Skills-English-Grade-5-Schemes-Of-Work-Term 2

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W Ls Strand/ Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Key inquiry Learning experiences Learning Assessment Ref
k n Theme Questions Resources methods l

1 1 CHILD Sounds: By the end of the sub 1. Why should we ∙ Identify words and phrases ∙ course book a) Oral
RIGHTS /ʌ/ as in cup, strand, the learner should say sounds on containing the sounds ∙ Dictionary reading or
AND but ; /ɑː / as in be able to: a. Recognize words, phrases and /ʌ/ /ɑː / from a print or ∙ Word lists dictation
RESPO fast, far, hard, sounds, words and phrases sentences audio text. ∙ Digital devices recitations
NSIBILI car correctly. correctly? ∙ Construct sentences using and pictures b) Role play
TIES b. Construct sentences 2. How can we words and phrases, in c) Debates
∙ Skills in
(Happy orally using words improve our pairs. d) Oral
related to the theme. English Grade
childr pronunciation? ∙ Writes sentences and phrases
c. Use words and 3. Why should we ∙ Containing the selected 5 Learners bk
en 's pg. 1-3 e) Dialogues
phrases related to the listen attentively? soundsand words.
day) f) Oral
theme ∙ Say tongue twisters ∙ Skills in
correctly. English Grade discussions
containing the selected
d. Develop curiosity in sounds. 5 TG pg. 3-6
pronouncing sounds

2 Reading: By the end of the sub 1. Why do you ∙ Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Reading
Extensive strand, the learner should read books? ∙ Select appropriate print and story books ∙ aloud
reading- use of be able to: a. Select 2. Which type of non-print reference poetry books ∙ b) Dictation
reference relevant reference books do you materials (dictionaries, pictures and ∙ c) Oral
materials materials on a variety of enjoy reading? junior photographs ∙ interviews
subjects. Encyclopedias and newspapers ∙ d) Question
b. Spell words correctly subject specific
magazines and answer
for effective encyclopedia).
∙ junior e) Teacher
communication. ∙ Read selected reference
c. Demonstrate in interest encyclopedia made tests
materials independently.
in using reference ∙ Look for information ∙ Skills in
materials related to the theme from English Grade
for lifelong learning. reference materials. 5 Learners bk
∙ Report and discuss what they pg. 4-6
have read in small groups. ∙ ∙ Skills in
Visit a library to find reference English Grade
materials for information 5 TG pg. 6-8
related to the theme.

Page 1 of 13
3 Gramm Word Classes: By the end of the sub 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Tasks such
ar in Demonstrative strand, the learner should identify objects ∙ Identify.demonstrate story books ∙ as multiple
use Determiners be able to: a. Identify that are near or determiners from a text in choice
poetry books ∙
demonstrative far? b)
this, that, pairs. pictures and ∙
determiners in a variety Discrimination
these, those 2. Which words ∙ Read sentences containing photographs ∙ c) Gap-filling
of texts. do we use to demonstrative flash cards d) Short-
b. Use demonstrative show that an determiners in print or answer e)
∙ Skills in
determiners correctly. object is far or electronic materials. Dialogue
English Grade
c. Choose the correct near? ∙ Construct sentences using completion,
demonstrative determiner 5 Learners bk information
to use during determiners insmall pg. 6-7 gap f) Role
communication. d. groups. ∙ Skills in play
Appreciate the importance of English Grade g) Simulation
determiners 5 TG pg. 8-9

4 Writin Functional By the end of the sub 1. Why do we fill ∙ Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Teacher
g Writing strand, the learner should be forms? ∙ Search for sample forms story books ∙ made tests
Filling able to: a. Record specific 2. Why is it from the internet, poetry books ∙ b) Learner
Forms details in a variety of forms. important to fill individually. pictures and ∙ journals
b. Discuss the importance forms accurately? ∙ Read the information to Skills in c) Peer
of forms 3. What details be filled in a form in English Grade assessment
c. Acknowledge the do we fill in pairs.
importance of filling
5 Learners bk d) Self
forms? ∙ Fill the related to the theme
forms correctly. pg. 7 assessment
using the following details:
∙ Skills in learner
Personal information,school
information, English Grade e) Portfolio
Parents/Guardians 5 TG pg. 10-11 dictation
details, Religion/County
sport/hobby among others.

2 1 THE Listening and By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should we ∙ Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Oral
Lost speaking: the learner should be able to: say sounds on ∙ Listen to an oral narrative ∙ Dictionary reading or
Words Pronunciation a. Listen for the main idea words, phrases and in pairs or groups. ∙ Word lists dictation
and and sentences ∙ Say words and phrases ∙ Digital devices recitations
Vocab specific details for correctly? related to the theme b) Role play
and pictures
ulary effective communication. 2. How can we accurately. c) Debates
b. Respond to ∙ Skills in
Listeni improve our ∙ In pairs or small groups, d) Oral
information from an oral English Grade
ng pronunciation? make an audio recording interviews
text. of apoem containing the
5 Learners bk
Comprehensio 3. Why should we e) Dialogues
c. Relate attentive listening listen attentively? sounds/ʌ/ and /ɑː /. pg. 8
n: Oral f) Oral
to effectiveness in ∙ Play the audio recording ∙ Skills in
Narratives discussions
communication and obtain feedback. English Grade
(about 130
d. Appreciate the 5 TG pg. 11-13
words) importance of

2 Reading: By the end of the sub 1. Why do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Reading
Extensive strand, the learner should read books? Select appropriate print story books ∙ aloud
reading- use of be able to: and non-print reference poetry books ∙ b) Dictation
materials (dictionaries, pictures and

Page 2 of 13
reference a. Read a variety of 2. Which type of ∙ Encyclopedias and ∙ photographs c) Oral
materials materials independently for books do you subject specific ∙ newspapers interviews
information and pleasure. enjoy reading? encyclopedia). ∙ magazines d) Question
b. Use reference ∙ Read selected reference ∙ junior and answer
materials systematically materials independently. encyclopedia e) Teacher
to find ∙ Look for information made tests
∙ Skills in
necessary information. related to the theme from English Grade
c. Demonstrate in interest reference materials.
in using reference 5 Learners bk
∙ Read and discuss what they
materials have read in small groups. ∙ pg. 9-10
for lifelong learning. Visit a library to find reference ∙ Skills in
materials for information English Grade
related to thetheme. 5 TG pg. 13-15

3 Word Classes: By the end of the sub 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Tasks such
Demonstrative strand, the learner should identify objects Read sentences containing story books ∙ as multiple
Determiners be able to: a. Identify that are near or demonstrative determiners choice
poetry books ∙
demonstrative far? from a substitution table. b)
this, that, pictures and ∙
determiners in a variety Discrimination
these, those 2. Which words Use demonstrative photographs ∙
of texts. determiners c) Gap-filling
do we use to to fill gaps flash cards d) Short-
b. Use demonstrative show that an insentences. ∙ Skills in answer e)
determiners correctly. object is far or Dialogue
Search for more examples English Grade
c. Choose the correct near? of sentences containing completion,
demonstrative determiner 5 Learners bk information
demonstrative determiners pg. 10-2
to use during gap f) Role
in print and digital texts.
communication. d. ∙ Skills in play
Appreciate the importance of English Grade g) Simulation
determiners 5 TG pg. 15-17
4 Functional By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why do we fill Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Teacher
Writing the learner should be able forms? ce of story books ∙ made tests
Filling to: a. Record specific details 2. Why is it filling forms correctly, in poetry books ∙ b) Learner
Forms in a variety of forms. important to fill pairs. pictures and ∙ journals
b. Design a form to forms accurately? d fill Skills in c) Peer
obtain required 3. What details them, in pairs or small English Grade assessment
information. do we fill in groups.
c. Acknowledge the
5 Learners bk d) Self
forms? pg. 12-13 assessment
importance of filling Information, in groups.
forms correctly. ∙ Skills in learner
English Grade e) Portfolio
5 TG pg. 17-18 dictation

3 1 NATI Sounds /b/ as By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ Old a) Oral
ON Labour /p/ as the learner should be able to: listen carefully? Identify words with these newspapers reading or
AL party, a. Identify words, phrases 2. Why do we sounds: /p/ /b/ from print ∙ Magazines dictation
CELE and sentences containing the take turns when materials such as ∙ Skills in recitations
patriotic, history
BR target sounds. talking? newspapers, magazines. English Grade b) Role play
ATIO c) Debates

Page 3 of 13
b. Construct sentences Practice saying tongue 5 Learners bk d) Oral
orally using words twisters with the sounds pg. 14-15 interviews
related to the theme. /b/ /p/. ∙ Skills in e) Dialogues
c. Appreciate the Discuss groups the English Grade f) Oral
importance of a vocabulary used in the discussions
5 TG pg. 21-22
the vocabulary.

2 Readin Intensive By the end of the sub strand 1. What do we Learner is guided to: ∙ Digital devices a) Reading
g reading: Oral the learner should be able to: learn from the for aloud
Narrative a. Identify characters, title of a story is about; what happens recording b) Dictation
places and events in a story story or poem? next in a story using the ∙ Skills in c) Oral
(about 400
words)-Poem for 2. How do we title/pictures in a story. English Grade interviews
of About 5 comprehension. predict events in a 5 Learners bk
from the context. d) Question
b. Predict events in a text story or poem?
stanzas pg. 16-17 and answer
for comprehension. 3. How do we tell
c. Respond correctly to visualize the events in a ∙ Skills in e) Teacher
the meaning of
factual and inferential unknown words in story. English Grade made tests
questions for story? 5 TG pg. 22-23

3 Gramm Word Classes: By the end of the sub 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ Digital devices a) Tasks such
ar in Collective strand, the learner should be emphasize that Pick pronouns and for as multiple
able to: a. Identify collective you did collective nouns from recording choice
use nouns
nouns in texts. something on printand digital texts. b)
∙ pictures
b. Use collective nouns your own? Watch video clip in which Discrimination
∙ Skills in c) Gap-filling
in sentences correctly. 2. Which words collective nouns and English Grade d) Short-
c. Suggest collective to do you use to reflexive pronouns (myself,
5 Learners bk answer e)
be used during refer to a group ourselves) have been used in Dialogue
communication. of things or sentences. collective nouns pg. 18-9
animals? and reflexive pronouns and ∙ Skills in
information gap
list them, in pairs. English Grade
5 TG pg. 24-26

4 Writing Creative By the end of the sub 1. How do we Learner is guided to: ∙ Digital devices a) Teacher
Writing: strand, the learner should express ideas on s for made tests
Open be able to: a. Select different topics? possible point to include in recording b) Learner
ended relevant points to plan 2. Why do we their composition. ∙ pictures journals
Compositions their composition. share ideas? graph in ∙ Skills in c) Peer
(100-150 words) b. Write an open ended pairs while observing English Grade assessment
composition creatively correct punctuation and 5 Learners bk d) Self
c. Advocate the use of spelling. assessment
pg. 19
creativity in writing
∙ Skills in learner
among peers.
English Grade e) Portfolio
5 TG pg. 26-27 dictation

4 1 We All Listening By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ Old a) Oral
Celebra Comprehensi the learner should be able to: listen carefully? Respond correctly newspapers reading or
te on: Dialogue a. Listen for the main idea 2. Why do we toquestions based on the ∙ Magazines dictation
(about 130 and take turns when dialogue. ∙ Skills in recitations
words) specific details for talking? English Grade b) Role play
effective communication.
c) Debates

Page 4 of 13
b. Respond to Write the main points fromt 5 Learners bk d) Oral
information from an oral he listening text. pg. 20-21 interviews
text play the events in the ∙ Skills in e) Dialogues
c. Interpret a speaker’s dialogue. English Grade f) Oral
feelings and emotions Interpret gestures, eye discussions
5 TG pg. 28-29
(non verbal cues) contacts and facial
correctly expressionscorrectly. Listen
during an oral to audio-visualrecordings of
presentation. d. Appreciate dialogue containing the
the importance of a dialogue sounds /b/ /p/.

2 Intensive By the end of the sub strand 1. What do we Learner is guided to: ∙ Digital devices a) Reading
reading: Oral the learner should be able to: learn from the Read poem not than five stanzas. for aloud
Narrative a. Respond a poem of about title of a Read a narrative of up to 400 recording b) Dictation
5 stanzas story or poem? words silently. ∙ Skills in c) Oral
(about 400
words)-Poem b. Use contextual clues to 2. How do we English Grade interviews
of About 5 infer the meaning of words predict events in a Answer factual and 5 Learners bk
inferential questions from d) Question
for comprehension. story or poem?
stanzas astory. pg. 22-23 and answer
c. Recommend appropriate 3. How do we tell
reading techniques to Retell a narrative or recite ∙ Skills in e) Teacher
the meaning of
peers. unknown words in a poem and create a English Grade made tests
story? video or audio recording 5 TG pg. 30-32
of the story.

3 Reflexive By the end of the sub 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ Digital devices a) Tasks such
pronouns strand, the learner should be emphasize that Pick out thecollective nouns for as multiple
able to: a. Identify reflexive you did and reflexive pronouns and recording choice
pronouns in texts. something on list them, in pairs. b)
∙ pictures Discrimination
b. Use reflexive pronouns your own? amples of ∙ Skills in c) Gap-filling
in sentences correctly. 2. Which words collective nouns and English Grade d) Short-
c. Suggest reflexive do you use to reflexive pronouns in 5 Learners bk answer e)
pronouns to be used during refer to a group groups. Dialogue
pg. 24-25
communication. of things or completion,
animals? Construct sentences ∙ Skills in information gap
collective nouns and English Grade
reflexivepronouns. Create 5 TG pg. 32-33
and complete mplete
crossword puzzles using
collective nouns and
reflexive pronouns.

4 Creative By the end of the sub 1. How do we Learner is guided to complete ∙ Digital devices a) Teacher
Writing: strand, the learner should express ideas on the composition individually. for made tests
Open be able to: a. Plan on the different topics? Proof their composition in recording b) Learner
ended writing of the composition 2. Why do we pairs. Suggest suitable titles ∙ pictures journals
Compositions b. Write an open ended share ideas? fortheir compositions. ∙ Skills in c) Peer
(100-150 words) compositions creatively. English Grade assessment
c. Advocate the use of compositions in class.
5 Learners bk
creativity in writing
pg. 26
among peers.

Page 5 of 13
∙ Skills in d) Self
give feedback. Search and English Grade assessment
read the compositions learner
5 TG pg. 34-35
e) Portfolio

5 1 ETIQ Listening and By the end of the sub 1. Why should you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Oral
UE speaking: strand, the learner should use polite Listen to correct ∙ flash cards reading or
TTE Polite Words be able to: a. Identify expressions when pronunciation of sounds, ∙ digital devices dictation
Phrases and polite words, talking to phrases and ∙ newspapers ∙
TABLE recitations
Expressions phrases and expressions others? expressions fromthe
MANNE magazines b) Role play
in oral contexts. 2. Why should teacher, audio-visual
RS b. Use polite words, ∙ Skills in c) Debates
(A promise is a you listen to recordings among others.
phrases and expressions to English Grade d) Oral
Promise) others ɔɪ/
complement others. attentively? in words. 5 Learners bk interviews
c. Recommend 3. Which words, ng polite words pg. 28-29 e) Dialogues
appropriate words and phrases or and phrases in pairs. ∙ Skills in f) Oral
phrases for expressions do e use of polite English Grade discussions
expressing politeness we use to show words, phrases and 5 TG pg. 37-39
politeness expressions at meal times.

2 Intensive By the end of the sub 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Oral
reading: strand, the learner should get information predictions on a story ∙ pictures reading or
Narrative of be able to: a. Relate events from a text? when reading. dictation
∙ Skills in
about 400 words in the story 2. Which things their imagination to English Grade recitations
with their life do you predict visualize the events in a b) Role play
5 Learners bk
experiences. b. Predict or story. and skim c) Debates
events in a text for pg. 29-32
visualize in a story? texts for new d) Oral
comprehension. ∙ Skills in
words and information, in interviews
c. Respond to factual small groups. English Grade
and inferential questions 5 TG pg. 40 e) Dialogues
correctly. f) Oral
inferential questions from discussions
d. Relate events in a reading the texts, in groups.
text to real life digital devices to read
online stories for

3 Grammar in By the end of the sub strand, 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Tasks such
use: the learner should be able to: identify correct ∙ desks as multiple
Language a. Identify sentences in sentences? too…to/for from a ∙ cupboard choice
Pattern: which the language patterns b)
2. Why is it substitution table. For ∙ a big table
are Discrimination
Use of important to use example, ∙ some fruits c) Gap-filling
too…to/for used. sentences correctly? The stone is too heavy for
b. Use the language patterns ∙ Skills in d) Short-
Nanjala to lift.’ English Grade answer e)
in sentences correctly. Dialogue
c. Challenge others to use Fill blank spacess in 5 Learners bk completion,
sentence patterns sentences using the pg. 32-34 information gap
correctly for clarity of patterns.
Search for examples of
sentences with the language

Page 6 of 13
patterns from the internet, ∙ Skills in
newspapers, and English Grade
magazines among others 5 TG pg. 41-42

4 Writing: By the end of the sub 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Teacher
Mechanics of strand, the learner should write legibly and Paragraphs in their books. ∙ chart made tests
Writing be able to: a. Identify text neatly? compose a story of about ∙ Skills in b) Learner
-Handwriting written in joined letters or 2. How can you (120 - 160 words) English Grade journals
Joined/ cursive improve your 5 Learners bk c) Peer
(cursive script. handwriting? Discuss the importance of
b. Write legibly using pg. 34 assessment
script) writing legibly and neatly as d) Self
joined letters/cursive script. ∙ Skills in
aclass in pairs.
c. Use visuals to create English Grade assessment
Search for information from
astory. d. Recommend ways the internet or print sources 5 TG pg. 42-43 learner
of and make notes in pairs or f)Standardiz
improving legibility and groups. ed writing
neatness in written tests

6 1 Toti’s Sounds: /ɔɪ/ By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should you ∙ course book a) Oral
Secret as in boy, noise the learner should be able to: use polite sound /ɔɪ/ in words and ∙ flash cards reading or
a. Listen for specific sounds expressions when phrases. Write down the ∙ digital devices dictation
in words, phrases and talking to specific recitations
∙ newspapers ∙
expressions. others? sounds, words, phrases and b) Role play
expressions, from an oral magazines
b. Use polite words, 2. Why should c) Debates
you listen to text and pronounce them ∙ Skills in
phrases and expressions to d) Oral
complement others. others correctly. Access correct English Grade
pronunciationof sounds, 5 Learners bk interviews
c. Recommend attentively?
words, phrases and pg. 35-36 e) Dialogues
appropriate words and 3. Which words,
phrases for expressions from digital ∙ Skills in f) Oral
phrases or
expressing politeness texts. Listen/ recite poems English Grade discussions
expressions do
we use to show with 5 TG pg. 44-45
politeness words featuring the target
2 Intensive By the end of the sub 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Reading
reading: strand, the learner should get information Make predictions on a ∙ pictures aloud
Narrative of be able to: a. Predict events from a text? story when reading. ∙ Skills in b) Dictation
about 400 words in a text for 2. Which things Use their imagination to English Grade c) Oral
comprehension. do you predict or visualize the events in a interviews
5 Learners bk
b. Create mental images visualize in a story? story. Scan and skim texts
pg. 36-38 d) Question
from the events in a story. for new words and
∙ Skills in and answer
c. Respond to factual information, in small groups.
and inferential English Grade e) Teacher
questions 5 TG pg. 45-47 made tests
Inferential questions from
correctly. the texts, in groups.
d. Relate events in a reading digital devices to read
text to real life online stories for
experiences. comprehension.

Page 7 of 13
3 Use of By the end of the sub strand, 1. How do you ∙ Construct.sentences ∙ course book a) Tasks such
Must/Should the learner should be able to: identify correct ‘must/should with an ∙ desks as multiple
a. Identify sentences in sentences? adverb/adverbial’for choice
with an ∙ cupboard
which the language patterns b)
Adverb/ 2. Why is it example, We must brush ∙ a big table Discrimination
Adverbia l are important to use our teeth everyday. ∙ some fruits c) Gap-filling
used. sentences correctly? ∙ Recite the poem with the d) Short-
b. Use the language patterns ∙ Skills in
language pattern answer e)
in sentences correctly English Grade
c. Challenge others to use ∙ Discuss the instances with ∙ 5 Learners bk completion,
sentence patterns sentence patterns are used, ∙ pg. 39-40 information ga
correctly for clarity of in small groups, ∙ Skills in
communication English Grade
5 TG pg. 47-48

4 Writing: By the end of the sub 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Teacher
Mechanics of strand, the learner should write legibly and ∙ chart made tests
Writing be able to: a. Identify text neatly? paragraphs in their books. ∙ Skills in b) Learner
-Handwriting written in joined letters or 2. How can you English Grade journals
Joined/ cursive improve your compose a story of about (120
5 Learners bk c) Peer
(cursive script. handwriting? - 160 words)
pg. 41 assessment
script) b. Write legibly using discuss the importance of
joined letters/cursive script. ∙ Skills in d) Self
writing legibly and neatly
c. Use visuals to create as a class in pairs. English Grade assessment
a story. Search for information from 5 TG pg. 49-50 learner
d. Recommend ways of the internet or print sources f)Standardiz
improving legibility and and make notes in pairs or ed writing
neatness in written groups. tests

7 1 ROAD Listening and By the end of the sub 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Oral
ACCI speaking: strand, the learner should pronounce words Classify e nouns, ∙ pictures reading or
DE Word Stress be able to: a. Construct correctly? verbs,and adjectives ∙ audio dictation
NTS- (contrast sentences orally 2. Why do word from the list. recordings recitations
PREVE between, using words related to have different Practice saying words b) Role play
∙ word chart
NTION nouns/verbs, the theme. meanings at times? usingthe correct stress, in c) Debates
b. Use vocabulary related ∙ Skills in
verb /adjectives) pairs or small groups for d) Oral
to the theme correctly. example; conflict English Grade
5 Learners bk interviews
Accidents c. Advocate the importance (verb)/conflict
of correct use of stress in pg. 43-46 e) Dialogues
prevention (noun).subject(verb)/
communication subject(no un) ∙ Skills in f) Oral
Construct sentences English Grade discussions
orally using the new 5 TG pg. 52-53
vocabulary. Take part in a
language game involving
word stress.

2 Reading: By the end of the sub 1. Why do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Reading
Intensive strand, the learner should like pictures? ∙ posters aloud
reading – be able to: a. List the 2. How can you posters, videos, pictures ∙ videos b) Dictation
Comprehensio visuals in the use pictures to maps mnemonics, and ∙ newspapers c) Oral
n (visuals) classroom. communicate? symbols
∙ pictures interviews
among others in small groups.

Page 8 of 13
b. Answer factual and 3. What are some s, stories, ∙ Skills in d) Question
inferential questions of the messages poems or dialogues based English Grade and answer
correctly. that on the visuals. 5 Learners bk e) Teacher
c. Judge the pictures tions based on pg. 46-50 made tests
appropriateness of communicate? the visuals, in small groups. ∙ Skills in
visuals in conjunction
English Grade
with peers.
5 TG pg. 54-55

3 Grammar in By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ course book ∙ a) Tasks such
use: Word the learner should be able to: use possessive a riddle chart ∙ as multiple
a. Identify possessive forms forms correctly? choice
Classes: online/offline games Realia
in print or digital texts. 2. Which words b)
Personal involving pronouns such as ∙ Skills in
b. Use possessive forms Discrimination
Pronouns, show something dice, goofy cards and word English Grade c) Gap-filling
correctly in sentences. belongs to a person? search. 5 Learners bk d) Short-
c. Advocate the correct use Simulate, dramatize or answer e)
of possessive forms among pg. 50-52
role play a conversation Dialogue
peers. featuring possessive ∙ Skills in completion,
forms. English Grade information gap
eos/songs 5 TG pg. 56-57
involving the use of
possessive pronouns/ belong

4 Writing: By the end of the sub strand, 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Teacher
Functional the learner should be able communicate with ample friendly letter ∙ electronic made tests
Writing - A to: a. Identify the people who are far in small groups and pick out devices b) Learner
Reply to a components of a friendly away? the parts such as address, ∙ Skills in journals
Friendly Letter letter. 2. Why do we salutation, date, c) Peer
English Grade
b. Write a friendly letter write letters? complementary close among assessment
using the correct format. 5 Learners bk
others. d) Self
c. Judge the rite a reply to a sample pg. 52-53
∙ Skills in assessment
appropriateness of words, friendly letter using the
phrases and English Grade learner
correct format.
sentences used in friendly 5 TG pg. 57-58 e) Portfolio
the letters in pairs
letters. dictation
and make necessary
ed writing
class. tests
sample friendly
letters in the internet, in pairs

8 1 Road Sounds : /t/ as By the end of the sub 1. Why should we Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Oral
Safety in fatal, strand, the learner should be pronounce words Recite a poem and apply ∙ pictures reading or
/d/ as in first able to: a. List words whose correctly? the correct stress on ∙ audio dictation
aid, meaning differs according 2. Why do word words. recordings recitations
pedestrian, to have different Listen/watch to an audio b) Role play
∙ word chart
road pronunciation. meanings at times? visual material on c) Debates
b. Pronounce words using ∙ Skills in
pronunciation. s that are d) Oral
the correct stress. English Grade
stressed. interviews
5 Learners bk
sounds /t/ and /d/. pg. 54-55 e) Dialogues

Page 9 of 13
c. Advocate the importance ∙ Skills in f) Oral
of correct use of stress in English Grade discussions
communication 5 TG pg. 58-59

2 Reading: By the end of the sub 1. Why do you interpret ∙ posters a) Reading
Intensive strand, the learner should be like pictures? visuals correctly in pairs ∙ videos aloud
reading – able to: a. Make predictions 2. How can you or small groups. ∙ newspapers b) Dictation
Comprehensio based on use pictures to eview and make ∙ pictures c) Oral
n (visuals) visuals for communicate? predictions based on ∙ Skills in interviews
comprehension. b. Create 3. What are some pictures, illustrations, titles English Grade d) Question
mental images from text of the messages and and answer
5 Learners bk
they have viewed, read or experiences. pg. 55-56 e) Teacher
heard. pictures own stories using ∙ Skills in made tests
c. Judge the communicate? pictures or videos.
appropriateness of English Grade
visuals in conjunction experiences. 5 TG pg. 59-60
with peers.

3 Possessive By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should we Compose songs based on the ∙ course book ∙ a) Tasks such
Pronouns: the learner should be able to: use possessive use of personal and a riddle chart ∙ as multiple
a. Identify possessive forms forms correctly? possessive pronouns. choice
Pronouns Realia
in print or digital texts. 2. Which words Fill gaps in sentences b)
Use of belong ∙ Skills in Discrimination
to ... b. Use possessive forms show something correctly using possessive English Grade c) Gap-filling
correctly in sentences. belongs to a person? pronouns and belong to. 5 Learners bk d) Short-
c. Advocate the correct use Create a list of sentences answer e)
of possessive forms among pg. 56-58
with possessive and Dialogue
peers. personal ∙ Skills in
pronouns for display in English Grade information gap
small groups. 5 TG pg. 60-62

4 Writing: By the end of the sub strand, 1. How do you Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Teacher
Functional the learner should be able communicate with ample friendly letter ∙ electronic made tests
Writing - A to: a. Identify the people who are far in small groups and pick out devices b) Learner
Reply to a components of a friendly away? the parts such as address, ∙ Skills in journals
Friendly Letter letter. 2. Why do we salutation, date, c) Peer
English Grade
b. Write a friendly letter write letters? complementary close among assessment
using the correct format. 5 Learners bk
others. d) Self
c. Judge the pg. 58-59
ly to a sample assessment
appropriateness of words, friendly letter using the ∙ Skills in
phrases and English Grade learner
correct format.
sentences used in friendly 5 TG pg. 62-63 e) Portfolio
the letters in pairs
letters. dictation
and make necessary
ed writing
class. tests
sample friendly
letters in the internet, in pairs

Page 10 of 13
9 1 NUTR Listening and By the end of the sub strand, 1. Why should Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Oral
IT speaking: Speech the learner should be able to: we pronounce Interpret non verbal cues ∙ samples of reading or
ION- a. Listen for the main idea sounds such as gestures, facial food eaten dictation
TRAD Sound and correctly? expressions and eye contact ∙ Skills in recitations
IT /e/ as in specific details for 2. Which words correctly in pairs. English Grade b) Role play
IONA energy, diet, effective communication. do we use to Prepared and make a speech c) Debates
b. Respond appropriately to a describe 5 Learners bk
L recipe in groups. d) Oral
speech related to the theme. things, people or pg. 60-61
FOODS a poem with interviews
c. Display varied emotions events? various adjectives ∙ Skills in
Adjectives e) Dialogues
and feelings during an oral describing traditional English Grade
presentation 5 TG pg. 65-67 f) Oral
Mission foods.
Accomplished Recite thebpoem and pick
out adjectives.
adjectives in the internet,
newspapers and magazines.

2 Reading: By the end of the sub 1. What materials Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Reading
Extensive strand, the learner should do you enjoy ∙ pictures aloud
Reading: be able to: a. Select reading? 2. Why is suitability. ∙ samples ofraw b) Dictation
Fiction and relevant reading it Select fiction and non- traditional c) Oral
Non materials from a necessary to read fiction reading materials foods interviews
Fiction collection of books. many books? (both print and non-print).
∙ Skills in d) Question
Materials b. Scan a text to obtain p an after school
English Grade and answer
(1000-1250 specific information. reading club where they
5 Learners bk e) Teacher
c. Judge the meet regularly.
Words) pg. 61-65 made tests
appropriateness of a reflections on the
reading text on the books read in groups. ∙ Skills in
basis of language and English Grade
interest 5 TG pg. 67-68

3 Grammar in By the end of the sub 1. How do we Learner is guided to: ∙ course book a) Tasks such
use: Word strand, the learner should compare things Describe items using the ∙ charts as multiple
Classes be able to: a. Identify people or events? comparative and superlative choice
∙ sentencestrips
comparative and forms of adjectives e.g. b)
Comparatives 2. Which words ∙ Skills in
superlative forms of Discrimination
and are used to That window is bigger than English Grade c) Gap-filling
Superlatives adjectives in a text. describe this one Change positive
5 Learners bk d) Short-
forms of b. Use the comparative things or people? forms of answer e)
and superlative forms of regular and irregular pg. 66-68
Regular and Dialogue
Irregular adjectives accurately. adjectives to their ∙ Skills in
adjectives c. Advocate the importance comparative and English Grade information gap
of using adjectives superlative forms, in pairs. 5 TG pg. 68-69
correctly in reate a crossword
communication. puzzle
using adjectives
4 Writing: By the end of the sub 1. Why do you Learners is guided to: ∙ course book a) Teacher
Creative strand, the learner should enjoy reading n ∙ samples of made tests
Writing - be able to: a. Identify the stories? arrative composition in stories
Narrative parts of a small groups.
narrative composition.

Page 11 of 13
Compositions b. Write coherently on 2. How do you ∙ Skills in b) Learner
(120 -160 words) different topics. make your compositions in pairs. English Grade journals
c. Promote creativity in composition Identify them parts of 5 Learners bk c) Peer
writing among peers. interesting? narrative composition. pg. 68 assessment
3. What are some d) Self
∙ Skills in
of the stories you assessment
know? English Grade
5 TG pg. 70 learner
e) Portfolio

10 1 What is Listening and By the end of the sub 1. Why should Listen to speeches and pick ∙ course book a) Oral
On speaking: strand, the learner should we pronounce out words containing ∙ samples of reading or
Your be able to: a. Recognize sounds sound /e/. food eaten dictation
Plate Sound sounds, words and phrases correctly? ∙ Skills in recitations
? /e/ as in correctly. 2. Which words and phrases with the b) Role play
sound /e/ in pairs English Grade
energy, diet, b. Construct sentences do we use to c) Debates
orally using words 5 Learners bk
recipe describe d) Oral
related to the theme. things, people or pronunciation of sounds, pg. 69-70
∙ Skills in interviews
Adjectives c. Display varied emotions events? words and phrases from the
English Grade e) Dialogues
and feelings during an teacher or audio-visual
oral presentation recordings. 5 TG pg. 71 f) Oral

2 Reading: By the end of the sub 1. What materials Skim through materials. ∙ course book a) Reading
Extensive strand, the learner should do you enjoy Read the selected ∙ pictures aloud
Reading: be able to: a. Skim reading? 2. Why is materials independently ∙ samples of b) Dictation
Fiction and through digital or print it Share reflections on the raw c) Oral
Non texts to establish necessary to read books read in groups traditional interviews
Fiction appropriateness and many books? foods d) Question
Materials relevance. and answer
∙ Skills in
(1000-1250 b. Read a variety of
English Grade e) Teacher
Words) materials for fluency.
5 Learners bk made tests
c. Judge the
appropriateness of a pg. 70-71
reading text on the ∙ Skills in
basis of language and English Grade
interest 5 TG pg. 72-74

3 Order of By the end of the sub strand, 1. How do we Pick out adjectives of size, ∙ course book a) Tasks such
Adjectives the learner should be able to: compare things shape and age from a ∙ charts as multiple
(Size, shape a. Order adjectives in terms people or events? narrative or poem in small choice
∙ sentence b)
and age) of size, shape and age 2. Which words groups. strips Discrimination
appropriately. are used to sentences featuring ∙ Skills in c) Gap-filling
b. Construct sentences using describe adjectives of size, shape d) Short-
English Grade
adjectives of size, shape things or people? and age. answer e)
and age. sing adjectives in 5 Learners bk
the correct order. pg. 72-74 completion,
information gap

Page 12 of 13
c. Advocate the importance ∙ Skills in
of using adjectives English Grade
correctly in 5 TG pg. 74-75

4 Writing: By the end of the sub 1. Why do you narrative of (120 ∙ course book a) Teacher
Creative strand, the learner should enjoy reading -160 words) individually or ∙ samples of made tests
Writing - be able to: a. Identify the stories? in pairs. stories b) Learner
Narrative parts of a 2. How do you journals
∙ Skills in
Compositions narrative composition. make your narratives. c) Peer
English Grade
(120 -160 words) b. Create a narrative composition ing of 5 Learners bk assessment
composition for self interesting? a narrative and rewrite it pg. 74-75 d) Self
expression. 3. What are some in their own words.
of the stories you ∙ Skills in assessment
c. Promote creativity in
know? English Grade learner
writing among peers. work and give feedback.
5 TG pg. 76-77 e) Portfolio

Page 13 of 13

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