Gala Placidia Women in The Ancient World
Gala Placidia Women in The Ancient World
Gala Placidia Women in The Ancient World
132 gaia
the empire by marrying the reputedly beautiful Roman power in the west and sealed her posi-
girl Galla. The new bride also sought to con- tion by marrying the victorious general, Con-
tribute to Theodosiuss dynasty, but of the three stantius. She bore him two children: a daughter,
pregnancies she had, only one child survived Justa Grata Honoria, and a son, Valentinian. In
a daughter named Galla Placidia. The elder A.D. 421, Constantius received the title of co-
Galla died in A.D. 394, but her daughter would emperor with Galla Placidias brother, and it
wield influence throughout the empire well looked as if the couples success was ensured.
worthy of her illustrious relatives. The violence of the age, however, once again
When Theodosius died in A.D. 395, he left his caused havoc in the royal household.
son Arcadius ruling in the eastern portion of the Shortly after he was named emperor, Con-
empire while his son Honorius and his half-sister stantius died, leaving Galla Placidia a widow
Galla Placidia went to the western portionthe once again. Her brother Honorius seemed to
region most plagued by invading Germanic fear the political influence she wieldedespe-
tribes, most of whom were called Goths. When cially over the always-turbulent Gothic tribes, so
the Goths invaded Italy, the royal household was he sent her to Constantinople with her children
unable to withstand them. Even Galla Placidia to keep her out of the way. Honorius himself
was captured in A.D. 409 or 410, and she wit- died two years later in A.D. 423, leaving the suc-
nessed the sack of the Eternal City of Rome it- cession uncertain. After two years of a usurper,
self. (During this raid, the expensive house of the the eastern emperor Theodosius II restored
holy woman Melania the Younger was burned Galla Placidias family. In A.D. 425, her young
down.) The young hostage seems to have been son Valentinian III (only about six years old)
well treated and held in respectful captivity, and was crowned emperor. She ruled for about a
during this time Galla Placidia seems to have decade during his minority, and during that
begun to exert influence on the Goths. time she showed her political astuteness as she
When the Goths left Italy and moved into maneuvered through the difficult times when
Gaul (modern-day southern France), the royal Goths and Romans were fighting for wealth and
princess went with them. In A.D. 414, the power throughout the west.
Gothic leader Athaulf made a peace treaty with Sometime during her regency, Galla Placidia
Rome and established a home in the empire for commissioned the building of a small chapel in
him and his people. In the same year, he married the new Italian capital of Ravenna. This elegant
Galla Placidia, thus making any children they building in the shape of a cross has a simple ex-
would have heirs to the Roman Empire itself. At terior, but inside it is dominated by splendid
their wedding, he reputedly claimed to have mosaicsthe oldest in Ravenna. This building
changed his ambitionsinstead of planning to has come to be called the mausoleum of Galla
establish a Gothic empire, he wanted to renew Placidia, although it was probably intended as a
the Roman one. Sources suggest that Galla chapel, not a tomb. This lovely building remains
Placidia was instrumental in transforming the as a memorial of the life of an extraordinary
Gothic raider to an aspiring emperor. In A.D. fifth-century woman.
415, she bore Athaulf a son, and they gave him See also Eudoxia; Flaccilla; Honoria; Justina;
the royal name Theodosius. The infant soon Melania the Younger
died, however, and Athaulf was murdered in the Suggested Readings
same year; Galla Placidia would have to ensure Bury, J. B. Justa Grata Honoria. The Journal of
her royal power through other means. Roman Studies 9 (1919): 113.
In the next year, the Roman general Con- Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of Christianity. Philadel-
phia: Fortress Press, 1984.
stantius forced the Goths to come to terms with
Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire:
him. In exchange for food, the Goths promised 284602. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
a peace treaty, which included the exchange of Press, 1986.
hostagesincluding the royal widow, Galla
Placidia. She once more moved to the center of