Computer Fundamental Syllabus
Computer Fundamental Syllabus
Computer Fundamental Syllabus
Images and their formats, Image editing- tools and techniques, Image capturing, digital image,
bit depth, resolution, color modes, aspect ratio., Printing of documents, print set up, print
(Lecture 8)
Text Books:
1. Sinha P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publishing.
2. OLeary Timothy, OLeary Linda, Microsoft Office2007,TMH Publication
3. Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book (Author: Adobe Creative Team) Adobe
Reference Books:
1. Leon A. & Leon M., Introductions to Computers, Vikas Publication.
2. Cyganski, Information Technology:Inside and outside, Pearson Education.
3. Norton Peter, Introductions to Computers, TMHPublication.
4. Price Michael, Office 2010 in Easy Steps ,TMH Publication.
*Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended
Printing the Slides and Handouts, Slide sorter, Title sorter. Making of a photo album,
linking of video & sound files.
Internet & Email
Surfing the Internet: Giving the URL address, Search, Moving Around in a web-site,
Printing or saving portion of web pages, Downloading.
Basic of electronic mail: Email addressing, Mailbox: Inbox and outbox, Viewing an
email, Sending an Email, Saving mails, Sending same mail to various users, Sending
soft copy as attachment, Enclosures to email, Sending a Portion of document as