Bird David Animism

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Animism Revisited: Personhood, Environment, and Relational Epistemology

Author(s): Nurit BirdDavid

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Current Anthropology, Vol. 40, No. S1, Special Issue CultureA Second Chance?
(February 1999), pp. S67-S91
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
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Current Anthropology Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

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Animism Revisited
Personhood, Environment, and
Relational Epistemology1
by Nurit Bird-David

Animism is projected in the literature as simple religion and a

failed epistemology, to a large extent because it has hitherto
been viewed from modernist perspectives. In this paper previous
theories, from classical to recent, are critiqued. An ethnographic
example of a hunter-gatherer people is given to explore how animistic ideas operate within the context of social practices, with
attention to local constructions of a relational personhood and to
its relationship with ecological perceptions of the environment.
A reformulation of their animism as a relational epistemology is
nurit bird-david is Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at
the University of Haifa (Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel).
Born in 1951, she was educated at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (B.A., 1974) and at Cambridge University (Ph.D., 1983). She
has been Research Fellow of New Hall and Smutz Visiting Fellow at Cambridge and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University. Her publications include The Giving Environment (current anthropology 31:18996), Beyond The Original Affluent Society: A
Culturalist Reformulation (current anthropology 33:2547),
Hunter-Gatherers Kinship Organization: Implicit Roles and
Rules, in Intelligence and Interaction, edited by E. Goody (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), and Economies: A
Cultural-Economic Perspective (International Social Science
Journal 154:46375). The present paper was submitted 9 ix 97
and accepted 5 xii 97; the final version reached the Editors office
16 i 98.

1. I am indebted to Ingrid Jordt for her penetrating insights and

commentary. I thank Tim Ingold for instructive comments, some
of which will await follow-up work. I acknowledge with pleasure
comments on earlier drafts generously offered by Kalman Applbaum, Debbi Bernstein, Eva Illouz, Steve Kaplan, Yoram Carmeli,
Nira Reiss, and Zvi Sobel.

Wherever there are Nayaka, there are also devaru, for

Nayaka want to have them and always find them.
The concept of animism, which E. B. Tylor developed
in his 1871 masterwork Primitive Culture, is one of anthropologys earliest concepts, if not the first.2 The intellectual genealogy of central debates in the field goes
back to it. Anthropology textbooks continue to introduce it as a basic notion, for example, as the belief that
inside ordinary visible, tangible bodies there is normally invisible, normally intangible being: the soul . . .
each culture [having] its own distinctive animistic beings and its own specific elaboration of the soul concept (Harris 1983:186). Encyclopedias of anthropology
commonly present it, for instance, as religious beliefs
involving the attribution of life or divinity to such natural phenomena as trees, thunder, or celestial bodies
(Hunter and Whitten 1976:12). The notion is widely
employed within the general language of ethnology
(e.g., Sahlins 1972:166, 180; Gudeman 1986:44; Descola
1996:88) and has become important in other academic
disciplines as well, especially in studies of religion (as
belief in spirit-beings) and in developmental psychology
(referring to childrens tendency to consider things as
living and conscious). Moreover, the word has become
a part of the general English vocabulary and is used in
everyday conversations and in the popular media. It appears in many dictionaries, including such elementary
ones as the compact school and office edition of Websters New World Dictionary (1989), which defines it as
the belief that all life is produced by a spiritual force,
or that all natural phenomena have souls. It is found
in mainstream compendia such as the Dictionary of the
Social Sciences (Gould and Kolb 1965), which sums it
up as the belief in the existence of a separable soulentity, potentially distinct and apart from any concrete
embodiment in a living individual or material organism. The term is presented in dictionaries of the occult: the Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits (Guilei
1992), for example, defines it as the system of beliefs
about souls and spirits typically found in tribal societies, and the Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult
(Drury 1985) defines it as the belief, common among
many pre-literate societies, that trees, mountains, rivers and other natural formations possess an animating
power or spirit.
Amazingly, the century-old Tylorian concept appears
in all these diverse sources (popular and academic, general and specific) revised little if at all. Animism, a
19th-century representation of an ethnographically researchable practice particularly conspicuous among indigenous peoples but by no means limited to them, is
depicted by them all as an object in-the-world. The
survival of the Tylorian representation is enigmatic be2. Primitive culture led Tylor to an appointment as Reader in Anthropology in Oxford University, the first such position in the academic world (Preus 1987:131).


S68 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

cause the logic underlying it is today questionable. Tylor was not as rigid a positivist as he is often made out
to be (see Ingold 1986:9496; Leopold 1980). However,
he developed this representation within a positivistic
spiritual/materialist dichotomy of 19th-century design
in direct opposition to materialist science, in the belief
(and as part of an effort to prove this belief) that only
science yielded true knowledge of the world. Furthermore, the moral implications of this representation are
unacceptable now. Tylor posited that animists understood the world childishly and erroneously, and under
the influence of 19th-century evolutionism he read into
this cognitive underdevelopment. Yet the concept still
pervasively persists.
Equally surprisingly, the ethnographic referentthe
researchable cultural practices which Tylor denoted by
the signifier/signified of animismhas remained a
puzzle3 despite the great interest which the subject has
attracted. Ethnographers continue to cast fresh ethnographic material far richer than Tylor had (or could have
imagined possible) into one or more of the Tylorian categories religion, spirits, and supernatural beings
(e.g., Endicott 1979, Howell 1984, Morris 1981, BirdDavid 1990, Gardner 1991, Feit 1994, Povinelli 1993,
Riches 1994). At the same time, they have commonly
avoided the issue of animism and even the term itself
rather than revisit this prevalent notion in light of their
new and rich ethnographies.4
A twofold vicious cycle has ensued. The more the
term is used in its old Tylorian sense, without benefit of
critical revision, the more Tylors historically situated
perspective is taken as real, as the phenomenon
which it only glosses, and as a symbol that stands for
itself (Wagner 1981). In turn, anthropologys success in
universalizing the use of the term itself reinforces derogatory images of indigenous people whose rehabilitation from them is one of its popular roles.
This paper attempts a solution generally drawing on
a synthesis of current environment theory (insisting
that the environment does not necessarily consist dichotomously of a physical world and humans) and current personhood theory (asserting that personhood does
not necessarily consist dualistically of body and spirit).
These dualistic conceptions are historical constructs of
a specific culture which, for want of a better term, will
henceforth be referred to by the circumlocution modernist. (Modernist signals neither the dichotomous
opposite of primitive nor the equivalent of scientific but ideas and practices that dominated the EuroAmerican cultural landscape from the 17th to the 20th
century. Furthermore, modernist self-concepts will
be used as an objectification of what is often only a fragment of peoples composite identity, a part of their consciousness, while local person-concepts will be used
as an objectification of fragments of todays complex in3. It is regarded one of the oldest anthropological puzzles by Descola (1996:82).
4. An exception coming close to revisiting the notion is Hallowell
(1960); a liminal exception is Guthries recent revisit (1993), Descola (1992, 1996) contrasts totemic systems and animic systems but does not look deeply into animism as such.

digenous identities and, in partial ways, of parts of

Western identities, too.) The argument will develop
through three subsequent sections to its twofold conclusion: a fresh visit to the animism concept and to the
indigenous phenomena themselves. It will posit a plurality of epistemologies by refiguring so-called primitive animism as a relational epistemology. The perspective to be employed is presented not as more valid than
any other but as one now needed in studies of the complex phenomena which Tylor denoted as animism.
The first part offers a critical perspective on the textual conversation (to use Gudeman and Riveras [1990]
term) relevant to animism to date, singling out for close
attention the theories of Tylor (1958 [1871]), Durkheim
(1960[1914], 1915), Levi-Strauss (1962, 1966 [1962]), and
Guthrie (1993). It is argued that positivistic ideas about
the meaning of nature, life, and personhood misdirected these previous attempts to understand the local concepts. Classical theoreticians (it is argued) attributed their own modernist ideas of self to primitive
peoples while asserting that the primitive peoples
read their idea of self into others! This led the theoreticians to prejudge the attribution of personhood to
natural objects as empirically unfounded and consequently to direct analytical effort to explaining why
people did it and why and how (against all appearances)
their belief was not a part of their practical knowledge but at best a part of their symbolic representations
or a mistaken strategic guess.
The second part of the paper offers an ethnographic
analysis of the phenomenon which Tylor termed animism largely drawn from my work with hunter-gatherer Nayaka in South India.5 A case is developed
through the ethnographic material, starting from Hallowells remarkable 1960 Ojibwa Ontology, Behavior,
and World View and circumventing the spirit/body
and natural/supernatural modernist dichotomies
that have often landed other ethnographers in spirit,
supernatural, and religion descriptions. Nayaka devaru (superpersons) are tackled as a concept and a phenomenon, both composite and complex, in a threefold
manner. First, using Stratherns (1988) notion of the dividual (a person constitutive of relationships), after
Marriotts (1976) dividual (a person constitutive of
transferable particles that form his or her personal substance), I argue that devaru are dividual persons. They
are constitutive of sharing relationships reproduced by
Nayaka with aspects of their environment. The devaru
are objectifications of these relationships and make
them known. Second, drawing on Gibson (1979) and Ingold (1992), I posit that in another sense devaru are a
constitutive part of Nayakas environment, born of the
affordances of events in-the-world. Nayakas attention ecologically perceives mutually responsive
5. Fieldwork was conducted in 197879 and was followed by a revisit in 1989. Research was supported by a Smutz Visiting Fellowship, an Anthony Wilkin Studentship, an H. M. Chadwick Studentship, and funds from the Jerusalem Foundation for Anthropological
Studies and the Horovitz Institute for Research of Developing
Countries. For ethnographic background see Bird-David (1989,

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S69

changes in things in-the-world and at the same time in

themselves. These relatednesses are devaru in-theworld, met by Nayaka as they act in, rather than think
about, the world. Lastly, I argue that devaru performancesin which performers in trance bring to life
devaru characters, with whom the participants socialize
(talking, joking, arguing, singing, sharing or just demand-sharing, and asking for advice and help)are
social experiences which are nested within (not dichotomized from) social-economic practice. These performances are pivotal in both educating the attention
to devaru in-the-world (Gibson 1979) and reproducing
devaru as dividual persons.
The third part of the paper theorizes animism as animisms, arguing that hunter-gatherer animism constitutes a relational (not a failed) epistemology. This epistemology is about knowing the world by focusing
primarily on relatednesses, from a related point of view,
within the shifting horizons of the related viewer. The
knowing grows from and is the knowers skills of maintaining relatedness with the known. This epistemology
is regarded by Nayaka (and probably other indigenous
peoples we call hunter-gatherers) as authoritative
against other ways of knowing the world. It functions
in other contexts (including Western) with, against, and
sometimes despite other local authoritative epistemologies. Diversifying along with person-concepts and environmental praxis, animisms are engendered neither
by confusion nor by wrong guesses but by the employment of human socially biased cognitive skills.

Animism in the Modernist Mirror

Sir Edward Burnett Tylor (18311917), the founding father of anthropology, took his notion of animism from
the 17th-century alchemist Stahl, who had himself revived the term from classical theory (Tylor 1958 [1871]:
9). Drawing on secondhand accounts of primitive
peoples (to use the periods term), Tylor observed that
many of them attributed life and personality to animal,
vegetable, and mineral alike. He developed a theory of
this phenomenon in a series of papers written between
1866 and 1870 that culminated in Primitive Culture.
Tylor offered a situated perspective, limited by the
times ethnography and theory, and it should be studied
in its context.
As he developed his theory of animism, Tylor took an
interest in the modern spiritualist movement, fashionable at the time. He even went to London from Somerset for a month to investigate spiritualist seances
(Stocking 1971). In 1869 he argued that modern spiritualism is a survival and a revival of savage thought
(quoted in Stocking 1971:90). This argument probably
influenced his view of savage thought, which he had
acquired only from reading. In an odd reversal, he constructed the origin of savage thought from his firsthand knowledge of what he presumed was its remnantmodern spiritualism. He even considered using
the term spiritualism rather than animism but decided against it because it had become the designation

of a particular modern sect (1958 [1871]:10). Under the

probable influence of his knowledge of modern spiritualism, Tylor argued that in the savage view every man
had, in addition to his body, a ghost-soul, a thin unsubstantial human image, the cause of life or thought
in the individual it animates, capable of leaving the
body far behind and continuing to exist and appear to
men after the death of that body (quoted in Stocking
1987:192). Being a confirmed scientific rationalist (p.
191), Tylor suggested that this view was a delusion, in
the same way that he regarded the spiritual seances of
his time as a delusion.
Tylors work was probably also influenced by observations of children (see Stocking 1971:90). He argued
that the savages were doubly mistaken, believing in
their own ghost-souls but like children attributing
the same to things around them. Durkheim (1915:53)
neatly made the point as follows:
For Tylor, this extension of animism was due to the
particular mentality of the primitive, who, like an
infant, cannot distinguish the animate and the inanimate. Since the first beings of which the child commences to have an idea are men, that is, himself
and those around him, it is upon this model of human nature that he tends to think of everything. . . .
Now the primitive thinks like a child. Consequently,
he also is inclined to endow all things, even inanimate ones, with a nature analogous to his own.
Tylors view conformed with the contemporaneous
identification of early people with the child state of society (animating society!) and with the identification of
contemporaneous primitives with early people and so
with the child state too. However, while arguing that in
thinking like a child the primitive endow[s] all things,
even inanimate ones, with a nature analogous to his
own, Tylor read into the primitive view the modernist
spiritualist understanding of ones own nature, not
the primitives or the childs sense of his own nature.
At issue at the time was how religion had evolved and
how it ought to be related to science. This evolutionary
question engaged Tylor, who suggested that modern religion had evolved in stages from animistic beliefs. By
them early peoples had tried to explain the world to
themselves, and these beliefs had survived into the
present and (re)appeared universally among children
and primitive people and in certain modern cults. In
Tylors view, as one of his commentators put it, it was
as though primitive man, in an attempt to create science, had accidentally created religion instead, and
mankind had spent the rest of evolutionary time trying
to rectify the error (Stocking 1987:192).
In Tylors view, animism and science (in a longwaged contest [1886], quoted by Stocking 1987:192)
were fundamentally antithetical. Consequently, animistic beliefs featured as wrong ideas according to
Tylor, who clinched the case by explaining in evolutionary terms (as was the custom at the time) how the
primitive came to have this spiritualist sense of his
own nature. Tylor suggested that dreams of dead rela-

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tives and of the primitive himself in distant places had

led him to form this self idea. The thesis projected the
primitive as delirious as well as perceiving the world
like a child.
Tylors theory has had deep and lasting influence on
anthropological theory. It was pivotal in its time, and
subsequent theories developed in dialectical relations
with it in turn became themselves influential theories
in dialectical relations with which further theories were
formulated. I point to one critical theoretical trend pertinent to my study by means of several examples (selected for temporal diversity, not necessarily centrality
in the field) from classic theories to recent ones. My examples chronologically advance from Emile Durkheims work on religion (1960 [1914], 1915) through
Claude Levi-Strausss work on totemism and the savage mind (1962, 1966 [1962]) to a recent work on anthropomorphism by Stewart Guthrie (1993).
Durkheim rescued the primitive from the Tylorian
image of a delirious human, but in doing so he embroiled himself further in the modernist self model(s).
In an article significantly entitled The Dualism of Human Nature and Its Social Conditions (1960 [1914]), he
argued that the primitive self model is not a vain
mythological concept that is without foundations in reality (p. 329)that in every age man had had a dualistic model originating from a basic and universal social
experience, the simultaneous sense of bodily sensations
and being part of society. The primitive self model, in
his view, was a specific case of this (modernist) universal model. He argued that the primitive makes abstract
society tangible to himself by a totem and so views his
own self as dualistically consisting of body/totemic
parts (rather than body/mind in the modernist view).
Durkheim restored credence in the primitive self model
but remained critical, along with Tylor, of its attribution to other than human entities. He still cast this attribution (again, with Tylor) as the erroneous mental
operation of a child.
Durkheim also read his own modernist (biologistic)
kinship into accounts suggesting that primitive peoples regarded as kin and friends some entities that
were animated by them. Drawing on richer ethnographic sources than Tylors, he noted that primitives
believed that the bonds between them and these natural
entities were like those which unite the members of a
single family (1915:139): bonds of friendship, interdependence, and shared characteristics and fortunes (pp.
15860).6 To explain this, he argued that they mistook
the spiritual unity of the totemic force, which really
existed, for a bodily unity of flesh, which did not. He
himself obviously mistook their kinship for his modernist construction of it as shared biological matter
(flesh, blood, DNA, or whatever other finer biological
connection will be discovered by scientists [Schneider
1968, 1984]).
6. Durkheim distinguished between natural entities, or individual
totems, regarded as friends and kin, and group totems, the artifactual representations of natural entities, worshipped in celebrations.

Claude Levi-Strauss addressed the anthropological

category totemism, which encompasses aspects of
the phenomenon which Tylor termed animism. His
work provided the first modern explanation that accepted indigenous knowledge of the world. However,
the explanation rested on dissociating that knowledge
from totemic notions, reducing the latter to symbolic
representations. Levi-Strauss did not question the authority of the Western objectivist view of reality, which
accepted a priori the nature/society dualism. To rehabilitate the Durkheimian primitives he argued that indigenous peoples perceived the world in this way, too.
They perceived the discontinuity between nature and
society and viewed nature itself as a world of discrete
objects; then they used nature as something good to
think with about societal divisions. They drew analogies between things in nature and groups in society
(1962). They concerned themselves with the same representations of things in the world as Westerners did,
but their totemic thought fancifully intermingled
these representations with mystical tales, like the bricoleur, whereas our scientific thought logically
sorted them out, like the engineer (1966 [1962]). The indigenous accounts of kinship relationships with natural
entities, Levi-Strauss argued, only evinced the analogical and totemic nature of their thoughtneither an erroneous epistemology nor an adequate alternative to
our own. He criticized earlier theory for placing indigenous peoples on the nature side of the dualistic
nature/culture split. However, while he correctively
placed them on the culture side, he placed the dualistic split itself inside their savage mind (1966 [1962]).
He did not explain animism but explained it away. Animists by his theory did not perceive the natural world
differently from others.
A recent attempt at a solution to the century-old
problem why people animate what we regard as inanimate objects is that of Stewart Guthrie (1993), who defines animating things in these words: Scanning the
world for what most concerns usliving things and especially humanswe find many apparent cases. Some
of these prove illusory. When they do, we are animating
(attributing life to the nonliving) or anthropomorphizing (attributing human characteristics to the nonhuman) (1993:62). The expression attributing life to the
nonliving at a stroke relegates animistic beliefs to the
category of mistake, regressing from the earlier advance made by Levi-Strauss. Guthrie regards modernist
meanings of such notions as life, nonliving, and
human as naturally given.7
Guthrie reduces what Tylor offered as a universal cultural category (Preus 1987) to a universal biological one.
He views animistic thinking as a natural perceptual
strategy for the survival of any animal (pp. 38, 41, 47,
54, 61):
7. Guthrie perceptively discusses the boundaries life/nonliving and human/animal as they are diversely drawn across
cultures (e.g., 1993: 8689, 11213), but he makes this observation
in support of his argument that it is difficult to differentiate between these entities.

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S71

We not infrequently are in doubt as to whether

something is alive. When we are in doubt, the best
strategy is to assume that it is . . . risking over-interpretation by betting on the most significant possibility . . . because if we are wrong we lose little and if
we are right we gain much. . . . Animism, then, results from a simple form of game theory employed
by animals ranging at least from frogs to people. . . .
[it] is an inevitable result of normal perceptual uncertainty and of good perceptual strategy. . . . The
mistake embodied in animisma mistake we can
discover only after the factis the price of our need
to discover living organisms. It is a cost occasionally incurred by any animal that perceives.
This cognitive evolutionist explanation of animism
seems ingeniously simple. Assuming, with Tylor, that
animistic interpretations are erroneous, Guthrie argues
that the making of animistic interpretations itself is
part of a good perceptual strategy. Animistic interpretations are reasonable errors that we can discover
only after the fact.
But Guthries thesis is weak in its own terms.8 We
lapse into animistic expressions under uncertainty, but
we use such expressions more, and more consistently,
when we regularly and closely engage with things we
are not doubtful about: plants we grow, cars we love,
computers we use. (Guthrie himself mentions these examples.) Even professional ethologists, who are trained
to regard their study animals as objects, regard them as
persons the more they interact with them (see Kennedy
1992:27). The theory in any case does not resolve the
classic enigma of so-called primitive peoples maintenance of animistic beliefs. At best, the question remains why (if they retrospectively recognize their animistic interpretations as mistakes) they culturally
endorse and elaborate these mistakes. At worst, the
theory further downgrades indigenous cognitive ability,
for now they cannot do even what frogs can do, namely,
after the fact recognize their mistakes. In this case,
the theory even regresses from the advances made by

Local Senses of Devaru

Personhood concepts and ecological perception are two
fruitful areas from which to reevaluate our theories of
animist practices and beliefs. Irving Hallowells ethnography of the Ojibwa (from fieldwork conducted in the
Lake Winnipeg area of northern Canada during the
8. Guthrie focuses on what he calls the West because animism
is usually attributed to simple societies. His examples, taken out
of their contexts, range from French and Spanish cave art through
Greek, Roman, and medieval philosophy and the arts to modern
science, social science, literature and advertisement, and daily life
in the contemporary United States. His scant references to simple societies draw not on the richer new ethnography but on outdated secondary sources such as Thompson (1955) and Ehnmark

1930s) and especially his paper Ojibwa Ontology, Behavior, and World View (1960) are provocative starting
points for our reassessment of theories of animism. Hallowell observed that the Ojibwa sense of personhood,
which they attribute to some natural entities, animals,
winds, stones, etc., is fundamentally different from the
modernist one. The latter takes the axiomatic split between human and nonhuman as essential, with
person being a subcategory of human. The Ojibwa
conceives of person as an overarching category
within which human person, animal person,
wind person, etc., are subcategories. Echoing EvansPritchards account of Azande magic (1937), Hallowell
furthermore argues that, contrary to received wisdom
and in the absence of objectivist dogma, experience itself does not rule out Ojibwa animistic ideas. On the
contrary, he argues (a point reiterated by later ethnographers [see Scott 1989, Feit 1994]), experience is consistent with their reading of things, given an animistic
Hallowells contribution is to free the study of animistic beliefs and practices first from modernist personconcepts and second from the presumption that these
notions and practices are erroneous. However, the case
needs to be further pursued. He states that the Ojibwa
sense of personhood is different without exploring its
sense far enough, perhaps because, although the concept goes back to Marcel Mausss work of 1938,9 before
the 1960s research into the person as a cross-cultural
category hardly existed. He argues that Ojibwa engagement in the world does not rebuff their animistic views
but does not explain how the beliefs are engendered and
perpetuated. I shall pursue his insight through ethnographic material largely drawn from my work with
Nayaka, a hunter-gatherer community of the forested
Gir Valley in the Nilgiri region of South India.10 My objective will be to understand the senses of what they
call devaru, a concept which is not just a foreign word
requiring translation but enigmatic to positivistic
thought. Neither spirits (deriving from the spirit/
body dualism of the modernist person-concept) nor supernatural beings (mirroring the Western idea of nature)11 is an appropriate English equivalent, though
these are the common translations of corresponding notions in other studies.12 Hallowells alternative otherthan-human persons escapes these biased notions but
still conserves the primary objectivist concern with
classes (human and other-than-human). I use superpersons (persons with extra powers) as a general reference
9. Mausss work was first translated into English only in 1979 (and
see 1985). For some recent works on the self see Morris (1994),
Carrithers, Collins, and Lukes (1985), and Shweder and LeVine
10. The Gir Valley is a fictive name for one of the Nilgiri-Wynaads
11. See Durkheim (1915), Lovejoy (1948), Saler (1977), Descola
12. See Endicott (1979), Howell (1984), Morris (1981), Bird-David
(1990), Gardner (1991), Feit (1994), Povinelli (1993), and, for a comparison, Mageo and Howard (1996).

S72 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

and let the local composite meanings grow from the

devaru as objectifications of sharing
In her critically oriented comparison of the Melanesian
and the Euro-American person, Strathern (1988) argues that the irreducibility of the individual is a peculiarly modernist notion.13 It is not everywhere that the
individual is regarded as a single entity, bounded
and integrated, and set contrastingly against other such
wholes and against a natural and social backgrounds
(Clifford Geertz, quoted in Strathern 1988:57). The Melanesian person is a composite of relationships, a microcosm homologous to society at large (1988:13, 131).
This person objectifies relationships and makes them
known. She calls it a dividual, in contrast with the
(Euro-American) individual.14 This is a notion well
known in South Asian scholarship from the work of
McKim Marriott and Ronald Inden (Marriott 1976, Marriott and Inden 1977; see Daniel 1984, Raheja 1988a, b,
and Barnett 1976 for ethnographic explorations), who
agree with Dumont (1966) that the Indian is misrepresented if depicted as an individual, but less because the
person has a holistic-collectivist identity than because,
according to Indian ways of thinking and explaining,
each person is a composite of transferable particles that
form his or her personal substance (Mines 1994:6).
I derive from Stratherns dividual (a person constitutive of relationships) the verb to dividuate, which
is crucial to my analysis. When I individuate a human
being I am conscious of her in herself (as a single separate entity); when I dividuate her I am conscious of
how she relates with me. This is not to say that I am
conscious of the relationship with her in itself, as a
thing. Rather, I am conscious of the relatedness with
my interlocutor as I engage with her, attentive to what
she does in relation to what I do, to how she talks and
listens to me as I talk and listen to her, to what happens
simultaneously and mutually to me, to her, to us.
Nayaka, I argue, lived in a social environment which
facilitated and was reproduced by dividuating fellow
Nayaka.15 Numbering in 197879 fewer than 70 persons, they occupied five sites at a distance of 210 km
from each other. The largest was made up of five dwellings, the others of between one and three. The dwellings (thatched huts with walls made of interwoven
strips of bamboo) stood close to each other, though the
13. See also Dumont (1966).
14. Ingold (personal communication) points out that Stratherns
use of the concept dividual is unsatisfactory. She argues for a relational personhood, but the concept assumes that the person is
some kind of substantive entity, divisible or indivisible. Perhaps
another term is called for.
15. Elsewhere I have examined other aspects of this social environment, calling it an immediate social environment (Bird-David
1994), absorbing Schutz and Luckmanns (1973) sense of immediacy and the earlier use of the word in hunter-gatherer scholarship
(esp. Meillassoux 1973 and Woodburn 1980, 1982).

terrain would have allowed their dispersal. They contained one, two, or sometimes even three living spaces,
barely separated from each other, each occupied by a
nuclear family. Weather permitting, families rested,
ate, and slept in the open beside outdoor fireplaces only
a few meters apart. They led their domestic lives together, sharing space, things, and actions. They experienced simultaneously what happened to them and to
their fellow Nayaka. This was the case with respect to
most Nayaka in the Gir area, not just the residents of
ones own place, because there was much movement
between sites and people stayed at each others places
for days, weeks, and even months at a time.
The idea that one shared space, things, and actions
with others was central to the Nayaka view of social
life. A Nayaka was normatively expected to share with
everybody as and when present, especially (but not
only) large game, irrespective of preexisting social ties,
criteria, and entitlement. Sharing with anyone present
was as important as if not more important than effecting a distribution of things among people. A Nayaka
was, furthermore, expected to give others what they
asked for, whatever this might be, to preempt refusals
and hence challenges to the felt sense that all of us
here share with each other. The idea and practice of
sharing constituted a habitus within which agentive negotiation, manipulation, and nonconformity took place
(see Bird-David 1990). For example, normally people
shared things requested of them, but when exceptionally they did not want to part with something, rather
than disrupt the ongoing sense of sharingthe rhythm
of everyday social lifethey hid that thing or avoided
people. This way, they preempted chances of sharing requests and refusals. Equally, people excessively requested things from people they wanted to embarrass or
manipulate into persistent giving.
As I understand it, this common experience of sharing space, things, and actions contextualized Nayakas
knowledge of each other: they dividuated each other.
They gradually got to know not how each talked but
how each talked with fellows, not how each worked but
how each worked with fellows, not how each shared
but how each shared with fellows, etc. They got to
know not other Nayaka in themselves but Nayaka as
they interrelated with each other, Nayaka-in-relatedness with fellow Nayaka. Through cumulative experiences, they sensed each other as dividuated personalities, each with a relatively persisting way of engaging
with others against the relative change involved in their
mutual engagement. Nayaka speakers, for example,
commonly described fellow Nayaka by the way they behaved vis-a`-vis themselves, for instance, as Mathen
who laughs a lot, Mathen who listens attentively,
and so on (Mathen being one of a few personal names
in circulation) (see Bird-David 1983).
Nayaka commonly objectified each other not as the
Maussian characterthe locus [in everyday life] of
different rights, duties, titles and kinship names within
the clan (Carrithers, Collins, and Lukes 1985:vii)but
as kin, relatives, ones related with. In everyday social

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S73

interaction they normally referred to and addressed

each other by kinship terms (my big-uncle, my
brother, my sister-in-law, etc.). Anyone they persistently shared with (even a non-Nayaka person like the
anthropologist) they regarded as kin.16 They reckoned
relationally which kinship term was appropriate at each
moment (for example, calling my paternal uncle the
relative my father called my brother [see BirdDavid 1994:59193]). They generally referred to people
with whom they shared place, things, and actions as
sonta (relatives, a term usually used with the prefix
nama, our), a notion that corresponds with other
hunter-gatherer notions such as Pintupi walytja and Inuit ila (see Myers 1986, Guemple 1988). Their kinship
was primarily made and remade by recurring social actions of sharing and relating with, not by blood or by
descent, not by biology or by myth or genealogy.
Transcending idiosyncratic, processual, and multiple
flows of meanings, the Nayaka sense of the person appears generally to engage not the modernist subject/object split or the objectivist concern with substances but
the above-mentioned sense of kinship. The person is
sensed as one whom we share with. It is sensed as a
relative and is normally objectified as kin, using a kinship term. The phrase nama sonta is used in the generalizing sense of the proverbial phrase we, the people.17
Its use extends beyond the Nayaka group (family, kindred, neighbors) to the aggregate of local people (Nayaka
and others) with whom Nayaka closely engage. To return to Stratherns dividual (a person which objectifies
relationships and makes them known), in the Nayaka
context the dividual objectifies relationships of a certain kind, local kinship relationships which are objectifications of mutual sharing of space, things, and actions.
Analytically referring to these relationships as sharing
relationships (because the term kinship relationships inevitably invokes associations of biologistic or
rights-and-duties kinship), we can say that the Nayaka
dividual objectifies sharing relationships and makes
them known. This dividual is emergent, constituted by
relationships which in Fred Myerss words are not totally given [but] must be worked out in a variety of social processes (1986:159).
We cannot sayas Tylor didthat Nayaka think
with this idea of personhood about their environment,
to arrive by projection at the idea of devaru. The idea
of person as a mental representation applied to the
world in pursuit of knowledge is modernist. I argue that
Nayaka do not individuate but, in the sense specified
above, dividuate other beings in their environment.
They are attentive to, and work towards making, relatednesses. As they move and generally act in the environment, they are attentive to mutual behaviors and
events. Periodically, they invite local devaru to visit
16. This is a common phenomenon among hunter-gatherers, who
have what Alan Barnard called a universal kinship system (1981);
Woodburn (1979) described this system as one in which everybody
within the political community is regarded as kin.
17. The name Nayaka is mostly used and was probably introduced
by surrounding people.

them and share with them. Their composite personhood is constitutive of sharing relationships not
only with fellow Nayaka but with members of other
species in the vicinity. They make their personhood by
producing and reproducing sharing relationships with
surrounding beings, humans and others. They do not dichotomize other beings vis-a`-vis themselves (see BirdDavid 1992a) but regard them, while differentiated, as
nested within each other. They recognize that the other
beings have their different affordances and are of diverse sorts, which is indicated among other things by
the different words by which they refer to them (hills,
elephants, etc.). However, Nayaka also appreciate that
they share the local environment with some of these beings, which overrides these differences and absorbs
their sorts into one we-ness. Beings who are absorbed
into this we-ness are devaru, and while differentiated
from avaru (people), they and avaru, in some contexts,
are absorbed into one we-ness, which Nayaka also
call nama sonta. The devaru are often objectified by
kinship terms, especially ette and etta(n) (grandmother
and grandfather) and occasionally dodawa and dodappa
(big mother and father). The use of kinship terms for
superpersons, especially grandparents, is common
also among other hunter-gatherers (e.g., see Hallowell
Maintaining relationships with fellow Nayaka but
also with other local beings is critical to maintaining
Nayaka identity because it is critical to maintaining
personhood. They retain immediate engagement with
the natural environment and hold devaru performances
even when they make a living by different means such
as casual labor. This is common among many other
hunter-gatherers, even those well integrated into their
respective states who live by such diverse means as
state benefits or jobs in the state bureaucracy (see, e.g.,
Tanner 1979, Povinelli 1993, Bird-David 1992b). By
maintaining relationships with other local beings to
reproduce their personhood, Nayaka reproduce the
devaru-ness of the other beings with whom they share.
The other beings are drawn into interrelating and sharing with Nayaka and so into Nayaka kinship relationships. These relationships constitute the particular beings as devaru.
To summarize this point of the argument, the devaru
objectify sharing relationships between Nayaka and
other beings. A hill devaru, say, objectifies Nayaka relationships with the hill; it makes known the relationships between Nayaka and that hill. Nayaka maintain
social relationships with other beings not because, as
Tylor holds, they a priori consider them persons. As and
when and because they engage in and maintain relationships with other beings, they constitute them as
kinds of person: they make them relatives by sharing
with them and thus make them persons. They do not
regard them as persons and subsequently some of them
as relatives, as Durkheim maintains. In one basic sense
of this complex notion, devaru are relatives in the literal sense of being that or whom one interrelates
with (not in the reduced modern English sense of hu-

S74 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

mans connected with others by blood or affinity).18

They are superrelatives who both need and can help
Nayaka in extraordinary ways.
devaru in-the-world
Devaru exist in the world, according to Nayaka, and
this view is comprehensible in terms of Gibsons (1979)
ecological approach to visual perception (introduced
and popularized among anthropologists by Ingold [e.g.,
1992, 1996; see Croll and Parkin 1992]). Gibson concerns himself with ambient vision, obtained as the
observer is turning his head and looking around, the
vision by which people (like other animals) perceive
their environment in everyday life. He reconceptualizes
the environment in ecological terms. It is permanent in
some respects and changing in others; the permanent
objects of the world are actually only objects that persist for a very long time (p. 13). It consists of places,
attached objects, objects and substances . . . together
with events, which are changes of these things (p. 240).
People perceive these things by registering their relative persistence (or persistence-under-change, or invariances) and relative change (or change-abovepersistence, or variances). Things are perceived in
terms of what they afford the actor-perceiver because
of what they are for him (p. 138).19 Their affordance,
as Gibson calls it, cuts across the dichotomy of subjective-objective. . . . It is equally a fact of the environment as a fact of behavior. It is both physical and psychical, yet neither. An affordance points both ways, to
the environment and to the observer (p. 123).
Meaning is not imposed on thingsit is not pregiven in consciousnessbut discovered in the course
of action; it is also both physical and psychical, yet
neither. There is endless information in the environment, by which Gibson means the specification of
the observers environment, not . . . of the observers
receptors or sense organs (p. 242). People continuously
pick up information in acting within the environment, by means of attention. Gibsonian attention
is a skill that can be educated (p. 246) to pick up information that is more and more subtle, elaborate, and precise (p. 245). Knowing is developing this skill; knowing
is continuous with perceiving, of which it is an extension.
According to Gibson, attention is educated through
practice and also by means of aids to perceiving such
as stories and models of things, words and pictures.
These are not in themselves knowledge, as we are
tempted to think. All they can do is facilitate knowing
(p. 258). They can never copy or represent reality,
18. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: on historical principles
(1973, emphasis added). Interestingly, in premodern English relative meant a thing (or person) standing in some relation to another.
19. Gibson often lapses into essentializing languageas in this
case, where he refers to what things are rather than to what
things are for the actor-perceiver. I have added the latter qualification.

but they preserve some information (pictures more

than words, motion pictures more than pictures). They
put the viewer into the scene (p. 282) by inducing
not an illusion of reality but an awareness of being in
the world (p. 284). They transmit to the next generation the tricks of the human trade. The labors of the
first perceivers are spared their descendants. The extracting and abstracting of the invariants that specify
the environment are made vastly easier with these aids
to comprehension (p. 284).
Events are ecologically perceivable as any change of
a substance, place, or object, chemical, mechanical, or
biophysical. The change may be slower or fast, reversible or nonreversible, repeating or nonrepeating. Events
include what happens to objects in general, plus what
the animate objects make happen. Events are nested
within superordinate events. . . . Events of different
sorts are perceived as such . . . (p. 242). While Gibsons
analysis explicitly focuses on things (evincing Western
biases), his thesis is concerned with things and events,
and using his language my argument is that Nayaka focus on events. Their attention is educated to dwell on
events. They are attentive to the changes of things in
the world in relation to changes in themselves. As they
move and act in the forest, they pick up information
about the relative variances in the flux of the interrelatedness between themselves and other things against relative invariances. When they pick up a relatively changing thing with their relatively changing selvesand, all
the more, when it happens in a relatively unusual mannerthey regard as devaru this particular thing within
this particular situation. This is another sense of the
complex notion of devaru, and it arises from the stories
which Nayaka tell.20
For example, one Nayaka woman, Devi (age 40),
pointed to a particular stonestanding next to several
other similar stones on a small mud platform among
the hutsand said that she had been digging deep down
for roots in the forest when suddenly this devaru came
towards her. Another man, Atti-Mathen (age 70),
pointed to a stone standing next to the aforementioned
one and said that his sister-in-law had been sitting under a tree, resting during a foray, when suddenly this
devaru jumped onto her lap. The two women had
brought the stone devaru back to their places to live
with them. The particular stones were devaru as they
came towards and jumped on Nayaka. The many
other stones in the area were not devaru but simply
stones. Ojibwa approach stones in a similar way: Hallowell recounts how he once asked an old Ojibwa man
whether all the stones we see about us here are alive.
Though stones are grammatically animate in Ojibwa,
the man (Hallowell recalls) reflected a long while and
then replied, No! But some are (1960:24). From the
stories which Hallowell provides, alive stones appear
20. See Pandya (1993) for a fascinating study of Andamanese focus
on movements. Hunter-gatherers are generally known to be concerned not with taxonomies but with behavior (see, e.g., Blurton
Jones and Konner 1976).

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S75

to be ones which move and open a mouth towards

Ojibwa (p. 25).
The same underlying narrative recurs as Nayaka relate to animal devaru in-the-world. The following four
anecdotes on elephants provide us with a clearer understanding of the complexity of Nayaka perceptions of devaru in-the-world. One man, Chathen (age 50), whose
home stood next to the one in which I lived, said one
morning that during the night he had seen an elephant
devaru walking harmlessly between our homes, and
this is how he knew, he explained, that it was a devaru,
not just an elephant. Another man, Chellan (age 35),
similarly related, by way of giving another example,
how once an elephant devaru which passed by him as
he was walking in the forest searching for honey
looked straight into his eyes. Like the stones, these
particular elephants were devaru as they walked harmlessly and looked straight into the eyes, that is, as
and when they responsively related to Nayaka. In contrast, Kungan (age 50) once took me along on a gathering
expedition, and on hearing an elephant and knowing by
its sounds that it was alone and dangerous, he turned
away and avoided it. He did not engage with this elephant and referred to it not as elephant devaru but
simply as elephant. The lack of mutual engagement
prevented the kind of relatedness which would have
constituted this elephant (at this moment) as devaru
while it might be perceived as devaru on other occasions.
A more complex situation is exemplified in an account by Atti-Mathen of how an elephant trampled two
huts in a neighboring Nayaka place, luckily not injuring
Nayaka, who happened to be away that night. AttiMathen referred to the offending elephant simply as elephant. Several months later, during a devaru performance, he asked the devaru involved if they had had
something to do with the event in question. The devaru replied that they had done it in response to a
Nayaka aaita (a fault, deviation from the customary).
The devaru did not specify the nature of the fault on
this occasionthough sometimes they did, mentioning, for instance, that Nayaka had offered less food
during the last devaru performance than in previous
times or had started the performance later. This particular elephant (in this particular situation) was neither
avoided nor shared with. It was perceived as an instrument, an object, which devaru used in the course of interrelating with Nayaka. In this case, illustrating the
Nayaka view at its limits, Nayaka still frame what happened in terms of mutually responsive events, but they
are connected narratively in a more complex way.
These four stories show how elephants (as one example among others) may be regarded as persons or as objects, depending on what happens between them and
Nayaka, which itself depends on the affordances of
events involving elephants and people. An important
feature of devaru in-the-world emerges. Devaru are not
limited to certain classes of things. They are certain
things-in-situations of whatever class or, better, certain
situations. They are events involving mutual respon-

siveness and engagement between things, events, moreover, which prototypically involve the actor-perceiver.
Discriminating devaru is contingent on affordances
of environmental events and things and (as I shall next
argue) on enhanced attention to them through particular traditions of practice.
devaru as performance characters
Devaru performances are pivotal in developing attention to devaru in-the-world and reproducing concepts of
devaru as objectifications of relationships. These performances are complex affairs which, in the modernist
sense, involve spirit-possession by devaru but also a
great deal more, including a communal social gathering,
healing, an altered state of consciousness, communication with predecessors, secondary burial for people who
have died since the previous event, and music and dancing. Each affair spans two days and the intervening
night. Nayaka hold them every year or so in each village, one place after the other, each attended by people
from the whole area who participate in several events
of this sort every year. Nayaka do not seem to refer to
this event by any single name or mark it off from everyday experience. Pandalu, the word I apply to the affair, is sometimes used for the purpose, referring to the
hut which is specially built for the event as accommodation for the visiting devaru.21
In examining one pandalu event, limiting myself to
devaru alone, I adopt a performance-centered approach
influenced by, among others Tambiah (1970, 1985
[1979]). Unlike the Geertzian tradition, this approach
focuses on what the pandalu does rather than what it
means. It focuses on the pandalu as an event in-theworld itself, not a text. It is concerned with the extent to which such events, instead of referring to or
talking about, do something in-the-world. I go farther,
as I cast the pandalu (following Nayaka) right away as
an experience, a performance, a social event in-theworld, which is continuous and coherent with and even
nested within other Nayaka experiences. (I do not cast
it as ritual, as opposed to practice, and then correctively adopt a performance-centered approach to it.) The
examination fills a lacuna in the work of Ingold (e.g.,
1996), who, like Gibson, pays inadequate attention to
interhuman action in-the-world in favor of action
towards other species;22 clearly, action towards fellow
humans constitutes an important part of ones environment.
June 9, 1979, Kungans place23 (where I lived at the
time with his family): People arrive casually during the
day, each family at its own time. They engage with
the local residents in everyday activities, chatting, sharing food, going to the river, fetching firewood, etc. Late
21. Pandalu means temple to neighboring Hindu people.
22. Ingold (1997) questions the autonomy of social relations.
23. Nayaka have no fixed names for places and refer to them by
mentioning a prominent landmark or the name of a central person
living there.

S76 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

in the afternoon, amidst the action, Kungan (age 50)

stands in front of the devaru hut and bows in four directions, inviting the areas devaru to come. A few people
shift the devaru stonesoriginally brought from the
forestfrom their regular place on a mud platform
among the houses to the area in front of the hut. They
put next to them various other devaru things (including
knives, bells, bracelets, cups, and elephant- and humanshaped figurines of Hindu origin), taking these things
out of a box in which they are kept for safety between
these events. Food and betel-nuts are laid in front of all
these devaru, as well as Hindu puja items purchased
with money collected in advance from the participants.24
As night falls, several men start going on and off into
trances, usually one at a time, which they will continue
doing throughout the night and the following day. Each
one wraps himself with a special cloth, lifts branches
and waves them in the air in four directions, bows in
four directions inviting devaru to come, and shakes
himself into a trance. Intermittently, rhythmic drumming, flute-and-drum music, and dances help set the
mood. As the performers fall into trance, they bring to
life a variety of devaru.25 The performers are evaluated
in terms of how skillfully they bring the devaru to
life at the same time as attendant people engage with
the devaru which the performers evoke.
Devaru of all sorts can come to life during the devaru performance. Nayaka extend them an open invitation by the recurring bows in the four directions. Nayaka engage with the devaru characters who appear,
who are devaru as they appear and engage with Nayaka.
Nayaka identify each visiting devaru by its dividuated
personality: by how it idiosyncratically interrelates
with Nayaka (how it laughs with, talks with, gets angry
at, responds to Nayaka, etc.). Sometimes, various devaru come together in a gang, evoked by the same performer, who then switches gestures, speech styles, dialects, and even languages (Nayaka, Malayalam, and
Tamil) from one sentence to the next.26 Some devaru are
vivified by the performers with great finesse, and they
are recognized by most or all Nayaka. Other devaru are
so crudely specified that they are barely distinguishable,
and they are identified by few Nayaka, and sometimes
differently. The devaru are objectified by kinship terms;
24. See Bird-David (1996) for a detailed examination of how Nayaka
incorporate Hindu influences into their pandalu tradition.
25. They also bring to life predecessors, who for lack of space are
not discussed here.
26. Similarly, Brightman (1993:172) describes the Rock Crees
shaking lodge ritual as follows: [It] features a recurring stock of
characters, variable to some degree among different operators and
different performances by the same operator. Many characters possess individuating speech characteristics, familiar to the audience
from hearsay and from other performances. . . . Today, most spirits
speak in Cree, and others use English, French, Saulteaux, and Chipewyan, or unknown human languages (p. 172). During the
course of the performance, they [the spirits] conversed among
themselves, with the operator, and with members of the audience
outside, responding to questions either in known languages or in
unintelligible speech requiring translation by other spirits or by the
operator (p. 171).

occasionally by names; sometimes only by their dividuated characters (as the one who always requests wild
fowl for food or waves a knife, etc.) and sometimes
just as devaru in general. The most vivid and generally
known devaru are hill devaru, whose existence appears
to go far back into the past. (Among neighboring huntergatherer Pandaram and Paliyan, hill chavu and hill devi
are also singled out [Morris 1981, Gardner 1991].) Other
vivid devaru are elephant devaru, minor Hindu deities
worshiped locally, and a deity of the Kurumba people
who lived in the locality several decades before. Generally, the more devaru appear year after year and are related with, the more vividly they are invoked, the more
they are known, the more, in a sense, they exist.
Hardly anything is said about devaru in myth or other
oral tradition either within the performance or outside
it (Morris reports the same for Hill Pandaram [1981:
The devaru evoked often improvise on the same repetitive phrases. The saying, the voicing, the gesturing
are important. These principal aspects of their behavior
are, in Batesons term (1979), meta-communication,
namely, communicating that devaru are communicating, because the devaru are present as they move, talk,
make gestures, etc. They are present as they communicate and socially interact with Nayaka. At peak times,
everyone gathers around the visiting devaru, taking an
active part in the conversation or just closely listening
to it. At other times, only a few people do this while the
others busy themselves with their own domestic affairs.
The conversation has to be kept going at all times.
When it slackens, the devaru complain and urge more
people to join in. At the extreme, at dull moments in
the heat of the day and deep in the night, this or that
Nayaka grudgingly comes forward and engages the devaru in conversation. (I became helpful at various points
in this event, letting Nayaka go about their business as
I recorded and listened to the devaru by myself.) Keeping the conversation going is important because it keeps
the Nayaka-devaru interaction and in a sense the devaru themselves alive.
Conversation with the devaru is highly personal, informal, and friendly, including joking, teasing, bargaining, etc. In its idiomatic structure it resembles the
demand-sharing discourse which is characteristic of
Nayaka and hunter-gatherers generally (see Bird-David
1990). With numerous repetitions or minor variations
on a theme, Nayaka and devaru nag and tease, praise
and flatter, blame and cajole each other, expressing and
demanding care and concern. For example, Nayaka
stress that they are taking proper care of the devaru (or
apologizing for not giving more or moaning about not
being able to give more, etc.) and complain that the devaru, in turn, do not take care of them (or not enough
or not as in previous years, etc.). The devaru stress how
much they care for Nayaka and request better hospitality (more offerings, an earlier start for the event, more
dancing, etc.). The Nayaka request cures from illnesses.
The ordinary round of everyday affairs continues during the two days of the pandalu. Domestic chores are

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S77

not marginalized on account of the occasion but constitute a significant part of its structure. Throughout the
two days, Nayaka families go on with their domestic
activities, frequently sharing with each other and, in
some ways, with their devaru visitors, too. The devaru
hut resembles ordinary Nayaka dwellings. Some men
occasionally take naps there, sharing the hut with the
devaru. In the morning, when people go to wash in the
river and bring back water, they bow in the four directions, inviting local devaru to join them. Women on
their way back sprinkle water from their vessels in the
four directions, sharing the water with devaru around.
In the course of conversation devaru request betel-nuts
from their Nayaka interlocutor. One elderly Nayaka
woman falls into a trance. She does not utter coherent
words; in her frenzy she only sweeps the ground around
the devaru hut and starts to undress (which bystanders
stop her from doing). A joint meal of rice, cooked by
Kungans daughter and her husband, brings the event to
a close. The food is shared equally among those present,
and some food is spread in the four directions.
The pandalu makes known the Nayaka-devaru relatednesses and at the same time reproduces them. Objectified as kinship relationships, the relatednesses reconstitute all the participants as sonta and each of them
as a person (Nayaka person, hill person, stone person,
etc.). Furthermore, the pandalu constitutes (in the Gibsonian sense) aids to perceiving that put the viewer
into the scene (Gibson 1979: 282, cited above). It educates the attention to perceive and specify the environment (while engaging with it) in a relational way. The
pandalu preserves information (as effectively as
books and even motion pictures); moreover, it encourages the learner to engage interactively with this information and so to experience it socially. The engagement with devaru characters educates the attention
to notice devaru as they interact with oneself. It improves the skill of picking up information about the engagement itself, within its confines, from an engaged
If Nayaka only subsisted by hunting and gathering in
their environment, they might perceive only its utilitarian affordances: an animal as something edible; a stone
as something throwable; a rock as something one can
shelter under. Within the practice of engaging with devaru characters in the pandalu they are educated to perceive that animals, stones, rocks, etc., are things one
can relate withthat they have relational affordances,
that is, what happens to them (or how they change) can
affect and be affected by what happens to people (or how
they change): an animal-avoiding-me in relation to meupsetting-the-animal, a stone-coming-towards-me in relation to me-reaching-for-the-stone, a rock-securing-me
in relation to me-seeking-a-shelter. Participants learn
from conversing and sharing with devaru characters to
discriminate mutually responsive changes in themselves and things they relate with; they become increasingly aware of the webs of relatedness between themselves and what is around them. From the bargaining
and demand-sharing with devaru characters they learn

to pursue individual interests within the confines of a

relatednessto negotiate for what they need while simultaneously taking care to reproduce the framing relatedness within which they do so. From year upon year
of conversations, which in part repeat themselves and
in part change, participants are increasingly sensitized
to pick up information on the emergent, processive, historical, and reciprocal qualities of relatednesses. In sum,
we can say that the pandalu involves making [devaru]
alive, that is, raising peoples awareness of their existence in-the-world and, dialectically, producing and being produced by this, socializing with them.

Animism as Relational Epistemology

Within the objectivist paradigm informing previous attempts to resolve the animism problem, it is hard to
make sense of peoples talking with things, or singing, dancing, or socializing in other ways for which
talking is used here as shorthand. According to this
paradigm, learning involves acquiring knowledge of
things through the separation of knower and known and
often, furthermore, by breaking the known down into
its parts in order to know it. To study, say, the tropical
forestthe kind of forest in which Nayaka live and
with which they talkbotanists of this persuasion
cut down a strip of trees with machetes, sort out the
fallen vegetation into kinds, place characteristic bits
and pieces of each kind in small bags, and take them
out of the forest to a herbarium for botanical classification (see Richards 1952). Compared with their method,
talking with trees seems a ritual with no possible
connection to the serious business of acquiring knowledge of trees.
If cutting trees into parts epitomizes the modernist
epistemology, talking with trees, I argue, epitomizes
Nayaka animistic epistemology. Talking is shorthand for a two-way responsive relatedness with a tree
rather than speaking one-way to it, as if it could listen and understand. Talking with stands for attentiveness to variances and invariances in behavior and
response of things in states of relatedness and for getting to know such things as they change through the
vicissitudes over time of the engagement with them. To
talk with a treerather than cut it downis to
perceive what it does as one acts towards it, being aware
concurrently of changes in oneself and the tree. It is expecting response and responding, growing into mutual
responsiveness and, furthermore, possibly into mutual
If the object of modernist epistemology is a totalizing
scheme of separated essences, approached ideally from
a separated viewpoint, the object of this animistic
knowledge is understanding relatedness from a related
point of view within the shifting horizons of the related
viewer. Knowledge in the first case is having, acquiring,
applying, and improving representations of things inthe-world (see Rorty 1980). Knowledge in the second
case is developing the skills of being in-the-world with

S78 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

other things, making ones awareness of ones environment and ones self finer, broader, deeper, richer, etc.
Knowing, in the second case, grows from and is maintaining relatedness with neighboring others. It involves
dividuating the environment rather than dichotomizing
it and turning attention to we-ness, which absorbs
differences, rather than to otherness, which highlights differences and eclipses commonalities. Against
I think, therefore I am stand I relate, therefore I am
and I know as I relate. Against materialistic framing
of the environment as discrete things stands relationally framing the environment as nested relatednesses. Both ways are real and valid. Each has its limits and its strengths.
Framing the environment relationally does not constitute Nayakas only way of knowing their environment, though in my understanding they regard it as authoritative among their other ways. Nor is it unique to
Nayaka. I would hypothesize that relational epistemologies of this kind enjoy authoritative status in cultures
of peoples we call hunter-gatherers. These peoples normalize sharing with fellow persons. They engage intimately with their environment (if only periodically
while on a break from other economic pursuits [BirdDavid 1992b]). They celebrate animistic performances.
Their performance traditionsfor example, the Cree
shaking tent ritual (e.g., Hallowell 1960, Feit 1994,
Brightman 1993), the !Kung medicine dance (e.g.,
Marshall 1962, Katz 1982), the Hadza sacred epeme
dance (see Woodburn 1982), the Batek fruit-seasons
singing session (see Endicott 1979), and Paliyan and
Pandaram spirit possession (see Gardner 1991, Morris
1981)are functionally similar to the Nayaka pandalu.
These performances involve the visiting of superpersons who appear through trance and dance or make
their voices heard.27 The people regard these superpersons as friends and relatives and often address and refer
to them by kinship terms. They approach them in a personal, friendly, and immediate way. These events are
the central communal affairs of these communities and
often the main celebrational means by which they sustain their senses of identity.28 Each event constitutes a
participation frame (Lave and Wenger 1991) which,
together with the participation frame of hunting-gathering practice itself, nurtures a complex articulation of
skills, a double-bind engagement which co-privileges
27. In some cases devaru are additionally invoked by objects, with
which one talks, eats, sings, dances, etc. This is less common than
their invocation by performance but of considerable theoretical importance.
28. At their respective times of study, these events were frequently
held, for example, weekly among !Kung, monthly among Hadza,
and whenever need arises among Pandaram. They spanned a significant stretch of time, for example, the whole night among
!Kung, two to three nights in succession among Hadza, and
from evening into the night among Paliyan. The events involved
the entire community as active spectators and a considerable proportion as performers, for example, one-third of the men among
!Kung, one-eighth of the men among Pandaram, and 28% of the
adults among Paliyan. In the case of Nayaka, about one-fifth of
the men acted as performers.

utilizing and respecting animated things, self-interest and the cooperation within which that self-interest
can be achieved.29
Furthermore, relational epistemologies function in
diverse contexts where other epistemologies enjoy authority, including Western contexts (to a much greater
extent than the authoritative status of science permits).
When (going back to Guthries examples) we animate
the computers we use, the plants we grow, and the cars
we drive, we relationally frame them. We learn what
they do in relation to what we do, how they respond to
our behavior, how they act towards us, what their situational and emergent behavior (rather than their constitutive matter) is. As Nayaka get to know animated aspects of their environment, so we get to know these
animated things by focusing on our relatedness with
them within the confines of that relatedness from a relational viewpoint. This sort of relational framing is articulated with other epistemologies in complex, variable, and shifting ways that deserve study. (The
example of ethologists mentioned earlier is a case in
point: in regarding as persons the study animals with
which they live, they frame them relationally in addition to making them the objects of their scientific
As a hypothesis, furthermore, I am willing to agree
with Tylor, not least because Guthrie goes some way
towards substantiating the point, that the tendency to
animate things is shared by humans. However, this
common tendency, I suggest, is engendered by human
socially biased cognitive skills, not by survival of
mental confusion (Tylor) or by wrong perceptual
guesses (Guthrie). Recent work relates the evolution of
human cognition to social interaction with fellow humans. Its underlying argument is that interpersonal
dealings, requiring strategic planning and anticipation
of action-response-reaction, are more demanding and
challenging than problems of physical survival (Humphrey 1976). Cognitive skills have accordingly evolved
within and for a social kind of engagement and are socially biased (Goody 1995). We spontaneously employ
these skills in situations when we cannot control or totally predict our interlocutors behavior, when its behavior is not predetermined but in conversation with
our own. We employ these skills in these situations, irrespective of whether they involve humans or other beings (the respective classification of which is sometimes part of reflective knowing, following rather than
preceding the engagement situation). We do not first
personify other entities and then socialize with them
but personify them as, when, and because we socialize
with them. Recognizing a conversation with a
counter-beingwhich amounts to accepting it into fellowship rather than recognizing a common essence
makes that being a self in relation with ourselves.
29. Compare Briggs (1982) and Guemple (1988) on the teaching of
Inuit children to relate with other people in a double-binding way
and Myerss study (1986) of tenuous articulation of personal autonomy and relatedness among the Australian Pintupi.

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S79

Finally, the common human disposition to frame

things relationally in these situations is culturally mediated and contextualized in historically specific ways
(not least in relation with cultural concepts of the person). A diversity of animisms exists, each animistic
project with its local status, history, and structure (in
Sahlinss [1985] sense). There follow intriguing questions deserving study, for example: How does huntergatherer animism compare with the current radical environmental discourses (e.g., Kovel 1988, Leahy 1991,
Regan 1983, Tester 1991) that some scholars have described as the new animism (Bouissac 1989; see also
Kennedys new anthropomorphism [1992])? What
other forms of animism are there?30 How do they articulate in each case with other cosmologies and epistemologies?31 How do animistic projects relate to fetish practices? Surely, however, the most intriguing question is
why and how the modernist project estranged itself
from the tendency to animate things, if it is indeed universal. How and why did it stigmatize animistic language as a childs practice, against massive evidence
(see Guthrie 1993) to the contrary? How did it succeed
in delegitimating animism as a valid means to knowledge, constantly fending off the impulse to deploy it and
regarding it as an incurable disease (see Kennedy 1992
and Masson and McCarthy 1995)? The answers are
bound to be complex. Ernest Gellner (1988) argued that
nothing less than a near-miraculous concatenation of
circumstances can explain the cognitive shift that occurred in Western Europe around the 17th century.
Ironically, history has it that Descartesa reclusive
manwas once accidentally locked in a steam room,
where under hallucination he had the dualist vision on
which the modern project is founded (see Morris 1991:
6). Can it be that a Tylorian kind of dream thesis
helps explain not the emergence of primitive animism
but, to the contrary, the modernist break from it?

How we get to know things is nested within culture and
practice and takes multiple forms. Nayaka relationally
frame what they are concerned about as their authoritative (but not only) way of getting to know things. They
seek to understand relatednesses from a related point of
view within the shifting horizons of the related viewer.
Their relational epistemology, their study of how
things-in-situations relate to the actor-perceiver and,
from the actor-perceivers point of view, to each other,
is embodied in the practices which Tylor christened
primitive animism, articulated with a relational personhood concept and a relational perception of the environment. Previous theories of animism, taking mod30. For example, compare hunter-gatherer animism with premodern Western animism as described in Merchant (1980) and Burke
31. I owe the formulation of this question to Ingrid Jordts forthcoming work on the articulation of Buddhist and animist epistemologies in Burma.

ernist personhood concepts and perceptions of the

environment as universal, have grossly misunderstood
animism as simple religion and a failed epistemology.

e du a r d o v i v e i r os de c a s t r o
Kings College, Cambridge CB2 1ST, U.K. 10 iv 98
Bird-David rejects modernist understandings but holds
fast to the quintessentially modernist concern with
epistemology. The massive conversion of ontological
questions into epistemological ones is the hallmark of
modernist philosophy. She does not accept the modernist answers, but the question how we come to know
things is taken as a natural one to be put with reference
to the Nayaka, who are thus encompassed by this ambiguous we and expected to provide an answer for
us. The answer is that knowing is relating and the
cogito is relational. The problem remains framed in
terms of knowledge even though the answer could be
taken to imply that knowledge, let alone the cogito, has
little to do with it. Anthropologists persist in thinking
that in order to explain a non-Western ontology we
must derive it from (or reduce it to) an epistemology.
Animism is surely an ontology, concerned with being
and not with how we come to know it. Bird-David falls
into the Tylorian trap and feels compelled to assess the
validity of this epistemology and to justify it on the basis of its cognitive naturalness.
The author has a fondness for scare quotes, but I am
afraid this sort of pocket deconstruction is hardly
enough to keep one safe from essentialization and modernist projection. The notion of hunter-gatherers is a
case in point. Bird-David finds the concept suspicious,
but all the same she attributes to hunter-gatherers a
number of characteristics also to be found in many horticultural societies. There is then a suggestion that the
prevalence of epistemologies of the kind described for
the Nayaka is somehow (causally?) derived from the
fact that [hunter-gatherers] normalize sharing with fellow persons; in other words, sharing is taken as the essence of hunter-gatherers social life. This seems close
to the traditional notion of a metaphoric projection of
human relations onto the environmentan idea which
has been cogently criticized by Ingold. Also, she dislikes
dualisms and dichotomies, but this does not prevent her
from posing a dichotomy between a dichotomous modernist epistemology and a non-dichotomous relational
one. She objects, in particular, to the concepts of subject
and objectbut whence comes the notion of objectification?
I find the attempt to combine Stratherns and Ingolds
theories very problematic. The dividual of the former
shares only its name with Bird-Davids, among other
things because Stratherns notion of relation, as I understand it, has little in common with Bird-Davids notion

S80 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

of relatedness. Strathernian relations separate, while

Bird-Davids relatednesses are predicated on the absorption of difference by commonalities and togethernesses.
There is here, then, in contrast to Stratherns usage, an
implicit assumption that the fundamental or prototypical mode of relation is we-ness as sameness.
Bird-Davids is yet another voicing of the recent widespread sentiment against difference which sees it as inimical to immanence, as if difference were a stigma of
transcendence and alterity a harbinger of oppression. Is
not this sentiment being here projected onto what
hunter-gatherers are supposed to experience? All difference is read as opposition and all opposition as the absence of a relation: to oppose is taken as synonymous
with to excludea strange idea which I can only attribute to the guilty supposition that others conceive
otherness as we do. Well, they dont: others are other
precisely because they have other others.
I find Bird-Davids idea that devaru are situational
and event-determined appearances inspiring, and the
point that devaru are persons insofar as they engage in
relationships with people rather than the other way
around is extremely well taken. But I also have several
questions here.
Bird-David objects to Hallowells usage of otherthan-human persons on the ground that it betrays a
concern with classes (human/non-human), and she prefers to call devaru superpersons. But what is the person that makes devaru superpersonsthe human
person? By the same token, the idea that devaruhood is
a context-bound, situational ascription seems to rely on
an implicit contrast with context-free avaruhood.
The idea that devaru are objectifications of sharing relationships seems to fly in the face of the more complex situation (more complex for whom?) of the elephant devaru related to the animal which trampled the
huts. Bird-David says that this case illustrates the
Nayaka view at its limits, but this sounds like blaming
the Nayaka for the limits of her own theoretical view.
Bird-David emphasizes the particularistic, event-derived nature of the devaru but also says that many of
those who appear in the performance are very crudely
specified and that some are recognized only as devaru in general. But what is a devaru in general? And
if interaction with devaru is a way of educating attention to discriminate changes in the relationships between humans and the environment, then the sketchy
specification of some devaru would make them quite
In her conclusion, Bird-David says that our human socially biased cognitive skills would be spontaneously
(naturally) applied in situations when we cannot control or totally predict our interlocutors behavior. Applied to non-human beings, however, these skills would
give us something quite similar to the theory of magic
as a counter-anxiety device. In like manner, the mention of the devaru-ization of unusual relatednesses
strikes me as similar to the old idea that primitives
attribute a spirit to anything out of the ordinary. We
might also inquire about the respective limits and

strengths of the materialistic and the relational views.

What are the limits of a relational epistemology?
In order to prove that animism is not a (mistaken) cultural epistemology, Bird-David must argue that it is a
natural human attitude. In so doing, she manages to
culturalize and particularize the modernist project
but only at the price of a prior naturalization and universalization of the animist stance. Thus the relational
epistemology is ontologized but in terms of a concept
of human nature which is firmly situated within the
modernist privileging of epistemology.
alf hornborg
Human Ecology Division, Lund University, Finngatan
16, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden. 11 iv 98
This is a welcome contribution in several respects: it
readdresses the difference between the pre-modern
and the modern in an age when such polarities are
increasingly brushed aside as modern constructions; it
argues for a connection between studies of human-environmental relations and the more recently constituted
anthropological discourse on personhood; finally, in seriously considering the validity of pre-Cartesian epistemologies it shows how anthropology might resuscitate
its now foundering critique of modernity. In all these
respects I am fundamentally in agreement with the author (see Hornborg 1994, 1996, 1998). My remarks will
rather focus on some points which she might have carried further.
To begin with, I would have liked to see a distinction
between relatedness or relational epistemology, on
the one hand, and ritualized animism such as pandalu,
on the other. Bird-David conflates the two rather than
problematizing their relationship. The former evokes a
very general human experience that has inspired, for instance, the long-standing phenomenological critique of
Cartesian objectivism from within modern Western society itself; the latter is a specific cultural expression in
certain pre-modern societies that may tell us something
about relatedness but cannot qualify as simply an index of it. A relevant question would have been under
what conditions relatedness must be objectified in
ritual. Bird-Davids own datum that the Nayaka engage
intimately with their environment only periodically
while on a break from other economic pursuits suggests that pandalu may be an attempt to revitalize an
everyday relatedness that is threatening to dissolve or
slip away.
If the presence or absence of relatedness is a general
existential problem, Bird-David has addressed nothing
less than the problem of modernity itself. Yet there are
few indications that the argument belongs within a
wider tradition than a rather parochial, anthropological
concern with animism. There is no mention, for instance, of Webers disenchantment, Merleau-Pontys
being-in-the-world, or Bubers I-Thou relationships. These are connections which deserve to be elaborated. It is curious how the phenomenological jargon on

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S81

being in-the-world has infiltrated ecological anthropology (see also Ingold 1996) without any mention of
the sources of these concepts (see Gooch 1998).
The example of the ethologists coming to view their
animal objects as subjects illustrates how relatedness
is something that people are capable of achieving in particular experiential contexts of some minimal duration.
It is undoubtedly everywhere fundamental to the local
and embedded dimensions of human life. Why exoticize
it into something that theythe Nayakahave?
Once again, the anthropological gaze risks reducing itself to the class perspective of urban cosmopolitans
making careers out of objectifying the rural and the
There is a contradiction between Bird-Davids concluding assumption that the modernist project estranged itself from the tendency to animate things and
her earlier observation that we may animate our computers and cars. Animation is one of Ellens (1988)
criteria of fetishism, and fetishism to Marx was central
to modern capitalism. It is indeed relevant to ask how
animism relates to fetishism. There is a difference
between representing relations between people as if
they were relations between things (Marxian fetishism)
and experiencing relations to things as if they were
relations to people (animation). The former is a
cognitive/ideological illusion, the latter a condition of
phenomenological/experiential resonance. I have suggested (Hornborg 1992) that machine fetishism, at
the ideological level, is as crucial to capitalism as
money or commodity fetishism. Machines can undoubtedly also be animated in a phenomenological
sense, as Bird-David suggests. We probably need to distinguish between the animation of living things such as
trees (animism, more narrowly defined) and that of nonliving things such as stones or machines (fetishism).
Cartesian objectivism and fetishism here emerge as
structural inversions of one another: the former denies
agency and subjectivity in living beings, whereas the
latter attributes such qualities to dead objects. In this
framework, a more strictly defined category of animism
would be reserved for the intermediate and quite reasonable assumption that all living things are subjects.
The epistemological predicament codified by Descartes was not so much an innovative, cognitive shift
from animism to objectivism as the emergenceor unprecedented generalizationof a social condition of
alienation. Rather than a cerebral innovation that has
since diffused, it is a reflection of a set of social circumstances that is continually being reproduced and expanded. Bird-Davids programmatic ambition to articulate environmental relations and personhood is
supremely worthwhile, but where in this text are the
insights on personhood that she wishes to employ? A
highly relevant aspect of personhood which might have
illuminated the relationist/objectivist contrast is the
tendency of non-Western (local?) people to anchor
their selves in concrete rather than abstract referencepoints (see Shweder and Bourne 1984, Hornborg 1994).
It is the long immersion in the concrete and experien-

tial specifics of place that yields conditions conducive

to relatedness. If this has been stigmatized as a
childs practice, as does indeed Piagets bourgeois concept of maturity, is this not because we are all born premodern? Abstraction, detachment, and objectification
are products of modern, disembedding middle- and upper-class biographies.
Bird-David observes that relational epistemologies
are performative, as their significance hinges on what
they do rather than on what they represent. Ironically,
at another logical level, so is objectivist knowledge, but
precisely by not admitting it. By posing as mere representation, it performs an act of alienation, a relinquishment of responsibility, through which a disembodied, instrumental rationality is set free to go about
its business in the world.
Finally, it may restrict our field of vision to conclude
that the human tendency to animate things is engendered by socially biased cognitive skills. If human
cognition has evolved to equip us for interpersonal
dealings with unpredictable interlocutors, it may just
as well have been because ecological relationships are
fundamentally communicative (von Uexkull 1982
[1940]). Ingold (1996) argues that social relations are a
subset of ecological relations and that there is a sense
in which non-human creatures are also persons. We
could thus turn the evolutionary argument around and
suggest that human sociability was engendered by cognitive skills that were ecologically biased. This would
provide an even stronger case for the essential validity
of animism.
t i m i ng o l d
Department of Social Anthropology, University of
Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL,
England ([email protected]). 15 iv 98
I am in broad sympathy with the argument of this admirable paper and confine my comment to the one point
on which I have a substantive disagreement. The point
is relatively tangential to the argument as a whole but
has important implications for the directions in which
it might be further pursued. Bird-David is right, I think,
to point out that the difference between hunter-gatherers and citizens of modern Western nations is not that
the former have a relational epistemology while the latter have signed up for the modernist project. After all,
a great many contemporary hunter-gatherers are citizens of Western nation-states. The difference is rather
that within the context of the modern state and its political, economic, and educational institutions, relational ways of knowing have lost much of their authority. But they continue to operate nonetheless and
remain deeply embedded in the experience of everyday
life. As a speculative hypothesis, Bird-David suggests
that such ways of knowing are, indeed, common to human beings everywhere. I am inclined to agree. I do not
believe, however, that the explanation for this is to be
found in theories of the evolution of social intelligence

S82 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

of the kind originally propounded by Humphrey (1976)

and subsequently developed by, inter alia, Goody
(1985). These theories rest fair and square on a modernist conception of mind and behavior which flies in the
face of the relational view of personal being and environmental perception to which Bird-David and I subscribe. To follow the explanatory route along which
they beckon would lead us inevitably to the very fallacies that she correctly identifies in the work of scholars
such as Guthrie (1993).
What Humphrey argued, in essence, was that the cognitive demands for an individual of strategically managing interactions with conspecifics far outweighed those
of dealing with other components of the environment
in the procurement of subsistence, and therefore the selective pressures that drove the evolution of human intelligence were above all social rather than technical.
This distinction between the social and technical functions of intellect is based, however, on a more fundamental division between the domains of society and nature. Social partners are beings with whom an
individual interacts, whereas in nature there are only
things that one can act upon. Yet precisely because
their intelligence has been designed by natural selection
specifically for handling social interaction, human beings are predisposed to treat objects of nature, too, as if
they were social partners. And in doing so, says Humphrey, they are sure to make mistakes. One of the
most obvious of these mistakes, typical of primitive
and not so primitivepeoples, is the resort to animistic thinking about natural phenomena. People who
think in this way attempt to interact with nature as
they would with one another. Such attempts are quite
understandable but nonetheless fallacious. Nature
will not transact with men; she goes her own way regardless (Humphrey 1976:313).
Thus for Humphrey, just as for Guthrie, animism is
founded in error: the attribution of social characteristics
to objects of the natural world. And for both authors the
prevalence of the error is put down to evolved predispositions that have a rational foundation in the calculus
of selective costs and benefits. However, as Bird-David
convincingly shows, a relational epistemology turns the
tables on such arguments. The error, it seems, lies with
their originators, in their assumption that the world is
divided, a priori, between the inanimate and the animate, between the non-human and the human, and between the natural and the social. But above all, they
make the mistake of assuming that life and mind are
interior properties of individuals that are given, independently and in advance of their involvement in the
world. Perception, then, is understood to be a matter of
constructing internal representations of what the world
might be like on the basis of the limited information
available through the senses, while action is regarded as
the execution of plans arrived at through the strategic
manipulation of such representations. In social interaction, it is supposed, each party has to be able to represent the likely response of the other to his or her own

intended actions: this is what Goody (1995) calls anticipatory interactive planning (AIP).
The kind of responsiveness envisaged in anticipatory
interactive planning, however, is fundamentally different from what Bird-David has in mind when she speaks
of the two-way responsive relatedness to components
of the environment such as trees that comes from a history of intimate engagement with them. To talk with
a tree, as she points out, is a question not of (mistakenly) attributing to it an inner intelligence and then
configuring how it might decide to react to what one
does but of perceiving what it does as one acts towards
it, being aware concurrently of changes in oneself and
the tree. Responsiveness, in this view, amounts to a
kind of sensory participation, a coupling of the movement of ones attention to the movement of aspects of
the world. If there is intelligence at work here, it does
not lie inside the head of the human actor, let alone inside the fabric of the tree. Rather, it is immanent in the
total system of perception and action constituted by the
co-presence of the human and the tree within a wider
environment. To develop this idea further, the first
thing we shall have to jettison is the cognitivist conception of intelligence as a mental computational device
responsible for processing the data of perception and
pulling the strings of action (see Ingold 1993:431). Human beings everywhere perceive their environments in
the responsive mode not because of innate cognitive
predisposition but because to perceive at all they must
already be situated in a world and committed to the relationships this entails.
b ri a n m o r r i s
Goldsmiths College, New Cross, London SE14 6NW,
England. 7 iii 98
I have read Bird-Davids lucid and valuable paper with
great interest and offer the following critical reflections
in the spirit of friendship:
Modernism, as Bird-David defines it, implies a conception of the human person as involving a radical
body/spirit (soul, mind?) split, a radical dualism between humans and nature, and the notion that the human person is an individual thing, a bounded asocial entity (organism). These conceptions, of course, largely
came out of Cartesian metaphysics and the bourgeois
liberal theory of the 17th century and were intrinsic as
ideologies to the rise of capitalism. A critique of these
conceptionswhich Bird-David links to current theory in ecology and personhoodgoes back two centuries to the time of Goethe, Hegel, and Marx. Philosophers, historians, sociologists, anthropologists,
socialists, romantic poets, evolutionary biologists, and
naturalists have long since concluded that humans are
a part of nature and that people everywhere are neither
disembodied egos (Descartes) nor abstract individuals
(the asocial organisms of bourgeois liberalism) nor simply a reflection of the commodity metaphor (Strathern)

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S83

but intrinsically social, that is, relational, beings. The

notion that human persons are dividuals has thus long
been established. But, of course, people are also individuals, actual entities or unities, and must be so logically
and dialectically in order to be dividual. Setting up the
individual and the dividual as if they were opposed categories, as Bird-David seems to do(?), is quite misleading.
Indeed, as Fitz Poole and myself have both stressed, individuality is a defining feature of personhood and
ought not to be conflated with individualism (the cultural notion that we are asocial organisms bounded by
the skin). People in Western cultures, like the Nayaka
and people everywhere, are dividual persons and recognize themselves as such. Even the much-abused Descartes acknowledged this in his letters, but the best account of the dividual person was given long ago by
another much-maligned scholar, Radcliffe-Brown (1952:
194): The human being as a person is a complex of social relationships. He is a citizen of England, a husband
and a father, a bricklayer, a member of a particular
Methodist congregation, a voter in a certain constituency, a member of his trade union, an adherent of the
Labour Party, and so on. Note that each of these descriptions refers to a social relationship. Thus dividual
seems to be just a fashionable and rather scholastic synonym for the person?
Bird-David seems to convey the idea that certain concepts, such as spirit, thing, religion, possession, imply
a dualistic metaphysic. She thus overlooks the simple
fact that all concepts are relational and that any
distinctionmale/female, humans/nature, body/mind,
spirit/world, us/themcan be interpreted in various
ways. For example, the distinction many people make
between god (spirit) and the finite world can either be
interpreted in dualistic fashion (as in Platonism, gnosticism, deism, and the more strident forms of theism) or
viewed as a relational discontinuity (as in the Christian
Neoplatonism of Eriugena and Eckhart, Hegels philosophy, esotericism, hermeticism, and the Creation-based
spirituality of Matthew Fox) or by completely repudiating dualism (as in the pantheism of Bruno, Spinoza, and
Heine, the identity philosophy of Schelling, and the
spiritual monism of Parmenides and Advaita Vedanta).
It is the same with every other concept. To suggest as
many postmodernists doand Bird-David seems to be
following this trailthat certain concepts (reason, culture, mind, religion, spirit, nature, or what have you)
imply a modernist perspective and a dualistic metaphysic is rather simplistic. It all depends on how they
are interpreted and used in analysis. Read in his seminal
article (1955) on the Gahuku-Gama sees the concept of
person as modernist, implying an individuated subject, and thus rejects it.
Bird-David herself seems to be locked into a dualistic
perspective, for we have not only a dichotomy between
individual and dividual but also one between thing and
relation. The notion that thing is a modernist concept is also rather misleading, and setting up a dichotomy between thing and relation as if they were op-

posing concepts or theories is not only undialectical but

obfuscating. All relations (whether causal or social) imply things, actual entities that are constituted through
relations; all affordances in the environment imply
somethingperson, observer, or frogthat is environed; all difference entails at the same time a unity,
just as all unities (individuals) are at the same time dividual. Bird-Davids paper conveys the impression that
talking about things implies a negative, instrumental, objectivist attitude to the world. This is not only
contrasted with but opposed to relations, identified
with the personal and the social, which are positive and
good, and reflected in Nayaka religious beliefs, which
in turn reflect the relational epistemology that BirdDavid herself embraces. The paper is thus pervaded by
Martin Bubers distinction between I-thou (relation) and
I-it (thing). But just as social relations can be hierarchic
and exploitative, so our relationship to things (independent of religion) can be what Heidegger described as primordial and poetic. The close relationship that the Nayaka have with the forest is surely not dependent upon
the fact that they perceive the devaru as immanent in
the world and as persons. All people recognize things
in the world, and this is expressed in language; the people I know wellthe Hill Pandaram and the peasant
communities of Malawinot only assert but celebrate
the singularity of things, recognizing that individual
things as genera have their own unique powers and
g i s l i p a l s s on
Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland,
101 Reykjavik, Iceland. 21 iv 98
The thesis under discussion is an intriguing one. The
realities of the phenomena classically described by anthropologists by means of the concept of animism may,
after all, have been seriously misconstrued. Bird-Davids attempt to solve the problem of animism by
combining environment theory and personhood theory
is, in my view, a promising one. Such an approach resonates with powerful themes in social theoryincluding
the pragmatism of John Dewey, the Marxian constitutive view of the individual as an ensemble of social
relations, and the Bakhtinian notion of dialogue. One
of Bird-Davids important achievements is to show that
once we abandon the dualism of nature and society, animism acquires a new meaning which seems more fundamental and more ethnographically authentic than
earlier, intellectualist perspectives implied. Extending
to the nonhuman domain the perspective of socially biased cognition (a perspective usually restricted to the
world of conspecifics), she is able to rethink animism
as a conversation with the environmentas a kind
of phatic communion in the Malinowskian sense. Animism, then, is just one more manifestation of a basic
human capacity, here extended to the totality of human

S84 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

Bird-David suggests that her perspective is one now

needed in studies of the complex phenomena which Tylor denoted as animism. She does not elaborate on
the now, although she does indicate a connection
with current radical environmental discourses. Similar themes have, indeed, been developed within current
environmental thought. Plumwood, for instance, argues
for a relational account (1991:14) of humans and the
environment, pointing out that such an approach applies to caring for other species and for the natural
world as much as . . . to caring for our own species.
The practical implications of the relational perspective,
however, are a matter of some debate. For some scholars
the notion of unbroken wholenessthe Nayakan notion of we-nessis antithetical to the idea of caring
for the environment. One cannot care for something, it
is argued, unless it is separated from oneself. On the
other hand, the extended notion of the embodied self
of being a body and not simply having itdoes not
seem to preclude the idea of bodily concern. And if for
many people the incorporation of the body into their
notion of self signifies intensive bodily care, why
should they neglect the environment once they reject
the dualism of nature and society? I wonder if Bird-Davids thesis of animism suggests a particular stance on
this question.
Bird-David rightly argues in her discussion of the
modernist perspective that the most intriguing question is why and how the modernist project estranged itself from the tendency to animate things. She does not
pursue the issue but concludes with an ironic fable
about Descartes. It is important, however, to situate (to
dividuate, if you like) the theorists who have passed
on to us the conversations of the past. Apparently, the
fragmenting of the medieval world and the othering of
nature it entailed took shape in the Renaissance period,
during which the Western attitude to knowledge and
the environment was transformed. There already exists
a massive literature on this history. It seems that the
anthropocracy (to borrow I. Panofskys term) central
to the dualist, modernist project was the cumulative result of a series of economic and cognitive developments
(see Palsson 1995:35). In the process, the phenomena
labeled animism were suppressed, relegated to the
While Bird-Davids characterization of earlier writings is generally correct, I wonder if it assumes more
uniformity in the literature than there actually is. In
1930, for instance, Luria and Vygotsky attacked the Tylorian notion of animism. This nave view, they said,
has been abandoned long ago by psychology (1992:
43). Instead they suggested an emphasis on the material constraints and emotional reactions of primitive
man, an emphasis which to some degree resonates
with Bird-Davids concerns. Also, I have problems with
the term dividual which Bird-David adopts to challenge modern individualism and the intellectualist thesis of animism. The meaning of the now-suspect English term individual has undergone fundamental
changes in the course of history. In the Middle Ages it

referred to an indivisible relational wholesomething that cannot be divided, like the unity of the Trinity. As Gurevich argues (1992:297), in medieval times
man thought of himself as an integral part of the
world. . . . His interrelation with nature was so intensive and thorough that he could not look at it from
without. Nowadays, in contrast, the concept of the individual suggests the very opposite, namely, distinctions and discontinuities. The change in the meaning of
the concept, Williams points out, is a record in language of an extraordinary social and political history
(1976:133). Given this history, references to the dividual person are not particularly illuminating. If dividualism existed in medieval Europe, it probably was an
inversion of the relational view which Bird-David is
It would be wrong, however, to reduce the issue to
etymology. Bird-David, in my view, has not only constructed an eclectic and highly useful theoretical framework but also skilfully applied it to both the general
phenomenon of animism and her Nayakan ethnography.

l a u r a m. r i v a l
Eliot College, Department of Social Anthropology
and Sociology, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent
CT2 7NS, England ([email protected]). 28 iv 98
Bird-Davids call for revisiting animism is timely.
While challenging Tylors embrace of the Western objectivist view of reality, she rightly points to the contemporary relevance of his seminal study of the belief
that life is produced by a spiritual force. She opposes
Durkheimian, structuralist (Levi-Strauss and Descola),
and cognitive evolutionist (Guthrie) explanations of animism and offers an original contribution to the debate
by focusing on the sociality, religious ideas, and ritual
practices of egalitarian hunter-gatherers whose tendency to attribute life to inanimate objects or mental
states to non-humans stems, she asserts, from a distinctive relational epistemology.
One of the greatest problems with Tylors view of animism, according to Bird-David, is its monolithic character. She argues instead for a plurality of animisms, on
the ground that different belief systems conceptualise
life, non-living, and human in fundamentally
different ways. She goes on to show that Nayaka nature
spirits (devaru) and spirit possession rites have much in
common with those of the Hadza, Hill Pandaram, and
!Kung. Hunting-and-gathering populations seem to attribute similar meanings to nature, life, and personhood. They do not dichotomise the person into
spirit and body or the environment into the physical
and the social but envisage instead a social environment based on the immediate, intimate, and engaged
experience of relatedness between dividual persons.
People like the Nayaka define a person as someone with
whom one shares. Spiritual forces are treated as persons

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S85

brought to life with whom space, things, actions, experience, and conversations can be shared.
I find Bird-Davids thesis that the animistic beliefs of
egalitarian hunter-gatherers objectify relations of sharing insightful. In the same way as she was able to recognise something unique in the economic activities of
nomadic hunters, gatherers, and some swidden horticulturists who procure rather than produce, as well as
in their social organisation (they demand-share rather
than exchange), she has now identified something distinctive in their cultures: the principle that to relate is
to know and that to bring to life is to impersonate. Following this principle, and depending on the context, animals may be turned into mere objects, into people, or
into divinities. And when natural kinds or natural
forces are made alive as persons, people relate to
them and communicate and socialise with them exactly as if they were fellow human beings.
Unfortunately, the ethnographic material she cites in
support of her thesis is not sufficiently developed or
clear (I found the examples of elephant devaru particularly obscure and ambiguous). Moreover, too little is
said about local perceptions and experiences of trances
and possession by animal spirits for the reader to decide
whether to agree or not with the author about the distinctiveness of hunter-gatherer animistic performances.
I found even more problematic the theoretical ground
on which Bird-David bases some of her most perceptive
ideas, for example, the idea that stones are given life and
personified as, when, and because of the desire to socialise with them. To reject Kennedys distinction between animation and anthropomorphisation on the
ground that Gibsons ecological psychology better explains why the affordances of natural objects are not essential properties but context-dependent is not, in my
view, satisfactory. Far from saying that ethologists feel
empathy for, hence relate to, the animals they are experimenting upon, Kennedy points to the intrinsically
anthropomorphic nature not only of everyday language
(which could simply be brushed aside as a metaphoric
property) but also of scientific thought. Scientists, like
all of us, and like the primitives Tylor was trying to
understand, tend to ascribe feelings and cognitive processes to living organisms, especially higher ones. What
concerns Kennedy (1992:9394) is that by thinking
about animals as if they had minds like oursthat is,
as if they were conscious and self-aware, as if they
thought, and as if they had purposes and used mental
imageswe confuse functions and causes and wrongly
project the exclusively human mind-body problem onto
other species (Kennedy 1992:168).
The question why humans tend to use human experience to interpret biological processes, in particular animal behaviour, is so fundamental that anthropologists
cannot answer it without entering into dialogue with
other disciplines, including cognitive psychology. I
agree with Bird-David that the main issue at stake is the
attribution of life to the non-living and how such attribution relates to the conferrring of human traits on nonhuman entities (see Rival 1998: 2027). But the matter

cannot be adequately settled without paying serious attention to the mechanisms that connect the intuitive
assumptions of everyday cognition or common sense
(as used by Atran 1990) and the counterintuitive representations that make up the core of complex religious
beliefs such as those informing Nayaka ritual performances (Boyer 1994).
a l a n r. s a n d st r om
Department of Anthropology, Indiana UniversityPurdue University Fort Wayne, 2101 Coliseum Blvd.
East, Fort Wayne, Ind., 46805, U.S.A. 5 iv 98
Bird-David is to be congratulated for writing on an interesting topic, a reevaluation of Tylors concept of animism. Unfortunately, in my view her postmodernist
stance robs the article of much of its potential value not
only in clarifying animism as an analytical concept but
also in evaluating anthropological contributions to an
understanding of animistic thought. Although careful
to avoid complete dismissal of science, she apparently
rejects its uniqueness as a way of knowing.
Bird-David discusses the work of Tylor, Durkheim,
and Levi-Strauss as scientific or modernist but can offer
nothing to replace it but an antiobjectivist, relational
epistemology supposedly practiced by the Nayaka of
southern India. She seems to propose a radical relativism in which each groups conceptions of personhood
replace or at least stand beside scientific attempts to
understand this difficult aspect of culture. Bird-David
uses Tylors 19th-century work as an example of how
science can lead researchers astray, but no contemporary anthropologist follows Tylors program of cultural
evolution. It has been made obsolete by the very
science Bird-David discounts. Moreover, she is forced
to admit that as empirical scientific research has increased knowledge of the worlds cultures the concept
of animism itself has fallen into disuse among ethnographers.
She attempts to explain animistic thinking simply by
placing it in the context of the Nayaka worldview, in
which, not surprisingly, it makes complete sense. The
Nayaka talk with superpersons because they have an
animistic worldview. But the question of what leads
people to develop such a worldview in the first place is
not addressed, and so no real explanation of animism is
offered and no advance is made over the work of Hallowell. Is Bird-David implying that Nayaka animism is
somehow natural and therefore not in need of explanation?
She suggests that relational epistemologies characterize hunting and gathering peoples everywhere but shies
away from further exploration of this intriguing propositionundoubtedly because it suggests techno-environmental causation, a concept from cultural ecology
derived from the scientific tradition within anthropology. The interesting hypothesis that animism may be
an extension of human cognitive skills to nonhuman
persons remains largely unexplored. Nowhere is it

S86 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

made clear how anthropologists could use the notion of

a relational epistemology to generate new or better
According to Bird-David, the Nayaka both do and do
not distinguish the body from the spirit, the subjective
from the objective, environment from behavior, the
physical from the psychical, ritual from practice, and
humans from the physical world as well as animals, but
these distinctions and other modernist assumptions
have been unthinkingly imposed on them by purveyors
of science. Somehow the Nayaka do not dichotomize
like modernists but instead view apparent opposites as
nested within each other, part of an overall we-ness
that at the same time retains internal differentiation.
What can this mean? If, as stated throughout the article,
the Nayaka concept of devaru serves primarily to convey information about the social and natural worlds,
Bird-David should be able to specify what information
is being conveyed. The implication is that belief in devaru underscores human beings meaningful interaction
with objects, animals, and other humans. I do not see
how this analysis represents an advance over scientific
The four stories discussed by Bird-David present precious little ethnographic evidence for the interpretations of Nayaka personhood, and the analysis demonstrates no clear improvement over the work of LeviStrauss and Durkheim. In addition, she speaks for the
Nayaka as if they were of one mind on this complex issue. Does no one among them contest the accepted
view? That Nayaka conceptions of the person are different from Western conceptions poses no threat to scientific anthropology. In fact, the differences are to be expected. Furthermore, scientific anthropology need not
be blind to such other perspectives. To identify unconscious assumptions that obstruct analysis is to practice
good science and does not justify the call for its equation with alternative ways of knowing. What Bird-David demonstrates in discussing earlier approaches to animism is the continuous subversion of orthodoxy that
is a primary strength of the scientific approach to the
problem of knowledge. Animism is essentially a religious perspective, and the attempt here to blur the difference between religious and scientific knowledge is
not only shortsighted but dangerous. Is Bird-David willing to admit creationist assertions (or other faith-based
beliefs) on an equal footing with scientific knowledge?
Few contemporary anthropologists would deny that
differing cultural systems produce equally authentic
ways of being human and many different ways of knowing. This is a fundamental insight deriving from scientific anthropology early in this century. The Nayaka, for
example, appear to have a complex epistemology based
on interaction and transaction. However, it would be
foolish to deny the power of science to produce intersubjective knowledge of high validity and reliability by
placing it on an equal footing with all other approaches
to the problem of knowledge. Etic formulations do not
invalidate emic systems of knowledge for the simple

reason that they are evaluated by distinct criteria. Science is a way of publicly presenting and evaluating evidence and contains within its practice a self-correcting
mechanism that addresses the critiques leveled at it by
postmodernists like Bird-David. The spectacular successes of scientific anthropology in expanding our
knowledge of the human condition, of making ones
awareness of ones environment and ones self finer,
broader, deeper, [and] richer, since the days of Tylor
should be acknowledged before being replaced by the
relativistic, antiobjectivist approach suggested in this

nurit bird-david
Haifa, Israel. 27 vi 98
Critical or supportive, the commentators have taken a
close interest in this papers thesis, and I appreciate
their reciprocity for the work I put into writing it. I shall
first address critiques and misunderstandings and then
the suggestions offered by commentators for pursuing
the argument further.
Science is needlessly defended by Sandstrom. The
spectacular achievements of science are not undermined at all. A graduate in economics and mathematics, I have myself worked with hard data in the objectivist tradition and continue to do so whenever it is
possible and advantageous. Yet, powerful as it is, the
scientific way is neither good for studying everything
nor the only way of studying everything. Thisno
more, no lessis the broadest frame within which the
argument can be situated. The paper does not reject
[sciences] uniqueness as a way of knowing but on the
contrary stresses its being unique among other ways,
which makes it morenot lessintriguing for study
(comparative, sociological, and historical) and precious
as a study tool. Presenting Nayaka animistic practices
as a way of knowing is not to blur the difference between religious and scientific knowledge but rather to
rescue these practices from our pigeon-hole religion,
in which they were formerly placed.
The analytic use of dualisms and dichotomies is
forcefully defended by Viveiros de Castro. I argue that
in animistic perceptions of the environment oppositions are of secondary importance. Therefore, in order
to interpret, to try to get closer to, and to make sense
of their perspectives, the language of dualisms and dichotomies is an obstacle. In no way does this imply
dislike for dualisms and dichotomies in general. Indeed, to view this culture within a broader frame and
try to compare it with other cultureswhich is equally
part of the anthropologists workI myself use dichotomies, including the one between a dichotomous modernist epistemology and a non-dichotomous relational

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S87

one. The latter dichotomy is made within our own

knowledge-producing practices, which favor knowing
through dichotomies. Vivieros de Castro confuses local
and students perspectives, while a plurality of perspectives and ways of knowing demands keeping them separate in mind and carefully shifting between them to suit
context and purpose.
Similarly, Viveiros de Castro rises to the defense of
modernist understandings against an imaginary enemy. I do not reject modernist understandings totally, only previous modernist understandings of animistic practices that involve implicit a priori
attribution of modernist ideas of nature and person
to animistic people. He argues that while rejecting
modernist understandings I address quintessentially
modernist questions of epistemology, but modernity
has no monopoly over such questions. Other peoples
concern themselves with ways of knowing, albeit with
(and in) other ways. John Dewey and Arthur Bentley
(1949:50) argued that knowings are always and everywhere inseparable from the knowns. If we accept this,
we cannot separate ontology from epistemology in any
successful way at all. Viveiros de Castro rightly emphasizes that for hunter-gatherers animism is an ontology.
Yet it is not ontology alone, and, moreover, we cannot
describe it as just an ontology. To describe, say, kinds of
devaru, where they live, and what they are like without
describing how Nayaka get to know them is not to
describe their ontology freed from modernist concerns with epistemology. Rather, it is to describe their
ontology crossed with our favored epistemology, which
claims disengagement of known, knower, and knowing.
My intention was to present Nayaka animistic practices as a specific cultural expression of a relational
epistemology, itself a general human experience. If the
point is not made clearly enough, Hornborg stresses it
further. Relational epistemology has of course been expressed in many other specific cultural-historical ways,
notably in scholarly critiques of Cartesian objectivism
going back two centuries. In their comments, Morris
and Hornborg effectively give these traditions more
space than I could in a paper focusing on animism.
However, far from ignoring these traditions, I could not
have written the paper without them. To some degree,
nothing but sensitivities cultivated by these traditions
of thought could have enabled me to take a fresh view
of Nayaka animistic practices by providing an alternative starting point for the analysis. I found Martin Bubers I-Thou concept particularly insightful, a concept which his student Friedman (1995:57) summed up
in these words:
I-Thou is the primary word of relation. It is characterised by mutuality, directness, presentness, intensity, and ineffability. Although it is only within this
relation that personality and the personal really exist, the Thou of the I-Thou is not limited to men
but may include animals, trees, objects of nature
and God. . . . I-Thou . . . cut[s] across the lines of

our ordinary distinctions to focus our attention not

upon individual objects and their casual connections but upon the relations between things, the
dazwischen (there-in-between).
I started an early draft with this excerpt as the epigraph
but later decided to give Nayaka words this honor.
I do not share Hornborgs view that to situate the argument within the anthropological discussion of animism is parochial. The mission and power of anthropology, in my view, lie in exploring wide traditions in
their multiple local embeddednesses, avoiding grand reifications. This includes, in this case, studying how anthropologists as modernist agents try to understand animism. Hornborg concludes from the argument as it
stands that it addresses nothing less than the problem
of modernity itself, which surely speaks for sufficient
The paper focuses on Nayaka while expanding its horizons to hunter-gatherers (or egalitarian hunter-gatherers, according to Rival). Hunter-gatherers as a category has its roots in cultural ecology, where it was
originally conceptualized in opposition to horticulturalists, pastoralists, and peasants. However, the expression is used nowadays in softer ways. We know that
there are no society-things spread across the world falling neatly into this or that kind of society, each with
its own exclusive attributes. There are diverse particular communities (Nayaka, !Kung, Hill Pandaram, Pintupi, Hadza) among which we ethnographers, by comparing our studies, perceive common features. Huntergatherers is a name, our name, by which for multiple
reasons (historical, ideological, phenomenological) we
refer to the plurality of these specific groups. To say
that hunter-gatherers normalize sharing with fellow
persons is not to say that sharing is absent in other societies, as Viveiros de Castro would have it, but only
that the plurality of specific communities we know as
hunter-gatherers normalizes sharing.
Enough of the theoretical and ethnographic setting of
the argument; the argument itself is twofold, a point
lost on some commentators. Relational epistemology
enjoys authority in Nayaka culture. Concurrently (as
Ingold clearly sums it up), within the context of modern state and its political, economic, and educational institutions, relational ways of knowing have lost much
of their authority. But they continue to operate nonetheless and remain deeply embedded in the experience
of everyday life. Hornborg sees a contradiction where
there is none (between the concluding assumption that
the modernist project estranged itself from the tendency to animate things and the earlier observation that
we do animate, for example, computers and cars). The
issue is one of authoritywhether authority is given to
relational ways of knowing (how, where, when, how
much, by whom, etc.) in particular cultures/times/
places. The paper suggests that these ways rank very
high in certain hunter-gatherers cultures, where they
constitute the mainstream dogma, lying at the core-

S88 c ur r e n t an t hr o p o l o g y Volume 40, Supplement, February 1999

junction of religious, economic, and social life. This

cannot be said for modern societies, although people in
them do animate. At the same time, hunter-gatherers
are not exoticized by this argument, which rather draws
a complex pattern of common features and differences
between them and us.
Connected with the argument that Nayaka give authority to relational ways of knowing, another has been
made concerning otherness. I could not agree more
with Viveiros de Castros point that others are other
precisely because they have other others. However,
I think he is unwilling to pursue the point far enough
and accept the Nayaka other for an other other,
perhaps because, limited by space, I did not sufficiently
develop the point. Anthropologists usually concern
themselves with other as different and separate and
in some cases to define Us as not Them. Nayaka
give authority to another other, an other also
deeply embedded in our experience of everyday life
(though enjoying little authority), an other as in
each other and this hand, and the othera part of
a pair, existing beside, in proximity, in interaction, and
in interexchange with one. Other is in the first case
a mental construct, an object of reflection, and in the
second case a fellow-member with whom one lives. To
other is in the first case to construct someone as socially separate, something else, and in the second case
to draw him or her into mutuality. The Nayakas principal way of othering makes the former kind of other
scarce in their culture. Piccacio constitute the main exception I can think of. These are the souls of people who
died alone in the forest by accident and have not yet
been helped by ritual to coalesce with others (predecessors, ancestors, and devaru). It is believed that they
roam the forest and are dangerous. In the pandalu they
are played by two male actors, dressed up grotesquely
as male and female, who in their acts reverse normal
socializinggrabbing food from each other, charging
bystanders with sticks, etc., to the delight and laughter
of the spectators. The contrast between such an other
and the devaru-other, who is drawn into conversations
and sharing, is telling.
The use of the dividual notion attracted various
comments. Interesting is Palssons on the fundamental
change of the term individual from the Middle Ages
(indivisible from the world) to the present (indivisible
part of a divisible world). Had the former been the current meaning, there would have been no need to introduce the notion of the dividual, which I useas, I believe, Marriott and Inden and Strathern didsimply to
reduce the labor of getting to understand another sense
of person in the shadow of the contemporary individual. Morris misreads the argument for a claim of discovery of a phenomenological dividual when it is an
inquiry into the attention structure that causes a Nayaka to pick up this and not another aspect of the phenomenological human being. Of course, as Morris says,
human beings are both relational and actual entities or
unities; there is no refuting this or that it has long been
established. (Human beings are also many other things.)

The question is what a people becomes attentive to and

elaborates on and through what cultural practices.
We must not muddle (1) general claims (this is how
human beings are), claims which reinforce or change
our structure of attention, (2) ethnographic claims
(this is how for the X-people human beings are),
claims about others structures of attention, and (3) reflexive claims (this is how human beings are for us,
only by knowing and compensating for which can we
start perceiving what they are for the X-people), claims
which expose alternative views without predicating the
truth of one and the falsity of the other. RadcliffeBrowns statement (cited by Morris as an example of
early concern with the dividual) is of the first kind,
arguing that human beings are constitutive of relationships to which we anthropologists should be attentive.
(Note, however, that a relationship, reified and constructed as an entity itself, is different from relatedness, meaning two beings/things mutually responsive to each other.) Ingold (e.g., 1996) interestingly
makes all three claims together in exposing the modernists attention structure and that of the hunter-gatherers and arguing that we ourselves should shift to the
latter, which is how human beings really are. Marriott
and Inden, Strathern, and I make claims of the third
kind. Assuming predominant contemporary Western
attentiveness to humans as individualistic individuals
(bounded by the skin), we depict other attention
structures (Indian, Melanesian, and hunter-gatherers)
by the compensatory use of the dividual notion. We
show different dividualsthis is not a fault, as Viveiros
de Castro intimates, but precisely the objecteach associated with a different type of social relations: the
Melanesians separating-while-connecting and the Nayaka absorbing, as Viveiros de Castro nicely contrasts
them. In harmony with Hornborgs comment that objectivist epistemology is itself performative at another
logical level, it may be said that in a sense the Western
individual is another, fourth, dividual associated
with social relations centered on alienation.
Counterintuitive to our own perception, the argument (neatly summed up by Viveiros de Castro) that
devaru are persons insofar as they engage in relationships with people, rather than the other way around,
has been well accepted, but occasional slips back into
our intuitions have generated unnecessary concerns.
For example, Rival has several times got the argument
reversed (e.g., when natural kinds or natural forces are
made alive as persons, people relate to them, or
stones are given life and personified as, when, and because of the desire to socialize with them), and it is
this reversal that has generated her dissatisfaction with
the way I read Kennedys work. Similarly, Hornborg forgets this point when he discusses fetishism versus animism. The distinction he suggests between the animation of living things (animism) and that of non-living
things (fetishism) is, all over again, a distinction between things in terms of what each inherently is rather
than in terms of relatednesses (or dazwischen). Fetishism, rather, involves constructing concepts and rela-

b i r d - d a v i d Animism Revisited S89

tions as things, then (with anthropomorphism) attributing human qualities to them, then engaging with them
as with persons. Animism (as I conceptualize it) involves responsively engaging with beings/things, then
perceiving them as persons.
Several ethnographic queries have been raised by Viveiros de Castro, in support of his general critique, of
which for lack of space I respond to only two. He reads
into Nayaka culture an opposition he sees as unavoidable between superpersons and human persons, while
Nayaka, I suggest, primarily perceive both as persons
and the superperson as a person-plus, a person like
the human but with something added. He sees a contradiction between the description of some devaru as
devaru in general and the argument for their particularistic, event-derived nature, which may be due to
the awkwardness of my expression devaru in general.
Appearances in the pandalu are always particular: each
is enacted by a particular performer at a particular
time/place. As they come and engage with Nayaka
in the pandalu, they are devaru, though in some cases
(the ones I call devaru in general) the particular appearances are not immediately recognized as this or
that particular devaru by habitual ways of engaging
with Nayaka (e.g., gestures and sayings) remembered
from previous engagements. Rather, by engaging with
them, Nayaka gradually learn their ways of engagement
and learn to learn about the other within the engagement.
Let me move now to suggestions for pursuing the argument further: I agree with Rival that the thesis needs
to be ethnographically expanded with Nayaka material
and, ideally, material provided by other students such
as Rival herself. I agree with Palsson that it would be
interesting to compare hunter-gatherers animism with
some current environmental thought. Schools such as
deep ecology, social ecology, and eco-feminism envisage an all-encompassing moral community constitutive
of humans and nonhumans. Some radical environmentalists even call for a paradigmatic shift in not only our
view of nature but our view of the self, for example,
from ego to spirit, understood as a self not split but
differentiated from others within relationships (Koval
1988:esp. 300305).
The issue of modernitys emergence was introduced
briefly precisely in order to indicate that, far from being
parochial, a discussion of animism has far-reaching implications. Research on shifts occurring during the Renaissance period, would, as Palsson and Hornborg suggest, be a natural path for further work. Perhaps, as
Hornborg hypothesizes, objectivism emerged and expanded in connection with social relations of alienation. However, seeds of this seem to pre-appear in the
periods particular brand of animism. Nature generally
and earth particularly were personified as a woman and,
furthermore, a mother, but mother was used as a
symbol, dissociated from interactive, dynamic social relationships. Mother was associated with attributes
such as giving life and nurturing, which themselves
were thought of in a social and historical vacuum, as

consistent qualities transcending time, space, and the

dynamics of actual relationships. In the Nayaka case,
hills were personified as grandparents. But grandparents were beings one socially interacted with, arguing,
negotiating, etc. In the first case, mother was used as
a metaphor, and the animistic project involved a system of correspondences (Burke 1972:172), parallels between humans and nonhumans, and therefore a heightened awareness of their separation. In the second case,
grandparent was used as a synecdoche; the animistic
project involvedand heightenedinterconnectedness
between humans and their environment.
Last but not least is the issue of animisms universality: Ingold convinces me that theories of the evolution
of social intelligence are inadequate for exploring this
question. I welcome his theory as one to work with further: Human beings everywhere perceive their environment in the responsive mode, not because of innate
cognitive predisposition but because to perceive at all
they must already be situated in a world and committed
to the relationships this entails.

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