Avoiding Regeneration On Braking For Induction Motor With A Matrix Converter Drive
Avoiding Regeneration On Braking For Induction Motor With A Matrix Converter Drive
Avoiding Regeneration On Braking For Induction Motor With A Matrix Converter Drive
TITLE : Control management of matrix converter for fed Induction motor
Inside the power electronics field, the Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD)
technology has a
relevant role. The World market for adjustable speed drives is still growing
rapidly, at a rate of
approximately 10% per year, driven in part by a gradually growing base of
installed polyphase
AC motors and more rapidly by increasing penetration of variable speed control
into this industries motor base . Nevertheless adjustable speed drives technology
is not at the maturity, but it is still an emerging technology, pushed by internal
drivers as the evolution of power electronic components and microprocessors, as
well as external market drivers like quality, reliability and efficiency, price, global
standards, performance and features, size and packaging, system integration,
and product flexibility.
1.1 Objective
The main objective of the study is to design a matrix converter drive for
induction motor the following sub-objectives:
1. To propose and develop a suitable bi-directional switch realization and
2. To develop a suitable circuit for reducing the harmonics generated by static
3. To develop a suitable circuit for to protect against the overvoltage and the
over currents that might be destructive for its semiconductor devices.
Fig.2 Circuit scheme of a three phase to three phase matrix converter. a,b,c
are at the input terminals. A,B,C are at the output terminals.
The space vector modulation (SVM) is a control technique that has been
widely used in adjustable speed drives and more generally in power converter
control. In conventional DC-link voltage inverter applications the target of the
SVM technique is to provide the desired or reference output voltage vector vo
using the voltage vectors generated by the different inverter configurations.
In the matrix converter case the SVM technique still point to provide the desired
output voltage vector but due to the higher number of configurations available it
can also control the phase angle of the input current vector ii . Several control
strategies based on SVM technique have been proposed in literature for the
matrix converter.
power system has to meet three main requirements carrying out the required
switching noise attenuation, having a low input displacement angle between filter
input voltage and current and guaranteeing overall system stability. Its a set of
considerations related to cost, voltage
attenuation, system efficiency and filter parameter variation have to be made for
an optimized
input filter design [5]. An optimised design of the matrix converter input filter is a
quite difficult
task, since relies on a system level approach and in the light of the new coming
harmonic and
EMI reduction standards it can be somehow considered an outstanding issue.
Fig.5 Clamp circuit as common protection for all matrix converter bi-directional switches.
A second recently proposed [8] passive protection scheme for low power applications relies on
the use of three varistors, in triangle configuration, added at the input and output side of the converter,
as show n in Fig.6
Fig.6 Matrix converter with varistor protection.
[12] Wheeler P. et al., Matrix converters: a technology review, IEEE Transactions
Industrial Electronics, 2002
[02] Wheeler P. et al., Avoiding Regeneration with a Matrix Converter Drive, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2002.
[4] P.W. Wheeler and D.A. Grant, Optimised input filter design and low-loss
techniques for a practical matrix converter, IEE Proceedings of Electric Power
Applications, vol. 144, No. 1, pp. 53-60, Jan. 1997.
[5] N.R. Zargari, G. Joos, P.D. Ziogas, Input Filter Design for PWM Current-Source
Rectifiers, Proceedings of Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
APEC93, pp. 824-830.
[7] C.L. Neft and C.D. Schauder, Theory and Design of a 30-Hp Matrix Converter, in
Conference Records of IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, 1988, pp. 934-939.