Utilization of Repetitive Surge Oscillograph (RSO) in The Detection of Rotor Shorted-Turns in Large Turbine-Driven Generators
Utilization of Repetitive Surge Oscillograph (RSO) in The Detection of Rotor Shorted-Turns in Large Turbine-Driven Generators
Utilization of Repetitive Surge Oscillograph (RSO) in The Detection of Rotor Shorted-Turns in Large Turbine-Driven Generators
Abstract – The use of the RSO technique for the detection of performing this test is time-consuming and generally some
shorted-turns in the field winding of large synchronous field disassembly is needed, e.g., retaining ring removal.
generators with cylindrical rotors has become more widely
accepted in North America in the last few years. The test
procedures have been previously described in a number of
publications. However, interpretation of the RSO traces
haven not been well defined, and the benefits and limitations
of its application are not well understood. Using some recent
experience, this paper is intended to provide guidance on
signal interpretation and to clarify the main advantages and
limitations of the application of the RSO testing.
978-1-4577-0276-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 397
Both figures above clearly show that a distinguishing The RSO is an instrument that injects two identical
feature of cylindrical rotor field-windings is their (“twin”) signals – one from each end of the winding. In
symmetry. This characteristic is common to all large addition, a built-in, or separate oscilloscope is used to capture
synchronous cylindrical rotors, belonging to either 2-pole the signals at the other side of the winding, and any reflections
or 4-pole machines. Under operating conditions, the field that occur. Figure 4 shows the typical RSO arrangement,
winding carries a DC current. Thus, the proper circuit including power source, connections and oscilloscope.
representation is simply a resistor. However, if The twin signals generated by the RSO and shown
alternating currents flow thru the winding, a complete schematically in Figure 5, have a fast rise time equivalent to a
circuit representation will also include inductances and high frequency waveform. The impedance presented by the
capacitances. rotor field to this high frequency signal is the wave impedance
Inspection of both figures 1 & 2, show that part of of the R-L-C distributed circuit. From Time Domain
the winding (the “middle” section), is in close proximity Reflectometry theory it is known that a signal encountering an
to the rotor forging. Figure 3 depicts the cross section of abrupt change in wave impedance will result in a reduced thru
a typical slot showing the conducting bars and their signal and a reflected signal. Given the strong symmetry of
proximity to each other and to the forging. the field winding, all thru and reflected signals, in the absence
of a shorted turn or a ground, will be almost identical.
However, if a discontinuity of the wave impedance, created by
a shorted turn or a ground exists, both twin signals will
generate different thru and reflected waveforms. The RSO
takes advantage of this fact to detect shorted turns and
grounds. Because grounds of the field winding can be
detected by other means, the RSO main purpose is the
detection of shorted turns.
Fig. 6 – RSO twin signals as picked from a rotor
Fig. 4 RSO test arrangement winding without shorted turns. The quasi-straight line
is the sum of the signals with one of them inverted
The frequency of the twin signals and rise time are larger coils. (The “small” coil is the coil closest to the pole-
specific to each RSO vendor, thou they are typically in face of the rotor, while the “largest” coil is closest to the
the kHz region with rise times of several microseconds. quadrature axis of the rotor).
Figure 6 shows the typical twin signals as picked up from It is well known that a large portion of all shorted-turns
a rotor without winding shorted-turns or grounds. tend to “disappear” when the rotor is at stand-still. The reason
As shown on Figure 6, it makes it easier to identify is that those shorts depend on the centrifugal forces
the existence of shorted-turns or other anomalies, by encountered while the rotor is turning a high speed.
inverting one of the signals and summing it up with the
other. This can be done in the oscilloscope. The resulting
waveform is a straight line, if shorts are not present, or a
line with kinks on it, if there are shorted-turns. Figure 7
shows typical traces from a rotor with shorted-turns
Rotor Winding
RSO Scope