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Final Term.

Lecture 1 Page 1 of 9

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)

EEE 3103: Electrical Power transmission and Distribution
Line Supports and Insulators

Poles and towers:

The pole or tower, as the supporting structure, is required to carry the overhead line
conductors, earth conductors and associated fittings. The tower needs to withstand the
forces applied to it, and at the same time the clearance between the live metal and the
earthed metal must be maintained under all loading conditions. The mechanical load
varied with wind and ice loading.
Pole structures are especially economical for household distribution at voltage levels of
415V and 11kV. Materials like wood, steel and concrete are used for poles.

Figure: Typical Pole arrangement.

The strengths of poles tend to limit any further increase in span length. From 33kV and
132kV lattice steel towers become the accepted method of support. Above this voltage
lattice towers are almost always used. The figure below gives some examples of lattice
towers for single and double circuit configurations.
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Figure: Typical Tower arrangement.

Line Insulators:
The line conductors are insulated from the earthed tower by porcelain, glass or
composite insulators.

Few Properties:
Insulator should maintain high mechanical strength to bear the conductor load
under worst loading conditions.
It should have high permittivity so that it can withstand high electrical stress. In
other sense the dielectric strength of the insulating material should be high. The
insulator should be able to withstand the over voltages due to lighting, switching,
It needs to have a high resistance to temperature changes to reduce damages from
power flashover.
The leakage current should minimum.
Should be homogeneous. No air pores.

The electrical failure of insulators occurs either by puncture or flashover. Normally the
insulator is not damaged by a flash over but it becomes useless after the puncture.
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Rating of insulator:
Working voltage
Flashover voltage ( For this voltage current flows from conductor to the tower
through the surface of insulators )
Puncture voltage ( For this voltage current flows from conductor to the tower
through the body of insulators )

Types of insulator:
1. Pin type insulator (Up to 33kV).
2. Suspension type (For HV transmission lines).
3. Strain insulator.
4. Shackle insulator (Up to 11kV).

Figure: Pin and Strain type insulator.

Vn = Voltage up to nth disc; vn = voltage across nth disc.

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Figure: Suspension type insulator.

Figure: Flash over.

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Potential Distribution across suspension type Insulators:

At junction 1,
i2 = i1 + I1 ; v2 (jC) = v1 (jC) + V1 (jKC), [because, v1=V1]
v2 = v1 (1 +K)
At junction 2,
i3 = i2 + I2 ; v3 (jC) = v2 (jC) + V2 (jKC)
= v2 (jC) + (v1+v2) (jKC) , [because, V2=v1+v2]
= v2 (jC +jKC) + v1 (jKC)
= v1 (1 +K) (jC +jKC) + v1 (jKC)
v3 = v1 (1+3K+K )
At junction 3,
i4 = i3 + I3 ; v4 (jC) = v3 (jC) + V3 (jKC)
= v3 (jC) + (v1+v2+v3) (jKC)
v4 = v3 + (v1+v2+v3) K
= v3 (1+K) + v2 K + v1 K
= v1 (1+3K+K2) (1+K) + v1 (1 +K) K + v1 K
= v1 (K3 + 5K2 + 6K +1)
v4 = v1 (K3 + 5K2 + 6K +1)
Similarly, at any junction
in = in-1 + In-1
vn (jC) = vn-1 (jC) + Vn-1 (jKC)
vn (voltage across nth insulator) = vn-1 + Vn-1 K;
Where, Vn-1 = v1+v2++vn-1

So, voltage distribution for all insulators is not equal and it is highest for the unit
nearest to conductor.
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voltage across the whole string

String efficiency, = *100
n * voltage across the unit nearest to the conductor
Methods of improving string efficiency:
1. Using longer cross arm.
2. Capacitance grading
At junction 1,
i1 V1=v i2 = i1 + I1
I1 Cg C1 v1=v
v2 (jC2) = v1 (jC1) + V1 (jCg)
C2 v2=v v (jC2) = v (jC1) + v (jCg)
I2 Cg i2 V2=2v
2 C2 = C1 + Cg
C3 v3=v
Thats why
I3 Cg V3=3v
i3 in = in-1 + In-1
Cg C4 v4=v vn (jCn) = vn-1 (jCn-1) + Vn-1 (jCg)
I4 i4 4 v (jCn) = v (jCn-1) + (n-1)v (jCg)
C5 v5=v
Cn = Cn-1 + (n-1) Cg
I5 Cg V5=5v
i5 5

Problem: A string of 6 suspension insulators is to be graded to obtain uniform

distribution of voltage across the string. If the pin to earth capacitances are equal to C,
and the self capacitance of the top insulator is 10C, find the capacitance of each unit in
terms of C.
Solution: Cn = Cn-1 + (n-1) Cg
Given, Cg = C; C1 = 10C
C2 = C2-1 + (2-1) Cg = C1 + Cg = 10C + C = 11C
C3 = C3-1 + (3-1) Cg = C2 + 2Cg = 11C + 2C = 13C
C4 = 16C, C5 = 20C and C6 = 25C
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3. Use of grading ring or static shielding or guard ring.

i1 V1=v
I1 Cg C1 I1' v1=v At junction 1,
1 i2 + I1 = I1 + i1
V2=2v But, i2 = i1
I2 Cg i2 I2' v2=v
2 I 1 = I 1
I3 Cg i3
C3 I3' v3=v V3=3v (5-1) v jC1 = V1 jCg = 1v jCg
1 Cg
C4 I4'
I4 Cg i4 C1 =
4 (5 - 1)
v5=v V5=5v
I5 Cg
i5 C2 =
5 (5 - 2)
CX =
(n - x)
Where, n= total number of insulator disc.
X = 1, 2... , n-1.

Problem: A string of seven suspension insulator is to be fitted with a grading ring. If the
pin to earth capacitance is equal to C, find the values of line to pin capacitances that
would give a uniform voltage distribution over the string.
Solution: Here, Cg= C
CX =
(n - x)
1C C
C1 =
(7 - 1) = 6
2C 2 3 4 5
C2 = C
(7 - 2) = 5 ; Similarly C3 = 4 C; C4 = C;
3 C5 = C;
2 C6 =6C;
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1) Find the voltage distribution and string efficiency of a three unit suspension insulator
string, if the capacitance of the link pin to earth and to the line is respectively 20% and
10% of self capacitance of each unit.
2) If a guard ring increases the capacitance to the line of lower link pin to 35% of the
self capacitance of each unit, find the redistribution of voltage and string efficiency.
Solution: part1



At junction 1,
I2 + i1 = I1 + Ia
v2 jC + (v2+v3) j0.1C = v1 j C + v1 j0.2C
1.1 v2 + 0.1 v3 = 1.2 v1(1)
v3= 12v1 11v2 (2)
At junction 2,
I3 + i2 = I2 + Ib
v3 jC + v3 j0.1C = v2 jC + (v1+v2) j0.2C
1.1 v3 = 0.2 v1 + 1.2 v2 (3)
1.1 (12v1 11v2) = 0.2 v1 + 1.2 v2
v2 = 0.977v1
From equation 2,
v3= 12v1 11v2 = 12v1 11*.977v1
v3= 1.253v1
Line voltage V = v1 +v2 + v3 = v1+ 0.977v1 + 1.253v1 = 3.23v1
v1 = 0.309V
v2 = 0.3018V
v3 = 0.389V

String efficiency = *100 = *100 = 85.68%
3 * v3 3 * 0.389V
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Part 2



Answer: 97.68%

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