Water Research: M. Pronk, M.K. de Kreuk, B. de Bruin, P. Kamminga, R. Kleerebezem, M.C.M. Van Loosdrecht
Water Research: M. Pronk, M.K. de Kreuk, B. de Bruin, P. Kamminga, R. Kleerebezem, M.C.M. Van Loosdrecht
Water Research: M. Pronk, M.K. de Kreuk, B. de Bruin, P. Kamminga, R. Kleerebezem, M.C.M. Van Loosdrecht
Water Research
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/watres
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 13 April 2015
Received in revised form
24 June 2015
Accepted 6 July 2015
Available online 9 July 2015
Recently, aerobic granular sludge technology has been scaled-up and implemented for industrial and
municipal wastewater treatment under the trade name Nereda. With full-scale references for industrial
treatment application since 2006 and domestic sewage since 2009 only limited operating data have been
presented in scientic literature so far. In this study performance, granulation and design considerations
of an aerobic granular sludge plant on domestic wastewater at the WWTP Garmerwolde, the Netherlands
were analysed. After a start-up period of approximately 5 months, a robust and stable granule bed
(>8 g L1) was formed and could be maintained thereafter, with a sludge volume index after 5 min
settling of 45 mL g1. The granular sludge consisted for more than 80% of granules larger than 0.2 mm
and more than 60% larger than 1 mm. Efuent requirements (7 mg N L1 and 1 mg P L1) were easily met
during summer and winter. Maximum volumetric conversion rates for nitrogen and phosphorus were
respectively 0.17 and 0.24 kg (m3 d)1. The energy usage was 13.9 kWh (PE150$year)1 which is 58e63 %
lower than the average conventional activated sludge treatment plant in the Netherlands. Finally, this
study demonstrated that aerobic granular sludge technology can effectively be implemented for the
treatment of domestic wastewater.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aerobic granular sludge
Full scale
Nutrient removal
Sludge volume index
Sewage treatment
1. Introduction
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology is an upcoming
technology for the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater (Heijnen and Van Loosdrecht, 1998; Morgenroth et al., 1997;
de Bruin et al., 2004; de Kreuk et al., 2007; Coma et al., 2012; Show
et al., 2012; Morales et al., 2013). AGS technology for combined
carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous removal is based on a repeated
fed batch process and relies on microorganisms selected to grow in
granules rather than ocs. As a result of the high settling rate of the
sludge granules, separate settling tanks are not needed and an 80%
reduction in area use is possible (de Bruin et al., 2004).
Aerobic granules are characterised by a compact structure,
* Corresponding author. Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, Delft, 2628 BC, The Netherlands.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Pronk).
Both authors contributed equally to this manuscript.
0043-1354/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2012; Li et al., 2014). Aerobic granular sludge is applied by RoyalHaskoningDHV in the Nereda technology which was rst adapted
for industrial applications and then further scaled-up for domestic
sewage treatment. Valuable scale-up experience gained from fullscale demonstration plants in Gansbaai, South Africa and Frielas,
Portugal were used for optimization of the process design and
construction in 2010 of the rst full-scale AGS wastewater treatment plant in Epe, The Netherlands (van der Roest et al., 2011;
Giesen et al., 2013). The AGS technology used relies on a
sequencing fed-batch process with a constant working volume.
This is possible due to simultaneous feeding and efuent discharge,
that relies on a plug-ow pattern for displacement of efuent from
the reactor (de Kreuk et al., 2005). In addition, as a result of an
oxygen gradient within the granular sludge particle during aeration, extensive biological phosphate removal and simultaneous
nitrogen removal can be achieved during one aeration step. The
absence of conventional recycle pumps, sludge return pumps and
mixers provides a signicant reduction in electricity consumption
compared to standard nutrient removal plants.
In July 2013, a full scale installation based on the aerobic granular sludge process was taken into operation in Garmerwolde, the
Few papers have been published so far describing full scale
operation of the AGS process on domestic wastewater. Li et al.
(2014) showed the performance of an full-scale AGS plant fed
with 30% domestic and 70% industrial wastewater (BOD/COD
0.23). The full-scale installation in Epe, the Netherlands briey
described by Giesen et al. (2013) also treats wastewater that is
derived for a large part (35%) from industry (mainly slaughterhouses). Moreover, data provided in these studies are very general.
More detailed descriptions of the process, conversions, energy usage and design considerations when treating domestic wastewater
are lacking.
After start-up and more than one year of operation, this paper
reects not only on the performance, but also on granulation, COD,
nitrogen and phosphorus conversions and especially design considerations. The measured energy requirement of the AGS process
is compared to conventional activated sludge systems. Furthermore, differences between the full scale granular sludge process,
conventional activated sludge and laboratory reactors are discussed
in detail.
sludge loading rate was 0.10 kg COD (kg TSS d)1 at an expected
sludge concentration of 8 kg m3. The sludge-loading rate is
calculated by dividing the treated kg COD per day by the total
biomass present in the reactor (Table 2). The volumetric loading
rate of the AGS reactors is 1.5 m3 (m3 d)1. Wastewater enters the
plant by a pressure main. After screening by 6 mm screens, the
wastewater goes to a grit removal plant and an inuent buffer
(4,000 m3) (Fig. 1). From the inuent buffer, the wastewater is fed to
two AGS reactors (height 7.5 m, volume 9,600 m3 each) that are
equipped with an internal recirculation system (top to bottom of
reactor) with a capacity of 2,500 m3 h1 for each reactor. Treated
efuent is directly discharged from the reactors to the surface water
via static xed overow weirs.
Biological phosphate removal in the AGS process can be supplemented by metal salt addition directly in the bulk if necessary.
Surplus sludge is stored in a sludge buffer tank (400 m3). To prevent
anaerobic phosphorus release and to ensure continuous discharge
towards the mechanical belt thickeners, the retention time in the
surplus sludge buffer is kept to a minimum.
The AGS plant is operated as a sequencing fed batch process,
consisting of a simultaneous feeding and efuent withdrawal
period, a reaction period, and a settling/sludge withdrawal/idle
period. Nitrogen removal is predominantly established by simultaneous nitrication and denitrication, but for maximisation of
nitrogen removal (non-mixed) anoxic periods with a recycle from
top to bottom can be provided. The cycle can be adjusted to the
inuent characteristics (rain or dry weather conditions), the actual
sludge conversion rates, the desired efuent conditions and the
granular sludge selection pressure. During aeration periods, the
dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained between 1.8 and
2.5 mg L1. The total operational cycle time of the reactors is 6.5 h at
dry weather conditions. During rainy weather, the cycle time is
shortened to 3 h by decreasing the aeration and increasing the
feeding time in order to treat the increased inuent ow (Fig. 2).
The reactor was seeded with surplus sludge from an existing fullscale AGS plant in Epe, the Netherlands, treating wastewater that
consist out of a large industrial part (slaughterhouses) to a concentration of 1 g L1. In this surplus sludge, no granules were
present (SVI30 140 mL g1).
Each reactor is equipped with measurements for dissolved oxygen concentration, redox potential, temperature, water level, dry
matter and turbidity. Ammonium and phosphate are semi continuously measured (5e10 min interval) during the cycle by an automatic sampling and analysis device (Hach Lange; Filtrax, AMTAX
and PHOSPHAX). Sampling points for ammonium and phosphate
are located on 0.5 m under the water surface in the reactors. This
means that during feeding, when the reactor is not mixed the
concentrations of ammonium and phosphate in the efuent can be
followed. During the feeding, the liquid an S:CAN spectro:lysertm
probe from Interline was used to continuously monitor nitrate
concentrations at 0.5 m under the water surface. This means that
during feeding, when the reactor is not mixed the concentrations
measured are the efuent concentrations.
Table 1
Inuent and efuent of the aerobic granular sludge plant in Garmerwolde, Netherlands.
[mg L
Suspended Solids
Total Phosphorus
PO34eP dissolved
Total Nitrogen
4 -N dissolved
[mg L
[mg L
Efuent requirements
[kg d
[mg L
[mg L1]
Table 2
Operational parameters of the Nereda granular sludge plant in Garmerwolde, Netherlands.
Data obtained between March and December 2014
kg m3
kg COD (kg TSS d)1
kg COD (kg TSS d)1
kg d1
m3 (m3 d)1
Kg Ntot (kg TSS d)1
kg P (m3 d)1
kg P (m3 d)1
kg N (m3 d)1
kg N (m3 d)1
kWh (m3 year)1
kWh (kg N)1
KWh (PE150, rem. year)1
Based on kg COD received per day over the total biomass present in the reactor.
Based on the aerated time.
Based on actual rates measured inside the cycle at 20 C.
Only during heavy rain weather events. Molar ratio is given.
P.E.: Population equivalent or 1 i.e. equals 150 mg TOD per day.
Fig. 1. Garmerwolde WWTP in the Netherlands. The photograph displays the existing AB- treatment system in the background with the aerobic granular sludge plant extension in
front. The gure below shows the process scheme of the aerobic granular sludge plant.
Fe(III)/P molar ratio during the operational period was 0.18 with a
total P-removal efciency of 90%. During normal rain and dry
weather ow the removal of phosphorus is completely biological.
3.2.1. Granulation
As the dry weight increased, so did the percentage of granules in
the total biomass. In period 2 more than 80% of the TSS consisted of
granules larger than 0.2 mm with more than 60% above 1 mm. Since
selection pressure on settling behaviour is needed for the development of well settling granular sludge during start-up (Beun et al.,
1999; Qin et al., 2004), the smaller and less settling sludge should
be removed with the surplus sludge, while larger granules should
be maintained in the reactor. Barely any granules larger than
0.2 mm were detected in the surplus sludge and consisted mostly
out of relatively slow settling ocs, which indicates good separation
between slow and fast settling biomass (Fig. 7a, b, c). Protozoa,
mainly ciliated, are present on the outside of the granules. Sliced
granules examined under a stereo zoom microscope revealed a
layered structure with micro colonies present inside (Fig. 7d).
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390
Fill/ draw
Fill/ draw
Rain weather cycle
Time [min]
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390
Fill/ draw
Fill/ draw
Fig. 2. Typical cycle timing during dry and rain weather operation of the aerobic granular sludge plant.
3.2.2. Fish
Fluorescent in situ hybridisation performed on pottered granules showed the presence of a signicant PAO population (Fig. 7e, f).
Most of the bacteria stained with the EUB probe (blue) (in the web
version), also stained with the PAO probe (red) resulting in the pink
colour. In fact, hardly any GAOs could be detected (<5%). Other
heterotrophs that are typically stained with the EUB probe were
present, but were not further investigated.
3.3. Conversions within a typical Nereda cycle
The cycle begins with simultaneous inuent feeding and
efuent discharge (Fig. 2 and Fig. 6). Inuent is pumped into the
reactor from the bottom with an upward velocity of 3e3.3 m h1
without further mixing or aeration. Simultaneously, efuent is
pushed over the overow weirs at the top of the reactor. In these
anaerobic feeding conditions, easy biodegradable organic carbon
will be converted into storage polymers by glycogen (GAO) and
phosphorus (PAO) accumulating organisms in the granule bed. The
uptake of easy biodegradable substrates by PAOs (Fig. 7h) is
accompanied by the release of ortho-phosphate into the bulk liquid
as can be seen from the relative high phosphate peak at the
beginning of the aeration period. The volume exchange ratio in
each cycle is limited by dispersion of the inuent and thus the
imperfection in the plug ow pattern during feeding. Since the
sampling points for nitrogen and phosphorus are located 0.5 m
under the liquid surface (just below the efuent weirs), the inuent
feeding can and needs to be stopped as soon as the phosphate
concentration increases at this sampling point, since this indicates
that a small fraction of the inuent is reaching the efuent weir.
This occurs when the effective volume exchange ratio is 65%, while
during dry weather ow in accordance with the design this effective volume exchange ratio is typically between 30 and 40 %.
Ammonium present in wastewater is partially adsorbed by the
biomass during the feeding period (Bassin et al., 2011b). Adsorbed
ammonium will, however, slowly desorb from the biomass during
the aerobic period and consequently be converted. After the
feeding period, the reactor is aerated and thus mixed, while the
dissolved oxygen concentration is controlled at 1.9 mg L1. At the
start of the aeration period ammonium and phosphate concentration peak due to the mixing of the clean water in the top (where the
measurement system is) and the inuent in the lower part of the
reactor. The concentrations after mixing, combined with the
amount of wastewater fed, can be used as an indication of the
loading rate of the cycle, but need to be corrected for phosphorus
release and ammonium adsorption.
In the aerated period ammonium and phosphorus uptake
occurred, while nitrate was produced. Once ammonium reached its
desired set-point the oxygen concentration in the bulk was lowered
to allow for maximum denitrication potential. Denitrication is
taking place inside the granule. Since the diffusion of oxygen into
the granule is slower than the conversion rate, an anoxic volume is
created inside the granules (de Kreuk et al., 2005; Osman et al.,
2001). Storage polymers of the GAOs and PAOs are delivering the
reducing power for the conversion of nitrate to dinitrogen gas. Once
both nitrogen and phosphorus have reached the required efuent
quality the reactor is ready to receive new inuent.
4. Discussion
4.1. Start-up
Generally, technological start-up times for nutrient removing
conventional activated sludge (CAS) plants range anywhere between 30 and 40 days, assuming the biomass inoculated is adapted
to the wastewater and adequate amounts are available. Otherwise
longer start-up times are needed to grow and adapt the biomass.
Start-up times with respect to efuent quality required for the AGS
plant were similar. In this case, the start-up period was a bit longer
due to the requirement to achieve full efuent quality standards at
all times, even during start-up conditions. This resulted in a 3
months stepwise increase in redirected inuent ow from the ABplant towards the aerobic granular sludge plant.
This study demonstrated that a good efuent quality can be
achieved long before granulation is complete. The required ow
and treatment capacity was reached in only 3 months, but the
intended biomass concentration of 8 g L1 was only achieved after 9
months. The studied reactors were started with surplus sludge of
the full scale Nereda in Epe, The Netherlands. Although this surplus
sludge was well settling (SVI30 140 mL g1), it hardly contained
any granular sludge. Development of granular sludge is expected to
be shortened drastically by starting with granular sludge from
Fig. 3. Flow and biomass characteristics during start-up of the aerobic granular sludge reactor: (a) percentage of the inuent ow towards the aerobic granular sludge plant (black
line; ve day moving average), total inuent ow received at the Garmerwolde plant (light grey line) and the design inuent percentage towards the aerobic granular sludge plant
(dotted line); (b) sludge volume index after 5 (lled cubes) and 30 (open circles) minutes of settling.
other plants (Pijuan et al., 2011). Also, when the efuent criterium is
less critical during start-up, the time to reach the design sludge
mass can be signicantly reduced by increasing the COD load. It
should be noted that a treatment plant is designed for the highest
load at the coldest temperature. For this reason the required
treatment capacity can be achieved during most of the year, even if
full granulation is not yet reached.
4.2. Granulation
Successful formation of AGS in a full scale plant treating domestic wastewater was demonstrated in this study. A high percentage (>80%) of the sludge consisted of aerobic granules larger
than 0.2 mm. Aerobic granulation on domestic wastewater was
shown before in lab-and pilot scale studies, but the full granulation
of biomass on full scale was not (Coma et al., 2012; Giesen et al.,
Fig. 5. Monthly nutrient averages in the efuent of the aerobic granular sludge system
with ( ) total nitrogen, ( ) ammonium, ( ) nitrate, ( ) P-total, ( ) ortho-phosphate.
Total nitrogen and phosphorus measurements for the aerobic granular sludge plant
separately were only available from October 2013.
Fig. 6. Typical operational cycle in the aerobic granular sludge plant with concentration of ammonium (green solid line), phosphate (black solid line), nitrate (red dotted line),
oxygen (blue dashed line) and feed (yellow solid line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 7. Aerobic granular sludge: (a, b) biomass on the top of the granular sludge bed, (c) mixed sample of the bulk liquid, (d) granules sieved and washed with tap water, (e) phase
contrast and (f) uorescent in situ hybridisation with blue EUB (Cy5) and red PAOmix (Cy3) with pottered granules. Overlay of blue and red gives the pink colour, (g) 1000
magnication of phosphate accumulating organisms found in pottered granules and (h) sliced granule. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 3
Comparison between the average energy demand between various WWTP's in the
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