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September 2002
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Advanced Mill Applications Student Manual Publication History:

Version 16.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Version 17.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vesion 18.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unigraphics NX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

October 2000
January 2001
August 2001
September 2002

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Course Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Course Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Student Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Class Standards for Unigraphics Part Files . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Class Part File Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Layers and Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seed Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Use This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Workbook Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classroom System Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The WAVE Geometry Linker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geometry Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting Parent Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting Linked Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assemblies and WAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 1-1: Creating an Assembly for WAVE . . . . . . . . . .
Linking Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 1-2: Creating WAVE Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simplify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simplify Body Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 1-3: Using Simplify Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 1-4: Other Modeling Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cavity Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cavity Milling Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting Part, Blank and Check Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Custom Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2-1: Review of a Cavity Milling Operation . . . . . .
Cut Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

Table of Contents

Multiple Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2-2: Cavity Milling using cut levels and ranges . .
PreDrill Engage and Cut Region Start Points . . . . . . . . . .
PreDrill Engage Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cut Region Start Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2-3: Using a PreDrill Engage Point . . . . . . . . . . .
ZLevel Milling Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2-4: ZLevel Profile Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2-5: ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP Operations . . .
Cavity and ZLevel Milling Stock options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 2-6: Using the Blank Distance Option . . . . . . . . .
Cut Parameters Trim by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cut Parameters Tolerant Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cut Parameters Undercut Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part, Blank, Check Geometry Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fixed Contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fixed Contour Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fixed Contour Tool Path Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terminology used in Fixed Contour operations . . . . . . . . . .
Drive Methods for Fixed Contouring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Curve/Point Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spiral Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boundary Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Area Milling Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surface Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tool Path Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Radial Cut Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flow Cut Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Function Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parent Groups associated with Fixed Contour operations .
Fixed Contour Operation types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 3-1: Contour_Area_NonSteep Operations . . . . . .
Activity 3-2: Creating and Using a Mill_Area Parent . . . .
Flow Cut Drive Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flow Cut Drive Method using Cut Area and Trim Boundary
Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flow Cut Reference Tool Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Flow Cut Reference Tool Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 3-3: Creating a Reference Tool Operation . . . . . .
Boundary Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boundary Drive Method Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

All Rights Reserved

Unigraphics NX

Table of Contents

Boundary Drive Method - Part Containment . . . . . . . . . . .

Boundary Drive Method - Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 3-4: Using the Boundary Drive Method . . . . . . . .
Multi Depth Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tolerance values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 3-5: Adding MultiDepth Cutting to an Operation
Spiral Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 3-6: Creating a Spiral Drive Method Tool Path . .
Surface Area Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 3-7: Using the Surface Drive Method . . . . . . . . . .
Tool Path Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Radial Cut Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NonCutting Moves Clearance Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gouge Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NonCutting Moves - Collision Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Wire EDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cut Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 4-1: No Core Wire EDM Operations . . . . . . . . . . .
Internal Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 4-2: Creating Internal Trim Operations . . . . . . .
Internal Trim Suboperations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 4-3: Creating a Sequence of SubOperations . . . .
External Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 4-4: Creating External Trim Operations . . . . . . . .
Open Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 4-5: Creating Open Profile Operations . . . . . . . . .
Wire EDM Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corner Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Machining Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


InProcess Workpiece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
InProcess Workpiece (IPW) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 5-1: Creating and Using the IPW . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Machining Faceted Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Direct Machining of Facets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 6-1: Machining of Faceted Geometry . . . . . . . . . .


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Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual


Table of Contents


High Speed Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

High Speed Machining An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methods for most High Speed Machining applications . . .
High Speed Machining vs Conventional Machining . . . . . .
Activity 7-1: Creating a High Speed Machining Operation
Mixed Cut Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 7-2: Mixed Cut Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nurbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 7-3: NURBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NC Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of the NC Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 8-1: Using the NC Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Templates Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Template Part Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Template Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating and Using Template Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 9-1: Creating a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 9-2: Using a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Review of the Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 9-3: Using the Die_Sequence Template . . . . . . . . .
More on Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Changing the Machining Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Template Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of CAM Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 10-1: Preparation for modifying CAM Libraries .
Cutting Tool Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 10-2: Inserting Preexisting Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tool Graphics Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Machine Tool Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 10-3: Machine Tool Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part Material Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 10-4: Part Materials Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cutting Tool Material Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 10-5: Cutting Tool Materials Libraries . . . . . . . . .
Cut Method Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

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Unigraphics NX

Table of Contents

Activity 10-6: Cut Method Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-37

Feeds and Speeds Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39
Activity 10-7: Feeds and Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42
Hole Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hole Making Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feature Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Knowledge Fusion Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 11-1: Machining Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 11-2: Tagging Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity 11-3: Optimizing a Spot Drill Subprogram . . . . .


Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-1
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

Table of Contents

(This Page Intentionally Left Blank)


Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

All Rights Reserved

Unigraphics NX

Course Overview

Course Overview

Course Description
The Advanced Mill Applications course is oriented toward the Mold/Die
industry and includes topics directed at the more experienced and advanced
NC/CNC user. Topics include rough and finish operations of machining cavity
and core type parts, wire EDM methods and procedures, and high speed
machining techniques. This course includes advanced topics that are designed
to maximize productivity and efficiencies in everyday programming

Intended Audience
Manufacturing Engineers, Process Planners, NC/CNC Programmers and
CAD/CAM System Managers.

The required prerequisites for the course are Practical Applications of Unigraphics
and the Mill Manufacturing Process course or the CAST equivalent. Your experience
as an NC/CNC programmer or machinist is also an asset in taking this course.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to create manufacturing
assemblies using the Wave Geometry linker, perform roughing and finishing
operations of cavity and core type parts, machine faceted bodies, create wire
EDM operations and use various cut patterns and operation types to perform
high speed machining.

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Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual


Course Overview

Student Responsibilities

Be on time

Participate in class

Stick with the subject matter

Listen attentively and take notes

Practice on the job what you have learned

Have Fun

Class Standards for Unigraphics Part Files

The following standards will be used in this class. Standardization allows users
to work with others parts while being able to predict the organization of the
part file. All work should be performed in accordance with these standards.
Class Part File Naming
This class utilizes the following filenaming standard:
user's initials
(3 characters)

part name
(1 - 120 characters)

(4 characters)

underscore delimiter

Where the student is requested to save a part file for later use, the initials of the
student's given name, middle name, and surname replace the course identifier ***" in
the new filename with the remainder of the filename matching the original. These files
should reside in the student's personal directory.
TIP Currently up to 128 characters are valid for file names. A four
character extension (.prt, for example) is automatically added to define
the file type. This means the maximum number of user defined
characters for the file name is actually 124.


Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

All Rights Reserved

Unigraphics NX

Course Overview

Layers and Categories

The student will notice that there are standard layer assignments as well as
standard category names in each of the part files as follows:
Layers 1-100, Model Geometry (Category: MODEL)
Layers 1-14, Solid Geometry (Category: SOLIDS)
Layers 15-20, Linked Objects (Category: LINKED OBJECTS)
Layers 21-40, Sketch Geometry (Category: SKETCHES)
Layers 41-60, Curve Geometry (Category: CURVES)
Layers 61-80, Reference Geometry (Category: DATUMS)
Layers 81-100, Sheet Bodies (Category: SHEETS)
Layers 101 - 120, Drafting Objects (Category: DRAFT)
Layers 101 - 110, Drawing Borders (Category: FORMATS)
Layers 121 - 130, Mechanism Tools (Category: MECH)
Layers 131 - 150, Finite Element Meshes and Engr. Tools (Category: CAE)
Layers 151 - 180, Manufacturing (Category: MFG)
Layers 181 - 190, Quality Tools (Category: QA)
The following colors are preset to indicate different object types:

Valid colors



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Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual


Course Overview

g Curves (nonsketch)
Lines and Arcs
Conics and Splines
Sketch Curves
Reference Curves
Datum Features


Points and Coordinate Systems


System Display Color


Seed Part
Seed parts are an effective tool for establishing customer defaults or any
settings that are partdependent (saved with the part file). This may include
nongeometric data such as:

Sketch preferences

Commonly used expressions

Layer categories

Userdefined views and layouts

Part attributes

TIP Once a seed part is established, it should be writeprotected to avoid

accidental modification of the seed part.


Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

All Rights Reserved

Unigraphics NX

Course Overview

How to Use This Manual

It is important that you use the Student Guide in the sequence presented
because later lessons assume you have learned concepts and techniques taught
in an earlier lesson. If necessary, you can always refer to any previous activity
where a method or technique was originally taught.
The format of the activities is consistent throughout this manual. Steps are
labeled and specify what will be accomplished at any given point in the activity.
Below each step are action boxes which emphasize the individual actions that
must be taken to accomplish the step. As your knowledge of Unigraphics
increases, the action boxes may seem redundant as the step text becomes all
that is needed to accomplish a given task.
Step 1 This is an example of a step.

This is an example of an action box.

The general format for lesson content is:





One or more included in most lessons

While working through lesson activities, you will experience a higher degree of
comprehension if you read the CUE and Status lines .
It is recommended that students who prefer more detail from an Instructor Led
Course ask questions, confirm with restatement, and, more importantly, attend
and pay attention to the instruction as it is given.
Obviously, it is always necessary for students to consider the classroom situation
and be considerate of other students who may have greater or lesser needs for
instruction. Instructors cannot possibly meet the exact needs of every student.
At the start of each class day you will be expected to log onto your terminal and
start Unigraphics, being ready to follow the instructor's curriculum. At the end
of the day's class you should always quit Unigraphics and log off the terminal.

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Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual


Course Overview

Workbook Overview
The Advanced Mill Application project is an ongoing activity that incorporates
the skills required to perform advanced machining processes. During the course
of working through this workbook exercise, you will be asked to perform tasks
which will be used to machine the core block of a plastic hair dryer.
It is the intent of this project to allow the student to apply the skills taught in
this course. However, the time constraint of this course is also a factor, at any
point when progress is not being made, enlist the help of your instructor.

Classroom System Information

Your instructor will provide you with the following items for working in the
Student Login:


Work Directory:
Parts Directory:


Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

All Rights Reserved

Unigraphics NX

WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing

WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing

Lesson 1


In this lesson, you will learn different methods

available for creating machining geometry that is
associated to the designer's original geometry. This
geometry is still modifiable for manufacturing


Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Use a base part" to control the manufacturing


Use the WAVE Geometry Linker to create

associative, linked geometry

Make modifications to linked geometry

Build a simulated casting solid body

This lesson contains the following activities:





Creating an Assembly for WAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Creating WAVE Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Simplify Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Modeling Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing

The WAVE Geometry Linker

The WAVE Geometry Linker is a tool which provides a means to associatively
copy geometry from another component part in an assembly into the work part.
The resulting linked geometry is associated to the parent geometry. Modifying
the parent geometry will cause the linked geometry in the other parts to update.

The WAVE Geometry Linker is available with an

Assemblies license. It does not require a UG/WAVE

Different types of objects can be selected including points, curves, sketches,

datums, faces, and bodies. The linked geometry can be used for creating and
positioning new features in the Work Part.
This function is accessed by choosing AssembliesWAVE Geometry Linker.

Type of Geometry
to Link

Options particular to
geometry type

The At Timestamp option lets you specify where the linked object is placed in
the feature list. When turned OFF, any new features added that alter the parent
geometry will be reflected in the linked geometry. When turned ON, new
features added after the link was created will not be reflected.


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Blank Original lets you blank the original geometry so that the linked geometry
in the work part will be easier to work with while the assembly is displayed.
The Create NonAssociative option will create a broken link. The geometry will
be created in the work part but will not be associated to the parent geometry.
If interpart modeling is not enabled in the customer defaults file (ug_english.def
or ug_metric.def), the following message will appear when you access the WAVE
Geometry Linker. The dialog will still be available but the Create
NonAssociative option will be permanently ON by default.


To enable the WAVE Geometry Linker you must change

the statement Assemblies_AllowInterPart: no to yes in the
ug_english.def or ug_metric.def files. It is not on by default.

Geometry Types
Several different types of geometry can be selected for the WAVE application.






Regions of Faces


Mirrored Bodies

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When selecting the geometry to copy, you should consider how permanent the
geometry will be. If you copy as little geometry as possible to do the job,
performance will be improved but updates will be less robust when the parent
geometry is altered.
For example, if you copy individual curves to another part, the link may not
update correctly if one of the curves is deleted. On the other hand, if you copy
an entire sketch, curves may be removed or added to it and the link will still

Editing Links
Links may be edited by choosing EditFeatureEdit Parameters in the Model
Navigator and selecting a linked feature. Linked features have an Edit dialog
similar to the one below.

While this dialog is displayed, the cursor is active in the graphics area so that
new parent geometry can be selected for the link being edited. The new parent
geometry must be the same type as the old geometry (curve, datum, solid body,
Parent indicates the parent geometry type. If the feature was linked, but the
link has been broken, the parent is shown as a Broken Link.
Part shows the name of the part where the parent geometry is located. If the
parent geometry is located in the current work part, the part name given is
Work Part.


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The dialog information updates when you select new

parent geometry, which you can do at any time.

At Timestamp lets you specify the timestamp at which the linked feature is
placed. If this option is toggled ON, the list box will display the features in the
parent part. One of these features may be selected from the list to specify a new
timestamp location for the linked feature being edited. If this option is toggled
OFF, all features in the parent part will be reflected in the linked feature.
Break Link lets you break the association between the linked feature and its
parent. This means that the linked feature will no longer update if its parent
changes. You can later define a new parent by selecting geometry with the
An Extracted feature (intrapart) can be converted to a Linked feature
(interpart) by selecting the appropriate option and selecting new parent
geometry from another component in the assembly.
Depending on the geometry type of the feature being edited, other options may
appear on the dialog.

When editing links and selecting new parent geometry, it

may be easier to temporarily work in an exploded view so
that you can distinguish between the existing linked
geometry and the new parent geometry.

Broken Links
A link may become broken for several reasons:

The parent geometry is deleted.

The path from the linked geometry to its parent part is broken. This
can occur if the component part containing the parent geometry is
deleted or substituted.

If the parent is removed from the start part reference set that defines
the linked part.

If you deliberately break the link (e.g., using Edit Feature or the Break
option on the WAVE Geometry Navigator dialog).

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Newly Broken Links

When a link breaks for an indirect reason (i.e., any reason except the last one
listed above), the link is identified as newly broken until you accept it. You can
accept newly broken links from the WAVE Geometry Navigator dialog or the
Edit during Update dialog.
After a link is accepted, its status is changed to broken until a new parent is

Deleting Parent Geometry

To prevent unintentional deletion of the parents of linked geometry, a message
will warn you if a delete operation would cause interpart links to break. This
applies to operations using EditFeatureDelete, EditDelete, and Model
NavigatorDelete while the parts containing the linked geometry are loaded.

The Information option provides details about the links that will be broken in
an Information window.


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Deleting Linked Geometry

Linked geometry is created as a feature and can be deleted by choosing
EditFeatureDelete (or choosing the Delete Feature icon).
Linked bodies may also be deleted by choosing EditDelete, but you will not
have an opportunity to verify its child features before they are lost.

Assemblies and WAVE

The WAVE Geometry Linker only works in the context of an assembly. An
assembly link must exist between two part files before a WAVE link can be

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WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing

Activity 1-1: Creating an Assembly for WAVE

In this activity, you will create an assembly structure for later use with the
WAVE Geometry Linker. Since WAVE only works in the context of an
assembly, this step is an important one.
To set this activity up, our hypothetical company has won a contract to perform
the machining on a mixer housing. The customer has supplied us with a
Unigraphics solid model of the designed part. Because highproduction
quantities are needed, the customer has decided to make the part an aluminum
casting. This will greatly reduce the amount of time spent machining.
Unfortunately, the customer has not supplied us with a solid model of the
casting. It is our job to create the solid model of the casting. Using WAVE, we
will create a simulated casting model that is associated with the original.


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For the casting body, it is necessary to remove the seven drilled holes, and apply
.250" machining stock on the inlet face, outlet face, and mixer tube faces.
Additionally, the ring groove will not exist on the casting body.
Outlet Face

Mixer Tube


Inlet Face

The customer has informed us that all machined faces have 1/4" of added stock.
Once the modeling changes are accomplished, we will also drill all holes, and
machine the ring groove into the mixer outlet face, since the casting process was
not accurate enough for the tolerances required.
Step 1 Open a seed part, then save it with a new name.

Choose FileOpen ama_seedpart_in.prt.

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Seed parts are often used to standardize part files

for a particular company or situation. With a seed
part, Layer Categories can be already defined,
standard object colors can be implemented, and
other preferences can be set as well.

Choose FileSave As ***_mixer_mfg.prt where ***

represents your initials.

Step 2 Add the existing designed part as an assembly

Our first objective will be to add the existing mixer housing
as the first component of the mixer_mfg assembly. All
assembly links will be on layer 11.


From the main menu, choose ApplicationsAssemblies.

Change the Work Layer to 11.

From the main menu, choose

AssembliesComponentsAdd Existing

In the Select Part dialog, click on Choose Part File.

Find and select ama_mixer_body.prt, then choose OK.

In the Add Existing Part dialog, change the component name

to mixer. It can be typed in upper or lower case. Unigraphics
will convert it to upper case.

While still in the Add Existing Part dialog, choose SOLID

from the Reference Set pull down window.

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The Add Existing Part dialog is still displayed.

Verify that the Positioning pull down menu is set to Absolute.

Choose OK in the Add Existing Part dialog.

Choose Reset in the Point Constructor dialog, then choose

The mixer body part file is now a component of

Cancel the Select Part dialog.

Step 3 Examine the current assembly structure.

Display the Assembly Navigator by choosing the Assembly

Navigator tab in the resource bar.

TIP Clicking once on the tab temporarily displays the

Assembly Navigator by sliding it to the left over the
graphics display.
Double-clicking on the tab displays the Assembly
Navigator in a separate window which can then be moved
and docked.

There are currently two parts in this assembly. The toplevel

control part is ***_mixer_mfg.prt, while
ama_mixer_body.prt is the single component. Currently, only
the component contains any geometry.

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The next step is to create a new component that will contain

the WAVE casting body.
Step 4 Create an empty component, then apply the seed part

Choose AssembliesComponentsCreate New.

Choose OK in the Class Selection dialog.

In the File Name field, type in ***_mixer_casting.prt, then

choose OK.
The Create New Component dialog is displayed.

In the component name field, type casting, then choose OK.

A new component, named CASTING, is displayed in the
Component Name column of the Assembly Navigator. The
name of the part file is ***_mixer_casting.prt. You may need
to display the Component Name column by
MB3ColumnsComponent Name.
Next, apply the layer and color standards from the seed part
file. In Unigraphics, all operations apply to the work part,
which is currently ***_mixer_mfg.prt. To apply the seed part
defaults, the CASTING component should be the work part.
For clarity, we will also make it the displayed part.

In the Assembly Navigator, perform MB3 on the CASTING

component. Choose Make Displayed Part from the popup

To illustrate the lack of userdefined defaults, choose

FormatLayer Settings.
Notice the category field is blank.


Choose Cancel in the Layer Settings Dialog.

Choose FileImportPart...

In the Import Part dialog, turn off Create Named Group, then
choose OK.

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Browse to the ama_seedpart_in.prt, and doubleclick on it.

Choose OK in the Point Constructor dialog. Since no

geometry is being imported, position is irrelevant.

Choose Cancel in the Point Constructor dialog.

Choose FormatLayer Settings.

Now several layer categories are defined.

Choose Cancel in the Layer Settings dialog.

Step 5 Make the toplevel part the displayed part, and save the
work thus far.


In the Assembly Navigator, MB3 on ***_mixer_casting, and

choose Display Parent***_mixer_mfg.

In the Assembly Navigator, MB3 on ***_mixer_mfg, and

choose Make Work Part.

Choose the Save icon

on the Standard toolbar.

When you save an assembly, all modified components

below the work part are also saved.

Dismiss any warnings about the mixer body not being saved.

This concludes this activity.

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Linking Procedure
We will use the AssembliesWAVE Geometry Linker dialog to create
associated objects between part files. Unlike promotions, the linker allows us to
copy geometry downward" into component parts, upward" into higher level
assemblies, or sideways" between components within an assembly. As you
build your assembly you will use the sideways" functionality.
To create linked geometry:


Arrange your assembly display so that the part containing the

geometry to be copied is visible, and the geometry of interest is

Change work part to the part that is to receive the linked copies.

Set the Work Layer to the layer you want to contain the linked copies.

Choose AssembliesWAVE Geometry Linker.

Use the linker dialog to filter the type of object(s). You may select
several objects of different types.

Choose Apply to make copies and remain in the Selection dialog, or

OK to copy objects and exit the dialog.

Linked Geometry will be created in the Work Layer in the current

work part, but will display in the layer in which the component object
was created in higher level assemblies. To distribute linked objects
according to layer planning and standards select objects for a
particular layer then choose Apply. You can change Work Layer
while in the WAVE Geometry Linker dialog, then select more

TIP In the assemblies that you will be using, several bodies often
occupy the same volume. Sometimes it becomes difficult to select
the correct geometry. You can control the display components by
turning on or off the single layer in which they reside, and blanking
all parts except the one you want to link from. If it is still difficult to
select the geometry you want, create a separate reference set for
each object that will be a parent for linked geometry. The visibility
options in the Assembly Navigator in WAVE mode are particularly
useful for isolating displays of components.


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Activity 1-2: Creating WAVE Geometry

In this activity, you will practice using the geometry linker. You will create a
WAVE linked copy of the mixer body, then perform modifications to that copy
to simulate a casting.
If necessary, open your ***_mixer_mfg assembly part. Open the
Assembly Navigator.
Step 1 Prepare the assembly.

Use MB3 over the ***_mixer_casting line in the Assembly

Navigator to choose Make Work Part.
The mixer body in the graphics window fades to gray. This is
a visual clue that geometry is no longer in current modeling
The work layer is where linked geometry will be created.

Choose FormatLayer Settings.

Make layer 1 the work layer.

Choose OK in the Layer Settings dialog.

Step 2 Create a linked body.

Choose AssembliesWave Geometry Linker.

It is possible to link types of geometry other than solid
bodies. Curves, Sketches, and Datum Planes are also
commonly linked.

Choose the BODY icon

in the WAVE Geometry Linker


Select the mixer body.

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Choose OK.

Step 3 Modify the display of the linked casting.

There are now two identical bodies, lying in the same model
space; the original mixer body and our linked copy. It can be
difficult to determine which is which, so action is necessary
to clarify the differences. First, you will remove the original
body from the display. Then, you will change the display of
the linked body.


In the Assembly Navigator use MB3 over the CASTING

component and choose Make Displayed Part.

In the graphics area, use MB3 to Replace ViewTFR-TRI.

Find and choose the Shaded icon.

Choose EditObject Display.

Select the linked body and choose OK.

Using the Edit Object Display dialog is a powerful method

of differentiating between bodies that are similar in

Change the Color to Yellow.

Choose OK in the Edit Object Display dialog.

Step 4 Make the toplevel part the displayed part, then save the
work in progress.
At this point no physical difference exists between the mixer
body and the mixer casting. They do have a visual difference. In
the next activity, you will perform modeling changes to the
mixer casting as desired.


In the Assembly Navigator, MB3 on the CASTING

component, and choose Display Parent***_mixer_mfg.

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In the Assembly Navigator, MB3 on ***_mixer_mfg, and

choose Make Work Part.

Choose the Save icon

This concludes this activity.

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on the Standard toolbar.

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WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing

Simplify is a powerful modeling tool that can be used to satisfy a wide range of
needs in developing models that are associative, yet different.
Simplify provides a method of removing faces. The system must be able to
extend surrounding faces to heal the wound" where the faces have been
Uses of Simplify:


Remove machined" features for preparing an as cast part from a body

that is not appropriately constructed for link At Timestamp, or from a
body whose features are not accessible.

Remove details such as holes and blends for finite element analysis.

In casting tooling work, core and pattern preparation in parts where

the regions were not modeled separately. Simplify can often be used
both to remove interior faces, for patterns, and to remove exterior
faces, for cores (if the system cannot heal wounds left by core removal,
the pattern designer must extract regions and sew core print faces to
obtain a core body).

Preparing a body for export to a supplier who need only be concerned

with the exterior envelope. Interior faces are removed using simplify,
then the simplified part is linked into a new part for export to the
supplier. The linked part has no knowledge" of interior features in
the original, but it can still be updated by the owning company if the
parent body changes.

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Simplify Body Procedure

We will use the Simplify Body function to remove holes from our mixer casting
To simplify geometry:

Choose as a retained face one that will not be simplified away.

Select the cylindrical faces of the holes as boundary faces.

Deselect the boundary faces as retained faces.

Choose Apply to perform simplification.

Acknowledge the simplify notice.

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Activity 1-3: Using Simplify Body

In this activity, you will practice using Simplify Body as a tool to reduce the
complexity of a linked solid body.
If necessary, open your ***_mixer_mfg assembly part. Open the
Assembly Navigator.
Step 1 Make the CASTING component the work and displayed

In the Assembly Navigator, use MB3 on the CASTING

component and choose Make Displayed Part.

Step 2 Perform a Simplify Body operation on the five bolt holes

on the outlet face.

Choose ApplicationModeling.

Choose InsertFeature OperationSimplify.

The Simplify Body dialog is displayed.


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The cue line reads Select a retained face".

Choose any face on the part that is not a hole, then choose
OK to advance to the next step.
The cue line reads Select a boundary face".

Choose the five cylindrical faces of the holes on the inlet face
of the mixer. Do not choose the cylindrical inlet face.

When selected as a boundary face, Unigraphics also assumes

that these will be retained faces, and adds them to the
retained face" selection. In this case, they will not be
retained, so you will deselect them from the retained faces"

In the Simplify Body dialog, choose Retained Faces again.

Hold down the shift" key, and deselect the five holes again.

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Choose Preview.

In the Simplify Body Preview dialog, choose Preview

Only the hole faces highlight.

Choose Preview Retained.

Now all faces except the five holes highlight.

Choose OK in the Simplify Body Preview dialog.

Choose Apply in the Simplify Body dialog.

The Result of Simplification window gives the number of faces
removed and retained.

Dismiss the Result of Simplification dialog by choosing OK.

Step 3 Simplify away the holes in the two bosses.

The retained face that was selected earlier is still active, so it
is not necessary to choose another.


In the Simplify Body dialog, choose Boundary Faces.

This time, select the two cylindrical hole faces of the mixer

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Once again, choose Retained Faces.

Using the procedure described previously, deselect the holes

as retained faces.

Preview the retained and removed faces.

Choose OK until the body updates.

Save the work in progress.

This concludes this activity.

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Activity 1-4: Other Modeling Techniques

Previously, Simplify Body was used to remove unwanted geometry from the
Linked Casting body. Now, you will explore other ways to modify a linked body.
The first option used is Extrude.
If necessary, open your ***_mixer_mfg assembly part. Open the
Assembly Navigator.
Step 1 Make the CASTING component the work and displayed

In the Assembly Navigator, use MB3 on the CASTING

component and choose Make Displayed Part.

Step 2 Use Extrude to fill in the ring groove.

Choose ApplicationModeling.

Choose InsertForm FeatureExtrude.

The Extruded Body dialog is displayed.


Choose the Solid Face button.

Choose the bottom face of the ring groove, as shown below.

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Choose OK until the cue line reads Choose Extrusion


Choose Trim to Face/Plane.

The extrusion direction arrow should point away from the
linked body. If not, choose Reverse Direction.

If the extrusion direction arrow points away from the body,

choose OK.

In the Trimming Face dialog, choose Extend Trim Face.

Extend Trim Face forces Unigraphics to extend the trimming
faces as necessary to complete the extrusion operation.

Select the outlet face, then choose OK.

The following dialog allows you to apply offset to the face
being extruded. In this example, offsets are not necessary.

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Choose OK.

Choose Unite.
The Oring groove has been removed from the outlet face.

Cancel the Extruded Body dialog.

Step 3 Use the Offset Face option to add machining stock.

In this step, you will add machining stock to the inlet and outlet
faces, as well as the mixer tube faces.

From the menu bar choose InsertFeature

OperationOffset Face.

In the Offset Face dialog, key in 0.250 for the offset value,
then choose OK.

Choose Offset Faces.

Select the inlet and outlet faces, and the two mixer tube

Choose OK.

Choose Cancel in the Offset Face dialog.

The modeling changes are complete. It will be difficult to

visualize those changes in shaded mode, without a further
display change to the casting.


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Step 4 Change the translucency of the casting.

To make it easier to visually distinguish between the original
designed part and the casting, you will make the casting model

Use the Shaded icon to turn on shaded mode.

From the menu bar choose EditObject Display.

Select the body and choose OK.

Slide the Translucency bar to about 50% and choose OK.


If the solid body does not become semitransparent,

choose PreferencesVisualization Performance, and
turn off Disable Translucency, located on the General
Settings tab under Session Settings.

Step 5 Make ***_mixer_mfg the work part, and compare the two
solid bodies.
To fully realize the extent of the changes made, you will display
both the original and the linked body together.

Find and depress the Assembly Navigator button to activate

the Assembly Navigator.

Use MB3 on the CASTING component and choose Display


In the Assembly Navigator, doubleclick on ***_mixer_mfg

to make it the work part.

Examine the two models.

The CASTING component has stock added on the machined

faces. All drilled holes have been removed, as well as the ring

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This is only one potential method for creating a simulated

casting body. Other methods and techniques could also have
been used. However, this method is fully associated to the
original, so that if the customer changes the original body, the
casting body will update also.
NC/CNC Programming, using the CASTING component as the
BLANK, could now begin.

Choose FileCloseSave All and Close.

This concludes this activity.


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WAVE Geometry Linker in Manufacturing


The WAVE Geometry Linker provides an

efficient method to associatively copy geometry
used for machining from a component part in
an assembly into a work part. The machining
geometry is modifiable for manufacturing
needs but does not change the original design
In this lesson you:

Used Assemblies to enable Best Practices"

for modeling in manufacturing

Created a WAVE solid body that is

associatively linked to the original

Modified the WAVE geometry to simulate a

casting for machining

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Cavity Milling

Cavity Milling
Lesson 2



This lesson will review the basics concepts of Cavity

Milling and will introduce you to more advanced
options and concepts that are unique to Cavity
Milling. You will review the steps necessary to create
Parent Groups that are used in subsequent

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Create Geometry Parent Groups for Cavity Milling


Create advanced Cavity Milling operations

Create ZLevel operations

Define Blank Distance to offset Blank Geometry

from Part Geometry

Create predrilled Engage and Cut Region Start


This lesson contains the following activities:





Review of a Cavity Milling Operation . . . . . . . . . .

Creating a Cavity Milling Operation . . . . . . . . . . .
Using a PreDrill Engage Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ZLevel Profile Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP Operations . . . . . .
Using the Blank Distance Option . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Cavity Milling

Cavity Milling Review

Cavity Milling operations, like Planar Milling, removes volumes of material in
planar cut layers (perpendicular to the tool axis). The two operations types
differ in the method which is used to define the material. Planar Milling uses
boundaries to define Part material while Cavity Milling uses boundaries, faces,
curves and solid bodies which are typical of cavities and cores.
Planar Milling is designed to cut parts containing vertical walls, islands of
material which are planar, and floors which are normal to the tool axis. Cavity
Milling is designed to cut parts with tapered walls and contoured floors.

Cavity Milling should only be used in roughing operations since their tool paths
normally will leave contoured scallops, stair steps and ridges. The scallops, stair
steps, ridges and stock which remain from Cavity Milling operations should
then be finished machined by using Fixed Contour operations.
Cavity Milling tool paths are easy to create. You can create tool paths by
specifying only the Part and Blank (stock, forging, etc.) geometry and accepting
the default option settings.

Selecting Part, Blank and Check Geometry

Cavity Milling, at a minimum, must have Part geometry defined. Blank
(normally used) and Check geometry are optional. All three types of geometry
may consist of faces, curves and/or bodies. Surface Regions and facets may also
be used for Part and Blank geometry.


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The difference between the Part and Blank geometry, defines the material to be
removed. This material is often referred to as volume of material to be
Blank geometry represents stock material (blank piece of stock) or can be a
forging or casting that has a uniform offset from the selected Part geometry.
This stock material may consist of faces, curves and or bodies (including facets).
Blank geometry may also be used to cut specific areas. In this case the Blank
geometry generates a boundary that surrounds only the Part and the material to
be cut away. The processor would then cut from the Blank to the Part.
As mentioned previously, it is not necessary in all cases, to specify Blank
geometry. You can use Part geometry only, if it encloses and defines the entire
cut volume.
Custom Data
You can specify Custom Data for Part Geometry when creating a Geometry
Parent Group. When you specify Custom Data for Part Geometry, when
creating a Geometry Parent Group, the custom data is inherited by all
operations that use that Parent Group.
You can also specify Custom Data for Part Geometry within an operation.
When you select Part geometry, you can assign custom stock, tolerance, and
tool conditions to the individual members for that operation only. When you
select Custom Data from the Part Geometry selection dialog, the dialog
expands to offer the additional options of tolerances, stock and ignore loops.

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Defines the maximum distance that

the tool can deviate from or gouge the
part surface

Defines additional stock to

an individual member
Ignores any holes, islands or
other irregularities on the
selected face

To make a custom assignment, you must:

First select the option (Stock, Tolerance, etc.)

Change the option value

Select the specific geometry

The new value will be applied to any subsequent selections.

When assigning custom stock to geometry, assign equal amounts of stock to
adjacent geometry. If stock is not applied in a consistent manner, the resulting
tool path may not be what is expected.


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Cavity Milling

Activity 2-1: Review of a Cavity Milling Operation

In this activity, you will create the Geometry, Tool, Method and Program Parent
Groups that you will use to create a Cavity Mill operation. The purpose of this
activity is to review the steps that are necessary to prepare a Cavity Milling
Step 1 Open an existing part, save with a new name and enter
the Manufacturing Application.

Open the part ama_form_mold_mfg.prt.

Use the SaveAs option under File on the menu bar and
rename the part to ***_form_mold_mfg.prt where ***
represents your initials.

Choose ApplicationManufacturing.
The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Create a Clearance Plane used for tool positioning for

part clearance.

Change to the Geometry View of the Operation Navigator

(use the Geometry View icon).

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The Geometry View of the Operation Navigator is displayed.

The Parent Group, MCS_MILL, has been provided for you.

You will now verify the location of the MCS.

Double click on the Parent Group, MCS_MILL in the

Operation Navigator.
The Mill_Orient Dialog is displayed.


As shown below, click on the MCS icon.

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The CSYS Constructor dialog is displayed.

In the CSYS Constructor dialog, note that the values for

Delta X, Y and Z are zero, indicating that the MCS
currently, is not offset from the WCS, but is at the same

Choose Cancel.
The Mill_Orient dialog is again displayed.
You will use the Assembly Navigator to display the Blank

On your keyboard type Control A to activate the Assembly

Navigator (or select the Assembly Navigator icon).
The Assembly Navigator is displayed.

From the Assembly Navigator, select the

ama_form_mold_stock component at the check box (this
component has a gray checkmark) to make the Blank stock

On your keyboard type Control A to close the Assembly

Navigator (or select the x" on the upper right corner of the
Assembly Navigator).

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You will now create a clearance plane which will be used for
tool positioning to clear the part.

As shown below, select the Clearance option from the

Mill_Orient dialog.

Choose Specify, from the Mill_Orient dialog.

The Plane Constructor dialog is displayed.


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From the Filter pull down menu select Face.

Choose the top of the Blank geometry.

Key in .500 in the Offset field of the Plane Constructor


Choose OK.

Choose top of
Blank material

Note the Plane symbol is displayed .500 above the Blank

stock geometry.

On the Mill_Orient dialog, choose OK.

You will now select the Part Geometry under the Geometry
Parent Group, Workpiece.

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Step 3 Edit the Geometry Parent Group.

Double click on the WORKPIECE in the Operation


The Mill_Geom dialog is displayed.

Remember, that Cavity Milling and Fixed Contour

operations use Mill_Geom Parent Groups. The Parent
Group named WORKPIECE is a Mill_Geom Parent Group
that was previously created.


Choose the Part icon under the Geometry label.

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Choose the Select button.

The Part Geometry dialog is displayed.

The Cue line prompts you to select Part Geometry. You have
the option of selecting Features, Geometry or Facets.
You are going to select Geometry.

If necessary, choose the Geometry option located in the

Selection Options area.
Note that the Filter Methods pull down menu default
selection is for Bodies. The Part Geometry that you will be
selecting is a single Body.

Select the entire part as the Part Geometry (Make sure that
you select the part and not the blank).

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Choose OK and return to the Mill_Geom dialog.

You will now select the Blank Geometry.

Step 4 Specify Blank Geometry.


Choose the Blank icon.

Choose Select.

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Make sure that the Blank Geometry surrounding the Part

Geometry is displayed.

As shown above, choose the Blank part as the Blank


Choose OK, twice.

You have selected Part and Blank Geometry which are now
included in the Geometry Parent Group, Workpiece. Next
you will create .750 x .060 corner radius tool for machining
the cavity. This tool will become a member of the Tool
Parent Group.

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Step 5 Creating the Tool for machining the cavity.

As shown below, select the Create Tool icon from the Create

The Create Tool dialog is displayed.

On the Create Tool dialog, select the milling tool subtype.

Enter EM-.750-.06 in the Name field.


Choose OK.
The Milling Tool 5 Parameters dialog is displayed. You will
change the tool diameter from 1.000" to .750" and the lower
radius from 0.0" to .060".


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Enter .750 as the Diameter

Enter .06 as the Lower Radius.

Choose OK.

Step 6 Examine the Method Parent Group.

The Method Parent Group, Mill_Rough has already been
created for you. You will examine the options available under
this Parent Group.

In the Operation Navigator Machining Method View, double

click on MILL_ROUGH.

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The Mill Method dialog is displayed. Note the tolerances

and Part Stock. These values apply to all Operations that use
the Parent Group, Method unless other stock values are
specified within an Operation. Specifying stock values within
an Operation overrides the inheritance of the Part Stock
value from the Method Parent Group to the Operation.

Choose OK.
You will now create a program, named Interior, in the
Program Parent Group which will be used in postprocessing
the operations which you will create.

Step 7 Creating a Program.

As shown below, select the Create Program icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Program dialog is displayed.


On the Create Program dialog, select Name and enter the

name Interior as shown below.

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Choose OK.
In the Operation Navigator Program Order View, the name
INTERIOR is displayed

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity. The Geometry, Tool and
Program Parent Groups that you have created can now be
used to create Operations and will be used in the next

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Cut Levels
Cut Levels establish parallel cut planes for Cavity Milling operations. Cut levels
consist of ranges and depths per cut plane within the ranges.
A range consists of two planes perpendicular to the tool axis that define the cut
volume. Multiple ranges may exist within an operation. Each range is evenly
divided into cut depths. The processor determines the first range based on the
highest and lowest points of the cut volume defined by the Part and Blank

Depth per cut


Visually, ranges are displayed by large plane symbols while cut depths within
the range(s) are displayed by small plane symbols.

Multiple Ranges
Only one range may be active at a time. The currently active range is
highlighted for visual reference and indicated by a number in the Status Line.
Cut depths are added to a range by making that range active through the
selection of up or down arrows and then specifying a Depth Per Cut value.
Ranges may be modified, added, or deleted. When a range is modified, the
bottom plane moves upwards or downwards. Any ranges above or below will
expand or contract to fill the void area. When a range is added, it is created
above the specified plane and extends up to the bottom of the previous range,
or to the top level of the cut volume if there are no ranges above. When a range
is deleted, the one beneath it will fill in the gap from the top down.


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Add Ranges

Modify Ranges

Remove Current

Reset to Original

Reset to Default

Cut Level Dialog

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Activity 2-2: Cavity Milling using cut levels and ranges

In this activity, you will create a Cavity Milling Operation to machine the
interior geometry, using cut levels and cut ranges.
Step 1 Creating a new Cavity Milling Operation.

Continue using ***_form_mold_mfg.prt.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed (if necessary, select

Type as mill_contour).

Select the Cavity Milling icon.

On the Create Operation dialog, select and enter as shown


Use Geometry: Workpiece
Use Tool:
Use Method: MILL_ROUGH


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Choose OK.

The Cavity_Mill dialog is displayed.

In the Cavity Milling dialog, change the Cut Type to Follow

You will now select the cut levels and cut ranges for cutting
the part.

Step 2 Define the Cut Ranges and Cut Level for the first range in
the cavity.

Choose Cut Levels in the Control Geometry section of the

Cavity Mill dialog.

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The Cut Levels dialog is displayed.

Notice in the graphics area, two plane symbols are displayed.

They define the top and bottom of the first range.
Since the first range is defined for you, you must choose the
Modify Range button in order to make any changes to the


Choose the Modify Range icon.

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Notice that the Reference option is set to Top Level.

The Reference option determines where the Range Depth

value you specify is referenced from.
You will use the default setting of Top Level.
You are now going to modify the bottom of the first range.
By default, it is defined at the lowest point of the cavity.
The new location will be at the top of the step.

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Choose the top face of the step as shown.

Select this

A plane symbol is displayed and you are returned to the Cut

Levels dialog.

Plane Symbol


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The Range Depth is displayed on the dialog. It is the

distance between the top and bottom of the range.

You will now define the maximum depth per cut within the
specified range.
You are going to specify the cut depth in the Depth per Cut
value field.
For this activity, you will divide the cut into four steps. You
will divide the total depth of 1.800 by 4.

Key in 1.8 / 4 in the Depth per Cut field and press the
keyboard return or Enter key.

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The Cut Levels are displayed as small plane symbols.

Top of Range 1
Cut Levels
Bottom of Range 1

Step 3 Define the second Range.

The Cut Levels dialog is displayed. You will now add another

Choose the Add Ranges icon.

You are not going to change the Reference option. You want
to reference the range from the top of the Top Level which
in this case is the top of the part.
The top of Range #2 is defined for you since the top of the
next range always uses the bottom of the previous range.


Choose the bottom face of the pocket as shown.

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Select this

You are going to specify the depth of cut next. You will
remove material in two steps.

Key in (2.8-1.8) / 2 in the Depth per Cut field and press the
return or Enter key.
This range will be cut in two passes at .500 per cut.

Choose OK.

The Cavity Mill dialog is displayed.

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You can change the cut level settings at any time by

reselecting the Cut Level option.
Step 4 Specify Cutting options.
You will now add specific amounts of stock to all planar
floors. You will add stock to the step and bottom of the
pocket that have been used as cut levels. This stock value
overrides the Part Stock specified in the Parent Group,
MILL_ROUGH, since it is specified within the operation.

Choose Cutting.
The Cut Parameters dialog is displayed.


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this option

Key in .01
for Part Floor Stock

Uncheck Use Floor Same As Side (this prevents the floor

from having the same stock value as the side).

Key in .01 for Part Floor Stock.

Choose OK.

Step 5 Generate the tool path.

Choose Generate.

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The first level of the tool path is generated.

Choose OK until all the levels of the tool path are generated.

Notice that the tool path is generated at all of the specified


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cut levels.
Step 6 Save this Operation.
You will edit this operation later in this lesson.

Choose OK from the Cavity Milling dialog.

The operation is saved.

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity.

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PreDrill Engage and Cut Region Start Points

PreDrill Engage and Cut Region Start Points are found in the Control
Geometry, Points section of the Cavity Milling dialog. These two options
provide control over the cutting start point within single and multiple regions of
Cavity Milling. They also determine the direction that the tool moves towards
the cavity or core walls.


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PreDrill Engage Points

The internal processor of Cavity Milling determines the tool path start point.
You can use the PreDrill Engage Points option to specify where you want the
tool to start cutting. With this option, the tool moves to the predrill engage
point you specify, then to the specified cut level. It then moves to the processor
generated start point and then generates the remainder of the tool path.
To use this option, specify a predrill engage point and an optional depth value.
If you are going to specify a depth value, it must be done prior to specifying the
start point.
There are three methods available for specifying predrill engage points:

Point/Arc by using existing points or arcs. The arcs are associative to

the geometry. They must be explicit or sketch curves.

Cursor by using the cursor position.

Generic Point by using the option on the generic point dialog.

The depth value for a start cut point is optional. If you do not specify a value,
the predrill engage point is used at every cut level.

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As shown below, cut level 1 uses the predrill engage point that falls within the
specified depth. Cut levels 2 and 3 do not use the specified predrill engage
point since the cut levels are not within the specified depth. The processor will
use the internally defined cut start point to cut the remaining cut levels (2 and
Pre-drilled Engage Point



Cut Level 1 = .100

Cut Level 2 = .200
Cut Level 3 = .300

All specified depths are measured from the top plane.


You can define Predrilled points using either the

Engage/Retract dialog or the Predrill Start Points option
located under the Control Geometry button. The
Engage/Retract Predrill points and settings override the
points defined under the Control Geometry Option. If you
specify multiple Predrill points you can optimize the order in
which they are drilled by customizing the Engage/Retract
options which are available.

Cut Region Start Points

Cut Region Start Points allows you to specify cut start points for each region in
a multiregion cavity. When you use circular engages, this option can avoid
engages into pocket corners by using the Automatic or User Defined method of


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The Cut Region Start Points defaults are as follows:

Automatic establishes the Cut Region Start Point at the
flattest" convex corner of the cut region. If there are no convex
corners, the midpoint of the longest boundary segment of the
cut region is used. This option assures that the tool will stepover
or engage the part at a location which is least likely to cause the
tool to become buried in the material.
Standard establishes the Cut Region Start Point as close as
possible to the start point of the boundary region. The shape of
the boundary, cut type, and position of islands and pockets will
influence how closely the processor positions the Cut Region
Start Point to the Boundary Start Point. Moving the Boundary
Start Point affects the location of the Cut Region Start Point.

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Activity 2-3: Using a PreDrill Engage Point

In this activity, you will edit the current operation to use a Predrilled Engage
Point to start your tool path. The Predrill Engage Point is a hole that has been
previously drilled.
Step 1 Edit an existing operation.

Continue using ***_form_mold_mfg.prt

Doubleclick on the CM_ROUGH operation in the

Operation Navigator.
The Cavity Milling dialog is displayed. You will now define a
point that represents a hole which has been previously
drilled. This will be the engage point for the tool that is used
to start each cut level.

Step 2 Define a Predrill Engage Point for this operation.


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Choose Points in the Control Geometry section.

The Control Geometry dialog is displayed. Notice that there

are two sections to this dialog, PreDrill Engage and Cut
Region Start Points.

Choose Edit in the PreDrill Engage Points section.

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The PreDrill Engage Points dialog is displayed.

You can use the Depth parameter when you want a

particular PreDrill Engage Point to be used only for certain
cut levels. If you do not specify a Depth parameter, the point
will be used at all cut levels. If you use the Depth parameter
it must be defined before specifying the point.
For this activity, you will not specify a Depth parameter. This
particular PreDrill Engage Point will be used at all cut

Choose Generic Point.

The Point Constructor dialog is displayed.


Key in the following values


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Choose OK.
The point just created is displayed (this point is at the
bottom of the part, if your display setting is solid, set to
wireframe to see the point).

Choose OK until you return to the Cavity Milling dialog.

Step 3 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon to create the tool path.

Notice that all levels start at the PreDrill Engage Point in
the center of the part, then move to the start point which is
determined by the processor.

Choose OK to accept the operation.

Save your Part.

You have completed this activity.

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ZLevel Milling Operations

ZLevel Milling operations are used to profile solid bodies and or faces at
multiple levels.

ZLevel Operation

The following ZLevel Operation types are available:

ZLEVEL_FOLLOW_CAVITY - Uses the Follow Part Cut

Method. Ideal for cavity" type parts.

ZLEVEL_FOLLOW_CORE - Uses the Follow Part Cut Method.

Ideal for core" type parts.


ZLEVEL_ZIGZAG - Uses the ZIGZAG Cut Method.

ZLEVEL_PROFILE - Uses the Profile Cut Method without the

Steep Angle being set.

ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP - Uses the Profile Cut Method

with the Steep Angle set to 65 degrees.

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allow both the cutting of steep areas only or cutting of the entire part.
As an option, you may specify Cut Area
as a subset of the part geometry in
order to limit the area(s) that are to be cut. If no Cut Area geometry is defined,
the entire part is considered to be the cut area.
Trim Boundaries
Associated with the Cut Area option are Trim Boundaries.
further constrain cut regions. You may define the area of the cut region to be
excluded from the operation by specifying Material as Inside or Outside. Trim
Boundaries are always closed, always use a tool ON condition, and are
projected along the tool axis vector to the part. You can have more than one
Trim Boundary defined. You may also specify a Trim Stock to define the
distance the tool is positioned from the Trim Boundary as well as Intol/Outol
values for boundary members.
When generating a tool path, tracing of the geometry occurs, steep areas are
detected, traced shapes are ordered, and subsequent cut areas to be machined
are detected and then cut at all cut levels.

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Activity 2-4: ZLevel Profile Milling

In the following activity, you will create a ZLevel Profile operation to
machine the steep geometry of the island within the cavity. You will
create a Geometry Parent Group (MILL_AREA) that contains the
steep geometry necessary for machining. The tool path will cut only
within the area specified.

Step 1 Create the Geometry Parent Group.

Continue using ***_form_mold_mfg.prt

As shown below, select the Create Geometry icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Geometry dialog is displayed (make sure Type is



In the Create Geometry dialog select the Mill_Area icon.

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Select WORKPIECE as the Parent Group.

Enter ZLEVEL_AREA as the Name.

Choose OK.

The MILL_AREA dialog is displayed.

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Choose the Cut Area icon.

Choose Select.
The Cut Area dialog is displayed.


Select the interior island geometry as shown.

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Select the
within the

Make sure that when selecting with a rectangle, selection

criteria should be inside only.
Note: If the following message appears, select OK until all
objects are selected.

Choose OK, twice to return to the Create Geometry dialog.

Note that you do not need to specify Blank Geometry.
To briefly review you have created a geometry Parent
Group, named ZLEVEL_AREA which contains the
geometry of the island. This Parent Group will be used in the
You will now create the operation.

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Step 2 Create the ZLEVEL_PROFILE Operation.

Choose the Create Operation icon.

Select the ZLEVEL_PROFILE icon.

Set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool


Use Method:


Choose OK.
The ZLEVEL_PROFILE dialog is displayed.

Under the Geometry label, select the Part icon and choose
The Part Geometry is displayed. It was specified in the
WORKPIECE Parent Group.

Under the Geometry label, select the Cut Area icon and
choose Display.
The Cut Area Geometry is displayed. It was specified in the
ZLEVEL_AREA Parent under the WORKPIECE Parent


Change the Depth Per Cut to .15.

Change Cut Order to Depth First.

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Step 3 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon to generate the tool path.

Choose OK to save the Operation

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity.

The next activity will introduce you to the concept of Steep. Steep is defined as
the area of a body that is within a specified angle, relative to a direction vector.
When Steep Angle is toggled to ON, the areas that are greater than the
specified Steep Angle are profiled. When Steep Angle is in the OFF state, the
entire part is profiled. Steep is normally used to control scallop height and can
also aid in avoiding plunging of the tool into material on steep surfaces.

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Activity 2-5: ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP Operations

In the following activity, you will create a ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP
operation to machine all of the steep geometry located within the cavity.
You will use the Geometry Parent Group, WORKPIECE that contains
all of the Part Geometry. The tool path will cut only within the Steep
areas specified.

Step 1 Create the ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP Operation.

Continue using ***_form_mold_mfg.prt.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.



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Set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:


Choose OK.

The ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP dialog is displayed.

Under the Geometry label, select the Part icon and choose

The Part Geometry is displayed. Note that the Part Geometry

was specified in the Parent Group named WORKPIECE.

Under the Geometry label, select the Cut Area icon and
notice that only the Select button is available.

Since the Cut Area was not specified, by default, the entire part
will be used for cutting.
Also note the Steep Angle and the other default option settings.
Step 2 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

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Choose OK to save the operation.

Notice the areas cut by the tool path. Remember that the
Steep Angle was set to 65 degrees.

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity.


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Cavity and ZLevel Milling Stock options

Stock options for Cavity and ZLevel Milling are found on the Cut Parameters
dialog. This dialog is activated by selecting the Cutting button found on the
Cavity Mill or various ZLevel operation dialogs.

Some of the stock options are as follows:

-Part Side Stock adds stock to the individual walls of the
-Part Floor Stock adds stock to the floor.
-Check Stock is the distance that the tool will stay away from
the check geometry.
-Trim Stock is the distance that the tool will stay away from
the trim boundary.
-Blank Stock is stock applied to Blank Geometry.
-Blank Distance applies to Part Geometry. This is an offset
distance which can be used for a casting or forging.

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Activity 2-6: Using the Blank Distance Option

In the following activity, you will learn how to set the Blank Distance for
a core type part. The MCS, Part Geometry and Program Name have
already been created for you.
Step 1 Open a new part file, rename and enter the
Manufacturing Application.

Open the part file ama_horn_mfg.prt.

Rename the part ***_horn_mfg.prt using the SaveAs

option under File on the menu bar where *** represents
your initials.

Choose ApplicationManufacturing.
The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Create an operation utilizing Blank Distance as a part



As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

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The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Select the Cavity Milling icon.

Set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:


On the Create Operation dialog, Name the Operation


Choose OK.

The Cavity Milling dialog is displayed.

Step 3 Verify the Part Geometry selection.

Under the Geometry label, select the Part icon.

Choose Display.
Note that the Part Geometry is displayed.

Under the Geometry label, select the Blank icon.

Note that no Blank Geometry has been selected.

Step 4 Specify Operation settings.

Set the Cut Method to Follow Part

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Set Depth Per Cut .5

Choose Cutting.
The Cut Parameters dialog is displayed.

Change the Cut Order to Depth First.

Change the Blank Distance to .250.

Choose OK.

The Cavity Mill dialog is displayed.


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Step 5 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon to generate the tool path.

Choose OK after viewing each Cut Level.

The tool path cuts all of the core geometry.

Notice that the tool path follows the part contour since you
used the Blank Distance option rather than selecting other
geometry (such as a solid block) to represent the Blank
In this case, you specified that the Blank was nearnetshape
with .250" stock overall.

Choose OK to accept the tool path.

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity.

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Cut Parameters Trim by

Trim by enables the Blank Geometry to be recognized on core parts when the
Blank Geometry has not been explicitly defined. The Trim by method provides
a Silhouette option to clean up the material which surrounds the Part geometry.
It is available only when Tolerant Machining is toggled to ON.

This option positions the tool to the outer most edge periphery (silhouette) of
the part geometry and then offsets it outside by the tool radius. The silhouette
can be consider as a shadow of the part projected along the tool axis.


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When using Trim by Silhouette, the processor uses the traces at the bottom of
the defined part geometry as trim shapes. These shapes are then projected
along the tool axis to each cut level and are used to generate machinable
regions as trim shapes.

Cut Parameters Tolerant Machining

The Tolerant Machining ON option is the preferred method for Cavity Milling
operations. Tolerant Machining will find all machinable regions without gouging
the part.

Tolerant Machining algorithms digitize a model on a rectangular grid that is

determined by the defined cutting tolerance and the tool size. In most parts, the
grid size range between 12 millimeters (.04 .08").
When you specify a Blank distance that is an offset from the Part, the tolerance
used to trace the Blank is looser than the tolerance used to trace the Part. This
is due to dimensions of Blank geometry not being as accurate as those of the
Part Geometry. When you specify Blank geometry that is close to the size of
Part Geometry, the Blank and Part traces will overlap and result in an
undesirable cut region(s). In this case it would be better to cut a profile pass
along the Part without specifying the Blank. The resultant tool path will be
along the Part Geometry.
When the processor encounters geometry that contains gaps or that is not
perfectly matched, it will move the tool using an approximation within the
specified tolerances.
The processing time is longer when Tolerant Machining is ON. Tolerant
Machining should always be turned on.

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Cut Parameters Undercut Handling

Undercut Handling is used with geometry features containing undercuts. It is
applied only to nontolerant machining.

If Tolerant Machining is turned ON, undercut handling is automatically turned

When using the Undercut Handling option Horizontal Clearance (specified
under the Engage/Retract Method) applies to the shank of the tool (the portion
above the flutes) unless the Horizontal Clearance is greater than the tool
radius. In this case the tool radius is used.


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As the tool progresses deeper through the various cut levels, Horizontal
Clearance will keep the shank from contacting the part geometry which forms
the undercut.
In the following example the Horizontal Clearance uses the default of .100. The
tool radius is .120. The tool will be offset from the undercut face by .100.
No horizontal clearance
applied in fluted region of tool.

Horizontal clearance applied where

shank would contact part.

Part, Blank, Check Geometry Topology

Topology provides options for surface analysis that allow checking for material
side inconsistency, gaps and missing and duplicate surfaces.

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This option is available when you are editing geometry and aids in the correction
of model geometry errors that occur when models from other CAD systems are
converted into Unigraphics models or from within a model created using
The topology processor inspects the model for missing, duplicated and
nontangent faces which can create multiple shells and an erratic tool path.
It is suggested that the Topology option be used only if tool
path generation fails.


The following are common causes of tool path generation failures.

Duplicate faces

Missing fillets and faces

Smaller than tolerance faces (usually fillets)

The following is a summary of the options on the Topology dialog:


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Tolerances Distance is the tolerance used for connecting faces and curves. The
distance value represents the maximum value that two objects can be apart and
still be considered connected. Angle is the tolerance used for determining the
type of each edge (convex, concave or tangent). The Angle value represents the
maximum angle that the normals of two adjacent faces or curves can vary at an
edge to determine if the edge is convex, concave or tangent.
Rebuild Topology After editing tolerances or material side, you can choose
Rebuild Topology to create the shell. Surfaces are considered adjacent if the
gaps are less than the tolerance specified and one or more shells are created.
Model geometry is not modified.
Material Side Material Side allows you to change the material side of any
object that is used to define the cutting operation. Material side is represented
by a vector arrow that points away from the material.
Unify All allows material side to be located on the same side for all objects.
Reverse All allows material side to be reversed for all objects.
Inspect or Edit Shell allows the inspection of the classification of edge types
and material side for individual objects.
Faces allows the inspection of material side defined for each face. Faces can
be set to undefined, same or opposite.

Undefined allows you to highlight all faces where the material side is
not defined

Same allows you to highlight all of the faces where the material side is
the same as that of the majority of faces

Opposite allows you to highlight all of the faces where the material
side is different than that of the majority of faces

Edges allows the review of the classification of various edges. Edges can be set
to the following:

Undefined allows the highlight of any edge which is not classified by

the system

Nonmanifold allows the highlight of any unresolved edge where more

than two faces meet along the same portion of the edge

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Exterior allows the highlight of all of the outside edges that define the
cutting region

Interior allows the highlight of all of the inside edges that define the
cutting region

Inconsistent allows the highlight of edges where the adjacent faces

have material sides on opposite sides

Complex allows the highlight of edges that are neither completely

tangent, concave or convex

Tangent allows the highlight of all edges that are classified as being

Concave allows the highlight of all edges that are classified as being

Convex allows the highlight of all edges that are classified as being

Display Material Side this option results in the display of the material side
indicator whenever one of the face options is chosen.
The material side indicator is a vector that points towards the material to be
removed which is away from the material side.
Refresh Before Display the system will refresh the screen every time you
choose one of the Face or Edge options.
Arrow Buttons allows you to cycle through the different shells as you inspect
and edit the topology.


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Cavity Milling operations are efficient and

robust methods of removing volumes of
material prior to finishing operations.
Numerous options allows flexibility in the stock
removal process.

In this lesson you:

Created Geometry Parent Groups that were

used in Cavity Milling operations

Review Cavity Milling operations

Used the more advanced concepts of Cavity


Used the Cut Area option for limiting the

cutting area in an operation

Applied the use of Blank Offset Distance

and Blank Geometry to generate Cavity
Milling operations

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Cavity Milling

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Fixed Contour

Fixed Contour
Lesson 3



This lesson will show you how to create Fixed

Contour operations using advanced concepts and
techniques. You will also review the steps necessary to
create various Parent Groups that will aid you in the
selection of geometry and cutting tools. Fixed
Contour operations are generally used for creation of
tool paths used to finish the contoured areas of a

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Apply the more advanced concepts of Fixed

Contour operations for creating tool paths

Create Parent Groups used for Fixed Contouring


Choose the most appropriate Drive method for a Fixed

Contour operation

This lesson contains the following activities:





Contour_Area_NonSteep Operations . . . . . . . . .
Creating and Using a Mill_Area Parent . . . . . . . .
Creating a Reference Tool Operation . . . . . . . . . .
Using the Boundary Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding MultiDepth Cutting to an Operation . . .
Creating a Spiral Drive Method Tool Path . . . . . .
Using the Surface Drive Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Fixed Contour

Fixed Contour Overview

Fixed Contour operations are used to finish areas formed by contoured
geometry. Fixed Contour tool paths are able to follow complex contours by the
control of tool axis, projection vector and drive methods. Tool paths are created
in two steps. The first step generates drive points from the drive geometry. The
second step projects the drive points along a projection vector to the part
The Drive Points are created from some or all of the part geometry, or can be
created from other geometry that is not associated with the part. The points are
then projected to the Part geometry.
The tool path output is created by internal processing which moves the tool
from the Drive Point along the projection vector until contact is made with the
Part Geometry. The position may coincide with the projected drive point or, if
other part geometry prevents the tool from reaching the projected drive point, a
new output point is generated and the unusable drive point is ignored.

The Two Step Process of

Fixed Contour machining
2 Projection Vector slides

the tool from the drive

point down the projection
vector until it contacts the
part geometry.

Drive Geometry (a line) is used

to generate Drive Points

Drive Points

Output Cutter Location
is generated


Cutter location output is


Part Geometry may

prevent the tool from
reaching the projected
drive point


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Fixed Contour Tool Path Accuracy

Fixed Contour provides several options that help insure the accuracy of the tool
path. Included are:

Check Geometry to stop tool movement

Gouge Checking to prevent gouging of the part

Collision Checking to prevent unintended tool contact with other


Various tolerance options

Fixed Contour operations can position to existing locations on the part

geometry (which includes the edge of an object), but the tool cannot position to
an extension of part geometry as shown in the following illustration.
Projection Vector

Drive Points



Extension of
Part Geometry

Part Geometry

Terminology used in Fixed Contour operations

Part Geometry - is geometry selected to cut.
Check Geometry - is geometry selected that is used to stop tool
Drive Geometry - is geometry used to generate drive points.
Drive Points - are generated from the Drive Geometry and
projected onto the part geometry.
Drive Method - method of defining Drive Points required to
create a tool path. Some Drive Methods allow the creation of a
string of Drive Points along a curve while others allow the
creation of an array of Drive Points within an area.

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Projection Vector - used to describe how the Drive Points

project to the Part Surface and which side of the Part Surface
the tool contacts. The selected Drive Method determines which
Projection Vectors are available.

The projection vector does not need to coincide with the tool
axis vector.

Drive Methods for Fixed Contouring

The Drive Method defines the method of creating Drive Points.

Each drive method contains a series of dialogs that are displayed upon


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Curve/Point Drive Method

The Curve/Point Drive Method allows you to define Drive geometry by
specifying points and curves. When specifying points, the Drive Path is created
as linear segments between the points. When specifying curves, Drive Points are
generated along the selected curves. In each case, the Drive geometry is
projected on to the Part Surface(s) where the tool path is created. The curves
may be open or closed, contiguous or noncontiguous, planar or nonplanar.
When points define the Drive geometry, the cutter moves along the tool path
from one point to the next in the order in which they were specified. The same
point may be used more than once, provided it is not defined consecutively in
the sequence. A closed Drive Path can be created by defining the same point as
the first and last point in the sequence.
Spiral Drive Method
The Spiral Drive Method allows you to define Drive Points that spiral outward
from a specified center point. The drive points are created within the plane
normal to the projection vector and contain the center point. The Drive Points
are projected on to the part surfaces along the projection vector.
Unlike other Drive Methods which require a sudden change in direction to
stepover to the next cutting pass, Spiral Drive Method Stepovers are a smooth,
constant transition outward. Since this drive method maintains a constant
cutting motion, it is useful in high speed machining applications.
Boundary Drive Method
The Boundary Drive Method allows you to define cut regions by specifying
Boundaries and Loops. Boundaries are not dependent on the shape and size of
the Part Surfaces while Loops must correspond to exterior Part Surface edges.
Cut regions are defined by Boundaries, Loops, or a combination of both. The
tool path is created by projecting Drive Points from the defined cut region to
the Part Surface(s) in the direction of a specified Projection Vector. The
Boundary Drive Method is useful in machining Part Surfaces requiring minimal
Tool Axis and Projection Vector control.
Area Milling Drive Method
The Area Milling Drive Method allows you to specify a cut area for tool path
generation. This drive method is similar to the Boundary Drive Method, but
does not require drive geometry.

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Cut Area(s) may be defined by selecting Surface Regions, Sheet Bodies, or

Faces. Unlike the Surface Area Drive Method, the cut area geometry does not
have to be selected in an orderly grid of rows and columns.
If you do not specify a Cut Area, the processor will use the selected Part
Geometry (excluding areas not accessible by the tool) as the cut area.
The Area Milling Drive method is generally the preferred Fixed Contour Drive
Method for creating tool paths.
Surface Drive Method
The Surface Area Drive Method allows you to create an array of Drive Points
that lie on a grid of Drive Surfaces. This Drive Method is useful in machining
very complex surfaces. It provides additional control of both the Tool Axis and
the Projection vector.
The tool path is created on the selected Part Surfaces by projecting points from
the Drive Surfaces in the direction of a specified Projection Vector. If Part
Surfaces are not defined, the tool path can be created directly on the Drive
Surfaces. The Drive Surfaces do not have to be planar, but must be in an
orderly grid of rows and columns. Adjacent surfaces must share a common edge
and may not contain gaps that exceed the Chaining Tolerance defined under
Preferences (Preferences Selection Chaining Tolerance). Trimmed surfaces
can be used to define Drive Surfaces as long as the trimmed surface has four
sides. Each side of the trimmed surface can be a single edge curve or comprised
of multiple tangent edge curves that can be considered a single curve.

Tool Path Drive Method

The Tool Path Drive Method allows you to define Drive Points along the tool
path of a Cutter Location Source File (CLSF) to create a similar Surface
Contouring tool path. Drive Points are generated along the existing tool path
and then projected on to the selected Part Surface(s) to create the new tool
path that follows the surface contours. The direction in which the Drive Points
are projected on to the Part Surfaces is determined by the Projection Vector.
Radial Cut Drive Method
The Radial Cut Drive Method allows you to generate Drive Paths
perpendicular to and along a given boundary, using a specified Stepover
distance, Bandwidth and Cut Type. This method is useful in creating cleanup


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Fixed Contour

Flow Cut Drive Method

Flow Cut Drive Method allows you to generate Drive Points along concave
corners and valleys formed by Part Surfaces. The direction and order of the
flow cuts are determined using rules based on machining best practices. The
tool path is optimized for maximum part contact to minimize noncutting
User Function Drive Method
The User Function Drive method creates tool paths from special drive methods
developed in User Function code. These are optional, highly specialized custom
routines developed for specific complex applications.
Parent Groups associated with Fixed Contour operations
There are three different Geometry Parent Groups available for use in Fixed
Contour operations. They are:

The MILL_GEOM Parent Group which allows Part, Blank and

Check Geometry.

The MILL_BND Parent Group which also allows Part, Blank

and Check as well as Trim and Floor boundary geometry.

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The MILL_AREA Parent Group allows Part and Check but not
Blank Geometry. It also allows for the specification of Cut
Areas and Trim geometry.

The Parent Group, MILL_AREA, which you used in Cavity Milling operations,
is also used in Fixed Contour operations. It allows you to include or exclude
areas to be machined in cut areas that you specify. These specific areas may
have been previously roughed by Cavity Milling or already finished by Planar
Mill operations.


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Fixed Contour

Fixed Contour also provides several template operations that use the Parent
Group, MILL_AREA. These operations also have the Area Milling Drive
Method specified allowing you to quickly create finishing operations for
contoured parts.
Fixed Contour operations are generally used to finish contoured types of
The following diagram can be used as an aid in the determination of the
operation type needed for various types of geometry.

Matching the Geometry

to an Operation

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Fixed Contour Operation types

Fixed Contour
Operation types

The most commonly used Fixed Contour operation types are:


FIXED_CONTOUR - Generic Fixed Contour operation type.

Allows for selection of various drive methods and cut types. Use when
other Fixed Contour operation types are not applicable.

CONTOUR_AREA - Uses Area Milling Drive Method. Ideal for

cutting specific areas of part geometry.

CONTOUR_SURFACE_AREA- Uses Surface Area Drive

Method. Ideal for complex part surfaces where tool axis control is

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FLOWCUT_REF_TOOL - Uses the Flow cut Drive Method.

Flow Cut RTO (reference tool) will machine certain geometry types by
level and provide you with the options to cut the two sides alternatively
with a rounded or standard turn at each end, and side by side with the
option from the steep side to nonsteep side. This operation type takes
into account the previous tool diameter used for roughing (you must
specify this). This results in cutting parts with a more constant cutting
load and a shorter distance of noncutting moves.

PROFILE_3D - Generates a profile pass with a constant Z

depth utilizing three dimensional curves, edges, faces, existing
boundaries or points. Machines at a given Zdepth offset with respect
to the geometry type selected. Useful in creation of addendum profile
cuts for stamping dies.

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Fixed Contour

Activity 3-1: Contour_Area_NonSteep Operations

In this activity, you will finish machining the nonsteep areas of the part which
were previously machined, in a prior activity, with Cavity Milling operations.
You will use the Geometry Parent Group, WORKPIECE, and Fixed Contour
NonSteep operation type to remove the material left in areas not machined
previously. The Geometry Parent Group WORKPIECE, which is already
defined, uses the entire piece part as the Part Geometry.
Step 1 Open the part file.

Open the part file ***_horn_mfg .prt where *** represents

your initials.

If necessary, enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Create the Operation.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.


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If necessary, change the Type to mill_contour.


Set the following:


Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:



Choose OK.

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The CONTOUR_AREA_NON_STEEP dialog is displayed.

Under the Geometry label, choose the Part icon

Choose Display.

Note that the entire body is selected as Part Geometry.

Under the Drive Method pull down dialog select Area

The Area Milling Method dialog is displayed. Note that
Steep Containment is set to NonSteep and the Steep Angle
is 65.


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Change the Pattern to Follow Periphery and the Stepover to


Choose OK to return to the


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Step 3 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path

Note that areas over 65 degrees were not machined. In the

Cavity Mill ZLEVEL_PROFILE_STEEP operation, the
Steep Angle was set to 65 and only areas over 65 degrees
were machined.

Save the part file.

You are finished with this activity. In the next activity, you
will use the Area_Mill Geometry Parent Group to select a
specific area of the body as Part Geometry.


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Activity 3-2: Creating and Using a Mill_Area Parent

In this activity, you will use the geometry Parent Group, MILL_AREA to
isolate a nonsteep portion of a mold cavity for tool path generation.
Step 1 Change to a new part file.

Open the part file ama_deep_mold_mfg .prt.

Save As ***_ deep_mold_mfg .prt where *** represents your


Note that Blank Geometry surrounds the part.

Enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Create the Geometry Parent Group,

As shown below, select the Create Geometry icon from the

Create toolbar.

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The Create Geometry dialog is displayed.

Make sure the Type is mill_contour .

Choose the MILL_AREA icon.

Mill Area icon

Choose WORKPIECE as the Parent Group.

Key in CUT_AREA_PARENT as the name.

Choose OK.
The MILL_AREA dialog is displayed.



Select the CUT_AREA icon.

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Choose Select.
You will choose the 10 faces shown on the following

Select these 10 faces

In the Cut Area dialog, if necessary, change Filter Methods

to Faces.

Select the faces as shown in the previous illustration. Note

the Cue line count of the faces after each selection.

Choose OK twice.

Step 3 Create a contour area with a nonsteep containment


As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

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Choose the CONTOUR_AREA icon.

If necessary, set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:


Key in CONTOUR_AREA_MANUAL for the Name.

Choose OK.
The CONTOUR_AREA dialog is displayed.

Step 4 Set the Drive Method Options.


Choose AREA_MILLING twice.

Set the Pattern to Follow Periphery.

Choose Outward as the pocket direction.

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Choose Tool Diameter from the Stepover pull down menu.

Accept the default of 50 for Percent of tool used.

Choose OK to return to the CONTOUR_AREA dialog.

Step 5 Create a clearance plane used for clearing the part.

Choose NonCutting.
The Noncutting Moves dialog is displayed.

You will now create a Clearance Plane used when

approaching the part.

Select the Approach icon.

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Change the Approach Status to Clearance.

Choose the Clearance icon.

The Clearance Geometry dialog is displayed.

Choose Append from the Clearance Geometry dialog.

Choose the Plane icon.

The Plane Constructor dialog is displayed. Note: make sure

that the Selected Constraints area of the dialog is empty.


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This area should have

no constraints specified

As shown below, select the upper face.

Select this face

Note that the Selected Constraint is Offset to Face.

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Enter .250 as the Offset.

Choose OK.
Note that the plane symbol is displayed.

On the Clearance Geometry dialog, choose Accept.

On the Clearance Geometry dialog, choose Return Current.

You have established a Clearance Plane .250 above the
upper face.
Next you will specify a helical engage motion.


The Engage icon

Change the Engage Status to Manual.

Change the Movement to Helical: Climb.

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should be selected.

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Select the Distance radio button.

Set the Max Ramp Angle to 7.000.

Choose OK and return to the CONTOUR_AREA dialog.

Step 6 Set the Cutting Options.

Choose Cutting.

Set Remove Edge Traces to ON ().

By setting this option any portion of the tool path that lies
beyond the edge of the part geometry will be removed.

Choose OK.

Step 7 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

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Note that the tool path is restricted to the faces that you
selected for the Mill_Area Geometry Parent Group. In this
operation, you did not need to know or specify the steep

Save and Close the part file.

This concludes the activity.


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Flow Cut Drive Methods

The Flow Cut Drive Method allows the specification of Climb, Conventional, or
Mixed cut directions for single pass operations.
The Climb and Conventional options allow the climb or conventional method
for all cutting passes in the operation. If a steep side can be determined, the
steep side is used to calculate the Climb or Conventional cut direction. If a
steep side cannot be determined, the cut direction is determined internally.
The Mixed option allows for the internal calculation of the cut direction.



Flow Cut Drive Method using Cut Area and Trim Boundary Geometry
The Flow Cut Drive method allows Cut Area geometry to be defined the same
way as the Area Milling Drive method. Surface Regions, Sheet Bodies, Faceted
Bodies and or Faces can be used as the cut area. Concave valleys are analyzed
within the cut area as well as concave valleys formed by the cut area and part
geometry. Valleys formed by the cut area and check geometry are excluded.

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Trim boundaries can be used to further constrain cut regions. Material Inside or
Outside determines the area of the cut region to be omitted. Trim boundaries
are always Closed, always use an ON condition, and are projected to the Part
geometry along the tool axis vector. More than one Trim Boundary may be
defined. Trim Stock may be specified to define the distance the tool is
positioned from the Trim Boundary.

Cut Area
Surface Region



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Flow Cut Reference Tool Drive Method

Flow Cut Reference Tool Drive method produces multiple cutting passes on
either side of the center flow cut by allowing you to specify a reference tool
diameter to define the total width of the area to be machined and a Stepover
Distance to define the interior passes.

This method is useful for cleanup machining after roughing out an area with a
large tool. This method also uses the Cut Type, Stepover Distance, Sequencing,
Reference Tool Diameter, Overlap Distance, and Steep Containment options.

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The Flow Cut Reference Tool Options

Maximum Concavity allows you to determine where Flow Cuts are created
based on the Angle of Concavity. Cutting moves are created only where the
Angle of Concavity is less than or equal to the specified Maximum Concavity
angle. The value you enter must be positive and less than or equal to 179.0
degrees. When the Angle of Concavity exceeds the specified Maximum
Concavity angle, the tool will retract and traverse.
Minimum Cut Length allows you to eliminate short tool path segments that
may occur in isolated areas of the part. Cutting moves shorter than this value
are ignored. This option is useful in eliminating very short cutting moves that
occur at the intersection of fillets.
Hookup Distance allows you to eliminate unwanted gaps in the tool path by
connecting disjointed cutting motions that exceed the specified Maximum
Concavity angle. These unwanted motions occur where the tool retracts from
the Part surface and are caused by gaps between surfaces or variations in the
Angle of Concavity that exceed the specified Maximum Concavity angle. The
value you enter determines the distance the tool will span to connect the end
points of cutting moves. The two ends will be connected by linearly extending
the two paths.

Cut Type (ZigZag and Zig) allows you to define how the cutter moves from one
cut pass to the next.
Stepover Distance allows you to specify the distance between successive passes.
Sequencing enables you to determine the order in which the cut passes are
results in the cut starting at the center of the Flow Cut
pass and moving toward one of the outside passes. The tool then moves
back to the center cut and works its way toward the opposite side. You
may start the sequencing by choosing either side of the center of the Flow
results in the cut starting at one of the outside passes
and moving to the center of the Flow Cut pass. The tool then picks up
the outside cut on the opposite side and works its way to the center cut
again. You may start the sequencing by choosing either side of the center
of the Flow Cut.


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Steep Last
steep side.

results in the cut moving from nonsteep side to the

results in the cut moving from the outside pass on the

Steep First
steep side to the outside pass on the nonsteep side. The Steep First
sequence is available for Zig, ZigZag, and ZigZag with Lifts patterns.

InsideOut Alternate
always cuts a Flow Cut valley from the middle
Flow Cut pass. The cut starts at the center pass, moves to an inside pass
and then to the inside pass on the opposite side. The cut then moves to
the pass in the next pair on the first side and then to the pass in the same
pair on the second side. If one side has more offset passes then the other
side, all the extra passes on that side are machined after machining the
passes which are paired on both sides. InsideOut Alternate sequence
can be generated with a Zig, ZigZag, or ZigZag with Lifts pattern.

always machines a Flow Cut valley from

OutsideIn Alternate
passes in an outside pair to inside pair, and then to the middle Flow Cut
pass when necessary. The cut starts at one outside pass and moves to the
other outside pass on the opposite side. The cut then moves to the pass
in the next pair on the first side and to the pass in the same pair on the
second side. After finishing the passes in the inside pair, the cut will
move to the middle Flow Cut pass, if required. If one side has more
offset passes then the other side, all the extra passes on that side are
machined before machining the passes in pair on both sides. OutsideIn
Alternate sequences can be generated in a Zig, ZigZag, or ZigZag with
Lifts pattern.
Reference Tool Diameter enables you to specify the width of the finishing cut
region based on the diameter of the previous roughing (reference) tool. The
tool diameter specified must be larger than the current tool.
Overlap Distance enables you to extend the width of the area defined by the
Reference Tool Diameter along the tangent surfaces.

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Steep enables the use of steepness to control the cut regions and their cut
directions. As in Area Milling Drive Method, Flow Cut Steep Containment
allows the restriction of the cut area based on the steepness of the tool path.
Steepness is defined by specifying a Steep Angle and a Steep or NonSteep
option. Cut direction is defined by specifying a Steep Cut or NonSteep Cut
Direction. You can also choose to machine flow cuts on both sides alternatively
with a rounded or standard turn at each end, or machine side by side from the
steep side to nonsteep side.


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Fixed Contour

Activity 3-3: Creating a Reference Tool Operation

In this activity, you will create a Flowcut Drive Method operation and generate
a subsequent tool path. You will then Copy and Paste the operation with the
Operation Navigator, edit the operation, using a smaller tool, and generate a
subsequent tool path. You will repeat this procedure, using smaller tools, until
all areas of the are machined.

Step 1 Create the Geometry Parent Group for trim geometry.

Continue using ***_deep_mold_mfg.prt

Make sure that the blank stock is displayed.

As shown below, select the Create Geometry icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Geometry dialog is displayed.

Make sure the Type is set to mill_contour.

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Choose the MILL_AREA icon.

Select WORKPIECE for the Parent Group.

Key in TRIM_BOUNDARIES for the name.

Choose OK.

The MILL_AREA dialog is displayed.


Choose the TRIM icon.

Choose Select.

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The Trim Boundary dialog is displayed.

In the Trim Boundary dialog, choose Trim Side Outside.

Select the top face of the Blank.

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Select this top face

Note the boundary markers on the display.


On the Trim Boundary dialog, which is displayed, choose the

Curve Boundary icon and set the Trim Side to INSIDE.

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Choose the four counterbored holes. Each time you choose a
hole, you should select Create Next Boundary. If you do not,
you will get one boundary around all four holes.

Choose OK twice.

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Step 2 Create the Flowcut Operation.

To create this operation, you will use the Geometry Parent
group, TRIM_BOUNDARIES, that you created previously.
The cutting tool will avoid the trim boundaries, which you
created for the counterbored holes.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Choose the FLOWCUT_REF_TOOL icon.

Set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:


Key in FLOWCUT_1.0_BALL for the name.

Choose OK.
The FLOWCUT_REF_TOOL dialog is displayed.


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Under the Geometry label, choose the Trim icon and

The five Trim boundaries (one at each counterbored hole
and one around the Blank) are displayed.

Step 3 Set the NonCutting Options, create a clearance plane.

Choose NonCutting.
You will now create a Clearance Plane used when
approaching the part.

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Select the Approach icon.

Change the Approach Status to Clearance.

Choose the Clearance icon.

The Clearance Geometry dialog is displayed.


Choose Append from the Clearance Geometry dialog.

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Choose the Plane icon.

The Plane Constructor dialog is displayed

As shown in the following illustration, select the upper face.

Select this face

Note that the Selected Constraint is Offset to Face.

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Enter .250 as the Offset.

Choose OK.
Note the plane symbol is displayed.

On the Clearance Geometry dialog, choose Accept.

On the Clearance Geometry dialog, choose Return Current.

You have created a Clearance Plane .250" above the upper

Choose OK to return to the FLOWCUT_REF_TOOL dialog.

Choose the More tab and change the Overlap Distance to


Step 4 Generate the tool path.


Choose the Main tab and Generate the tool path.

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Your tool path should look similar to the following


After examining the tool path, choose OK.

Step 5 Reusing the previously created Operation.

Change the view of the Operation Navigator to the Tool


Copy the operation FLOWCUT_1.0_BALL, and Paste it

under the BALLMILL_0.5 tool.

Change the Name of the copied operation to


Edit the new operation by double clicking on it.

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Change the Reference Tool Diameter to 1.0 (the previous

operation's tool diameter).

Generate the tool path.

Choose OK.

Step 6 Reusing the just created Operation.

Copy the operation FLOWCUT_BALLMILL_0.5, and Paste

it under the BALLMILL_0.375 tool in the Operation
Navigator Tool View.

Change the Name of the copied operation to


Edit the new operation by double clicking on it.

Change the Reference Tool Diameter to 0.5 (the previous

operation's tool diameter).

Generate the tool path.

Choose OK.

Save the part file.

You have completed and are finished with this activity.


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Boundary Drive Method

As mentioned earlier in this lesson, the Boundary Drive Method allows you to
define cut regions by specifying Boundaries and Loops. Boundaries utilize cut
regions which are defined by Boundaries, Loops, or a combination of both. The
tool path is created by projecting drive points from the cut region to the Part
Surface(s) in the direction of a projection vector. The Boundary Drive Method
is useful in machining part surfaces requiring minimal tool axis and projection
vector control.

The following are some of the options available when using the Boundary Drive

Boundary Drive Method Select

When you use the Select Drive Geometry option, and set the Mode to
Curves/Edges, you have an additional Tool Position option - Contact.

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The Contact condition is dependent on the boundary and drive geometry. The
tool will stay in contact with the boundary changing the contact point as




The Contact position cuts the entire boundary. The Tanto and On conditions
leave a portion of the boundary uncut. The Contact condition is very useful
when cutting exterior surfaces, but it is not designed for cutting pockets.


You cannot mix Contact position with On or Tanto.

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Boundary Drive Method - Part Containment

The Part Containment options define cut regions by using exterior edges of Part
Surfaces. When you select this option, the system automatically identifies the
exterior edges of all Part Surfaces and creates Loops along these edges.

Loops define the main area to be cut as well as islands and pockets to be
avoided. Loops are similar to Boundaries in that they define cut regions. They
are dissimilar to Boundaries in that they are generated directly on the Part
Surface edges and are not projected.

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Boundary Drive Method - Pattern

Follow Periphery creates a cut pattern that produces a sequence of concentric
passes following the contours of the cut region. Like ZigZag, this cut type
maximizes cutting moves by allowing the tool to remain continually engaged
during stepovers.


Profile creates a cut pattern that follows the perimeter of the cut region.


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Parallel Lines creates a cut pattern defined by a series of parallel passes. This
option requires you to specify a Cut Type of ZigZag, Zig, Zig With Contour, or
Zig with Stepover and allows you to specify a Cut Angle.

Parallel Lines
Cut Pattern



Radial Lines creates linear cut patterns extending from a userspecified or

system calculated center point. This pattern allows you to specify a Cut Type, a
Pattern Center and pocketing method as Inward or Outward. It also enables
you to specify an angular stepover which is unique to this cut pattern. The
Stepover distance for this cut pattern is measured along the arc length at the
boundary point furthest away from the center.

Point furthest
away from center

Stepover distance
measured along
arc length

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Concentric Arcs creates progressively larger or progressively smaller circular cut

patterns from a user specified or system calculated optimum center point.
This Cut Pattern allows you to specify a Cut Type, a Pattern Center, and a
pocketing method as Inward or Outward. In areas such as corners that the full
circular pattern cannot extend into, concentric arcs are created and connected
by the specified Cut Type before the cutter moves to the next corner to continue


Standard Drive creates a cut pattern similar to Profile that follows the
perimeter of the cut region. Unlike Profile, Standard Drive does not modify the
tool path to prevent crossing over itself or to prevent gouging the part. Standard
Drive causes the cutter to follow the boundary exactly as it was specified.
= Boundary
= Cutter Passes

Tool follows boundary

into an area that is
too small and gouges
the part


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Activity 3-4: Using the Boundary Drive Method

In this activity, you will use boundaries to isolate portions of the geometry used
in cutting the part. In a future activity, you will edit this particular operation
and use the multilevel cutting option.
Step 1 Change part files and enter the Manufacturing

Open the part file ama_bumper_mfg.prt.

Save As ***_ bumper_mfg .prt where *** represents your


Enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Create a Fixed Contour Operation.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

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Make sure the Type is mill_contour.

Choose the Fixed Contour icon.

Since the Boundary Drive Method will not inherit an
external boundary Parent Group (MILL_BND), you will
create the boundary inside of the operation.


Set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:


Key in boundary_1 for the Name.

Choose OK.

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The Fixed Contour dialog is displayed.

Step 3 Create the Boundary.

Under the Drive Method label, choose Boundary.

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The Boundary Drive Method dialog is displayed.

Under Drive Geometry, choose Select.

The Boundary Geometry dialog is displayed.


Change the Mode to Curves/Edges.

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The Create Boundary dialog is displayed.

Change Material Side to Inside.

Change Tool Position to On.

Change the Plane to UserDefinedPlane of WCS.

The Create Boundary dialog is again displayed.

Select all upper edges of the radius around the bumper face.

Select all upper edges

You will now create the lower boundary.

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After selecting all upper members, choose the Create Next

Boundary button.

Change Material Side to Outside.

Select all the lower edges of the radius around the bumper

Select all lower edges


Choose OK until you return to the Boundary Drive Method


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Step 4 Specify Boundary Drive Method Option Settings.

Turn Part Containment OFF.

Change the Pattern to Follow Periphery.

Choose the Outward radio button.

Change the Stepover to Constant.

Change the Distance to 0.05.

Choose Display Drive Path.

Choose OK to return to the Fixed Contour dialog.

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Step 5 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Choose OK to accept the operation.

You are finished with this activity.


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Multi Depth Cutting

Fixed Contour offers a MultiDepth cut option that removes material by
gradually machining toward the Part Geometry one offset cut level at a time.
These settings are located under the Cutting option on the Fixed Contour

MultiDepth Cut removes material

in cut levels offset from the P art

The tool path in each cut level is calculated separately as an offset of the
contact points normal to the Part Geometry. Since the tool path contours can
change as they diverge further away from the Part Geometry, the tool path in
each cut level is calculated independently.

CAUTION MultiDepth Cut ignores the custom stock values on Part Geometry.
Tolerance values
The tool path's tolerance of the final cut level applies the userdefined
Intol/Outol values specified in the Operation Parameter dialog. The Intol/Outol
is calculated for each of the previous levels by multiplying the total distance
from the cut level to the part geometry by ten percent. This allows the
Intol/Outol for rough cuts to increase in proportion to the total distance from
the cut level to the Part Geometry and eliminates excessive processing time.
The traversal between levels can be minimized if the Engage option is set to
Manual in NonCutting Moves. After finishing each level, the tool retracts to
the previous level plus the Outol distance for that level before traversing and
engaging to the next level.

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Activity 3-5: Adding MultiDepth Cutting to an Operation

In this activity, you will edit the previous operation, adding multidepth cutting.
You will be using this method to remove excessive stock.
Step 1 Edit the Boundary_1 operation.

Continue using ***_bumper_mfg.prt

In the Operation Navigator, double click on BOUNDARY_1 .

The Fixed Contour dialog displays.


Choose Cutting.

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The Cutting Parameters dialog displays.

Key in 0.300 in the Part Stock Offset field. This specifies the
amount of stock on the surface to be machined.

Choose MultiDepth Cut.

Leave the default at Incremental Stock.

Key in 0.150 as the Increment.

Choose OK to return to the Fixed Contour dialog.

Step 2 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

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Two passes are generated, one at .150" stock above the part
and the second with no stock.

Choose OK to accept the operation.

Save the part file.

You are finished with this activity.


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Spiral Drive Method

The Spiral Drive method defines Drive Points that spiral outward from a
specified center point. The Drive Points are created within the plane normal to
the projection vector and the center point. The Drive Points are then projected
on to the selected part geometry along the projection vector.
Unlike other Drive Methods which require a sudden change in direction to
stepover to the next cutting pass, Spiral Drive Method stepovers make a
smooth, constant transition outward. Since this drive method maintains a
constant cutting speed and relatively smooth motion, it is useful for high speed
machining applications.

Uses the Point

subfunction dialog to
define the Center Point

Specifies the
between cut
Defines the
direction the Drive
Path will cut in
relationship to the
cutting tool rotation

Limits the area to

be machined

The Spiral Drive method is not constrained by the geometry to be machined. It

is limited by the maximum radius value that is specified. This method works
best on parts which are round in shape.

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Activity 3-6: Creating a Spiral Drive Method Tool Path

The following activity demonstrates use of the Spiral Drive Method.
Step 1 Create a Spiral Drive Fixed Contour operation.

Continue with ***_bumper_mfg part.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Step 2 Create a Fixed Contour Operation.

Make sure the Type is mill_contour.

Choose the Fixed Contour icon.

Set the following:


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Use Geometry:
Use Tool:
Use Method:

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Key in spiral_1 for the operation name.

Choose OK.
The Fixed Contour dialog is displayed.

Step 3 Specify the Drive Method.

Change the Drive Method to Spiral.

Choose OK to accept the warning.

The Spiral Drive Method dialog displays.

Under Spiral Center Point, choose Select.

As shown below, select the arc center of the lower of the two
bosses on the top of the bumper frame.

Select the arc center

of this boss

Change the Stepover to Constant.

You will next specify the Max Spiral Radius value. In this
case you must compute the value with the following
considerations for Intol/Outtol requirements.

Both bosses have a 1"radius

The tool has a .125" radius

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The maximum radius that can be driven without falling

off the boss is 1.125" (1.00" boss+.125" radius)

Since the intol/outtol needs to be factored in, you will

reduce 1.125 by 0.001"

Key in 1.124 for the Max Spiral Radius.

Under Projection Vector, choose Tool Axis.

Choose Display Drive Path.

Choose OK to return to the Fixed Contour dialog.

Step 4 Create the first spiral Tool Path.


Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

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After examining the tool path, choose OK to accept the path.

Step 5 Create the second Spiral Drive Tool Path.

You can quickly create an identical tool path for the other
boss on the bumper.

Copy and paste the operation, Spiral_1, renaming it


Edit the Spiral_2 operation.

Change the Spiral Center to the arc center of the second


Choose the Generate icon and generate the Spiral_2 tool


Choose OK to accept the operation.

Save the part file.

You are finished with this activity.

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Surface Area Drive Method

The Surface Area Drive Method provides additional control over both the Tool
Axis and the Projection Vector. This method enables you to create an array of
Drive Points that lie on a grid of Drive Surfaces.
The array of Drive Points is first created on the selected Drive Surface and then
projected along the specified Projection Vector to the Part Surface(s). The tool
positions to the Part Surface at Contact Points. As the tool moves from one
Contact Point to the next, the tool path is created using the Output Cutter
Location Point from the tip of the tool.
If Part Surfaces are not defined, the tool path can be created directly on the
Drive Surfaces. The Drive Surfaces need not be planar, but must be arranged in
an orderly grid of rows and columns.
The faces and sheets that are selected as drive geometry have specific
requirements. It is important to note the following:


The drive geometry must form a grid of rows and columns where each
row or column has the same number of objects as every other row or
column in the grid

Any two adjacent objects must share a common edge and may not
contain gaps that exceed the Chaining Tolerance defined under

When you use trimmed surfaces, trims will be ignored



 Inconsistent number of objects

in rows and in columns
 Adjacent object edges are not
equal length

 Consistent number of objects in

rows and in columns
 Adjacent object edges are the
same length

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The Surface Drive Method dialog follows.

Defines the Drive Geometry,

Stock and the tool contact
points of the Part geometry
Defines the cut
direction, beginning of
first cut, and Material

Defines the
percentage of surface
area which is cut

Defines the shape

of the tool path

Controls the distance

between Drive Points in
the cut direction

Controls the distance

between successive Cut

Determines the tool

action when gouging
is detected

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Activity 3-7: Using the Surface Drive Method

In this activity, you will edit an existing operation and change the Drive Method
to Surface Drive.
Step 1 Open the part file, rename and enter the Manufacturing

Open the part ama_fx_3.prt

Rename the part ***_fx_3.prt where *** represents your


Enter the Manufacturing Application.

Step 2 Edit an existing operation.


Doubleclick on SURFACEDRIVE in the Operation


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The Fixed Contour dialog is displayed.

Some of the options that have been set for you are:

the tool which is an end mill, designated EM1.00-.05

Engage and Retract NonCutting Moves

Step 3 Define the Drive Method as Surface Area.

You are going to specify the Surface Area Drive Method.

In the Drive Method area, choose Surface Area.

The Drive Method warning dialog is displayed. This dialog

displays each time you change to a different Drive Method.

Choose OK to the warning message.

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The Surface Drive Method dialog is displayed.

Step 4 Define the Drive Geometry.


When you specified the options on the Fixed Contour dialog,

you did not select any Part Geometry. Not selecting Part
Geometry, in this particular operation, will make processing

Choose Select from the Drive Geometry area.

The Drive Geometry dialog is displayed.
You are now going to select the Drive Geometry for this
operation. Remember that the geometry is selected in a grid
You are going to select the first row of surfaces. Notice that
the Drive Geometry dialog defaults to Faces.


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In the graphic window, choose faces in the specified order as

shown (four surfaces total).



You are ready to select a new row. When you finish selecting
the first row, you must specify that you want to begin
selecting the next row.

Choose the Select Next Row button from the Drive Geometry

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You must select the second row of surfaces and all

subsequent rows in the same order as the first.

Select the second row of surfaces as shown (four surfaces



You do not need to select the Select Next Row button again.
The number of surfaces in the subsequent rows must be the


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Select the third row of surfaces as shown below (four

surfaces total).

Select the fourth row of surfaces as shown below(four

surfaces total).



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Select the fifth and final row of surfaces as shown below

(four surfaces total).



Choose OK when finished.

Two cone heads are displayed. One indicates the Material
Side and the other indicates the first Cut Direction.

Material Side

Cut Direction

NOTE When creating a Tool Path directly on the Drive

Surface, Tool Position should be toggled to Tanto. Depending on
the Projection Method used, ON may violate the Drive Surface.


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Step 5 Define the Cut Direction.

You can redefine the Cut Direction using the Cut Direction

Choose the Cut Direction button.

To redefine the Cut Direction, select one of eight displayed
vectors which display in pairs at each of the surface corners.
The cone head not only defines the direction but also the
quadrant in which the first cut will start.

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Choose the cone head as shown below.

The selected cone head is marked and you are returned to

the Surface Drive Method dialog.
Step 6 Define a different type Cut Step.
Cut Step determines the distance between Drive Points in the
cut direction.

Next to the Cut Step label, choose Number.

The Number option defines a minimum number of Drive

Points created along cut passes.


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The Tolerances defines an Into and Outol value. You are

going to use the Tolerances option.

Choose Tolerances and accept the default Intol/Outol


Step 7 Define a different Stepover.

Stepover determines the distance between successive Cut
Passes. This distance can be controlled using a scallop height
or a total number of Stepovers.

Next to the Stepover label, choose Scallop.

The dialog has changed to allow Height, Horizontal, and

Vertical Limits to be defined. The Horizontal and Vertical

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Limits restrict the distance the tool may move in a direction

which is normal to the Projection Vector.
You will now specify the Scallop Height.

Key in 0.2 into the Scallop Height value field.

This will leave a .2" cusp between tool passes. You could use
a smaller value but using this large of a value will allow for
quicker processing.

Set 0 into the Horizontal and Vertical Limits value fields.

Step 8 Define the Projection Vector.

The Projection Vector determines how the Drive Points are
project to the Part Surface. Surface Area Drive Method
provides one additional Projection Vector; Normal to Drive.

Change the Projection Vector to Tool Axis.

Step 9 Display the Contact Points.

This option displays a surface normal vector at each of the Drive

Points that has been generated.

Choose Display Contact Points.

The Contact Points and its surface normal are displayed
along the Drive Surfaces.

Step 10 Display the Drive Path.

This option displays the Drive Path generated according to the
Drive Parameters. It is for visual reference only.


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Choose Display Drive Path.

The Drive Path is displayed along the Drive Surfaces. Each
Drive Point is displayed on the Drive Surfaces.

Choose OK to return to the Fixed Contour dialog.

Step 11 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon from the Fixed Contour dialog.

The tool path is generated. It cuts along all the Drive
Surfaces that were specified. In the following portion of the
activity, you will cut only a portion of the Drive Surfaces.

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Reject the tool path and return to the Fixed Contour dialog.

You are going to change the amount of the surface areas which
will be cut. This is controlled using the Cut Area option, on the
Surface Area Dialog.


In the Drive Method area, choose Surface Area.

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Step 12 Define the Surface Percentage.

Next to the Cut Area label, choose Surface %.

Note that you have two options:

Surface Percentage

Diagonal Points

Diagonal Points uses two diagonal points to define the cut area.
You are going to use Surface Percentages.

Choose Surface %.

The Surface Percentage dialog is displayed.

Start first % - is the location of the first set of Drive Points for the
First pass.

End first %- is the location of the last set of Drive Points for the
First pass.

Start step - is the distance along the first Stepover direction.

End step - is the distance along the last Stepover direction.
When using only one Drive Surface, the entire surface is 100%.
For multiple surfaces, 100% is divided by the number of
surfaces in that direction. Then each surface is given that
percentage, regardless of size. For example, if you have 5
surfaces, each surface is allotted 20%, regardless of its relative

Key in the following values:

Start first % . . . . . 10

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End first % . . . . . . 50

Start step . . . . . . . 20

End step . . . . . . . 80

Choose OK.
The area specified is displayed in the graphics window.

You are ready to generate the tool path. Before you do,
display the Drive Path.

Choose Display Drive Path.

The Drive Path is displayed.


Choose OK.

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Step 13 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

The tool path is generated cutting only the area specified.

Step 14 Now you will change the surface percentage so that the
tool actually leaves the drive surface.

In the Drive Method area, choose Surface Area.

Choose Surface %.
You will now change some of the Surface Percentage values.

Key in the following values:

Start first % . . . . . -1

End first % . . . . . . 105

Start step . . . . . . . 45

End step . . . . . . . 55

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The area specified is displayed in the graphics window.

Choose OK until you return to the Fixed Contour Dialog.

Step 15 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

The tool path travels beyond the Drive Surfaces.


Choose OK to save the operation.

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Save this part file.

You are finished with this activity.

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Tool Path Drive Method

This Method allows you to define Drive Points along the tool path of a Cutter
Location Source File (CLSF) to create a similar Surface Contouring tool path
in the current operation. Drive Points are generated along the existing tool path
and projected on to the selected Part Surface(s) creating a new tool path that
follows the surface contours. The direction in which the drive points are
projected on to the Part Surface(s) is determined by the projection vector.

Lists the tool paths saved

with the current part

Lists the feed rates associated with

the various cutting and noncutting
moves in the selected tool path

User Function
The User Function Program provides added flexibility by allowing you to use
drive methods in the current operation that are created outside of Unigraphics.
These are special, optional, user created User Function routines, which are
then used to generate tool paths.


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Defines the operating

system environment
variable which contains the
path name of the shared
library containing the User
Function Program
Determines how
the Drive Points
project to the Part

Radial Cut Drive Method

The Radial Cut Drive Method allows you to generate Drive Paths
perpendicular to and along a given boundary, using a specified Stepover
distance, Bandwidth and Cut Type. This method is useful in creating cleanup

Used to select and

edit the Drive
Defines the width of the
machined area

Defines how the

cutter moves from
one cut pass to
the next
Specifies the
distances between
successive Drive

Determines the direction

the tool travels along the

Defines the
direction the Drive
Path will cut in
relationship to the
spindle rotation

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NonCutting Moves Clearance Geometry

On the Clearance Geometry dialog there are four types of geometry that you
can use as clearance geometry:





The Sphere and Cylinder options are useful for 4 and 5 axis work. You can
define a sphere or cylinder to encompass the part including such items as a
fixture, rotary table, or machine table to ensure that the tool will clear all
objects when positioning from one location to another.

Gouge Check
Gouge Checking assures that the cutter will not violate the INTOL and
OUTTOL values or unexpectedly come in contact with other areas of the part.
Gouge Checking pertains to the following:


Check geometry (Custom Data dialog)

Check Stock

Noncutting moves

Surface Area Drive Method

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The following is a summary of the options found on the Gouge dialog:

Warning - Outputs a warning message to the CLSF. It does not
alter the tool path to avoid gouging the Check Geometry.
Skip - Replaces the Drive Points that gouge with straight line
motion between the last and next nongouging points.
Retract - The tool will avoid gouging the Check Geometry by
using the Check Engage and Retract parameters defined in
NonCutting moves.

NonCutting Moves - Collision Checking

GougeChecking for noncutting moves is referred to as Collision Checking.
This option is only available if you specified at least one noncutting move type
(such as an Approach or Engage move).

NonCutting Moves Dialog Box

Engage / Retract

Departure and
Transfer Options

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Fixed Contour


Fixed Contour operations allows many drive

methods for controlling tool motion. The
flexibility of different drive methods with the
control of numerous cutting parameters allows
the cutting of complex contoured geometry.
In this lesson you:


Applied advanced Fixed Contour operations

options for generating cutter paths

Became familiar with how to select the most

appropriate Drive Method and parameters
within a Fixed Contour operation

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Wire EDM

Wire EDM
Lesson 4



This lesson will show you how to use the fully

integrated Wire EDM module. Included are internal
and external trim, no core, open profile, optional
cutoff and backburn operations.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Create external and internal trim operations

Create no core and open profile operations

This lesson contains the following activities:





No Core Wire EDM Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Creating Internal Trim Operations . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Sequence of SubOperations . . . . . . . .
Creating External Trim Operations . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating Open Profile Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Wire EDM

The Wire EDM module provides complete NC/CNC programming functionality
for wire EDM machinery. Two and four axis internal and external trim (profile),
open profile and two axis no core (pocketing) operations are currently
You can also generate cutoff operations applicable for external trim as well as
backburn and rough passes that are applicable for internal trim.
Wire EDM also includes support of wireframe and solid models, 2 and 4axis
type machines (Agiecut 100, Agiecut 123, Charmilles, Elox, Fanuc Japax,
Mitsubishi, Sodik), full model associativity, corner control and cutter

Cut Types
Most parameters used in Wire EDM are defined from the Create Operation
dialog. You have the following type of cutting operations to choose from under

No Core Operations
Internal Trim operations
External Trim operations
Open Profile Operations

External Trim, Internal Trim and Open Profile can by used with either 2 and or
4axis machines. No Core can only be used with 2axis type machines.


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No Core
No Core allows the removal of internal part material by use of a concentric
cut pattern. By default, the generated path starts from the center of the area to
be removed and works its way to the outer most part boundary. You may also
specify a start point to control the first cut move.
In cases where large amounts of material have been removed by previous
machining operations, such as milling or drilling, multiple inner boundaries may
be defined, representing material removed previously by such operations. This
eliminates the undesirable effect of cutting air. Inner boundaries may also
include the thread or start hole.
The sole purpose of the No Core option is to eliminate the creation of core
(commonly referred to as slug) material which could damage the part or break
the wire.
Note that the default condition for wire position is TANTO.

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Wire EDM

Activity 4-1: No Core Wire EDM Operations

In this activity, you will use the No Core operation type to remove material
without leaving a material slug. After completing the first part of the activity,
you will be asked to select two holes that were previously created. The smaller
hole will be used as the thread hole, the larger represents material which was
removed in a preceding operation. This will prevent the wire from making air"
passes in areas where material was previously removed.
Step 1 Open the part file.

Open the part file ama_wire_edm and then save the part as
***wire_edm, where *** represents your initials.

Enter the Manufacturing application.

The Machining Environment dialog is displayed.


Select wire_edm from the CAM Session Configuration listing


Select wire_edm from the CAM Setup listing window.

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Choose the Initialize button.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Create the No Core Operation.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create Tool Bar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Select the NOCORE icon.

Choose OK.

The NOCORE dialog is displayed.

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The wire diameter is set to .200 mm which will show a

cluttered display when generating a tool path. For purposes
of clarity you will change the wire diameter to .5 mm.

Key in .5 in the Wire Diameter field.

Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, choose Select.

The Wire EDM Geometry dialog is displayed.

You will now select the boundary elements for the area that
will be cut with the wire.


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Select the bold boundary elements, counterclockwise,

starting as shown in the following diagram.

Start selecting boundary

elements here

Choose OK to create the boundary and return to the

NOCORE dialog.

Step 3 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Note the starting point of the wire cut. This is calculated by
the processor and may not necessarily be the most ideal
condition for this particular part. You will control the start of
the wire cutting operation by selecting a thread hole.

Reject the tool path.

You will now edit the operation and select a thread hole and
inner boundary which represents material removed from a
prior operation.

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Step 4 Edit the existing operation, adding a thread hole and

inner boundary.

Make layer 10 selectable.

Thread hole

Inner boundary
representing material
previously removed


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Under the Inner Boundary label, choose Select.

The Create Inner Boundary dialog is displayed.

Select the thread hole as shown from the previous diagram.

Select the Create Next Boundary button from the Create

Inner Boundary dialog.

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Select the large circle as the inner boundary (as shown in the
diagram previously).

Choose OK to return to the NOCORE dialog.

Step 5 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Note the start position of the wire cut at the thread hole.
Also note that the large circle representing material removed
from a previous operation contains no tool motions.

Accept the operation and Save the part file.

You have finished this activity.


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Internal Trim
Internal trim allows you to generate a profile cut or series of cuts on the
inside of a boundary. Internal trim also allows for separate suboperations of
rough pass, backburn and finish through the selection and or creation of
geometry from the Geometry Parent Group.
Note that by default, the wire position is always on" the boundary. In order to
create a tanto" condition, the operation is created with the default on",
edited and then changed to tanto". Also note that internal trim functions with
closed boundaries only. If you do not select boundary elements to close the
boundary, the closed boundary will automatically be created between the first
and last boundary elements selected.
Rough pass will cut the majority of material encompassed by the boundary and
leaves a tab that prevents the material (or slug) from dropping through the part.

Thread hole

Internal trim (1 rough pass, 1 finish pass, backburn distance .100,

wire diameter .100 for clarity only)

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Backburn cuts through the tab, created by the rough pass, to allow the
remaining material to fall through the part.

Thread hole

Internal trim multiple backburn passes (backburn distance .100,

wire diameter .100 for clarity only)

Trim is the main profiling pass or passes.

Thread hole

Internal trim single pass, wire diameter .100 for clarity only)


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Activity 4-2: Creating Internal Trim Operations

In this activity, you will create various internal trim operations which allows for
profile cuts on the inside of boundaries.
Step 1 Create an Internal Trim Operation.

Continue with ***wire_edm from the previous activity.

If necessary enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create Tool Bar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Select the Internal Trim icon.

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Choose OK.
The Internal Trim dialog is displayed.

The wire diameter is set to .200 mm which will show a

cluttered display when generating a tool path. For purposes
of clarity you will change the wire diameter to .5 mm. Also
note that the default for number of rough passes is 1 and for
finish passes 3. You will accept these defaults.

Key in .5 in the Wire Diameter field.

Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, choose Select.

The Wire EDM Geometry dialog is displayed.


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You will now select the boundary elements for the area that
will be cut with the wire.

Start selecting boundary

elements here

Choose OK to create the boundary and return to the

Internal Trim dialog.

Step 2 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Note the starting point of the wire cut. The starting point is
calculated by the processor and may not necessarily be the
most optimal point to start. You will now select a thread hole
to control the starting point of the cutting operation. You will
use a different method of selection than you did in the
previous activity involving the No Core operation type.

Reject the tool path

You will now edit the operation and select a thread hole to
control the starting point of the cutting operation.

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Step 3 Edit the existing operation, adding a thread hole.

If necessary, make layer 10 selectable.

Choose Move.

Thread hole


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The Move Control dialog is displayed.

Select Specify (next to Thread Hole).

Select the thread hole (as shown in the diagram previously).

Choose OK until you return to the Internal Trim dialog.

Step 4 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Do not accept the tool path. Note the start position of the
wire cut at the thread hole. Also note the tool path.
Remember that the wire position by default is on". The
rough and finish passes are visually on top of one another.
For purposes of clarity you will change the wire position from
on" to tanto". You will now edit the operation and change
the wire position to tanto".

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Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, select Edit.

The Edit Boundary Data dialog is displayed.

Change the Wire Position from On to Tanto.

Choose OK.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Note the rough and finish passes and the start of the wire

Accept the operation and save the part file.

You have completed this activity.


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Internal Trim Suboperations

You have just completed an activity which familiarizes you with the various
options available for creating internal trim operations. Internal trim also allows
for the creation of separate suboperations of rough, backburn and finish by
the creation of a sequence of internal trim operations through the Geometry
Parent Group.
Selection of the Geometry Parent Group allows for the creation of a sequence
of operations that will perform a rough pass, backburn operation and finish

Thread hole

Internal trim sequence of operations including rough pass,

backburn operation and finish pass (wire diameter .100 for clarity

The following activity will familiarize you with the procedure of creating a
sequence of internal trim suboperations.

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Activity 4-3: Creating a Sequence of SubOperations

In this activity, you will create a Sequence of internal trim suboperations and
then generate subsequent tool paths.
Step 1 Create an Internal Trim sequence of suboperations.

Continue with ***wire_edm from the previous activity.

If necessary enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create Tool Bar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.


Select the Internal Trim icon.

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Choose OK.
The Internal Trim dialog is displayed.

The wire diameter is set to .200 mm which will show a

cluttered display when generating a tool path. For purposes
of clarity you will change the wire diameter to .5 mm. Also
note that the default for number of rough passes is 1 and for
finish passes 3. You will accept those defaults.

Key in .5 in the Wire Diameter field.

You will now create the Geometry Parent Group necessary
for the internal trim sequence.

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Under the Geometry: MCS_WEDM label, choose Reselect.

The Reselect Geometry dialog is displayed.

Choose, New.
The New Geometry dialog is displayed.


Choose, OK.
The SEQUENCE_INTERNAL_TRIM dialog is displayed.


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Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, choose Select.

The Wire EDM Geometry dialog is displayed.

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You will now select the boundary elements for the area that
will be cut with the wire.

Start selecting boundary

elements here

Choose OK to create the boundary and return to the

The wire diameter is set to .200 mm which will show a
cluttered display when generating a tool path. You will
change the wire diameter to .5 mm for purposes of clarity.


Key in .5 in the Wire Diameter field.

Choose, OK.

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You will now select a thread hole to control the starting point
of the cutting operation.

If necessary, make layer 10 selectable.

Choose Move.

Thread hole

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The Move Control dialog is displayed.

Select Specify (next to Thread Hole).

Select the thread hole (as shown in the diagram previously).

Choose OK until you return to the Internal Trim dialog.

Step 2 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Do not accept the tool path. Note the start position of the
wire cut at the thread hole and the tool path. Remember that
the wire position by default is on". The rough and finish
passes are visually on top of one another. For purposes of
clarity you will change the wire position from on" to
tanto". You will now edit the operation and change the wire
position to tanto".


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label, select Edit.
The SEQUENCE_INTERNAL_TRIM dialog is displayed
(ignore any warning messages that may appear).

Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, select Edit.

The Edit Boundary Data dialog is displayed.

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Change the Wire Position from On to Tanto.

Choose OK until you return to the INTERNAL_TRIM


Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Note the rough and finish passes and the start of the wire

Accept the operation and Save the part file.

You have completed the activity.


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External Trim
External trim
allows you to generate a profile cut or series of cuts around
the outside of a boundary. External trim allows for separate suboperations of
trim and cutoff through the selection and or creation of geometry from the
Geometry Parent Group.
Note that by default, the wire position is always on" the boundary. In order to
create a tanto" condition, the operation is created with the default on",
edited and then changed to tanto". Also note that external trim functions with
closed boundaries only. If you do not select boundary elements which create a
closed condition, the closed boundary will automatically be created between the
first and last boundary elements selected.
Rough pass will cut the majority of material encompassed by the boundary and
leaves a tab that prevents the material (or slug) from dropping through the part.

External trim (1 rough pass, 1 finish pass, cutoff distance .100,

wire diameter .100 for clarity only)

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Activity 4-4: Creating External Trim Operations

In this activity, you will create external trim operations which creates external
profile cuts around the outside of the boundary.
Step 1 Create an External Trim Operation.

Continue with ***wire_edm from the previous activity.

If necessary enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create Tool Bar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.


Select the External Trim icon.

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Choose OK.
The External Trim dialog is displayed.

Note that the default for number of rough passes is 3 and for
finish passes 1. You will change the number of rough passes
from 3 to 1.

Key in 1 in the Rough passes field.

Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, choose Select.

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The Wire EDM Geometry dialog is displayed.

You will now select the boundary elements for the area that
will be cut with the wire. The type of part that you are
cutting would be synonymous to a punch die. The punch
would be the material which would fall" out of the cut.

Start selecting boundary

elements here


Choose OK to create the boundary and return to the

External Trim dialog.

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Step 2 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Accept the operation and Save the part file.

You have completed the activity.

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Open Profile
allows you to generate a profile cut or series of cuts which
Open profile
follows the shape of an open or closed boundary. Unlike external or internal
trim, when creating the boundary, you can specify material side as to right or
left of boundary elements.

1st rough pass

2nd rough pass

3rd rough pass
finish pass


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Activity 4-5: Creating Open Profile Operations

In this activity you will create an open profile operation.

Continue with ***wire_edm from the previous activity.

If necessary enter the Manufacturing application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create Tool Bar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Select the Open Profile icon.

Choose OK.
The Open Profile dialog is displayed.

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Note that the default for number of rough passes is 1 and for
finish passes 3. You will change the number of finish passes
from 3 to 1.

Key in 1 in the Finish Passes field.

Under the Wire EDM Geometry label, choose Select.

The Wire EDM Geometry dialog is displayed.

You will now select the boundary for the area that will be cut
with the wire.


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Select the single

boundary element

Choose OK to create the boundary and return to the Open

Profile dialog.

Step 1 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Accept the operation and Save the part file.

You have completed this activity.

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Wire EDM Geometry

The Wire EDM Geometry selections allows you to Edit, Select/Reselect or
Display the boundary(s) which were used to define the operation.

Edit allows modifications to various parameters in relationship to a boundary.

The Type parameter allows the change of existing boundaries
from Open to Closed or from Closed to Open.
The Material Retained parameter allows the material to be
defined with respect to the boundary. Choice for No Core,
Internal and External trim is Automatic only. Open Profile
choices are Left or Right.


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Wire Position parameter allows you to specify where the wire

will be positioned relative to the boundary. Choices are ON
and TANTO. ON allows the center of the wire to be located
on the boundary elements. TANTO positions the edge of the
wire to the boundary elements. No Core operations, by
default, have wire position TANTO. Internal Trim, External
Trim and Open profile, by default, have wire position ON.
The Tolerances parameters allows you to set custom Intol
and Outtol values. Custom Tolerance can be toggled on or
off. Intol is the maximum allowable distance that the wire
may deviate from the tool path into the part. Outtol is the
maximum allowable distance that the wire may deviate from
the tool path away from the part. Setting these values will
override the global tolerance parameters that are applied to
the boundary.
The Stock parameter allows you to set the final amount of
stock to be left by the operation. This parameter may be
toggled ON or OFF.
Edit Members displays the Edit Member Data dialog which
allows the specification of custom tolerance and stock values
and also allows the association of post commands with
boundary members.

Tolerances allows the specification of Intol and Outtol for a

single or number of boundary elements.
Stock allows the specification of stock for a single or number
of boundary elements.

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Edit Post Commands displays the Machine Control/Member

dialog which allows the association of post commands (User
Defined Events) with boundary members. For each boundary
member you may specify the pass numbers to which the
Events will apply and application of those Events to the
beginning or end of each pass.

Pass Number



The Passes option toggles between All Passes and Per Pass.
All Passes allows the specification of User Defined Events
for all passes of the current boundary segment. The Pass
Number and Previous/Next arrow buttons are deactivated
when this option is selected.
Per Pass allows the specification of User Defined Events for
single passes of the current boundary segment. The pass to
which the Events apply is determined by selecting the Next
and Previous arrow buttons.

Commands at Start allows the specification of User Defined

Events for the beginning of the pass.
Retrieve allows the choice of a previously defined set of User
Defined Events.
Edit displays the User Defined Events dialog which allows
the definition of a set of User Defined Events.
Commands at End allows the specification of User Defined
Events for the end of pass by using a previously defined set
or a new set of User Defined Events.


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Select/Reselect displays the Wire EDM Geometry menu allowing the selection
or reselection of boundary geometry.

Axis type

When defining the boundaries you specify the machine type,

by axis designation. Choices available are 2 Axis, 4 Axis
Wireframe and 4 Axis Solid.
2 Axis allows the single selection or chain selection of
boundary elements for a 2 Axis designated machine.
4 Axis Wireframe allows the single or chain selection of
boundary elements for a 4 Axis machine. 4 Axis Wireframe
requires an upper and lower boundary. The lower boundary
will always be the boundary with the smallest ZM value. The
system will automatically create the corresponding upper
boundary, providing the upper and lower boundaries are
connected in some fashion.


In the above diagram, if you select the sequence of boundary

elements 1, 2, 3, 4 as the lower boundary, the system
automatically creates the upper boundary (elements 5, 6, 7
,8). Notice that the upper and lower boundary elements are
connected by lines.

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4 Axis Solid allows the specification of a boundary by

selecting a sequence of closed side faces which will create the
lower and corresponding upper boundaries. You may also
use the Select Adjacent Faces option. When using this
option, selecting the top face, will define all adjacent faces as
the boundary.
Material Retained is used to specify part material in
relationship to the boundary being created. This option is
only available for Open Profile operations and is specified as
Left which defines the part material to be on the left side of
the boundary or Right which defines the part material to be
on the right side of the boundary. Either Left or Right is with
respect to the direction of the boundary.

Corner Control
Corner control options allow you to determine the type of cut that you want to
make on convex corners. If the Wire Position is set to ON (default condition),
all corner control parameters are ignored. The Corner Control dialog is
displayed when you select Corner under the Machining Parameters option.


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There are three different methods of convex corner control:

Add Arcs which leaves a rounded edge.
Extend Tangent which leaves a sharp edge.
English D Loop which extends past a corner and then
arcs back to the next cutting direction. With this option the
following parameters are available:
Loop Radius which is the actual arc generated.
Minimum Angle is the minimum size angle of a
convex corner in the loop.
Maximum Angle is the maximum size angle of a
convex corner.

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Parameters associated with corner control are as follows:

Fillets, toggling this option on will create fillets on all
concave corners that are specified by the following
Fillet Radius is the radius of the fillet which the
wire cut will follow.
Minimum Angle is the minimum angle of the
concave filleted corner.
Maximum Angle is the maximum angle of the
concave filleted corner.

Machining Parameters
Various Machining Parameters allows you to specify parameters pertaining to
wire cutting of a part. The options described pertain to the Cut Types of No
Core, Internal Trim, External Trim and Open Profile.
No Core Stock allows the setting of the amount of stock which is
left during the wire cutting passes. This applies to the No Core
operation only.
Rough Passes specifies how many rough passes will be made for
Internal Trim, External Trim and Open Profile operations.
Finish Passes specifies how many finish passes will be made for
No Core, Internal Trim, External Trim and Open Profile

Backburn Distance defines the length of material left as the tab

in an Internal Trim operation. The value entered is the length of
the tab.
Number of Passes defines how may passes are made in one
operation. Number of passes is available for Internal Trim,
External Trim and Open Profile. Number of Passes refers to the
main trim operation and does not apply to Cutoff, Backburn or
Rough Pass.
Cutoff Distance is the length of material left as the cutoff tab in
an External Trim operation. Value entered is the length of the
cutoff tab.


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Cutoff Stock is the amount of stock which is left after the cutoff
function in an External Trim operation. The stock value is only
applied when the cutoff is specified as a separate suboperation
(when created within a Geometry Parent Group).
Wire Diameter defines the diameter of the cutting wire. This
option is available for all operations. Value entered is the
diameter of the wire.
Upper Plane/Lower Plane defines the parallel planes in which
the wire guide holders move. Values define the upper and lower
cutting limits of the wire and determine the length of wire
displayed on the graphics window when using 3D tool display.
The position and orientation of the planes are with respect to
the Machine Coordinate System. The planes are normal to the
ZM axis and the values are taken from the MCS origin.
Stop Point allows the definition of a Stop Point for Internal
Trim, External Trim and Open Profile operations. The Stop
Point suspends cutting from a specified distance before
completing the final cut that will separate the part from the
slug. This allows for manual intervention by the generation of an
optional stop or stop code.
For External Trim and Open Profile operations, the Stop Point
is created in the last pass at the specified distance from the end
of the cut.
For Internal Trim operations, the Stop Point is created at the
specified distance fro the end of the cut.
Associated with the Stop Point are the Type and Distance
Options. Type may be set to Opstop (Optional Stop) which
creates an optional stop code or Stop which creates a stop code.
For Internal Trim operations, when Rough Pass and Backburn
are created as suboperations, Opstop is applied to the
Backburn operation. For External Trim Operations, if Cut Off is
created as a separate suboperation, Opstop is then applied to
the Cut Off operation.
Distance is the length that will be left in an uncut state when the
Stop occurs. For External Trim operations, the stop point
distance must be less than the specified Cutoff Distance. For
Internal Trim operations, the stop point distance must be less
than the specified Backburn distance.

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Stepover parameters are used when making multiple cutting

passes at a specified offset. When using ON as the Wire
Position, Stepover parameters are ignored. Parameters
associated with Stepover are:
Stepover Type which may be set to one of the following:
Distance allows a constant stepover as a specified distance.
The stepover cannot be greater than the wire diameter. The
value entered is the length of the Step Size.
Variable allows a series of stepover distances for a specified
number of passes. The stepover cannot be greater than the
wire diameter. Values are entered for the distance of the
Step Size and a value for the Number of Passes.
% of Wire defines a constant stepover as a percentage of the
wire diameter. The stepover cannot be greater than the wire
diameter. The value entered is a % of the Wire diameter.
Absolute Stock allows each stepover as the distance
measured from the part. The stepover cannot be greater
than the wire diameter. The number of stock entries
available is based on the number of specified rough and
finish passes. Stock values specified must be progressively
larger from the top to the bottom of the Absolute Stock
Pass Cut Direction allows you to specify the direction of the
wire cut. This option is available for Internal and External Trim
operation types. Direction may be set to Alternate, which results
in alternate clockwise, counterclockwise direction when cutting
more than one pass, CW which results in all passes made in a
clockwise direction, and CCW which results in all passes made
in a counterclockwise direction.


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Wire EDM


The Wire EDM functions in Unigraphics CAM

provides an efficient and robust capability for
generating Wire EDM tool paths. Numerous
operation types provide the flexibility needed
for the simplest to the most complex type of
The follow operation types are used in the Wire EDM


Internal Trim with sub operations of rough

pass, backburn and finish

External Trim with sub operations of trim

and cutoff

Open Profile

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InProcess Workpiece

InProcess Workpiece
Lesson 5



Cavity Milling allows you to perform rest milling by

creating an associative InProcess Workpiece (IPW)
in an operation and using it as blank geometry in the
next operation. It also allows you to display the
previous IPW and the resultant IPW for each

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Use Auto Block to create blank geometry for the

initial roughing operation

Turn on the Use 3D IPW option so that the IPW

created by the previous operation will be used as
blank geometry in the current operation

Use the Previous IPW option to display the IPW

being used

Use the Display Resulting IPW option to display

the IPW created in the current operation

This lesson contains the following activity:



5-1 Creating and Using the IPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

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InProcess Workpiece

InProcess Workpiece (IPW) Overview

In order for you to make operations as efficient as possible, you must be able to
ascertain what has and has not been machined in each operation. Conditions
such as cutting tool lengths and diameters, draft angles and undercuts, fixture
and tool clearances, will affect the amount of material or stock that each
operation may leave. The representation of the material that remains after each
operation is referred to as the InProcess Workpiece or IPW.
In a process commonly known as Rest Milling, the IPW is used for input into
the subsequent operation which may be used for additional roughing,
semifinishing or finishing operations. The end result is a finished part that has
all excess material or stock completely removed.


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InProcess Workpiece

Activity 5-1: Creating and Using the IPW

In the following activity, you will create and use multiple InProcess Workpiece
(IPW) objects to rough, semifinish, and finish a die cavity block. The first
Cavity Milling operation is provided. You will generate an IPW in this operation
and use it in a subsequent semifinishing operation. You will then generate an
IPW in the semifinishing operation and use it in a subsequent finishing
Step 1 Open an existing part, save with a new name and enter
the Manufacturing Application.

Open the part ama_ipw.prt.

Use the SaveAs option under File on the menu bar and
rename the part to ***_ipw.prt where *** represents your

Choose ApplicationManufacturing.
The Operation Navigator is displayed.

An InProcess Workpiece (IPW) column can be added to the Operation

Navigator by clicking MB3 on the Operation Navigator background, choosing
ColumnsConfigure, and turning the IPW option on.
Step 2 Displaying the Part Geometry.
The part geometry has been defined in the WORKPIECE
parent group.

In the Geometry view of the Operation Navigator,

doubleclick the WORKPIECE parent group.

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With the Part icon highlighted, choose Display.

Step 3 Defining the Blank Geometry

You will define the blank geometry using a method that
creates a solid body automatically by enclosing the part

Choose the Blank icon and Select.

Turn the Auto Block option on.


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InProcess Workpiece

A solid body bounding the part geometry is created. The

XM, YM, ZM fields allow you to modify the size of the body
by specifying offsets from each face.

Choose OK to accept the blank geometry with no additional


Choose OK to accept the MILL_GEOM dialog.

Step 4 Generate the tool path.

Highlight the CAVITY_MILL_ROUGH operation in the

Operation Navigator and MB3Generate to generate the
roughing tool path.

Choose OK to accept the Tool Path Generation dialog.

Refresh the graphics display.

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Step 5 Create a SemiFinishing operation.

You will create a semifinishing operation that uses the IPW
defined by the roughing operation.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Choose CAVITY_MILL as the Subtype.

Specify the following parent groups.

Key in cavity_mill_semi_finish in the Name field.

Choose OK to begin creating the operation.

Step 6 Use the IPW as blank geometry.

You will specify that you wish to use the IPW in the previous
operation to define the blank geometry in this operation.

Choose Cutting.
The Cut Parameters dialog is displayed.


Turn the Use 3D IPW option on.

Choose OK to accept the Cut Parameters dialog.

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The Blank icon at the top of the Cavity Mill dialog has been
replaced by the Previous IPW icon.

Choose Previous IPW and Display.

The system may require some processing time to display the

faceted body.

This faceted body is the IPW that this operation uses as

blank geometry.

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Step 7 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Turn the three Display Parameter options off and choose OK

to continue generating the tool path.

Refresh the graphics display.

Step 8 Display the resulting IPW.

The IPW created by this operation can now be displayed.

Choose Display Resulting IPW.


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The system may require some processing time to display the

faceted body.

This faceted body is the IPW the next operation will use as
blank geometry.

Refresh the graphics display.

Choose OK to complete the operation.

Step 9 Create a Finishing operation.

You will create a finishing operation that uses the IPW
defined by the semifinishing operation.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create toolbar.

Be sure CAVITY_MILL is selected as the Subtype.

Specify the following parent groups.

Key in cavity_mill_finish in the Name field.

Choose OK to begin creating the operation.

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Step 10 Use the IPW as blank geometry.

You will specify that the IPW in the previous operation will
define the blank geometry in this operation.

Choose Cutting.
The Cut Parameters dialog is displayed.

Turn the Use 3D IPW option on.

Choose OK to accept the Cut Parameters dialog.

Choose Previous IPW and Display.

The system may require some processing time to display the

faceted body.

This faceted body is the IPW that this operation uses as

blank geometry.


Key in 0.100 in the Depth Per Cut field.

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Step 11 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Turn the three Display Parameter options off and choose OK

to continue generating the tool path.

Refresh the graphics display.

Step 12 Display the resulting IPW.

The IPW created by this operation can now be displayed.

Choose Display Resulting IPW.

The system may require some processing time to display the

faceted body.

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Choose OK to complete the operation.

The check marks in the IPW column indicate which
operations contain resulting IPW's.

If an new operation is inserted in the program sequence, if

an operation is deleted, or if the operations are reordered,
clock icons indicate that the resulting IPW's are out of date.
This simply means that when generating the tool paths, the
IPW's will need to be updated internally, requiring
additional processing time.

Save the part file.


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InProcess Workpiece


Rest milling can be performed by creating an

associative InProcess Workpiece (IPW) in an
operation and using it as blank geometry in the
next operation.
The InProcess Workpiece provides an efficient
and robust method of using material left by
previous cutting operations as blank geometry
for the next operation in the program.
In this lesson you:

Used Auto Block to create blank geometry

for the initial roughing operation

Turned on the Use 3D IPW option so that

the IPW created by the previous operation
will be used as blank geometry in the current

Used the Previous IPW option to display the

IPW being used

Used the Display Resulting IPW option to

display the IPW created in the current

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InProcess Workpiece

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Machining Faceted Geometry

Machining Faceted Geometry

Lesson 6



In numerous applications, faceted geometry is used to

create prototype design and manufacturing models.
Direct Machining of Facets allows you to directly
machine faceted geometric without having to go
through the tedious process of converting the facets
to a wireframe or solid geometric model.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Import an STL file into Unigraphics

Generate tool paths on faceted geometry

This lesson contains the following activity:



6-1 Machining of Faceted Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

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Machining Faceted Geometry

Direct Machining of Facets

It is extremely important for designers and manufacturing departments of a
company to be able to reverse engineer a product, when exact math data may
not be available, to be competitive in the marketplace. These examples are
ideal situations for Direct Machining of Facets (DMF). The process of scanning
or digitizing a part creates a cloud of points, which can be converted into a
faceted model. This faceted model can then be imported into Unigraphics for
modeling and or machining applications.
Real life examples such as the machining of dies and discrete part
manufacturing lend themselves to DMF.
The DMF allows you to generate tool paths on faceted part geometry without
the need to create surface geometry. DMF can be used with Fixed Axis Surface
Contouring, Cavity Milling and ZLevel Milling operations by allowing the
selection of Faceted Bodies as valid part geometry for tool path generation.


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Machining Faceted Geometry

Activity 6-1: Machining of Faceted Geometry

In this activity you will generate Cavity Milling tool paths on faceted geometry
imported into Unigraphics. All geometry will be created with a metric database.
Step 1 Create a metric Unigraphics base file used for importing
the faceted model.

Choose FileNew and name the part file ***_DMF, where

*** represents your initials.

If necessary, change the units to millimeters.

Select OK.
A new part file has been created which will be used to
import the faceted model of the cavity of a plastic hair dryer.
The faceted model is in STL format.

Step 2 Import the faceted model.

Choose File Import STL

The Import STL dialog is displayed.

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Machining Faceted Geometry

If necessary select Angular Tolerance Medium and STL File

Units Millimeter.

Choose OK.
The Import STL File Selection dialog is displayed.

Select ama_facet_model.stl.
The faceted model data file usually has an .stl" file

Select OK.
The file is imported into the Unigraphics base" file which
you previously created.


Change the display to solid and fit the view to the screen.

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Machining Faceted Geometry

Step 3 Create the Cavity Milling operation necessary to machine

the imported faceted model.

Enter the Manufacturing Application.

The Machining Environment dialog is displayed.

Select mill_contour as the CAM Session Configuration,

select mill_contour for the CAM Setup and then select
The Operation Navigator is displayed.

If necessary, change the view of the Operation Navigator to

the Program View.

Select Create Operation from the CAM Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Select the Cavity_Mill subtype.

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Machining Faceted Geometry

Select OK.
The Cavity_Mill dialog is displayed. You will use an 8mm ball
tool, ugt0203_003, to rough out the cavity. Other parameters
used will be default parameters. You will now select the
geometry to machine the part.


Choose the Select icon from the Geometry section of the

Cavity_Mill dialog.

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Machining Faceted Geometry

Select Facets from the Part Geometry dialog.

You will now select all of the faceted geometry of the part.

Choose Select All from the Part Geometry dialog.

Select OK.

Step 4 Generate the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Close the part.

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Machining Faceted Geometry


Direct Machining of Facets (DMP) in

Unigraphics provides an easy and efficient
method of machining parts that have been
reversed engineered and are converted to STL
data files.
In this lesson you:


Imported an STL file into Unigraphics,

creating a faceted model

Directly machined a faceted model using the

Cavity Milling operation type

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High Speed Machining

High Speed Machining

Lesson 7



This lesson will introduce you to the concepts of High

Speed Machining (HSM), which increases
productivity and improves the quality of the final part
being machined. HSM achieves these results through
the use of consistent volume removal concepts and
smooth cutter path generation.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Generate High Speed Machining operations

Generate Nurbs output

This lesson contains the following activities:



7-1 Creating a High Speed Machining Operation . . 7-5

7-2 Mixed Cut Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
7-3 NURBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21

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High Speed Machining

High Speed Machining An Overview

The concept of High Speed Machining (HSM) is not new. In fact, it was
demonstrated over 75 years ago. The original concept was conceived by Dr.
Carl Salomon in 1924 and was patented (German patent) in April of 1931. In
recent years, the concept was further developed through United States Air
Force research funding and has slowly been brought out of the classified world
into the everyday commercial applications.
HSM technology has shown increases in productivity and improved part quality.
Characteristics of HSM are high spindle speeds, fast feed rates, light cuts,
smooth tool movement and constant volume removal. Due to the rapid changes
in dynamics of chip removal at these very high speeds, cut methods and
characteristics of the tool path are critical factors in the success of the cutting
process. Factors such as sudden stops, sharp corners, reversal of cut direction
and erratic tool movements will directly affect the speed at which cuts are

There are two basic goals for HSM. They are:

Maintain constant material volume removal

Generate smooth tool moves throughout the entire cutting path

Applications abound in the aerospace and mold and die industry for HSM
technology. Cutting thin wall parts in the aerospace industry is a typical
application. In the mold and die industry, contoured surface cutting can be
accomplished at high spindle speed and feed rates. Incorporating very small
stepovers results in very fine finishes that generally require no hand finishing
work. Since tool deflection is at a minimum, greater accuracies can be achieved.
Basic requirements
HSM is currently being used in a variety of applications. Chip removal
characteristics translates into very high spindle speeds, typically 25000100000
rpm. Corresponding feed rates from 250 1200 ipm are typical. Due to these
high spindle speeds and feed rates, heat is dissipated through the chip, allowing
the cutting tool to run cooler and being able to keep its cutting ability for longer
periods of time. The higher spindle speed results in faster feed rates that will in
turn maintain the proper chip load per tooth. At these rates, the depth of cut
can be reduced and high volume removal rates can be maintained. The reduced
depth of cut minimizes tool and part deflection which results in better control
of surface finishes and part dimensions. HSM allows the roughing of parts to
net sizes and shapes. The reduced cutter stress afforded by this process also
minimizes the risk of cutter breakage and allows for longer production runs and
unattended machining.


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High Speed Machining

HSM also has the potential of reducing the time to manufacture. Normally,
much of the cost and time delay in manufacturing is due to two primary factors.
First is the time that it takes to design the casting or forging, and then the time
to do the manufacturing. Due to the higher material removal rate associated
with HSM, consideration can be given to manufacturing parts from plate and
bar stock rather than castings and forgings, saving the wait time to normally
procure the material.
HSM technology is actually placing a burden on programmers and the methods
which they use to produce tool paths. This is primarily a result of the NC/CNC
programs being so much longer because of shallow depths of cut and fine
stepovers. Also, HSM machinery can cut parts faster and therefore reduce cycle
Methods for most High Speed Machining applications
The following methods should always be considered when doing HSM:

Constant volume removal an ideal goal is to maintain consistent

volume removal. With this goal, care must be taken when making
stepover moves.

Smooth tool movement due to high feed rates, it is imperative to

avoid abrupt starts and stops as well as sharp corners. Acceleration at
starts and deceleration into stops are crucial. All corners should be
rounded or rolled, that is the cutter should make changes in its
direction by going through arc moves.

Rounded or rolled exterior as well as interior corners.

Multiple roughing tools and depth ranges for deep cavities and
pockets, the preferred method of cutting is to use multiple tools with
progressively longer lengths. Shorter tools are rigid and can cut well
when taking deeper cuts. The depth of the feature(s) that are being
cut is divided into ranges that match the longer tool lengths.

For roughing passes, use helical engage with a ramp angle of between
510 degrees. For semifinish and finish cuts, use circular engages.

When finishing, scallops must be kept to a minimum. Keep these

heights as low as 0.00005" and set Intol/Outol between 0.0005 and
0.00005". This will substantially increase the size of the program but
will greatly decrease the amount of hand finishing (if any) that must be

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High Speed Machining

Optimization of tool paths for tool paths cutting multiple regions,

engaging and retracting within those regions, optimization of the order
of those regions is necessary.

Multiple pocket cutting order must be able to specify the order of the
pocket or feature being cut to reduce part stress and warpage.

When cutting thin wall multipocket or cavity parts, always cut the
level first in all multiple features before progressing to the next level.
This should be done in both roughing and finishing so as to maintain
rigidity in the thin walls.

High Speed Machining vs Conventional Machining

Conventional machining normally uses high speed steel or carbide cutters,
cutting up to 700 surface feet per minute (SFM), with feed rates up to 50 inches
per minute (IPM). Tremendous heat is generated in the process. This excess
heat is transmitted to the cutter and workpiece and is dissipated through the
use of large amounts of coolant.
High speed machining usually uses small, solid carbide, or large carbide
inserted tools. Cutting begins at 1000 SFM, with feed rates of 90 to 100 inches
per minute without the use of coolant. With the use of coolant, feed rates in
excess of 1000 IPM can be achieved.
The key to successfully perform high speed machining are various methods used
in the cutting operations. Techniques such as roughing at a shallow depth with
maximum width of cut promotes longer tool life and higher cutting accuracy. In
some cases, semifinish passes can be completely eliminated. Tool paths, which
are generated for these types of applications, need to use very fine Intol/Outtol
values (.0001") for optimum finishes. Scallop height needs to be kept at a
minimum with stepover values set to .00005" or less.


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High Speed Machining

Activity 7-1: Creating a High Speed Machining Operation

In this activity, you will edit a conventional pocketing operation, changing
parameters that will make the operation ideal for High Speed Machining.
Step 1 Open, then rename a part file and review an existing

Open the part file ama_hsm_1.prt.

Save As ***_hsm_1.prt where *** represents your initials.

Enter the Manufacturing Application.

This part file contains an operation that roughs a pocket with

default template settings and a clearance plane .100 above
the part. You will edit the operation and change numerous
parameters that will make the operation applicable to High
Speed Machining.
You will review the existing operation prior to making any

If necessary, change the view of the Operation Navigator to

the Program View.

Select the operation, pocket_standard, use MB3 and select

Toolpath  Verify.

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High Speed Machining

The tool path for the pocket_standard operation is

displayed. Pay particular attention to the method of
engagement, the sharp corners generated within the tool
path, the depth of cut, etc. The tool path display has been
intentionally slowed so that you may observe the various
You will now edit the pocket_standard operation and modify
parameters that are applicable for High Speed Machining.

Step 2 Edit the existing operation and modify parameters

suitable for High Speed Machining.

Double click on the operation, pocket_standard.

The ROUGH_FOLLOW dialog is displayed.


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High Speed Machining

Currently, all parameters set are default parameters. You

will now change parameters for High Speed Machining.

From the Stepover pull down menu, select Tool Diameter and
then change Percent to 10. This will minimize the stepover
value to 10% of the effective cutter diameter and will help
maintain constant tool loading conditions.

You will now change the parameters used for engagement

from one cut level to the next to Helical.

Select Automatic under Engage/Retract.

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High Speed Machining

The Automatic Engage/Retract dialog is displayed.

Select the Ramp Type pull down menu and then select

Changing the Ramp Type to Helical insures that tool

engagement at the next cut level, will be with a helical move.
This will keep forces on the cutter consistent, more so than if
you were to plunge to the next level.
Note: Cutter geometry determines specific ramp angles and
overlap distance requirements.


Change the Activation Range to .0001.

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High Speed Machining

Changing the Activation Range to this small value insures

that the cutter will not engage the part as it approaches the

Choose OK.

Select Cutting and change the Intol parameter to .00005 and

the Outtol parameter to .0005.

As the machine tool travels faster and very accurately, a

much finer surface finish can be achieved. The movement
per block can be shorter to obtain the best dimensional

Choose OK.

Select Corner.

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High Speed Machining

This option will add a fillet at all corners (corner roll) which
eliminates sharp and sudden moves.


Select All Passes from the Fillets pull down menu and accept
the default of .020 for Fillet Radius.

Select Slowdowns (checked). Change Number of Steps to 10.

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High Speed Machining

Slowdown is used to slow the feed rates as you approach

corners or obstructions in the tool path. Slowdown can be
controlled by length, starting location and the rate of
slowdown. Number Of Steps allows you to set the abruptness
of slowdown. The greater the number, the more even the

Choose OK.

Select Cut Depths.

The Depth of Cut Parameters dialog is displayed.

Change the Maximum and Minimum values to .050.

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High Speed Machining

Reducing the depth of cut while increasing feed rates is a

core process change of High Speed Machining. More
material can be removed in less time. An advantage of a
shallower depth of cut is the cutter will take less power to cut
through the material.

Choose OK.

Select Feed Rates.

The Feeds and Speeds dialog is displayed.


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High Speed Machining

You now want to change your feed rate and spindle speed to
the maximum values that your HSM process can address; in
this example you will set the feed rate to 750 inches per
minute and the spindle RPM to 85000.

Change the Spindle Speed to 85000 and all Feed Rate values
to 750.

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Changing all the feed rate values to the same feed rate
insures a constant load on the cutting tool.

Choose OK.

Step 3 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Examine the various motions. Once you generate the 1st cut
level, you may want to stop the display motion and change
the Path Display speed to 10. After generating the tool path
at all cut levels, list the tool path and examine the feed rates.


Choose OK to accept the operation.

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High Speed Machining

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity and will be using this part
file in the activity on mixed cut directions.

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High Speed Machining

Mixed Cut Directions

Cut patterns for high speed machining must allow constant volume removal and
eliminate burying the cutter into material. They must also provide a smooth
transition from level to level, eliminating constant retracting, traversing and
Mixed cut directions are useful when large open areas are cut and you want the
cutter to cut back and forth instead of beginning each cut at the same end of
the part. This will minimize the time that is spent traversing between the
various cut levels and from the end of one cut to the beginning of the next.

The next activity will familiarize you with using mixed cut directions and making
direct moves when cutting between levels in a Zlevel cutting operation.


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High Speed Machining

Activity 7-2: Mixed Cut Directions

In this activity, you will use the part file from the previous activity and explore
the use of the Mixed Cut Direction option.
Step 1 Edit the existing operation and modify parameters so that
the tool is in constant contact with the part.

Continue with the part file ***_hsm_1.prt.

Double click on the operation, zlevel_profile.

The ZLEVEL_PROFILE dialog is displayed.

Replay the tool path.

Notice that the tool retracts and engages for each cut level.

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High Speed Machining

You will now change the cut parameters to allow the cutter to
move directly from one cut level to the next without engaging,
traversing and retracting.

Refresh the graphics display.

Choose Cutting.

Set the Cut Direction option to Mixed and the Level to Level
option to Direct on Part.

Choose OK to accept the Cut Parameters.

Step 2 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Notice how the cutting tool engages the part, feeds down the
wall of the part to get to the next level, and alternates the
direction of cut from one level to the next.


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Refresh the graphics display.

Choose OK to complete the operation.

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity and will be using this part
file in the activity on NURBS.

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High Speed Machining

Many machine tool controllers have the option of creating non uniform rational
Bsplines, commonly referred to as NURBS. NURBS output will cause the tool
to drive along these spline curves (degree 3, cubic splines) instead of line/arc
segments. The result is a very smooth and accurate surface cut (particularly on
contoured surfaces) that may result in reduced output for the machine tool
Not all controllers can handle NURBS, and those that do normally use
different formats. Currently, Fanuc, Seimens, Heidenhain, or Fidia controllers
are support for Nurbs input.

NURBS are available only for fixed axis machining methods of Fixed Axis
Surface Contouring, Planar Milling, and Cavity Milling.


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High Speed Machining

Activity 7-3: NURBS

In this activity, you will use the part file from the previous activity and explore
the use of the NURBS option.
Step 1 Edit the existing operation and modify parameters
suitable for the output of NURBS data.

Continue with the part file ***_hsm_1.prt.

Double click on the operation, pocket_standard.

The ROUGH_FOLLOW dialog is displayed.

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High Speed Machining

Select Machine.
The Machine Control dialog is displayed.


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High Speed Machining

Choose Nurbs from the Motion Output pull down menu.

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High Speed Machining

The Nurbs Motion dialog is displayed.

Join Segments determines whether or not the separate curve

segments join together into one curve to form a single Nurbs
for each cut.
The finished part should not deviate from the design
geometry more than the specified Intol/Outtol if the defined
Fitting Control Tolerance is within the Intol/Outtol band. If a
smoother path is desired, specify a tighter Fitting Control
Tolerance. When this option is used, the tool displays only at
the beginning and end of each cutting pass regardless of the
specified Display Frequency.
In addition to determining the degree of smoothness applied
to angles (as described above), Fitting Control Tolerance also
determines how accurately the tool path follows the NURBS.
A tighter tolerance (defined by a smaller value) causes the
tool path to follow the NURBS more accurately.
The Fitting Control Tolerance may be specified by either
keying in a value or by moving the slider bar.
Fitting Control Tolerance and Join Segments can be used
together to achieve the desired polished" finished surface
by not only smoothing the surface, but also avoiding sharp
turns and irregular movements. By using a tight Fitting
Control Tolerance and an Angle Tolerance of less than five
degrees, you can fit to a smooth single NURBS tool path.


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High Speed Machining

Angle Tolerance is available when Join Segments is toggled

ON. This option allows you to determine which angles
formed between the joined curves forming the NURBS will
be smoothed. Angles smaller than or equal to the specified
Angle Tolerance will be smoothed. Angles greater than the
specified Angle Tolerance will not be smoothed. To obtain
reliable results, you should use an Angle Tolerance of 5 or
less degrees.
Angles Smaller than the Specified Angle Tolerance are
Larger Fitting Control Tolerance Creates a Smoother Blend.

Choose Join Segments (checked) from the Nurbs Motion

You will accept the other options as defaults.

Choose OK, twice.

Step 2 Create the tool path.

Choose the Generate icon and generate the tool path.

Examine the output.

List the tool path output by selecting the Listing icon.

Notice the tool path listing for NURBS, it will be similar to
the following:

Close the part file.

You have completed this activity and the lesson.

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High Speed Machining


High Speed Machining technology has shown

dramatic increases in productivity and
improved part quality. The characteristics of
HSM such as high spindle speeds, fast feed
rates, light cuts, smooth tool movement and
constant volume removal are obtainable
through various parameter settings.
In this lesson you:


Explored various parameters within

operations that lend themselves to High
Speed Machining concepts

Generated operations, using parameters that

were conducive to HSM

Explored parameters and techniques for

generating NURBS output

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NC Assistant

NC Assistant
Lesson 8



This lesson will familiarize you with the functionality

of the NC Assistant. The NC Assistant is a very useful
tool used to analyze corner and fillet radii, draft
angles and cutting depths. Analyzing these features
will aid you in the determination of the tool
configuration needed to cut the part.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Use the NC Assistant

Determine cutter geometry based on information

feedback from the NC Assistant

This lesson contains the following activities:



8-1 Using the NC Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4

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NC Assistant

Overview of the NC Assistant

The NC Assistant is an analysis tool that assists you in the selection of the
proper tool needed for machining various geometric configurations. The
Assistant provides you with information on planar levels (depths), corner radii,
fillet radii, and draft angles. The information provided is color coded for easy
detection on the model (model must be shaded) along with an information
listing giving pertinent data concerning the geometry being analyzed. This
information is useful in deciding the cutting tool parameters which are
necessary to machine the selected part geometry.
The NC Assistant is activated once you are in the Manufacturing Application
from the Main Menu bar by choosing AnalysisNC Assistant.

You select the geometry to be analyzed and then set the various parameters.
Currently four Analysis Types are available: Levels, Corner Radii, Fillet Radii,
and Draft Angles.
When analyzing Levels, information is provided on the distance of planar levels
from a reference plane. If a reference plane is not specified, the MCS is used as
a basis. This information can be used as an aid in determining the length of the
tool(s) that is needed.


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NC Assistant

Analysis of Corner Radius provides information on the minimum corner radii

of the faces selected. This information will aid you in determining the proper
tool diameter.
Analysis of Fillet Radius will show the minimum fillet radius of the selected
faces with reference to a vector. This information will help you to determine the
tool nose radius, required if any.
Analysis of Draft Angle will determine the slopes of the faces selected with
reference to a specified vector. This information will help you to determine the
taper of the tool (also can be a quick aid in determining various areas of draft
on a casting or injection mold).
When analyzing the various types, limits can be set. For example, if you wanted
to check for all corner radii that were greater than .500 inches and less than
.750 inches, values can be set for the minimum of .500 and maximum of .750.

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NC Assistant

Activity 8-1: Using the NC Assistant

In this activity, you will become familiar with the various features of the NC
Assistant. You will use the NC Assistant to determine the length, cutting
diameter and corner radius of the tool(s) necessary to finish all pockets of the
part. Since you will only be analyzing this part, there is no need to rename or
save it.
Step 1 Open the part file and enter the Manufacturing

Open the part ama_nc_assistant.prt.

Enter the Manufacturing Application.

Step 2 Activate the NC Assistant.

You will need to determine the tool configuration(s)
necessary to finish machine all pockets in this part. Visually,
it is difficult to detect draft, if any on the pocket walls. It
would be cumbersome to verify all corner radii and floor
depths. To make your job easier, you will use the NC
Assistant, to analyze the geometry configuration. You will
now activate the NC Assistant.


From the Main Menu Bar select, Analysis  NC Assistant.

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The NC Assistant Dialog is displayed.

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Step 3 Use the NC Assistant to determine cutter length.

The first item for consideration is to determine the length of
the cutter that will be needed. For this determination you
will use the NC Assistant to determine the various Levels. If
you now look at the cue line, you will see that you are being
asked to set parameters or select faces. You will accept the
defaults for all parameters and select the entire part for

Use MB1 and drag a rectangle around the entire part.

Choose Apply.
An Information Window is displayed containing the results
of the Level analysis.


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Notice the color set number, the color associated with the
color set number, number of faces and distance. Compare
the colors with those now displayed in the graphics window.
By examining the distance values, the deepest level or floor is
located .800 below the top of the part (blue). Therefore the
length of the tool is .800 plus whatever clearance value that
you would want to use.
Step 4 Use the NC Assistant to determine cutter diameter.
The second item for consideration is to determine the
diameter of the cutter that will be needed. For this
determination you will use the NC Assistant to determine
the various corner radii of the part.

Choose Corner Radii from the Analysis Type pull down


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The dialog for Corner Radii analysis is displayed.

Notice the limits for Minimum and Maximum Radius. If you

now look at the cue line, you will see that you are being
asked to set parameters or select faces. You will change the
Radius and Angle tolerances and select the entire part for

Change the Radius value to .0001.

Change the Angle value to 10.0.

Use MB1 and drag a rectangle around the entire part.

Choose Apply.
An Information Window is displayed containing the results
of the Corner Radii analysis.


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Notice the color set number, the color associated with the
color set number, number of faces and radius. Compare the
colors with those now displayed in the graphics window. By
examining the corner radii values, the largest is .300 (red),
the smallest .230, the closest standard size end mill required
would be .4375 inches.

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Step 5 Use the NC Assistant to determine cutter corner radius.

The third item for consideration is to determine the corner
radius of the cutter that will be needed. For this
determination you will use the NC Assistant to determine
the various fillet radii of the part.

Choose Fillet Radii from the Analysis Type pull down menu.


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The dialog for Fillet Radii analysis is displayed.

If you now look at the cue line, you will see that you are
being asked to set parameters or select faces. You will accept
all defaults and select the entire part for faces.

Use MB1 and drag a rectangle around the entire part.

Choose Apply.

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An Information Window is displayed containing the results

of the Fillet Radii analysis.

Notice that there were no Fillet Radii displayed.


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Step 6 Use the NC Assistant to determine draft angle on walls.

The fourth item for consideration is to determine any draft
angles on the part that are machinable through the use of an
angle cutter. For this determination you will use the NC
Assistant to determine the draft angles.

Choose Draft Angles from the Analysis Type pull down


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The dialog for Draft Angles analysis type is displayed.

If you now look at the cue line, you will see that you are
being asked to set parameters or select faces. You will
change the Angle tolerance to 1.0 degree, accept all other
defaults and select the entire part for faces.


Under Tolerances, change Angle to 1.0

Use MB1 and drag a rectangle around the entire part.

Choose Apply.

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An Information Window is displayed containing the results

of the Draft Angles analysis.

Notice the color set number, the color associated with the
color set number, number of faces and angle. Compare the
colors with those now displayed in the graphics window. The
green faces represent 2 degrees draft, the cyan 5 degrees. All
other walls have no draft. Two different angle cutters would
be necessary or a ball tool could be used to profile the draft
angle onto the wall.

Cancel the NC Assistant dialog and dismiss the Information


Close the part.

You are finished with this activity and also with the lesson.

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NC Assistant


The NC Assistant is an efficient tool to use for

analyzing part geometry for various corner
radii, fillet radii, floor depths and draft angles.
This information is beneficial in the
determination of cutter parameters used for
cutting your part.
In this lesson you:


Became familiar with the functionality of NC


Performed various analysis functions which

were used to determine cutter length,
diameter, corner radius and draft angle

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Lesson 9



Templates contain predefined parameters that enable

you to quickly and easily define new operations and
group objects tailored to your specific needs.
Templates eliminate the tedious task of redefining
parameters from a set of standard defaults each time
you define a new operation or group object.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Create and use templates

Use a sequence of operations template to create

numerous operations automatically for similar

This lesson contains the following activities:



9-1 Creating a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12

9-2 Using a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18
9-3 Using the Die_Sequence Template . . . . . . . . . . . 9-26

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Templates Overview
Templates are operations and group objects within part files that contain
predefined parameters that allow you to define new operations and groups
quickly and easily for specific tasks. They eliminate the laborious procedure of
redefining parameters from a standard set of system defaults each time a new
operation or group is defined.

Templates are represented

by Subtype icons

Templates are represented as subtype icons which are available in the various
Create dialogs (also referred to as object dialogs). They define operation
parameters including numerical values such as part Intol/Outol, feed rates, etc.
and can display customized object editing dialogs.
In addition, templates determine the operations and groups that initially appear
in the Operation Navigation Tool when you first enter the Manufacturing


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Template Part Files

A template part file contains a collection of predefined operations and groups
(referred to as templates) from which you may select. Template part files
appear in the CAM Setup portion of the Machining Environment dialog and
are listed as Type options in the operation and group creation dialogs.

In this example, mill_contour is a

Template Part File containing
predefined operations and groups
represented by the Subtype icons

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Template Sets
A Template Set is a collection of template part files. Template Sets are specified
from within the Configuration files. Basic Template Sets are provided and
maintained in every software release. Template Sets may also be created,
customized and maintained by users. Template Sets created by users may use
any valid naming convention and may be located in any directory. They must
have a .opt file extension. Supplied Template Sets reside in the
\mach\resource\template_set directory.
These are files with .dat" extensions that
contain the location of template files for:
operations, documentation, posts, user
defined events and library locations.
These files are located in the
\mach\resource\configuration directory.
Example: mill_contour.dat.

This is the contents of a template set. It is a

list of part files that contain parameters
used to generate the option. The template
set is a file with a .opt" extension. These
files are located in the
\mach\resource\template_set directory.
Example: mill_contour.opt


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You can specify the Template Set by selecting PreferencesManufacturing and

then selecting the Configuration tab. You can browse and or specify the
directory and name of where the template set is located. When you specify a
template set, the available Type options in the object dialogs change to reflect
the new template set files. You may also select template files with the browse
option in the Type option list.

When creating a new operation, you specify the template part by choosing a
Type and then the template by choosing an operation type (subtype icon) in the
Create Operation dialog. The template parameters are then copied into the
new operation.
When creating a new Group, you specify the template part by choosing a Type
and then specify the Group Template by choosing the appropriate subtype icon
in the Create Program, Create Tool, Create Geometry or Create Method Group
Creating and Using Template Sets
Template Sets make template part files available for selection from within
dialogs. This prevents you from having to browse for individual part files. A
Template Set is an text file (.opt extension) which list the part files which
contain the templates that are to be utilized. The default Template Set is
determined by the Configuration file. There is a limit of 30 part files in a
Template Set.

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When creating operations or groups in part files that are members of a

Template Set you may also want to customize the operation dialogs so that only
specific options are displayed creating operations using the template (be sure
that MB3ObjectTemplate SettingTemplate has been toggled to ON).
Once the template files have been created and saved, they are then grouped
together into a Template Set. A Template Set is simply an ASCII text file that
contains the directory path and file name of each template file in the set. This
file will always have a .opt extension associated with it.
The following flowchart, for the mill_planar default Template Set, shows the
relationship between various files used in Template Sets and their dialogs.


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Template Set / Dialog Relationships (mill_planar)

Machining Environment

CAM Session Configuration


CAM Setup





subtype (operation type)

subtype (operation type)
























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Once a template set has been created, you may select which template set to use
when creating new operations by selecting Preferences Manufacturing, select
the Configuration tab, and then selecting the Browse button under Template
Set. You can then browse to the location of your template set.

The Template Set that has been selected determines the Type and Subtype
options which appear in the Create Operation and Group dialogs.


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Type option corresponds to the

Template file name.
The Subtype option corresponds
to the Operation within the
Template file.
The selected Type determines the
Subtype options (icons) that are

The Name field indicates the name

of the Operation or Group created.

The creation of tools within an operation will occur only if the template has
Load with Parent set to ON. If the template loads a tool with the same name
but different parameters as a tool in the current part file, a new tool with
different name is created with the new operation.
You can reset the current Template Set back to the default operation Template
Set by using the Reset button in the Manufacturing Preferences Configuration
tab dialog. The default Template Set is determined by the Configuration file.

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Creating a Template
As discussed earlier, a template is a predefined operation or group within a
part file. Template files can be new or can be copied, customized and/or
renamed from existing template files.
Template files can contain many operations and groups. You can specify which
operations and groups are used as templates by choosing the Template Setting
option in the Operation Navigator.

Highlight the desired operations and/or groups in the Operation Navigator and
with MB3 choose OBJECTTemplate Setting. This will display the template
setting dialog which contains the Template and Load with Parent toggle

If the template option is toggled ON (checked) the highlighted operations or

group will be available as a Template whenever the particular part is used as a
Template Part file. All operations and groups for which the template option is
toggled ON (checked) will appear as subtype icons in the appropriate Create


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The Load with Parent option allows the determination of which operations and
groups that will appear in the Operation Navigator when Setup is initially
selected from the Machining Environment dialog. It allows the specification of
certain operations and/or groups in addition to the current Parent Group being
created. For example, any time that an MCS Geometry group is created, a
WORKPIECE Geometry group is also created within the MCS Geometry
group when Load with Parent is specified for the WORKPIECE.

Load with Parent allows the automatic loading of operations when creating
groups. This is useful when loading a predefined sequence of operations. The
operations which are loaded may have four parents (Program, Tool, Method
and Geometry) but only are loaded when creating Geometry groups. For
example, if you specify Load with Parent in the Machine Tool view, the Parent
group, Tool will not load the operations. The Parent group, Geometry will.
The Load with Parent option also allows the determination of which operations
and groups in a template part file will appear in the Operation Navigator when
the template part file is specified as a Setup in the Machining Environment
dialog. The Setup is the initial template part file which is selected when first
entering the Manufacturing Application. When Load with Parent is specified
for a continuous sequence of operations and groups beginning at the parent
root level, all of the operations and groups are created when the part is selected
as a Setup and will appear in the Operation Navigator. An easy way to
remember the Load with Parent option function is use to the following analogy:
Whenever you create my Parent group, I will be created also."

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Activity 9-1: Creating a Template

In this activity, you will create rough and finish pocketing operations in an
existing part file. You will use this part file as a template for machining pockets
with different geometry in the next activity. This activity establishes the
template file settings.
Step 1 Opening a part file.

Open ama_single_pocket.prt.

Save As ***_single_pocket .prt where *** represents your


Enter the Manufacturing Application.

This part file contains several tools and Blank geometry
which surrounds the part. The Configuration used is
cam_general and the Setup is mill_planar.


As shown below, select the Create Geometry icon from the

Create toolbar.

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The Create Geometry dialog is displayed.

Make sure the Type is set to mill_planar.

Step 2 Create a Geometry Parent Group to contain a sequence of


From the Create Geometry dialog, choose the Mill_Bnd


Choose WORKPIECE as the Parent Group.

Change the Name to my_pocket_geom.

Choose OK twice.

Step 3 Create three template pocketing operations.

As shown below, select the Create Operation icon from the

Create toolbar.

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The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Choose the Rough_Follow icon.

Set the following:



Use Geometry:


Use Tool:


Use Method:


Choose OK.
You do not want or need to create a tool path for this
Template part file. You will create a tool path in a later part
having different geometry and will use this template
operation to generate the tool path.


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Choose OK.
You will now create a template operation for finishing the
pocket floors.

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Choose the Finish_Floor icon.

Change the Tool to UGTI0201_012.

Change the Method to MILL_FINISH.

Choose OK.
Again, you do not want or need to create a tool path in this,
or any, template part file.

Choose OK.
Next, you will create an operation for finishing the pocket

Select the Create Operation icon from the Create toolbar.

The Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Choose the Finish_Walls icon.

Change the Tool to UGTI0201_011.

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Choose OK twice.
You have created a simple sequence to machine pockets. The
sequence can be automatically created in a later part file if
the Load with Parent and Template setting, for that
particular operation, is active. You will do this next.

Step 4 Making the sequence available in other part files.

You will want the operations that you have just created to be
used in another part. These operations will be created only if
the option, Load with Parent, is toggled ON.

Highlight the three operations ROUGH_FOLLOW,


Use MB3ObjectTemplate Setting to set Template, Off;

and Load with Parent, On.

Choose OK.

The Load with Parent setting assures that the three

operations will be created in a subsequent part file if the
Geometry Parent Group (MY_POCKET_GEOM) is
created. Next you will make the Parent Group,
MY_POCKET_GEOM, Load with Parent.


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Change the display of the Operation Navigator to the

Geometry View.

Choose the MY_POCKET_GEOM Parent Group and toggle

the Template and Load with Parent, ON (check mark the

Choose OK.
The template setting will create an icon in the Create
Geometry dialog in part files using this particular template
file. The Load with Parent setting will automatically create
the Parent Group.

Save and Close the part file.

Be sure to save and close the part file since it will be used as
a template in the next activity.

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Activity 9-2: Using a Template

In this activity, you will use the part file that you just created as a pocketing
template file to machine new pocket geometry. Since you specified most options
in the template file, including the operations, you will not need to respecify
them in the new part file.
Step 1 Open a new part file.


Open ama_multi_pocket.prt.

Save As ***_multi_pocket.prt where *** represents your


Choose Application Manufacturing.

The CAM Session Configuration should be cam_general.

The CAM Setup should be mill_planar.

Choose Initialize.

In the Program Order View of the Operation Navigator, note

that no operations are listed.

Change to the Tool View of the Operation Navigator and

note that no tools are present.

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Change to the Geometry View of the Operation Navigator

and note that the MCS_MILL and Workpiece Parent Groups
were created by the selection of mill_planar as the Setup.

Since you chose mill_planar as the Setup file, it is the current

template being used for this part.
Step 2 Change template files.
Another method of choosing a template is to change the
Type in the create dialogs. When using this method you are
limited to the options that are available in the template file.

Select the Create Geometry icon from the Create toolbar.

The Create Geometry dialog is displayed.

In the Create Geometry dialog next to the Type label, change

mill_planar to Browse and choose ***_single_pocket.prt.

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Notice that the only available Subtype is

MY_POCKET_GEOM. This is a direct result of the options
chosen when the original template was created.


Step 3 Specifying Part, Blank, and Floor geometry.

You will create a Parent Group named
MY_POCKET_GEOM and specify the Part, Blank, and
Floor geometry.

Choose the MY_POCKET_GEOM icon.

Choose WORKPIECE as the Parent Group.

Choose OK.
The MY_POCKET_GEOM dialog is displayed.


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In the MY_POCKET_GEOM dialog, choose the Part icon

and then Select.

Choose the Material side as Outside.

Using the Face Boundary

method, select the top face of

the part.

Choose OK.

Choose the Floor plane icon

and then Select.

The Plane Constructor dialog is displayed.

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Select the floor of any pocket.

Choose OK twice.
You have specified all of the information needed to generate
the tool paths.

Step 4 Generating the tool paths

In the Geometry View of the Operation Navigator, expand

all Parent Groups.
Note that the operations were created to rough and finish
the part.

Choose MY_POCKET_GEOM and using MB3 Generate the

tool paths.
The Tool Path Generation dialog is displayed.


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Choose OK as necessary to continue generating the tool

The ROUGH_FOLLOW operation creates a tool path
similar to the following illustration.

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The FINISH_FLOOR operation creates a tool path similar

to the following illustration.

The FINISH_WALLS operation creates a tool path similar

to the following illustration.

Choose OK to accept the tool paths.

Save and Close the part file.

You are finished with this activity.


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Review of the Procedure

This is a good time to review the several steps you took in creating the
pocketing sequence used for machining the previous activity. After this review,
you will see that you can also create a sequence of operations for machining
complex geometry just as easily. This complete sequence is built upon the same
principles you used in creating the previous pocketing sequence.
These are the steps that you took in building the pocketing sequence:
In the Template part file, you:

Created the geometry Parent Group, MY_POCKET_GEOM which

contains the sequence of operations used to machine the part.

You changed the MY_POCKET_GEOM Template setting to ON. This

creates the Subtype MY_POCKET_GEOM in the Create Geometry
dialog when using this template in another part.

You created Template Operations under the Parent Group

MY_POCKET_GEOM which roughed and then finished the floor and
walls of the pockets. The Load with Parent setting was toggled to ON
and the Template setting was toggled to OFF.

In the part file that used your template you:

Used mill_planar as the Setup to Initialize the CAM session.

Selected ***_single_pocket.prt as the Type (Template) using the

Browse feature.

Created the MY_POCKET_GEOM in the Create Geometry dialog

(created by the template) which was used to choose the part and floor

Created three pocketing operations by just selecting the part and floor
geometry. Most of the effort in creating these operations was through
the use of templates.

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Activity 9-3: Using the Die_Sequence Template

This activity shows the use of a die machining sequence of operations, included
in the Manufacturing Application, to machine more complicated part geometry.
This sequence, is used to rough, semifinish and finish machine a part based on
die machining practices.
Step 1 Open the part file.

Open ama_deep_core.prt.

Save the part as, ***_deep_core.prt where *** represents

your initials.

Choose Application Manufacturing.

The CAM Session Configuration should be mill_contour.

The CAM Setup Template should be die_sequences.

This is the template that contains the die machining


Choose Initialize.

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The CAM Process Assistant for Die Machining is


The Process Assistant guides you in selecting the geometry

for the machining sequence.

Choose OK.
The Process Assistant Step 1 dialog is displayed, asking for
the selection of the MCS. By selecting OK, the MCS is set to
the WCS.

Choose OK.
The Process Assistant Step 2 dialog is displayed. The part
and blank geometry were selected automatically. The
Process Assistant was designed to select the part and blank
geometry by searching for geometry with assigned attributes
of those names. The attribute names were assigned by the
designer. You do not need to select part or blank geometry
for any operation in the machining sequence.

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In the Process Assistant Step 2: dialog, choose Specify and

then create a clearance plane .250 above the face as shown.
Create a clearance plane
.250 above this face

Choose OK until the Process Assistant Step 3 dialog is


In the Process Assistant Step 3: dialog, choose Display.

The part geometry is displayed.

Choose OK.
The Process Assistant Step 4: is displayed.

In the Process Assistant Step 4: dialog, choose Display.

The Blank Geometry is displayed.


Choose OK.

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A dialog window appears, referring you to an information

window for further instructions. The information window
which is displayed, gives the steps necessary for creating a
machining sequence and/or individual operations.

Choose OK.
The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Select the Create Geometry icon from the Create Toolbar.

The Create Geometry dialog is displayed.

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Notice the various Subtype icons on the Create Geometry

dialog. Each represents a cutting sequence ( Zigzag, Zlevel,
Profile 2D, Profile 3D).
Step 2 Creating the Sequence.

In the Create Geometry dialog, choose


Choose the WORKPIECE as the Parent Group.

Choose OK.
A new Process Assistant starts.

The Process Assistance asks for the selection of the cut area.
If you do not, specify a cut area, all part geometry will be
machined by default.

At the prompt, to select the cut area geometry, choose OK to

cut all of the part geometry.
The Process Assistant Step:2 dialog is displayed asking you
to specify the trim area.


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You can specify the trim boundary which limits the tool path
to the area inside or outside of the boundary. You will put a
trim boundary around the outside of the part to prevent the
tool from water falling" down the side of the part.

At the prompt to select the trim boundary, choose Select.

Set the Trim Side to Outside.

Select the bottom of the part and choose OK twice.

The Process Assistant Step:3 dialog is displayed asking you
to specify optional operations for cutting the part.

Choose OK.

Choose OK for any other Process Assistant Steps.

The machining sequence of operations is created.

In the Operation Navigator Program Order View, expand

PROGRAM1 and note the operations.

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Save and Close the part file.

Step 3 Viewing the tool paths.

At this point, you could generate the tool paths to see the
sequence of operations. However, it is faster to switch to
another part file that is identical to this one except that the
tool paths have been generated and are ready for Replay.


Open ama_deep_core_with_paths.prt.

Choose Application Manufacturing.

Expand PROGRAM1 and note the operations.

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Highlight PROGRAM1 and Replay the machining sequence.

Close the part file.

You are finished with this activity.

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More on Templates
Changing the Machining Environment
The option ToolsOperation NavigatorDelete Setup can return you to the
Machining Environment dialog. You will delete all CAM information in the
part file and then choose another Machining Environment. Note that if you use
this option, all of your operations, tools, etc. will be permanently removed.
The option PreferencesManufacturing Configuration tab, selecting a
configuration file, changes the CAM Session Configuration without changing
the Setup. The current data is preserved while the Configuration data (e.g.,
templates available, etc.) changes.
The option PreferencesManufacturing Configuration tab, Reset button
under Configuration File does not change Setup but it does restore the original
CAM Session Configuration.

Template Operations
The Template status for all Tools, Methods, Geometry and Programs is Off (by
The Template status for Operations is On (by default).


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The Template function provides an efficient

means to customize your CAM environment.
Numerous parameters used by various
operations, custom operation sequences, tool
and postprocessor availability, and numerous
other items that are used repeatedly, can be
included into custom templates. The
possibilities are only limited to your
In this lesson you:

Created a sequence of template operations

Interacted with a supplied template

containing a sequence of operations to
machine part geometry

Became familiar with the advanced concepts

of using templates

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(This Page Intentionally Left Blank)


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Lesson 10



This chapter introduces you to the concept of

libraries as they pertain to the Manufacturing
Application. Libraries are used to access data for
cutting tools, machine tools, part materials, tool
materials, cut methods and speeds and feeds.
Libraries contain predefined entries, such as cutting
tools and part materials, and can be modified with
user defined entries. PreV16 tool libraries contained
in part files can also be converted and utilized in NX.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the concept and functionality of CAM

libraries and data files

Add entries to existing libraries

Convert existing tool part file libraries to NX tool


This lesson contains the following activities:





Preparation for modifying CAM Libraries . . . . . .

Inserting Preexisting Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Machine Tool Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part Materials Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cutting Tool Materials Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cut Method Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feeds and Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Overview of CAM Libraries

Libraries are a convenient and easy tool that are used to access reference data.
Currently libraries can access information related to:

Cutting tools

Machine tools

Part materials

Cutting tool materials

Cut methods

Speeds and feeds

The configuration selected at the beginning of your CAM session (i.e.

mill_contour) defines the location of the various external libraries. Each
external library is represented by one line of information which identifies
library type and points to the Event Handler (file with .tcl extension) and
Definition file (file with .def extension) that are used for the Data Base
Connection (DBC). The Definition file is used to establish a class hierarchy
(the way tools are organized) and associated mechanism for queries, establishes
dialog layout definitions, attribute mappings, option menu definitions, library
reference names and delimiters.



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Sample Configuration file (mill_contour.dat)

WIZARD,${UGII_CAM_WIZARD_DIR}wizard_mill_contour .tcl

All library files are located in the Mach\resource\library directory.

Subdirectories, under this directory, are categorized for feeds and speeds,
machine and cutting tools. Each subdirectory also contains additional
subdirectories of ASCII or GENIUS/4000 files.
Included in each release of Unigraphics are the access mechanisms to the
ASCII text and optional GENIUS/4000 database files. Sample ASCII based
libraries are provided. GENIUS/4000 libraries are optional.
For this lesson we will only be using the ASCII libraries provided with the
If your tool requirements include hundreds or thousands of tools, consideration
should be given to the optional Genius/4000 Tooling Database Manager.


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Library Data File locations










The following pertains to library files in general:

Some library files are opened and read by the system only the first
time they are read for performance reasons

When you edit library files, keep the library references (library
references are names given to every entry in the library) unique

After editing library files, reset the configuration to force any changes
to be read

Not all the information located in the library files are retrieved into
the part file; extra fields are used to aid in selection by UGPOST and
Shop Documentation



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Activity 10-1: Preparation for modifying CAM Libraries

In order to modify libraries, you will need read/write access to the library
directory structure. Due to the number of students in this class and the need to
customize library files, it is more conducive for each student to have a copy of
the library files in their home directory. In this activity you will make a copy of
the mach\resource directory structure to your home directory and modify the
directories for read/write access. Instructions are presented for Windows NT
and Unix separately.
Windows NT:
Step 1 Copying the Mach\resource directory.

On the Unigraphics Main Menu Bar, select

HelpUnigraphics NX Log File to verify the Mach directory
being used by looking for the environment variable

Open a Windows NT Explorer window and locate the

directory from the previous action item.

Highlight the Mach\resource directory, right click on

Mach\resource directory and select Copy.

Highlight your home directory, right click on your home

directory and select Paste.

Step 2 Copying the UG environment file, ugii_env.dat to your

home directory.

From the Explorer window locate the ugii_env.dat file located

in the instal directory.

Highlight the ugii_env.dat file, right click on the ugii_env.dat

file and select Copy.

Highlight your home directory, right click on your home

directory and select Paste.

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Step 3 Edit the ugii_env.dat file to redefine your Mach\resource

directory location.

Highlight the ugii_env.dat file from your home directory, right

click on the ugii_env.dat file and select Open WithNotepad.

Scroll down the file until you find the following line:
resource\ and change the line to
where Homedrive is the letter designator of the disk drive
where your home directory is located.

Save the file and exit from Notepad.

Step 4 If necessary, change the Readonly protection on your just

created local \Mach\resource\library.

With the Windows Explorer, locate your home

\mach\resource\library directory.

Highlight the directory and with MB3 select Properties.

Uncheck ReadOnly.



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Step 5 Restart Unigraphics

Exit Unigraphics and then restart Unigraphics.

On the Unigraphics Main Menu Bar, select

HelpUnigraphics NX Log File to verify that your resource
directory is being used.

Step 1 Copying the mach/resource directory.

On the UnigraphicsMain Menu Bar, select

HelpUnigraphics NX Log File to verify the mach directory
being used by looking for the environment variable

Open a terminal window making sure that your default

directory is set to your home directory.

Copy the mach/resource directory to your home directory.

The path for the file will be the value obtained for
UGII_CAM_BASE_DIR. The format will be similar to the
cp /usr/ugsnx/mach/resource .

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Step 2 Copying the UG environment file, .ugii_env to your home


Copy the .ugii_env file located in the instal directory to your

home directory. The format will be similar to the following:
cp /usr/ugii/.ugii_env .

Step 3 Edit the .ugii_env file to redefine your mach/resource

directory location.

Edit the .ugii_env file from your home directory using the vi
or other Unix editor.

Find the following line in the .ugii_env file

and change the line to

Save the changes and exit from the editor.

Step 4 If necessary, change the Readonly protection on your just

created local /mach/resource directory to rwed.

Change the directory protection by typing the following

command.: chmod 777 ${HOME}/mach/resource

Step 5 Restart Unigraphics.


Exit Unigraphics and then restart Unigraphics.

On the Unigraphics Main Menu Bar, select

HelpUG Log File to verify that your resource directory
(based from your home directory) is being used.
This completes this activity.


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Cutting Tool Libraries

Cutting Tool Libraries contain information related to all cutting tools used in
the generation of a tool path from an operation.
To access information in the cutting tool library, from the Create Tool dialog,
selection of the Retrieve Tool button (), displays the Library Class Selection
menu for selection of the particular type of tool required for the operation
which you are about to create (milling, drilling, turning). Once the type of tool
is selected (), the Search Criteria ()dialog is displayed, which allows you to
search for tools based on certain parameters. The search is then performed
based on information contained within the tool_database.dat file (modification
of this file, for the addition of your own tool entries, will be explained later in
this lesson) and a listing of the Search Results () is then displayed. Tools can
then be selected for retrieval into your part file for later use ().

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Cutting tool data is located in the Mach\resource\library\tool\ directory.

Library Data File locations

Cutting Tool Entries













This directory contains the following five subdirectories:



ascii contains Definition and Event Handler files for ASCII text
databases. These files are used for the Data Base Connection and
usually are not modified by the user.

englishcontains the ASCII text database file (tool_database.dat)

which contains all the data records used for English tool descriptions.
This file is edited by the user when adding or modifying tool data entries to
the library.

geniuscontains the Definition and Event Handler files for Genius

databases. These files are not modified by the user.

graphicscontains part files of tool assemblies used for advanced

replays with a solid tool. These assemblies are provided with each

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metriccontains the ASCII text database file (tool_database.dat)

which contains all the data records used for metric tool descriptions.
This file is edited by the user when adding or modifying tool data entries to
the library.

The tool_database.dat files contains a list of tool data records that defines
parameters used for tool definition. This is the only file that needs to be
modified when you want to enter new tools.
A data record consists of a record type and associated parameters.
There are three record_types represented in this file. They are:

# which indicates a comment, the record is ignored.

FORMAT which describes the type of parameters of subsequent

DATA records.

DATA which consists of parameters which describe the tool.

For example:
describes the following data record:
DATA |ugt0201_001|02|01|End Mill|TMC0_00006|HSS-Co5-TiN | 320 |
Steep Taper 20 | 10.5 | 35.3| 4| 55
Tool entries can be added to the Tool Libraries by two different methods. Data
records, as described previously, can be added to the tool_database.dat file by
simply editing the file. Or existing tools from current or legacy part files can be
extracted by activating the Shop Documentation Icon (Information ->
Documentation) and selecting Export Tool Library to ASCII datafile from the
dialog box. This will export all tooling data to the file that you designate. You
then will cut the tool data record(s) from the designated file and paste it into the
tool_database.dat file.

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The following is an example of the various attributes used with the Tool Library
formats. All fields are documented within the file. Note that they are not the
same for each tool.
Tool Library Format

LIBRF Library Reference

Tool Type
Tool SubType
DESCR Description
MATREF Reference to cutter material table
MATDES Cutter material description
HLD Holding system (Type of Machine Adapter)
HLDDES Holding system description
FLEN Flute Length
Number of Flutes
HLD Tool Holding System
HLDDES Tool Holding System Description
Tool Diameter
Tool Flutes Number
Tool Length (Height)
ZOFF Tool Z Offset
DROT Tool Direction (3=clockwise, 4=counterclockwise)
FLEN Tool Flute Length (Cutting Depth)
TAPA Tool Taper Angle
COR1 Tool Corner1 Radius
HDIA Tool Holder Diameter
HLEN Tool Holder Length
HTAP Tool Holder Taper
HOFF Tool Holder Offset

DATA |ugti0201_011|02|01|End Mill 1/4 |TMC0_00006|HSSCo5TiN|300|Steep Taper
SKG30|.25 |2 |.90551 |2.87402|3 |.51181 | |0.0 |.5315 |1.21654|31. |0.0

Note that the MATREF attribute is a reference to the cutter material located in
the file \MACH\resource\library\feeds_speeds\ascii\tool_materials.dat.



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Activity 10-2: Inserting Preexisting Tools

Cutting tools within part files can be extracted and inserted into tool libraries.
This procedure will work with preV16 as well as NX part files. The following
activity will take you through the process of inserting tools from a part file into
a tool library.
Step 1 Open the preexisting part file containing tool entries.

Open the part file ama_lib_tools.prt

Step 2 Enter the Manufacturing Application.

Choose Application Manufacturing

The Operation Navigator and the Create Operation dialogs are

Step 3 Export the existing tool entries to an ASCII data file.

Choose Information Shop Documentation (or select the

Shop Documentation Icon).

The Part Documentation dialog is displayed.


Select Export Tool Library to ASCII datafile.

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Accept the default name.


Two files are created with a .html" and .dat" extension. The
.html" file is displayed in the information window when you
select OK, the .dat" file contains entries that you will use to
insert into the tool_database.dat file.



Choose OK.

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Examine the listing window to see what tools have been

exported to the data file. Note at the end of the listing window
the location and name of the .dat" file.
Step 4 Importing the tool data into the tool_database.dat" file.

Open the file, tool_database.dat, in your home

MACH\resource\library\tool\english directory (use the
Notepad editor).


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Open the data file, ama_lib_tools.dat, created from Step 3, and scroll to
the area that begins with FORMAT

# ASCII Database File : lib_tools.dat
# Creation date
: Thu May 4 14:08:00 2001
# Unit
: English
# Created from Part file : lib_tools.prt
# UG 5 Parameter Mill
# This type is for legacy tools which were converted from old
# partfile tool libraries
# LIBRF Tool Library Reference
# T
Tool Type
# ST
Tool SubType
# DESCR Description
# MATREF Tool Material Code
# MATDES Tool Material Description
DATA |EM1.25012|02|90|Milling Tool5 Parameters| | |1.25|6 |3.5|0.0 |1 |3. |0.0 |.12 |0.0
|0.0 |0.0 |0.0
DATA |EM.75006 |02|90|Milling Tool5 Parameters| | |.75 |4 |3.5|0.0 |1 |3. |0.0 |.06 |0.0
|0.0 |0.0 |0.0
DATA |EM.50006 |02|90|Milling Tool5 Parameters| | |.5 |4 |3. |0.0 |1 |2.75|0.0 |.06 |0.0
|0.0 |0.0 |0.0
DATA |EM.37503 |02|90|Milling Tool5 Parameters| | |.375|4 |2.5|0.0 |1 |2. |0.0 |.03 |0.0
|0.0 |0.0 |0.0
DATA |EM1.0050 |02|90|Milling Tool5 Parameters| | |1. |2 |2.5|0.0 |1 |2. |0.0 |.5 |0.0
|0.0 |0.0 |0.0
DATA |EM1.0006 |02|90|Milling Tool5 Parameters| | |1. |4 |3.5|0.0 |1 |3. |0.0 |.06 |0.0
|0.0 |0.0 |0.0



Select the lines beginning with FORMAT LIBRF and ending

with DATA |EM-1.00-06 (hold down MB1 and drag the
mouse through the lines).

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Select MB3, then Copy.

Select the Notepad Window containing the contents of the

file tool_database.dat (this file was previously opened).

Select MB3, then Paste the contents into the file

tool_database.dat (You can paste anywhere in the file, but it
is suggested that you paste prior to the first FORMAT line).

Save the contents of the tool_database.dat file.


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Tool Graphics Library

The Tool Graphics Library contains information related to the display of tool
assemblies configured for CAM.
Tool assemblies, which are part file assemblies, are provided in the Advanced
replay (Solid Tool) option. The Advanced replay mode displays the Tool Path
Replay dialog when an operation is Replayed. The options allow you to set
preferences such as display, tool path animation and material removal. The
Advanced replay option can be found in Preferences Operation Path Replay
Options, Replay Mode.
Assemblies are provided for turning and milling. These files are stored in the
graphics subdirectory.


For drilling and milling the tool axis is oriented in the X+ direction. For lathe
the holder is oriented in the X+ direction, the tool in the XY plane.


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Machine Tool Libraries

Machine Tool libraries contain information related to various machine tools
configured for CAM. This information is used for postprocessing.
To access information from the Machine Tool libraries, from the Machine Tool
View of the Operation Navigator, editing the Generic_Machine object (),
displays the Generic Machine Selection dialog box. Selection of the Replace
Machine button () from this dialog box, presents the Library Class Selection
menu (). Selection of the Machine type creates a query to the
machine_database.dat file (modification of this file, for the addition of your own
machine entries will be explained later in this lesson) with a listing of the Search
Results (). Machine Tools can then be selected for later use ().

Machine tool data is located in the Mach\resource\library\machine\ directory.

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Library Data File locations

Machine Tool Entries












This directory contains the following two subdirectories:


asciicontains Definition and Event Handler files for ASCII text

databases. These files are associated with the Data Base Connection
(DBC) and usually are not modified by the user. It also contains the
machine_database.dat file. This file describes the various machine
tools configured for CAM. Attributes within this file reference
machine type, machine tool manufacturer, machine description,
machine controller and postprocessor which is displayed on the Post
Process dialog.

geniuscontains the Definition and Event Handler files for Genius

databases. These files are not modified by the user.

You can add or modify machine tool information by editing the data records in
the machine_database.dat file. Data records consist of library reference
(LIBRF), machine type (T), machine tool manufacturer (MNF), description of
the machine tool (DESCR), machine controller (CNTR) and the postprocessor


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data file. Specifying the postprocessor data file specifies a specific post for that
machine tool.
Machine Tool Library Format
## The following key words for Attribute ids are defined
## LIBRF unique record identifier
## T
Machine type 1Mill machines
2Lathe machines
3Wedm machines
9Mixed machines
## MNF Manufacturer
## DESCR Short description ( for example 3 Axis Mill)
## CNTR indicating the controller of the machine
## POST the configuration file name with the list of postprocessors for this machine
(The path will be found from the search path environment variable)


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Activity 10-3: Machine Tool Libraries

In this activity you will become familiar with the procedure to access Machine
Tool data from CAM Libraries. You will see how this library is used in
conjunction with the Post Process dialog by replacing the Available Machines
with a 5axis postprocessor.
Step 1 Open the part file.

Open the part file, ama_lib_function.prt.

If necessary, enter the Manufacturing Application.

Step 2 Review available machines in the Post Process dialog.

Select the Post Process Icon.

The Post Process dialog is displayed.



Choose Cancel or Ok.

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Step 3 Change the Post Process dialog to show a 5axis machine

tool only.

If necessary change the Operation Navigator to Machine

Tool view.

Highlight the GENERIC_MACHINE, then MB3, and select


The Generic Machine dialog is displayed.

Select the Replace Machine button.

The Library Class Selection Menu is displayed.

Highlight MILL, then select OK.

The Search Result listing is displayed.

Highlight mdm010101_003 5Axis Mill, then select OK until

you are back to the Create dialog.

Select the Post Process Icon.

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The Post Process Dialog is displayed.

Notice that only the MILL_5_AXIS machine is displayed in the

Post Process dialog.

Choose the Cancel button.

You are finished with this activity and will be using this part file
in the next activity.



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Part Material Libraries

Part Material libraries contains information which is used in the calculation of
feeds and speeds. This is not the same as Part Material used in Modeling.
To select the Part Material for a Setup, select from the main menu bar Tools
Part Material. Select the desired Part Material from the Search Results list.

Part Material can also be selected for individual Geometry Groups. Part
Material data is located in the Mach\resource\library\feeds_speeds \ directory.

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Library Data File locations

Part Material Entries












This directory contains the following two subdirectories:

asciicontains Definition and Event Handler files for ASCII text

databases. These files are associated with the Data Base Connection
(DBC) and usually are not modified by the user. It also contains the
part_materials.dat file. This file defines part material used in the
calculation of feeds and speeds.

geniuscontains the Definition and Event Handler files for Genius

databases. These files are not modified by the user.

You can add or modify Part Material information by editing the data records in
the part_materials.dat file. Data records consist of material code (MATCODE),
material name (MATNAME), material description (PARTMAT), material
hardness (HARDNESS) and part material library reference (LIBREF).



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Part Materials Library Format

## The following key words for Attribute ids are defined
## MATCODE material_code
Material Code
## MATNAME material_name
Material Name (appears on the label)
## PARTMAT material_description Material Description
## HARDNESS material_hardness
Material Hardness
## LIBREF partmaterial_libref Unique record identifier
(Library Reference)
DATA|4140SE|ALLOY STEEL|FREE MACHINING ALLOY STEELS, WROUGHT Medium Carbon Resulfurized|200250 |MAT0_00059
DATA|4150|ALLOY STEEL|ALLOY STEELS, WROUGHT Medium Carbon|175225|MAT0_00104
DATA|4150|ALLOY STEEL|ALLOY STEELS, WROUGHT Medium Carbon|275325|MAT0_00106
DATA|4150|ALLOY STEEL|ALLOY STEELS, WROUGHT Medium Carbon|225275|MAT0_00105
DATA|4150|ALLOY STEEL|ALLOY STEELS, WROUGHT Medium Carbon|375425|MAT0_00108


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Activity 10-4: Part Materials Libraries

In this activity you will become familiar with accessing Part Material from the
Step 1 List all part materials which are available for selection.

Continue with the opened part, ama_lib_function.prt.

If necessary, enter the Manufacturing Application.

Select Tools Part Material from the Main menu bar.

The Search Results List is displayed.

Step 2 Select the desired part material.


Select MAT0_00105 from the Search Results list

Choose OK.

You are finished with this activity and will be using this part file
in the next activity.


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Cutting Tool Material Libraries

Cutting Tool Material libraries contains information which pertains to the
cutting tool material type used in the calculation of feeds and speeds.
To access information from the Cutting Tool libraries, in the Machine Tool View
of the Operation Navigator, editing any tool object () displays the Tool
Parameter dialog. Selection of the Material: button () from this dialog, creates
a query of the tool_materials.dat file (modification of this file, for the addition of
your own tool materials entries will be explained later in this lesson) with a
listing of the Search Results. Cutting Tool Material can then be selected from
this list ().


Cutting Tool Material data is located in the Mach\resource\library

\feeds_speeds\ directory.

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Library Data File locations

Cutting Tool Material Entries













This directory contains the following two subdirectories:


asciicontains Definition and Event Handler files for ASCII text

databases. These files are associated with the Data Base Connection
(DBC) and usually are not modified by the user. It also contains the
tool_materials.dat file. This file describes cutting tool material which
is used in feed and speed calculations. This file is used in conjunction
with the tool_database.dat file which is used for the definition of
cutting tools.

geniuscontains the Definition and Event Handler files for Genius

databases. These files are not modified by the user.

You can add or modify Cutting Tool Material information by editing the data
records in the tool_materials.dat file. Data records consist of cutting material
code (LIBREF), material name (MATNAM) and material description


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Tool Materials Library Format

## The following key words for Attribute ids are defined
## LIBREF material_code
Unique record identifier
(Library Reference)
## MATNAM material_name
Material Name (appears on the label)
## MATDESC material_description Material Description
DATA|TMC0_00001|HSS|High Speed Steel
DATA|TMC0_00002|Carbide|Carbide, Uncoated (Brazed and Solid)
DATA|TMC0_00003|Carbide|Carbide, Uncoated (Indexable)
DATA|TMC0_00004|Carbide|Carbide, Coated (Indexable TiN, TiC, and Aluminum Oxide)
DATA|TMC0_00006|HSS Coated|High Speed Steel Coated


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Activity 10-5: Cutting Tool Materials Libraries

In this activity you will become familiar with the Cutting Tool Materials data.
Cutting Tool Materials are used in the calculation of feeds and speeds.
Step 1 Accessing the Cutting Tool Material library.

Continue with the opened part, ama_lib_function.prt.

If necessary, enter the Manufacturing Application.

If necessary, change the view of the Operation Navigator to

the Machine Tool view.

Highlight UGTI0203_017, select MB3, then Edit.

The Cutting Tool Parameter list is displayed.



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Select the Material button.

The Cutting Tool Material Search list is displayed.

Select the TMC0_00003 Carbide, Uncoated (Indexable) as

the material type.

Choose OK until your are returned to the Create Operation


You are finished with this activity and will be using this part file
in the next activity.


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Cut Method Libraries

Cut Method libraries contain information which pertains to the Cut Method
type and is used in the calculation of speeds and feeds.
To access information from the Cut Method libraries, from the Machining
Method View of the Operation Navigator, editing any of the method objects
() displays the Method dialog. Selection of the Cut Method: button () from
this dialog, creates a query of the cut_methods.dat file with a listing of the
Search Results. A Cut Method can then be selected from this list ().

Cut Method data is located in the Mach\resource\library \feeds_speeds\




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Library Data File locations

Cut Method Data Entries











This directory contains the following two subdirectories:

asciicontains Definition and Event Handler files for ASCII text

databases. These files are used for the Data Base Connection (DBC)
and usually are not modified by the user. It also contains the
cut_methods.dat file. This file describes the Cut Method" used for
the Machining Method in UG/CAM. The library reference is used for
feed and speed calculations.

geniuscontains the Definition and Event Handler files for Genius

databases. These files are not modified by the user.


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Cut Methods Library Format

# ++
# ++



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Activity 10-6: Cut Method Libraries

In this activity you will become familiar with the Cut Methods library.
Step 1 Accessing the Cut Method library.

Continue with the opened part, ama_lib_function.prt.

If necessary, enter the Manufacturing Application.

If necessary, change the view of the Operation Navigator to

the Machine Method view.

Highlight MILL_ROUGH, select MB3, then Edit.


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The Mill_Method dialog is displayed.

Select the Cut Method button.

The Cutting Method Search list is displayed.

Select the OPD0_00010 MILL SIDE/SLOT MILL method.

Choose OK and notice the label on the Cut Method button.

Close the part.

You are finished with this activity.



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Feeds and Speeds Libraries

Feeds and Speeds libraries contains information which pertains to feeds and
speeds used in the generation of an Operation.
Feeds and speeds information can be accessed while editing an operation or
from any of the Operation Navigator views. Select or highlight the operation,
use MB3 and choose Object Feedrates (). The Feeds and Speeds dialog is
displayed. Selection of the Reset from Table button () from this dialog, will
calculate the feeds and speeds based on data obtained from the feeds_speeds.dat
file, part material, tool material, cut method chosen for the operation
(modification of this file will be explained later in this lesson) and Depth of




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Feeds and Speeds data are located in the Mach\resource\library \feeds_speeds\


Library Data File locations

Feeds and Speeds Data Entries











This directory contains the following two subdirectories:

asciicontains Definition and Event Handler files for ASCII text

databases. These files are associated with the Data Base Connection
(DBC) and usually are not modified by the user. It also contains the
feeds_speeds.dat file. This file is used for defining feeds and speeds in
an operation.

geniuscontains the Definition and Event Handler files for Genius

databases. These files are not modified by the user.



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You can add or modify Feeds and Speeds information by editing the data
records in the feeds_speeds.dat file. Data records consist of (LIBREF), Cut
Method Library reference (OPERTYPE), Part Material Library reference
(PARTMAT), Tool Material Library reference (TOOLMAT), Depth of Cut
(DPT_CUT_IN or DPT_CUT_MM), Surface Speed (SURF_SPEED_FPM or
SURF_SPEED_MPM) and Feed per Tooth (FEED_IPT or FEED_MMPT).
When adding entries for Feeds and Speeds, be sure that the Library Reference
for the Part Material (located in part_materials.dat), Tool Material (located in
tool_materials.dat) and Cut Method (located in cut_methods.dat) exist, are
unique and of the correct type.
Be sure to reset the configuration to force the update of the files that have been

Feeds and Speeds Library Format

Unique record identifier
(Library Reference)
# OPERTYPE cutmthd_libref
Cut Method Library Reference
part_material_libref Part Part Material Library Reference
Tool Material Library Reference
# DPT_CUT_IN dpth_of_cut
# DPT_CUT_MM dpth_of_cut
# SURF_SPEED_FPM surface_speed
Suface Speed(FPM)
# SURF_SPEED_MPM surface_speed
Suface Speed(MPM)
Feed per Tooth(IPT)
# FEED_MMPT feed_per_tooth
Feed per Tooth(MMPT)


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Activity 10-7: Feeds and Speeds

In this activity, you will set the options necessary for system generated feeds
and speeds. You will then change some of these settings to see how they affect
feeds and speeds which are calculated by the system.
Step 1 Opening the part file.

Open the part file ama_lib_act_feeds_speeds.prt and then

rename it to ***_lib_act_feeds_speeds.prt.

Enter the Manufacturing Application.

The Operation Navigator is displayed.

Step 2 Defining the Part Material.

You only need to define the Part material once.

Change the Operation Navigator to the Geometry View.

Highlight Workpiece, then MB3, Edit.

The Mill_Geom dialog is displayed.

Choose the Material button.

The Search Result window is displayed. You will select the

material type from here.



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Select Aluminum from the list and then choose OK until the
Create Operation dialog is displayed.

Step 3 Defining the Cut Method.

You will now define the Cut Method by editing the Mill Rough

Change the Operation Navigator to the Method View.

Highlight Workpiece, then MB3, Edit.

The Mill Method dialog is displayed.

Choose the Cut Method button.


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The Search Result dialog is displayed.

From this dialog, you can choose the type of cutting.

Select End Milling and then choose OK until you return to

the Create dialog.

Step 4 Defining the Tool Material.

You can define the tool material when you first create a tool or
when editing an existing tool.
In this case, you are going to edit an existing tool.

Change the Operation Navigator to the Tool View.

Highlight the UGTI0201_013 tool name, then MB3, edit.

The Milling Tool 5 Parameters dialog is displayed. Note the

lower portion of the dialog. This is where you define the Tool
Material. Right now the material type is HSS COATED.

Choose the Material button.

The available tool material types are displayed.



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Select TMCO_00002 Carbide on the list, then choose OK

until you return to the Create menu.

Remember, you could have also changed the Material type from
within the operation by editing the tool description.
Step 5 Defining the Cut Depth.
This option is set from within the operation and is used in the
calculation of feeds and speeds.
You are now going to edit an existing operation.

Change the Operation Navigator to the Program View.

Highlight the operation named Cavity Mill,then MB3, edit.

The Cavity_Mill dialog is displayed.

Select the Cut Levels button under Control Geometry.

The Cut Levels dialog is displayed.

Under the Depth per Cut box, key in .375.

Choose OK until the Create Operation dialog is displayed.

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Step 6 Setting the Feeds and Speeds.

Highlight the Cavity_Mill operation.

Use MB3 and choose ObjectFeedrates.

The Feeds and Speeds dialog is displayed.

Choose the Reset from Table button.



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The feeds and speeds parameters are calculated and displayed

in the value fields.


Choose OK to return to the Create Operation dialog.

Resetting the speeds and feeds turns off the inheritance

of feed rates from the method parent.

Step 7 Changing the tool material and adjusting the Feeds and
You are going to change the tool material then recalculate the
Feeds and Speeds for the operation.

Change the Operation Navigator to the Machine Tool View.

Highlight the UGTI0201_013 tool name, then MB3, edit.

Choose the Material button.

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The Search Result dialog is displayed.

Select TMCO_00001 HSS on the list, then choose OK until

you return to the Create menu.

Change the Operation Navigator to the Program View.

Highlight the Cavity_Mill operation.

Choose ObjectFeedrates.

Choose Reset from Table.

Notice the change in the speeds and feeds

Save and close the part file.

You have completed the activity and the lesson.



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Libraries are used for numerous applications in

the Manufacturing Application. Libraries are
convenient and easy tools that can be used to
access reference data with respect to cutting
tool, machine tool, part material, cutting tool
material, cut method and feeds and speeds.
In this lesson you:

Reviewed Cutting Tool Libraries

Inserted preexisting cutting tools into


Reviewed the Tool Graphics Library

Reviewed the Machine Tool, Part Material,

Cutting Tool Material and Cut Method

Changed various option settings to show

their effect on feeds and speeds


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Hole Making


Hole Making

Lesson 11



In this lesson, you will learn how to create and

optimize a Hole Making program.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Create a hole making program that machines

simple, countersunk, and counterbore holes

Identify where tools must be edited or created and

apply the necessary changes

Tag simple geometry so it will be recognized as

machinable features

Optimize the program

This lesson contains the following activities:



11-1 Machining Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6

11-2 Tagging Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-35
11-3 Optimizing a Spot Drill Subprogram . . . . . . . . . . . 11-40

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Hole Making Overview

Hole Making is an advanced Manufacturing application that automates the
creation of operations such as spot drilling, drilling, countersinking,
counterboring, reaming, tapping, and deburring through the use of intelligent
models containing manufacturing features (User Defined Features, User
Defined Attributes, and UG Based Features) and embedded machining rules.

Manufacturing features contain information that allows the CAM system to

make machining decisions based on rules defined in templates and applied
through Knowledge Fusion. Manufacturing features most commonly consist of
Unigraphics modeled features such as simple, countersunk, and counterbore
holes and simple geometry such as points and arcs that contain attributed
information describing the shape and size of holes. The system groups similar
features together (simple holes of a particular diameter, for example), creates
appropriate operations, chooses appropriate tools, specifies cut methods and
machining parameters, and outputs optimized tool paths.


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Hole Making

A template is a part file that contains predefined manufacturing features,

feature groups, tools, operations, machining rules, and adopted operations. The
feature groups defined in the template contain features modeled in various

ways that the Hole Making processor will recognize in your part. A countersunk
hole, for example, can be a fully modeled feature or simply a point with
attributed information that describes its shape and size. The system makes
intelligent decisions about how to machine these feature groups based on
Knowledge Fusion Rules.

Knowledge Fusion Rules are associated with feature groups through Adopted
Operations displayed in the Knowledge Fusion Navigator. This association
allows the system to apply specific machining rules to feature groups so that the
features can be machined correctly.

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Feature Groups
The Geometry view of the Operation Navigator associates manufacturing
features with feature groups. Feature groups organize operations according to
feature type. The feature group named SIMPLE_HOLE for example, contains
all operations (spot drill, drill, ream) that need to be performed on simple holes
of a particular diameter.

The Knowledge Fusion Navigator

The Knowledge Fusion Navigator displays adopted operations. Adopted
operations are operations to which machining rules have been applied using
Knowledge Fusion.
When you create a program to machine simple hole features for example, the
adopted operations that apply to the machining of simple holes are copied into
the part file. The machining rules embedded in these adopted operations
determine which operations to use in the NC/CNC program based on the
properties and attributes of the features in the part. The operations that are not
needed are suppressed and are not displayed in the Operation Navigator.


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To display the Knowledge Fusion Navigator you would choose

ApplicationKnowledge Fusion from the menu bar. You would then choose the
Knowledge Fusion Navigator tab in the resource bar.
Editing Knowledge Fusion Rules requires a working knowledge of the language
in which the Knowledge Fusion Rules are written and is typically not done by
the enduser, so the Knowledge Fusion Navigator will not be emphasized in this

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Hole Making

Activity 11-1: Machining Holes

In this activity, you will create hole making operations that machine simple,
countersunk, and counterbore.
Step 1 Open an existing part, save with a new name and enter
the Manufacturing Application.

Open the part ama_holemaking.prt.

Use the SaveAs option under File on the menu bar and
rename the part to ***_holemaking.prt where *** represents
your initials.

Choose ApplicationManufacturing.

Step 2 Define the Machining Environment.

The Machining Environment dialog displays because the
part has not been saved in the Manufacturing application.
The CAM Setup you choose determines the template that
will be used to define the machining environment.


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Choose cam_general as the CAM Session Configuration.

Choose hole_making as the CAM Setup.

Hole_making is the standard CAM Setup supplied with the

system. Other setups may also be available depending on
your working environment.

Choose Initialize.

Step 3 Display Feature Properties.

You will display the feature name of a countersunk hole.

Choose the Select Features icon.

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Select the countersunk hole illustrated below.

Choose MB3, then select Properties.

In the Feature Properties dialog, the feature name is

Because the hole making template also contains a feature

called COUNTER_SUNK_HOLE, the system will recognize
this feature and will apply the appropriate machining rules
based on the shape, size, and surface finish of the feature.

Cancel the Feature Properties dialog.

Step 4 Display Object Properties.

You will display the properties of an attributed point.


Choose the Select General Objects icon.

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Select the point illustrated below.

Choose MB3, then select Properties.

In the Point Properties dialog, choose the Attributes tab.

Notice the feature name is SIMPLE_HOLE.

Since the hole making template also contains an attributed

point called SIMPLE_HOLE, the system will recognize this
point as a feature and will apply the appropriate machining
rules based on the attributes.

Cancel the Point Properties dialog.

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Step 5 Examine the Hole Making Template.

You will take a look at the Hole Making template.
Remember, you specified this template when you chose
hole_making as the CAM Setup. You will see that this
template contains a countersunk hole feature and an
attributed point similar to the ones you just looked at in your


In the menu bar, choose Window More Parts.

Choose hole_making in the Change Displayed Part dialog

and then choose OK.

Choose the Select Features icon.

Select the countersunk hole illustrated below.

Use MB3, choose Properties.

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In the Feature Properties dialog, notice that the feature

name, COUNTER_SUNK_HOLE, is the same as the one in
your part.

Because your part contains machinable features called

COUNTER_SUNK_HOLE, the system will recognize all
occurrences of this feature and will apply the appropriate
rules for machining.

Cancel the Feature Properties dialog.

Choose the Select General Objects icon.

Select the point illustrated below.

Use MB3, choose Properties.

In the Point Properties dialog, choose the Attributes tab.

Notice the feature name is SIMPLE_HOLE.

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Because your part contains attributed points called

SIMPLE_HOLE, the system will recognize all occurrences of
this point as a machinable feature and will apply the
appropriate rules for machining.

Cancel the Point Properties dialog.

In the menu bar, choose Window ***_holemaking to

display the part.

Step 6 Specify an Appropriate Tool Axis.

You will specify a tool axis allowing the system to create tool
paths for holes at any angle (this would be applicable for a
5axis machine only).


Doubleclick the Operation Navigator tab in the resource

bar and undock the Operation Navigator (using the Ctrl key)
so it displays in a separate window.

Choose the Geometry View icon in the toolbar to display the

Geometry View of the Operation Navigator.

Doubleclick on the MCS icon in the Operation Navigator.

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Be sure the Tool Axis option is set to All Axes.

Choose OK to accept the tool axis.

Step 7 Specify the Part Geometry.

You will specify the solid body as the part geometry.

Doubleclick on the Workpiece icon in the Operation


Be sure the Part icon is chosen and choose Select.

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Select the solid body.

Choose OK to accept the Part Geometry.

Choose OK to accept the MILL_GEOM dialog.

Step 8 Create Operations to Machine Simple Holes.

You are now ready to create the operations that machine the
simple holes.


Choose the Create Geometry icon in the toolbar.

Choose the SIMPLE_HOLE icon and be sure the Parent

Group option is set to Workpiece.

Choose OK to create the operations.

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The system will take a few moments to process.

Once the processing is complete, choose OK in the

SIMPLE_HOLE dialog to accept DIAMETER as the
classification criteria.
By choosing Diameter as the classification criteria, you have
specified that each feature group will contain operations
associated with simple holes of a particular diameter.

Display the Geometry view of the Operation Navigator and

expand the feature groups.
Notice in the Operation Navigator that two simple hole
feature groups, SIMPLE_HOLE and SIMPLE_HOLE_1
were created. The simple holes in this part had only two
diameters. The simple holes of one diameter require spot
drilling, predrilling, drilling, and deburring. The simple
holes of the other diameter require spot drilling, predrilling,
and drilling.

Your results may differ slightly from those

illustrated above. Since the system assigns feature group
numbers randomly, the operations listed in one feature
group here (SIMPLE_HOLE) might be listed in the other
feature group in your part.

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Step 9 View the Information Window.

The Information window displays a record of the data that
was processed and the output that was generated.

Enlarge the Information window and examine the contents.

The processor used the SIMPLE_HOLE template, found ten
simple hole features in the part and classified these features
into two feature groups according to diameter.

Dismiss the Information window.

Step 10 Examine the Feature Groups.


Doubleclick on the SIMPLE_HOLE feature group icon in

the Operation Navigator.

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The associated features, all of which have the same

diameter, are highlighted on the part. Again, your results
may be different for this particular feature group because the
system numbers the feature groups randomly. If
doubleclicking on SIMPLE_HOLE does not highlight the
holes illustrated below, doubleclick on SIMPLE_HOLE_1.

Choose Cancel to dismiss the Simple Hole dialog.

Step 11 Perform a Tool Query.

The Machining Method view allows you to perform a tool
query which displays the attributes the machining rules used
when selecting tools for each machining method.

Choose the Machining Method View icon in the toolbar to

display the Machining Method view of the Operation

Expand the Machining Method Groups.

Doubleclick on the SPOT_DRILL_METHOD group icon.

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Choose Class under Tool Query.

The Library Class Selection dialog indicates that Spot Drill is

the class of tool used for spot drilling operations.

Cancel the Library Class Selection dialog.

Choose Query under Tool Query.

This dialog displays the parameters for this tool class and the
specific Knowledge Fusion Rule that was applied. Editing
these items requires a working knowledge of the language in
which the Knowledge Fusion Rules are written and is
typically not done by the enduser, so it will not be covered

Cancel the Query from Method dialog.

Cancel the hole_making dialog.

Step 12 Generate the Spot Drill Tool Paths.

You will display the tools and generate the tool paths for the
Spot Drill operations.


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Display the Program Order View of the Operation


Doubleclick on the SPOT_DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE

operation to display the operation dialog.

Choose the Edit Display icon under Tool Path and set the
Tool Display option to 3D.

Choose OK to accept the Display Options.

Generate the tool path. Your tool path might differ slightly.

Notice at the end of the part that only the outermost

horizontal holes are spot drilled and that the operation does
not attempt to incorrectly spot drill the inner holes. This
occurs because each pair of holes (the two holes drilled from
the left and the two holes drilled from the right) was
correctly modeled as a single feature.

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Single Feature

OK to accept the operation.

Step 13 Generate the PreDrill Tool Path.

You will display the tools and generate the tool path for the

Doubleclick on the PRE_DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE

operation to display the operation dialog.

Choose the Edit Display icon under Tool Path and set the
Tool Display option to 3D.

Choose OK to accept the Display Options.

Generate the tool path.

Notice that the tool is not long enough to drill through the
fork at the end of the part. This is a case where you will need
to edit the length of the tool.


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Step 14 Edit the Tool Length.

Choose the Groups tab.

With Tool:UGT0301_009 chosen, choose Edit.

Choose OK to the warning message.

Change the Length to 425.

Choose OK.

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Choose OK to the warning message.

Choose the Main tab.

Generate the tool path.

The tools are now long enough to drill the full depth of the

OK to complete the operation.

Step 15 Generate the Drill Tool Path

You will display the tools and generate the tool path for the


Doubleclick on the DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE operation to

display the operation dialog.

Choose the Edit Display icon under Tool Path and set the
Tool Display option to 3D.

OK to accept the Display Options.

Generate the tool path.

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Again, the tool is not long enough to drill through the fork at
the end of the part. You will need to edit the length of the
tool as you did before.

Change the length of the tool to 425 and regenerate the tool
path as you did before.

Choose OK to complete the operation.

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Step 16 Generate the Spot Drill Tool Path.

You will display the tools and generate the tool path for the

Doubleclick on the SPOT_DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE_1

operation to display the operation dialog.

Choose the Edit Display icon under Tool Path and set the
Tool Display option to 3D.

Choose OK to accept the Display Options.

Generate the tool path.

This operation spot drills the 60 mm diameter holes defined

by attributes. If you look closely, you will notice that there
are no hole features modeled.

Choose OK to accept the operation.

Step 17 Generate the PreDrill Tool Path.

You will display the tools and generate the tool path for the


Doubleclick on the PRE_DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE_1

operation to display the operation dialog.

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Choose the Edit Display icon under Tool Path and set the
Tool Display option to 3D.

Choose OK to accept the Display Options.

Generate the tool path.

Choose OK to complete the operation.

Step 18 Generate the Drill Tool Path.

You will display the tools and generate the tool path for the
DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE_1 operation.

Doubleclick on the DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE_1 operation

to display the operation dialog.

Choose the Edit Display icon under Tool Path and set the
Tool Display option to 3D.

Choose OK to accept the Display Options.

Generate the tool path.

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This time you receive an error message stating that no tool

has been specified.

The hole making template does not contain the tool required
to drill the 60 mm diameter holes.

Choose OK to the error message.

Choose OK to the operation.

Step 19 Adding a Tool.

You should check to be sure that every operation contains a
tool. The best way to do this is to look at the Geometry View
of the Operation Navigator. You can then add the required


Display the Geometry View of the Operation Navigator.

Expand the SIMPLE_HOLE feature groups until you find

the operation that does not have a tool.

You can display the diameter and depth of the holes defined
by the attributed points by selecting one of the points and
choosing MB3Properties as you did earlier.

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You will find that the holes have a diameter of 60 and a

depth of 110. Now you can create the required tool.

Doubleclick the DRILL_SIMPLE_HOLE_1 operation icon

to edit the operation.

Choose the Groups tab.

Notice that the Tool option says NONE.

Choose Select.

Choose New.

Choose the STD_DRILL icon and then OK to accept it.

Key in 60 in the Diameter field.

Key in 200 in the Length field.

Choose OK to create the tool.

Choose the Main tab.

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Generate the tool path.

Choose OK to complete the operation.

Step 20 Creating Operations to Machine the Counterbore Holes.

Next, you will create the operations that machine the
counterbore holes.


Choose the Create Geometry icon in the toolbar.

Choose the CB_HOLE icon and be sure the Parent Group

option is set to Workpiece.

Choose OK to create the operations.

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The system will take a few moments to process.

Once the processing is complete, choose OK in the

CB_HOLE dialog to accept HOLE DIAMETER and
CBORE DIAMETER as the classification criteria.

Dismiss the Information window.

Notice that one of the operations does not have a tool.

Step 21 Adding a Tool.

You must first identify the features that are associated with
the CB_HOLE feature group. You can then analyze the
feature to identify the diameter and depth of the holes.

Doubleclick on the CB_HOLE feature group icon.

Choose Display.

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The vector clearly identifies one of the features associated

with the CB_HOLE feature group.

Cancel the CB_HOLE dialog.

Choose InformationFeature from the toolbar.

Select the counterbore hole illustrated below.

OK the Feature Browser dialog.

The Information window indicates that the counterbore
diameter is 50 and the counterbore depth is 20.


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Dismiss the Information window.

Now you can create the required tool.

Doubleclick the CBORE_CB_HOLE operation icon to edit

the operation.

Choose the Groups tab.

Notice that the Tool option says NONE.

Choose Select.

Choose New.

Choose the COUNTER_BORE icon and OK to accept it.

Key in 50 in the Diameter field.

Choose OK to create the tool.

Choose OK to complete the operation.

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All of the operations within the CB_HOLE feature group

now contain tools.

Step 22 Generate the Tool Paths for the Counterbore Holes.


Highlight the CB_HOLE feature group and choose

MB3Generate to generate the tool paths.

Choose OK to accept each one of the tool paths.

Save the part file.

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You have completed this activity.

Next, you will learn how to tag simple geometry such as
points and arcs so that the hole making processor recognizes
them as machinable features.

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Hole Making


The hole making processor recognizes NX based features such as simple holes,
countersunk holes, counterbore holes, and symbolic threads as machinable
features and applies appropriate machining rules based on their shape, size,
and other attributes such as surface finish. Simple geometry such as points and
arcs, however, can only be recognized by the hole making processor if they are
tagged. Recall in the previous activity that you were able to machine holes
where only tagged points represented the holes.

You were able to machine these points because they had been previously tagged
as simple holes with a specific diameter and depth. Tagging allows you to apply
attributes such as feature name, diameter, depth, tip angle, and surface finish
so that the system can recognize simple geometry as machinable features and
apply appropriate machining rules.


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Hole Making

Activity 11-2: Tagging Points

In this activity, you will learn to tag points so that the hole making processor
recognizes them as simple holes.
Step 1 Tag Points with Attributes.

Continue using ***_holemaking.prt.

Choose ToolsTaggingPoint Tagging from the menu bar.

Display the menu options next to Feature Name to see the

different feature names that can be attributed.

Be sure SIMPLE_HOLE is specified as the Feature Name.

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Fill in the following values in the Tagging Attributes to Points

dialog. Be sure the Surface Finish field has been blanked out
and that the Tolerance field says H7.

Specifying a tolerance of H7 will cause the hole making

processor to include a reaming operation.


Select the point as illustrated below.

Choose Apply.

Select each of the remaining three points, choosing Apply

after selecting each point so that the attributes are applied to
each one.

Choose OK to accept the Tagging Attributes to Points dialog.

Choose OK to the message dialog to complete the tagging.

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Step 2 Create Operations to Machine the Simple Holes.

You can now create the operations that machine the simple

Choose the Create Geometry icon in the toolbar.

Choose the SIMPLE_HOLE icon and be sure the Parent

Group option is set to Workpiece.

Choose OK to create the operations.

Once the processing is complete, choose OK in the

SIMPLE_HOLE dialog to accept DIAMETER as the
classification criteria.

Dismiss the Information window.

Step 3 Generate the Tool Paths for the Simple Holes.

Highlight the SIMPLE_HOLE_2 feature group and

MB3Generate to generate the tool paths.

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Hole Making


Choose OK to accept each one of the tool paths.

If you like, you can doubleclick on each operation, choose
the Edit Display icon under Tool Path, set the Tool Display
option to 3D and Replay the tool path to see the tools.

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity.


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Hole Making

Optimization improves machining efficiency by consolidating tools to minimize
the number of tools used, reordering operations to eliminate redundant tool
changes, and resequencing features to minimize the tool travel distance.

The Optimization dialog displays three options:

Consolidate Tools causes the program to use as few tools as possible

without compromising the effectiveness of the machining.

Minimize Tool Changes reorders operations to minimize the number

of tool changes that occur within the program. The system does this
without violating operation order constraints. For instance a drilling
operation will never be placed before a spot drilling operation.

Create Optimization Group creates groups containing operations that

define an optimal tool path. Features cut with the same tool are
resequenced to minimize tool travel distance within and between

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Hole Making

Activity 11-3: Optimizing a Spot Drill Subprogram

In this activity, you will examine an unoptimized spot drill subprogram and then
observe how optimization improves efficiency.
Step 1 Open an existing part, save with a new name and enter
the Manufacturing Application.

Open the part ama_optimization.prt.

Use the SaveAs option under File on the menu bar and
rename the part to ***_optimization.prt where ***
represents your initials.

Choose ApplicationManufacturing.

Step 2 Generate the Unoptimized Tool Paths.

You will generate the tool paths for the existing
SPOT_DRILL suboperation to illustrate the inefficiency of
the tool movements.
In the Program Order View, notice the excessive number of
tool changes.


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Choose the SPOT DRILL suboperation icon and


Turn the Pause After Each Path and Refresh Before Each
Path options off.

Choose OK to generate and display all of the tool paths for

the DRILL suboperation.

Choose OK to accept the tool paths.

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Notice the excessive and somewhat disorganized noncutting

tool movements.

It is much more efficient to use one tool where possible

regardless of feature type and to minimize tool changes and
traversals. You will see how optimization can accomplish
Step 3 Optimize the Program.
Optimization should be done in the Program Order view.
This will allow you to observe the reordering of operations
and the creation of Optimization groups.


Choose the SPOT_DRILL subprogram icon in the

Operation Navigator and choose MB3ObjectOptimize.

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Be sure all three options are turned on and then choose OK

to begin the optimization.
The system will take a few moments to process.

When processing is complete, expand the Optimization

The number of tool changes has been reduced to four.

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Hole Making


Step 4 Generate the Optimized Tool Paths.


Choose the OPTIMIZE_NC_3 icon and then choose

MB3Generate to generate the tool path for this
optimization group.

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Choose OK to complete the tool path generation.

The system no longer machines manufacturing features in
order according to feature type. Now, as illustrated below, all
manufacturing features that can be cut by the same tool
regardless of feature type are grouped and an optimal tool
path is generated to minimize tool travel distance.


Choose the SPOT_DRILL icon and then choose

MB3Generate to generate tool paths for all of the
optimization subprograms.

Save the part file.

You have completed this activity and the lesson.

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Hole Making



Hole Making is an advanced application that

automates the creation of operations such as
spot drilling, drilling, countersinking,
counterboring, reaming, tapping, and deburring
through the use of intelligent models
containing manufacturing features (User
Defined Features, User Defined Attributes,
and NX Based Features) and embedded
machining rules.
In this lesson you:


Created a hole making program that

machines simple, countersunk, and
counterbore holes

Identified where tools must be edited or

created and applied the necessary changes

Tagged simple geometry so it would be

recognized as machinable features

Optimized a program

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ABS - Absolute coordinate system.

Absolute Coordinate System - Coordinate system in which all geometry is located
from a fixed or absolute zero point.
active view - One of up to 49 views per layout in which you can directly work.
angle - In Unigraphics, an angle measured on the XY plane of a coordinate
system is positive if the direction that it is swept is counterclockwise as viewed from
the positive Z axis side of the XY plane. An angle swept in the opposite direction
is said to be negative.
arc - An incomplete circle; sometimes used interchangeably with the term circle."
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a set of 8bit
binary numbers representing the alphabet, punctuation, numerals, and other
special symbols used in text representation and communications protocol.
aspect ratio - The ratio of length to height which represents the change in size of a
symbol from its original.
assembly - A collection of piece parts and subassemblies representing a product.
In Unigraphics, an assembly is a part file which contains components.
assembly part - A Unigraphics part file which is a userdefined, structured
combination of subassemblies, components and/or objects.
associativity - The ability to tie together (link) separate pieces of information to
aid in automating the design, drafting, and manufacture of parts in Unigraphics.
attributes - Pieces of information that can be associated with Unigraphics
geometry and parts such as assigning a name to an object.
block font - A Unigraphics character font which is the default font used for
creating text in drafting objects and dimensions.
body - Class of objects containing sheets and solids (see solid body and sheet body).
bottomup modeling - Modeling technique where component parts are designed
and edited in isolation of their usage within some higher level assembly. All
assemblies using the component are automatically updated when opened to reflect
the geometric edits made at the piece part level.

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boundary - A set of geometric objects that describes the containment of a part

from a vantage point.
CAD/CAM - Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing.
category, layer - A name assigned to a layer, or group of layers. A category, if
descriptive of the type of data found on the layers to which it is assigned, will assist
the user in identifying and managing data in a part file.
chaining - A method of selecting a sequence of curves which are joined
circle - A complete and closed arc, sometimes used interchangeably with the term
component - A collection of objects, similar to a group, in an assembly part. A
component may be a subassembly consisting of other, lower level components.
component part - The part file or master" pointed to by a component within an
assembly. The actual geometry is stored in the component part and referenced, not
copied, by the assembly. A separate Unigraphics part file that the system associates
with a component object in the assembly part.
cone direction - Defines the cone direction using the Vector Subfunction.
cone origin - Defines the base origin using the Point Subfunction.
half angle - The half vertex angle defines the angle formed by the axis of the cone
and its side.
constraints - Refer to the methods you can use to refine and limit your sketch.
The methods of constraining a sketch are geometric and dimensional.
construction points - Points used to create a spline. Construction points may be
used as poles (control vertices), defining points, or data points. See POLES,
control point - Represents a specific location on an existing object. A line has
three control points: both end points and the midpoint of the line. The control
point for a closed circle is its center, while the control points for an open arc are its
end and midpoints. A spline has a control point at each knot point. A control point
is a position on existing geometry. Any of the following points: 1. Existing Points 2.
Endpoints of conics 3. Endpoints and midpoints of open arcs 4. Center points of
circles 5. Midpoints and endpoints of lines 6. Endpoints of splines.
convert curve - A method of creating a bcurve in which curves (lines, arcs, conics
or splines) may be selected for conversion into a bcurve.


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Coordinate System - A system of axes used in specifying positions (CSYS).

counterclockwise - The righthand rule determines the counter clockwise
direction. If the thumb is aligned with the ZC axis and pointing in the positive
direction, counterclockwise is defined as the direction the fingers would move from
the positive XC axis to the positive YC axis.
current layout - The layout currently displayed on the screen. Layout data is kept
in an intermediate storage area until it is saved.
curve - A curve in Unigraphics is any line, arc, conic, spline or bcurve. A
geometric object; this may refer to a line, an arc, a conic, or a spline.
defaults - Assumed values when they are not specifically defined.
defining points - Spline construction points. Splines created using defining points
are forced to pass through the points. These points are guaranteed to be on the
degreeoffreedom arrows - Arrowlike indicators that show areas that require
more information to fully constrain a sketch.
design in context - The ability to directly edit component geometry as it is
displayed in the assembly. Geometry from other components can be selected to aid
in the modeling. Also referred to as edit in place.
dimensional constraint - This is a scalar value or expression which limits the
measure of some geometric object such as the length of a line, the radius of an arc,
or the distance between two points.
directory - A hierarchical file organization structure which contains a list of
filenames together with information for locating those files.
displayed part - The part currently displayed in the graphics window.
edit in place - See design in context.
emphasize work part - A color coding option which helps distinguish geometry in
the work part from geometry in other parts within the same assembly.
endpoint - An endpoint of a curve or an existing point.
expression - An arithmetic or conditional statement that has a value. Expressions
are used to control dimensions and the relationships between dimensions of a
face - A region on the outside of a body enclosed by edges.

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feature - An allencompassing term which refers to all solids, bodies, and

file - A group or unit of logically related data which is labeled or named" and
associated with a specified space. In Unigraphics, parts, and patterns are a few
types of files.
filtering - See object filtering.
font box - A rectangle or box" composed of dashed line objects. The font box
defines the size, width and spacing of characters belonging to a particular font.
font, character - A set of characters designed at a certain size, width and spacing.
font, line - Various styles of lines and curves, such as solid, dashed, etc.
free form feature - A body of zero thickness. (see body and sheet body)
generator curve - A contiguous set of curves, either open or closed, that can be
swept or revolved to create a body.
geometric constraint - A relationship between one or more geometric objects that
forces a limitation. For example, two lines that are perpendicular or parallel
specifies a geometric constraint.
grid - A rectangular array of implied points used to accurately align locations
which are entered by using the screen position" option.
guide curve - A set of contiguous curves that define a path for a sweep operation.
virtual intersection - Intersection formed by extending two line segments that do
not touch to the position that they cross. The line segments must be nonparallel
and coplanar.
inflection - A point on a spline where the curve changes from concave to convex,
or vice versa.
interactive step - An individual menu in a sequence of menus used in performing a
Unigraphics function.
isometric view (TfrISO) - Isometric view orientation - one where equal distances
along the coordinate axes are also equal to the view plane. One of the axes is
knot points - The defining points of a spline. Points along a Bspline, representing
the endpoints of each spline segment.


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layer - A layer is a partition of a part. Layers are analogous to the transparent

material used by conventional designers. For example, the user may create all
geometry on one layer, all text and dimensions on a second, and tool paths on a
layout - A collection of viewports or window areas, in which views are displayed.
The standard layouts in Unigraphics include one, two, four or six viewports.
layouts - Standard layouts are available to the user. These include:
L1 - Single View,
L2 - Two Views,
L3 - Two Views,
L4 - Four Views,
L6 - Six Views.


Information window - The window used in listing operations, such as Info.

loaded part - Any part currently opened and in memory. Parts are loaded explicitly
using the FileOpen option and implicitly when they are used in an assembly being
menu - A list of options from which the user makes a selection.
model space - The coordinate system of a newly created part. This is also referred
to as the absolute coordinate system." Any other coordinate system may be
thought of as a rotation and/or translation of the absolute coordinate system.
name, expression - - The name of an expression is the single variable on the left
hand side of the expression. All expression names must be unique in a part file.
Each expression can have only one name. See expression.
objects - All geometry within the Unigraphics environment.
offset face - A Unigraphics surface type created by projecting (offsetting) points
along all the normals of a selected surface at a specified distance to create a true"
options - A number of various alternatives (functions, modes, parameters, etc.)
from among which the user can choose.
origin - The point X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0 for any particular coordinate system.
parametric design - Concept used to define and control the relationships between
the features of a model. Concept where the features of the model are defined by
part - A Unigraphics file containing a .prt extension. It may be a piece part
containing model geometry, a subassembly, or a toplevel assembly.

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part or model - A collection of Unigraphics objects which together may represent

some object or structure.
partially loaded part - A component part which, for performance reasons, has not
been fully loaded. Only those portions of the component part necessary to render
the higher level assembly are initially loaded (the reference set).
point set - A distribution of points on a curve between two bounding points on that
Point Subfunction Menu - A list of options (methods) by which positions can be
specified in Unigraphics.
readonly part - A part for which the user does not have write access privilege.
real time dynamics - Produces smooth pan, zoom, and rotation of a part, though
placing great demand on the CPU.
Refresh - A function which causes the system to refresh the display list on the
viewing screen. This removes temporary display items and fills in holes left by Blank
or Delete.
righthand rule, conventional - The righthand rule is used to determine the
orientation of a coordinate system. If the origin of the coordinate system is in the
palm of the right fist, with the back of the hand lying on a table, the outward
extension of the index finger corresponds to the positive Y axis, the upward
extension of the middle finger corresponds to the positive Z axis, and the outward
extension of the thumb corresponds to the positive X axis.
righthand rule for rotation - The righthand rule for rotation is used to associate
vectors with directions of rotation. When the thumb is extended and aligned with a
given vector, the curled fingers determine the associated direction of rotation.
Conversely, when the curled fingers are held so as to indicate a given direction of
rotation, the extended thumb determines the associated vector.
screen cursor (cursor) - A marker on the screen which the user moves around
using some position indicator device. Used for indicating positions, selecting
objects, etc. Takes the form of a fullscreen cross.
sheet - A object consisting of one or more faces not enclosing a volume. A body of
zerothickness. Also called sheet body.)
sketch - A collection of geometric objects that closely approximates the outline of
a particular design. You refine your sketch with dimensional and geometric
constraints until you achieve a precise representation of your design. The sketch
can then be extruded or revolved to obtain a 3D object or feature.


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Sketch Coordinate System (SCS) - The SCS is a coordinate system which

corresponds to the plane of the sketch. When a sketch is created the WCS is
changed to the SCS of the new sketch.
solid body - An enclosed volume. A type of body (see Body).
spline - A smooth freeform curve.
stored layout - The last saved version of a layout.
stored view - The last saved version of a view.
string - A contiguous series of lines and/or arcs connected at their end points.
subassembly - A part which both contains components and is itself used as a
component in higherlevel assemblies.
surface - The underlying geometry used to define a face on a sheet body. A
surface is always a sheet but a sheet is not necessarily a surface (see sheet body).
The underlying geometry used to define the shape of a face on a sheet.
system - The Unigraphics System.
temporary part - An empty part which is optionally created for any component
parts which cannot be found in the process of opening an assembly.
topdown modeling - Modeling technique where component parts can be created
and edited while working at the assembly level. Geometric changes made at the
assembly level are automatically reflected in the individual component part when
trim - To shorten or extend a curve.
trimetric view (TfrTri) - A viewing orientation which provides you with an
excellent view of the principal axes. In Unigraphics II, the trimetric view has the
Zaxis vertical. The measure along the Xaxis is 7/8 of the measure along Z, and the
measure along the Yaxis is 3/4 of the measure along Z.
Unigraphics - A computer based turnkey graphics system for computeraided
design, drafting, and manufacturing, produced by UGS.
units - The unit of measure in which you may work when constructing in
Unigraphics. Upon log on, you may define the unit of measure as inches or
upgraded component - A component which was originally created preV10 but has
been opened in V10 and upgraded to remove the duplicate geometry.

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version - A term which identifies the state of a part with respect to a series of
modifications that have been made to the part since its creation.
view - A particular display of the model. View parameters include view orientation
matrix; center; scale; X,Y and Z clipping bounds; perspective vector; drawing
reference point and scale. Eight standard views are available to the user: Top,
Front, Right, Left, Bottom, Back, TfrISO (topfrontright isometric), and TfrTri
(topfrontright trimetric).
view dependent edit - A mode in which the user can edit a part in the current work
view only.
view dependent modifications - Modifications to the display of geometry in a
particular view. These include erase from view and modify color, font and width.
view dependent geometry - Geometry created within a particular view. It will only
be displayed in that view.
WCS - Work Coordinate System.
WCS, work plane - The WCS (Work Coordinate System) is the coordinate system
singled out by the user for use in construction, verification, etc. The coordinates of
the WCS are called work coordinates and are denoted by XC, YC, ZC. The XCYC
plane is called the work plane.
Work Coordinate System - See WCS.
work layer - The layer on which geometry is being constructed. You may create
objects on only one layer at a time.
work part - The part in which you create and edit geometry. The work part can be
your displayed part or any component part which is contained in your displayed
assembly part. When displaying a piece part, the work part is always the same as
the displayed part.
work view - The view in which work is being performed. When the creation mode
is view dependent, any construction and view dependent editing that is performed
will occur only in the current work view.
XC axis - Xaxis of the work coordinate system.
YC axis - Yaxis of the work coordinate system.
ZC axis - Zaxis of the work coordinate system.


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Absolute Coordinate System, GL-1
Active View, GL-1
Angle, GL-1
Arc, GL-1
Aspect Ratio, GL-1
Assemblies, GL-1
Associativity, GL-1
Attribute, GL-1

Body, GL-1
Bottom-Up Modeling, GL-1
Boundary, GL-2

Category, Layer, GL-2
Cavity Milling
blank geometry, 2-2, 2-3
check geometry, 2-2
custom data, 2-3
cut area, 2-41
cut levels, 2-18
cut parameters
tolerant machining, 2-57
trim by, 2-56
undercut handling, 2-58
cut region start points, 2-32, 2-34
material to remove, 2-3
mutliple ranges, 2-18
part geometry, 2-2
pre-drill engage, 2-32
ranges, 2-18, 2-33
review, 2-2
steep, 2-47
stock options, 2-51
blank distance, 2-51
blank stock, 2-51
check stock, 2-51

part floor stock, 2-51

part side stock, 2-51
trim stock, 2-51
topology, 2-59
trim boundaries, 2-41
trim stock, 2-41
type of parts, 2-2
Z-Level operations, 2-40
ZLEVEL_PROFILE operation, 2-41
Chaining, GL-2
Circle, GL-2
Component, GL-2
Part, GL-2
Direction, GL-2
Origin, GL-2
Constraints, GL-2
Construction Points, GL-2


Control Point, GL-2

Convert, Curves to BCurves, GL-2
Coordinate Systems, GL-3
Sketch, GL-7
Counterclockwise, GL-3
Current Layout, GL-3
Cursor, GL-6
Curve, GL-3

Defaults, GL-3
Defining Points, GL-3
Degreeoffreedom Arrows, GL-3
Design in Context, GL-3
Dimension Constraints, GL-3
Direct Machining of Facets
digitizing data, 6-2
facet part geometry, 6-2
Operation types used with, 6-2
Overview, 6-2
Reverse engineering, 6-2
scanning data, 6-2
Direction, Cone, GL-2
Directory, GL-3

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Displayed Part, GL-3

Edit in Place, GL-3
Emphasize Work Part, GL-3
Endpoint, GL-3
Expressions, GL-3
Names, GL-5

Face, GL-3
Feature Groups, 11-4
Features, GL-4
File, GL-4
Filtering, GL-4
Fixed Contour
drive geometry, 3-2
drive methods
area milling, 3-5
boundary, 3-5, 3-45
part containment, 3-47
pattern, 3-48
concentric arcs, 3-50
follow periphery, 3-48
parallel lines, 3-49
profile, 3-48
radial lines, 3-49
standard drive, 3-50
curve/point, 3-5
flow cut, 3-7
climb, conventional, mixed direction, 3-27
reference tool, 3-29
options, 3-30
cut type, 3-30
hookup distance, 3-30
maximum concavity, 3-30
minimum cut length, 3-30
overlap distance, 3-31
reference tool diameter, 3-31
sequencing, 3-30
sequencing Inside-Out, 3-30
sequencing Inside-Out Alternate, 3-31
sequencing Outside-In, 3-30
sequencing Outside-In Alternate, 3-31
sequencing Steep First, 3-31
sequencing Steep Last, 3-31
steep, 3-32
stepover distance, 3-30


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using cut area and trim boundary geometry,

radial cut, 3-6, 3-89
spiral, 3-5, 3-63
surface, 3-6, 3-68
tool path, 3-6, 3-88
User Function, 3-7, 3-88
drive points, 3-2
gouge check, 3-90
multi depth cutting, 3-59
tolerance values, 3-59
traversal, 3-59
non-cutting moves, 3-90
collision checking, 3-91
operation types, 3-10, 3-11
contour_area, 3-10
contour_surface_area, 3-10
fixed_contour, 3-10
flowcut_ref_tool, 3-11
parent groups, 3-7
terminology, 3-3
check geometry, 3-3
drive geometry, 3-3
drive method, 3-3
drive points, 3-3
part geometry, 3-3
projection vector, 3-4
use of, 3-2
Box, GL-4
Character, GL-4
Line, GL-4
Free Form Feature, GL-4

Generator Curve, GL-4
Geometric Constraint, GL-4
Grid, GL-4
Guide Curve, GL-4

Half Angle, GL-2
High Speed Machining
application of, 7-2
basic requirements, 7-2
characteristics, 7-2
comparison with conventional, 7-4

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methods for, 7-3
mixed cut directions, 7-16, 7-17
nurbs, 7-20
controllers which use, 7-20
fitting control tolerance, 7-24
join segments, 7-24
Overview, 7-2
specific goals, 7-2
Hole Making
feature groups, 11-4
knowledge fusion navigator, 11-4
optimization, 11-39
tagging, 11-34
Templates, 11-3
use of, 11-2

NC Assistant
activation of, 8-2
analysis types available, 8-2
cornor radius, 8-3
draft angle, 8-3
fillet radius, 8-3
levels, 8-2
Overview, 8-2

Object, GL-5
Offset Surface, GL-5

In Process Workpiece, overview, 5-2

Optimization, 11-39
Origin, Cone, GL-2

Inflection, GL-4

Knot Points, GL-4
Knowledge Fusion Navigator, 11-4

Parametric Design, GL-5
part material data location, 10-25
Partially Loaded Part, GL-6
Point Set, GL-6
Point Subfunction, GL-6

Layer, GL-5

Layout, GL-5
cut methods, 10-34
cutting tool, 10-9
cutting tool material, 10-29
feeds and speeds, 10-39
machine tool, 10-19
overview, 10-2
part material libraries, 10-25
tool graphics , 10-18

ReadOnly Part, GL-6

Real Time Dynamics, GL-6
Refresh, GL-6
Right Hand Rule, GL-6
Rotation, GL-6

Listing Window, GL-5

Loaded Part, GL-5


Part, GL-5, GL-6

Sheet, GL-6

Sketch, GL-6
Coordinate System, GL-7

Menu, GL-5

Solid Body, GL-7

Mixed Cut Directions, 7-17

Spline, GL-7

Model, GL-6

Stored Layout, GL-7

Model Space, GL-5

Stored View, GL-7

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String, GL-7
Subassembly, GL-7
Surface, GL-7
System, GL-7

Tagging, 11-34
changing the machining environment, 9-34
creating of, 9-10
definition of, 9-2
Overview, 9-2
subtype icons, 9-2, 9-5, 9-10
template operation settings, 9-34
template part files, 9-3
template sets, 9-4
creating a group, 9-5
creating an operation, 9-5
creating and using, 9-5
creation of tools, 9-9
location of, 9-4
specification of, 9-5
subtype, 9-8
type, 9-8
template settings
load with parent option, 9-11
template option, 9-10
Temporary Part, GL-7
TfrISO, GL-4
TfrTri, GL-7
Top-Down Modeling, GL-7
Trim, GL-7

Unigraphics, GL-7
Units, GL-7
Upgrade, Component, GL-7

Version, GL-8
View, GL-8
Isometric, GL-4
Trimetric, GL-7
Work, GL-8


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WAVE Geometry Linker

Assemblies and Wave, 1-7
At Timestamp, 1-2, 1-5
Blank Original, 1-3
Create Non-Associative, 1-3
definition of, 1-2
deleting parent geometry, 1-6
editing links, 1-4
Extracted feature, 1-5
geometry types, 1-3
how to access, 1-2
how to inable, 1-3
linking procedure, 1-14
Break Links, 1-5
broken, 1-5
deleting of, 1-7
newly broken, 1-6
simplify, 1-18
Simplify Body, 1-19
Wire EDM
cut types, 4-2
external trim, 4-29
internal trim, 4-11
subtypes, 4-19
backburn, 4-12
rough pass, 4-11
trim, 4-12
no core, 4-3
profile, 4-34
geometry, 4-38
corner control, 4-42
add arcs, 4-43
English D Loop, 4-43
loop radius, 4-43
maximum angle, 4-43
minimum angle, 4-43
extend tangent, 4-43
fillets, 4-44
fillet radius, 4-44
maximum angle, 4-44
minimum angle, 4-44
parameters, 4-38
2 Axis, 4-41
4 Axis Solid, 4-42
4 Axis Wireframe, 4-41
commands at end, 4-40
commands at start, 4-40
edit members, 4-39
edit post commands, 4-40
material retained, 4-38, 4-42
select/reselect, 4-41
stock, 4-39

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tolerances, 4-39
type, 4-38
wire position, 4-39
machines supported, 4-2
machining parameters
backburn distance, 4-44
cutoff distance, 4-44
cutoff stock, 4-45
distance, 4-45
finish passes, 4-44
no core stock, 4-44
number of passes, 4-44
pass cut direction, 4-46
rough passes, 4-44
stepover, 4-46
stepover type, 4-46
% of wire, 4-46
absolute stock, 4-46
distance, 4-46
variable, 4-46
stop point, 4-45

upper plane / lower plane, 4-45

wire diameter, 4-45
Overview, 4-2
Work Layer, GL-8
Work Part, GL-8

XCAxis, GL-8

YCAxis, GL-8

ZCAxis, GL-8


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Student Profile
Advanced Mill Applications
U.S. citizen? Yes / No


When is your planned departure time?________________am/pm

Please answer the following questions as honestly as you can. We are concerned about providing training that
meets your needs. If you have any additional comments please write them on the back of this form.
1. Job title:
2. Current responsibilities:
3. How long have you held these responsibilities? Years ______ Months ______
4. How long have you been working with CAD/CAM/CAE systems? Years ______
5. What other CAD/CAM/CAE systems are you familiar with?
6. Are you currently using Unigraphics? _______ Version _______ Hours per week?
7. What is the function of your CAD/CAM/CAE system (documentation, modeling, analysis,
translation interface, etc.)?
8. What do you model in your Unigraphics part files (castings, assemblies, floor plans, etc.)?

9. Please list other completed CAD/CAM/CAE courses and the provider including Unigraphics CBT
and CAST:



10. Please check the box that best describes your current skill level in the various Unigraphics
disciplines listed below.




future use

Wireframe Modeling
Solid Modeling
Parametric Modeling

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Additional Comments

Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

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Advanced Mill Applications

Class Agenda
Day 1

 Introduction and Overview
 Lesson 1
Wave Geometry Linker in Manufacturing
 Workbook Section 1

Project Description

 Workbook Section 2
Process Planning
 Workbook Section 3
Manufacturing Operation Preparation
 Lesson 2
Cavity Milling
 Workbook Section 4

Day 2

Cavity Mill

 Lesson 3

Fixed Contour

 Workbook Section 5

Fixed Contour

 Lesson 3
Fixed Contour
 Workbook Section 6
 Workbook Section 7
Fixed Contour Finishing
 Lesson 4

Day 3

Wire EDM

 Lesson 5

InProcess Workpiece

 Lesson 6
 Lesson 7
 Lesson 8

Machining Faceted Geometry

High Speed Machining
NC Assistant

 Lesson 9


 Lesson 10
 Lesson 11

Hole Making

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Advanced Mill Applications

Training Course Evaluation
Name (Optional)


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Please give your honest opinion about the training you have received during this class. Provide additional
comments on the reverse side of this evaluation form.
Please check the box if you would like your comments, regarding the training you just received, featured in our
training publications. We will contact you if more information is needed.
Hotel Accommodations (if applicable) Hotel name
What was your overall impression of this hotel?

Poor 2

Facilities - How would you rate the training facilities?

Poor 2

Instruction - How would you rate the instruction?

Poor 2

Was the instructor knowledgeable of the subject?

Poor 2


1. Were the course objectives clearly defined and were they met?
Please explain:



2. Were concepts effectively communicated so that you understand how to apply the software?
No Please explain:


3. How well prepared do you now feel to use the functions covered in this course in your day to day
activities? Please explain:

4. Were the student activities effective in learning the Manufacturing Process?


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No Please

Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

5. What additional topics would you like to see covered in this course? Please explain:

6. Do you have any other suggestions on how the course could be improved?
Please explain:



7. In order to continually improve our courseware, a post class survey is conducted; would you be
willing to participate in this survey. 

(If you checked this box, make sure that your name is on this sheet.)

Course - What was your overall impression?

Poor 2

Additional Comments

Advanced Mill Applications

Student Manual

All Rights Reserved

Unigraphics NX

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