Hydraulic Ram and Solar Powered Water Pumping Training Manual
Hydraulic Ram and Solar Powered Water Pumping Training Manual
Hydraulic Ram and Solar Powered Water Pumping Training Manual
Solar Pump
Fredrik Bjarnegard, Allen Chou, Sukon ”Tae” Phunpunyakorakul, Yotin Pupaolan, Salinee Tavaranan
A collaboration of
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Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3
Water – the primary source of life........................................................................................................ 3
Different ways of pumping water ......................................................................................................... 3
Water Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Surface water vs Groundwater.............................................................................................................. 5
Water Demand ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Water Storage ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Water Distribution ................................................................................................................................ 6
Solar pumping......................................................................................................................................... 8
The technology ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Performance........................................................................................................................................ 10
Designing a solar pumping system ..................................................................................................... 11
Calculation example ........................................................................................................................... 11
Hydraulic ram pump............................................................................................................................ 13
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 13
How a hydram works.......................................................................................................................... 13
Performance........................................................................................................................................ 15
Designing a hydraulic ram pump system............................................................................................ 16
Calculation example ........................................................................................................................... 17
Installation requirements .................................................................................................................... 18
References.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 21
Appendix A Formulae for Energy and Power............................................................................. 22
Appendix B Specification for Diesel Pump ................................................................................ 23
Appendix C Specification for Solar Panels................................................................................. 24
Appendix D Specification for Yeser 12 V DC water pump........................................................ 25
Appendix E Hydraulic Ram Pump Tuning................................................................................. 31
Appendix F 1” Ram Pump Test Results ..................................................................................... 33
Appendix G Steps in Installing Hydraulic Ram Pump System................................................... 40
Appendix H Problems and Solutions during Ram Pump Installation ......................................... 41
Water – the primary source of life
Water is the primary source of life for mankind and one of the most basic necessities for rural
development. Two-thirds of the world’s households use a water source outside the home1. Often it
must be carried by hand, and since water is heavy it is very hard work. Therefore it is convenient to be
able to pump water.
Women, A World Report Debbie Taylor et al, UN/Methuen 1985.
All pumping techniques above have one thing in common. They require energy. In this training, we
will cover a few different energy sources that can be used for water pumping. These are diesel engines,
solar (photovoltaic [PV]) panels and ram pump. Diesel, gasoline, and kerosene pumps (including
windmills) have traditionally been used to pump water. However, reliable solar (photovoltaic [PV])
and ram pumps are becoming an attractive alternative to the traditional power sources. These
technologies, powered by renewable energy sources (solar and hydro), are especially useful in remote
locations where a steady fuel supply is problematic and skilled maintenance personnel are scarce.
Water Resources
Surface water vs Groundwater
The available water resource is an important criterion for choosing the kind of energy sources for any
given water pumping application. Water can come either from surface water or groundwater. Surface
water includes lakes, rivers, seawater, and rainwater; groundwater is found in underground aquifers,
including springs. Groundwater can be shallow or deep depending on the ground’s hydrological
formation. Surface water can dry up in the dry season depending on the kind of aquifer, the annual
rainfall, and the geographical location (such as arid, semiarid, and humid climates). These factors also
affect the depth of the water table.
The water resource identified should be large enough to fulfill the demand. Unusual climate changes
such as droughts and seasonal variation of the water table must be considered. In general, large
quantities of water are required for irrigation. The amount of water required for domestic water
supplies and livestock watering in rural areas generally depends on the size of the human and livestock
Water Demand
Water demand is another important criterion for designing rural water supply systems. The three main
areas of need are:
• Village water supply
• Water for livestock
• Water for irrigation
Water demand for village water supplies is estimated from population size and from the daily per
capita water consumption. A person needs 5 liters a day for drinking and cooking; 25 more to stay
clean. Water consumption also depends on the availability of water. Table 2 shows typical daily water
consumption for households with varying water access.
Table 2 Typical Daily Water Consumption for Households2
Type of Household Daily Water Consumption
Households with dishwashers, washing 1,000
machines, and sprinklers
Households with a piped supply and taps 100-350
Households using a public hydrant in the 20-70
Households depending on a stream or 2-5
handpump several miles distant
Water for Agriculture, Sandra Postel (Worldwatch 1989)
Similarly, demand for livestock watering is estimated from the number of animals using the system
multiplied by the per capita water consumption. Typical daily water consumption for farm animals is
shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Typical Daily Water Consumption for Farm Animals
Type of Animal Daily Water Consumption
Dairy cows 80
Beef brood cows 50
Horses and mules 50
Calves 30
Pigs 20
Sheep and goats 10
Chickens 0.1
Unlike demands for domestic and livestock water supplies, water demand for crop irrigation is
seasonal. Because some crops require a maximum water supply for a relatively short growing season,
all irrigation systems need to be designed for peak water demands. Estimating the water demand for an
irrigation application is complex and is beyond the scope of this training. However, local practice and
experience are probably the best guides to estimating water requirements for a specific application.
Table 4 shows the estimated daily water requirements for various types of crop irrigation.
Table 4 Estimated Maximum Daily Water Demand for Various Types of Crop Irrigation
Crops Daily Water Requirement
Rice 100
Rural village farms 60
Cereals 45
Sugar cane 65
Cotton 55
Water Storage
Storage is necessary for good water management. The available power resource must be considered
when determining storage size. The size of water tanks for conventional systems depends only on the
peak and average daily water demand. PV systems, on the other hand, depend on daily weather
conditions. Cloudy days with poor solar radiation create problems for meeting the daily water demand,
so water tanks should be larger for such systems. Generally, 3 days of storage is recommended for
renewable energy water pumping systems. Water tanks can be smaller if alternative water sources,
such as hand pumps and rainwater, are available. In rural areas rainwater can be collected to water
livestock and wash clothes, depending on the amount of annual rainfall distribution in the area. Surface
water that flows year-round (such as a river) can also be used for such tasks, reducing the need for
large capacity water tanks.
Water Distribution
To distribute water fairly to the rural community, pumping it first to the tank and then distributing it
from the tank by using gravity is recommended. This way, enough pressure can be built up at the water
tank to distribute water by gravity. In addition, water will continuously flow in the tank, which helps to
reduce the growth of bacteria. Finally, this helps maintain any leakage with little water loss and few
interruptions to other distribution areas. However, distribution pipes must be sized carefully because
smaller pipes create more friction than bigger pipes. Because oversized distribution pipes will raise the
investment costs of the system, there are tradeoffs. The rural distribution network is relatively small, so
leakage in these systems is less of a concern than in city water supplies. The water pressure in the
distribution pipe is generally low in these systems and the chances of the pipe bursting are very
Solar pumping
PV technology converts the sun’s energy into electricity (DC) when the PV module (array) is exposed
to sunlight. The PV module can also be used for AC applications using an inverter. PV is especially
suitable for water pumping because energy need not be stored for night pumping. Instead, water can be
stored to supply water at night.
The technology
Solar pump systems are broadly configured into 5 types as described below:
Reciprocating positive displacement pump (Figure 3)
The reciprocating positive displacement pump (often
known as the jack or nodding donkey) is very suitable for
high head, low flow applications. The output is
proportional to the speed of the pump. At high heads the
frictional forces are low compared to the hydrostatic forces
often making positive displacement pumps more efficient
than centrifugal pumps for this situation. Reciprocating
positive displacement pumps create a cyclic load on the
motor which, for efficient operation, needs to be balanced.
Hence, the above ground components of the solar pump are
often heavy and robust, and power controllers for
impedance matching often used.
The performance of some commercially available products is shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that
solar pumps are available to pump from anywhere in the range of up to 200m head and with outputs of
up to 250m3/day. The product of head and output is defined as m4. DC pumps normally have m4 value
below 1500-2000. Many systems pump water using solar energy with m4 above 2000, but here they
use AC pumps and inverters and are getting into much larger systems. The m4 diagram of the 50W DC
pump that we will use for demonstration purposes during this training can be found in Appendix D.
Power is the amount of energy per time and is expressed in Watts (W).
where P is the power in Watts (W), W is the energy in Joule (J), and t is the time in seconds (s).
Because of inefficiencies in both the pump and the solar panel, the required input is larger than the
power output. This is described by the following formula.
Pi = o
where Pi is the required input power (from the solar panel), Po is the power output (the water pumped
to a higher altitude), and f is the efficiency (eg. 1 is 100% efficiency and 0.5 is 50% efficiency).
Calculation example
2. Determine the characteristics of the available water supply
The village has a well with a depth of 3 meters, and a storage tank elevated on a hill, with the top of
the tank 15 meters above the ground where the well is.
Assuming we can get an average of 3 hours of sunlight per day, this is:
3h = 3 × 60 × 60 = 10,800s
With a total system efficiency of 30% this would require a solar array of:
Pi = = 1235W , which is between 600 W and 1400 W as indicated in Figure 6.
Hydraulic ram pump
The hydraulic ram pump, or hydram, concept was first developed by the Mongolfier brothers in France
in 1796 (they are better remembered for their pioneering work with hot-air balloons).
Essentially, a hydram is an automatic pumping device which utilizes a small fall of water to lift a
fraction of the supply flow to a much greater height; i.e. it uses a larger flow of water falling through a
small head to lift a small flow of water through a higher head. The main virtue of the hydram is that its
only moving parts are two valves, and it is therefore mechanically very simple. This gives it very high
reliability, minimal maintenance requirements and a long operation life.
Figures 7-10 illustrates the principle; initially (Figure 7) the impulse valve (or waste valve since it is
the non-pumped water exit) will be open under
gravity (or in some designs it is held open by a
light spring) and water will therefore flow down
the drive pipe (through a strainer) from the water
source. As the flow accelerates, the hydraulic
pressure under the impulse valve and the static
pressure in the body of the hydram will increase
until the resulting forces overcome the weight of
the impulse valve and start to close it. As soon
as the valve aperture decreases, the water
pressure in the hydram body builds up rapidly
and slams the impulse valve shut.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Air trapped in the air chamber is
simultaneously compressed to a pressure
exceeding the delivery pressure. Even-
tually the column of water in the drive
pipe comes to a halt and the static pressure
in the casing then falls to near the supply
head pressure. The delivery valve will then
close, when the pressure in the air
chamber exceeds that in the casing. Water
will continue to be delivered after the
delivery valve has closed until the
compressed air in the air chamber has
expanded to a pressure equal to the
delivery head (Figure 9). The air chamber
is a vital component, as apart from
improving the efficiency of the process by
Figure 9
allowing delivery to continue after the
delivery valve has closed, it is also essential to cushion the shocks that would otherwise occur due to
the incompressible nature of water.
A check valve is included in the delivery pipe to
prevent return flow. When the delivery valve closes,
the reduced pressure in the hydram body will allow
the impulse valve to drop under its own weight,
thereby letting the cycle start all over again (Figure
10). Most hydrams operate at 30-100 cycles a minute.
This is because if the waste valve stays open too long, a smaller proportion of the throughput water is
pumped, so the efficiency is reduced, but if it closes too readily, then the pressure will not build up for
long enough in the hydram body, so again less water will be delivered. There is often an adjustable bolt
that limits the opening of the valve to a predetermined amount, which allows the device to be turned to
optimize its performance. A skilled installer should be able to adjust the waste valve on site to obtain
optimum performance. Please refer to Appendix E for further information regarding hydraulic ram
pump tuning. A storage tank is usually included at the top of the delivery pipe to allow water to be
drawn in variable amounts as needed.
The flow of water that a hydraulic ram pump can deliver depends on the head (H) and flow (Q) of the
water from the drive pipe, as well as the delivery head (h), i.e. the height difference between the ram
pump and the storage tank where the water should be pumped. The delivery flow (q) can be calculated
using the following formula:
H ×Q
q= f×
where f is the efficiency factor, H is the supply head, Q is the supply flow, and h is the delivery head.
A typical efficiency factor for commercial ram pumps is 60%, but up to 80% is possible. For home
made ram pumps this is usually lower.
Storage tank
Catchment tank Delivery pipe
Drive pipe
Q l
D q
H h
Ram pump
Hydrams are mostly intended for water supply duties, in hilly or mountainous areas, requiring small
flow rates delivered to high heads. They are less commonly used for irrigation purposes, where the
higher flow rates required will usually demand the use of larger sizes of hydram having 6-inch or 4-
inch drive pipes. Manufacturers usually describe the size of a hydram by the supply and delivery pipe
diameters (generally given in inches even in metric countries because of the common use of inch sizes
for pipe diameters); e.g. a 6 x 3 hydram has a 6-inch diameter drive pipe and a 3-inch diameter
delivery pipe. Table 5 indicates estimated performance for typical 4-inch x 2-inch and 6-inch x 3-inch
commercial hydrams.
Table 5 Typical ram pump performance data
Hydram size in inches 4” x 2” 6” x 3”
Head ratio (h/H) 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Drive flow Q (litres/s) 9.0 9.7 10.0 9.0 20.2 17.2 17.1 19.3
Delivery flow q (m3/day) 94 51 35 23 216 101 69 50
Efficiency f 61% 61% 61% 59% 62% 68% 70% 60%
The ram pump that will be used for demonstration purposes during this training is manufactured by the
AID foundation in the Philippines. It has a 1” drive pipe and a ½” delivery pipe. The performance data
for this ram pump can be found in Appendix F.
US AID, 1982
4. Determine the drive and delivery pipe size
The drive pipe diameter is usually chosen based on the size of the ram and the manufacturer's
recommendations as shown in Table 6. But there are also other factors to consider. The diameter of
both the drive pipe and the delivery pipe should not be smaller than their respective length divided by
1,000. If the diameter is too small the capacity will be reduced due to friction losses. The diameter
should also be large enough to handle the flow of water that should go through it. The table below can
be used for finding the right pipe size for the available flow.
Table 7 Possible flows for different pipe sizes4
Pipe diameter (inches) 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4”
Flow (liters/min) 6-36 37-60 61-90 91-234 235-360
Calculation example
A small community consists of 10 homes with a total of 60 people. There is a spring l0m lower than
the village, which drains to a wash 15m below the spring. The spring produces 30,000 liters of water
per day. There is a location for a ram on the bank of the wash. This site is 5m higher than the wash and
35m from the spring. A public standpost is planned for the village 200m from the ram site. The lift
required to the top of the storage tank is 23m.
Calculate the ratio between the length of the drive pipe (L) and the supply head (H).
L 35
= = 3.5
H 10
The length of the drive pipe should be at least three times the supply head, so this condition is also met.
US AID, 1982
Hydram can lift water to a maximum height of 150m according to Table 6. This will be adequate since
the delivery head to the top of the storage tank is 23m. Thus, a No. 2 Hydram would be selected.
For the delivery flow (2 liters/min), Table 7 shows that a 1” pipe is sufficient
Installation requirements
Figure 12 illustrates a typical hydram installation, pumping water to a small storage tank on a plateau.
It can be seen that the supply head is created in this case by creating a weir. In some cases a small
stream is diverted to provide the water supply.
Where greater capacity is needed, it is
common practice to install several
hydrams in parallel. This allows a
choice of how many to operate at any
one time so it can cater for variable
supply flows or variable demand.
Figure 13 shows an installation with
parallel ram pumps.
Figure 13
Multiple hydrams with
common delivery pipe
The hydram body requires to be firmly bolted to a concrete foundation, as the beats of its action apply
a significant shock load. The hydram should be located so that the waste valve is always located above
flood water level, as the device will cease to function if the waste valve becomes submerged. The
delivery pipe can be made from any material capable of carrying the pressure of water leading to the
delivery tank. In all except very high head applications, plastic pipe can be considered; with high
heads, the lower end of the delivery line might be better as steel pipe. The diameter of the delivery line
needs to allow for avoiding excessive pipe friction in relation to the flow rates envisaged and the
distance the water is to be conveyed. It is recommended that a hand-valve or check-valve (non-return
valve) should be fitted in the delivery line near the outlet from the hydram, so that the delivery line
does not have to be drained if the hydram is stopped for adjustment or any other reason. This will also
minimize any back flow past the delivery valve in the air chamber and improve efficiency.
For steps in installing hydraulic ram pump systems, please refer to Appendix G.
For problems that may occur during installation of ram pump systems, please refer to Appendix H.
The material for this training manual has been taken from the following sources:
N. Argaw, R. Foster and A. Ellis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA,
“Renewable Energy for Water Pumping Applications in Rural Villages”, NREL/SR-500-30361
Available electronically at http://www.osti.gov/bridge
AID Foundation
Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation Inc.
PO Box 297
Lot 30, Blk. 12, Puentebella Subd.,
Brgy. Taculing, Bacolod City,
Tel: (+63) 34 446 3629
Fax: (+63) 34 446 2336
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.aidfi.org
Other websites
Appendix A Formulae for Energy and Power
Energy can be in many different forms. It can never be destroyed, only transformed from one form of
energy to another.
Power is the amount of energy per time and is expressed in Watts (W).
where P is the power in Watts (W), W is the energy in Joule (J), and t is the time in seconds (s).
Appendix B Specification for Diesel Pump
Appendix C Specification for Solar Panels
Appendix D Specification for Yeser 12 V DC water pump
Appendix E Hydraulic Ram Pump Tuning
Appendix F 1” Ram Pump Test Results
Appendix G Steps in Installing Hydraulic Ram Pump System
Appendix H Problems and Solutions during Ram Pump Installation