You Be The Chemist Activity Guide
You Be The Chemist Activity Guide
You Be The Chemist Activity Guide
Meter (m)
Kilogram (kg)
Second (s)
Kelvin (K)
Amount of substance
Mole (mol)
Electric current
Ampere (A)
Luminous intensity
Candela (cd)
Other SI units have been derived from the seven base units.
The table below lists some common derived units.
10-3 m3
kg m/s3
Energy, work
N / m3
Some things scientists want to measure may be very large or very small. The SI, or metric, system is based on the
principle that all quantities of a measured property have the same units, allowing scientists to easily convert large and
small numbers. To work with such large or small numbers, scientists use metric prefixes. Prefixes can be added to base
units and make the value of the unit larger or smaller. For example, all masses are measured in grams, but adding
prefixes, such as milli- or kilo-, alters the amount. Measuring a humans mass in grams would not make much sense
because the measurement would be such a large number. Instead, scientists use kilograms because it is easier to write
and say that a human has a mass of 90 kilograms than a mass of 90,000 grams. Likewise, one kilometer is 1,000 meters,
while one millimeter is 0.001 meters. The table below lists some common prefixes and the quantities they represent.
1012 (1,000,000,000,000)
109 (1,000,000,000)
106 (1,000,000)
103 (1,000)
102 (100)
101 (10)
100 (1)
10-1 (0.1)
10-2 (0.01)
10-3 (0.001)
10-6 (0.000001)
10-9 (0.000000001)
10-12 (0.000000000001)
New scientific instruments have allowed scientists to measure even smaller and larger amounts. Therefore, additional
prefixes have been added over the years, such as femto- (10-15) and exa- (1018).
When scientists take measurements, they generally have two goalsaccuracy and precision.
means to get as close
as possible to the true measurement (true value) of something.
means to be able to take the same measurement and
get the same result repeatedly.
Unfortunately, measurement is never 100% precise or accurate, so the true value measure of something is never exactly
known. This uncertainty is a result of error.
is a concept that is naturally associated with measuring because
measurement is always a comparison to a standard. Manually measuring something always involves uncertainty
because it is based on judgment. If two people use a ruler to measure how tall a plant is, it may look like 20 cm to one
person and 18 cm to the other.
To increase the accuracy of a measurement, and therefore reduce error, an object should always be measured more than
once. Taking multiple measurements and then determining the average measurement increases the likelihood that you have
the exact measurement. For example, when measuring an object, you determine its length to be 10.50 cm; when you
measure it again, you get a measurement of 10.70 cm. If you average these measurements, you get 10.60 cm. The length of
the object is most likely closer to 10.60 cm than it is to either 10.50 cm or 10.70 cm.
There are two main types of errorrandom error and systematic error.
is not controllable. As the name
suggests, the occurrence of random errors is random and due to chance. Alternatively,
are controllable and
have a known cause. A systematic error can result from many things, such as instrument error, method error, or human error.
Systematic errors can usually be identified and reduced or even eliminated.
Using the background information provided previously, introduce students to measurement with the easy activity below.
Have students (in groups or individually) measure the length, width, and height of their textbook. (Make sure students are
measuring the same textbook.)
As the students take their measurements, have them record the numberswith units!e.g., 28.1 centimeters. Then have
the students report their measurements to the class by writing their findings on a whiteboard or chalkboard.
After pooling all of their measurements, the students should notice that their recordings vary. Explain the reasons why
there are differing measurements based on the information on error included on page 10.
After discussing error in measurement, the students (or teacher) should calculate the average measurement for the length,
width, and height of the textbook. Discuss accuracy and precision with the class. (You can also have all the students take
their measurements three times to test their own precision.)
With these measurement averages, teach them how to calculate the volume of the book.
is defined as the amount
of space an object occupies. The volume of a rectangular solid can be calculated by measuring the length, width, and
height of an object and then multiplying those measurements together (volume = length width height).
To work with objects that can vary drastically in size, scientists need to be able to convert between large and small
measurements quickly. The SI system makes conversion simple because prefixes are based on groups of ten.
For example, a newborn baby and a large professional football player are placed onto separate balances. One has a mass
of 4,000 grams, and the other has a mass of 90 kilograms. Which mass belongs to the football player? Which mass is
the babys? To figure it out, you can convert the measures into the same units:
4,000 g
0.001 kg
= 4 kg
From this conversion, we can conclude that the mass of 4,000 g (4 kg) is the babys mass because it is much smaller
than the mass of 90 kg.
To change from one prefix to another, look at the exponents for those prefixes on page 10.
Subtract the exponent for the first prefix from the exponent for the second prefix.
Then, move the decimal point that number of places to the right or left, as appropriate. (Move right to go from larger
to smaller numbers. Move left to go from smaller to larger numbers.)
Finally, fill in with zeros, if necessary.
For example, to change centimeters (10-2) to millimeters (10-3), the difference between the exponents is one.
Therefore, youll move the decimal one place to the right to go from the larger centimeter to the smaller millimeter
(1.0 cm = 10.0 mm). Likewise, to change millimeters to centimeters, the difference is still one, but this time you will
move the decimal one place to the left to go from the smaller unit to the larger one (1.0 mm = 0.10 cm).