Student Name: Philip Harkin Id: G00374033
Student Name: Philip Harkin Id: G00374033
Student Name: Philip Harkin Id: G00374033
From your research and conversations with cooperating teachers, what previous knowledge and skills
are you building on in this first lesson of a set on SP lessons.
KNOWLEDGE (theory) Little to no knowledge of marquetry. Some may have veneered cabinets but
may not know it.
WHAT you are including in this lesson (in brief) … WHY you are including it…
Set Induction 0-3 Introduce myself to the class and Students become familiar with me as
inform them of the plan now that their teacher again.
(start) things have changed to online.
Using the powerpoint, I will begin with
the very basics, what veneer is. To Students watch powerpoint and
accompany this I created animations to listen to the explanations
help the student visualize the process.
Linking sustainability into it, I will ask Students discuss the positives and
the students how they think veneers negatives of veneers and describe
impact deforestation and whether it is how they impact deforestation.
a positive or negative impact.
I will turn on my camera and show Students take in the physical model
them some live models that I had made created using veneer and marquetry
using veneers and marquetry.
Students contemplate the value of
I will ask the students why they think veneering both sides, despite only
ive put veneer on both sides, even if putting marquetry on one.
the marquetry is only on one.
Closure 22-25 Walk students through their work for Students find out what work the
the week. have to do this week.
(Wrapping up
the lesson) Put the link to an exit card in the chat Students attempt questions by
End lesson
Powerpoint - Veneers
Exit Cards
Solidworks Model
The students participated well when asked a question. I didn’t ask the class as a whole but rather
said individual names so they had no choice but to respond.
I am happy with how the powerpoint turned out. The animations give clear sight into what the text
is saying.
Abrupt ending. It was basically powerpoint over, class over. I shouldve had a buffer time of
questions or dialogue. Although dialogue mightnt work too well online.
Also for test time I had planned that I would choose the answer that the majority chose by looking
at the number of hands up to tell me. But I couldn’t see hands up when sharing.
Take roll
Share window instead of screen would allow me to see the hands up function without disrupting
the powerpoint too much.
I had heard that a black background and white text was good for dyslexic people in the class, but I
feel that it might have been too dark and not giving off the right feel for a classroom setting. Next
time I might choose a brighter background that is still suitable for dyslexic people, like pastel
In the beginning of class it was very quiet and a bit awkward as I was waiting for the class to enter
(they entered slowly and there was 7 minutes between the first student and the last before I
began) I think a fun way to rid the silence and make it more fun than awkward would be to have an
“interesting segment” there that may not have anything to do with the lesson but might be of
interest to the students. (i.e The Tuatha De Dannen sat at an Grianan Aileach, not too far away
from buncrana, talk about that while the class enter)
Students didn’t respond when I asked the general class a question but did when asked by name.