Physical Science 20 - Culturally Responsive

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Understanding by Design Unit Template

Foundations of Chemistry 11
Title of Unit Grade Level
Physical Science 20 Nine Week Period
Subject Time Frame (Seventeen lesson set)
Colton Hope
Developed By (ECUR 325, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan Assign, Dr. Jay Wilson, Monday March 26th, 2017)

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning
How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?

Lifelong Learners:
The context of students as lifelong learners through the Foundations of Chemistry unit are expressly depicted in their expansion of
knowledge relating to the environment and physical world, placing specific emphasis on their localized occupancies, and cultural World
Views. In developing furthered understanding of the physical world, students are driven toward the refined study of their own topics of
interest centered in the sciences through processes like; industrialization, mining, and agriculture. Being able to express these topics
through differentiated mediums elicits the capacity of lifelong learning in students. The supposition, of students as lifelong learners, is
directed through their naturalized interactions with the; communities they service, persons that they interact with, and impassioned
involvement with academic, and non-academic (cultural) knowledge bases. These interactions also serve to connect students with their
cultural roots, and biases. Leading hopefully, to a deeper understanding and continued pursuit for the knowledge what make them who
they are? What make their people who they are? How do they thrive? Survive? Live?
Sense of Self, Community, and Place:
Development of a sense of self, community, and place in the Foundations of Chemistry unit, is brought about by the contradiction of
students scientific ideologies and misconceptions, against scientific law and defined theories of scientists in the field. The defying of
these popular misconceptions, may be proven as either; isolated instances of the need for higher educational standard, or the direct
confliction with a students cultural world view, and Ways of Knowing. Students come to define their place in the community through
the expansion of the larger concepts related to science industrialization on a macroscopic level and the ways in which chemistry
impacts our environments. They come to understand that the universe is not constant and that on a subatomic level, constant change
defines their place in it. Establishing where they fit within it all; among things both large and small, students must come to contests not
only; their misconceptions, and the laws/theories of science, but also the directed teachings and spheres of influence that impact their
knowledge base stemming from; community involvement, parental guidance, and peer-relationships.
Engaging Citizens:
Learners are engaged as active citizens through the Foundations of Chemistry unit by developing conscious knowledge of industrialized
processes like agriculture and mining, how chemistry effects these processes and how those resultant affects can alter and disrupt our
natural environment. Through the introduction of ethnic and societal issues related to chemistry, students are prompted to speak their
minds and act upon their knowledge development. This infers that as students gain access to the knowledge of such controversial
societal outcomes that are systemic of the practicing and development of scientific/industrialized processes, that some action is to be
taken. Students must consider their external passions outside of the classroom, and how the negative environmental impacts of
accepted scientific practice can disrupt or disfigure the naturalization of these passions. Students must ask themselves; what can I do
to make a difference so that me and others may continue to live life as we have?
Cross curricular Competencies
How will this unit promote the CCC?

Developing Thinking:
Students develop thinking in the Foundations of Chemistry unit through their incorporation of theories based-in; subatomic particles,
the mole, and mathematics (stoichiometry), into how their own modern worlds industrialized processes of chemical reactivity impact
both; positively, and negatively, our modern day societal outcomes. They also learn to think abstractly about the physical world,
instead of simply taking for granted the daily functions of life, they are pushed to consider; the different types of reactions that make
up chemical processes, and how the constant chaining-together of these reactions creates the world around them. Following the
outlining of scientifically factual abstract thought, students must also consider how then, do their defining experiences in life, unto this
point in their academic career, and beyond, become explainable through the utilization of the scientific method.
Developing Identity and Interdependence:
The development of identity and interdependence in the Foundations of Chemistry unit is based around the conceptualization that all
life is interconnected. Through the processes of chemical reactivity, stoichiometry, etc. students can visually, and mathematically
represent a correspondence between how products of a chemical reaction form, from the designated system of reactants, and how the
sustainability of our natural environment is codependent on these interactions; both of reactants and products. Just as once societal
structure; such as a school, is dependent upon another; the government, for continued success and survival, so too is product
formation co-dependent upon the reactants that construct them. Students are interconnected with one another, as if atoms in a
chemical bond formation, the analogy drawn for them is one of, a weak link in the bonding structure, bringing down the whole lattice.
Developing Literacies:
During the Foundations of Chemistry unit students must expressively represent; written literacies in their note taking and lab reports,
mathematical literacy in the competent completion of required calculations, and physical literacy through their interactions associated
with the lab demonstrations and case study exercises. These literacy competencies however, are supplemental to students production
and development of both; cultural and intercultural literate practice. This unit provides students with the scientific understanding
necessary to communicate to a multiliterate and multicultural audience, their adept understanding of chemical processes and modern
chemical practices. This deepened understanding, will hopefully manifest as culturally responsive dialect between; students, their
families, peers, and other professionals, as a means for opportunistic skill development on behalf of the students. Through the
appropriation, and explanation, of students deepened understanding in a culturally responsive, and respectful manner. Allowances will
be made for them to not only; process how western civilities notion of practical science, conflicts with that of other World Views, but
also how differentiated scientific philosophies, co-construct the knowledge, and technological basis for all modern day scientific
Developing Social Responsibility:
The Foundations of Chemistry units portrayal of how the social understanding of the chemical sciences discipline has evolved, and
today is generally understood, as a result of a Euro-centric developmental bias, will look to produce an adept understanding in students
of systematic inequality. Students will look at the impact of; chemical processes, technology, and models of industrialization.
Examining, how these effect the social sustainability of our civilizations and personal interrelations. Students will also be prompted to
think critically about how these chemical science processes, have furthered the; exploitation, and systematically unequal/inequitable
treatment of minority acculturated groups; both locally and abroad. By developing their understanding of chemical processes, in a
larger, more global context. Students can begin to interrogate the idea; how has the effective imperializing of First World countries, lead
to a one-sided developmental nature of science and technology?

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)
PS20-FC1 Predict products of the five basic types of chemical reactions and evaluate the impact of these reactions on society and the
PS20-FC2 Construct an understanding of the mole as a unit for measuring the amount of substance.
PS20-FC3 Use stoichiometry to determine the relative amounts of substances consumed and produced in chemical reactions.
PS20CE1 Analyze and explore physical science related occupations in Saskatchewan, Canada, and the world.
PS20SDS1 Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Physical Science 20 in depth.
Enduring Understandings Essential Questions
What understandings about the big ideas are desired? What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (open-
(what you want students to understand & be able to use ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of
several years from now) the enduring understanding)
What misunderstandings are predictable?
Students will understand that... Content specific.
Chemistry shapes the way that many large-scale; How does chemistry affect the processes of; mining, and agriculture,
mining, and agricultural practices are completed, where we live?
and allows for a more environmentally friendly How can a better understanding of chemistry, help us to establish a
approach to industrialization. This is the firmer grasp on environmental conservation?
commonality of western civilization, it is how How can chemistry make up everything, even when we cant see it?
much of the world views Canada, as apart from How can the physical form of a substance be changed so that it
lesser developed nations. appears differently, or does not appear at all?
The world of chemistry is all around us, it shapes How can we use math to express the world around us, and the
what and who we are as well as the way we reactions that occur in it every day?
associatively interact with the world around us.
Chemistry also separates, and identifies us. Our FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular
bodies natural chemistry is what creates our; How do the views of FNMI people differ from that of an ethnocentric
differences in appearance, personality, and
view of chemistry? How do they differ cross-culturally and internally
emotional dexterity.
amongst one another?
We cannot always see chemistry with the naked
How did FNMI people originally use basic principles of chemistry to
eye, what accounts for a mole of one substance
survive, and thrive?
may vary when compared to that of another, and
How did/do FNMI persons employ principles of chemistry in the
substances may exist in many different, and
manipulatable physical forms. Students can natural and holistic practices of their cultural medicines and spiritual
idealize this concept through; the filling of space healing?
with their favored objects, the more objects you How do FNMI; scientists, engineers, and innovators, work to shape
can place in the same space, the more moles you the modern-day application of chemical sciences?
have. How do the systems of; cultural, and academic communal
Many simple mathematical relationships exist to achievement differ between FNMI persons and European scientists?
express the chemistry around us. Even if
something has been physically altered, math can
aid in the development of determining what we
had to start, or what we wind up with. Engaging
here with students prior knowledge of; number-
line systems, unit conversions, and
organizational/counting cultural norms, will assist
in deepening their comprehension, and creating
subsequent relatability to the commonality of
mathematical representation.

Related misconceptions
Chemistry is bad. Chemicals are dangerous, and
are things that come in the little brown bottles, or
as fine white powders.
Chemistry is something we must do with our
hands; mixing chemicals in beakers, and titrating
until solutions chemically shift.
Chemical reactions are always visible; giving off
gas, changing color rapidly, and/or creating
Any math that expresses a chemical relationship is
long and complex, with units that are impossible
to manage.
Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills
unit? This content knowledge may come from the and/or behaviors that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their
indicators, or might also address pre-requisite knowledge work in this unit. These will come from the indicators.
that students will need for this unit.

Students will know... Students will be able to

What the importance of skeleton equations is for Observe and analyze synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single-
expressing chemical reactions, how to balance replacement and double-replacement (including acid base
those reactions, and how to use the IUPAC system neutralization) reactions. (S, K)
to verbally express chemical reactions. Represent synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single-
How to define what the products of synthesis and replacement and double-replacement (including acid base
decomposition reactions will be given a list of neutralization) reactions using atomic models, other manipulatives,
reactants. skeleton equations, balanced chemical equations and International
The feasibility of completing single-replacement Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature. (S)
reactions based on the reactivity of metals and/or Select and apply proper techniques for handling and disposing of lab
non-metals. materials, as outlined in Workplace Hazardous Materials 30 Physical
The products of double-replacement reactions for; Science 20 Information System (WHMIS 1998 and WHMIS 2015)
acid-based neutralization reactions and how to use standards, and interpret Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and
a solubility table to determine the chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS). (K, STSE, A)
formulas. Research how industrial, mining and/or agricultural processes
Different mechanisms for measuring quantities of involve chemical reactions. (STSE, S, K, A)
chemical substances that cannot be individually Calculate the molar mass of various molecular and ionic
counted. compounds. (S)
What the contributions of; Avogadro, Berzelius, Perform molar conversions, including mass to mole, number of
Davy, Gay-Lussac, Proust, and Dalton, are to our particles to mole, volume to mole, concentration of a solution to
modern understanding of chemistry. mole and their inverse operations, using the correct number of
How to use effective means of research to define; significant figures. (S)
industrial, mining, and agricultural processes. Prepare solutions of known concentration using molarity and dilution
The correct means by which to communicate calculations. (S, K)
experimental results through the construction of a Determine the relative numbers of moles of each substance in a
formal lab report. variety of chemical reactions using balanced chemical equations. (K,
Why actual yield differs from theoretical yield S)
based on our understanding of sources of error. Relate the use of the mole to the coefficients in a balanced chemical
How the yield of chemical reactions has an equation, and compare this to mass and volume as measurable
economic impact on our natural environment quantities. (K, A, STSE)
while at the same time impacting product profit, Perform stoichiometric calculations to predict the outcomes (e.g.,
and waste production. concentration, mass, volume, number of particles and energy
Some ways in which the reactants used and transferred) of chemical reactions, using the correct units and
products formed during chemical reactions of; correct number of significant figures. (S)
industrial, mining, and/or agricultural processes Determine the limiting and excess reagents in a variety of chemical
can affect human health and/or the health of the reactions through stoichiometric calculations and experimentation.
environment. (S, K)
How to engage their prior systems of knowledge Compare the theoretical and actual yield for a variety of chemical
as they relate to proper handling and disposal of reactions by calculating the percent yield. (S, K)
chemical waste production. Explore connection
How to engage with, and communicate between topics in Physical Science 20 and occupations
appropriately, the relevance of physical/chemical of personal interest. (S, A, STSE)
sciences to students own cultural norms, and Examine the roles, responsibilities, educational qualifications and per
Ways of Knowing. sonal
and professional qualities common to people involved in physical
science related jobs. (S, A)
Communicate research findings related to physical science occupati
through a display, brochure, video, presentation software, website or
orally. (K, S, A, STSE)
Carry out an experiment following established scientific protocols to
investigate a question of interest related to one or more of the topics
of Physical Science 20. (S, A, K, STSE)
Share the results of studentdirected research through a display,
presentation, performance, demonstration, song, game, commercial,
fine art representation, video, or research paper. (S)
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (describes the
learning activity in story form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills
to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G Goal Students will be asked to work in a scientific laboratory environment. Here they will have the
What should students accomplish by chance to experience for a time what it is truly like to be scientists in the field; interacting with lab
completing this task? equipment, chemical species and displaying their skills for several their fellow-scientists. They must
R Role use all that they have learned in the classroom and apply it to a series of five experiments that will
What role (perspective) will your test their knowledge bases in the areas of; reactivity, safety, mathematics, and product formation.
students be taking? As scientists, they will be asked to develop on their background knowledge of the experiments,
A Audience record with accuracy their observations as the reactions occur, complete calculations based in the
Who is the relevant audience?
areas of stoichiometry and come to concise conclusions about what they have done. For this
performance task, students are not specifically designated to contribute their findings through the
S Situation
submission of a formally written lab report. Instead the summative assessment will center around
The context or challenge provided to
the student. their completion of a provided, comprehensive laboratory booklet which; evokes questions related
to prior knowledge, chemical equation creation and balancing, calculations, and questions of
deeper comprehension. With the submission of this lab booklet, students will also be asked to
submit a two-page written paper, detailing the impacts of improper chemical disposal (from each of
the five experiments) on their local environment. Students will be asked to provide specific
P Product, Performance examples of local environmental factors, negatively impacted by incorrect chemical disposal and
What product/performance will the handling. Included with students examples of localized environmental factors negatively influences
student by these chemical science practices, should be the detailing of sustained cultural relevance of any
local locations to their communitys population. Students should consider how the improper
disposal of chemical waste bi-products, not only impacts the local environment, but the people
connected to it, and how, if these processes of improper disposal are to continue would localized
communities be negatively impacted?
S Standards & Criteria for A rubric has been attached at the rear of this UBD unit plan template for the Foundations of
Success Chemistry detailing the specific evaluation criteria for this summative assessment creation.
Create the rubric for the Performance
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment
Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
quizzes, tests, journals or other means) will students demonstrate
achievement of the desired results? Formative and summative
assessments used throughout the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
Students will demonstrate their comprehension of course The self-assessment component of the curricular outcomes will be
materials through the following means of assessment and completed by a unit long comprehensive scientific journal kept by
evaluation: the students regarding what they learned including; relevant
Quizams and Unit Exam formulas and terms, completed experiments, researched topics
Research Paper/Lab Report etc. Daily personal reflection based around in-class activity will
Scientific poster creation promote the development of student thought toward what
interests them about chemistry. It is also a means by which
Scientific Journal
students can evaluate their personal growth and development as a
Cultural response chemical disposal writing
learner throughout the course of the semester. As their processes
Linguistic development - chemical nomenclature games of; thought development, organization, and cooperative learning
Worksheets detailing; calculation questions, unit progress, they will be able to track, and chronologically organize
conversion development, chemical naming and IUPAC their systems of thought into detailed cyclic relations.
systems of nomenclature, and Periodic Table symbolic

Stage 3 Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been ascertained? Have the
learners been part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do you anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be arranged to enhance
With the completion of this unit, students are headed toward a more refined understanding of the mathematical and physical laws that
govern the construction of our chemical world. Students, have previously been introduced to the basic concepts of chemistry; where our
knowledge comes from regarding the elemental world (the Periodic Table), and how these elements cane come together to create the
substances that define life. I will look to ensure, that students understand where we are going while completing this unit; by defining the
outcomes based assessment and indicators of their learning that I am looking for, while still giving them larger questions to push their
comprehension limits, allowing me to gauge their understanding. I will push for a set of highly achieving academic standards from all
learners, regardless of supposed limitation, seeking to adapt and differentiate for those students who face; learning deficits, physical
challenges, or previously Othered cultural identities. This while maintaining an inclusive classroom environment that is
accommodating, and welcoming of all learners. The experiences students bring, come from their daily lives and interactions, through the
chemical reactions they perceive, that they are yet unable to describe in a scientifically refined way, and though their previous science
classroom interactions. On the first day of class I will look to complete an introduction and sharing activity so that the students may get
to know one another, and so that I can get to know them as well. Students will be asked to share their names, and one interesting thing
about themselves. By sharing what makes them unique individuals, I am hoping to immediately establish an inclusivity within the
student groping, and make the classroom a known safe place for all cultural worldviews. If students have a designated IEP in place and
are going to be active members of this class, I would like to meet with each of them to discuss how we can best work with their strengths
in the chemistry unit and beyond. If any exceptionalities including EAL learners are present in the class, the challenges that these
students face ranging from; social stigmatisms to cognitive/comprehension limitations will need to be addressed for them to be
successful. Specifically differentiating for these students by co-constructing my relationships with the schools paraprofessionals;
educational assistants, speech language pathologists, and guidance counselors, so that they have a positive impact in our classroom will
help to build my relationship(s) with these students. Differentiation for my EAL and culturally diverse students will subsequently be
accomplished through the integration of a number of culturally responsive pedagogical strategies including; modelling chemical
composition and mathematical practice, scaffolding of complet scientific ideologies (i.e. stoichiometry), continued implementation of
inquiry pedagogy allowing for guided student-directed research into their topic of interest, and the provision of responsive feedback for
both; students that regularly succeed, and students that struggles academically or personally. It is also extremely important that all
students have the compacity to communicate during the chemistry unit especially during lab-based activities where students may be at
risk for accident or injury. This communication may not be readily accomplished orally by the EAL learners, and as such proper safety
protocols and instruction should be diligently taught to the entire class. The learning environment for the Foundations of Chemistry unit
will be constructed as a combination between; the traditional classroom environment, and additional labs room if facilities are available.
Utilization of the students local environment outside of the school can also be utilized as a point of reference by which to expose them to
the environmental impacts of physical science processes. This is the optimal orientation for this unit because it gives students a chance
to; have a stable environment for developing their materials knowledge, while being able to turn that knowledge into lived curricula
within their communities, before establishing a safe and well equipped location to work hands on toward furthered understanding, and
practical application of their knowledge. While in the classroom students should be grouped individually to optimize their attentiveness
while taking notes and working on example problems with the number of distractions present in the room limited. Individualized grouping
should be altered as necessitated by the learning needs of the students, specifically EAL learners who may produce better academically
when allowed to work together co-constructing knowledge. If students are working in the surrounding community, the inclusion of; local
professionals working in the physical science field, traditional knowledge keepers, and community resources/facilities, should be
constant. While in the lab room, having student materials organized in an easily accessible fashion is best, with hazardous materials kept
separate and in locked compartments or rooms to discourage dangerous or juvenile behavior. In this room, having student arranged in
groups; through pods, tables, or work benches is optimal to establish a sense of cooperativity. It also provides an outlet to EAL and
multicultural student populations, to procure adequate assistance in-case of an emergency.

How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)

Student introduction to the foundations of chemistry unit will be completed on the first day through a familiarized motivational video
based around chemical reactions. This video is used to express that chemistry is all around us, its cool and interactive as well as being
full of experiments that can better our understanding of the physical world. Students may also have a history of the use of Bill Nye
videos in their classrooms and as such have developed a popular norm reference in association with this type of instruction. As a means
of ensuring the engagement of EAL and multicultural students, the audio-visual composition of this resource, that physically iterates the
reactions being studied, is somewhat of kick-start. Ensuring that the video is displayed using subtitles for EAL learners, or even closed
captions for those exceptional students who may not be able to perceive the video being shown, is the best means of ensuring that
students are not becoming lost immediately starting the unit.
What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit?
How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources

1 Introduction Beginning: Develop. -Video

(Day 1) Students are grouped into fours in an introductory exercise, where they share; their Identity -Journals
names, and one interesting fact about themselves in an accepting inclusive and -Translation
environment. Groups of four are conjoined until the entire class is together in a Inter- materials
circular (FNMI referenced) configuration. Instructor will also take part to build depende (closed
relationships with students, produce introductions both; too and from the class. nce (DII) captioning/
Middle: subtitles)
Outline the scientific journal assessment (AS learning) that students will complete -Para-
as an ongoing project throughout the course of the semester. Proper formatting for professiona
entries including topics of interest; scientific exploration, cultural relevance, ls
connection to course content, and students feeling related to the lessons, should
be introduced at this point.
Students will, as a class watch the motivational set video as a means of
introduction to the Foundations of Chemistry unit. Here, adaptations and
differentiation for EAL, and exceptional students is paramount.
2 Science 10 Beginning: Develop. -Printed
Review Start with a concept review of the key resources that students will be expected to Thinking Periodic
(Week 1) continue to work with, developing deeper comprehension and understanding such (DT), Tables and
as; the Periodic Table of the Elements, polyatomic ions sheet, and the pH scale. DLL, and Polyatomic
Students should be given print resources and the instructor should go through Develop. sheets
them detailing a system of organization (i.e. splitting of the periodic table Literacy -Review
classifications) (DL) ppts.
Middle: -Review
Introduction to review of chemical reactions processes, specifically; differences worksheets
between products and reactants, five types of chemical reactions synthesis, -Handouts
decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion, and the of ppt.
rules for balancing chemical reactions. slides
Review of the properties of chemical reactions should be completed, detailing
specific examples of each property; physical versus chemical change, entropy
versus enthalpy, catalysis, and ionic versus molecular bonding. Attempting to
connect these examples to students local environments is critical, culturally
responsive student-centered learning. Finally, a brief review of naming may be
given before moving forward into the history of chemical science, where a deeper
level of instruction will be given for naming convention.
3 Review Completion of a quiz based upon the reviewed materials from the Science 10 DT, and -Quizams
Quizam Review lesson. The entire lesson time should be dedicated to completion of the DL
(Day 1 Week quiz. Students should be allowed their print resources (i.e. Periodic Tables, and
2) polyatomic sheets), and additional time may be allotted for ELA, or low
cognition/exceptional students.

4 History of Beginning: DT, DII, -Chemistry

Chemistry This lesson will begin with a period of direct instruction, as students take part in a and DL History
and Naming notation exercise detailing the exploits of historical European scientists including; ppts.
Convention Avogadro, Berzelius, Davy, Gaylussac, Proust, and Dalton. Both; exceptional -Handouts
(Week 2) learners, and EAL students who may experience difficult simultaneously taking of ppt.
notation and comprehending materials should be given handouts specific to the slides
ppts. with key words either given in bolded text or as blanks to be filled by the -IUPAC
students. naming
Middle: ppts.
Students will be given a short time to complete an in-class entry for their journals -Chemical
based on a provided focus question. Why do you think there is no representation Compound
by FNMI scientist in the ppt. we just saw? This question is designated to set Naming
students on a path to culturally responsive thinking and help them to identify our worksheets
societal biases when it comes to science. -Flowchart
End: for IUPAC
We will return to the period of direct instruction related to the introduction of IUPAC naming
naming conventions, again using ppt. slides and handouts as necessitated. convention
Instruction will be given before a period of drill and practice on how to use the s
provided print IUPAC Naming Flowchart resource. Modelling will be used as a
culturally responsive instructional strategy, working students through one or two
specific examples of each naming convention using the chart.

5 History and Completion of a quiz based on the historical figures in the field of chemistry and DT, and -Quizams
Naming modern IUPAC naming conventions for chemical compounds covered in the History DL
Quizam (Day of Chemistry and Naming Convention lesson. The entire lesson time should be
5 Week 2) dedicated to completion of the quiz. Students should be allowed their print
resources (i.e. Periodic Tables, polyatomic sheets, and IUPAC Naming Flowchart),
and additional time may be allotted for ELA, or low cognition/exceptional students.

6 The Five Beginning: DT, and -Five rxn.

Reaction Using the culturally responsive instructional strategy of scaffolding, students will DL Types and
Types and progress through the five basic types of chemical reactions from most simplistic balancing
Equation (synthesis) to most complex/different (combustion). This scaffolded instruction will equation
Balancing follow the designation of; synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement, double- Worksheets
(Week 3) replacement, and finally combustion. and ppts.
Middle: - Five types
To supplement the scaffolded instructional approach, video references for each of of reaction
the reaction types will be provided to the students. These videos should illustrate experiment
the differences in reactive nature amongst these five types, and differences in al video
physical appearance of both reactants and products. examples
Students will be provided with worksheets that reference multiple examples from
the five basic reaction types. Questions should range from; balancing of these
reactions, identification of the reaction type, and product formation formula
notation/reverse engineering of reactant formulas.

7 Research; Beginning: Develop. -List of

Industrialized Students will be provided a listing of industrialized (i.e. industry, mining, or Social industrializ
Chemical agricultural) chemical processes by their instructor. Individually, or in groups of 2-3, Responsi ed
Reactions students will select one of the options to determine which of the industrialized bility chemical
and Chemical chemical processes they will research for this inquiry project. (DSR), processes
Uses (Week 3 Middle: DT, DII -Technology
Ongoing) As a class, during an instructor led discussion/notation period, students will be and DL resources
provided with a template that is determinate of how to write a research paper. This for
template should walk students through, what is; a hypothesis, thesis, conclusion, research
etc. It should also produce idealization on how each of these is constructed -Research
including quick tips for students. By defining these academic terms, the hope is to paper
equate necessary understanding to EAL learners. template
After: with
Students will be given multiple classes, to complete detailed research and compose terminolog
their papers for submission and evaluation. Technological resources will need to be y
provided for the completion of this guided inquiry (i.e. computers, iPads, tablets, explanation
etc.). The assigned paper completion should in-part be designated as a cooperative s
homework assignment that must be completed by students outside of class-time.
Dependent on socio-economic construction of the classroom demographic, more
time may be given to complete it in class, if student do not have the resources to
complete it outside of the school.

8 Units, Beginning: DT, and -Sig. fig.,

Conversions The beginning of this lesson will be a period of direct instruction that introduces DL calculation
and students to; the four basic rules for significant figure identification: and
Calculations 1. Real numbers are significant conversion
(Week 4 and 2. Middle zeros are significant ppts. and
5) 3. Lead zeros are not significant worksheets
4. Trailing zeros are significant if before or after a decimal - Rules list
The rules governing the addition/subtraction and multiplication/division for sig. figs.
mathematical operations for significant figure factorization, and the standard SI (include
units of measurement including; mass, time, weight, and volume. specific
Middle: examples
The middle of this lesson will introduce students to a foreign concept from their of each)
Periodic Tables, that being the molar mass quotients. Using their rules for - Example
significant digit factorization, students will be provided with notation and questions
worksheets that detail how to add together molar mass values when finding the for unit
combinative molar mass of a compound. conversion
End: s game
The completion of this lesson will take place as a student-centered constructivist -Handouts
game that engages inclusivity of all students. After a brief teacher lead introduction of ppt.
to unit conversion and cancelation. Students will be grouped together into two slides
teams, given a series of example questions, and asked to work together
cooperatively in determination of how to progress from one unit quotient to
another. Conversions should follow three basic formattings; mass-moles, volume-
moles, and moles-particles. To best facilitate this activity, students should be
provided with brief notation on the principles of STP (gaseous), and unit definition
for Avogadros number.

9 Balancing, Completions of a quiz based on the following materials from The Five Reaction DT, and -Quizams
Units, Types and Equation Balancing, and Units, Conversions, and Calculations lessons: DL
Conversions a. Equation balancing
& b. Significant figures & SI units
Calculations c. Unit conversion
Quizam d. Molar Mass and STP calculations
(Day 5 Week The entire lesson time should be dedicated to completion of the quiz. Students
5) should be allowed their print resources (i.e. Periodic Tables, polyatomic sheets, and
IUPAC Naming Flowchart), and additional time may be allotted for ELA, or low
cognition/exceptional students.

10 Limiting Beginning: DT, and -Limiting

Reagent & Due to the nature of the academic language appropriated by this lesson, students DL reagent,
Theoretical/ should first be provided with a series of terms that help them to better understand theoretical
Percent Yield the nature of the mathematical quantities they will be calculating (i.e. and
Calculations theoretical/actual/percent yield, limiting reagent, and reactant excess). percent
(Week 6) Middle: yield ppts.
Students will be given a prolonged period of drill and practice, interspersed with &
instructor modelling of stoichiometric calculation that identifies all produced worksheets
values. Differentiation for struggling students should centralize on the visual -Handouts
creation of the rainbow for defining location within an ongoing series calculation of ppts.
dealing with the steps for dimensional analysis. slides
The end of the lesson should be completed as a reinforcing, grouped, student lead
discussion centering around the following focus question. Why do you think
stoichiometry is important? students should be given time for the completion of a
second in-class journal entry.

11 Concentratio Beginning: DT, and -Conc.,

n, Dilution At the beginning of this lesson, students will be introduced to the two formulas of DL dilution &
and Solubility interest; concentration (M=n/V), and dilution (M1V1 = M2V2) during a modeled solubility
Rules instruction by the teacher in which students progress through the various algebraic ppts. and
(Week 6 and manipulations of the formulas without numbered coefficients. It is important for worksheets
7) EAL student here that we do not initially introduce numbers to the formula -Solubility
manipulation so that they can see the simplest representation before the Tables
introduction of more complex content including units (scaffolding). -Examples
Middle: for
Students should be given a period of independent drill and practice using solubility
worksheets designed to test their comprehension of formula manipulation. During race
this lesson, a more individualized approach is necessitated for the teacher to be -Handouts
able to accurately evaluate students capabilities with word problems and formula of ppt.
manipulation. It only hurts the students if someone else comes up with the answer slides
and they only manage to copy it down.
To conclude this lesson, students will be given their final of four print resources for
use during quizzes and exams, the solubility table. A cooperative group discussion
to detail what soluble, and low-solubility mean, followed by a solubility race
will be completed. Students grouped in two teams and given lists of examples
which they must identify as soluble or not.

12 Stoichiometry Completion of a quiz designated to evaluate students on their comprehension of; DT, and -Quizams
, stoichiometric calculations including the identification of key numerical values DL
Concentratio theoretical, actual, and percent yield, concentration and dilution calculations, and
n, Dilution, solubility production in chemical reactions. The entire lesson time should be
and Solubility dedicated to completion of the quiz. Students should be allowed their print
Quizam resources (i.e. Periodic Tables, polyatomic sheets, and IUPAC Naming Flowchart),
(Day 1 Week and additional time may be allotted for ELA, or low cognition/exceptional students.
13 WHIMIS, Beginning: DT, DL, -WHMIS
MSDS, and To begin this lesson, students will come together in groups of three, to direct their and DSR and MSDS
Lab Safety own scavenger hunt for the chemical safety and handling materials present binders
(Week 7) throughout the school. The instructor must be conscious of other on-going classes -Safety
throughout the building, and the required safety precautions students must take contracts &
when entering areas that house chemical safety handling materials (i.e. storage lab layouts
rooms, shops, etc.). Recruitment of other paraprofessionals for supervision may be -School
required dependent on class size. safety
Middle: equipment
Upon their return to the classroom, students will be introduced to the; WHMIS and scavenger
MSDS systems of chemical handling and disposal including the specific set of rules hunt
for laboratory safety. After a period of notation to detail these rules, students will checklist
be grouped as they were for the scavenger hunt, each group assigned a lab safety -Lab Safety
scenario, and asked to identify the flaws in each situation. Rules and
End: Scenarios
To conclude this lesson, students will be brought to the lab room, where they will be ppt.
asked to fill a blank floor plan with the relevant safety information for criteria such -Handouts
as; chemical storage, location of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and location of ppt.
of safety apparat (i.e. fire extinguisher, safety shower, and fume hoods). The lesson slides
culminates with students signing of the lab safety contracts which guarantee their -Lab room
appropriate behavioral standards, and safe practice during the following lessons outlines

14 Safety Completion of a quiz covering student knowledge from the WHMIS, MSDS and Lab DT, and -Quizams
Quizam Safety lesson must be completed and passes before lab entry. The entire lesson DL
(Day 5 Week time should be dedicated to completion of the quiz. Students should be allowed
7) their print resources (i.e. Periodic Tables), and additional time may be allotted for
ELA, or low cognition/exceptional students.

15 Five Types of Completions of a series of five lab experiments to help better define student DT, and -All
Reaction understanding of the five reaction types; synthesis, decomposition, single DL required
Experiments replacement, double replacement and combustion: lab
(Week 8) a. Decomposition of sodium in sulfuric acid materials
b. Synthesis of magnesium oxide from magnesium -Lab
c. Single replacement of zinc in copper (II) sulfate experiment
d. Double replacement of potassium iodide and lead (II) nitrate handouts
e. Combustion of sucrose in potassium chlorate -Unit
Over the course of this two-day guided inquiry period, students will progress Review
through the five detailed reaction sections (the performance task of the handouts
Foundations of Chemistry unit). The entirety of the lessons time should be split
between student completion of the experimental stations, and subsequent
answering of the reaction booklet questions.
Print resources including; the Periodic Table, polyatomic ions sheets, solubility
table, and IUPAC Naming Flowchart, should be brought to the lab while students
leave all other materials (except writing utensils and calculation instrumentation)
Closing the lesson students should be allowed time for third in-class journal entry
surrounding the following guiding question. What local environmental impacts
would the improper disposal of chemical waste bi-products of these experiments
have? Provide examples.
On exiting the class, students should be given access to their final review, which is
to be completed as a student-directed study guide. This infers that students WILL
NOT be given class-time for completion of the review and as such if time is needed
for clarification it must be arranged for the following week with the instructor. As
the instructor, time must be readily available for meeting with students, and
tutorial sessions (modelling).

16 Environmenta Beginning: DT, DII, -Poster

l Effects of The first days completion of this lesson, will be led by a visiting traditional DL, and making
Chemistry knowledge keeper. At the discretion of the elder, the discussion will center around DSR materials
Research FNMI; cultural adaptations and applications of chemical and physical sciences, -Technology
Poster current provisions to the world of science and technology, and how their resources
(Week 9) connection to the land/the land itself, has been changed by chemical processes for
and industrialization. research
Middle: List of
Following the first days introduction to FNMI scientific perspectives, students will various
be provided with a list of common chemical processes. Individually, or in groups, chemical
students must select one of these chemical processes on which they will complete processes
a period of research culminating in their creation of a poster referencing the; -Visitation
environmental impacts, connection to FNMI cultural Ways of Knowing, and long by a
term effects of their processes. traditional
End: knowledge
Students will be given time with which to use the schools technological, and artistic keeper
resources, for the research and development of their posters. As with the earlier
completed research paper, the poster creation will be designated as homework
should the students have the applicable resources for research and development
accessible to them.

17 Unit Exam A comprehensive final examination designed to cover all aspects of the lessons DT, and -Exams
(Day 1 Week completed during the Foundations of Chemistry Unit. The entire lesson time should DL
9) be dedicated to completion of the exam. Students should be allowed their print
resources (i.e. Periodic Tables, polyatomic sheets, IUPAC Naming Flowchart, and
Solubility Table). In the case of the final exam, additional time will not be allotted,
with the exception of a pre-arranged agreement between the instructor and
student, pushing them to achieve at the highest academic standard.
Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)
Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study: For this unit plan; all three outcomes presented in the Foundations of Chemistry
Is there alignment between outcomes, unit, in the Physical Science 20 curriculum have been addressed with a
performance assessment and learning minimum of six indicators per outcome being utilized in the assessment of
experiences? student learning, skills, and knowledge. With the recent revisions for cultural
responsive planning and pedagogical integration, I have also elected to include
the two outcomes from the Career Exploration and Student-Directed Study
units detailed in the curricula. Incorporating culturally responsive planning and
instructional methodologies into my plan for this unit, has allowed me to touch
on several of the indicators for student comprehension for each of these
curricular sections, subsequently creating a direct link between; students, their
local environments/ communities, and their futures. All assessments including;
the summative modes of assessment (Quizams, unit exam, and performance
task completion), formative assessments (research paper, and poster creation),
and self-reflective AS learning assessments (journal writing). Are organized to
allow for students to comprehensively display their knowledge through a
variety of assessment and evaluation medium, while continuing to be reflective
lifelong learners in their pursuit for understanding of our chemical and physical

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to the For those students that struggle with science academics I have incorporated
curriculum content (not outcomes), instructional several adaptations including; a review lesson, the use of visual aids, hands on
practices, and/or the learning environment to meet reinforcement of the knowledge, incorporation of group activities and,
the learning needs and diversities of all my comprehensive examples in excess. Again, with the recent revisions for cultural
students? responsiveness, I have attempted to identify my own biases and limitations
with the introduction and incorporation of paraprofessionals into the general
education classroom. Having access to specifically trained professional for
students that show academic difficulty, exceptional or not, allows for the
establishment of a productive co-teaching environment. I may not be the best
person to get through to every struggling student and these paraprofessionals
may be capable of producing that lacking relatability. The review, at the
beginning of the unit, will help these students to refresh on or even establish
understanding they were missing. Using power-points and other visuals like
video may help them to see and understand what a text based approach would
have them overlook. This manifestation of the adaptive dimension proves
specifically relevant in my now culturally responsive planning through its
refined focus on EAL learners in the classroom. Making adaptations like the
provisioning of these students with ppt. handouts, established further, the
desires sense of equality and inclusion among all students. Experiments help
them to gain an understanding of what chemistry can really look like and the
effects of reaction mechanisms. Group work allows for the mixing of students
that succeed with those that may struggle more for the elevation of their
understanding and instruction from a different perspective. The perspective
learning may also come via the incorporation of student teaching mechanisms,
again most relevant with the EAL students, whom if grouped together can look
to assist one another in forming a deeper comprehension in the academically
challenging physical science classroom. Last, the large number of worksheets
will give ample practice in the areas of mathematics where students tend to
struggle the most.

For students who need a challenge:

For the students that excel in science academics, I have incorporated hands on
lab activities as well as formatted their assignments, namely the research
paper, to reflect actual scientific publication such that they will strive to achieve
excellence and a standard acceptable to professional workmanship. I have also
worked to incorporate several handouts for expression of the mathematical
component of the Foundations of Chemistry unit that will range in degree of
difficulty to further challenge students. With the incorporation of culturally
responsive planning, I have also tasked gifted/talented students with the
deeper thinking associated to identifying with an altered FNMI world view, and
self-reflective reasoning required to relate FNMI Ways of Knowing to Eurocentric
scientific thought, and practice.

Instructional Approaches: My initial instructional approaches ranged from; power-point lecture

Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student presentations, to students centered research and inquiry through their research
centered instructional approaches? paper and poster creation, to video-graphical multimedia lessons, and right
down to hands on interactive student-lead experimentation guided by the
instructor. Planning for culturally responsive pedagogy produced a need for
inclusion of the following instructional strategies; modelling, collaborative
teaching, instructional scaffolding, and student centered learning. Executing on
these responsive strategies during the teaching of this unit, in combination with
systematic and responsive feedback to learners, will produce the desired
positive academic outcomes.

Resource Based Learning: Students have access to resources ranging from; technology required for
Do the students have access to various resources research, to lab based experimental materials, to handouts and power-points,
on an ongoing basis? and eventually they will have text based reference with the development of a
textbook resource for this course. Culturally responsive planning and instruction
has not changed the allowances for these resources to be utilized in the
teaching of this unit. It has however shifted the focus of several assignments,
creating additional time-allowances, and resource allocation, to students whose
socio-economic situational development may limit their capacity for interaction
with resources outside of the classroom.

FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender During the introductory lesson, I have allowed for a time that the students can
Equity/Multicultural Education: express themselves and expand on their identities free of ridicule and
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while misunderstanding. I have also looked to incorporate the FNMI perspective into
honoring each childs identity? the student-centered poster creation where they will look specifically at the
environmental impacts of chemical processes affecting FNMI peoples with a
natural prairie/plains background. I looked to reinforce the incorporation of FNMI
content into this science unit upon its completion during my culturally
responsive revising. Incorporating; the utilization of a traditional knowledge
keeper as a means of eliminating personal biases, and giving an authenticity to
the class discussion/presentation of acculturated connection to chemical
science. By both opening, closing, and traditional FNMI Ways of Knowing
throughout the unit, I am searching to eliminate the trivialization of their
cultural contributions to the science, and classroom communities.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-
313-8 (pbk)
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

Physical Science 20; Reactions Experimental Rubric:

Criteria: 1 2 3 4
Laboratory Safety Does not utilize proper Inconsistent in lab All proper lab safety Student works over
(WHIMIS and MSDS lab safety; found not safety; once found practices followed; and above to;
knowledge, safe wearing proper PPE without correct PPE, proper PPE always use/inquiry on
chemical handling multiple times, handle use means of chemical used, chemical additional PPE,
practice, use of PPE, chemicals in an unsafe handling when a better handling follows chemical handling
and use of appropriate manner outside alternative exists, specified directions, all provides safety for
reaction vessels) working area, use handle chemicals chemicals handled with self/others, no excess
incorrect reaction unsafely at the work care producing minimal waste production,
vessels, and lack station, once mix up waste, reaction vessels vessels properly
chemical hazard info reaction vessels, and used as indicated, and cleaned and used
which may cause know chemical WHIMIS/ MSDS is correctly,
harm. reactivity. consulted. WHIMIS/MSDS
knowledge evident as
known prior to lab.
Experimental Handout does not; Handout shows; Handout has; all Handout is exceptional
Handout Completion show use of required multiple missing required formulas for in; having all formulas/
(Formulas displayed, chemical formulas, chemical formulas in calculations, language derivations for
comprehensive language is not calculations, language is correct with all IUPAC calculation, language is
scientific language academic/grammaticall in incorrect formatted standards followed, correct following IUPAC
used, and work shown y incorrect, and answer with some rules of and answer length standards with full
for long answer) lengths not appropriate IUPAC used, and follows with spacing sentences, and
to questions. answer length often allowances for each accurate answer length
half of what is required. question but could use using concise points.
Group Work Skills Individual does not; Individual has; passive Individual works to; Group maintains;
(Maintained active role, involve themselves in role in group work not have an active role activity from all
assisted others, and the lab often relocated taking initiative to fill helping others to members working
was involved in during the reactions, group needs, understand/ complete cooperatively to
preparation and shows no communication is lab, communication is complete lab/handout,
cleanup if work station) communication with abrupt /inconsiderate, clear and direct, and all communication is
group members, and and cleans only required cleaning is caring, and workstation
does not clean on lab countertop waste. aided. is clean having
completion. glassware washed.
Direction Student does not; Student gets; through Student effectively; Group cohesively; uses
Comprehension follow the directions the lab stages in less uses lab handout to lab handout to provide
(Shows having prior outlined in the lab than optimal time but give direction and direction, members
reading of instructions, handout often missing follows direction, complete inquiry in function together in
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

follows reaction steps steps, getting correct reactions are optimum time, fast/ safe manner, all
in order, and does not inaccurate results, produced even if producing all correct reactions are correct
miss or over-utilize producing side multiple attempts are reactions in single and analyzed during
required chemicals) reactions and excess needed, and reactants attempt(s), limiting lab time, and reactants
chemical reactants are are limited per reactants as directed. used precisely,
used. attempt. indicated by sig. figs.
Comments: Total: /16
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

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