Reducing Nurses' Stress - A Randomized Controlled Trial of A Web-Based
Reducing Nurses' Stress - A Randomized Controlled Trial of A Web-Based
Reducing Nurses' Stress - A Randomized Controlled Trial of A Web-Based
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Nursing is a notoriously high-stress occupation emotionally taxing and physically draining, with a
Received 19 January 2016 high incidence of burnout. In addition to the damaging effects of stress on nurses' health and well being, stress is
Revised 31 March 2016 also a major contributor to attrition and widespread shortages in the nursing profession. Although there exist
Accepted 5 April 2016 promising in-person interventions for addressing the problem of stress among nurses, the experience of our
group across multiple projects in hospitals has indicated that the schedules and workloads of nurses can pose
problems for implementing in-person interventions, and that web-based interventions might be ideally suited
Nurses' stress
Stress management
to addressing the high levels of stress among nurses.
Web-based intervention Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the web-based BREATHE: Stress Manage-
ment for Nurses program.
Methods: The randomized controlled trial was conducted with 104 nurses in ve hospitals in Virginia and one
hospital in New York. The primary outcome measure was perceived nursing-related stress. Secondary measures
included symptoms of distress, coping, work limitations, job satisfaction, use of substances to relieve stress, alco-
hol consumption, and understanding depression and anxiety.
Results: Program group participants experienced signicantly greater reductions than the control group on the
full Nursing Stress Scale, and six of the seven subscales. No other signicant results were found. Moderator anal-
ysis found that nurses with greater experience benetted more.
Conclusion: Using a web-based program holds tremendous promise for providing nurses with the tools they need
to address nursing related stress.
2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Background Several studies conducted over the past 25 years have found that
nursing is a high-stress occupation and that higher stress among nurses
With nearly 4 million nurses in the U.S., nursing represents the larg- is associated with poorer health and absenteeism (Erickson & Grove,
est sector of the health care professions and an indispensable compo- 2007; Kimball & O'Neill, 2002; McCrane, Lambert, & Lambert, 1987;
nent of the health care system (IOM, 2010). Although nurses are Schaefer & Peterson, 1992). The amount of stress and burnout experi-
responsible for the health of millions of Americans on a daily basis, enced by nurses appears to be both a function of the work environment
they suffer from high rates of stress that not only threaten their health and nurses' coping resources. The way a stressful event is perceived is
and well-being, but which also have a signicant impact on productivity dependent on the individual's characteristics, resiliency, and coping
and retention and ultimately on the quality of patient care (Aiken, skills (Wakim, 2014). Many sources of nurses' stress have been identi-
Clarke, Sloane, Sochalski, & Silber, 2002; Kimball & O'Neill, 2002; ed, including shift work, death of patients, heavy work load, feelings
Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2001; Milliken, Clements, & of powerlessness, management styles, and ill-designed jobs and work
Tillman, 2007). environments (Burke & Greenglass, 2001; Cohen-Katz, Wiley, Capuano,
Baker, Deitrick et al., 2005; Cohen-Katz, Wiley, Capuano, Baker, Kimmel
et al., 2005; Laschinger et al., 2001; Ruggiero, 2003; Upenieks, 2003).
Conict of Interest: The rst two authors are owners in the research organization that A considerable body of research strongly suggests that workplace
owns the BREATHE: Stress Management for Nurses program which was tested in this study.
Corresponding author at: ISA Associates, Inc., 201 North Union Street, Suite 330,
stress management interventions are effective at reducing stress
Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Tel.: +1 703 739 0880x2; fax: +1 703 739 0462. (Milliken et al., 2007; Richardson & Rothstein, 2008). A meta-analysis
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.K. Hersch). by Richardson and Rothstein (2008) found that stress interventions
0897-1897/ 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.K. Hersch et al. / Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016) 1825 19
(N = 36) had a medium to large effect on psychological, physiological, was a pretestposttest randomized controlled trial in which partici-
and organizational outcomes (overall effect size was .52), with pants were randomly assigned to a group condition. Participation was
cognitive-behavioral interventions producing the largest effects, follow- voluntary and all protocols and procedures were approved by the
ed by relaxation interventions. Studies of stress management programs study team's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Institutional Re-
conducted specically for nurses indicate that cognitive-behavioral and view Boards of the participating hospitals. Those expressing interest in
relaxation techniques can be effective in helping nurses cope with and participating were asked to complete a pretest survey and, upon com-
reduce personal stress (Cohen-Katz et al., 2005; Cohen-Katz et al., pletion, were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (re-
2005; Milliken et al., 2007; Pipe et al., 2009). The ndings of other stud- ceiving access to the BREATHE web-based program) or to a wait-list
ies have also underscored the roles of hospital environment and control group. All participants were given access to the BREATHE pro-
management style in determining nurses' stress levels, suggesting that gram following completion of the posttest questionnaire.
stress management interventions should address issues at the
organizational/management level as well as the personal level 3.2. Procedures
(Laschinger et al., 2001; Ruggiero, 2003).
However, virtually all of these interventions require multiple in- Recruitment information was provided to nurses through a number
person trainer-led sessions, typically conducted in groups. Convening of communication strategies depending on the hospital. Communica-
groups at scheduled times can be an impediment to implementing in- tion methods included posting the information on the hospital Intranet,
terventions with any occupational group (Billings, Cook, Hendrickson, announcing the study at new nursing orientations, sending emails to
& Dove, 2008; Cook & Schlenger, 2002; Snow, Swan, & Wilton, 2003), nurses, and posting the study yer on the units. Nurses interested in
but it is especially problematic for nurses whose duties require an un- participating were instructed to contact the study team directly and
usual amount of mobility and immediate responsiveness to patient were provided additional information about the nature of the study.
needs (Chesak et al., 2015; Hersch et al., 2009). To address this issue, To be eligible for the study, nurses had to be 21 years of age or older
there is now accumulating evidence that web-based programs can be and work at one of the participating hospitals. Interested participants
effective (and cost-effective) approaches to workforce health promo- were told that they would receive $25 for completing each of the two
tion and disease prevention (Rothert et al., 2006; Wantland, Portillo, study questionnaires and be entered into a drawing in which one partic-
Holzemer, Slaughter, & Mcghee, 2004; Webb, Joseph, Yardley, & Michie, ipant would receive either $200 or $500 (depending on the hospital; the
2010). Importantly, web-based programs do not require the convening respective hospital IRBs set the drawing amount) during each question-
of groups at mutually convenient times and places, but can be delivered naire round. Nurses who expressed continued interest provided the
to users at the time and place of their choosing, requiring only access to study team with an email address which was used to send a personal-
the Internet. ized link to the online pretest questionnaire, which included the con-
sent document.
2. Purpose After reading the consent document, nurses were given the option of
consenting or declining participation. Nurses were not able to continue
The current study was undertaken to test the effectiveness of a web- with the questionnaire until they acknowledged and indicated that they
based stress management intervention created specically for nurses consented to participate. Two nurses declined to participate at the point
and the situations that they experience. The BREATHE: Stress Manage- of the consent document and ten additional nurses who initially
ment for Nurses program was designed to provide nurses with the infor- expressed interest in the study and received the pretest link did not
mation and tools they need to manage the myriad of stressors that can complete the questionnaire. A hard copy of the consent document was
impact their work life. The web-based program provides a mechanism emailed to participants after they completed the pretest questionnaire.
for nurses to access the intervention at times and places convenient to One hundred and seventeen nurses contacted the study team in re-
their busy and often stressful schedules. Inuenced by feedback from sponse to the initial recruitment announcement and were sent a link to
nurses in focus groups and feasibility tests, the program includes sec- the online survey, 105 of whom completed the baseline survey. One
tions on how stress impacts the body; assessing stress and identifying participant subsequently withdrew from the study leaving a total sam-
stressors; practical stress management tools addressing changing ple size of 104 participants (See Fig. 1).
one's views of stressors, changing one's response to stressors, or chang- Randomization was conducted using a block randomized design
ing the stressful situation; promoting effective communication skills; with blocks of 4 and 6. The 0 and 1 within each block were random
taking time to grieve; and depression and anxiety. A randomized con- and the order of the group of 4 and the group of 6 was random. Random-
trolled trial was conducted to test this web-based program with a sam- ization occurred after each participant completed the pretest question-
ple of hospital-based nurses to determine if the program could help naire. The online questionnaire site was checked every day to determine
reduce the perceived stress associated with nursing and improve who completed the pretest each day and individuals were assigned to
other coping and work practices. It was hypothesized that participants the next condition on the randomization table as they completed the
receiving the web-based program (experimental group) would experi- questionnaire. Once randomization was complete, participants were
ence greater reductions in nursing related stress when compared to par- notied of the condition to which they were assigned (no blinding pro-
ticipants in the wait-list control condition. It was further hypothesized cedures were employed) and were informed of next steps; experimen-
that there would be greater reductions in symptoms of distress, using tal group participants were sent a link to the BREATHE program along
substances to relieve stress, alcohol consumption, and work limitations with a randomly generated username and password and instructions
and greater increases in coping strategies, understanding depression for using the program. Control group participants were told that their
and anxiety, and job satisfaction for participants in the experimental access to the program would be delayed until the end of the test period.
group when compared to control group participants. Participants could complete the online questionnaires and, for those in
the program condition, access the online program on work time or at
3. Methods home. The program incorporated a responsive web design that allowed
the program to be viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, tablet, or
3.1. Design smartphone.
Participants in the experimental group could access the web-based
The web-based BREATHE: Stress Management for Nurses program was program at any time during the three-month test period, both at work
tested with nurses in six hospitals (ve hospitals from a suburban or outside work (e.g., at home). A project update email was sent to
Virginia hospital system and one located in New York City). The study all participants at one-month post randomization. For the experimental
20 R.K. Hersch et al. / Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016) 1825
Consort Diagram
Excluded (n=1)
Withdrew from the study prior to
Randomized (n=104)
group, the emails included a reminder to use the program. For the con- characteristics of the sample are noted in Table 1. Participants ranged
trol group, the email included information about when the second ques- in age from 22 to 65 (mean = 41), 87.5% were female, and 65% identi-
tionnaire would be available. In addition, the project staff was always ed as Caucasian. Forty-four percent were never married and 50%
available to answer questions by telephone and email if participants were either married or living with a partner. Fifty-seven percent of par-
had any difculty accessing the program. The data collection started ticipants had a BSN and 21% had a MSN. The nurses' experience ranged
on April 22, 2014 (rst participant enrolled) and ended on February from those that had been a nurse less than 1 year (8%) to those that had
16, 2015 (last participant completed posttest). Individual access to the been a nurse for more than 25 years (30%); 34% worked on a medical or
program by experimental participants was limited to the three-month surgical oor; 8 participants (8%) identied themselves as advanced
test period for the purposes of the study. No discernable secular events practice nurses and 10 participants (10%) identied themselves as clin-
of note occurred during the test period. At the end of the three-month ical nurse managers. A comparison of the experimental and control
test period and prior to administering the follow-up questionnaire, ac- group participants on demographics and outcome variables at baseline
cess to the program was temporarily suspended. Three months after revealed no signicant differences between the groups, indicating that
randomization, participants were sent an email with the link to the randomization was successful.
posttest questionnaire. After the posttest questionnaire was complete
and all data were collected, all participants received access to the 3.4. Intervention
The web-based BREATHE: Stress Management for Nurses program
3.3. Participant characteristics consists of seven modules for nurses and an additional module for
nurse managers. Participants who completed the pretest were asked if
Study participants were 104 nurses employed either by one of ve they were a nurse manager and depending on their response, they
hospitals included in a suburban Virginia hospital system (n = 36) or were provided a username corresponding to their role. That is, if a
a large metropolitan hospital in New York (n = 68). Demographic nurse indicated they were not a nurse manager, only the seven modules
R.K. Hersch et al. / Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016) 1825 21
for nurses were visible in the program (the nurse manager module was 3.5.5. Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ)
not visible). When nurse managers accessed the program, they saw the This measure was developed and validated by Lerner, Amick,
seven nurse modules plus an additional module created specically for Rogers, Malspeis, and Bungay (2001) and contains four separate
nurse managers. The seven universal modules are: Welcome and Intro- scales: a ve item scale assessing difculty meeting time and sched-
duction (includes information on the stresses of nursing, and how uling demands (Alpha = .73); a six item scale measuring a person's
stress impacts the body and affects daily life); Assess Your Stress (pro- ability to perform job tasks, concentration and focus (Alpha = .76);
vides assessments and feedback on personal stress and coping levels); a three item scale assessing interpersonal job demands (Alpha =
Identify Stressors (helps users recognize the symptoms of stress and .77); and a ve item scale measuring a person's ability to keep up
their personal stressors and includes a tool for tracking their stress); with the quality and quantity demands of their job (Alpha = .85).
22 R.K. Hersch et al. / Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016) 1825
Instructions asked the extent to which stress made it difcult for the datasets, then using another imputed 25 datasets, etc.). For all out-
user to engage in the activities noted. comes, conclusions were identical across imputation models. Thus, we
only report the results for each outcome for a single imputation model
3.5.6. Use of substances for stress relief here the one we viewed as most conservative. This imputation
Three individual items were developed by the study team which model included baseline demographic characteristics, group assign-
asked users to indicate the extent to which they used alcohol, prescrip- ment, the corresponding baseline (pretest) measure, the interaction be-
tion drugs as prescribed, or used prescription drugs in ways other than tween group assignment and pretest scores on that measure, and the
as prescribed to relieve stress. variables noted above that predicted attrition.
The primary analyses followed intent-to-treat principles, including
3.5.7. Drinking quantity and frequency all participants irrespective of protocol violations and events arising
Drinking quantity and frequency was measured by four separate from post randomization (Friedman, Furberg, & DeMets, 2010). The
items which asked users whether they have had a drink in the past analyses (i.e., tests of program effectiveness) consisted of a series of
12 months, the number of drinking days in the past 30 days, the number multiple regressions (one for each outcome variable) conducted in
of drinks consumed on drinking days, and the number of days in which Mplus using the imputed datasets described above. Mplus automatically
users consumed ve or more drinks on the same occasion. generates the correct standard errors associated with multiply-imputed
data. In addition to including group (i.e., experimental condition), we
3.5.8. Understanding depression and anxiety also entered the following variables as covariates in each equation: pre-
Developed by the study team, this measure included six items de- test scores for that outcome, program dosage (i.e., time in program), and
signed to assess the extent to which users understood and internalized the interaction between group and pretest scores. These analyses are
the information presented in the Your Mental Health section of the pro- identical to analysis of covariance [ANCOVA] in ANOVA terminology.
gram (Alpha = .58). To further corroborate the conclusions from these analyses and to
explore the impact of the multiple imputations, we also conducted
3.5.9. Nurses Job Satisfaction Scale ANCOVAs in SPSS (using listwise deletion). The conclusions from
Nurses' satisfaction with their job was assessed with the 24-item those analyses mirrored the ones from the Mplus analyses, suggesting
Nurse Satisfaction Scale, developed by Ng (1993). The scale measures that the imputation, although allowing for the inclusion of more data,
the respondent's satisfaction with seven work factors: administration, did not lead to appreciably different study results.
co-workers, career, patient care, relation with supervisor, nursing edu-
cation, and communications. (Alpha = .84). 4. Results
There were fourteen participants who did not respond at posttest. Of Table 2 presents the results of the regression analyses using the im-
these participants, thirteen were in the treatment group, representing a puted data testing the differential improvement on the self-reported
signicant difference between conditions. While the overall attrition outcome measures.
rate was 13.4% (14/104), the experimental group attrition rate was
25% (13/52). A number of strategies were employed to address this dif- 4.1.1. Nursing related stress (Nursing Stress Scale)
ference and to ensure that any signicant group differences in outcome The experimental group showed signicantly greater improvement
measures were not due to this differential attrition. First, we conducted than the control group on the primary outcome measure of nurses'
an attrition analysis to determine if there was a failure of randomization. stress. Signicant differences were found between the experimental
Results revealed that there were no signicant differences between the and control groups on the full Nursing Stress Scale (t = -2.95; p = .00)
two groups on any of the pretest measures or demographic variables, and six of the seven subscales including stress related to issues of death
indicating that randomization with respect to the study variables had and dying (t = -2.24, p = .03), conict with physicians (t = -2.11,
been successful. Next, we examined which pretest or demographic var- p = .04), inadequate preparation (t = -1.95, p = .05), conict with
iables predicted posttest missingness (i.e., attrition). We found that the other nurses (t = -4.17, p = .00), work load (t = -2.30, p = .02), and un-
following participants were less likely to respond to the posttest mea- certainty concerning treatment (t = -2.14, p = .03). The only subscale
sure: those who reported greater number of days in which they had where there were no signicant differences between groups was stress
ve or more drinks on the same occasion at pretest, those who reported related to issues of Lack of Support (t = -1.49; ns).
more drinks per day at pretest, and those who had lower scores on the
understanding of depression and anxiety measure at pretest. 4.2. Other outcome measures
Using these variables, we also conducted a logistic regression,
predicting posttest non-response (i.e., a 0 or 1 outcome variable) with No other signicant differences were found for the secondary out-
these three variables as a set as well as the Group (i.e., experimental come measures including symptoms of distress, coping with stress,
condition) variable. We did so to examine whether these other variables work limitations, nurses job satisfaction, understanding depression
collectively explained the differential attrition across groups. Results of and anxiety, using substances to relieve stress, or alcohol quantity and
this analysis revealed that experimental condition remained a signi- frequency.
cant predictor of non-response beyond (i.e., in addition to) these vari-
ables, indicating that drinking status and understanding of mental 4.3. Program utilization
health issues did not carry the effects of the experimental condition.
Given these ndings, we conducted multiple imputations for miss- Every time an experimental group participant logged into the
ing values of all outcome variables, using the Markov chain Monte BREATHE program using the unique identier, data were collected on
Carlo (MCMC) approach (Schafer, 1997). To ensure robustness, we gen- the time the user was active in the program and the pages that were
erated several imputation models (i.e., included different sets of vari- accessed. As noted in Table 3, the majority of program group partici-
ables) to create multiply-imputed data sets. For each model, we pants logged into the program 13 times. Ten participants in the exper-
generated 25 multiply-imputed data sets. We then conducted the pri- imental group never logged into the program. The average number of
mary analyses on each of the 25 datasets (i.e., conducted analyses logins for those who logged in at least once was 2.5. The average amount
using one imputation model using the corresponding imputed 25 of time spent in the BREATHE program was 43 minutes.
R.K. Hersch et al. / Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016) 1825 23
Table 2
Program results on dependent measures
Nursing stress: Full scale 2.243 (.46) 2.273 (.43) 2.072 (.38) 2.350 (.49) .085 2.954 .003
Nursing stress: Death and dying 2.102 (.54) 2.143 (.58) 2.004 (.50) 2.275 (.70) .106 2.244 .025
Nursing stress: Conict with physicians 2.285 (.59) 2.290 (.61) 2.064 (.51) 2.297 (.56) .104 2.108 .035
Nursing stress: Inadequate preparation 2.180 (.53) 2.231 (.58) 1.982 (.47) 2.207 (.59) .107 1.952 .051
Nursing stress: Lack of support 1.884 (.60) 2.032 (.62) 1.750 (.66) 2.021 (.58) .115 1.487 .137
Nursing stress: Conict with other nurses 2.182 (.71) 2.077 (.68) 1.855 (.55) 2.328 (.70) .125 4.167 .000
Nursing stress: Work load 2.666 (.61) 2.741 (.56) 2.558 (.59) 2.832 (.58) .110 2.297 .022
Nursing stress: Uncertainty concerning treatment 2.186 (.64) 2.203 (.62) 2.003 (.45) 2.211 (.55) .096 2.139 .032
Symptoms of distress: Full scale 2.793 (.47) 2.799 (.52) 2.968 (.51) 2.840 (.54) .081 1.536 .125
Symptoms of distress: Physical symptoms 2.551 (.63) 2.760 (.60) 2.660 (.70) 2.689 (.66) .108 1.186 .236
Symptoms of distress: Behavioral symptoms 3.248 (.46) 3.188 (.53) 3.404 (.46) 3.286 (.48) .095 .942 .346
Symptoms of distress: Emotional symptoms 2.675 (.60) 2.599 (.67) 2.891 (.63) 2.681 (.66) .101 1.679 .093
Coping with stress: Full scale 2.013 (.33) 2.030 (.29) 1.949 (.39) 1.992 (.31) .063 .617 .537
Coping with stress: Situation mastery 2.231 (.39) 2.211 (.43) 2.232 (.40) 2.243 (.35) .076 .284 .776
Coping with stress: Adaptability 2.017 (.37) 2.036 (.38) 1.877 (.51) 1.963 (.40) .083 .972 .331
Work limitations: Time and scheduling demands 3.929 (.73) 4.022 (.71) 4.078 (.92) 3.908 (.79) .015 .282 .778
Work limitations: Focus and concentration demands 4.042 (.62) 4.075 (.65) 4.305 (.73) 3.964 (.82) .090 .245 .806
Work limitations: Interpersonal demands 4.387 (.47) 4.177 (.82) 4.340 (.68) 4.222 (.74) .150 .313 .754
Work limitations: Quality and quantity demands 4.045 (.66) 3.866 (.86) 4.193 (.89) 4.001 (.77) .162 .520 .603
Nurses job satisfaction 4.848 (.71) 5.038 (.82) 4.811 (.66) 4.825 (.79) .119 .891 .373
Understanding depression and anxiety 3.246 (.52) 3.354 (.45) 3.470 (.38) 3.357 (.47) .108 1.569 .117
Using alcohol to relieve stress 1.808 (.86) 1.885 (.93) 1.738 (.86) 1.912 (.99) .127 .880 .379
Using prescription drugs as prescribed to relieve stress 1.135 (.56) 1.212 (.57) 1.104 (.48) 1.112 (.47) .092 .246 .806
Using prescription drugs not as prescribed to relieve stress 1.019 (.14) 1.058 (.30) 1.020 (.11) 1.038 (.28) .024 .511 .609
Drank in the past 12 Months .885 (.32) .885 (.32) .876 (.32) .886 (.31) .037 .271 .787
Number of drinking days in past 30 days 5.326 (6.66) 4.306 (4.83) 4.452 (5.89) 4.918 (4.65) .686 1.612 .107
Number of drinks per drinking day in past 30 days 1.649 (1.34) 1.704 (1.32) 1.513 (1.19) 1.455 (1.04) .208 .413 .680
Number of days having 5 or more drinks on one occasion in past 30 days .556 (1.67) .466 (1.28) .282 (.78) .353 (.76) .126 .847 .397
Notes. SE = standard error for group effect. t = t-value for group effect. sd = standard deviation
To determine whether program effects on the nurses' stress out- Results of this randomized controlled trial provide evidence of the
come differed based on participant demographics, a series of moderator benets of using a web-based program to help hospital-based nurses
analyses were performed on all outcome measures. No interactions manage the stress often associated with nursing. Nurses who received
were detected between condition and race, marital status, nursing edu- access to the BREATHE program showed signicant improvement in
cation, site, or years at current hospital. There was, however, a statisti- perceived nursing related stress. In addition to showing signicant im-
cally signicant moderating effect of years of nursing on nurses' stress. provement in perceived stress as measured by the overall Nursing
Specically, results showed that the program had a greater impact on Stress Scale (NSS), nurses showed reductions in specic areas of nursing
reducing nursing related stress for nurses with more experience (that stress including the stress related to death and dying, conict with phy-
is, having been a nurse for more years). sicians, inadequate preparation, conict with other nurses, work load,
We also examined the relationship between utilization as measured and uncertainty concerning treatment. These subareas are particularly
by minutes in program and the impact of the program on nursing re- important as the BREATHE program specically focuses on areas of nurs-
lated stress. Results of that analysis showed that participants who spent ing stress that nurses could address either by changing the way they
more time appeared to benet more (p = .076), that is, had greater re- view the stressor, changing how they respond to stress or, when possi-
duction in nursing related stress, though that relationship was not sig- ble, changing the stressful situation. For example, three of the stress
nicant at p = .05 level. management skills sections involve learning assertive communication,
conict resolution, and problem solving strategies that can reduce the
stress associated with different interactions with other nurses or physi-
Table 3
Program utilization cians. In addition, the section entitled Taking Time to Grieve tackles
head on the stress surrounding death and dying and provides nurses
Utilization Number Percentage
with strategies they can use to alleviate that stress. In the course of
Logins their clinical work, nurses are frequently required to cope with the pro-
0 10 19.2% cesses surrounding patient deaths. Nurses' personal attitudes towards
1 15 28.8%
2 8 15.4%
death and dying can inuence the quality of care they provide especially
3 10 19.2% during the terminal stages of a person's life. Faced with emotional issues
4 4 7.7% such as the reality of death, nurses need skills and experience to manage
5 4 7.7% such fears. Programs such as BREATHE which aim to address this issue
8 1 1.9%
and provide exercises on grieving and coping with the demands of car-
Time in program
(For participants who logged in at least once) ing for dying patients can serve to both minimize this stress and im-
Less than 20 minutes 17 40.5% prove overall care of terminal and critically ill patients (Deffner & Bell,
20 minutes1 hour 14 33.3% 2005; Peters et al., 2013).
12 hours 6 14.3% Results of this study also point to the importance of interventions
Over 2 hours 5 11.9%
that are aimed at improving work relations among nurses since conict
24 R.K. Hersch et al. / Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016) 1825
with other nurses and physicians is a signicant source of stress (Tabak These results mirror ndings for in-person workplace stress man-
& Orit, 2007). Perceptions of stresses associated with conict with other agement interventions that focus on cognitive-behavioral and relaxa-
nurses and conict with physicians were signicantly improved follow- tion strategies (Cohen-Katz et al., 2005; Cohen-Katz et al., 2005;
ing administration of the BREATHE program which specically ad- Milliken et al., 2007; Pipe et al., 2009).
dresses communication skills in this area. Additionally, the nurse The cognitive behavioral aspects of the program include instructing
managers module of BREATHE provides information on reducing stress users about reactions to stress that are counterproductive and strategies
through positive management practices and better communication designed to help users replace dysfunctional ways of thinking with
with staff nurses. Identifying and addressing the communication more positive ways of coping. The program also provided examples of
needs of nurses has been associated with the promotion of individual stressful situations and how to use cognitive restructuring techniques
growth, retention, and work satisfaction (Wakim, 2014). An essential to change interpretations and perceptions of stressful events, the im-
element for nursing management is to create an environment in portance of which has been discussed elsewhere (Bamber, 2006). Nu-
which open communication is encouraged and co-worker support is merous studies have indicated that cognitive behavioral therapy is
fostered because worker criticisms and conicts are often the cause of effective in modifying dysfunctional cognitions and improving an
stress (Lavoie-Tremblay, Leclerc, Marchionni, & Drevniok, 2010). Nursing individual's ability to deal with stressful events (Granath, Igvarsson,
unit managers and their teams are confronted with complex health care von Thiele, & Lundberg, 2006; Moeini, Hazavehei, Hosseini, Aghamolaei,
issues and managers need the skills to promote supportive and adaptive & Moghimbeigi, 2011; Mok, Chau, Chan, & Ip, 2014). As cognitive behav-
work environments. Chronic exposure to stress and work complexity ioral therapy focuses on modifying dysfunctional cognitions and pro-
can negatively affect nurse managers' health, their decision-making pro- moting the adoption of appropriate behaviors for coping with stress
cesses and potentially threaten both patient and organizational outcomes and emergent situations, it can be especially effective for addressing
(Van Bogaert et al., 2014). Further, stresses emanating from the physical the stress experienced by nurses (Brunero, Cowan, & Fairbrother,
and social environment such as role ambiguity and poor communications 2008; Orly, Rivka, & Dorit, 2010).
with leadership have been signicantly associated with increased levels The results of this study need to be considered with regard to limita-
of emotional exhaustion (Stordeur, D'Hoore, & Vandenberghe, 2001). Pro- tions. The primary limitation is the small sample size, which makes it
viding nurses with communication skills and reinforcing the need to ask difcult to generalize the effectiveness of the intervention beyond our
for help when needed appears to help both the perception of stress and population. The sample size may also have made it difcult to detect sig-
physical consequences such as exhaustion and burnout. nicant relationships between the intervention and the outcomes of in-
It was surprising that perceived stress from a lack of social support terest. A second limitation is the degree of program utilization. Several
did not show signicant improvements following the intervention. So- nurses in the experiment group did not access the program, thereby di-
cial support among nurses in the form of positive interpersonal ex- luting observed differences between the experimental and control
changes with coworkers and supervisors is associated with enhanced groups. The reasons why these nurses did not access the program are
security, mutual respect, and positive feelings which all help to reduce worthy of further consideration as are exploring ways in which utiliza-
stress (Jennings, 2008). One explanation for this nding is that nurses in tion could have been bolstered. It is encouraging, however, that despite
this study did not experience high levels of stress from a lack of social the small sample size and limited utilization the results clearly revealed
support. Baseline numbers for nurses experiencing this type of stress that the intervention had benecial effects on nurses' perception of
were low (lowest among all the subscales), and while there were de- stress lending additional support to the ndings that programs focusing
creases in this type of stress following the intervention, there was re- on personnel support can be an effective workplace stress management
duced ability for improvement and the changes were minor. approach for nurses (Mimura & Grifths, 2003). Lastly, the study was
Secondary outcome measures which included symptoms of distress only able to assess the relatively short-term (three months) impact of
and job satisfaction and using alcohol or substances to relieve stress the BREATHE program on self-reported measures of perceived stress,
showed no signicant effects of the web-based program. It may be distress and coping. Additional studies would benet from a longer
that the relatively short intervention and brief follow-up period were posttest data collection period and the inclusion of biological measures
not sufcient to achieve the desired improvements in these types of such as cortisol to test the effects of stress management interventions
outcome measures. Future studies could benet from longer interven- on objective measures of stress.
tion and follow-up periods to more adequately test program effects.
The moderating effect of years in nursing on nurses' stress following 6. Summary and conclusions
the intervention is an interesting nding and worthy of further investi-
gation. A study looking at the moderating effects of negative outcomes This project developed and tested a comprehensive web-based
of stress among nurses, found a signicant relationship with age, but training program for hospital staff nurses and nursing management.
not with years in nursing (Kath, Stichler, & Ehrhart, 2012). Results of The web-based program contains segments on identifying and
this study, however, showed that the program had a greater impact on assessing stress, stress management strategies and tools, and avoiding
reducing nursing related stress for nurses with more experience (having negative coping techniques. Overall, study ndings indicate that the
been a nurse for more years). A recent study found interesting associa- BREATHE web-based program can be an effective means of reducing
tions between years of nursing and response to stressful situations nurses' perceived stress related to issues of death and dying, conict
(Galdikiene, Asikainen, Balciunas, & Suominen, 2014). In this study a sig- with physicians, inadequate preparation, conict with other nurses,
nicant correlation was found between length of work experience and work load, and uncertainty concerning treatment. Results of the study
the responses to dealing with issues of death and dying and conict hold promise for the use of BREATHE (or similar) web-based programs
with physicians. The nurses with longer work experience in health as an important occupationally-based intervention to help nurses gain
care mentioned that the most stressful situations were caring for dying the information and skills they need to manage many of the stressors
patients and having conicts with physicians, which were also areas im- associated with nursing.
pacted with the current intervention. The reasons why the program had
greater impact on nurses with more experience could be due to ways in Acknowledgments
which information is processed in relation to experience. A study by
Daley (1999) reported that novice nurses tend to primarily learn This study was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of
through the content delivered in formal training, whereas in contrast, Health, National Institute on Nursing Research. Grant Number
expert nurses supplement formal learning with a mature knowledge R44NR013348.
base that they have developed over a period of years. We would also like to acknowledge other contributors
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