Avoiding Regeneration On Braking For Induction Motor With A Matrix Converter Drive

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Control management of matrix converter for fed Induction motor


TITLE : Control management of matrix converter for fed Induction motor

AC-AC converters are being utilized in an increasing number of applications,

such as in electric drives where a high power factor mains interface and bi-
directional power flow are required. Matrix converters are highly attractive for
drives applications and have been around now for long times, but are still not
widely used despite high power conversion efficiency and power density. One
possible reason for their under utilization is their perceived complexity since the
matrix converter simultaneously performs rectification and inversion and that the
modulation cannot be based on a constant DC voltage or current level. Currently,
the conventional Matrix Converter (MC) is being considered in many industrial
applications because of its compactness in weight and size due to the absence of
a DC link. A Matrix Converter is a direct ac ac power converter which is able to
produce variable output voltage with unrestricted output frequency. A Matrix
Converter conventional comprises of nine Bi- Directional switches as shown in
fig.1. Each Bi-Directional Switch (BDS) can connect any input phase to any output
phase according to the basic rules. In addition, it has the advantages of
sinusoidal input and output, controllable power factor and inherent regeneration
Figure 1. Schematic circuit of a three-phase to three-phase matrix converter

A matrix converter is a set of bidirectional switches [01]. Generally it is

used to
connect directly a three-phase supply to a three-phase AC machine. This
structure is still not
commonly used in industry applications but presents some attractive features.
Firstly output
voltage amplitude and frequency can be controlled and the input power factor
can be set.
Secondly it is bidirectional in power. Matrix converters can be considered as
competitors to conventional converters in the near future as its main
technological issues are
now solved.

1.0- Problem statement

Inside the power electronics field, the Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD)
technology has a
relevant role. The World market for adjustable speed drives is still growing
rapidly, at a rate of
approximately 10% per year, driven in part by a gradually growing base of
installed polyphase
AC motors and more rapidly by increasing penetration of variable speed control
into this industries motor base . Nevertheless adjustable speed drives technology
is not at the maturity, but it is still an emerging technology, pushed by internal
drivers as the evolution of power electronic components and microprocessors, as
well as external market drivers like quality, reliability and efficiency, price, global
standards, performance and features, size and packaging, system integration,
and product flexibility.

1.1 Objective
The main objective of the study is to design a matrix converter drive for
induction motor the following sub-objectives:
1. To propose and develop a suitable bi-directional switch realization and
2. To develop a suitable circuit for reducing the harmonics generated by static
3. To develop a suitable circuit for to protect against the overvoltage and the
over currents that might be destructive for its semiconductor devices.


In general, the conversion of an input ac power at a given frequency to an
output power at a different frequency can be obtained with different systems,
employing rotating electrical
machinery, nonlinear magnetic devices or static circuits containing controllable
power electronic switches. Restricting the analysis of AC/AC power frequency
conversion to static circuits, the available structures can be divided in direct
and indirect power conversion schemes. Looking at the basic features of the
matrix converter that have been briefly might be surprising to establish that this
converter topology.
2.1 Matrix Converter.
The matrix converter consists of 9 bi-directional switches that allow
any output phase to be connected to any input phase. The input terminals
of the converter are connected to a three phase voltage-fed system,
usually the grid, while the output terminal are connected to a three phase
current- fed system, like an induction motor might be. The capacitive filter
on the voltage- fed side and the inductive filter on the current- fed side
represented in the scheme of Fig.2 are intrinsically necessary.

Fig.2 Circuit scheme of a three phase to three phase matrix converter. a,b,c
are at the input terminals. A,B,C are at the output terminals.

By definition, a bidirectional switch is capable of conducting currents and

blocking voltages of both polarities, depending on control actual signal [3]. But at
present time a true bi-directional switch is still not available on the market and
thus it must be realized by the combination of conventional unidirectional
semiconductor devices. Fig.3 shows different bi-directional switch configurations
which have been used in prototype and or proposed in proposal. Another
problem, tightly related to the bi-directional switches implementation, which has
represented a main obstacle to the industrial success of the matrix converter, is
the commutation problem. The commutation issue basically rises from the
absence, in the matrix converters, of static freewheeling paths.

Fig.3 Possible discrete implementations of a bi-directional switch.

The space vector modulation (SVM) is a control technique that has been
widely used in adjustable speed drives and more generally in power converter
control. In conventional DC-link voltage inverter applications the target of the
SVM technique is to provide the desired or reference output voltage vector vo
using the voltage vectors generated by the different inverter configurations.
In the matrix converter case the SVM technique still point to provide the desired
output voltage vector but due to the higher number of configurations available it
can also control the phase angle of the input current vector ii . Several control
strategies based on SVM technique have been proposed in literature for the
matrix converter.

2.2 The Input filter of the Matrix Converter (MC).

Although the matrix converter is sometimes presented as an all silicon
solution, due to the
lack of the bulky and expensive DC-link capacitors of traditional indirect
frequency converter, it
also requires a minimum of reactive components, represented by the input filter.
The input filter acts as an interface between the matrix converter and the AC
mains (Fig.4). Its basic feature is to avoid significant changes of the input voltage
of the converter during each PWM cycle, and to prevent unwanted harmonic
currents from flowing into AC mains [4].
Fig 4 Schematic representation of a matrix converter adjustable speed drive

In general, the design of an input filter for static power converters

operating from an ac

power system has to meet three main requirements carrying out the required
switching noise attenuation, having a low input displacement angle between filter
input voltage and current and guaranteeing overall system stability. Its a set of
considerations related to cost, voltage
attenuation, system efficiency and filter parameter variation have to be made for
an optimized
input filter design [5]. An optimised design of the matrix converter input filter is a
quite difficult
task, since relies on a system level approach and in the light of the new coming
harmonic and
EMI reduction standards it can be somehow considered an outstanding issue.

2.3 The protection issue of the Matrix Converter (MC) circuit

Likewise any other static converter, the matrix converter needs to be

protected against the
overvoltage and the over currents that might be destructive for its semiconductor
devices. An effective and robust protection scheme plays a important role in the
implementation of a stable and reliable power converter. With respect to an AC
drive application of the matrix converters, overvoltage can originate externally,
as voltage surge existing onto the AC mains , or internally as consequence of a
switch commutation error or timing inaccuracies that cause the interruption of an
output motor current. The commutation strategies for bi-directional switches
today available do neither require, in normal operating conditions, freewheeling
paths to safely commutate the output currents nor snubber circuit. The only
operating condition in which a freewheeling path is needed is when the motor is
disconnected due to an emergency shut-down of the converter. In this case, to
prevent destructive overvoltage from appearing onto the matrix switches a
freewheeling path to the motor currents has to be provided.
In cases the protection strategy usually adopted consists in turning all the
switches off, using the fact that the currents are monitored and power
semiconductors can both withstand and switch considerable over current on a
non-repetitive basis [6]. It is obvious that such simply protection strategy can be
used only if a freewheeling path is provided to the motor currents. Therefore, the
over current protection can be considered as somehow included in the
overvoltage protection scheme. The first protection scheme proposed in [7] is a
clamp circuit made up of one or
two capacitors connected to all input and all output lines through two diodes
bridges (Fig.5).

Fig.5 Clamp circuit as common protection for all matrix converter bi-directional switches.

A second recently proposed [8] passive protection scheme for low power applications relies on
the use of three varistors, in triangle configuration, added at the input and output side of the converter,
as show n in Fig.6
Fig.6 Matrix converter with varistor protection.

[12] Wheeler P. et al., Matrix converters: a technology review, IEEE Transactions
Industrial Electronics, 2002

[02] Wheeler P. et al., Avoiding Regeneration with a Matrix Converter Drive, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2002.

[3] N. Burany, Safe Control of Four-Quadrant Switches, in Conference Records

IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, 1989, pp. 1190-1194.

[4] P.W. Wheeler and D.A. Grant, Optimised input filter design and low-loss
techniques for a practical matrix converter, IEE Proceedings of Electric Power
Applications, vol. 144, No. 1, pp. 53-60, Jan. 1997.

[5] N.R. Zargari, G. Joos, P.D. Ziogas, Input Filter Design for PWM Current-Source
Rectifiers, Proceedings of Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
APEC93, pp. 824-830.

[6] R.R. Beasant, W.C. Beattie, A. Refsum, An Approach to the Realisation of a

High Power
Venturini Converter, Proceedings of IEEE/PESC90, pp. 291-297, 1990.

[7] C.L. Neft and C.D. Schauder, Theory and Design of a 30-Hp Matrix Converter, in
Conference Records of IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, 1988, pp. 934-939.

[8] J. Mahlein, M. Braun, A Matrix Converter without Diode clamped Over-Voltage

Protection, Proceedings of IEEE-IPEMC 2000, vol. 2, pp. 817-822, 2000.

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