Intrebari Interviu Nursing

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Intrebari Interviu

Este important sa intelegeti ca fiecare interviu este diferit, iar angajatorul isi doreste sa auda
raspunsuri oneste, pentru a va face un profil cat mai complet, dincolo de informatiile pe care
le poate extrage din CV-ul dumneavoastra.
Mai jos puteti gasi cateva intrebari frecvente si hint-uri pentru a trece cu bine peste interviul
cu angajatorul. Incercati sa va pregatiti dinainte si sa gasiti raspuns pentru fiecare intrebare
in parte, fara a memora, insa, raspunsurile cuvant cu cuvant. Fiti relaxat si tineti minte:
angajatorul isi doreste o persoana naturala cu care sa poata purta o conversatie deschisa.
1. Tell me about yourself
Make a list before you go the interview, so you know what you will share
Be ready to share three or four of your personal qualities and values
Share some personal interests which dont relate directly to your work (eg.: hobbies)
Share your volunteer work and other work experiences
Avoid Politics and Controversy
Share your expertise
2. What led to your interest in nursing
Tell about your interest in working with people
Talk about your passion for helping people make a difference in peoples life
You may also talk about your desire to work in a provocative environment
3. Describe a challenging problem you faced on one of your clinical rotations. How did you
solve the problem?
Think about a past situation when you encountered a problem and how did you manage to
solve it

Keep a positive attitude towards the situation you are talking about
Talk about the experience only if you managed to get over it. Dont become to pasionate
about the problem. Try to control your feelings
4. When you are experiencing a stressful work situation, how do you relax?
Stay calm and try to find out the causes of the problem
Think rationally of all solutions that could help you to manage the stressful situations
Choose your better response even if youre powerless to change the source of your
stress, you have the power to choose how youll respond to it.
Give some exemples on how you managed to cope with the stressful situations
You may say you: take walks, take a breath, reframe your situation and try to look at the
problem from a different perspective
5. Give a specific example of a time when you knew you did a good job as a nurse
Be confident in yourself
Be prepared for this type of questions
Think of at least 2 situations you did a good job as a nurse
Dont lie
Try to be as specific as you can, give examples and relevant information about those
6. Have you ever been burned out? When? What did you do about it?
Talk about a situation you felt you couldnt handle stress anymore and how did you manage
to recover from that burn out (reassessing priorities and goals, making time for yourself,
seeking support from your superiors, your family, your friends)

You can also talk about ways for preventing burn-outs: what are you doing in order to
manage stress, what things you do, related to your work, that makes you happy and relaxed
(e.g. talking with patients, talking with other colegues)
You may also say that youre a person who always stays motivated
7. How would you respond if asked by the head nurse to do some of the menial tasks for
patients that are normally not your responsibility
You may talk about your desire for helping your patients
You may talk about the team spirit and how this job engages joint efforts for the benefit of
your patient
8. How would you respond if, in a rude and haughty tone, a doctor questioned your work,
which you knew to be top-notch and absolutely accurate?
It is important to not forget that doctors are your superiors
Try to discuss the matter further; say you are opened for criticism and you want to improve
your work.
9. Do you think you will be a career nurse or eventually look for another profession? Why?
Prove confidence in your abilities and knowledge that could assure a successful career
Talk about your interest in keeping up with this job
Talk about the reason you chose this job from the first place
Talk about the benefits you have working as a nurse and why you want to continue with this
10. Why did you decide to become a nurse rather than a doctor?
Make a list with differences between the responsibilities of a nurse and of a doctor
Talk about your interest in working as a nurse

11. Describe a situation in which you found yourself working with someone who was very
sensitive and thin-skinned?
Think of a situation when a patient felt offended with what you said to him
Talk about that situation and about how you managed to keep your calm (you said sorry,
you explained to him it wasnt your intention to insult anyone)
Talk about what are your reactions when you meet a sensitive patient (you stay calm, you
are careful with what youre saying)
12. Can you describe a situation connected with nursing that made you angry?
Remember that your employer doesnt want to hear you whining, but see how you
managed with the difficult situations in a professional manner
You may describe a situation in which you felt you were losing you calm, but also describe
how you managed to cope with the stress and solved the problems
13. We have all tried different ways of showing consideration for others. What are some
things that you have done in this respect?
You can talk about how your profession involves showing consideration for others everyday
You can talk about your daily activities when you help patients in need
Also you may talk about situations when you had to show empathy when talking with a
patients relatives about his health status
14. What are some ways that you feel that nursing can become more professional?
Talk about things you want improved in nursing system (technology, practices, work
15. If you were told that the nursing field was closed and that you could not become a nurse,
what would you do?

Try to highlight your passion in working with people and give an example of a job that has
similarities with the nursing job
You may also talk about the opportunity to work in other countries if the nursing field would
be available there
16. What type of colleague do you least like to work with?
Talk about how you can deal with any type of collegues in order to solve the problem and
not ruin your professional relationship
Talk about how you, like any other human being, you encountered at a certain point of your
life problems with difficult colegues, but try to put your relationship on a more positive footing
Highlight the fact that you not only cope with difficult colegues, but also can efficiently work
with them
Also, here are some useful links to help you answer these questions:
Orice interviu este imprevizibil, iar un angajator poate avea propriul set de intrebari care sunt
sau nu asociate cu domeniul in care urmeaza sa profesati. Mai jos regasiti un link cu intrebari
grupate pe arii de competente care va pot servi ca un ghid in pregatirea dumneavoastra
pentru viitoare interviuri.

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