Jawaban Soal Liquid Dielectric Santos Edun

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Jawaban Soal Liquid Dielectric

1. Explain the phenomena of electrical conduction in liquid. How does it different from
that gas?
Various phenomena occur in gaseous dielectrics when a voltage is applied.
-When low voltage is applied, small current flow between the electrodes and the insulation retains its
electrical properties.
-If the applied voltage is large, the current flowing through the insulation increases very sharply and
an electrical breakdown occur. A strongly conducting spark formed during breakdown, practically
produces a short circuit between the electrodes. The maximum voltage applied to the insulation at the
moment of breakdown is called the breakdown voltage.
Breakdown in liquids
In highly purified liquid dielectrics, breakdown is controlled by phenomena similar to those
for gasses and the electric strength is high (of the order of 1 MV/cm).
Unfortunately, liquids are easily contaminated, and may contain solids, other liquids in
suspension and dissolved gasses.
Low breakdown strength
Because, of the tendency to become contaminated, liquids are not usually used alone above
100 kV/cm in continuously energized equipment.
They are used at much higher tresses (up to 1 MV/cm) in conjunction with solids, which can
be made to act as barriers, preventing the line-up of solid impurities and localizing of any
bubbles which may form.
The main function of the liquid in such arrangements is to fill up the voids.
The effect of these impurities is relatively small for short duration pulses (10 s).
However, if the voltage is applied continuously, the solid impurities line up at right angles to
equipotential, and distort the field so that breakdown occurs at relatively low voltage.
The lineup of particles is a fairly slow process, and is unlikely to affect the strength on
voltages lasting for less than 1 ms.
Liquid dielectrics are used mainly spreading through in high voltage cables and capacitors and for
filling transformers, circuit breakers, etc. In addition to their function as a dielectric, liquid dielectrics
have additional functions in certain applications. For example, liquid dielectrics act as heat transfer
agents in transformers and as arc quenching media in circuit breakers. Petroleum oils are most
commonly used as liquid dielectrics. For certain applications Synthetic hydrocarbons and halogenated
hydrocarbons and for very high temperature applications, silicone oils and fluorinated hydrocarbons
are used. In recent times, certain vegetable oils and esters are also being used.
Liquid dielectrics normally are mixture of hydrocarbons and are weakly polarized. When used for
electrical insulation purposes they should be free from moisture, products of oxidation, and other
The most important factor that affects the electrical strength of insulating oil is the presence of water
in the form of fine droplets suspended in the oil. The presence of even 0.01 % water in transformer
oil reduces the electrical strength to 20 % of the dry oil value. The dielectric strength of the oil
reduces more sharply, if it contains fibrous impurities in addition to water.
The three most important properties, of liquid dielectrics are (i) the electrical conductivity, (ii)
dielectric constant, and (iii) the dielectric strength.

In practice, the choice of a liquid dielectric for a given application is made mainly on the basis of its
chemical stability. In addition, other factors like saving of space, cost, previous usage, and
susceptibility to the environmental influences are also considered. In capacitors, replacement of the
capacitor oil by askarel spreading through in the overall size of the capacitor by more than 30%. In
practice, a liquid found satisfactory over a long period of usage is preferred to a new one. Petroleum
liquid are widely used because of their low cost.

2. What are commercial liquis dielectrics? How they are different from pure liquid
Pure liquids are those which are chemically pure and do not contain any other impurity even in traces
of 1 in 109, and are structurally simple.
Examples of such simple pure liquids are n-hexane (C 6H14). n-heptane (C7H16) and other paraffin
By using simple and pure liquids, it is easier to separate out the various factors that influence
condition and breakdown in them.
On the other hand, the commercial liquids which are insulating liquids like oils, not chemically pure,
normally consist of mixture of complex organic molecules which cannot be easily specified or
reproduced in a series of experiments.

3. What are the factors that influence conduction in pure liquid dielectrics and in
commercial liquid dielectrics?
1. Temperature
2. Humidity
3. Pressure
4. Solid impurities
5. Gas bubbles
6. Electrode geometry
7. Voltage type, application duration
8. Frequency
When low electric fields less than 1 kV/cm are applied, conductivities of 10 -18 -10-20
mho/cm are obtained. These are probably due to the impurities remaining after purification.
However, when the fields are high (>100kV/cm) the currents not only increase rapidly, but
also undergo violent fluctuations which will die down after some time. A typical mean value
of the conduction current in hexane is shown in Fig. 2.4. This is the condition nearer to

(A x 1011)

Electric field (MV/cm)

Fig.2.4 Conduction current-electric field characteristics in hexane at high fields


However, if this figure is redrawn starting from very small currents, a current-electric field
characteristics as shown in Fig. 2.5, can be obtained. This curve will have three distinct
regions as shown. At very low fields the current is due to the dissociation of ions. With
intermediate fields the current reaches a saturation value, and at high fields the current
generated because of the field-aided electron emission from the cathode gets multiplied in the
liquid medium by a Townsend type of mechanism .The current multiplication also occurs
from the electrons generated at the interfaces of liquid and impurities. The increase in current
by these processes continues till breakdown occurs.
The exact mechanism of current growth is not known; however, it appears that the electrons
are generated from the cathode by field emission of electrons.



Field aided


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Electric field (MV/cm)
Fig.2.5 Conduction current-electric field characteristics
in hydrocarbon liquid

The electrons so liberated get multiple by a process similar to Townsends primary and
secondary ionization in gases As the breakdown field is approaches, the current increases
rapidly due to process similar to the primary ionization process and also the positive ions
reaching the cathode generate secondary electrons, leading breakdown. The breakdown
voltage depends on the field, gap separation, cathode work-function, and the temperature of
the cathode. In addition, the liquid viscosity, the liquid temperature, the
density, and the molecular structure of the liquid also influence the breakdown strength of the
4. Explain various theories of breakdown mechanism of the commercial liquid dielectrics.
The breakdown mechanism in commercial liquids is dependent on several factors, such as, the nature
and condition of the electrodes, the physical properties of the liquid, and the impurities and gases
present in the liquid. Several theories have been proposed to explain the breakdown in liquids, and
they are classified as follows:
a) Suspended Particle Mechanism

b) Cavitation and Bubble Mechanism

c) Stressed Oil Volume Mechanism
a. Suspended Particle Theory
In commercial liquids, the presence of solid impurities cannot be avoided. These impurities will
be present as fibres or as dispersed solid particles. The permittivity of these particles

will be

different from the permittivity of the liquid

. If we consider these impurities to be spherical
particles of radius r, and if the applied field is E, then the particles experience of force F, where

F= r 3 2 1 grad E 2
2 1 2

2 1


This force is directed towards areas of maximum stress, if

, for example, in the case of the
presence of solid particles like paper in the liquid. On the other hand, if only gas bubbles are present

2 1

in the liquid, i.e.

, the force will be in the direction of areas of lower stress. If the voltage is
continuously applied (d.c) or the duration of the voltage is long (a.c), then this force drives the
particles towards the area of maximum stress. If the number of particles is large, they become aligned
due to these forces, and thus form a stable chain bridging the electrode gap causing a breakdown
between the electrodes.
If there is only a single conducting particle between the electrodes, it will give rise to local field
enhancement depending on its shape. If this field exceeds the breakdown strength of the liquid, local
breakdown will occur near the particle, and this will result in the formation of gas bubbles which may
lead to be breakdown of the liquid.
The value of the breakdown strength of the liquids containing solid impurities was found to be
much less than the values for pure liquids. The impurity particles reduce the breakdown strength, and
it was also observed that the larger the size of the particles the lower were the breakdown strengths.


b. Cavitation and the Bubble Theory

It was experimentally observed that in many liquids, the breakdown strength depends strongly on
the applied hydrostatic pressure, suggesting that a change of phase of the medium is involved in the
breakdown process, which in other words means that a kind of vapor bubble formed is responsible for
breakdown. The following processes have been suggested to be responsible for the formation of the
vapor bubbles:
Gas pockets at the surface of the electrodes;
electrostatic repulsive forces between space charges which may be sufficient to overcome the
surface tension;
gaseous products due to the dissociation of liquid molecules by electron collisions; and
Vaporization of the liquid by corona type discharges from sharp points and irregularities on
the electrode surfaces.
Once a bubble is formed it will elongated (long and thin) in the direction of the electric field
under the influence of electrostatic forces. The volume of the bubble remains constant during
elongation. Breakdown occurs when the voltage drop along the length of the bubble becomes equal to
the minimum value on the Paschens curve for the gas in the bubble. The breakdown field is given as


1 2

2 2 1 2

(2rE 0 )




is the surface tension of the liquid,

is the permittivity of the liquid,

is the


permittivity of the gas bubble, r is the initial radius of the bubble assumed as a sphere and
is the
voltage drop in the bubble (corresponding to minimum on the Paschens curve). From this equation it
can be seen that the breakdown strength depends on the initial size of the bubble which in turn is
influenced by the hydrostatic pressure and temperature of the liquid. But this theory does not take into
account the production of the initial bubble and hence the results given by this theory do not agree
well with the experimental results.
Later this theory was modified, and it was suggested that only incompressible bubbles like water
globules can elongate at constant volume, according to the simple gas law
pv = nRT. Under the influence of the applied electric field the shape of the globule is assumed to

be approximately a spheroid. These incompressible bubbles reach the condition of instability when
, the ratio of the longer to the shorter diameter of the spheroid is about 1.85, and the critical field
producing the instability will be:

E0 600

1 2

1 R

(3.3) where

permittivity of the liquid dielectric,

1 cosh 1
G 2
1 2

surface tension, R= initial radius of bubble,

permittivity of the globule,

H 2 2 3 2 1 2


For a water globule having R=1


43dyne/cm and 1 2.0

E c 226 Kv / cm

(transformer oil), the

above equation gives a critical field

which is approximately the maximum strength
obtained for commercial oils.
In the case of gas bubbles the equation for the critical field is rewritten as


E c 600

1 R



8A 2 B

1 2 3 1 2



1 2

B=21 3 2 1 2



and R are as above for liquid globules, and


-1 PR 27 1 2


2B 3


where P is the hydrostatic pressure. (Equations 3.2-3.4 are in c.g.s. units). The expressions are
quite complicated, and the breakdown voltages were obtained using a computer. Results thus
obtained showed good agreement with the experimental results in n-hexane. This theory suggests that

sub-microscopic particles (diameter 100-250 A) and bubbles greatly influence the maximum electrical
strength attainable in commercial liquids. The critical condition is reached when cavities are formed
due to zero pressure conditions given by

Pc Pvp Pes Ps Ph ,

Pc coulombic pressure,
Pvp vapour pressure inside the cavity,
Pes electrostatic pressure,
Ps pressure due to surface tension, and
Ph hydrostatic pressure.

(3.5) where,
From this condition, an expression has been obtained for the maximum breakdown strength of
pure liquids which was found to be in good agreement with the experimental results.
In general, the cavitation and bubble theories try to explain the highest breakdown strengths
obtainable, considering the cavities or bubbles formed in the liquid dielectrics.
c. Stressed Oil Volume Theory
In commercial liquids where minute traces of impurities are present, the breakdown strength is
determined by the largest possible impurity or weak link. On a statistical basis it was proposed
that the electrical breakdown strength of the oil is defined by the weakest region in the oil, namely, the
region which is stressed to the maximum and by the volume of oil included in that region. In nonuniform fields, the stressed oil volume is taken as the volume which is contained between the

E max

E max

maximum stress
contour and 0.9
contour. According to this theory the breakdown
strength is inversely proportional to the stressed oil volume.
The breakdown voltage is highly influenced by the gas content in the oil, the viscosity of the
oil, and the presence of other impurities. These being uniformly distributed, increase in the stressed
oil volume consequently results in a reduction in the breakdown voltage. The variation of the
breakdown voltage stress with the stressed oil volume is shown in Fig. 3.4.



With steady voltage rise


one minute withstand voltage





Stressed oil volume (cc)

Fig 3.4 Power frequency (50 Hz) a.c breakdown stress as function of stressed oil volume

5. What is the stressed oil volume theory and how does it explain breakdown in large
volume of commercial liquid dielectric?
In commercial liquids where minute traces of impurities are present, the breakdown strength is
determined by the largest possible impurity or weak link. On a statistical basis it was proposed
that the electrical breakdown strength of the oil is defined by the weakest region in the oil, namely, the
region which is stressed to the maximum and by the volume of oil included in that region. In nonuniform fields, the stressed oil volume is taken as the volume which is contained between the

E max

E max

maximum stress
contour and 0.9
contour. According to this theory the breakdown
strength is inversely proportional to the stressed oil volume.

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