Big Bang Webquest
Big Bang Webquest
Big Bang Webquest
Period: ______
Use the website below to begin learning about the Big Bang.
Go to:
Big Bang Theory
Part 1: Expansion of the Universe
1. How did scientists originally view the idea of an expanding universe?
5. How does our distance from galaxies relate to their speed at which they are moving away from us?
6. What kind of Doppler Shift did Hubble observe in these distant galaxies?
7. According to the expansion law do the galaxies expand away from each other equally? Explain.
11. How much of the universes ordinary matter is thought to be helium? Does Big Bang theory
support this number?
16. Ultimately, from where does all carbon-based life come from?
20. Describe the CMB as it exists today. What type of light does it look like now?
22. Explain why looking at distant objects is like looking in the past.
25. What event was thought to occur about 400,000 years after the Big Bang?
28. The article mentions cosmology and cosmologists over and over again. What is cosmology? (You
can look this up if you need to)
31. When was the universe one thousandth its present size?
Part 2: Fluctuations
34. What can offer great insight into the origin and evolution of the universe?
36. What allows scientist to infer a great deal of additional information about the early universe?
37. On the fluctuation maps what do blue and red colors mean?
Part 3: Inflation
38. What is the inflation theory?
39. What are the three problems with the Big Bang Theory?
40. How much did the universe increase in linear size in only a fraction of a second?
41. How does inflation solve the three problems with the Big Bang Theory?