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GRASP Design Principles

By Danya Rao


stands for General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns

guides in assigning responsibilities to collaborating objects.

9 GRASP patterns
Information Expert
Low Coupling
High Cohesion
Protected Variations
Pure Fabrication


Responsibility can be:

accomplished by a single object.

or a group of object collaboratively accomplish a responsibility.

GRASP helps us in deciding which responsibility should be

assigned to which object/class.
Identify the objects and responsibilities from the problem domain,
and also identify how objects interact with each other.
Define blue print for those objects i.e. class with methods
implementing those responsibilities.


Who creates an Object? Or who should create

a new instance of some class?
Container object creates contained objects.
Decide who can be creator based on the
objects association and their interaction.

Example for Creator

Consider VideoStore and Video in that store.

VideoStore has an aggregation association
with Video. I.e, VideoStore is the container and
the Video is the contained object.
So, we can instantiate video object in
VideoStore class

Example diagram

Example for creator


Given an object o, which responsibilities can

be assigned to o?
Expert principle says assign those
responsibilities to o for which o has the
information to fulfill that responsibility.
They have all the information needed to
perform operations, or in some cases they
collaborate with others to fulfill their

Example for Expert

Assume we need to get all the videos of a

Since VideoStore knows about all the videos,
we can assign this responsibility of giving all
the videos can be assigned to VideoStore
VideoStore is the information expert.

Example for Expert

Example for Expert

Low Coupling

How strongly the objects are connected to each other?

Coupling object depending on other object.

When depended upon element changes, it affects the dependant

Low Coupling How can we reduce the impact of change in
depended upon elements on dependant elements.
Prefer low coupling assign responsibilities so that coupling remain
Minimizes the dependency hence making system maintainable,
efficient and code reusable

Low coupling

Two elements are coupled, if

One element has aggregation/composition

association with another element.

One element implements/extends other element.

Example for poor coupling

here class Rent knows about both VideoStore and Video

objects. Rent is depending on both the classes.

Example for low coupling

VideoStore and Video class are coupled, and Rent is coupled with
VideoStore. Thus providing low coupling.


Deals with how to delegate the request from the UI layer

objects to domain layer objects.
when a request comes from UI layer object, Controller pattern
helps us in determining what is that first object that receive the
message from the UI layer objects.
This object is called controller object which receives request
from UI layer object and then controls/coordinates with other
object of the domain layer to fulfill the request.
It delegates the work to other class and coordinates the
overall activity.


We can make an object as Controller, if

Object represents the overall system (facade controller)

Object represent a use case, handling a sequence of operations

(session controller).


can reuse this controller class.

Can use to maintain the state of the use case.

Can control the sequence of the activities

Example for Controller

Bloated Controllers

Controller class is called bloated, if

The class is overloaded with too many

Solution Add more controllers

Controller class also performing many tasks

instead of delegating to other class.
Solution controller class has to delegate things
to others.

High Cohesion

How are the operations of any element are functionally


Related responsibilities in to one manageable unit.

Prefer high cohesion

Clearly defines the purpose of the element


Easily understandable and maintainable.

Code reuse

Low coupling

Example for low cohesion

Example for High Cohesion


How to handle related but varying elements

based on element type?
Polymorphism guides us in deciding which
object is responsible for handling those
varying elements.
Benefits: handling new variations will become

Example for Polymorphism

the getArea() varies by the type of shape, so we assign that

responsibility to the subclasses.

By sending message to the Shape object, a call will be made

to the corresponding sub class object Circle or Triangle.

Pure Fabrication

Fabricated class/ artificial class assign set of

related responsibilities that doesn't represent
any domain object.
Provides a highly cohesive set of activities.
Behavioral decomposed implements some
Examples: Adapter, Strategy
Benefits: High cohesion, low coupling and can
reuse this class.


Suppose we Shape class, if we must store the shape

data in a database.
If we put this responsibility in Shape class, there will be
many database related operations thus making Shape
So, create a fabricated class DBStore which is
responsible to perform all database operations.
Similarly logInterface which is responsible for logging
information is also a good example for Pure Fabrication.


How can we avoid a direct coupling between

two or more elements.
Indirection introduces an intermediate unit to
communicate between the other units, so that
the other units are not directly coupled.

Benefits: low coupling

Example: Adapter, Facade, Obserever

Example for Indirection

Here polymorphism illustrates indirection

Class Employee provides a level of indirection to other units of
the system.

Protected Variation

How to avoid impact of variations of some

elements on the other elements.
It provides a well defined interface so that the
there will be no affect on other units.
Provides flexibility and protection from
Provides more structured design.
Example: polymorphism, data encapsulation,


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