8 Grade ALEGBRA: Class Procedures and Syllabus: Expectations

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8th Grade ALEGBRA: Class Procedures and Syllabus

January 25, 2017 Miss. Simpson [email protected] Room 301

Lets work together to make this an exciting and successful year!

1. Be on time, in your seat, and ready for class. This means you have
your pencil sharpened and you are in your seat ready for class when
the bell rings. After four tardies, you will be sent to the office.
2. Be on task and do not disrupt others in the class. Take class notes or
work on the activity or assignment as directed.
3. Respect others and their property.
4. Come prepared. This means bring all necessary materials to class.
5. Refer to any discussions/activities we may have done as a clss
regarding rules and expectations
6. Refer to the student handbook. The rules in the student handbook
apply in any school setting, including my classroom!


1. 3-ring binder.
2. 4 dividers for homework, notes, quizzes, and miscellaneous handouts.
Organization is very important in this class.
3. Pencils or pens. Either are acceptable for note taking, although only
pencils are allowed for exams. Also make sure you have a red pen for
correcting homework.

4. Calculator. Any calculator is allowed, but you are not required to have
a graphing calculator.

Homework Policy:

1. What is the homework? The homework is usually a prepared handout

or in the textbook. The homework assignment can be found on the
homework poster in the front of the classroom and I will also verbally
assign it.
2. How is it collected? Every morning, students will place their
homework in the black bin on the table in the front of the classroom.
It is an expectation that the homework is in the bin no later than 5
minutes after the bell rings.
3. What happens if its late? Late homework will be accepted with a
50% grade reduction if it is turned in the day after it is due. After
two days, the late homework will no longer be accepted. For larger
assignments or projects, 20 % will be deducted the first day it is late,
followed by 10% each additional day it is late. It will not be accepted
after 3 days.
4. How will it be graded? Each homework assignment will be worth 10
points. Most homework will be graded on accuracy. Occasionally,
homework will be graded on completion only.
5. Do I have to show my work? Yes! To receive full credit for each
question, showing your work is required.
6. Do I get any freebees? Yes! Each student will get a homework pass
at the beginning of the semester. They will also be given from time to
time for awards.
7. So you didnt do your homework? If a student doesnt turn in their
homework assignment, they will be told to write down the date, name
of assignment, and reason for not completely it. This document will
then go into the So you didnt do your homework binder.
0 missing assignments- REWARD- Homework Pass and Candy
1 missing assignments- REWARD- Candy
2 or 3 missing assignments- CONSEQUENCE- Lunch detention
4 or more missing assignments- CONSEQUENCE- Phone call
home and a lunch detention.
Rewards will be given at the end of each quarter. Consequences will be
given immediately.

Homework Help:

You can visit me during task, before school, or after school for help with

Absent Work Policy:

1. Homework due the day you are absent needs to be turned in on the
day you return. It will be considered late if it is not turned in the day
you return.
2. Homework assigned the day you are absent will have one day for
every day you are absent to be turned in. For example, if you were
absent for two days, you have two days from the day you return to
make up your missing work.
3. Absences due to band lessons or other school activities still count
as absences! You are still responsible for the work you miss in the
same way you would be responsible for the work if you were absent
from school.

It is your responsibility to retrieve your missing work! I will not

continuously ask you for your absent work.

Grading (weighted):
A weighted grade means that not all elements are worth the same amount
when it comes time to calculate the final grade. If you have further
questions on this, please feel free to email me.

Grading Scale
35% Tests
90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C
30% Quizzes 25%
60% - 69% D 59% and below F
Homework 10% Bell Work

Cheating Policy:

Using someone elses ideas, phrasing or words and representing those as your
own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is plagiarism. Please see
student handbook for the details of the consequences for cheating and

Dear Parent(s) and/ or Guardian(s);

I have gone through these rules with your child in my class during the first week.
My goal is to make sure that you are also award of these polices. It would be
beneficial to reiterate these rules with your child.

Also, I am asking that you fill out, sign, and return the bottom half of this page.

If you have nay questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available
before and after school, as well as during 3rd period (1:15-2:30).

Thank you for your time and support,

Miss. Simpson
8th grade Algebra
[email protected]

I have reviewed the materials in the syllabus, including expectations, homework

policy, absent policy, and all other details.

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______________________________________


Student Signature: ______________________________________________


Parent / Guardian Contact Information:

Name of Parent(s) and / or Guardian(s): __________________________________

Child resides with: ___________________________________________________

Method of preferred communication: _____________________________________

Best time for telephone contact: _________________________________________
Phone #: _________________________________

Alternate Phone #__________________________

Email Address (Please print clearly):


Do you have internet access at home? Y / N (Circle One)


Is there anything you would like to share about your child that you think would help me best
understand your childs educational needs? (i.e. allergies, medical, home life, academic or social

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