys O.D. (Keys O.D. (Dogs Fishneck Connections Part
I.D. Expanded) Retracted) Expanded) O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.5 1.69 1.49 1.62 1.187 ,UN B084-
1.875 2.16 1.86 1.93 1.375 ,UN B084-049
2.313 2.60 2.34 2.38 1.75 ,UN B084-038
2.562 2.97 2.53 2.68 1.75 ,UN B084-
2.750 3.03 2.72 2.84 2.313 1zUN B084-026
2.813 3.16 2.72 2.90 2.313 1zUN B084-044
3.313 3.61 3.25 3.43 2.313 1zUN B084-
3.688 4.15 3.66 3.75 2.313 1zUN B084-047
3.813 4.09 3.75 3.91 2.313 1zUN B084-067
4.313 4.875 4.25 4.42 2.313 1zUN B084-083
4.562 5.00 4.53 4.66 3.125 1zUN B084-084
The tool has an X Running Tool trip mechanism Note; this tool is for selective downshift only and
that holds the shifting keys retracted while may be used in conjunction with the standard B
running into the well and consequently through Type Shifting Tool.
SSDs that are not required to be shifted. Picking
up through the appropriate sleeve, the shifting
keys are released by the dogs engaging the
packing bore(s) of the SSD.
Technical Specifications
SSD O.D. (Keys O.D. (Keys Fishneck Overall Connections Part
I.D. Expanded) Retracted) O.D. Length Box & Pin Number
1.375 1.63 1.35 1.00 11.12 sUN B084-002
1.500 1.69 1.49 1.187 12.44 ,UN B084-003
1.625 1.89 1.62 1.187 12.75 ,UN B084-001
1.710 2.12 1.69 1.187 13.00 ,UN B084-004
1.781 2.07 1.75 1.375 12.50 ,UN B084-005
1.875 2.16 1.84 1.375 13.30 ,UN B084-006
2.125 2.35 1.97 1.375 13.30 ,UN B084-007
2.188/2.313 2.60 2.15 1.750 13.94 ,UN B084-009
2.562 2.97 2.53 1.750 13.94 ,UN B084-010
B TYPE SELF RELEASING POSITIONING TOOL Selective keys may be used which have no self
The B Type Self Releasing Positioning Tool is release profile and rely on the shear pin as a
used to position the closing sleeve of Sliding Side release mechanism.
Doors to the open position or to the closed
position. This tool will not pass a No.1 Type S nipple.
Technical Specifications
Tubing Body Punch Fishneck Connections Part
Size O.D. Size O.D. Box & Pin Number
1.90 1.47 a 1.187 ,UN B103-004
2a 1.84 a 1.375 ,UN B103-001
2d 2.19 a 1.375 ,UN B103-002
32 2.69 v 2.313 1zUN B103-003
42 3.65 2 2.313 1zUN B103-007