Loddon Valley Link: February 2005
Loddon Valley Link: February 2005
Loddon Valley Link: February 2005
February 2005
Joan was a very faithful member of St. Mary’s church from 1965 to
1986. She was involved in the flower arranging and brass cleaning
rotas as well as being part of the annual spring cleaning team.
Happy N ew Year to all our readers! February mi ght s ee m late for
such a greeting, bu t regular readers wi ll know that a co mbined
Dece mb er/January edi tion w as deli vere d i n early December.
Thi s sav ed the v oluntary pro duction tea m meeting on Ch ri s tmas
Day to pri nt, fol d and s taple a January “Li nk” and di stributor s
could en joy th ei r N ew Year holiday.
Th ere are li mi ts to the de di cation of th e team af te r all!
I hav e alrea dy men ti one d “r eaders” twi ce. If you are reading thi s
you mus t be amongst “our readers”. T he “ Loddon Valley Li nk” i s
deliv ere d, free of cha rge, to al l homes i n the B enefi ce. Bu t are all
house hold s “ou r rea ders ”? T he com mi ttee woul d really li ke to
know if you like the p roduct. W e do not hear many co mplai nts, bu t
we would no t i f the re were few readers!
Th e con tent is only crea te d by the contributor s, so pleas e
contribute i f you w ould like to see some thi ng new an d di fferent.
We w ould appr eciate “l e tter s to the e di to r” and news and vi ew s
from the vi llages. We w ill make every effor t to i nclude any s hor t
articles and photographs you sub mi t, subject to space etc. Regular
contributors might li ke to include a photo of ac ti v iti es someti mes.
The final date for m at erial for the M arch (Easter) e dition is
Friday 18th Feb ruar y. See page 49 for contac t deta ils.
It helps the edi tor to receiv e i tems a s early as possible.
I am the e di to r again nex t mon th, so w ill expect a deluge of new
pieces to try to find s pace for!!
Do te ll those w ho a re not “our readers” at p res ent!
Sheena Archer - Editor
Adverti se ments i n the Lod don Valley Li nk.
Please note that th e “Lo ddon Vall ey Li nk” com mi ttee canno t be
hel d re sponsibl e for any w or k o r servi ce
provi ded by adve rti se rs.
St. Leornard’s Spire Appeal
Contributed by the St. Leonard’s Church Wardens
Th e appeal for the spire i s goi ng well
wi th ov er £5,000
so far donated.
DON’T FORGET (Parish Co uncil, c ontinu ed from p a ge 16)
Keep in touch with your Parish Council. The monthly meetings
are open to the public and there is always an “Open Forum”
session when members of the public are permitted to speak.
Feedback and input from residents is crucial if we are to
maintain an “evolving and involving” community. Next meetings:
9 February, 9 March, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June, 13 July.
A letter received by the Sherfield Parish
Council after the second round of the Calor
Sherfield Village Fete
Contributed by the St. Leonard’s Church Wardens
Tickets £12
to include wine/soft drinks and sandwiches
during the interval.
Box office: The Loddon School
01256 882394
Return to Uganda 2004
by Brenda and Richard Simpson
Regular readers of this magazine may remember a 2003 article in
which we wrote of an amazing five week visit we made to Uganda.
We had the great privilege of working in a home for thirty
abandoned or orphaned boys. On the same site is a twenty bed
rehabilitation unit for children awaiting or recovering from surgery
for a variety of diseases and deformities.
This article features our second visit for nine weeks in 2004.
Since returning from our first visit to Uganda and without previous
fund raising experience, we have thrown ourselves into a round of
speaking at various clubs and Churches, held coffee mornings and
have so far raised almost £6000, including a magnificent £1500 for
sponsorship for Richard’s brother who completed the Great North
Run in Newcastle upon Tyne. Not an enormous amount, you
might think, but we have been thrilled to see at first hand what has
been achieved.
We had great fun with my exaggerated pronunciation—right/light,
chicken/kitchen. I suggested that they practise in front of a
mirror, but as the majorit y did not possess one, they had to settle
for working in pairs. There was a wide range of age and ability,
from early twenties to Isiah aged 73, from farm workers to
students. We encouraged the most able to sit along side the
weaker students, explaining that this would benefit everyone.
The brighter students stretching their English by explaining points
to their neighbours. The only student who failed to make any
progress was a chicken who frequently had to be chased from the
During our stay we had the opportunity to visit other projects
which have benefited from the support of Africare.
Salaama, a school for the blind now has pit latrines and an 8000
litre water storage tank which means the children no longer have
to carry water several miles a day. A new dormitory has been
built for the girls, which prompted funding by the government for
new accommodation for the boys. We were thrilled to learn that
Bart, a boy who had read a story from a Braille book two years
ago, had done so well in his primary school exams that he had
been awarded a place in a main stream secondary school.
Tsunami Appeal
At the Whit e Hart’s New Year’s Eve celebration a collection
was taken for the Tsunami appeal whic h amounted to £538.
Have you been approached
about a headstone?
Contributed by Revd. Bob Politt
I recently received a telephone call from a former resident of
Sherfield who raised with me a matter of some concern.
Bramley CE Primary School
We have had a busy start to our new
term and have welcomed a number of
new families. We have said goodbye to
the Cavanagh family. Before they left, Charlie and Millie
presented the school with a beautiful flowering cherry tree
which has been planted in the younger children’s playground.
Forthcoming event!
Space Watch on Friday 4th February, by
children in Years 5 and 6. The children have
activities during the day and stay at school
over night. We are hoping the weather will be kind to us.
Custome rs of the She rfield Post Office
ca nnot fail to see this notice on the door.
Benefice Church Supper
Tuesday 8th February 7.30-9.30pm, Liddell Hall
We shall be following up points raised at the:
hel d on
Saturday 29th January 2005
Please come along and give your feedback.
Offers of food please to
Ilene Iles on 880559.
For information on Home Groups please contact
Revd Bob Politt, 01256 882209.
On Thursdays
10th and 24th February. 10th and 24th March
Women’s Institute
Reported by: Val Denny
Reporter – Jean Wright
The club members had a grand finish to the year
2004. It began with our Chistmas party on December
6th with entertainment by Terry Harris and Father
Christmas. This was followed by two invitations, one
to Bramley School on 10th and another to the
Brow nies on 15th. The children entertained us with
their plays into which they had put a lot of effort.
The Christmas lunch at Longbridge Mill on December
14th was well attended and very much enjoyed.
Thanks to the Mill for a brilliant presentation and
meal which was very much appreciated and our final
fling for 2004.
National Women’s Register (nwr)
Repor te d by Gi ll Fearon
Allotments. John Dodd 882587
Babysitting Circle. Sally 880362
Basingstoke Gazette. Chris Horton 882426
Bingo. Ursula Lambden 882898
Brownies. Sue Handasyde-Dick 882337
St. Leonard’s Church. Revd. Bob Politt 882209
Breach Lane Chapel. Geoff Belsham 882534
Chris Russell 0127 621469
Evergreens. Jean Wright 882845
Football (Junior) Fred Berntsen 882798
Football(Seniors) Tony Sumner 882777
Happy Faces Playgroup Peggy Hutchins 882609
Loddon Valley Link. See back pages of magazine
Lunch Club. Helen Belsham 882534
NWR. Gill Fearon 882106
Sherfield Parish Council. Bruce Batting (Chair) 882605
Lucy Marshall(Clerk) 881742
Police: Mandy Jewell 084504545450/07770471655
Poppies. Natalie Larner 880075
Post Office 882210
Sherfield Fete. Sandy Johnston 882507
Sherfield Show. Sally Brain 882275
Short Mat Bowls. Bill Watson 880200
Toddler Group 0-5s. Jaqui Skillett 883644
Tree Warden. Geraldine House-Barklie 882536
Village Grn. Volunteers. Simon 880224
Village Hall Bookings. Jan Martin 882539
Village Hall Caretaker. Alan Martin 882539
V. Hall Mgmt. Cttee. Esme Ward 880503
Whist Drive. Jean Wright 882845
Women’s Institute. Val Denny 882410
Hartley Repre se ntative : Dr. John Will iam s Tel. 882 705
Str atfie ld Re pr esentative: Mr. Er ic Pr ice Tel. 881 402
Rector: Reverend Bob Politt
33 Northfield Road , Sherfield on Loddon.
Tel. (01256) 882209
Kindly note the Rector’s day off is Thursday.