Road Const Inspection Procedure

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Town of New Boston, NH

Road Construction
Inspection Procedures

Adopted March 22, 2011

Amended March 25, 2014





Responsibilities of Contractor........................................................................................ 1
Responsibilities of Developer ........................................................................................ 1
Responsibilities of Town's Consulting Engineer ........................................................... 2
Responsibilities of Town of New Boston Road Committee .......................................... 2
Criteria for Materials Testing Firm ................................................................................ 3
Criteria for Geotechnical Engineering Consultant ......................................................... 3
Required Layout to be Provided and Maintained by Contractor Throughout
Construction ................................................................................................................... 3
Construction Administration
Prior to Pre-Construction Meeting ..................................................................... 5
Pre-Construction Meetings ................................................................................ 5
Inspection Reports ............................................................................................. 5
Communication .................................................................................................. 6
Design Changes ................................................................................................. 6
Bond Administration .......................................................................................... 6
Punch Lists ......................................................................................................... 7
Site Inspections
Erosion Control .................................................................................................. 7
Clearing & Grubbing ......................................................................................... 7
Earthwork (Cuts & Fills)
Ledge Removal ...................................................................................... 7
Earth Cuts............................................................................................... 8
Earth Fills ............................................................................................... 8
Compaction Testing ............................................................................... 8
Underground Utilities (UGU) ............................................................................ 9
Drainage Improvements
Drainage Pipe & Structures ................................................................... 9
Underdrain ............................................................................................. 9
Stormwater Management Basins (SWMB) ........................................... 9
Earth Conveyance Channels, Treatment Swales & Level Spreaders .... 10
Roadway Gravel Box ......................................................................................... 10
Subgrade ................................................................................................ 10
Gravel ..................................................................................................... 10
Crushed Gravel ...................................................................................... 10
Special Inspections (as applicable)
Fire Cisterns ........................................................................................... 11
Box Culverts, Bridges & Retaining Walls ............................................. 11
Concrete Placement ............................................................................... 11

Roadway Paving ................................................................................................ 11
Binder Course ........................................................................................ 11
Wearing Course ..................................................................................... 12
As-Builts ............................................................................................................ 12

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

Town of New Boston

Road Construction Inspection Procedures
The Town of New Boston has an established protocol to ensure that roadway improvements and
associated infrastructure are constructed per the approved plans, NHDOT specifications, and
accepted industry standards.

In order to facilitate this process, the Developer, Contractor and Town's Consulting Engineer
shall perform the responsibilities outlined below:

Responsibilities of Contractor:

Construct improvements per the approved plans using industry standards;

Maintain open communication with the Town's Consulting Engineer
regarding construction schedule;
Notify the Town's Consulting Engineer 24-hours in advance of all desired
Maintain horizontal and vertical control sufficient to construct improvements
per the approved plan and to support required inspection and testing. **See
below for details.
Notify the Town's Consulting Engineer of any necessary field changes,
material substitutions, and/or the discovery of any design errors;
Perform the reoccurring inspections required by the EPA NPDES
Construction General Permit. The Contractor shall also make revisions to the
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as site conditions require.
Place and have ready for inspection a minimum of 300 linear feet of
subgrade, embankment and/or lift of select materials prior to request for
inspection by the Town's Consulting Engineer, unless otherwise determined by
the Town's Consulting Engineer.

Responsibilities of Developer:

Ensure the improvements are constructed according to the approved plans.

Maintain open communication with the Town's Consulting Engineer,
Contractor, Planning Department and Planning Board as necessary
regarding construction schedule, and questions or concerns regarding

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

The Developer has the option at any time to hire their own materials testing
firm to perform the materials testing required by the Town. See below for

Responsibilities of Town's Consulting Engineer:

Verify improvements are constructed per the approved plan and that industry
standards are adhered to;
Maintain open communication with the Contractor and Town staff regarding
progress throughout construction;
Prepare inspection reports documenting site visits;
Provide timely inspections of progress when given 24-hours' notice by the
Notify the Contractor of deficiencies in materials and/or methods;
Advise the Contractor of Town of New Boston regulations and/or policies that
affect construction;
Review and recommend approval of Contractor's repair and corrective action
plans as needed;
Retain a qualified geotechnical engineering consultant to perform testing and
consulting on an as needed basis. See below for details.*;
Provide a qualified inspector familiar with roadway infrastructure
construction, NHDOT specifications, and industry standards. Inspector shall
be a New Hampshire licensed professional engineer or have a minimum of
three years of experience inspecting roadway construction projects.
Invoice Town on timely basis (monthly) for construction monitoring services
performed. All invoices are to be accompanied with corresponding inspection
reports that shall also include a time log documenting arrival on site, start of
inspections, completion of inspections and time of departure from site. All
reports and invoices shall also be copied to the Developer/Contractor.
Be equipped with a string line, tape measure, 100-ft tape, pop level, smart
level, temperature gauge, and have access to a piece of survey equipment
(level, rotary level, or other instrument) capable of spot checking the
contractor's grades if desired. This equipment shall be available as needed to
perform site inspections. However, it is not intended to relieve the Contractor
from their obligation to provide and maintain horizontal and vertical control
sufficient to construct improvements per the approved plan.

Responsibilities of Town of New Boston Road Committee

Requests to use an alternate qualified materials testing firm and/or a

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

geotechnical engineering firm in place of the one retained by the Town's

Consulting Engineer should be presented to the Town of New Boston Road
Committee prior to the pre-construction meeting. In the event that the
Developer disagrees with the Town of New Boston Road Committee on the
qualifications of the proposed firm, the Planning Board must be consulted.

* To assure that construction materials and methods meet New Boston specifications the
following professionals shall be retained to perform as needed laboratory & field testing
and/or provide geotechnical engineering advice during construction.

Criteria for Materials Testing Firm:

The Developer has the option to hire their own materials testing firm to perform
the materials testing required by the Town. The firm shall have a soils laboratory
and qualified technicians in soil, concrete and asphalt testing with at least one
staff member certified by NETTCP (or equivalent experience as determined by
the Town of New Boston Road Committee). If the Developer elects to hire their
own independent third party testing firm they will be responsible to coordinate
testing to meet the criteria within the Road Construction Inspection Procedures.
The testing schedule shall be communicated to the Town's Consulting Engineer
with a minimum of 24-hours' notice. All test results and reports shall be copied to
the Town's Consulting Engineer by the material testing firm.

Criteria for Geotechnical Engineering Consultant:

A qualified geotechnical engineering firm with a soils laboratory and qualified

technicians in soil, concrete and asphalt testing shall be retained by the Town's
Consulting Engineer to provide geotechnical testing and engineering advice as
necessary. The firm should have at least one staff member certified by NETTCP
(or equivalent experience as determined by the Town of New Boston Road
Committee) and a New Hampshire licensed Geotechnical Engineer. The Town's
Consulting Engineer shall seek geotechnical engineering advice from a
geotechnical engineer when he/she feels that site conditions warrant this type of

In the event that the Developer elects to use their own (Road Committee
approved) materials testing firm, the Geotechnical Engineering Consultant will
perform Quality Assurance testing at the discretion of the Town's Consulting
Engineer. In cases where the Developer does not wish to provide their own
materials testing firm the Town's Consulting Engineer will have their
Geotechnical Engineering Consultant perform all required materials testing.

** Required Layout to be Provided and Maintained by Contractor throughout


Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

All benchmarks and layout stakes shall be clearly marked with a label and elevation as
appropriate. The Contractor shall establish and be responsible for the preservation of all
required layout control. Any benchmarks or construction stakes that are carelessly or
wilfully destroyed or disturbed by the Contractor shall be replaced or transferred by the
Contractor in a timely fashion. If any reference points are made inaccessible by the
progress of construction they shall be transferred to a location where they are useable.

Prior to clearing site, the Contractor shall provide flagging which marks the proposed
limits of clearing and designates any sensitive areas that may need special attention (i.e.
wetlands, buffers, property lines, etc.).

Prior to grubbing site, the Contractor shall provide the following layout outside the
limits of work, which shall be maintained for the project duration:
Permanent benchmarks every 500-feet along the roadway and in locations where
cross-country improvements are proposed shall be installed and clearly labeled
with an elevation.
Along all tangent sections of roadway side stakes shall be provided every 200-feet
at even stations.
At each horizontal curve along a roadway the Point of Curvature (PC) and Point
of Tangency (PT) shall be staked. In addition curves shall be side staked at every
100-foot station.
The center points of all cul-de-sacs shall be staked.

Prior to commencing fill placement, the Contractor shall install the following stakes:
Roadway centerline every 100-foot station.
The toe of slope of the 1.5:1 down from the finish grade every 100-foot station
(indicates structural fill limits for roadway).

Prior to installing structures (i.e. catch basins, drain manholes, outlet structures,
headwalls, etc.), drainage, or underdrain, the Contractor shall provide the following:
Layout for horizontal location of the proposed infrastructure.
Local vertical control with which to set infrastructure elevations.

Prior to construction of detention ponds, access roads, treatment swales, level

spreaders, and drainage swales, the Contractor shall provide the following:
Layout for horizontal location of the proposed improvements.
Stakes at critical components to define design elevations.

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

Prior to requesting subgrade or roadway select inspections, the Contractor shall

install the following stakes:
Roadway centerline every 50-feet with grades marked for subgrade, gravel grade,
crushed gravel grade and finish grade.
Outside edge of shoulder every 50-feet with grades marked for subgrade, gravel
grade, crushed gravel grade, and finish grade.
Center point of cul-de-sac.

Construction Administration

Prior to Pre-construction Meeting - Once the Planning Department has indicated that a
project has satisfactorily addressed its conditions of approval and prior to the Town's
Consulting Engineer scheduling a pre-construction meeting, a Developer may request a
specific qualified materials testing firm and/or a geotechnical engineering firm to use in
place of the one retained by the Town's Consulting Engineer.

Pre-construction Meetings Once the Planning Department has indicated that a project
has satisfactorily addressed its conditions of approval, the Town's Consulting Engineer
shall schedule the pre-construction meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the
Planning Department, Developer, Contractor, Subdivider/Applicant, Road Agent, design
engineer, Fire Department if a cistern is involved, and Selectmen (if available and
interested). The Town's Consulting Engineer shall prepare an agenda, run the meeting,
prepare minutes and distribute to attendees. Each attendee shall provide their contact
information and indicate which is their preferred method to be contacted/receive

All projects disturbing more than an acre of land shall be covered by the EPA NPDES
Construction General Permit. The Developer/Contractor shall file a Notice of Intent
(NOI) with the EPA and have a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
prepared for the site. Construction shall not commence until the permit is active on the
EPA website.

Inspection Reports The Town's Consulting Engineer shall prepare inspection reports
documenting site inspections and shall disseminate by email (or regular mail if requested)
all construction inspection reports on a rolling weekly cycle, i.e. reports will be
distributed by Friday for the week ending the Friday prior. Reports shall be submitted to
the Town and the Developer/Contractor for their records. Reports shall also be submitted
in hard copy with the Town's Consulting Engineers monthly invoices.

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

Communication Both the Town's Consulting Engineer and the Contractor shall
maintain regular communication with each other and town staff as needed. When
construction is in full swing the Town's Consulting Engineer and the Contractor should
be in contact with each other daily to ensure all necessary inspections are completed. As
needed the Town's Consulting Engineer shall provide written correspondence to the
Planning Board. All correspondence shall be copied to the Developer and the Contractor
as applicable.

Design Changes In the event that the Developer or Contractor needs to make changes
to the approved plan during construction, the Developer/Contractor shall submit the
proposed change in writing with justification and/or plans and calculations as needed.
The Town's Consulting Engineer, along with the Town's Road Agent, may approve
changes in the field as they see appropriate as long as it does not change the original
intent of the approved plan. Design change decisions shall be documented on that day's
construction inspection report. Additionally, the Town's Consulting Engineer shall send
the Planning Board a detailed letter documenting the design change request, the
information (plans, reports, calculations, etc.) submitted as part of the request, the
decision making process, and the decision reached.

In cases where proposed elevation changes of more than 12" (twelve inches) or
realignment of roadway are requested by the Developer/Contractor, the Planning Board
must be consulted.

If the Town's Consulting Engineer and the Town's Road Agent disagree on the proposed
changes; or, if the Developer/Contractor disagrees with the decision of the Town's
Consulting Engineer and Town's Road Agent; or, if the Town's Consulting Engineer
and/or the Town's Road Agent want Planning Board input, the Planning Board must be
consulted. The Developer/Contractor should be aware that the Planning Board meets at
most twice monthly and that advanced notice is required to get put on a specific meeting

Bond Administration In order to start construction the Developer must post the bond
amount stipulated by the Planning Board as a condition of the project approval. During
construction the Developer may request bond reductions based on work completed. The
Town's Consulting Engineer shall prepare and submit a bond reduction recommendation
to the Planning Board in response to each reduction request. Each bond reduction request
will be discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board. The Developer
is allowed to request multiple reductions during construction, but is encouraged to have
made significant progress since the last reduction.

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

Punch Lists The Town's Consulting Engineer shall prepare a written list of outstanding
items once a project is near completion and/or at the Developer or Contractor's request.
The punch list is intended to identify remaining work to prepare the project for
acceptance. Omission of items from a punch list does not excuse the Developer/
Contractor from constructing the improvements as approved and in conformance with
Town specifications. Given the fact that erosion and other infrastructure damage can
occur over time the Town reserves the right to add items to a punch list. Ultimately, the
expectation is that the Contractor satisfactorily addresses all punch list items before the
roadway will be considered for acceptance. Once the Town's Consulting Engineer is
satisfied that the improvements are complete, the Consulting Engineer shall write a letter
of recommendation to the Planning Board. Upon receipt of such letter the Planning Board
will schedule a compliance site walk and subsequent compliance hearing at a regular
scheduled Planning Board meeting.

Site Inspections

Erosion Control Prior to commencing stump removal and/or earth excavation the
Contractor shall install the best management practices specified by the design engineer to
prevent erosion. The Town's Consulting Engineer should inspect the site to make sure
these measures have been properly installed (i.e. silt fence, stabilized construction exit,
etc.) before construction continues.

It is the Contractor's responsibility to monitor the site on an ongoing basis. Maintenance

of erosion control measures and/or installation of supplemental measures is part of this
responsibility. During site visits the Town's Consulting Engineer should make it a point
to identify any deficiencies observed with the erosion control measures. The Contractor
should be sure to inspect erosion control measures/site stabilization as required by the
Construction General Permit and after all rainfall events of more than 0.5-inches.

Clearing & Grubbing Before any fill material or roadway gravel is placed the Town's
Consulting Engineer shall inspect the limits of work to confirm removal of all stumps,
loam, organic, and deleterious material. This inspection will also provide an opportunity
to verify that the subbase material is suitable before fill is placed.

Earthwork (Cuts & Fills)

o Ledge Removal Infrastructure construction may require ledge removal. The
Developer/ Contractor shall hire a licensed blasting company to perform drilling
and blasting in a safe manner. All NH state laws shall be adhered to. The Town's
Consulting Engineer shall perform part-time inspections of blasting progress to
verify blasting limits, adherence to the design maximum ledge cut face slope,

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

monitor for groundwater seepage, and handling of surface water over the top of
ledge cuts.
o Earth Cuts On-site cut material may be used as fill as long as it is not clay or
excessively silty material, nor too wet. The Contractor should consult with the
Town's Consulting Engineer about any onsite material they wish to use as fill to
determine if it is acceptable and/or where it may be used. The Town's Consulting
Engineer shall monitor earth cuts with part-time inspections of progress.
o Earth Fills The Contractor shall provide the Town's Consulting Engineer 24-
hours notice of any fill operation proposed. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall
obtain a proctor value for each material proposed for fill. All fill shall be placed in
lifts, per specifications. Compaction of fill slopes shall be performed within the
fill area extending from the finish grade downward at a 1.5:1 ratio for the entire
height of the fill. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall arrange for on-site
density testing of lifts on the first day of fill placement. This testing is intended to
confirm adequate compaction is being achieved and establish the Contractor's
means and methods. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall use their discretion as
to the need for ongoing testing of fill operations. Consistency of fill material,
Contractor's means and methods, and compaction results shall all be considered
when determining the need for ongoing testing.
When ledge fills are proposed the Town's Consulting Engineer shall monitor the
fill operation to verify material maximum size, use of a well graded material,
maximum lift size, placement of choke layers, and appropriate compaction and
consolidation efforts. The composition of blasted rock and/or crushed ledge can
vary from one site to the next. With that said the Town's Consulting Engineer
shall seek guidance from a geotechnical engineer regarding rock placement
specifications as needed.
o Compaction Testing Compaction testing shall be performed on all fill
operations and roadway gravels (NHDOT 304.2 - Gravel & NHDOT 304.3 -
Crushed Gravel). Testing shall be performed by a reputable geotechnical
engineering firm with certified technicians. The Town's Consulting Engineer is
responsible to coordinate all soil testing. Compaction testing frequencies shall be
consistent with the following, unless otherwise determined by the Town's
Consulting Engineer:
Roadway Fills At each lift per specifications
Gravel (304.2) 500-foot intervals on alternating lanes
Crushed Gravel (304.3) 500-foot intervals on alternating lanes

In the event that compaction results are not meeting the required density and/or
there is any reason to believe that the material has changed, the Town's
Consulting Engineer shall take a sample of the placed material and have a sieve

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

analysis & modified proctor performed. This laboratory testing will confirm if the
placed material is significantly different than the original sample.

Underground Utilities (UGU) - The Developer/Contractor is responsible to install UGU

per the service provider's specifications. Prior to starting installation the Developer/
Contractor shall provide the Town's Consulting Engineer with the UGU layout plan. The
Town's Consulting Engineer shall perform part-time inspections of the UGU installation
to ensure conduit is being installed in the proper location. The Contractor is responsible
to keep UGU field notes to assist the surveyor in preparation of as-built plans.

Drainage Improvements
o Drainage Pipe & Structures The Contractor shall provide the Town's Consulting
Engineer with 24-hours' notice of their intent to install drainage pipe, outlet
structures, catch basins, manholes, and/or end sections. All drainage
improvements shall be inspected by the Town's Consulting Engineer on a full-
time basis. Inspections shall verify size, layout, bedding, backfill, and installation
procedures of all drainage infrastructure. Throughout construction the Contractor
is responsible to maintain vertical and horizontal control sufficient to construct
the improvements per plan. The Town's Consulting Engineer is not responsible to
check the control provided by the Contractor, but shall monitor layout of the
improvements. In the event that the Town's Consulting Engineer observes a
discrepancy with the layout, he/she shall point out the discrepancy to the
Contractor and see that the Contractor resolves the situation. At the discretion of
the Town's Consulting Engineer drainage inspections may be reduced to a part-
time basis.
o Underdrain Once a rough roadway subgrade has been established the Town's
Consulting Engineer shall walk the road with the Town of New Boston Road
Agent to assess if additional underdrain will be required. Underdrain shall be
installed in all locations where it is anticipated that the roadway may intercept
groundwater. All underdrain shall outlet to a headwall, catch basin, or drain
manhole. Similar to drainage pipe, underdrain shall be inspected on a full-time
basis unless the Town's Consulting Engineer deems otherwise.
o Stormwater Management Basins (SWMB) The Contractor shall notify the
Town's Consulting Engineer when proceeding with SWMB construction. Basin
berm construction shall be performed in lifts. Care shall be taken to construct
slopes, inlets, outlets, and access drives per the plan. The Town's Consulting
Engineer shall monitor SWMB on a full-time basis when the Contractor is
installing stormwater management basin outlet structures and related pipe. The
remainder of basin construction shall be monitored on a part-time basis.

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

o Earth Conveyance Channels, Treatment Swales, & Level Spreaders The

Contractor shall construct these stormwater conveyance facilities in accordance
with the approved plans. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall perform part-time
inspections during the Contractor's progress.

Roadway Gravel Box

The Contractor shall install grade stakes at 50-foot intervals along roadway centerline and
right & left offsets of gravel box. Each stake shall be marked with the subgrade, gravel
grade, crushed gravel grade, and finish grade. At each level of the roadway box
construction the Town's Consulting Engineer shall inspect and string the road to verify
that the elevations are within allowable tolerances. Prior to placing gravel or crushed
gravel the Contractor shall provide the Town's Consulting Engineer with a sample of
each product. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall have laboratory testing performed
on each sample to verify that the Contractor's materials meet NHDOT specifications for
gravel (304.2) and crushed gravel (304.3) respectively. Any sample that meets the sieve
analysis for NHDOT specifications shall have a modified proctor value established to be
used during compaction testing. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall perform part-time
inspection of roadway select material placement. The Contractor shall grade and compact
each level to meet specifications. Compaction shall be performed by a vibratory roller. If
needed the Contractor shall provide a water truck to dampen the roadway selects to
achieve the required compaction.
o Subgrade The Contractor shall grade the subgrade to match the design
elevations. Subgrade shall be at or below the design elevation and be graded with
a crown. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall approve the subgrade before
gravel placement commences.
o Gravel Shall meet NHDOT 304.2 and shall be compacted to 95% of the
modified proctor. The Contractor shall grade the gravel to match the design
elevations. Gravel shall be placed at or below the design elevation and be graded
with a crown. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall approve the gravel before
crushed gravel placement commences.
o Crushed Gravel Shall meet NHDOT 304.3 and shall be compacted to 95% of
the modified proctor. Sample testing shall include wear test and verification of
fractured faces specification per NHDOT 304.3. The Contractor shall grade the
crushed gravel to match the design elevations. Crushed gravel shall be placed at
the design elevation and be graded with a crown. The Town's Consulting
Engineer shall approve the crushed gravel before paving commences. Crushed
gravel fine grading shall be performed by a roadway grader with automated grade
control. The crushed gravel surface shall be compacted and uniformly graded
before paving commences.

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

Special Inspections (as applicable)

o Fire Cisterns Due to the complex nature of cistern construction the Town's
Consulting Engineer shall organize a cistern pre-construction meeting when the
Contractor is ready to begin its construction. Cistern inspections shall be
performed in accordance with the Application for Inspection forms in the
Subdivision Regulations. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall inspect
construction on a part-time basis. However, when the tanks are being placed and
backfilled full-time inspection is expected.
o Box Culverts, Bridges, & Retaining Walls The Contractor shall provide the
Town's Consulting Engineer with a design plan prepared by a professional
engineer licensed in the State of New Hampshire prior to construction. Before
construction commences the design plans shall be reviewed and approved by the
Town's Consulting Engineer. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall determine the
frequency of inspections necessary based on the length, height, and type of
structure proposed. It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide material
samples and shop drawings to the Town's Consulting Engineer for approval
before commencing construction. Compaction testing of bedding and backfill
shall be performed by the Town's Consulting Engineer.
o Concrete Placement Any improvements with cast-in-place concrete work shall
be inspected by the Town's Consulting Engineer. Inspection frequency will be at
their discretion. Shop drawings shall be provided by the Contractor before
construction begins. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall inspect rebar, pouring
of concrete, and finish. Concrete testing shall include field sampling, PSI testing,
testing the concrete slump, air entrainment percentage, and temperature. Concrete
placement shall occur within 1.5-hours of being loaded at batch plant.

Roadway Paving
Paving shall be performed in accordance with NHDOT specifications. The Town's
Consulting Engineer shall inspect pavement placement on a full-time basis. Inspections
shall confirm suitable weather conditions exist during paving operation. Ambient
temperature, ground surface temperature, pavement temperature, paving equipment, mix
type and yield shall be monitored. Compaction testing shall be performed during each
day of pavement placement. Tests shall be performed at distances no greater than 1,500
feet. The Town's Consulting Engineer shall arrange to have the Marshall Value of the
material being placed tested at the batch plant for use during compaction testing. At least
one pavement core shall be taken from the roadway, during each day of pavement
placement. Additional cores shall be taken at the discretion of the Town's Consulting
Engineer. Cores shall be evaluated to determine compacted thickness and bulk density.
o Binder Course Prior to binder course placement the roadway shall be fine
graded with a roadway grader with automated grade control. The crushed gravel

Town of New Boston
Road Construction Inspection Procedures

surface shall be compacted and uniformly graded before paving commences. All
locations where the binder course is matching into existing pavement shall be
swept and tacked with emulsion. In locations where the existing pavement does
not have a uniform edge the Town's Consulting Engineer may request that the
edge be sawcut. The Contractor shall provide adequate control to allow the paving
contractor to lay out the roadway and any associated flares.
o Wearing Course - Prior to wearing course placement the roadway shall be dry and
swept of all sand/debris. The binder shall be tacked with emulsion shortly before
the wearing course is installed. When tying into existing pavement the contractor
shall consult with the Town's Consulting Engineer as to how the match should be
made. Cold planing the joint will ordinarily be recommended.

As-Builts Prior to the road being accepted by the Town the Developer is required to
provide an as-built of the constructed infrastructure in accordance with the Subdivision
Regulations. The Developer shall submit this plan to the Town's Consulting Engineer for
review. The Town's Consulting Engineer will review the as-built plan to verify the
constructed improvements match the intent of the design plan. In the event that the
review of the as-built plan raises concerns the Town's Consulting Engineer will notify the
Developer/Contractor of the issue(s). The Developer/Contractor will take necessary
measures to address the identified concerns to the satisfaction of the Town's Consulting


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