Davis Sharon D Educ 240 Indiana Black Expo Education Conference Reflection Paper 2
Davis Sharon D Educ 240 Indiana Black Expo Education Conference Reflection Paper 2
Davis Sharon D Educ 240 Indiana Black Expo Education Conference Reflection Paper 2
On July 14, 2016, I attended the Indiana Black Expo Education Conference. This
Education Conference was sponsored by The Indiana Civil rights Commission and Cummins
Incorporated. This was the ninth annual Education Conference. The conference was titled,
Closing the Opportunity Gap: leveling the Playing Field for All Children. This event was held in
the Sagamore Ballroom. The conferences two Keynote speakers were Robert Jackson,
Advocate, Author and Speaker and Dr. Pedro Noguera, Scholar, Author, National Education
Commentator. Mr. Robert Jackson was from Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended the Indianapolis
Public School system and he also taught at Arlington high school which is where he attended. Dr.
Pedro Noguera is from California and is a graduate of the School of Education at UCLA.
Most Important Part of the Conference
The overall attendees of this IBE Conference was educators that came hungry for the
information and knowledge that was provided to us which will help us to do a better and more
thorough job of being an educator. The information obtained is vital to me in order that I will be
more efficient at being an Elementary Education teacher and have a more comprehensive and
understanding of how to conduct my classroom.
The most important thing about this conference were all of the speakers I heard. These
speakers were Robert Jackson, Dr. Pedro Noguera, Dr. Lori L. Desautels Dr. Monica Medina, Dr.
Christina Wright-Fields and Ghangis DeDan Carter. The pertinent information that I received
from all of these educators will help me to understand the scholars that I have chosen to teach. I
enjoyed their passion for their jobs. They taught me ways of how I should seek to understand
students in my classroom.
Each one of these speakers talked about the success they had achieved in order to
accomplish their goals. They gave me information on how to change our approaches of dealing
with students and how we as educators, administrators and the community could achieve the
better results by looking at other ways of achieving success.
I really appreciated the tools that I was given by these speakers that gave us as educators
the information that we could use in our classrooms. This information would benefit our children
in our overall classroom curriculum into successful lesson plans
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