Oracle Service Bus 12c - Administration Ed 1 (Activity Guide)

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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
Oracle Service Bus 12c:

Activity Guide
Edition 1.0 | July 2015 | D91946
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Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may copy and
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the document, please
report them in writing to: Oracle University, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California 94065 USA. This document is not
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The U.S. Governments rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these training materials are restricted
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Trademark Notice s a
h a
c l)
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
nte uide

@ nt G
e z
u tude
Cindy Church
s q
Technical Contributors and Reviewers ( f cva this S
Mary Peek, Takyiu Liu, David J. Mills, Irise
a Wunderlich,
dRobert se Matt Slingsby, Jay Kasi,
Armando Hernandez, William Prewitt t a t o u
C as nse
u e z lice
Smita Kommini, Raj
a b le Abraham
e V fer
e i p
a n s
F Bopaiah
Seema n -t r
n o
Jobi Varghese, Jayanthy Keshavamurthy

This book was published using: Oracle Tutor

Table of Contents
Password document for Oracle Service Bus 12c Administration

Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction ..............................................................................................................1-1

Practices for Lesson 1....................................................................................................................................1-2
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Practices for Lesson 2: Getting Started with Oracle Service Bus ...............................................................2-1
Practices for Lesson 2....................................................................................................................................2-2
Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c ..........................................................................3-1
Practices for Lesson 3: Overview ...................................................................................................................3-2
Practice 3-1: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c .............................................................................................3-3
Practice 3-2: Installing Service Bus Schemas by Using the Repository Creation Utility .................................3-9
Practice 3-3: Creating a WebLogic Domain for Oracle Service Bus...............................................................3-15
Practice 3-4: Deploying Web Service Applications.........................................................................................3-25
Practice Solutions ..........................................................................................................................................3-27
Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools .........................................................................4-1
s a
Practices for Lesson 4: Overview ...................................................................................................................4-2 a
c l
n t el ide
Practice 4-1: Testing a SOAP-Based Pipeline ...............................................................................................4-3
Solution Instructions .......................................................................................................................................4-12
@ e G u
ez den
Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals ..............................................................5-1 t
q u
Practices for Lesson 5: Overview ...................................................................................................................5-2
s tu
v a S
Practice 5-1: Managing Service Bus Sessions ...............................................................................................5-3
(fc e this
Practice 5-2: Customizing a Service Bus Configuration .................................................................................5-9
Practice 5-3: Managing Service Bus Using WLST
d us
(Optional) Practice 5-4: Propagating a Service
s t a Bus
e to .................................................................5-22
C cens
Solution Instructions .......................................................................................................................................5-30
Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting
ue ...................................................................................................................6-2
and Monitoring .......................................................................................6-1
s q l e
Practice 6-1: V fService
Practices for Lesson 6:
Monitoring rabHealth .........................................................................................................6-3
e l ip6-2: Defining
a n sService-Level Agreements ..........................................................................................6-9
F n-Analyzing
Practice 6-3:
t r Service Bus Reports .................................................................................................6-18
n o
Solution Instructions .......................................................................................................................................6-22
Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security ...............................................................................................7-1
Practices for Lesson 7: Overview ...................................................................................................................7-2
Practice 7-1: Configuring the Security Environment .......................................................................................7-4
Practice 7-2: Applying a Security Policy to Proxy Services ............................................................................7-9
Practice 7-3: Testing the Proxy Service Security Implementation ..................................................................7-13
Practice 7-4: Propagating Identity from Service Bus to Secured Web Service ..............................................7-18
Solution Instructions .......................................................................................................................................7-30
Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability .................................................................................8-1
Practices for Lesson 8: Overview ...................................................................................................................8-2
Practice 8-1: Creating a Service Bus Cluster .................................................................................................8-3
Practice 8-2: Initializing a Service Bus Cluster ...............................................................................................8-11
Practice 8-3: Load Balancing Service Endpoint .............................................................................................8-15
Practice Solutions ..........................................................................................................................................8-21

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle Service Bus 12c: Administration Table of Contents

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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
Password document for Oracle Service Bus 12c Administration

Server and Cluster passwords

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Username: weblogic

password: welcome1


Sys: dba
s a
password: welcome1 h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Database Schema PROD
s q u tude
password: oracle
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
Database Schema PROD1 z C en
e l i c
password: oracle squ rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r
noSchema PROD2

password: oracle

username: jdoe

password: welcome1

username: joe

password: welcome1
For Practice 7-3, step 2d

username: joe

password: notwelcome1
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s a
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Practices for z @
n t G1:
q e
u tude
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse1 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 1

There are no practices for this lesson.

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s a
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 2
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s a
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e nte uide
Practices for z @
Lessonn t G2:
q e
u tudwithe
Gettinga s Started
S Oracle
(fc e thBus
Service is
ed Chapter
t a t o us2
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 2: Getting Started with Oracle Service Bus

Chapter 2 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 2

There are no practices for this lesson.

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s a
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 2: Getting Started with Oracle Service Bus

Chapter 2 - Page 2
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
Practices for ez Lesson
e t
n 3:
Installingq u
s Oracle d
tu Service Bus
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed Chapter
o us3
as nse t
z lice
u e
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 3: Overview
Practices Overview
In the practices for this lesson, you:
Install Oracle Service Bus 12c
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Run the Oracle Repository Creation Utility to create the Service Bus schemas (to
support the reporting feature and Oracle WSM policies)
Create a WebLogic domain for Oracle Service Bus
Deploy back-end web service applications
The Oracle WebLogic Server software has already been installed on the classroom

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 2
Practice 3-1: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c
In this practice, you install the Oracle Service Bus 12c software.

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The Oracle WebLogic Server software must be installed in the Oracle
Middleware Home directory /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/
(This has been installed for you.)
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release is installed.
The /home/oracle/stage directory must contain the software for Oracle Service Bus
The following environment variables are used in the lab environment and are included in your
.bash_profile file:
s a
c l
Tasks n t el ide
e G u
1. In a terminal window, navigate to the installation directory. z@ t
q u e den
$ cd /home/oracle/stage
v a s S tu
2. Start the Service Bus installation by invoking(fthe is
c javathexecutable from the JDK directory
on your system. a
ed o us e
st se t jar fmw_12.
$ /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_71/bin/java
C some
The Oracle installer performs
z c ensystem checks and launches the installation wizard.
qu busing
3. Complete the installation l i
e the graphical user interface by following the steps below:
s l
a. ClickV Next in thera
Welcome screen.
b. ip
e s f e
Fel then-drop-down
tran menu.
Select the Oracle home directory /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/ using


Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 3
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s a
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f c va his S
c. Review the Feature Sets included ina
d e t
the current installation, and then click Next.
e s
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 4
d. Review the Installation Type, and then click Next.
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e. After the installer does the installation prerequisite checks, click Next.

s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 5
f. Click Install on the Review the Installation Summary screen.
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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 6
g. Watch the Installation Summary screen and wait for it to reach 100% complete. All
items should have a green check mark in the first column.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
h. Click Next.
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 7
i. Review the Installation Complete screen and click Finish when you are done. The
screen shows the next steps in the installation process.
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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 8
Practice 3-2: Installing Service Bus Schemas by Using the Repository
Creation Utility
In this practice, you run RCU version to create the schemas in the Oracle Database
11g standard edition database instance.
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Oracle Service Bus is installed on the system.
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release is installed.

1. Open a terminal window.
2. Navigate to the directory that has the rcu script.
s a
$ cd /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/
)h a
3. Confirm that JAVA_HOME is set to the correct path.
l c l
a. To confirm that the environment variable is set correctly, enter the n t efollowing e
@ nt G u
$ java -version
e z
b. Ensure that the Java version is 1.7.0_71, as shown s q t u de
uin the image:
( f cva this S
e da use
a s ta e to
c. If you do not see thatC
z c e ns then set JAVA_HOME to
Java version,

s q ue le li

V f e r ab
4. Confirm thatMIDDLEWARE_HOME is set to the correct path.

l e
To confirm s
a. ip
n that the environment variable is set correctly, enter the following command:
F $nls r a
b.n Ensure that you see these directories included in the list: osb, oracle_common,

c. If you do not see those directories, then set MIDDLEWARE_HOME.

5. Run the script.
6. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
7. Accept the default Create Repository option with the System Load and Product Load
options selected and click Next.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 9
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8. Enter the following information on the Database Connection Details screen:

s a
Host Name: localhost h a
Port: 1521 l c l)
Service Name: orcl e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Username: sys
s q ufile. tude
cva this S
Password: See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword
Role: SYSDBA ( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

9. Click Next.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 10
10. After the prerequisite checks have passed, click OK.
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s a
c l
11. Select Create new prefix and enter PROD.
n t el ide
12. Expand AS Common Schemas in the Component table and makee
@ G
the followingu selections,
and then click Next: ez den t
Metadata Services s q u tu
v a S
Audit Services
a (fc e this
Audit Services Append
a ed o us
Audit Services Viewer st t
C Services
Oracle Platform Security n s e
e z l i c e
s qu Service
User Messaging
b le
V fer
WebLogic a
l i p e
Oracle n s Scheduler
F Common r a
-t Infrastructure Services (selected by default)
o n
n SOA Suite
SOA Infrastructure

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 11
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
13. Verify that the prerequisite checks have passed
histhe password as follows, and
t click OK.

then click Next: a ed o us

14. Select Use same passwords for all schemas

a st se t
Password: See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword file.
z C cen
Confirm Password:
q u e theeOracleServiceBus12cPassword
See li file.
s erab l
e nsf
l i p
Fe n-tra

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 12
15. Accept the default custom variables and then click Next.
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16. Click Next on the Map Tablespaces screen.

a. Click OK in the dialog box to create any tablespaces that do not already exist in the
schema. s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
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F n-t

b. When the table creation is complete, click OK.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 13
17. Review the Summary Creation information and then click Create.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e d a indicates
18. Verify that each of the component schemas
s e a Success status, and then click

t a to u
Close. Do not close the terminal window. You can use it in the next section.

C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 14
Practice 3-3: Creating a WebLogic Domain for Oracle Service Bus
In this practice, you create a WebLogic domain for Oracle Service Bus.

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The Oracle WebLogic Server software must be installed in the Oracle
Middleware Home directory /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/
The Oracle Service Bus 12c is installed into the specific Oracle Home
directory /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/
The Oracle Database 11g instance is running with the required Service Bus schemas.

1. Start the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard by entering the following
commands in a terminal window:
s a
$ cd /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/ a
c l
n t el ide
$ ./
@ e G u
ez den
2. In the Domain Location field, leave the directory the same, except replacet base_domain
with osb_domain.
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

3. Click Next.
4. Choose the templates.
a. Select Create Domain Using Product Templates.
b. Select the following available templates:
Oracle Service Bus [osb]
WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-RPC Extension
ODSI XQuery 2004 Components [oracle_common]
Oracle Enterprise Manager [em]
Oracle WSM Policy Manager [oracle_common]
Oracle JRF [oracle_common]
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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 15
WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension [wlserver]
c. Click Next.
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed the o us
5. On the Application Location screen,
as nse
verify t domain name and location, and then click
z lice
Domain name: osb_domain
u e

Domain location:sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
Application r location:
n -t
n o

6. Configure the Administrator user name and password using the following settings, and then
click Next:
Name: See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword file.
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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 16
Password: See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword file (enter twice to confirm).
7. Select Production for Domain Mode and Oracle HotSpot 1.7.0_71/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_71 for
JDK, and then click Next.
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s a
c l
el clickiNext:
8. Enter the following settings for the Database Configuration Type, and tthen
n de
Vendor: Oracle e
@ nt G Version u
Driver: *Oracles Driver (Thin) for Service e z
u tude
s q
cva this S
9.0.1 and later
DBMS/Service: orcl ( f
Host Name: localhost
e da use
Port: 1521
a sta se to
z C cen
Schema Owner: PROD_STB
q e
u See e li
Schema Password: l the OracleServiceBus12cPassword file.
Note: e TheVSchemaf rab in this table must match the value that you assigned to schema
l ip earlier
e a n s you ran the RCU utility. Do not leave it at the default with the DEV
Fprefix nbecause
-t that is used for a different course.
n the Get RCU Configuration button to retrieve the database schema.
9. Click

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 17
10. When the message Successfully Done is displayed, click Next.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
a screen.
11. Click Next on the Component Datasources
e d se
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 18
12. After the datasources have been successfully created, click Next.
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a fc this
e d use
Note: This creates a default domain with an server and one Service Bus

sta se to
managed server called osb_server1.
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 19
13. Select Administration Server and Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence on the
Advanced Configuration screen, and then click Next.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e daServeruscreen,
se and then click Next:
sta se to
14. Enter the following on the Administration
Name: AdminServer a
C cen
e z
u le li
Listen Address: localhost
s q
Listen Port:
V 7001
f e r ab
l e
ip Groups:n sUnspecified
F n-t r a

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 20
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
f cvaandththen
15. Enter the following on the Managed Server screen,
( is Sclick Next:
Name: osb_server1
e da use
Listen Address: localhost ta
a s se to
Listen Port: 7003
z C cen
Server Groups: q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

16. Click Next on the Clusters and Coherence Clusters screens.

17. Click Next on the Machines screen. This step is necessary if you are managing several
servers, but it is not required for your classroom purposes.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 21
18. Review the details on the Configuration Summary screen, and then click Create.
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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da100%,
19. When the Configuration Progress reaches
u e Next.
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 22
20. Review the information on the Configuration Success screen, and click Finish.
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
21. Start the administration se t
z C ways
differentic ento start the server. You can simply double-click the
a. There are several e l
squ rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r
noStart SA Admin Server icon on the desktop and enter the
administrative credentials (See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword file) when
prompted. Or you can execute the following commands:
1) Open a new terminal window, and navigate to the
domain/bin directory.
2) Enter the following command:
$ gnome-terminal -title AdminServer e ./
If prompted, enter the administrative credentials: weblogic/ See the
OracleServiceBus12cPassword file.
Note: This command starts the server in a separate terminal window with the
appropriate title so that you do not confuse it with other terminal windows. You can
also start it by using a separate terminal window with just the
./ command.
Tip: If you prefer, create a file for the domain to avoid
supplying credentials on subsequent server restarts.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 23
b. The server will take a couple of minutes to start up. Make sure that you see the
message Server started in RUNNING mode to confirm that the Administration
server is running.
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s a
c l
22. Start the Service Bus managed server.
n t el ide
e theGStart
a. Similarly, start the Service Bus managed server by double-clicking
@ u SA OSB
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
Server icon on the desktop e
d usand enter the administrative credentials
st se to file) when prompted. Or you can
(see the OracleServiceBus12cPassword
execute the following
e z l i c en
squ rable-title SBosb_server1
$ gnome-terminal Server e
V fe
e l i p
When n s enter the administrative credentials: See the
n -t r
F OracleServiceBus12cPassword file.
n Note: You can also start it by using a separate terminal window with just the
./ osb_server1 command.
b. It will take a couple of minutes to start. Make sure that you see the message Server
started in RUNNING mode to confirm that the Service Bus managed server is
c. Minimize the terminal windows but do not close them. If you close these windows, it will
shut down the servers, and you will need to start them again.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 24
Practice 3-4: Deploying Web Service Applications
In this practice, you deploy the back-end web service applications that will be used in later
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1. Deploy the back-end web service applications:
a. Open a terminal window and navigate to the practices directory:
$ cd /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_03
b. Deploy the service applications by using the following command:
$ ./
Wait until you see the message Deployment of service applications complete! The
Deployment State for each of the six applications should be completed.
s a
2. Verify that all the back-end web service applications are deployed on the WebLogic
h a
administration server and are running.
l c l)
nte uide
a. Double-click the Firefox Web Browser launcher on the desktop and start the Oracle
e z @ nt G
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control (EM) Console by entering the following
URL: s q u tude
f cva this S file) credentials.
b. Log in using (see the OracleServiceBus12cPassword
e da dialog
If you see an Accessibility Preferences
u sebox, click Continue.
a s ta expand
c. In the Target Navigation section,
e to WebLogic Domain > osb_domain >
z C cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

d. In the Application Deployments section, verify that the following applications are listed
under Application Deployments:
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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 25
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Note: If you do not see these applications, go back to the terminal window where you ran
s a
the deployment script and check back through the messages to see what caused them to
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 26
Practice Solutions
If you do not have time to complete these practices, perform the following steps.
Alternatively, you might face a situation where you made an error while creating the Service Bus
domain, or during the course of performing the practices, the Service Bus domain crashes.
Follow the instructions in Step 3 as follows to re-create the Service Bus domain to its original
state. In this case, the database schemas must already exist and Oracle Service Bus 12c must
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be installed. Your instructor can give you information for uninstalling a domain, if necessary.

1. Install Oracle Service Bus 12c by following the instructions in Practice 3-1.
2. Create the schemas in the database:
a. In a terminal window, navigate to the Solutions directory:
$ cd /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_03/Solutions
b. Run the script to create the schemas using RCU:
s a
$ ./ a
Verify that the schema was properly created. c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
3. Create the Service Bus domain. v a S
a. Create the Service Bus domain following a e t his in 3-3
c instructions
b. Start the WebLogic administration
a edservero andusService Bus managed server by
following the instructions s t
a nearwhen t
ethe ofadministration
the end Practice 3-3. The back-end service
applications will be deployed e n s server starts.
e z l i c
s qu 3-4,
c. Complete Practice
b l estep 1.
d. VerifyVthat all theraweb service applications are deployed and running on the WebLogic
ip ran s
administrationf e
server by following the instructions in Practice 3-4, step 2.
e l
F n-t

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Chapter 3 - Page 27
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 3: Installing Oracle Service Bus 12c

Chapter 3 - Page 28
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Practices for z @
Lesson n t G4:
q e de
u Administration
Service s Bus t u
( cva this S
e da use
a sta se Chapter
to 4
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 4: Overview
Practices Overview
In this practice, you test a SOAP-based proxy service. You familiarize yourself with the Test
Console and the information it has to offer, including the Request Document, Response
Document, and Response Metadata. You also generate an error with one of the proxy services
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and use the Invocation Trace to see the proxy service error.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 2
Practice 4-1: Testing a SOAP-Based Pipeline
In this practice, you will use the Fusion Middleware Control Console to:
Test a SOAP-based pipeline
View an error message in the Test Console
Trace the invocation
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This shows the message flow diagram of the specific services to be tested.
ShippingService Diagram (SOAP-Based Service):

s a
h a
The Oracle Service Bus 12c is installed and is running. tel
cl) e
e nare running.
u id
The back-end web service applications have been deployed
z@ and
n G
t Enterprise
Note: Throughout the practice guides, the abbreviation FMWC u e
q Stud e
refers to the
Manager Fusion Middleware Control console. a s
( f cv this
e da use
1. Deploy the Service Bus project. ta to
a s e
a. Open a terminal window
z ns to the
C andcenavigate
u e e li
b. Executethe
a l
b script to load the Service Bus project for this
e V
practice (andf e r
subsequent practices) into the WebLogic domain.
i p s
Fel $n./
- tran
noYou should see the following messages at the end:
Creating a session...

Read binary file...

Importing the project...
Activating the session...
Disconnected from weblogic server: AdminServer

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Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 3
2. Test the ShippingService pipeline.
a. In a browser window, log in to the FMWC Console at as
weblogic/ See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword file.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 4
b. In the Target Navigation section, expand SOA > service-bus (AdminServer) >
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
a is S
c. Navigate to Service Bus Project > Homec>vOperations.
a ( f th
d e
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 5
d. In the Operations section, select the Shipping Service pipeline.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e. Click the Test button to launch the Test Console. e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

f. The Test Console launches in a separate browser window. The shipOrder operation
takes shipping information and returns a tracking number. In the Payload section, click
Browse, navigate to /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_04/resources, and
open Payload.txt.
Note: This proxy service has only one operation; but if it had more, you would start by
selecting the operation that you want to test from Available Operations.

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Chapter 4 - Page 6
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
g. Click Execute to test the pipeline.
s q u tude
h. Observe the Request Document and thecResponse
( f va hisDocument
S and answer the
following questions:
da use t
1) What is the shippers first e
2) What is the shippers
ta name?
slast e to
z C type?
3) What is theeshipping c e ns
q u was
4) Whatsresponse l e li
V erab returned by the pipeline service?

l i p e nsf
Fe n-tra

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Chapter 4 - Page 7
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s a
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l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

1) Harry
2) Potter
3) Fedex
4) Tracking number: Hr14d683c1-3407-407a-a0d0-ee4824066055 (or something

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Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 8
i. Scroll down to the Invocation Trace section, expand RouteNode1, and then expand
added $transformedMsg. What did the proxy do to change the message? What is
the name of the shipper?
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
isFedex model. For example, it
a (fc into
a) The proxy transformed the message
e t h

HarryPotter. a ed (Harry)
concatenated the FirstName
o u sand LastName (Potter) to one Name,
b) The shipperC
fedEx. se
j. Click Back tou e
return cenConsole input page and change the
z to theliTest
sq rable node in the Payload to ups.
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

k. Execute the test again and inspect Invocation Trace > RouteNode1 > Message
Context Changes > added $transformMsg. How does the UPS message type differ
from the fedEx one?

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Chapter 4 - Page 9
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u and
Answer: The first name and last name are kept separate
t u de is an address

cva this S
element, Adr, which contains the separate address elements.
3. View an error in the Test Console. ( f
e da input
a. Click Back to return to the Test Console
u sepage. Change the
<java:OrderNumber> s a Payload
in tthe
e toto test.
C cens
ue le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

b. Execute the test.

c. Check the Response Document. Did the pipeline return a tracking number? If not, what
did it return?
Answer: The pipeline did not return a tracking number; instead it returned an Internal
Server Error.
d. Check the Invocation Trace. What is the fault code and reason?

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Chapter 4 - Page 10
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s a
h a
l c l)
Answer: The fault code is Server. The reason is that the format was incorrect.
OrderNumber is meant to be a number and it received a string. nte
e u ide
e. Close the Test Console.
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 4: Service Bus Administration Tools

Chapter 4 - Page 11
Solution Instructions
This practice deploys a Service Bus project and then tests the pipeline. If you do not have the
time to perform this practice, you can simply deploy the project, using the following steps:
1. Open a terminal window and change the current working directory to the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_04/deploy_projects directory.
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2. Execute the script to load the Service Bus project for this practice
into the WebLogic domain.
3. You should see the following messages at the end:
Creating a session...

Read binary file...

Importing the project...
Activating the session...
s a
Disconnected from weblogic server: AdminServer a
c l
n t el ide
4. To confirm that the projects were deployed successfully, perform the following:

@ e G u
a. In a browser window, log in to the Service Bus Console at as
weblogic/ See the OracleServiceBus12cPassword
ez den
file. t
q u tu Notification and
s the Practice_04
b. In the console, click Project Explorer and expand
v a S
Shipping projects.
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

5. Optionally, you can follow the instructions in Practice 4-1 steps 2 and 3 to test the pipeline.

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Chapter 4 - Page 12
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Practices for z @
Lesson n t G5:
q e de
u Management
Service s Bus t u
f cva this S
e da use
a sta se Chapter
to 5
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 5: Overview
Practices Overview
In the practices for this lesson, you:
Manage Service Bus sessions and resolve concurrency conflicts for a clean activation
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Create a customization file to automatically find and replace specific values

Manage Service Bus by using WLST
Propagate a Service Bus configuration from one domain to another (Optional practice)

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 2
Practice 5-1: Managing Service Bus Sessions
In this practice, you will start to become comfortable with session management in Service Bus.
Sessions are used when modifying properties in the administration console, so you will be
creating a session, modifying properties of Service Bus resources, and then activating those
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changes. Before activating your changes, the console notifies you of any conflicts your changes
might have caused. You will practice resolving those conflicts for a clean activation.
You use two different browser instances to log in to two different Service Bus consoles. You
also use different user credentials to log in to simulate a conflicting scenario in modifying
Service Bus resources. For simplicity, lets define:
Service Bus Console 1: Mozilla Firefox Web browser instance 1
Service Bus Console 2: Mozilla Firefox Web browser instance 2

1. Set up the practice environment. s a
a. In a Terminal window, navigate to
c l
n t el ide
b. Execute the script to add a new administrative@ e userG("jdoe")u to
osb_domain. Make sure you see the following message e t
ez afterdexecuting
n the script:
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
t orewarnings
Note: You can ignore anyserrors
a t as long as the script indicates that "jdoe"
was created successfully. e n s
c. Close all ofq u z weblicbrowsers.
2. Log in to V
s abConsole
le as the weblogic user to create a new session. For this
i p
practice,e call this
s e 1.
Fa.e Open n
traaFirefox web browser and navigate to the Service Bus Console at
n -

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 3
b. Log in with the weblogic/ See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File
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c. In the top-right corner, click Create to create a new session.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
q u
s console tuas user jdoe to create a
3. Using a different web browser, log in to the Servicea Bus S
new session. For this practice, call this console
a his two different web browser
(fc 2. eTotsimulate
a ed inoFirefox
instances, you can open a private session
u s using the New Private Window
a st File >sNew
e t
z C cen
a. In the Firefox browser, click Private Window.

s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

b. In the Private Window, navigate to the Service Bus Console at

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 4
c. Log in to the console with the jdoe/ See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File
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d. In the top-right corner, click Create to create a new session.

4. Create a concurrency conflict scenario. s a
h a
a. In console 1, click Resources in the left pane.
l c l)
nte uide
b. You will use the same set of SB services that was available for Practice 04. Therefore,
e z @ nt G
in the Target Navigation section, navigate to Practice_04 > Shipping > Business

s q u tude
Services, and click LocalShippingService.

( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 5
c. Navigate to the Configuration > Transport tab.
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d. Use the drop-down to change the Load Balancing Algorithm to Random.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
e. Click Save.
v a is S
f. Navigate to the same location in console
a (f2c(Private
e t hWindow). Select Random for the
Load Balancing Algorithm, andethen
us and click Activate.
click Save.
a description
t a t o
C as nse
g. In console 2, click Activate. Enter

u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

h. Return to console 1 and activate the session. Were you able to activate the session? If
not, what message did you get?
Hint: You should have received a message about a concurrency conflict.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 6
i. In the Conflicts tab, select LocalShippingService.
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j. To resolve the concurrency conflict, select the LocalShippingService, and click the
Synchronize icon.

s a
)h a
c l
n t el ide
@ e help G uif you need
k. Activate the session. Do not forget to add a description. Descriptions
ezby other
e n t
s q u
to roll back, and when you are viewing sessions created
tu d users.
l. Log out and close console 2 (Private Window). v a S
a (fc e this
5. Resolve a conflict.
a ed o us
a. Create a new session in a st s1.e t
b. In Project Explorer, z C cetonPractice_04 >Shipping > Business Services.
q e lito LocalShippingService and click the Delete button.
u box lnext
c. Select thescheck
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

d. Click Yes when prompted about the delete.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 7
e. Notice that there is now a major conflict in the Conflict section. Click View Conflicts
and expand ShippingService to see what is causing the problem.
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Because LocalShippingService is being used by a pipeline service, you do not

want to go ahead with the delete.
f. Click Discard to remove the changes, and then click Discard when prompted.

s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 8
Practice 5-2: Customizing a Service Bus Configuration
In this practice, you use the find-and-replace functionality of the Service Bus Console to locate
all the environment variables in the Service Bus configuration that match a certain value. This is
useful when migrating Service Bus configurations to an environment that might be set up
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differently with different names, port numbers, and so on. You also create a customization file
that can be repeatedly used to automatically do the find and replace on environment variables.
This is particularly useful when frequently moving a configuration from a development to a
testing environment.
In this practice, you:
Find and replace environmental values in a Service Bus configuration
Create a customization file to automatically find and replace specific values
Execute a customization file

s a
h a
1. Change the port number of the WebLogic server in osb_domain to
n t el ide
a. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console of osb_domain
@ e G u
( using the weblogic/ See
ez den t
OracleServiceBus12cPassword File credentials.
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
b. Navigate to osb_domain > Environment > Servers, and click AdminServer(admin)
in the Summary of Servers section.

c. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 9
d. Change Listen Port to 7101.
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s a
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n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
Fe. Saven -t your changes, and then in Resources, click Activate Changes. You might be
n o
logged out automatically. If not, log out of the console.
f. Log in again to the WebLogic Administration Console at the new listen port to verify the

2. In the Service Bus Console, find and replace values for the Service Bus projects to reflect
the new port number.
a. Log in to the Service Bus Console for osb_domain by specifying the new port number
in the URL ( and using weblogic/ See
OracleServiceBus12cPassword File.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 10
b. In Resources, navigate to Practice_04 > Shipping > Proxy Service and test the
ShippingService proxy service.
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c. What happens when you test the service?

Answer: You receive a connection error.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
d. Create a new session. C cen
e. To rectify the u
q e
e li received in the previous step, you need to change the port
number ofsthe l
erab services. Navigate to Admin > Configuration and select
Service Bus
and Replace.
l i p e nsf
Fe n-tra

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 11
f. Find the value 7001 and replace it with 7101. Click Replace.
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s a
h a
g. Close the dialog box. l c l)
h. How many environment variables were changed? e nte uide
Answer: 4 e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

i. Activate your session. Do not forget to add a description.

j. Retest the ShippingService proxy service. What happened this time?
Answer: It executed without any errors.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 12
3. Create a configuration file to automate the find and replace capabilities.
a. Return to the WebLogic Server Administration Console for osb_domain.
b. Change the AdminServer Listen Port back to 7001, and then save and activate the
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c. Return to the osb_domain Service Bus Console. Log in again using
Note: You may need to log out of the Service Bus Console and completely close and
reopen your Firefox browser to reset your login. This issue can occur because you
have dynamically changed the port of the server.
d. Create a new session. s a
h a
l c l)
Navigate to Admin > Configuration and select Create Configuration File.

e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 13
f. On the Create Configuration File page, ensure that Practice_04 is selected and
System is deselected, and then click Create.
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g. Save the customization file by selecting Save File and clicking OK. The file is saved as
s a
h a
OSBCutomizationFile.xml in the Downloads folder. Close the Configuration
window. l c l)
h. e nte uide
Edit OSBCutomizationFile.xml in a text editor such as gedit or Emacs (right-click
z @ nt G
the file and select Open With > editor name), and replace all the instances of 7101 with
q u tude
7001. Save and close the file after making the changes.
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

i. Return to the Service Bus Console and navigate to Admin > Configuration and select
Execute Configuration File.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 14
j. Browse to /home/oracle/Downloads and open the previously saved configuration
file. Click Next.
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k. Click Finish. Verify successful execution of the file.

l. Activate your session, and add the description.
m. Navigate to Resources > Practice_04 > Shipping > Proxy Service > and test the
ShippingService proxy service.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
C successfully.
n. Verify that the testzruns
c en
e l i
squ rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 15
Practice 5-3: Managing Service Bus Using WLST
In this practice, you use a WLST script to manage some of the common administration tasks
you might encounter with Service Bus. You edit a script that exports the Practice_04 project
from osb_domain. Then you edit a script to import another project into osb_domain. This also
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

includes creating and activating a session. To do this, you use SessionManagementMBean

and ALSBConfigurationMBean.
In this practice, you:
Export a configuration file in a WLST script
Create a session in a WLST script
Import a configuration file in a WLST script
Activate a session in a WLST script

Tasks s a
)h a
1. Modify a WLST script to export a Service Bus configuration file.
c l
a. Open the /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/wlst/export
n t el ide
/ file in a text editor (right-click theefile and G
@ u Open with
Other Application, and then select a Text Editor.) ez den t
q u tu in the file. You will
see comments for where to add each linefc
b. Add the appropriate code as instructed at the appropriate
ofvcode. is S

a ( e th
Note: Alternatively, you can replace
e d the
u s file in the

sta sfile o directory with the already

e the
z C cen directory. If
e l i
q to Step
you do so,
sskip a b le2 that follows.
c. This V
i p e WLST script
s f er is Bus
already set up to import the appropriate classes needed for

Fel tonthe n
exporting a Service configuration to a JAR file. It is also set up to connect initially
- t r a
Administration Server in osb_domain.
n o

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 16
d. Use the findService method to obtain the ALSBConfigurationMBean Mbean for
performing the read-only operations. Assign the MBean to a variable that can be used
later. Add the following code to perform this task:
alsbCore = findService(ALSBConfigurationMBean.NAME,
e. Create a new Ref object that identifies the Service Bus project. Assign it to a variable:
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

projectRef = Ref(Ref.PROJECT_REF, Ref.DOMAIN, "Practice_04")

f. Add the Ref object to a new Java Collection.
collection = Collections.singleton(projectRef)
g. Export the Service Bus project using the export method of
ALSBConfigurationMBean. Assign the result to the theBytes variable.
theBytes = alsbCore.export(collection, true, None)
h. Finally, add the code to disconnect from the current server:
s a
h a
) following:
i. Save the file after making the changes. The edited file should look likec l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 17
2. In a Terminal window, navigate to
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/wlst/export and execute the file to export the Service Bus configurations (the Practice_04
project) from the osb_domain to a JAR file.

3. Verify that Practice_05_sbconfig.jar is created in the current working directory.

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

Note: The solution script for exporting a Service Bus configuration is provided in the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Solutions/wlst/export directory. In case you fail to
s a
create the configuration file correctly, use the script provided with the solutions.
)h a
Optionally, you can view the contents of the file by right-clicking
c l
Practice_05_sbconfig.jar and selecting Open with "Archive Manager". Now you
n t el ide
can view the contents of the exported project.
@ e G u
ez den t
q u
s file u osb_domain. The
4. Modify a WLST script to import a Service Bus configuration
v a S
a fc this
sample configuration file (which creates the (Sample_OSB_Project) is already provided
ed oa unew
with the script file. The script will also create e
s session and finally activate the session.
st file insea textt
a. Open the /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/wlst/import
z C cen editor. Add the appropriate code as instructed
at the appropriate
q u e e li
location in the file. You will see comments for where to add each line
of code. s l
erabyou can replace the file in the
Note: VAlternatively,
l i p n s
Fe edited
n - t r a
file from the
directory with the already

directory. If
you do so, skip to Step 5 that follows.
b. This WLST script is already set up to import the appropriate classes needed for
importing a Service Bus configuration to a JAR file. It is also set up to connect initially
to the administration server in osb_domain.

c. Use the findService method to get SessionManagementMBean. Assign the

MBean to a variable that can be used later.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 18
sessionMBean = findService(SessionManagementMBean.NAME,
d. Use the MBean to create a new session called Import Session.
print '...Creating a new session...'
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e. Use the findService method to obtain ALSBConfigurationMBean for the new

session. Append the name of the specific session to the MBean name.
alsbSession = findService(ALSBConfigurationMBean.NAME + "."
f. Use the uploadJarFile method of ALSBConfigurationMBean. Provide the
variable that holds the SB configuration as the argument to this method.
g. s
Call the importUploaded method of ALSBConfigurationMBean. This method cana
take an import plan as input, but because you do not have one, you can use the
c l
keyword None instead.
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez of den t
h. Activate the session. Use the activateSession method
s session u apply the changes.
ALSBSessionManagementMBean to activateathe S
(fc e this
print 'Activating the session...'
ed o us
t a
"Imported the
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 19
i. Save and close the file after making the changes. The edited portion of the file should
look like the following:
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
5. In a Terminal window, navigate
a stto se t
C cen
z and execute the
s q ue filelfile
e i the Sample_OSB_Project project from the
to limport
V into osb_domain.
Note: e
l i p n s f script for importing a Service Bus configuration file is provided in the
The solution
e -tra
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/Solutions/wlst/import directory. In case

nofailnto write the script correctly, use the script provided with the solutions.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 20
6. Return to the Service Bus Console for osb_domain. Navigate to the Project Explorer and
confirm that the project, Sample_OSB_Project, exists.
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s a
c l
7. Delete Sample_OSB_Project from osb_domain.
n t el ide
a. Click the Create button to start a new session.
@ e G u
b. In Resources, select Sample_OSB_Project (ensureethat z nothing
e t
nelse is selected)
and click Delete. s q u tu d
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

c. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

d. Click Activate, enter a description, and then click the Activate button to activate the

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 21
(Optional) Practice 5-4: Propagating a Service Bus Configuration
In this practice, you export a Service Bus configuration from the current domain and import it
into a new Service Bus domain called prod_domain. This is an example of moving from a
development environment to a testing or production environment.
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In this practice, you:

Export a configuration file
Import a configuration file

1. Set up the practice environment.
a. In a Terminal window, execute the following command to create a new PROD1 prefix.
$ cd /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/create_schema
s a
$ ./ a
) h 3-3.
b. Create a new SB domain called prod_domain using the instructions in c l
Use PROD1 for the schema, 7091 for the admin server port number,
n t eland 8091
idefor the
OSB managed server.
@ e G u
e z e n t
squ Stud
2. Start the Administration Server and the Service Bus Managed Server in prod_domain.
a. Open a new Terminal window and navigate v toathe
(fc e this
main/bin directory.
a ed o us
b. Start the Administration Server
a st bysexecuting
e t the following command (all on one line):
$ gnome-terminal
z C-title c en "ProdAdminServer" e ./
e l i
s u rathe
If prompted,qenter
b leadministrative credentials: weblogic/welcome1.
Note:VThis commande so thatstarts the server in a separate Terminal window with the
i p e s f
Fel can n
appropriate title you do not confuse it with other server Terminal windows. You
- t r
a start it using a separate terminal window with just the ./
n o n
It will take a couple of minutes to start up. Make sure you see the message "Server
started in RUNNING mode" to confirm that the Administration server is running.
c. Similarly, start the Service Bus Managed Server. From the
domain/bin directory, execute the following command:
$ gnome-terminal -title "ProdServiceBusServer" e
"./ osb_server1"
When prompted, enter the administrative credentials: weblogic/ See
OracleServiceBus12cPassword File.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 22
Note: You can also start it using a separate terminal window with just the
./ osb_server1 command.
It will take a couple of minutes to start. Make sure you see the message "Server
started in RUNNING mode" to confirm that the SB managed server is running.

3. Export the configuration file.

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a. In a web browser, navigate to the Service Bus Console for the original domain
(osb_domain) at Log in as weblogic/ See
OracleServiceBus12cPassword File.
b. Navigate to the Resources section of the Service Bus Console.
c. Select Practice_04.
d. Click the Export button.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
uResourcese li box, ensure that Practice_04 is selected and System
e. In the Exports
erab l dialog
is notVselected.
l i p e n s f
Fe n-tra

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 23
f. Click Export and click OK to save the file. The file, named sbconfig.jar, will be
saved to your Downloads folder.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
s t a e to
4. Import the configuration file into prod_domain.
a. Start the Service BusCConsole forsprod_domain by navigating to
e z i c
l en in a web browser.
b. Log in as s
qu ble
c. Create
V a newfesession.
ip ranto the Resources section of the Service Bus Console.
Fd.el Navigate
n -t
n o

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 24
e. Click the Import button.
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f. Browse to the location where you saved the Service Bus configuration JAR file,
sbconfig.jar, and open the file. Click Next.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
qu SClick
g. Ensure that the Practice_04 configuration filea t udeImport.
( f cv this
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

h. Activate the session. Do not forget to add a description and click Activate.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 25
5. Validate the changes to prod_domain.
a. In the prod_domain Service Bus Console, navigate to Project Explorer.
b. Expand Practice_04 > Notification > Pipeline and click
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
c. In the Folder Definition a staopensethetoTest Console for
z C cen
u le li
q by clicking the test button.
s rab change CustomerID and OrderID to 3.
V fesection,
d. In the Payload
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 26
e. Execute the test to ensure that the proxy service is running as expected. There should
be no errors. However, no response is expected because this is a one-way service.
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f. Close the Test Console.

6. Propagate a configuration change from one domain to the other.

a. Return to the Service Bus Console of osb_domain. s a
h a
b. Create a new session.
l c l)
c. Navigate to Project Explorer.
e nte uide
d. Expand Practice_04 > Notification > Pipeline. Click the
e z @ nt G
q e
u tu>dGeneral
a is S
e. On the Pipeline Definition section, click the Configuration
v tab.
f c
( e th
d a
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 27
f. Supply a description for the pipeline proxy service, and then click the Save button.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

g. Click Activate and enter a description.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
h. Export the Practice_04 project. ed s
t a 3 if tyou
o uneed
a s se
Hint: View the instructions in step a reminder.
z C cen
q e
u le li
Note:VThe f
configuration file, named sbconfig(1).jar, is saved to the Downloads
l i p n s
Fe n-tra

7. Verify that the changes to the service reflect successfully in prod_domain.
a. Return to the prod_domain Service Bus Console.
b. Create a session.
Note: You will be prompted to log in again so there is no confusion between the two
Service Bus Consoles.
c. Import the sbconfig(1).jar file.

d. Activate the session.

e. Confirm that the new description of the ConfirmationEmailQueue_pipeline
service is visible in prod_domain.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 28
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f. Log out of the Service Bus Console for prod_domain and close the browser window.

8. Shut down the Administration Server and Service Bus Managed Server in prod_domain.
a. Return to the Terminal windows that are executing the Administration Server and
Service Bus Managed Servers for prod_domain (ProdAdminServer and Prod Service
s a
Bus Server). h a
l c l)
Important: Ensure that you are not shutting down the osb_domain server.
e nte uide
b. Enter the Ctrl + C" key combination in each Terminal window to shut down the
e z @ nt G
q u tude
c. Close the Terminal windows after the servers stop.
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 29
Solution Instructions
The solution files contain the completed Practice 5-3 WLST scripts for you to execute and verify
the result of importing and exporting Service Bus configuration files by using the command-line
tool. There are no solutions for Practices 5-1 and 5-2, and Practice 5-4 is optional. These
practices are not required to be completed for any subsequent practices.
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The Practice_04 project is deployed on the Service Bus server (performed in
Practice 4-1).

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
Tasks z C cen
q e
u le li
1. Navigate to /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/Solutions/wlst/export
a b and
e V fer
run the file to export the Service Bus configuration file.
i p
el that
2. Verify
anexport file Practice_05_sbconfig.jar was created in
- t r
non you can view the contents of the file by right-clicking
Practice_05_sbconfig.jar and selecting Open with "Archive Manager." Now you
can view the contents of the exported project.
3. Navigate to /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_05/Solutions/wlst/import and
run the file to import the Service Bus configuration file.
4. Perform steps 6 and 7 in Practice 5-3 to verify that the new project was created and then to
delete the new project.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Service Bus Management Fundamentals

Chapter 5 - Page 30
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Practices for z @
n t G6:
q e de
u andtuMonitoring
Reporting s
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse6 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 6: Overview
Practices Overview
In the practices for this lesson, you:
Monitor the health of Service Bus services
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Define Service-Level Agreements

Analyze Service Bus Reports

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 2
Practice 6-1: Monitoring Service Health
In this practice, you take advantage of the Dashboard found within the Service Bus and Fusion
Middleware Control Consoles. The Dashboards give you the ability to monitor the performance
and health of individual services and their operations or of the entire service bus. However, to
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

monitor a service, you must first configure Service Bus to collect statistics for it.
You will monitor the supplied OrderManagementService_proxy, which simply passes
incoming requests through to OrderManagementService that is deployed to the Service Bus

Oracle Service Bus 12c is installed and is running for osb_domain.
The web service applications used by the Service Bus services are deployed and
running on Oracle WebLogic server. a
a s
c l )h
1. Import the sample Service Bus project by using the Fusion Middlewarete l Console.
Control de
e n u i
a. In Target Navigation, right-click SOA > servicebus(AdminServer)
z @ nand t Gselect Import.
q e
u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

b. On the Import Resources page, click the Browse button that is next to Jar Source,
browse to /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_06, and open the sbconfig.jar
file. Click Next.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 3
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c. Review the contents of the Jar file to be imported, and then click Finish.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
d. Ensure that you see the message The import was completed successfully. Close the

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 4
e. Refresh the page , and then verify that the project is visible in the Target
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2. Configure monitoring for a proxy service.

a. First ensure that the Global Settings are enabled. In Enterprise Manager, select SOA > a
servicebus(AdminService). h a
l c l)
nte uide
b. Select the Global Settings tab, and verify that all options are selected.
@ nt G
e z
u tude
s q
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

c. In the Target Navigation, expand SOA > service-bus(AdminService) and select

d. Click the Operations tab.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 5
e. Select the OrderManagementServicePipeline.
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f. Select the Properties tab.

g. Ensure that Monitoring is enabled, Monitoring Level is Pipeline, and Aggregation
Interval is 3 min.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
h. Click Apply.
( f cva this S
e da use
3. Launch the Test Console for OrderManagementServicePipeline.
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
4. FEnsure - t Include Tracing is selected.
n o n

5. In the Test Console, execute two test cases for the getOrdersForCustomer operation
and the getOrderStatus operation each. Test both the operations, once with valid data
and once with invalid data. This generates statistics that you will view later.
a. Test the getOrdersForCustomer operation with valid parameters. Select
getOrdersForCustomer from the Available Operations drop-down list at the top,
and then enter the following payload values:
<java:FirstName>: Tom
<java:Id>: 1001
<java:LastName>: Harkey
Click Execute.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 6
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b. Click Back.
c. Test the getOrdersForCustomer operation again with invalid parameters. Enter the
following payload values:
<java:FirstName>: No
<java:Id>: 99
<java:LastName>: Body
s a
Click Execute. You will see an error message in the Response Document, a
h as
) such
The invocation resulted in an error. l c l
n t e i d e
d. Click Back.
@ e G u
e. Test the getOrderStatus operation with a valid parameter. ez list, n
e t
getOrderStatus from the Available Operationsq
s u
t u d and then enter the
following payload value: a
cv this S
( f
<ser:orderId>: 1001
e da use
sta se to
Click Execute.
f. Click Back. a
C cen
e z
g. Test the getOrderStatus
u li operation again with invalid parameters. Enter the
following s
q b l
payload value:e
e V f e ra99
e l a n s You will see an error message in the Response Document, such as
ipClick Execute.
F The n r
-tinvocation resulted in an error.
n o
h. Close the Test Console.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 7
6. Monitor the service statistics.
a. In the Enterprise Console Target Navigation, right-click service-bus(AdminServer)
and select Home > Service Health.
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b. Click Search for a list of Services.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us in the table under Services.
c. Click the OrderManagementServicePipeline
d. Record the following datasfrom
a t the eService
t Metrics table. You will find the Failure Ratio
by clicking within theC
en s
Services section:
e z l i c
squ rable
Field Value

e V Overallf e Avg.
i p s
Fel n-traResponse
n Time

no Message Count
Error Count
Failure Ratio
e. If no data is available, the three-minute aggregation interval may have already elapsed.
Run the client application test and switch to Since Last Reset in the Search section.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 8
Practice 6-2: Defining Service-Level Agreements
In this practice, you configure Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) on an existing proxy service.
An SLA triggers alerts when their conditions have been met. The OrderManagementService
SLA tracks the number of errors that occur and also the services response time. For the
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

purposes of this practice, alerts from either SLA will be delivered to a JMS destination that is
deployed to Service Bus Domain (although typically the destination would be some centralized
operations center).
In this practice, you:
Configure a JMS alert destination
Assign an SLA to a proxy service
Monitor alerts triggered from an SLA

Tasks a
a s
1. Create a JMS Connection Factory and Queue and log their JNDI names.
c l )h
a. Open a Terminal window and navigate to the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_06/resources directory. n t el ide
@ e Factory G u
b. Execute the script to create a JMS Connection
e z e n t and JMS
Queue within the osb_domain domain. You will see
s q uthe d
t u message if the script
is executed successfully.
( f cva this S
e da use
a s ta e to
c. Launch the WebLogic
z CServerc e ns
Administration Console for the osb_domain domain
e li
squ rable
( using the (See OracleServiceBus12cPassword
File) credentials.
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 9
d. Confirm that AlertQueue and AlertConnectionFactory were successfully
deployed by navigating to Services > Messaging > JMS Modules and clicking
jmsResources in the JMS Modules table.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a e to
e. Record the JNDI names a s resources:
C cenfollowing
Resource e
u z l i JNDI Name
s erab
AlertQueue l e
V f
e AlertConnectionFactory
l i p n s
Fe n-tra
2. Configure SLA Alerts for the OrderManagementService_proxy Proxy Service.
a. In the Fusion Middleware Control Console Target Navigation section, expand SOA >
Service Bus > Practice_06.
b. Click the Operations tab.
c. Select the options to enable SLA Alerts and Pipeline Alerts. Make sure the
Aggregation Interval is set to 3 minutes, and then click Apply.

d. Click the OrderManagementService_proxy.

e. Select the Properties tab.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 10
f. Select the Enabled check box for Monitoring and SLA Alerting. Make sure the
Aggregation interval is set to 3 Mins.
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
g. Click Apply.
z C cen
q e
u le li
s ab create a JMS alert destination.
3. In the Service
e V f
a. ip
e l a n s Service Bus session.
Create a new
Fb. Innthe r
-t Resources tab, right-click the Practice_06 project and select Create > Folder.
c.n In the Create a New Folder Resource Name field, enter Alerts. Click Create.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 11
d. Right-click the Alerts folder and select Create > Alert Destination.
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
e. In the Create Alert Destinationst dialog,
s e tenter JMSAlertDestination for Resource
Name. z C cen
f. Click Create. q e
u le li
g. p e V
In the Alerts f
Destination Definition > JMS Destination section, click the Add button
e l i to r
add a n
the JMS Destination.
F n-t
h. o
n aUsing the JMS JNDI names recorded earlier, enter the full Destination URI. Recall that
JMS URL is of the form
Hint: Use Localhost for <host> and 7003 for <port>. Use the JNDI name
recorded earlier for the AlertQueue and AlertConnectionFactory options.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 12
i. For Message Type, select Text.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
j. Click OK. Your Alert Destination page should look like the@following:t G
u e d e n
a s q S tu
(fc e this
ed o us
a st se t
k. Click the Save button.
z C cen
u and
l. Activate theqsession e li a description.
s l
e V ferab
l ip an rSLA
4. Define
e a n s based on error count.
Fa. Create
n -t a new session.
b.n In Resources, click Practice_06 > Proxy Service, and then click
c. Click the SLA Alert Rules tab.

d. Click the Add button.

e. In the Create SLA Alert Rule dialog box, enter or select the following information:
Field Value
Name Order Error Count
Rule Description Trigger an alert when at least 2 errors occur
Summary OrderManagementService error count SLA
Severity Critical
f. For Alert Destination, click the Search button, select JMSAlertDestination, and
then click Next.

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Chapter 6 - Page 13
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g. Set the Condition Aggregation Interval for this SLA to 3 minutes.

h. Click the Add button to add open the Condition Builder.

i. In the Condition Builder, enter the following:
s a
h a
l c l)
j. Click the Update Condition button.
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
n o
k. Click Create, and then click the Save button to save the new SLA.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 14
5. Define an SLA rule based on response time.
a. Make sure the pipeline monitoring level is set to Pipeline level. You can verify this by
clicking the Operations tab in Enterprise Manager.
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b. Click the SLA Alert Rules tab in the Service Bus console.

c. Click the Add button .

d. Enter or select the following information:
Field Value
s a
Name Order Response Time a
c l
Rule Description el thanide
Trigger an alert when response time is greater
n t
@ e G u
Summary ez dtime
OrderManagementService response e t
violated s q u tu
v a S
Severity Major
a (fc e this
a ed o us
e. Set the Alert Destination to JMSAlertDestination (as you did before in step 4f.)
f. Click Next.
a st se t
z C tocaddenopen the Condition Builder.
g. Click the Add button
l i
squ raBuilder,
h. In the Condition
b le enter the following:
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r
noNote: The aggregation interval should be 3, which is the same for the service
monitoring and SLA alerts.
i. Click Create.

j. Click the Save button to complete the SLA Alert.

k. Activate your changes, enter a description, and click Create.

6. Test the SLA alerts.

a. Launch the test console for OrderManagementService_proxy.
b. Under Available Operations, select getOrderStatus.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 15
c. In the Payload field, locate the <ser:orderID> element. Set its value to 99.
This causes the service to return an error because the supplied ID is invalid.
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
d. Click Execute.
v a S
c error.
e. Repeat the previous steps to generate a(fsecond
e t his
edID ofo1001.
f. Execute a third test using a correct
a us
g. Close the Test Console. st t
z Ca cense
q uethe dashboard
7. View the alerts using
s l e li in the Fusion Middleware Control Console.
a. Under
e f rab click service-bus (AdminServer).
b. lip
e n s and then the SLA Alerts tab, if it is not already visible. If you do not
Click Dashboard,
F see n r
t SLA Alerts, click Refresh on your browser.
n Note: You might have to wait for up to 3 minutes for this to display. If you still cannot
see the alerts, double-check your configuration settings. Did you set the aggregation
interval for your Alert Rule to 3 minutes, or is it still set to the default of 10 minutes?

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 16
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s a
Note: If your response time is very fast, you may not see a major alert for Order
Response Time.
l c l)
c. te uide
Click an area of the pie chart to filter the alerts being displayed.
e n
d. @ nt G
Locate the Alert Name column. Click one of the alerts to view its details.
e z
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 17
Practice 6-3: Analyzing Service Bus Reports
In this practice, you use OrderManagementService_proxy to generate and view sample
Service Bus reports. The Proxy Service extracts the order status information of any given order,
and generates a report. These reports give relevant information when tracking order processing.
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In this practice, you:

Use a proxy service to trigger reports
View reports using the Service Bus console

1. Enable the OrderManagementServicePipeline report option.
a. In Enterprise Manager Target Navigation section, click Practice_06.
b. Click the Operations tab.
c. Select to enable the Reports option for the Pipeline. s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
d. Click Apply. e da use
a sta se to
z C inspect
2. In the Service Bus console, c enthe report action in the Proxy Service Pipelines
Message Flow. qu
e l i
s rable
a. ClickV the VieweMessage Flow icon for OrderManagementServicePipeline.
l i p e n s f
Fe n-tra

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 18
b. Click the getOrderStatus operational branch for which the reporting action is
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
c. Click the RouteTo_getOrderStatus node and select ezViewdRoute.
e n t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t Click the Report action in the message flow. It extracts the order status information
from the services response. Note that this action executes an XPath expression to
construct the body of the custom report:

Note: You can also create an XSLT transformation to extract data into a report.
Similarly, the key name specifies the order ID.
e. Click Close.

3. Test the proxy service.

a. Launch the test console for OrderManagementService_proxy.
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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 19
b. In the Payload field, locate the <ser:orderID> element. Set its value to 1001, and
click Execute.
c. Repeat the previous step with the 1002 value.
d. Close the Test Console.
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4. View the reports from the Fusion Middleware Control Console.

a. In Target Navigation, right-click service-bus(AdminServer) and select Message

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a s ta e to
Search reports usingC s All Dates.
the default
ue le li c
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
b. Click a Report Index to view a reports contents.

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Chapter 6 - Page 20
c. Scroll down and select the View Report Details option.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b
d. Viewe Vthecustom
f e rabody of the report.
i p s
Fel n-tran

e. Click OK to close the report details.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Reporting and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Page 21
Solution Instructions
If you could not complete any of the practices successfully or you did not have the time to
perform them, follow these instructions to apply the solution for each practice.
To import a solution file in the Service Bus console:
a. Create a new session
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b. Navigate to Resources > Import Resources

c. Browse to open the solution jar file
d. Click Next, and then Import
e. Click Activate and then Create to deploy your changes

Solution 6-1
1. Import the solution_6_1_sbconfig.jar configuration file located in the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_06/Solutions directory.
Note: If you started the practice, you must delete the Practice_06 project in the Service Bus
s a
console before importing the solution. If the project already exists in Service Bus, there
might be a conflict of resources.
c l
2. el ide
Optionally, execute Tasks 3 to 6 of Practice 6-1 to test the proxy service and monitor
n t
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
Solution 6-2 v a S
is JNDI names.
1. Create a JMS Connection Factory and Queue, a (fcandelogththeir
a. Open a Terminal window and a ed oto the
navigate us
as nse t
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_06/resources directory.
z licescript to create a JMS Connection Factory and JMS
b. Execute the
Queue within
a b le
the osb_domain domain. You will see the following message if the script
V fer
is executed
e l i p a n s
F n-t r
2. Import the solution_6_2_sbconfig.jar configuration file located in the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_06/Solutions directory.
Note: If you started the practice, or completed the previous practice, you must delete the
Practice_06 project in the Service Bus console before importing the solution. If the project
already exists in SB, there might be a conflict of resources.
3. Optionally, execute Tasks 6 and 7 of Practice 6-2 to test and view the alerts.

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Chapter 6 - Page 22
Solution 6-3
1. Import the solution_6_3_sbconfig.jar configuration file located in the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_06/Solutions directory.
Note: If you started the practice, or completed the previous practice, you must delete the
Practice_06 project in the Service Bus console before importing the solution. If the project
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

already exists in Service Bus, there might be a conflict of resources.

2. Optionally, execute Tasks 3 and 4 of Practice 6-3 to test the proxy service and view the

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Chapter 6 - Page 24
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Practices for z @
Lesson n t G7:
q e de
u Security
Service s Bus t u
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse7 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 7: Overview
Practices Overview
Pega Corporation virtualized its Credit Card validation service (Java EE Web service) by using
Oracle Service Bus to meet the increasing order processing demand. Pega Corporation has
already added several other credit validation providers in order to meet the increased demand.
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Each credit validation provider has different authentication requirements. Pega Corporation
decided to use Oracle Service Bus to mediate security. Pega Corporation has standardized on
UserNameToken as the corporate authentication protocol.
CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service on Service Bus requires UserNameToken-based
authentication. To test the security implementation, you use the Service Bus Test Console. You
use the Test Console to provide credentials (username/password) to authenticate the
CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service. The identity of the authenticated user in Service Bus
will be propagated to the CreditCardValidationService web service by using SAML.
After this practice is complete, the execution flow will look as follows:
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 2
In the practices for this lesson, you will perform the following:
Configure and set up Oracle WSM and Oracle Service Bus security environment by
creating the identities.
Configure and invoke a proxy service requiring User Name Token authentication.
Propagate identity of the authenticated user from Oracle Service Bus to the web service
application by specifying a SAML Oracle WSM Service Policy.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 3
Practice 7-1: Configuring the Security Environment
In this practice, you configure Oracle WSM security by configuring the identities.

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Oracle Service Bus 12c is installed and is running for the osb_domain.
Oracle Web Services Manager is enabled and configured to work with Service Bus.
CreditCardValidationService web service application is deployed and running on
Oracle WebLogic server.

1. Create a user in WebLogic Server (WLS) by using Enterprise Manager. The Service Bus
proxy service uses the WLS default authenticator to authenticate the username and
password in the WS-Security SOAP Headers received from the client. The user created
s a
using Enterprise Manager is available to the WLS default authenticator.
c l)
a. In Enterprise Manager, right-click osb_domain and select Security > Users and
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 4
b. In the Users and Groups page, click Create.
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c. Create a user by specifying the following, and then click Create:

s a
User Name: joe
h a
New Password: See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File
l c l)
nte uide
Confirm Password: See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
2. Add a csf-key for the user joe in Enterprise Manager. This step is required for the Service
Bus Test Console to look up the username and password using the csf-key.
a. In Enterprise Manager, expand WebLogic Domain, and click osb_domain.

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

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b. In the osb_domain page, from the WebLogic Domain drop-down menu, click Security
> Credentials.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
c. Clicke VCreate fMap.
l i p n s
Fe n-tra

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 6
d. Add the following name: and click OK.
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e. Select the map and click Create Key.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
f.elip n s Key page, specify the following options and then click OK.
In the Create
F Map: n r
n Key: joe-key
Type: Password
User Name: joe (same as entered in Service Bus Console)
Password: See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File (same as entered in
Service Bus Console)
Confirm Password: See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File

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You should see the message: The credential key, joe-key, has been created.
s a
g. Expand and you should see joe-key.h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 8
Practice 7-2: Applying a Security Policy to Proxy Services
In this practice, you add oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy Oracle WSM policy, at run
time to the CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service by using the Service Bus Console.
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1. Import the sample Service Bus project by using the Service Bus console.
a. In Service Bus Console, create a new session.
b. In the Resources tab, click Import Config Jar.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a e t histoand open the sbconfig.jar
fc navigate
c. On the Import Config Jar page, browse (and

file. Click Next. a ed o us

/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_07 directory,

a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 9
d. On the Import Config Jar > Input Configuration page, click Import.
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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a staindicating
e tothe import was successful, and then click
Close. z C cens
e. You should see the message

f. Activate thes q ue lwith

changes e lian appropriate description.
e V ferab
e l
2. Add ipUser rName
a n sToken Service Oracle WSM policy to the proxy service.
Fa. Create
n -t a new session in Service Bus.
n o
b. Expand Project Explorer, and click Practice_07 > Proxy Service.
c. On the Proxy Service page, click CreditCardService_Proxy.

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 10
d. On the Proxy Service Definition page, click the Security tab.
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s a
e. Under the Security tab, select From OWSM Policy Store, and then click Attach
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
Ff. Innthe
-t Security Policies CreditCardService_Proxy dialog box, enter
n oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy in the Name field, and then click

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 11
g. Select oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy, and then click Attach.
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h. Verify that the policy is attached, and then click OK.

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e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
eraand b Activate the session with an appropriate description.
i. SaveV the changes
l e
ip rans f
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 12
Practice 7-3: Testing the Proxy Service Security Implementation
In this practice, you perform a positive test and a negative test to confirm the Oracle WSM
security (User Name Token policy) implementation on the proxy service by using the Service
Bus Test Console.
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The Oracle WSM security environment is configured to protect Service Bus services.
Respective Oracle WSM key is defined.
Respective user identities are created in Oracle WebLogic Server.
The Service Bus proxy service is secured with the
oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy Oracle WSM policy.

s a
1. Perform a positive test to verify that the proxy service is securely invoked successfully.
c l
a. In Service Bus Console, navigate to the Practice_07 > Proxy Service
n t el ide
b. Click the green arrow button in the Actions section to launch the
@ e Test u for the
CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service.
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
Fc. Innthe
-t Test Console, enter and
values in the Payload field. Specify the card number as
n o
1234-1234-1234-1234 the card type as AMEX as shown in the screenshot
Because the CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service is attached with the User Name
Token Oracle WSM policy, you notice a Security section in the Test Console with an
oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy policy name and with a csf-key property.

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 13
d. In the Test section, specify joe-key as the override value. The username and
password have already been created, and a mapping joe-key csf-key with the same
credentials has already been created by using the OEM Console.
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s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
etoratestb the proxy service.
e. Click e VExecutef
l i p n s
Ff.e You n - ra see the following response (in addition to SOAP headers).

g. Close the Test Console.

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 14
2. Perform a negative test by modifying the password of user joe to a different value, and
then invoking the proxy service.
a. In Enterprise Manager, right-click osb_domain and select Security > Users and
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 15
b. On the Users and Groups page, click joe.
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s a
h a
c. On the Settings for User: joe page, click the Passwords tab. l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 16
d. Modify the password to (See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File), and then
click Save.
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s a
h a
e. Execute the same test case (the one you performed for the positive test)
c l)using the
Service Bus Test Console. You see the request fail with the following
e response, i d e
because joes password does not match the value used in the
@ e CredentialG uMap.
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
3. Reset etheV f
password joe back to (See OraScleServiceBus12cPassword
i p
el -tran s

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 17
Practice 7-4: Propagating Identity from Service Bus to Secured Web
In this practice, you propagate the identity of the user authenticated in Oracle Service Bus to the
web service application. As a part of this practice, you perform the following steps:
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Protect the CreditCardValidationService Java EE web service application deployed to

the WebLogic Server by using the oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy service
Oracle WSM policy.
Update and attach the CreditCardService business service in Oracle Service Bus with
the oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy client Oracle WSM policy.
Test the security implementation.

The CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service is secured with the User Name Token
s a
Oracle WSM policy. a
c l
n t el ide
The password of user joe is reinstated to See OracleServiceBus12cPassword
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
c v a i s S
1. Add a SAML service Oracle WSM policy to the CreditCardValidationService web
( f h
service application.
da usManager,
a. In the Target Navigation panel
e t expand WebLogic Domain >
sta se to
osb_domain and click AdminServer.
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 18
b. On the AdminServer page, from the WebLogic Server drop-down menu, click Web
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
da use
c. On the Web Services page, clickeCreditCardValidationPort.

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 19
d. On the Web Service Endpoint page, select WSM Policies tab, and click
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 20
e. On the Attach/Detach Policies page, select
oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy and click Attach.
Note: You need to filter by entering the policy name or scroll down to select this policy.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Chapter 7 - Page 21
f. On the Attach/Detach Policies page, verify that the policy is attached and click OK.
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e z @ nt G
s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 22
g. You should see the policy information attached to the service.
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

2. Test the security implementation by invoking the CreditCardValidationService web

service from the Service Bus service without implementing the appropriate OWSM client-
side policy.
a. In Service Bus Console, navigate to the Projects > Practice_07 > Pipeline page.

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Chapter 7 - Page 23
b. Click the green arrow button in the Actions section to launch the Test Console for the
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c. In the Test Console, enter values in the Payload field. Specify the card number as
1234-1234-1234-1234 and the card type as AMEX as shown in the screenshot
below. Make sure the Include Tracing option is selected.

s a
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s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

d. Click Execute to test the pipeline.

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 24
e. You should see the following invalid security message in the Invocation Trace section.
This indicates that the Service Bus service didnt have the required security
infrastructure to invoke the secured web service application.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f c va his S
f. Close the Test Console.
e d a se t
t a to u
a policy
3. Add a SAML client Oracle WSM stoe the CreditCardService business service.
z C e n
q u e e create
a. In Service Bus Console,
l ic a new session.
b. Navigate s l
b > Business Service and click CreditCardService.
to Practice_07
e nsfe r
l i p
Fe n-tra

c. On the Business Service Definition page, click the Security tab.

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 25
d. Select From OWSM Policy Store, and click Attach Policies.
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e. Under Available Policies, enter oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy in

the Name field, and click the search icon.

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e
f. In the results table, select oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy G u and click
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 26
g. In the Directly Attached Policies panel, verify that the policy is attached and click OK.
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h. Save and activate the changes with an appropriate description.

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a s ta e to
4. Test the security implementation.
a. In SB Console, navigate s
C to ctheenPractice_07 > Proxy Service page.
e z l i
squ rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 27
b. Click the green arrow button to launch the Test Console for the
CreditCardService_Proxy proxy service.
c. In the Test Console, enter values in the Payload field. Specify the card number as
1234-1234-1234-1234 and the card type as AMEX as shown in the screenshot
below. In the Security section, specify joe-key as the override value for the
oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy policy with the csf-key property.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

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s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t Click Execute to test the proxy service.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 28
e. You should see the following response (in addition to SOAP headers). This indicates
that the service was successfully invoked by using SAML identity propagation.
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f. Close the Test Console.

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s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 29
Solution Instructions
The solution file only contains the Service Bus security configurations. It does not contain
configurations to secure the CreditCardValidationService Java EE web service application.
Therefore, the solution file depends on:
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

Successful completion of Practice 7-1

Successful completion of Task 1 of Practice 7-4 Add a SAML service Oracle WSM
policy to the CreditCardValidationService Web service application

1. In the Service Bus console, import the configuration file, solution_7_sbconfig.jar,
provided in the /home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_07/Solutions directory.
Note: If you already partially completed the practices and created the Practice_07 project,
then you must delete the existing Practice_07 project from the Service Bus Console before
s a
importing the solution file.
h a
2. c l)
Execute Task 4 of Practice 7-4 to test the security implementation.
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
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e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 7: Service Bus Security

Chapter 7 - Page 30
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s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
Practices for ez Lesson
e t
n 8:
Service q u d
tu Availability
s BusSHigh
v a
a (fc e8 this

a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 8: Overview
Practices Overview
Pega Corporation virtualized most of its back-end services (Java EE web service) by using
Oracle Service Bus to meet the increasing order processing demand. It needs to create
provisions for handling the large traffic on the services, and also to minimize the service down
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Service Bus is a proven, lightweight SOA integration platform, designed for connecting,
mediating, and managing interactions between heterogeneous backend services, messaging
services, and legacy endpoints. The purpose of this practice is to provide the detailed steps of
architecting and implementing Service Bus for high availability that is critical for a mission-
critical production deployment.
In this practice, you create a new Service Bus domain (ServiceBusClusterDomain) that consists
of an administrative server and two clustered managed servers. You then test the load
balancing and failover capabilities. The backend service application
(CreditCardValidationService) is deployed on to the services domain. For simplicity of the a
h a
practice, you use the osb_domain as the services domain. You can view the architecture as
follows: l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 2
Practice 8-1: Creating a Service Bus Cluster
In this practice, you run the RCU script to create a new schema, and then you use the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to create a Service Bus domain and configure a
Service Bus cluster.
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1. Navigate to the Practice_08 folder and run the script to create a new schema PROD2.
Open a Terminal window, navigate to the
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_08/create_schema directory. Enter the
following command to run the RCU utility:
$ ./
2. Start the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard by entering the following
commands in a Terminal window:
s a
$ cd /u01/app/oracle/fmw_admin/ h a
c l
n t e l
i d e
$ ./
@ e G u
ez replace
3. In the Domain Location field, leave the directory the same except
e t
n base_domain
with ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain.
s q u tu d
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

4. Click Next.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 3
5. Choose the templates.
a. Select Create Domain Using Product Templates.
b. Check the following available templates:
Oracle Service Bus [osb]
WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-RPC Extension
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ODSIXQuery 2004 Components [oracle_common]
Oracle Enterprise Manager [em]
Oracle WSM Policy Manager [oracle_common]
Oracle JRF [oracle_common]
WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension [wlserver]
c. Click Next.

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s q u tude
( f cva this S
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a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

6. In the Application Location screen, verify the domain name and location.
Domain name: ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain
Domain location:
Application location:

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 4
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7. Click Next. s a
Configure the Administrator username and password using the following settings:
c l
Name: weblogic
n t el ide
e G
Password: See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File (enter twice to confirm)
@ u
ez den t
9. Click Next.
q u tu
s 1.7.0_71/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_71
c v a
10. Select Production for Domain Mode and Oracle HotSpot
i s S for
JDK, and then click Next.
a f
( e th
e to us
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 5
11. Enter the following settings for the Database Configuration Type:
Vendor: Oracle
Driver: *Oracles Driver (Thin) for Service connections; Version
9.0.1 and later
DBMS/Service: orcl
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Host Name: localhost

Port: 1521
Schema Owner: PROD2_STB
Schema Password: See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File
Note: The Schema Owners in this table must match the value that you assigned to schema
owners earlier when you ran the RCU utility. Do not leave it at the default with the DEV
prefix because that is used for a different course.
12. Click the Get RCU Configuration button to test the connection.
13. After the test is successfully completed, click Next.
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

14. Click Next after the JDBC Test is complete. If there are connection errors, click the Back
button to make the appropriate correction.
15. Click Next in the Component Data Sources page.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 6
16. Select the following Advanced Configuration options:
Administration Server
Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 7
17. Configure the Administration server.
Listen Address: localhost
Listen Port: 7071
Server Groups: Unspecified
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n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabServers using the following settings, and then click Next when
e V Managed
18. Configure the
completed. f e
e l
Caution: n s the existing osb_server1 before creating these two managed servers;
ipDo notradelete
F simply
instead, o n -t rename the first server Node1, and then add the second server, Node2.
Add a managed server:
Name: Node1
Listen Address:
Listen Port: 7072
Server Groups: OSB-MGD-Servers-Combined
Add a second managed server:
Name: Node2
Listen Address:
Listen Port: 7073
Server Groups: OSB-MGD-Servers-Combined

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 8
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19. Configure the cluster name as ServiceBusCluster and leave the other fields blank. Click

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
20. Assign servers to the clusters by using
dthea rightuarrow,
se and then click Next.
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

21. Keep the default settings in the Coherence Clusters screen, and then click Next.
22. Click Next in the Machine Configuration screen.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 9
23. Click Create to start the Configuration.
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S

24. Review the final Configuration screene da secluster was created.
to ensureuthe
a sta window.
25. Click Finish and close the terminal e to
z C cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 10
Practice 8-2: Initializing a Service Bus Cluster
In this practice, you start and initialize a clustered Service Bus domain. Then you test failover of
the cluster.
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1. Start the Service Bus cluster in the ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain.
a. Open a new Terminal window and navigate to the
BusClusterDomain_domain/bin directory.
b. Start the Administration server by executing the following command in the Terminal
$ gnome-terminal -title "Cluster AdminServer" e
s a
When you are prompted, enter the administrative credentials of the a
ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain as weblogic/ See c l
n t el ide
OracleServiceBus12cPassword File.
@ ewindow G uthe
ez dserver.
Note: This command starts the server in a separate Terminal
e t with
n You can also
q u
appropriate title so you do not confuse it with the osb_domain
s the ./
start it using a separate Terminal window withv ajust S
a (fc e this
Wait for the AdminServer to starteup
d beforeustarting
s the managed servers. The
managed servers will takesa t a t o
few minutes each to start up.
c. Similarly, start the clustered
z e nse servers by executing the following commands in
Ca cmanaged
ue lEnter
the Terminal window.
boot-up.sq e li the credentials weblogic/welcome1 at the time of server
V f e r ab
l e
ipNode1" s
$ gnome-terminal
n -title "Node1" e "./
F n-t r a
gnome-terminal -title "Node2" e "./

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 11
2. Initialize the cluster Service Bus configuration.
a. Load a Service Bus project in the ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain domain.
1) Start the Service Bus Console ( for the
ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain, and log in as (See
OracleServiceBus12cPassword File).
2) Create a new session.
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3) In the Resources section, click the Import Config Jar icon.

4) In the Import Config Jar page, browse to
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_08, and open sbconfig.jar file. Click
5) On the Import Resources - Project JAR File page, click Import. Close the dialog
6) Activate the session with the applicable comments.

3. Test the ValidateCredit Proxy Service. s a

h a
l c l)
a. Start the Test Console for Projects > Practice_08 > Proxy_Service > ValidateCredit.

e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
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F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 12
b. In the Test Console, replace the <arg0> value with 1234-1234-1234-1234 and
click Execute.
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You should see the following response indicating a valid card.

s a
c l
c. Close the Test Console. n t el ide
@ e G u
ecluster. e n t
4. Test the failover capability of Service Bus in a Serviceq u
Bus d
tu+ C keys in the Node2
v as the S
(f e this
a. Shut down the Node2 managed server bycpressing Ctrl
Terminal window. Close the terminala window.
b. Open the Fusion Middleware Control
a ed Console
o us (localhost:7071/em) to view the
server details. t
as nse t
z lControl
c. In the Fusion Middleware
ce Console Target TheNavigation, select WebLogic
u e i
q Node2bisledown.
Domain > ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain. server health is displayed and
V fera
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 13
d. Test the ValidateCredit proxy service three more times in the Service Bus Test
Console using the same test as in Step 3 (use 1234-1234-1234-1234 for arg0). Do
you see a valid response?
Answer: Yes.
Note: Sometimes if you execute this test very soon after shutting down Node2, you
may see an Internal Server Error. Wait a minute and try the test again.
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e. Start the Node2 managed server.

f. Shut down the Node1 managed server.
g. Test the ValidateCard proxy service again in the Service Bus Test Console using the
same test as in Step 3 (use 1234-1234-1234-1234 for arg0). Do you see a valid
Answer: You should still see a valid response, because SB has failed over the
managed servers in the cluster.
h. Close the Test Console, but keep the Service Bus Console open for the next practice.
Note: A real production environment would need a load balancer or other proxy. In this
s a
h a
practice, the test console is somehow using some inbuilt load balancing to conduct the test.
l c l)
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s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 14
Practice 8-3: Load Balancing Service Endpoint
To provide insulation from unreliable credit card vendors, and also to provide additional capacity
for increased load on credit card validation requests, Pega contracted multiple credit card
payment vendors to ensure high quality of service, thus insulating customers from any
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disruptions of services caused by back-end service failures.

The Credit Card Validation service is already virtualized by Oracle Service Bus. Pegas IT
department can make updates quickly and easily without any impact to either the customer
(service consumer) or the back-end application developers (service provider).
In this practice, you attach additional credit card validation service endpoints leveraging the
advanced endpoint management features of SB. By leveraging multiple endpoints that provide
the same Web service, Oracle Service Bus can guarantee service availability even if one
endpoint is offline. Moreover SB will load balance service requests across endpoints according
to a variety of algorithms.
SB also dynamically adjusts message routing across multiple endpoints in the event that one or a
h a
more are unavailable. SB automatically checks offline service endpoints for their availability, and
adds them back into the active service endpoint pool when they are back online.c l)
The following graphic shows single endpoint access: e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
u endpoint li
By implementingthe
r a l e
b of the service
management feature in Service Bus, the client can
access thee V even
services f e if one endpoints is down.
i p s
Fel n-tran

In this practice, you perform the following tasks:

Reconfigure the validationForCC Business Service to have multiple endpoints. The
Business Service will now load-balance across the two service providers: the original
endpoint and the new service provider endpoint.
Note: To optimize the machine resources in the classroom environment, the practice
scenario load-balances the new service provider endpoints by using the admin server of
the osb_domain. In this case, the admin server simulates the real-world servers hosting
the service provider. In real-world, the service provider endpoints (for the same service

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 15
provider hosted on multiple servers across different machines) can be load balanced
directly by the Business Service.
Test and monitor the endpoint utilization from the Service Bus monitoring console by
invoking ValidateCredit Proxy Service several times from the Service Bus Test Console.

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To complete this practice, all the servers in the ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain

domain and the admin server of the osb_domain should be running.
The Practice_08 project has been imported to the Service Bus environment.

1. Start the Node1 managed server.
2. In the Service Bus Console for the ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain domain
(, create a new session.
3. Add and load balance the credit service endpoints.
s a
h a
a. In Resources, navigate to the Practice_08 > Business_Service folder.
l c l)
b. Click the validationForCC Business Service to access the configuration page.
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t
c. Create a session and click the validateForCC entry.
d. Click the Transport tab to view the Endpoint URIs.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 16
e. Click the Add button to add a URI with the following values:
Load Balancing Algorithm: round-robin
Endpoint URI:
Click the edit button again to add a second URI.
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Endpoint URI:

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
f.elip a n
Click Save.
Fg. Activate
n r
-t the session with an appropriate description.
n o
4. Test the service endpoint load-balancing capability.
a. Navigate to the Practice_08 > Proxy_Service folder
b. Launch the Test Console for the ValidateCredit Proxy service.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 17
c. In the Test Console, replace the <arg0> value with 1234-1234-1234-1234 and
click Execute.
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d. You should see the following response.

s a
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab and run the test a few more times, and then close the Test
e. ClickV the Backebutton
l e
ipConsole.n s f
F n-t r a
nothe service monitoring statistics.
5. View
a. In the Fusion Middleware Control Console, right-click SOA >
servicebus(AdminServer) and navigate to Home > Service Health.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 18
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s a
c l
b. Click Search.
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
u le li Business Service to view the aggregate service metrics.
c. Select the validationForCC
Take a s b the metrics page and get familiar with the available data.
e V minutefetorabrowse
e l ip rans
F n-t

Note: Sometimes it can take a few minutes after starting one of the nodes for metrics
collection. If you do not see any metrics on this page, wait for a bit longer and try again.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 19
d. Scroll to the bottom of the console to view Endpoint URIs. Notice that the service
requests are distributed across the three endpoints.
Note: If you do not see any statistics or many of the columns show 0, refresh the page
until they appear.
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e. Log out of the SB Console and close the window.

6. Shut down the Administration server and both managed servers in the
ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain to release system memory.

s a
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 20
Practice Solutions
If you do not have time to complete the practices, follow the instructions below to work with the
ServiceBusClusterDomain domain using all of the necessary configurations to test load
balancing and failover. You must complete Practice 8-1, creating the
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ServiceBusClusterDomain_domain before you can complete the following Solution instructions.

1. Import the project file.
a. Start the servers by completing Practice 8-2, Task 1.
b. Start Service Bus Console for the ServiceBusClusterDomain using (See OracleServiceBus12cPassword File).
c. Create a new session.
d. Import the configuration file
s a
/home/oracle/labs_SA/Practice_08/Solutions/solution_8_sbconfig.j a
c l
el ide
e. Activate the session.
e n t u
@ t G
2. Test load balancing and failover.
q u ez dtheenfailover capability of
a. Follow the instructions in Tasks 3 and 4 of Practice
Service Bus in a Service Bus cluster. v a s S tu
8-2 to test

b. Start the Node1 managed server. a (

fc this
c. Follow the instructions in Tasks e
and 5 ofu se 8-3 to test the service endpoint
a e to
C server s both managed servers in the
3. Shut down the Administration
c e
q ue le li
s to release system memory before continuing with

V fera
the next practice. b
l e
ip rans
F n-t

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Chapter 8 - Page 21
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s a
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Practices for Lesson 8: Service Bus High Availability

Chapter 8 - Page 22

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